#I don’t know how frequently this comic will update so
mouschiwrites · 6 months
hi i was the one who asked ab the character match up thing but i also have a request!
could you write headcanons of being best friends with lloyd garmadon (and a slight unaddressed undertone of them having crushes on each other maybe)
like they’re really dumb and make fun of each other all the time but would die for each other easily and they have starfarrer marathons and play video games together and all that junk
totally fine if not though!! ⭐️🌟
Ninjago - Being Lloyd’s Best Friend (?) ;)
You guys met when he was on a mission
The ninjas were on the hunt for an ancient magical artifact, which you just happened to remember finding as a child
You guided them through the wilderness, secretly doubting your own navigational skills
That and the fact that you weren’t sure it was even there anymore made you obviously anxious
Lloyd, who was following the closest behind you, noticed the way you chewed your cheek and wiggled your fingers
You locked eyes once, and the look he gave you was the gentlest, most trusting yet understanding look you’d ever seen
Your anxiety melted away as you gazed into his deep green eyes
Then, realizing you were staring, you giggled awkwardly and apologized
That was how your very first conversation began
Lloyd was just trying to keep you calm so you could focus, but he completely forgot his goal when you mentioned Starfarer
“You like Starfarer?”
“Yeah, haha. I know it’s a little childish—”
“I love Starfarer!”
“No kidding?!”
Honestly, you had no idea where you were at that point
You were just taking random turns while you gushed about the series
(Much to the annoyance of the others following close behind)
By some miracle, you eventually found the artifact
On the way back, Lloyd explained what it was and what he needed it for
You thought he was so cool
You demanded to have him update you when the mission was completed
You exchanged numbers before finally departing
Less than five minutes after he left, you guys were already texting up a storm
You found out you actually had much more in common than being Starfarer fans; for one, you both loved video games
You compared which games you’d played and which you hadn’t, making vague promises to get together and play the ones you hadn’t
Needless to say, you guys text a lot
Lloyd is frequently gone on missions, but he always keeps his phone nearby
Calling you is his favorite way to pass the time when traveling
You keep him updated on more worldly matters, like when a new Starfarer comic is going to be released
He tells you about his fantastic adventures in return
Secretly, you both think to yourselves as the other speaks: Man, they’re the coolest person in the whole world…
Lloyd tries to visit whenever he can
Playing video games and goofing off with you always makes his day
He’ll lie awake at night recollecting your jokes and bursting into laughter all over again
You lie awake at night envisioning him on his missions, your heart racing as you picture him escaping peril time and time again
So, when one of you texts the other late at night, you’re both awake anyway
Your late night texts are different from daytime texts
You talk about deeper things: life, death, your pasts, anything and everything
You don’t really do this when you meet up; no, that time is reserved for teasing and goofing off ONLY
But you both sort of wish you did talk like that in real life, though neither of you bring it up
You just push down that stirring in your chests when you sit just a bit too close, or when you stare for half a second too long at your friend’s face
A rather pleasing face…
anYWAY you guys also share a huge sweet tooth
Snacks are a must whenever you hang out
And if you bake… oh man
You will immediately become Lloyd’s favorite cook
Even if you’re nowhere near Cole’s or Zane’s level, Lloyd will stand by his opinion that your goodies are better than theirs
You guys would ABSOLUTELY go to fan conventions together
Matching cosplays!!
If you cosplay a ship, you’ll awkwardly agree to do cute poses together when people want a picture
Again, just push down that stirring in your chest when you hold each other…
The other ninjas don’t tease Lloyd about you being his s/o
Mostly because they aren’t sure if you guys are actually dating or what
Lloyd doesn’t notice their skepticism though, he’s too focused on being silly with you :)
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Thanks for reading! And thank you anon for the request :) take care guys <33
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softshrimpy · 11 months
How To Woo A Hot Principal
Chapter 3: Step 3: The not-date
Summary: Working at the weathervane was exactly what you needed. The routine, the people, your co-worked. It certainly helped that a certain tall, blonde, fucking gorgeous woman happened to frequent the cafe. Now some may call hopelessly flirting with your customers inappropriate behavior.
But truly, when it came it Larissa Weems, who could blame you?
I let them shenan once, now they've shenaned again- also this fic will sort of follow canon, but fuck it where I decide I want to. They joys of being a writer. Also so sorry this update took forever, I was depressed as fuck. Love ya 🦐
Chapter 2
Cross Posted on AO3 Here
HTWAHP Masterlist
“So you’re telling me, the woman of your dreams, the one you’ve been in love with for months-“
“It’s-it’s just a crush let’s not-“
“The very woman you have literally not shut up about since meeting,” James continues, ignoring you, “invites you to accompany her to the harvest festival coming up and you don’t see it as a date?”
“We don’t even know if she likes women let alone me.” You argue.
“Babe you need to open those brilliant little eyes of yours. Of course she’s gay.”
“You don’t know that for sure-“
“No, but I do know no straight woman would experience your sorry ass flirting with them and invite you to the fucking harvest festival.”
You groan, dropping your head against the coffee machine. James had been arguing with you for at least half an hour on whether or not Larissa Weems had invited you on a date when she had asked you to join her at the harvest festival. Now, having only just moved to Jericho you honestly had no idea what the harvest festival even was. Did that stop you from immediately saying yes when she asked though? Absolutely not. You figured any time spent with Larissa, no matter what it was you ended up doing, was time well spent.
However, you did ask James what it was (your first mistake). Which was how you had ended up in this little argument.
“Even if she is gay, she’s so far out of my league.”
“While that may be true-“
“Ouch, thanks for the vote of confidence.” You interrupt, earning you a slap on the arm.
“She seems to want to spend time with you. So you must be doing something right. Anyway, my shift is over but we will talk more about this tomorrow.”
“Oh no, however will I survive without your constant teasing and invasive questions.” You comment.
“I know, you’ll truly suffer. Maybe I’ll ask Galpin to join in on the teasing that way-“
“Don’t involve that poor kid in your devious plans, he need not be corrupted by you.”
He leaves at that with a snort, waving as he goes. Tyler arrives a little while later, giving you a shy wave before getting behind the counter. You decide to take your break, things being a bit quiet at this time of day and let Tyler know before heading into the back.
So all in all, a very normal day so far.
So imagine your surprise when you came back in to find Tyler standing next to Wednesday surrounded by three sad looking pilgrim boys who were laying on the floor groaning in pain. Truly it was almost comical, almost.
“What in the name of fuck happened in here? I was gone for like 10 minutes!” You asked.
“Well-“ Tyler started, only to be interrupted by someone coming through the front door.
And that someone was none other than Sheriff Galpin. You really had nothing against him personally but any and all law enforcement just put you on edge.
“What happened in here?” He asked, eyeing the boys on the ground and then Wednesday.
“They were harassing a customer, she just defended herself,” Tyler replied.
“You mean to tell me this tiny girl beat up these three?”
“I’m sure this was her showing restraint,” you mumble, coming to stand behind the two teens. “Anyway now that that’s all cleared up-“
You’re interrupted by a very troubled and frustrated Larissa stepping through the door. She glances at the boys on the floor, pursing her lips before levelling Wednesday with a look that could make anyone burst into tears.
“Sheriff, apologies. This one…slipped away from me,” she apologizes, “Come on Miss Addams, time to go.” She grits.
“Addams? Is Gomez Addams your father?” The sheriff asks, eyeing Wednesday with what you can only call malice. At Wednesday’s nod, he continues.
“That man should be behind bars. I'm guessing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'll have my eye on you.” He warns before storming out.
The four of you look at each other, Larissa’s glare burning holes into Wednesday’s head, while Tyler looks embarrassed and confused.
“Tyler, no offense really, but your dad is a prick.” You say.
“Sorry.” He sighs.
“You two are all right though? None of these prissy pilgrims hurt either of you?” You ask, giving each of them a cursory check.
“Yeah Wednesday handled it, you should’ve seen her-“ Tyler starts but stops himself when he notices the intense glaring match between Larissa and Wednesday.
“Right well, Wednesday,” you start, hoping to ease the tension a bit. “I’m sorry these boys caused trouble for you. But you two probably have to get back to nevermore?”
“Yes. We do. Miss Addams, please go wait in the car. And don’t run off this time or else,” Larissa threatens, earning a huff from the girl as she exits the shop.
“It seems you’ve got an escape artist with you.” You joke.
“I do apologize. Wednesday is- she-“ she sighs rubbing her face.
“Hey it’s okay,” you start grabbing her forearm and squeezing it reassuringly. “Are you alright? Need anything?”
She shakes her head, and you must be imagining things because it almost looks like she’s blushing.
“No, I should get her back before she tries to escape again.”
“She’s probably already hatching plans. But remember I’m always here. Or just a phone call away. However, I don’t have the arm strength for digging graves so...”
She snorts at that, shaking her head and grabbing your hand, giving it a squeeze before leaving. You watch her go, smiling before turning around to see Tyler grinning at you.
“So you and Principal Weems huh?” He snorts.
You had to admit, for a small town, Jericho did know how to hold a pretty cool festival.
You were standing at the entrance to the harvest festival taking in the sight. There were stalls with games set up (no doubt rigged to hell and gone) and various carnival rides set up. You were a little impressed with how well put together the event seemed.
But the time to lose your money at carnival games and eat overpriced food was later. You had to find Larissa.
Honestly, it wasn’t hard, for one she was a walking goddess and tall as fuck so she was easy to spot. And second, the minute you saw Wednesday Addams, you found Larissa close by.
You stopped when you spotted her, standing in her greenish(the lighting wasn’t helping your color analysis) jacket with gloves on. She almost looked out of place; someone who dressed so prim and proper at a little festival with sticky food and children screaming. But she really did always look immaculate.
You decided to stop staring at her like a creep and hurried over to her. She was currently standing at one of the booths, feigning interest in the prizes but actually watching Wednesday. She was so focused on the girl that she didn’t even notice you standing next to her. You stood there for a solid minute before whispering.
“Worried she’ll pull another escape attempt?”
You had expected to scare her, yes, but what you hadn’t anticipated was Larissa letting out the most adorable shriek. She turns to face you, sporting a slight blush and clearing her throat.
“Ahem, sorry about that you uh- you startled me.” She stammers
You giggle, actually giggle, and immediately slap a hand over your mouth, slightly mortified. The two of you stand side by side, embarrassed and blushing like two teenagers. Speaking of teens, not ten seconds later a smirking Wednesday and beaming Enid appear in front of you both.
“Miss Sinclair, Miss Addams,” Larissa starts, regaining her composure, “I hope you two are enjoying yourselves.”
“Oh immensely. Bright lights and laughter are where I feel most at home.” Wednesday deadpans, earning a snort from you.
“I’m super excited. Wednesday said she’d try win me a prize!” Enid squeals.
“Oh? She did?” You ask, grinning. “That’s so nice of you Wednesday.”
You swear you see her cheeks turn pink before she huffs and walks away, mumbling to herself. Enid apologizes before running off, leaving you and Larissa alone again.
“They’re totally in love.” You comment.
“Indeed, I wonder which of them will figure it out first.” Larissa chuckles.
“I’m putting my money on Enid. She seems more in tune with her emotions.”
“I wouldn’t underestimate Miss Addams, she can be quite intuitive when she wants to be.”
“I don’t know, she seems the type to avoid her feelings as long as she can.”
She snorts at that before linking her arm with yours and heading further into the festival. She started telling you about the previous years’ harvest festivals and how she often spent them. You noticed she liked to talk with her hands, well hand in this case.
She soon dragged you over to a table and told you to wait while she went to get what she called “the best by far” hamburgers from a stall nearby. You sat at the table, quickly checking your messages when Wednesday appeared in front of you carrying a rather large stuffed panda.
“Did you win that for Enid?” You asked.
“It’s for Weems. You give it to her.” You said shoving the big guy in your direction.
“Wait what? Why did you- and she’s gone.” You remarked watching her black pigtails disappear in the crowd.
A few moments later Larissa returned with the food. She sat next to you, handing you a burger before speaking.
“You must try these, I look forward to them each year.” She smiled, before noticing the panda. “Where did you get that?”
“Oh uh- well actually it’s for you?” You started, picking up the bear and holding it toward her, “you’d never guess who-“
You had squeezed the lil guy when all of a sudden a voice played from it.
“I love you!”
You froze, staring at the bear and feeling your cheeks heat up. Of all prizes Wednesday could’ve given you, she gave you the one that said that? You wanted to believe she had no idea but a part of you wondered if this wasn’t revenge for your teasing earlier.
“I-I didn’t- I had no idea it would-“ you stammered.
She chuckled, pulling the bear out of your hands and giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“That’s very sweet, thank you darling.”
You’d have to thank Wednesday later (assuming she hadn’t tried to run away again). Larissa put the bear down on the bench before sitting down next to you bumping your shoulder with hers before instructing you to start eating.
The two of you sat and ate, and goddamn she was right the burgers really were delicious. Not that you doubted her. Although the entire experience would’ve been a lot less magical had it not been for Larissa sitting next to you, so close your shoulders were touching as she happily ate her burger and spoke to you between bites.
The two of you then headed back into the festivities. You insisted on trying to win Larissa another stuffed animal (you wanted it to be from you, not from Wednesday, even if the one you ended up winning was a considerably smaller stuffed duck.)
You had to admit, it did feel like a date. You kept trying to stop yourself from thinking like that, Larissa was just being friendly and you hadn’t really had a close friend who was a woman for years so you had no idea if this was just regular friendship or she was actually flirting with you.
But you pushed all those thoughts aside and just enjoyed the time you were spending with her. Well, you were enjoying your time together before a young girl came running up to Larissa, she honestly looked like she’d seen a ghost.
“Principal Weems I- I’m sorry to interrupt but Wednesday said Rowan’s been attacked and-and killed in the woods. I don’t- she said it was some kind of monster? I-“ she stammers, obviously troubled.
“Alright, deep breaths. Okay, there we go. Right. Go find Miss Thornhill and tell her to get her to gather the rest of the students and head back to Nevermore. I’ll call the sheriff and be with you shortly. It’ll be alright Miss Barclay, thank you for coming to me.” She says, ushering the girl away.
Bianca nods before turning on her heel and running off to find the teacher Larissa mentioned. Larissa turns to you, smiling apologetically.
“I’m sorry darling. This is not how I envisioned this evening ending. I need to go but promise me you’ll head straight home? If-if there is any merit to Wednesday’s story I would be beside myself if something were to happen to you.” She murmurs squeezing your hand.
You nod, assuring her you understand and you’ll head home. You urge her to be careful and you’re about to let her leave before you stop her.
“Give me your phone.” You ask, holding out your hand.
“Darling I- what?”
“I’m putting my number in your phone so you can message me when you get back to Nevermore, safe and sound.” You insist.
She looks shocked for a moment, then confused before finally settling on a rather flustered expression before handing you her phone. You hand it back to her after adding yourself as a contact(you saved yourself as ‘Favorite Barista’ which makes her chuckle.) you reiterate that she has to message you when she returns to Nevermore and give her a kiss on the cheek before ushering her away. As soon as her blushing form is out of sight you head back to your car and drive home.
It’s only after you’ve entered your small apartment that your actions register. You are absolutely mortified that you behaved the way you did and can’t help but overthink every action for the next hour or so. You’re wallowing in self-loathing and misery when your phone pings with a new message.
You quickly check who it’s from, noticing the unknown number and hastily open the message.
Hello darling, it’s Larissa. I’m back at Nevermore, safe and sound. There was no sign of Rowan, despite Wednesday’s adamance about what she saw. All this to say, everything is fine.
You sigh, relieved she and the kids are safe. You’re about to send a reply when another message comes through.
And thank you for looking out for me tonight. It’s been a while since anybody has worried for my safety. I appreciate your care.❤️
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jakessbtch · 1 year
☆ fluff headcanons | c.g
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masterlist | requests
TW ✿  °   : hinting to deaths, Fluff
pairing   ✿  °   : Carl Grimes x Reader [s/h]
summary of fic ✿  °   : Some fluff head cannons of Carl !!
requested by   ✿  ° : @liu1307​
word count   ✿  °   : 558 words
a/n ✿  °   : ug nit updating the summary, though there will eventually be a new one!
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✿  ° Carl has matching pajamas. his personal favorite are a blue pair with a cowboy hat sown onto the side. He has a whole drawer filled with them, one for all occasions. he and judith have a matching pair, him and you, he secretly has one for him and his dad too. he just loves them so much.
✿  ° Carl writes and draws his own comics, making you the main love interest and him the hero. he doesn't have much, just a few. yet he would burn himself, the comics and his home if anyone found out. secretly Rick has found one, but he never told carl. Carl reads them frequently, especially when hes alone.
✿  ° Carl is a big black cat bf he needs someone whom is bubbly and enjoyable, someone to stick up for him, and he’ll do the same. He loves being the closed off one, and he probably feels as if he wouldn’t do well with someone who couldn't show feelings well enough. Don't get me wrong he loves quiet people, but he also LOVES louder and carefree people.
✿  ° Carl names all the stuffed and real animals he comes past when on runs or in alexandria. his favorite is a tabby cat he couldn't forget, he named him Waddles cause he had an injured foot. He always told himself, when the world got better he would have a tabby called Waddles. if it ever got better.
✿  ° Carl Despises the pet name Baby. he hates being referred to as a baby because of memories in school. Carl likely got picked on because his mother was always so worried about him, preventing him from going out with friends and such. [i know this is an angst headcanon, but you're not getting fluff from me without angst].
✿  ° Carl had a dog when he was younger, before the apocalypse. He was such a sucker for animals, and after so much tiring yet purposeful pleading he got a small maltase shiatzu. he adored him, he loved going outside to run in circles and play with the dog. The dog kept him up at night after the apocalypse, but he still giggles at the thoughts.
✿  °  Carl wanted kids. He wanted 2 little boys. He found judith too fussy, and not knowing how baby boys were behind closed doors, he wanted one with you. he wanted to call one Noah and the other Flynn, you told him Noah was a basic name but he didn’t care. he always used the excuse, “It’s the apocalypse, no one is going to care about a name”
✿  °  Carls favorite subject to read about is either Mathematics or Biology. He finds it fascinating how different parts of the body works and how you could find percentages just by an equation. Carl always made fun of Rick for his lack of Mathematics knowledge. “You're wrong Dad, Look, it would be 13.6 percent because-”  
✿  ° Carl has thousands of love letters in his room. he hides the everywhere, one behind a picture frame, one in old converses, on hidden between the desk and the wall. he wanted ou to find them, he could only say so much to you. he found it far more better writing them all down instead. He was in love with you.
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grimmkinkmeme · 2 months
Welcome to the Grimm Kink Meme
Doing our part to reintroduce kink memes to the fandom ecosystem!
Credit to @wwdits-kink-meme for the idea and for their generosity in allowing other fandoms to use their blog as a template to start additional kink memes!
This post will be updated with frequently used tags for ease of navigation on mobile.
Questions? Check out our FAQ! (also under the cut for mobile users)
What is a kink meme? A kink meme is a public (usually nsfw) prompt thread, originally popularized on LiveJournal. One person will throw out an idea that they don’t or can’t fulfill themselves in the hopes that it will spark creativity in someone else. A kink meme can be as simple as pairing + trope, or a full well-thought-out AU.
How do I submit a kink meme? Use the ask button on this blog and it will go into the queue! You can submit anonymously (traditional), but it will be posted either way - make sure you click anonymous if you don’t want your face on it!
How do I fill a kink meme? Any way you like! Submissions are open for you to submit your prompt fills directly to this blog, but you can also do any of the following:
Reblog the ask post and put your fill in the body of the reblog
Make your own original post on tumblr and link back to the original prompt post
Post your prompt fill to AO3 or another fanfic archive and post a link on tumblr
Whatever you do, we just ask that you link the prompt on your creative piece and/or reblog the submission with your piece included or linked (whichever applicable). If you are putting an explicit fill in reblogs, please remember to add a community label if the original post doesn’t already have one!
Can I fill/submit an NSFW prompt if I am under 18? No, you should not do this. Doing so not only endangers you, but the adults in fandom as well. We can’t stop you from seeking out certain content if you want to see it, but you should not be interacting with adults on sexual topics.
Can I fill a prompt with art? Absolutely! If your craft is drawing, painting, crocheting, stop-motion, needlepoint, cosplay, etc. and you are inspired by a kink meme, we encourage you to participate! We also encourage adding alt text to any images.
What content do you allow in submissions? All ships and kinks are welcome - yes, even that one. Prompts not related to Grimm will be rejected. Venting, character-bashing, or incomprehensible prompts will be deleted. Transphobia, racism, misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, or ableism will get you blocked.
How are kink memes tagged? Tags will include any and all ships, kinks, applicable tropes, and potentially triggering content to the best of our ability. If something is missing or you would like to request a certain trigger tag, send an ask! Every possible trigger may not be tagged for, however, so it’s important to remember to protect yourself and your online experience.
Can I submit SFW prompts? Of course! Despite the name, kink memes aren’t just for porn.
Can I submit prompts with characters from the Grimm tie-in novels, comics, and games, too? Of course!
Can I submit prompts with my OC? No, but not because there’s anything wrong with OCs! These prompts are for someone else to fill, so it has to include characters they know.
Can I submit reader-insert or y/n prompts? Yes, as long as the other characters are from Grimm!
Can I submit crossover prompts? Not at this time.
Can I make my own kink meme for a different fandom using this blog as a template? This kink meme was created using the WWDITS Kink Meme as a template with permission of the generous mods as stated in their FAQ. I encourage you to check out their kink meme if you’d like a thorough starting point!
Who are the mods? Right now this blog is run by Jujubiest, one lone Grimmster who misses LiveJournal kink memes. If at some point we have additional mods, we will list them here.
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bobbile-blog · 11 months
Okay so considering the end of Il Siracusano, I wanted to put together a list of floating plot threads that might lead to future events, just to get my brain in order. This will be a list of the events and characters involved, as well as a general summary of where things are in these plots in Global.
So, we have:
(Minor spoilers for a lot of Global under the cut, but specifically for some bits at the end of Il Siracusano)
- The main story, obviously, counting both Reunion and Dublinn/Kazdel stuff, as well as stuff like What the Firelight Casts and Vigilo. Not sure how relevant this will be to future side events because it’s already the main plot, but who knows.
- The Feranmut plotline, encompassing Ancient Forge(?)/Who is Real/Invitation to Wine/Where Vernal Winds will Never Blow, featuring Nian/Dusk/Ling/Chong Yue. Updated pretty regularly as the CN new year event. Haven’t been keeping up with this one so I can’t say where we are rn but we’re about to get Vernal Winds anyway so it doesn’t matter much. The short overview is that Yan used to be populated by godlike beings called Feranmuts. Feranmuts fought a war with people, which concluded when a Feranmut named Sui betrayed his people out of a selfish desire to be the only being with the kind of power that Feranmuts possess. When he was discovered, the emperor of Yan (China analogue) split him into 12 fragments which eventually developed their own identities and personalities - these are the Sui siblings, i.e. Nian, Dusk, Ling, Chong Yue, etc. Once all twelve of these siblings meet again, they will reform back into Sui and he will be reborn, and probably take over the world. As such, the current goal is to find a way to prevent the siblings from all waking up and getting back together, and hopefully finding a larger way to prevent Sui’s resurrection.
- Abyssal Hunters and Seaborn, with Grani and the Knight’s Treasure/Under Tides/Stultifera Navis/Mizuki and Caerula Arbor, featuring Skadi/Specter/Gladiia/Kal’tsit. Was updated pretty frequently as an anniversary event, but they seem to have thrown us a big lore dump with Caerula Arbor and left it at that for the time being, which is understandable. The state of the plot at the moment is the Abyssal hunters we have are back together, Specter is back to her old self, they’ve met Ulpian and established an uneasy truce with the Iberian (Spanish analogue) Inquisition, and we’re starting to understand just what Ishar-mla is. Iirc the alternate timelines we see in IS3 are actually shown to the Doctor by Mizuki, so that may play into future events as well.
- Kazimierz, with Maria Nearl/Pinus Sylvestris/Near Light/Obscure Wanderer, featuring Blemishine/Zofia/Nearl/The Followers/Flametail/Ashlock/Fartooth/Wildmane/Justice Knight my beloved/Młynar. This kinda shouldn’t be on this list, because it’s mostly wrapped up, and I don’t expect any more Kazimeirz events for a while. It’s still probably important to summarize though so: Margaret Nearl won the 24th Major and became the Grand Knight, and has since stayed in Kazimierz (Poland analogue) to improve living conditions for the infected and push back against the General Chamber of Commerce. The Armorless Union has mostly been decapitated - the Platinum defected, the Lazurites have disappeared and taken on new identities, and the Darksteel has promised to stay away from Margaret and Rhodes Island. Pinus Sylvestris and most of the rest of the Nearls are now on the landship, working for Rhodes Island.
- Rhine Lab, with Mansfield Break/Dorothy’s Vision/Lonetrail/the second Records of Originium comic (which has an official translation that you absolutely should read it’s really good), featuring Silence/Ptilopsis/Saria/Ifrit/Dorothy/Mulesyse/Ho’olheyak/Kirsten. This is one of the newer plotlines, and my personal favorite. Kirsten Wright, founder and head of Rhine lab, wants to go to space. Ever since her parents were killed in a plane crash, she’s looked at the stars as a goal for humanity and a symbol of the power that science and technology can give us. Unfortunately, in pursuit of that power, she believes the end justifies any means, and the Colombian (America analogue) military-industrial complex definitely isn’t helping things. Kirsten’s disregard of human rights has pushed away the people closest to her, most notably Saria, who left the company after discovering how Ifrit was abused. At the moment, the relationship between Rhodes Island and Rhine Lab is becoming more adversarial because we keep poaching their directors when they see the horrific human rights abuses that they’ve committed. Saria left after the Diαbolic incident, Dorothy left after site 359, and now the Doctor even has Mulesyse thinking about leaving. In addition to that, Saria has finally confronted Kristen and told her in no uncertain terms that she is done working with Rhine lab, which Kristen previously hadn’t fully accepted. Unfortunately, all this has only served to drive her deeper into “the ends justify the means” - rather than accept that she might have been wrong, she’s doubled down on the idea that if she can just achieve her goal and make it to space, they’ll all see how right she was and come back.
- Wolf Fangs, with some hints in the earlier chapters of the main story and being explicitly confirmed in Il Siracusano, featuring Texas/Lapland/Projekt Red/Lunacub. This is the newest of these plots, set up in Il Siracusano and presumably proceeding from there. The Feraerus are supernatural talking animals that we’ve encountered a couple of times throughout the story, like the High Priest or the Emperor. They are connected with the land and are almost akin to guardians of it. They don’t need Originium for their magic, and are tied to the setting in ways we don’t quite understand yet. More importantly to us, though, they’re involved in their own power struggles and contests among each other. This underscored the drama in Il Siracusano - the whole Bellone family was propped up by the wolf Feraerus Zarro as part of an ancient game in which the wolves pick champions, called Fangs, who fight each other in a Battle Royale to decide the pack’s next alpha(debunked study, I know, just roll with it). We know a couple of the fangs - Lunacub is one and Bernardo was another before his death, but Projekt Red is also a Fang, as well as Crownslayer’s mentor, so we’ll probably be coming back to this conflict in the future. Judging by Bernardo’s story and Lunacub’s files, the implication is that a lot of this story is going to revolve around breaking free of these old traditions and systems.
- The Sami Icefields haven’t technically gotten an event yet, besides that one story in Operational Intelligence, but I’m including it as an honorable mention because it looks like we’re going there for IS4. The Icefields are up north of Ursus, and they are terrifying. You remember the Emperor’s Blade, the one that kicks your ass in WD-8? Yeah we only see three of them in the game because the rest are busy fighting against the Eldritch demons constantly invading from the Sami Icefields. Let’s please never go there ever, thanks.
That’s all I can think of in terms of plotlines as of Il Siracusano in AK Global. If there’s anything I forgot or got wrong, tell me and I’ll add it in.
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fanonical · 3 months
Weird question, but “how” exactly would you recommend someone gets into Homestuck? I know it’s very long with a lot of characters and timelines, is there anything in particular I should take careful note of? I also know there’s a lot of additional content outside of the comic on the actual website. Do you recommend that too? Should I start with the comic and read that and finish it, and then move on to the supplemental stuff, assuming that’s good?
I know that I’m overthinking it but the 1mil+ word count intimidates me a little! I should add that I read the first act or so years ago and know enough about the “main” kids/trolls to be able to keep track of them, but that’s it, I’m very entry level.
(Also, just wanted to say that I saw the link to your story on ao3 when I went to send this ask and that I really love it. It’s genuinely so beautiful and I’ll look forward to every update. 🩷 I’m not too good at articulating my thoughts into the proper review that you deserve, but I did want to let you know just how much I absolutely adore Laika and her story.)
hi! thanks for the kind words about Laika, this totally made my day. this, and the request to teach you how to read homestuck. i hope im up to the task.
so first off, you want the Unofficial Homestuck Collection if at all possible. For this, ideally you need a computer/laptop and around ~4gb of storage space; buy a USB stick if you need to. That’s actually not a lot of storage space at all but apparently a lot of young people these days don’t have computers, so if you are absolutely 100% bound to using a mobile device, there’s an experimental browser branch of the Unofficial Homestuck Collection that does a pretty good job, too.
The reason you’ll want to read it on the UHC is because 1. as of January 2024, the official Homestuck website is pretty broken (a lot of it relied on the now retired Shockwave Flash) but the UHC is basically a perfect “as-it-was-back-then” version of Homestuck made to archive the true experience. It’s recommended by the author even!
The Unofficial Homestuck Collection also collects much of the additional content you allude to, and very conveniently, provides a “New Reader Mode” that “unlocks” new additional content as/when you reach the page closest to when it was released, which really streamlines a bunch of the stuff you’re anxious about — not only does the collection provide it for you, it very graciously curates it to reflect Homestuck as it happened.
As for if you should read anything else before Homestuck, that’s up to you. Homestuck was the fourth piece of fiction under a collection of works called “MS Paint Adventures” — the other three aren’t necessarily canon to Homestuck, but they’re referenced pretty frequently. In the opinion of author Andrew Hussie & a lot of the classic fan base, it’s easiest to start with Problem Sleuth and progress on to Homestuck if you want to “get” how the world/structure functions (Homestuck is not a traditional webcomic — the audience would submit commands for the characters to perform as their next action. This is a little more apparent in the earlier MSPAs). Personally, I think Jailbreak, the first MSPA, is also unmissable but it wouldn’t be wrong to go back and read it later either. And most people (myself included) just started on Homestuck itself.
The biggest piece of advice I would give you is to take notes, and also, that every “piece” of the comic is just as important as every other piece — the dialogues don’t supplement the narration, the narration doesn’t supplement the images, etc, they are all equally important & a lot of Homestuck is told through unreliable chat log discussions, a straight up manipulative authorial voice & quick paced visual storytelling, so it can be a bit hectic and opaque first time around.
The second biggest piece of advice I would give is to read it with a group of friends if possible, and if not possible, consider reading the dialogue aloud to yourself sometimes (or at least give the characters voices in your head) because I think hearing the different characters vocally interact can really help one to “get” the dialogue & complex concepts being put down
Finally, my biggest piece of advice is that I have been running a Homestuck workshop in my discord server where I’ve been guiding a group of around seven new Homestuck readers in “how” to read the comic because it’s quite a hands on experience; right now our live read is almost half way through but we can provide you with resources & help & guidance if you need anything, so if you want a link for that just send an ask off anon and we can do that 🥰
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I’ve been rotating your TMNeglectedT AU in my brain and read all your posts about it so here’s a dogpile of thoughts and questions (you don’t have to answer/reply to all of them):
I don’t know if you’ve answered a question like this before but- do your versions of the turtles deal with the idea of “my parent was nice to me once so they can’t be that bad-“? Especially Donnie, i feel like Splinter could be polite to him (or just acknowledge him) once and then he’d be like “well now I’m horrible for thinking he’s bad because he’s been decent before-“
do you plan to make this into a story (whether a comic/fic/etc.) with a plot or just a world build in a way-? (Sorry if i don’t make any sense-)
Would you say that Mikey uses Maladaptive daydreaming to cope/has Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder? In which his daydreams can often take over whatever he’s doing to such a degree that it effects him negatively- 
I hate Splinter for being so shaped, like i love his design but i VIOLENTLY hate him
Raph being afraid to cry/not letting himself cry is so me- you mentioned in a reply to an ask that he doesn’t cry for really long periods of time which is 🤝(i definitely think i experienced some form of emotional neglect when younger- and reading about this universe is confirming that to me)
You’ve mentioned Donnie having experiences with grooming, this adds another layer of trauma to him- Would he ever experience flashbacks/triggers to his uncomfortable experiences? For example if someone grabbed his arm a certain way would he experience panic from previous situations. How would him and/or his brothers react to that? (him being triggered and how he reacts because of/during the flashback) at this point i kin your Donnie and I might be projecting
Donnie 🤝 Me (intrusive thoughts)
If i were to make fan art and post it how should I tag it? Or should i tag you in the post?
Thanks for reading this long ask and again you don’t have to answer/reply to everything!
gonna answer these in order
yes, this is actually the hardest for Leo to deal with, since he was treated the "nicest." nobody wants to think their parents suck (unless you've gone full in on it like Mikey haha) so it's a rough road for everyone. it's like, he COULD'VE BEEN SO GOOD.
I plan to do a bunch of one of comics, and I'd like to either make one big fic or a bunch of smaller fics in the same universe. but right now I really only have time for posting on tumblr, since I've already got to deal with college and my ongoing personal comic that updates once a week.
I'm a little bit confused about what specifically maladaptive daydreaming is/looks like. I've watched a few videos on it but am still not sure what its actually like, so i hesitate to say yes, but he definitely spends a lot of his time in his head, sometimes to the detriment of himself/his brothers.
I also hate splinter <3 he's so The Worst
yea i actually cry really easy (or i used to before T) so that's something based off my oldest sister, who straight up could not cry for years hah. trauma's a bitch.
I think all of the turtles experience frequent flashbacks/triggers. they're all pretty heavily traumatized, so it just makes sense. Donnie is probably embarrassed about how his flashbacks/ptsd symptoms make him seem more "twitchy" than his brothers. but they all have ptsd/cptsd. he's just the one who's the worst at hiding his symptoms. that being said, the ways the brothers react really depends on the specific situation. sometimes they'll mock him, sometimes they wont even realize whats happening.
you can tag your post however you want but I'll only see it if you tag me, which I advise you do, cause I like seeing fanart :)
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Fragments - episodes 4-7 author notes
My first post of this kind was more popular than I’d expected, so here’s one more! I’m not sure how frequent these would be once we move on to ShB in December or January, but the ARR arc has a lot of condensed, perhaps cryptic, messages and foreshadowing, I’ll gladly unpack it C:
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Vivi nobanana :’> Where’s his heroic posture?! Raha’s disappointment’s immesurable and his day’s ruined. Well, actually, it opens a door to more teasing. Still no unreachable hero pedestal in sight.
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Notice how Vivi’s completely unmoved. He’s confident in every tiniest decision he makes, he just picked the most secure route, even if it came at the (insignificant in his eyes) cost of style points.
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No Deep Meaning (tm), just the cute catboy cutely begging.
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This frame cracks me up because Vivi 100% bought it, despite claiming otherwise. Smug and fearless hero, my ass.
Under the cut you go~
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Just an obvious parallel. YELP!
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And anotha one. They’ve begun a lifelong sass contest.
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The face of a man who has no idea how to be mad at Cid, no plans to actually remember this either. But he has to keep his cool somehow.
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Just reminding that I wrote a smol text to fill in the gap between this episode and the next one. Raha decides to go big and teleport somewhere to escape the immediate punishment. This actually gives Vivi a ton of headache and tires him out enough to be more impressed than angry. The aethersand shenanigans pale in comparison. By the end of this unplanned trek Vivi’s curious about the lil redhead nuisance.
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The miqo sit :>
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How are they still alive with their bodies intact?
I’ve purposely picked brighter colors for this episode to reflect the shift of the mood.
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Vivi has the red cloth effect on Raha. One of the biggest building bricks in their foundation.
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No Deep Meaning again, just one of my personal fav frames. Vivi’s face spells “TROUBLE”. Also Raha’s ears pointing forward.
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Cid’s patience knows no bounds.
I ran a twitter poll between these two episodes, ~80% (a whopping ~800 people?! What the hell o/////o) expected a kiss, but the doubters actually sounded so SAD, they were like “yeah probably no kiss but one can hope”. WELL.
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There’s less thoughts in this pretty head than one may expect. I have a dedicated thought bubble style for the both of them, and it’s not around :9 He’s just weary and soft and wishes for entertainment.
I purposely held back the colors and light until this episode: if everything’s special, nothing is. Besides, on the purely technical side, this takes an ungodly amount of time. But I’m happy that I went for this, after all. The visual intensity of the scene reflects the catboy feels.
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Impossibly oblivious. And just as adorable.
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Vivi stays offscreen for a long while since these feels don’t really have anything to do with him. He just sittin’ there waiting for Raha to make up his mind.
And, yeah, if the pacing felt slightly off to you, like the kiss could’ve happened later, it’s intended. It’s just a whim of this Warrior.
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Raha snaps out of his enchantment: he remembers that it's the world-renowned hero he's about to kiss. And, while Vivi doesn't know this yet (and doesn’t find out for years of the real-world time comic updates, it’s not crucial so it’s okay to talk about it now while it’s in focus), I’ll let you in on a little big secret: this's Raha's first kiss. What wins: a less than intimate atmosphere for a first kiss, or the slightly drunken thrill of a deed so crazy he'd probably still be recalling it fondly when he's 90? Of course he jumps at the opportunity.
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This frame’s intended to feel haunting. He relinquishes his doubt, common sense and hope for a better setting for his first kiss.
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I won’t ever shut up about this frame and how perfect it turned out, from the sketch to final render. It has absolutely no right to look so sensual. This kiss isn’t even that important in the big picture! Argh. But I went extra for the hell of it.
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Where do you think you’re going? The Warrior isn’t done with you yet :>
I intentionally kept the camera on one side until the very last moment, it wouldn’t have had the same effect had you seen their surroundings full of people from the beginning. And it emphasizes how little they care. Or, well, at least one of them.
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Raha mellows out at the end of the kiss. He realizes that he needn't concern himself with these people's opinions. He's close to the Warrior of Light. He's WITH the Warrior of Light, he assumes. All that matters.
Now, this’s a bit of info that should’ve probably been better telegraphed in the comic (it’s my first work of this scale, enjoy the trial and error journey with me :’D), it’s somewhat visible in episodes 8-9, however I don’t feel like it’s clear enough, so I’ll just say it. Both get wrong signals from each other. Vivi assumes Raha's experienced, Raha assumes Vivi's romantically interested.
To wrap this post up, can I just marvel at how many people got the hots for Vivi’s lipstick after this scene x’D It’s not my personal kink or anything, but I admit that it looks rather striking. He just knows he’s attractive, and acts accordingly. The lipstick does indeed smear during the kiss, and Raha wears it afterwards \o/
We have 4 (or 5 if my estimations are off) ARR episodes left. It’s meant to be a fleeting prologue and I say I managed to stay on the main track. Then, as I already mentioned in the beginning, we hop directly to ShB because it’s Their Story first and foremost. At some distant point in future we’ll have a flashback arc where Vivi shares stories of his past with Raha, filling in some gaps. But it’s genuinely far off, my evil plan’s to get everyone invested through other means before doing the Vivi loredump. Hope at least some of the current readers are still around some years later ;w; I’m here for the loooong ride. Elezen-sized. *kicked*
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blehblarghblah · 1 year
Binge culture really has killed patience.
An amazing animated show or cinematic live action series can have such a great start but people will foam at the mouth anticipating the next season to immediately be the next year. Creators can make posts/interviews and fans will just spam the comments wondering, “Next season when?” It’s almost always impatient consumption.
Same goes for fandom intake too.
Artists and fanfic writers who make great comics/stories will have schedules or not, but the expectation is apparently frequency not consistency. The ability to deliver the same level, if not better, quality each update doesn’t matter if you could just do it more frequently. “Your whole story’s done? Well, why don’t you just post it all now?”
What happened to schedules?
I get it’s exciting, I too binge my shows and fics sometimes. But I also like sitting and waiting. I like week-to-week watching/reading. I like knowing certain days have something to look forward to because something I like is gonna be updated/released then. I also like the waiting in between seasons and volumes.
Things take time to make. Animation, voice acting, writing, drawing, score—all of it takes time. And sometimes the wait is worthwhile. But honestly? These days, we can benefit from slowing down just a tad. The sense of urgency toward our entertainment sparks from our passion and excitement. And I think creators appreciate that. It can be motivating!
But as fans, I think it’s also important to realize that why so many of these fandoms we like die off, is partly related to how quickly things come and go in terms of our overconsumption of content.
But that’s just me.
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nolofinweanweek · 1 year
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Nolofinwëan week? This is a week-long fandom event celebrating Tolkien’s characters that belong to the House of Fingolfin.
When and where is the event taking place? The event will run from November 6 - 12, 2023 on the Tumblr blog. Works can also be added to the AO3 collection.
Who counts as a Nolofinwëan character? Fingolfin, Anairë and all their descendants through the ages count as Nolfinwean characters. This includes people who have been married into the family, adopted, etc. Here’s the Nolofinwëan family tree as a reference.
Is Gil-galad considered a Nolofinwëan character? For the purposes of this event, Gil-galad, son of Fingon, is considered a Nolofinwëan character. 
For context, Gil-galad’s parentage in the published Silmarillion is assigned to Fingon and an unnamed mother. Christopher Tolkien (JRR Tolkien’s son and The Silmarillion’s editor), later noted that he’d made a mistake, basing this his decision on his father’s notes that pre-dated the decision to make Gil-galad a descendant of Finarfin. Here’s a summary of this debate. This event welcomes any reading and interpretation by the fandom community.
How do I participate? You can participate by creating fanfiction, fanart, headcanons, close readings and musings, edits, gifs, comics, or anything else that inspires you to celebrate these characters.
To have your work shared on the event’s page, please mention the blog @nolofinweanweek in your post and include the hashtags #nolofinweanweek and #nolofinweanweek2023 in the first 10 tags.
How do I make sure you will reblog my work? Please see the answer above. You may also submit a post or DM the event with a link to your post.
Your post should be reblogged within 24 hours. If you see a like on your post from @nolofinweanweek, your post is probably in the queue! If it’s been 24 hours and you don’t see a like and your post hasn’t been reblogged—feel free to message @melestasflight directly. Tumblr’s tagging and @ing mechanisms can be faulty.
Is there an AO3 collection? Yes! The Nolofinwëan Week 2023 collection is here.
Do I have to participate every day? Not at all! Please participate as your time and inspiration allow. The event welcomes short posts, sketches, and drabbles. You can also just enjoy other people’s work and support them by showing your love with a like, a reblog or a comment.
What if I don’t finish my fanwork in time for the event? Feel free to post what you have and tag the event anyway—in-progress works are welcome!
Alternatively, tag the blog whenever you are finished and ready to post it—happy to promote Nolofinwëan content year-round!
Do I have to follow the prompts? Nope! The prompts are just for inspiration. All Nolofinwëan content is welcome, following the prompts or not.
Can I post drafts and work in progress? Yes! You can contribute any kind of fanwork you want, even if it’s not finished. This event is meant to inspire folks to do creative work centered on Nolofinwëan characters, and if that means you continue something you started during the event, that’s great! 
Additionally, if your work is already in-progress and you want to update it or promo it during the week, that is also encouraged.
Can I post nsfw content? Nsfw works are welcome as long as the Tumblr post itself is sfw and the content is appropriately tagged. The easiest way to share would be to post your piece to the AO3 collection and create a sfw promotional post.
I’m new to Tolkien’s work and have little experience with these characters. Where do I find out more? The Silmarillion Writer’s Guild has a fantastic directory of character biographies here. Feel free to browse characters by name and explore these contributions by other fandom members.
Can I use generative AI to make content for this event? Sure, use AI or any other digital tools creatively. However, please tag your content appropriately so folks know how it was generated.
Are there any rules? Please be a respectful and encouraging community member! This means:
Do not repost content by other creators without their explicit permission. Please re-blog instead to support their work.
Respect other people’s headcanons and interpretations, even if you don’t share them.
Content and creators espousing any form of negativity, bigotry, aggression or discrimination against others will not be tolerated.
Disrespecting these rules will lead to being blocked from the event.
I have another question: Share it via an ask, or get in touch with @melestasflight
The event directory is accessible here.
This FAQ has been adapted from Tolkien Gen Week run by @arofili
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daymies · 1 year
���Grr, stupid kids! You made me look bad!”
Beginning Notes - Hey guys, before you start reading, this is the first fic I had written a while, some nice criticism will be great. Another thing, I'll be adding YOUR original characters to this story! Make sure to DM your OCs in my discord sillymies#0696
One last thing, this story will be LONG... so stay tuned. Check out my social media for drawings and comics (along with some extra scenes) for this fic! And, of course, for more content for our favorite two characters, Streber and Kevin. I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter; I already have an extra two chapters written already; however, they are heavily edited during this time. The next update should be up by tomorrow. (This is also posted on AO3)
October 1st, 2012 Monday 6:00 PM
Oh great, not those two again.
Today is the first day of October, which meant Halloween was coming soon enough. A holiday that employees that serve the public can't certainly enjoy. Unfortunately, I had the pleasure of being the only guy who sold candy in this crappy town. As a result, this business was almost busy. My two best customers– If I could even call them that, viewing, I give them free candy every day waddled themselves here.
I sighed, "What'll be kids?"
Ugh, I don't know why I asked! I already knew what they wanted! But these two do love Bocadins. I don't blame them; they're delicious. I'm not entirely sure why they don't use the actual name, but whatever.
"Can we get a candy can? Please, Kevin!" "We'd waited all year like you said!" "Yeah! It's finally the spooky month!"
Kevin's Flashback
The Candy Club shop had existed for a while. Funny enough, I never thought I'd work at this place. Jeez, I didn't even think I'd be the only employee in this dead-end job. In middle school, I remembered when this building was under construction. I had to be around fourteen when everybody realized a new business was opening in this tiny town. I was definitely an eighth-grader when this happened. I don't have the best memory. By the time I reached sophomore year, it had finally finished production. With a small town and low labor, it was bound to take a few years to complete.
After Candy's Club's grand opening, the place was frequently packed, visited by everybody I knew. Literally.
It was next to my high school and a couple of neighborhoods. So it was bound to get heavy traffic. If I had to be honest, I always dreamed of visiting the place, but I couldn't. Of course, it didn't help that my walking route to home, school, and my best friend's place forced me to walk in front of the business occasionally. So it was almost every day I walked past it.
I remember the first day I visited. I wasn't a huge fan of candy. Scratch that. My parents were heavily against it, so I couldn't form a strong opinion on it. So I never really knew whether or not I would've had a sweet tooth in my younger years. Now in my early twenties, I can finally say I love sugary food, which, if you haven't noticed, includes candy.
Radford was honestly the one who took me for the first time. He'd just turned sixteen and applied at the local theater we used to visit during our free time. The place he applied at wasn't JUST a theater; it had an arcade and was pretty cool. Radford was the one who mainly spent all his allowance and time there.
Anyways, he got the job. No surprise there. Radford knew the owner due to how frequently we visited. He had a great relationship with the guy. Man, Radford didn't even have to go through the struggle and process of an interview. He was hired on the spot when he asked. What a lucky guy...
Radford was more than happy when he realized he was hired on the spot. The first thing he did was excessively call me. Even though Radford smiled joyfully when we met, my parents weren't. They were upset with the bill they got from the calls from Radford.
We'd typically celebrated things by, well, hanging at the theater/arcade, but Radford wanted to change things up. To be fair, I don't think you should celebrate the news of your brand new job at– well, your new job location. With the theater being a no-go, he wanted to try out the new candy shop with me. The one that everybody in our high school went crazy on. The Candy Club.
I was excited. But I had to pretend I didn't want to. What if my parents saw it? I freaked out, knowing my parents would've grounded me for something so small.
"Come on, dude, you gotta at least try it. Your parents aren't even here. What are you so worried about?" Radford could tell I was nervous when we walked closer to Candy Club. But, of course, Radford being the worst friend I ever had, found this funny. Jerk.
"You know my parents can sense when I did something wrong! They're like super crazy freaks–! Oh crap, I shouldn't have said that. What if they heard?!" I could visually remember how I looked around my surroundings just in case one of them was watching me, but not a single figure. That didn't even matter to young me. He was still feeling uneasy.
I was an extremely paranoid kid. I didn't have abusive parents; they were sweet but heavily overprotective, and they could've been harsh at times too. I was the only child they had, so that could be why they were so weird sometimes. They were against anything considered unhealthy, like pizza, burgers, or whatever. Obviously, that included sugary substances. For most of my life, I was on a strict vegan diet.
Man, I remembered when I had my first bite of a burger. It was so delicious. Radford took me all around town, trying out different fast-food restaurants. Grills & Boys had to be my favorite restaurant at the time! It's a shame it wasn't like it used to be before.
I think today; I still might be a little paranoid. Not as much as before, thankfully.  But I still kept up with eating vegetables. I had to maintain my figure somehow; it's not every day you see some good-looking guy down the street! Right? I'm kidding.
I worry a lot; it's the one thing I'm known for. Radford constantly has to remind me to 'calm the fuck down,' but what does he know? His life was much smoother than my miserable one.
"Dude. You're the super crazy freak. Come on." He mocked. He found my terrified outbursts funny. But, like I said, Radford didn't take me seriously. Even today, he's still basically the same person.
He forcefully dragged me to the candy shop, ignoring my complaints whenever I mentioned what my parents would do to me if they found out. After that, which would've been nothing, I was just all talk.
My parents wouldn't have done anything necessarily wrong to me. The worst thing they could've done was a long boring lecture about how sugary foods can kill me. Just the usual on what their speeches were usually about.
When we entered the place, we were greeted heavily by the only employee who worked before me. To get this straight, no, I wasn't the first to work at Candy Club. I'm glad I wasn't the first employee at this shit establishment. I would've been more disappointed if I had worked here since the beginning it was built.
"Hey! Welcome to the Candy Club! Where your satisfaction is our treat!"
At the time, previous Candy-Club employees had to say this 'slogan' whenever someone entered the store. That has never changed. It's required for all employees to say once a customer comes in. But I don't do it. I refuse to say it because I find it so stupid.
Radford was the first who started talking to the guy. It looked like they knew each other, once again, not even a surprise. Radford liked speaking to people. I didn't.
"Hey, Dennis! Did you get your latest shipment in?" Radford asked, pushing up his glasses as they were clearly a bit too big for him. I never knew why Radford wouldn't get actual glasses that fitted his face, but whatever. He was a weird guy. He still is, actually, now that I think about it. Radford doesn't even wear actual glasses anymore. I'm pretty sure he has contacts. He didn't even need authentic glasses, so he replaced them with 3D glasses, nerd.
At the time, Radford had a sweet tooth, constantly chewing on some type of flavored gum. Back in high school, that's all he ever ate throughout his school days. Now? Not so much. Let's just say he frequently visits our local Dentist in town now.
I'm not entirely sure how Dennis, you know, the first ever Candy Club employee, and Radford's friendship began. Still, I can just guess that Radford was his best customer, considering all the sweets he bought had the Candy-Club logo on them.
"Just got it earlier this morning! Who's ya new friend there?" Dennis responded and pointed right at me, not knowing who I was. The town was small, so sometimes everybody knew each other, but I wasn't as social as Radford back then. Few people knew me. Not like I cared. I much preferred that way!
Up until when I became the new guy who sold candy in town. Fucking Dennis... I shouldn't have listened to him.
"Oh, this lame guy? Come on, dude, introduce yourself!"
Radford was a much more talkative person. He was more playful, open, and much more of an asshole than me. But, we had similar traits, and we were both... Never mind, I lied. We actually don't have anything in common. He was the one who spoke to me first back in middle school. Radford never even left me alone; he was so talkative. How we met is a story for another day.
I glared at him, irritated by the name-calling. Lame guy... you're the lame guy, Radford.
Dennis was— gazing at me. He seemed like a friendly guy. He had blonde hair and had to be older than us by a couple of years. At the time, I recalled rolling my eyes and giving out a huge groan. I wasn't the best at introducing myself to new people during my teen years. Now that I'm in my early twenties, I am even worse at talking to new people. So it's Radford who gets me to chat with somebody new.
"Kevin," I said, this being all I managed to tell Dennis.
"Nice to meet ya, Kev. Say, what's your favorite candy–?"
Why did he care? If you could compare Dennis and me, we're both entirely different. It's clear Dennis enjoyed his job, interacting with customers, and everything this job had to offer. Me? Not so much. Sure, it was nice to talk to people without forcing a conversation. Still, I soon realized anybody who came through that glass door would verbally abuse me for no reason. That's business, though! Great.
I cut Dennis off midway through his sentence, "I don't like candy. Not really my thing." I told him, crossing my arms. I frowned at him. Dennis was probably around 19 years old when I first met him. I don't talk to him now. He's closer to Radford, not me. I do see him occasionally, but it's just awkward.
I heard a loud sigh. The sigh came from nobody else but from Radford. "Come on, man! Kevin has never had candy before. He doesn't even have an opinion on it! He has no say in anything half of the time!"
I sneered at this as I crossed my arms and looked away from the duo. I was pissed. Yeah, it was true, but it wasn't like I wanted everybody to know about it.
"Is that true? Huh. Say, Kev, grab a scoop of those fruit gummies. I'd think you'll enjoy them." Dennis said, now he too was crossing his arms. But he wasn't upset. He remained happy the entire time, which I respected about Dennis for a long time. Dennis was still annoying, though.
It's not like I was a downer all the time. I just genuinely had no idea how to respond or even react to things.
"It's Kevin. And where? there's a lot of candy in here."
Dennis' head pointed to the left side of the place.
"Top row, pink bin."
Dennis was an asshole, too. I knew he was messing with me when he was facing the bin on the tallest shelf of the store. See, sixteen-year-old Kevin wasn't the tallest person at the time. I was a 5'4 kid, pretty much considered short at the time. I grew taller since then, but Radford continued to tower over me. I continued to glare at Dannis. He should know why I'd be pissed off.
"I can't reach that."
They both laughed with each other, with Radford being the loudest in the room.
"No worries, Kev, that's on me! I'll get it for ya!"
"Whatever," I said, turning my head away so I didn't have to face these two. Radford was already annoying on his own, and adding Dennis? They were even much more irritating and more menacing than these two stupid kids right in front of me—
Oh no! Oh crap! I forgot they were still here!
Dammit, Kevin! You need to quit dozing off on the job! This is how you get your candy stolen! You're lucky these two aren't 3 miserable preteens who wore hats!!
"Hey, err, Kevin? Are you okay?" Skid was the first to ask. He seemed concerned, but I could tell he was mainly curious about why I had been staring at the wall for a good minute.
"Yeah! You were looking at the wall for a while! Are you sick, Kevin?" Pump was more considerate than the other. Well, they both are, but Pump was typically the one who usually acted.
Huh, I forget they both are good kids. I just wished they had stopped pouring through my store, screaming at the tops of their lungs. They're not bad kids. Hell, they're the only two decent human beings who don't entirely make fun of me.
Lila and Pump's mother told the truth when they said these two kids were the purest and most excellent boys. But god, how destructive they were.
"I have some medicine the man in the van gave us!" Pump shouted, taking some mysterious bottle out of his backpack.
What the hell?
"What? What are you two talking about?! Give me that!" I completely ripped the bottle out of Pump's hands and tossed it in the trash.
"Stop talking to strangers, you two! Don't you know how dangerous that is? Where'd did you even get that from!"
These two are oblivious! How aren't they dead yet?! I can't even imagine what their parents must deal with at home! I'm glad they're not my kids! I'll never be a dad.
I groaned as I reached to grab the two pieces of candy I had saved for these two earlier today before they ran out. After pulling my hand from behind my desk, they both practically had stars in their eyes when they realized what I had.
My glare soon faded away. I smiled. It was nice to see happy faces on people. Especially innocent children. I can tell why Dennis loved this job. But, listen, I don't hate these two kids. But, as I said, they sometimes are too loud and dangerous.
I gave these two a long genuine smile. Then, with the two pieces of candy I had, I dropped them into their hands.
"Remember, they're called Bocadins. Call them by their real name next time, will ya?"
"Whoa! Thanks, Kevin! You're the best! And we will!" They said to me both at the same time. Jeez, it's like their heads are telepathically connected.
"Yeah, yeah. Now go away." I said, my smile now fading quickly. I squinted at these two. That was enough socialization for me today.
Instead of walking out of my store, they just stared at me! What the hell could they possibly want now? They got what they wanted. Why are they still staring at me? They could be so weird sometimes!
"What? What do you want?"
Pump and Skid looked at each other and started giggling. They were whispering pretty loudly to each other. A ton of 'No! No! You tell him! No, you!' Okay, now these two were getting on my nerves already.
"Tell me before I kick you both out."
They continued to giggle as they both finally turned to face me. Whatever it was, it was obviously so important.
"Did you hear, Kevin? There's a new haunted house! You should go!"
"Yeah! You'll like it, Kevin!"
Not that important, apparently. Sighing, I gave the two one last smile for the night.
"Sorry, kids, those things aren't for me. Now go away, please. I'm tired. I had a rough night last night!"
They looked disappointed. Of course, since they're Skid and Pump, they looked at each other, and a smile suddenly formed quickly.
"Oh well, let's go, Pump!"
"Oh, okay! Let's go see the new guy!"
New guy? What new guy? Was this the second thing they would tell me if I agreed to go!?
"New guy? What are you two talking about?"
I tried to get an answer from these two, but they were already running out of the store! Why are they so quick with things?!
"Bye, Kevin!!!"
That was the last thing they said before I stood there, confused. What new guy can they possibly be talking about? Who would even move to this town?!
End Notes - Hoped you guys enjoyed it. I'll be taking suggestions throughout the story! Remember to check out my social media for more content for the story!
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focsle · 2 years
Does the ship kitty in the latest Going to Weather update have a name? Do you have any history on ship cats like that fun lil buddy?
Her name is Scupper!
I tried to dig through my blog since I could’ve sworn I’ve reblogged like…masterposts about some notable ship’s cats but I couldn’t find anything. They existed tho! Here’s the wikipedia of some Famed Ships Cats across the maritime trades. Able seacat Simon is one of my favs. He received medals…
And since I must nod to whaling history, there were a few mentions of ships cats, but not very many that I’ve come across. Not because they didn’t exist, but that they were very much part of the expected landscape and thus not always mentioned. Sailors liked having cats around—they’re good for vermin control which every single whaleship absolutely contended with. In the Feb 9th 1864 issue of the Whaleman’s Shipping List, it ran a piece on why sailors wanted cats on board as well that sounds……..FAKE…..but I don’t feel like fact checking an 1860s article, so consider it a historical perspective in any case:
CATS AT SEA — Considering how much the cat abhors cold water, our readers must often have wondered why sea-faring men are so fond of taking the animal with them on a voyage. This is explained by two circumstances. Marine insurance does not cover damage done to cargo by the depredations of rats; but if the owner of the damaged goods can prove the ship was sent to sea unfurnished with a cat, he can recover damages from the shipmaster. Again, a ship found at sea with no living creature on board is considered a derelict and is forfeited to the Admiralty, the finders, or the Queen. It has often happened that, after a ship has been abandoned, some domestic animal—a dog, a canary-bird, or more frequently a cat, from its hatred to facing the waves—has saved the vessel from being condemned as a derelict
Cats were also considered good luck. In whaling journals I’ve read, the death of a ships’ cat was seen as a bad omen that would either plague the ship with ill luck, or, more specifically, would be responsible for violent storms kicking up (Scupper shall always be unharmed in this comic btw!).
This section of a painting of the whaler Ann Alexander shows some little creatures on board, a dog and a cat. I’m so sad I wasn’t able to find any photos of whalers with cats in the early 20th c. though!
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[id in alt text]
They were also just good little companions. On the 1856 voyage on the whaleship Addison, whaling wife Mary Lawrence talked about her young daughter, also on board, being gifted a pet kitten from a captain of a French ship.
“Minnie brought home a dozen New Zealand apples, some fancy pictures, and a live kitty, which she has named Coda after her kitten she left at home.”
And of course…most important piece I’ve found about whalers’ cats that I’ve shared a few times before was in one of the final entries for an 1847 journal on the ship Ocmulgee. It was kept by a man named Joseph Dias, that for all his complaints about the work, was a career whaleman. He lamented the difficulty of the life and how it didn’t suit him, concluding with:
“And all that saved me was a cat. If it hadn’t been for her I don’t know how I should have come out.”
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sylviaodhner · 1 year
I’ve Been Writing
Hi folks. It's been a while since I wrote a news post, so I just wanted to update you all on a couple of things:
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Drew the Centaur has ended. I won't be posting any more of it. I know, it barely even started, but it didn't turn out to be the fun, low-effort comic that I wanted it to be in the first place. I know some of you really loved it, and I appreciate that. I'm working on some long-term comic-writing projects that will materialize into actual comics at some point, but I don't know how long the writing process will take, and I've learned that my best work comes to me when I don't rush the process. So hopefully I will be back with some great, frequently-posted material at some point! Thank you for your patience.
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orange-plum · 2 years
As a fellow artist who is also enduring the shift from art as a fun creative medium in fandom spaces, to specific daily content TM.
Do you think it will ever shift back? Or do you think it is going to get worse from here on out? Do you have any thoughts on how artists can feasibly push against this?
Or is it a thing where you think that any real art engagement, is going to have to once again fall back into more traditional normie spheres (?) I don’t know if I explained this properly, but I would love to hear your thoughts if you have any.
Boof. Some of y'all came out swinging with the big art questions lol
Personally, and take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I've been in art/fandom spaces for almost 20 years now. Today's art/fandom climate is drastically different than even 6 years ago, if you can believe it (obv there are consistencies, but I'm esp speaking on how I interacted in both fandom and webcomics),
And I hate to be the glass half empty guy, but unless something monumental changes in the internet climate, with multiple variables, I see it getting worse, not better. But that's partially on how corporations influence/run the apps we all utilize. Right now, I'd even go so far as to say an entire generation is being brought up with fast consumerism which is unfortunately resulting in some sense of entitlement. And it's not just gen-z getting influenced, don't get me wrong. I don't buy into that stupid generational war crap, so I’m not meaning to single anyone out. But I think younger gen-z have been raised on an internet vastly different than what I was. Hell, the entitlement in general on the internet is kind of disheartening.
But to get back to the core route, there has been this weird expectation from multiple apps and companies that art needs to be frequent to be relevant. Comics need fast updates, and even still engagement on virtually any form of art, unless you have a huge following, is so little. For example, back before webcomics became such a bloated industry, so let's say 2016 as an example of this, Satan and Me would get hundreds of comments per episode, and on tumblr it would get even upwards of thousands of notes/reblogs. Nowadays, tumblr SaM gets a few hundred notes, and the updates get anywhere between 20-50 comments. The view count has been axed tremendously.
A lot of these sites have an algorithm set up too, and restrictions. Sites like twitter and instagram feel like they actively work against art promotion. I do think the situation could get better, but it would take a loooot of unified artist pushback, as well as some of these apps changing to accommodate their artists who use them. These are big ifs.
With quick consumerism, less engagement, app dissatisfaction of "slow updates" building that expectation of pumping out art faster for audience consumption, and an overall unwillingness to accommodate artists to promote their work, I can't see the internet art environment getting better any time soon.
My best advice would be: unless you're basing income off of the art you produce, try to get more into self-enjoyment rather than outside sources providing you fulfilment in your art. I'm lucky that I've been able to build a pretty hefty following over the last almost decade, but, god forbid (knock on wood), if that were to all fall away and I had to go back to school for a different career path, I assure you I'd never stop drawing. You simply cannot create good art solely for engagement. I don't believe that's possible; there's no heart in completely corporate art.
I do pray for the art community, tho. I hope someday to see some wins in our corners, cuz it's been so bleak the last IDK 5 or so years.
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goldheartart19 · 1 year
Hello Everyone!!!
You have made it to the official Goldheartart Tumblr blog. Not sure how you found me but that doesn’t matter.
This is a pinned post filled with important information I feel ya’ll should know before following my account (or maybe just cause you’re curious.)
First things first, I’m an artist who does mostly digital art and I’m working on my own comics right now. There’s no official names on any projects but the name of my overarching project is Era of a Broken Moon. That is also the tag I place any posts relating to my comics or other stories. Additionally if you ever want to make/post anything related to what I’m making @ me or leave it under that same tag.
This blog is specifically for comic updates and commission posts.
@eraofabrokenmoon is my lore and short story blog. If you are interested in exclusively Era of a Broken Moon content or have lore questions you can go there. There will be some cross posting between this blog and that one, but most lore content will be over there.
@inkqueen99 is my NSFW account. Porn, gore, smut, and just general adult content. Only adults! If I found out you’re a minor I will block you. There is no cross posting between my main and this one since this one is adult content only.
@fandombird123 is my fanfic and general fandom content blog (yes I do write some) and while not updated as frequently I do post on there. Right now I have a Dragon Age fic called Tranquisitor and a Marvel fic called Let There be Blood, both of which are WIP.
@vanillacandyflower is my blog related to Time Princess posts. You probably don’t know what that is and that’s fine. If you do come follow. It’s fun over there.
If you ever want to message me that’s fine. I’m very friendly and like meeting new people on here.
Thank you for the follow if you choose to follow any of these account and don’t worry about to much crossover. I like to keep them mostly separated. If we’re mutuals from another site then message me so I know to follow you back.
If you like my content and want to support me go check out my Redbubble!!!
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idk i’m bored rn so here’s some webtoon comics that i’m following 👍 this isn’t in order of favorites—just by when they were updated. i don’t search webtoon a lot cuz it’s hard for me to find stuff i enjoy, but these ones caught my attention at some point. here are some short thoughts about each:
Straylight Tiger: i’m want to see where the plot goes because what’s been established in the world so far is pretty interesting! and the artstyle is cool.
Marionetta: the newest 1 i added to the list for similar reasons to above. mc is kinda a butt rn but it’s obvious she isn’t going to stay that way and i want to see how she grows. the character designs are really cute too.
Jupiter-Men: reading this reminds me of watching teen titans and reading teen superhero comics as a kid. the artstyle is nostalgic for me.
Stagtown: I NEED TO KNOW IF THEY GET OUT. i need to know what the hell is up with this town!! get these characters out and into a therapist’s office my god!!!
Here There Be Dragons: the artstyle and the character designs are mwah chef’s kiss and also mc is a badass trans woman with badass dragon magic powers. sometimes the story seems a little rushed in places but wow i just really like looking at the mc her design is so cool.
Everything is Fine: i just really really need to know what is up with the world in this story. who or what is responsible for everything? is the whole planet affected or is it isolated to a country? why is this happening? everything is NOT fine.
Is chair still in the park?: again, like with most of these, i’m invested in the established world because there is some interesting shenanigans going on. and i like the chair. the way the story is being told is unique too (it’s from the chair’s perspective). i will not say whether or not the chair is still in the park.
Miez: again it’s my need to know the answer to the mysteries. i haven’t really gotten attached to any character in particular but it’s got a mech-ish sci-fi feel that i like. and i NEED to KNOW.
Suitor Armor: i love the character designs and the artstyle and i’m invested in the story! i usually avoid webtoon romance stories but the characters are really fun and cute and the established world is really interesting. also the romance is between a fairy and a sentient suit of armor which is fun.
Gather Ye Power: the art is banger in this and it’s hilarious and the mc is such a dumb strong idiot (affectionate). it doesn’t update frequently but when it does you’re in for some SHENANIGANS lemme tell ya.
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