#I like to keep the blog without any ships so people can imagine what they like
sleepyconfusedpotato · 2 months
Hiiii me again
Related to the post about the ownership of characters and the tags you put-
I just wanted to mention that you’ve given me a lot of confidence. I used to be the type of person who believed “if your oc even breathes in the direction of a canon character, it’s cringe and Mary Sue and you’ll be ripped to shreds for it.” I’d have to tread so lightly with characters I enjoyed and love them from afar because I felt if I made even a joke post someone would bring it up.
I’ve only just gotten into the cod fandom, found your blog a couple months ago, and it’s given me a lot of like. Idk!! Just “fuck it, do what you want” kinda vibes in the best way? It’s really hard to word this lmao. But since finding your blog I’ve made a 141 character, a shadow, literally shipping an oc with ghost now, and I’m having fun that I wouldn’t have if I didn’t find your blog
So thank you <3
Hello! (。・∀・)ノ゙
Well, It's been an apparent issue in this fandom. idk why, but when I visit other fandoms, the sense of ownership and possessiveness to the characters is not that high, like what's up with these people I don't know. Like, the characters in media, especially in games, don't belong to anyone except the studios that made them 😭
We as fandom members can create original characters, alternative universes, and stuff for them. I can't imagine a piece of media without fanarts, fics, and OC's really. Heck, that's what keeps the fandom alive. If there's one thing we can learn from history of media, is that you can't hold back people's creativity. OF COURSE, there are cringe ones and unhinged ones, but it's fandom, of course, it's filled with different types of people from normal to bizarre ones.
Here's the thing, just because one person has already shipped their OC with one character, that doesn't mean that character is LOST forever to that one particular OC like it's a damn popularity competition 😭.
I've also seen some people saying that they're so emotionally attached to this one character, that if they see him with someone else's OC. they get super emotional and super angry?? Okay that's just-- WOW.
If you feel uncomfortable seeing your favorite character being shipped with someone else, then that just means that you're NOT ready and not mature enough to be an OC creator and be in a fandom space. Full stop.
and if I may speak from experience, I've lost a few friendships due to being... quite popular OC shipper with Ghost 🥲 I personally don't feel anything when I see other's OC's with Ghost, or any character I like with other OC's -- I EVEN DRAW OTHER OC'S WITH GHOST FOR COMMISSIONS 😭
But yeah, before I yap too much, thank you so much for the good words in the last paragraph! It's very very lovely, and I'm glad you have your own OC to have fun with! Happy creating and happy drawing💖!
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
The Top/Bottom Thing
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Okay, I need to vent about something. Because it really annoys me. You do not need to agree with me, but this is my blog, so I can vent about it all I want.
I hate how a lot of fandom stuff clearly assigns queer ships the "top/bottom" dynamic. I hate it so much. Because for the most part, it just tends to enforce heteronormative standards. Especially when we see who gets to be the top and who gets to be the bottom. Because, spoileralert, most of the time this is completely and utterly based on who is the more feminine and the more masculine between the characters.
Let's put a pin in that, because I want to talk about something else first.
*clears throat* You folks are aware that a lot of queer people switch positions, right? Sure, there are some that prefer one thing over the other, but in general a lot of queer relationships do not have "the top" and "the bottom". This is true for both gay and lesbian relationships. (And while we are on it: Some gay men do not like anal sex. I know, shocking, right?)
The reason this is so popular with fan related stuff (and also non-fandom female oriented mlm original fiction), really is that it kinda enforces heteronormative relationship dynamics.
A lot of queer people in same-sex relationships - especially of the millennia and older generations - know the question of: "But who in your relationship is the man and who is the woman?" Because straight people cannot imagine a relationship in which the partners are eye to eye.
In earlier queer anime/manga fandom we still had the idea of uke and seme. In which the uke was the girl in every way imaginable. It often looked something like this:
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You had the big, masculine seme, and the soft, feminine, petit uke. In some manga it went so far, that the uke was even drawn like a girl. They tended to be like girls - just without breasts. It was also one of the main reasons for a lot of gay men in Japan very much despising yaoi, keeping very much with their own gay manga genre, bara.
Now, admittedly by now this has mellowed out a lot in yaoi manga. Newer yaois tend to have way less physical difference between the uke and the seme. While often we still have the scenario that the seme is more powerful and influencial, at least the uke is no longer "a girl".
Still, this dynamic then also got duplicated on fanfictions at the time. Basically fandom usually decided (especially with anime fandoms) that within a gay ship one was the uke and one was the seme. So in the fanfictions that followed, any canon characterisation would be ignored in favor of making the seme toxic masculine and the uke a little damsel in distress, who would cry a lot.
Now, most of fandom has grown out of this phase (thank God), and uke and seme has mostly been replaced by the idea of top and bottom, which usually tends to be way less extreme in the depiction. But... the general issue is still there, right?
Because... people still kinda subconsciously enforce the idea of a heteronormative relationship with queer ships.
For those who usually do not engage with this, quickly let me explain: The idea of Top and Bottom is about, who is the "giving" and who is the "receiving" part within a relationship. The bottom is the one, who gets penetrated, the top is the one who penetrates, to overly simplify this. But also generally it also kinda means, that the "top" tends in most stories be the one who holds the control or more control within the sexual scene. This is especially a big thing with male on male smut, where a lot of stories male it clear that one of the two characters in anal sex is the one who gets fucked, with the other one doing the fucking.
And most of the time this is very much based on who of the ship is the more outwardly masculine and who is more feminine. And yes, this even holds true for sapphic ships. Let me talk about some of my own ships, so you can see what I mean, alright?
Alucard/Trevor (Castlevania) is probably the least strong on this one. While a lot of fanwork has Alucard as the "bottom" - you know, the long haired, rather androgynous twink - his femininity clearly is a bit cancelled out by being half-vampire. So there is in fact a lot of stuff where he gets to be "the top". But still, there is a definitive tendency to have him as the bottom.
Hector/Isaac (Castlevania) is one, where I literally have never once seen a fic with Hector topping. Admittedly, I can understand it with them in so far, that Hector is not only feminine, but also clearly shown to be submissive within the show. So both things kinda go into one another. But, you know... While I have him be the submissive one and passive one more often, I do make a point of switching it around a bit. (And it should be noted: I have not found a single fic outside of my own, that even adress the fact that Isaac might actually not want to do anal sex, because the Qur'an is very clear on the topic of it being a taboo.)
Mizrak/Olrox (Castlevania: Nocturne) to me is probably the most offensive one in regards of Castlevania gay ships. Because while still fairly new, I only so far have seen Olrox as the bottom. Because of course the more feminine one, with a very masculine partner, has to be the bottom. *eye roll* Which in their case does so clearly just not even have any other possible explanation rather than "the masculine and the feminine". I doubly hate this, because this does play into a lot of racist ideas about indigenous men, but I will not go into that now. Just... why?
Joe/Cherry Blossom (SK8) is another one, were one partner is very masculine and one is very feminine in their appearance. And of course... this translates to like 90% of the fandom having Joe top and Cherry bottom. *sighs* I can't even...
Viktor/Jayce (Arcane) are a bit different, as neither of them is very feminine. Buuuut of course Jayce is still the more masculine between the two of them, so... yeah, you know it.
And again, this is even true for sapphic ships. I had people being very upset at me writing CaitVi a little kinky with a submissive Vi and a dominant Caitlyn. Because again, Caitlyn is more feminine, Vi more musculine. So oft course people want the relationship dynamic to reflect this...
And that... is exactly my point.
See, when I brought this up in fandom spaces, the answers I got were like: "Well, I just think that is their sexual preference." But of course not a single person could answer me, why that was. Why they think the more feminine (within a western understanding of this, mind you) would be the one who would prefer bottoming.
And that is without - again - going into the fact that not all gay people will have or enjoy anal sex and frankly, I find it unimaginative, how in so much gay fiction, anal sex gets depicted as the end-all-be-all.
I mean, I will openly admit that, yes, this does not only hold true for women writing gay fiction. Because there is a lot of historical baggage in this regard within the gay community itself. Because, yes, this was something explicitly forbidden by a lot of religion. Because, yes, this also is the one way (well, with the exception of 69) for gay man to have sex that can be pleasurable for both at the same time. And because, yes, there is a whole lot of just stuff of it being condemned and... It is a whole big thing.
But I just... I would just wish for it to be depicted with a bit more nuance. And for it to stop enforcing heteronormative genderroles. Because... god damn it. I am so sick of all of that.
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
hey sorry i’m sure it’s a little dumb but how did you find a community/make mutuals on here? i swapped from twitter to here last year & haven’t been able to make friends like i did on twitter ;v; sorry if this is all silly but figured it couldn’t hurt to ask. love your art & blog !!!
as i like to say, it's like lifting an anvil: it's very simple, but that doesn't mean it's easy. as someone who's a 12+ year veteran that lurked for a couple years and remade a little while ago, really it all comes down to putting yourself out there!!! don't just sit around twiddling your thumbs and lurking. it's tough to do it without coming off as a pandering tryhard, but honestly as long as you're polite, upbeat, and posting regularly, then you're golden.
if you want a big list of wordy bullet points, here's what i've got, and i think you'll find it's pretty applicable to basically any site/community you want to get involved in:
post a lot. this is number one with a fucking bullet! POST! POST LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. but crucially...
post GOOD STUFF. don't bash yourself in the caption/tags, don't say "sorry this is shit" or whatever, don't self-deprecate, and don't admit to posting low-effort stuff just to hit a quota. imagine it's open mic night and go crazy. this is a good site to use like a journal and a scrapbook, but if you want to actually get some traction, you need to bring something interesting to the table. of course, just being funny and nice goes a very long way.
encourage audience feedback. people LOVE to tell you about themselves and give their opinions. get them responding and make the questions and calls for engagement so interesting or fun they can't help themselves.
tag effectively. use both fandom/content tags for searches, and organizational tags for your visitors' use. the tagging system is tumblr's bread and butter, so make it work for you.
follow a lot of blogs you like. then see who they follow, and add those to the list. build a good circle of engagement and keep your finger on the pulse of the site culture for whatever niche(s) you're in... or want to get in.
reblog a lot and be funny/kind in the tags. generally leaving a lot of comments/replies to post is kind of hit-or-miss, but tags are a good harmless "inside voice" to use that doesn't clutter the post itself and yet still engages with op and people seeing the post
engage with people when they ask for engagement. things like polls, ask games, etc... scratch people's backs and they'll scratch yours. and it's just a nice thing to do regardless :)
panhandling is not always the best route. people will balk if you look desperate or openly beg for engagement, like directly asking people to reblog something or being passive-aggressive about how much engagement you are/aren't getting on something. a genuine joke about it is fun and relatable, but snarky comments just kill the vibe and scare people off.
REMEMBER THERE'S NO ALGORITHM. lurking will not put you or any of the stuff you like out there!! REBLOG POSTS! SEND ASKS! this site will NOT SPOON FEED YOU ANYTHING. like taming a wild stallion, you can make this work for you, but you have to put in the effort first.
some people will think you're annoying, and that's okay. probably not very many, but they'll be loud. this is an unavoidable part of Being Known. you can be the sweetest peach in the world but there'll still be people who just don't like peaches. don't take it to heart, and if you do happen to drop the ball or rub a few people the wrong way, don't let that keep you from trying again :)
i've enjoyed the many friends i've made on this site in the past decade-and-then-some, even though both this site and my blog are both something of a ship of theseus. here's hoping you can make it work for you and your interests, too!
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funishment-time · 2 months
for the ask game, Toko Fukawa :D
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you got it! i'll include Syo as well. this is a bit Incoherent, but with any luck you all can Parse what i mean
Sexuality Headcanon: Toko's...tough, because she's got so much going on. regardless, i think if you strip everything away she's genuinely Bisexual, as is Syo. they lean towards Men, but Komaru is special. additionally, i say "comphet" for a lot of the girls, but in Toki's case it's a bit different: hers was less societal and more the abuse of her peers and parents. had she never met Komaru it may have never occurred to her that she could love and partner up with a Woman.
brief aside on this: i don't think Toko would ever identify as gay or queer or anything remotely accurate or healthy (ha). nor would Syo, but Syo would probably use a Slur as a label to get a rise out of people, avatar of rebellion and grunge that she is. Toki in particular is on my list of personal "what are you, gay or something?" characters while actively being married to a woman, next to Miu and a few others. good times
Gender Headcanon: okay, hear me out on this one, and sorry if this doesn't make sense, but...
the Fukawas are generally cis to me, though i've imagined a few scenarios where they're trans. when they're cis, however, i headcanon that, if they're with Komaru, only Toko ends up actually being cis. Syo becomes a sort of...genderweird she/her because she sees herself as the fantasy-masc Byakuya to Komaru's femininity. for lack of a better term: Syo thinks of herself as Komaru's husband (hersband...) a lot.
i have no idea how else to explain this without getting mildly NSFW. my thoughts on it aren't really pornographic so much as, like, Psychosexual? you know? and i want to keep the blog somewhat PG-13, so i'll leave it there!
A ship I have with said character: i am a diehard Tokomaru shipper and they're probably the one OTP i don't like splitting up in the whole franchise. they have a game together. they are the Girls of all time
A BROTP I have with said character: i've always loved the idea of Komaru being the entryway into Toko genuinely befriending (or at least earning the tolerance of) a lot of her fellow survivors in the main timeline. i do think Makoto would sincerely be Toko's pal, though, and i adore positioning him as the sweet bachelor brother-in-law in their nasty little family
A NOTP I have with said character: are there people out there who genuinely ship Fukawa System x Byakuya? if so...i'm sorry, but why? whyyyy. again, i try to Live and let Live in this fandom, but lorda mercy you chose poorly in this case, no offense
A random headcanon: to expand on my previous point...i will add, however, that my Fukawa Headcanons generally don't exclude Byakuya. i've said before that, for me, the Fukawas never really lose their crush on him, but it becomes purely, well, NSFW. if you excuse me being blunt for a moment: they still want to rail him, he figures in many of their fantasies, but they don't want to wake up next to him, and they certainly don't want to have his kids or make him breakfast.
Komaru, however, is the Fukawas' WIFE. she is Love, she is Healing, and she is their very best friend at her core beyond all the romance. she is pancakes and shitty manga and joy. Toko (and Syo) may not dream of Komaru kicking them around, but they do dream of creating a peaceful life with her. well...as peaceful as things can get in that timeline. some shit is always Happening
anyway: and Komaru just accepts this, because she knows she's got the girl(s) in the end!
General Opinion over said character: 10/10 i love my Toki so very much. Toki kinnie 4 life. stinky little insect creature. vile and perfect and lovable
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bearhugsandshrugs · 3 months
If you feel down with this amount of comments and feedback, then I should probably kill myself :-( Sorry, I don't mean to be mean.
You are one of the most popular authors I know. I am so jealous of the amount of comments you get. Does the anxiety and self-doubt never get better when even you feel like this?
It’s not mean at all.
I get what you are referring to. To be clear I wasn’t necessarily feeling down in this instance because of lack of feedback – but there are some WIPs I’m struggling with, and some sections I wrote I didn’t like as much as others, and I was feeling a bit down. It’s normal, I think.
But I still compare myself to others. Everyone does.
I’ve had so many conversations with writer and artist friends these past weeks about exactly that type of struggle.
Let me get into more depth under the cut.
There are writers who have followings in the thousands and/or write for larger fandoms/ships who struggle with feeling good about their work literally as much as people just starting out, even if their posts have hundreds or thousands of notes. They would say "I get less notes and it's frustrating" and I check their posts and I would go "....those are amouns of notes I can only dream of" lmao. Which doesn't mean they don't struggle! It simply means we have different measures. Different reference points.
There are writers who barely get any comments, or any feedback, who feel completely discouraged. Wondering why they don't get the attention that others are getting.
There are writers who do well with one particular type of content, or they throw stuff out quickly as a joke, and that outperforms the things they pour their heart and soul into. They feel caged. Like what they truly care about isn't good enough. For me one example is an Emperor oneshot that outperforms many of my personal favorite fics. It boggles the mind?! But it's no use wrecking my mind about that. It just is.
Almost all writers I know get super discouraged about how artists get multiple times the reblogs and attention that fic writers get, even though we all know rationally why. It still hurts.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't comparing myself to others. I do. I get jealous. I get insecure. I do occasionally think my writing is not "good enough".
To this day I barely read other Gortash or Raph fics for that reason because early on I did that and once read a Gorty fic that I thought was so good, why would I ever write Gortash myself? Like what business would I have putting something out, if writers like that exist? Imagine if I hadn't forced myself out of that slump. Most of my writing would have never seen the light of day.
It's not good to compare myself, I know. But it's human.
Sometimes people send asks like yours and insinuate I'm super popular. But then.... I... don't think so?
Don't get me wrong, I have this amazing community in my comments and I am so grateful for them. I know that is rare and I am so appreciative of that. I know that I have quite a good chunk of fics that do really well on AO3, especially for Tavtash. But if you then check out.... Astarion fics? Or literally any blog that does Durgetash headcanons? It puts things into perspective.
Ultimately it doesn't matter of course to know that "popular" authors like me (??? it just feels so weird to say! I'm sorry! Not to be mean!) also get insecure.
But maybe it is reassuring to know that the anxiety, or jealousy, or self-doubt doesn't say anything about you other than that you care about your writing.
Because at the heart of it, that's that. We all create because we love creating. We share it, because we seek to go into community with others. Only when people share our writing, or comment, or feedback, do we get to feel that community. Without it, it feels hollow. And this hollowness then gets filled with jealousy, anxiety, or self-doubt. This is why I keep repeating that thing about people needing to reblog fics. Needing to comment on fics. It might just be the one thing that keeps someone going.
I hope you know that popularity, comments, hits, don't necessarily say something about the work, other than that it fits what a fandom-cultural norm considers "good" at that given time.
I am more than ever motivated to create that Discord server for fic writers to have exactly these types of conversations.
Thanks for sending me the comment. I hope you keep writing and creating and you know that these emotions are human.
Sending you love anon!
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K’s 3K Follower Celebration
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~ Tales From the Flower Garden ~
Thank you SO MUCH for helping this blog reach 3,000 followers!!! I know I say it in every post like this that I make, but the fact that this many people have decided to follow me blows my mind.
This was a long time coming (thanks to the…certain type of blogs that kept invading my follower list) so I figured that we’d celebrate!!
And then I thought what a better theme to choose than ‘tales from the flower garden’ … because I’m sure we all know the saying ‘April showers bring May flowers’…even though it’s still raining where I’m from.
SO…if you’re a writer (or a creator in general) and you’re interesting in joining in on this celebration, there are more details below the cut for you!!
If you’re not a writer, I still suggest you stick around because I’ve got a feeling there’s going to be many, beautiful and floral themed fics blooming shortly! — You can read the stories HERE.
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So you’re a writer!!! …or maybe you’re just interested in what’s going on...
Either way, thanks so much for showing interest!! I hope you’ll find this writing event to be one that you can join in on. Remember, you don’t need to be a mutual or following me to join, this is open to EVERYONE!!
Here are some guidelines, if you’d like to take part:
You can write either an ‘x reader’ story or for an OC that you have…or even a ship from the show.
You can also write a platonic!reader or a sister!reader if those types of scenarios are more your speed/interest of writing.
You can include nsfw themes in your story - just please mark them properly (and be over 18 yourself) … same goes for dark fics - you can include those themes but please use warnings!
This is only for Peaky characters - you can choose any character from the show you’d like.
Please use a keep reading/read more line if your story is MORE THAN 1K words!! — I can help you add it if you’re unsure of how to.
There is no time limit/deadline for you to post your creations!
Make sure you TAG ME in your story so I can find it!
Here’s how you can join in:
Send a message/ask to me with the details below:
Choose a prompt from the list at the bottom of this post — only one person per prompt (I will allow prompts to be used twice if it happens to be open when you send a message - i.e I don’t check my messages fast enough and two people ask for the same prompt)
Choose which character you’re going to write it with — you don’t need to include it if you’re unsure of who you want to write it with…just tell me you’re unsure.
REMEMBER: ALL stories need to include a flower garden in some aspect — it can be the main setting or just one of the settings!
If you’re still interested in joining in after reading all of the guidelines…here are the prompts you can choose from (I just had to put a few lyric-based prompts in there - I’ve included the song, but you don’t need to base your story off of it):
*prompts can only be used once*
“You deserve better.”
“I don’t know how we can get past this.”
“Just don’t talk to me like that, ok?”
“Are you hearing what you’re saying right now?”
“You really don’t understand why I’m doing this, do you?” w/ Tommy
“Do you feel better about yourself now?”
“You can be so inconsiderate sometimes.”
“People ruin people, I don’t want to ruin you.” (from From Austin by Zach Bryan) w/Tommy
“You thought I was a savable man.” (from Taker by Brother Elsey) w/ Arthur
“You’ve now created the things that’ll haunt you the most.” (from Graceland by Allan Rayman) w/ Tommy
“Do you miss me?” (from Too Bad by Rival Sons) w/ Tommy
“I can’t help you if this is not enough.” (from Pink Motel by The Glorious Sons)
“I can’t imagine going another day without you.”
“You can’t leave without giving me a kiss.” w/ Tommy
“You’re bushing, aren’t you?”
“You’ve just made me the happiest person alive.”
“Did I just make you smile?” w/ Tommy
“There was no reason behind that…I just wanted to kiss you.” w/Tommy
“You’re the only one who makes me feel like this, darling.” w/ Tommy
“Isn’t it beautiful out here?” w/ Tommy
“Let me see…please.”
“What’s happened to you?” w/ Polly
“Promise you’ll come back to me.”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“Please, just tell me what you’re going through…I can help you.”
“Come inside.” w/Tommy
“It’s freezing out here!”
“Please don’t touch that flower!” or “You can’t be out here touching these flowers!” w/ Alfie
Misc. (Pick a Path) - choose fluff, angst, etc.
“We can’t keep meeting each other like this.” w/ Tommy
“We’ll get through this together.”
“Would you stop looking at me like that?” w/ Tommy
“If only you knew the reason behind all of this.”
“I can’t believe you just said that.” w/ Alfie
“I…I didn’t think I’d see you here.” or “I just didn’t think I’d see you here.”
“I don’t even know what we are anymore.”
“Is there any reason why you’ve been out here all night?” w/ Tommy
“How did I know you’d be out here?”
“I’ve been waiting here all night for you.”
“Kiss me, please.”
“It’s going to be ok. I promise.”
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” w/ Tommy
“I don’t know if I can say goodbye.” w/ Tommy
“Are you sure we can do that/this out here?” w/Alfie
“I really don’t think we should be out here right now.”
“It’s always do as I say, never do as I asked you.”
“You don’t understand the kind of love you’re getting yourself in.” (from Taker by Brother Elsey) w/Arthur
“We said we’d never let each other go.” (from End of Forever by Rival Sons)
“I don’t mind what you have to do…I won’t think less of you.” (from I Want More by KALEO) w/ Arthur
“Forgive me for everything I did.” (from So Much Love To Give by The Glorious Sons) w/ Tommy
“No matter what I say or do I cannot prove that this isn’t the first time.” (from Chief by Allan Rayman)
Once again, send me an ask/message with the prompt you’d like to use as well as the character(s) you’re going to write it with (if you know who).
I look forward to seeing your lovely creations!!
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Tagging some people who may be interested/have been SUPER kind and supportive to me: @there-goes-thefighter @zablife @cillmequick @notyour-valentine @raincoffeeandfandoms @toms-cherry-trees @acewritesfics @look-at-the-soul @gypsy-girl-08 @l1-l4 @padfootdaredmetoo @evita-shelby @peakyscillian @thomasshelbydrabbles @noforkingclue @theshelbyclan @mgcldydrms @areyenotfondofmelobster @holacia3 @rangerelik @midnightswithdearkatytspb @little-diable @daisyblinder @theshelbyslimited @peakyltd @peacexatxlast @fallatyourfeet @dearshelby @shelbydelrey @peakyswritings @midnightmagpiemama @dandelionprints @moral-terpitude @cillixn @shelbyssins @creativepawsworld @peakypolly @pherelesytsia @anotherblinder @scorpiussage @call-sign-shark @anonymooseforever007 @sneakyblinders @mythos-writes @shelby-fangirl00 @huntingingoodwill @teenwolf-theoriginals @forgottenpeakywriter (I’m sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone — please know that you are SO special to me!! ❤️)
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starwarssapphicweek · 1 month
Hello! First of all thank you for hosting a sapphic SW event and promoting a community and content, I've been excited about the upcoming Sapphic SW week event--but I do have some concerns about the "genderbending" day. I want to preface by saying this is not an attack on the event or anyone running the event, I understand this is a lot of work and time and in the end it's all just for fun. But I would be remiss if I did not voice my concerns on who we are excluding from sapphic spaces and who we are prioritizing with the inclusion of this prompt. While at first I took this as a day as "genderbending" canonic men into women to make a mlm or m/f ship into a wlw ship so that it would shift focus to the value and exploration of relationships between women or imagining characters as trans women, I have found the explanation of this day increasingly worrying in the context of a sapphic and women centered event and space. First of all with the term and practice of "genderbending," while it can be fun it is also steeped in gender binary thinking and stereotypes and often inconsiderate of trans people and how the complexities of gender and gender nonconformity play out. I think celebrating and exploring masculinity in women and sapphics is fantastic and can be done through butch, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming identities, we can celebrate those who are not only part of the community but often excluded from it without prioritizing men and relationships between men. Perhaps the "genderbending" prompt can be shifted in some way to reflect that? While I'm thrilled about the butch4butch and femme4femme prompt, I feel it is a bit reductive to use that prompt as the only avenue and placeholder for masculinity in women and sapphics and also still ignores the issue that by shifting binary women to binary men the focus is shifted away from women/sapphics and relationships between women/sapphics, which is vastly undervalued in not only fandom spaces--Star Wars fandom spaces specifically--but society at large. It's just disappointing to see some of the small space we have carved out to make more room for men and relationships between men.
There is no one being excluded by asking for a prompt that asks to explore the possibility of women being men. If anything the prompt can be amended to include nonbinary headcanons. If the prompt was cisswap as has been a suggested term instead of genderbending, the concern about trans identities being excluded would make more sense. But this is asking that women be men, if someone were to use a character that is already established as trans or non binary we aren't asking that those identities be erased, the non binary character doesn't even need anything to be changed about them. It is simply, if there is a woman in the relationship what would be the wider impacts on the story and universe of Star Wars at large if she were a man this time.
The implication that we are only thinking in binary thinking by putting a caveat of asking that women be men for this prompt, to let people who genderbend their mxm ships know that this is still not the space for their content, feels as if it ignores the ways that this event has been run in the past. Sure, trans headcanons have never been ask for specifically, there has never been a community submission for that prompt in the past, that doesn't mean that they haven't been allowed in the past. It is open ended and welcome to everyone to do at any point if that is what they feel like making.
This blog has always been about centering the female characters, we have a rule that allows for mxf ships to be genderbent to fit into the fxf cetegory because sometimes it's fun to imagine what if the mxf ship were sapphic. Because of the amount of content that is made where some of the most popular mxm ships are now fxf we have been adamant about keeping that content off of the blog due to the fact that the women of Star Wars by and large do not get nearly as much content or attention as the men do. We simply do not want to open the floodgates of having the most popular mxm ships become the center of sapphic week even if it's for a day.
This prompt is one day of the week, one prompt of 14 that have been put out this year. It isn't required to be used by anyone. It was simply a prompt to explore a thought experiment. If people want to explore deep and wide explorations of gender and the wider narrative through this prompt that is great! But if they just want to explore how aesthetics might change in a visual piece where Padme and Sabe are now men, that is fine too. It is an open ended prompt that is not telling anyone that they have to adhere to any gender constructs aside from what would it be like if this woman were now a man.
If anything genderbending has for a long time now been men being bent to be women. It was a tongue in cheek ask of the community to do the opposite of what the common trends are. It's a subversion of expectations and a space to queer the narrative in ways that may not have been considered before.
This will be the final post on this topic. If you feel like this isn't the space for you that is fine, we just ask that we all move on peacefully. This just isn't the space for having these kinds of conversations. This is a blog for hosting events around sapphic ships, not a blog about gender and sexuality.
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aliasrocket · 10 months
Re: your Rocket x fox/fox hybrid reader post
I've never written that specifically, so I can't speak for anyone who has, but as someone in the process of writing a fic where Rocket is paired up with an alien that has a mixture of animal characteristics, I personally gave the character those to make them a little more exciting and alien. I still love reading about people's gotg stories and characters/readers portrayed as human or human adjacent, no hate to them, but my personal thought process was, there's a whole galaxy to explore, why not give the character readers are inserting themselves into some inhuman ability or characteristic while keeping their personality as something you could still find in an everyday person.
I mean, as much as I love our collective angsty babygirl, Rocket, a talking cybernetically enhanced raccoon is pretty fantastical. And myself as a Rocket angst enjoyer and having read and loved your therapy fic, I agree that lots of people are probably drawn to the relatability of his mental issues. So, in my opinion, it seems fun to play with a reader character in a similar vein of fantastical yet relatable.
Thanks for sending this ask in and to everyone who responded to that small post asking about the whole fox reader ideal. I got new perspectives that genuinely helped me understand why people enjoy it.
Actually this is something I’ve kinda wanted to talk about fro a while but never really had the means to. And hey, this blog has expressed a wide range of opinions regarding Rocket, so why not?
DISCLAIMER : I will still remind everyone that this is me just sharing MY opinion because I love talking to you guys and sharing our different perspectives. This is not a means to change people’s minds but more so to give a (probably) new perspective to this topic.
I have thought about that for a long time, how complicated reader inserts actually are. They seem like a very simple concept at first but when you’re in fanfic and you have to write a reader insert with a fixed story with a canon character, there important things to consider.
I’m creating headings as I go because I realized my points get rather elaborate and I want you guys to be able to read this post easier.
One. It’s not actually the reader.
The reason they’re called the reader is because you, you reading this, are reading the fic. Nevermind that there are others reading it too. It was made for you, because you came here to imagine being with this character you adore.
And it as much as it may suck, especially for Rocket enjoyers, we aren’t any other species but human. We don’t have wings, we aren’t born with powers or enhanced strength.
But that’s exactly what I love about reader inserts. Even if you are vastly different from the world you’re inserting yourself to, you find a way to insert yourself without having to change what you are. You don’t have to change yourself to be loved by your favorite cast of characters. That, in my opinion, is what fanfic is for.
(But character x nb/trans/male/female/queer/genderqueer/readers or anything of the sort are NOT included in this topic because some of us are actually one of the above, where as none of us are alien/foxes/animals. Probably.)
So, I can’t imagine myself making fox reader fics or even making reader insert fics where the reader is from some other planet because that is no longer me. (I understand that even if the reader is human it technically still isn’t me but we’ll get to that in point two.)
I believe my mindset on this is also influenced by the fact that I want to be a published author later on in my life and I think that if you want to explore other galaxies and other powers and abilities that other lifeforms can have, you can more comfortably do it by making an original character altogether.
my personal alternative : original characters.
Yes, there is stigma around it, but a lot of people have pulled this off well and surprisingly enough, I’m not gonna lie, a lot of the OCs people ship with Rocket are fairly well written. Even the designs are so well put together and blend it perfectly with the gotg universe!
Speaking from experience, it is much easier expanding on those explorations on a character you make rather than an insert because you can make the character your own. Self inserts have to be more general to be able to relate other readers. Yes, you are your own audience. But most of us publish fanfic. To some degree, we do cater to other people as well.
Two. Even then, it is distant.
Even when the reader is human, no amount of generalizing is going to take away the fact that this person probably isn’t like you, even when they are meant to be you.
What I mean by this is that majority of the time, the way the reader acts or thinks or speaks in the fic is probably not the way you would specifically. Some readers in fics are shy, but you could be someone who openly flirts with people you’re interested in. Some readers are sarcastic and blunt but you might prefer to spare people the trouble. You get my point.
This related back to point one in the sense that, writing a reader insert is already in itself distant enough and I think making them a different species is just going to make the reader in the fic even more distant from the actual person reading your fic. The same goes for giving the reader specific abilities or talents and what not.
In any case, as mentioned previously I still see the appeal in writing readers in a fantastical way because that is also what fiction is for—exploration of the things we cannot normally explore in real life.
And anyway just because I think this way doesn’t mean I don’t read reader inserts like the ones you mentioned because there are a lot of those going around both on ao3 and on tumblr. It’s just a personal preference that I stick to when I write.
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 9 months
have you ever thought about making an character.ai of wukong or macaque? (or both?), i mean, you feel like it's weird when people make fanart of their ocs or self inserts in sophie's place, so that could be something for people to do that without you feeling uncomfortable, since it's not a public thing like fanarts for you to see (or that wouldn't work either?)
I mean I could! But I also think I have the rights to just focus on making art and working on this AU in general and not trying to please every single person you know. Generally I can't stop people of drawing their OC with my versions of Wukong or MC! But like there are already a lot of amazing art/blogs of LMK and JTTW with reader/YN stuff!
The thing also is that I draw and create these things without any profit for my own free time and giving people art and a story for free. All I ask in return is no OC shipping with my designs of Wukong and MC. That's why we have Sophie. She might not look like your OC or act like one, but I created her so people can at least imagine. Like I said, I can't stop people doing it and I'm not going to cry about it bc this is the Internet. But I believe that people would respect my small request. :D
My blog generally is not about taking requests like what other blogs do with Y/N x Canon character. I love those blog but it would suck my creative juices like a vampire. 😩 Mad respect for those artists!
Character. Ai thing.. Maybe someday I will do it for the fun! At the moment I don't feel inspired bc I have other stuff that I want to focus on ✌️ But I will keep that in my mind! It would go nuts for sure!
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trickstarbrave · 4 months
"this is to say nothing of the grown adults on social media who make discoursing on the "opposite side" their full time hobby when really they are only making the situation worse in an effort to feel morally superior" Lol these are the people who are defending the ability to enjoy things in fiction without being policed. I can't believe you can have such an insight into the problem and then completely miss the point by acting insufferable to the people advocating for just letting people enjoy what they like. You're no better than the people who send death threats honestly since you want to ally with the people who want to police every online space and censor people. They'll come for you next, and none of us will be there to defend you from the antis when they decide your fiction is morally reprehensible
i debated not answering this because you are being rude and annoying and i dont like this kind of pointless arguing, but let me make this clear:
you are not helping address the problem. acting morally superior and righteous in the same brand of obnoxious is just about as much of "activism" as the "pro-shippers" who do it too. all you are doing is picking fights to get high off the rush of anger and dopamine. you are not "advocating" for anything. you are not addressing any of the problems. you are not fundamentally changing anyone's minds.
you are working on a bland, black and white mentality that ignores the complex reasons behind stuff. just by me saying that you have jumped to "so obviously you like sending people death threats and support it and are no better than the people do that" just like how the people who don't like your weird incest ships think you must obviously be an irl abuser.
"anti" means nothing. neither really does "pro-shipper". this us vs them mentality has to die before we see any progress. we cannot just keep using the internet for outrage. instead of arguing with people online and making stupid arguments about how actually your fiction IS moral and is actually better than other people's stuff and that everyone who doesn't think exactly like you do must love sending people death threats, you could try doing something actually fucking productive. push back against censorship online. disrupt algorithms. educate people that engaging with content they don't like on algorithm websites means they will see more of it. create a forum to freely share stuff with less harassment and vitrol. stay educated on what bills have lead to this censorship and push back against them or protest about new ones that keep being introduced.
all i can see from asks and posts like this is: you dont want things to change. you don't really care about the reasons behind it. you are right and other people are wrong because you don't like them. you like arguing online because you get a rush from it. you are doing this because you like fucking "winning". you dont care if you don't change a single person's mind because you enjoy the moral superiority you imagine you have. which are all the reasons the equally obnoxious people you hate and insist you are nothing like keep arguing with you. it is an endless cycle because you all enjoy the cheap thrill of arguing and bitching online that feeds into our worst impulses as human beings. i know im not one to fucking talk because i've also been known to jump into internet arguments, but i can at least recognize the problem and try to address it.
so long as you continue to act like this and act like your behavior is self righteous activism, this kind of shit will create a feedback loop. literally deactivate your fucking discourse blog, stop getting into pointless arguments online, and do literally anything else to address the problem. stop thinking that when i am addressing harmful mentalities online that feed into negativity and bullshit that you are immune to it because you're smarter or better than the people you disagree with. you're not. you're obnoxious.
if you send another anon i will be blocking you. knock it off. grow up.
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any fics that focus on stiles’ adhd? preferably without it being turned into a joke or smth. love u <333
Anonymous asked:
Hi there! I love all that you do on this blog it’s my lifeblood. Could you recommend any fics that are mostly about Stiles’ mental health or adhd? I’m fine with any ship if they have them. Thank! <3
Here you go!
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When Claudia Died by VanillaFolder
(1/1 I 909 I Teen I No Pairing)
When Claudia dies, a ten year old Scott watches his best friend crumble from within.
Thanks, Barbie by 138andcounting 
(1/1 I 3,397 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Derek is at the movies and there's this kid that won't. Shut. Up. He babbles, he talks about the movie, he talks about any old shit, and Derek is getting increasingly pissed off. There aren't many other people in the cinema, but the ones that are there keep shushing him so Derek doesn't have to.
Twist is, the movie sucks. So Derek finds himself actually listening to the kid's continuous babble. And it's kind of... intriguing? This 'Stiles', or whatever he calls himself, is clearly ten different kinds of crazy, but Derek can't help but want to find out more about him. Like, when Stiles is talking about something random, Derek is imagining the questions he would ask if he could. And does a mental high five when Stiles answers them anyway. And kind of. Gets annoyed. When the other people in the cinema shush him so he can't finish his sentences. God, what is HAPPENING to him?
4 AM Knows All My Secrets by elysiumwaits
(1/1 I 3,815 I Teen I Sterek)
In which Stiles can't sleep.
No, you don't get it. He really can't sleep.
Don't do research based on fanfics (or do it) by Chuluvya
(1/1 I 5,903 I General I Sterek)
Stiles had a problem: he was smothered and uncomfortable in pack piles, and every time they do it, he couldn't sleep.
So, being who he is, Stiles goes searching for a solution to the problem, because he love puppies piles and want to be into them, and after two days of searching, he ended up on ao3.
And the word 'nesting' sounds like the most effective solution.
Eyebrows Are The Windows To The Soul by UnfortunatelyDisastrous
(6/6 I 12,908 I Teen I Sterek)
Only Stiles can decipher Derek’s eyebrow gymnastics.
Or Five times Stiles deciphers Derek’s nonverbal communication while everyone else watches on in astonished amusement, then one time he’s called out on it.
Three Phone Calls by pandabomb
(3/3 I 15,676 I Mature I Sterek)
“You’re not a hooker, Stiles.” “Okay, yes, true, but—for a thousand dollars…”
An AU in which Scott and Stiles live in a shitty apartment in NYC, Lydia is still queenly, and Derek is a clueless rich guy who mistakes Stiles for a hooker. Light-hearted, thinly-plotted fun.
An Alpha's Mate by EmeraldOcean
(20/? I 90,014 I Explicit I Sterek)
The threat of a rival pack and the discovery of a previously forgotten Hale family legend has Derek playing reluctant partners with his uncle Peter. And that's not the only strange thing that Stiles has noticed about Derek lately. But even the unexpectedly pleasant changes to their relationship can't completely erase the feeling that there's something he's not being told... Something that may change his life irrevocably.
A Crack in the Stained Glass by SpaceAce281990
(24/24 I 94,464 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Stiles has reached a breaking point in his life. He no longer knows how or why he is in his marriage or how it got to the point it has. Still in love with Derek, and tired of the constant pain and chaos, he begins to reminisce on how he got to this point. Speaking to Derek unlocks his emotions in ways he didn't think was possible before this night.
From the Darkness Comes a Spark by ash_mcj
(30/40 I 220,317 I Teen I Sterek)
It’s extraordinary how much can happen in a single year. How relationships can fall apart, along with the people in them. How a friend can become a lifeline, holding you up in the sea of emotions you find yourself drowning in. How you can lose everything you care about.
In one year, the death of Stiles’ mother sent his father into alcoholism, as he tried to battle the inner darkness with a bottle in each hand. Stiles’ godfathers, Peter and Chris, spent most of their time trying to pull the whiskey from his fingers, but it didn’t change the fact that Stiles was essentially losing both of his parents.
In one year, Derek found company in two girls who irrevocably changed his life. One gave him distressing clarity that caused him to pull away from his anchor, and the other lit his world on fire until there was nothing but ash on his hands.
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xxs4d-b4st4rdxx · 7 months
I have no idea why, but I have a sudden urge to talk about what Dr. Alto Clef is with in my head. It's probably because of that post of resent.
I'm going to be up and front with that this is more of me just rambling than a well-thought-out. I do better if I ramble with no form or idea where it is going. Also, I don't care if you think in any way is a waste or stupid. This is my blog, and I and do and say what I want, even if it's mindless rambling about a character or whatever else. -----
Well, to be honest, He does have a special place within my mind. It's greatly personal, I Rather not talk about it much, mainly because I rather keep the bad times behind me. Just know he has helped me get though some hard times in my life, even though he's a god-damn asshole of a character, lol.
Um… how do I start these things… Well first I must be clear that I have been out of the fandom he belongs in for some years now and so, much of what I view him is when I was really into it. SCP-4231 is a big piece to how I see him. I read that when it first came out, though I probably shouldn't have read it at that time.
Ok, enough of the rambling. For me, I view him as a bitter old man that real does not want to have anything to do with anyone. Which I don't blame. I thought of him being three different people with Alto being the last and Francis being the first, though the middle of the both does not really have a name He's just dubbed with Ukulele. Francis's GOC code name. With Ukulele being switch of dealing the stress of work and well their personal life. While Alto being formed when the incident happen and being the main for Francis to heal. Which never fully happen, Francis never really came back and only few years after it simply left. While Ukulele kinda linger not much anymore either being the next to fade leaving Alto be the last one left abandoned and the feeling that he had failed in sense. More bitter than anything in his mind left with the mess Francis had left him. Hope that makes sense in a way.
Another thing with the shipping of him and Kondraki (surprised I still remember how to spell his name). I like it though, I see it more of that Kondraki to him is a person that hang with and fuck around with once in a while, nothing more than that. I just see Alto being mainly a loner for that when he feels the safest at. I also do like the idea that he has amassed a large family of cat, those are his people. Furthermore, I like to think he thinks of himself as a cat as a way to cope with what he is.
The why I think he looks is pretty much what it most views him as. A white short fat man that doesn't have the greatest look, blond hair three eye colors, you know the gist. I have added on to that over the years with having a bad tan, you know what I mean. Have some numbers of scars from his year of living. A thing I also like is that he flip-flop in having somewhat short hair to have it long enough to have it braided. To be honest, I don't think he gives a shit how he looks other that his abundance of Hawaiian shirts, he's very prideful with that. His third eye I like to imagine he can move it anywhere on his body or hide it all together, another thing to fuck with people. Oh, Yeah, a chain smoker, of course.
Even with him being a shit person, I think deep with in him, he still cares about well… Francis's kid. Alto himself doesn't consider them being his kid nor being ever married. Though still cares about them.
I might be the reason he never just says fuck it and leave, to disappear, to live a life quietly without the Foundation being up his ass all the time. Maybe there's a different reason, who knows, he will never say, maybe he doesn't know himself either.
Do really think he's an anomaly of his own kind, being that most reality bender or what ever you want to call them, usually supper nova or simply disappear. Yet he's still there, well, depending on what stories you read. He does do either which is odd, potentially it's because of the circumstance he was in when there was still Francis and how him and his partner were like how two stars act when they are close to one another. Where the larger of the two slowly eats the other. Possibly that had some cause for it other than well... The trauma that comes with such an abusive relationship.
Beyond this point, it is me rambling more about my old interest of realty benders than Alto himself. I was really into the concept of reality bender back in the day.
As a side not I do compare reality binder with stars because of their life, cycle are really remind me of stars. With the more large hotter one having quite fast and destructive ends while the smaller and slow burning one much quieter ends.
Though, I'm just going to generalize things for the sack of understanding what I'm saying. But You want to go more specific, you can learn and use the lettering system that is uses to categorize stars. For example, our star is a yellow Dwarf and the spectral type G and with that will evolve into red giants. In turn, a white dwarf to finally a black dwarf where it does not have any more materials to produce energy (light). If you know the life cycle of a reality bender, you can fit it in within those terms.
There's also how some I would think some would bend reality some much they would leave tears within the fabric of reality, maybe creating a sort of black hole like some stars that are dense enough can form when dying. With what I said about super novas being how that is their max, their own unmaking. I think of it after math becoming nebula like in how mushroom producing spores, the matter with the disrupted reality creates others like as we are made of star matter someone can have that distorted matter that might form them as a reality bender. As they are not made with the same matter as others, but the same as another's demise for filling the cycle once more. Though like Alto, not all will meet their own destruction, with some living after that mass or simply never going through it. Leaving them much more stable in some sense. Though that does not mean they can't just go back to being a risk, which leave me to the point of why they might just simply disappear as a way to avoid that fate. As they might make their own small packet with in the fabric of reality, maybe that's how universes are made if you want to think of it that why. For me in star term I think of Alto a white dwarf star as something that is stable but has no risk of being destructive though much weaker than it was once before. That really does not matter with dwarf stars they live a very long lives, as like Alto they don't simply leave they stay for a very long time out live other stars, other reality bender without much change. In my head, I think he knows this, but I don't he likes it any. I think sometime he wished he was one that lives a short life that fades very soon after it was created.
To not stop on a sad note with the concept of cluster of stars like galaxy because I've already said what where nebulas as that is left over star matter which can in turn to make new stars. With galaxies, I see it as some reality bender might want to form groups, in a sense as a hive mind of sorts. Whereas in before they find their own space outside by themselves, this with a group can establish new one that are which much larger. Where the core normally being a black hole, their equivalent being a tear in reality. Which others get drawn to going from there leaving within the tare uses it as their own space allowing others to join with most leave to original for to become as one and in turn as a hive mind. With this being the case, they will hide that opening as to prevent unwanted out. Maybe this could be a way naturally how rips are mended in a way. Galaxies don't pose a threat as they have no more interest with their own reality from once they came, but they might have interest in merging with others like them.
I hope my word salad gave you some enjoyment. I really just did this for myself as a way to finally clean out what was left for my SCP days.
Thank you, for listening to my TedTalk, lol.
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princemick-archive · 2 years
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its been a wild and fun ride, I started this side blog almost exactly one year ago so it has been mad to get this far this quickly but I can't thank you guys enough for all the love and support I've gotten.
I can't thank you guys for all the insane amount of support I've gotten over this time it means so much to have so much love send my way
SO here's the celebration:
-> send me a driver(s)/ships + colour(s)
if you want you can send a song, quote or word prompt with it
requests are open until the end of December!
because last time I was never able to finsish the 1k celebration I am now explicitly stating that it all comes down to what I feel creative about and what does and doesn't inspire me. I'm hoping I'll get to make them all but I dont want to promise anything so you guys.
please don't be afraid to send requests any and all are welcome but I probably won't make it if its red bull or mclaren
now onto the suck up thank you's:
first off, like every time @antogioamoremio and @milflewis for being you and for being two of my best friends, you know you make my life better and improve my days just by existing you're two of the most important people in my life, thank you for letting me into yours.
@oscar-piastri cassy, I said this last time but you're one of my oldest mutuals and have basically been @ ed every milestone for the last 6 years, I'm so glad to be ale to call you a friend now you're amazing
@schumaclerc RIEL! you and me, we think the same, we're the same kind of delusional and I can't imagine my life on this platform without you anymore, you're one of the reasons I love this platform and I'm so lucky to have you in my lfie
@yukierree you lit helped me make the celebration gif n ur annoying but also a really good friend and I'm glad I forced u on this site and made u insane about this sport now I can scream abt it IRL
now I'm gonna just @ a bunch of amazing mutuals and friends who are all amazing and who I care for so deeply but I can't have this post be 10K words:
@acrosstobear @spygate @grussell63 @russilton @seblicha @jetskisonthemoat @balaclavacharles @lawsandother @schulott @effervescentdragon @vettelgp @xiaozhous @ruszhou @teamgreenheart @estiebestieban @mickstart @userhamilton @racewinnergeorge @c2stan @lolaleclerc @lileclair @mssr-monagato @44whispers @melancholyy-scorpio
I def forgot people but I can only tag 50 people so I'm gonna keep it at this kjbadskjdbak
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Imagine being so sensitive that you have to attack others when you feel your ship is "under attack" (criticized). ... This has been my common experience with Big Four shippers, and it looks like my pause from the FT fandom has not changed this trend. I really shouldn't be surprised~... But let's get into it.
Here's my original post: https://at.tumblr.com/pyropsychiccollector/fairy-tail-ask-now-what-is-by-far-the-worst-part/p8o5djvreeoe
A simple post on my preferences towards FT ships in general, right? I mean, it was *asked* of me. I'm gonna give my opinion. I honestly just hate how Jerza is portrayed in canon. That's the crux of my argument; I'm not attacking Jerza shippers or even necessarily the ship itself. If you want to ship Jerza, that's your prerogative. Ship them how you want, too. But here's the thing: I don't like how canon presents Jerza. If you observe Erza throughout the series, there's a distinct difference between Erza interacting with, say, Fairy Tail or other Guilds, and Erza interacting with Jellal. It just... doesn't go anywhere. And moreover, we're supposed to just sweep what Jellal does under the rug. That he took over the Tower of Heaven, forced Erza's friends into slavery, chased Erza away and ordered her never to come back, and then later... killed Simon, one of Erza's closest friends. I've never bought into that "possession" bs, and we have people like Ultear taking the fall for Jellal because he's too "guilty" to man up and take accountability. Consequentially, whenever Erza and Jellal talk, the mood's always dismal and uncertain, and Erza is COMPLETELY different from when she's talking to Makarov, or Natsu, or Lucy, or Gray... It's NOT vulnerability being shown, Jerza is literally running on a hamster wheel and going NOWWHERE... And we're just supposed to be fine with that? Accept that Erza has "forgiven" Jellal and that it's okay to force others to forgive him, too...? It's JUST my preference, posted here on this blog, but I don't like Jerza. It makes me "anti-Jerza" insofar that I really, really disapprove of the direction canon took with it. .... And I'm not gonna apologize for that.
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... But wait~! Here comes our latest challenger, idklanguages. Of course, of course, of course. How silly of me. Erza's not "scared" of Jellal, "that's how she acts when she's in love." It's also a bit sad this guy has to tack on the end that she "doesn't" love Natsu, like he's reassuring himself.
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... But we're not done. No, sir.
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*pinches nose* It's not about the fact she "has to be a badass all the time." Of course everyone has moments of vulnerability. ... But when she's with Jellal, that's NOT being vulnerable. She's literally feeling sorry for him, wishes things were different, wishes Jellal could be that boy in the tower who saved her way back when. This mood never changes, and Jellal perpetually brings Erza down to this one-dimensional girl that ultimately forces others to accept Jellal...even if he kills your brother. Because holding a grudge over that wouldn't make sense at all~ -_____-
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And right here's when idklanguages begins to unravel into ad hominems and being contrary for the sake of being contrary. Where the hell is your argument, idklanguages? "You can love someone and NOT be in a relationship"... I've addressed why I loathe the direction that canon's gone, why that "love" is honestly toxic. But you keep going on and on and on without making ANY points. At this point you're in it just to be contrary.
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You miss the point ENTIRELY with this nonsense. Erza, frankly, IS obsessive over Jellal with how Mashima's portrayed the dynamic. She URGES people to just accept the past and move on, and while that's all well and good, the issue is how flippant Erza is portrayed over Simon's death. She cares more about supporting her "crush", who's hurt her, traumatized her, and killed one of her best friends... as opposed to understanding how Simon's sister must feel. Here's the thing: Erza's "acceptance" of Jellal and his past sins might have been admirable if she didn't force others into doing the same, and if Jellal did something to warrant such a relationship with Erza. ... But he doesn't. His existence, as canon portrays him, is to make people pity him and forever whine about whether or not he'll make up for his past transgressions. He SHOULD feel guilty for everything, but he could also stand to accept and feel more confident about the good that he's supposedly doing, wiping out minor Dark Guilds. A life of selflessness and charity on his part isn't a bad thing; it's what he wants, frankly. But Mashima keeps pushing the Jerza agenda even though there's been no progress. No development. If that somehow appeals to you, fine. But I'll die on this hill that canon Jerza is toxic, and I'm not gonna apologize for my opinion.
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.... So yeah. We reach the end of this rant, with idklanguages making a bunch of hot air and a whole lot of, "No, I'M right, YOU'RE wrong, nyah!!!!!" It's fine for you to not like Natza, idklanguages, but just accept that I'm gonna do the same for Jerza... and properly outline arguments for WHY I think it's a toxic ship. Jerza shippers are more than welcome to keep shipping what they do - and who knows? Maybe your ideas and stories find a way to properly redeem Jellal, to give Erza a reason to look past everything he's done to her; or maybe you completely do away with all the pain he's caused her. Whatever floats your boat, more power to you. ... But just like how you lot treat Natza as "non-existent", have your own opinions, I'm gonna criticize Jerza. ... Because it DOES have problems in the source material. In this case, you ARE the aggressor, idklanguages. And all you're doing is spewing hot air. (❋•‿•❋) But go on. Come at me. This is not my first FT rodeo with Big Four fans.
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moonlit-imagines · 1 year
Hey! I know you're not writing anymore but I was wondering if you have any advice for growing a blog and getting followers that are invested in your work?
of course of course!!! personally i think organization plays a key role in running a blog.
an easily accessible and simple-to-navigate masterlist is a must!!
if you take requests, a quick lil run-down of rules and how-to makes it more comfortable for readers to ask for something
tags!! #[character],[character] x reader,[character] imagine,[alter-ego] x reader,[show/movie] x reader,[fandom] x reader and so forth!! higher chance of people coming across your work
start your fics with who/what it’s about! sometimes (esp without gifs/banners) ppl cant tell who you’re writing about straightaway and might be less inclined to give it a go. before you start writing, write at the top what relationships are being written about
speaking of gifs/banners, when i started writing gif imagines, my big, flashy, signature banner that matches my blog felt like it helped a lot. i personally just think something eye catching and recognizable helps ppl remember who you are and start coming back more often!!
events!! they can be overwhelming for sure but they’re a big hit, especially personalized ones like shipping events! it just shows ur readers you appreciate them and all their support <3 (but keep an eye out for anons trying to take advantage and dont let anyone walk all over you, it happens from time to time)
i hope this helps my love and good luck with the new blog!!! im rooting for you 💕💕💕
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My thank you and love letter to the Doctor Strange x Reader community...
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It’s been a very long time. I’ve written for multiple fandoms for 8+ years now, and I was almost always left on the outside looking in, mainly because my creative choice was to fashion OFCs. The red-haired step-children of fan fiction. Still, I carried on, because it’s what my Muse directed, and the nature of the stories that are within me to tell. I like to think my work has steadily improved over the years.
And I get it- I really do. Most people want to see the ship of their heart, and that is most often with canon characters. 
There’s tons of fantastic fic (and face it, not so good as well) out there that gives people exactly that. Are there fictions where the characters are bent and manipulated and made OOC for the sake of making them fit into the narrative the way the author wants them to. HELLS YES! And does it hurt to see the love and praise lavished on these pieces as though they are manna from heaven, while I still struggle to break a couple dozen notes of any kind, and mainly because I have the audacity to fill the written fantasies I offer with strong, original female characters? Not as much as it used to--but sometimes it still smarts.
But I think I’ve found my home at last. The Doctor Strange x Reader Insert community has truly made me feel welcome and embraced me in a way that I finally feel appreciated. And among peers. You lovely people are so key smash and enthusiastic and willing to share ideas and thoughts and advice, it’s like day and night to my old experiences (with one notable exception, because this blogger 🥰🥰 ALWAYS believed in my work and supported me without fail). I never got as many reblogs as I have since giving in to writing my female characters as Reader, and I want to thank you all for every single one of them. You all amaze me too--your imagination and enthusiasm, and daaaaaamn, how astoundingly prolific you are! My only gripe is with myself; why the hell can’t I keep up? I want to match you pace for pace, story for story, else I feel like I’m being left behind in the dust.
Anyway--and hand on heart--just know that I adore and appreciate you all, and you’ve given me the unexpected joy of having my own work greeted with kindness and enthusiasm for the first time in too many years! So please- do read on...and write on too!
PS  The blogger I mentioned above is a fabulous author (and amazing friend) in her own right. Besides her canon compliant fics, she is the The Queen of Rarepairs, and has been known to fashion the occasional and delightful OFC when the spirit moves her. You can find her work on both her main blog and side blog-   @strangelock221b   @dreaminonao3​   Please go give her works a looksee- her Doctor Strange pieces are true *chef’s kiss*, my favorites of which are Stephen x Darcy (omg, they are squee worthy and when I read them I simply pretend I’m Darcy) and Stephen x Pepper (face it, the Man falling and being in love is *sighs* DIVINE), and a newer series which she wrote to cheer me up, called The Countess and Her Defender on AO3. All my love to you, T! 💗
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