#I need the motivation haha TvT
spacebubblehomebase · 14 days
"A New Day Will Dawn."
-Said some guy named Luke probably.
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Welcome to my #HHStargazersAU! Stay Tuned~♡? -Bubbly💙
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ruershrimo · 20 days
from ‘take me back (take me with you)’, chapter 5:
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@mechalily iwnsjsbsb I actually never thought about that!
(long explanation ahead)
one thing about the cancer though, is that though I’ve never stated what type it is, it’s probably something like myeloma or lymphoma (iirc?? I base things in the series a lot on my own experiences even if it isn’t a self-insert haha).
I also can’t remember if I stated this when [name]’s father introduced the technique, but usually users of cell manipulation can’t really see (?) the cells just by touching that spot or anything— they really do have to study the biology behind it and visualise everything correctly for it to work (I think I did mention reader needing to use a microscope for their cursed technique in… chapter 2? chapter 3? oh dear, I’m so sorry— I can’t remember TvT), so it’s quite a tricky technique to use and comes with more drawbacks than advantages, really… (the only advantage is that this could be used to heal. but even still, a person with rct like shoko could heal as well or even better without needing that biology knowledge necessary for cell manipulation).
basically, what I’m getting at here is that the mother probably has a blood cancer, so her cancer cells are all around in her body. the father lacks the precision, probably, as well as the cursed energy to eradicate all her cancer cells, or to expedite any processes for T cells (if I remember correctly, that’s what they’re called) to get rid of her cancer cells. even if the father may have been an expert, age has certainly worn him down and now he’s probably,,, well. this isn’t stated, because it isn’t really important and I want people to decide how things are for themselves, but his daughter has nearly surpassed him at her young age.
I do admit that this was lazy writing on my part, though— I wasn’t able to think of that. but I’ve always thought of it like this: no matter what happens to the father or the mother, either of them can’t do anything. even for [name]— even if they can affect her through words, in the end she can still ignore them regardless. while they’re a source of motivation for her at times and a reason she does certain things, if either of them die or anything, all that the other can do is nothing at all. I hope that makes sense ;v;,,, I’m also really sorry if I sound defensive throughout this— I promise I’m not. I’m just trying to come up with a reasoning for the plot to still hold up while explaining some things behind it as well 😭. (that said, i’m not an expert on this or anything, so please feel free to correct me on what I’ve gotten wrong!! hehehe)
and about them being annoying hypocrites for parents,,, well,,, they do love her a lot, I’ll say that. sometimes our parents pull stuff like this even if they’re wrong— even if they love her, they’re bound to screw up. [name] IS their only child, and they are quite immature people, still.
but thank you so much for commenting, and thank you again for commenting so quickly! I’m actually quite happy that you brought this up, because I really like to explain the things behind this goofy, silly little series that I haven’t had the chance to state or explain in the story itself.
so, thank you so much!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ have a good day or night :) <333
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flirtyletters · 1 year
i was just wondering if u have any random headcanons with mitsuo, iketeru, uramichi with or without mc
if that makes sense
i hope this is fine TvT might do one without mc if i think of something. for now have this~
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headcanons as a boyfriend
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mitsuo, iketeru, uramichi
gender neutral reader
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mitsuo kumatani
mitsuo knows how usahara pesters you to set him up with a single friend of yours. he also knows how it's difficult for you to always get out of such a situation with usahara literally invading your personal space and begging you. despite the pleading look you throw him, he averts his gaze and acts as if he can't see his coworker in that pathetic state. to make matters worse, he has a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. seeing you struggle is fun. in more ways than one.
mitsuo is very punctual, so if he has a date planned with you, he expects you to be there at the decided time. see being late every once in a while is understandable, and he cuts you some slack, but if you keep appearing late, one day you're gonna be stood up by your own boyfriend!
mitsuo likes to hide your belongings that you leave behind at his place by mistake. oh a handkerchief you think might be on his table? never heard of that! haha, a mask? what mask? whose mask? he is just that playful, making you doubt your own memory and sometimes sanity. as a joke. a small box of your items is hidden in his drawer. no, he is not a pervert, he's just a tease.
omota uramichi
uramichi finds your sleeping face peaceful to look at. one day he ran out of his sleeping pills and alcohol at the same night. since you were at his place and you guys hadn't been spending a lot of time together recently, he decided to brave the storm and not go out to buy those. he usually had difficulty sleeping without help and that day was no different. despite it all, when he looked at his side at your sleeping face he felt calm. before he knew it, hours had passed with him gazing at your rhythmic breathing. you woke up with the shock of your life when you looked at his scary morning face.
uramichi is not one to meddle in other's business but if he thinks that you lead an unhealthy lifestyle then he tries to motivate you to correct your ways. he is that person who keeps asking if you had enough water and exercise for the day. he wants what's best for you and is willing to help if you need it.
uramichi likes to go grocery shopping with you and insist on carrying the bags himself. this is not him considering you weak, rather this is his way of showing love, his love language. he wants to tell you that at the end of the day, when you are too tired to do anything he will be there to lend the hand. always. you don't have to carry the burden alone. actions are the words of a caring man and nobody proves it better than uramichi. mostly because he can be really bad at communicating his true feelings.
iketeru daga
iketeru is anxious to see ms sayuri like you and to have you like her back. someone who is important to him must be important to her too! he understands if you have an allergy or are afraid of dogs. then he makes sure to have dates and meetings outside his apartment. in case you want to overcome your fear of dogs, he encourages and supports you, tenderly helping you get acquainted with ms sayuri.
[ spoiler alert - ms sayuri loves you because she can sense your feelings for her friend and master. ]
iketeru tries to learn any skill that you find attractive. with his boundless potential, he succeeds to impress you too. that feels like one of his greatest achievements. if you have a hobby that you wish to share with him, he shows genuine interest, and even participation, and if you are competetive, well here's a challenging rival!
iketeru laughs at the most inopportune moments. everybody stares at him wondering what he finds so funny while some people decide to take offence at his behaviour. so you try to cover it up by smiling awkwardly and commenting, "oh come now, it isn't that funny!" before whisking him away from the place. when he has regained his composure, he looks at you with childish wonder and confesses, "what would I do without you? you are my best friend and savior. i love you."
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Dangan Rambles (needing a bit of help with a fangan thing)
So, I've been wanting to make a fanganronpa video series for a long time, but I lose motivation easily and I've only been doing things myself. I've wanted to ask for help, but I have few friends that know the story of Danganronpa, and those who do usually are very busy due to school stuff (fair, since I'm still in hs too). I've been aching to ask for help from people, but I have a good amount of trust issues regarding the internet (not even due to past experiences or anything, mostly bc I'm a person that overthinks A LOT, and since I'm still a minor I'm worried about stuff like gr00ming, etc..).
this is a passion project with literally no money being put into anything, so when it comes to things like voice acting I even considered doing it all myself since it's just something I like doing, but there's only so many voices I can do, haha...
Another thing, I feel a bit crushed when it comes to writing characters and the overall story. I already wrote the executions, who would die, the plot (in short), and made the character designs (...using GL2 bc I still need to draw official splash art, and I only used it to make their designs).
So in short, I kinda need help in making this little fan project (even if it doesn't turn out to be a video series and it only turns into like- some kind of fanfiction or a slideshow with a fanfiction reading in the background) but I'm way too scared to ask for it TvT
I already have a HUGE google doc with the characters, deaths, executions n stuff, but practically nothing in terms of writing the actual story lmao-
I'll probably end up cancelling everything in a matter of time bc of my own issues, but who knows! I'll keep you guys posted if anything happens. Feel free to ask any questions :)
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kaistrex · 2 years
Holy shit it sure was, I had the wrong tab open and I was not paying attention. I'm so sorry!
Where the Real Beasts Are ⛰️-⭐-🎢
Haha no worries! It's so easily done!
It turns out I had a lot to say, so strap in 😂
(Where the Real Beasts Are)
⛰️- What was the hardest part?
Because I wrote the fic over such a long period, there’s probably something from earlier on that I’m forgetting, but as it’s freshest in my memory, I think keeping myself motivated to get the final chapter finished was one of the hardest parts. When I first sat down to work on it after the penultimate chapter was out, I had about 2k words of notes/scenes written, and it just got longer and longer as I chipped away at it until it somehow hit 22k.
Usually when I write, I can see the finish line steadily approaching, but as the chapter expanded and I fleshed out all of the scenes, it just seemed to get further and further away and was low-key soul destroying 😂 I think it was just the idea of finally seeing the entire fic finished after years of working on it, and the thought of basking in the glory of hitting post for the final time, that was my biggest motivation in getting it done haha
It was a complete bitch to edit, and I’ve since vowed never to estimate the final chapter count of a longfic again, because then I feel a ridiculous need to actually stick to it instead of allowing myself a bit more freedom.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
Honestly, I was most worried the two times that the Graphic Depictions of Violence archive warning came into play towards the end (one more extreme than the other lol). I really thought I’d wake up in the morning to people furious that I didn’t leave a warning that it was about to get a little bit gory, so I was cringing away from the screen a little every time I opened my inbox to read any new comments in case of abuse, but then nothing ever came haha
I added that archive warning to the fic when I posted the very first chapter back in 2018 in preparation for the fic’s finale (3 years later...), so I was ready if anyone bitched about it when the warning was right there in the tags and they read it anyway (as I’m sure we’ve all seen people do often enough before). I worked really hard on the plot, and one of the instances of violence was supposed to be a surprise, so no way in hell was I going to spoil that ~something~ was about to go down in the chapter notes.
But in the end, I worried over nothing 😂
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
There’s a whole lot of fic to go through to answer this, so I’m probably forgetting something, but I think my favourite scene is back in their rooms after the masquerade. I’m the sort of person who feels good about something once I’ve written it, but then as soon as I post it, I tend to cringe too hard to be able to reread it properly, but if I look over that scene again, I’m still really pleased with the atmosphere of it. I don’t know if anyone else feels the same, but to me it feels like there’s a hush over the whole scene, like it’s a held breath or something, and I like how slow and tender Derek is as he undresses Stiles TvT
Shoutout also to the final line/paragraph of the fic which I am still proud of. Endings are always the worst part to write, and I can’t say a fic is finished until the ~feel~ of the final sentence is right. I wanted the final note to be something happy, and something I’d still be pleased with even after time passes, and so far that still holds haha
Derek pulls back to brush their noses together, sunlight sparkling in his eyes of green and gold, the shadow of a daffodil petal falling on his cheek. Stiles’ heart is so full that he can feel it beating in his chest, tugging him forward like perhaps it always has, leading him where he was always meant to be, straight into the arms of his beautiful, tender-hearted wolf.
I wanted it to tie things together, so it ends up touching on the procession that opens the fic with the mention of the daffodil, the colour of Derek’s eyes which Stiles had seen when Derek was first given to him as a ‘direwolf’, and then it vaguely references the journey Stiles was lead on throughout the fic. The final ‘tender-hearted wolf’ was supposed to be like a juxtaposition of how good Derek is despite Kate/the Argents’ belief that him being a wolf makes him a ‘beast’, to try and tie in the through line of the whole fic and the title.
I have no idea if that even came across to anyone reading it (I don’t usually think about word choice like that, ever!), but I’m proud of it anyway 😊 It took a lot of agonising!
(I did consider for 0.5 seconds if I should capitalise ‘Wolf’ to reflect how Derek first came to him, but realised immediately that would just highlight Derek as a pet which I knew was a BIG NO-NO and not the vibe I was go for at all.)
Thanks for the ask! I always end up having a lot to say for these things, so I hope it was at least a little bit interesting haha
The icons are from here if anyone wants to send any my way, or you can ask anything else that comes to mind. My inbox is always open~
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN S02E04 - Initial Thoughts (anime-only)
viewing + post-ep talk with my friends: Google Drive (sorry, youtube denied me again)
(i) Translations are in the English (USA) CC (including the english bits as well for those who struggle with the audio/language, etc.)
pls validate my efforts and watch it.
there’s some anime-only talk about the adaptation towards the end, I wasn’t trying to be arrogant, just mention it to my friends based on some things I’d heard and without spoiling them about what is different that I do know of specifically. But if you want to avoid that, feel free to!
I definitely said it a bit too in favor of the anime, and obviously my friends’ just got my simplified thoughts on it? Like when they said it makes sense for the anime to move on quicker, but that’s not really what’s different. 
So yeah, please forgive the dubious things in that segment, I really just didn’t think about my words a lot.
. Random thoughts
The fish bug scenes were delightful TvT Also the animation during them trying to grab them???
The OST during Isabella’s scenes???? take me
I think we also heard the OST sneak peak from a while ago during the cave confrontation with the army force human
Don is a useless nightwatch, goddamn it Don
Don is an epic chairman.
Loved the shot of Ray shooting at the big demon (why didn’t Emma get a cool shot? :THONK:), very dynamic, very epic.
Also them running together to push the man off the cliff was... something haha.
I’m losing my mind that we’re actually just ending on the way ep1 started. Same animation loops too, eh. to be expected, and obviously adjusted for different clothing and items but. still as someone who wants to praise for not re-using animation, rip.
Eyy Ray took a bath with the others too, yay
. The bunker
So, the twist was that there was really.... no twist at all. Minerva was a good guy, he tried his best, he got discovered and chased.
And yet, I don’t think the bunker was previously discovered by the farms, which would at least warrant a “scare” like that, effectively making it a trap. They may have been aware of a shelter’s existence, but I don’t think they’ve been there before.
You could probably assume that the Troup that attacked our characters may have also removed the previous escapees from the scene --- but if that was the case, why leave all of the letters and other things in place. Not getting there immediately is understandable, they seem to arrived by foot (what? do you plan to keep an eye on the children the whole like 5 day march back or however long it took?? dang). So that’s not it.
So: what caused the HELPs? the person writing in the book seems to have been abandoned or more likely, are the only survivor of their group (maybe the only person in the group at all). Now it’d be an option for them to have found this safe haven and decided to just spend their days there, slowly losing their minds and doing the things on the wall. But then the message in the book, on the other hand, seems traumatized and sad, but not as lost as the carvings on the wall.
So either, they calmed down after going crazy and then once they did, they decided to leave.
Or it’s from two different people (or multiple), the one after the “HELP” one probably leaving the uplifting message in the book nearby of the scribbles.
I’m not sure which I’d find more likely, but all in all, I’m not sure why they didn’t just have the demons already know of the place and just have the letter (they probably wouldn’t have searched everything in the place) not be as obviously placed and then boom, they could still have made all discoveries they needed and when they found the help wall, it would have been from children trapped in the room while the men searched the bunker, wanting help.
* Clearly that’s not what they were going for, since there’s also day-counting things, but even that you could have explained by saying, they missed a child and the other escapees convinced them that they died, somehow and so they were left behind, traumatized by their friends being taken back and giving up for a while. It still runs into the same “but how can it be the same person?” doubt that my friend brought up, but I think that it’d justify the shock value of the wall more. Still not really making the whole “HELP” thing add up though, since that just sounds like there’s an immediate threat, when there isn’t. The only other thing I can think of is that the entire wall wasn’t one instance, so the counting could be solitude, the HELPs acute danger and the names probably also solitude. The drawing on the right also makes me think it was probably a child as well, fairly young. Poor kid.
Unless there’s something more to it I feel like it makes a little more sense, but still not a lot (WHY’D YOU LEAVE YOUR SNACKS, BRO) but seeing as we’ve left, I don’t think we’ll get to know.
I’m assuming the way the farm knew now is either a) they were aware but didn’t see any reason to go there unless there were children there, b) they saw the coordinate carvings (thanks Ray) or c) the pursuers contacted the farms (which would make sense, and again, thanks Ray).
.. the farm has a military force???
I also find it kind of funny that the farms have a military force??? Because so far, we’ve never seen them use guns to do anything. Which makes me think they might not be farm-intern but from an outside force, maybe the humans who are more “on-level” with them?
Like, what do they do all day. They’re probably not part of the buff demon guards and.... idk man haha-
. Isabella
Ahh I was happy to see her! I was even happier to be like “hah, prison. Knew it.” and then later reacting to the offer, even though that wasn’t exactly what I called, but damn. the pride. my fucking expression too lol, i couldn’t hide it at all pff.
Her jump in motivation is a little weird, but I do see it as, someone who has basically accepted their fate, and when that gets challenged, the will to live takes over. 
I’m also not quite sure how she’s supposed to capture them if she can’t leave?
And then of course there’s whatever they promised her aside from “freedom” (which, if that just means being let outside, good luck ma’am there’s demons everywhere) - or is the transportation to the human world included? :D
Based on her clothing in the OP, I might have guessed it’d be “become a grandma” but that doesn’t really go well with the promise of freedom so.... I don’t know where that entire thing is going pff-
We don’t know a lot about what drives Isabella but one of the few things we do know is a) will to live and b) Leslie (????), hence the lullaby in “stressful” situations.
She already got the will to live with the baseline deal, so the only thing I can think of that would make her react more than freedom would be that Leslie’s alive and she can see him if she helps.
I’m not sure if she’s interested in anything else, like how the world works or what she can do for anyone, like.... hm. Of course it could totally be something that we just don’t know yet but yeah I guess that’s my guess.
They probably won’t give up Ray and seeing as she’s more concerned about his brain than anything, I don’t think even if they did allow her to take him with her, it probably wouldn’t mean a lot to her. Plus, why lose another high quality cattle.
I guess it could be, she did seem she wanted to be a proper mother figure, but idk something tells me it’s probably not something like that.
It would also be more “???” than “OHHH” of an reveal. Then again, Leslie is also an obvious choice so.
Maybe it’s something entirely new, we’ll see :D
. The possibily wrong date
So when Anna writes a journal thingy, we see this
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And, well, their escape happened in January 2046, so... for that to be true, somewhere along the line, an entire year would have had to pass.
I’m assume this is a production error because
they didn’t get to harvest once
they wouldn’t wait a year to talk about the plan to go back
Ray wouldn’t need an ear patch for so long, he only has a cut
the montage only showed 22nd and 23rd, if an entire year had passed, we’d have been shown more varied dates, etc.
then it makes even less sense for why the army shows up one year later out of nowhere :D
Smh, CloverWorks, what can you even do right.
Yee, thanks for reading!
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN S02E06 - Initial Thoughts (anime-only)
hhh everything went wrong with my reaction video this time - the video is lagging (so i replaced the screenrecording with the actual episode), also facecam broken so my friends won’t get to see me tearing up and the wrong mic input was recorded so I’m sorry for the shitty quality. I’m so upset :(
Edit: Google Drive Link! :)
I don’t even know what to really talk about because I liked everything?? it was such a good episode and I just... AHHH. I wish we had so much more of THIS. please give them more seasons.... ik its already too late for that but pleaseee fidusdj- they just... do so well when they adapt imo. the whole comparison panels I’ve seen of the interactions with Norman, I just... genuinely think it’s such a highpoint and they did so friggin well.
I just... I’m so sad this will likely be the last season. I hope we’ll get more, in whatever form. I know there’s the manga and unless we get an announcement about more anime content at light speed, I do plan on reading it! I just... I love the anime. And it’s art. The manga’s art is unique but the style isn’t my jam and some stuff just looks a bit too stylized for my liking hhhh-
That won’t stop me but... it does make me emotional, I guess.
Let’s hope they stay on this path now that they’ve joined back in with the manga, somewhat (still, you couldnt even give them 12 episodes??).
. the reunion
It gave me flutters!! it’s so nice and intimate and sweet and dusdhj- THE NORMAN SQUISH. And him noticing Emma’s ear is gone TvT Her sweet, kinda embarrassed “I left it back at home” efiojsd
also the clothing line here separates the two groups, alluding to the conflict between them later in the episode. They’re strangers on two sides, and Norman is the only connecting piece.
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I didn’t really dislike anything aside from Ray being left out. I just wanted them both to run for him I guess :( though it makes sense to be more distant, he also was at the shipment itself but idk, it just makes Norman seem so,,, rude that he doesn’t acknowledge Ray at all until Emma is like “hey btw I brought him too” :”D
Slap kinda deserved, on multiple fronts haha-
Though the mutual “baka” calling between Norman and Ray was adorable duihdasjdas
. Emma’s arc
a few days ago, I made that whole “anime emma’s arc” post about her feeling useless and how that might come into play - and I do hope they address it and I think they kind of are? Because GF arc Emma was always ready to have her way, even if it seemed impossible.
Either way, I feel like part of why she didn’t speak up is kind of as alluded to, that she doesn’t feel like she has the right to when she doesn’t know any other way right now. And I hope that in the next few episode we will see her headstrong and do things and be pro-active and kind of challenge that and Norman.
. Norman (+ his crew)
It was kind of on the nose when Norman held that whole speech about what she had said before, a small hint to it would have been enough I feel like, for the audience -- because I think realizing that part of his motivation in all of this was just her words and that he wanted to do that for her (I think that’s the implication) is really sweet. He is kind of the carrier here and I hope that will change because it feels like we haven’t earned this bio weapon at all - which is okay, because it probably won’t be the solution, so it’s more of a plot-moving element than an actual solution. And I hope that whatever the solution really does entail will feel less like an ass-pull and more deserved.
I feel it may have been interesting to have a pov switch somewhere in ep4 or ep5 to Norman and what he’s been up to. The reveal was kind of “...? okay?” anyway so I feel like that would have made things a little interesting, but I also really enjoy getting to know his squad now.
I’m also HIGHKEY SUS (all alarm bells are ringing) at Norman being like “Oh I just did tests” like.... BABY. PRECIOUS SON, ARE YOU PRETENDING EVERYTHING’S FINE AGAIN?
The fact that Norman didn’t bother explaining further just solidifies (to me, anyway) that he’s avoiding talking about it somewhat. He spoke about it very distantly and from an objective viewpoint.
Alone getting that tattoo on his chest must have hurt a lot. So. Please, give me a lot of angst, CW.
I hope both him and his crew will get some flashbacks or trauma moments to really solidify how badly they’ve been treated (and deliver some juicy angst).
I really loved the close-up on the meat Barbara was eating in that scene too. I felt like it didn't even have to spell it out for us that they're eating demon meat but. Oh well - it was well conveyed but I guess the characters had to confirm.
I also love that whole part about how he’s always cold to them auidhjhs - I really do feel like making a gif out of that haha.
Lambda person: “Boss?” Norman: “What? :/” Emma/Ray: “Norman!” Norman: “Yes? :)”
Also only vaguely related but what’s with people who are made to be eaten, in a state of “dead??? who knows” and then coming back as a “boss” :D Yes I’m talking about beastars.
. Mujika
Norman called her the “evil-blooded girl” and the old guy called the temple “evil-blooded” too. And he said it wasn’t a place for kids to be --- and he likely assumed that they were demon kids.
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Also some nice clue before we even know to connect Mujika with the temple.
A demon temple that’s “evil-blooded” and too dangerous for demon kids?
It could just be because it’s a ruin, but he IS praying for the world to change there. Mujika seems to be able to maintain her form without eating humans, so maybe that’s what this is all aiming towards.
I guess it also means that the statue with the violet veil is Mujika??? She does have purple hair I suppose.
At first, I was surprised that Norman recognized her just by the description - there’s more than one demon girl :D but I guess only one demon girl who doesn’t need to eat humans? - and I thought he may have crossed paths with her.
But for that to be the case AND for him to assume she’s alive because Emma and Ray have met her, it can’t mean he actually MET her. Because well, RayEm met her like 2 months after his shipment. Assuming he didn’t break out immediately, he couldn’t have met AND tried to do something to her (likely kill). So my guess is that she’s some sort of legend or diety or just like, commonly known and she’s supposedly dead and he’s shocked because she isn’t.
He also first asked “where did you hear about that?” assuming he also only heard about it. Norman's reaction to them having met them also isn't "when?" (so he could confirm if it was after or before his supposed encounter with her), it's shock that they met her AT ALL. Which to me, implies that she's supposedly dead (which lines up with the temple in ruin, so something happened to her line, or whatever she's a part of). And since Norman couldn't have met her before their escape (Mujika hasn't seen a human when they meet the GF escapees), that's my conclusion.
Assuming she’s dead also makes sense since her (religion’s) temples seem to be in ruin. maybe that’s why no other demons seem to have that ability (that we know of), because it was lost when her presence was destroyed (therefore the ruins) or something of the sort.
She’s never seen a human before apparantly though, so I’m not sure what exactly that means. She doesn’t seem to have wanted freedom for humans prior to meeting them either (she only seemed hesitant about eating them after all that), so I’m not sure what her own motivation in having that sort of religion would even be.
There’s of course also sonju, so maybe it is after all a religion-thing? Who knows-
As I’ve talked about before, I think it makes a lot of sense if the demons are part of the solution, I’m just really curious what that solution actually entails for the demons / what exactly Mujika is. I still think it’s plausible that another promise between Mujika and Emma will happen, considering the narrative mirroring TPN does a lot.
. other random stuff
there’s mass production farms! I shouldn’t be surprised, but I hope we get to know more about those (likely not since yknow 5 episodes left and all that)
I also liked how they showed the different plants while talking about it, mirroring how we too mutated plants and some animals to further benefit our needs and exploitation...
The pep talk from Ray was good and the sunrise was SO BEAUTIFUL, TAKE ME NOW ANIMATORS
generally the animation, especially in the trio scene and the lambda squad hideout scenes, was so BEAUTIFUL
I liked that I kept joking about how the WM system was rly insecure if a random guy just dropped the pen for Krone to find, but NOW WE HAVE CONFIRMATION IT WAS INTENTIONAL and Smee is truly the MVP / big brain puppet master of this series.
It did seem kind of weird that Norman just left like "yeah this will probably be discovered soon. anyway, I'm leaving you here to go to my base, see ya" - LIKE BRO TAKE THEM WITH YOU SO YOU CAN PROTECT THEM IF THEY SHOW UP LIKE, TONIGHT
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stray-tori · 3 years
Tag game
Thanks to @bisexual-shipping-demon for tagging me! ^^
Rules: tag 9 people you would like to get to know better / catch up with!!
Last song: Starring Role by Marina is the last song I listened to just a few minutes ago, the last song I discovered should be 心海 by e ve.
Last Movie: Disney’s Soul here too! It didn’t really tell me anything new about the dread of existence but I appreciate such a message being properly portrayed by Disney specifically and by animation, since I feel like that’s a genre often pushing the whole “live your passion / follow your dreams to the bitter end!” motivation. It’s refreshing to say a movie address it, especially in these generations that... basically have the possibility to do everything, but due to that also... harsher competition. I appreciated this direction of message all the way back in Princess and The Frog (“My dad didn’t get what he wanted, but he was loved”) but since Tiana ends up getting what she wanted, it kind of lessens the message imo.
Currently watching: JJK (airing weekly), Comic Girls (need to finish that TvT). I’ll also be rewatching BNHA with my mom I think. 
Currently craving: Sleep and hugs. I guess peace of mind would be nice too haha- I also bought a new laptop and I’m like STAFF GET BACK FROM HOLIDAYS AND SEND IT TO MEEEE :T
Currently reading: I don’t really read all that much, but I’m basically digging myself through the shorter BL manga/manwha on mangadex and other sites; I’m also trying to continue some fanfics I’ve started reading TvT
Tagging: @vidaflxwer @mari-lair @bluelric @modern-oedipus @just-like-playing-tag @officersnickers
Hope nobody’s horribly offended by being tagged by me haha and of course no pressure to do it! ^^
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