#I think I got the hang of Medibang
bellhopping · 6 months
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merry christmas fellas, here's my little summary of art
Generally I'd say I've improved a lot throughout this year. Got a proper drawing tablet, switched drawing programs, finally begun working on using more then one type of brush... it's certainly been journey! A journey with many ups and downs, but one I am glad I went on anyhow.
Under the cut is individual uploads of every piece of art in this image, alongside a writeups about their creation. Cheers!
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[1/25/23, Medibang Paint]
Starting off with a pretty alright one, drew this to commerate the release of a game I'd been interested in for the past 4 or 5 years. I think it could use some tweaks, but for something drawn in mobile medibang I'm still pretty proud of it.
[N/A, N/A]
This is where my february drawing would go... IF I HAD ONE !!!
I did not draw much digitally in February, on account of my tablet randomly breaking right at the start of the month. I did draw some stuff traditionally, but I don't feel like fishing it out at this moment lol
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[3/31/23, Krita]
One of my first proper drawings in krita, and of a character I should really draw more of. This was made for trans day of visibility & comes with a trans pride palette to boot, though I ended up choosing the normal palette since the other one kind of sucks. Also could've done better on the posing, but I was still getting used to the ins & outs of drawing tablet usage so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Drawing I made for earth day, honestly a solid contender for best thing I've drawn all year. I did pretty good on the pose, still dig the background a fair bit, & overall think the piece came out damn cool!
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[5/12/23, Krita]
An expirement with line thickness, featuring one of my favorite ocs. Despite it's roughness you can tell I had gotten a hang of Krita's core functions by now.
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[6/17/23, Krita]
Cover art for the prolouge of CAT-Astrophe Comic, the webcomic my brother & I have been working on. Overall been really happy with my work on the comic so far, I've slowly but surely been getting better at each part of the process and am still making good progress on pages n such ^^
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[7/9/23, Krita]
Fanart of a character from a game, drawn for my pal Rinbin after they bought me Rain World. This single handedly inspired me to draw more robots, definitely one thing I 100% intend to follow up on next year.
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[8/1/23, MS Paint]
Drawn based off of someone elses post, I don't remember what it was really. Honestly still really damn proud of everything in this!!!
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[9/7/23, Krita]
Drew some snakes/snake adjacent pokemon for snektember. I'd say this is around the point where I "mastered" krita, by this point I actively knew how to use a majority of featues & had even begun downloading outside brushes.
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[10/20/23, Krita]
Overhaul of a character I made & barely used in 2022, her name is now Olive. I based the whole squidog thing off of something in a dream.
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[11/26/23, MS Paint]
Fanart of a webcomic I really fucking like !!!!! Not much more to say I just really dig this one, fucking love drawing in MS Paint.
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[12/20/23, Krita]
And, as if to repeat last year, I end this one with a DreamSide main cast image!
Really proud of how much all of my designs have improved throughout the year, from the small tweaks to gigantic overhauls! I finally feel ready to take the next step forward, so to speak.
And that's everything! Thank you all for your time, and accompanying me on this journey. It was certainly a rough one in many aspects, but every year is rough for me so I've gotten used to it. See you all later :>
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yourlocal-lichen · 1 year
Big day for my game today! As well as a general show-and-tell.
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Updates and image description under the cut.
[ID: A screenshot of a pixel art game. A stylized grey fox wearing an orange cloak and blue pants stands on two legs in front of a white brick wall, facing right. Painted on the wall are the words “Welcome to Gilbo” with the word “Gilbo” filled in with pictures of store fronts and trees. To the right of the fox and words are potted plants hanging on the wall and continuing past the edge of the picture. End ID]
This is a pretty good summation of my progress! Gilbo is finished and the main character is (mostly) playable. Their name is Hazel (she/they) and it is through their lens that you will explore the game. You can explore the outside of shops and can play in the (for now very sparse) woods. The inside of shops is a much bigger job than I expected (probably not that hard to predict), so that will be an outside goal when this project is over.
Speaking of the woods, I have finished the tileset! I have yet to place it all, but there is a vast array of trees and ferns and the like that Hazel can walk amongst. Here’s a picture I took after playing around with the tileset configuration to simulate what it looks like in-game. Featuring Reynard, one of the NPCs! This was taken before I had even started drawing Hazel.
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[ID: A screenshot from Medibang Paint Pro of the forest environment. A red fox wearing a green cloak and white pants stands behind some trees. The trees have a couple varieties of shelf mushrooms growing on them, and one of them has an animal hole. Behind the fox is a stone wall with moss growing all over it. End ID]
It’s been a lot of work and there’s still more to go! I’m starting to worry about how much of the game I’ll be able to finish before the project deadline. I’m pretty sure I’ve put in the suggested amount of hours, though, so hopefully I’ll get the credit to graduate lol.
Next steps: I still need to figure out some parts of movement. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to think more about items and the pacing of the game, though the story line is pretty well on its way. My jobs for tomorrow are to figure out the movement thing and also add the fog effects! That’s just tomorrow, though, I’ve got my work cut out for me: font, title screen, and exit screens are coming up soon. Wish me luck!
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
hello :D..has your pen arrived yet? how are you doing mentally? I hope you are well♡
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Okay, I realize I might not have been very descriptive about the whole pen situation other than “PEN BROKEN :(” So I’ll go into more detail..
How did my pen break? It just stopped working eventually. I’ve had it for a few years..?.. And I'd like to think I wasn’t too rough with it during that time.. so I don’t think it was damaged, I think it just got old and finally croaked.
Am I sure its my pen that’s the problem? I’m not 100% sure.. but it seems very likely because I already I did everything I could to fix everything other than the pen. Thought it might be the tablet so I updated my embarrassingly out of date tablet drivers, it didn’t fix the problem. I thought it was the paint program so I updated FireAlpaca.. it still was not working. I downloaded a different paint program called MediBang to see if it would change anything, it didn’t.. even MS PAINT was bugging out. But what kind’a sealed the deal was when I went to my pen settings, the pressure checker thing was all wacked out. That told me that only the pen could be the problem.
How long will it take for my new ones to arrive? They both are said to arrive around April 5th. Yes, I ordered two. I went to the official website and ordered one for 15 bucks. But I didn’t realize until after I bought it that it was shipping from over seas.. so it was gonna take FOREVER to get here, I was told maybe a month.. so someone graciously bought me one from a different site for about 45 bucks.. and that one is coming sooner but they’ll both probably show up at about the same time anyway. Which is around April 5th..
How am I doing mentally? Honestly not super great, these past couple of days have been pretty hard on me.. You know, I like to joke around with these mouse drawings about “ASKNADF MY PENNNN😭😭” but for real I’ve been pretty stressed out and I could really use some drawing/de-stressing time. :( I’ve been drawing on paper in the meantime but I’m SUPER out of practice and cant seem to find my flow anymore. 😞 Its a lot harder than it used to be tbh..
BUT! The SECOND my pens are here I have a whole list of things I wanna draw to keep my FNAF AU rolling and to help me relax. I’ve got a lot I hope to get around to, so hang tight until April 5th I guess <:D..
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sadmages · 2 years
I'm hoping to try to learn how to do digital art (in part because what you draw is so pretty) but I've never used any program more complicated than MS Paint. I know. I'm a bit of a technological dinosaur. Any chance you'd have a pointer on where to start? Either what program to try or where to start learning about how to use brushes and layers and such?
ahhhh thats so nice!
Hmm I think you could try out some free programs for sure before you commit to something like Clip Studio Paint [which is the program i would recommend most if ur rlly into digital art]. I believe Krita is quite good! I know it's got some pretty decent animation tools as well. Other free programs I know of are Firealpaca and Medibang Paint. But I haven't personally used any of these.
As for how to use them, whatever you end up trying out, honestly youtube tutorials will get you a long way. If you search [program] for beginners you will most definitely find someone explaining everything you can do in that program. And otherwise the best way to get the hang of more complicated programs is to just. mess around in them? Try out all the brushes and see what works for you, try out all the layer styles, etc.
So I think tl dr would be start with a relatively simple free program so you don't get overwhelmed and can get the hang of layers and such, and tutorials will be your best friend.
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gonbeeyamada · 3 years
Your art is so amazing! I'm new to digital art so I was wondering if you had any tips or know any good art programs? ^^
HELLO I AM SO SORRY I AM LATE TO THIS! I was out of town when you sent the ask and I like. completely forgot to answer it when I got home lol.
The art program I currently use is Clip Studio Paint. You have to purchase it in order to use the program but I simply cannot recomend it enough. I really do think my art improved drastically with the program and I just find the tools really easy to work with :) If buying the program isn't an option for you I really REALLY recomend Medibang! I used it for years and I think it's a stellar program and very easy to get the hang of while you're a beginning digital art (I'll admit Clip Studio's User Interface is more complex and harder to get use too)
As for tips on how to improve art I really suggest finding a stablization setting that you are the most comfortable with! Stabalization will smooth out the lines and you can have it as strong or as weak as you'd like. I know artists that rely heavily on stabilization and artists who don't use it at all! I recomend playing around with it till you have a stabilazation you find works best with you!
Another tip I have is that you don't have to finish every drawing you make! When I first started digital art I was really really unhappy with a lot of my sketches and I felt like I had to finish EVERYTHING and make it perfect before moving on to the next project. It's a-okay to just make a quick doodle. I am a firm believer in quantity over quality! People improve much faster drawing lots of quick drawings than they do spending lots of time over one specific drawing!
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spaghettiandart · 3 years
memories in three
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Originally posted this on the aminos sometime during march, but decided (as of may 3 at 12 am) to post it here too! Yay spur of the moment decision! The rest of the post is from the blogs on the UT and UTAU aminos, and the story is under the cut.
author's note: this was mostly made to be part of my oc's backstory, but then i realized it could exist as a nice character development thing. the art was done on medibang paint and took 2 weeks.
characters: w. d. gaster, grillby, oc
categories: fluff, angst, friendship.
warnings: non-graphic violence, death, blood, mild language. 
word count: 4092
[I] |        one - the calm 
The time they had was always finite. Even at the genesis of it, they knew. They'd look at eachother, a circle of three, assigned to stick together and be loyal to one another, and they knew there'd be no way they'd get along. 
It was so easy to pretend, but with five months gone and passed it was getting harder to feign ignorance. 
The violent crackles and pops of Grillby's flames match the rapid beating of his SOUL, colors rising to the white and lowering until it was a pathetic red in uneven jitters of anxious panic. He focused on pouring the rum into the barbarously crafted wooden mug, the familiar motions soothing his shaking hands until he felt some semblance of normality surround him. 
The background quiet set him on edge, still. He could feel the flames on his shoulders worming their way through the openings on his armor, fingers immediately twitching to cast a flame ball, or reach for his sword, or pour another drink, or so something so that they weren't empty and susceptible to the whims of his ever-twisting emotions. 
The tension- oh, how he hated the tension. Being silent was his favorite sport, his carefully cultivated talent, but he was a creature born and bred to exist in the midst of warm chatter and noise. He was not the type of man to be relaxed in silent, cold hate, and neither was he the type to mediate it. 
Grillby picks up the three mugs by their handles, two hanging precariously from one hand, cradled to his chest, and the other already making its way to his mouth. The liquid stung at him, but not in the way human beverages did. While their concoctions were tasteless and lowered his HP by decimals, this was warm and fuzzy and the bubbly froth filled his mouth like cotton. 
His team was already there. WingDings Gaster, Grand Arcane Battle Artificer of the Deltarune Legion, and Igneous No-Name, Grand Arcane Battle Mage-Scribe of the Deltarune Legion. The names were long in Human English, even longer in traditional Monster languages, but Titles had Meanings and must be Specific and Precise so as to grant Monster the Respect they Deserve. Said verbatim by his own King when he was given his title. 
(Grillby No-Name, Fifth General of the Deltarune Legion, was what was inscribed on the back of the wings of his own silvery Deltarune-Symbol pendant. Every Monster soldier got one, regardless of their station and their specific designations. His own was cold enough for precipitation to collect on the metal, enchanted to withstand heat damage.)
His enchanted helmet is resting on a stack of parchment like a paperweight, turned away from the table so that its face was pointed at the wall. The silence was turned up tenfold the minute Grillby sheepishly walked into their section of the "room", and the two magic-users turned their mutual cold shoulder on him as well.
It shouldn't hurt, but Grillby had to stop himself from reeling as if he were struck by a physical hand. Oh, this wouldn't do. 
They were a team, after all. Of the same Legion, of the same Fifth Division, of the same status. The silence killed him, repulsed his being down to the core because it was so very anti-him. Anti-Flame Elemental, even, because even when they were quiet the crackling of their flames were enough to communicate their feelings to another. 
He only had body language to go off of the two. They may be masters at putting up facades, but he was a master of interpreting them, so the minute he sets the mugs down on the table he immediately pushed the stack of books piled in between Gaster and Igneous like a great wall crumbling to the ground, uncaring of the way the two jumped and jolted at the noise. 
His SOUL pounded, filled with anxiety and slight reprieve at the sound, but he needed more. He hated speaking, he much rather would be the one spoken to, but there are little people to be found who'd like to ramble for hours on end to a stranger save for drunken heretics at the little old tavern he used to manage decades ago. 
"What in the goddamn are you doing?" Igneous exclaimed, hood haphazardly slipping off her head and catching onto her big ears, holding on for dear life in a losing battle. 
"I concur. What on Earth is wrong with you?" Gaster snapped the large tome he was pretending to read shut, the sudden action too surprising for him to not address.
Grillby takes the time to sip from his mug, before setting it down lightly. "... You're both acting like children when we are all adults. Talk out your problems."
Igneous glared at him with an impressive amount of venom. For someone with only two eyes to convey emotion, she knew how to convey it. "I am not talking to a child murderer."
The remaining monster in the room scowled at Igneous, and then at Grillby. "Tell the Mage that human children are the easiest and most reliable source of SOULs to harvest to bolster our ranks."
Igneous' eyes narrowed and her glare intensified. "Tell the Artificer that by killing the humans' children we'd only encourage them to attack as harder. Also tell him he's a shitbag for suggesting it in the first place."
"Tell the Mage that she's a naive twat if she thinks that war can be won with no sacrifices."
"Tell the Artificer that sacrifices of that degree are uncalled for and that he smells of elderberries."
"I do NOT smell like elderberries you-"
Grillby clapped his hands once. A burst of flame shot out from the vents on his shoulders and the palms of his hands, making the bickering pair freeze simultaneously from where they were slowly turning their heads to face each other. 
"This is what I am talking about," the Swordsman looked at them both with a disappointed gaze from behind his crystalline glasses. "... Children, we are adults. You're going to apologize to each other and agree to disagree, or else I will burn one of the books you collected from the Human Mages."
Gaster slammed his hands down on the table and began to stand, expression thunderous. Igneous' eyes widened to such a degree that they threatened to pop out of her head, and she snapped her head back as if he struck her. 
"Child number one, sit down. Child number two, stay quiet- I know you will say something and I will make you regret it," Grillby steepled his fingers, the effort of speaking for so long already taking the energy out of him. He heaved in a breath, the air making his flames crackle with strength. "... Child number one- it may be hard to realize this, but killing children is inarguably immoral and degenerate. Child number two- I advise you to set your pride aside, else your inability to accept the flaws of your naivety may cause you more harm than good... Now apologize, because I am becoming very annoyed at having to speak so much..."
The two stared at him as if he sprouted a second flaming head from his shoulder. Grillby lit up a single finger and held it over a stray paper on the table that escaped his rampage on their books. 
Gaster was the first to break. "... ahem," he shifted uncomfortably, and stuck his nonexistent nose in the air so that he looked down at Igneous. "I suppose that I will have to concede at that. Your... interesting... worldview is something we can't quite see eye to eye on."
Grillby stared at him harder, and his shoulders slumped as he hunched over the table.
"And I apologize for my unprofessional conduct," he sighed, picking at the knicks and scratches in his hands in a nervous manner.
The Spirit Remnant stared at the- Skeleton? Shadow Creature? Wraith? Gaster never disclosed what kind of monster, exactly, he was- with clear contempt that faded away into uncomfortable and annoyed vulnerability. She rolled her shoulders, tail curling around her left ankle protectively.
"You're still a terrible creep, and I cannot deny that I would sooner pound you to dust with my bare hands than see you harm a child of any kind," she said, quietly, "but I understand that... things must be done for the greater good, sometimes. I apologize."
The air became heavy with guilt and frustration at that, but at least they weren't outright holding each other in contempt. Grillby prepared himself to speak for hopefully the last time that day. 
"... Good. Adult One, Adult Two, may I present to you your rewards for acting your age," he slid over the mugs of wine to the both of them, glad that he couldn't physically let out the relieved sigh he would have released were he able to breathe at the sight of the suddenly bright expressions the two had.
Igneous casted a furtive, unsure glance at Gaster, who angled his body away from the both of them and glared at the papers beneath him. He didn't cover them from her view when she leaned over to glance at them, her brows quirking in question as she took another sip. 
The mood didn't instantly change to comfortable. They didn't relax around each other, not immediately. But Grillby could feel the tension in his shoulders drift away as he watched Igneous quietly shoot the other with a question, and Gaster exchanging it with one in return. 
The stress of the war was taking its toll on him, but seeing the two gratefully take small sips of his homemade rum and shyly exchange words about their respected professions made the weight on his chest lighten just a little. 
|        two - the storm 
The battle is disorganized chaos, and he hates it. Not for the slaughter, not for the blood shed, not for the dust carried by the wind. He hates the sheer animalistic frenzy everyone on the battlefield was sent into- it's as if the second the fight began the primal instinct in their minds seemed to suddenly reveal itself, possessing their bodies and taking away their willpower to keep their hidden urges hidden. 
Such was evident in the human shoving his sword into the throat of a bunny monster, rendering them to dust before the blade could slice its way out. Or a monster with a dragon's muzzle unhinging its jaw like a snake and snapping up a human mage, their spine crushed under the pressure in an instant. 
Or even his own... companions, battling back to back against a frenzy of knights, swords gleaming and magic spewing around them. They were beaten down, armor covered in mud and muck, and from the minute trembling carried across their bodies it seemed as if they were ready to topple at any moment. 
Gaster's fists tightened as his Special Attack blasted yet another beam of energy to render a pitiful human to ash, the conjured hands twisting in midair before flocking to his sides like a pair of dogs. He looked down from the cliff he was standing on at the clearing they were fighting in, chest heaving from exertion. He couldn't let it overtake him, not yet, but the exhaustion was close to killing him. His limbs hurt to their very core. 
Igneous and Grillby were practically attached at the spine with how closed in they were. Igneous had snaked a hand around a human's neck, crushing his windpipe before resting her weight on Grillby's back and launching herself in the air. 
Her conjured wings flung out from her back, and she slammed her foot into the chest of another knight, caving it in from the magically-reinforced pressure. 
Despite the human bodies piling up around them, more seemed to flood the two as if recognizing them to be the heavy hitters they were. A human swung out with his sword, and Grillby caught it with his own flaming one, pushing it back. The two were neck and neck, heels dug into the ground as the gleaming blades fought against each other. The human's head shifted forward, as if they were saying something, and Grillby's flames burst into a column of blue, indignant fire. 
The human took the opening his anger gave them by twisting their body and throwing their weight into Grillby's chest, pummeling him into Igneous and the ground. 
Igneous flipped head over heels, wings dissipating as she lied face down. Grillby was shakily getting up, but the human struck out and suddenly there was a hole in the side of his armor, frost creeping around it. 
Gaster scowled, and took a few steps back from the cliff in preparation. A voice behind him interrupted his motions. 
"You meet your end, monster," a voice hissed from behind him. He tilted his head slightly, and upon seeing that it was only a mage he scoffed. 
"Do tell the clouds hello," Gaster flicked the human mage away with little pressure and much disdain from one of the conjured hands, and set his jaw as he hopped onto the back of one of his hands. There was no time to be wasted with meaningless banter.
Hell would sooner freeze over than him seeing his fr- companions, his companions- Fall Down. 
Smaller hands materialized around his body, hitting and punching and swatting away oncoming attackers as he rode the hand down the side of the cliff. The fingers stretched out, and he bent his knees ever so slightly. 
As the end of the cliff was reached, curving into the clearing, he jumped with all his might off the hand and to the side, landing in a roll before hopping to his feet. 
The hand continued on, and barrelled into the human slowly approaching Grillby with the force of a stampeding bull. 
Their sword flew out of their hand and embedded into the bark of a nearby tree with a 'thunk!' and Igneous quickly picked up the slack as the hand dissipated, energy coalescing in her hands. Feathers caged the human in.
"... God... no, no," the human moaned in pain, attempting to get up on their elbows. They glared up at the three just as Grillby picked up his sword from where it lay discarded on the ground, grip trembling. 
"You dirty freaks," the human weakly said, their chest heaving and breath wheezing. Perhaps that hand broke a few bones... oh well. Gaster found that he didn't much care about not knowing, this time, taking much pleasure in watching Grillby advance at the human with his own sword held aloft. 
"You're not m-monologuing, right?" Igneous spoke up, her own breath wheezy. Catching the brunt of Grillby's weight must have hurt, because her entire body was trembling with poorly hidden pain. Almost unconsciously, Gaster shifted his body so that he was in front of her. Her body was trembling in shock and indignation, eyes wide and animalistic as they focused on the human. She looked ready to pounce. "Goddamnit... what are you waiting for, Grillbz? Just end them already!" 
The human ignored her, slowly getting on their knees. Their fists clenched. "Y-you... you won't win this war. Kill me, but my brothers and sisters will avenge me! Our mages, our knights, our horses, our citizens- they'll all fight, all against you monsters!" 
"Please kill them," Igneous practically begged Grillby, her wispy 'hair' flickering piteously. "They’re not useful. They’re not- just- kill them, please.”
"No, wait," Gaster found himself muttering, suddenly. Igneous snapped her head in his direction, eyes wide- and he almost flinched back at the desperation in her eyes. What did that human say? "I want to see what he'll do."
Grillby was examining the human curiously. His masked head tilted this way and that, his hands exchanging the swords as he stood in front of the human, looking down at it. Music, unidentifiable in genre, played in the distance. 
The human looked up at him, glaring through the slits of their helmet. "You know... you know this. And... y-you know what I said before... I w-was right. Kill me, but you'll have to live with that... and that's enough for me to die happy."
There was silence. The two stared at each other, carefully. 
"Well?" The human barked. "You're not going to end it? Take me prisoner, then! Flaunt me around! I still won't-!"
Their head was on the ground in a SOULbeat. Gaster and Igneous took a simultaneous step back as blood stained the grass underneath the human, the armored Flame Elemental examining the corpse before kicking it on its side, stomping back to them.
"... Wasn't going to let their dying words be them telling me what to do," he muttered once he reached them. 
Igneous' shoulders seemed to drop suddenly, and she looked around them. Corpses, bodies, dust- they were all strewn about the battlefield haphazardly. There was no art behind them. No grand imagination from the divines above. 
Just the reeking scent of death lingering over them all. 
She took this in, much like Gaster was, and then looked at him. She had no mouth to smile with, but her eyes crinkled ever so slightly at the edges. 
"You saved our skins back there," she said, voice still quavering from the quiet horror carried within it, and reached out a hand to him. Gaster hesitated, but let it land on his shoulder. The tall monster gripped it firmly, resting her weight on it. "I won't forget this, you know."
"You can start bothering me about it tomorrow," Gaster said, feeling a bit lightheaded. 
Igneous shook her head at that, and gave it a few pats before moving away and CHECKing herself, digging around her small inventory for food. "I don't mean it like that. I mean- yes, I am absolutely going to tease you about this for the next month, but... you... you really do..."
Grillby sheathed his sword suddenly, and looked up at the cliff from where he rode down from. There was a quiet surrounding them. "... care about us."
Gaster shifted from foot to foot. He was no child. He was an adult, for God's sake. Why did he feel so... embarrassed, all of a sudden? 
A cheer rose up in a crescendo of voices from beyond the cliff just as the sun made its way to the top of Mt Ebott and began to hide behind it. The battlefield was painted in a swath of gold and pink, and suddenly he wasn't so much focused on the chaos of it all as he was on the way the colors seemed to highlight the edges and curves of the two in front of him, how it made them all the more... real. 
Gaster stepped closer to the two. "The humans have retreated. We should be... getting back, now."
It was Grillby who set a hand on his shoulder this time, his face pointedly looking away and at the sunset. "... five minutes."
"Ten," Igneous chimed in, brushing his arm with her own. 
The trio stood there throughout the sunset and into the night, and Gaster woke the next morning with his friends resting on either shoulder, the dewy grass fresh underneath him and the battle feeling as if it took place years ago instead of the evidence of it being right behind him. 
He watched the rising sun and smiled. There's the peace he was waiting for. 
|        three - the pieces
The last time Igneous woke up from her  Hibernation Pack, it was to a boss monster with kind eyes looming over her. 
She panicked, at first. Scrambled back, and then turned to alert the Spirit Remnants that she was resting with that there was an intruder in their den. 
All that she was met with was piles upon piles of dust. 
"I was able to stop him from hurting you, too," he had rumbled from behind her, " but I'm afraid that I was too late for your companions."
She turned back around, eyes wide with outrage. 
He held a paw out towards her, offering comfort. It was stained with the humans blood. 
She took it, and pulled him close, demanding that he give her a way to get revenge. His paw clenched involuntarily from surprise, and his dark claws nicked her ethereal skin. 
Her essence joined the human's blood, and in the budding tears in her eyes an agreement was formed. 
Centuries later, Igneous wakes up in a comfortable, warm bed inside a comfortable, warm home underneath the large mountain that she fought for her life on. 
The nightmares were long gone, and memories were reserved for the day to sort through. All that was left for her dreams was darkness and static and white, mutilated hands reaching out for her with holes dug deep into their palms.
She never remembered them, and woke up each morning with the sense of loss lingering heavily in her chest. 
In the room over, the sounds of chatter and the dinging of a bell signifying the front door opening and closing began to grow louder and more frequent. Igneous was frozen in the hallway connecting her and Grillby's bedrooms, curled up in a small armchair haphazardly placed there five years, seven months, and six days ago when the two were refurbishing the building and couldn't decide in which room to put it. They decided to share instead, setting it outside and in between their rooms. 
She pulled her knees up to her chest, the chattering growing louder in her ears. Soon she'd have to step out and start taking their orders, but breakfast doesn't officially start in another… ten minutes, or so. 
She can take her time. 
The swaying pendulum hanging on the wall across from her demanded all her attention, grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes and reflected her past to her. Her stomach flipped with each sway of the object, hands traveling from her knees to her ankles and gripping them tightly.
It's been centuries. But that loss… was it only from the monsters dusted? Was it only from what that human revealed to Grillby and to her during that fateful fight? Or was it from that missing piece, the hole that separated both her and her friend, the dust-ridden and empty guest bedroom untouched that rested at the end of the hall? 
Her fingers clenched tighter, digging holes into her pants that would be covered up by her boots later. 
Was it the unfortunate fates of her pack? The piles of dust she woke up sleeping on, almost ready to join them before Asgore interrupted their murderer? 
Was it what the human said? The quiet words, so low but loud enough at the same time to be heard from miles away, repeating in her ears? The truth, maybe even the sneer in their voice when they spoke, "Don't worry. We didn't dust all of our prisoners… but you will never find them." 
Or the missing piece? The unknown factor that frustrated and scared her to no end, the pounding in her ears whenever she looked at the words unscripted on that silvery pendulum swinging back and forth and back and forth in a maddening rhythm from where it hung on the wall? 
Her claws dug deeper, caught onto fabric, pulled. The seams of her pants ripped at the ankle, and her flickering, pseudo-fiery essence darted out in quick licks at the air. 
The words stayed in her mind whenever she looked at it, dissapeared when she looked away, reappeared with all the context behind them when she looked back.
Every morning was the same routine. The same, desperate staring at the Deltarune-symbol pendant hanging from the wall. The same hope that she'll remember the name after she looks away. 
The dread of not knowing if she'll remember to do it tomorrow. 
She reread the name for the four hundred and thirty fifth time, desperately imprinting it on her mind. Grillby had long stopped even glancing at the thing decades ago. She won't forget. 
She looks away. 
"Shit, I'm going to be late," Igneous muttered, staring at the clock instead. She stood from the chair, confused and wobbly in the knees. "I could've sworn I was just sitting for a few seconds…"
She hurried off down the hall, pulling on her boots as she walked through the Fire Exit. 
The pendulum swung on the wall, shaking as the door slammed closed, its name forgotten. 
Wing Dings Gaster
Grand Arcane Battle Artificer
Deltarune Legion
Division V
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hello ya'll, its been a while since I posted a drawing. The last time I had to draw was on Medibang and sometimes it freezes, hangs and a hairpuller..
And to export means I have to send it via third-party app, send it on Gmail and use my phone to upload on tumblr because it's been on a breakdown lately when it comes to uploading my art.
Anyways, I have a new phone last two weeks ago. And I recently downloaded this app called Ibis Paint X. Basically I draw on a phone but I recently purchased a stylus pen because I am also not comfortable using my finger to draw but I kinda got used to it. I need a stylus pen for stability m'kay?
Here is the speedpaint (or drawing). As you guys know, I am fond of manhwas set in a Western setting (like The Abandoned Empress, Wmmap, Beware of the Villainess, Lady Baby etc) and recently, I started to think to make an AU of my oc x canon ship, TrisElle (Tristan and Giselle).
I also like to explore more of Tristan's childhood aside from losing his parents at an early age and being taken care of by his dad's servant. It'd be a pretty interesting AU where he is a Knight in training and he came across the daughter of a Marquis and the two formed a friendship that turned a bittersweet relationship.
*in lore, Giselle descended from a family who is rank of a Marquis before they were in ruins and one member stayed distant and changed their names to live a new life.
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renejamesart · 6 years
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On The Line Tonight, I got really nostalgic for Megatoyko, a comic I still follow to this day.  I thought about how it really opened my eyes both to webcomics and OEL (Original English Language) manga, a market that I wish would get more press and development in America. There's a lot of good OEL manga out there, and I do think that Megatokyo has its merits.  Admittedly, it's very of its time, but it's something that heavily influenced a lot of my magical girls, and something I'll always be thankful for reading. In fact, I might catch up on it this week.  All that to get you to the purpose of this image: I wanted to draw the two magical girls in the series -Tohya Miho and Sonoda Yuki- as college students. They have matching uniforms, and like to hang out on the powerlines after classes before they go to the conveyor belt sushi resturant near their campus for dinner and protect Tokyo. I also liked the notion that Miho regrew her hair and added more ribbons as a show of how much she can control her abilities, and that in her second year of school, Yuki gained enough ability to add ribbons to her hair too. Honestly, I'm in love with the designs and really want to draw them again. Here's to more Megatokyo: I'll always be nostalgic for you and :iconfredrin:'s art style. Originally created 10.28.2018 #megatoyko #tohyamiho #miho #sonodayuki #yuki #magicalgirls #mahoushojo #mahoushoujo #drawings #digitalart #fanart #digitalwork #digitaldrawing #ipadart #ipadproart #medibang #medibangpaint #artistofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BpeP_YcnEKw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cp8o8ctpv1m8
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thisismrswilson · 3 years
Hey I am a big fan of your artworks and think they're super cute 😘😘😘 tysm for all the content....Also if you don't mind me asking- I am kind of getting into creating art on my own but feeling a bit lost and confused about it. Have you ever dealt with something like that? I could really use some advice with which resources, softwares, digital art platforms are helpful for beginners and artists
Hey Anon!
Aww thank you for the compliment and you're very much welcome for the content. I love doing them 💜 I don’t mind a question at all! Just keep reading for my further answer :)
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When I wanted to do digital art, I did not know what was right for me initially as well. A lot of good artists were using Procreate on iPad, some were using display tablets, Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint. I did not have the kind of money to invest on an iPad. Don't get me started on the Apple Pencil! (Not all beginner artists are rich. But if you got a student price D: Good for you!)
Display tablets are really cool. But I personally feel it ain't worth the money when it is literally just an interactive HDMI screen. I mean sure yes, with custom buttons but there are some crazy prices on those especially the branded ones, like Cintiq. And it is pretty bulky when it comes to carrying the device anywhere. You need a proper set-up, a fixed place with a main computer or laptop, which I don't have either.
Pen tablets? If you have good hand to eye coordination then go ahead! It definitely takes practice though.
As of right now, I am a user of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite. I wanted something worth its price, and portable, easy to carry anywhere. I was happy with this investment because it was like gaining another laptop. But not as expensive as one. And don't forget! It comes with an S Pen which means, it is programmed to work with a stylus of its own! So you would not have to worry about your wrist messing up your drawing. This is something to consider if you are getting an independent tablet!
Now, when it comes to software, there is a lot of applications for digital artists. Since I am not an Apple user, Procreate was obviously out of my way. When I look at Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint application, I get overwhelmed with all the tools so easily. The functions are all around your screen and that scared me- so I helped myself and decided against those, because why would I want my drawing platform to scare me? I want it comfortable.
Android painting apps- There's so many! Especially free ones! However, it is usually limited to a few layers and inks. I tried a lot of the applications reviews have suggested like ibis paint or MediBang paint, yet the theme of how they portray their buttons played a part in it, some of them felt slightly amateur, despite me using it mainly for the blank screen. 
I am currently using Infinite Painter. This is one of the apps I feel comfortable with, pretty straightforward theme, and easy to navigate. Not gonna lie, I was more overwhelmed by the amount of inks in there. HOW WAS I GONNA USE EVERYTHING? But take your time, your art doesn't have to include everything. You'll use one type of ink, then get a hang of it and when you start discovering other inks, you realize its better so you can switch. Definitely have a few favorite types of inks for yourself. I am not saying Infinite Painter is good for everyone. I mean it does have its moments when it just stops and crashes. But I got a hang of it, it would not get deleted even if you have not save your work. It just undo a few steps, which I haven't grow to hate it yet.
When it comes to software, I'd suggest looking through reviews, blogs, or even YouTube recommendations for specific device. When you have an application you think you want, get the demo or trial version of it. Does it work out for you? If it does then go ahead pay the full amount for the full experience! Whereas if you're talking about subscription kind of applications, go ahead! You can stop subscribing if it is not to your liking. And if you got a stable bank account
General advice
Get something that you feel comfortable with! Don't let artists out there pressure you into something out of your reach (including me). Make use of the demo or trial version as I have mentioned! Doing art should feel like an extension of you, like finding your other half (maybe wayyyyyyy easier than that). I am no mind reader because everybody starts digital art at different stages. I hope my answer have aided in your art journey! Good luck! 
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Do not repost or edit the artworks as your own :)
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I got an Adonit Pixel pen for Christmas so I’m teaching myself how to sketch on my iPad. It’s like learning to draw all over again! Currently I’m switching between Adobe Sketch and MediBang apps. Adobe seems easier but I think MediBang might have more pro features when I get the hang of it! Here is a good tutorial I found on Pinterest.
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slimeman5000 · 7 years
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hey heres layla. i found an oil paint brush on medibang so i used that. it was kind of hard at first but i think i sort of got the hang of it.
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syhnart365 · 7 years
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Day 19 More warmup. Playing with my reckless deck cards got crown, claws, and futuristic armour. Think I screwed the pooch on that last one. More medibang, I'm finally getting the hang of it.
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