#I was so sure that Kiku was gonna like kill him and then the kid shows up and then he's about to -
kyliafanfiction · 21 days
I just finished Episode 7, bc I didn't watch it last week but
What the Fuck?
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1047 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back again at last
I'm sure we all had a good Easter and long weekend, but now it's One Piece time
Onigashima is apparently about to fall, so we'll see if the end of the battle will come soon too
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
A nice colour spread for this one, hanging in the beach with Momo. Luffy may need to watch his hands though and Jimbei better watch out for tan lines XD I do have a slight worry that Zoro is kept so far away though, almost like Oda's hiding something...but I could just be paranoid
We start with Yamato and Momo again as the former tries to encourage our dragon boy, but his frustration and defeatism prompts a flashback
Back at Oden Castle ablaze we see Momo of course reluctant to part with his mother, but it's Kin'emon who steps up to try and convince him. I do appreciate though that Momo acknowledges he's a kid, he's not bound by the ideology of the Samurai
But Kin'emon's desire to go out swinging is what changes Momo's mind, which really does show why the two are closer than Momo and the other samurai
Being reminded of this stance and this being one of the last interactions with his mother does give Momo the drive to keep trying
Again though, how has the Capital not seen this island in the sky exploding with lightning and dragonfire?
Speaking of Lightning, even Kaido is showing bafflement at Luffy grabbing lightning
Boy is so happy though pulling a Zeus (mythology not the homie)
Kaido though is serious, dodging the lightning and smacking Luffy around, reminding him that having a strong DF isn't enough to reach the top
I guess that counts as official confirmation that Roger never had a DF, he was just that good with Haki
A new Thunder Bagua variant sends Luffy flying and seeing birds, but he's still grabbing Kaido by the scruff of his chest
Unable to pull him off, Kaido turns to his dragon form to assault Luffy with projectiles
The Flower Capital meanwhile are releasing the fire lanterns, which I still feel like is gonna play a role in the climax for either Momo or Luffy
Luffy meanwhile is being fried by Blast Breaths as Kaido still tries to bring Luffy down
The inside of Onigashima is tilting though, the waters having not reached certain areas yet
Hyou and the Samurai though, as much as I liked Usopp's bashing of their desire to die honourably rather than live on I did love the interaction where they accepted their fate, happy to die if it means Kaido is defeated and their families can live on
Not a sentiment shared by Kaido's forces though, Kid seems surprised too
Usopp meanwhile gets washed by the water finally, but it seems to have washed Kiku and Kin'emon off of Hamlet
As I expected, Orochi's not done yet, the nail got loose and now he's a flaming version of his Zoan form, this is why you confirm the kill Hiyori!
Be a good time for Denjiro to show up though...
Luffy though has brought out the bug guns: a Giant Haki-laced fist
He's ready to finish things but Onigashima is in the way, so Momo needs to move it now, having Luffy's encouragement to will him on
Well, unsurprisingly it's another great chapter. A lot of build towards Momo having his moment as well, so the stage is set for him to step up. Hiyori meanwhile I'm a little let down that she doesn't just kill Orochi but we'll see how it plays out, I think more of my annoyance is the cockroach clan continuing to be cockroaches XD
I am still thinking a 1050 finale to the fight, but that does mean I'm doubting the success of the giant fist. After all Kaido has Mythical Zoan durability, even then we can stretch this out to 3 chapters, the waters have yet to reach all of Onigashima, we don't know about Zoro still, Orochi still hasn't been finished, so there's still a fair amount to achieve.
Just a few more weeks till 1050
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gamer-logic · 3 years
Since my state, Georgia, is having the annual Peaches to Beaches event which is two days of statewide yard sales, I thought it would be interesting to show how America, the states, and any other countries wanting to participate both 1p and 2p would be during this event. So here you go!
Georgia is happily selling fresh produce like boiled peanuts and Vidalia onions and peach-based deserts. Her homemade peach cobbler and ice cream are to die for!
Antonio (Spain) also sells many fresh tomatoes, olives, and other vegetables. He doesn't understand why no one wants his Olive Juice though.
Hawaii and Alaska make a killing selling lemonade at their stand with a free complimentary handmade flower crown with every purchase. While using their sheer cuteness to attract everyone including one of those sweet biker gangs. It's really surreal to see a huge gang of buff, tattooed, tough-looking guys in leather wearing flower crowns and drinking lemonade. Allen's also there to supervise and ward of creep. Also, to provide people more 'incentive' to buy their lemonade.
Texas breaks out the Texas BBQ and is in a Barbecuing turf war with Jett (Australia). They draw huge crowds for the five-alarm chili as well and hold a competition who can eat the most without burning out their tongues and/or passing out.
Florida sells some of the weirdest stuff you'll ever see. "Want a full-scale model of a gator made entirely out of bottle caps? Only ten bucks! Want a portrait of Florida Man painted with orange juice? 15 bucks!"
Nevada also tries to sell weird and sketchy stuff to scam everyone. "This piece is the genuine article folks! One napkin gently used by Elvis Presley himself! Just 500 bucks! Also, gets into a haggling war with Lars (Netherlands). Somewhere Alfred's dad instincts go off and he reminds himself to ground Nevada.
California, Oregon, and Washington collaborate and California sells anything vegan or made with avocadoes and the autographs of Hollywood stars, Oregon sells his old tye-dyed shirts and records, they also made him sell his old groovy hippy bus from the sixties he'd never got rid of no one knew they had. Oregon can be a bit of a hoarder, so they had to tie him to a chair and gag him because he wouldn't surrender the bus without a fight. Washington also tries to sell and drink cups of coffee, but in the hot Southern heat, this doesn't end well.
Louisiana sells anything Cajun-style from frog legs to fresh gumbo, to beignets. Also has a full collection of Mardi Gras masks and shrunken voodoo heads on sale for two bucks a pop.
Gilbert (Prussia) gets tricked by Nevada and gets a ton of stupid things he doesn't need. Ludwig (Germany) tries unsuccessfully to keep him on a metaphorical leash.
Ludwig always checks the quality of things he sees and buys dog toys and supplies for Blackie, Berlitz, and Astor. Later, he actually buys a kiddie leash for Gilbert.
All the while Lutz (2p! Germany) is asleep in a lawn chair with his hat on his face after drinking like six cold beers from this really good booth. All the while, Klaus (2p! Prussia) finds an antique Teutonic Knights flag from a vendor whose family was from Germany.
Vash (Switzerland) buys antique guns from Alabama and Roderich (Austria) also checks out some of Tennessee's guitars. He's horrified upon seeing Alabama's banjo and washboard.
Mathew (Canada) and Emma (Belgium) combine their powers and tag team to sell the best pancakes and waffles on earth with genuine Canadian maple syrup.
New York sells tons of baseball memorabilia and collectibles. Allen, trying to save his bad-boy image, tries to be discreet when buying some while taking Hawaii and Alaska around to get something with their lemonade money. James also gets some hockey memorabilia with Michigan and Minnesota who also got snow cones.
Alaska and Hawaii see a giant deluxe dollhouse but are almost in tears when they don't have enough money. But they end up getting it for free because no one can resist their weaponized puppy dog eyes. Also, no one can resist a growling Allen. Using the leftover money, they buy cute little rainbow umbrella hats for everyone and have Allen wear one who begrudgingly accepts it.
James, walking by with an armful hockey gear and flannel shirts, bursts out laughing when he sees this. In revenge, Allen forces him to wear one too and help him carry the dollhouse, much to Hawaii and Alaska's delight! "I said go my way puck head!" "No, it's my way, you vegan loving hoser!" A passing Francis (France)' is in stylish horror when they also make him and a nonchalant Luis (2p! France), holding a case of vintage wines, wear them too. Hawaii and Alaska go around giving umbrella hats to everyone including a sleeping Lutz they pass by.
Loving (Romano) practically has to supervise Feliciano (Italy) and keep him from buying anything too stupid on impulse or get scammed. They still end up with stacks upon stacks of cookbooks, kitchen wear, and a Mona Lisa made entirely out of Macaroni. They also get umbrella hats.
Flavio (2p! Romano) browses through clothing racks to get ideas for his vintage line. Also checks out the handmade fabrics like quilts. "Such craftsmanship! This pattern is so unique and chic! I simply must have it! What's your price Bella?" The nice old woman selling the quilt just smiles, "Oh just about five dollars young man." "Perfect!" Flavio hands the quilts off to Andreas (2p! Spain) who's practically buried underneath the fabric. Luciano (2p! Italy) facepalms while holding a new knife set in its case. "Oooh! Look at those adorable hats I just have to have one." Cue three more umbrella hats and a humiliated Luciano. "Just kill me now..."
Katyusha (Ukraine), Elizaveta (Hungary), Lillie (Liechtenstein), Natalya, (Belarus), Katya( 2p! Ukraine) and Anastasia (2p! Belarus), and Michelle (Seychelles) explore with armfuls of clothes, new ribbons, and a gun case for Switzerland (Lillie), cast iron frying pans (Elizaveta, watch out Prussia!), farm tools (Katyusha), Jewelry and unmentionables (Katya), dresses (Anastasia), an assortment of switchblades (Natalya), and one of those singing fish on a plague (Michelle). It's definitely an interesting group.
Kiku (Japan) and Kuro (2p! Japan) find a nerd booth selling comics, manga, and Japanese weapons like katanas. Kuro test swings a blade and tries to slice the table so hard it breaks the blade, "Hmmm, not sharp enough for me, got anything else?" He throws it on the pile of broken blades he's already tested. Kiku stockpiles on limited-edition manga and he and the vendor end up getting into a huge, heated by Kiku standards, debate on who's waifu is best. Further down, Alfred reads every Marvel/DC comic while keeping an ear out on every state's location. He checks on Texas via his glasses and notices he's beating Australia in the chili contest. "That's my boy!"
Wisconsin wearing a cheese head sells anything cheese-based. He's got cheddar, goat cheese, string cheese, cheese spray, gorgonzola, grilled cheese, cheese curds, Mac n' Cheese, cheese sculptures of all world monuments, you name it he's got it! He also starts a war with Iowa's corn dishes and Idaho's potato dishes. They eventually end up flinging cheese, potatoes, and corn after they start dissing each other's foods. "Take this cheese brain!" "Nice aim, I-da-ho!" "I told you not to call me that!" "I'm gonna go children of the corn on y'all's behinds!" Poor Nebraska is stuck in the middle.
Alfred (America) hears the commotion and using his parent radar, immediately knows who it is and reminds himself to ground Iowa, Wisconsin, and Idaho later along with Nevada who, though still grounded for sure, makes him feel a little proud of since he managed to out haggle Netherlands.
New Mexico and Arizona also sell Native American handicrafts along with things like dreamcatchers and giant inflatable aliens. While Delaware, being the boring stick in the mud that he is, walks by with a framed and complete U.S. quarter collection from a vendor.
Kansas sells out of every sunflower she had courtesy of Ivan (Russia). Ivan and her the team up to buy out every sunflower seed from here to kingdom come. Viktor (2p! Russia) buys all the vodka he can find and a new shovel while Xiao (2p! China) tries giving people tattoos for 10 bucks a pop.
He tries to convince Yao (China) to get a hello kitty one to match the giant plushie he's holding, with the encouragement of Leon (Hong Kong) and Yong Soo (South Korea) who all collectively agree he needs to quit being such a grandpa. They also like calling him an antique-like the items on sale. " Aiyah! I'm not that old, aru!" "Yeah, you are Sensei." "Don't deny it! Da Ze!" Respect your elders!" "Tattoos originated in Korea da ze!" He totally is that old.
Oliver (2p! England) holds a bake sale and has people lined up for blocks to get some. Arthur (England), after having his scones shut down after it poisoned some unlucky squirrels, fries selling authentic magical items like unicorn hair or pixie dust. Everyone thinks he's a little crazy but he did sell a good bit of old magic books he needed to get out of his house, after making sure no one could actually use them of course.
The Nordics also went perusing for antique and handmade furniture when Mathias (Denmark) spots two full sets of Viking costumes and tries to get Lukas (Norway) to try them on with him. Lukas wasn't amused.
Berwald (Sweden) and Tino (Finland) also find a great handmade table to get after inspecting the workmanship and a full Lego set for Peter (Sealand), now if only Mathias would stop squealing like a little kid at the full piece lego death star. Emil (Iceland) keeps thinking he's the mature one until he spots a mini top hat and cane for Mr. Puffin.
In the end, everyone ends up wearing umbrella hats courtesy of Hawaii and Alaska, loving all the strange things they bought or counting the profits they made. Alfred (America) is proud of his kids and visits everyone one of their stands. He ends up looking pretty funny with an umbrella hat (HW, AK), a washboard, (AL),a picture of Florida Man, (FL), a balloon alien (NM, AZ), a tye dye shirt (CA, WA, OR), hockey stick shaped glasses (MN, MI), a giant stack of comics with a replica Thor hammer and Captain America shield on his back, all in a shopping cart (NV), and a giant turkey leg in his hand (Tx). Unsurprisingly, it was a tie between Oliver, Texas, and Australia for who earned the most with their food. Georgia just smiled as this was another great year for her state and people!
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kbstories · 4 years
What are some of your favorite one piece moments and why?
WHOO BOY thanks for asking and buckle up ‘cause this is gonna be a long one
(A note before I start: I read OP up to volume 63 in German and the rest in English, so I apologize if I get some pre-ts names wrong! Also these are in somewhat of a chronological order and based solely on the manga.)
Luffy giving the dog (Shushu?) the last box of food: This is the moment that made me love Luffy, it’s such a simple but effective way of showing his core philosophy that people’s treasures and dreams have inherent value and that everyone deserves to have someone by their side who will fight for them when they can’t do it themselves.
Bellmere: Just. Everything about her and that flashback. “They are my kids”, just... It made me emo back then, still makes me emo today. Love it, love her, love her design and what she’s all about. Yes.
Luffy going “I’m nothing without my crew!” in Arlong Park: Bear with me here ‘cause I was like 12 when I read this arc the first time, and back then I didn’t get why Nami wouldn’t just ask for help (so the “Help me!” moment only became a tear-jerker during my many, many re-reads). Something that did make immediate sense to me was Luffy straight-up admitting his skillset is limited to punching things very good, and I was like hell yeah go Luffy because I was 12. (I also love that this sentiment was echoed by Luffy going “I can’t be Pirate King without you” in Whole Cake Island two years later, so that’s another favorite right there.)
Skipping ahead otherwise we’ll be here all day but Luffy carrying Sanji and Nami in Drumm. Seeing him climb up that mountain with his bare hands and feet fucked me up even as a kid, the way Oda paced it really made you feel what an absolutely harrowing experience that must’ve been and I still think about it a lot.
Zoro fighting Mr. 1 in Alabasta: That fight was just mindblowingly cool and I love Zoro. That panel of him kneeling in his own blood after winning the fight hrgghhgh and oh hey THE STRAWHATS SHOWING THE X ON THEIR ARMS FOR VIVI 🥺🥺🥺  how are those not permanent tattoos Oda FIGHT ME
The entirety of Noland & Kargara, how they died without seeing each other and fully mending the argument they had and how Luffy ringing the bell hundreds of years later redeemed it all. Oda went incredibly hard on Skypia’s backstory and I’m not entirely sure what possessed him to tell a story that tragic but I, for one, am grateful. (Fun fact I was extremely late to this whole shipping thing and thus One Piece is very much about the platonic nakamaship of it all for me but even as a clueless baby fan I shipped THE FUCK out of Noland & Kargara oh my)
“I want to live!” + Sogeking shooting the WG flag + Usopp’s speech to Luffy + Luffy almost fighting to the death to keep his crew safe + MERRY’S GOODBYE: I bawl my eyes out every time I read Water 7, it’s my favorite arc to this very day because it’s just so complex and nuanced and the crew’s limits being tested in every way is just a very rewarding (if incredibly emotional) thing to witness. It put both Robin and Usopp on the map as two of my absolute favs and I’m so grateful for that.
The Strawhats teaming up against Oz (?) was something I didn’t know I needed until I saw it and I’ve been gunning for another Strawhat group fight ever since. The team work, the absolute trust, just everything about it was a delight and made all the stuff that followed (Zoro & Sanji laying down their lives for their captain, the entirety of Sabaody) so much more painful. Also Bink’s Sake because Brook deserves to have friends to sing it with him every single day of his life!!!
Luffy refusing to ask if the One Piece is real or not on Sabaody: I just adore that moment. Rayleigh was so soft and indulgent with these baby pirates carrying along the legacy of Roger’s old hat... My heart...
Mr. 2/Bon Curry (?) in Impel Down. ‘Nuff said.
Ace saying “Thank you” after you-know-what but let’s not linger on that because I was reading One Piece weekly back then and it traumatized me to the point I didn’t keep up with it for 10 years haha!
The post-timeskip era is a bit of a blur to me because I binged it all just a few months ago and my memory is McFreaking Terrible but I’ll start with Law being warned on two separate occasions that he might not like an alliance with Luffy, making the alliance anyways and proceeding to burn in “Strawhat-ya is a fucking moron” purgatory ever since. I don’t care if it’s overdone, every year Law loses to Luffy’s idiocy is one added to my lifespan. Godspeed, king of emo pirates. You dug your grave now lie in it.
Sabo coming back: I know there’s discourse about that doing bad things to the plot and the stakes of character deaths in One Piece, bla bla bla, I truly do not care. Luffy getting one (1) big brother back and Sabo stepping up to Ace’s legacy was so monumental when it happened that it briefly brought me back from my One Piece hiatus and I immediately bought volume 75 when it came out in German. (Now if Oda will only let him live and let Luffy actually hang out with his brother I would very much appreciate that, huff huff.)
Corazon holding onto life until Law was safe + Corazon’s smile: Corazon in general, actually. Law harboring that little bit of kindness he was shown as a kid and plastering it all over his ship and his crew and his own fucking skin. Mmmm love me a big sip from that good ol’ heartbreak.
Still in Dressrosa, Zoro going “I wonder what he’s dreaming about” when Luffy smiles in his sleep. It’s this little line and kinda insignificant because they’re talking to Sabo in that moment (and that’s clearly like woah), but it’s so fucking soft and it made my heart grow three sizes so there.
Jack getting one-shotted by Zunesha: Get rekt you insufferable asshole oh my god
Whole Cake Island is practically 78 chapters of favorite moments but Nami saying goodbye to Sanji + Luffy almost ripping his arms out to warn Sanji about Pudding + Sanji making a Strawhat lunchbox by accident + “That’s just how you are” + Luffy muffling his pain in front of the mirror so his crew doesn’t worry (Oda turn on your location I just want to talk) + Sanji carrying Luffy back to the ship + “I’m your captain now! Don’t die even if it kills you!” so yeah, the entire thing. Also Katakuri??? What a loser I love him
[Spoilers for Wano]
And if I went into all the things I like about Wano we’d truly be here all day. Gun to my head I’d probably pick Zoro & Luffy reuniting, Kidd & Killer in Udon (of course) and “At sea you fight pirates!” as my favorite moments so far. Also Jinbei joining the crew after a million years holy shit FINALLY and Luffy getting angry over spilled bean soup and KIDD BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF APOO FUCK YES and don’t get me started on the new characters especially Kiku and Yamato and---
[End of Wano spoilers]
Anyhow. My answer to “What’s your favorite One Piece moment?” is basically “YES” to all of it, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Luffy: Hey, since you guys got here before us, have you seen some of our other friends? A guy named Kin'emon, a kid named Momonosuke...
Maple: (frowns) Wait...you mean...them?
(She points at the gravestones, adorned with gifts and flowers. Luffy runs to the graves and is shocked to see Kin'emon and Momonosuke names on two of the stones. As he grieves, the group hears another man coming down from the path leading to the castle)
Kin'emon: Who's causing all this ruckus?
Luffy: KIN'EMON!
Kiku: There you are! (The two of them run up to reunite with Kin'emon)
Vanilla: Wait, so...Maple's spell worked? Look, he's right there!
Maple: You can't touch a spirit, though. That's just a regular person. (She looks at the graves intently.) Now I'm sure nobody was ever buried here. That's it, I'm asking this guy what's going on. (As she walks over to Kin'emon, Fritter leaves her and walks over to where Vanilla, Dochi, and Ube are eagerly chatting with Law and Zoro. He summons the courage to pat Zoro's arm to get his attention, and looks up at him with caution.)
Fritter: You promise you're not a murderer?
Zoro: I didn't kill those people. I promise.
Fritter: ... (he relaxes slightly and looks up at the scar on Zoro's eye) Um, do you want 'Nilla or Maple to look at your eye? They might be able to make it better.
Zoro: Nah, it's fine. (He tries to find a way out of the following awkward silence) Um. I like your hat.
Fritter: Thanks! I like your earring. It's dangly.
Zoro: ...Yep.
(Vanilla is talking to Law, admiring his "cute fluffy hat", his tattoos, and his clothing.)
Vanilla: Ooh, is that your Jolly Roger on your robe? It's so cute! What's your crew called?
Law: The Heart Pirates. Luffy and I have made an alliance, so if you're going to be traveling with us you'll probably meet them at some point.
Vanilla: So how long have you been friends with Luffy? Papa's only known him for a little bit, but they fought each other at first. Did you fight Luffy before too?
Law: We aren't friends; we're just allies.
Vanilla: Oh, so you aren't friends yet? That's OK, some people like to know people for a while before they say they’re friends.
Law: That's not--
Vanilla: Can we be friends too, Mr. Law? Um, unless you want to know me for a while. Then we can wait before we're really friends, that's OK too.
Law: I...okay. Sure.
Vanilla: Yay!
(Dochi and Ube are eyeing Kiku's sword and scabbard, fascinated by how gracefully Kiku holds herself while carrying it.)
Ube: So you're a real-life samurai? That's so cool! A lot of my aunties and uncles are really good fighters, but none of them are SAMURAI. Can you cut a tree in half with one slice of your sword?
Kiku: I've never felt the need to, but I probably could, yes. Hmm... (she examines Dochi's katana.) This sword was made here in Wano. Where did you get it?
Dochi: When we came across the first town here, the blacksmith and the other shopkeepers gave us stuff to thank Maple for giving them some magic items. I've used one-handed and two-handed swords before, and this one had the best "feel" to it. I was gonna see if Maple could help me enchant it, but she said I need to spend more time using it so I know what spell would be the right fit.
Kiku: So, you all know how to use magic?
Dochi: Maple's the best at it, but yeah, we all know a little. See? Vanilla made some flowers for the graves over there with Maple's pipe. (She points at the flowers blooming near the gravestones. Kiku glances at Vanilla, who's still talking animatedly with Law.) We wanted to to be respectful and stuff, since we were gonna stay at the castle when we weren't really guests. But Maple wasn't able to sense anyone at the graves. And if MAPLE can't tell there's a spirit there, then something's definitely weird.
Ube: Yeah. If one of us couldn't tell, it'd be different. I'm really good at making fire, but talking to ghosts and demons and stuff is more of Mama and Maple's thing.
Dochi: And even though you're good at making fire, you aren't that good at controlling it yet. (She smirks and faces Kiku, showing off her fangs as she smiles.) Heh, he's burned off his eyebrows so many times that it's weirder for us to see him with eyebrows than him without any!
(Ube playfully elbows her, and they laugh as they play-fight a bit. Kiku smiles, almost nostalgically, but Fritter notices her smile vanish and turn a bit melancholy after a moment. The group then follows Kin'emon to the castle, and Luffy quickly explains who the children are to Kin'emon. While they're talking, Maple tells her siblings that she was right--the gravestones didn't have any spirits, but Kin'emon was hesitant about explaining what had happened to some random children he had just met.)
Dochi: So, he's not gonna tell us anything? Why not?
Ube: Yeah, we're supposed to just go along without knowing what's going on just because we're young?
Maple: He may be trying to look out for us, not wanting to scare us or anything. That, or he doesn't trust us and wants to make sure we don't learn anything that could put their plan in jeopardy. But Uncle Monty taught me to always gather as much information as possible before making a decision; it's why intel and communications are so important to big pirate crews like Grandma's. How are we supposed to help these guys if we don't even know what's going on?
Ube: So what, are we just gonna eavesdrop on them or something?
Maple: (raises an eyebrow) Uncle Monty also taught me not to talk about eavesdropping when the people you want to listen to are literally two feet in front of you. (She turns her head slightly to look accusingly at Kin'emon.) I guess not everyone knows that...
(Kin'emon's cheeks turn a bit pink as he realizes he's been caught.)
Kin'emon: Hmph. Impudent child...I've never met a youngster as rude and impudent as you! Show your elders some respect!
Maple: Not to be too rude--since you're our host and everything, and our "elder"-- but I was taught that respect is earned and not given. Especially to grumpy old men who can't listen in on some "impudent youngsters" for more than a few seconds without getting caught.
(Kin'emon glares at her, but Kiku gives him a stern look in order to keep him from escalating into an argument with literal children. He quickly looks away to pretend that he hasn't been eavesdropping on their conversation; Ube and Dochi notice and snicker.)
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redrocx · 4 years
For the one piece ask: all of them? 😅 (I honestly can't decide which to ask for soooo...) Alternatively, only the ones you want to answer the most 👍🏻
Challenge accepted 🌚🌚
No but honestly, this was so much fun and I was bored at work
⛵️ - Fave pirate ship? (like boat ship)
It's a tie between the Thousand Sunny and Going Merry. Thriller Bark is epic though lol
🔫 - Fave canon arc?
Enies Lobby & Marineford, also Wano is creeping up there too
🚽 - Least favorite canon arc?
Davy Back Fight
💩 - Least favorite character? (in general)
🙅 - Least favorite Straw Hat?
.... currently Zoro but only bc of the Zorosexuals lol I love him as a character but people are being so obnoxious that it kinda translates into how I feel about him too
😀 - Most favorite Straw Hat?
Luffy, Chopper and Robin~
😍 - OTP?
Lawlu, Frobin, Saboala
💀 - NOTP?
Hancock x Luffy
Kidd x Law
🙇 - A headcanon about <Luffy>
I like to think that he's asexual~
☠ - Fave pirate symbol?
You mean as in favorite flag? Obviously the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates flags (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Also the ✖️
🏰 - Fave marine?
Garp, Aokiji (if he counts lol), Coby
❌ - Least fave marine?
Akainu 😂 though I like the way he's written
👾 - Fave villain?
🎾 - Fave battle?
Luffy vs. Lucci, Luffy vs. Katakuri
😭 - Saddest scene?
Merry's death & Law's backstory
😆 - Funniest scene?
Too many lol but probably Luffy getting swallowed by Nora/Nola rofl
😜 - Funniest character?
😳 - Any crushes?
Law, Shanks, Robin, Nami, Reiju, Kiku, Black Maria and I'm probably forgetting someone
👌 - Fave character design?
Hmmm.... I love Crocodile's design, simple mafia boss. Franky pre time skip was really neat too, so is Katakuri
🃏 - Who has the Best Hat? (the true question)
Law post time skip (sorry Luffy lol)
🖍 - Fave filler arc?
Lol obviously the navy base one XD
🗡 - Least fave filler arc?
The bounty hunters on ice
🆚 - Sub or dub?
Both, German dub is just so nostalgic. But mostly sub
☯️ - Anime or manga?
⏰ - How long have you been into One Piece?
Since elementary school so about 18 years lol
🍎 - Fave Devil Fruit power?
Hana hana no mi & ope ope no mi
🍏 - Would you eat a Devil Fruit if you had the chance to?
If it's a cool one, definitely. Though I am gonna miss swimming lol
🐼 - Fave side character?
Sabo, Reiju, Kiku, Carrot
☔️ - Scene that made you cry the most? (not necessarily the saddest scene)
Merry's death, Law's backstory, Luffy dealing with Aces's loss
🌧 - Saddest backstory?
Law & Robin
😎 - Funniest joke?
Zoro will kill Kaido the one where Luffy tries to lecture Zoro on where South is on Skypiea
😱 - Most attractive character?
Shanks, Law, Robin, Reiju
😐 - Most annoying character?
Blackbeard, Spandam, Orochi
😕 - Scariest character?
Shanks honestly lol he's so badass and ominous it's scary af XD (but in a hot way lol)
👍 - Most powerful Devil Fruit power?
Good question. Probably Blackbeard's. Though others are not to be taken lightly too, like Law's, Big Mom's or even Kaido's.
🗣 - Got any theories for how it’s all gonna end?
Hopefully with a happy ending lol I'm terrified of the prospect of Luffy following in Roger's footsteps.
👏 - Fave techniques of <Luffy>
Haoushoku, Red Hawk, Gear 2
🙏 - Favorite episode?
Don't have just one
😏 - Favorite scene?
Again, don't have just one. But for example Luffy & Co ganging up to beat someone's ass; Sogeking shooting through the WG flag; Luffy decimating the Pacifista after his training; Jimbei donating blood to Luffy; Luffy stopping Doflamingo from crushing Law's skull, Sanji's "I'm the hunter" scene,...
👂 - Favorite quote?
"Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!"
"Compared to the "righteous" greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable. When scum rules the world, only more scum is born. At least we're honest about being bad people."
🙌 - Are you up to date?
Yess! Well kinda lol I don't check spoilers and I don't read the leaks, so I'm "behind" on new chapters until they come out on Sundays lol
❓ - What unanswered questions do you have related to One Piece?
So many XD
- who is Shanks?
- What happened to Sabo and Vivi?
- What's with the hat (both Luffy's and the giant one)
- Who's that ominous dude (forgot the name) sitting on the throne?
- What happened during the void century?
- What does the D stand for?
Just to name the ones at the top of my head
▶️ - Fave opening?
- kokoro no chizu
- Over the top
- Hard knock days
- We are
- Share the world
- Hikari he
🔙 Least fave opening?
We Can or whatever it's called lol
👀 - Fave eyecatcher?
The old ones, especially Robin's with that alluring melody
🏝 - Fave country/island visited?
Skypiea, Water 7, Fishman Island
🎆 - Something you can’t wait for??!!
To get to know what's the deal with Shanks. Also to see the Straw Hats fulfill their dreams ofc... but first of all ofc the war in Wano *gets goosebumps*
🔝 - “One Piece is better than <insert something else you also like>”
I don't do these types of things bc I don't like the sentiment of statements like that. One should never try and lift one's fave /something/ up by tearing another thing down.
🔍 - What do you think the One Piece is?
The truth of the void century
🔪 - A character who fills you with frustration?
Usopp, especially during Water 7
💓 - Which character do you relate to the most?
Law and Robin probably lol Law for his level of annoyance and being done with everything and Robin for her dark humor, as well as her love for reading books~
™️ - How has One Piece changed you?
I'm not even sure how to put it into words. It's just always been there for me ever since I was little. It made me find so many friends and meet so many awesome people. It's my home, my safe haven, the place I can always return to. It got me out of one of my darkest places last year (when I finally found back to it after having strayed from it for a few years). It's my anchor, and a way to connect with other people. Most of all, it's the most amazing story I have ever experienced, and has given me so many role models and things & words to live by.
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brahms--heelshire · 5 years
All Mine to Behold (USUK)
(A/N): 2200 words, not counting the A/N and title. Yeehaw. The only possible warning is that I mention the undead a whole lot and Arthur has a hatred for gods.
Very slightly inspired by this @writing-prompt-s post:
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All Mine to Behold
The first time I saw any of the undead, I hit the poor guy with a baseball bat. That’s how I found out they couldn’t die again. The man lied on the street, still talking. I wasn’t willing to hear him out.
I locked myself in my house, already having prepared food and everything I’d need for a zombie apocalypse. I didn’t think it’d happen right when I’d turned sixteen, but luckily for me, I was alone in the house. I didn’t need anyone else to drag me down.
So, naturally, I decided to do what I did best. Lie in my bed and hope that Arthur Kirkland was safe and still living on to be cute for another day. Arthur Kirkland. He was the cutest boy in any of my classes. Fuck it, he was easily the cutest boy I’d ever seen. He was pale, with short blonde hair and mesmerizing green eyes. He was fairly short, especially in comparison to me, which meant that he would easily fit into my arms for cuddling and shit. Arthur was a fairly serious and also a kinda angry dude, but when he smiled- or, oh god, when he laughed- it was like a little bit of heaven.
I wondered if it would be like some cool zombie apocalypse movie. Arthur would show up on my doorstep, begging for some shelter. I would let him in and his pants would be all ripped and weathered, and he’d lean on me for support. And we’d end up making our way upstairs to-
“Goddammit, Alfred! Unlock the deadbolt!” Matthew practically screamed from outside. “I’m home from school.”
Matthew was my annoying older stepbrother. He thought that just because he was older, he could do whatever he wanted. Which usually meant stopping me from doing what I wanted.
I ran downstairs, waiting just inside the door. It made it easier to yell at Mattie that way.
“Do you not see the zombie apocalypse outside, Mattie? Just go away and die already.” I flipped him off through the window.
“Oh my god, Alfred. They’re just people who’ve come back to life. It’s not like they’re trying to kill anyone. It’s not an apocalypse.” Matthew knocked again.
I sighed and let him in.
“If they’re not trying to kill anyone, then what are they doing?” I asked him, glancing at the undead people behind him.
“They’re just interviewing people. They said I was too old. It’s mostly people around your age.” Matthew dropped his bag by the door.
“What do they want? Free child labor? Because that’s illegal now.” I noticed one of the ‘zombies’ getting closer.
“I wasn’t close enough to hear what they wanted, Alfred,” Matthew explained.
“Alfred Jones!” The ‘zombie’ shouted at me, holding the door open so that he could come in.
I shrieked. “How do you know my name?”
“The Necromantic has taken an interest in you,” the thing said, grabbing one of my shoulders.
“Please just leave me alone,” I blurted out, not looking into the zombie’s eyes.
Matthew looked about ready to square up with the thing, himself.
“No need to be scared,” it tried to reassure me, “I’m Gilbert. I’m one of the Necromantic’s assistants. How old are you, Mister Jones? Sixteen, correct?”
“Yup,” I said, hoping that he would leave.
“And you’re single, right?” Gilbert jotted a few things
“No offense, but you look a little too old for me, and my best friend, Kiku, has a dad who’s a cop, so yeah.” I considered running up to my room and locking the door, so that the creep couldn’t get in.
“I don’t want you, but as I said, the Necromantic has taken a strong interest in you.” Gilbert rolled his eyes, taking a seat in one of my chairs.
“What kind of interest? And who is this ‘Necromantic’?”
“Are you a moron, kid? His name literally his ‘romantic’ in it. He wants you to rule with him and become King of the Underworld… or whatever.”
“I must not have heard you right.” I let out an awkward laugh.“King of the Underworld?”
“Yup,” Gilbert said, not an ounce of amusement on his face.
To tell the truth, that sounded badass. I wouldn’t have to be scared of ghosts or the zombie apocalypse, because the dead would listen to me. And I could kill everyone who liked to make fun of Kiku and Arthur.
Oh, Arthur. I didn’t want to marry some stranger. I wanted to marry Arthur and grow old with him and live in a little house with rose bushes- he liked gardening, and roses were his favorite- and a dog. I wanted to wake up to his face next to mine. I wanted to smooch all of his freckles and make him breakfast.
“I, uh, have to decline for now. I kinda already like someone else.” I directed Gilbert to the- still open- door.
“At least take his love letter. And please do consider. The Necromantic will be pissed if I come back with someone who’s not you or a carbon copy of you.”
I took the letter. “Fine. I’ll consider. Now go.”
“Well that certainly was strange,” Matthew said, scratching his head.
“Should I read the letter?” I looked at Matt, starting to open the envelope.
“It could be dangerous!”
I fully opened it, starting to read. And it was a sappy love letter, covered in fancy stickers and hearts drawn with a red pen. Most of the stickers were also hearts. It smelled like some sort of cologne that was strong enough to make me cough, but smelled strangely familiar.
“Matt, I think it’s just some dude who’s into me.” I rolled my eyes.
“Like you’re into that boy from school? Ah, what’s his name? Arthur?” Matthew teased, then stuck out his tongue.
I felt my face go red. “Shut up! That’s not important right now!”
“So you do like him,” Mattie teased, wiggling a finger at me.
“Shut up! We need to find out why this person, uh, wants me to marry them?”
“Well, did you have any suitors?” Matt took the letter, looking closely at it.
“Oh, like people who were into me? Yeah, a few girls in class liked me, but that Gilbert dude called the Necromantic a ‘him’.” I thought on it for a moment. “I had a few dude best friends, but I don’t think they were into me.”
A pang of emotion spread through my heart and I couldn’t stop a dopey smile from crossing my face.
“Maybe it’s Arthur,” I mumbled, snatching the letter back from Mattie to hold it close to my chest.
“Do you have any evidence or anything? Or are you just saying that because you want your schoolboy crush to like you back?” Matthew rubbed his temples.
“Well, he was friendly to me. And when I had my villain costume for Halloween, he adjusted my collar and said I looked cute!”
“Well that doesn’t mean he wants to marry you!”
“I’m just saying that it could be him,” I insisted.
“And I’m just saying that it’s probably not.”
I held the letter up to my nose. “Now, Mattie, I don’t normally smell people, but-”
“I’m not sure I want to know how that sentence ends,” Mattie mumbled.
“I’m just saying that it smells like Arthur’s cologne.” I took a deep breath, connecting dots in my head.
Arthur’s favorite writing pen was black, but he always said that things that aren’t writing on cards should be in red. Arthur had a ton of stickers that he kept in a fancy folder. He liked to stick them on everything from his laptop
“You know what? I’m not even gonna ask why you’ve smelled Arthur. That’s your personal business, and at this point, I’m scared to ask.”
It was a few days before we saw Gilbert again. That time, it was on the way home from school.
“Kiku, you really don’t have to walk me home. I’m not gonna die or anything.” I rolled my eyes, kicking at a rock in my path.
“Well, Matthew told me about your encounter with that zombie man and I just want to make sure that you’re safe.”
“Master Alfred Jones!” Gilbert shouted, sprinting out at me from a bush.
“Why are you calling me master?” I asked, taking a step away from him.
“Because you’re gonna marry my ‘master’,” he made air quotes around the word, “and become- uh- also my master, I guess. I’m pretty much the Necromantic’s overpaid butler.”
Arthur- of course, like cute boys do- strolled over at the moment that was least convenient.
“So, did you get my letter?” Arthur mumbled the question, not making eye contact. “Gilbert’s smart, but he can be terrible at talking about things like that.”
Kiku let out an awkward half-cough. “I will be waiting for you two by the crosswalk. And Alfred, if anything bad happens, just shout for me.”
“Okay! See ya, Kiku.” I took a deep breath after I said it, waving Kiku away.
“So, are you confused about any of it?” Arthur asked, rubbing my shoulder. “It’s quite a bit confusing.”
“Gilbert didn’t tell me it was you! He just kept talking about the ‘Necromantic’!” I felt my cheeks flush.
“Oh my god! Gilbert, I told you that he knows me as Arthur. That’s literally my name, dimwit.” Arthur’s face looked as red as mine felt.
“But yeah. I’ll totally marry you, Arthur!” I interrupted his tangent to tell him what I wanted.
“Thank you so much, Alfred,” Arthur replied, gently giving my cheek a kiss. “I might have magic, but I don’t have strength and I want a king and... I just really like you, okay?” By the end, his face was even redder than before and a few of his nervous habits were really showing.
“So, what should we do now? And you have magic?!”
“Well, I have a few things at my house for us. I even made us outfits!” Arthur lifted a hand to his mouth, likely trying to hide the grin that crossed his face.
I ended up smiling, myself, remembering how much Arthur loved to make clothes. “I bet they look really great, baby.”
“Thanks. And about the magic? I’ll just show you something now. Gilbert, do you mind if I banish you to the Underworld for a moment?”
“As long as you don’t forget me there like last time,” Gilbert muttered.
“πήγαινε να πεθάνεις απόβρασμα!” Arthur commanded, gesturing his arms towards Gilbert.
“Did you kill him?”
“No, I temporarily sent him to the Underworld.”
“What does that mean?”
“I killed him temporarily.”
I was worried for Gilbert for a moment, but then Arthur snapped his fingers and the man reappeared by his side.
“Woah! What kinda magic is that?” I asked, looking on.
“Oh. That’s just the fact that his soul is linked to my family. But once we become the rulers of the Underworld, it won’t matter. He’ll be our butler or something, because we’ll be immortal.” Arthur shrugged it off like it was normal to have a soul link.
“Okay. That’s cool! Let’s go back to your place now. I wanna see the clothes you made.”
Arthur tried- and failed- to suppress a grin as he took my hand and led me there.
His house was huge. Like, mansion huge. It had a gate around the property, but Arthur quickly tapped in a code that let us in.
“How do you feel about all of this, Alfred? I want to take back my birthright. My relatives ruled in the Underworld and I will, as well. With you as my King.”
He showed me the outfits, pointing out the features. They were styled to look old. But one of his sleeves was long, which I knew was a style that he enjoyed.
“So what do you mean, King of the Underworld? Like being a God?”
Arthur’s face quickly went dark and I wondered if I’d said something wrong.
“There are no gods,” Arthur practically spat, “There are only people who think that they are above all else. Let’s take back what belonged to the ‘Gods’. With my powers and your strength, this world could be ours. But see, we’re good people. We’re not going to take over the human world. We’re just going to rule the Underworld together.”
Something clicked. “Oh! That’s what the outfits are for. We’re like Persephone and Hades or something! Except that we can stay together year-round.”
“Yes, I did take a little bit of inspiration from them. And sorry for how I snapped a little bit there. But the ‘Gods’ are all just a load of shit, if you ask me. That’s why we’re going to be in power. Alfred, we’ll be unstoppable. Do you truly want to join me in this? You’ll have my hand in marriage and all of the power of the Underworld that you never believed could be yours. Just take my hand, my King.”
I took his hand, giving the back a gentle kiss. “Forever yours, babe.”
And that’s how I was joined in union to possibly the most dangerous man in all of the worlds.
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yoshi4sushi · 5 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Super, Happy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone had a good weekend. The weather is getting chilly lately so keep yourselves warm. With that said, let’s on with this week’s news. We have loads to cover. First, last week’s chapter was ferocious! We last see poor Luffy lying in utter, bloody defeat from Kaido’s attack. Law was about to rescue him, but Hawking shot with him a sea stone nail bullet and rendered him helpless to use his devil fruit power. Kaido then noticed Luffy glaring at him even though he was unconscious. He then ordered his goons to lock him in jail. Just as they were about to, Luffy released his haki and knocked out the goons. Kaido was surprised to know he also has it. He then left to continue to his beer time. Back in the forest, Law was able to escape barely with his injury, and worries for his crew. However, he doesn’t want to leave Luffy. Back in Leftover Town, Kinemon went to check on his wife, O-Tsuru. She was tending to the poor villagers that were injured from Shuntenmaro’s attack. Back in the ruins, everyone was safe from Kaido’s attack. They all fell down from a deep hole thanks to Shino’s mature-mature fruit that has the ability to make anything rot. O-Kiku was then ready to let the gang know about the situation. Back at shore, it looks like Duke and his followers found Tama. Yay! She’s gonna be saved. So back in town, everyone was receiving news about Luffy’s revolt against Kaido. Franky, Ussop, and Robin read the newspaper and made hilarious “WHA?!” panic face. Zoro also got the wind of his situation while he was eating his onigiri on a boat. The next day at Rabbit Bowl, Kaido’s goons are all abusing the poor villagers working them to death and feeding them poisoned food from their devil fruit factory. At the end, the goons brought Luffy with his head bandaged all over. As he was being escorted to jail, someone shot a fish bone into one of goons. We finally see a familiar face we haven’t seen in a while, Eustass Kid. He looked all beat up. So the goons threw Luffy in jail as both swear that they will get their payback against Kaido. Suddenly, a masked lady shows up before them. Who is this stranger? How will the plan proceed? Act I ends. Let’s see how act II goes. Next, this past weekend’s episode was joyful, but still not out of the woods. We start off with Sanji pushing the cake onto Bege’s ship, and Chiffon finally reunites with her beloved family. However, Oven wasn’t gonna let them have their celebration as he heats up the ocean to melt the ship. Just as they were about to perish from the heat, Mr. Pound came to the rescues and hit Oven from behind. He then see Chiffon from a distance as he feels guilt for not being there for her and Lola during the times Big Mom abused back then. Even felt regret for not being able to hold them when Big Mom turned him away as she birth them. As his final moment, he congratulates Chiffon on his new family, and Oven killed them. At the end, Luffy returns to Mirror world for round 2 with his fight against Katakuri. Next time, the time has come, Carrot finally transforms into her sulong mode. Will she be sane? Guess we’ll see. Don’t miss it this week! Now on with the goods. Look who came to visit! Yup! Our fellow tower mascot, Tongari-san. Take it away, my friend! What you got for us? Tongari-san says that more awesome shopping goods are available at the tower. First off, let’s give a bday shout out to the one and only marimo swordsman, Zoro! Happy bday, you clunkhead. The tower has some neat birthday goodies of Zoro. First, they’re now selling this key holder of him. Next week, they’ll sell Bepo’s key holder as well. Next, the Tongari store have restocked of selling these plush ticket holder of Carue, Merry, Sunny, Chopper, and Bepo. Next, store downstairs are selling these bday goods of Zoro such as this key holder, a denim pouch and tote bag, and this B&W t-shirts. Next, all arcades will be stocking this neat Glitter & Glamour Venus figurine of Vivi in her bikini. Get your coins ready. Beat that crane! Next, more bday goods of Zoro are available at all Straw Hat stores, Jump Store, and the tower. They’re selling this Heroes collection buttons of Zoro in 10 designs from the beginning to Dressrosa. They’re also selling this bromide card set, a mini tote bag, an art board, a black tote bag, a long sleeve shirt, hand towel, and a folder. Next, this week, the store will be selling this edible snack that has the wanted poster of the Straw Hats, Ace, Law, and Hancock. Good for gifts to your friends or family. Next, new mochi mochi hamster plush. This time, it’s Ace and Marco. Adorable fellas. It will be released on Feb.9th at Straw Hat stores, and general release will be on Feb.23rd. You can order it online, but if you prefer to buy it in person, then you can head to Animate or Straw Hat stores. Next, stores are also selling this bromide card set of the Wano series. Next week, stores will be selling the second Memorial square badge. The 2nd theme is pride. It will be released on Nov.23rd. Next, new updated for the Kumamoto event. On Nov.30th, Kumamoto prefecture will finally release the first ever statue of Luffy to commemorate the rebuild from the earthquake. Also, next spring, Ginza will have a Tokyo Girls Collection collab goods. More events will be coming later so we’ll keep you updated on it. Moving on, the fashion brand store, #FR2, have an OP collab. They’re selling neat, but pricey goods of Sanji and Smoker that says “NO SMOKING.” They’re selling hoody sweaters, long sleeve shirts, jacket, t-shirts, a cap, long towel, tote bags, a strap, smart phone ring holder, and a sticker set. Not sure if this is some kind of awareness, but if you don’t like smoking, this is a good away to raise awareness. Ha ha ha ha! You can find the store in Harajuku that’s 5 min from Meiji Jingu-mae st. It will only be available until Nov.23rd. No online order. Next, OP game app, Thousand Storm, will have a short event where you can now use Crocodile and Mr.1 from Impel Down version as playable characters. Just win enough points and pass levels, and you’ll receive them. Next, on Jan.25th, they’ll release character albums of the Straw Hats of their solo songs. It’s available at the Straw Hat stores or Avex online. More details will be released later on. Next, here’s the new DVD cover of vol.16 of WCI that has Nami in her party dress. It will be released on Dec.2nd. Last, but not least, here’s the cast celebrating the return of Pudding’s seiyuu, Miyuki-san. She’s finally ready to get back up on her feet to continue her role as Pudidng. She was gone for a bit due to her maternity leave, and of course, she had baby boy. Congrats! We hope he grows up health and happy. Look who’s also there. Katakuri’s seiyuu, Sugita-san. GUA! So rare to see him in person. Phew! I think we covered everything. Well, that’s all we got for now. Tune in next week for more news and goods. Special thanks to Tongari-san. Thanks for dropping by. Oh, one more thing. We’ll leave the schedule of the next episodes. Once again, congrats to Miyuki-san for her return and the birth of her son. Boys, job well done. Let’s get some shut eye.
 Nov.18th: “Sulong – Carrot’s Mysterious Transformation”
Nov.25th: “Breakthrough – The Straw Hat Crew’s Big Naval Battle!”
Dec.2nd: No episode.
Dec.9th: “Clashing at Last – The Emperor vs. The Straw Hat Crew”
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mo-chis · 6 years
26, 37 for the ask meme; ameripan please :}
for the “100 ways to say ‘I Love You’” prompt list!warnings: none!A/N: my first day of spring classes was supposed to start today but i’m snowed in so I hope you like sleepover fluff because that’s what’s being served today since i can’t enjoy my history of 20th century russia class 
26: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to; + 37: can i kiss you?;
Alfred’s voice is just above a murmur. “Did you bring it?”
Kiku’s eyes shift from the backpack in his hands to his sneakers, looking at anything but Alfred. He reaches into his bag, hand closing around a rectangular object. “It was not easy.”
He hands the box to Alfred, who practically swipes it from his hands. “Did anyone see you take it?”
“Even if they did, I don’t think they would have said anything.” The boy laughs at Alfred’s excitement over the horror movie in his hands. “It’s only a DVD.”
“I heard this movie was crazy scary. Have you seen it?”
“It scared me when I was younger, but I haven’t seen it in a while,” Kiku undoes the laces to his shoes before politely setting them near the door to Alfred’s room. Alfred’s own shoes had been kicked off and haphazardly tossed into his closet. “I thought the american remake was pretty good in comparison.”
Sleepovers were a common thing for the two. Even as they neared their third year in high school, they still managed to set aside specific nights to themselves - during which they would eat a ridiculous amount of junk food (supplied by Alfred), and either spend the entire night gaming or watching horror films (supplied by Kiku, per Alfred’s request).
It was one of their only opportunities to forget about the pressures from their families and high school. For just a moment, Kiku wasn’t just the smart, all honors, quiet kid, and Alfred wasn’t just the loud, outgoing pitcher of their school’s baseball team.
They were just two kids enjoying each other’s company.
This evening’s horror movie was none other than the infamous Ring. Alfred didn’t like the american version, and he knew he wouldn’t like the original for the same reasons, but he knew he had to watch it. To compare the two, he claimed, and to see how awful it would be.
“You can’t say you didn’t like the american version because you didn’t even watch it,” Kiku says, grabbing a blanket from the blonde’s bed to wrap around himself. “You had your eyes covered the entire time.”
“I was - watching through my fingers!” His answer comes from the kitchen, interrupted by the popping of popcorn in the microwave. “And you were scared, too, I felt you jump.”
“I was jumping because you flinched every time a character entered on screen. And because you screamed during all of the not scary parts.”
The american re-enters the room with snacks in hand. He tosses the bag of popcorn to Kiku, who catches it gratefully as Alfred takes a seat on the floor next to him, sitting with his legs crossed in front of the television set. “What is this, roast-Alfred night? Next sleepover, we’re making fun of you. You cry during every Ghibli movie.”
Kiku doesn’t reply, but purses his lips as he starts the movie. They would save that conversation for after the movie was done, and after Alfred blew Kiku’s eardrums out with his screaming.
Alfred knew it was a mistake asking his best friend to bring a terrifying Japanese horror film for their movie night.
Since Kiku would be there, though, he thought it would be alright. Things are always better when Kiku’s there, even in the face of vengeful Japanese spirits threatening to kill him terribly and as horrifically as he could imagine.
Needless to say, despite his best friend being with him, things were anything but alright. He was certain his eyes were shut the entire movie, and during the bits they were actually open, he was hiding them behind his hands. Alfred knew that the few times that Kiku glanced at him, he was holding back his laughter.
“Does anyone survive? Please tell me someone survives.” The blonde had whispered partway into the movie.
Kiku took a sip from his soda. “We’ll just have to wait and find out.”
(Spoiler: someone does survive, but the ending is still just as terrifying as Alfred predicted.)
Alfred only watched horror movies to impress Kiku. He knew Kiku was hardly ever impressed, and with the way Alfred was handling their horror movie nights, he wasn’t getting very far.
Still, he wanted to impress him. Since he couldn’t do it through grades or baseball games, he figured he could do it by being able to sit straight-faced through scary movies or video games. All of which he found that he couldn’t do, after years of sleepovers with the other boy.
Which didn’t leave many other options for Alfred as to how to impress Kiku.
“Do you think Sadako’s gonna come through my TV and kill us?” He asks after they both settled down for the night, warm under the covers and from each other. Alfred doesn’t like leaving Kiku to sleep on the floor by himself, so he sleeps right next to him in lieu of his own bed.
“Don’t be silly. She would probably only kill you.” Kiku replies.
“Not funny, dude. And she’d probably go for you first because you’re smaller, anyways!”
“I’m smaller, but I’m faster.”
“Okay, well, when she’s eating your face, you’ll wish I was there to protect you.” Alfred scoffs as he set his glasses onto his bedside table, and Kiku laughs. The sound makes him smile, but he isn’t sure why.
The asian looks up towards Alfred, dark hair spread around his pillow like a crown, a warmth in his eyes. “That is to say you wouldn’t protect me if my face was about to get eaten?”
Seeing him like that makes the blonde blush, for some reason, and he’s grateful for his nearsighted eyes. “I didn’t say that. But would you do the same for me?”
“Of course. I would find a way to save us both.” He sits up, holding a fist over his heart. “But if I had to sacrifice myself, I would not hesitate.”
They both burst into laughter, neither of them feeling the least bit sleepy anymore. They spend a few more minutes talking about ghosts and scary stories, Kiku detailing the ones he was told when he was growing up. Alfred listens with intent, watching the way Kiku’s eyes widen as he describes different parts of the story, how his voice changes when he speaks for a character. It reminds him of himself, in some ways, but he thinks Kiku tells stories much more gracefully. Or rather, in a much more pretty way.
Kiku was just pretty. Alfred has always thought that, in the back of his mind, but something about him tonight made something fuzzy envelop Alfred’s chest. A pretty kind of fuzzy.
(That doesn’t make sense, but it is nearly three am and he doesn’t have the mind to think of something that does make sense.)
There’s a few moments of silence between them, and Alfred almost thinks Kiku has fallen asleep. “Keeks?”
“Mm-hmm,” his back is turned to him, but he soon shifts to face the blonde. He breathes, almost like a sigh. “Are you still scared?”
“No, not really.” Alfred hesitates, his heartbeat loud against his ears. They consider each other for bit. “Can I kiss you?”
Kiku doesn’t say anything. The light-hearted atmosphere from earlier has completely left, and Alfred wonders if it is because of him.
“Why would you ask that?” Kiku’s voice takes on a different tone, one that Alfred doesn’t recognize. Despite this, he doesn’t move from his spot next to Alfred on the ground, simply keeps his gaze steady.
“I - I don’t know,” Their voices are soft, just above whispers. There’s almost a tremble in the blonde’s voice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Kiku doesn’t get angry or upset, like Alfred thought he would. He isn’t disgusted.
He’s confused.
“Yes, you did.”
Neither of them say anything for the rest of the night, or in the morning as Kiku packs his backpack to leave. Alfred is afraid he might have caused a rift in their friendship, or might have ruined their relationship altogether.
But just as Kiku’s stepping out of the door, he turns around and leans up, tiptoed, to meet Alfred’s lips. He just brushes them against his, a bit awkward and unsure if this is okay, and then steps away from him.
Alfred takes a moment to calm his heart and catch his breath. “W-What was -”
“You asked.” The shorter boy says, avoiding his eyes. There’s a bright pink blush across his cheeks and ears. “I just needed time to figure out my answer.”
The blonde takes a moment before smiling. He takes his hand, “Then… can I kiss you again?”
Kiku looks from their hands to Alfred’s eyes, the blood rushing to his face. “I - um. I… yes.”
Alfred does so, smiling into the kiss when he feels Kiku’s hand trembling.
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fire-bear · 6 years
A, E-G, I-K, N, P-Z? sooo basically most of them :'D
Why do you do this to me? ;A; I never read any of the questions before I post, urgh.
A. If you could rec a piece of music to accompany one of your fics, what would you pick? Why? 
Uh. Well I know that Dance For Me has a song. I had the idea and the title and began writing before I needed a song and went looking. This is what I found:
E.  Who’s your favorite main character you’ve written? 
Arthur. Or APH England. He’s the easiest for me to write for some reason.
But I like my OC from my novel, Benrial. He’s pretty easy to write because, after thinking about it, he’s a more confident, more fun and just better version of me.
F. What stories are you planning for the future? 
Well. I’m in the middle of writing my Christmas one-shots. I’ve counted and there’s 15. (I’m supposed to start posting them on Wednesday cause it’s twelve days till Christmas then - unless I counted wrong which is highly likely. Urgh, numbers.)
Then I’m gonna do this thing cause I wanna write more Voltron stuff but I have too many things started and not enough time, dammit!
After that, it’s Hunk’s birthday and I’m gonna do one-shot birthday things for all the paladins! ... Even if Shiro technically has no birthday... They’ll all be different birthdays from different universes. For instance, Hunk’s will be from a soulmate AU. Actually, I’ll just tell you all of them’s since I’m excited: Shiro’s will be canonverse because canon Shiro needs a break. Pidge’s will be a chat AU and... I’m not sure how I’ll do in that cause I’ve not done one like that before that I can recall... Lance’s birthday is in a fantasy AU where it’s his destiny (along with Hunk and Pidge and Keith) to save the kingdom but there’s a misunderstanding and angsty hurt and the Galra catch him and, well. Keith gets his birthday in a zombie apocalypse because he had to go and be born in the month of Halloween. (I would’ve written it this year but, urgh, time. There is not enough of it.)
They’ll be written between the continuation of the Sticky series because I have a lot of ideas for that AU so. I should point out that I mean a continuation from the second chapter of Glue and not the first one.
And in between this, I need to finish of the chapter I started of Shadow House 2, try writing more of my novel and I really wanna write more of Lance’s Fury.
So, uh, does anyone want to pay me to write instead of going to work so I have time for all this?
G. Where do you think you grew the most this year? 
Probably my belly.
Nah, kidding.
I think I’m... pretty much the same? I think I might be getting better at mimicking other’s styles, like I apparently did with Thames’ Child. I’m not sure that’s a good thing.
Then again, I did write over 50,000 words of my novel and I never finished it so I reckon I did better than my first attempt which... eh. *shrugs*
I. What’s your favorite work you did this year? Why? 
*goes to AO3*
Hm. I quite liked Neighbour. And Glue. Which, uh, says a lot about me... Or says that I’m kinda dissatisfied with all the half-finished stories I apparently have lurking around. *sighs*
J.  What are the best jokes you told this year? Any jokes you thought were funny that people didn’t catch? Vice-versa? 
Uh... Hm. Heh, the one I can actually remember is the jokes they tell in the second version of Glue where it’s ‘not as if a vampire will lure me away’ or something to that affect.
Also! Any of the jokes in Thames’ Child because I managed to evoke the source material for the crossover quite well, I think. :3
K. Who have you killed this year? Why did they have to die? 
... I think it best I not say... ;P
But, lemme see...
Wait, I can’t say without spoiling things! But, well, I killed Arthur and Gilbert at points because of the universe and the idea.
But, in Shadow House, wow. So many die. It’s meant to be a horror story - kinda like a horror movie where people are dying in horrible ways
N. Anything you were planning to write that never got written? 
I have a document solely with Hetalia fanfic ideas which is 84 pages long. To be fair, some of them have been written but I’ve kept them in the document because I had vague ideas of what could happen next (these are usually one-shots).
I also have a separate document for every other fandom idea and that’s 14 pages long, including notes for one I’ve started. Or for one-shots I wanted to continue and haven’t gotten around to it.
P. What are your pet peeves in other people’s work? 
When they don’t make it clear who’s talking.
By that, I mean, they have the person speaking named in the next paragraph for some reason. Or they close their speech but all they needed to do was take a new paragraph.
I get confused easily - don’t do that to me. :(
Q. Quote three bits of writing you read his year. Can be your writing, or not. 
I’ll just use my own...
From Fortune:
"Then Arthur came to this action on his own," Alfred declared. "And he will be punished, in a way. But there is something else to note. Arthur, your toga..."
"What about it?" Arthur asked distractedly as his heart sank. He was more focussed on his previous comment. There were only two ways to punish a god: strip them of their powers and lock them away for a millennia or to kill them outright and replace them with another. Arthur would not mind dying but the idea of being unable to see Gil fulfilling his life while he was locked away would be a torture he didn't want to endure.
"Have you not noticed?" Alfred asked, a smile beginning to grow. "Look."
Without thinking, Arthur obeyed, looking down. His eyes widened when he realised what he was looking at: his toga was now white. And, now that he thought about it, he had once worn black, had he not? He stared down at himself, confused.
From Lance’s Fury:
Just as they reached the adjoining corridors, there was movement and Lance jerked away as something came towards him. Whatever it was, it was fast and probably deadly. He grasped for something to defend himself with but he didn't carry a knife and there wasn't a vast source of water around. Before he could even think of taking the water from the air around them, another movement cut in front of him and two blades clashed just a hand's breadth from his heart.
Blinking once, his eyes focussed and he found Keith wielding a knife against Pidge's dagger. Keith and Pidge struggled for a moment before they broke away. Lance staggered back, still in shock, his heart hammering in his chest. He had almost been killed... By Keith.
"Keith-" Pidge began but the other academ had focussed his attention on what he seemingly deemed the greater threat and launched himself at her, his windcrafting ruffling her hair as he used his increased speed to fight her. Thankfully, Pidge was using her metalcrafting and was just as fast, keeping up with every swing.
"Oh man, oh man, oh man," Hunk was mumbling beside Lance. "What do we do?"
From Glue:
Unable to think of an intellectual response to that, Arthur merely said, "You're ridiculous."
"And you're actually smiling – it's pretty."
Arthur sucked in a breath, startled by the comment. His heart did an odd thing where it fluttered and clenched and seemed to swell all at once. It was way too soon for him to entertain thoughts for anyone but Kiku, in his opinion – even if he had been dumped. And Kiku clearly had no intentions of returning to him. So he was on his own and free to do as he liked. Shaking his head to clear away his thoughts, Arthur turned to Alfred and held out his hand.
"I've not actually introduced myself. I'm Arthur Ki-"
He was interrupted with a loud laugh. "Dude, you totally don't need to be so formal. But, Arthur, huh? It's a cool name. Suits you."
Again, Arthur couldn't stop his lips from twitching up into a smile. "Your foam moustache suits you, too."
R. If you had to rewrite one of your stories from scratch, which one would it be? What would you do to it? 
This lot. I’d make it more realistic. Like, do actual research into the porn industry? Or just make their reactions and stuff more... I dunno. I mean, it’s okay just now but I’m just gonna continue it rather than go over it.
Also, all my earlier stories on ff.net - I would scrub all the attempts at accents. Urgh. (Though, some of the stories, the accents are supposed to be exaggerated versions which would disguise them. Or something.)
S. What’s the sexiest thing you wrote this year? 
Well: Neighbour, Glue, Thames’ Child, To An Ell Broad, Dance For Me.
T. Themes, motherfucker, do you have them? What are they? 
... I don’t really get this question. Themes for what? In general? Because, if so, not really...?
Oh, wait. I think I understand it now... But I can’t think of what my stories have for themes...
U. Any stories that took a abrupt u-turn from where you thought they were going?
When I started The Keeper, I thought it was gonna be simple. It’s... not any more. Also needs to be updated. ^^”
V. Which story was the most viscerally pleasing to write? Tell us your narrative kinks. 
... I honestly liked writing them all? I like the ideas finally being put down. Then they leave my head, poof! And people leave kudos and I’m like, “Wait, what was that one again?”
I can’t think of any... kinks...
W.  Who are your favorite writers? 
Hm, well, @zeplerfer, obviously. And... there are others but I’m just too lazy by this point to go looking for links to the ones on AO3.
X. What’s your least favorite work of this year? 
Actually, one I’ve not posted yet. The first Christmas one I finished. The prompt limits you to ‘enemies in the same company’ and my mind just went ‘nope’ so what I got down was horrible. I feel bad cause it’s for an anon...
Y. Why did you write? For fun, for a friend, for acclaim? 
For fun.
Also, always wanted to be an author, even if I took a course in something completely different!
And I think I’d go insane if I didn’t, to be honest.
Z. If you could choose one work and immediately finish it, what would it be? How would you end it?
Hm. This is difficult. I want all of them to be finished so everyone can find out what happens in them!
... But I’ve been thinking about A Harmless Archfiend and it would end in death and sacrifice and love.
Flipping finally! I thought I’d be at this all night! O.o I hope these answers are good enough?
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1014 - Initial Thoughts
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Luffy is falling
And now the slim hope of victory has thinned 2 Weeks later and a tragic death of another longtime manga writer and we're back with One Piece - lowkey still concerned for Oda's health given that he goes on a weekly schedule compared to how Miura spread out chapters - to see the fall out
and we're picking up right after the fall
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release also
Our cover page is Law this time, about to slice up some sneaky ass tiger, also that plate has the Great Wave printed on it...
Back with Kaido lamenting as Luffy falls, it seems that an attack Luffy tried may've failed or backfired on him
So Kaido knows about Joy Boy? Then why does he want Oden's Journal?
We actually see Luffy fall into water, which throws off any chance of him being picked up by BM's ship and having to team with them, which is a shame would've been a fun dynamic
Also Kaido you still underestimate our boy!
Elusive Squirrel Girl Bao Huang has found Momo too, so Kaido's on his way for that
Seems that Yamato's decoy (which apparently people were buying as Momo) was for nothing
Momo has learned something from Oden's journal, though now he's gotten some migraines
Over to the floor and Chopper is throwing Queen around with arrows in his back!
It's the Pero bitch, and what's worse is that Chopper's Monster Point is running out
As it turns out, Chopper can now go for longer, because Caesar boosted the formula for his Rumble Balls, I wonder if that means that Chopper could be open to some more Points
Dainty Squirrel Girl Bao Huang begins Kaido's victory message though, with some bending of the truth to imply he was dead
This has distracted the alliance though, Chopper gets bitten, Tama is crying, Jimbei's noticeably calm though fighting Who's Who in his human form
They also announce that Kaido's coming down to clean up so if anyone wants to surrender do it now, no Straw Hat's gonna though, Sanji and Zoro being sure to vocalize that
Law though looks a bit alarmed, while Kid couldn't care less, no sign of Killer though
Over to that bastard Kanjuro, who is using the fake Oden to try and catch Momo and Shinobu off guard, but Kin'emon and Kiku are there already
Kiku Nooooooooooo! One moment of hesitation and now you're stabbed through and through, what's Izo gonna say!? You knew it was Kanjuro!
That just pissed me off really, it's the same thing with Oden and the Hagwitch, they both got fooled twice and now it's cost them their lives, what's that armor good for if it can't block a sword?! Sadly she passes out/dies in Kin's arms, hoping that the dawn will still come
But alas, Kanjuro is finished by Kin'emon, which is well overdue that bastard should not have been able to kill 2 Scabbards
Some brutal last words though, 'While I was performing on stage, you were my best friend'
And no reprieve, Kaido's here!
Kin tells him to run but he's getting that Conqueror's Coated Mace right on the head, smashing through his swords
And now, Onigashima is reaching the mainland...
I feel like the Scabbards are a big middle finger from Oda to anyone who accuses One Piece of not killing off their characters XD
but damn is he being grim about it all. Luffy is drowning now, the Straw Hats aren't exactly faring well - though Chopper gets huge props for facing Queen AND Perospero even if he's not doing much damage - Momo is in Kaido's corsairs and now we're at least 3 Scabbards down.
I say 'at least' because I don't think Kin'emon's dead just yet, something tells me he has more to give, but Kiku is probably gone, the lost arm was a way to make us think she was safe, how this affects Izo's mentality and chances I do not know, Denjiro has been AWOL for a while too and Orochi's still up and about, Raizo and Inu are still fighting, Neko looks to still be en route to Peros, but with Kaido on 'clean up' it's not a good look.
There are however, glimpses of hope. Luffy in the water does narrow down who can save him: the Polar Tang, Law's other crewmates who didn't join the fight. Tama still has her SMILEs in control and Momo's migraines are a big deal, the last time he had those was Zunesha...is Zou about to come to Wano? I do think Peros picking on Chopper also opens the door for Carrot to return to fight him (with or without Neko), it will also encourage Sanji maybe to take Queen in his stead.
I feel like Kaido and BM right now expect people to roll over, but it's not gonna be like that Down, but Never Out.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 985: Initial Thoughts
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Well that’s taking a turn, not 100% unexpected but still, we’re heading into the danger zone right now Today’s fan translations are a bit wonky, so a few things may be a tad confusing, but this is what I am taking from it, of course I’ll read the official to get the clearer insight
Spoilers for Chapter 985, Support the Official Release
And we start with a 3 Captains Color Spread, people will gush over how Law doesn’t get a parrot so is sitting on Luffy’s or the fact that Oda really does love parrots but my curiosity lies on Kid’s trousers (not that way you dirty minds!), that text feels like it’s hinting at something...
Just a note on the title, yesterday’s translation missed it, but this New Onigashima Initiative means that this naming is of Kaido’s choice, it’s like his Whole Cake Island or Fullalead
“A storm is coming” - feels like we’re gonna get some big stuff in a bit
Of course it’s this bitch Kanjuro intercepting the flank party, backed by his own artwork and some of Kaido’s men
Izo and Neko are taking this all pretty in stride for someone who are just finding out that Kanjuro is the traitor
Something irks me though that Momo - who has spent Wano training with a sword - could only do a papercut to Kanjuro’s hand. Like, I know he’s strong but if something that small would put Kanjuro into a rage mode then it’s a bit of an exaggeration
That is if we believe Kanjuro’s story, I don’t think he’s good, but I think it’s interesting that Kanjuro is completely darkened out when beating up Momo, as if to hide something. This hand injury may come back around
Kawamatsu and Kiku may be shaken, but Inu and Neko don’t give a fuck about Kanjuro’s speech XD
Kiku’s title being because her cuts carry into the afterlife does give off a similar vibe to Brook, who uses ice ‘from the afterlife’ in a similar manner
Also side bar, I think Kiku’s armor is the one Luffy initially wears in the pre-raid chapter, the old chapter cover (380?) and Volume 95, so that may explain where it went, but what about the Kozuki puffy trousers!?
Izo looking like some gangster with the samurai PACKIN’ HEAT
Neko had a gunhand so Inu raised him for a sword leg, nicking some Shiki traits there Inu?
Noticeably missing though is the Law Squad, so maybe they are pulling a sneaky
I wonder how far this Video Announcement Kaido is reaching? Like is it just Onigashima? just Wano? The entire world? Is the Revolution about to be Televised?
Yamato bluntly using Ace to convince Luffy to join...I’m not sure about it. As you would’ve seen I am not 100% on board with Yamato for Nakama, I think Oda is just playing those who are. It just, isn’t the right format, granted Nami asked Chopper to join and Robin convinced Luffy to let her join but Yamato saying ‘you’re Ace’s brother, so you let me join’ seems the wrong way about it all
The translation I have is really messy here, but Luffy seems to be as confused as me about Yamato’s kinning (is that the right word?), I think he’s also imply that Yamato just set off themselves if they wanna leave
The explosive cuffs make yet another return, first with Sanji, now with Yamato
We learn a little more info on Yamato, they appear to be 28 at least (2 years older than Hiyori) and wanted to venture with Ace last they met, so this has similar Tama vibes already
Yamato though going on this intense philosophical backstory of how Kaido would rather blow up his own child’s hands than let them leave and Luffy’s just all ‘I could take them off for you’ XD
Yamato definitely seems on board with beating Kaido, but we must remember, Kid and Law want to kill Kaido, it’s very different.
Also is that hesitation? Like, you want the cuffs off right?
Kaido with the current affairs updates, how is he getting this info though with Wano being closed off? But this is how Luffy and co find out that the Shichibukai system is gone at least, and Kaido is rating the choice
Kaido’s plan to combat it though is simple, we’re treading back on the Ancient Weapons route
Yamato’s horns peering out of the attic is somehow humorous to me
Big Mom strolls in though with her Homie army, a KO’d Zeus in hand too, it’s not a good look for Nami and Carrot as their disguises are removed and Nami’s power buff is gone, Shinobu is strangely missing though
A lot of people are picking up on ‘Ours’, but don’t get too ahead of ourselves, ours can mean any group, not just Kaido and Big Mom or the alliances as a whole, they could even be referring to their singular crews
Meanwhile Luffy is just ‘that shit is mine I called dibs ya bastard!’
The big decree though, Orochi’s men now have to make a choice because Wano is gonna be a pirate-led lawless state
Orochi’s head started to roll...and then it did literally! YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!
I was half right then, Kaido did kill Orochi and kinda save Momo from him...surprised he used King’s sword though...though, Hydra’s do have a knack of surviving when a head is cut off...
However, this now bodes potentially well for the raid. Kaido is opting for ‘with us or against us’, either the Samurai join or die, but that means our samurai raiders are bolstered by anti-Kaido samurai...if there are any that is
Luffy of course almost blowing his cover to save Momo, surprised so few picked up on the roof falling
Kaido’s main initiative now is to turn all of Wano into his Pirate Empire and spread from there, a tactical fortress fused with the ancient weapons and technological advance, Onigashima itself will now be the Flower Capital and yeah, makes a lot of sense for Kaido
I’m not sure about the Kiku stuff, Kiku crying with a bloodied blade alarms me because we don’t see a body, maybe Kanjuro pulled another sketch trick and got away?
Kaido wants Wano to be called New Onigashima, and per the Yamato-based announcement, they are the new Shogun
But Yamato’s quick to blow their cover to refuse, and now the Flying Six are also on their way as Luffy chases to save Momo
Whew, that was a lot of stuff happening in the chapter, a lot of it feels like misdirects but things are still very dire Yes, on the plus side we may get some Orochi loyalists and Wano purists on our side to save Wano from Onigashima, it’s not just its weapons but its culture and people that Orochi had neglected in vain to stay on Kaido’s good side. We also can confirm that Yamato is an ally, Nakama is still 50/50 I think they just want out more than to join Luffy, they didn’t even consider the One Piece!
But the downs are still dangerous, Orochi is dead so Kaido has full command, Momo is still in danger, the back flank is halted, Marco is far away, Nami and Carrot are injured by BM (and this storm negates Su Long), Perospero is oncoming, half of the crew are stretched away from the main dome and the flying six are about to close in, not to mention that Yamato still does have their handcuffs on The raid hasn’t even begun and we have so many twists and turns, but there are still the AWOL factors; Apoo, Denjiro, Kin’emon, Hiyori, Drake, Hawkins, Speed, CP0, Perospero, BM’s crew, the Numbers, Marco, Team Law, Team Walkng Tank, Team Rhinocycle, the shady person Robin and Jimbei were near, Shinobu, Sanji, Team Kid, Team Ulti, Sasaki, Who’s Who, Black Maria and more Not to mention I think SJ is on break next week so OP will be delayed again! So we have to bear that as well
Like I said, we haven’t even begun.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 993: Initial Thoughts
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Sometimes we’re just not allowed to have a good time Chapter 993 takes an age to translate but we finally can get down to the initial thoughts segment of the chapter. I had to move to another source since the other one was just sitting on French for hours
Spoilers for Chapter 993, Also Support the Official Release
For the cover story we should probably have changed it to ‘Gang Bege’s Oh My Family’ to ‘You Go Gotti!’ because Gotti is the proper winner here. Lola is his bride getting to finally marry, Pound gets to witness a wedding and things are at least rosy there
The Fire Festival was actually quite intriguing, it was a festival so pro-Oden it makes you wonder how the pro-Orochi education gets enforced if this happens annually, and what of the Kaido forces that stay behind? What happens to them?
Oda also making sure we notice absences of Tsuru, Hitetsu, Hiyori and Tama...just sayin’
Now that is more like it from Queen, a bullet that’s turning our allies into vicious ice demons. This could be the forefront for Chopper or even a possibility of a powerful ally turning into an Ice Demon. I wonder if Brook could control dominion over them too? Ooooh imagine Ice Demon Apoo? Or Hawkins infecting his Straw Demon with the Ice Demon!
We get some humorous bickering though with Sanji and Luffy over conserving Luffy’s energy, only for Jimbei to do it in one hit and get some lip from Sanji for stealing his thunder. It kinda reminds me of what was flashbacked in the last chapter with the Scabbards wanting to prove themselves the most loyal
Bao Huang though with her Squirrel SMILE somehow can see through those Eye tags too, using a catto with one, interesting security system for sure but bad for Momo’s party as King issues the kill order
Seeing Who’s Who didn’t surprise me for that, but seeing Ulti did, I mean she’s got Usopp and Nami to deal with
Ooooh Sasaki looking evil pissed there
Shinobu’s got a lot sticking out of her at the mercy of Sasaki’s ‘Armored Corps’, makes you wonder if he has a similar DF to his team, Ankylosaur DF anyone?
Also can we appreciate Tank Face over here, that guy has it rough
But looks like Yamato will be fighting Sasaki for this bout
Scabbards are right though, battle’s not done just because Kaido has fell
Kaido continues with being a little hard to read though, at one point he’s like ‘how dare you harm my precious subordinates’ but then here it’s ‘I wouldn’t have minded if you killed me tbh’
And therein lies my worry, hurting Kaido is one thing but killing him is an entirely different story. Even when you can land sufficient hits it only takes one hit
And they had to pick Kiku...freaking wind scythe breath stuff
Nice of Oda to note ‘no break next week’ though
So...ouch First and foremost I do not believe Kiku is dead. Short an arm definitely and probably out of commission but not dead. Personally I am predicting some allies and even crewmates taking some heavy blows from this raid, but there is a ray of hope from these injuries and it’s that our alliance just happens to have 3 of the best doctors in the One Piece world (Chopper, Law and Marco) and all happen to be in Onigashima right now. Still it’s gonna boil some blood, Izo did not reunite with their sister just to watch Kaido kill them. And Kin’emon is definitely gonna take it to heart, but I wonder if Oda’s decommissioning Kiku because of how similar her skills are with Brook’s ice-themed swordplay, I still think that taking Kaido may end up being a crew effort. But Kaido’s forces are showing their fangs a little; Sasaki has axes to grind, Queen has his zombie army (which will inevitably block off the lower floors to force more of the tower climb), King is...well he’s chilling but he’s got eyes around the place - whether that’s just a unique thing to Bao Huang or maybe Who’s Who’s DF is yet to be seen - and Kaido is literally showing his fangs. We could be in for a few dire chapters up ahead but we do have some idea where each Straw Hat is right now (besides Brook); Franky still has that Number, Usopp and Nami are taking Pay-Pay and Ulti who is keeping her ears close to the Yamato situation, Zoro is with Drake in the Ice Demon infested floors, Robin is with Chopper on that same floor and Sanji and Jimbei are trying to keep Luffy out of trouble, which I would bet he will still find and force both of them to hang back so he can get to Kaido. I do think someone has to come support Yamato, I don’t see them taking Sasaki and his fleet on their own successfully, and I’m certain someone will have to give King and Who’s Who something to contend with. We are still missing content from team Law, team Kid, Caribou, shadowy guy in the bushes, Brook, Hawkins, Hyou and his Yakuza buddies, and I’m sure others. Just gotta strap in and pray that your favourites survive
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 994: Initial Thoughts
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The Yonko and his men have made a retaliation of sorts and the damage is heavy, so we continue on to the fallout in 994 and see how each character reacts to this newfound adversity
Spoilers for Chapter 994, Support the Official Release
I don’t mean to sound mean but thank god Bege’s cover story is over! Don’t think I could’ve handled another twist
Right back to Kiku losing her Left, but it’s still all business. Minks are sent away from the dome to stay out of the warpath and even Kaido’s ‘precious’ men are being caught in the crossfire
Welp, that was hardcore of Kin’emon to cauterize the wound and for Kiku to make barely a sound but now that arm’s gone forever
If you think I missed Izo’s worried expression though, I didn’t
Kaido with the villain monologue a bit early it seems, praising the samurai for their diligence and willingness to fight till they drop
Tad worrisome though that Kaido went back to his human form, it’s like he knows he doesn’t need his dragon form to handle them. But his speech does seem to confirm how emotionally numb he is right now, he needs to be close to dying because he wants to feel alive. But extra worrisome is how cheery he is about finishing the fight
You also have to worry about Inu and Neko, the clock is running out for them
Man Sanji is not getting much of a break is he? Isn’t even name dropped, and I bet he would have if he was Stealth Black but that’d annoy him even more. Bunch of goon Headliners though, at least we see that Luffy is rushing hard to make it to the Samurai in time
Over with the Ice Oni though the virus is spreading rapidly, Queen showing no care for the pleasures or the Oniwabanshu. One of Hyou’s Yakuza buddies is got too but Hyou is not letting him die until it is 100% too late
Chopper’s planning though, they need the antibody Queen would have as a contingency, but it’s a rough spot since they need to get to him. You have to think that Robin is at most risk here too, the virus could even affect her through her Devil Fruit
Brook though forgetting that he stood down a Yonko and stole etchings of her Poneglyphs when he says taking Queen would be a tough task, what a bone head yohohoho
Nice of Queen to give them all the answers though, the Ice Oni also has a death clock, 1 hour and they die, though at this pace 1 hour will take 300 chapters
Queen’s bragging is definitely setting Chopper off, out medic that guy Chopper you can do it!
And here’s Apoo, once again being the butt of jokes, but now he has the Antibody. Which leads to another situation; if Apoo loses the antibody he’ll die, but if he keeps the anitbody others will try to kill him. The plan is to hold off for an hour but something tells me that maybe he’ll have to bargain, which could bring all infected onto Luffy’s side
Where’s Drake in all this anyway? Zoro fighting Apoo is one thing but he can’t be too heavy handed with the antibody, it’s a worry
Over to Yamato though and they are holding their ground STRONG even when hit in the back by all that explosive ammunition
Yamato rushing to save Momo though, that’s a new tidbit to add to Yamato’s resolve, as they waste a second member of the armoured corps
Great chapter end though, Yamato declaring themselves by name to Momo, so to avoid the full Oden confusion, and their willingness to die for Momo, their expression seems like they know who Yamato is as well, which’d be an interesting twist
Alas, this time we get the break D: which means that unless Oda goes full on for 6 chapters or decides not to try and release it in 2020 that a Christmas Chapter 1000 is still on the cards!
So this was a lot of setup and response, but at this point it means that each Straw Hat has a plan of attack. Odd that Oda’s kept Zoro at the bottom floor but I’m sure he’ll reach ‘north’ at some point. Kiku still fights and Marco, Perospero, Carrot and Big Mom remain on the outskirts. I still think Yamato may need backup but we’ll know when we see it The week break implies that Oda’s gonna give us some action in 995, or even 995 to 1000, we’re in that final stretch until the big one. Between time limits, body limits and fights yet to be fought it’s definitely gonna be busy, and we still haven’t seen Law or Kid!
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 974 - Initial Thoughts
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Sweet Baby Jesus
WHAT A CHAPTER! Support the official release of course but check this out ASAP because it is just taking things up a gear Spoilers for the Chapter and Believe Me, You Don’t Wanna be Spoiled On This
We start the chapter with a mini explanation to one of Wano’s big mysteries. Unfortunately it seems that Komurasaki’s ‘death’ was just smoke and mirrors, a hidden blood bag in the kimono. I can swallow it sure but it seems rather safe, also it doesn’t explain other stuff like the body, she had a mass funeral I would expect there to be a body.
Also Hiyori used the money she fleeced off of men to give to Kyoshiro’s Ushimitsu Kozo activities, which was fairly obvious mind you now that we know that Kyoshiro is Denjiro
Kaido’s size still miffs me, we know how big Orochi is and we know how big Kaido is but it still looks like that Kaido has downsized to fit a room. It was a bit more understandable in the decades past flashback but not the months past flashback
Interesting though is that Kaido has a question for the Scabbards, it explains why they weren’t killed but then again why just the ones that time jumped? Surely Kaido could’ve just gone see Shutenmaru or started searching for the Minks at that point if he just wanted info from a Scabbard. Maybe he’s curious about Hiyori? She is unaccounted for in their list
The moment they confirmed a spy I completely missed the obvious hint, born in a theatre...my mind had racked thinking that it could’ve been someone who didn’t time jump, but bitter as it may be it turns out a scabbard was a traitor after all, a hidden Kurozumi
Urgh, even in death that Hagwitch returns to annoy me ¬_¬
But we skip back to the present, a small boat voyaging the remnant Scabbards setting off as Shinobu and Momo watch on. Kin’emon knows there’s a traitor but doesn’t want to suspect any of his comrades, but then, BUT THEN
He out and out admits it. Kurozumi Kanjuro. It is shockingly twisted, the kabuki man had played a role, lived a role so much. It wasn’t any ill will towards those who he called friend, maybe not even ill will towards Oden himself, but he did it anyway, for revenge. Kanjuro revealed himself to be soulless, devoid of emotions and waiting for a good moment to die, it’s almost like Haku or Kimimaro from Naruto
But the madness gets laid on thick, mocking the fact that Yasu died for nothing and that he was able to evade suspicion because of how deeply into the role he was in. Just think about it, Kanjuro was key to defeating Sugar and thus key to defeating Doflamingo, he did all this stuff that’d anger Kaido to maintain cover. Could that backfire on him?
The bigger twist though is that he’s not a talentless artist, he had already perfected his DF, it’s easy to draw badly when you can draw well. I’m a little lost on this part though, was the Kanjuro accompanying them a drawing all along? Does that mean Kanjuro was disguised as Shinobu at the port? We’ve seen her use her DF so she couldn’t have always been Kanjuro. But it seems that Orochi wants Momo first before Kanjuro could die, it all seemed rather dire with Kaido’s forces glaring down at them
But no sad ending this time, the grin is on! The Sunny from one side, the Polar Tang from below and the Victoria Punk (I guess Kaido decided to keep it?) from the other, the allies are at another port and the three captains are here.
Kid seems to have changed his mind on alliance, if only to take Kaido’s head and it seems that Luffy was captured at one point too? They could’ve just been talking about Law though
‘To go after samurai in a tiny little boat’ *muffled screams about when Sabo was in a tiny boat*
When you’re at the Sea, you Fight Pirates!
Hell. Yeah. That’s a way to end a chapter And no break in sight! We reach a moment almost 12 years in the making with the 3 Captains standing side by side once more, it’s all the hype moments and it leans a little in on my 5 Captains theory, all I need now is for Drake and Hawkins to turn on Kaido, because as powerful as the trio are, taking Big Mom AND Kaido will not be a feat I feel they’re ready for. We’ll likely get a mini flashback though about the leading up to this moment, explain how the Sunny survived the cave-in and why the allies are in a different port. But we’ll also have to get Momo free from Kanjuro, or protect him when he faces Kaido once more.
A side note though, I’ve noticed that there has been another underlying theme of the Wano arc besides the fragility of alliances, and its the theme of facade.Think of all the characters who were living two lives in this arc; Hyou, Kamazo, Kiku, Hiyori, Kyoshiro, Gyukimaru, Yasu, Drake and now Kanjuro, even the Straw Hats in Wano had to lead different lives, this theme is meaningful and I don’t think it’s quite shown us all that it’s meant to, but that only means that the story is gonna get more exciting
Buckle Up Guys, Goda’s taking us for a ride.
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
(As the three of them leave, Maple puts a finger to her lips and motions for the group to follow her. They make their way to a nearby forested area, and once they're out of earshot Maple breathes a sigh of relief before waving the fan to clear away the smoke around them.)
Maple: Okay. You can talk now that nobody's nearby.
Dochi: What WAS that?
Maple: A spell, obviously. One that made us invisible.
Ube: Man, you think fast. I was like, two seconds away from taking out my sword if that guy took another step towards us!
Vanilla: Fritter? Hey, you okay?
(Fritter clings to her and sniffles, crying while holding her tightly)
Fritter: That was the killer, 'Nilla! He was right THERE! If he'd seen us, he would've...
(The others immediately go to comfort him, putting a hand on him and making a big group hug)
Ube: Hey, it's okay! Look, we're all here and we're fine thanks to Maple. We're not gonna let you and Vanilla get hurt by any bad guys.
Fritter: What about you guys? I don't want you to get hurt, either!
Dochi: We'll be alright. Big brothers and sisters are tougher than most people. It's why we're...you know, BIG brothers and sisters. We're big and strong! (Flexes her arms)
Maple: And we're smart, too. Which is why we're not going to stand around here, in case some of the townspeople come near here. Look, there's an old pathway up that hill that looks like it hasn't been used in a while. Why don't we go up there and try to set up camp on the mountain?
Fritter: Um...okay. (sniffs and wipes his sleeve) That sounds like a good idea.
Vanilla: Ooh, I think I can see a roof up there. Maybe we can spend the night in there instead of sleeping outside.
Dochi: If the path looks like it hasn't been used in a while, then what's up there? If it's an abandoned house, then it'd be easier to stay there without anyone noticing us.
Maple: It might be abandoned for a reason...But it's the best option I can think of. Come on, let's start walking; the more distance we put between that murderer and us, the more comfortable I'll be.
(The five of them climb the winding path up the mountain, and are more quiet after their close encounter with the murderous ronin. Dochi, Maple, and Ube take turns carrying the younger two kids whenever they get tired, and after a while they arrive near the top of the mountain. The building Vanilla saw is now fully visible; it's the crumbling ruins of an old castle. Near where they're walking is a set of gravestones along the path leading to the castle's entrance.)
Fritter: Hey...Hey, hang on a second, we gotta stop walking.
Dochi: You need me to carry you again?
Fritter: No, we have to be good guests. If we're gonna stay at this house when we don't live there, we need to be nice about it.
(Maple seems to realize what Fritter's getting at and nods slightly. She sets Vanilla down and takes a few items out from the knapsack she's carrying, and motions for the others to do the same.)
Maple: For the spirits of the people who used to live here. Fritter's right, we need to leave them a gift as payment for staying in their home uninvited.
Dochi: Ohhh, right. Mom says that you should be kind to your host--even if it's a ghost host!
(The siblings each take out some spare food and place them near the four gravestones. Vanilla tugs on Maple's sleeve and points at her pipe.)
Vanilla: Can I do the flower spell? I wanna give the ghost hosts flowers as my present.
Maple: (smiles) Go ahead. You remember the words?
Vanilla: Yup!
(Vanilla takes the pipe and quietly murmurs to herself as she holds it out in front of the grave stones.)
I summon the boun-ti-ful jewels of spring, bloom here for me and make the earth sing.
(The marks on Vanilla's cheeks glow faintly as smoke billows from the pipe and settles on the ground, thickening and swirling until a handful of seedlings begin to sprout and grow at a rapid pace. After a few seconds, a cluster of flowers bloom and sway gently in the breeze. Maple takes the pipe back and pats Vanilla on the back.)
Maple: Great work, 'Nilla.
Ube: Hey...Maple, Mom's used magic to talk to ghosts before, right? Has she ever taught you to do it?
Maple: A little bit. I mean, she won't let me study necromancy until I'm older, though...I have taken a peek at some of her spellbooks on it. But speaking with spirits is something we've practiced together.
Ube: So could you speak to the people who lived in this castle? That way we can actually ask permission to spend the night.
Maple: Hmm...I guess I could try. I wonder if they could tell us more about Wano's history. It'd be a rare opportunity to learn about it. I mean, there aren't any books about Wano you can just pick up and read.
(She reads the names on each stone before taking the pipe out and blowing a swirling trail of smoke that circles around the graves.)
Echo of life, shadow of death. Kin'emon, Momonosuke, Raizo, Kanjuro...Let your echoes reach us, let your shadows appear to us.
(The smoke continues to circle around the graves, but nothing else happens.)
Fritter: Did you say it right?
Maple: I'm sure I did. Once you say the incantation, you should be able to sense a spirit and then it'll take shape. With the pipe, it should be easy for them take a form we can see with the smoke.
Vanilla: Maybe they don't like smoke. Should we try something else they can use as a shape, like the flowers?
Maple: I...I don't understand, I've done that spell perfectly before. Why isn't it...wait a minute. (She peers intently at the smoke circling around the grave, watching it slowly begin to fade and drift away) I...don't think anyone's been buried here.
Fritter: Maybe they're shy and don't want to talk to strangers?
Maple: No, that can't be it. Even if they didn't want to appear, I used enough power to summon them here. They would have started to take form before leaving if they didn't want to speak to us. I don't think there's anything here to be summoned.
Ube: Then why are there graves here?
Maple: That's a good question.
(As they stare at the graves in confusion, the sound of voices causes them to freeze up. The people approaching sound as if they're coming from the path the kids had taken from the bottom of the mountain by Okobore, and the siblings immediately see their clothes and recognize them as the adults from the town.)
Luffy: Why did you want to come with us to this castle, anyway?
Kiku: I'll explain once our allies have all arrived.
(The adults see the children near the graves, and both groups stare at each other in surprise for a moment. The one in the red robe looks even more familiar to the children, and they wonder if they'd seen him before they had ever come to Wano. The green-haired swordsman is the first to speak up.)
Zoro: Oh, it's those kids from earlier.
(When his gaze lands on Fritter, Ube and Dochi immediately raise their weapons while Maple takes her youngest brother's hand. Vanilla hides behind Maple and grabs Fritter's other hand.)
Ube: Stay back, murderer!
Dochi: Don't take another step towards my siblings, or I'll cut you in half, right along that scar on your chest!
Law: Murderer? I told all of you to keep a low profile!
Luffy: No, Zoro told me that was just a misunderstanding. He didn't kill anyone, he just slashed the guy who framed him and ran off!
Kiku: You really do have a talent for causing a ruckus...
(Vanilla steps out from behind Maple to get a better look at the man in red.)
Maple: 'Nilla! Get back behind me, we don't know who these people are.
Vanilla: But... (she peers at Luffy, and when she recognizes him she beams at him) That's not a stranger! That's Luffy, he's Papa's friend!
Ube: Wait, what? Oh. Ohhhhh, you're right! It is!
Dochi: Holy crap, it is!
Law: You know these kids, Luffy?
Maple: We haven't actually met, but we know OF him. (She relaxes a bit, but is still holding Fritter's hand as she walks up to Luffy and holds out her other hand in greeting) We're Katakuri's children. Um...we first saw you when you ruined Aunt Pudding's wedding and caused our Grandma to have a mental breakdown, but I doubt you noticed us during all of that.
Luffy: Ohhh! I didn't know Katakuri had kids. Huh, you even have his mouth marks. (He shakes Maple's hand.)
Dochi: Also, we don't blame you for all that either! I mean, we were mad at first. But then Papa told us you did it to save Sanji. So wait, are these guys part of your crew too? (She glances at Zoro, Law, and Kiku)
Ube: Oh, whoops. (He smiles sheepishly at Zoro) Sorry for threatening to kill you, mister. We thought you were a crazy killer or something, but if you're with Luffy then you can't be too bad.
Kiku: Wait, what are you all doing here in Wano? And why are you by yourselves?
Vanilla: Oh! Dochi and Ube stole mama's magic scissors and made a portal, 'cause they wanted to meet up with our aunties and uncles and grandma here. But then Maple saw us and tried to take them back, and then the portal ripped, and we all fell through it and now we're here!
Kiku: That...isn't what I expected.
Law: Wait, your grandmother...Big Mom's already in Wano?
Maple: That's--um, confidential. We can't reveal where our family is to another pirate crew. (She looks sternly at Vanilla, who pouts.)
Vanilla: Yeah, but they're friends with Luffy! And Luffy is Papa's friend, so we won't be called traitors if we tell them, right?
Law: We're ALLIES, not friends.
Vanilla: Huh? Aren't those the same thing?
Luffy: Yeah! We're friends, Law.
Law: I don't want to have this conversation again...So. You five are lost in Wano, and nobody in your family knows that you're here.
Dochi: Mama and Papa probably know by now. Papa's got really good Observation Haki, and Mama knows how to use magic, so they should've figured out we're gone and where we are. They'd probably want us to stick with Luffy, since he's Papa's friend; we dunno where our aunts and uncles are, so he's the only grown-up we know that we can trust here.
Ube: OH! Let's be allies! Me and Dochi can fight, Maple's the best of us at magic, 'Nilla is good with healing spells and knows some stuff about medicine, and...um, Fritter's a really good cook! I mean, he's 7, and he's really good for a 7 year old.
Luffy: Hmm...Alright!
Maple: This is NOT going to go over well if our family finds out. Look, if we're really going to be allies, we need you to keep this a secret from them. The only one who wouldn't call us traitors for this are Mama and Papa, and Big Mom would KILL us if she found out we were allies with you of all people. Um, no offense.
Luffy: No problem! I'm pretty good at keeping secrets.
Law: You're joking. Please tell me you're joking.
Kiku: I admit, I normally wouldn't approve of involving children in this. But...we can't just leave them on their own.
Ube: Plus, we wouldn't take no for an answer and we'd just follow you guys anyway. My mom says we're "tenacious to a fault."
Law: You'll fit right in with Luffy, then.
Luffy: Hey, since you guys got here before us, have you seen some of our other friends? A guy named Kin'emon, a kid named Momonosuke...
Maple: (frowns) Wait...you mean...them? (She points to the gravestones.)
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