#I’ve seen the tag
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Will Wood! Pt2
Took longer than I would have liked but I’m glad it’s done :D
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goldensunset · 8 months
a real blorbo is someone you can both write a lengthy and serious/sad analysis on yet also constantly and i mean constantly make stupid jokes about
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ciearcab · 1 month
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gouache falin
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Female characters who are the sole voice of reason <<<<<<< Female characters who think of themselves as the sole voice of reason but who are actually just as insane as those around them
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ink-the-artist · 19 days
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babygirlfry · 9 days
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horse-head-farms · 5 months
🪼slime-kisser Follow
all these posts like “don’t shop at boatem they support cannibalism” “the evil empire is a crypto scam” “don’t buy at octagon they’re trying to destroy the fabric of the universe” where the FUCK else am I supposed to shop????
🐠xbcrafted Follow
may i recommend horse head farms? we sell a variety items for agreeable prices and have alternate payment plans which mean you don’t have to spend a single diamond! you can find us via the nether hub <3
🪲yeswingsforlife Follow
do NOT shop at Horse Head Farms! Their items are incredibly overpriced (you can find grass, logs, etc for better prices) and this “alternative payment scheme” is actually signing an IOU. If you don’t know what that is, IOU stands for “I Owe You” and is a legal document that, when possessed, someone can force you to do anything. Literally anything. LegalKnight does a great video going into detail about it. According to this article, Horse Head Farms have just invested in building an auction house, possibly to sell off the IOUs they’ve acquired, so scummy CEOs could force you to work at their companies. Not to mention, their owners are incredibly sketchy, xBCrafted regularly tweets conspiracy theories and Hypnotizd invests in crypto
😵‍💫hypnotizd Follow
youre wrong actually, i have had nothing but brilliant service at Horse Head Farms. IOUs arent sketchy theyre normal pieces of paper. #shoptoday
🪲yeswingsforlife Follow
… you’re literally one of the owners
🐸cottagecoreliving Follow
to answer the original question, here’s a list of more reputable businesses that you can support instead!
Tays Trees
Joe Hills’ Flower Stalls
Big Eyes
🥚dragon-tegg Follow
hey not to derail this post or anything but is anyone going to mention how OP literally fetishises slime hybrids???
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🌃elytramoments Follow
hate when i crashland in the lava biome
🐶renrobert Follow
you mean the nether
🌃elytramoments Follow
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i do not
#i think it’s a national park or something #idk its like this for miles #its near boatem
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👁️big-eyes Follow
This weekend at Big Eyes we are having a #SALE of up to 99% OFF! EVERY item has a discount! Don’t waste your diamonds, shop at Big Eyes!
😍sexy-papa-k Follow
sweetfaces! we are going into debt! please buy ❤️❤️💕❤️🍆😭😭😭❤️ -papa k
👁️big-eyes Follow
kerlais why woudl you reblog on that account
😍sexy-papa-k Follow
we need all the reach we can get bubbles! ❤️😝❤️❤️🍆💕 -papa k
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ottosbigtop · 4 months
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More of these two because I’m a fan of them. Side effects of dating a guy literally just covered in glitter constantly. Dont know what you expected there man.
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I occasionally see people complain that stereotypes of trans women even in our own online communities are often about us being nerdy shut ins, and how they say that’s unfair and inaccurate. But besides the obvious selection bias that in online spaces people who are shut ins that spend most of their time online are going to be more prevalent than those who spend less time online, I feel like it takes a bit of willful ignorance to pretend that nerdy shut ins don’t make up a very large portion of transgender women for very material reasons. Most of the transgender women I know have a few things in common:
We grew up uncomfortable with our bodies
We spent most of our lives prior to transitioning feeling like something is very wrong and feeling like we don’t fit in with most of society
We frequently fantasized about a life that could be different
Again there is a very real amount of selection bias in this because basically every trans woman I know is also mentally ill and spends most of her time online. But again I feel that the material reality of being a person who feels uncomfortable with themselves, feels like they don’t belong, and often fantasizes about a life where they didn’t have those problems very much would cause said person to gravitate towards being nerdy and/or a shut in. And that is intensified if you consider the statistically higher percentage of trans women that are autistic (the autism-transgender connection is a whole different topic but there is a statistically significant overlap). To a person like that, video games, tabletop role playing, and online communities where you can present yourself how you’d like are all very attractive things. And if so many of us gravitated to those things before transitioning, existing in this world that is so deeply cruel and unaccepting of trans women only pushes us further into using those as our outlets.
I won’t pretend to have any statistical or other knowledge to make sweeping statements about that making up the majority of us or anything, and I also recognize there is selection bias inherent to this discussion and that my view is limited as an American white woman. But I will say that I don’t think it should be necessarily surprising or disappointing to anyone that online communities of transgender women tend to focus on talking about the types of transgender women that make up the majority of those communities: the ones who spend more time online
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tobisaw · 6 months
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great stream guys
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trans-androgyne · 29 days
I think the weirdest accusation of transmisogyny I saw was years back, when I reblogged a cute anecdote from a trans guy who would meow back and forth with his cat, and his cat lowered the pitch of their meow to match the guy's new voice and the guy thought it was really cute
Apparently this anecdote was transmisogynistic? Not sure how and I can't check because unfortunately I was much younger and had accidentally fallen into a tirf group whilst trying to avoid NB-phobic and aphobic trans people, so I deleted the reblog
Wild. One of the ones I’ve seen lately is that transmascs making jokes about how their parents misgender them no matter how far into their transition they are is transmisogynistic. As in “mothers will tell you about their beautiful daughter but then he looks like this <insert picture of House M.D. or something>” jokes. Because apparently it implies that people with those traits should Always be gendered as men (it doesn’t). But apparently it’s fine when transfems do it like in this beloved post:
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I think some transfems get dysphoric whenever they’re reminded that people perceive certain traits they may have as masculine. So transmascs celebrating things like deep voices and facial hair as masculine makes them uncomfortable, and they have to come up with a reason why it’s wrong. That’s not just a transfem issue, transmascs can get dysphoric about others celebrating feminine traits too, but you can see it a lot in the way transmascs can’t talk about enjoying masculinity without being called toxic or transmisogynistic, while enjoying femininity is considered just good feminism. No traits are inherently masculine or feminine, but their perceived masculinity or femininity can be extremely important to trans people, and it isn’t transphobic to experience gender euphoria.
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girlbossnezuko · 8 months
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asshatproductions · 7 months
It’s almost time for my favorite time of year…
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swedenis-h · 8 months
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The Lovers.
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mossytrashcan · 7 months
tax paying citizen of silly city. you hug her and she squeaks like a clown nose
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bakaramia · 3 days
Hey I’m screaming crying throwing up a little please listen to how DEEP Alastor’s laugh is here?? IS THIS HIS NATURAL REGISTER?? This is, without a doubt, his only REAL laugh in the show.
I had not noticed at ALL how low his voice goes here but I am obsessed with the idea that a) Alastor is pitching his voice WAY up when he normally speaks like, more then it even appears b) All of the other laughing we hear from him is ALSO put on, since it’s also in that higher register c) The only time he truly really laughs in the show is when he’s ‘face to face’ with Vox for the first time 😭😭??
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