#If that affects your answers
heynhay · 2 months
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nothing just this post by @speakswords
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originalartblog · 2 years
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What if Adam could do the hotpack thing that Baymax can do + when was the last time someone gave Chuuya a hug
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canisalbus · 7 months
AU where there is some sort of zombie-like (maybe something like a rabid vampirism?)
Where one of the boys is bit/infected and desperately wants the other to join them, while also wanting to resist?
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determunition · 2 months
your p03ficus animatic: an intricate and wonderfully-executed story of tragic yet wholesome romance deftly interwoven with inscryption’s canon
your leshificus animatic:
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never-before-seen digital affection epilogue
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tearlessrain · 8 months
like genuinely what is wrong with a regular cat. why are we even breeding so many cats when the shelters are full of them and the feral population is perpetually out of control. if you want a cat you can just go to any shelter and get a healthy and adorable little guy that will love you very much. stop with the munchkins and persians and savannah cats and scottish folds and lykois literally none of them should be a thing.
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fizpup · 1 year
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be her valentine?
▢ YES ▢ NO
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decolonize-the-left · 10 months
Had a tik tok in my Facebook memories that said something about how with anti-maskers it ultimately comes down to them perceiving doing things for others as weakness since they grew up in a hyper-individulistic society. It's them exerting autonomy and refusing to stop under peer pressure, largely just for the sake of fighting something since that's a strength. A value. "I don't let others tell me what to do because I can't be controlled"
Made me think that everyone else bought into the same type of individualistic rhetoric through pop psychology: having "good" boundaries means never needing others and always putting yourself before everyone else regardless of circumstance and especially if they make you feel any feeling you don't want to feel. ...Like guilty for not caring enough to keep wearing a mask in 2023. That's a strength. A value. "I don't let others tell me what to do because I love myself"
The conclusion here being: being needed/needing others is a threat to your autonomy which is a Value to protect.
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And when you really think about it applies to more than masking; supporting BIPOC, watching the news, showing up to protests, etc.
"I'm already depressed, I can't handle it. I'm watching out for my own mental health by not participating"
"it's all woke which makes me feel like a bad person cuz Im a bigot so I only watch what validates my bias"
And personally I get a little suspicious when two sides defined by their opposite social values come to the same social conclusion.
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You should too. This rhetoric is holding us back. Individualism is holding us back. People need people. It's not toxic or abusive or manipulative to admit that, no matter how much society has tried to make you believe otherwise.
Oppressed people needing allies and your friends who need help moving aren't violating your boundaries or "bad for your mental health" just because You don't want to show up AND not feel bad about it.
Can the generation that grew up screaming "I don't know how to teach you that you should care about other people" at boomers please stand up and take a heaping tablespoon of your own medicine.
And then show gen z how to swallow it because growing up in the social climate we millennials curated online hasn't exactly inspired feelings of confidence in others or the future.
Both of which we still care about right? We still care about other people and the future? Not just ourselves?
Just want to confirm that we haven't gone Full Boomer as a collective yet cuz at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if someone responded saying that being expected to care about their friends is akin communist dictatorship
And could this be a Red Scare Psyop meant to discourage you from finding community, collectivism, and mutual aid in a time where your hyper-individulistic behavior and beliefs are being exploited for record breaking profits in the name of capitalism?
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egophiliac · 2 years
do you think about how the Shroud parents are only ever mentioned either regarding abandoning their eldest to run STYX immediately after capturing his classmates and very briefly regarding making the Lethe being broken being their problem? like they aren't even mentioned once during the flashback to Idia's childhood when you'd think they'd have something to say about one of their kids dying and the other one coping bad? I think about taht alot
I think I've said this before, but I like how Idia's relationship with his parents is, like, purely business. he mostly talks about them like a pair of annoying coworkers who keep fobbing work off on him. they're not even mentioned during the flashback! the first people he showed Ortho to were a couple of random STYX employees! absolutely wild.
some of it might just be the compressed timeline, for all I know episode 7 will open with them being the most loving and supportive parents in the world. but right now I feel like their reaction to Idia and Ortho trying to destroy the world would just be to write Idia up for improper use of company equipment.
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ardentpoop · 1 day
common problem i have w/ a lot of fanon is that people tend to heavily overestimate how attentive dean is to sam's issues/needs. dean is often fucking clueless abt what sam is going thru lol. outside of the immediate strain it places on their relationship and their ability to do their Job.
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meganechan05 · 5 months
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"I must maintain Absolute Neutrality. It's tough, but I must endure it alone" -Rita Kaniska (KingOhger. Episode 10)
...I dare you to say that again now, Impartial Marshal.
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aroacehanzawa · 1 month
whats ur beef?
My favourite manga lost the plot so now i cope by being a hater 👍
#long answer is i have beef with the direction that the bsd manga has taken#it only superficially resembles the beloved mystery and character-driven detective agency story with atsushi as the main character#i'm dissatisfied with major developments like killing off fyodor and reviving him and pulling this#PSYCH his ability wasn't what you thought it was. with zero foreshadowing or buildup#because the manga has become full of marvel-movie type plot twists that serve little to no coherent narrative purpose except shock factor#it cheapens the story and it cheapens the development of characters and it cheapens the reader's experience#because we can't speculate and we can't draw connections and parallels and engage with the story on a deeper level#what connections there exist (for example between manga and anime) are shoehorned in after the popularity of the anime and#specific characters (e.g. fyodor who was shoehorned into untold origins in the anime) and mostly the characters who bring in money#i.e. fyodor and dazai and chuuya and their relationships especially soukoku. all this at the expense of characters like atsushi or#the majority of the female cast. who have been MIA for god knows how long and who were barely given frame each in the anime's finale#bsd treatment of its female characters has been subpar shounen level at best and now they're completely sidelined#as with most of the original cast and the original themes of the story. in fact i struggle to identify a coherent overarching theme#for the current arc. other than military action scifi movie go brrrr#compared to early arcs where each chapter had a meaningful message to say about the importance of living and what it means to stay alive and#keep going and why we are fighting to keep important people in our lives and to keep ourselves alive#and what it means to belong somewhere and what it means to be good or bad and how your place of belonging affects that#as a long term reader i just feel betrayed and disappointed. by how a story with complex and vibrant characters has become another#generic cashgrab shounen. and i mourn for the lost potential it had and everything the series has build up#only to have plot points abandoned at a whim.#so that's why i'm a hater now 👍#i know a lot of my bsd mutuals are still big fans of bsd so i try not to be obnoxious about it and mainly keep it comedic#like i don't actually hate the manga. because it's so important to me. and i respect the creators of the manga and anime#but it's frustrating to watch a train wreck in real time. and it's my blog i can hate what i want 😔#sorry if there are typos i wrote all this on mobile and can't edit the tags. i didn't wanna put any of this in the main post
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alpacacare-archive · 7 months
If i think about noelle deltarune too hard i just crumple and die a little. I just want to give her her sister back and never replay the game again
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cemeterything · 1 year
Poor brits of color have good food though. Their food is not the type being mocked. It’s rich and poor white Brits, they want poc deported/denied, gone way out their way for their resources including spices and then made shit food despite all that. You pretending you don’t know the joke is…wanting white ppl to be persecuted so bad.
this has GOT to be a troll. 1. a large percentage of poor british people are people of color, who have the same accents and eat at least some of the same food that gets mocked 2. racism and classism are both bad??? lmao??? holy shit??? you're not off the hook just because you're making fun of white poor people 3. i'm an immigrant so trying to tell me that you're "only making fun of the shitty white people who colonized the world and want poc deported" isn't gonna fly because guess what i'm literally one of the people they want deported (despite being white myself) and i manage to not be a classist dickhead about it
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
LMAOOO FUUTA he gets so pissed off about it he decides to lunge at them twice in braze you…. do u think he starts complaining near the end of t1 “WHY DO THEY HIT ALL THE MEN??????” and he’s the only one who got off unscathed all bcs es thinks he’s amusing 😭😭😭😭
“It’s fucked up, I’m telling you! And unethical! And cruel! It’s, it’s -- it’s sexist!”
Fuuta paced around the common area, arms gesturing wildly. Kotoko didn’t look up from her book. “Mhm.”
“I mean it! That brat thinks they can go around hitting people? They’re lucky -- they’re damned lucky I can’t give ‘em a taste of their own medicine.” He shook his fist at no one in particular. 
The room remained silent, otherwise. Even Kazui and Shidou, who’d been struck themselves, continued their card game in peace.
“Why is no one else upset about this?”
Kotoko turned a page. “Because we’re not scared of a fifteen year old.”
“Tch, neither am I!” He said quickly. “That doesn’t mean they have the right to do it. Cruel, sexist brat…”
Mahiru’s cheery tone wasn’t the best to soothe him, but that didn’t stop her from trying. “I think they’re doing their best for being in such a frightening situation themself. They’re probably afraid of us as murderers. Though… what makes them sexist?”
“All the men got hit in their interrogations!”
Mahiru flashed a reassuring, and completely oblivious, smile. “They didn’t hit you.”
Fuuta's ears went as red as his uniform belts.
He muttered, “that’s not important,” before raising his voice once more. “What really matters is that this stupid prison is making them drunk on power! Next trial, I swear I’m gonna…”
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bonefall · 9 months
the clans use salt for healing and cooking if i remember correctly. im only saying this because would someone ever name their kid "saltkit"
Yes! Saltkit is a valid prefix in BB, but only after moving to the Lake.
Before then, they make a sort-of-salt out of burning dandelion root. They consider this material a kind of soot, fine ashes produced by burning something. The rough translation of this spice is "soot-salty-taste."
Salty (taste) = Byyle (Comes from blood-taste)
Soot (ashes produced by finely burning something) = Keybo (Used alone in artsy contexts, usually describes bistre, a pigment made from soot and water.)
Plant Salt (of coltsfoot or dandelion) = Keybyy
To specify if it comes from Dandelion or Coltsfoot, you'd say Keybyy Raerra or Keybyy Hakprru. There aren't two dedicated words for the difference; these are both considered "types of dandelions" by Clan cats.
Dandelion = Awpo Any flowering ground plant with fluffy yellow petals.
This is why they didn't previously have a word for salt itself! They would only ever encounter raw salt as an animal lick, which they'd call Byylebon. Salty-useful-rock. Because it was associated with humans, they wouldn't steal them or interact with them much.
Rraash is a Townmew loanword, a word they adopted for raw, powdered salt during their time trading with BloodClan. At the Lake, they now collect raw sea salt during "Salt Patrols," which are beach trips where a big collection of apprentices are brought to the ocean to learn how to collect and process salt.
So, depending on how the parents would like to name their child, those translations could be;
Byylemew = Saltykit The taste of salt. Could refer to the flavor of blood, the taste of the ocean, or the spice made from burned dandelion roots. Has a very food-y connotation, probably named by gourmands.
Keybyymew = Saltkit, Spicekit, Seasoningkit, Rubkit This is a very ThunderClan sort of name. They traditionally used a lot of keybyy in their recipes, as it's very important for a good marinade and making ham. Though, it wouldn't be too surprising to see it used in WindClan too.
Rraashmew = Saltkit, Brinekit Raw salt. Made from boiling ocean water during large expeditions to the sea called a "Salt Patrol." Used as a medicine AND as a spice, important in controlling parasite infestations, fighting infection, and preserving food. Could just be referring to an off-white colored pelt, food, or even strength in battle for its association with treating wounds.
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
Hello it's the anon who said about the Ivan collar thing 😭. I come with some little brainrots.
Mizi sang "Black Sorrow" as a solo cover for unrequited love, with Sua being dead.
But the cover made me think. What if somehow Sua, in a way, is the Till to Mizi's Ivan. What if Sua, even if she loves Mizi back, never really fully indulged in it.
Specially in "My Clematis" where Mizi regarded Sua as a god, all I can imagine is Sua who always kept a perfect image in front of everyone including Mizi. Sua who never really showed her vulnerability to Mizi even though the other girl bared her entire heart. Just the idea that she somewhat kept a mask of pretend, letting Mizi be as blissful as it can be before the inevitable.
Aka tragic Yuri breaking my heart that Sua had to keep her own planned death a secret from her beloved because of one (and only) little selfish wish, which is to let Mizi live.
(Also sorry for spamming asks this frequently! I've been going through ALNST hyperfixations and your blog have a great humor.)
DONT EVER BE SORRY FOR SPAMMING ASKS! they make me really happy! Thank you so much! Sorry it takes me a while to answer them sometimes, my brains been pretty messy as of late, and I keep losing track of time.
That's a really interesting perspective to see it from. Regarding their relationship as a whole, I actually think it was the opposite. Sua only ever opened up to Mizi, and to everyone else she was timid and closed off. That was one of the reasons why their bond was so strong, they clung to each other. Sua retreats into herself, avoiding others in an attempt to protect her soft-hearted feelings, only sticking to Mizi because she loved and trusted her most. Mizi loved Sua like a dog because she was a cure for her loneliness back when Mizi felt isolated and afraid of being away from her home. They gave each other everything, which is why the thought of Mizi dying filled Sua with so much anguish that she'd rather die herself.
But if we're talking about the few weeks leading up to the first round of ALNST (you probably meant this, my bad) then definitely. She spent the last of her life counting down the hours, putting on a brave face and trying to make the remainder of her time with Mizi the best it could possibly be. I assume it was Mizi that proposed a tie. Sua played along, or maybe even believed in it at first, because ALIEN STAGE was something that they both looked forward to their whole lives, something that was held over their heads like a reward instead of the death sentence it actually was. Sua most likely started planning her death after she realized the possible consequences. The thing is, according to the MiziSua interview, a tie had never happened before in ALIEN STAGE. Which means that we don't know what happens if a tie actually does occur. It seems unlikely that ALIEN STAGE, which derives its stakes from the deaths of the contestants, would let both go forward thanks to a tie. I mean, if that happened, then everyone else would just decide to tie in order to keep each other alive, and where's the fun in a deathless season? Where's the stakes in that? It goes against everything ALIEN STAGE is built on. If a tie did happen, they most likely would have forced a situation where one of them would have to die anyway. It just lengthens the process and makes it more complicated. I like to think that, at some point, Sua realized this. If they tie, there's no guarantee that they both stay alive. In a tie situation, they might even randomly pick the contestant to be eliminated. The circumstances are uncertain and unpredictable, and within those hypotheticals Mizi dying is always an option. But if Sua adjusts her own performance level without Mizi knowing, she can ensure that the only person who has to die is herself. As stated before, Sua is soft-hearted. Her blank demeanor is indeed a mask for overwhelming feelings that lie beneath the surface. Mizi worships Sua, but Sua loves Mizi an incredible amount too. She must have loved her so much that Ivan, an exceedingly observant asshole (affectionate), picked up on it and was able to discern her intentions. Ivan criticizes Sua for choosing to sacrifice herself, calling her out for "playing hero", but most importantly, accusing her of dying only because she herself cannot handle the pain of losing someone she loves. She cannot fathom living a life where Mizi is dead, so she "runs away" from it by any means possible. He accuses her of being a hypocrite because the future that pains her to think about is one that she is about to inflict on her beloved. Is it an act of love or an act of selfishness? Is Ivan twisting her genuinely pure intentions and chastising her into believing that it makes her a bad person? Despite being hit with this crisis and crying over it, Sua decides to sacrifice herself anyway. And her happy mask was so impressive that Mizi failed to notice she was digging her own grave.
Sua not "indulging" in her love for Mizi is actually really interesting, and I can see how it can come off that way because Mizi is much more affectionate. But I actually think otherwise!
I think it's not really that she refused to indulge in her love, rather she indulged in it so much that she died to ensure she'd never have to live without it.
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