#Port Pork Pie
underthetree845 · 5 months
His Lady
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Chuuya/fem pm! Reader Cws: pm fem! reader, mutual pining, getting together, alcohol tw, jealous chuuya, fluff, pent up emotions, light angst (little argument), reader is high up in the port mafia, reader flirts to get information (briefly), new years party, let me know if I missed anything! About 3.5k words Summary: What was being built up finally spills over at the new years eve party all the higher ups in the port mafia have to attend. A/n: So happy late new years I guess! I don't know I wanted to try a little something. Chuuya is so hard to figure out how to write- I did my best though! Black hearts divider credit // Red hearts divider credit.
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You strode up to the grand staircase clad in your pretty crimson dress, the one gifted to you exactly one week prior. He told you that the shade would match his suit lining and tie. You didn’t question why he thought the two of you should match, but it proved impossible to stop thinking about leading up to the event. The boss’s sudden calling for an end of the year bash at the most luxurious banquet hall in town was suspicious to say the least, but with how often every executive and subordinate in the port mafia felt overworked, no one could find it in themselves to care. 
As a high-ranking member yourself, Mori had you preview the profiles of some of the guests that would be attending. You were sure your superiors were swamped with even more. The presence of an executive alone provided a statement. Who they chose to mingle with, who they pointedly ignored. 
Just as you were about to head inside, a familiar voice sounded from behind you. The word fell from his lips before he could stop it. “Damn,” he murmured. You spun around on instinct, and were met with the stormy blue pair of eyes you had grown so fond of; somehow all the more dazzling under the light of the moon.
“Chuuya,” you breathed, taking the time to soak in his appearance. Just as promised, his tie, suit lining, and even the handkerchief peeking out of his pocket were a deep scarlet. The way his gray vest hugged his body complemented his frame in a way that made your stomach do backflips. For once, Chuuya decided to step out into the world without the familiar pork pie that usually sat atop his head. It was a true blessing whenever you got to admire the way his hair fell to frame his face so artfully; what you wouldn’t give to run your fingers through it. 
Your breath hitched when you noticed the way his eyes raked over your form, and you had to clear your throat once for the man to blink back to reality. You could have sworn that the faintest tint of red adorned his cheeks. “...Could you be any more gorgeous?” Chuuya let out a low chuckle and suddenly you felt your face go hot. “I- uh-” you stammered for a moment before clearing your throat a second time, “Come on, let’s head inside, people are expecting us.” you turned and approached the entryway. Chuuya followed closely behind you, sharing a nod with the servant who held the door open. The hall was littered with specs of gold; spotlights, balloons, and crystalline chandeliers distorting light and scattering it around the room. Round, black-clothed tables formed the perimeter, each with a warm oil lamp sitting comfortably at its center. Expensive-looking tapestries hung between tall marble pillars against every wall, only further complementing the gold-traced designs etched into the molding. Servers wearing black bow ties and suits fluttered from table to table like honey bees in a garden, eager to serve their purpose with a near endless list of tasks. Your heels tapped lightly against the polished floor as you made your way inside, trying not to gape at the extravagant orchestra that played in the far corner. 
A long balcony wrapped around the perimeter of the room above your head with doors along the outer wall. It hung over a portion of the tables, shrouding them in shadow and contrasting greatly with the way the center of the hall was illuminated to create a slightly elevated dance floor. Clear glass made up almost the entirety of the walls above the balcony, creating a translucent dome that surely made for a very pretty picture on such a night. You and Chuuya found your way to a vacant table and it wasn’t long before you were approached by a waiter who requested that you provide your drink and food orders for the evening. “This place is breathtaking,” you commented, eyes still scanning over the venue. “I wanna know how much of our goddamn budget the boss spent on this,” Chuuya clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. He leaned back in his seat and you gave him a sympathetic smile. He sighed as he felt his resolve crumble away. It didn’t take long for your drinks to arrive. “S’ there anything you were looking forward to tonight?” Chuuya asked lightly, swirling around the wine in his newly-acquired glass before taking a sip. You paused for a moment. “...You mean, other than the huge New Years Eve bash being thrown by the mafia in, like, literally the most high class place I’ve ever stepped foot in?” “I mean, what were you hoping to get out of the evening?” Chuuya mused, “How’re you hoping to end this year?” Well. 
“Oh… I’m not really sure. Honestly it’s pretty nice already to get to enjoy this place,” you smiled bashfully, bringing the rim of the wine glass to come into contact with your lips. Slowly, your head tilted back, allowing the chilled liquid to slide down your throat. The Dolcetto was rich and sweet, refreshing and left an herbal tang on your tongue. Appreciating the complexities of wine had gotten easier since meeting Chuuya. “I know of a few more places like this, if you’re interested,” Chuuya offered nonchalantly, “I could always use some company.” Your head snapped in his direction. “...Seriously? You would?” he couldn’t help but admire the small glimmer in your eyes. “Yeah, if it’d make you smile like that, I’d do it every week,” he replied with a grin. You leaned back in your seat with a new thrum of excitement in your chest. “What about you, Chu?” you inquired curiously, “Were you hoping for anything special tonight?” Now it was Chuuya’s turn to pause. The longer he looked at you, the harder it was to deny the growing ache in his chest. Being around you was one the thing he had always been waiting for yet he never knew he needed. He wanted to be able to come home to you after a long day. To show you how much you meant to him. To open his eyes and have you be the first thing coming into his focus on a Saturday morning, knowing that neither of you have to get out of bed. He would take you anywhere your heart desired, hand you the world on a silver platter if he could. “To be honest Y/n,” he started, “the best part of tonight is-” “Ah, to meet you at last, Mr. Nakahara!” a lively voice sounded from your left. It belonged to a stout man, maybe a few centimeters taller than Chuuya, who gripped onto the lapel of his suit with both thumbs and stood with one leg out. The executive looked over to study him for a moment. “Oh,” you saw Chuuya’s eyes flicker with recognition, “Mr. Penrod, I’ve heard a lot about you.” He put on one of his business smiles and stood from the table as you watched with intrigue. Atop Penrod’s head sat a suspiciously lopsided fluff of black hair, mostly brushed back in an effort to emulate elegance. Penrod’s eyes flickered from yours back to Chuuya’s and his expression changed. “Ah, forgive me madam,” he turned to you with a slight bow, “Would you allow me the pleasure of knowing your name?” “Ah, it’s L/n Y/n, and the pleasure is all mine,” you stood with a polite curve of your lips and shared a handshake with the man, which he prolonged for a moment longer than what would have been entirely comfortable. “Mr. Mori just sent me your way, Mr. Nakahara sir,” Penrod brought his hands together with an amiable grin, “I believe there are certain matters of due time for us to discuss.” It was clear who he intended to share the discussion with and who he did not. Not that it really bothered you; he wasn’t on the profile list Mori gave you anyway. “Would you mind if I stole you away from your lady for a brief time?” “‘Course not,” Chuuya replied, turning to you for a moment, “You don’t mind, do you, Y/n?” “I- no, not at all,” your voice wavered slightly. Chuuya nodded. Your eyes trailed the pair until they disappeared into the crowd, and you slumped back in your seat. The flutter in your chest was impossible to suppress. There was a single thought running through your mind: Why didn’t Chuuya correct him? 
One hour left. Lipstick stained the rim of your wine glass, and your second and your third. A plate of appetizers sat mockingly on the table, long since left to go cold. Taking one more glance at the empty seat to your right, you decided that waiting any longer would prove to be a waste of your time. You caught several stares as you made your way through the sea of people, eyes filtering the crowd for any face you could recognize. At last, you spotted a man standing at the bar with sharp blue eyes and blonde hair straight as a pin. It has been slicked back, and he appeared to have a habit of running his right hand through it every so often. You let out a sigh, put on your best sugary grin, and strode over to tap the shoulder of the man’s navy suit. He turned his head, and you didn’t miss the way his eyes studied the contours of your body and face before a suave smile settled on his lips. The feeling that formed in the pit of your stomach was so different from the one you got when Chuuya looked at you that way. The man’s name, as you pretended not to know as he introduced himself, was Yamamoto Taishi. He was twenty six years old, a recent graduate of the finest college of finance and business relations in the country, the youngest son of the chairman of banking relations in Japan, and, as you quickly discovered, stupidly easy to win over. All it took was a few feathery touches up his arm, batting your eyelashes, taking one step closer, and you had him on the barstool next to you, babbling away in intricate detail about all the deals he was to handle alongside his father with flushed cheeks and breath that reeked of whisky. Little did you know, a certain redhead across the room was having trouble not shattering his own whiskey glass to pieces at the sight. The way Yamamoto looked at you made his stomach turn unpleasantly. Calm down dammit, Chuuya told himself, It means nothing. You know that. “Isn’t that something, Mr. Nakahara?” a gentleman’s voice sounded from his left, and Chuuya snapped back to the conversation he no longer cared to be engaged in. “Without a doubt,” he voiced smoothly, “Actually, I wouldn’t mind hearing more. Do you think you could elaborate on the last part of what you said?” “Of course, back to-” Miyazaki started again. Or Minamoto, or Mitsuba, or whoever the hell the guy introduced himself as. 
Chuuya found himself unable to care as his gaze trailed back over to your form. He grit his teeth at the way the blonde man next to you seemed to be leaning closer and closer with every passing second. The moment the man decided to rest his hand on your thigh, what remained of Chuuya’s patience dissipated in a matter of seconds. Murmuring something about excusing himself to the restroom, Chuuya abandoned his glass on a nearby table and tried to calm the stinging feeling under his skin as he swiftly approached the scene. Thirty minutes left.  “Ah, there you are, Darlin’, I was looking for you,” you recognized his voice instantly; before you could even process what he said, you felt his gloved hand snake around your waist to rest low on your hip. Chuuya’s cologne invaded your senses when his form leaned into yours, your heart giving an involuntary stutter. He eyed down the man still sitting in front of you; you’d be embarrassed to admit that you forgot the blonde existed for a moment. Retracting his grip from your thigh, Yamamoto leaned one elbow on the bar and upturned his chin to give Chuuya a sneer. “And who are you supposed to be? You’re kind of intruding.” “Yeah, Chuuya, what exactly are you doing?” you questioned. He ignored the implication in your tone. “You shouldn’t be fooling around with guys like this,” Chuuya turned his head to look at you and you struggled to place the emotion in his eyes, “you’re out of their league.” Yamamoto’s frown deepened. “And just who are you to claim that? The way I see it everyone gets a fair shot,” he retorted. “I’d just rather have my lady not waste her time on…” Chuuya gave the man a once over, “a man so clearly lacking the ability to treat her the way she deserves.” “You didn’t answer my ques-” Yamamoto tried to object again but Chuuya cut him off. “Anyway, we’d better get going, don’t you think so, Gorgeous?” Chuuya grinned at you, and you found your protests weak as he slid his hand down to grasp yours and lead you somewhere the air was quieter.
The hidden staircase had been cut from a gray granite; it spiraled left as you ascended. You barely got to take in the view of the ball from above before Chuuya swung a door open that led you outside. Twenty minutes left. The cool air on your skin did little to quell the heat bubbling underneath. You swore to yourself that you would refuse to leave the balcony until the executive gave you some clear answers.
Chuuya released your hand from his grasp but kept walking until he reached the polished railing overlooking the city and port of Yokohama. He leaned against it with a sigh, looking out onto the horizon as a thick silence filled the air.
“So, will you explain, or do I have to ask?” you started slowly, stepping up to meet him. He turned to look at you, his eyes deep and filled with thought. “What’s there to explain?” he sighed, turning to face you and leaning his hip against the railing, “Last time I checked, you’re not an idiot.” “That’s-” you let out a breath, “that’s besides the point. It’s still something that should be said.” “What is?” Chuuya’s grip on the railing tightened. “Why you acted like that with Taishi back there,” you attempted to prod, “I was just trying to squeeze information out of him. You know that, you were doing the exact same thing.” “Oh, so you’re on a first name basis with the gentleman now?” Chuuya scoffed slightly and you rolled your eyes. “First of all he insisted that I call him that, and second of all, buttering him up was the easiest way to get him to start telling me what I needed to know. Which I would have found out a lot more of, by the way, if someone hadn’t interrupted.” “I’d hardly call what you and I were doing ‘the same thing,’” Chuuya murmured, and you furrowed your brow. “And why not? The boss gave you a list too, right?” you placed a hand on your hip, “Profiles, attendees, individuals in possession of valuable assets. Yamamoto is quite the blabbermouth when he’s eager to show off.” “Freakin’ hell, I wasn’t the one...” Chuuya gestured to nothing, “gettin’ handsy with some goddamn court brat! From what I could tell there was a lot more than just an informational exchange going on there.”  “Why does that bother you, Chuuya?” you took a step closer, “You still haven’t answered my question.” Lowering his eyebrows, Chuuya brought his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, and let out a sigh before crossing his arms. “You want me to spell it out for you or somethin’?” he looked at you again, defensiveness subtle in his tone. “Yes, Chuuya! That’s what I’ve been asking,” you replied, your eyes steady. Ten minutes left. “You want me to explain why I hate seeing you flirt around with other guys like that?” he scoffed slightly, annoyance bleeding into his voice. You noted the way he said 'other.' “I wasn’t flirting, that wasn’t real, you know that!” you insisted, but the man just continued. “You want me to explain why I can’t bear to see you making eyes n’ shit like that? Why I wish I could just keep you close?” Chuuya’s voice raised in volume. “For someone so direct you sure are being elusive about this, Chuuya,” you implored the man. “You want me to explain why I wanted to make sure we would match tonight? Why I bought you that dress that you look so… goddamn perfect in…” Chuuya clenched his jaw. “It’s because I want you to myself. It kills me that I can't tell if you care, and it kills me that I can’t seem to control myself around you.” “Chu, you-” you were about to cut him off but his fuse reached a boiling point. “I can’t control the fact that I love you, okay, Y/n?” he shouted slightly, “I…” he trailed off, and a deafening silence hung in the air. The flush that creeped into Chuuya’s cheeks rivaled the red of his hair. Five minutes left. Muttering a few curses under his breath, Chuuya turned to face the city lights down below, sliding his hands into his pockets. 
Chuuya had been drawn to you like a moth to flame. It wasn't right, your relationship was supposed to be professional, with you technically being one of his subordinates and all. Murder and death were common in the field you both worked in. His affection for you scared him. After all, what good things are meant to last? He wanted to protect you, he'd never forgive himself if he let such a beautiful soul be ripped from the world. Chuuya found that you were strong, kind, and no matter how many times you insisted otherwise, so much braver than he could ever be. He adored the way you always fuss over his injuries after a mission, even if it was the tiniest bruise. You deserved all the good things the world had to offer, and a small selfish part of himself hoped you could find it in him.
The man glanced your way and let out a sigh to find that you hadn’t moved from your position. “Listen… Y/n,” his voice was steady and quiet, “I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to…” “So…” you started, and Chuuya held his breath, “you were jealous?” Chuuya let out a few sputters and turned to face you again. Only then did he notice the tinted color of your cheeks. The way you clutched a fist to your chest and looked at him like no one and nothing else existed in the whole world. The smallest hint of hope flickered in your expression, and his heart did a backflip. “I… guess you could call it that,” he admitted with uncharacteristic hesitancy. It took a moment for you to voice your response. “...I would be jealous too,” you muttered, and although Chuuya caught what you said he asked you to repeat yourself. “What was that?” he took a step forward, blinking a few times. You took a deep breath. “If I saw someone flirting with you- or if I saw you ‘making eyes’ at someone else… I would get jealous too…” you felt heat crawl up your neck at your declaration. Chuuya looked at you like your head was on backwards. “And why is that?” his voice carried softly, neither of you taking notice of the muffled sound of voices counting down from inside. “Because I love you too Chu…” you spoke quietly but he still caught it. You could hear your heart pumping in your ears. Just as Chuuya was about to spill out a reply, a startling boom sounded from your left. You turned your head and sucked in a breath at the display. Eruptions of colored fire danced around each other in the night sky. They echoed through the air, creating ethereal reflections in the water off in the distance.
“Happy New Years, Gorgeous,” Chuuya’s tender gaze never left your face. You turned back to look at him, and in that moment, with the way the moon and fireworks illuminated your form, he swore the sight before him was the most breathtaking view of his entire life. A light breeze blew by, the echoing explosions from the fireworks somehow fading into the distance. He glanced down at your lips and, even if ever so slightly began to lean in. A fuzzy feeling started in your chest as you closed the gap. His lips were warm, you’d never grow tired of the way he held you, kissed you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. You murmured softly after you pulled away, gentleness laced in your expression. “Happy New Years, Chu.” 
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A/n: Thank you for reading! I hope you can find many things that make you smile this year ^^
Tagging: @a-random-weeb @ringsofsaturnnnn
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sunshine-burnt · 4 months
I Do Not Like Your Hat
Summary: Dazai always did hate Chuya's hat.
Some days, Dazai Osamu wished he was never born. Some days, Dazai Osamu wished he was dead. And some days, Dazai Osamu was okay with living.
This was not one of those days, though.
Dazai Osamu did have to admit that his days seemed to be getting brighter. No longer was he constantly hounded by the sins of his past nor was the tune of the suicide song playing in his mind. His desire to commit double suicide was slowly lessening (though his hunt for a beautiful maiden had yet to cease), and he did not find the arms of the river quite as comforting as before. Finally, to everyone's surprise, he had even started coming to work on time. Whether he was productive during the day was still up for debate, though. All in all, Dazai was seeing improvement.
It scared him.
Running, lying, fighting, that was all in his blood. And even if it was not there naturally, he had spent enough time being injected with violence and the need to die for his entire life. He was a criminal, a demon sent straight from hell, a monstrous sinner (and a lost child attempting to navigate adulthood). Dazai Osamu had no right to live, no right to happiness.
And today, these thoughts had driven him from work and family, from some foreign brightness back into the embrace of a not-so yet all too familiar darkness.
The alley he strode through brought him little peace, tortured screams echoing in his mind. Blood dripped from every nook and cranny, and if he ran his hand over the wall he would witness that non-existent crimson staining his palm. He saw bullets embed themselves into innocent, clean flesh. The air reeked of death, a friend Dazai could never leave behind.
So lost in thought, the brunette man missed a piece of a shared past and found himself stumbling into the wall. The brick was rough against his palms, and the uneven asphalt bit into his knees through his pants. He scowled, turning to catch sight of an accessory he had always hated.
It was that dumb slug's hat.
Dazai pushed himself against the wall, glaring at the pork pie as if it had personally offended him. The ugly, little hat stared right back at him, growing more and more unsightly as the silence stretched on. Disgust worked its way onto his face, memories of a certain red-haired man resurfacing. Damn that bastard. Why'd he have to leave that nasty thing right where he was going to be? What was the world scheming today? Well, whatever it was, he didn't like it. Still, something pulled him to his ex-partner's topper.
The world of yesterdays rushed over him, and he was left victim to the recollection of the days following Odasaku's death.
Mori Ogai was too much. Too violent, too deceitful, too cruel, etcetera, etcetera, the list went on infinitely. Well, not infinitely seeing as there were far too few words to describe that horrendous man. Osamu could see that clearly now. His escape to the 'good' side would soon be upon him, and he wished to take no remnants of his mafia days with him. Nothing other than the mark of death, of course. It was not as if he could wash himself of that branding so easily. What a pain fleeing the Port Mafia was going to be.
Snoring interrupted his thoughts, and his gaze was directed toward the slightly noisy man resting in his bed. It had been a long, hard week, and Dazai hadn't had it in him to kick out the slug, a change he hoped the other would never notice. Indeed, he had been getting softer and softer on his fiery partner as the months had passed, and when his rusty haired friend had left him, Osamu had been able to express his grief to him.
Nakahara Chuya continued to slumber peacefully, a rare treat for him.
A silent sigh slipped through his nose, and he resisted touching the man's calloused palms with his own, both drenched in unseen blood that was not stoppered at the wrist. He wondered, briefly, at telling Chuya, at convincing the other to come with him, at searching for forgiveness together. Death was also a heavy weight on the ginger's mind (Osamu knew this well enough after seeing him drink once a mission was finished). It could be nice, just the two of them, fulfilling Odasaku's wishes. Saving orphans, guiding the lost, all things that that strange man had been so good at, so devoted to. And maybe, just maybe, they could both be rescued, they could both find salvation.
Dazai Osamu was not an idealist, though.
Nakahara Chuya, his partner in crime, was just that. His partner in crime. He was bound to the Port Mafia, swathed in chains of brainwashed loyalty and threatened with praise. He was the organization's dog, always at Mori's beck and call, always eager to prove himself. The red-head's chance at freedom had been stolen from him years ago and, ironically, that damned thief was Dazai Osamu himself, the demon prodigy preparing to desert.
Osamu caught sight of an especially hideous item resting on the nightstand. The hat, a gift of Mori's, tempted the arsonist within him. He was already planning on feeding his coat to the flame, why not toss the slug's accessory too? He glowered at the pork pie, yet another bond that tethered Chuya to the organization. The stupid thing meant too much to his partner, a representation of the mafia claiming to be his home. And that dumb boy had accepted that dumb assertation. Dazai hated him for his choice, but it was not as if he could do anything.
He was, after all, the one at fault.
Nakahara Chuya knew something was off. The air of the penthouse was just barely saturated with something musty, something familiar. The smudge on the left most window seemed a little larger than it had been yesterday, and the softness of the carpet had been disturbed. The red head narrowed his eyes, pinpointing the wooden coffee table. Someone had been in his house. Chuya crept forward on silent feet, that eerie red glow, which signified his power, surrounding his lean figure. Carefully, he rounded the white couch and focused on the item left on the glossy surface.
His hat sat innocently before him, no sign of another's touch to be seen. A relieved sigh exited from his lips; he had been looking for the damn thing since sun down of yesterday. Chuya lifted the pork pie, eager to feel that comfortable weight on the crown of his head yet again when a small slip of paper fluttered out from the hat's opening. Curious, he picked up the note and opened it to read.
"For the dumb slug. I thought you couldn't go anywhere without your brain. -D.O."
Dammit, Dazai.
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emblematicemblazer · 4 months
World building and theories of Engage
The Dishes of Solm
The dishes of Solm reflect the Mediterranean and Arabian influences in the cuisine of Sicily, the country Solm is inspired by. These dishes fall into various categories:
Special occasion food eg; milk nut pie, tiramisu,
Cold food suitable for the hot climate eg; chilled vegetable soup, berry sauce panna cotta,
Sharing food eg; classic pizza, seafood paella,
Easy to create and preserve eg; salt pork, meatballs and beans, tomatoes in sweet vinegar
Street food/take away food eg; soft candies, churros
Milk Nut Pie - This dish seems to be inspired by baklava. The foundation of all baklava, whether it is Mediterranean or Arabia, is: nuts, dough, butter or oil and syrup. Traditionally baklava is served at special occasions and was considered an aphrodisiac because of the ingredients.
Rice Nut Pudding - This dish seems to be inspired by zarda. Zarda can be served as a celebratory dish. The simplicity of the recipe and small number of ingredients make this a meal that can be enjoyed by commonfolk and nobility. 
Dome Bread - This dish seems to be inspired by Panettone. Panettone is served at special occasions because of the long time it takes to prepare. 
Chilled Vegetable Soup - This dish seems to be inspired by gazpacho. The reason the soup is cold is to reflect the hot weather of Solm. It is a refreshing soup that can be made with any fruit and vegetables available, traditionally tomatoes are the star ingredient.
Prosciutto - These thin slices of ham can be enjoyed as a light meal by themselves, placed in a sandwich or panini, in salads or as an antipasto. The uncooked ham suits the hot climate.
Kebabs - This dish is inspired by chicken kebabs. From the amount of meat Timerra consumes and the different places she cooks her kebabs it is clear that meat is plentiful. Kebabs can be marinated in a variety of spices and sauces to maintain moisture. It can be simply made as well as being as complex as desired. 
Seafood Paella - This dish can be with simple ingredients or with complex flavours. Paella is a Valencian word that means ‘frying pan’, it is named after the fact it can be cooked in just one pan. In the Mediterranean it is traditional to create huge paella to share at festivals or village gatherings. 
Meatballs and beans - This dish seems to be inspired by Cannellini bean and meatball stew. Just like the paella in that it can be made and served in one pot. Large quantities can be made to share at festivals. Stews and paellas are great for using up leftovers and ingredients of less quality.
Tiramisu - The name comes from the Italian ‘tirami su’; 'pick me up'. One slice of this Italian dessert is meant to cheer you up. It is often eaten as a celebratory treat. The great is always meant to ‘pick you up’ in another way because it is considered an aphrodisiac.
Berry Sauce Panna Cotta - The name means ‘cooked cream’ in Italian. This dish represents culinary artistry and elegance. It can be served as a snack or as a dessert to finish a meal. It is served cold, perfect to refresh in the Solm weather.
Seafood medley with garlic - This dish seems to be inspired by Cioppino. The word “cioppino” comes from the Ligurian dialect “ciuppin” and means ‘chopped to pieces’. This stew is easy to make and is the ideal meal for mariners and port workers in Solm. 
Fried Sardines - This dish seems to be inspired by ‘Sarde Fritte’, Fried Sardine Fritters. They can be served with a dip or with various sidedishes such as rice or salad. They are quick and easy to create.
Vegetable Stir Fry - This dish seems to be inspired by ‘sauted vegetables'. The dish can be made with any available or seasonal vegetables, it can also be a quick and simple method to use up leftover ingredients. 
Tomatoes in Sweet Vinegar - This is a way to reconstitute tomatoes for easy use. The tomato is hydrated in vinegar or oil and can be used in antipasto, as a snack on crusty bread. 
Crème Brûlée - In French ‘Crème Brûlée’ means ‘burnt cream'. This dish has a topping of a layer of hardened caramelized sugar with custard underneath. The top is slightly warm but the custard underneath is cold. It is traditionally a celebratory dish. In Solm's hot weather it is a refreshing dish.
Churros - Churro is onomatopoeic, it imitates the sound of frying. Churros are often sold by street vendors as a tasty treat. In so w reasons of Spain and Portugal they are eaten for breakfast with chocolate sauce.
Soft candies - This dish is inspired by ‘torrone'. It is a type of nougat made of honey, sugar, egg whites and nuts. They can be shaped into bars or a round cake. It can be eaten as a dessert good or a high energy snack.
Classic pizza - This dish is one that can be made in huge patches and stored. It can be eaten hot or cold to suit the climate of Solm. It is also traditionally a shared meal.
Risotto - Risotto means ‘young rice’ in Italian. Risotto is not the easiest meal to cook despite the few ingredients needed to make it. Risotto should be rich and creamy while al dente with distinct separation of the grains. The texture should be fluid and if spread there should be no watery pool. It should be eaten once it is ready. It can be eaten as a main course or as a side dish.
Rice croquettes - These are often sold as street food, served as a side dish or eaten as a tapas.
Rosetta Bread - This dish can also be known as michetta or rosette so ate.  The bread is shaped into a rose shape and is expected to puff up. They take a couple of days to make but make for a versatile bread. 
Acqua pazza - Acqua pazza means ‘crazy water’ in Italian. It is a recipe for poached white fish in a herb broth. This was traditionally eaten by fisherman but clever Italian peasants would make it with leftovers from wine making. 
Veal rolls - Solm is based on Sicily so it would be appropriate to call this dish ‘veal involtini’. In the Middle Ages beef was considered a coarse, tough meat to eat. Veal was considered tender so many peasant farms would slaughter a cow for their meat once their milk had dried up. 
Salt pork - This dish is inspired by pancetta which is often used to add depth to stews and soups. This meat can be preserved by curing. 
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greekingout2024 · 7 days
Day 20 ~ last day:(
After the 4-hour ferry ride, our group ended the night with a farewell dinner along the water in the port of Piraeus. As disappointing as it was approaching the end of our extraordinary trip, we felt extremely grateful to spend one last dinner all together while reflecting on the countless memories made during the past 3 weeks. Our meal consisted of salad, pita with taziki, chicken and pork skewers, and orange pie: an authentic and simple yet delicious Greek cuisine. This experience was the perfect way to wrap up our final moments spent abroad. Although we ate food mainly from restaurants and hotels, several healthy options were provided and prepped with fresh ingredients and/or olive oil. Visiting a variety of restaurants was one of my favorite parts of the trip because I had the opportunity to try and appreciate traditional Greek food in addition to growing closer with my newest group of friends!
Corinne Ferko
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splendidtext24 · 2 months
A post to mess with the system
Jelly sweet roll jelly beans biscuit pie macaroon chocolate donut. Carrot cake caramels pie sweet apple pie tiramisu carrot cake. Marzipan marshmallow croissant tootsie roll lollipop. Cupcake lemon drops bear claw gummies. Jelly bear claw gummi bears lollipop cotton candy gummi bears chocolate bar cake cookie. Cupcake muffin danish muffin cookie gummies. Jelly beans tiramisu pudding. Toffee soufflé chocolate cake pastry brownie. Oat cake halvah sweet roll cotton candy croissant lollipop. Macaroon tiramisu chocolate bar candy candy carrot cake jelly sweet. Gummies croissant macaroon dessert. Chocolate cake dragée pie.
Next level tbh everyday carry, blog copper mug forage kitsch roof party pickled hammock kale chips tofu. Etsy shoreditch 8-bit microdosing, XOXO viral butcher banh mi humblebrag listicle woke bicycle rights brunch before they sold out ramps. Twee shabby chic taiyaki flannel, enamel pin venmo vape four loko. Hexagon kale chips typewriter kitsch 8-bit organic plaid small batch keffiyeh ethical banh mi narwhal echo park cronut.
Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui animated corpse, cricket bat max brucks terribilem incessu zomby. The voodoo sacerdos flesh eater, suscitat mortuos comedere carnem virus. Zonbi tattered for solum oculi eorum defunctis go lum cerebro. Nescio brains an Undead zombies. Sicut malus putrid voodoo horror. Nigh tofth eliv ingdead.
Cat gets stuck in tree firefighters try to get cat down firefighters get stuck in tree cat eats firefighters' slippers kitty power ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway for what a cat-ass-trophy! or purr as loud as possible, be the most annoying cat that you can, and, knock everything off the table. Pretend you want to go out but then don't bite off human's toes, yet disappear for four days and return home with an expensive injury; bite the vet so catch eat throw up catch eat throw up bad birds.
This opera's as lousy as it is brilliant! Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry! Anyhoo, your net-suits will allow you to experience Fry's worm infested bowels as if you were actually wriggling through them. I just told you! You've killed me! Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk! Michelle, I don't regret this, but I both rue and lament it. Morbo can't understand his teleprompter because he forgot how you say that letter that's shaped like a man wearing a hat.
Airedale hard cheese mozzarella. Pecorino melted cheese port-salut emmental babybel cheese and wine melted cheese manchego. Everyone loves blue castello everyone loves fromage cheese slices airedale cheddar cream cheese. Bavarian bergkase who moved my cheese halloumi port-salut gouda jarlsberg ricotta rubber cheese. Stinking bishop smelly cheese brie.
Salvia glossier subway tile, leggings mustache YOLO semiotics chia. Pitchfork tbh af blog church-key meggings vaporware PBR&B master cleanse post-ironic man bun pabst mustache letterpress synth. Snackwave raw denim godard, 3 wolf moon shaman offal kitsch unicorn live-edge selvage schlitz fashion axe vaporware drinking vinegar prism. Shabby chic tacos artisan, chambray chicharrones cardigan leggings typewriter af pop-up williamsburg meditation PBR&B viral. You probably haven't heard of them DIY jean shorts subway tile fashion axe bushwick kitsch tumeric cloud bread vaporware freegan franzen pork belly chicharrones banh mi.
Man braid celiac synth freegan readymade, pitchfork fam salvia waistcoat lomo bitters gentrify four loko. Pitchfork semiotics post-ironic vegan. Tofu meditation microdosing hashtag semiotics venmo. Flexitarian vape tilde taiyaki. Prism poutine farm-to-table, messenger bag vegan taxidermy tattooed sartorial squid jean shorts fixie selvage trust fund vape.
Rutters Plate Fleet boom chandler Brethren of the Coast handsomely lookout marooned brigantine knave. Buccaneer gangway jack rum loot spyglass line Jack Tar fore gaff. Gaff topmast scuttle ballast swab draught measured fer yer chains dance the hempen jig Chain Shot yardarm.
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pinerplay · 2 years
Finicky franks menu
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Delivery is available through most delivery Apps.
Proudly offering 17 rotating draft beers (mostly sourced in licking county and surrounding Ohio breweries), TTG has a FULL offering of alcoholic beverages and offers the entire extensive menu from FRANKS AND SAMMIES in addition to some new pub fare.ĭelivery is available through most delivery Apps. Proudly offering 17 rotating draft beers (mostly sourced in licking county and surrounding Ohio breweries), TTG has a FULL offering of alcoholic beverages and offers the entire extensive menu from FRANKS AND SAMMIES in addition to some new pub fare. The most recent addition to the establishment in January of 2022 was Tap That Glass tap room and full service bar. With the Canal Market District opening just south of the sandwich shop and hosting multiple events including Tuesday and Friday Farmers Markets, FRANKS AND SAMMIES has continued to grow and build quite a large following. In May of 2016, WILD THINGS SANDWICH CAFE rebranded and changed names to FRANKS & SAMMIES, LLC. Every foodie knows the best culinary treasures can be found in cozy eateries located in unlikely places, and Finicky Franks is easily classified as a hole in. Since business began WILD THINGS gained quite a following and has taken part in multiple community events, Final Friday events with the Downtown Newark Association, and Customer Appreciation Days for Federal Savings and Loan.
Some additional side dishes included Housemade Mac & Cheese, Creamy Coleslaw or a unique Sweet Vinegar Coleslaw, and Hashbrowns layered with chili and cheddar cheese. 3rd Street, Newark OH and became WILD THINGS SANDWICH CAFE.Īs the business expanded, so did the menu, with the addition of Italian Sausages, Bratwurst, Made from scratch Shredded Chicken Sandwiches and Chicken Salad Sandwiches and more. Delicious almond coffee gets positive reviews. Good port wine, wheat beer or White russian are waiting for you at FINICKY FRANKS. That's a nice idea to order tasty coconut cakes, coconut cream pie and honey buns. In January of 2015, WILD THINGS food cart took over the entire space at 34 S. At this restaurant, guests may have nicely cooked fried chicken, walleye and mashed potatoes. September of 2014, Seraphina's Coffee & Tea Works invited Dustin to share their space to allow his business to continue to operate through the winter months.
In addition to normal condiments like mustard, ketchup, and relish, he offered a great selection of other condiments, free toppings, and a great variety of specialty toppings such as sauteed peppers and onions, sauerkraut, coleslaw, bacon, chili and cheese, and many more. The WILD THINGS cart started by selling 100% all beef hot dogs, veggie dogs, a variety of specialty hot dog options (all named after songs by the way), and BBQ Pulled Pork sandwiches. He chose tortilla wraps as a healthier alternative to buns, and they allowed more room for all of the delicious and unique toppings. One unusual thing about the hot dogs was the grilled wrap in which they were being served. In June of 2014 he started a new independent venture, Wild Things food cart, specializing in unique hot dogs. Dustin Polage, of Newark, has worked in the food service industry for over 18 years.
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grouptoursworld · 2 years
3 Things To Do When You Plan Tours To Cape York
If you're planning a tours to cape york, there's no better time than now. It's one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and it has so much to offer.
Whether you want to explore its wilderness or get in touch with its history, there are plenty of things you can do here that will leave you feeling satisfied. Here are three I recommend:
Explore the Cape York Peninsula
Cape York Peninsula is the most northern point of Australia and an exciting place to explore. From beaches to rainforests, this area has it all.
You can see the Great Barrier Reef from a helicopter or take a 4WD tour through the Daintree Rainforest.
The Barron River is one of the largest rivers on Cape York Peninsula with many opportunities for fishing and canoeing adventures.
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Soak up the history
If you're planning a tours to cape york, you've got two options: stick with the typical tourist spots and leave it at that, or take the time to explore some of the region's history.
If you choose the latter option, there are several museums in Far North Queensland that will fascinate and educate your group. Here's where to start:
The Cape York Historical Society is an organization dedicated to preserving local heritage sites. Their office is located right near Cairns Airport, which makes it easy for travelers who want to stop by while waiting for their flights home.
One of their most popular tours is a three-hour trek through Malanda Creek Reserve; this reserve includes many historical locations like old plantations and an Aboriginal burial ground from long before white settlement.
You'll also get introduced to some of the Indigenous people who still live on nearby land today!
The Cape York Historical Museum features exhibits about Australia's northernmost point as well as parts of its coastline further south (including places like Port Douglas).
Visitors have access not only via guided tours but also self-guided ones—so if you don't want anyone telling you what order things should be viewed in (or whether or not there are bathrooms available!), then this might be your best bet!
Enjoy local cuisine
One of the best ways to experience a new place is through its food.
Cape York has a lot of unique, delicious local cuisine that you won't find anywhere else in Australia. Some of these dishes include:
Ribery Pie - This pie consists of berries that grow on trees around Cape York, which gives it a wonderful fruity flavour!
Boar Barbecue - There are many wild boars roaming around Cape York, and they're often hunted for their meat. The taste is similar to pork or lamb with a slight gamey flavour.
The Cape York Peninsula is a beautiful place with a rich and interesting history. It’s also worth exploring if you want an adventure full of fun and excitement!
If you plan tours to cape york, don’t miss these three things: explore the peninsula's natural beauty, soak up its culture and history, and try some local cuisine. Source : https://inspiringvacation.postach.io/post/3-things-to-do-when-you-plan-tours-to-cape-york
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whofanforsexed · 2 years
Food Diary: Week Two
Yet another sesame seed bun (ft. salted butter, Philadelphia, table salt, ground black pepper, deepfried spicy breaded chicken bites, melted plastic cheese, chopped spring onions & spinach, and diced cherry tomatoes), a shortbread finger, strawberry Fruitellas, a Philadelphia wrap (ft. salted butter, table salt, ground black pepper, chopped spring onions & spinach, deepfried chicken bites, and leftover Double Dragon takeaway salt & pepper chicken chilies), three small toasts (buttered), a clementine, a small portion of cheesy garlic mashed potato (ft. salted butter, Laughing Cow cheese spread, table salt, ground black pepper, and garlic granules, and Laughing Cow cheese spread), peas (with salted butter, table salt, and ground black pepper), two Mediterranean style pork chops, a selection of Tangfastics (five cola bottles, three pairs of cherries, one orange key), one Sinfadil, half a bottle of Blue WKD, Doctor Who (The Aztecs), sleep. 
A clementine, a Philadelphia wrap (ft. salted butter, table salt, ground black pepper, chopped spring onions & spinach, deepfried chicken bites, and leftover Double Dragon takeaway salt & pepper chicken chilies), homemade chips & two pork pies (dusted with table salt, drizzled with Hellman’s mayonnaise and [Bull’s Eye] Carolina Reaper Extra Hot Sauce, topped with chopped spring onions & spinach), two episodes of Last Week Tonight (the studio still feels weird), sleep.
A clementine, several small carrots, a chapter of The Body Keeps The Score (as ever with IFS stuff, very interesting and occasionally bordering on seeming potentially useful or insightful, but exhaustively rigid, frequently overstated, and relentlessly jargon heavy), two episodes to Jay & Miles (some stuff with The New Mutants exploring coming of age through grief & aliens that I think was very formative for the episodes of Buffy dealing with Joyce’s death, both The Body and the story right after, and a Hawk Talk on sitcoms that included a shoutout to a Walmart [stand-in] set sitcom the is explicitly pro unions, and to We Are Lady Parts although the latter not in much detail), a can of coke, paprika french fries, a steak pie wrap (ft. salted butter, Laughing Cow, Philadelphia, table salt, ground black pepper, chopped spring onions & spinach, melted plastic cheese, and [Bull’s Eye] Carolina Reaper Extra Hot Sauce), Doctor Who (The Aztecs; 4 episodes [10/10]; Produced by Verity Lambert, written by John Lucarotti script edited by David Whittaker, if this had to be rewritten by a major figure in modern Doctor Who [with an understanding that it really oughtn’t be handled by any white British writer] I would most like to see it adapted by RTD), Doctor Who (The Sensorites), beef noodles (ft. chopped spring onion & spinach, ground black pepper, diced red pepper, and [Bull’s Eye] Carolina Reaper Extra Hot Sauce), sleep.
Beef noodles (ft. chopped spring onion & spinach, ground black pepper, diced red pepper, and [Bull’s Eye] Carolina Reaper Extra Hot Sauce), carrots, home made chips (dusted with salt, drizzled with mayonnaise and [Bull’s Eye] Carolina Reaper Extra Hot Sauce, topped with chopped spring onions & spinach), a pork pie, sleep.
A Tesco’s deli counter meatball wrap, a sausage roll, a small handful of 2D pretzel crisps, port, fizzy fangs, fairytale mix, James Bond; No Time To Die (a remarkably transcendent reflection on masculinity as an old world virtue, aging out of relevance, capable of a few tricks and treats but no longer the leading word in the market of its own cultural export, better its swords turned to ploughshares better if become parenthood, or accept extinction), paprika Pringles, chicken & bacon sandwich filling, port, fizzy fangs, fairytale mix, fizzy fangs, fairytale mix, paprika Pringles, chicken & bacon sandwich filling, port, fizzy fangs, fairytale mix, paprika Pringles, chicken & bacon sandwich filling, port, fizzy fangs, fairytale mix, paprika Pringles, chicken & bacon sandwich filling, port, fizzy fangs, fairytale mix, a small handful of 2D pretzel crisps, chicken & bacon sandwich filling, port, 2/3 of a berry themed lollipop flavour long cocktail, 1/3 of a peach themed spirit & cider long cocktail, a pornstar martini, hope, a Tesco’s deli counter chicken & bacon baguette, Sinfadil, noteworthy quantities of water, sleep.
Home made chips (dusted with table salt & ground black pepper, drizzled with Hellman’s mayonnaise and [Bull’s Eye] Carolina Reaper Extra Hot Sauce, topped with chopped spring onions & spinach), a garlic & herb chicken Kiev portion wrap (ft. salted butter, Philadelphia, table salt, ground black pepper, and chopped spring onions & spinach), Oh No, Ross & Carrie (skipped a very meh installment on vaping essential oils and am now part way through a fun two parter on some church founded by a televangelist who seemed to mellow into an eccentric conspiracy theorist with age, married an ex-pornstar who was the daughter of a famous Canadian mobster, then died leaving his wife in charge of his very small empire running an oddly managed ‘Faith Centre’ – slightly has the ‘casting about post Scientology era’ feel to it, but it’s enjoyable to be back on an investigation), most of a packet of 2D pretzel crisps (ft. half a pot of ASDA chicken & bacon sandwich filling), a clementine, clementine juice, yoga, deepfried oven chips (dusted with table salt & ground black pepper, drizzled with Hellman’s mayonnaise and [Bull’s Eye] Carolina Reaper Extra Hot Sauce, topped with chopped spring onions & spinach), a deepfried salmon portion, pea soup (ft. table salt, ground black pepper, chives, and English mustard), a swig of Blue WKD, Doctor Who (The Sensorites; 6 episodes [7/10]; Produced by Verity Lambert, written by  Peter R. Newman, script edited by David Whittaker, if this had to be rewritten by a major figure in modern Doctor Who I would most like to see it adapted by Steven Moffat), two sausage rolls, sleep. 
A cup of tea, a clementine, a bowl of rescued leftover chips (dusted with table salt & ground black pepper, topped with Hellman’s mayonnaise, chopped spring onions, diced red pepper, [Bull’s Eye] Carolina Reaper Extra Hot Sauce, and spinach), a grilled prefab ASDA beef burrito (with added salted butter), an ASDA ‘Halloween Beastie’ prefab double beef burger and cheese sauce portion (with added chopped spring onions, diced cherry plum tomatoes, and potato waffles), half of an episode of ONRaC (further on the church of the eccentric televangelist and his mobster wife… while the first episode was a little ‘Ross & Carrie by numbers’ this starts to get delightfully weird as it goes on), a garlic & herb chicken Kiev portion wrap (ft. salted butter, Philadelphia, table salt, ground black pepper, chopped spring onions & spinach, and leftover Double Dragon takeaway salt & pepper chicken chilies), four slices of toast (one ft. Philadelphia and Sriracha, three ft. Laughing Cow cheese spread and English mustard), a hazelnut Lindt chocolate bar, milk, sleep.
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Port Pork Pie
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An equally delicious alternative to Boxing Day Sandwiches Sandwiches, this Port Pork Pie also makes an excellent meal to eat at the game table!!
Ingredients (serves 10 to 12):
1/4 cup dried cranberries
8 dried apricots
1/2 cup good quality Tawny Port
450 grams/1 pound pork shoulder, boned
750 grams/1.65 pound pork leg meat, boned
250 grams/8.80 ounces smoked bacon, cut into thick slices
1 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
1 1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel
1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
nutmeg and mace
200 grams/7 ounces lard
1 cup water
575 grams/1.30 pound plain flour
4 leaves gelatin
1/2 cup Chicken Stock
Place dried cranberries and dried apricots in a jam jar. Pour over the dried fruit and close jar tightly. Allow the fruits to soak for an hour, shaking the jar every now and then.
Cut pork shoulder and half of the leg meat into small cubes. Place them into a large bowl. Dice smoked bacon, removing any bone, and add to the bowl as well.
Mince remaining pork leg meat (or ask your butcher to mince it beforehand), and add to the bowl. Season with dried thyme, dried rosemary, fleur de sel and black pepper. Grate in about a quarter teaspoon each of nutmeg and mace.
With clean hands, thoroughly toss the meats to combine with the herbs and spice until well-mixed. Cover with a tea towel. Set aside.
Preheat oven to 180°C/355°F. Line the bottom od a 20cm/8” springform cake tin with a disk of baking paper. Set aside.
Removed Port-soaked fruit form the jar, keeping the Port, and dice the apricots. Set aside.
In a medium saucepan, cut lard into chunks. Add the water, and bring just to the boil when the lard is completely melted.
Spoon flour into a large bowl. Dig a well in the middle, and pour in the hot lard mixture, stirring with a wooden spoon until a dough comes together. When cooled enough to handle (but still quite warm), knead the dough until smooth.
Cut off one-quarter of the dough for the lid, wrapping it in cling film.
Roll the remaining dough out into a large but thick enough circle. Fit into prepared tin, pressing the dough evenly onto the base and up the sides of the tin, making sure there are no holes. Spoon half of the pork mixture into the pastry, packing well. Scatter the soaked cranberries and apricot dices, and top with the remaining of the pork mixture, once more, packing well.
Quickly roll out the lid. Fit onto the top, and seal, crimping the edges. Cut a small hole in the centre of the pie, to allow the steam to escape.
Place in the middle of the hot oven, and bake, at 180°C/355°F, 30 minutes. Then, reduce oven temperature to 160°C/320°F, and bake for another hour and a half.
Beat the egg well.
Brush the pie generously with egg wash, and bake, 20 minutes more, at 160°C/320°F. Remove from the oven, and let the pie cool, an hour.
Soak gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water; set aside.
In a small saucepan, heat Chicken Stock until boiling. Stir in reserved Port, and remove from the heat.
Squeeze the water out of the gelatin leaves, and whisk them into the hot Port Chicken Stock until completely dissolved. Allow the mixture to cool.
Using a small fennel, pour cooled Port Chicken Stock through the hole in the pie, a little at a time so it does not overflow. Once all liquid has been poured in, place the pie in the refrigerator, to set overnight.
The next day, serve Port Pork Pie with a sharp, spicy chutney, like this Peach Chutney or this Spiced Apple and Pear Chutney!
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focsle · 2 years
The mention of whale oil doughnuts has inspired me to write yet another long thing laden with primary sources about whaleship fare, ALRIGHT!!
TL;DR, it sucked!
Albert Peck, a foremast hand on the Covington in 1856 was so kind as to write down the weekly menu aboard:
“Our daily diet on board ship was as follows: On Mondays, rice for dinner, with beef and a little pork, a barrel of pork having to last as long as two of beef. Tuesday, boiled beans. Wednesdays, peas, and when these failed, rice. Thursdays, boiled flour pudding called Duff. Fridays, beans again. Saturdays, codfish and potatoes and Sundays, duff again. Breakfast, we had either potatoes and meat hashed up together, with coffee, or scouse, a mess made of ship bread soaked overnight and boiled up in the morning with beef cut up, and sliced potatoes. For supper, hard bread and beef with tea and plenty of molasses, each man being allowed a quart a week, which was amply sufficient if not wasted, and besides this we had extra messes such as a sea pie when a hog was killed, soft bread, pickles, +c.”
By way of variety, there wasn’t much to be found on a whaleship menu. Adding to the monotony the food was often in a very poor condition. William Abbe, greenhand on board the Atkins Adams in 1858, who I’ve talked about at length for his food descriptions of both the good and the ugly, can always be relied upon in expanding on the condition of his meals in the most visceral way possible.
“Our duff this noon, heavy + watery was literally filled with dirt and cockroaches. I didn’t eat a morsel of the filthy food—but sat laughing at the discoveries the fellows made as they carefully sliced their duff— ‘Hullo, heres a piece of old Thompson’s [the cook] hat” cried Johnny — “Here’s a big worm! — Look at these cockroaches!” “I’ve bit a cockroach in two—“ “Let’s make Thompson eat em when he comes below,” came from different empty mouths, while all hands roared out as Curly, finding to his disgust he was munching a boiled cockroach dashed to the slop bucket + holding out his joggy duff cried — “Who wants my duff? Does you Tom?” + finding no purchasers flung his duff into the bucket.”
On multiple whaleships the cook drew the ire of all aboard for the condition of the food. Sometimes it was from a lack of care in the cleanliness and preparation of it, largely it was because it was almost impossible to keep vermin out of the kitchen on a whaleship no matter how clean, and at all times the cook’s orders were tied to what the captain supplied him.
J.T. Langdon of the ship St Peter, 1849, was aware of the limitations of the cook based entirely on how those aft managed food, and talked about it at bitter length.
“The “Old Man” had another rough turn with the steward this morning about grub. The [crossed out—bloody miserable] old crone seems to want us to live on nothing. Nearly the same as we have lived on for the past 30 odd months. When we first came out a number of bushels of turnips and a quantity of pumpkins were left to rot rather than give them to the men; and since we have been out here too, recruits of sweet potatoes have been left in the nettings to spoil rather than the men forward should have them to eat. Such men should have their teeth pulled out and fed on slops.”
Fresh fruits, vegetables, and cheeses were picked up at various ports that whaleships would occasionally stop in for provisions. It wasn’t uncommon for whaleships to also have livestock on board such as chickens or pigs who on many instances free-roamed on the deck, sticking their hungry snouts into the pans of men eating there. In the Galapagos, whalers picked up tortoises (and played a significant role in devastating that population, believed to have taken over 100,000 tortoises between the 1780s-1860s). Fish would sometimes be caught as well, such as skipjacks, albacore, and mahi mahi (which whalers referred to in their personal accounts as porpoises or dolphins). However, fish were not considered a reliable food source to serve a whole crew and usually found themselves on the menu just because someone dropped a line down when they were bored and caught/harpooned one. 
But fresh provisions soon ran dry, and it was back to breaking out the dubious casks stored below.
“Found a few bbls of meat that smelled more like carrion than beef, and the “Old Man” told the cook to use that first. I think twill go down rather hard.”
J.T. Langdon wrote, adding to his anger about the condition of the food they had to eat. In the case of the St. Peter the crew refused to eat this spoiled beef, and organized as a collective body to tell the captain such.
“After supper this evening we all went aft to see about eating the beef that was broke out for us on Tuesday. He was not at all surprised at this although he appeared to pull the wool over our eyes we plainly stated to him our grievances and wants in a respectful manner, which made him rowse up a little telling us how he had lived on whale and blackfish meat for a time on the Nor’west; but this would not go down with us and we demanded state’s allowance. He saw we were in good earnest so after while concluded to give us good beef.”
There are a number of instances of shipmates banding together to pressure the captain to improve their fare. Sometimes, like above, that work was successful. Other times it was met with the wrath of the Captain and no change in the food.
In the after cabin, it was a rather different story as far as what was eaten. Mary Lawrence, whaling wife aboard ship Addison, 1859, wrote about food that was prepared when she was entertaining other whaling officers and their families during a gam on the ship:
“We had for dinner oyster soup, boiled ham, and stewed rabbit with dumplings, a gooseberry pudding and tarts made out of bottled fruits, for tea we had fried ham, fish balls, warm biscuit, preserves, pies, plum cake, and plain cake.”
Greenhand John Perkins, of the Tiger in 1845, voiced his envy after talking with the crew of the Sheffield, who during a gam shared what their fare was like (though to me it sounds more like they were pulling his leg). Perkins felt as though the lack of good food on his ship was in some way attributed to the captain having his wife aboard the Tiger (in addition to being cheap).
“Their cook brings their scoff into the forecastle, carries back the kids & washes the pans. A hogshead of molasses is open for them, pepper, vinegar, & salt are free to them. Butter is also allowed them. They have chickens every Sunday, pancakes three times a week, scouse several times a week & potatoes & onions with limitation. The difference in our manner of living is not owing to the owners, for our ship is well fitted out as it respects provision. But our captain is a part owner & therefore wishes to spare all he can, but he also has his wife aboard & therefore wishes not to get out of potatoes, molasses, sugar, butter &c. He now denies us pork.”
Sometimes whaling wives were met with resentment for the above reasons, with the notion that they were an idle hand who was nevertheless eating better food than the men forward (though as time went on much of the cabin fare was quite similar to what the rest of the crew would have, albeit not laden with filth.) Women aboard would often make dishes of their own, such as pies and gingerbread, fruit preserves, candy, and popcorn. Sometimes it was made for themselves, husband, and other officers, but there are also instances of a number of wives making special dishes and condiments for men forward who were sick or—such as in the case of William Abbe—men who seemed to catch her fancy.
Ultimately, revolting as the food often was many found themselves growing accustomed to it, whether it was through necessity after nearly fainting one too many times of hunger from their initial inability to eat it, or because of the substantial appetite the hard labor of their job gave them regardless. It feels fitting to conclude with journalist John Ross Browne, in writing of his 4 year voyage on an unnamed whaler in 1842, about the perspective the food on board gave him.
“The life I had led since I had shipped produced such a change in me as made me a mere animal. When I got anything fit to eat, which was very rarely, I devoured it with the avidity of a starving wolf. I seldom dreamed of any thing at night but good Kentucky roast beef, peaches and cream, pumpkin pies, and all the luxuries of western life. […] I had seen the time when my fastidious taste revolted at a piece of good wholesome bread without butter, and many a time I had lost a meal by discovering a fly on my plate. I was now glad enough to get a hard biscuit and a piece of greasy pork; and it did not at all affect my appetite to see the mangled bodies of divers well-fed cockroaches in my molasses; indeed, I sometimes thought they gave it a rich flavor.”
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underthetree845 · 1 month
Nakahara Chuuya birthday post- April 29th, 2024
EVERYONE SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY this man needs to know how loved he is (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
Nakahara Chuuya: slug, ESTP, port mafia executive, short king, wine and pork pie hat enthusiast, loves dogs, respects women.
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"The world is a cruel place, but that doesn't mean we should stop fighting for what's right."
-Nakahara Chuuya
*gives him a little kiss on the forehead*
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slippinmickeys · 2 years
Out of the Little Grove (3/?)
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The first thing that hit her when she stepped off the Zeppelin in Nome was the marshy smell of the Snake River that purled past the airfield. The second thing was the cold. Though it was summer, there was a chill underlying everything; the kind of cold that waited for you just round a bend, the kind that hid in every shadow. The cold made the air seem brighter somehow, the sunshine as high and clear as a rung bell.
Scully could see her breath. Hendrick ruffled the fur around his neck, making a feline chuff of displeasure.
“Ah,” Mulder said, with an irritating air of serenity, “the north.” As though he had just walked through the door of a pub where everyone knew his name. Cass gave him a look askance and proceeded to trot down the short metal plank to the ground, her nails clicking with each brisk step.
At the base of the plank waited a short, grizzled man dressed in a sheep fleece-lined vest and a pork pie hat, fingerless gloves on hands that were laced together in front of him, patiently expectant. His dæmon sat up on her haunches next to him, a portly raccoon with her paws held in just the same way.
“Mr. Mulder,” he said, “Ms. Scully. Welcome to Bekingland.”
Mulder and Scully took the last few steps down the plank and reached out to shake hands with the little man, who held onto Scully's hand a fraction too long, his eyes softening in the light of the cold summer sun.
“Frohike?” Mulder asked, to which the man nodded, and then pointed down to his dæmon.
“Annie,” he said, introducing them. Hendrick and Cass politely touched noses with the raccoon. “Come,” Frohike went on, turning on his heel and leading them to the area where their luggage awaited them. They obediently followed, Scully looking this way and that at the high, snow-capped mountains that stood as a purple and white backdrop like a ring around the valley in which they stood.
Once they collected their things and were a ways away from the porters and the other passengers, Frohike looked at them over his shoulder.
“Apologies, Detectives, but it would be best not to advertise your employment by the Magisterium while here amongst the Beking.”
“Your accent,” Mulder said, nodding, “you don’t sound Beking yourself.”
“I am New Danish by birth,” he explained, turning them onto a wet gravel path that led from the airfield down a gentle slope toward the port. “I grew up in the north, just outside of Pontchartrain on the border with New France.” His dæmon kept glancing back at them as if to assure herself that they still followed, her fat striped tail swishing over the prickly, frost-covered grass at their feet. “I have hired a boat to take us up the Snake,” Frohike went on, “the captain and crew know our business, but you will want to be on guard while on shore. This land is not entirely lawless,” he said, “but not entirely… not.”
With that they approached the town center which fanned out from the center of the port, and Frohike swung a right toward the northernmost pier, a long stretch of wet and slippery docks with a heavy anbaric crane on one side and a row of small steam coasters on the other, all bobbing gently in the surf. Each boat was painted a different bright color, which had been worn by the sun and wind and was flecked by paint chips and gull guano. Frohike pulled up to a stop at the steamer tied to the furthest-most berth on the end, a faded red Gulpie that reminded Scully of her father’s own barge, and she felt a small smile push into her cheeks.
“Your chariot, my lady,” Frohike said, giving her a wide smile. A man with stringy blond hair jumped up onto the deck and held out a hand to help her aboard, his arctic fox dæmon peering at them curiously. Scully ignored the man’s hand and tossed him her canvas rucksack instead, jumping easily down onto the bobbing deck with the confident expertise of a sailor’s daughter. Mulder, looking at her with impressed surprise, did so far less gracefully, and the blond man had to grab his arm to steady him when he almost fell in.
Frohike jumped down onto the deck with slightly more grace and hooked a thumb at the blond sailor.
“Langly,” he introduced him simply.
Frohike led them along the deck and into the small interior bridge. At the helm stood a man of average height, looking the part of a sailor with an oatmeal colored cable knit sweater, a long, warm looking navy peacoat and a woolen cap upon his head. He had a trim cinnamon colored beard and wide eyes, and his dæmon, a red squirrel, was perched on his shoulder.
“Captain Byers,” Frohike said, and the man turned to them, “this is Detective Inspector Scully and Detective Inspector Mulder.”
The captain reached out to shake their hands and his dæmon, whose name they would soon find out was Mia, nodded to Hendrick and Cass.
“Welcome aboard,” he said. “Would you mind showing them to their berth?” This he said to Frohike, who nodded and led them down the steps of a companionway next to the helm that led into the interior of the small ship.
To the stern, Frohike pointed out the small mess and engine room beyond it, from which a thin redheaded man was stepping through the hatch, wiping greasy hands on an already greasy rag. He had long hair and a red puffy down vest that had been patched with various colors of fabric. He startled a bit when he saw them but nodded at them with a smile when Frohike introduced them, his calico cat dæmon Ulle partially hiding behind his legs.
“Fenig,” Frohike said.
“Call me Max,” the man said, nodding one extra time and then quickly ducking back into the engine room.
Their guide turned to them then.
“Now,” Frohike began, putting his hands on his hips and looking at them with an odd air of unsure sternness, “this ship is small, but agile, and we’ll be needing that the further north we go when we get into the northern tributaries of the Snake River. But it only has two sleeping berths, one for the captain and one for the crew. Captain Byers has generously offered you the use of his berth,” to this he looked at Scully, “but I’m afraid there is only room for four hammocks with the crew.”
“You mean there’s nowhere for me to sleep?” Mulder asked jovially.
Scully glanced at Mulder and then in at the mess, wondering if there was perhaps a place she or Mulder could sleep, but it was it was a small, tight area with no room at all to lay prone much less prone with an also sleeping large-ish daemon, which they both had.
“The Captain’s cabin does have a bed big enough to share, if you’re comfortable with that, but it’s a small one,” Frohike went on dubiously. “We can maybe try to string up a hammock in the engine room – Fenig has offered – but it’s monstrously loud in there, and we’ll want a well-rested crew for the trip we have ahead of us. It’ll be an arduous one.”
Mulder looked to Scully with raised eyebrows. He was making this her call.
“My partner and I can share the Captain’s cabin,” she said, her stomach threatening butterflies, “it’s not a problem.”
Frohike nodded and showed them to the tiny room, the bunk barely big enough for two, with a small lower shelf where their daemons would be relatively comfortable, though they too would have to share the space.
“Cozy,” Mulder said, and Cassiana’s small round ears twitched.
“Is there anything you’ll be needing from the port before we shove off?” Frohike asked from the doorway.
“I guess we’d be able to answer that question better once we know what exactly you’ll be needing from us?” Mulder said, and Scully peered curiously at Frohike, eager to hear his answer.
The little man took a big breath.
“We think there’s a hidden witches’ settlement far to the north,” Frohike went on, “hidden by a spell of some kind, on an area of government land that they plan to mine. The Beking government has sent out three groups of their own inspectors, none of which have returned.”
“And they want us to…?”
“Investigate only,” Frohike said, “find out whatever you can. Which group, the name of their queen, which spells are being used upon the land. Your reputation for investigating odd and unusual things precedes you. The Beking will take the information you gather and implement a removal strategy, by which time you will be well on your way back to New Denmark.”
Scully looked to her partner, who shrugged.
“In that case,” he said, “we likely won’t need much other than our wits.”
Frohike nodded. “I’ll leave you to get settled in. We’ll be off with the tide.”
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clickbaitrobot · 3 years
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Apple Announce 'Smart Pork Pie' Which Is Just Like An Ordinary Pork Pie But With An USB Port And A $200 Price Tag
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dailypronouns · 3 years
Minecraft pronouns? =_= (its a ghast face :D)
+200 pronouns under the cut
Overworld (43)
Blocks (68)
Nether (16)
(alt: sou/soulsa/soulsand/soulsands/soulsandself)
(alt: glow/stone/glows/glows/stoneself)
The End (9)
(alt: dra/egg/dragon/dragons/dragoneggself)
(alt2: dra/dregg/dreggs/dreggs/dreggself)
(alt: en/chest/ender/enders/enderchestself)
Overworld-Hostile (14)
Mobs (53)
Overworld-Neutral (8)
(alt: po/bear/polar/polars/bearself)
Overworld-Peaceful (17)
Nether (10)
(alt: mag/cube/magma/magmas/magmacubeself)
End (4)
Items (65)
hoe/hoe/hoes/hoes/hoeself (i'd recommend not using these tbh 😬😬)
(alt: lea/leather/leathers/leathers/leatherself)
Biomes (19)
Overworld (12)
Nether (7)
Misc. (25)
mu/multi/multis/multis/multiself (as in multiplayer)
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please tell me where I’m going with this
Yennefer woke up because something was tickling her nose.
She slept in the foetal position as she always did, undisguised by a sympathetic body to wrap around, shutting out the cold uncaring world. Having spent her formative years in a stable, she felt no urgent reason to engage with the tickling. Probably just a lonely harvestman, lost on its way to its web - but by the gods, she would certainly need to get up and piss soon.
Jaskier woke up because something was sticking into his ribcage. It was soft and pillowy, but definitely squished uncomfortably against him. He rolled over and found a different something squishing into a different part of his ribcage. His bladder was also starting to complain urgently.
The cries that ensued from both parties on waking could be heard across Vengerburg.
Familiarity breeds contempt, and hatred is all too frequently a projection of the features in oneself that one despises the most. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the unlucky recipients of new bodies as mentioned above performed almost identical rituals, in order:
1) poking at their new face, Yennefer scrubbing at her newfound stubble - and crow’s feet - in utter dismay,  Jaskier marveling at his resemblance to a baby’s bottom, and;
2) immediately returning to bed to experiment with their unfamiliar genitalia.
“You boring, boring little man. You talk a big game of entendres and seduction, but you don’t own so much as an egg,” muttered Yennefer, rifling through Jaskier’s things and hoping he owned the room, or at least was paid up. Across town in Yennefer’s apartment, Jaskier was opening jars and bottles and sniffing them, wondering if any of them were safe for personal use.
“Sorted!” gloated Jaskier, spotting his very favourite beauty cream in its distinct rifled coffret. Lightly scented with a silky feel, Argentum Ibiscus di Cerikan was safe for delicate body parts, such as, ahem, eyes. Out of sheer habit he dabbed a tiny amount in the corner of each eye then, clutching the bottle, positioned himself in front of Yen’s full length mirror, legs splayed for a perfect combination of watcher and watched.
Yen grinned smugly at finding a near-finished bottle of her best-selling beauty potion nestled in Jaskier’s smallclothes like a dirty secret. Whilst the merchants proclaimed its rejuvenation properties, the unspoken benefit was the unique but painless tingling sensation it offered - a benefit the bard was clearly familiar with. She was quite sure he would forgive her for smearing it over three or four of her fingers and applying it deeply.
Jaskier collapsed to the ground, gurgling incoherently.
“Ba” was all he could manage. “Ba. Ba.” He stared at a loop of silk edging the extremely fine carpet he lay on, hands clutched between his legs, heart pounding like a thunderstorm.
How did women not just fucking die from this?
Very suddenly, Jaskier understood why women who failed to finish before he did beat and kicked him so savagely.
Poor Yen had had to make do with a lousy candle, nowhere near enough width for the beastly pounding she knew the bard could easily withstand. She was also disappointed to find that luxurious living and what felt like a hereditary spinal condition prevented her from being able to get her mouth quite down to her surprisingly generous cock. Still, discovering that the bard had extraordinarily sensitive nipples gave her plenty to work with.
He supposed he should leave. No doubt Yennefer would be VERY angry when she woke up in his less than salubrious inn room, and assuming this situation wasn’t entirely her doing, she would be roaring back towards her own home ready to eviscerate him and his newfound appreciation for the clitoris. Not that he hadn’t appreciated it before, but now he REALLY appreciated it. At least six times, just this morning.
But her sheets were so fine, and her bed so soft, and the smell of not only lilacs and gooseberries but also roses, freesias, jasmine, frying eggs, donuts, and even horseshit coming in through the high window was wrapping him in a sensuous haze, and he decided that just a few more minutes of sleep would be fi…..
Yen, however, was very keen to find out which whoreson had stuck her in this ridiculous furbag’s body, even if it was a rather fun body to play with, and so after a relatively muted three orgasms and an efficient nap she attempted to get dressed.
Yen was no stranger to suffering for beauty, and even respected the bard’s commitment, but… what the hell was going on with these shoes? These PANTS?? Eventually she managed to cobble together an outfit from the least ridiculous items in Jaskier’s wardrobe - which for a travelling bard was entirely too large - and arrange her new bits in a less uncomfortable manner.
Her first port of call would, indeed, be her own home…  
All right, perhaps that was more than a few minutes of sleep. Jaskier grinned smugly to hear the elegant and proud Yennefer’s stomach gurgling like a summer brook.
Well, the only decent thing to do would be to feed her! Jaskier felt very, very sure that Yennefer would be so grateful when she found out he’d maintained her refined diet. He fell out of bed and treated himself to a leisurely hour or so of trying on clothes, occasionally yelling at his stomach to shut up and make way for beauty, and settled on a simple all-black ensemble that he felt really emphasised both tits and arse.
Patting himself on the bottom for his good taste, he headed out for breakfast. Lunch. Lekfast. Whatever.
"What're YEE staring at, cont?"
Yennefer, who had barely registered the thug's existence, continued as she normally would - eyes straight ahead, nose not at all in the air but somehow looking as if it was.
“Hey! Don’t fuckin’ ignore me you puffed-up prick! A’ll ‘ave ye!”
Puffed-up prick? Oh, of course. Yen had somehow managed to get comfortable in this weird huge bear of a body, and none of her womanly wiles would get her out of this – appeal to his mates, cutting but witty remark, setting on fire as a last resort. She made a cautious gesture in the hope of generating some energy, and of course just looked camp. She hoped this body was any good in a fight.
Normally, Jaskier had to muster all the charm he had abundantly at hand to persuade Dragan Smilovic to open The Iron Mountain before noon. Instead, he was slightly miffed to discover a beaming Dragan throwing the doors open to welcome "Lady Yennefer! A honour to my house. The usual?"
Curiosity overriding his irritation, he smiled as smugly as he imagined Yen to be and murmured "Of course, Dragan." He swished into the pub and slid into a booth, making sure to really stick his arse out as he did so.
This body was not that great in a fight, to be honest, but thankfully, neither was Mr. Sensitivity and after some unpleasant blows to the face Yennefer channelled her first-year Aretuza energy, grabbed her assailant's ears and headbutted him right in the nose. His face exploded with blood and snot and his mates roared, advancing on her for revenge. Yennefer took the win and, using her long muscular legs, ran like all Jaskier's fiancee's were after her.
"What... is this, Dragan?" Jaskier had no idea how his face looked, but he felt like it probably resembled this sad assembly of rabbit food masquerading as a meal.
The dwarf rattled off a word salad that involved far too little "pork" or "venison" and far too much "emulsion" and "jus" and for fuck's sake "julienne".
"Are you trying to kill me? I'll waste away from this."
Dragan flinched slightly.
"The last time I brought you the house special you threatened to set me on fire."
Of course she did. Still, of all the things Dragan could suspect of the sorceress, being occupied by her best frenemy's mind was unlikely to be the first, so Jaskier declined to simply reverse the threat.
"Dragan," he reassured the dwarf, "I've given it some thought and I believe that I should be liberated from the tyranny of the 21 inch waist. A hardworking mage requires adequate carbohydrates to maintain one's powers, and as a result, I will require a tankard of the finest Rivian Kriek and one each of your freshest pies. No cats, Dragan, I'll notice."
Dragan bowed slightly. "Very good, ma'am," and headed for the kitchen.
Yennefer was pleasantly surprised by how well the furbag's lungs were taking all this running. For a man who clearly appreciated carbohydrates in all forms, Jaskier was much fitter than she'd have expected. Even so, she very slightly wished his inn was located somewhat less downhill from her apartment.
The thugs had, fortunately, been either too cowardly to follow her into the more upmarket part of town, or perhaps had been intercepted by guards while she sprinted through the textile markets. A few merchants had tried to wave her (realistically, him) down and she huffed "not... today... thanks" and kept sprinting.  If she made it home fast enough, he might not have stolen everything not nailed down.
Jaskier was disgusted, absolutely disgusted with the lack of endurance this body had for fine carbohydrates. Offered the finest sauerkraut, sausages, pies and pierogies, beautiful homebaked dwarven bread smeared with the finest goat's cheese, not to mention the fine ales, beers and stouts he KNEW Yennefer loved - why, he was practically buying her a gift! even if it was with her own money - it managed to digest half of a pie and half a herring in batter and collapsed like a schoolboy in the third round of Gwent. He unlaced the ribbons at his tiny waist and lay down in the booth.
"Why am I dying, Dragan? I haven't eaten in 24 hours. I should be ready to tip an entire banquet table down my waiting gullet. I want a refund."
Dragan prickled. "Ma'am, I provided specifically your every request. I - "
Jaskier waved dismissively. "I'm joking, Dragan, keep your pants on. Oh gods - " clutching at his spasming stomach - "I want a refund on this miserable, useless body. Except for the boobs. They're quite good. Ooooof."
The dwarf clutched his notepad. "Errr... coffee?"
Yennefer approached her shop with some trepidation. He wouldn't have trashed it - not his style - but he absolutely would leave a bottle of something dangerous open, 
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angrybabylawyer · 3 years
Lawblr Themed Beers
So talking about Benevolent Overlord got me thinking about beers that give me Lawblr vibes. Also, I’m avoiding case write ups. Here is my list. These were chosen based on name/description. I hope y’all find these as entertaining as I did. Enjoy.  PLEASE tell me what y’all are drinking in these terrible times slash what beers give you lawblr vibes.
ABANDON ALL HOPE - 13.9% Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout
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Artwork by R. Land
Abandon All Hope is an overwhelming bourbon barrel-aged imperial stout. Rich notes of chocolate and oak on a pillowy blanket of vanilla come from a year spent in Woodford Reserve Double Oaked, Heaven Hill 10 year, and Jack Daniels Single Barrel Select barrels and aging on fresh vanilla beans. At once overpowering you and lulling you to dreams of a distant past you can’t quite remember in a world teeming with noise and flesh, abandon all  hope ye who enter here. Orpheus Brewing
YE WHO ENTER HERE RESERVE - 12.5% Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout
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Artwork by R. Land
Menacing in stature, Ye Who Enter Here is aged for 30 months in a single Heaven Hill bourbon barrel with Madagascar vanilla beans, Narino and Ixlama coffee beans, ghost peppers, and guajillo and Puya chiles. At once overpowering you and lulling you to dreams of a distant past you can’t quite remember in a world teeming with noise and flesh, abandon all  hope ye who enter here. Orpheus Brewing 
THE 12TH LABOR - 13.9% Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout
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Artwork by David Hale
Menacing in stature, The 12th Labor is a huge Bourbon Barrel-aged Imperial Stout with intensely layered flavors of dark chocolate, coffee, dark fruit, and wood. You’ll be lulled to dreams of a distant past you can’t quite remember in a world teeming with noise and flesh. With each sip, The 12th Labor is a struggle at the edge of darkness. Orpheus Brewing
Benevolent Overlord - 12.2% Coffee Hazelnut Imperial Stout
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We welcome our Benevolent Overlord with this double mash American Imperial Stout. Loaded with coffee and hazelnuts, complemented by flavors of milk chocolate and vanilla. At 12.2% ABV, this boozy beer will impress the most discerning rulers. Monday Night Brewing
PAIRINGS - Pizza, pork shoulder, crème brûlée
Last Will & Testament -  12% Bourbon Barrel Aged English Old Ale
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Last Will And Testament is a straightforward, adjunct-free English old ale that has been aging away in bourbon barrels for fourteen months. With Maris Otter as a backbone and plenty of dark malts, this boozy 12% ABV ale has notes of caramel, raisin, and tobacco. This unapologetic liquid pulls delightful notes of vanilla and oak from the barrels, combined with the slow-sipping qualities of a fine port. Monday Night Brewing
PAIRINGS - Roast beef, pumpkin pie, double Gloucester cheese
Tears Of My Enemies - 9.3% Aged Imperial Milk Stout
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There is nothing more sumptuous than the misfortune of your enemies. That dark, smoky taste of revenge takes over as it hits your lips, marching upon your tongue like an army towards certain victory. In addition to the smoke and locally-roasted Batdorf & Bronson coffee on the nose. This small batch beer was released in four different versions (one not pictured). 1) aged in rum barrels; 2) aged in brandy barrels; 3) aged in bourbon barrels; and 4) aged for several months in maple cognac barrels. This beer is roasty, chocolately, and, like the tears of your enemies, the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. Monday Night Brewing
PAIRINGS - Chocolate, porterhouse steaks, victory
Situational Ethics - 13.8% Aged Imperial Stout
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The Situational Ethics series comes to an end this year with three dessert-inspired imperial stouts. One variant is our take on s’mores. Maple scotch barrels bring in smoky flavor while Ghirardelli milk chocolate, Ugandan and Madagascar vanilla beans, graham crackers, marshmallows, cinnamon and coffee transforms this stout into your favorite gooey, campfire treat. One is a tribute to Rocky Road ice cream—melding rye barrels, toasted macadamia nuts, hazelnuts and almonds, Madagascar vanilla beans, and Ghirardelli milk chocolate to mimic the chocolatey nuttiness of this classic ice cream. And the third bottle is an ode to vanilla affogato. With a combination of toasted coconut, Batdorf & Bronson coffee, espresso beans, and Ugandan vanilla beans, we’re able to recreate the beautiful contrast of bold espresso and sweet vanilla ice cream. Best enjoyed on its own or poured over coconut ice cream.  Monday Night Brewing
PAIRINGS - Friends, family and great conversation
Note: all of these are local (to me). When the pandemic hit I made the conscious decision to start buying my beer at the breweries around me since that way they got 100% of my monies. Also, the breweries here did legit drive throughs. I order and pay online and drive to the brewery. I show the masked person at the tent my confirmation number, they load my trunk and I drive away. It’s awesome and socially distant. 
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