a7estrellas · 20 days
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PEDRO PASCAL - May 14th, 2024 | New York City
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undercoverpena · 2 months
i'm pretty sure his brown eyes would fix me. his cock too.
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tricoufamily · 3 months
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idk how experimental you can say this really is for me but it's a new reshade and skin details so this counts <3 anyway yesterday i wrote down an idea for a short story and it's one bullet point and it says "a rockstar picks up a homeless hitchhiker in the 70s. something homosexual happens" and that's the whole thing. the rockstar 👨‍🎤
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scrambledslut · 1 year
→ boyfriendcore pt.2
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( part 1 )
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beanghostprincess · 18 days
How bad do you think Franky's abandonment issues are? Do you think he spent the first few months he was with Tom terrified that he was going to do something wrong and Tom was going to abandon him like his parents did?
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What happened to hello 😭 This is so painful all of a sudden out of nowhere-- But I love angst so I kind of appreciate it, ngl.
I do think Franky has pretty bad abandonment issues and also pretty awful self-esteem and guilt inside him. But he is also a person who has been able to build a reputation and a family on his own surrounded by people who actually do care about him despite everything, and he is pretty damn independent in that field.
But now (especially after Sabaody) even if the strawhats are strong, there is always this fear of losing them. All of the crew shares this feeling but Franky is after all one of the most emotional (despite his rational thinking, these things can go hand in hand) and cherishes family bonds like nobody. So of course he fears they're going to leave at some point because he lived all of his childhood believing the same thing and blaming himself.
Franky has people to rely on now, more than ever. Robin understands what it feels like to be left out and seen as a monster and Franky teaches her that no matter what, her existence could never be wrong. His bond with Usopp is just-- Perfect and I still believe he feels guilty for what happened between them at first but now it's just them being genuinely close. I'd like to see more of him and Sanji, too, especially after the Wano thing. And in general, Franky has close bonds with everybody around him and it's noticeable because he is a family man and because I feel he does this to make everybody feel included and loved. He makes his fear of being abandoned a strength, because this way he understands others better and makes them all feel part of the family.
So to answer this, yes, I think his abandonment issues are pretty damn bad but he learns to be (and makes him feel better) the one supporting and helping others instead. Franky is a after all a very protective person when it comes to the people he loves and now I feel like his only fear is them being taken away from him rather than him being abandoned by them. But feelings are not rational so Franky wondering and asking Robin (because they're married. I swear. I saw it) if they're going to leave him in a vulnerable moment is pretty plausible. I think it'd take a while before he opens up like that, though, because I feel he doesn't want to be a burden and prefers to be the one comforting others. But !!!!!!! I agree.
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hcnnibal · 2 months
a1/a2 kind of give Will and Hannibal to me but idk who they're based on, i just think its super interesting that theyre based on anyone at all because the way i create most of my ocs is they're loosely based on a person/character and then by the time i actually develop them they're very different from that person/character but they are finally their own person. is that kind of how ur process works?
oh that was mostly a joke ahahahaha bc every time frankie and joey from the basement yard podcast come on my fyp im like lol a1/a2 normal au
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fungal-rot · 2 months
Frankie Morales As Your BF Would Include… (18+ under the cut)
so many kisses
you can’t tell me that man doesn’t love to smooch
loving kisses where he cradles your face with both hands
playful kisses where he wraps his arm over your shoulder and presses a big fat, wet, noisy kiss to your lips
kisses that are so passionate and lingering while he cards his fingers through your hair
date nights !!
he likes to take you out, show you off
but also doesn’t mind just staying indoors, maybe watch a movie and order takeout
hell this man would consider a late night walmart trip a date
he likes to pick on you, tease you; find any way to make you laugh or smile or even roll your eyes
speaking of rolling your eyes
we all know Francisco is the king of eating pussy
he loves feeling you twitch, hearing you whine out his name as his tongue circles your needy, swollen clit
he also loves it when you call him Francisco during moments like this, just fyi
after you cum on his fingers and drench his lips he’ll crawl up to your own and give you a desperate, searing kiss and make you taste yourself on his tongue
he’s a switch
one minute he’ll be pounding into you; missionary, doggy, sideways, whatever
the next you’ll be on top and he’ll be grasping your hips like you were his lifeline
he’d whine, beg, whimper as he thrusts up into you each time you slid down
“Más duro.”
his teeth would bare slightly as he’d grunt and moan out your name with each slam of your hips, skin-against-skin bouncing off the walls
he’d rub your clit with his thumb, wanting you to finish with him.
“Gimme me one more, baby, fuck. Dámelo.”
after the two of you come down from your shared highs he’d pull you down to his chest, heart pounding with heavy breaths
he’d stay inside you for a little longer, telling you just how good you were and soothingly run his nails up and down your back
more kisses
then you both fall asleep in each other’s arms, all happy and content
rinse and repeat
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seishiroed · 11 months
thriller bark is just one big date for robin and franky
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dr4wingfranciss · 11 days
oh lesbian treemina... oh, save me... save me, lesbian treemina...
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princessg3rard · 5 months
okokok I look like ray and Frank’s love child idk how to cope with that
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frnkiebby · 6 months
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i have no words~🎃
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azrantimes · 1 month
You can kiss a hundred girls in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
You can say it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck)
You'll have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
- Chappell Roan, Good Luck, Babe
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omg i totally forgot i also made these and i don't feel like adding them to the original posts heheh
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marmotish · 1 year
Freyja in Cinderella.
As the Fairy Godmother/Sister.
Giving the Stepmother a Bibbidi-bobbidi-kaBAMM!!!
Cinderella is Francis??
Tremaine = Mrs. Davies??
Prince and The Grand Duke = Roger and Chester who had left their home as early as possible as soon as they knew how to fend for themselves and had no idea their mother took in another child to try to replace them and mold him into being a perfect child like she did with them only for her to lose patience with Francis’s lower class upbringing and difficulty grasping the ways of nobility and “demotes” him to be a servant boy that she is mean to bc physically he reminds him of her sons and what she lost?
Idk if any of this makes sense but I thought it might be a fun scenario 😅
Oh dear, imagining poor Francis just trying to get some sleep in the barn after a particularly trying day, and he gets woken up by a strangely Grim Reaper-coded “fairy… god-… person, guardian?” Whose offer to take him a to “a better place” just fails to calm him down?
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It takes a fair amount of time to convince Francis she isn’t there to hurt him, despite her not having wings, and not being small and sparkly with an outfit made from plants and petals. They talk about the ball being held that night, a night of festivities including dancing, music, acrobats, magicians, animals, amazing gardens to play in, not to mention enough food to feed a small country.
It’s the kind of thing Francis had never got to experience, so the decision is made that he is going to have the time of his life.
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Once Francis had been made presentable, he was expecting his “fairy god-person guardian” to magic one of the pumpkins into a golden carriage. He knew how the stories went, so he was a little confused when he was hoisted on to a horse instead.
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(part 2 …maybe??)
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duckapus · 16 days
*don't worry about how this started, just another disaster of the week*
Hex: *crouched in front of a Heavy who tripped while running from something* Are you alright, sir? What happened?
Heavy: Peaches! PEACHES! *gets back up and keeps running, with several other people doing the same*
Hex: What does that even mean?
*she goes unheard by the mob, and a few of the other kids, as well as Desmond and Wareach show up soon after*
Lily: What's everybody running from?
Welony: *sees something down the street* Uh, maybe that!?
*the rest of the group looks more-or-less where she's pointing (it's hard to tell when she has blocky arms and no hands okay) ...and sees Wheelchair Koopa*
Lily, confused: Charlie?
Wheelchair Koopa, who is apparently named Charlie: Hi guys!
Welony: No that!
*the camera shifts to reveal a bunch of wall-eyed Princess Peach Recolors shuffling around like zombies and chanting "Lots of Me" out-of-synch from each-other, turning anyone they touch into another Peach Recolor. within seconds the kids are the only non-Peaches in the immediate area*
Bowser Junior, with a very calm sort of terror: ...Well that sure wiggles my biscuits.
All the kids: RUN!!! *they do so, screaming in terror like the mob before them*
Cody, once they're out of sight and relatively safe: What was that?
Lil Coding: It's...some kinda'...Princess Peach Zombie! And if she touches you, you turn into a Peach Zombie too!
Franky: I can't be Aunt Peach! I know nothing about politics!
Wareach: Then we've just got to make sure those things never touch us!
The Peach Zombie right behind her: Lots of me... *puts a hand on her shoulder, causing everyone to freak out and run...though somehow she doesn't change at all and kicks the Zombie away while also freaking out and running*
Bowser Junior, understandably a bit slow to realize Wareach is fine: *grabs Lily and holds her in front of him like a shield* Stay back! You're infected!
Lily, mostly just annoyed: Junior, put me down.
Wareach, still a bit hysterical: I'm okay! Really!
BJ: *while putting Lily down* How are you okay?
Wareach: I don't know!
Desmond: Perhaps it's because you're technically already a Peach clone.
*there's a scattered general consensus of "oh, yeah that makes sense"*
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talkshowboyluvr · 2 months
treemina isn't romeo and juliet, but is gnomeo and juliet, pass it on
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