thebluecreator · 2 years
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Art: @ thebluecreator
Splat!Sans: @ thebluecreator
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 2 months
Can we get Lust Sans in it :3? If you feel like drawing him that is-
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octobrushwizard · 4 months
mode concept: Salmon Run Survival Mode
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here's what the ui would look like
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jordydrawsmerch · 6 months
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FINALLY.... [[ Undertale And Or Deltarune Stickers ]]
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inkyl3af · 2 months
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nosleepgummitato · 9 months
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The bbg is officially finished now.
This is our Sailor Splat folks, I hope y'all like it.
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oh-gh0st · 11 months
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doodle before heading out
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candyje11yfish · 7 months
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skeleton-mischief · 2 months
Ink Sans
Hey, pay attention now! The creator, your savior, is here. He has been waiting for you...
(Headcanons below)
- Official Height: 5'5
- He/They/It
- Follows theism, he must fulfill his duty to the true creators
- Friends with Many AU Sanses, or at least acquainted with them
- The God of Creativity, he is the physical embodiment of motivating artists and creativity to create AU's, AT's, etc
- He has mutual hate but respect for Error
- Easily Forgetful due to his multiple trips through AU's, Timelines, etc
- Very lonely, he has mostly hollow friendships
- Dreams of other versions of him, but he can never find them
- Very touchy, he doesn't care to respect those boundaries and they even push boundaries
- Good friends with Red, somehow
- Talks to himself out of loneliness sometimes
- He envies genuine connections that others have
- Magic smells of paint, magic tastes of skittles
- Brutally honest
- He likes dogs and cats, any animal really
- Loves to twirl and do tricks with his paintbrush, dances with it
- His paintbrush is extremely light to him, but heavy to others
- Accidently teleports inside Nightmare's goop once and it was fucking terrifying
- Soulless, only Fresh and Error know that he doesn't have an actual soul
- Laughs at inappropriate times, he doesn't know how to react to things sometimes
- Doesn't curse often, but will use 'shit' often
- Highly flexible and acrobatic
- Sometimes interacts with other Sanses but it's strangely off-putting and intense, he has an off putting energy
- Highly devoted to Creators and Fate, scarily loyal and worshipping towards them. He must do what they intend from him, even if that means being truly neutral
- His kindness can be sincere, but it's rare. He has manipulated others with his kindness to further please the Creators, and his kindness often is unsettling
- Incapable of dying, he is the only one that can truly face Error
- His vials are his emotions, and without them he doesn't experience anything. It is unknown how he gets those vials and how they are restocked
- He carries a pair of scissors and uses them sometimes when he's caught in Error's string
- Erratic, unsettling, playful, confident, honest, perceptive, controlling, manipulative, social, self efficient, loud, nosy, individualistic, curious, dedicated, impatient, intelligent, creative, stubborn, and theatrical
- When he drinks his vials, he tends to also have a shift in appearance despite it being subtle. His eyes go to a shade of color his vials are and his expression will shift. Small details like his body language, his form of talking, etc will change
- He grows apathetic, monotonous, and more harsh without his vials. He gets like this near others, his way of even laughing sounding empty as if a husk is mimicking him
- He aims for mistakes and encourages it for creators only because he finds it perfect. They can do no wrong, even if some things are what he dislikes
- He hates when anyone tries to disrupt an AU, often masking it with a positive attitude and forcefully stopping them even if they're dangerous
- He easily can switch between emotions, especially when drinking more than one in a certain order. For example, he can drink a blue vile and then a yellow one, helping him transition between what he feels. The reason he doesn't drink them often near others is because he likes to appear "normal"
- He aims for perfection from others and despises any creator being disrupted, often dragging the issue away. He loves creativity, but that means also disrupting something to make sure his creators are happy
- He always has something slightly off about him, despite being a wonderful actor of sorts. Even when happy, he's just- different
- He hates being called out, especially hates if they're confronted about something he's masking
- He isn't afraid to lie to get his way, it isn't capable of feeling that guilty for long
- They can only be themselves when alone or if he's deeply connected with someone; which is nearly impossible
- He can never deceive Error, even if he tries it sometimes. Error is one of the every few to openly degrade him and in turn Ink finds ways to degrade Error
- A storyteller, he knows almost everything about each AU. He often isn't shy enough to drop lore here and there, watching acutely throughout each form of the multiverse
- He was created as an "adult" so he never had a childhood, but he has a backstory. He can't remember it, but they have drawn themselves without really thinking about it
- It has no defined age, stat, hp, defense, or LV simply due to not having a soul
- They quote a lot of things since he loves obsessively watching shows, AU's, etc
- Due to his lack of fear, he's extremely risky and impulsive. He'll just laugh and jump right in
- He grows fidgety, annoyed, and impatient when things don't go at a pace he's satisfied with
- Even if he's impatient, he's hard to actually piss off. A part of it is because he's so erratic and hard to read
- Stupidly has good balance, it's overall just weird how well he has the balance he has
- Paints and sketches regularly, no form of art is favored over the other
- Often seen with the same outfit, but he loves changing it up at times
- Loves to be in small spaces when needing comfort, often shifting his body in ways to fit inside because it doesn't remind him of the void - where nothing is present
- Hates empty spaces and lacks of creativity
- He's only motivated for what's right for the AU's or himself
- Can be extremely selfish and childish, but often his goals align with "good." He has helped the Bad Guys occasionally though
- It's hard for him to feel pain, since his pain receptors are all fucked up. He can be heavily injured and not realize it or even feel it unless he's worn out and loses/losing a battle against another "God"
- It's hard for him to hate someone, but he can heavily dislike them. If he chose who to hate the most, it would definitely be Error
- He has been childish in worse ways than possible, often helping creators make new AU's despite the cramped space. Sure, the multiverse is beyond humongous, but it only can handle so much before colliding other worlds together and even destroying those worlds. He and Error have overlapping goals, and only rarely will they work together since they're such opposite skeletons
- He loves to mock and mess with Error the most, especially when they battle despite neither one being able to die. Ink can get just as cocky as Error, and in fact loves to provoke Error
- Their vials can only do so much, as they can only temporarily fill in space for an emotion that one with a soul has. It can form in the shape of what's meant to be a soul in the color of the vial, but it's never permanent
- He'll often stare at others for long periods of time, usually in an obvious manner as he looks at them and their soul. He doesn't feel the need to blink, so it can be unsettling
- When his vials give him the illusion of having a soul, he will often cradle it and stare at it for long periods of time
- He never can run out of liquid inside of his vials, but they can break and this leaves him without that emotion until he fixes it through a long process
- He is willing to experience any emotion, as he just wants to feel it. He can optionally not have any at all, but it's rare he chooses that
- Narcotics do not affect him in any way
- Has an obsessed curiosity for humans, who he knows are capable of creating worlds. It's only the authors, the artists, he actively obsesses over
- Does not view creators or players as 'simply' human, but rather beyond gods themselves
- Adores having marker or paint on him
- Has a Doodle Sphere where time is slowed down and no one can reach him
- It struggles trying to find ways social skills work, especially since each universe has it's own standards
- Steals food and other trinkets from universes even if he has no need to eat
- Occasionally speaks French or Latin
- Does not understand gender roles, but they will wear more masculine and androgynous outfits with the occasional fem
- On the aroace spectrum, especially since being a God means that other things are too important
- STRUGGLES reading and writing
Closing Notes: He's so-.....GUAH. I actually didn't care much for them growing up, but I think that they're an interesting character deserving of exploration
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Can you write the skeleton boys with a S/O that has really bad entomophobia (fear of insects)?
Buggies! :D I love bugs. Spiders are one of my favorite animals(not counted as bugs but shhh)
Drain: Haha he would, accidentally, maybe mess with you about it? Like he would tell you about AUs where they were all bugs. He just wants to show that it could be worse, but he might just make it worse for you -w-'. He doesn't really understand why you would be afraid of bugs and stuff; wouldn't judge you or anything though! Guess that's just something that you do? He'll handle the bugs around the house, just try to remind him about your fear sometimes or he would forget and get excited to show you off a pretty colorful buggy.
Glitchy: Whaaattt??? How could you be afraid of bugs? Spiders, yeah, he got that, but all bugs? :( he doesn't understand it! He might make it worse by trying to show you cute ones. After a while, he would realize that he wasn't helping and would feel bad for bugging you… hehe bugging. Ah! Wait, he's sorry! Please don't hate him ;-;
Fairy: Okay, he doesn't get being afraid of something so small, but he'll handle all of the bugs that they see while they're in a house/building. Otherwise he'll leave them alone, no need to kill a bug if they're outside. It really depends on how bad your phobia is, really.
Splat: He would act like she eats one lol. He's a bit of an ass. Maybe he'll be the type to buy you gummy bugs so you could try to get used to them like that? Does it help? Not really, no, but it might? Who knows!
Static: Honestly, he's the worst. He doesn't understand fears anymore so he would find a bug and show it to you. He tries to help you get over your fear, but pushes it too much and he just DOESN'T get it. Why are you afraid of bugs? They're so cute! I'm sorry :(
Fresh Ink: She would understand why you're afraid of bugs, they're totes weird brah… but she doesn't want you to be, you know, freaked out too bad about them so exposer therapy it is! She's the best datemate in her eyes, and she tries to help you get over your fear of bugs! I mean if you're scared of bugs, you're gonna be all up and SO scared of her true self haha. That would suck QwQ/
Shifter: Will eat the bugs without showing you them. Can't be scared of them if you can't see them >:3
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mullet--head · 2 years
splat,, whats your relationship with the dreamtale brothers ?
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"Those old geezers? Well I kinda actually respect them(he really doesn't). Dream is like really annoying tho and tries to get me to stop doing what I do. And Nightmare is honestly really funny to me. He and his little goons could never do as much as I do. He also tried to recruit me but I declined.
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imthemaincharecter · 3 months
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Inspired by this song, Splat is an Ink just like any other, except, He can use other deities' souls to feel on top of his vials. But only deities souls so Nightmare, Error, Dream, Reaper, and Life's souls would work. Splat doesn't have any real story. His back story is forgotten and he fears being forgotten, which leads him to be a very narcissistic person. He steals tidbits and.... well traumas from other sans' and tells them like they are his own. He does this in part to relate to them because he is so different from everyone else he associates with. but all this lying has caused his self-identity to become very fragmented. He's started losing himself to his power and he's stopped seeing people as people. everyone's a character in HIS story.
So, Splat starts out on a quest to get himself a real soul. So he can truly connect with the others like a normal monster. With the help of sci, he tries to make a soul out of his vials. He also tries to make a new soul out of an old monster and human soul. Nothing works. As this is happening his friends are getting shoved to the side, the only one who sticks around is Error (or Glitch), who Splat treats like crap, but also because Splat is scared Glitch will leave him he does his damndest to keep close and Splat honestly try's to be a better person, but the fact that he can only really truly feel remorse around Glitch (because of proximity to his soul) makes them kinda co-dependent. After a while Splat gets so twisted that he steals Glitches soul out right and now Glitch spends most of his time as an emotionless husk (not even Splats old vials work to make him feel anything) Unless Splat is around.
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ask-sibverse · 1 year
Splat (the main verse's Ink) absolutely has too much fun with clothes
There was an incident involving the dying a Frisk (who will be introduced)'s entire wardrobe and using it as fodder for a T shirt cannon
He and Glass were involved in an Incident that involved the entire castle in maid costumes. (Killer then proceeded to flash several people)
He also put his Dream and Blue into some absolutely scandalous outfits on more than one occasion
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inkyl3af · 3 months
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Forgot to post this on the 24th but it's Splats birthday (2/24)
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nosleepgummitato · 9 months
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Here are two parts of the sketch for Sailor Splat.
I'm certainly far further into it now, but forgot to share this, so here. :)
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toon-melody · 2 years
Good fuck today is a weird one for the rawr-ing 20’s
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