#Thank you : )
dannyphannypack · 2 days
i am once again asking for niche or under-appreciated danny phantom fanfics/crossovers
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akanemnon · 1 day
hope stuff gets better for you man 👍
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Thank you and everyone else for understanding and especially all your kind words in the comments under that post. I really can't express how much this means to me! 😭
I've noticed how much this stress was getting to me and how much stronger my anxiety was getting whenever a new comic was about to be uploaded. So hopefully the break should help getting things back on track when it comes to those work and life issues.
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daintysclaw · 3 days
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A render that i made of Astarion and Tav for all of the lovely people who support me and my work❤️
This one is available for all of my Patreon's (payed and non-payed) 💋
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nightfoxqueen · 2 days
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Art by @maeko-kun
Spring was in full bloom in Rhodolite, birds sang and the people were going about their normal busy day. The kingdom was at a peace between countries and trades seemed to flourish. On this day however the 7th Prince of Rhodolite found himself relaxing on the sofa near a window, the sunshine coming through wrapping itself around him. In his arms he held a small pink bundle with the most beautiful baby girl he'd ever seen. He was gazing down at her with the most proud look on his face, his smile peaceful and his one finger was being held by the tiny hand of that little girl. He never seemed so happy. Fatherhood certainly wasn't something that had ever crossed his mind before, and he wasn't expecting it would ever make him this happy nor at peace.
When his fiancee, had told him the news that he was going to be father he began to sink into darkness. What if it would be twins? He remembered how his past flooded his mind. How much the Royal Court hated that twins had been born. How horribly they had treated his mother and how his mother came to hate them. He remembered how much his mother constantly made Licht and him compete, so much that in the end, Licht chose to protect and save him over competing, killing their mother. His fiancee, and even Licht helped to remind him that until the baby was born there were no guarantees if it was twins and even if it would have been, the Royal Court would have to shut their mouths. It wasn't just them, Sariel also spoke words of reassurance. The palace devil may have been feared by many in the palace but he had watched the twins grow up. As such, he was always there to somehow help them, seeing one of them becoming a father he would be there for those moments too.
The spring breeze blew in through the window, gently making the curtains flutter in the breeze. As he gazed down at his daughter in his arms he recalled the moment the assistant of the midwife came and announced he had a healthy baby girl. It seemed like the world stopped, it was a shock and the whole palace went into a frenzy over the first girl born in about two centuries. He'd never forget that moment, the first time he held his daughter in his arms. The pride and joy he felt, the way everything seemed to stop. Taking in her hair, exactly as his and her eyes exactly like her mother's. He never felt he had anything really worth living or fighting for. Up until he met his fiancee, he was frivolous and had no regards to his own life.
That changed even more now that he had his daughter. He held her gently, and has he looked at her with the softest expression; he knew he'd do everything and anything for his little girl. He'll give her whatever she wanted, protect her and most importantly he knew he'd be wrapped around her little finger. It had been about 4 months since she'd been born and when he wasn't busy with his duties you could always find him in that same place holding his little girl in arms. As the birds tweeted and sang their chirpy songs, the little princess began babbling in his arms. "Hnn, do you hear the birds singing Eirian?" She cooed and babbled more, her little smile lighting up her face. Nokto smiled looking down at her, as the door opened his fiancee walked in. She melted slightly, the sight of Nokto holding their daughter was the most beautiful sight she saw each day.
"Looks like momma has come to kidnap you. Papa has to go to a negotiation meeting with Keith, Silvio and Gilbert." He gave a slight huff. She giggled as he stood up and gently handed over Eirian. "You make it sound like she's only your baby." He chuckled, putting on his vest and then his long coat. "She might be ours, but she's my little girl." Sophie smiled as she held Eirian in her arms walking to the window to let them both feel the beautiful spring breeze. Flower petals gently fluttered in and around them both. Nokto walked up to them both kissing his fiancee before gently kissing Eirian on her little forehead. She babbled more taking her tiny hand and grabbed his shirt, he gently removed her little hand only for it to wrap around his one finger. "Papa will be back. I have to go." Eirian's little face dropped, about to cry.
"No, no Eirian. No crying, I'll be back soon." Sophie smiled, gently bouncing the baby to calm her. "You know, one day you should take her with you. I heard Gilbert loves kids and I bet you'd get away with more if you distract Silvio." He laughed a little. "Perhaps one day but for now, I want her in the safety of her mother's arms." He kissed her little hand still holding his finger and before long the gentle bouncing calmed her, making her slowly fall asleep. Sophie gently took her tiny hand away from his finger holding it with her own. Knowing she was calm and asleep he quietly snuck out the door only to hear her begin her cries before closing it. Sophie sighed and started to gently hum with no avail of her stopping. "You really do have her wrapped around your finger." She said knowing Nokto was there. He came back and walked up to her, taking Eirian back into his arms watching as she slowly calmed down. "Looks like you're coming with me after all. Geez I really have you spoiled don't I?" Sophie giggled "She's definitely papa's little girl." Nokto looked down at his little princess who was holding his finger once again. "We have to have a talk little missy. Your momma would like to keep you to herself too." Sophie laughed a little and gently stroked her daughter's cheek. "I had her for 9 months, she knows me enough. Now it's her time to attach to papa. " Nokto chuckled, "I suppose I am wrapped around her little finger." He smiled as he turned to leave. "We'll be back later momma." Sophie nodded and watched them leave. The 7th Prince, a once wild fox was now completely and utterly attached to his daughter, papa's little girl.
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mosskiposski · 2 days
@connorsui left a scene in the tags, a few posts back, where Gale runs into Mic’s (Tav’s) arms and I COULDN’T HELP MYSELF.
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zinaeleenyamin · 2 days
Hello my friends and followers,
I'm sharing with you the story of Ahmed and his family✨️✨️✨️✨️ who are seeking to escape the horrors of war in Gaza to safety.
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It is their right to live,
their right to a better future,
and their right to safety.
Ahmed and his family are in urgent need of your support. 🙏🙏🙏❤️
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✨️Share their story and
✨️write about it.
✨️Donate whatever you can,
your contribution is their salvation."
I've done it, now it's your turn.
Vetted by @nabulsi ❤️❤️❤️
And shared by @nabulsi @sar-soor @communistchilchuck @sayruq @northgazaupdates @90-ghost @fairuzfan @ibtisams and many beautiful person so on 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️thanks for all❤️❤️❤️
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pax-romana200 · 2 days
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(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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zal-cryptid · 3 days
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Thank you all who've helped me so far in the past 24 hours. I honestly didn't expect to get as much help as I did and continue to get, but know that I am infinitely grateful. You helped me obliterate half of my debt and helped me crawl out of overdraft. Soon I will be able to progress in life.
Thank you 🫂
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Let’s play😈😈
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howlerbat · 2 days
I was inspired
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yeagrave · 2 days
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crop top bradley inspired by this post from @the-ace-with-spades
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vladimir-polishko · 2 days
Good morning 🌞💕
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crispycatzz · 1 day
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I've never posted this before, and it's been a while since it was in my phone reel so...
Idk if this is count as something, Like an AU or anything so I'm not sure
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mistressju-ju · 9 hours
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What do y’all think? 🔥😈😈
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Full body Taiga Png.
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danni-gurrl · 22 hours
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Enjoying a pint at a cute street café in Maastricht, Netherlands, with my fashion designer @dryndelicate
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