#Tom H anon
saberlight1 · 6 months
lovefool — billy the kid
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pairing: billy bonney x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of violence, fluff, Y/N usage, reader is a cowgirl and gunslinger, hints towards murder, one bed trope, standard billy the kid warnings.
authors note: hii!!! i’m so happy to be writing about billy, thank you anon for sending in this request that this is based off of. i loved the show and slowly am getting more obsessed with tom blyth everyday i swearrr. i hope you enjoy!
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You and the boys damn near fell through the doors of some random boarding house you came across— the lot of you attempting to run away from a rival gang that caught you stealing cattle.
Jesse threw 10 dollars down on the counter, more than enough to get rooms for you all. You had been running around all day— but the smell of gunpowder and crimson blood still clogged your nose hairs and adrenaline still pumped through your veins. You simply wanted a bath and to go the hell to bed.
But, who would you be to turn down Jesse’s smiling face, holding out a shot of whiskey for you.
You sighed, your hat tipping down with your head as you shook it, your hands rested neatly on your gun-belt, cowboy boot tapping softly on the floor as you pretended to weigh your options.
“Oh, c’mon, Y/N.” He held it out for you. “Drink with us!”
You chuckled. “Why not,” You went to sit down at the bar next to them.
“Hell yeah!” Jesse and the rest of the boys who were scattered around the bar cheered— you normally weren’t one for their after hour shenanigans.
“Only for a little bit, though. I’m tired as hell.” You said, downing the whiskey shot.
“Sure,” Jesse waved you off with a knowing look, ordering a couple more rounds for you all. You laughed, going along with his antics as always. You had known Jesse since you were young— he was the one who had vouched for you in this group, who had helped you gain the respect that you had today.
You let out a hiss at the burning feeling of that whiskey going down your throat, slamming the shot glass back onto the table.
“I’ll have what they’re havin’.” You heard that familiar husky voice from next to you. Billy Bonney stood with a small smirk toying on his lips as he sat down on the stool next to you. He nodded at the bartender when he slid him said shot, the outlaw throwing it back without hesitation.
“Where you been, cowboy?” You asked, slightly tipsy.
“Been at the Saloon playin’ Poker.” He responded.
“You win?”
His smirk only grew. “Sure did. It was a big pot too,”
“Good for you, Billy.” You smiled, turning back to grab you and him another shot. “To your winnings.” You cheered, the pair of you clinking your glasses together before downing them.
“Aye, y’all get that cattle?” He asked, leaning closer to you with a quieter voice. “Y’all stink of gunpowder.”
“Nah,” You shook your head. “Their boys came out— the shots scared the cattle away, and we ain’t have enough ammo to fight ‘em off so we had to cut and run. Shot a couple of them, though.”
He hummed. “We’ll get ‘em next time, Y/N, don’t worry.”
“I hope so. Jesse here is runnin’ up his tab right now and we barely got enough cash to buy food.” You shook your head with a bitter smile. “Aye, at least we got liquor.”
“We’ll figure it out— we always do.” Billy reminded with a comforting smile.
“Yeah.” You sighed, trying to push the worries away. You downed one last shot before pushing yourself off the bar stool. “Alright, boys, that bath is callin’ my name. See y’all tomorrow.” You turned, heading to the stairs as you heard a string of good nights.
After washing up, you put on a comfortable nightgown, heading to the room that matched the key Jesse had given you.
You carelessly threw the door open, the towel in your hands still wringing out your wet hair. But said towel almost fell from your grip once you saw a shirtless Billy standing in the middle of your room.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry,” You apologized as soon as his confused gaze landed on yours, backing out of the room. “Thought this was my room,”
He sighed, throwing on the shirt he was changing into before you walked in. “You’re good. Jesse told me downstairs that he ain’t have enough cash to get me a room— Hope you don’t mind, but I’d rather bunk with you than the one of the boys.”
“Oh, yeah, no, you can sleep in here. I don’t mind,” You nodded, walking in and shutting the door, placing your gun-belt down on the nightstand. Your eyes drifted to the small twin bed before you, your gaze going back up to Billy’s nervously.
“I can sleep on the floor, it’s alright.” He immediately tried to come up with a solution, already knowing what you were thinking of.
“Billy, I’m sure your back hurts just as bad as mine— if not more.” You waved him off. “I don’t want you to wake up even more sore tomorrow. It’s fine.. I ain’t scared of sleepin’ in the same bed as you. Unless you’re scared of sharin’ with me,” You lightly teased, laying down onto the bed, opening the covers for him.
A soft smile crept onto his lips. “Now, why would I be afraid of such a pretty lil’ thing like you?” He poked back, his words sending a blush to your cheeks as he got into bed, taking you up on your offer. The bed was quite small, and to ensure Billy wouldn’t fall off you were kinda hanging off the side.
A giggle left your lips. “There’s no way I’m not gon’ roll off this bed in my sleep and face plant onto the floor.”
He laid on his back, one arm thrown behind his head so he could look down at you. His gaze lingered onto yours for a moment— and you could see the gears turning in his brain. “Here,” He flipped onto his side, his hands slowly tugging you into him so your back was to his chest, his arm loosely hung around your waist. “I won’t let you fall,” He whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“Thank you,” You leaned up to blow out the candle lit next to you before snuggling back into his arms, smiling. “G’night, Billy.”
His arms tightened around you, and you could hear a faint chuckle from behind you, the man placing a soft kiss to your head. “G’night, darlin’.”
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goosita · 6 months
I LOVE your writing I get so excited when you post! Could you write something about rivals taking Billy’s Girl and him going CRAZY till he gets her back? And then the comfort after that🥹
ooo ough oh my god he would go insane like i truly mean he would level an entire city for you if he had to
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the moment he finds you in the back of the house, bound to a chair and gagged, his emotions begin a war inside of him. he’s so filled with rage that his hands shake and his teeth with ache in the morning from clenching them so hard. blood is splattered across his shirt, flecks drying on his cheek from the men he’d gunned down and fought just to get in here, and here you finally were.
he lost track of how many rounds he’d fired. all he knows is that he’d dropped several bodies. if he counted, he would realize he’d taken out the entire gang who had plotted to take you and hold you for ransom with the eventual goal to turn in the famous outlaw. there was no way in hell billy would ever let that happen; he’d lay his life down in a heartbeat to keep you safe and sound.
“baby,” he breathes, voice trembling. he rushes over and makes quick work of untying you, releasing the handkerchief tied around your mouth to keep you quiet.
“oh, baby i’m so sorry,” he murmurs, pulling you into his arms. he can feel you shaking like a leaf, but you hug him so tight he thinks his ribs might crack; not that he’d care anyway. “i should have been faster, i should have known sooner that you—“
“shhh, billy. i’m okay. i’m fine, you’re here,” you soothed, clinging to him. he can feel your fingers digging into his back hard enough to bruise. he hopes they do, honestly. he wants any mark you leave on him.
“m’gonna get you home, okay? never gonna let you out of my sight. never, you hear me?” he shrugs off his outer flannel shirt, dressing you in it and pulling you in again to press a long and lingering kiss to your forehead. billy keeps you tucked into his side, leading you to the front door.
“i need you to close your eyes, darlin’,” he says, stroking your hair. “don’t want you to see…any of this. okay?” he doesn’t want you to see any of the trail of gore he’s left. you’re too sweet, too innocent to ever be subjected to the sight of such violence.
you nod and squeeze your eyes shut, but as he leads you outside, the sharp metallic scent of blood hits your nose and you suddenly understand just why exactly he doesn’t want you to see. things had gotten very intense, you knew this. billy was a dangerous man. he had been since the day you met him, but it never bothered you. you weren’t even sure if it bothered you now, when he was so kind and gentle with you.
he helped you up onto his horse and climbed on behind you, slipping his arms around your waist and clicking his tongue to get the animal to turn and head the other direction. after a few minutes, you felt his nose nudge your shoulder.
“you still got those eyes closed?”
you nodded, leaning back into his chest even more.
“you can open ‘em now, pretty girl. nothing bad to see out here,” he promises, kissing your cheek. your eyes flutter open and the sky above is a deep navy blue, clouds just beginning to glow with the promise of a sunrise.
“never gonna let anything bad happen to you ever again, i promise. i’m so sorry,” he whispers. you shake your head and turn to glance up at him behind you. billy stops his horse and drops one of the reins, lifting his hand to hold your chin gently.
“it’s okay, billy. i’m okay. you got there just in time,” you assure him. your eyes scan his face, now noticing the dried blood in a splash pattern on billy’s jaw. the way his bright blue irises looked stormy still, the tension in his body still tight. his thumb caresses your bottom lip, his face softening.
he looked down at you for a long moment before dipping his head, resting his forehead against the back of your shoulder. your violent man, your outlaw, your gunslinger. william h. bonney, billy the kid, wasn’t afraid of anything. that’s what most people assumed; but he was terrified of anything happening to you, his sweet angel. his darling girl who kept him sane.
“billy?” you whispered. you felt him hum, his chest vibrating against your back. “take me home.”
and so he did.
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spideyhexx · 5 months
Have you ever heard of what taking and wearing a cowboy’s hat means? It means you’ll ride him
listen I’m just saying that has such good opportunities
xoxo- 🦢
yes ive seen lots of great fics with this so let me add onto that never ending list lmao
mdni - fem!reader
thinking about this that I wrote where you steal his hat, but what would happen if you put it on when you stole it? I love this dynamic, your relationship with Billy being a rather playful and tumultuous one. From your side more than his. For Billy, he was constantly biting his tongue to keep from telling you off whenever you teased him. He can’t admit that he likes it, so he just gives you one of his forlorn stares and maybe makes a snide comment here and there. He tolerated you. That was all. You on the other hand may be completely in love with him, but that wasn't important at the moment.
And you grab his hat from his head in front of the rest of the gang and plop it right onto yours.
Billy’s eyes darken in anger towards you at first but then he realizes what you’ve done and the snickers from the other men. You don’t seem to notice, your gaze only on Billy as you back away. To some, it would look like you two are already lovers and you just openly, silently, relayed to your lover that you wanted him.
Billy would rush over to you before you could react, grabbing your forearm and tugging you away. His hold is tight but not enough to hurt you and you can't help but giggle as your eyes narrow at him.
"What's gotten into you, Bonney? Finally wanna play back?" You catch the slight shake of his head and he halts, his grip on you still there.
"Do you know what you've just done?" You tilt your head to the side, his hat too big on your head, but staying put.
"I stole your hat, Bonney and I have to say, the face you made was quite-"
"Not the...stealin' part...," Billy trails off, his jaw clenching and he searches your eyes as your brow furrows. He realizes you're actually confused as to what he's getting at and he clears his throat, "You never heard the guys joke 'bout...?" Billy's anger softens for a moment as his shoulders lose their tension. He can't believe you of all people don't know about this. He thinks you must be playing some kind of joke on him like you always are.
You shake your head, "'m tremblin' with anticipation, Bonney. Tell me."
He narrows his eyes. "If you're wearin' a cowboy's hat you...or put his hat on you...you ride him," he says, a bout of embarrassment starting to flush to his cheeks, but he forgets all about that when he sees how wide your eyes get.
"O-Oh. I see," your voice drops to a softer tone, above a whisper. This tough, playful, insufferable woman that Billy's always seen you as is getting flustered under his gaze and now he really thinks he must be dreaming. You can't believe you've never heard about this before, but now realize your impulses have caused you to not only put Billy's hat on but do so in front of all of the gang; yeah it hits you hard.
"Well, 's a joke, right? So...," and you try to wrench your arm from his grasp, but he holds on.
A little chuckle escapes his lips and he smiles, "You're flustered."
Rolling your eyes, you give him a pout, but it's apparent from your still wide eyes and the way you can't look him straight in the eyes like you always did that you were in fact flustered. "No, 'm not."
Billy chuckles again and lets go of your arm, "Yes you are. The little cowgirl's actually flustered for once. Are you thinkin' about it?"
The heat in your body increases from his words and you go to take his hat off your head, throwing it at him. You can't deny the all too familiar feeling of heat pooling in your core as you think about that act with him. How you've thought of that very fantasy before, especially the days you'd catch Billy sitting with his legs a little too spread. Billy catches his hat, but he also catches the way you shift on your feet, your jaw tensing and the slight squeeze of your thighs. Billy almost curses out loud at the filthy thought that comes to mind and the twitch of his cock in his pants, but he ignores it, "don't gotta ride me," he snorts. He's trying to be reassuring, but he's not gonna let you know that.
"Wasn't plannin' on it," and you take the chance to lock your eyes back with him, an attempt to regain your composure and turn the teasing back on him, but your head is swimming in desire right now.
"I know, but it sure got you heated, hm?" He bumps his shoulder into yours as he walks past you, starting to head back to the camp. Billy's already forgotten about the gang and how they'll tease him about this later. All he can think about is how he's finally found an upper hand with you.
"Yeah? Well, I think you'd love for me to ride you," you call out to him in a sudden impulse move (a common habit for you, it's been established).
Billy turns back, raising his brow. He hesitates for a moment, wondering just how far he wants to go with this but he decides, fuck it. He walks back up to you, sauntering as he rests his hands on his gun belt, his head is cocked to the side and the smirk on his lips is one you wish you saw all the time. "Don't think you'd be able to handle it, sweetheart."
"What makes you say that?"
You cross your arms over your chest and he smiles, looking to the side out at the setting sun before back to you, "Cause even the thought of ridin' my dick is gettin' you all squirmy. How would it be if you were actually on it, hm?" He raises his brow, waiting for you to respond, but you don't. You stare at him wide-eyed, mouth parting, then closing.
"That's what I thought," and he gives you a look, raking his eyes quickly over your body before turning and walking away.
let's chat about billy, here :)
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lucysgraybird · 3 months
Billy taking you on a horse ride 🌞.
you have no idea how insane these blurbs make me lfggg. i hope this makes sense bc i don't actually remember learning to ride 🧍🏻‍♀️it was like 16 years ago
in this case, let’s imagine you haven’t ridden before & you’re not super comfy on a horse/with horses. billy’s been trying to get you out riding for ages and you’re always hedging around it, finding any excuse not to get on the back of a 1200 pound animal, but he does finally convince you with promises of taking it slow. he makes sure it’s the most perfect day out – no threat of storm or strong wind or really anything that could spook the horse or make you unsteady, even though he knows his horses are well-trained and won’t buck for hardly anything. the hardest part is that he really doesn’t understand being so nervous; he’s been riding for so long that he’s almost more comfortable on horseback than he is on the ground, but he’s still so careful with you. he shows you how to tack up the horse, just getting you as comfortable with it as possible before he has you get on it. when you’re ready, he boosts you up onto the horse. you make this hesitant little noise when you realize just how high up you are and he laughs a little, squeezing your calf and saying, “‘m right here, honey, you’re alright,” and it’s hard not to trust him. he shows you how to hold the reins and promises that he’s put you on a very cooperative horse, so you don’t have to worry about tugging too hard or anything. 
pretty soon, he’s deeming you good enough to start properly riding, and gets past your hesitance by saying that you’re not going to get more confident the less you ride. he mounts his horse and just rides alongside you on the plains for a while, and pretty soon he’s pushing the boundaries of what he can get you to do – “wanna try a trot, honey?” – and he seems so earnest that you can’t say no. he talks you through what to do, smirking a little when you blush at his demonstration of how to rock your hips with the movement of the horse. eventually y’all start trotting and it hurts a little but it’s so fun, the wind tearing through your hair and filling your lungs, trading spots with a loud laugh. it makes billy’s heart soar, that sound, so pleased that you’re enjoying yourself, and when you roll to a stop by his side, flushed and smiling, he’s already thinking of the next time he can take you out riding and where to bring you, just to see that look on your face again. 
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pollyna · 2 years
What's your favourite Icemav headcanon
Uhhh difficult one 🤔 a general one is that they are been happy together since 1987 and they raised Bradley together. A sad one is that Mav realises he's in love after Ice is dead, and that's pretty much just movie related!
Oh and the one where Mav and Ice write each other during deployment and they both have all the letters/post cards they wrote during the years
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wifeofsnowbaird · 5 months
guyssssss i need more inspo, so like if you have a one-shot you want me to do just ask me bc im kinda at a loss 😭😭😭😭
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 8 months
Extremely not hot. I don't get this at all.
Personally he’s not my type but I can see how he is for some people. I think my appeal in him comes from his personality rather than his looks. Taylor has never dated anyone that’s my type and I don’t think there’s a single person that the fandom would agree on being objectively hot. It is interesting to see just how split the fandom is over it though.
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tomblythismyhusband · 1 month
not an act [tomblyth x actress!reader]
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[summary]: tomblyth x actress!reader|anon request| You and Tom reveal true feelings for eachother one day on your movie set and months later you finally decide to hard launch your relationship.
[warnings]: 18+, MDNI, age gap [22+29], language,
[wc]: 2k
[note]: thank you for the request!! it was so fun writing something a bit different! It’s kinda short but wtv :)
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You’d been filming this movie for weeks now. Scenes were pretty tame so far, what you’d expect from a romcom. Picnics, breakups, standing out in the rain with nothing but shivering bones and a love confession.
Your co-star wasn’t too bad either. You were working with Tom Blyth, an attractive Britis h actor who had been in a few movies before you. He was much more experienced with this whole thing. While every aspect of the movie making process excited you, Tom was much more accustomed.
You sat in your trailer, sipping hot tea while checking your schedule for the day. The warm liquid slid down and soothed your throat from the scene work of the day prior. Your quiet was soon interrupted by a sharp tapping at the door.
You lifted your head. “Come in.” You called.
The assistant director, Amy walked in, clipboard in hand, hair in a loose knot at the base of her neck. She looked frazzled- but to be fair she always did.
“Good morning, Amy.” You smiled, placing down your tea and coffee on the little kitchenette counter that took up a good portion of the trailer’s interior.
Amy gave you a brief smile, whipping out her clipboard so it was in front of her. She lifted one of the paper’s, reading something then met your gaze again.
“We’re doing the sex scene today.” She said, scribbling a note on one of her papers.
“What?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you turned to pick up your schedule again. Your eyes skimmed it quickly, not seeing any words alluding to a sex scene anywhere.
“Amy, I don’t have that on my schedule..” You said looking up from your paper in confusion.
When you looked up Amy was hurriedly typing away on her phone, preoccupied. She didn’t seem to hear you or your concerns.
You cleared your throat. “Amy.”
Amy’s eyes shot to you, wide and attentive. “Yes love?” She said, though you knew her mind was on something else.
You held up your schedule, displaying it for her. “I don’t see that a sex scene is scheduled to film anywhere on here.”
Amy gave you a bored look, almost like she was just remembering how new you were to the movie making process.
“Yes- well, plans change. So get your robe on and get to wardrobe and hair and makeup.” With that her phone rang, so she placed it up to her ear and walked out of your trailer without another word.
You were left speechless, schedule still held up. You put it down, anxiety starting to bubble in your gut. You’d never filmed an explicit scene before. You knew when you auditioned for the film there was a sex scene but you were so eager to have a big break that you agreed to anything.
Your mind then drifted to Tom.
A sex scene. With him.
You couldn’t deny the fact that he was absolutely gorgeous- the way most Hollywood actors were. The director had said you and Tom’s chemistry was impeccable, so working with him was always pretty lax. Sometimes you’d find yourself blushing or giggling with him and realize- you weren’t acting. Tom was the type of guy that could make anything a joke and you liked that about him.
You would totally hit on him more if it weren’t for- well- the age gap. That was the only factor that was constantly bringing you back to reality. While Tom was 29 you were a whopping 22. You didn't even start drinking legally till this year. You doubted that Tom would even want a relationship with someone so young anyways.
You sighed, grabbing the fluffy white robe that hung neatly on the door of the bathroom and slipped it on. This was your job.
You pulled on some shoes as well and opened the creaky door of your trailer, the summer air instantly warming your face.
The romcom took place at a beach house. Two people, Tom and you, find themselves to have had a booking mishap where they mistakenly have to share a beach cottage on vacation. They hate each other at first, but then obviously through sharing a long beach vacation they end up falling in love. You doubted a situation like that could ever occur, but hey- that’s the fun of movies right?
You made it to the wardrobe, where they gave you a nice light blue bikini and a sarong. Next you headed to hair and make up where they styled your hair in waves along with light minimal makeup.
Finally, you stepped down the steep steps of the makeup trailer and walked along the sand to the beach cottage. It was a cute little thing- nice and quaint, full of natural light, secluded. As you walked to the house you took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.
You knew the basic rundown of the scene. Tom’s character sees your character getting ready to go to the beach. Unable to reach her back to lather with sunscreen, she asks Tom’s character to help her. Tom’s character does so- (the tension unbearable at this point) and then boom, what do you know? Now he’s kissing the shit out of her, as she pulls him into bed.
Of course you’d kissed Tom so far throughout this movie but picturing him on top of you was a thought that could make you blush.
You arrived at the house and props were already setting the area. You walked in and made your way to the bedroom where you spotted Tom getting a rundown of the scene from an intimacy coordinator. When you walked in, Tom's eyes flicked to you.
He seemed to be surprised- or was that impressed? You couldn’t read his expression, but all you knew is that the bikini you had to wear definitely flattered you.
“Sorry I’m a bit late- I had no idea we were filming this scene today.” You said breathlessly. The intimacy coordinator waved a dismissive hand.
“You're okay, I just started to go over everything.”
You then stood next to Tom as the intimacy coordinator gave a whole spiel about how the scene would play out. It was simple enough, a lot like how most sex scenes would go.
Towards the end she directed her gaze to you. “Now, in this scene we were thinking of having your breasts exposed, is that alright? I know on your contract you said you were okay with it but I just would like to double check.”
You opened your mouth, thinking. Finally you nodded. “Yes that’s fine.”
“Great!” The coordinator smiled. “Now that you guys are all set I’ll go let the director know we’re ready.” She then walked off leaving Tom and I alone.
You glanced at him, nervous, but reassured at the fact you were both professional.
“Nice bikini.” Tom said, glancing at you. Your cheeks warmed at the compliment.
“Thanks.. nice shorts.” You nodded looking down at the Hawaiian print swim shorts he was sporting at the moment. Tom chuckled, running his hands through his brown hair.
“Do you… wanna practice the scene?” You asked, tilting your head to look up at him. You could’ve sworn you saw a hint of blush in his cheeks.
“Sure.” He gulped, nodding. “The scene starts up against the wall.” He said slowly, taking your hand and guiding you.
“..Like this?” You whispered, as Tom gently pinned your wrists above your head. You dipped your head staring up at him through your lashes, like you would’ve done if the cameras were rolling.
“Perfect.” He responded in a low voice.
“Now I arch… like this.” You said quietly, extending your back, so your torso was pressed against his, wrists still held securely above your head. Tom took a shuttered breath.
“Now what?” You asked innocently looking up at him. You knew damn well what came next, but you wanted to hear it coming from his perfect lips.
“This.” He murmured, pressing his lips against yours in a heated kiss. You couldn’t suppress the feelings of lust in your body as he kissed you. His lips were soft- so soft. Molded perfectly to yours as if they were always meant to be connected. Though the kiss was nice, you could tell he was holding back.
When you broke from the kiss you looked up at him. Feeling bold you slipped your hands out of the light hold he had on them and cupped his face.
“I’m not acting.” You murmured.
Tom’s eyes widened slightly, then softened. His lips pulled into a small smile.
“Thank god- me neither. Now let me do this for real.” He growled.
He pressed up against you, taking his lips onto his own again, kissing you rough and passionate. His tongue slipped into your mouth, meeting your own. Your body felt hot at the sensation. There were definitely sparks, and you knew this was only the beginning.
—— 6 months later ——
“Baby- I’m home.”
You heard the familiar voice of Tom, from your apartment’s front door.
“I’m on the couch!” You called back as you lounged on the plush white sofa that sat in your living room. You lifted your head to see a smiling Tom, his hair all tousled from the outside weather.
He immediately sat down next to you and practically tackled you as he took you into his arms. You laughed as you tried to push him off playfully.
“You're crushing me!” You squealed, trying to wriggle out from underneath him.
“Good.” He laughed. You felt Tom squeeze you again, kissing up your body. Finally he let go, leaning back, a love drunk smile on his face.
“So I’ve been thinking…..” Tom prompted, taking one of your hands.
“That’s not good.” You replied playfully. Tom chuckled and squeezed your hand, enjoying your little jokes.
“Seriously though- so you know how our movie premiere is in a few weeks?” He asked, eyes meeting yours.
You nodded. You’d finished filming almost 3 months ago. Finally the movie was close to its release day. You were both excited and nervous for it to come out. You really hoped that it was received well by the public.
Tom looked down at your hands that were wrapped in his own.
“I really want to be by your side on the carpet.”
You hesitated for a moment. “Tom- that’s very much in public.”
He looked up at you. “I know…”
You sighed. “You know how I feel about this… the media.. I mean- I can already picture the things they would say about you dating someone younger than you..”
“Hey.” Tom said calmly, taking your face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks in a calming manner. “I totally get what you're saying, and I’m fine if you don’t want to.. but I just want to let you know, I’m ready. I’m ready for the world to know about how much I adore you.”
Your heart thumped in your chest at his words as heat flooded your face. He always knew what to say.
“I want to Tom.. I do… I love you.” You whispered. You then let out a low sigh. “It’s just.. It seems so scary to drop this news in front of the whole world at the premiere..”
Tom gave you a reassuring smile. “We could post a selfie right now- drop the news.”
Your eyes brightened at the idea. It did seem safer to share the news of your relationship from the comfort of your own home. You nodded and nestled closer to Tom as he pulled out his phone, opening the camera app.
You turned your head to kiss his cheek and he snapped a picture. You looked at the smiling photo of Tom and your pose, feeling more confident about the idea.
“Post it.” You smiled, nestling closer into him.
With a quick click of a few buttons Tom posted the photo to his Instagram story. He then placed his phone down and kissed you.
“I don’t care what anyone says- I love you.” He whispered.
“I’ll love you forever.” You whispered back, kissing him again. You felt nervous of course about the fact that your relationship with Tom was now public, but also excited for all the new experiences to come.
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onscreenkisses · 1 month
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K I S S O G R A P H Y : ↳ Tom Cruise
LOSIN' IT (1983) / Shelley Long RISKY BUSINESS (1983) / Rebecca De Mornay ALL THE RIGHT MOVES (1983) / Lea Thompson LEGEND (1984) / Mia Sara TOP GUN (1986) / Kelly McGillis COCKTAIL (1988) / Elizabeth Shue DAYS OF THUNDER (1990) / Nicole Kidman FAR AND AWAY (1992) / Nicole Kidman THE FIRM (1993) / Jeanne Tripplehorn JERRY MAGUIRE (1994) / Renée Zellweger EYES WIDE SHUT (1999) / Nicole Kidman MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE II (2000) / Thandiwe Newton VANILLA SKY (2001) / Penélope Cruz AUSTIN POWERS IN GOLDMEMBER (2002) / Gwyneth Paltrow THE LAST SAMURAI (2003) / Koyuki MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III (2006) / Michelle Monaghan VALKYRIE (2008) / Carice van Houten KNIGHT AND DAY (2010) / Cameron Diaz MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE — GHOST PROTOCOL (2011) / Paula Patton ROCK OF AGES (2012) / Malin Akerman OBLIVION (2013) / Olga Kurylenko EDGE OF TOMORROW (2014) / Emily Blunt AMERICAN MADE (2017) / Sarah Wright Olsen TOP GUN: MAVERICK (2022) / Jennifer Connelly
requested by anon
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starkwlkr · 11 months
Hiii! okay maybe teen mathéo likes a girl so he could talk to charles about it and ask for advice a little father son moment would be cool.
numbers | charles leclerc
hello lovely anon! thanks for the request! for this imagine, I’m going to include mikey and demri schumacher. they are characters that belong to @cs55version from their mick series that i am absolutely in love with!!
While the media saw Ruby Leclerc as the loud, but funny child of Ferrari driver, Charles Leclerc, they sometimes forgot about Mathéo Leclerc, the shy and quiet boy. It wasn’t a bad thing (Mathéo’s exact words). The boy liked not being in the spotlight.
He enjoyed art museums and going to see musicals with his mother and grand-mère. But there were sometimes when the media did question whether or not he would follow in the footsteps of his father. From a young age, Mathéo decided not to pursue a career in formula 1 and his family respected that.
Even the kids at school would ask him when he would start karting. He would always answer with “I’m not going to be a driver. Ask my older sister.”
He grew tired of people at school always asking him about Ferrari, his father and uncle, asking for paddock passes. It was always the same people, people he never even talked to. But there was one day when a girl who had just moved to Monaco came up to him during lunch.
Mathéo’s usual friend, Robin, was sick so he remained home. Now it looked like Mathéo didn’t have any friends and sat alone during lunch.
“Hi. Is it okay if I sit here?” The girl asked, pointing to the chair across Mathéo.
“Yeah, it’s okay.” He replied then went back to eating his sandwich that his mother had made him.
“I’m Giselle.” The girl introduced herself.
“My name is Mathéo, but with an h in between the t and e. A lot of people forget about the h.” He explained.
“Oh, okay. Mine is with two l’s so it’s not like the supermodel’s name, you know the one that was married to Tom Brady?” She asked.
“I don’t know who Tom Brady is, but I know who Gisele Bündchen is. My maman had dinner with her last week.” He said casually. “Wait, you don’t have an accent.” He quickly noticed.
“I’m from America, but my mother’s side of the family is from here. My mom got a really good job offer so here we are,” Giselle explained. “My mom has about of an accent though. She was born here but left when she was ten I think.”
Mathéo had a crush on a girl before. Her name was Eloise. She was the sister of the most popular girl in school so when Eloise asked Mathéo out to the movies, the boy thought it was just some kind of prank.
Giselle seemed nice, she listened when Mathéo had something to say, laughed at his jokes when he made one and she didn’t know of Mathéo’s last name so at least he didn’t have to worry about that yet.
As the school day came to an end, he walked back home only to find Mikey and Demri Schumacher and his sister eating in the kitchen while his mother was on the phone talking.
“Hey, Théo! Missed you.” Demri ruffled his hair as he passed by her to get to the refrigerator.
“You can keep him if you want. I see him all the time.” Ruby teased.
“Maman! Ruby wants to give me away to the Schumacher’s!” Mathéo yelled. He ignored the laughs coming from then teenagers and grabbed a juice then walked out the kitchen.
“Ruby, what did I say about trying to sell your brother?” Y/n groaned from her spot in the sofa.
“Uncle Mick won’t mind having him around!”
“Hi, maman. Is papa around?” The fourteen year old boy asked shyly. He needed his father’s opinion on Giselle.
“He’s in our room, baby. He might be asleep, but you can go check.”
“Oh. I’ll let him sleep then. I’m going to my room.” Mathéo said. He knew how hard his father worked so he rather wait to have a conversation with him. He walked up the stairs to his room and closed the door behind him.
Y/n could see the defeated face on her boy. “Mom, I’m going to call you back. Bye.” She hung up the phone. She got up and walked to her and Charles’ room where he was sleeping peacefully on their bed. He had just gotten back from Belgium and he decided he wanted to have a nap before dinner.
“Charles, sweetheart,” Y/n gently shook his body to wake him up. Charles groaned as a response. “Mathéo wants to talk to you. I have a feeling it might be important.”
“What time is it?” He asked, still not opening his eyes.
“Almost dinner time so you have to get up.”
Charles sighed and sat up in his spot. “Where’s my boy?”
Mathéo was in his room working on his art project. It was a show box diorama of his favorite memory, which was the day of his birthday when all of his family from both sides made it to his party. As he was putting a toy birthday cake in his box, he heard a knock on his door.
“It’s open!” He said, still concentrated on his project. In came Charles with a tired face, but he didn’t care. His son needed him and he was here to listen.
“It looks very nice. Is that Uncle Arthur with frosting on his face?” Charles pointed at a paper drawing of the whole family. Arthur had been drawn with blue marker ‘smeared’ on his face to resemble the frosting of the cake that Charles had thrown at his face the day of the party.
“Yeah, it was kind of hard to find the right shade of blue but I made it work.” Mathéo said, not looking up from his work.
Charles nodded and walked over to the boy’s bed and sat down. “Maman told me you wanted to talk.”
Mathéo finally looked up and slowly turned his chair to face Charles. “But you’re tired. We can talk later-”
“Théo, I’m not tired. I’m okay, now tell me, is someone bothering you in school? Are your grades bad? If it’s about grades then I’m not mad because my grades were not good. Arthur and I used to skip class because of karting so-”
“It’s not about grades. I’m doing well in school. Promise you won’t laugh at me.” Mathéo said quietly.
“Why would I laugh? I’m your papa.”
“Just promise me.”
Charles held out his pinky finger. “I promise I won’t laugh,” Mathéo nodded and was about to speak but Charles stopped him. “No, you have to do the pinky promise. This is serious.” Mathéo chuckled and laced his pinky finger with his father’s then let go.
“Okay, so I was sitting in my usual table during lunch and then this girl comes up and sits with me. Robin wasn’t with me because he’s sick so I thought she felt bad for me because I was sitting alone. But turns out she’s new to Monaco and to the school. We talked and I have decided that she is the coolest girl I have ever met and she doesn’t know I’m your son!” The boy explained. “And she laughed at my jokes, I think I’m in love.”
Charles’ lips turned into a smile. His son had a crush.
“Well that’s a big word for you. She seems nice. What’s her name?” Charles asked.
“Giselle but with two l’s. Even her name is pretty. But I don’t want to seem like a creep and ask her out. How did you ask maman to go on a date with you?”
“Your maman was not an easy person to ask out. The first time I asked her, she said no and I respected her decision. A month later, she was in Monaco and we got lunch with a couple of friends and I asked her again and she said yes. I wanted to take her to dinner but she said that was too boring for a first date so we signed up for a cooking class to make pasta but it was in Italy so we went to Italy.” Charles explained. He was never going to forget that day.
“Why Italy? Does Monaco not having pasta classes?”
“They do, but your mother hadn’t been to Italy so I took her. It’s became a tradition now. On our anniversary, we go to the same cooking class and make pasta. You would think my cooking skills would improve by now, but at least we have maman to help.”
“Maybe I can take Giselle to a cooking class in Italy.” Mathéo suggested.
“How about we start with watching a movie in the local theater?”
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itsmealaiah · 2 months
imagine Tom being with reader who likes reading and he fucks her from behind while she is reading for him
anons are speaking my language 😩
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You'd come home from your local library, excited to course through the collection of books you acquired, they're pretty lengthy, but you would be able to get through them pretty quickly. You walk into your shared apartment with tom, beaming as you place down the books on the coffee table, and hug him. "hi meine schatz, how was it?" he'd ask, he really had no interest in books, but for you he tried his best.
"great!" you kissed him on his cheek, his hands flying to your waist and gripped you harshly.
he kissed you, forcing his tongue into your mouth as you moaned, your legs straddling his own. "mmm, so sweet" he praised, and broke the kiss, leaving you high and dry
hours later, you're knee-deep in one of your new books when tom walks in, taking off his cap and the rubber band for his dreads, slipping off his shirt and basketball shorts as well.
"hey baby, how's the book?" he asks, settling into his side of the bed.
"it's okay, the plot's a bit boring" you shrug, feeling his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you onto him, making him spoon you from behind. "leibe, i was reading, c'mon" you whine, having to close your book.
"shh, i know a way you can" he whispers into the shell of your ear, kissing the spot below it.
His hands dip under your shirt, revealing your breasts to him, all nice and hard, peeking over your shoulder to see as his fingers dip into your shorts, teasing your clit, slowly taking them off, leaving you soaked in your brand new panties :D
he pulls them down, seeing your dripping wet cunt, and shucks his boxers off, reaching to grab your book.
"you're gonna read"
he grunts, pumping his cock a few times, aligning it with your entrance
"while i fuck you"
he places the book in front of your face, beginning to create a pace with his hips, rocking back and forth
you grab the book while he fucks you, his hands everywhere on your body, as you struggle to flip open to a page.
"mmngh" "ah, ah honey, i only want to hear reading, got me?"
his plan was quite genius, something you both could take pleasure in at the same time, you wonder how he even thought of it.
you had borrowed a seemingly spicy book, and flipped to the near end, knowing that's where most of the filthy shit happens :)
this is really cringy so stop here if u want to save urself
"h-he spread her-her folds with his finge-haah!" you felt tom hit that spot deep inside, nearly dropping the book as you were teetering on the edge already.
"keep going" he growled, his balls slapping against you as your ass arched, wiggling in front of him as he didn't stop hitting your g-spot.
"an-and he slid a finge-r in slow-ly"
"f-fuck tom! i can't-i-sorry!" you gasped, stopping your reading as you felt your orgasm build up, the toe curling pleasure seconds away as you clenched around tom, making him moan, almost ready to cum as well.
"did g-good honey, c'mon, cum f' me"
your thighs shook as you released on him, mouth parted as wave after wave of pleasure coursed and subsided through you within seconds, his own orgasm hitting mere milliseconds after yours.
your body fell limp, face smushing onto the book as you panted, trying to calm down. "thank you leibe, i love you"
you heard tom say, before you fell asleep on the book.
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saberlight1 · 6 months
exes and oh’s — billy the kid
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pairing: billy bonney x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of violence, Y/N usage, established relationship, possessive!billy, arguments, standard billy the kid warnings.
authors note: im starting to think i have a problem.. 3 fics in one day lmfao. this one was based off of this request— thank you anon. i hope you all enjoy this one <33
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Ever since the day Billy had asked you to be his, he had thought the constant bugging of men around you would come to an end. But it seemed to be that the Bonney man only noticed those men’s stares towards you even more.
He sat at the bar you currently worked as he watched yet another man eye you from the corner of the room. It made his blood boil, his knuckles turning white from the harsh grip on his shot glass.
“Baby, leave the glass alone.” You teased with that charming smile that made him weak in the knees. “It ain’t done nun’ to ya,”
He put it down, your soft southern accent making his anger simmer down in a instant. “Sorry, honey.”
“What’s got you starin’ daggers over there?” You re-poured his now empty glass with whiskey.
“Them men starin’ at you.” His eyes darkened as he looked at you through his brows, his fingertips circling the rim of the shot glass.
Your tongue darted out across your bottom lip at his admission, his words making a deep want towards your outlaw settle in your gut knowing how protective he was of you.
“They can look all they want, darlin’.” You tried to ease his anger. “You’re the only one that I’d ever let touch me— you know that.”
“It’s not you I don’t trust.” He leaned back, his eyes boring into yours. “It’s them.”
“Hey, foxy..” One of the men he was talking about now stood in front of you, slurring his words. “You’re mighty fine, mind if we.. talk somewhere privately?” He winked, making you want to throw up. “I’d love to see how you look under them fine clothes of yours,”
You looked him up and down in disgust. “I’m alright, sir. Got someone else in mind for tonight,” You looked at Billy from the corner of your eye— your cowboy smirking up at you. You sighed as you went to grab the drunken man’s glass to refill— he was still a customer after all.
His grueling grip caught your wrist before you could even grab it— almost pulling you over the bar.
“You little bitch, can’t take a real man, huh?” He spat as you let out a yelp, trying to get out of his grasp.
“Back the fuck off.” Billy’s menacing figure appeared from beside the man, throwing the man back by his shoulder, causing him to fall on his ass.
He groaned, but was back on his feet within seconds. “The fuck it mean to you, huh? I wan’ her, so she’s mine.”
The second the man finished his sentence, Billy’s fast fist made contact with his jaw hard, the man being back to his spot on the floor. “Don’t you ever fuckin’ say those words about her.” He hissed, leaning down to place more punches to the man’s bloodied face. You watched in a mixture of horror and admiration— mostly admiration.
The man below him only let out a cackle in return. “Oh, I see. She’s your whore,” He spat blood into Billy’s face, and you swore the whole room stopped at his words.
Billy’s cocked back arm stopped at his words, and within seconds his pistol was pointed at the man’s forehead. “What did you just say?” He yelled. “I’ll fuckin’ kill you—”
You grabbed his forearm, pulling him back up. “Billy, please—” He turned to you, panting as you tried to calm that wild look in his eye. “That piece of shit ain’t worth it, c’mon, baby.” Your eyes flickered between his, and after a moment, he sighed before relenting and putting the gun away.
“Yeah, gotta get your bitch to sort out your favors—” The man continued to talk shit, but Billy cut him off with a swift kick to the ribs.
“Shut the fuck up,” Billy rasped out, looking down upon the man.
“C’mon,” You pulled his hand, taking him to the room in the back. You were glad it was around last call— the bar being mainly empty. You sat him down on some old crates before you turned to grab the spare med-kit you had hidden back there months prior.
Once you had everything ready, you held your hand out, signaling Billy to hand you his cut and bruised knuckles. He did, knowing better than to argue with you on the matter.
Your heart sank in your chest when you first saw them. “Billy, you’ve gotta stop gettin’ into fights over me.” You whispered, your eyes not leaving his hand.
His other hand reached out to angle your jaw so your eyes would met his. “Darlin’, I’m never gon’ stop fightin’ for you. You know that.” He shook his head with a smile. “He ain’t even get a lick in— I’m fine.”
“I know you can handle yourself.” You said. “I just don’t like seein’ you hurt. Regardless of how bad— I don’t like it. Nor do I like watchin’ you put yourself in danger for me.”
His gaze lowered. “Now, lady, let’s not pretend you haven’t done the same. I’ve witnessed some pretty crazy cat fights after hours at the boardin’ house,” He teased, his hand now cupping your jaw.
You sighed, trying to fight back the smile that threatened to break free. “Jus’ please, be careful.”
“Always am.” He leaned forward to kiss the frown off your face, his hands sliding down your body in order to squeeze your hips.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, drawing him closer to your body as you smiled against his lips.
He pulled back, leaning his forehead onto yours. You both sat there for a couple of moments, enjoying the comfortable silence.
You placed one last kiss to his plump lips. “Alright, let me see that hand of yours.” You asked, and when he placed it into yours, you got to work. You disinfected and bandaged it to ensure it wouldn’t get an infection. “That should do it,” You whispered as you finished tying the cloth, leaning down to press a kiss to his knuckles. “Thank you for defendin’ me, honey.”
You swore that even in the darkness of the room you were currently in that you could see his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. “I’m always gon’ defend you, baby.” He whispered, pulling you up by your hand to place you in his lap, his arms slithering around you as he placed a kiss to your cheek. He went quiet for a moment before he turned to grab something. You looked at him questionably when you saw that glint in his eye.
He smirked as he placed his signature hat onto your head. “There.” He admired his work as he fixed your hair, styling it to compliment the hat. “That should tell all those fuckers that you’re mine.”
Your teeth sunk into his bottom lip at his words as your eyes flickered between his. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” You whispered, the tip of his hat hitting his head as you leaned in to reconnect your lips again.
He didn’t mind— He thought it looked better on you anyways.
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goosita · 6 months
Ahhhh Thank u so much for writing my request ab Billy dealing w stress!!!! U made my night I fr was kicking my hair and giggling like there was no tomorrow. U & ur writing are everything and more fr <333
Another idea just occurred to me…what would Billy like you to wear? Take this as you will, but I can see him losing his mind over off the shoulder frilly things…maybe….
clawing at the carpet and biting the drywall tbh bc he so would like lace and ruffles make this man fall to his knees !!
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i think there’s really two ways this could go. billy has moods, yk?
on the one hand, he thinks you look beautiful in anything you put on. but he has a particular fondness for the days when you meet him out in the meadow, blouse tucked into a well-fitted pair of pants and your riding boots. it means he gets to haul you up onto his horse without the fear of muddying or accidentally tearing any of your pretty skirts or dresses.
he also likes it because he can tell you’re so comfortable in it. the way you move, the way you’re so much less careful. billy can get you seated nice and comfy, your back to his chest and his arms around you as you ride through the tall grass or weave through trees in the woods. he likes the way this particular type of outfit makes you less self-conscious, and makes you feel more free to have fun with him…❤️
on the other hand, this darling man will lose his ever lovin’ mind if you appear before him in soft laces and frills. you’re already always so soft compared to him, when you sit perched on his bed in a little lacy nightgown that barely brushes the tops of your thighs; one that only just falls over your hips. billy is at your mercy and you both know it. his eyes wouldn’t know where to look first, to your shoulders where the delicate ruffles slip down? to your chest, framed so beautifully by the dainty fabric? or to your legs, so neatly folded atop his blankets?
he’d be on you in an instant, laying you back and crowding into your space. billy is a rough man— but not with you. not with his precious angel. his lips are already skimming your throat by the time your head is cushioned by his pillow, his hips slotting between your eagerly spread thighs.
“jesus christ, sweetheart. you’re gonna be the death of me,” he breathes, almost purring against your skin. his teeth nibble at your skin and it makes you giggle; his favorite sound in the world. you can feel his smile before you see it, when he lifts his head and gazes down at you with the most charming and boyish grin. he adores you, and tells you as much before he’s dipping his head back down to smother you in slick, eager kisses that make your head spin.
billy takes his time working you up, littering your body with lovebites and feeling the way you writhe beneath him. it’s not long before he has you gasping his name, pulling at his hair and begging him for things that used to make you blush, things that you used to be too shy to say in front of him. you aren’t shy anymore, though. you know billy will always give you anything you ask for.
your hands reach down to pull your little nightie off, and he growls softly, catching your wrists in his hands and pinning them above your head.
“leave it on, baby. please? for me?”
yeah. yeah, he likes you in anything, but soft frills may be his favorite.
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babayagakeanu · 3 months
Dating a jealous John Constantine includes…
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Requested by a lovely anon, they asked for a jealousy!headcannon with our boy, John, and the reader is just a pure little ball of fluff.
John is an asshole, let’s face it, never to you, but to everyone else. He’s protective that way, keeps a long distance between him and everyone he meets, because his job requires him to. You, on the other hand, are his light in the darkness that surrounds him. One smile of your’s and John’s nerves go slack at one glance.
You’ve been dating for some time, in fact, in January it’ll be two years. Before John, you were a barista at a local coffee shop and stumbled upon him when you were attacked by a winged creature while walking to your car. John just happened to be the unlucky bastard to be there.
He was wrong. After saving your life, he looked at you, flushed cheeks stained with tears, eye’s bloodshot and wild, your h/c hair blowing wild in the wind and boy, was he stuck. Even in great terror, you remained beautiful.
It wasn’t long until you asked him out. Yes, you had to do it. It was months until he was able to hold your hand, and you were patient with him, still are. Every outburst, every fight, you never yelled, or shouted at him. Hell, your first fight was about you leaving a candle lit in the apartment while napping, and after you cried as he shouted at you, he knelt down and apologized, saying he was never going to treat you again like he just did.
John grew a lot within your relationship, he quit smoking, by your doing. You refused to kiss him after he smoked, and that started to get under his skin after a while, so he ditched the cigs and switched to nicotine patches.
John is a very jealous creature!! This man refuses to let go of you in public, always having a very protective arm casted around you as you walked the streets of your bustling city.
With you being so calm and pure, you were unaware of how beautiful you actually were. You had curves that drove John absolutely manic, and guys turned their heads at you all the time.
“If that dude keeps fucking looking at you, I’m gonna shoot him.”
“John, stop, you can’t walk around public saying you’re gonna shoot people!”
John let you wear what you wanted, but if men kept stealing glances and acting like peeping Tom’s, John would eventually make a show of putting his suit jacket around you, heart warming up at the sight of you in all black.
As we move into the sexier side of things, praise kink galoreeeee!
John loved praising you in bed, always coaxing you through your orgasm.
“My good girl is doing so well coming around my cock, you take me so good, baby.”
And his hands are constantly all over you, ass grabbing as he passes by you in the small kitchen, laying a hand on one of your breasts as you watch tv, John just loves you.
Jealousy sex would go crazy! His hips snapping into you as you lay on the kitchen table, breasted exposed out of the top you wore put that night, your mewls and whines playing like a broken record throughout the apartment.
“You think anyone can fuck you like I can?” His hands would definitely be around your neck, not choking you, but very much a possessive hold. “No way anyone could make my good girl cum like me, can they?” He asks, and he definitely has a sort of mocking tone to his voice. All you can do is nod as pleasure tears through your body, a loud cry of his name rattling the apartment.
To make a long story short, John may have his jealous ways, but somehow, you tamed the beast roaring inside him, and taught John how to properly love and be loved.
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louddydisturb · 9 months
Call out my name
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Harry e louis eram melhores amigos, eles namoram por 4 anos e acabaram terminando e estabelecendo uma amizade mesmo depois do termino, que funcionava muito bem. Pelo menos ele achavam que funcionava
Harry, 25
Louis, 26
Tw: h!mulher cis, agressão (levinho)
Ib: anon
(Essa ta bem tranquila então acho que é só isso)
Boa leitura!!
O celular de harry marcava 00:00 ela estava sentada em um sofá grande da balada conversando distraida, as luzes coloridas brilhavam pelo local e ela ja não sabia quantos copos de bebida tinha ingerido
"Harry! Esse é zayn, aquele que eu tinha falado" maddie, sua amiga desde do ensino medio trazia um homem uns centimetros mais alto que ela
Acontece que madison pegava no seu pé há 3 meses que ela deveria seguir em frente e pegar alguem, mesmo que sem compromisso.
Harry tinha terminado há 4 meses com louis mas os dois acabaram por estabelecer uma amizade depois do termino e funcionava muito bem, eles eram como melhores amigos com uma historinha a mais
"Oi, zayn" ela levanta comprimentando o outro com um beijo de bochecha
"Oi" ele sorri simpatico "maddie fala muito bem de você" ele senta no lado dela "quer outra bebida?" Oferece ao ver o copo vazio da garota
"A unica coisa que é irrecusavel" ela aceita o copo vermelho
"me diz uma musica para eu postar essa no stories" foi oque louis recebeu seguido por uma foto de harry sentada no colo de um cara, que não aparecia o rosto, ele tinha a mão na cintura dela e ela segurava um copo de bebida rindo animada
Tomlinson reconheceu o bar, eles costumavam ir quando harry tinha folga
Enquanto isso harry dançava e virava shots pouco ligando para a ressaca que ela teria na manhã seguinte
"Hora do body shot!!" Harry escutou alguem gritar e seu olhar encontrou o olhos ambar de zayn que estava sentado a olhando do sofá
Louis entrou no local, seus olhos vasculhando todos os cantos atrás da cacheada
Harry sentava no colo de zayn, que estava deitado no balcão do bar, a garota tinha um shot de tequila e uma rodela de limão na mão
O olhar azul encontrou harry no exato momento em que ela derrubava a tequila no peito desnudo do cara, que julgando pelas tatuagens era o mesmo da foto, e lambendo todo o torso chupando o limão da boca do outro
Ela sorria animada ainda no colo de zayn fazendo o sangue de louis ferver mas ele pegou um copo com bebida de um dos garçons que passava ali, sentando no sofá observando a cacheada
Harry dançava com zayn alheia quando os olhos do outro se arregalaram de afastando rapido da cacheada
"Zayn? Aonde voce-" ela sentiu as mãos fortes apertando sua cintura
"Zayn?" Louis sopra contra o ouvido da garota
"Louis?" Ela vira encontrando o olhar gelido a encarando, ele usava uma t-shirt branca e uma jaqueta de couro larguinha junto com uma calça reta preta "estragando minha festa? Tinhamos outro combinado" ela sorri vendo o mais alto a fitar sério
"Já chega vamos para casa" a garota se apoia em seus ombros, extremamente perto de sua boca
"Pai? Não vou para casa"
"Ah não?" Ela tinha um sorriso de lado nos labios vermelhos
"Não, ainda não bati minha meta" harry toma um gole da bebida em seu copo
"Meta?" Ele escuta a garota falar um "uhum" quase como um sussuro "e quanto falta para esse meta?"
"Eu deixo você escolher dessa vez"
"Cinco" ele fala entrando na brincadeira
"Ja bati faz tempo" era mentira
"Já? Quantos ja pegou então?" As mãos de louis descançam na cintura de harry, ele observa levantar 7 dedos "então chegue nos oito" ele fala em tom de desafio "vá" ele da dois tapinhas nas coxas gordinhas e senta em um dos bancos do bar observando a garota olhar em volta
Ele vê o momento que um cara que aparentava ter mais ou menos a mesma idade que harry se aproxima da garota, ele sussura algo no ouvido da cacheada deixando uma mão na cintura dela, não demora muito para ele estar com a porra da lingua na boca de harry fazendo novamente o sangue de louis ferver
Ele levanta em passos firmes pegando um copo do balcão e despejando todo o liquido no cabelo castanho escuro antes de o empurrar fazendo harry gritar assustada tentando segurar o braço de louis
"Ta doente filho da puta?" Ele olha com desgosto o outro jogado na mesa de centro que tinha ali "ela tem namorado, seu fudido"
"ela não falou nada, então acho que não seja veridico" ele fala levantando e louis agarra o colarinho de sua camisa
"Seu fudido do caralho" um murro é acertado no rosto do desconhecido antes de louis o jogar no chão ficando em cima dele e disparando socos contra seu rosto, que tinha um corte superficial -- culpa do aneis que o tomlinson usava -- e um hematoma na bochecha
"Louis para! Caralho" ele ouvia a voz de harry gritar distante
Ele sentiu duas pessoas o puxarem de cima do garoto que tinha a mão no labio que sangrava
"Eu te matava seu desgraçado" harry se mete na frente de louis o puxando para fora da balada
"Louis! Ficou louco? Ele pode chamar a policia" harry falava tirando um pacote de lenços humedecidos da bolsinha e limpando os nós dos dedos de louis que sangravam
"Que chamasse, eu não ia deixar esse filho da puta falando merda e saindo ileso" louis encosta na moto que estava parada na vaga
"Não sei porque tanto ciumes, não namoramos mais. Acertamos isso tempos atras" harry suspira segurando o queixo de louis o fazendo olhar para si
"Ehm, sim eu só estava te defendendo, ele não parecia boa pessoa" louis tira os dois capacetes do compartimento na moto "vamos, te deixo em casa" ele coloca um capacete e entrega o outro para harry antes de subir na moto, essa que abraça o corpo rigido do garoto
Louis da a partida não demorando mais que 10 minutos para estar na porta do apartamento de harry
"Quer entrar?" A cacheada fala tirando o capacete e arrumando os cachos "já está tarde"
"Vou só estacionar a moto" harry assente vendo o outro se afastar
Harry estava sentada no hall de entrada quando louis parou em sua frente segurando a jaqueta pelo ombro
"Está bem?" Ele fala simples
"Sim" ela levanta indo seguida de louis até o elevador
O relogio marcava 8 da manhã, o sol já brilhava no ceu mas os dois dormiam tranquilos, harry dormindo confortavel abraçando um traveseiro e louis abraçado em sua cintura com o rosto afundado nos cachos com cheirinho de morango, os dois somente de langerie e cueca, vendo que era um costume deles e eles nunca viram problema mesmo agora sendo 'amigos'
Não era um problema até agora quando harry sentia o contorno do pau de louis perfeitamente em sua bunda, ela fingia continuar dormindo sentindo louis -- mesmo que inconcientemente -- roçar a ereção contra si
Ela sentiu a respiração de louis prender e ele sair devagar de trás de si e em seguida a porta do banheiro bater, harry riu baixinho contra o traveseiro
"Bom dia" harry murmura ouvindo louis sair do banheiro alguns minutos depois
"B-bom dia, quer que eu prepare o café?" Ele pergunta vasculhando o guarda-roupa da garota na esperança de achar algum short esquecido
"Sim, mordomo, procura na segunda gaveta" ela levanta pegando a camisa de louis no chão e vestindo se apossando da peça
Ele abre a gaveta achando um short preto esquecido uns dias atrás
"Anda na seca tommo?" Ela brinca apertando o pau de louis por cima do short antes de ir ate o banheiro
Louis suspira caminhando até a cozinha
"Oque vai ser o menu, chef louis?" Harry entra na cozinha agora com os cachos presos em um rabo de cavalo
"Torrada com ovo e café, meu salario não é alto o suficiente"
Eles tomaram café e harry obrigou louis a deixar ela cuidar do pequenos machucados em sua mão, ela higienizou e envolveu os nós dos dedos em esparadrapo
"Isso é drama" louis fala vendo a garota prender o esparadrapo cuidadosamente com a fita
"Estavam sagrando e muito machucados, louis" ela guarda a caixinha de primeiros socorros no armario do banheiro "agora voltando no assunto da festa, namorada?"
"Você estava bebada, achei que sequer ia lembrar" louis pega o celular rolando pelo feed do instagram
"Então quando eu estou bebada você sai dizendo que eu sou sua namorada?" Ela se aproxima sentando ao lado de louis na cama, as coxas ficando praticamente toda a mostra
"As vezes é preciso" ele sequer olha os olhos verdes
"Sabe..." ela contorna a tatuagem do braço do garoto "não acho que seja uma má ideia uma amizade com beneficios"
"Amizade com beneficios?" o olhos azuis fitam harry pela primeira vez desde do inicio do assunto "um relacionamento aberto?"
"Não, só uma amizade mas que..." ela fez uma pausa pensando nas palavras "ajudam um ao outro sem compromiso"
"Então posso ficar com outras garota que eu quiser?" Ele pergunta fitando os labios rosinhos que era maltrados pelos dentes de harry
"Pode" ela fala relutante "só ficamos caso um de nos queira desestressar ou algo do tipo" ela se perde um pouco nas palavras quando o mais velho começa a se inclinar ficando poucos centimetros de juntar suas bocas
"Sem compromisso?" Louis se apoia ficando meio que por cima da garota
"Sem compromi..." a fala da cacheada é cortada pela lingua de louis invadindo sua boca
Ela leva as mãos para os fios macios o puxando para si conforme ela deita na cama
A mão do moreno invade a blusa que harry usava, amaciando os peitinhos que cabiam perfeitamente em sua mão
Louis separa o beijo descendo para o pescoço de harry beijando ali antes de puxar a camisa para fora do corpo da mesma
"É incrivel como parece que seu corpo foi feito perfeitamente para mim" louis separa o beijo deixando selinhos pelo pescoço de harry até seu colo enquanto apertava a cinturinha que encaixava perfeitamente em sua mão
Harry gemeu ao que os olhos azuis a fitavam em desejo antes de praticamente arrancar o sutiã de seu corpo
Ela sentiu suas costas baterem contra o colchão e louis se encaixar no meio de suas pernas, abocanhando seu seio enquanto apertava o outro
As unhas pintadas de vermelho arranhavam as costas de louis, marcando todo o local
Ele solta o mamilo da boca em um estalo e então o mesmo se sentou no meio das coxas cheinhas
Harry se apoiou nos antebraços, os labios vermelinhos sendo mordidos constantementes ao que louis roçava suas intimidades
"Continua tão boa quanto antes" ele segura o queixo da garota juntando suas bocas em um beijo afoito, harry rebola contra a pelves de louis ainda coberta pelo short sentindo o quão duro ele estava
"Me fode" ela afasta o beijo puxando um pacote de camisinha da mesa de cabeçeira
"E tão apressada quanto antes" louis a ignora se afastando, arrancando a calcinha de harry de seu corpo e puxando sua cintura para si
Harry arqueou as costas sentindo a lingua quente passear por toda sua buceta
As mãos fortes apertavam sua cintura ao ponto de deixar os dedos marcados ali
"Isso lou" ela puxava os fios castanhos, rebolando na boca do outro
Harry gemeu gozando quando louis chupou e esfregou a lingua em seu clitoris, molhando todo o queixo dele
"Tão gostosa" ele levanta e tira o short junto com a cueca, gemendo em alivio de ter seu pau fora daquele aperto irritante "senti falta do seu gosto" ele punheta o pau dolorido, observando harry pós-orgasmo manhosa embaixo de si
"Ja pode me foder agora" ela se apoia nos cotovelos encarando as orbes azuis
"Quero gozar na sua boquinha gostosa primeiro" louis fica de joelhos na altura do peito de harry "e depois de comer gostosinho" ele segurou a ereção batendo duas vezes nas bochechas vermelhinhas antes de levar para os labios gordinhos
Harry recebeu o falo duro de bom grado, o gosto salgado invadia seu palato e ela sentia a extensão pulsar em sua lingua
"Eu nunca vou conseguir enjoar de você" ele segura os cachos usando de apoio para foder os labios inchadinhos "esses foras os piores 4 meses da minha vida" os olhos de harry lagrimejavam enquanto as investidad iam fundos deixando-a sem ar "nenhuma chegava ao seus pés" harry apertou as coxas de louis, o afastando
"Não me compare com as putinhas baratas com quem ficou" ele masturba o falo duro antes de o colocar na boca novamente
"Boquinha afiada" ele puxa os cachos estocando com mais força e urgencia, se sentindo a beira de gozar "não precisa se preucupar, amor. Você sempre vai ser melhor" a porra escorre em jatos grossos na garganta de harry, que engole tudo
"Claro que vou" ela morde os labios sentindo o gosto e cheiro de louis inundarem seus sentidos
Tomlinson sai de cima da garota e empurra o corpo magro para o lado, encostando a costa dela em seu peito
Ele coloca a camisinha desajeitadamente e puxa a cintura de harry para perto, a cacheada segura a coxa dando acesso para louis
"Você sempre gostava quando eu te fodia assim, amor." Ele penetra a grutinha molhada, sentindo-a praticamente o esmagar "pelo visto ainda gosta" louis aperta o quadril da garota usando de apoio para as estocadas, harry gemia manhosa sentindo o pau ir fundo em si
"Tão apertada" ele afunda o rosto nos cachos com cheirinho de morango de harry "caralho"
Louis aperta os peitos cheinhos de harry, esse que cabiam perfeitamente em sua mão, e estocava com força contra a bunda lisinha
"Lou você sempre me fode tão bem..." ela joga a cabeça para tras se apoiando no peito de louis "tão fundo"
Ver o quão manhosa harry estava foi o estopim para louis, ele apenas a virou contra a cama novamente, a deixando meio que de quatro e voltou a estocar enquanto estapeava a bunda branquinha da garota
"Louis!" Ela gritava tentando alcançar o braço de louis em busca de apoio, esse que gemia rouco e fodia harry cada vez mais proximo de outro orgasmo
E então harry esguichou, ela tremeu quase cedendo no colchão e gemendo varios "louislouislouislouis"
"Shh, tudo bem, amor." Ele beijou a bochecha suada e diminuiu os movimentos, a fodendo devagar e fundo. Ele ainda podia sentir harry ter espasmos em seus braços
Ele estocou mais algumas vezes antes de gozar sentindo o aperto da buceta em seu pau
"Você foi tão boa, nenem. Sempre tão boa" ele deixa selinhos pelo rosto suado e corado
Harry sorri sonolenta sentindo o acariciar de louis em sua cintura
"Você é tão perfeita" ele se afasta e tira a camisinha, amarrando e jogando no lixo do banheiro. Ele pega tambem uma toalha e molha com agua morninha para poder limpar a garota sonolenta na cama "porque terminamos mesmo?" Ela ri baixinho enquanto louis passava a toalinha por todo seu corpo
"Vamos dormir mais um pouco" harry diz e louis deita no outro lado da cama, a puxando para seu colo. Nenhum dos dois estava afim de trocar os lençois
Eles queriam apenas ficar presos nessa bolha que eles criaram
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
Tom Bower in the DM: As I record in my book, Revenge, William told Harry that Meghan’s behaviour was unacceptable and that Ms Cohen and others had become suspicious that Meghan had never intended to give up her career and become a loyal member of the family.. Did Meghan want to return to America, William wondered? As their conversation became heated, William mentioned staff complaints about being bullied by Meghan. Harry was outraged – but the accusations, whether justified or not, were a matter of fact.
Empress: The reason they couldn’t find a suitable replacement for Sam is because H&M weren’t interested in finding a suitable replacement for Sam. They were too busy planning Megxit.
Exactly, and William, Sam Cohen, and TB agree with you. Meghan, and Harry too in his married Sussex iteration, were only senior working royals for 18 mos – not coincidentally, the exact amount of time that Sam Cohen worked with them. She left BP right after their disastrous SA tour, at the same time the Sux fled to Canada (first for Thanksgiving/Christmas 2019,, and then for Megxit in Jan 2020). IMO Megxit was in full swing by summer 2019…and possibly even before their wedding. MM never disbanded her US team, never pursued British citizenship, kept her belongings in storage in North America lol, and both were negotiating commercial deals by summer 2019. She had always planned on returning (“triumphantly”) to LA, and H&M hoped to do that by manifesting half-in/half-out…in the US.
Also, Empress, TB’s article shines new light on the dog bowl/necklace incident. Did William, in confronting H about Meghan’s desire to return to the US, expose Harold’s desire to flee as well, thus enraging H, who lunged at W first in response to W’s allegations? I’ve always thought that H started that tussle but twisted it around in Spare.
Thank you for this anon, and you raise a good question in the end. It’s quite possible that the alleged confrontation between William and Harry was about William confronting Harry about his ulterior motive (moving to the US). William has always been prescient when it comes to seeing bullshit from a mile away. Yes he confronted Harry about Meghan’s bullying the staff, but it’s also very likely William called Harry out on what was really going on. 
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