#Vulcan Jocelyn
dahyeltal · 1 year
If I post a teaser for a WIP I haven’t touched since December, y’all will pressure me to finish it, right?
"Please don’t hate me for what I'm about to tell you," Leonard started, still staring at the replicator and willing it to give him alcohol. "Jocelyn and I had our reasons."
"Your behavior is concerning me, Leonard." Spock brought the tea to the table and physically pulled Leonard away from the wall, and sat him down. "Hating you for choices made with your ex-wife would be illogical."
"It's not about the choices we made, it's about the information we kept secret." Leonard looked down at his tea and held the hot mug between his hands. "Jocelyn's other name is T’Sey."
"That is… a Vulcan name."
"It is."
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bibones · 6 days
Here, have some unedited, stream-of-consciousness ideas about transmasc Triumvirate for Pride Month 🏳️‍⚧️
McCoy came out the youngest - when he was around 7 or 8, and started HRT young enough that top surgery wasn't necessary for him, any chest growth was negligible. Apart from keeping up with his hormonal implants, being trans hasn't much affected him; his family are modern, 23rd Century people goddamnit, they ain't gonna throw a fuss at their tween naming himself Leonard if that's what makes him happy.
He never bothered with bottom surgery, and he donated his eggs when he and Jocelyn went through IVF. Jocelyn carried Joanna, but McCoy wouldn't have been fully opposed to being a seahorse dad if it was more convenient for them at the time - needless to say, he's still relieved when it's not something he needed to go through to be a father.
All the same, he is very reticent of sharing the fact that he's transgender. It don't matter one bit to nobody but those who share his bed, thank you very much.
Kirk came out as a teenager, sometime around the age of 16. Overcoming the trauma of Kodos and Tarsus IV was something he had to make some sort of peace with first before he realised the discomfort he felt in his body and the perception of himself by other people wasn't any sort of lingering dysmorphia related to childhood food insecurity. He has what some would consider the stereotypical tomboy-to-butch-to-FtM pipeline. He's always been charming with the ladies, and gaining confidence in his identity as a trans man just made him all the more magnetic.
He had top surgery prior to joining Starfleet, and bottom surgery prior to his first posting on a starship.
He's more open and causal about his transition than McCoy is; if other people happen to bring it up, he'll proudly talk your ear off about his gender journey, but he wouldn't disclose at the drop of a hat, either.
Spock came out the latest of the trio. He was an adult, he was already in Starfleet Academy, and it took him a few years after realising his gender identity to start any sort of medical transition. He's on HRT, but hasn't had top surgery or bottom surgery.
Being transgender isn't stigmatised on Vulcan, however Spock was more reluctant to explore his experience with gender incongruity than he would otherwise have been due to being half-Vulcan - either because of internalised shame at deviating from the norm and having these feelings, or as a result of prior medical trauma from being closely studied and monitored as the first human-Vulcan hybrid.
McCoy gives him the what-for the first time he realised Spock binds unsafely during away missions ("And no, sir, it is not 'logical' to purposefully put yourself at risk because you happen to have more durable bones than a human! You still have lungs that gotta breathe, man!")
He is, however unexpected, the most candid of his status as a transgender man.
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rookandstorm · 9 months
We need to make T'Pring/Bones a thing. The bitch4bitch energy that these two would give would be phenomenal. And Spock and Jim would be fucked. Spock is horrified; he knows what T'Pring is like and he sees all the ways this is going to bite him in the ass coming. Jim doesn't, so - at first - he's tickled by the whole thing. (Bones is dating Spock's ex-wife - best. day. ever.) But then reality sets in. If he thought Bones harped about things, well. At least Bones gets to the point - loudly and often - but T'Pring is subtle. She says things in a way that means Jim doesn't even realize he's been insulted until 2 hours later. Or that she's cleverly tricked him into doing something he didn't want too until he's halfway through the task. And also - why the hell does Bones get to date a Vulcan when he's the most illogical human this side of the galaxy? Jim can barely get Spock to call him by his first name half the time, how is this fair? This is horrible.
(The rest of the crew find it all hilarious. Nyota and Christine are especially amused.)
(T'Pring's family - if they're still alive - are exasperatedly resigned. They always thought bonding her to half-human might corrupt her mind, but they didn't expect it to go this far.)
(Joanna loves her. It was the one thing that Bones was worried about, honestly. But they bond over fashion and books and things like the philosophical and ethical merits of revenge and whether it's better to bury your enemies quickly or play the long con. Jocelyn has (1) more reason for hating Bones.)
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strangenewwords · 6 months
i need help finding a post/op. someone posted a headcanon about bones having such a chip about Vulcans because Jocelyn was actually J'ocelyn and was Vulcan. I'm working that into an upcoming fic, and I'd like to give credit, but I cannot find it on my own dash.
Hive mind?
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tinycoded360 · 14 days
Jojo's Big Adventure- Final Chapter
Spock's fingers danced over the device. A group of scientists, tricorders at the ready, leaned in, their expressions a blend of curiosity and concern.
"Spock, just make sure whatever you do, you don't accidentally shrink yourself. I don't need a pocket-sized Vulcan running around."McCoy couldn't resist the jab.
"Your concern is touching, Doctor, but misplaced," Spock replied without missing a beat, his attention undiverted. "I am merely conducting a preliminary analysis."
Bones snorted, watching Spock extract a series of crystalline circuits, each emitting a soft glow.
"Any idea how this monstrosity works?" McCoy asked, his impatience evident. The thought of Joanna, so small and vulnerable, gnawed at him like a persistent itch.
"Initial scans suggest a form of molecular compression. Fascinating," Spock mused, the hint of enthusiasm in his tone belying his stoic facade. "It appears to utilize a targeted subspace field to reduce the space between atomic structures."
"English, Spock."
"Imagine an accordion, Doctor. When compressed, it occupies less space. This technology seems to function similarly, on a subatomic level."
"Terrific," McCoy said dryly, rubbing his temple as if the explanation did little to ease the tension headache forming there. "Now, figure out how to uncompress my daughter before I lose my mind."
"Rest assured, Doctor McCoy, we are making every effort to understand the process fully. Reversing it is our utmost priority."
"Good," Bones said, his voice softer now. "Because she's all I've got, Spock. We have to fix this."
"Understood, Doctor." Spock's eyes met Bones's for a fleeting moment.
The door to Kirk's quarters hissed open, admitting Dr. McCoy. Kirk sat at his desk.
"Evening, Jim," McCoy grunted, his voice tinged with weariness.
"Evening, Bones." Kirk gestured toward the bottle and the extra glass he had already set out in anticipation. "I figured you'd show up sooner or later. Drink?"
"Wouldn't turn it down," McCoy replied, easing himself into the chair opposite Kirk. The doctor's fingers wrapped around the glass.
"Something on your mind?" Kirk asked.
"Jocelyn," McCoy began, his eyes not meeting Kirk's as he took a measured sip, letting the brandy burn a trail down his throat. "She refuses to see the danger Joanna's in. It's as if... as if she thinks I'm making it all up. I mean she's finally willing to see that Joanna ran away but she's demanding that I send her back, she's not even listening to the fact that our daughter is the size of a mouse!"
His hand tightened imperceptibly around the glass, the knuckles whitening.
"Joanna's situation is unprecedented, Bones. But you know what's best for her," Kirk said confidently.
McCoy scoffed, the sound short and humorless. "Try telling Jocelyn that. She insists that Joanna's better off with her, back on Earth, regardless of.......of everything that's happened." The doctor's voice was laced with anger, a father's desperation simmering beneath the surface. "It's like talking to a brick wall, Jim."
"Have you thought about legal custody?" Kirk ventured, his tone careful.
"Every damn day but last time, she took everything in the divorce," McCoy confessed, finally locking eyes with Kirk.
Kirk nodded, understanding the depth of McCoy's resolve. "Then you'll fight for her, Bones. And I'll be damned if I let you do it alone."
"Thanks, Jim," McCoy murmured, his gratitude mingling with renewed determination.
"Let's finish this drink," Kirk said, raising his glass in a silent toast to the trials ahead. "And then we'll start planning our next move."
"Agreed," McCoy replied.
McCoy stood, his uniform crisp and his resolve ironclad. Captain Kirk's supportive presence at his side.
"Your honor," McCoy began, his voice steady as he addressed the judge, "I present evidence of Joanna's endangerment due to Jocelyn's negligence." He handed over PADDs filled with medical records, incident reports, and logs of missed communications—each one a damning testament to a mother's indifference.
"Furthermore," he continued, "Starfleet's mandate is to explore and protect. As an officer, I've upheld that mandate, even now, when the one needing protection is my own flesh and blood."
Kirk stepped forward, adding his voice to the argument. "Doctor McCoy has consistently demonstrated his commitment to his crew and Starfleet. I have every confidence in his ability to provide for his daughter."
"Your honor," McCoy finished, "I ask not just as a Starfleet officer but as a father: grant me custody of Joanna. She deserves a safe, stable environment. With me, she will have that."
Jocelyn's legal team gave their defense, but in the end, Jacelyn willingly gave up custody, especially after seeing the evidence of their shrunken daughter. She didn't want to deal with taking care of her needs if the shrinkage could not be undone.
Mccoy felt a rush of relief at the final verdict. He was granted sole custody of his daughter.
As Mccoy passed his ex, she turned to him and said, "You know you have it easy. All you have to do is stick her in a hamster cage and call it a day. You don't really have to deal with a rebellious teen."
Mccoy felt a rush of anger at Jocelyn. He had all the intention to give her a piece of his mind, but Kirk's hand on his shoulder grounded him. "Bones, let it go; you won; Joanna will be safe; you won," Kirk calmly mumbled to his dear friend.
After multiple tests and examinations of the shrinking machine, Spock and his fellow scientists finally made a breakthrough.
"There seems to be a reversal frequency embedded within the device. We can try to recalibrate the matrix to match it exactly." Spock theorized.
After multiple tests on objects and a successful round of shrinking and growth on office supplies, the science team moved on to organic material. First, they tested it on plants and then tribbles, and after multiple rounds of safe shrinking and regrowing, they were ready for the shrunken victims.
"Doctor McCoy." Spock's voice is calm. "We are prepared to commence the reversal process."
"Already? You sure it's ready?" McCoy asked, turning to face Spock with a look of hopeful desperation.
"Affirmative. The device has been calibrated to precisely counteract the shrinking effect," Spock explained, his hands clasped behind his back.
With great care. Doctor Mccoy held the three shrunken teens cupped between his two hands. He felt nervous, but he had faith that Spock and his crew wouldn't authorize anything that would harm them, especially his daughter.
As the peculiar hum of the resizing device faded, Joanna felt her body stretch and swell back to its natural form. The world around her grew smaller—or rather, she grew larger—until she stood at her full height once again. Without a moment's hesitation, she darted across the sterile medical bay.
"Da-ad!" she cried, her voice cracking with emotion as she launched herself into Dr. McCoy's waiting arms.
McCoy caught her with a grunt, the impact nearly knocking the wind out of him. But he didn't care; he tightened his grip, encasing Joanna in his strong embrace.
He stroked her hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "It's okay, Jo-Jo. Everything is ok now."
They stayed locked in an embrace for a long moment, Joanna's shoulders shaking with quiet sobs. Bones had to blink back his own tears. It had been so long since he held his little girl like this.
Finally, Joanna pulled back, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Bones cupped her face in his hands. "Let me get a good look at you," he said gruffly.
She gave a watery laugh. He took in every detail—the sprinkle of freckles across her nose, her bright hazel eyes, and the dimple in her chin that matched his own. His heart swelled. His baby was really okay.
He pulled her close again and whispered, "You're still grounded, though, kiddo."
Joanna groaned dramatically. "Aww, I was hoping you forgot about that part."
"Fat chance," he shot back, but his eyes crinkled at the corners, and the smallest of smiles played on his lips.
While there was still much to do, the other teens, Corrin and June, needed to be shuttled back to a star base to be reunited with their parents, the culprit needed to be put away for good, and this shrinking technology needed to be under lock and key. Those tasks were fair from the front of Mccoy's mind. For now, he enjoyed having his daughter back to normal.
The sun of Cerberus cast a warm, golden glow on the sprawling grounds of the boarding school.
They approached the headmaster's office. McCoy's signature on the enrollment forms felt like etching a promise into reality. He and Joanna had talked about this in detail. It was the best option to keep up with her education as he finished up his five-year mission. He had reassured his daughter that she had options. This was the school they had both agreed on.
"Joanna, I've checked every data bank, talked to every educator I could pin down—this is the best place for you." He paused, searching her eyes for any sign of doubt. "But it's your call, pumpkin. If you have any reservations, we'll find somewhere else. No pressure."
"No... I want to be here. It's just... a lot to take in." Her gaze flicked upwards, meeting his. "You promise to visit; you won't forget about me?"
"Never, darling. I'll visit every shore leave." He squeezed her hand reassuringly as they stood to leave the office.
Joanna scrolled through a tablet, looking through the listing for classes.
"Hey, look, they have a botany lab!" Joanna pointed excitedly.
"Botany, eh? Just don't go bringing home any man-eating flowers," McCoy teased, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. The image of her here, safe and thriving, eased the tight knot of worry that had lodged in his chest ever since the custody trial.
"Promise me you'll give it your all?" he asked as they sat on a bench, sharing replicated sandwiches that tasted surprisingly like the real thing.
"Always do," Joanna replied with a conviction that reminded him so much of himself. "I'm going to make you proud, Dad."
"Jo, you already have," McCoy said, his voice thick with emotion. "Every single day."
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hummingbird-of-light · 10 months
Against All Odds
Part 669
Chekov was pointing at the empty chair across the table and looking at Scotty. McCoy heard the curiosity in the word. Scotty quickly glanced at McCoy. He gave a small shrug in answer.
“He’ll be gone for the weekend,” Scotty finally said. “The trial was hard on him.”
McCoy could see Jim about to ask where, so he raised the slightest eyebrow at Spock, who quickly touched Jim’s arm. Jim’s hard turned sharply to Spock. He gave a nod then turned back to his plate.
“‘Bout time they dealt with him,” Jim said vehemently, and they all knew he meant Khan. Silence fell.
“So,” Jim said brightly after a few quiet moments, “any new adventures to report?” He waggled his eyebrows at McCoy and Scotty.
“What are ye talking about lad?” Scotty asked.
“You know,” Jim said slyly, “behind closed doors?” He winked at McCoy.
McCoy rolled his eyes with a groan and saw Scotty’s face reddening.
“Jim!” Sulu said in surprise next to Jim.
“I mean, what were you up to in the first place? That was a big bruise. What was that? A knee?” Jim continued. “In some new position I haven’t heard of?”
Scotty’s face only got redder and McCoy felt his own heating.
“Jim!” Spock said sternly.
Jim turned an innocent look to the Vulcan. “What?” he shrugged. “You never know, we may learn something for ourselves! Could be fun!” He wiggled his eyebrows again, this time at Spock.
Spock’s face colored. Up the table McCoy saw Chekov muttering towards his plate, his face coloring as well.
“Maybe they’ve got some moves!” Jim continued, looking around at all of them.
Everyone turned to see Keenser staring at the blond boy. Jim’s face began to color from the intense black eyed stare the Roylan gave him.
“Ok, ok. Sorry. Too far,” Jim held up his hands.
“I cannae believe the lad!” Scotty said to McCoy as they entered their room that evening. They’d spent some time in the lounge with their friends, but curfew was closing in.
“Well, I mean, you started it,” McCoy said jokingly as he closed the door behind them.
“What?” Scotty asked in surprise, turning to face McCoy.
“You could have come up with a less embarrassing story…” McCoy shrugged, hiding a grin, as he began to pull his clothes off to prepare for bed.
“Or,” he said, moving back to Scotty, “we could make that embarrassing story true.” He pulled his fiancé close.
Scotty didn’t get any further as McCoy crushed their mouths together. His hands slipped under Scotty’s shirt. The Scotsman’s skin was warm and McCoy pulled him tighter. Turning them, McCoy backed Scotty towards their bed.
“Ye’re a mad man,” Scotty panted out as the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat heavily.
“I’m your mad man,” McCoy said, going to his knees in front of Scotty and pulling at his shirt. Scotty lifted his arms to help and McCoy tossed the shirt aside as he pushed back in to catch Scotty’s mouth again.
Soon enough they were both laid out on the bed and McCoy was fumbling to undo their pants.
“Love you,” he breathed, before pressing more hot kisses to Scotty’s mouth.
The library was quiet as McCoy waited for Scotty to finish at band practice. His biochem homework sat untouched in front of him as he stared blankly into space, thoughts drifting back to the evening before.
A slow smile spread on his face, remembering how pleased Scotty had looked, how he had clung tightly to McCoy. He could nearly still feel Scotty’s hands grasping at him. McCoy sighed, satisfaction still filling his being.
A pile of books dropped onto the table next to him, startling him from his thoughts. He looked up, expecting to see Christine or maybe Jaylah. She would drop books like that to surprise him. Any of their friends would be welcome.
McCoy’s eyes met green ones looking smugly down at him.
He recoiled back in his chair and he scowled at Jocelyn.
“Hello Len,” she said in an overly sweet voice.
“I told you, you may not call me that.” The words growled out of him. He reached for his own books and PADD, collecting them in a pile. “Why are you doing this? he demanded. “Leave me alone!”
She laughed lightly, but her eyes were hard at him.
“You ruined everything,” she whispered at him.
McCoy’s eyes widened in surprise. He pushed back from the table and stood, collecting his things.
“You’re crazy,” he snapped at her. “Stay away from me.”
“All this just because of one kiss Len?”
McCoy clamped his mouth tight together. He wanted to yell at her; so many things were ready on the tip of his tongue.
“Stay away from me,” he repeated and stormed from the library.
In their room he felt safe. He dropped his books on his desk and sat heavily in the chair. His head fell into his hands and the desire to scream washed over him. McCoy couldn’t wait for Scotty to return. Scotty would calm the rage inside him.
Part 670
After the last night they had spent together, Scotty wanted nothing more than to get back to his fiancé. The rehearsal seemed interminable, but he knew he had to be present. After all, the boarding school's anniversary was coming up soon and a big celebration was planned.
So the Scotsman tried to focus on the music as best he could. Fortunately, they were all pieces he knew by heart.
When the band was finished, he hurried to the library. Leonard and he had agreed to meet there. They were going to finish some homework and then quickly go to their room.
Scotty was surprised to find the library empty. Well... not completely empty. A few other lasses and lads were sitting at the desks, but there was no sign of Leonard.
Puzzled, Scotty made his way to their room. Had Leonard perhaps finished everything earlier and gone ahead?
His eyes widened in shock as he found his fiancé at the desk, his face buried in his hands. He seemed to be devastated.
"Mo ghràdh!"
Concern washed over Scotty. He quickly closed the door and hurried over to the prince to wrap his arms around him.
"What's wrong?"
What had happened? Was there something wrong with Leah? Or Robbie? A thousand fears flashed through Scotty's mind, and when Leonard finally looked up, all he saw was disgust in the latter's gaze.
Immediately he realized who was responsible for Leonard's state of mind. His expression darkened.
"Jocelyn?" he asked, and Leonard just nodded.
Scotty groaned as he dropped into the vacant chair next to his fiancé. What had that witch done now?
"A new article?"
Leonard shook his head, running a hand through his hair. His voice sounded hoarse as he began to speak.
"She... came up to me in the library, talking something about how I ruined everything."
Anger boiled up inside Scotty when he heard those words. What was Jocelyn thinking!
"'All this just because of one kiss' - that's what she said. As if... it was nothing."
Jocelyn was really a horrible person! She harassed Leonard and kissed him against his will, she made up stories to make the prince look bad, turned Pete and the others against him, and now she blamed him for everything.
And Leonard almost seemed to believe it. Scotty could see it in the look on his face.
"That's enough! I'll tell that bitch to stay the hell away from ye!"
Furious, Scotty jumped to his feet and stomped toward the door.
He could just hear Leonard trying to hold him back, but he could no longer control himself. He would find Jocelyn and give her a clear talking to.
The girl was in the lounge, along with Pete and other students who were still on her side.
"Jocelyn! I want to talk to ye. Now!"
Scotty didn't even try to keep the anger out of his voice. He wanted Jocelyn to know how upset he was.
Her eyes slid to Scotty and when Pete stepped in front of her protectively, she just gently touched his arm and shook her head. Smiling, she walked past him, toward Scotty.
"But of course, Scotty."
The Scotsman took one last look at the other students before following Jocelyn, who was already leaving the room.
They came to a halt in a small side corridor and Scotty couldn't help but glare angrily at his counterpart.
"What can I do for you?"
God! It disgusted Scotty how calm and polite Jocelyn was. Like she hadn't done anything!
"Ye know exactly what I want," he growled, but Jocelyn just smiled.
"Enlighten me."
Good... she wouldn't have it any other way.
"Stay away from Leonard. Stop blaming him for things that are yer fault!"
The smile didn't fade from Jocelyn's lips as she placed a hand on Scotty's arm.
"Oh, Scotty... You have no idea what I'm capable of."
She leaned forward and whispered the next words into the Scotsman's ears.
"I'm going to make Len's life a living hell. And yours right along with it if you don't back off. And there's not a thing you can do about it. Or do you want me to tell everyone you threatened me?"
With that, Jocelyn stepped past Scotty, slowly strolling back to the lounge.
"Thanks for the nice talk. Say hi to Lenny for me."
With a wave, she disappeared around the corner into the next corridor, leaving behind a helpless, still angry Scotty.
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thefleetsfinest · 9 months
✧˖° → Joanna McCoy
Little Joanna 'Jojo' McCoy was born on March 25th, 2250 at 3:40 AM. She had weighed a whole six pounds and four ounces and she very quickly became Leonard’s everything. JoJo through out her life lived to give her father a heart attack in as many ways as possible. By the time she was five years old she had managed to have two fractured bones and one full on broken leg, not to mention countless cuts and bruises through out the years. 
Joanna was always such an out going child, always wanting to try new things and play. She had a talent for talking her father into doing almost anything, countless games of dress up and make believe had been documented through out the years. She could also be incredibly stubborn when she wanted to be, and out down right refuse to sleep until her father came home to read her a bed time story. 
Which was something that was particularly difficult since her parents separated when she was only three years old. However if Jocelyn allowed, Leonard would be there every time to read her a story before bed. When Jocelyn wouldn’t? Well the two found more creative ways to make sure story time still happened. More often than not he would record himself reading all of her favorite stories and give them to her whenever he had visitation rights. 
Not too long after Joanna turned five, the divorce was finalized and Leonard joined Starfleet on a whim. She was still too young to fully understand why her father was moving so far away, and it nearly killed Leonard to do it. However having lost the custody battles and Jocelyn at the time fighting him on the bit of time he was allowed, there was only so much he could do.
While he was at the Academy, Joanna came out to visit once a month, and the two would always have blast finding new things to do all over California. (Jim often tagging along, the man quickly becoming like an uncle to Jojo) She would always go home to Georgia with plenty of souvenirs and new recordings of her father reading different books. (She even bullied Jim into recording one or two because she liked the way he would tell stories.) Leonard did everything he could to make sure to make every moment he had with her count. 
Joanna was eight years old when Nero and the Narada attacked Vulcan. One of the hardest things for Leonard was actually leaving the planet and getting on a ship and going so damn far from Joanna. As much as Leonard liked to grumble and complain the goal had always been to find a job in a starfleet run hospital, on solid land. He wasn't ever suppose to actually end up on a starship.
But life had different plans, and Leonard found his place on the enterprise.
At first it had been a point of contention between the two of them, Jojo upset that her father was LEAVING HER BEHIND. ( Something he had promised he would never do) It was a little rocky, but she as she grew older she began to see the changes in her father when he would come and visit. ( He always used every last ounce of leave he had to visit her whenever he could. Often begging his sister to bring Jojo to come visit at whatever star-base they are refueling at if he can't get all the way to earth.)
Now at the age of 13 (Post beyond) she understands why her dad joined starfleet and she is ALWAYS trying to talk her parents into letting her come live on the enterprise with her dad.
And the more comfortable Leonard is getting with space.. the more he is really considering to see if he could get Jocelyn to agree.
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Leonard McCoy : The Divorce (trigger warning: euthanasia/assisted suicide, alcoholism)
Leonard marries Jocelyn Darnell in 2249. The two had initially started their relationship in their senior year of high school. It's not a particularly big or flashy wedding, just a small local one with primarily close family and friends in attendance. Their daughter Joanna is born in mid 2250 and is instantly the apple of her father's eye. For a while, it's typical family life, with Leonard getting set up in a medical practice.
Things however then took a turn for the family. As it was, Leonard had been working long hours in order to help support them, and in 2254, his father became ill with pyrrhoneuritis, a disease for which there was no known cure at the time. This leaves Leonard attempting to split his time between his own young family, his father, and his work. What time he does get to spend at home, Leonard focuses more on Joanna. Shortly after this, without his knowledge and struggling with loneliness, Jocelyn begins an affair with old flame Clay Treadway.
As his condition worsens, David McCoy begs his son to turn off his life support and let him die, rather than continue to endure such horrific pain. In despair, Leonard agrees, and David McCoy passes away. A week later, it is announced that a cure for pyrrhoneuritis has been found, leaving Leonard wracked with guilt, which he confides in his wife, as well as turning on occasion to alcohol as a crutch. The marriage, already on shaky grounds at this point, begins to deteriorate further, with the two arguing more frequently.
In early 2255, when returning home early in the hopes of surprising his wife and daughter and making up for some of the arguments, Leonard instead stumbles upon his wife's affair, and the two have another blazing argument, resulting in Jocelyn kicking him out, and Leonard going to drown his sorrows in a bar.
Angry at Leonard, and feeling like he has not treated her as she wanted and she was always second-best, Jocelyn aimed to take everything from him in the resulting divorce. Using both his recent struggles with alcohol and his assistance in his father's death, alongside her own family's high social standing, she succeeded in getting custody of Joanna, as well as possession of their assets, and also making sure that Leonard was struck off from practicing medicine in the state, leaving him with 'nothing but his bones'. Jocelyn was reluctant to allow Leonard any access to their daughter at first, with any contact between the two solely happening with Leonard's mother Eleanora acting as an intermediary, passing along letters and short video messages where she could. Leonard then went on to enlist in Starfleet.
In 2258, after the ordeal with the Narada and the destruction of Vulcan, Jocelyn re-established contact with Leonard. Though seeming somewhat reluctant, she told him that she had heard about what had happened, and the two made a quiet truce for the sake of Joanna. Jocelyn, who had married Clay in the interim, also explained that there was need for her and Clay to relocate, however they would not be able to take Joanna with them. It was agreed that Leonard's mother would take custody of her whenever he was aboard the Enterprise.
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bcnes · 2 months
Talk about your dreams for the future?
"I don't know that I've made any plans for the future in a long, long time. Most of my hopes are for Joanna's future." But every day up here is just that: another day. Hell, that's more or less been the case since he joined the Fleet, or maybe before then. Since Jocelyn. Since his father. Leonard doesn't get in the habit of dreaming up plans anymore. Nothing ever goes according to them anyhow, and he's too frightened to hope for much.
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"Suppose I'd like to retire after this. God knows we've all earned that much. But what I'd like and what Jim will let happen are two very different things, and if he goes back out there..." there's the shrug of a shoulder. "Well, I'd like to stay with him. Spock, too. Doesn't really matter where. 'Cept Vulcan, I guess, I think the heat'd kill me and Jim both in a day. And I'd rather not wind up on bad terms with his father for running my mouth one too many times."
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(bd-joss-kujo) 🌋
( @bd-joss-kujo )
“Little sister!But well,you’re actally older than me...”
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beastlyanachronism · 5 years
something i suddenly want: 
Amanda Grayson, Spock, Jim and Bones as the Golden Girls
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A Vulcan Smile Part Four
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]
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“They couldn’t have found a planet for this?” Leonard grumbled to Jim as he made their way off the ship. “The Alpha Quadrant’s a big place.” 
The docking bay was filled with conversation as Enterprise crew members disembarked and security and maintenance workers went about their business. Below that was the low hum of the machinery that kept the station running, only slightly different from the hum of the Enterprise. Leonard longed for a shore leave on a planet that had no hum and had conversations that weren’t about jefferies tubes or Vulcan diplomacy. 
Both Leonard and Jim’s heads swiveled in the direction of the shout, their faces contorting with confusion as they watched Joanna sprint across the space station's docking bay. Leonard got his barings just in time to catch her when she jumped at him. He held her tightly in his arms and looked around for a clue as to what she was doing this far from home. His eyes landed on you, just a few paces from him. 
“Looks like it’s not that big,” Jim commented. 
Leonard set Joanna back down on her feet, still looking at you. “I was under the impression that you would be watching Joanna on Alpha Centauri.” 
“Plans changed,” you stated simply. 
“Taking a child off world without the permission of her parent isn’t a change of plans, it's a kidnapping,” he argued. 
“Do you ever get tired of over reacting?” you asked without expecting an answer. “I got Donna’s permission. I tried to get yours but the subspace message wouldn’t go through. But even if that weren’t the case, don’t you think I would put a little more effort into avoiding you if I had kidnapped your child?” 
“Sorry I underplayed your criminal prowess,” he said sarcastically. 
“I’m here for the conference,” you explained. 
“It’s a four day conference.” 
“The man can count. Why Jocelyn ever left you-” 
“She has school on Monday,” he reminded you. 
“That won’t be a problem.” You looked around him as Joanna started to wander off. “She was suspended. Excuse me.” You left the conversation to follow Joanna. 
Leonard turned to continue the argument but stopped when he saw Joanna standing in front of Spock. Jim watched on, doing nothing to fight off the smile growing on his face as the scene played out in front of him.
“Dif-tor heh smusma,” she greeted, getting his attention with a Vulcan salute. 
“Sochya eh dif,” he responded, returning the gesture. 
“Are you Mr. Spock?” 
“I am. Who are you?”
“Joanna McCoy. I’m a friend of your sisters,” she answered. 
“I see. Is that why your Vulcan pronunciation is impeccable?” 
The girl nodded so enthusiastically that her hair bounced around her shoulders. “I’m the best human in my class!” 
“That does not surprise me. You seem to be a smart young woman.” 
“Making friends, Spock?” Jim asked as the three of you joined him. 
“I believe I am.” He looked up from Joanna. “I find her company to be far preferable to that of her father’s.” 
“Wish I could say the same thing about your family members, Spock,” Leonard said, sending a glare your way. 
“Did you just admit to enjoying Spock’s company?” you asked with a sly smile. 
“That’s what I heard,” Jim agreed. 
Your smile turned into a grin as you leaned around Leonard to finally take a good look at the man with him. Your eyes darted down to the sleeve of his uniform then back up to his bright eyes and smile that was just short of mischievous.
“I take it you’re Captain Kirk?” you asked.
“Last time I checked.” 
“It’s an honor to meet you. I’ve heard great things.” You held out your hand for him to shake and all three men stared at it. Jim looked back at your face for a moment, judging your expression to check that this wasn’t some sort of diplomatic trap, before taking your hand. 
“As have I,” he said brightly, releasing your hand. 
“Oh, have you?” You looked at Leonard out of the corner of your eye. 
“Not from me,” he defended. 
“Well, I know it wasn’t from Spock.” 
“There is no way for you to know that,” Spock stated. 
“Alright what have you told them about me?” 
“That you are my sister and that you are a teacher,” he answered. 
“Great things,” you echoed sarcastically, checking your watch. “We need to go. We’re going to be late.” You gestured for Joanna to follow you. 
“Not so fast. We have a lot to talk about,” Leonard said pointedly, his hand going to Joanna’s shoulder before you could walk off with her. 
A flicker of sympathy ran through you, seeing the anger and sadness peaking through his expression. You knew it was hard to be so seperated from someone you loved that you only got glimpses of what their lives were like. You started to feel a twinge of guilt about dropping the bomb of her suspension the way you had. But you had other things to be doing. These were emotions to be dealt with at a later time. 
“We do and there will be more than enough time to talk about it tonight when we are both done working.” You quickly gave him the information for your temporary quarters and began to strode off the way you had come. Joanna gave a hasty good bye to each of the men before racing after you.
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strangenewwords · 3 months
🍔What's a headcanon that hasn't made it into a published fic yet?
So this is a headcanon that I've seen tossed around and I kinda absorbed. But that McCoy is so UGH about Vulcans because Jocelyn was one. And for whatever reason I love the crap out of that. (I am literally writing a fic about that RINOW. Okay not right now, because I'm avoiding blocking it out by doing asks, but you know what I mean.).
Thank you for the ask!!!!!!!!!!
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440mxs-wife · 3 years
Coming Home
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(photo courtesy of IMDb)
Pairing: Leonard “Bones” McCoy x Reader. Other Characters: Captain Jim Kirk, Sulu, Uhura, Spock, Scotty, Nurse Chapel, Joanna McCoy and Jocelyn McCoy
Word Count: 6594
Warnings: A bit of angst as there usually is with exes, medical incident, topped off with fluff and a little implied smut.
Prompt: “Did you ever plan on telling me?”
Summary: Reader left Dr. McCoy and the Enterprise eight years ago for reasons unknown. Captain Kirk has decided to get her to come back, so he offers her a position in the ship’s Botany Department and Lab. How will her ex-boyfriend and CMO Dr. McCoy react to seeing her after all these years?
"Jim, I just don't think it's a good idea," you told him, shaking your head. Captain James T Kirk was in your apartment, trying to convince you to rejoin him on the USS Enterprise.
"Why not? It's been, what, eight years now? Surely he's forgiven you by now," Kirk replied.
"Even if he has, which I doubt, I haven't forgiven me yet. We haven't even spoken since I left. No, I can't come back, Jim. You need things to run smoothly on that ship of yours. I would only upset the applecart," you affirmed.
"Please? You're the best botanist in Starfleet, and we really need you. Sulu can bring you up to speed on all of his latest findings with the plants we've catalogued in the past few years. Besides, there are others who would be happy to see you return to the ship," Kirk pressed.
You bit your bottom lip in concentration. Jim could tell you were close to cracking under his persuasive argument. You missed your 'girl talk' sessions with Uhura, even though monthly subspace messages have kept you in touch. They just haven't been the same as being together in person. If you came back, you might even start a lively discussion with Spock on Vulcan vs. Human philosophy.
If you went back, you know Jim would make your return as smooth as possible. He was right, that others would be happy to see you again. However, there was at least one crew member that you were fairly certain would not share in everyone's enthusiasm at seeing you back on the Enterprise.
Dr. Leonard. McCoy.
The two of you had been in a relationship for about four years prior to your departure. You shared the same quarters, during which time you were blissfully happy and in love. Leonard was the light of your life, and you saw him in every scenario in your future. Marriage, family, retirement from active duty, maybe eventually a house somewhere.
All of that came crashing down the night of his daughter's birthday party, when Joanna was turning 13. Two weeks after it happened and without explanation, you left Leonard and the Enterprise.
You had no intention of ever returning to the ship. You were content in your teaching position at Starfleet HQ and to stay at home, maintaining your garden. That is, until a blonde-haired, blue-eyed captain came knocking on your door, asking you to come back.
"So?" Kirk asked.
"I'll need to pack a few things, make some arrangements," you sighed.
"Ship leaves here in five days, will that be enough time?" Kirk inquired.
"I suppose it'll have to be, won't it. You're not exactly leaving me with much choice," you retorted. "Don't worry, Jim. I'll be there, ready to assist you however I can," you promised. I just don't know if I'm ready to face him again, not after all these years that have gone by, you thought to yourself.
As if he heard you, Jim nudged your arm. "Maybe this is just the opportunity you two need, you know, to clear the air. Much as you may not think so, the two of you belong together," Jim concluded softly.
"I have a feeling that one way or another, the situation between Len and me will soon be resolved," you replied.
When you re-materialized on the transporter pad, you were surprised to see so many of your friends waiting to welcome you back. Sulu, Chekhov, Scotty, Uhura and even Spock had made the trip down to Transporter Room #3, along with the captain to await your return. The only one absent was Dr. McCoy, but you didn't expect him to show up. Not willingly anyway.
You stepped down from the transporter pad and were immediately engulfed in Uhura's embrace. She rambled on about when the first 'girl talk' night should be while you traded hugs with Sulu and Chekhov.
"Hello, Commander. It is agreeable to see you again," Spock greeted you.
"It's nice to see you, too, Spock," you smiled as you pulled him into a hug before he could stop you. "Mr. Scott, always a delight," you gushed.
"Aye, lassie, it's good to have ye home again," Scotty beamed.
"Thank you. It's good to be--" your greeting was interrupted by the transporter room doors sliding open. The moment of truth had finally arrived, where the next few words spoken would set the tone for the time to come.
"God in Heaven," McCoy whispered. His mouth suddenly went dry at seeing you again after eight years. He could see that the years had been kind to you, because to him, you were even more beautiful than before. His heart did a mini-flip in his chest, but almost immediately afterwards, his brain and his memory re-engaged.
McCoy coughed and cleared his throat in an effort to regain his composure. "Commander," he said gruffly, nodding his head sharply at you. "Jim, a word please?" he asked, then turned and left the transporter room without sparing you a second glance. Tears sprang to your eyes but did not fall.
"Excuse me, everyone," Kirk replied. As he passed by you, he caught your hand and squeezed lightly. "Don't worry, remember what I said about opportunities?" he asked and you nodded. "Don't waste 'em," he said with a wink.
"How could you do this, Jim? How could you allow her back on board after what happened between us? The woman I love broke my heart when she left me--the ship!" McCoy thundered.
"Well, Bones, let's start with the fact that we need someone to head the Botany Department and Lab, and she's the best. Then we'll fill in the middle with how I don't think either one of us knows exactly what happened to make her leave. And we'll end with, oh, because it's my ship, I'm the captain and if I say we need her, then she re-joins the crew," Kirk concluded.
"Fine. If that will be all, Captain?" McCoy replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Yes, Bones, that will be all," Kirk responded. McCoy turned to leave when Kirk briefly called him back. "For what it's worth, you could look at this as an opportunity to clear the air between you. At least you'd know, once and for all why she left, instead of always assuming it's your fault."
McCoy mumbled something under his breath as he walked out of the captain's Ready Room. Kirk shook his head at his CMO's antics when it came to you. He knew the two of you still loved each other, and firmly believed that you belonged together.
Kirk wished he knew what happened all those years ago to make you think your only choice was to leave your family and the man you loved. Something told him that whatever it was, it was bound to come out into the open. Hopefully when it did and the dust settled, everything would return to some semblance of normal.
The first few weeks aboard ship were a bit awkward. You were trying to get used to a working schedule again, and on top of that, trying to avoid the CMO at every turn. It didn't help that you had mutual friends who didn't hesitate to offer their advice on how to resolve things. They all swore they only wanted what was best for you and the good doctor. However, only the two of you could decide what that looked like, and at least for now, that meant avoiding each other.
One day, you were in the lab, cataloguing plant samples gathered during an away mission to Taegus-3. You made sure your team was taking extra safety precautions when handling the samples. "Be careful around these plants, some may have thorns. We also don't know yet if they're poisonous, so for now, use the bio-suits and the thick rubber gloves."
You were walking through Station #2 where a member of your team was performing tests on one of the samples. The young ensign turned away from her station, while you made notes on your clipboard about the plant she was working with.
As you were asking her some questions about her work, you felt something snaking its way around your exposed forearm. By the time you realized what was happening, the plant had started to apply pressure to your now vine-wrapped arm. Sulu heard the commotion and rushed over with a knife, which he then used to cut the vine from your arm. The vine fell away, but left red burn marks in your arm wherever the vine had come into contact with the skin.
"You'd better head down to the MedBay and have someone take a look at that," Sulu advised.
You looked at Sulu like you'd rather have the vine back on your arm, squeezing the life out of it until it snapped off than deal with Dr. McCoy. Eventually you relented and left the lab to get yourself checked out in the MedBay. You only hoped that it was Dr. McCoy's day off, because you didn't think you could deal with him at the moment.
Unfortunately, luck was not to be on your side today. Nurse Chapel called for him as soon as she saw you walk in the door. She had you sit on the biobed and started to check your vital signs. While she was discussing them with Dr. McCoy, a wave of dizziness crashed over you. It was also getting harder to breathe, which was detected by the biobed and it started sending out alarms.
McCoy and Nurse Chapel came racing over to you. "Damn plant must give off some sort of toxin when it wraps around its victims. Hold on, sweetheart, stay with me. We'll get you taken care of, don't you worry," he soothed.
As comforting as his words were, you knew he was in 'doctor mode'. It came naturally to him to use soft terms like 'sweetheart' to put his patients at ease. You knew those words didn't hold any affection towards you anymore like they used to. Whatever feelings may have been implied towards you by his words were likely to be a thing of the past.
"Hold still now, we're going to give you something to counteract the toxin," McCoy explained. He attached a hypospray to your neck and pressed the button to release the medication. Almost immediately, your breathing became easier and the dizziness slowly dissipated. In the meantime, he took the opportunity to bandage the vein-like burns in your forearm.
Once your condition seemed to be stabilized, all you could think of was to get out of the MedBay and back to your quarters. You eased yourself down from the biobed and took a few tentative steps towards the door.
"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, where do you think you're going?" McCoy demanded.
"Back to my quarters, Dr. McCoy. I thank you and Nurse Chapel for your assistance, but I can take care of myself from here. I hereby relieve you of your obligation to monitor my health any further," you retorted.
"I really don't think that's a good idea, sweetheart," he replied. "You could have a relapse, or develop a complication, or--" he started.
"DON'T. You don't get to call me 'sweetheart', or 'darlin', or anything that would indicate you remotely have any feelings of affection for me anymore," you shot back. Tears began prickling at your eyes, threatening to fall. "Ever since I got here, you've been avoiding me. In the mess hall, the rec area, even the turbolift for goodness' sake," you explained.
"Me?!? As far as I see it, Commander, it's been mutual avoidance. This is as much interaction as I've had with you since the day I saw you in Transporter Room #3. So, don't pin all of this on me," he snapped.
"I'm pretty sure you're not happy that I'm here, so I figured I'd stay out of your way as much as possible. To that end, I'm leaving and going back to my quarters," you informed him calmly.
"Yeah, that's right, I almost forgot. Leaving, that is what you do best, isn't it?" McCoy sneered.
You stopped walking towards the door, overcome by a sob too painful to hold in anymore. After taking a deep breath, you turned your tear-stained face to Dr. McCoy. "I suppose you're right. I've had that coming to me for the last eight years, haven't I?" you asked tearfully. You turned back towards the doors then left the MedBay and headed straight for your quarters.
After you left, McCoy stood there, with his hands on his hips and shaking his head. He wondered how the situation with you ever got to this point. He remembered how much in love the two of you were, sharing quarters, intertwining lives. For him, you were his whole world, the one he saw his future unfolding with. You loved him despite his flaws and the fact that he constantly thought that he didn't deserve you.
Your mutual friends were rooting for you both, and Joanna loved you as well. The two of you got along well, no hint of jealousy from her when it came to spending time with her father. He remembered how flattered you were when Joanna had once asked for your advice on something.
Jocelyn didn't seem to like you, but then again, she didn't love much of anything to do with him, except Joanna. On more than a few occasions, he'd heard Jocelyn throw snide remarks your way. But as was your nature, you took the high road, and Leonard felt you had handled his ex-wife with grace.
Then came Joanna's birthday party. He'd seen you and Jocelyn talking about something, then when you left her, you looked a little shaken up. McCoy didn't think much of it at the time, but you seemed a little distracted after the encounter. He tried to get you to talk to him about it, however, you assured him that you were tired and just needed some rest to feel better.
Two weeks after the party, without any prior discussion, you had left the Enterprise for a teaching position. Just like that, you were gone from his life, but not remotely gone from his heart. He'd met other women over the past eight years, but none of them could ever hold a candle to you. And deep down, Leonard McCoy knew that no one else ever would.
Back in your quarters, you went straight for the bathroom to splash water on your face as a way to calm down. How dare he! you thought. You had stayed away from him because you thought that's what he wanted. After all it was you who left him. Even though in your mind you knew it was for a good reason, there were still at least two broken hearts at the end of it.
You suddenly remembered what day it was, so you finished drying off your face with a towel. Today was Joanna McCoy's birthday, and she was turning 21, an important milestone. You hoped she was available to take your call, but if not, you would leave a birthday message for her.
Despite no longer being together with her father, you still kept in touch with Joanna over the years. She was a ray of sunshine in Leonard's life, and in yours as well. The last you had heard, she was participating in Starfleet's medical program, thus following in her father's footsteps.
You opened up the comms to send your message request to Joanna. A minute or so later, your video screen lit up with her smiling face and frantic waving at the camera. "Happy Birthday, Joanna!" you grinned.
"Thank you! It's so good to hear from you," she exclaimed.
"I sure wish I could give you a hug for your birthday, sweetie. How's school going for you?" you asked.
She launched into a few tales from her classes, with you nodding and smiling. One of her stories had you busting out in laughter so hard that tears were coming out of your eyes. For the most part, she had achieved the right balance between school and having fun, not an easy task.
"Hey, so Uncle Jim told me you're back on the Enterprise, is that right?" Joanna asked.
"Yes, that's right. Your uncle visited me about six weeks ago and asked me to run the Botany Department and Lab. I wasn't sure about coming back, but he eventually wore me down," you gave a small smile.
"Has he....has Dad seen you? Have you talked to him?" she asked carefully.
You nodded. "I had to go to the MedBay today, due to an unfortunate encounter with a plant from Taegus-3. It wrapped around my arm and wouldn't let go. I had to get a hypo for an allergic reaction, and bandages for my arm. Your dad patched me up just right," you explained.
"Good. Um....I have to ask you something. Do you remember my 13th birthday party?" she inquired.
"Joanna....," you warned.
"Do you remember it?" she tried again. You nodded and she continued. "I know something happened there, because two weeks later, you and Dad weren't together anymore. Why? You two were so happy together, and then you left. What happened?" Joanna demanded.
"Something I can't talk about, Jo, but my leaving was for the best. The best for you and the best for your dad," you replied.
"Best?!? How could it be best for you and Dad to be without each other for this long? Didn't you love him anymore? Was it my mom? Did she say something to you at that party?" Joanna persisted.
At her question, you looked away, and you knew you'd only fueled her curiosity. "Of course I still love him. I told you Joanna, I can't talk about it. Please don't push me on this. Listen, sweetie, I have to go now, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Take care, honey," you said.
"But---" was the last you'd heard of her voice before you terminated the connection. In the reflection of the view screen, you could see tears sliding down your face. You decided that you needed a drink, so you left your quarters and headed for the recreation area.
"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" Captain Kirk said as he saw you sitting at the bar.
You groaned at his presence, only wanting to be left alone. "Oh, god, Jim. What are YOU doing here?" you retorted.
"I heard you got hurt and went to MedBay today. Then I went by your quarters to check on you, only to find out you're not there. Figured I'd get a drink, and here you are," he replied.
"Jim, don't take this pershonally," you slurred. "But I want to be left alone. M'kay? Been a rotten day and I'm jusht done," you remarked as you drained your glass and signaled for a refill.
"What happened today?" he persisted.
"You think that just because you have that perfect hair and those bright blue eyes that I'm just gonna spill my guts?" you asked. A smirk crossed his face as he waited expectantly. "Fine. I'll tell you, you insufferable man. I called Joanna McCoy today, since it's her 21st birthday," you started.
"Thanks for the reminder, I'll have to call her later," Kirk interjected.
"Anyway, the topic of conversation got around to her 13th birthday party. She asked me why her dad and I aren't together anymore," you explained, tears threatening again.
"What did you tell her?" Kirk asked.
"I told her the same thing I'm going to tell you. I can't talk about it, but I did what I thought was best for her and for Leonard," you replied. "Now, drop it, Jim," you warned.
"Sorry, no can do. Bones and I both saw Jocelyn talking to you at the party, then the rest of the night you seemed a little upset. Don't get me wrong, you put on a brave face. You fooled most everyone, but Leonard and I knew that something wasn't right. Look, it's been eight years. Don't you think it's time to spill the beans?" Kirk wondered.
"Jim, no good can come from this. Best just to let sleeping dogs lie," you said as you tried again to shut him down.
"Please, let me in. I can see how much this is hurting you, and I think Len finally deserves to know the truth. Don't you think so?" Kirk pleaded.
A few tears had slipped down your face, and you nodded, your resolve having broken at last. "It started when I was in the kitchen putting candles on Joanna's cake. I thought I would do that to make myself useful, help Jocelyn so it was one less thing she had to worry about. Wrong move, because she read me the riot act about how it's her job to do that and I should just back off," you said.
"Ungrateful b....please go on," he prompted.
"I apologized, but she refused to accept it. Instead, she gave me an ultimatum. I had to stop seeing Leonard or she would refuse to let him see Joanna. At first, I couldn't believe she was serious, but one look in her eyes and I knew she was. That's why I was so distant the rest of the night. I tried to put Leonard off by saying I was just tired, but I don't think he was convinced," you remarked.
"Why didn't you tell Len? Or me? We would've found a way to fight this," Kirk insisted.
"I know you would have, and I love you both for it. She said if I told anyone, her next stop was the courthouse. Don't you see? She held all the cards, and I had nothing," you explained.
"You didn't have 'nothing', you had Len and me," Kirk replied.
"Think about it. If I fought her, then she took Len to court and he lost, it's my fault. If I refused to stop seeing Leonard, she would not let him see his daughter. My fault again. Either way, Jim, Leonard and Joanna lose. I couldn't bear for that to happen, so I left. As much as I loved him, and still do, his relationship with his daughter is and always will be more important," you finished. Tears were now streaming unchecked down your face.
"Whoa. I knew she was a piece of work, but I didn't know exactly how much. Bones would be livid if he found out that Jocelyn is the reason you're not together," Kirk replied.
"And that's exactly why I didn't want to tell you. Jim, please, I'm begging you. Let this go," you implored as you slid off your barstool. Jim turned to you and pulled you into his comforting embrace. "I'm going to go sleep this off, okay? I'll be taking a sick day tomorrow," you added. "Goodnight, Jim."
"Goodnight," he called after you then returned his attention to his drink.
"Poor kid. Hate to see a pretty girl cry. So, knowing you, I'd bet that you have no intention of letting this go, do you, Captain?" Tony, the bartender, asked.
"Nope," he replied, downing the rest of his drink. "I gotta find a way to make this right if it's the last thing I do. Thanks, Tony," he said before leaving to go to his quarters. Once there, he opened a comms channel to send a message to his niece. The video screen popped up with Joanna's picture.
"Uncle Jim!! So great to see you," she gushed.
"Happy Birthday, honey. Listen, I know about a conversation you had earlier, that involved a certain someone and your dad," Kirk remarked. "I finally got her to tell me what happened at your birthday party."
"She told me she couldn't tell me, but she could tell you?" Joanna asked angrily.
"Hold on there, sweetie. In her defense, she'd had a lot to drink by the time I caught up with her," Kirk explained.
"Oh. Well, I asked Mom about it, but she wouldn't tell me either. Please tell me what happened, I want to know," Joanna begged.
"Sure thing, kiddo. Then we're going to brainstorm on how to get the two of them back together," Kirk winked.
"Ooh yay! So, tell me," she persisted.
Dr. McCoy trudged into his quarters and sat down on the couch. He grabbed a communication tablet and sent a signal to his daughter, to wish her a happy birthday. Unfortunately, Jocelyn picked up the tablet and answered.
"Joanna's busy right now, Leonard. Call her back later," Jocelyn replied curtly as she moved to disconnect the call.
"Wait, Jocelyn! Will you please let her know that I called to wish her a happy birthday?" McCoy asked.
"Your girlfriend already called earlier and spoke to Joanna. I just assumed you were in the room at the time," Jocelyn remarked.
"What girlfriend? I don't know what you're talking about," McCoy replied. He was starting to get an uneasy feeling the more he talked to his ex-wife.
Jocelyn made a tsking sound of disgust. "The same one that was here on Joanna's 13th--" she broke off and a smug smile crossed her face. "Never mind. I guess she took my advice then."
McCoy's face drained of color. "And just what advice was that? It's been eight years, Jocelyn, you'll have to refresh my memory," he retorted.
"What difference does it make? She must not have been as devoted to you as you were to her. She left you, therefore, you got to keep seeing your daughter," Jocelyn shot back.
The pieces started to come together in McCoy's mind, and it was showing him a pretty ugly picture. "You threatened her. Didn't you?" he seethed. "Why, Jocelyn? What has she ever done to you?" he demanded.
"Joanna called her 'Mom', that's what!" Jocelyn exclaimed. "When Joanna came home from that week-long vacation with the two of you, she was telling me about how much fun she'd had. She slipped and referred to your girlfriend as 'Mom'. I am her mother! I will not be replaced by some flavor-of-the-month!" she shrieked.
"ENOUGH, MOM!" Joanna's voice came through clearly. "Hi, Dad," she greeted McCoy.
"Hiya, pumpkin," he drawled. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart," he replied softly. "Did you know about this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at his daughter.
"Dad, nobody knew anything about it until she told Uncle Jim tonight. And he said that it was only after a lot of alcohol that she would even tell him. She's kept this horrible secret for all this time, because she wanted you to be happy and able to keep visiting me. She still loves you, Dad, I know she does. Please tell me you still love her," Joanna pleaded.
McCoy turned his face away from the view screen, but not before his daughter caught a glimpse of his watery eyes. "I never stopped loving her, Jo. Not even when she left. I was angry and hurt, but....yes, I still love her," he declared, his voice thick with emotion.
"Then you know what you have to do, Daddy. Go tell her," Joanna whispered the last part. "Consider it my birthday present," she grinned mischievously. "I love you."
"You got it, sweetheart. I'll let you know how it goes. Later, though," McCoy promised with a grin of his own. "I love you," he told her before the call disconnected.
The view screen clicked off, while McCoy digested all of the information he'd just been given. All these years, he mused. The two of you could've been happy together, maybe even engaged or married. Instead, his ex-wife and her jealousy got in the way of that with her threats of denying him visitation rights.
He'd been so wrapped up in his own emotions since you've been back, that he hadn't stopped to consider how you may be feeling. He had been convinced that the reason you left was because you didn't love him anymore. Now he knew that the exact opposite was true. You loved him so much that you sacrificed your own happiness with him so he could continue to see his daughter.
Leonard knew that he had to make things right between you. It couldn't have been easy to come back to work on the Enterprise, knowing at any moment you could run into each other. But, you pushed those feelings and worries aside to help Jim by running the Botany Department and Lab.
He had to admit, it's been awkward since you've been back. He didn't expect the old feelings of love to come rushing back at the first sight of you that day in Transporter Room #3. As much as your leaving had hurt him and the radio silence throughout the years, he still loved you. And now, he grinned to himself, it was time to do something about it.
You left the rec area and had gone back to your quarters for the night. When you got back, you changed out of your uniform and put on your pink plaid pajama pants and an oversized T-shirt. You made sure it was short-sleeved because of the bandages on your arm from the Strangling Vine Incident earlier in the day. After grabbing a glass of water and two pain meds, you settled into place on the couch. "Computer, illumination at 30% please," you requested.
What a day. First you were attacked by an alien vine, forcing you to get checked out in the MedBay by your ex-boyfriend and CMO. Later, you couldn't even find peace in the rec area. The CMO's best friend and captain of the ship kept hounding you about something that took place eight years ago. You'd told him to drop it, but he refused until you spilled that horrible secret.
Now Jim knows, but knowing about it didn't change anything. No matter how much you still loved him, Leonard surely didn't love you anymore. He'd made that quite clear today with his parting remark as you left the MedBay. You continued to sip at your water, each tilt of the glass with a shakier hand than before.
Off in the distance you heard your door chime, indicating someone at your door. "Come in," you called. You were shocked to see Dr. McCoy walk in. "Excuse me for asking, Doctor, but what the hell are you doing here?" you demanded, arms crossed over your chest.
His eyes locked with yours and you almost gave in to the softness you thought you saw, but you stood your ground. He cleared his throat before speaking. "I'm here to check your bandages. You left the MedBay so quickly, I wanted to make sure that the wound was still covered," he explained.
You rolled your eyes. "Really, Doctor? Is that the best excuse you could come up with? You didn't even bring your medkit, and I really don't have time for this. Goodnight, Dr. McCoy," you retorted.
"Now wait just a minute. As Chief Medical Officer, I am responsible for the health and safety of all crew members. I can see right now that you look a little flushed, which could mean a fever and possibly an infection. Just a quick exam. It'll be painless, I promise," he pleaded, his hands raised.
You arched an eyebrow in skepticism but finally relented. "Fine. A quick exam, then I'm going to bed and you can see yourself out," you muttered.
He stood in front of you, first looking at the bandaged arm, then sliding his hands up your arms to rest on your shoulders. He peered into your eyes and could see how bloodshot they were, probably from the tears you'd been shedding lately. He checked the lymph nodes on your neck to see if they were swollen, but they were fine.
He patted down his uniform, checking his pockets. "Hmm. I don't have a tricorder with me, so I'll have to check your temp the old fashioned way," he remarked. Before you could utter a word, his lips meshed with your forehead.
The second his soft lips touched your skin, something inside you fluttered. You closed your eyes and gave a sigh of contentment before you could stop yourself. "Doctor....," you whispered.
"Shh. Still checkin' your temp, darlin'. And it's Leonard, by the way. You used to call me that, remember?" he murmured against your skin.
Your eyes flew open and you stepped back. "Wait a minute. Why are you really here?" you asked.
"I already told you, to check your bandages. Besides, I want to apologize for what happened earlier in the MedBay, as you were walking out. I shouldn't have said that," McCoy started.
You backed further away from him as the realization sunk in. "Oh no, no, no, you've been talking to Jim, haven't you?" you replied. "I told him to drop it, that no good can come from dredging up something that happened eight years ago. Dammit, does that man ever listen?" you ranted, pacing the floor.
"Hold on there for a minute, sweetheart. I didn't talk to Jim, I called Joanna to wish her a happy birthday. Jocelyn picked up because Joanna was busy. Jocelyn was the one who admitted what happened, not Jim," McCoy explained.
"Leonard, I'm so sorry about what happened all those years ago. I truly thought I was doing the right thing by leaving. But all I've done is cause tremendous heartache for the people I love," you admitted, breaking down into tears yet again.
McCoy walked over and put his arms around you, holding you close to his chest. His hand came up and stroked the back of your head. "Shh, it’s okay, darlin'. I just wish I had known about it then. You never should've had to shoulder that burden all by yourself. Did you ever plan on telling me?" he asked.
You leaned back just far enough to lock eyes with him. "I couldn't, Len. Jocelyn said if I did, she would take you to court and fix it so you couldn't see Joanna at all. I know that custody hearings can go either way, and there's no way I could take the chance that you might lose. So I thought my only option was to step aside. I'd rather have you hate me but keep visitation rights for your daughter, than to love me and not have her," you said as you broke down again.
"Oh, Sugar, I could never hate you," he replied softly, brushing your cheek with the back of his hand. "When I found out that you left, I was so angry and hurt. Mostly because you'd made a decision alone that affected both of us. But when you came back and I saw you on that transporter pad all those weeks ago, I thought I had a second chance. Probably screwed that up too, though, haven't I?" he chuckled and so did you.
"Nah. You haven't done anything of the sort. I have missed you so much. After enough time had gone by, I thought about reaching out to you. Then I figured that too much time had gone by and you'd be with someone else. Which would've been fine, as long as you were happy, that's all that would matter to me," you remarked.
"Well, I haven't exactly been living like a monk, you know. I've met other women over the years, but none of them compared to you and no one ever will, either. Which is good, because I don't want any pale imitations or substitutions. I only want the real thing," he admitted just before crashing his lips into yours.
You felt the depth of his emotion poured into that first kiss and returned it with equal fervor. The apologies, the regrets, the longing for each other you still had after all these years. And the love you'd been keeping hidden from each other but never fully let show until now.
"Oh, my love," you whispered. "I've missed you so much, Leonard," you replied hoarsely.
"I've missed you too. I love you so much, Sugar. Can we please agree to not ever be separated like that again? I don't think my heart can take another minute without you," he remarked.
"Mine either. No more separations like that, because with you is where I belong. I love you, Len," you declared. You ran your hands up his arms and cradled his neck between them. Your fingers slid through his jet-black hair, smirking as you teased the short hairs at the base of his collar.
"Oh, there's my naughty girl, I wondered where she'd gone," McCoy growled playfully as he tightened his embrace.
"She's been right here, all along. Just waiting for the right time to come home," you replied softly, then tugged him closer for another kiss.
This kiss was different than before. This one was slow, sensuous and held the promise of a new beginning. As your mouths moved against each other, there was just enough of an opening between you for Leonard's tongue to slip through. He took full advantage of the opportunity, and when your tongues met, a moan of pleasure escaped from you.
Leonard's hands roamed up and down your back as he nudged his way to your neck. "Darlin', you're so beautiful," he murmured against your skin. He left a few open-mouthed kisses on your collarbone, nipping as he went and ultimately leaving his mark on you for all to see.
Layers of clothing were shed one by one. Little by little, Leonard nudged you backwards until the back of your knees hit the bed. You climbed up onto the mattress, crawling until you reached the middle where he soon joined you and leaned down to kiss you.
His hands and mouth took their time in worshiping every inch of your exposed skin, as if re-committing it to memory. Your mouth and hands were doing the same, reacquainting yourself with every muscle, every detail of his exquisite bare body.
The silence of your room was punctuated with breathy words of affection and moans of ecstasy from the two of you. Layers of passion were built higher and higher as you both chased your release. Finally, you both tumbled over the edge, one after the other, each whispering declarations of love.
Later, after you both got cleaned up, Leonard came back to bed and settled under the covers with you. He wrapped his arm around you so that your head rested on his chest. You could hear his steady heartbeat, which brought out a sigh of contentment from you.
"Len?" you whispered. He hummed in response, drawing random patterns on your shoulder. "Is this okay? I mean, what just happened, I don't want this to be a one-time thing. I'd like us to try again. I-If that's what you want," you hastily added.
He shifted so that he was propped up on his side, looking down at you. His hand cupped your face, while his thumb caressed your cheek. "Sweetheart, I've wanted that ever since you set foot back on this ship. I may be a little late in sayin' so, but I never stopped lovin' you. If you'll have me, I would love to try being us again," he replied softly.
"I would love that very much," you answered. "I love you, Leonard."
"I love you too, darlin'. Welcome home," he whispered, pulling you in for a long, slow kiss.
Tags: @marvelouslytrekking​ @spacedancer1701​ @anna-phora​
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hummingbird-of-light · 10 months
Against All Odds
Part 653
McCoy didn’t answer. He stroked across Scotty’s hair. His fiancé didn’t understand and in a way McCoy knew Scotty would never quite understand. The hidden subtleties to being royal. He’d just never be able to fully be himself in the public eye.
He leaned in and kissed Scotty’s forehead. At least here, he could be himself.
“Thanks,” he whispered.
Scotty gave him half a smile, then closed his eyes and snuggled into McCoy’s chest.
McCoy breathed deeply. It was nice to be able to take a deep breath again without wincing.
“I didn’t thank her, did I?” he asked after a few moments thinking.
“No. Ye didn’t,” Scotty said. McCoy heard the firmness in his fiancé’s voice.
“I will,” McCoy replied, chagrined. “Though I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to look her in the eye again.” His face heated again. He still couldn’t believe what Scotty had told Ms. Ryan.
Scotty’s body trembled in his arms. He looked at the Scotsman’s face and saw he was trying to hold in his laughter.
“Ye weren’t the one who had to tell her,” Scotty giggled out.
“Out of anything you could have made up, why did you go with that?” McCoy couldn’t help his own chuckles.
“Seemed believable and wouldn’t get a bunch of questions asked,” Scotty replied.
“A cracked rib from having sex,” McCoy stated. “What must she think we were doing? Or, rather, what you were doing to injure me like that.”
“Me!” Scotty cried indignantly.
“Yes you,” McCoy laughed again and moved in for a kiss. “Maybe once you’re rested up we can try and see if we can duplicate the results.” He winked.
“Oi! Ye are insufferable sometimes Leonard McCoy!”
“You love me anyway,” McCoy grinned, slipping a hand under Scotty’s shirt as he pulled him closer.
“For reasons I’m not certain of at the moment,” Scotty replied, his own face struggling to hide a smile.
“Get some rest darlin’,” McCoy said, his fingers in Scotty’s hair again. “I’m sorry you didn’t get any last night.”
The weekend finished and Monday followed with nothing new happening in the war of rumors Jocelyn had started. McCoy avoided her and the group she had begun to hang around with. He breathed easy in class; they no longer shared one.
McCoy had found Ms. Ryan on Sunday and expressed his gratitude towards her, even if his face had flushed bright red and he couldn’t quite hold her eye. He noticed the light color on her face as well and made his thank you as quick as he could.
Things had smoothed between him and Scotty, though he knew his fiancé still thought him somewhat foolish for being so stubborn.
Standing in the boy’s change room at the pool Tuesday afternoon, McCoy gently touched the spot below his ribs through his shirt. No one but Scotty and Ms. Ryan knew the bruise was there. He was sure Pete and his friends wouldn’t be surprised.
The middle was still a purplish-black, and the edges were beginning to fade into greenish-yellow. If he was quick, he could be first in the pool and avoid the inevitable questions. If he waited until last, everyone would watch him walk in and see.
He sighed. Either way there would eventually be questions. Maybe Scotty was right with the lie he’d told Ms. Ryan. Maybe he should use it too. A smile began on his face. It would guarantee no one would ask too much.
With a deep breath he pulled off his shirt and headed for the pool.
McCoy saw Spock staring at him as he crossed the pool deck. The Vulcan’s eyes were wide, and as McCoy dove in, he saw Spock turn to Scotty next to him. He could only imagine how that conversation would go.
Archer lined them up for relay practice.
“What the hell happened, Bones!?” Jim hissed from in front of him. He started to poke at McCoy, but the prince darted away from the hand.
McCoy glanced over and saw surprise turn to smugness in Jocelyn’s eyes where she stood in one of the girl’s lines.
“Oh you know Jim, sometimes things get…,” McCoy cleared his throat and knew his face was coloring. How had Scotty managed to tell Ms. Ryan such a lie? “…things get a little rough.”
Jim’s mouth dropped open. Then he laughed. “I didn’t know you two had it in you.” He clapped a hand on McCoy’s shoulder. “Nice job.”
“Mr. Kirk!” Archer called.
“Oops, sorry!” Jim got in position and dove in.
“Is that from Pete?” a voice whispered at McCoy’s shoulder. Aaron. McCoy gave an almost imperceptible nod. “Bastard,” Aaron whispered under his breath.
McCoy looked over to Scotty, who smiled at him. He could see whispers starting between the few others who had come to watch practice. Christine’s eyes were burning a hole through him. He gave her a weak smile. Could he avoid the lounge that night, or would Christine just come to their room and demand to know what happened?
McCoy’s thoughts floated away as he dove back into the pool for his turn.
Part 654
The next swim practice came even faster than Scotty had feared. At first, he had still hoped that Leonard would change his mind and not participate, but the prince could not and would not miss the opportunity to show Pete and the others that he was not hiding anything.
He was just a stubborn old fool!
So Scotty had decided that he would at least accompany his fiancé to the training as usual. If anyone asked questions, he could somehow make sure the made-up story made its way around. As embarrassing as it was.
There weren't many students present yet when the swim team arrived, which was the reason why only Spock saw Leonard's body at first. The discoloration was not as bad as before, but the stains were still visible.
Scotty immediately noticed how the Vulcan's eyes grew a little larger. He seemed almost shocked.
"Why is the prince hurt? Where did those bruises come from?"
Scotty swallowed hard and instantly blushed again. How the heck was he supposed to stick to this damn story he had created?
"Well... it... it's not that easy to explain," he stammered awkwardly. Spock didn't seem to understand, for he raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Why not?"
Involuntarily, Scotty moved closer to the Vulcan. He didn't want too many people to know anything about the story.
"Well... Len and I... we... we were... a wee bit too wild in bed."
With each word, his voice grew even softer and he felt more heat rush to his cheeks.
Spock blinked for a moment before his mouth formed a silent 'Oh'. He looked briefly at Leonard and then back at Scotty.
"So this was an accident during sexual intercourse?"
Scotty would have loved to press a hand over Spock's mouth to stop him from speaking.
"Shhh! Not everyone needs to know that, do they?"
Spock just nodded.
"That's right. It's... something extremely private."
"Aye. It is. So it would be nice if everyone didn't know about it," Scotty concluded the conversation.
They watched silently for the rest of the training. At one point, Scotty saw Jim and Leonard whispering to each other and just a short time later, the blond winked at Scotty with a grin on his face and gave him a thumbs up.
Scotty suppressed a groan. He would have expected nothing less from Jim. He didn't even want to imagine what it was like in the human and Vulcan's bedroom sometimes.
Other students seemed to notice Leonard's bruises, too, because Scotty heard them whispering to each other and pointing repeatedly to his fiancé. He could only hope that nothing about it got out to the public.
Pensive, Scotty let his gaze wander through the crowd. Once again, he wondered just who had given information to the press. His gaze fell on Jocelyn, who was jumping into the water at that very moment.
Leonard had clearly stated that he suspected she was behind the articles about the rumors. Of course he thought so. It would be extremely obvious. But Scotty had his doubts about that.
There had been articles before. Information had been leaked before. So it had to be someone who had already had something against Leonard before Jocelyn had appeared.
Scotty's eyes moved on and came to rest on Aaron. He'd been so angry back then when Leonard had taken away his first place on the swim team. He had even hurt the prince. But... he seemed to have changed. Leonard was convinced of that, at least. Scotty still had his doubts about the sudden change of heart, but he would never tell his fiancé that.
Then there remained Pete and his friends. Had they also loathed Leonard all along? Or was it just related to Jocelyn who had her fingers in the pie? He just didn't know!
Sighing, Scotty came to the conclusion that the solution to the mystery would have to wait a little longer. He could only hope that no more articles would follow.
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McSpirk Family Headcanons
So I was looking randomly through Picrew, when suddenly I came up with a bunch of McSpirk family headcanons (hence the title of this post)!
Anyway, first we have:
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Joanna Kirk-McCoy
(Made with this Picrew)
Taking after Jim, Joanna tends to get into trouble sometimes.
Her reasons are mostly 1) Protecting someone from bullies; 2) Pulling pranks on crewmembers and her dads.
Often times Jim will laugh with her (“Stop encouraging her,” Bones and Spock would say).
Even on some occasions (most of the time) her dads would be the pranksters with her being the one to get pranked on.
Joanna’s really smart and the top of her class. Of course, she gets it from Spock.
She wanted bangs like Spock, so he cut her hair at request. (Jim at one point tried to, but you could say it went a little south.)
Like Leonard, she is loyal, compassionate and hard-working.
She is very artistic and expresses herself a lot through her paintings.
Her mom, Jocelyn, couldn’t provide for the both of them as she was dealing with being a single mother. So, she let Leonard take full custody.
Joanna likes her mom’s new boyfriend, Clay. She thinks that he’s good for Jocelyn, considering the amount of help he’s done to help her stay afloat.
Joanna enjoys walks around the Enterprise, and loves having conversations with the other officers.
With her dads help, Joanna has come to love and enjoy making food with them, learning new tips and advice along the way.
Joanna always knows when someone’s having a bad day (especially when it comes to her dads).
She’s always there for them, and does everything she can to cheer them up.
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Leonard “Bones” Kirk-McCoy
(Made with this Picrew)
Leonard and Jocelyn steadily become good friends, even before he took full custody of his daughter.
Joanna calls her fathers different names. For Leonard, she calls him “daddy.”
Leonard is a very tired man and always wakes up bed-headed. (Spock and Jim definitely find it sexy.)
He and his husbands are always borrowing clothes from each other.
Jim tends to hide some of Leonard’s shirts for work, so sometimes he’s either wearing shirts that are too small or too bunchy.
They’ve talked about it before, so now it only happens at least once a week.
Leonard is more of the mom in the relationship, what with always having to keep an eye on his family (especially Jim and Joanna... but mostly Jim because he gets in the most trouble).
Frequently, Jim and Spock would have one of their friends babysit Joanna while they took Leonard to dinner; to have time off from stress and work.
Leonard’s grateful for the date nights and late nights in bed.
Every year, when it’s the anniversary of his father’s death, Leonard would get into a mood where he sort of distances himself from everyone else.
Jim and Spock try to be there for him. So when the day’s over and he comes back to their quarters, Spock would assist the slurring doctor to their bed.
In the morning, Jim would set out a water and pain reliever before going ahead and calling Medbay, informing them that he’d be coming to work late.
After Leonard woke up, Joanna would be there to softly greet him and make sure he took the water and pain reliever and eat something to eat before heading out.
Leonard doesn’t know what he’d do without his family and friends.
Even though they have replicators, Leonard likes to make dinner most nights for the family (or when he’s not working overtime in Medbay).
Leonard’s favorite dish to make most of all is his mother’s chicken and dumplings recipe.
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Spock S’chn T’gai Kirk-McCoy
(Made with this Picrew)
Joanna calls Spock “sa-mekh.”
During the cold season, Eleanora McCoy (Leonard’s mom) crotchets sweaters for the Kirk-McCoy family (though she would crotchet Spock at least three). Spock is very grateful.
Spock has a nice relationship with Winona Kirk, as she has been on Vulcan before.
They talk about a lot of things: about Vulcan’s beauty, it’s flora and fauna, and great cuisines.
Winona told him that she knew his father and mother, giving Spock her condolences for his loss. Even if it might’ve happened years before, Spock was grateful.
He’s learned to embrace his human side, balancing both logic and emotion.
The first time Spock let out a genuine laugh was when Joanna braided both Jim and Leonard’s hair in the middle of the night, adding a few stickers to their faces.
Soon enough they were all laughing.
Spock is more into vintage fashion of 20th century Earth.
On some occasions he would grow his hair a little longer.
He likes hot summer days during shore leave, always wanting to spend those days with his family at a beach someplace.
Also during shore leaves, Spock enjoys the times he goes with Joanna and (on some occasions) Nyota to the mall.
Joanna is always eager for Spock’s opinions on the outfits she tries on, because he allows her to get it if it’s appropriate enough.
Like Leonard, Spock likes to cook for the family when he has the time.
Most of the time he takes care of breakfast—he makes potato latkes.
Joanna even said a few times: “I love latkes so much that I can eat them for the rest of my life.” This always brings a smile to Spock’s face.
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Jim Tiberius Kirk-McCoy
(Made with this Picrew)
Joanna calls Jim “Papa Jim.”
At first she started calling him dad, but he interjected by saying, “What? Why not a cool name like Spock’s?” Joanna giggled.
She started listing off ideas to Jim when she came across the idea “Papa Jim.” It had a nice ring to it, so they shook on it.
Jim can sometimes spoil Joanna, giving her a lot of little trinkets from the planets they travel to.
Sometimes Jim commences activities for the crew to do, like celebration parties, as a way to make everyone happy.
He still gets nightmares about Tarsus IV, but Spock and Leonard are always there with him in bed.
Spock would spoon him, softly whispering in his ear while Leonard got up to bring him a glass of water. Soon enough Jim falls back asleep into a dreamless sleep.
Joanna knows Jim’s had a nightmare, even if she sleeps through his pained whimpers. So, she walks over and plants a kiss on the top of his head.
Most mornings (especially after a nightmare), Jim would get up earlier than usual to meditate with Spock. This allows him to regain a calm state of mind.
When Spock or Sulu have the conn, Jim sometimes let’s Joanna sit in the Captain’s chair when he’s either off to Medbay for a checkup, or beamed down to a planet.
Most of the time it’s Leonard who cooks, but Jim can make a mean doughnut (he’s better at baking rather than cooking).
When movie night comes around, Jim is always active about what film they should watch.
A lot of the stuff he picks are films from the 19th-20th century, whether it’s black and white or in color.
Some movies the others get tired of watching because some of Jim’s picks they consider “boring.”
I still have more headcanons yet to come, but until then, I hope you enjoyed reading this post! If you have some headcanons of your own and wish for me to add in a next list, go ahead and send them my way!
I plan to do more for this McSpirk family concept, and I’m honestly hyped just thinking about it! But for now, have these! :)
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