#What happened to the ecto of the failed clones?
puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Y’know what would be a funny thing for Danny Phantom crossovers, specifically DC but just in general too.
Danny going around with Ellie and Dan, not as ghosts or halfas or vigilantes or villians. But as the children of Clockwork, aka Kronos, Father Time, and whatever other names he’s gone by. 
Bonus points on if they joke about Ellie pulling a Dad and eating her siblings. “Yeah she was supposed to be septuplets but kind of just absorbed her siblings lol” “Lol??? That’s not a lol thing-”
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
This is very inspired by @minnesota-fats post about Danny being Bruce Wayne's clone (which has been rotting in my brain for two days) but an au where danny isn't just Bruce Wayne's clone, but also not fully a ghost.
both ideas can be used separately honestly, the idea just came to me while thinking about the bruce wayne clone idea, and a lot of this idea is just "danny without his ghost powers. i might probably make a part two that delves into him being bruce wayne's clone.
Hear me out.
A Danny Fenton who has the ghost sense and the fangs and the pointed ears and the scary eyes and an increase ecto-essence, but does not have the ability to "go ghost". His accident occurred when he pressed the "on" button on the outside of the portal, and the button electrocuted him due to faulty wiring. He ends up miraculously surviving but not without some new additional abilities (and electricity-based trauma).
Since Danny no longer has a built-in alter ego with the invert wardrobe to match, he doesn't see the point to take ghosts back to the ghost zone. What the hell can he do anyways? All he has is a cosmetic add-in, a lower body-temperature with an impressive ability to hold his breath longer than a human realistically should, and a built-in ghost detector. Not very helpful if you ask him.
That is, up until he goes into the lab after his parents catch a relatively harmless ghost and sees them vivisecting it. He's horrified. He thought his parents were using hyperbole when he said they'd tear them apart molecule by molecule.
(Granted, he also believed that ghosts were unfeeling up until he saw this random ghost being absolutely terrified for its existence on the table.)
After an argument over his parents harming the ghost, Danny goes back up to his room and refuses to leave, not even for dinner. Later that night after his parents went to sleep, Danny steels his resolve and sneaks back down into the lab and releases the ghost back into the ghost zone.
This happens a handful of times, until, finally, frustrated, Danny tells the latest captured ghost to tell anyone inside that if they even think about coming through, he'll capture them and bring them back to the zone himself. It's for their own safety.
The ghost agrees, and goes back inside. Danny steals a "failed" thermos from his parents' stash of weapons. The next time that a ghost shows up, its the lunch lady from episode one. Danny manages to defeat her without being seen, but knows that if there's gonna be consistent daytime ghost attacks then he can't base his luck around fighting without witnesses.
So he fashions himself with a makeshift outfit. This really only consists of an old, nondescript hoodie and a plain black face mask. Its the best thing he can do at short notice, however. Later, for his nighttime ghost fighting, his outfit is only slightly better.
He considered using one of his parents' lab suits. But white sticks out at night and the material doesn't protect you from road burn. His outfit is pretty homemade, with knee and elbow pads under his clothes and multiple layers. A long sleeve shirt over a hoodie over a black denim vest he found on sale. He later on manages to make brass knuckles ghost-proof and manages to stitch them into his gloves. (he gets very good at sewing).
His favorite part of the entire outfit, is a Casey Jones-style full-face mask he found while thrifting. It allows him better breathability than the face mask he was using (calling Rule Of Cool law here), and he can use his scary eyes to make him look more intimidating. His gloves, his mask, and his thermos are the things he carries around with him constantly, and, later on, wears baggier clothing to hide the fact that he's wearing knee and elbow gear under his clothes.
Did I mention he has long hair? Danny has long hair (because GNC danny ftw, it goes past his shoulders) that he braids back. it's a bit sloppy but it keeps his hair out of his face well enough. He takes the fenton creep stick with him.
(He and Bruce have, ultimately, a more lean build than a bulky one. It helped Bruce with his Brucie Wayne persona big time when he had to look like a pretty skinny boy, he uses body language, optical illusion, and body armor to make himself look bulkier as batman)
He still goes by the name Phantom. He still has a bitter rivalry with his parents, who have no idea that its him. They think he's probably some other ghost with beef with the other ghosts (he still triggers their ghost sensors), and still want to capture him.
He doesn't talk around the living. He doesn't have any fancy voice changer and dropping his voice hurts and ultimately, he just uses ASL if he ever has to talk in front of people. The ghosts know his voice at night, but not during the day.
He hardly talks to the living. He avoids them like the plague actually. When he defeats a ghost and there's an audience, he barely sticks around to have a nice friendly chat. He tries to get away as soon as possible. He's paranoid over people finding out who he is. He doesn't have that ghost form to fall back on here.
Oh god this is getting so long, so i'll post another part soon.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 (Dani interlude) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 (Dan Interlude) Part 8
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busterkeel · 2 years
I love the tall Jazz concept, but what I love more is tall Fenton siblings
Jazz has to be taller than Danny, she could be 6"9 or 6"10
Danny could be 6"7
I'd say Danny started growing when he was 16
His ghost form doesn't/hasn't aged though because reasons....
In my mental sinario Dan turned over a new leaf with some help comforting from Jazz and he's 1 or 2+ inches taller than Jazz, like 6"11+
He doesn't have a human identity because he likes staying in the zone more, unless he's looming over amity for some strange reason or visiting Jazz,(Jack or Maddie)
Honestly now that I'm typing it I can see them making time to visit him in the zone
Maybe they feel regret, if they hadn't been so caught up on their ecto experiment and research the portal accident wouldn't have happened, he wouldn't have been so scared to tell them he's part ghost, and they would have had time to notice his school grades were low so he wouldn't have felt he need to cheat
Dani at age 12 is like up to Danny's neck in his original height at age 14, so I'd say she's like 4"10
But when danny has his growth spurt she grows to Danny's original height of 5"5 when she reaches 14
I guess some part of her want to seen as a younger sibling(because of the whole vlad clone replacement fake family, she wants a real one, so she emotionally doesn't allow herself to grow faster than danny, jazz & Dan) and she still hasn't hit her growth spurt like Danny did, but when she does or allows herself to she'll 1 or 1 1/2 inch shorter and danny being
She has a ligit human identity which has been set up by Tucker, Technus and Desiree......, let's say she was at boarding school from 11 and below
Does Wisconsin have a boarding school?
Well it does now, she was being taken care of by Vlad (who had made up with the fentons)
He sponsors them now....(these dots are really me just holding back from explaining 😭)
Dani also travels alot (paid by Vlad of course) and she trusted to take care of herself, from her past roaming experience (plus she's a fenton/phantom 💪) she visits when she wants to and on holidays
I'd like to say her obsession is freedom, she can be who she wants to be and not someone she failed to be, (this is also why I think that mind control wouldn't work on her like Danny) which is also why I give her a water core since unbound it can mold into anything
Let's say Vlads ghost obsession was making him crazy, all that time he was alone with that ecto achnee made his obsession seeking out kin someone who'd understand him, aka Danny
Especially when he wanted something but he didn't know what, so he got rich to try to fill the void, and then when he found something that would fill it aka Danny he wanted him to join him
Honestly all that time alone, with his doctors not know what the hell is wrong with him, and him having to figure out his powers blind, his feeling of abandonment from Jack & maddie, the root of the problem being Jack and seeing Jack happily with a family
Made him even crazy
Making him want to steal from Jack, aka wanting Maddie and Danny
(I know I didn't explain this as best as I wanted, but this is not what I came here for)
He gives up the mayor seat to a nice guy who like to drink tea, has a mustache and looks like he gives nice hugs
Anywho as I said he sponsors the fentons who in turn sponsors Amity park with ghost tech, ghost shields in certain places
in the future after canon (beside the whole identity reveal) there should be a Amity park announcement that can pic up different ecto signatures that Maddie and Jack put in like
Also what if they have like a GhostGo app (like pokemon go) Let's say Tucker created it and if you see a ghost you can take a picture of them and it'll be added to you own personal database
I imagine Youngblood being rare cause only children and child at heart can see him, but even if they take a picture of where he is he'll still show up blank, but they have the option to draw him
Anyways I can imagine after everyone is grown up Maddie and Jack start traveling to paranormal places to research ghost activity
(I've also have in my headcanon from someone else, that years ago before the portal they went to a event in Gotham to get Bruce Wayne to sponsor them and he laughed in their face)
Reasons why Danny's ghost form isn't aging
Even tho he knows he wont turn evil like Dan there's still some uncertainty mentally that's holding him back, like no one being able to stop him of he turned evil, he doesn't like being strong......
He know he wont be like Dan (which is why his human form is aging to an extent) but in his ghost form there still that lil fear of becoming evil and that's stopping his ghost form from aging and looking like Dan
Like around 18 years old he is crowned crown prince(he was already a prince, but now they're really getting him ready for the throne" and he starts learning about ghost history and kingly stuff, but then he learns that the whole tittle comes with a power boost (I've read a fanfic that does this and loved it) and now that too powerful to stop if he turns evil is slowly creeping up the just a lil 🤏
The more I explain this the more it Branches off into my other mental sinarios I was just trying to tell the height differences......
Well....The whole town is liminal, some more than others and they are sick of the Justice league not taking them seriously and answering their pleas. Like after the whole town went into the zone and they still didn't help, they gave up on them and now hold a strong disgust towards them
Ok im done, I really had to force myself to stop typing this is not what I came here to explain....
Just one more thing
I should mention that Danny wanted to be an astronaut, but because of the ecto in his blood he can't so he stuck with being a Nasa engineer (I think they don't need your medical history for that) plus he can fly to space any time he wants
In the zone Dan is called Lord Phantom, older brother of (crown) Prince Phantom, Jazz would be called Princess Jazz, but I don't want the justice league to figure out their identity, like I want it impossible unless they're trusted enough to be told
But once again amitians don't like the justice league so....... she's called High Princess.
Dani could be called Princess Dani or princess Phantom
(She's called Ella in her human form)
18 + 5 = 23/24 when he's with nasa(still dodging being crowned, basically king without the crown, he'll take it soon... maybe that's why the justice league comes knocking [like that one fanfic where all the magic users feel it] after a long time of connecting to Amity park), Jazz would be 25/26 psychologist in Gotham, just meeting or going out with Jason, Dani is traveling places hard to reach, and is in ghost knight training. Don't know what Dan would be doing? Or Sam, Tucker & Valarie would be outside the zone
I imagine the fenton siblings towering over the Wayne's/batfam if she ever introduces them, Honestly still mad at frickin Bruce from friendly neighborhood vigilante ch. 14
Anyways the reason for this is because of the recent tall jazz fanfic had my mind running.
........This is posted some days later, I really went off track and didn't even want to post it anymore. I really just came to talk about the heights. The only reason why I finished it is because of another headcanon that formed while I was typing this, which will be in part 2 !
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absolutely-esme · 9 months
My halfas and clones headcanon
I see a lot of stories use the idea that Dani continues to be a fundamentally unstable clone who continues needing treatment for the rest of her life or even ends up melting even with treatment.  This surprised me because it went against some assumptions that I had forgotten were my idea in the first place.  I figured I would share them, in case anyone was interested.
My headcanon about how halfas (or Dannny at least) work is that the state of being is, first and foremost,  a survival adaptation.  
I imagine that the portal works by overlapping the space inside it with a corresponding space in the ghost zone.  Basically,  both spaces exist in the same space for a brief time as the portal is opening.   This would have been all fine and dandy had those spaces only contained air and inert ectoplasm, but that's not what happened.
Danny's body was put under a kind of stress that would not usually be survivable by having a hole in reality torn through the space he was occupying.  Due to the portal opening into the afterlife,  his ghost started forming right where his not-quite-dead-yet human body was.  Now his dying human body and his still-forming ghost are both in the untenable position of existing in half of the overlapped space they are occupying.  In a last-ditch attempt at survival,  the two fuse into one body which is able to fully exist in the space it occupies,  which allows the portal to finish opening as Danny is no longer in the way.  This all happens in the space of a second.  
In the following weeks,  Danny experiences a lot of craziness as the two halves of his biology integrate into a functional system.  Danny's ghost half acts as a kind of glue and maintenance system that keeps his body together and functional come hell or high water, and his human half provides a stable framework for his ghost half that allows it to keep its structure without expending energy on actively holding it.   
This being the case, Danny's ghostly half doesn't have to put as much into maintaining its physical form because it has his human half's sturdy structure made up of proteins and Calcium and whatnot.  That's why Danny changes back when he's exhausted or kOed.  If there’s one thing physical matter is good at, it's continuing on as-is without being acted on by outside forces.
Vlad did not take this into account while trying to make clones entirely from ectoplasm, which he could get for free from the ghost Zone, without any of the componentsfrom which a human body is made.  The clones didn't have that secondary structure,  so when their bodies tried to lean on it, they failed and lost structural integrity.   
Dani was a little heartier because the first thing she did was ask Danny for food and dig in when he gave her a whole lot.  This resulted in Dani's body having a collection of proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc to put to use.  Not enough to form a complete body without her ghostly side working overtime, but enough to take some of the strain off it.  
The reason Dani remained unstable after escaping Vlad the first time was because she was facing food insecurity as a homeless child.  What the Fenton Ecto-Dejecto did was one of two things.  Either it beefed up her ghostly side to let her function in a manner more similar to a full ghost, or it energized her and bought her time feed herself up.
To put it simply,  Danny's clones were unstable because Vlad didn't feed them.  They didn't need a mid-morf DNA sample, they needed the Emergency Ham.
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sweetest-honeybee · 9 months
could i ask for some miscellaneous hels facts in these trying times? :3
Ohh! I wonder what I haven’t said yet because Ecto and I still talk about all of them and I have no clue what y’all know 😂
How about these? :3
Hex (Oblivion Mumbo Hels) despises being human and often resorts to augmenting himself with his own technology. He finds value and strength in machinery and the human body is quite disgusting! He will simply sit and stare at a plate of food until it grows cold or spoils if he’s given one. Chewing and swallowing and digestion- Augh! He hates it so
I like to think a Gealach (Grian Hels) is actually most similar to a Life Series!Grian as opposed to Hermitcraft Grian. And the lil guy sure loves his pranks, of course 😌
Similar to Gea, Lesion (Original Scar Hels) is most similar to both Tycoon!Scar and Last Life’s Red Life!Scar
Sic actually has shorter hair now! He doesn’t have the long braid like he used to
The realm/dimension of Hels itself tried to replace Tango before Waltz was considered code-wise a resident of Hels and Tangos Hels at that. This other tango is named Tempo and he is very Creechur and is much like a roach 😂
Speaking of roach! My Helsknight’s name is Roach :) Both referencing his stubborn nature and, yes, Geralt’s horse
The districts operate much like a regular government. The Ridge specifically has tight borders and getting in and getting out is difficult. Being run on a dictator-partnership, there is actually propaganda, censoring, and economic rules in place to keep citizens inside the Ridge. Walls surround the district and the people are separated into classes. Hard work is valued and people will work on large projects for Clap or Bach until they quite literally drop. People who used to work in the mines would smuggle others out of the Ridge before the mines were blown up to get rid of Sic and his spiders
Sic probably babies his little spiders, to be honest
Hmm…Oh! Sever is a vex because he is a vex clone of Scar meant to be a replacement of Scar for the Vex. Lesion has and will continue to study the vex and worship them just as Scar and Cub did
The vex clone of Cub that was sent with Sever lives in the ridge. He’s worked with Patho (Etho Hels)
Hex has a body farm under his lab. He studies respawn mechanics and can now repeatedly use Oblivion’s inconsistencies to create more Mumbo Hels. This is how he creates lives to use to bring him back to life, should he die permanently. Unfortunately this lead to a Mumbo escaping and this is how Odon was created. Odon is uh. Another Mumbo Hels of mine 😂
Hels when they’re created go through a brief period of time (different for everyone) where they’re much like their counterparts or otherwise seem quite innocent. After that period, it kicks in that they’re Hels and they behind to act out and develop their individual personalities
Vespa did try to take the Dead Islands after he killed Lesion but it failed because of the shrink in his own district- people leaving and his reputation being nearly ruined. If that shrink hadn’t happened, he would currently own the Dead Islands
The Dead Islands is the only district in Hels other than the Depths where citizens use elytra. I would say Vespa’s does but only his soldiers can fly to distinguish them from other people
Genuinely, Vespa is a Dick™️
I have a Biffa Hels named Alpha who used to run the Hills (which at the time were not call the hills) with Vespa. Sever to Vespa now is much like how Vespa was to Alpha
Alphas design is heavily based on Ultron and I just think that’s pretty neat
Hmmmmmm….Gea would like the End and The Void. The Void is so kind to him and there are faces in it that recognize him for some reason
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angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
- When his parents start actively shooting at him, Danny decides now is probably a good time to let them know he’s actually Phantom so that they’ll stop doing that
- Only they are still shooting at him and keep talking about dissecting him and ghosts in general so, like a coward and a clown, he takes the procrastinators route
- He decides that telling them through a recording will allow him to create the perfect iteration of confession
- He does the first with Tucker and Sam and all three of them are terrible at communicating the details
- (“…And I know you think I robbed those stores but—and stay with me on this—there was actually an evil ringmaster that mind controlled and kidnapped me into his crime circus-“)
- (“…If you think about it since you built the portal, it’s lowkey your fault he died-“)
- (“…He actually fights more ghost than you and his sure he’s failing all of his classes because of it but-“)
- (“Ghosts aren’t actually evil! It’s just that only criminals ever actually want to come through the portal. And I know the odds of that are low, but you’ve just got to trust me when I say 90% of the information you’ve put together through your entire lives studying ecto-sciences… is wrong. And that’s okay-“
- They shelf this method of telling his parents. Until Jazz finds out…
- (“I don’t need to have studied psychology to know that if this is the only way you feel you can safely tell our parents then your relationship with mom and dad isn’t okay!!!!”)
- Jazz tries to help him compose his explanation only to get derailed several times as she also learns the ludicrous explanations to half the shit that happens in Amity Park
- Sadder vibes, as Danny just got done TUE-ing, and tries to record a new confession for the first time in a whiiiile, only to immediately cut himself off, because surely things are good as they are now. He doesn’t want to loose his parents again, especially not because they chose to abandon him. He doesn’t want to risk that pain, especially knowing what it might turn him into.
- Some secrets are worth a little consistency right…?
- Fuck bad vibes; Danny opens the next recording immediately jumping into an explanation on why his parents now have an entire other child.
- (“So this is Dani—with an i—your new daughter and my twin although we’re… I’m gonna say 3 years apart??? Now I know what you’re thinking! We didn’t have a third kid! If u aren’t thinking that, I have questions, but you can just stop watching now. Gone? No? Okay so I got cloned-“)
- (“And that is how your other four sons died-“)
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resurrectedclones · 1 year
Past and Present Mistakes
I’m having horrible writers block with my DP x DC fics so I’m falling back on old reliable. I missed my clone babies.
“Connor? Jason? Samuel?”
The tiny clone shook his head as he rejected the suggested names Liam read out of the book they’d taken from the library below their hiding place.
Elle let out a sigh and snatched the book out of Liam’s hands.
Elle tossed the book aside.
“This isn’t working. Is this really how Danny and Jazz helped you find your name?”
Liam gave a shrug.
“That’s what they started with, but I guess it really came from a news article.”
“News article?”
“Uh yeah it was mixed in with the name books Jazz brought and it had the name the town called Danny before he told them to call him Phantom. So, I may have used that as inspiration.”
Elle let out an exacerbated groan.
“So, the books weren’t even a part of it?”
Liam shrank back with a guilty look.
The tiny clone flew down and placed a hand on his cheek with a chirp to comfort him.
Liam relaxed a bit and leaned into the tiny caress.
“Yeah, we can take a break. It’s your name, you can take as much time as you want.”
Elle stood up from her position on the floor.
“Maybe getting out and taking a walk will help.”
Liam frowned in worry.
“But it’s the middle of the day. What if someone sees us?”
“So? We both look entirely human, and Tiny is small enough to go unnoticed. If you keep your hood up we’ll just look like two teenagers hanging out on the weekend.”
Tiny nodded in agreement.
Liam still didn’t seem convinced but after being outnumbered he agreed, and they headed out.
It had taken a while to get fully out of the GiW facility.
Thankfully humans, even humans who studied and hunted ghosts, often forgot that the same rules of the living world didn’t apply to ghosts.
It had just been a matter of hiding himself in the floor under the assistance scientist as they scanned her before using her body to get past the ghost shield and making a break for it. The spilled ecto dejecto on her clothes was able to hide his ecto signature long enough for him to escape.
After getting out he wasn’t really sure what to do.
Fa… Master. He wasn’t allowed to call him father unless the others were around. Master would not be happy with him if he returned to the mansion and the mission to capture Prime Daniel wasn’t completed.
The problem was he didn’t know how long he’d been in the GiW facility. He didn’t even remember being taken there. Just sensations.
The last clear memory he had was…
“We’ve been walking around for a half hour, maybe we should head back now?”
That was Prime Daniel’s voice.
“Ugh, come on nothing’s going to happen.”
That was Danielle.
This was the set up for him to attack.
Danielle would bring him outside and he would attack. Then they would…
It didn’t matter. He had to do this. Couldn’t fail. If he did then Master would stop using him and focus on the other clones.
Something panged harshly at the thought of Master harming the two clones made after him the way he had done to him. They still believed they were loved the same as Danielle and for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to shatter that illusion for them.
He was getting sidetracked. They were only a block away from turning a corner and him possibly losing sight of them.
He needed to attack now.
Liam was the first to sense the approaching ghost first, tensing and looking around just as Elle and Tiny registered their own ghost senses.
A loud roar came from above and all three clones scattered as their attacker landed where they had been only a few seconds before.
Elle recovered quickly, having more experience than her brothers. She got ready to transform and grab her brothers to get out of there, but stopped at seeing who was attacking.
A horrible pit of guilt plummeted in her gut as she stared at another brother she’d thought lost. A brother that she had overestimated and encouraged Danny to blast point blank.
The blasts that had…
Her mind recoiled at the memory on instinct just as it had for the near year since the incident.
Her attention was brought back to the situation when she saw the new clone turn and bring a fist up to strike Liam.
She flew faster than she thought possible and put up a shield before the fist came down.
Unfortunately, the larger clone didn’t listen to her and continued to pound on the shield.
Thankfully, Liam had snapped out of his shock and had transformed to help Elle keep up the shield.
“That’s one of our brother’s. Why is he attacking us?”
“I don’t know.”
Another strike to the shield had them both stumbling back. When it came to raw strength this clone definitely had them outmatched.
Two on one would probably even the odds but neither were in the mood to actually fight him.
Wait two? Where was…
Everyone froze and turned to the new voice.
It had been Tiny. However, he wasn’t very tiny at the moment, instead he was nearly to his full size and not looking very good.
Some of his features were wispy and see-through while others drooped and shifted like puddy.
Elle and Liam started for him but the larger clone was closer and got to him first.
Tiny shrank back down and curled up in the massive hands cradling him.
The large clone looked down at him worriedly.
“Tiny why would you do that? You know growing makes you less stable.”
Tiny let out a trill and the large clone’s eyes widened.
He looked over to Liam.
“You’re not Prime Daniel?”
Liam hunched his shoulders and pulled his hood down even more over his face, not sure how to react to another clone mistaking him for Danny.
Elle shook her head.
“No, this is Liam. He’s our brother. He was made after me.”
A look of horror and guilt crossed his face.
“Oh, Liam… I thought… I’m so sorry.”
Liam shrugged.
“It’s ok. Not the first time someone mistook me for Danny.”
The large clone shook his head.
“That still doesn’t make it ok. I’m still sorry.”
Liam gave a small smile and nodded showing he still forgave him.
The large clone nodded back, then looked thoughtful.
“If you were made after Danielle does that mean the mission to capture Prime Daniel was a success? Are we supposed to return to Father now?”
The large clone startled at the sudden shout from all three of his siblings.
Tiny, now stabilized back in his small form floated up and explained in hums and trills the horrors they each experienced under Vlad, shattering any illusion of him being the loving father he had tricked them into believing he was.
Elle stepped forward.
“He hurt us.”
Her eyes lingered on the many stitches and scars lining the larger clones body.
“And he hurt you too, didn’t he?”
The large clone ran his fingers over one of the scars.
“Yeah, he did…”
Tears welled up in Elle’s eyes.
“I didn’t know. You were unstable and being hurt and I…”
She was cut off by another stream of mist coming from her mouth.
Everyone looked up to see a streak of blue being chased by a streak of black and white, identified as the Box Ghost being chased by Danny.
Danny sucked the Box Ghost into the thermos and looked down at them.
He flew down to great them but before anyone could exchange any words, Elle, Liam and Tiny found themselves being pulled behind the large clone.
A glare was directed at Danny with teeth bared and fingertips extending into claws.
Danny took a step forward but that seemed to be the wrong move as the large clone lunged at him.
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wastefulreverie · 3 years
penciled lines
Vlad dies. He isn't gone written for day 26 of ectober month 2021: autopsy / pumpkin more parts of this series: 2 | 3 | 4 | 5  (links fixed)
"Daniel. Daniel, listen to me."
Plasmius floated behind him, reaching out to grab Danny's shoulder. Danny kept walking, accelerating his pace so that he was just out of Vlad's reach.
He had to get to class. Vlad's nonsense could wait until after he failed his physics exam.
"You can't let them do this to me! You of all people should understand what will happen."
Danny scoffed, not bothering to look behind him. "Maybe you should've thought of that before you got yourself killed. I mean, really. One of your little projects was bound to blow up in your face sooner or later. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you." Especially since said project had been human experimentation, vivisection. It hurt enough that the subjects had been Danny's clones, but all things considered, at least Vlad had paid the price.
Jazz didn't quite see it that way, and it was hell to see his parents so devastated over their dear friend's untimely death. But Valerie knew. She'd been the one to tell him the details of what happened, of how she'd found Vlad elbows-deep in a boy that resembled Danny Fenton. Of how she'd panicked and shot an ectoblast that just grazed Vlad's shoulder, which hit one of the cloning tanks and detonated a chain explosion. How the poor clone on the table had reacted with a final ghostly wail, decimating everything in a ten-foot radius and slamming an unsuspecting Vlad against the ceiling. Which then caved in.
Valerie's suit was the only thing that saved her from being buried alive in the lab.
Vlad, on the other hand, was dead even before the mansion collapsed.
"This isn't about your fondness for me, Daniel! If they do this, we're all in danger!"
"I don't know, sounds like a you-problem."
Danny ducked into his classroom, slamming the door in Plasmius's face. Of course, the bastard phased right through and followed him to his desk.
Ugh, what would it take to get him to leave?
He'd already tried the thermos, but Plasmius knew too well how to evade it. He wouldn't budge without a fight first, a fight that Danny didn't have the time for.
This exam was one-third of his grade, after all.
"Daniel," Plasmius hissed again. "Daniel, we don't have time for this."
Mr. Falluca was beginning to hand out the exams. Besides the soft rustling of paper and scratching of graphite, the room was silent. Dammit. Was Vlad going to torment him during the entire exam?
"You have to fly to the morgue, now. The autopsy is this afternoon. They're going to scan my body for ecto-contamination and it'll all be over. They'll know about half-ghosts."
… what.
Why should Vlad care about half-ghosts? It wasn't like he was one anymore. Hell, he'd died experimenting on their kind! If anything, all Vlad cared about was protecting his reputation and estate!
Fuck him.
Once he was out of this room, Vlad was getting the pummeling of his afterlife. He'd see to it.
"Everything alright, Mr. Fenton?" Mr. Falluca asked.
Danny's pencil was broken. He wasn't sure when it had snapped—when he'd snapped it. Mr. Falluca looked concerned though, concerned enough to ask about it.
Danny brushed it off.
He expected Dash, who was only a couple seats away, to laugh as always. Instead, Dash rolled his eyes and kept to himself. There'd been talk around school about Vlad's death and it wasn't a secret he was a Fenton family friend. Huh. Guess Dash did have a heart, albeit a small one.
"You've got this, Mr. Fenton," Mr. Falluca assured.
Maybe if there wasn't a self-centered ghost leaning over his shoulder. He felt like that added a lot of unnecessary pressure.
"You're wasting your time!" Plasmius snapped. "There will be other exams, Daniel."
The first question was simple. On a stationary object, there are two forces. Draw these forces.
"Once they know about half-ghosts, they know! That can't be taken back!"
Free body diagrams are child's play.
"Why aren't you listening to me?"
He drew a box on a line, two arrows jutting out of the top and bottom of the box.
Just… keep working.
"I shouldn't have to explain the severity of this!"
Normal force and gravitational force. Mr. Falluca would count off points if they weren't labeled right.
Plasmius flew forward, his torso now in Danny's desk. He couldn't see his paper now.
"This is in your best interest, Daniel!"
Goddammit. His best interest?
Forgetting himself, Danny grabbed a fistful of Plamius's cape and pulled him to the side. "And since when did you care about me!"
The scratching of pencils stopped.
Chairs creaked as people turned back to stare at Danny. Who was clutching onto nothing but dead air.
Fuck Vlad.
He would kill Vlad twice, no, thrice?
Again. He'd kill Vlad again.
Mr. Falluca groaned. "What now, Mr. Fenton?"
Danny released Plasmius and cleared his throat. "Uh, I'm good. Just… was confused?"
"Solid excuse," Plasmius informed him.
"... shut up," he muttered.
Mr. Falluca raised a brow. "Excuse me?"
"Nothing! Nothing, I swear. I'll be quiet now."
No one looked convinced. Danny felt his cheeks rush with cold, and not-so-subtly covered them with both hands. The rush of cold meant ectoplasm, ectoplasm meant green blush. That wasn't right. He couldn't let them see.
"You're a mess," Plasmius retorted. "If you let them find out that I was a half-ghost, it will only be a matter of time before they connect the dots. Once they know it's possible, both of your identities will be on the line. Only a matter of time until they try to replicate what happened to us. You have to stop the autopsy."
He didn't want to admit that Vlad sort of had a point.
People finding out that Vlad was a half-ghost wouldn't bode well for Danny at all. Chances were his parents would be among some of the first few consulted about it… and if the GIW got wind of it then who knows what twisted experiments they'd dream up.
But why did it need to be him? If Vlad felt so strongly about it, he could do it himself.
He could sabotage his own damn autopsy.
Danny turned over his exam packet to the back. There was a blank page.
do it yourself? he wrote.
Plasmius scoffed. "If I could, I would! Your mother and father caught me last time I was in the morgue and set up a ghost shield."
… of course they did.
and you want me to go thru? then what?
"Well, my entire body is imbued with ectoplasm. It's not like there's a way to undo that. Ideally, just steal my body and phase it deep into the ground somewhere."
Oh, Mom and Dad would be pissed about that. They'd taken on the funeral preparations. If they found out that Phantom stole their best friend's body…
Well, actually, them thinking that Phantom was a body snatcher was better than them finding out about half-ghosts.
He'd take it.
after the exam. just this one class.
Plasmius groaned. "We don't have much time, Daniel."
buy some time. haunt the doctor until I'm done. I'll be there.
Before Plasmius could protest, Danny flipped his exam back over and resumed with question two.
"If you don't show up, I will make your life miserable," he threatened.
Danny rolled his eyes. Like he wasn't doing that now.
Plasmius, with one last flourish of his cape, flew through Danny and out through the nearest wall. That bastard—!
At least he was gone. That's all that mattered.
Now, he was able to focus on his exam.
Danny slammed his pencil down on his desk once again. "For fuck's sake!"
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reading-wanderer · 2 years
Something I think doesn’t get talked about with Kindred Spirits is that Danny was talking out of his ass about Vlad not stabilizing Danielle. Danny actually has no clue whatsoever about what Vlad actually plans to do next.
Here’s the thing— Vlad can’t know if just getting the mid-morph DNA is actually going to fully fix the melting problem (and given that the Ecto-dejecto worked it possibly wouldn’t have). However, he has a fully functioning already semi-stable clone right there (Danielle) that he can use to test it out and push her to her limits to verify that the melting problem is actually gone before giving it to his “perfect” clone. >It would make more sense For him to use it on her than not
Plus, as far as making Danielle overshadow Danny? I can see some logic there. (Under cut for length reasons)
So. By having the tiny clone overshadow Danny first, Vlad potentially gets what he wants without putting his more stable clone at risk, but the tiny clone failing also shows Danny what happens if he fights being overshadowed by the clones (I.e. the clones die). Win-win, the clone was like an inch from dying/literally falling apart/probably un-save-able anyway.
Then you have Danielle. She already has experience overshadowing people without melting, as demonstrated by the end of the episode, And Danny has pack-bonded with her at least enough to try and get her on his side. By having her doing the overshadowing, Danny has to decide whether not letting Vlad gets what he wants is more important than Danielle’s life. And Vlad is banking on his Heroic Nature not letting him take a life (or at least not one that that Danny actually acknowledges as a person unlike the other clones that he killed without really thinking about).
As far as Vlad knows, Danielle is dying anyway without the mid-morph sample. The choice is then ‘her dying for nothing’ or ‘her only Potentially dying and maybe getting the sample he needs to potentially stabilize her and/or the “perfect” clone’.
As for why Vlad himself couldn’t overshadow Danny (because that really would be the most obvious choice)— cross contamination. The clones are close enough to Danny that any crossover would still be basically Danny’s DNA and since they’re missing the bit Vlad needs there’s, theoretically, no way for them to overwrite that piece. If Vlad does it, then there’s a chance that His DNA/midmorph sample may get mixed in and mess up what he needs from Danny. (And given the lengths he’s going to, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he’s already tried his own or concluded that his own wouldn’t work for -insert reason here-)
Side note: Danny calling the other clones mindless was ehh. He didn’t really spend enough time with any of them to make that call. Because they Do have some level of emotion and they have enough mental ability to speak, respond to commands, and do things on their own. They’d be closer mentally to small children than anything— which would make sense since they would be months old at most. At the very least the “perfect” clone was probably going to be at least as sentient as Danielle given that they were suppose to be perfect.
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I have two suggestions for the Gray Ghost AU.
1: Wes Weston is no longer under suspicion of being a Ghost. Now, he is under suspicion of being the Phantom Hunter. He is athletic, fits the build, is on record as saying he wants to fight Ghosts, and has access to the tech (just BS a connection to the GiW or Axiom). The difference this makes in his regular life is mostly null... except for the fact that Ghosts now keep targeting him for retribution attacks. Danny goes out of his way to obscure his identity from everyone, meaning Wes is seen as them catching Phantom Hunter off guard. I imagine him trying to pin it on Danny but because he so clearly disdains his parent's work, literally no one believes him.
2: The idea of Danny getting his hands on an Ectoplasm enhanced suit like the Technus upgrade Val got to her suit, most likely given by Maddie as a way to bond with Danny (and further prep him for a transformation into a Halfa). Except given his preexisting contamination (his mum is half Ghost) and Maddie messing with the suit, he ends up with the suit now fusing to him more thoroughly. After reading too many Iron Man comics, I picture something like his Bleeding Edge armour. It is basically stored mostly in his body, and he can augment it with extra technology. This would probably be a win scenario for Maddie because this puts Danny even further into Halfa territory. This also makes things more tragic with Val. Because not only has Maddie betrayed Danny to experiment on him, but because it means Val failed to stop this happening to someone she cares about. Also, this opens up a new opportunity for one of the Clones: one who is now a more pronounced cyborg made with a prototype of the suit Maddie gave to Danny, maybe he looks like the Terminator or something. For extra irony, he's the nicest one and likes gardening or something. I know this can be taken further, but I'm not able to focus on it more due to exhaustion.
Also, your idea is great, and thank you for sharing it with us and letting us all throw our suggestions at you. Thanks for all the good content.
no thank you! this stuff is always way more fun and interesting when it's collaborated! most of these ideas wouldn't exist without other people's suggestions, even the initial prompt! ✨
also @everystarstorm this will answer your ask too ~ y'all sharing a braincell today haha
1. omg yes YES yes this is perfect absolutely 100%
Wes just cannot catch a break in ANY universe (the concept of Walter Weston working for Vlad has been a Thing so we can keep that around here since Vlad works at Axion and that can be the connection, maybe Walter is just the paperwork guy or the company's legal attorney)
I also had a suggestion from @burns-art-account that Valerie gets her own version of a Wes, but like since the name Wes initially came from a joke about Sam's name being misread upside down, we could do the same with one of Val's friends, like Star could be Jets or Jeqs, or something like that
although I think this person would be less open and vocal about Valerie since her popularity would make it impossible to point a finger at without being laughed at by the whole school (I mean just look at Wes, his target is just some nerdy kid and he's still a laughingstock), so this character could be a little more subtle in trying to get evidence to out Val, it would make a pretty funny running gag if every time she got a chance to photograph Val transforming or capture some kind of evidence, something always gets in the way at the last moment, like a bird flying in front of the camera or something
2. I want to keep Danny getting the suit from Technus because I'd want this universe's version of that episode to still happen because it was a great episode between these two and it could still work with the switch around
but Maddie really would have to change course with her portal plan because this whole thing could actually make that more difficult for Maddie, all of her calculations weren't made with a highly ecto-contaminated person in mind, this would mean she would have to readjust the portal's design between Danny and the rest of her family, or actually just throw that plan away in favour of working with this new angle
she could realise that her kids HAVE picked up some traits from her because yeah a normal human shouldn't be able to do that to ghost tech
the idea that Maddie does add to his arsenal is good, once she figures out that any tech he uses gets absorbed into his suit she starts making more weaponry that's super compatible with him, possibly even making stuff that will purposely contaminate him further to bring him closer to being like a halfa (this would be a pretty huge step in Maddie's villain development because now she's resorted to experimenting on her own son, she's losing sight of why she's doing all this in the first place) it would be really cool to see Maddie gradually losing her maternal motherly nature to the cold calculating scientist
like her warmth used to feel at least somewhat genuine deep down but now it just feels like a part she's playing, slimy and sinister, she was always manipulative but she had a real genuine care for her family underneath, she thought she was doing the right thing, but that love and care is slipping away into just doing whatever it takes to get what she wants, to complete her experiment
also I was thinking about the cloning ep being set kinda earlier in this universe, so that would have happened pre-upgrade, but the idea of there being a cyborg clone made later is super cool, and then we could get a clone centric episode where the other clones try to convince this newer more dangerous clone to join their family, and yes him becoming the sweetest, nicest clone is *mwah* perfection
that ep could pave the way and maybe even foreshadow Maddie's eventual experimentations on Danny himself
and the repercussions on Val oooooof, she would feel so guilty, she would feel so much like she let him down and she couldn't save him from becoming something he never wanted to be and now it's getting to a point where it'll be too late for him to get back to normal
and since we've established in a previous post that Vlad knows about Danny, he could even play as Danny's one guiding light, warning him that if he keeps doing this he won't be able to turn back, and his interactions with Danny could give us some insight to what's going on in Danny's head, he's trying so hard to point Danny away from all this while his own mother is more subtly encouraging him and pushing him in the other direction, like a shoulder angel/shoulder devil kinda thing
these are some great ideas thank you for sharing! ❤️❤️
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dani-halfa · 4 years
Vlad and loneliness
Vlad Masters (also known as Plasmius) is one of the most iconic characters of Danny Phantom. He's one of main antagonists of the series and he's the archienemy of Danny.
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Vlad is a clever, cunning man that knows how to manipulate people into doing he wants. He's very good at keeping up his facade, knowing the right words he has to use to gain others' trust.
What makes him such a dangerous foe is not his powers but his manipulation. He likes playing mind games with Danny, often confusing and tricking him.
From what was implied in "Bitter Reunions" Vlad used to be a normal man until he got infected by ectoplasm in a lab accident back in his college days. Jack told Danny how they used to be best friends before the accident happened. After that they never spoke to each other ever again.
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The ectoplasm infection left Vlad hospitalized for years and in Jack's words "it killed his social life".
"He was hospitalized with a horrible case of ecto-acne.It devastated him... and killed his social life."
Vlad after Jack makes a joke about football: "I never had any old moves! All those years in the hospital robbed me of that!"
From these lines of dialogue it's easy to understand why Vlad holds a grudge against Jack since the event "robbed him many years of his life".
It's also very evident by his words and actions in the series that the accident not only affected him physically but also it distorted him mentally. Vlad shows to suffer from an undiagnosed mental illness in the episodes he appears. He lacks empathy for those they considered him a friend and has a very twisted version of how relationships work.
In his mind, Jack "stole" the life he should have had, he stole Maddie from him and thinks that Danny should be his son.
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Vlad is desperate for getting revenge on Jack and getting Maddie and Danny to join his side. He doesn't care about the extreme methods he uses, as long as he gets what he wants.
This unhealthy obsession seems to come from the constant loneliness he suffers from. Vlad is a person who would do anything it takes to be loved by someone, even if that includes hurting other people.
"I. Am. Not. A. Fruit. Loop! And I am not a villain. All I wanted was love."
But because he fails to understand how normal relationships work,he ends up pushing everyone away. He's a very toxic individual who doesn't consider how he makes others feel. He's very controlling, thinking that people are just his pawns.
In you want the best example of this, look not further than "Maternal instincs": after chasing Danny away with ghosts (Danny didn't have any of his ghost powers) he really thinks that Danny would chose become his "son".
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Another episode that really explores his mentallity is in "Kindred spirits": In this episode was revealed that during all this time he had been trying to clone Danny.
"Bad clones. Mistakes. And I would watch a hundred more failures devolve into ectoplasm to get the perfect half clone ghost son."
The most ironic thing about this episode was that he already had a clone who considered him her father: Danielle.
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Danielle seemed to like Vlad and called him a few times "father" and "dad". The problem again was that Vlad was so obsessed we getting his perfect clone son he didn't care about her.
This made Dani realize he was using her and decided to help Danny with escaping and defeating Vlad.
Vlad serves as a foil for Danny for this reason: While Danny gains more allies and friends, Vlad loses everyone who cares about him because of his toxic personality.
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Seeing he fails at getting the love he wants, he tries getting more money and power to fill his void but it's never enough for him. It seems to make him feel more lonely and miserable.
In the end of the series (if you consider Phantom Planet canon) his destiny becomes the thing he feared the most: Loneliness. He's condemned to roam in the void space alone after tricking everyone on Earth and failing at saving it from the asteroid.
At its core, Vlad was someone who wanted to be loved but because of his personality, he didn't know how to have healthy relationships with others and that made him only become more lonely than he already was. In a way, his character quite tragic, since he was too blinded to see how was losing everyone. Once he lost everything, he understood how he took his things for granted.
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phantoms-lair · 4 years
The Ghost Town Job Snippet 4
(Not much Leverage Crew in this. Also I planned for this to take place right before Kindred Spirits, before I remembered Lancer bringing up Vlad’s becoming mayor in part one. So for the sake of this fic, Kindred spirits happened after Eye for an Eye)
"So," Valerie’s voice was no less threatening than usual. "If you knew Vlad was scum the whole time, why didn't you tell anyone?" 
Phantom looked at her in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? I think I've made it pretty clear since before he landed in Amity Park I hated him." 
"Yeah, and most ghosts hate the living. Why not share the details you obviously had?" Valerie folded her arms at him. 
"First off, that's not true. Second, I didn't know about that until we found her today, Third..." Phantom trailed off and looked away. For a moment Valerie though he wasn't going to finish. "...My mom." 
"Nice try. Ghosts don't have Moms." Valerie charged her weapons in threat. 
But Phantom looked more unimpressed than threatened. "You do realize I used to be a normal human, right?" 
It felt like a punch in the gut, because no she very much did not. It was easy to fall into the thought pattern of ghosts being these malevolent alien beings she'd somehow forgotten they were people that had died. "What does you Mom have to do with anything?" she hoped she didn't sound as shaken as she felt. 
"Vlad's obsessed with her. He currently thinks he can slime his way into her heart through his money and good image. If he loses that-" Phantom seemed to shrink in on himself. "He might go for being more direct, like not letting her have a say." 
Oh. Oh &$*) Valerie switched her weapons off and flopped down. This was too much in way too short a time. Her mentor she'd been trying to make proud was an amoral madman creating half-ghost clones in the basement of his manor, Phantom was a teen like her who had died, and was trying to protect his mom. And this wasn't even starting on the thief who'd broken into Vlad's house. "Anything else You want to tell me to shatter my world." 
“'Want' is a strong word." Phantom grumbled. 
 Valerie groaned. "What is it?" 
Phantom looked like he really didn't want to continue. "The reason he's trying to create a half ghost kid is, okay, you need to promise you're not going to do something stupid." He started pacing midair. "What am I saying, of course you're going to do something stupid. You've been manipulated and lied to and of course you want to hurt him, I want to hurt him." 
"But when you find out you can, you'll go after him and he's in public and be exposed, and then he won't have any reason to hold back." 
"He's gonna kill Dad. It's easy enough to stop his covert plans, but if he goes brute force full power I can't stop him, I-" 
"Danny!" She didn't like using his first name, not when he shared it with someone she actually liked, but she hoped it would be enough to snap him out of the spiral he was heading into. Sure enough, he head snapped up and his eyes looked, for lack of a better word, haunted. "I don't just hunt for revenge, I do it to protect people. No matter how much I want his head on a pike, I won't put someone else in danger. Including you family." The thought that he had one still made her stomach twist, but she had to get past it.
He took a deep breath (why did he need to breath???) and let it out slowly. "Vlad's half ghost." 
That made no sense, which actually helped her keep what little calm she had left. "You want to break that down for me?" 
"There was an accident in college and- actually better example. Remember that Ghost flu thing? Where everyone seemed to be getting random ghost powers?” “I remember,” Valerie said dryly. She almost destroyed so much of her things through accidental ecto-blasts. At least it gave her practice for controlling the cube lasers in her upgraded suit.
“Like that, but more powers and permanent. And he’s got 20 years to get those powers under his control. In addition he has alliances with a lot of ghosts like Skulker, so minions too." 
"So all this is trying to create someone like him?” It didn’t excuse what she saw, the failed clones, the dissections, but it was at least understandable.” 
"Not just anyone, he's trying to recreate me. My mother's child who would share something with him, something one no else would. He's trying to recreate me as their child."
Valerie suddenly understood why Phantom had thrown up when the got out of the house, she could feel her stomach twisting. "Her human DNA?" God she hoped the answer wasn't what she thought. 
"Probably mine too." 
"Fuck." Because what else was there to say. “We have to save her.”
“I know.” There had been such a temptation to just grab her and get out, but he’d overheard the same conversation between the intruder and whoever she was talking to. The girl wasn’t stable yet and removing her from the pod would kill her. “Maybe we should help the lady who broke into Vlad’s.”
Valerie gave him a look. “You want us to work with a random thief?”
“One, she is a very good thief to get through all of Vlad’s defense. Two, she wanted to save the girl as much as we did, and was stopped for the same reason. Three," Danny threw his arms up. "What could we do next? She's half human. She's going to need food, clothes, a safe place to sleep at night. I can't supply any of that for her. If thief lady is an adult who'd care for her, she can give her a much better life than I could." "What about your family? Wouldn't they be happy to have a part of you that's still alive?" Phantom winced and Valerie realized how cruel a statement that was. But before she could apologize (no matter how much is galled her) Phantom spoke first. "I want to believe that. I want to so badly. But I don't know. Mom and Dad...they don't like ghosts. They think we're all monsters. And while I want to think they could look past the half ghost thing and see her as a person I'm not sure." There was a lot to unpack there, and for the most part Valerie didn't care to. Too many paradigm shifts in one day, she wasn't going to start feeling sympathy for the ghost who ruined her life. "I miss this morning, when my only concern was whether I could blast you out of the sky." 
Phantom snorted. "And I miss thinking you were so low on the danger scale you needed Kwan to beat people up for you. Disabused me of that real fast." 
Valerie sat up, studying the ghost who hadn't seemed to think he'd said anything unusual. But when he had described was when she'd been one of the popular kids, a status she lost before becoming the Huntress. A time in her life Phantom had no reason to know anything about. Unless... "Did we know each other? Before you died?" 
Phantom winced, though whether it was from the mention of his death or the detail of his former life he'd accidentally brought up she couldn't say. "I wouldn't say we knew each other. Like I knew of you 'cause you were one of the A-list kids, but it's not like we ever spoke before the accident." 
He'd attended Casper High before dying in an accident. His parents were anti-ghost. And Valerie realized she filing away clues in her mind. Somewhere in this horrible day she'd discovered Phantom had been a person like her. And if she needed a diversion to keep her from lighting up the mayor, uncovering the mystery of who Phantom has been was a hell of a distraction.
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phantomgirl15 · 4 years
We Aren’t Just Clones
Okay! Request done for @dp-marvel94! This was so much fun to write and I took a take on the clones that I never thought I would touch. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! Hoping to have it posted on my AO3 account later which can be found in my description if you would rather read this request on there.
Words: 5,686
Dani looked out the window and sighed, her teacher droning on about how when writing proper essays there were introductions and paragraphs and conclusions that needed to be used correctly. He talked about how sentence structure was an important part of how the essay was written. She didn't care. It was eighth grade, and she already knew that she had much more important things to think about than if her sentence said: "a" as opposed to "the". There were better things to think about, like Outerspace.
She felt a shiver run up her spine as she looked out the window, a small blue wisp passing through her line of vision for a moment as her hand shot into the air, faster than it ever had. The teacher gave Dani the usual dirty look before asking what lame excuse was going to be given this time.
"Uhh... well, you see, I need to... feed my brother..?"
"Feed. Your brother."
Dani gave the teacher an awkward smile as she saw the glare of disapproval.
"Miss Fenton, I had your brother, Danny, right? I highly doubt you need to feed him, he seemed to be capable while I had him."
"Well, yes, but you didn't let me finish. I need to feed my brother's dog."
Dani wriggled in her seat, the cold running up her spine again, the ghost getting closer to her with each passing moment. She wanted out of that class more than anything.
"Go. I expect to see you after classes are done today for your detention."
"Yes, Sir!"
Dani dashed out of the room, her belongings going with her. She shoved her hand into her backpack while sprinting through the hallways, grabbing a thermos and strapping it to her belt as she felt a cold pass over her whole body and her black and white suit covered most of her skin. She began levitating off the ground and was able to blast through the halls, phasing through the wall and ending up in the sky outside the building, a cry of relief coming from her throat.
Dani flew in the direction that her ghost sense was pointing her in. She saw two figures in the distance and sped herself up, hands now plastered to her sides from the wind. She slowed down as she saw the two ghosts, one of them being her brother, Danny, who automatically turned his head to face her and gave her a look of shock as he realized she was there.
"Oh no..."
Danny looked to see his little sister as he felt her core getting closer to him. She sheepishly grinned at him and he groaned, his hands already full with whatever ghost was looking back at him. He saw the pale skin coming closer to him, large muscles bulging beneath the grey epidermis. He saw the large scar traveling all the way around the head, and the black cuffs around the wrists. Danny tried to get the ghost to talk, calling out to what he assumed was a "him" from how low the ghost's voice was while mumbling under its breath lightly.
"So do you want to tell me why you're not wearing a shirt? Or shoes? Cause without either of those I can't give you any service!"
Danny felt his sister pull up next to him, the ghost looking around in fear as Danny threw a rope made from his ecto-energy around it and tied it to a light post.
"Are you going to say anything?"
The ghost stared at Danny in silence, fear filling its eyes. Danny threw his hands up in frustration, a loud groan coming from him as he floated upwards a bit, giving up and knowing he had time until that ghost started talking.
"Fine, Do YOU have anything to say for yourself?"
Danny turned to Dani and saw her blushing green as he angrily looked to her. She stuttered out that she wanted to help him and get out of class for a little bit.
"Why aren't you in school?! What made you think I needed your help with a ghost who's less of a threat than the Box Ghost?!"
"I didn't like my class and I didn't..."
"You didn't what?"
Danny turned his body away from her, her eyes drifting towards the left as she tried to explain herself to Danny. He almost wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.
"You need to stay in school! You're almost done with eighth grade and still have a chance to accomplish your goals. You still have a chance to do what I'll never be able to do."
Danny turned his top half towards her, letting his lower half turn a moment later, his voice stern as he looked at her with disapproval. Dani tried to explain herself, but Danny wouldn't have it.
"Danielle Jamie Fenton, go back to school now. I don't need your help with this ghost and you still have a chance to go to college. You still have a chance to get good grades in high school and pass the standardized tests, both of which I failed at. I have no chances."
"But, Danny it's boring and I don't need to be in class the material is too easy and..."
"You have to go back. Jeez, Dani, you're just a stupid clone and supposed to do what you're told!"
Danny instantly regretted what he had said to his sister, watching her eyes widen as she floated above the ground. She sniffled for a moment before Danny wrapped his arms around her and apologized. He felt his own self-hatred dissipating as he tried to comfort her after what he had said.
"Dani, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it, I promise. You're not just a clone, I just don't want you to feel the same way I do about failing. You're a smart girl, I promise you aren't my clone, I didn't mean it. You're not just a clo..."
"Daniel. Fenton. Clone?"
Danny and Dani both jumped and looked to the ghost who had questioned who was in front of it. Danny gave it a questioning look and let go of Dani, reaching an arm out as Dani rushed past him and floated closer to the ghost, her face even with the ghost's face. Danny sighed and quickly made himself even with Dani, floating just in front of the giant ghost that made Danny think of the monster from the classic movie and novel.
"Yeah, my name is Danny. We did say clone. Was that something important to you?"
"I clone of Daniel. Fenton."
"Are you... Are you sure?"
Danny was taken aback as he saw this monstrosity and it said that it was his clone. He now knew for sure that the ghost was a guy.
"Father said find Phantom. Father mean. Father scary."
Danny exchanged glances with Dani, an uneasy feeling in both of their stomachs as they realized what was happening. Dani floated up to him and forced the rope Danny had used to hold him to the pole to disintegrate and let the ghost go.
"Come on. You wanna come and stay with us?"
"Can have home?"
"Yeah, C'mon Frankenstein. You need a good home, just like us. You won't have to be afraid of your new dad. Unless you're afraid of fudge."
"You sure?"
Danny didn't even say anything, just motioned for the other two versions of him to follow him back to his home, waiting to see what his family would say when he tried to explain what had happened.
. . .
"Another clone?"
Their mom questioned as Danny and Dani stood in front of the giant ghost that Danny had nicknamed Frankenstein. Dani flinched and bit her lip as Maddie rubbed at the bridge of her nose. Danny rubbed at his neck with his left hand like usual.
"You know the spare room is a mess right now. You should have given me a heads up so I could fix that. He'll have to stay in the ops center tonight. You two are welcome to join him if he needs comfort. I'll try to get the room clean after tonight so he can have his own room."
"Thanks, mom!"
The kids ran up to the ops center while Maddie stood in the kitchen sighing, knowing that the spare room on the second floor needed to be cleaned and began walking up to the room and seeing all of the old ghost hunting weapons that Danny and Dani were uncomfortable with, even after coming out about their ghostly alter egos.
. . .
So, Frankenstein, what's Vlad doing?"
"Fath... Vlad mean. Vlad cruel. Vlad hurt brothers. Vlad focus on Perfect Son. Vlad disappointed in us."
"Us? Who's us?"
Dani sat herself up on one of the desks in the upper lab area, her phone in her hand as she ordered pizza for the three of them. She gave a questioning look to the large ghost as Danny opened the blinds, sunlight streaming into the open floor layout. He was only able to freeze as he saw Frankenstein walk over to the window waving.
"What are you doing...?"
"Hi, brother!"
Danny and Dani exchanged looks as they saw another ghost flying towards the window, what looked like a sheet draped around the body. The heard Frankenstein clapping and prancing with joy, his mohawk bouncing slightly as he hopped around.
"Put in an order for another pizza, I have a feeling we're gonna be here a while."
Danny whispered to Dani and she quickly nodded, what they assumed was the next clone phasing through the window and hovering just above the floor. Dani looked at him and half-smiled.
"Uhhh... Hi?"
Danny waved once, flicking his hand through the air, confusion filling his mind as he waited for something more than a hello. He sat motionless for a moment, before being almost barrelled over by the larger clone rushing past him, grabbing the small little ghost in a sheet and wrapping him between large biceps and the chest area. The sheet had fallen, and the other two saw the small, black, top half of a skeleton.
"Brother! You here!"
"Faaaaatheeerrrrr saaaaiid to fiiiind the Phaaaaantoooommm."
"That's us. Is your dad Plasmius?"
Dani asked, and both ghosts nodded violently, their heads looking like they were about to fall off from how quickly they were being shaken.
"Great... that guy is a real pain in the neck. What has he been doing this time?"
"Experiments have been done on us repeatedly. They've caused the last one to be unstable, all except for Father's "perfect son" that he says will be completed soon. But that was days ago."
Danny stopped the ghost by holding his hand up. He heard the words being held out too long to make them sound more like how the ghosts from Halloween speak and would say any words. He grabbed his phone and called Jazz on it for a moment. The skeleton looked at him, nervous about why Danny had stopped him in the middle of explaining.
"Uh huh... okay. Thanks, Jazz."
Danny hung up and took a deep breath.
"Jazz is gonna teach both of you how to properly speak. Whether that be without elongating words or create proper sentences. She's gonna make it so that we can understand all of you. If you could try to speak so I can understand, I want to know what else is happening."
The skeleton nervously let himself float downwards and lean up against the window, what appeared to be a spine curving with the floor so the clone appeared to be seated. Dani walked over and tried to comfort him, but the ghost saw the hands coming towards him and was filled with fear so that Dani had to pull away. Obviously, Vlad had done more experiments on what Danny was thinking of calling Skelly than he had done on Frankenstein.
A knock on the front door interrupted the eerie silence in the ops center and Danny told Dani to grab the pizza from the front door. He stood with the other two, who were really comforting each other with what Danny figured was a strong trust from the fact that they were technically siblings. He kneeled in front of Skelly and put a hand on his knee.
"Hey, man. I know you're scared. I know this seems to be like PTSD cause of what Vlad did to you, but I want you to know that you're welcome here, that you're me and Dani's brothers, and that Jazz can give you therapy sessions to make the memories with Vlad a little easier to process."
The skeleton and giant looked at Danny and slightly nodded, Danny, knowing that it was the same thing he would have done so that he didn't look weak. He smirked, thinking that maybe they were related. He stood back up, hearing Dani walking back into the ops center. He looked at her and smiled, but it quickly fell as he saw the look of concern on her face.
The pizza was in one hand, and a slight green glow was found in the other. Danny walked up to her hand and saw what looked like a small pixie sized version of him lying passed out in her hand.
"That brother two!"
"Like, brother number two, or another brother?"
The giant pressed his pointer finger to his chin, trying to figure out what it meant. Danny pressed his hand against his face, pinching the bridge of his nose as his hand lowered.
"Work with me, Frankie. How many more clones, are there? Skelly?"
"Just one after this one. But it's the "perfect son". This brother is the last one of us. Of the mistakes."
Dani firmly stated that they were not mistakes. That they were people, with their own minds, just like her and Danny, and he agreed.
"You help brother? Brother melty."
"He is unstable from the experiments. Even more unstable when he's full size rather than minuscule. Please, can you stabilize him? Can you save him?"
Danny motioned to the door, and the others followed him, hoping to find a cure for the instability. The lab was a disaster, the little clone still passed out and not responding, one eye missing and the consistency of the epidermis proving to be gelatinous. Danny scanned the lab trying to if any experiment would prove useful.
He heard a call from Skelly from across the room.
"Will this do anything? It's labeled to be a stabilizing fluid."
Danny grabbed the vial and saw that it was the same liquid as what he spritzed Dani with. He handed it back to Skelly and nodded grimly. The ghost grabbed the needle and watched his hand shaking slightly, tapping the bubbles from the vial before inserting it into his brother's arm.
He was not one that was fond of needles, but he was less fond of losing his brother. He watched as the fluid was injected slowly, a thick liquid making it look even more disgusting to a non-medical professional. He looked at Danny and saw a nod of approval.
Frankenstein and Skelly watched their last misfit brother and watched as his body melted between Dani's fingers and fell to a puddle on the floor. Screams of terror echoed around the room, Jazz running down the stairs thinking that she had been hearing screams of a traumatic experience, which was true.
"Danny! What happened."
"Wait for it..."
Danny held up his finger, shushing Jazz as she walked into his hand, nobody's eyes leaving the puddle on the ground. Skelly and Frankie cried in front of the puddle, the green goop showing reflections of the tearful eyes.
A moment passed in pure silence before the puddle began to ripple across the surface. The clones stopped crying and watched the little ghost suddenly zip out of the puddle, his energy glowing brighter than it ever had as he zoomed in circles around the room. Danny and Dani fist-bumped as they saw the expected results.
The little zippy ghost floated over to the others, talking fast and higher-pitched from his smaller size, thanking them for saving him.
"You guys don't quite understand, I cannot thank you enough for saving me I thought I was done for! You must be Danny, and you must be Dani, and you must be Danny and Dani's sister Jazz, and you guys are awesome and are we all related in some way? Do I get to call you bro and sis?"
"Woah woah woah. Slow down little jibber-jay."
Jazz held her hands up and offered to shake the little guy's hands, Danny snickering and calling the little guy Tiny. The ghost suddenly had a bright flash of light around him and was full size. Danny took a double-take and his jaw fell open, entertaining the two other clones, Tiny laughing slightly, the only difference being that he was a mirror of Danny, his hair parted to the left rather than the right, being left-handed rather than right-handed, his smile lopsided on the right as opposed to the left, and had two right feet rather than two left. His laugh was also slightly deeper than Danny's, the voice coming out smooth and happy rather than Danny's constant voice cracks and anxious tone.
"You guys okay?"
Tiny hovered a bit off the floor, leaning back on the air. He laughed a bit more, his personality was the opposite of Danny's. His calm composure made him understand why this clone was experimented on the most out of all three brothers. Danny saw that he was trying to play cool even though he was having traumatic memories even worse than his brothers'.
He looked like he was happy, however, to be in a safe environment. He looked like he could get used to it easily, and Danny knew he now had three new brothers as opposed to what was going to be two, which was supposed to be one. He sighed and made sure to mentally note that they would need to produce "adoption papers" to make the three feel welcome, even though they had nowhere else to go and his family was already going to be welcoming them with open arms.
"So... ummm... what about the "perfect son" that Father kept talking about?"
Tiny tried waving his hand in front of Danny's eyes, getting chuckles that relieved his anxiety from his brothers, and a small "what?" from Danny. Dani telling Jazz that they would be back upstairs for the therapy when they were ready. Jazz nodded and walked to the stairs, wishing her five siblings luck.
"Well, you guys need to not call him "Father" that's weird. We call him Plasmius. Or Vlad. Or Fruit-Loop. Whatever fits your style. And, you'll have to tell me about the "perfect son". I don't know about that."
Tiny lowered himself, his happy-go-lucky spirit weakening for a moment. Skelly dipped his head, and Frankie tried to look anywhere else to avoid eye contact.
They began to explain;
"The perfect son is the clone of you that Vlad takes the most pride in. He tried to make another you, supposedly for love, but we assume he wanted an obedient son that he could use as a sidekick. He ordered us, we felt no love. He ended up destroying more clones than just us. We were three of the five who didn't fall apart instantly. Dani was one, we were three, the perfect son is the last one.
He is perfect, at least in Vlad's eyes. He is supposedly half-ghost, Vlad had been a stalker and found your mid-morph DNA, and tried to make the clone stabile. And he succeeded. That clone is functioning, but he does not have his own mind, at least, he doesn't get control over what he gets to do. He might as well not be alive at all, because Vlad won't let him live.
We thought we would be able to love him, to hang out with him into the late hours. But we didn't. Nobody - Nothing - was allowed to be anywhere near the "perfect son". We don't even know if he has a name now. If he does, it would be Daniel. Unlike us. We were unnamed the whole time. The nicknames Danny has provided us are as close as we're gonna get to names."
The eerie sound of their voices all in unison gave Danny chills, his mind racing to try and decide what was going to happen to Vlad next. This was child abuse, this was malevolent action, and it sounded like he was berating the undead, or, half-dead beings. The concept of cloning him was already criminal. But who would take a large group of teenage ghosts seriously?
Dani had placed her hands over her mouths, the horror of what was happening to their last brother scarring her and worrying her brothers. All five of them were scared for their last brother's safety. Danny finally put his fist down.
"We're gonna save that last ghost. Daniel, you said? We're gonna go save him."
"Aaaare... Aaaaaare yoooooou suuuuurrre?"
"He's not easy to work with. Vlad's probably been poisoning his mind so he thinks he's better with Vlad than to come and live with us."
"You save brother?"
Danny looked them over, making a plan, the boys and Dani gathering in a circle to help their sort of biological brother.
"This is what we're gonna do..."
. . .
Tiny busted the lock open to Vlad's lab, Skelly and Frankie not too far behind him as he rushed in, faster than anyone could ever imagine a little pixie sized ghost moving, his body returning to full size once he was in the room and waiting for Vlad to see that they were there. They didn't see the old man, only their brother sitting in the usual tube he had been created inside of. The three ghosts gasped in shock, Danny and Dani trailing behind them and having their mouths drop, seeing the young teen captive in what he considered his room in Vlad's mansion.
"Oh my god... He thinks this is how people are supposed to live..."
Dani couldn't pull her hand away from her mouth as she saw where she had been created, how she had felt before Danny had rescued her. She saw her shattered tube, the one Danny had broken out of when she let him go. The three clones they had just met flew to their brother and began to bang on the glass, trying to wake him up from what appeared to be sleep.
The young boy opened his eyes, his vision being blurry as he tried to see who was tapping the glass. He saw Frankie first, the giant waving frantically and smiling. Daniel blinked a few times and saw a skeleton that was only a top half was floating at about shoulder height and was breathing a sigh of relief. Daniel started to ask, "who are you," and Tiny flew up to him and grinned, the lopsided grin making Daniel feel safe.
"We're here to get you away from the fruit loop."
"But... But I can't go. Everything I know is here. What will I do without Father?"
Frankie smashed the glass, his hands easily breaking the thin layer, Skelly pressing the button to release his wrists.
"You come home. With us."
"You... you would want me to come home with you?"
Tiny leaning an elbow on his shoulder, Skelly wrapping an arm around him, Frankie picking them all up.
"We wouldn't be a family without you."
Danny and Dani were keeping watch, the four clone siblings all crying tears of joy from seeing each other and all being able to have a safe home. They finally got Frankie to set them down, making sure to keep quiet and sneak out of the house properly. Daniel shook hands with Danny and Dani, knowing that they were going to be taking him and his three brothers in.
"I'm surprised we didn't see Vlad."
"Don't worry about it, Daniel. Our dad will make sure you guys cant get hurt."
"Thank you."
Daniel looked over at Danny while they were flying back to FentonWorks, The six of them nervous about what Jack and Maddie would say in the morning. He looked to see everyone smiling and then asked a simple question.
"Can I be called Danny, too?"
Danny glared at him for a moment, only glancing at him before looking forward again.
"Okay, okay... fine. Not Danny. How about Dan?"
Danny's eyes widened and he quickly told the clone no, his mind wondering if maybe all six of them needed trauma therapy from Jazz, rather than just the four that were the recent clones. He briefly told the clone why that couldn't be his name. They saw FentonWorks coming into view and Danny laughed as he saw the pizza in the ops center.
Dani sat and talked with the four other clones, while Danny went to his room, saying he had a special project to work.
"You guys are pretty cool. You're just like me! Except Danny gave you guys nicknames."
"Yeah. Danny funny."
Frankie sat on the floor, leaning against a wall. Skelly floated around the light in the ceiling for a moment before deciding that he was going to lay back in the air. Tiny paced, his curiosity making it hard for him to sit still. Daniel smiled at the other clones.
"I can't believe you guys wanted to be with me. I was horrid to you."
"Cause of Plasmius. Dude, we were experimented on. Unstable, controlled, told that we're worthless. But Danny said it himself. We're all people. And I guess that's good enough for the Fentons. They're letting us stay with them."
"It's okay, really. Tiny, Skelly, Frankie, Daniel, you're welcome here. But it's late. Get some sleep and you'll meet Mom and Dad tomorrow. They'll love you."
The lights were all turned off except for the one in Danny's room.
. . .
Dani walked into Danny's room and woke him up off his desk, a puddle forming on his desktop between his arms.
"They're waiting downstairs. What do you have up your sleeve this time?"
"You'll see."
Danny grinned, grabbing stuff from the printer in his room as Dani shrugged and walked towards the stairway leading to the kitchen and seating area in FentonWorks. He saw his four new siblings sitting at the kitchen table, feeling love and affection from his parents, the whole story from the night before already told to them. Danny knew the dark circles underneath his eyes proved how much effort he had put into this project.
The clones looked in his direction as they heard his footsteps from across the room.
"Hey, Frankenstein."
Danny held out a paper to him, smiling widely the whole time.
"I think I say this for all of us, but we're glad to have you in the family, Adam."
"Adam...? Where get name Adam?"
"Heh, I remembered when we read that book about the monster you made me think of, he said he was like Adam from the bible and that he should have been called Adam. I thought it fit you."
"Thank you, Danny."
Danny smiled at his new brother, hearing his first proper sentence, knowing that Jazz must have started working with him.
"No problem, bro. Skelly? You next? C'mon over here."
Danny handed Skelly the adoption papers he had come up with, revealing his new name.
"Remy. I like it. It rolls off the tongue. Remy. Remy Remy Remy. Thank you, Danny! You gave me a place to be a person."
"You showed you had guts last night. You've earned a real name and a real place to live. Welcome home."
Danny turned and grabbed the next paper off the ledge to the stairs where he had set them. He read the name on it and smirked to himself, glad that he could do something for the clones who deserved so much better. He didn't know how long Vlad had been torturing them, and now, two of them couldn't lose their smiles. He hoped the other two would feel the same way.
"Tiny. You're the paper I just picked up."
"You got me a paper, too?"
He took the paper and looked at it, his hands shaking as he saw the name.
"You made me think of the little video game elf. Happy, small, energetic, fun. I got a lot of entertainment out of that game. I'm sure you'll be a hundred times more entertaining, but I felt this name fit you."
The ghost shrunk down to pixie size in an instant, Danny already seeing the tear stream down his face before his face was too small to see.
"Thank you. I... I love it."
"Anytime, my dude. Just don't let Dad mistake you for a fly."
Danny grabbed the last paper and turned back to the last clone, who had been holding his head down, thinking that he would be kicked out.
"You think I forgot about you? Daniel, come here and see this paper. It has your name on it."
Danny held the paper out with two hands, his clone moving slowly, so far his face not matching the smiles of his brothers. Danny called his name and then he looked up.
"Oh. Okay, okay."
"You're welcome here."
"Thanks. My name is... Niel?"
"Yeah. The other Daniel in my class in fourth grade said to call him Niel cause I was already Danny. I thought of you, cause there can only be one original me, but that doesn't mean we can't be similar or brothers. I ended up being good friends with him until he moved away from here. You're not gonna leave me, too. Are you?"
"I could never. Thank you for your acceptance."
"You're just another me. How could I not want you around?"
Danny laughed as he finally got a smile out of Niel. Link, Adam, and Remy were smiling just as wide, Dani and Jazz giving him Kudos for what he did for the guys.
"They're not just clones, They're family."
Danny felt a family hug around him, the clones thanking him repeatedly. Danny only grinned and hugged them back. Remy floated upwards, asking when they would be able to start school, and Jack and Maddie exchanged nervous glances with each other as they realized they couldn't send their ghostly children to public school. Link and Adam began chattering about how much fun learning would be.
. . .
"Welcome to the new Fenton School for Ghost kids!"
"A school, just for ghosts?"
Remy and Link exchanged glances, as the Fentons opened a brand new school just for them. They saw a couple of other ghosts at the school and smiled, watching Adam try to make friends, Jazz having taught him how to speak a bit better.
"The Fentons opened this school just cause of us. I didn't think they really cared."
Link waved as Danny, Dani, and Niel walked to Casper since they all had human portions they could use to go to public schools. The three of them were all annoying each other like real siblings rather than the original and two clones.
"From what I hear, this is gonna be permanent, even though Mom and Dad are trying to find a way to make us look right and have human portions."
"Really? I didn't think they would even consider trying to find anything past the bottom of my ribcage! They're really trying to make us at least semi-normal and partially human?"
"Yeah. And last I knew, they were headed in the right direction. But they like ghosts now. So this school is gonna be open either way."
"Oh neat! Hey, are those my pants?"
Link started to walk towards the front door and the steps leading to the new ghost school, half buzzing his lips as he rolled his eyes and slung his backpack over one shoulder to try and look cool.
"Remy, you can't even wear pants. Are you gonna come with me to make friends or worry about the pants you can't even wear?"
"I'm coming!"
He rushed after his brother, hearing Adam trying to flirt with one of the girls that now went to the school when he passed him.
"I wonder how Niel is doing?"
. . .
Niel looked to his left and saw Dani, and then to his right and saw Danny. He watched Dani wave and walk into the Junior High that was just a couple blocks before Casper High.
"Thanks for letting me come to school with you guys. I know it's only been a couple of weeks since you welcomed me into the family but I can't thank you enough..."
"Just don't embarrass yourself too much and you'll be fine. Most kids leave us alone now that they're too busy with ghost attacks."
Danny threw his books in his locker and waved to his two friends from down the hall.
"Good luck man, you'll be fine."
Niel saw his new locker next to Danny's, the thought of class making him nervous as he figured out where his first class would be, then his second. He thought of how his brothers were doing at the ghost school, their excitement being just as much as his was that morning. He stood in front of the door to his first class, his palms getting sweaty as he tried to get there without being early or late or on time;
Link and Remy stood in front of the door to their first class, Adam towering behind there. The look of the door making them nervous to see who else was in their class. They pressed themselves towards the door, whispering as they tried to look cool when the door swung open;
. . .
"Here we go."
Four smiles entered the classrooms on the first day that ghosts were allowed at school. Because just as Danny had told them, they weren't clones. They were their own people. They were family.
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duckapus · 5 years
Danny Phantom Ghost Origin Categorization
First, for the sake of my sanity I’ll be limiting this to things shown or said on the show. Widely accepted fanon and wiki knowledge unfortunately do not count, and as usual Butch gets no say.
The categories are as follows: Confirmed Dead, which is self-explanatory; Presumed Dead, since most of the ghosts don’t have defined backstories; Naturally Formed, which were made from the Ghost Zone’s ectoplasm without any spirit attached; Artificial, which is also self-explanatory except for a minor detail that I’ll bring up when it becomes relevant; Concepts, which are the physical manifestation of a particular idea or natural force; and Other, for ghosts that I don’t have enough context to put in the other categories. And also Boxed Lunch. Boxed Lunch is weird.
With all that said, let’s begin.
Confirmed Dead
Desiree (died of old age, trauma of broken heart created ghost form) 
Sidney Poindexter (suicide)
The Dairy King (cause of death unknown, confirmed due to picture of his living form in Vlad’s mansion)
Cujo the Ghost Dog (euthanized, the only ghost known to have changed his obsession)
The Lunch Lady (cause of death unknown, confirmed due to her knowledge of Casper High’s cafeteria menu and room layout marking her as having either worked or learned there in the past)
The Flying Dutchman (cause unknown, likely drowning via shipwreck, yes I know he’s a Spongebob character but due to the Nicktoons games he and Danny have technically met, confirmed due to admitting it outright)
Danny Phantom (electrocuted by ghost portal, instantaneous, only half)
Vlad Plasmius (electrocuted by ghost portal, succumbed to wounds in hospital long afterwards, only half)
Half-ghost Jack Fenton (electrocuted by ghost portal, succumbed to wounds in hospital long afterwards, only half, exists in alternate timeline)
Hotep RA (cause unknown, confirmed due to originally serving Tucker’s ancestor/former self, Pharaoh Duulaman)
Presumed Dead
Ember McLain (likely burned to death, fears being forgotten)
The Box Ghost (likely crushed by rectangular containers, considers them powerful weapons)
Penelope Spectra (cause unknown, lives off the misery of others, masquerades as a living human)
Nicolai Technus (probably electrocution, might actually be the Concept Ghost of technology though it’s unlikely)
Youngblood (cause unknown, dislike of and inability to be seen by adults may imply neglect)
Walker and his men (likely law enforcement who fell in the line of duty)
Lydia (cause unknown, loyal to crime lord Freakshow the Ringmaster for reasons unknown)
Elastica (cause unknown, trapped under Freakshow’s control for an indeterminate amount of time)
Goliath (cause unknown, trapped under Freakshow’s control for an indeterminate amount of time)
Green Kid (cause unknown, trapped under Freakshow’s control for an indeterminate amount of time)
Ghost Writer (cause unknown, might actually be Concept Ghost of literature)
Jonny 13 and Kitty (cause unknown, likely a motorcycle accident)
Baby Face Boyle (cause unknown)
Klemper (cause unknown, very lonely)
Some background ghosts
The Kingdom of Aragon (specifically its people)
Naturally Formed
Other ghost animals
Blob Ghosts
Some background ghosts (look at the happy green ghost that shows up sometimes and tell me that he doesn’t look sort of like an advanced ectopus)
Skulker (it just seems that way)
Ecto Food (Jack Fenton is making carnivorous green macaroni and cheese and will continue to make carnivorous green macaroni and cheese unless we stop him)
Danny Clones (created by Vlad using Danny’s ghost form DNA, unstable)
Dani Phantom (created by Vlad using Danny’s ghost and human form DNA, stabilized by failed prototype of ghost weakening serum created by Jack Fenton)
Shadow (an extension of Jonny 13’s power, has a will of its own)
Lydia’s tattoos (extensions of Lydia’s power)
Sleepwalkers (extensions of Nocturne’s power, I think)
Nightmerica, Femalien and Terminatra (created by Desiree due to Sam Manson unintentionally “wishing” to hurt Paulina Sanchez)
Sayonara Pussycat (created by Desiree due to Paulina wishing to be as popular as the character, extracted from host by Danny Phantom)
Tucker Phantom (created by Desiree due to Tucker wishing for ghost powers, extracted from host by the Fenton Ghost Catcher)
Dan Plasmius (created by combining Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius after splitting them from their human halves in an alternate timeline, exists in the current timeline due to complicated Time Stuff)
Freakshow (created via the Reality Gauntlet, existed for all of a few minutes)
And now we get into that other part I mentioned. Basically, if something has the ghostly aura (that white outline we all love so much) without being directly affected by a ghost, I register that as the thing having its own ectoplasmic field, and thus technically a ghost itself. The Fenton Exo-suit’s Phantom form doesn’t count, since it only has the aura if a ghost is piloting it. This is mostly just so I can add more things to the list, honestly
Red Huntress 2.0 (created via a combination of the Red Huntress 1.0 suit and Technus’s power, you can pry this idea from my cold dead ectoplasmicly charged hands) (note: this does not make Valerie a ghost, just her suit)
Skulker’s Body (created by Skulker; a robotic suit of armor infused with his ectoplasmic signature; motor functions, sensors, physical projectiles and flight system do not require ectoplasm to function)
Car-Puter (remote controlled robot created by Technus, I know it’s from Phantom Planet but it was really cool guys)
The Sphinx (I think. Maybe. It seemed that way at least)
The Flying Dutchman’s Ship (an echo of his original, currently wrecked ship)
Youngblood’s Ship (possibly an extention of his power, I’m not sure, fueled by manual labor)
Jonny’s Motorcycle (the thing can fly)
Clockwork and the Observants (spirits of Time)
Pandora and her kingdom (spirits of Greek Mythology)
Undergrowth (spirit of Vegetation)
Vortex (spirit of Weather and Natural Disasters)
Pariah Dark (the Ghost King, not actually a Concept Ghost but very similar)
Fright Knight (spirit of Fear in general and Halloween in particular, right-hand man of whoever wields the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage, usually Pariah Dark)
Nocturne (spirit of Dreams, far less powerful than the other concept ghosts without aid)
Frostbite and the Yetis of the Far Frozen
Wulf (seriously, he’s cool, but Esperanto-speaking Wolf-man doesn’t exactly give me much to work off of)
Monster Cat
The Behemoth
Vlad’s Vulture Lackeys
Ember’s Band
Poindexter’s Classmates (are they extensions of Poindexter’s power turned inwards or just the ghost versions of themselves, just as consumed by what happened to him as he is?)
Pariah Dark’s Skeleton Army
Youngblood’s Skeleton Crew, especially the Parrot
Amorpho (shapeshifters in general, since I can’t fall back on my Warp Core theory during this)
Boxed Lunch (oh, very much Boxed Lunch)
Most of the background ghosts, especially the butcher with an eyeball for a head
Edit: Can’t believe I forgot the title. I should’ve just gone to bed.
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darks-ink · 5 years
What A Nice Surprise CH.12
Last chapter, and with it we push over the 60k mark! Left in a little more at the end than planned, because I couldn’t resist the temptation for 1. a little more fluff, and 2. very subtle sequel hook. I mean, uh. What sequel? It won’t be happening any time soon, that’s for sure.
First Chapter - Previous Chapter AO3 - FFnet
“Duck!” he shouted, firing an ecto-ray right over Valerie’s head.
“Phantom!” she bit back, her visor now trained on Danny, and boy was he glad for once that she was wearing a helmet and thus couldn’t employ her glare, “I thought we were working together!”
“We are!” He erected a shield to protect the both of them from a shot of their mutual enemy. “Which is why I told you to duck!”
“If we’re working together, don’t fucking shoot at me!” Valerie snapped, having turned to him entirely. Her armored hands were clenched around the handles of her guns, but in a true testament of their current alliance, she hadn’t aimed them at him.
“I didn’t aim at you, I aimed through you. Duh.” He rolled his eyes, shifting his shield to take another hit Valerie hadn’t seen coming due to her current distraction. “Also, could we maybe pick this up when we’re not in the middle of a fight?”
“Fine.” She whirled around and, in one swift movement, fired a shot. It hit Vlad right in the face, dispelling the duplicate. “But only because this ghost is being a huge dick.”
He huffed a laugh, grinning at her. “Well, you’ve got that right, at least.” He turned his back to her, knowing she did the same. They peered around, both trying to spot Plasmius himself – or see the next duplicate coming, hopefully.
“You know him, then?” Valerie’s armored back met his own. “Any weaknesses, strategies… anything?”
“Well, he’s a jerk.” Danny shrugged, knowing that Valerie could feel it even if she couldn’t see it. “And, uh, he’s a jerk? He’s strong, with a wide variety of abilities, plans ahead a lot. Easiest way to take him down is to catch him off-guard, either by using a skill you haven’t before, or if he gets attacked by someone he had underestimated.”
She hummed, a jarring motion that likely meant she nodded. “And you don’t happen to have one of those, do you?”
“A new ability, or an ally he underestimated?” Danny’s eye caught on a flicker of movement in the air, his ghost sense finally locking on to Vlad’s core again. He nudged Valerie to alert her that he’d found their enemy.
“I’m fine with either, really.” She twisted subtly, to make sure Vlad hadn’t noticed that he had been caught. Quietly, she said, “On 3?”
“Fire from behind me,” he answered, equally quiet. “It has a wide area of effect and I don’t want to hit you.”
“Gotcha.” She braced herself, and from this close, Danny could feel the heat of her gun as it prepared a shot. “1. 2.”
“3,” they counted in sync. Valerie whirled around, following Danny’s line of sight with an ecto-blast. Danny himself took a deep breath, and…
Caught right in the middle of the attack, Vlad took the brunt of its power. He had already become visible, which Valerie’s shot was responsible for.
Danny kept up the Wail until he saw Vlad wobble in the air; barely hanging onto consciousness. Then he cut the attack off. The last thing he wanted right now was for either of them to shift back to human form.
“Damn.” Valerie whistled, clearly impressed. “You been holding back on me, Phantom?”
“Yeah,” he managed in-between pants. “How’s Plasmius?”
“That’s a dumb name.” She hummed and hawed. “Well, he’s still airborne, but I don’t think he’s in a state to fight.” Then she paused. “Actually, no, I take that back. He looks pissed and he’s coming this way.”
“Oh,” was all Danny managed before Vlad hit him at high speeds. The other half-ghost might have stopped the moment he hit Danny, but his momentum was enough to launch him into the street.
Still panting, Danny pushed himself out of the crater he just put into the street. “Hate that guy,” he muttered.
“Need a hand, Phantom?”
“Won’t say no to that.” He took Maddie’s hand, letting her pull him to his feet. “Thanks.”
“Plasmius giving you a hard time?” Jack asked, joining the two of them. “Even while working with the Red Huntress?”
“Yeah, he’s a pain. I thought for sure the Wail would’ve taken him out, but I guess not.” He peeked up, but Valerie was doing an alright job of keeping Plasmius occupied. The Wail must’ve weakened him significantly, since he wasn’t forming any duplicates. “I need something better to catch him off guard.”
Both of his parents shared a meaningful glance with each other and then him. He quirked a brow. Then realized what they meant, and a grin formed on his face.
“That could work.”
He pushed himself off of the guard, shooting back up to where Valerie and Vlad were fighting. During a quiet moment he burst in-between, bodily pushing Vlad away. “Hey Plasmius! Thought you’d gotten rid of me, huh?”
“That would’ve been too good to be true,” Vlad grunted back, fangs bared in a snarl. “I wouldn’t dare get my hopes up.”
“Ha ha.” Danny floated away from the two, his spectral tail twitching enticingly. He shot Vlad his most infuriatingly cocky grin. “Come and catch me if you can, old man.”
Then he dove.
Vlad growled, but followed.
Rather than divert from his plunge towards the ground, Danny turned intangible at the last moment. Vlad, who hadn’t noticed how close the ground was due to his proximity to Danny, didn’t.
The blue-skinned halfa hit the ground with a meaty thud. He had had just enough time to bring up his arms, but he crumpled into a heap on the street nonetheless.
Danny phased out of the ground right next to him. Crossed his arms and grinned down on the older half-ghost. “What’s wrong? Reflexes not as good as they used to be?”
Vlad lunged forward, black glove grasping for Danny’s leg. He jumped back, barely dodging the digits. “Aw, come on, that’s not nice.”
“Would you stop,” Vlad hissed back, using his other arm to push himself up slightly. “You’re infuriating.”
“And you are not going anywhere.” A large ectogun pressed against Vlad’s back, pinning him back onto the street. Danny knew that it had loaded a shot, the heat warning Vlad that he couldn’t make an intangible escape. “So don’t try, Plasmius.”
And he didn’t. Vlad flattened himself against the ground, empty red eyes cast upwards to search for Maddie’s. The only thing he found were her unfriendly red goggles.
“Ah,” he tried, but she shoved the gun down harder and he quietened.
“Good ghost,” she said flatly. “Now stay down, and we won’t have to make a bigger mess, will we?”
“So here’s how this is gonna go.” Danny crouched down next to him, resting his elbows on his knees. “You’re gonna apologize. To me, to Maddie, to Jack, and yes, to Dani. And then, if we think you’ve done well, we’re gonna let you go leave. Got it?”
“And if you decide I didn’t do a good enough job?” Vlad’s eyes narrowed. “Or if I refuse to apologize to the molten remains of the failed little clone?”
“Who are you calling molten?” Dani came into visibility, her mismatched gloves balled into fists. “Just because you were too incompetent to save me didn’t mean it wasn’t possible!”
Then she leaned down, face held close to Vlad’s. Her glowing green eyes boring into his wide red ones. “But you never cared, did you? I wasn’t who you wanted me to be, so all I was to you was a pawn.”
“D- Danielle,” Vlad spluttered, pressing even further into the ground. “It wasn’t- I didn’t-”
“Oh, come of it.” She huffed, straightening back up again so she loomed over Vlad’s downed form. “If it’s not an apology, I don’t want to hear it.”
Vlad stiffened, muscles tensing. Then, suddenly, he snarled, “Then you’ll be a long time waiting.”
And before anyone could react, he blasted the ecto-gun away from him. Both Danny and Dani formed balls of coiling ectoplasm to hit him back, but Vlad didn’t engage further. He simply dove through the ground, intangibly speeding away from them.
“Well, that could’ve gone better,” Danny muttered as he extinguished his ectoblast again. His ghost sense confirmed that Vlad had left entirely. No duplicates or anything. “Jerk.”
“Could’ve gone worse, too,” Dani pointed out with a shrug. “At least I got to tell him off. You’re not hurt, right, Mom?”
“I’m fine sweetie, he only hit the gun.” Maddie ducked to pick the ecto-gun up, frowning at the molten front. “The gun is toast, however. He clearly didn’t hold back like Phantom did.”
“Everything alright over here?” A metallic noise as Valerie’s boots hit the ground, the girl joining the rest of them on the ground. “I thought you guys had it under control, but it seems he got away anyway.”
“He’s slippery like that.” Danny scratched his cheek, then inclined his head to indicate Dani. “Ah, by the way, Red? This is Danielle, Dani for short. She’s my, um.” He frowned, pausing to look over at her. “Little sister slash clone? Half-clone? Is that a thing?”
Dani simply shrugged. “Sort-of clone? Big oopsie?”
“I’ll go with little sister.” Turning back to look at Valerie, he gestured at Dani. “Anyway, like I said. This is Dani, my little sister who Plasmius created and then tried to turn against me. Dani, this is the Red Huntress.”
“Hi.” Dani finally offered her hand to Val, who hesitantly took it. And who was probably making a very confused face behind her helmet. “Nice to meet you. Phantom has said good things about you.”
“Has he?” They shook hands, and Valerie tilted her helmet at Danny. He had the feeling she was making an intrigued expression at him, one brow quirked. “I’m flattered, Phantom, but I’m also not interested.”
Danny rolled his eyes at her, stubbornly ignoring the bright green blush that found its way to his face. “Alright, so this was the last time I complimented your ghost hunting skills, got it.”
Valerie swatted at him, but he simply flickered intangible to let her hand pass through him. “Funny, aren’t you?”
“Hell yeah I am!” Confident that the blush had by now gone away entirely, Danny let himself become tangible again. “I mean, have you ever heard my puns? Comedic gold, I tell you.”
A clatter sounded behind them, and all three whirled around in perfect sync. Cowering under the sudden attention of two potentially volatile ghosts and an equally volatile ghost hunter stood a now-wilting civilian.
“Oh,” Danny said sheepishly, relaxing his tense posture again. “Sorry, you startled us.”
“That’s… my bad,” the man answered, slowly. He twisted his head strangely, as if trying to peek past Danny. Probably was, he realized, since Dani was mostly hidden behind him and Valerie. “I just… I had to ask, Red Huntress, you’ve been seen working with Phantom quite often recently. Has something… changed?”
Valerie tilted her head, the helmet moving as if she was glancing between Danny and the man. “Yes,” she finally decided on. “Yes, I recently discovered that I based my initial judgment of Phantom on… misinformation. And all information gained later, I twisted to fit my biased view.”
“So he’s not bad?” The man frowned, glancing between her and Danny. “But what about the robberies? The kidnapping of the mayor? The damages?”
“Oh, not again,” Danny groaned, pressing his hands to his face. “The damages are caused by the attacking ghosts. Just imagine how much worse it would be if no one stopped them. The robberies, I was controlled for. Red can vouch for me, she saw. The mayor, he was overshadowed, and he grabbed me, not the other way around.”
The man narrowed his eyes, eyes darting back to Valerie. “And you’re sure this is true? That he can be trusted?”
“Well, yeah, obviously.” She shrugged, drumming her metal-covered fingers against the armor plates on her thigh. “I mean, I believe him, the Fentons believe him. What else do you want?”
“I suppose that that’s fair.” He seemed to study Danny, his eyes restless. Still trying to spot Dani, probably. “I guess the teens were right all along, then.”
“Uh huh.” Danny nodded, dragging his hands off of his face and instead using one to support his chin. “Maybe if you guys had bothered to ask before, I could’ve explain myself sooner. But hey, you do you.”
“Right…” The man made a face, something close to a grimace, but not entirely. He cleared his throat, seemingly awkward, then shuffled off. “I, uh, better get going. Thanks for the talk, Phantom, Red Huntress.”
“See ya,” Val said, giving him a short salute. Danny gave him a single short wave instead.
Once he was out of earshot, Danny huffed. “Really, can’t be bothered to ask me until the ghost hunters work with you. Then suddenly I can obviously be trusted and oh, what caused this sudden change?”
“Shouldn’t have blown your reputation so badly, bro.” Dani leaned over his shoulder, grinning widely. “It’s obviously all your own fault, duh.”
“You’re the worst,” he told her without heat. “If I had known little sisters were such a pain I never would’ve taken you.”
“No take-backsies.” She flipped over his shoulder, floating in front of him and Valerie instead. “Hey, where’s Mom and Dad?”
At this, Danny twisted around to look behind him. Indeed, both of their parents seemed to have disappeared. Must’ve wandered off before the man stopped to interrogate him, otherwise they probably would’ve gotten involved. “Looks like the Fentons wandered off, Dani. You want to go track them down, or should I just drop you back off at FentonWorks?”
“Wow, wait, hold on.” Valerie held up her hand, her eyes quickly jumping between Danny and Dani. “Why did she call Mr. and Mrs. Fentons ‘Mom and Dad’?”
“Okay, so… she may or may not be living with the Fentons.” He scratched his cheek, shooting Valerie an uncertain smile. “And I guess that since she has no birth parents, Maddie and Jack count? Is that right, Dani?”
“Yeah, pretty much.” The girl in question shrugged listlessly. It seemed like she wasn’t paying attention, her bright eyes looking around instead. “They kind of insisted, really. Not that I mind, but still. Jazz said it was a good idea, too.”
“Huh.” Valerie paused, and now Danny started to regret not being able to see her facial expressions. “So… why are you living with the Fentons? I mean, Phantom doesn’t, right? Are there health concerns, or something, because you’re a clone?”
Dani zipped off, suddenly, and Danny sighed and answered in her stead. “Sorry for that. She might be cloned to be, like, 12, but in some ways she’s only a few months old. As for your question, kind of?”
“You kind of live with the Fentons?” Valerie asked incredulously.
“No.” Danny heaved another sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “There health concerns, sort of. You remember how, earlier, I referred to Dani as my half-clone, or partial clone? It’s because she’s only partly based on my DNA. About 50% come from an unknown human. So she has human needs and stuff.”
“Oh.” Valerie twisted, looking in the direction that Dani had left in. “But she looks just like you. Well, except younger and female, but you know what I mean. Are they just gonna adopt her, or something?”
“Well, that too.” He scuffed his boot on the ground, aware of his depleting energy levels. He couldn’t keep this up forever, unfortunately. “But she can shift into a more human appearance, too. I think the Fentons really attached themselves to said human form, since she looks a lot like their son like that. Black hair, blue eyes, kinda similar facial structure?”
He blew out a breath, hoping no one would catch on. It wouldn’t be the worst, but he really didn’t want to deal with all that just yet. “I think they might think that the human DNA Plasmius grabbed might have been from their son, actually. You’d have to ask, because I certainly didn’t. Either way, they decided to pick her up as their own kid, and, well. I’m happy for Dani. She deserves it.”
“Hmm. She seems like a good kid, yeah.”
They both watched Dani appear again, now in human form, dragging both adult Fentons behind her. She seemed to be chattering up a storm, both parents smiling and responding back.
“I gotta get going, Phantom. It was nice talking to you. Say hi to your sister for me, will you?” Valerie waved him a goodbye as her hoverboard reformed. Before he knew it she was gone, and Dani filled up the empty spot, excitedly waving at their parents.
“Tah-dah, found them again!”
He grinned, patting her on the head. “Good job, Dani.”
“Thanks!” She bounced lightly, eyes darting between him and their parents. She nudged Jack, then Maddie. “Come on, tell him!”
“Tell me what?” Danny asked, cautiously. A mild frown formed on his face as he looked at his parents, too.
Said parents exchanged a glance, as if fighting to decide who would take point. Maddie cleared her throat, having apparently been decided on as the winner. Or loser?
“Well, you see, Phantom…”
“We want to adopt you too!” blurted Jack before she could say more.
Danny felt himself still. Stood still like a statue. Then…
Maddie glared at Jack, elbowing him in the side. When she turned back to Danny, her expression had grown friendly again. “Well, you see… You’re like a son to us, Phantom. And we’re already adopting Dani, right? So you’re basically family already.”
He relaxed a little at this. Really, he should’ve caught on sooner. They specifically said ‘adopt’, so they hadn’t figured him out yet.
Which, really, was kind of ridiculous. But hey, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and all that.
“Oh,” he said, realizing that he had remained silent too long. “Um, well, I mean. I kind of already have parents already, you know?”
“But you refuse to tell them about you being Phantom,” Dani pointed out, a wide grin on her face. The little devil must’ve known all along, darn her. She was enjoying this. “So maybe you have parents, but Phantom doesn’t.”
Danny shot her a glare, his aura flaring slightly. She just stuck out her tongue in response.
“Phantom, you don’t have to accept, it’s just…” Jack paused, ruffling Dani’s hair as if doing so would help settle his nerves. “You’re like a son to me, and to Maddie. Clearly you see us that way too, since just recently you called Mads ‘Mom’. You’re Dani’s big brother, and Jazz cares about you as well. Danny…”
He sighed, slumping in slightly. “Well, I don’t know what is up between you and Danny, but he’s not opposed to you at least. We just… Maybe we’re going about this the wrong way, but…”
“I mean, it’s really nice and all, but.” But what, Fenton? How’re you gonna talk your way out of this, huh? Let’s just go and blurt out the truth, hmm? “But, um. No offense to you guys, because you’re great and all, but you’re not– It’s–”
Danny groaned, burrowing his face in his hands again. He continued, now muffled, “It just feels like replacing my own parents, you know? And I don’t want that, so. So I really can’t accept.”
Both of his parents looked thoughtful at this. Dani, who had clambered onto Jack in the meantime, nodded appreciatively. Must be impressed by his skill at digging his way out this hole, he supposed. Or his skill at digging himself further into the hole.
Jack heaved a big sigh, but nodded. “I see, kiddo. But in that case, I have to insist that either you tell your own family soon, or you’ll have to come by more often so we can care for you, too.”
“Well, I–”
“No, I agree with him, Phantom.” His mom crossed her arms, settling her strongest Maternal Glare on him. “You can’t keep them in the dark like this. It’s not good for a kid your age to be without parents, and if you won’t accept replacements, you should have your own.”
Dani nodded, now to agree with Maddie, still smiling. Thus outnumbered, Danny groaned and ducked his head.
“Fine,” he sighed finally, knowing he couldn’t drag this discussion out much longer. Not without risking a shift back.
Which, to be honest, would end the discussion very quickly. But not in the right way.
“Fine, I’ll tell them soon, okay?”
“Promise me,” his mother insisted, back still ramrod straight. “We’re serious about this, Phantom.”
“Ugh, fine.” He lifted up a hand, crossing his heart – and his core. “Cross my heart and hope to die. I’ll tell my family about who I am soon, okay?”
“Okay.” She patted him on the head, and he grumbled but couldn’t help the spot of affection. “And if anything goes wrong, tell us and we’ll put them in their place, okay sweetie?”
He cheered himself up with the brief mental image of his parents chasing down themselves. Plastered a smile on his face as he said, “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Things have been better lately. See you soon?”
“You’re always welcome, kiddo!” His dad slapped him on the shoulder, almost toppling Danny over. “Stay safe!”
“You too!” Danny replied, lifting up from the ground.
“And tell your parents!” his mom yelled after him when he left.
Yeah, right. He would have to, sooner or later. Now especially. He wasn’t looking forward to it.
But it would be okay. That much he knew.
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breg21 · 6 years
The Ties that bind us Ch.1
Chapter 1! I'm so excited to get this story started! I now have a skeleton down; so I know what I basically wanna do with this story, I can't wait to write it all down! Anyway, please enjoy. Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, Nickelodeon does.
Two years had passed. Spring poured into summer, summer had swirled into fall, and winter was now taking its harsh claim over Amity. As the seasons changed so did Team Phantom, which was now their official name. Now that Team Phantom was a renowned worldwide corporation, it allowed people to make ghost hunting to be their career, and people could start as young as fifteen with parental permission. It was now a more government-funded career, with classes taught by educated people that had to get a degree in the field.
It also gave students that wanted to go into ghost hunting a scholarship into college if they wanted something other than ghost fighting, depending on their rank, how invested they were, and what skills they built up over the years. It worked like a grading system; the better the grades, the more scholarships were offered. While there was a grading system in Ghost 101, it worked more on the physical aspects, like gym, and either you passed or failed.
Ghost 102 worked on more of the science of ghost hunting, and was graded like a normal academic class. They were taught how to outsmart a ghost, how to hide from a ghost, and a better understanding of how a ghost thinks for self preservation. The students had to learn how to get out of tough situations that they may get into if a ghost were to attack them.
Danielle wasn't sure how many high school and colleges offered the ghost hunting classes outside of her town, but in town there were three classes: One taught by her grandpa, one by grandma, and one by Valerie's dad, Damien Grey.
Her dad had changed the most, while he wasn't the bulkiest around he was starting to lose his lean build and was gaining muscle from ghost fighting. He kept his hair about the same, and he now towered over Dash at 6'4''. His crystal blue eyes, despite having seen so much horror and shit in his young eighteen years, had retained an understanding of happiness. He always said it was because of his family that he was so grounded in reality. He now wore a plain black t-shirt with his symbolic logo, and simple blue jeans.
She had also changed a little over the years. Her figure was now more refined at sixteen. However, not wanting too many eyes on her, she kept to her baggy hoodies, sweatpants and leggings, unless she was with Tucker, then she'd dress a little differently. Her eyes that matched those of her dad's stayed the same, and honestly so did everything else. She didn't need much of a change.
Her mom and Valerie stayed the same physically, other than filling out in the chest area a bit and gaining a couple inches in height. Valerie still was curvy, and her mom still had her straight figure, which always seemed to compliment her nicely.
Sam was also growing her hair out now; it was just past her shoulders. Her signature clothing hadn't changed much, except for a different deep purple plaid skirt with black lining instead of the green; she had also traded her purple tights for black ones that stopped just above mid-thigh.
Valerie now typically wore a crimson red sweater and black jeans. She preferred to cover up, trying to protect her skin as much as possible if a ghost were to unexpectedly attack, unlike Sam who didn't give a damn, her own words being "If I get a scratch, I get a scratch, I'm not going to worry about it," to which the huntress could only shrug in acceptance. To each their own.
Tucker had changed along with Danny, getting more bulk in his build. It was not as much as the halfa but it added to him, and - to Danielle's utter disgust - made girls chase after him constantly, to which she'd secretly fire an ecto-blast at the fawning girl's ass over her boyfriend. He stood strongly at 6'2'', which still made her have to stand on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. Switching up his own outfit, he now wore a light baby blue hoodie with the logo embedded on the front, dark blue jeans that matched nicely, and a multi-colored beret of green, red and yellow. He was in his last term as mayor.
As of right now, however, it didn't matter how many years had passed; Danielle was still sure that school was the embodiment of torture for teenagers. She had been out with Tucker last night, past curfew -which got her grounded- and she could feel her eyes start to droop. Drool started to pool in her mouth, threatening to spill over. History 2 was so boring, and Lancer hadn't changed over the years; his voice still put people to sleep.
"Ms. Fenton!" Her textbook slid from her desk, dropping to the floor, resounding with a loud thud. Bolting up, her eyes snapped open, sweeping the room, searching for danger. When she came back to reality, she saw her classmates staring back at her in laughter and amusement. Her only response was to shrink a little in her seat. What scared her most was the look of anger on her parents' face.
"Ms. Fenton, do I need to have a conference with your parents? If the cause is ghost fighting, I'd allow it, but seeing as your dad over here is quite awake, something tells me that isn't the case." The glances she received from both eighteen-year-olds told her she didn't want that.
"No, sorry sir." He turned back to his lesson.
"Now, as I was saying-"
Out of nowhere, the ceiling caved in.
Two ghosts - from what Team Phantom could tell, one being Skulker, and one unknown - were in hand-to-hand combat. Skulker, unfortunately, had the upper hand in the fight as they pushed against each other to gain control against the other. His bigger build seemed to tower over her.
The girl looked no older than sixteen. The weird thing about her though, was she had almost the same costume of Team Phantom, complete with the DP logo, sleek green, black, and white colors and all. She had a round baby face, thin lips pressed firmly together, with a narrow scrunched up nose as she fought off Skulker. Her waist length hair was snow white, much like Danny's in ghost form, and her amethyst eyes narrowed in concentration on her fight.
There was something else she noticed about this new girl. A medallion hung loosely around her neck, with the letters CW imprinted in the middle that stood for Clockwork.
Just great.
Time travel. Can't we have a normal month?
The girl's head turned to the side, piercing daggers at the team. "A little help here you guys?" She hissed through her teeth as she continued to struggle with the hunter.
The four broke into action. Valerie, Sam, and Tucker pulled bazookas from their backpacks, while Danny and Danielle changed forms, and all started striking the hunter with ectoblast after ectoblast. It was moments before he was easily contained in a Thermos.
The girl got up with the help of Danny. Rolling her shoulder, she groaned in anger and pain at discovering that her shoulder was dislocated.
"Thanks, dad." the halfa said.
Everyone but the four gasped in shock at hearing this girl call him dad.
'Wasn't Danielle his only daughter? How many clones did Masters create?' was the only thought from their fellow classmates.
Ignoring their shock, Danny continued as if it was nothing. "What's your name?" He came up to her, grabbing her shoulder, signaling that this was going to hurt, and she nodded in agreement, used to this by now.
"Lilith." she grit out between her teeth. He grabbed her forearm, placing one hand on her shoulder, and snaps it back into place.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm uncle Clockwork's apprentice. I'm from about twenty or so years into the future. Sometimes he has to send me to different times to test me so that I can learn to do things correctly. I don't exactly know why I'm here yet."
Oh, that made sense. Sorta.
"Wait," Sam cut in, placing her weapon back in her backpack and snapping the Thermos back onto her specter deflector belt. "I don't get it, why would Clockwork need an apprentice? He's the master of time. "
"Even the master of time needs a break too mom. Humans and ghosts are a pain to watch over constantly. And don't even get me started on the Observants." She shuddered at the thought of them.
"Okay." They all turned to the new nasally voice that enters the conversation; Mikey. "There's something I just don't get. Your daughter, from the future, just fell from the sky, and you act as if it's nothing. What made you so jaded that your future daughter coming here doesn't boggle your mind?"
In response, all fingers of the group, including that of her own, pointed to Danielle. "I was kinda the straw that broke the camel's back," She explained, with pride gleaming in her beautiful brilliant blue eyes.
"Shouldn't you be more careful of what you do here, haven't you heard of the butterfly effect?" That earned the nerd an eye roll.
"Why do people have the premise that time is so sensitive? The butterfly effect only happens in extreme cases."
"Do we have any more siblings in the future?" Dani asked.
Lilith turned back to look at her older sibling, "Yeah. He's a little shit too. He's thirteen." Lilith mumbled sorry when she saw the angered look of her parents at the swear word.
Well, they definitely had time to perfect it with Danielle.
That was when all hell broke loose.
Questions were thrown at her from the class, several all at once, one after another which eventually became a mess of words, shouting, and people who wanted their question answered. Poor Mr. Lancer couldn't even quiet the kids.
Danielle then offered Lilith a hand - even twenty years in the past the sisters had a special connection – and Danielle boosted her up onto Lancer's desk. Bringing her fingers to her mouth, Lilith let out a loud piercing whistle.
"Okay. Mr. Lancer has a class to teach, and I still have to figure out why I'm here. I'll answer only three questions, but then my family and I gotta get out of here. Now, one at a time and you better raise your hand. I won't answer if you don't raise your hand."
Paulina was the first to raise her hand, to which Lilith, with much disgust, picked her. "Do I marry the ghost boy?"
Lilith's eyes squinted in confusion at the eighteen-year-old, her mouth agape for a second, truly contemplating whether or not if this chick was for real. She could tell the rest of her family felt the same, and her dad was holding mom against him, trying to calm her with whispers into her ear so that she wouldn't go and attack the girl.
"Are you serious right now? I just referred to Sam as my mom. Wanna know why? 'Cause they've been married for years in my time."
The latina shrugged. "You can't tell me she amounts to much." Lilith, bless her heart, was mid-air, about to pounce on the older - older to her at least - girl when Danielle caught her by the waist, clutching her younger sister to her chest to try calming her baby sister.
"My mom is a world-renowned fashion designer that makes Danny Phantom clothing. Who do you think came up with my dad's logo? My mom." She stressed the name. "She's also a great ghost hunter along with the rest of my family. My parents are rich, I don't have to worry about any college money wise, but I sure as hell don't flaunt it like you do.
"And another thing, you marry Baxter. Have fun with that. At least one of your children doesn't turn out as horrible as you. The other one is terrible, unfortunately. "
"So we have two kids?" The jock asked sheepishly, as to not upset the girl.
While Dash didn't raise his hand like she had asked in the beginning, Lilith let it slide; she was nice like that."Yep. My brother is actually dating your younger one, Ashlen is her name. It's cute, 'cause she's nothing like her mother. From what I can tell, she likes him for him, and not just his ghost half." She smirked at the girl who was now glaring at her. Not that she minded. Paulina didn't scare her, neither did her kid.
"What's the other one's name? Please tell me it's a boy, I want to keep the Baxter name going." That angered her. He never changed. She had to bite back a growl that bubbled in her throat.
"Why are we discussing this?" Mikey piped in once again. "She's from the future. This is only going to mess up the timeline."
That only pissed her off even more. "I have had training with the master of time himself. I think I know more than you're aware of. Have you even met Clockwork? No. So shut up and sit down. I have to cut this short anyway. I really have to find out why I'm here."
She turned to her family. "Let's go to Nana's. We'll discuss everything there." They all nodded in agreement, telling Lancer that they'd pick up their homework after school.
"Race ya." She saw the challenge in her big sister's eyes as she transformed.
"Oh, you're so on!" With that, they sped off towards nana's house, Danielle just a tad ahead.
Yee. I personally love the idea that Danielle and Lilith are close, despite the big age difference. Anyway, let me know your thoughts! Until next time. (I know I said it'd be longer until I posted this story, but I just had so much inspiration for this one that I had to write. Lol)
Shoutout to my amazing beta reader silente faery. The rest will be posted on Fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoy!
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