#William Trevelyan
theoriginalladya · 2 years
For the DAI OC prompts, 10 for Will? (Challenge mode: someone other than Cullen 😜)
from this list
On AO3 here
Okay, my friend, challenge accepted! (though, it's been ages since I last wrote Leliana, so please forgive the rustiness!)
Josie –
I have had my agents do some digging into the Inquisitor’s background and I thought the following information might be of use to you.
Bann Markus Trevelyan and his wife, Lady Emilia, had six children.  The Inquisitor is the youngest.  When he was a child of eight, William was sent to train with the Templars. 
(Imagine my surprise when I discovered this was at the same time and place Cullen received his training!  He really ought to have told us, don’t you think?  We might have to speak with Cassandra about that!)
It is, apparently, tradition within the family for the younger children to serve within the Chantry in some fashion.  Of the six, the younger four were expected to do so; Annet as a revered mother and Regina and Ronan, twins just older than William, both as Templars.  The Inquisitor was to have become a Templar as well, but some unspecified incident right before he was to take his vows changed his mind and, despite his father’s insistence that he remain in the Order, William left. 
(Neither he nor Cullen have been forthcoming in response to my requests as to why.)
After leaving the Order, William returned to Ostwick.  I have been told the reunion between father and son did not go well.  Whether related to this or not, within two years of his return to Ostwick, both Bann Markus and Lady Emilia died.  William’s older brother, Malcolm, became Bann and has ruled since.  (The last sibling to mention, Lady Evelyn, is married into a noble family in nearby Markham and is a strong supporter of her brother and his efforts.)
Shortly thereafter, William became the captain of Bann Malcolm’s personal guards and served from then until the Conclave when he was sent here with three other siblings – Annet, Regina and Ronin – and a contingent of Trevelyan troops.  As we know, the Inquisitor is the only one of the delegation who survived.
From what I understand, William and the older brother and sister still living get on well enough, but that is the extent of what my agents have been able to discover.
I hope this information helps you when reaching out to Bann Trevelyan.  If you need anything else, do not hesitate to ask.  (But YOU must provide the wine next time!)
~ Leli
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occhicerchiati · 1 year
Esercizi di scrittura
4) Scrivi una scena in cui si senta il sole
Le prime ore del mattino riuscivano a far scorrere il tempo a modo tutto loro; sembrava lentissimo ogni minuto, tanto quanto flebili erano i raggi di un timido sole, fattosi spazio in un cielo ancora addormentato.
Ed anche la sua pelle si trovava in balia del venticello freddissimo di marzo, coprendosi di brividi invisibili.
William portò le maniche della sua felpa fin sopra le dita, chiudendo le mani in una stretta guidata da un grugnito ristoratore.
Le nubi della notte appena trascorsa si erano dileguate, lasciando all'orizzonte l'opportunità di dipingersi di un rosa pallidissimo.
Erano solamente le sette e lui era già sveglio da un'ora, di nuovo. Doveva ammettere che le lezioni alle otto del mattino iniziavano a non essere più così tanto indigeste, se alzarsi per primo dal loro letto poteva donargli quei momenti di pace assoluta.
Sospirò, lasciando lo sguardo a vagare lento sugli edifici attorno a lui. L'ultimo piano iniziava a piacergli, da quando Edoardo gli aveva mostrato l'alba per la prima volta, l'inverno passato. Avrebbe voluto andare a svegliarlo per mostrargli i giochi che il sole aveva deciso di portare nel cielo quella mattina, sempre diverso ma spettacolare in ogni sua apparizione.
Una punta di arancione in lontananza, immersa nell'azzurro ceruleo, gli increspò le labbra in un sorriso. Distolse l'attenzione da Apollo solo per un attimo, rincorrendo il fremere delle sue mani, ostaggio del freddo pungente d'inizio mese. Sentiva la pelle tirare attorno agli occhi e alle labbra, la punta del naso completamente gelata.
Prese un sorso dal suo tè caldissimo, scaldandosi anche le mani, appoggiato con gli avambracci sulla ringhiera ed il viso rivolto dritto verso il sole.
Il profumo di agrumi gli riempì le narici mentre riportava la tazza fra entrambe le mani e tornava a scrutare il giorno appena nato.
Si lasciò baciare dai raggi timidi, chiudendo gli occhi in un'espressione rilassata. Tornato a casa, quel pomeriggio, avrebbe potuto dedicarsi completamente alla lettura della traccia che Edoardo gli aveva chiesto di controllare. Il pensiero gli increspò la pelle in una rughetta al lato degli occhi.
William desiderò di nuovo di averlo affianco in quell'istante, con i capelli legati alla svelta e le mani infilate nella tasca della felpa che indossava, abbracciato a lui per proteggersi dal freddo.
E sentire sulla punta delle sue labbra lo stesso calore dei baci avidi che il sole gli stava lasciando sulle guance.
Forse, Edoardo sarebbe stato geloso di quei raggi, imbronciandosi solo per farsi baciare un secondo dopo. William arricciò la bocca in una risata accennata con se stesso, sorseggiando il suo tè.
William lasciò le braccia del sole per voltarsi verso quel sussurro impastato dal sonno. Edoardo lo guardava con un occhio mezzo chiuso, affacciato alla porta del balcone, avvolto fra le proprie braccia come unico scudo dal freddo.
William sentì le guance già tiepide diventare ancora più calde. «Ehi. Torna a letto, è presto.» lo salutò, parlando piano.
Edoardo lo ascoltava senza guardarlo, rapito dal panorama dietro di lui. Uscì con una gamba soltanto, adagiandosi alla porta con una spalla. I ricci morbidi gli coprivano il collo e rimanevano incastrati nel colletto della felpa verde scura che aveva sopra il pigiama.
William mosse un passo verso di lui, studiando la meraviglia sul suo viso con un sorriso abbozzato.
Alle sue spalle, il sole si era indispettito e aveva deciso di sfoggiare i suoi vestiti più belli, inondando il cielo sopra di loro di nuvole dalle sfumature di rosa e di viola talmente varie da lasciare entrambi senza parole, con il naso rivolto all'insù.
Edoardo gli cinse la vita con le braccia, affondando le mani nella tasca della sua felpa, facendo sì che adagiasse la schiena al suo petto.
Gli lasciò un bacio sulla tempia, riposando il mento sulla sua spalla in una coccola guidata da un lieve rimasuglio di stanchezza.
William sorrise, inclinando la testa verso le sue labbra, adagiandosi alla guancia di lui. «Will?»
«Questa è la mia felpa?»
William abbassò il naso fino ad incontrare il colletto della felpa che indossava, ridacchiando. «Può darsi.»
Il sole gli venne in soccorso, accarezzando le guance di Edoardo con il più dolce dei raggi. Questi chiuse gli occhi, lasciando andare quella risposta con un sorriso appena accennato. «Si sta proprio bene.»
William annuì, lo sguardo a passeggiare sulla pelle di Edoardo, osservandone i minimi dettagli per impararli di nuovo a memoria, come ogni mattina.
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celemee · 8 months
"it should have been you" hurt prompt.
Heyooo! Thanks for the delightful prompt. I'm sorry it's sat in my inbox for ages. How would you feel about some Cullbastian? With the added spice of my sorry ass Inquisitor William Trevelyan getting his heart stomped on?
Nobody had expected The Prince of Starkhaven to come in person upon the acceptance of his offer of aid. Least of all Cullen.
Surely the word of his involvement had reached Sebastian's ears; Josephine knew the man to keep well informed of all the movers in Southern politics.
The very same Josephine had insisted upon his attendance of this formal dinner. Bad etiquette for the commander to skip negotiating matters pertaining to forces.
So here he sits, in his scratchy formals, eating food that tastes like ash. Laughing at jokes that don't quite register. Ignoring William's insistent hand creeping up his thigh.
Sebastian, on the opposite side of the table, radiates warmth and confidence. Lips stretched in a wide smile, revealing perfect teeth. Precise in his words, meeting Josephine toe to toe.
"Why don't we get out of here?" William whispers into his ear when no-one's looking.
Cullen's stomach coils — his eyes squeeze shut.
It's not that he doesn't love William. He does.
But had there ever been a real chance... Had life gone differently, had the circumstances not been stacked against them...
"Commander, are you feeling all right?"
Cullen snaps from his thoughts. It's Cassandra who speaks, but he finds Sebastian gazing at him with concern, a hint of regret in his eyes. And as always, his heart skips a beat.
"Quite fine."
William squeezes his hand, smiling charmingly at Sebastian: "The Commander has caught a flu, but he is too proud and hardworking to admit it."
Cullen plays along, and the dinner continues in much the same manner. Laughs are had, plans are made, input is offered and requested, and maps are marked. Signatures signed.
At last, their plates are empty and beds call — Cullen follows William out of the dining hall. Only to be caught by Sebastian.
"A word, Commander?"
William lifts a brow, but seems to read the room. He shoots Cullen a private smile and bids Sebastian goodnight, then turns on his heels and leaves.
Silence stretches as Cullen's colleagues vacate the room, each eager to rest. It's only once they're alone that Sebastian speaks.
"I shouldn't have come here," he starts quietly. "I didn't realise you were..."
Cullen says nothing, biting on the inside of his cheeks.
"...spoken for."
His eyes close at the words. "Am I to understand you came here for me?"
Sebastian shuffles on his feet, looking away. Before he speaks, he clears his throat and nods. "I thought... hm... that now would be a good time. To be together."
A sad smile curls Cullen's lips. His throat constricts, strangling his voice unusable. He does the only thing he can; pulls Sebastian against himself. Wraps his arms around him.
"It should have been you," he whispers, a mountain of regret falling upon him. Truer words he's never spoken. It's always been him. It will always be him.
Sebastian nods into his shoulder, ever understanding. Holding on tight, as if making every moment count.
"I never thought..." Cullen trails off, shaking his head. "No, I didn't believe you'd still feel something for me, after all this time. And William... well, William is a force of nature."
"You should be with him." Sebastian pulls out of the embrace slowly and regretfully, swallowing. There's a sheen in his eyes that probably mirrors Cullen's own. "He needs you."
They stand there in the light of the torches, their eyes speaking in the wordless language perfected so long ago in empty corridors and Chantry halls. Everything that was, and what could have been hanging between them.
"What if I need you?" Cullen asks at last, his voice softer than a whisper.
Sebastian takes his hand, holding it between his own. A spark of hope in his eyes.
"Then come to me after all of this is through. Come to me as a free man."
Cullen sighs, squeezing Sebastian's hand. He's waited for years, and he'll wait for as many more that's needed. But when Sebastian turns to leave, Cullen's heart has never been heavier; the world could end tomorrow.
This could be the last time they meet.
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trevelyanaccord · 4 months
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miwhotep · 3 months
I think a lot about the James Bond universe in Moriarty the Patriot and eagerly waiting for when Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the main antagonist of the Bondverse, will arrive to the scene. As a Milverton fan, I want him to come back as Blofeld, but of course, there are other possibilities for the role. Here, I will write down the reasons why I think Milverton can return as him - because there are more to it that just wishful thinking from my part - but I also list and explain two other candidates.
But first, let's learn a bit about Ernst Stavro Blofeld himself. He is the leader of a criminal organization called the Spectre, first appearing in the book called Thunderball. He barely appeared in the earlier James Bond movies, but he got re-imagined and became the archenemy of Bond, lurking in the shadows during the Daniel Craig era. James Bond defeats him in the movie called Spectre. There, we learn more about Blofeld's past and relations to James Bond what are different from the book canon: the Daniel Craig-era's Blofeld was the stepbrother of James Bond, who seemingly died in a mountain incident in his early 20s, but he actually just disappeared and took up a new name. He later started running the Spectre (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) and kept crossing James Bond's missions. He also tried to legalize the surveillance system called the Nine Eyes - which collects every data of all different secret agencies and governments, becoming a powerhouse of information exist in the whole world - through committing terroristic acts. In the end, James Bond stopped Blofeld and he ends up in prison, later getting killed.
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Why is it possible for Milverton becoming Blofeld? While he is not from James Bond's past, but from William James Moriarty's (and Sherlock), but the Moriarties are running the MI6 in the end, so Milverton having relations to them instead of Bond is still close to the idea of the Spectre movie's Blofeld.
There's also the tendency in Moriarty the Patriot to cast Sherlock canon characters into the James Bond universe roles: James Bond's past self is Irene Adler, Von Herder is Q, Sebastian Moran is 006 Alec Trevelyan or Albert and later Louis (yes, Professor Moriarty had two brothers in the canon) is M. Milverton becoming Blofeld would fit into this tendency.
While they are not fully similar when it comes to their looks, Blofeld is also a younger man (in his 40s) with grey-white hair. Blofeld has a cat which is shown a lot of times with him, too - and while Milverton didn't have cat in YuuMori, the Conan Doyle canon's Milverton was a cat lover.
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Blofeld in the movie Spectre is obsessed with information and wants to start operating his surveillance system he can get every data with - and Milverton was a media mogul who knew about most things what was going on in London and was also a control freak.
From the antagonists YuuMori gave us, the only one most likely to be smart enough to start an international criminal organization would be Milverton - he already built up several successful companies and have experience in organizing crime, so it is possible that it's him who creates the Spectre. And like Blofeld, Milverton was also a mastermind pulling the strings from the shadows - just remember both the Whitechapel and the White Knight arc. Milverton was also knowledged and skilled in the activities of the Spectre: Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.
It's also interesting to note that beside what the name Spectre stands for, the word also refers to vengeful ghosts - and Milverton surely want revenge if he survived.
Blofeld seemingly died and came back - and Milverton's body was never found. It could've been just a way for Sherlock getting away from the punishment for killing him, but also, maybe Milverton truly didn't die that night - from what I could gather from my cousin's doctor wife and a doctor friend in the fandom (to both of them, I am really thankful to take the time to analyze Milverton's injuries for me) he can survive if Ruskin gets him help in time (and in Ruskin, I believe). Also, Moriarty the Patriot has a tendency for characters coming back from situations where they should have just died - so I'm not taking Milverton's death as a fact.
And let me remind you a non-Blofeld related fact about Milverton: his company has a branch firm in New York. Is it just a coincidence that Liam and Sherlock ended up in New York as well? If Milverton survived, he most likely retreated to New York: there, he could've learn about Sherlock and William being alive and now working together - that would fuel his anger even more.
The other candidate to be Blofeld is Albert's younger brother, OG William - and OG William is Liam's actual stepbrother. If someone saved him and treat his injuries in time on the night when the young Moriarty group set the house on fire, he could survive, too, and in that case, he also surely wants to have revenge.
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The third person with great revenge in his heart, possible knowledge to build up a criminal organization thanks to his employer's teachings and the highest chance of survival from the three - is Ruskin, Milverton's secretary. If Milverton truly died that night, Ruskin surely wants to take his revenge on the people who killed the person he loved to the point of running back for him into a burning house, despite that it puts his life into danger. Yes, if Ruskin is out there - he is surely furious. I wouldn't be surprised if we get to see him again.
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But maybe Blofeld will be someone who truly didn't appear yet, a totally new character in the series. I don't know where Part 2 will lead us, there will be more focus on MI6 missions at all and if we would even get Blofeld as the next big villain - but it's still fun to theorize on his identity. I'm really in love with the thought of Milverton being him so if this won't be the case, I will just keep it as an AU because it's too good for an idea to just pass by.
And if you see this sign appearing in future manga chapters, beware: the Spectre is near.
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platoniccereal · 1 year
Firstly if you find that Adoribull fic I hope you share and second if you have any fic recs for Bull in general I want to know 👀
Also autocorrect nearly made his name Bill. The Iron Bill, a legal juggernaut. Don't call him William.
...he's pretty well versed in fiscal affairs.
i'm going to rummage through ao3 as a treat so maybe i'll be lucky haha i'll send it to you if that's ok and if i find anything.👀
i started reading fics on ao3 not so long ago, so my collection is humble and classic, still...
these are purely gen/plot and character focused with rare nsfw scenes:
small secret spaces – i adore this absolute gut punch of a fic, it's about 2k words and is written from bull's tama perspective. absolutely heartbreaking as anything regarding bull's time on seheron.
there's also i can see us gather at the gates from the same author, a 36k words work in progress, bull x f!trevelyan. it studies them both in opposition to each other, this one got me thinking and feeling for days.
there's also a very short the sea is unchanged in the same series, i recommend lilith_morgana's works in general, because just as this one, they're always written with such love for the characters, as well as with wise, mature understanding of them.
ebasit – a different author, another character study, 12k. so far the only inquisitor!bull fic i've seen, not even on ao3, and by god it's tasty. it's adoribull and bull x josephine, but still mostly a character study. bull seems to be more serious and tough here than as a companion. there is also one thing about adoribull that'll absolutely break your heart in the best way possible.
but there's a twist is an almost 60k words modern au adoribull fic that's definitely worth checking out because i'm not overestimating when i'm saying that it's got everything. this will be painful, this will be sweet and rewarding. and the title does not lie. again, this fic seems to be just one of a kind, very glad a thing like this just exists. also, lilacsolanum is overall an amazing writer,
and vasaad proves it. i respect any fic that touches on vasaad's character because there's just so much angst potential in just a few words cole says in canon, and this one? nailed it. it's also 6k words adoribull. bull's got some baggage, bull's gotta understand that dorian's not afraid of it.
(there's also my father and his father before him from the same author, but even though it's an adoribull fic, it's more of a study of dorian. also highly recommend, gets you very invested in dorian's depressed shenanigans. also the best portrayal of halward i've seen.)
continuing with the vasaad theme, triptych is probably one of the most well-known works on this list. adoribull 41k words soulmate au. it's got such a good grasp on bull's grief. the soulmate au reality only enhances it. i was fascinated at how the system of qunari names was intertwined with the significance of names for the soulmate au. and vasaad? oh. he haunts the entire work, and frankly, it feels right.
cassandra and the chrysanthemum caper is going to be right up your alley if you enjoy older characters exploring pining and slow burning in 16k words while being rather oblivious about it. cassandra x bull, the divine and her bodyguard, and everything you can expect from these two. bonus points for bull with a disability.
stuck on the puzzle – ok, actually this one is the most well-known on this list. i don't really interact with content about cullen, and it's his pov in this cullen x bull 200k beast. but this is a very well-crafted and thoughtful work. plus, there is also an interesting exploration of characters and non-sexual bdsm. just very solid writing.
darkened room – sigh, who doesn't like good ol' ptsd-flavoured nightmares? especially when it's adoribull.
maraas kata – somehow whenever there's qunlat in the title you know it's gonna be good. i consider this to be a bull's trauma exploration. dorian and bull are visiting seheron, very bittersweet. bitter because of course, it's seheron, sweet because bull's got support, and he's not alone.
another country – and another fic from venndaai whose works are absolutely beautiful. not very long. it's adoribull, and i'm weak for time traveling. especially for meeting your loved one in the past. especially when it's this sweet and touching.
so shall it be – rather short bull x adaar, consists of a very technical approach to bondage while also being non-sexual. and it's just sweet!
also, there is some stuff i'm in the process of reading, but still enjoy and find interesting:
run home – i'm only starting reading that one, but i already know it's a high quality work that studies characters in-depth, bull x f!lavellan, bull is an adoptive father of a kid!krem, plus, it's little league au.
better angels – i'm still in the process of reading it, but so far i find it lighthearted and like writer's inquisitor and sense of humor. the plot of m!lavellan x bull losing their memory and trying to piece everything together seems interesting!
aneth ara – as it's easy to realize, i'm in the process of reading many fics. but whenever i see f!lavellan x bull exploration that's over 100k words, i just can't help myself. :) plus, i really like how it's written, it seems very well-built to me.
since it's bull, there's also a good chunk of pretty hot purely pwp stuff:
kindle and char and enflame and ignite – adoribull playing pirates. :) it's pretty lighthearted and sweet, very nice experience!
the summit shrouded in fog – this cullen x bull and x dorian will be your jam if you like more intense scenes. it explores how violent bull is and how it interacts with him being a dom among other things. that's actually not the thing i've seen discussed much before in various texts, so that's cool.
got 180 degrees (and i'm caught in between) – this is a pretty recent work on dorian x krem x bull, made me go !!! i just love krem very much.
come on, get higher – just wanted good ol' bottom!bull and i got it. this is adoribull. also, i know that justjasper created a big amount of works for adoribull in general, and afaik they all are worth checking out,
such as katoh, for example. a very touching compilation of moments between dorian and bull that are sharing the common theme of communication. i like when authors work with the watch word use, it's as important as a good scene.
rivers in the sand – i dunno how explicit it might be considered, so it goes here. adoribull, bull sees similarities between the seheron and the hissing wastes, definitely has a ptsd episode running as an app in the background. bonus points for dorian finding bull being a nerd hot because same.
anyways, thank you sooo much for asking and giving me a chance to rumble about fics i love about a character i love! sorry if i took the task way too seriously, haha. surely there can be much more even with my little experience of ao3, but i'll stop here.
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hpowellsmith · 1 year
Hello! I just want to say that I'm so happy about the Royal Affairs release! And I would like to ask: do you have a face claim for an all male characters choice?
With the caveat that this is not at all exact, the ages/personality don't totally match etc etc, and often the photos I looked at inspired me more from aesthetic/vibes than exact details, here are some of the references I thought about when writing:
Asher: William Moseley (bit of Logan Shroyer also)
Beaumont: Jeenu Mahadevan
Dominique: Teejay Marquez
Hyacinthe: Lil Nas X (though much shorter and obviously a lot more demure)
Javi: Jordan Bolger
Trevelyan: Sacha Dhawan
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mercyburned · 2 months
the rules are simple: post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
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finn collins ( the 100 )
judy alvarez ( cyberpunk 2077 )
valerie skinner ( cyberpunk 2077 )
victoria iordanescu ( cyberpunk 2077 )
angus hawke ( dragon age )
clare cousland ( dragon age )
jowan ( dragon age )
margo hawke ( dragon age )
nelaros ( dragon age )
sahar alami ( dragon age )
thea carlisle ( dragon age )
byleth eisner ( fire emblem: three houses )
ferdinand von aegir ( fire emblem: three houses )
hilda valentine goneril ( fire embleem: three houses )
sylvain jose gautier ( fire emblem: three houses )
eula lawrence ( genshin impact ; tester )
kaeya alberich ( genshin impact )
kreta / fakebedo ( genshin impact )
lumine ( genshin impact )
raiden shogun ( genshin impact )
thoma ( genshim impact )
gepard landau ( honkai: star rail ; tester )
seele ( honkai: star rail ; tester )
stelle ( honkai: star rail )
idk ! recommend someone to me.
clarke griffin ( the 100 )
maya vie ( the 100 )
christina carver ( divergent series )
10th doctor ( doctor who )
rose tyler ( doctor who )
rory williams ( doctor who )
sarah jane smith ( doctor who )
aerynn ( dragon age )
anders ( dragon age )
aveline ( dragon age )
dagna ( dragon age )
daveth ( dragon age )
faryn durik ( dragon age )
fergus cousland ( dragon age )
glynnie tabris ( dragon age )
leanne trevelyan ( dragon age )
ruvhen aeducan ( dragon age )
ryker foscari ( dragon age )
sigolène ( dragon age )
sigrun ( dragon age )
cherche ( fire emblem awakening )
gaius ( fire emblem awakening )
lucina ( fire emblem awakening )
sumia ( fire emblem awakening )
lapis ( fire emblem: engage )
yunaka ( fire emblem: engage )
corrin ( fire emblem fates )
subaki ( fire emblem fates )
alois ( fire emblem: three houses )
annette fantine dominic ( fire emblem: three houses )
dorothea arnault ( fire emblem: three houses )
linhardt von hevring ( fire emblem: three houses )
ignatz victor ( fire emblem: three houses )
squall leonhart ( final fantasy 8 )
jon snow ( game of thrones )
robb stark ( game of thrones )
theon greyjoy ( game of thrones )
amber ( genshin impact )
hu tao ( genshin impact )
yanfei ( genshin impact )
kaveh ( genshin impact )
march 7th ( honkai star rail )
ichabod crane ( sleepy hollow )
probably a lot more that i don't remember
a lot of fandom OCs or fandomless OCs
...and this list is just from tumblr going back to, like, 2013.
anders ( maybe )
robb stark
theon greyjoy
lapis ?
i stole it from @avaere !
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nerdyspeechy · 1 year
9 People You Want to Know Better
Tagged by @unicorn-farm!
1. Three Ships:
Cullen/Rogue Trevelyan
Fenris/Rogue (purple) Hawke
2. First ever ship:
If we're talking about Bioware, Kaidan/Shepard
If we're talking about gaming in general, Paladin Danse/Sole Survivor
3. Last song: 
Dead Horse by Haley Williams
4. Last movie:
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
5. Currently reading:
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
6. Currently watching:
Naruto and The Legend of Vox Machina
7. Currently consuming:
8. Currently craving:
Summertime. I'm 110% over the cold weather
Tagging @ripley95  and @alenkokaidans
(I'm new here and currently not following many people, so I honestly didn't know who to tag. But y'all seem fun!)
#about me
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fals3nd · 10 months
private, mostly friends only multimuse by bee (26, est, she/they). most muses with siblings are mains with my sisters versions, @homebehind and @omegahs
dragon age esyllt trevelyan - inquisitor. greer cousland - companion cousland sibling calpernia - (former?) venatori leader ( bg3 verse )
star wars bodhi rook - rogue one rey - canon divergent/heavily headcanon based you forty quinn - s2 guinevere beck - s1, emphasis on canon divergent survivor au
the hunger games katniss everdeen
lord of the rings eowyn
little women jo march - book & pbs 2017 miniseries insp beth march - book & pbs 2017 miniseries insp
d&d ocs meredith connar - light cleric, savior of elturel, kind of a heretic rn don't worry about it prince rin adveliss reaegis of the celestial kingdom of praezar - babiest child of a fucked up astral elf monarchy, archfey patron warlock
good omens anathema device - book & show influences
doctor who the captain - timelord oc, connected to nan's oc the artificer downton abbey edith crawley we have always lived in the castle constance blackwood
the haunting of hill house (netflix) luke crain
nancy drew ( games based ) nancy drew
swan lake ( ballet ) the swan queen / odette
baldur's gate 3 odile / the dark urge
pacific rim piper reed, jaeger pilot, connected to @denouemente's oc jude warren
greek mythos helen of troy
we are th.e t.igers riley williams
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multusxcastalides · 2 years
Starter call! Send me a symbol through replies, asks or IM, and I’ll hop on a starter!
Apocalypse (TWD/Z Nation/TLOU/FallOut):
🔟 - 10K - Z Nation - Canon - Secondary
💀 - Andrea Harrison - The Walking Dead - Canon - Primary
🍄 - Owen Moore - TLOU(2) - Canon - Secondary
🧟 - Maria Reyes - TWD/TLOU/Fallout - OC - Primary
🎻 - Dina Walters - TWD - OC - Primary
🎸 - Ellie Williams - TLOU(2) - Canon - Secondary
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer:
🔪 - Faith Lehane - Canon - Primary
Dragon Age:
🧝🏽‍♂️ - Zevran Arainai - Canon - Primary
🧙‍♀️ - Morrigan - Canon - Primary
🏰  - Mia Rutherford - Canon - Secondary
👑 - Alistair Theirin - Canon - Primary
🗡️ - Maxwell Trevelyan - Canon - Primary
⚔️ - Yvesse - OC - Primary
The Dresden Files:
🦇 - Thomas Raith - Canon - Primary
🍷 - Cersei Lannister - Canon - Primary
🔪 - Faith - Crossover - Primary
🍆 - Ros - Canon - Primary
🐾 - Jon Snow - Canon - Secondary
🐺 - Robb Stark - Canon - Primary
🐦 - Sansa Stark - Canon - Primary
🐲 - Rhaella Targaryen - Canon - Primary
Harry Potter:
📚 - Hermione Granger - Canon - Primary
✨ - Draco Malfoy - Canon - Primary
🏡 - Theodore Nott - Canon - Primary
💼 - Lucy Weasley - Canon - Secondary
🍪 - Rose Weasley - Canon - Secondary
🏆 - Roxanne Weasley - Canon - Secondary
♛ - Mary Stuart - Canon - Primary
Lost Girl:
💋 - Ysabeau Dennis - Canon - Primary
🕷️ - Yelena Belova - Canon - Primary
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina) -  OC - Primary
🌎 - Bobbi Morse - Canon - Primary
💻 - Natasha Romanoff - Canon - Primary
🎯 - Grant Ward - Canon - Primary
One Chicago:
🚨 - Kim Burgess - Canon - Primary
Rizzoli & Isles:
🚔 - Jane Rizzoli - Canon - Primary
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina)  OC - Primary
👻 - Trisha Patricks  OC - Primary
🍰 - Dean Winchester - Canon - Secondary
The Vampire Diaries:
🌕 - Tyler Lockwood - Canon - Secondary
🌑 - Damon Salvatore - Canon - Secondary
🌙 - Enzo St. John - Canon - Secondary
🛡️ - Lagertha - Canon - Primary
The Witcher:
🃏 - Geralt of Rivia - Canon - Primary
🎃 - Alexander Carlisle - OC - Primary
🎀 - Matilde Carlisle -OC - Primary
💞 - Briana Carter - OC - Primary
💔 - Jane Carter - OC - Primary
🚑 - Lucas Jackson - OC - Primary
💄 - Lill Redding - OC - Primary
🐎 - War - OC - Primary
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
Oh and ❛ no offense, but you look terrible. ❜ for the platonic prompts as well 😊
from this list
On AO3 here
I really do have to thank you for this one and the previous one! Writing these two is so much fun!!! Hope you enjoy it!
(under cut for length because, let's face it, I don't know the meaning of the word 'short'! lol)
Maker’s breath! 
He should have known better!  He knew it, the rest of them knew it too, and there wasn’t any doubt in his mind this incident would haunt him – be the talk of Skyhold, even – for days to come!  Cards just were not his game. 
After all these years, you’d think I’d have learned better.  It isn’t like Josie and Leliana have been hiding their talents along the way, either…
Down below, the door to his office creaked open just as Cullen tugged his boots over freshly socked feet.  Groaning inwardly, he prayed the new arrival wasn’t one of the Inquisition’s staff, a messenger with a request for a patrol, or something equally boring and work related, rather than one of the others seeking him out in order to gloat.
Maker, please, don’t let it be Dorian…!
Booted steps strode into the room with purpose but paused at the base of the ladder.  “Cullen?”
Cullen sighed and covered his face with both hands.  Great.  “I’ll…be down in a moment.”
There was no point in trying to avoid the Inquisitor.  If Cullen didn’t go down willingly, the man would simply come up to check on him. 
Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.
Muttering beneath his breath, Cullen quickly descended the ladder.  “Look, Inquisitor, if you are here to –”
“Inquisitor, now, is it?”
The smirk in the man’s tone was obvious; a hint of amusement wrapped in smugness, but to his credit, he didn’t laugh.  Cullen kept his eyes averted – he didn’t need to see the smirk, that would just add insult to injury – and crossed over to his desk. 
As he took a seat, he shivered, suddenly remembering the loss of the mantle he usually wore during the game. 
Great, he was going to freeze as a result of this evening’s shenanigans, too.  It would be just his luck to catch a bad cold because of his own stupidity.  And Mia would likely give him no end of grief as well.
A rustle of papers to his left had him turning just in time to identify said mantle as it landed on top of his desk.  Blinking, he just stared.  “What…what’s this?”
This time, the laugh was quite audible.  “What does it look like?”
Gingerly, Cullen reached for the garment, cautiously pulling it closer.  “A trap?”
The laughter bubbled a bit louder, filling the room.  “Not unless you set one inside it tha thasn’t gone off yet.”
Snorting softly, he countered, “That isn’t exactly my skillset.”
Rising, Cullen pulled the mantle over his shoulders and secured it.  “I’m…surprised Lady Montilyet shared her…winnings with you so easily.”
This time, however, William remained silent.  It wasn’t necessary to be a genius in order to figure out why; he was waiting.  Waiting for Cullen to look over at him so he could make a point.  Like you always do. 
Sighing, Cullen ran a hand through his hair until it landed at the back of his neck.  He rubbed at tension still present due to his earlier embarrassment.  Sadly, it didn’t dissipate.  “Look, Will…”
But as he finally lifted his gaze to his friend’s, his voice trailed off to silence by what he found.  William wasn’t the type to go around playing practical jokes willy nilly – at least, he hadn’t been in the past, and certainly not like their elven mischief maker.  No, the Inquisitor’s taste in practical jokes was lighthearted enough, but very selective, and the man could take as good as he gave.
A sudden bubble of laughter swelled in the back of Cullen’s throat at the sight of the drenched and dripping man standing on the other side of his desk.  Cullen quickly cleared his throat.  “No offense,” he managed before he had to cover his mouth with his hand and cough before continuing, “but you look…terrible.”
William braced his arms on the edge of Cullen’s desk, dark eyes glaring at him, pinning him in place.  Cullen had only ever seen his friend angry – truly irate – once or twice over the years.  This was maybe the third time? 
“Never let it be said I allow my friends to suffer.”
“To…?”  Cullen frowned.  He was missing something, an important key to understanding what that meant.
“I went to retrieve your mantle for you,” William explained.  “Figured of all the pieces lost to our ambassador this evening, that one would be the most useful to you.”
The shiver that rippled down his spine this time was triggered by the thought rather than actual cold.  “Yes, well, you always were the more insightful one.”
“Hmm.  Be that as it may, what I did not expect was the trap waiting there.”
Straightening, William gestured at himself.  “No sooner had I opened the door to Josie’s office then I was greeted by…this.”
Something about this situation still sounded off.  “Are you suggesting Josephine trapped her office door?”
With a sigh, William shook his head.  A spray of droplets flew free of his hair and spattered across Cullen’s desk, dotting papers and books, and even reaching the back of Cullen’s hand as he raised it to protect his face. 
“No, not at all,” Will replied.  “In fact, I know exactly who the responsible party is.”
Cullen pursed his lips.  “Let me guess…Sera?”
Will’s thinned into a straight line.  “Well…yes, but she had help.”
“She did?”  Cullen rounded his desk and noticed the puddles forming at his friend’s feet.  Grabbing a cloth from nearby he used when snow got trampled into the office, he tossed it over. 
After wiping his face, Will turned a sheepish, lopsided smile at Cullen.  “I…sort of assisted her, shall we say?”
“You what?”
“It was a bonding exercise.”
“You are an idiot!”
“Says the man who lost more than just his shirt in a game of Wicked Grace!”
Several moments passed in silence as they stared at one another, both with cheeks flaming.  Finally, Cullen asked, “It’s…going to take a while for me to get my things back from her, isn’t it?”
William squeezed out excess moisture from his tunic onto the floor.  “Just be thankful you weren’t wearing your armor.”
Finally able to smile and mean it, Cullen chuckled.  “There is that, I suppose.”
An outraged shout echoed outside of the office in the direction of the keep and William threw the towel at Cullen where it landed against his chest with a damp squelch.  “I…will see you later…”
Without another word, the Inquisitor hurried out the door leading out onto the battlements and away from a voice Cullen now identified as Josephine’s…
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The Ties that Bind
Favourite uncle, guardian, parent, Alec Trevelyan is all of these things to Miranda, Andrew, and William Holmes-Bond.  James and Q’s three children are the children Alec never had, and he is as integral a part of their lives as their fathers are.  He will do anything for them, and has done.  Though he’s the bat-shite crazy uncle, who is at times as much a toddler as they can be, their happiness and safety are always his first concern.  Given the inherent dangers of being the demon spawn of 007 and The Quartermaster, Alec looks after them in much the same way a Personal Protection Office does their primary.  
Alec loves them all dearly, but it is Miranda with whom he has the deepest connection.  The ties between Alec and Mir defy explanation, and James and Remy stopped trying long ago.  Alec was captivated by the tiny, squashed bundle of nothing James placed in his arms barely an hour after she was born, but it was when Mir opened her eyes and stared at her Uncle Alec with her Da’s eyes … well, Alec has been held in thrall ever since.
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celemee · 1 year
DA:I OC codex prompts - William 7 (something written by a visiting diplomat)
Hi, babe! How did you know I'd want to write about William tonight? :D Thank you for the perfect prompt! @dadrunkwriting
During the conflict with the Elder One, Markus Pentaghast, the king of Nevarra, was briefly corrupted by Venatori blood magic. This letter was discovered among the late king's possessions. It is thought to be written to Virellius — the Venatori infiltrator to the court — by his spy disguised as a diplomat. The Chantry suppressed the letter for five decades, as it paints a rather unbecoming picture of the Inquisitor's early career.
I have succeeded in my mission. I am writing to you on the off-chance that my return be impeded or intercepted; I refuse to let my efforts go to waste.
The rising star we have discussed seems headed towards the ground, perhaps to crash harmlessly into the sea. Having spent some time in his presence, I cannot help but wonder what twisted accident landed such a dull mind into this position. He seems consumed by his desire for fine foods, sunbathing and chasing after soldiers he deems attractive.
Furthermore, his manservant appears to hold a fatherly role; the "rising star" seems barely able to choose which Orlesian pastry to pick first without consulting the man. Herein lies the real threat, perhaps; the manservant may wield the true power and is undoubtedly worth watching.
I could not figure out whether the rising star is savvy in combat, but I must credit his ability to delegate. Perhaps he is as skilled an archer as is said, but saves his efforts for meaningful confrontations.
From what I have seen, I would suggest proceeding with the high-risk plan we discussed. The choice is entirely yours, of course.
Your friend,
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rennesairanenlove · 7 months
G. M. Trevelyan Englannin historia: "Oli maailmanhistorian käännekohta, kun William Wilberforcen ja hänen ystävänsä onnistui herättää Britannian kansan omatunto kieltämään orjakauppa 1807 ja lakkauttamaan orjuus imperiumissa 1833, juuri ennen kuin eurooppalaiset ryhtyivät kehittämään Afrikan sisäosien oloja. Jos orjuus ja orjakauppa olisivat jatkuneet halki 1800-luvun ja jos ne olisivat saaneet käyttöönsä teollisuuden vallankumouksen ja nykyajan tieteen uudet aseet, tropiikista olisi tullut laaja orjafarmi, jota valkoiset olisivat riistäneet hyväkseen, ja Euroopan rodut olisivat kotimaassaan rappeutuneet niistä orjasivistyksen sairauksista, joihin vanha Rooman keisarikunta kuoli."
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daimonclub · 7 months
Autonomous Learning
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Autonomous Learning Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Albert Einstein (Autonomous Learning) There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself. Miyamoto Musashi  The Book of Five Rings Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn. T.H. White, The Once and Future King Knowledge is not free. You have to pay attention. R. Feynman It is not so very important for a person to learn facts. For that he does not really need a college. He can learn them from books. The value of an education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks. Albert Einstein When the student is ready the teacher appears. When the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears. Lao Tzu Education means development of the mind so that it will work for you and not against you. All education is self-acquired because no one can educate another. Napoleon Hill Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge. Alfred North Whitehead Day by day, what you think and what you do is who you become. Heraclitus The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. Leonardo da Vinci You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself. Galileo Galilei Your knowledge is far more important than your degree. Paul Dirac My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. Mary Shelley The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don’t know how to be submissive, and so on, because they’re dysfunctional to the institutions. Noam Chomsky The mind is sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude. No big laboratory is needed in which to think. Originality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind. Nikola Tesla Learning never exhausts the mind. Leonardo da Vinci Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Malcolm S. Forbes It is well to read everything of something, and something of everything. Lord Henry P. Brougham Education must not only be the stupid learning of facts through rote methods, but also the training of mind to think starting from every kind of event. So take your opportunities to improve your knowledge of the world practicing some good eclectic strategies. Carl William Brown Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. Oscar Wilde Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil. Plato Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading, an easy prey to sensations and cheap appeals. G. M. Trevelyan Nothing is more securely lodged than the ignorance of the experts. Friedrich August von Hayek After all manner of professors have done their best for us, the place we are to get knowledge is in books. The true university of these days is a collection of books. Thomas Carlyle I've never let my school interfere with my education. Mark Twain The best effect of any book, is that it excites the reader to self-activity. Thomas Carlyle The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don't know how to be submissive, and so on - because they're dysfunctional to the institutions. Noam Chomsky School can provide you an education and university can give you a culture, but self-knowledge and self-learning can help you to make a fortune. Carl William Brown Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. Robert Frost There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. Jiddu Krishnamurti I have come to discover through earnest personal experience and dedicated learning that ultimately the greatest help is self-help; that there is no other help but self-help - doing one's best, dedicating oneself wholeheartedly to a given task, which happens to have no end but is an on-going process. Bruce Lee Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. Isaac Asimov (1920-1992, Russian-born American author) Everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching. Oscar Wilde He was really brilliant, clever and had a lot of imagination too, but unfortunately he was a donkey and thinking of being a horse wasn’t enough. Carl William Brown God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board. Mark Twain In England ... education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and would probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square. Oscar Wilde The best education consists in immunizing people against systematic attempts at education. Paul Kark Feyerabend The first thing a student should understand to have success is that of becoming a self-taught man. Carl William Brown Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. Robert Frost The more I read the more I figured out that only one conclusion is possible: languages cannot be taught, they can only be learned. Everything turns around the learner and his/her passion. Carl William Brown Art is not to be taught in Academies. It is what one looks at, not what one listens to, that makes the artist. The real schools should be the streets. Oscar Wilde The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. John Maynard Keynes A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at. Bruce Lee Education: the inculcation of the incomprehensible into the indifferent by the incompetent. John Maynard Keynes The psychic task which a person can and must set for himself is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity. Erich Fromm There is no such thing as ''the Queen's English.'' The property has gone into the hands of a joint stock company and we own the bulk of the shares! Mark Twain Children have a natural antipathy to books- handicraft should be the basis of education. Boys and girls should be taught to use their hands to make something, and they would be less apt to destroy and be mischievous. Oscar Wilde The best education consists in immunizing people against systematic attempts at education. Paul Kark Feyerabend Finally, Julio mentions the importance of making the language part of your life. Just as a boy learning how to play soccer would go out in the streets to play with his buddies, language learning shouldn’t be confined to your bedroom or classroom. Go out and have fun with it! Julio César Genius lasts longer than Beauty. That accounts for the fact that we all take such pains to over-educate ourselves. Oscar Wilde As Mark Twain once remarked, “The Best Education Happens outside the Classroom” which means that self learning that takes place outside the formal channels can be both informative as well as educational. To explain, self-learning ensures that learners learn outside the formal systems thereby giving them more flexibility and freedom to explore new avenues of learning. Further, the fact that self learning is technologically enabled means that educational methods that are not usually the methods in classroom-based teaching can be made available to the learners thereby enhancing the value of such learning. Successful language learning entails learner motivation, cooperation and empathy. Naturally, this approach places emphasis on learner development. There are a number of stages in the learner development process. The uppermost stages include raising language awareness (how learners can contribute to their own learning), changing learning strategies (self-monitoring, responding to peers, etc.), and, finally, assuming responsibility for their own learning. The last stage implies transferring some traditional teacher's roles to learners which allows them to become more independent. (Kavaliauskiene, 2002) It is advisable, however, instead of prompting the right answer to give learners some tips that might help them produce the correct answer. Usually someone in class does. At lower levels, students might lack self-confidence to use English. If learners feel like using their first language, do not discourage them. Let students become familiar with activity and feel comfortable and secure. Alternatives This activity can be used for peer-checking of progress tests administered by teachers. Having administered a few versions (to avoid cheating) of progress tests, ask students to exchange their worksheets, correct their peer's work and allow them to grade it. Learners enjoy playing teachers! Next, let students discuss their performance by working in pairs or small groups. The teacher's role is to monitor pairs' work and give advice if necessary. Useful Tip Avoid 'denouncing' students for making mistakes. The damage to a student's reputation might be irreparable. Individual counseling is preferable. Student-produced Tests LEVEL: elementary & above OBJECTIVES: peer-assessment, self-assessment, producing materials, reflection on usage, interaction, recycling grammar/vocabulary TARGET LANGUAGE: vocabulary, grammar, word-building, matching words& definitions MATERIALS: handouts, worksheets, transparencies from web-based, authentic or textbook materials IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE: work in pairs / small groups / whole class discussion TIME LIMIT: flexible The choice of materials that students can use for producing tests for their peers depends on their level. Higher level students are apt to create a variety of exercises (word-building, gap-filling, language in use, matching words and definitions) and use authentic materials. Lower level students prefer to produce grammar exercises similar to ones in their textbooks. For students, making their own tests is an extremely motivating activity, which also has an element of self-study and self-assessment. Learners are bound to reflect on the items they have chosen for testing In class, learners hand out worksheets to their peers, set a time limit and provide assistance if needed. The outcome is discussed either between groups or in the whole class. The teacher's role is to monitor learners' activities in pairs or small groups unobtrusively. Intervention is unnecessary unless learners need assistance. Useful Tip It is advisable to check and correct mistakes on the learners' worksheets before they are handed out to their peers. Tests might be presented on transparencies and implemented as a whole class activity (provided an overhead projector is available in the classroom). Reference Kavaliauskiene, G. Three Activities to Promote Learner's Autonomy. The Internet TESL Journal. Vol. VIII, No. 7, July 2002. http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Kavaliauskiene-Autonomy/ http://www.apa.org/education/k12/learners.aspx Further pragmatic resources for language and cultural learning: https://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/2021/01/29/learner-autonomy/ Learner autonomy is the idea of learners developing skills for learning outside of the classroom, or without constant instruction. Encouraging learner autonomy involves playing an active role in their learning, making decisions about their learning, and reflecting and evaluating their learning. The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework includes Learning to Learn, which deals with the skills necessary to become a more autonomous learner of English, as well as study skills more generally. Techniques for encouraging learner autonomy include note-taking and vocabulary, flashcards, spaced repetition and example sentences, and social media settings, graded readers and switching off subtitles. About this topic you can also read: Quotes on Education Education first of all Why is education so important University education World education news Read the full article
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