#adventures in parenthood to be
ricka-m · 1 year
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jhdanes · 5 months
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@comfortember COMFORTEMBER 2023 day 19 you mourned her the whole year, the next year it was only you at her grave site while your father had a meltdown. #lovedones
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hncdhnmfr · 5 months
Supposed to be a certain moment from the chapter 20 equivalence of AiM... representing our boy Ayin! In this AU, I'd assume he'd have the "disease", which I interpret to make you feel "empty" / "hollow" if that makes any sense? Anyways, hope you like it, Ahmed!
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enderpearlgurl13 · 1 year
When you finish a really good fic with an interesting plot that gave you severe emotional whiplash throughout the shenanigans and cliffhangers that has a satisfying conclusion but then you snap back to reality
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krissiefox · 1 year
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - The Robot’s Robot (Screenshots & Review)
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Well! I was not expecting an episode where Scratch and Grounder make a baby together, but here we are! Will they be good parents or crappy parents? Let's find out....
The episode begins with two pretty adorable lion cub kids bike riding together. Their names are Jackson and Suzie, and they're heading back home to their family when they find their own home town imploded into a big ball! Thankfully nobody in the town seems to be seriously harmed by this, thanks to cartoon physics - but it's clearly still a problem! Sonic and Tails stumble across the two and set a tent for the kids to stay in so they'll be safer until our heroes can figure out how to undue the implosion.
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Poor kids....thankfully, Sonic’s here to help! And he brought donuts!
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Meanwhile, we see Robotnik showing off the device that he he used to implode this town - The "Super Planetary Implosion Machine", or SPIM, which is powered by the "Butal Lepton Atomic Material Modification Oscillator" (Or BLAMMO). What a mouthful! No wonder he gave these devices acronym nicknames...
Robotnik explains that the BLAMMO is very volatile and delicate, and that even shaking it to hard could implode the entire planet! So of course, Scratch and Grounder almost break it, which sends Robotnik into a fit, yelling " that even a complete idiot could make a better robot than them!". Acknowledging that they themselves are "complete idiots", Scratch and Grounder get the idea to make a robot themselves!
They find the robot making machine (the same one Robotnik sued to make Coachnik!), and throw a bunch of random parts in. They excitedly exclaim "We can boss it around, abuse  it and humiliate it. just like Dr. Robotnik does to us. we're gonna be parents!" Yeesh. Way to keep that generational trauma going, you two!
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"We can boss it around, abuse  it and humiliate it. just like Dr. Robotnik does to us. we're gonna be parents!"
After their child emerges from the machine, they struggle to come with a name and just settle for calling the little one "Robot", using all the creativity of whomever names the background ponies the My Little Pony GameLoft game.
Robot is an adorable and sweet little fellow, but sadly Scratch and Grounder immediately put him to the task of hard labor by making him wash Robotnik's absurdly large amount of dirty china plates. He ends up filling the china cabinet so tight that all the plates break, which wakes up Robotnik and makes him furious. He threatens to turn Robot into a popcorn machine, which scares the poor little dear so badly that he grabs a bunch of items and runs way from home. Unfortunately, one the things he grabbed was the BLAMMO!
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The next morning, Sonic sees an article in the newspaper where Scratch and Grounder have put out an alert for their missing child, and Sonic ends up seeing Robot zoom by him by at the same time. The article also mentions the BLAMMO that was taken and ho unstable the device is. He wakes up Tails and they go to trail the little bot.
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Scratch and Grounder are also in pursuit of robot, and who gets so scared he accidentally falls into a canyon! Around this part of the episode, things actually get pretty uncomfortable for a while because it feels like Sonic is being the biggest bully in the scene. He tells Scratch and Grounder that he's not gonna save Robot for them, but only to stop Mobius from being imploded. At this time he doesn't know that Scratch and Grounder were planning to slave drive robot, and also has not seen Robot do anything to harm anyone, so he is effectively telling two new parents whose kid is running away scared that he would just let their child die to spite them. What the fuck, Sonic?
To make matters worse, after saving Robot, he also scares Scratch and Grounder into falling into the canyon themselves - whom, again, to Sonic’s knowledge, were just trying to save their own child from harm. This act is a little more understandable as Scratch and Grounder are established enemies to Sonic, but this still feels needlessly cruel of him - especially when this is when we see Scratch and Grounder start to show care for Robot. This is messed up. Let's move on...
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At-least Tails isn’t  threatening to let anyone’s child die horribly! He’s just here making cute poses.
Back at Robotnik's base, Robotnik has just woken up himself and found the BLAMMO missing, much to his displeasure. Scratch and Grounder dejectedly return home and tell him what happened, so Robotnik heads out to retrieve the BLAMMO himself. Robot has run off after Sonic saved him (and if he could hear what Sonic was saying earlier, I don't blame him!) and ends up at the tent where the two lion kids are at. Robot starts crying and the kids go to check on him and comfort him. Shortly afterwards, Sonic arrives there, and Robot is very apprehensive of Sonic, since all he's Sonic do is be cruel to him and his parents so far.  Sonic asks for the BLAMMO, and Robot throws it, where it unfortunately ends up right in Robotnik's hands as he flies by!
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One of the things Robot packed when he ran away was a photo of Scratch and Grounder! 🥺 If the two had been better parents, they might have been a happy little family....
Sonic and Tails chase Robotnik for a while - traveling through a lava cave and a frozen lake. Robot follows them as well, helping Sonic several times, which thankfully seems to get Sonic to realize how cruel he was being to the little bot and be much more kind to him from here on. At one point, Robotnik deploys what he calls "Burrobots", but they look almost nothing like the Burrobots from the games, and I can't hep but wonder if that's because they'd look too much like Grounder?
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The strange Aosth version of “Burrobots”
They eventually trail Robotnik to his own fortress, and Robot lets them inside. Sonic sabotages Robotnik’s weapon so that it will un-implode the kids home town, and also implode Robotnik’s own fortress, but with a timed delay so he, Tails and Robot can make it out safely.
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While they still flip flop between calling Robot their child and their slave, Scratch and Grounder start to become protective of him when Robotnik threatens to implode him.This doesn't make them good parents, of course, but I do like that they were given some self-doubt and complexity in these scenes where they they couldn’t decide whether to continue to abuse like Robotnik or change and be better parents.
Scratch and Grounder call out to Robot, which is kind of a sad scene, too. Robot decides he doesn't want to live with them anymore, which is for the best as they were being abusive, even if they seemed to be started to feel more care for him over time. First impressions are very important, so don't expect your kid to stick around if you call them your slave immediately after they're born!
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Sonic decides to bring Robot to Scrap valley to live with the other misfit robots that Robotnik rejected, so he won't be alone. It's neat to see a callback to this location, and it is a location of this shows world that has some interesting social parallels to the our world. The citizens of Scrap Town seem very loving and accepting towards Robot, so it seems he has a happy ending! Which makes me happy too, because he's a little sweetie and I felt bad for him. Hopefully if Scratch and Grounder ever decide to have another kid, they'll know to be more caring parents from the get go!
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In the Sonic Says segment, Sonic and Tails teach scratch and Grounder about fire safety. If you're in a burning building, crawl on the floor to avoid smoke, and don't try to open a  door if the handle is hot! Honestly, as an adult, I had forgotten about these safety tips myself, so this a good refresher for both kids and grown ups!
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While Sonic's behavior during the canyon scene is disturbing, I really liked this episode overall! It's another shining example of this silly slapstick show actually touching on some interesting social issues - parenthood, generational trauma, a child escaping an abusive environment -  Scratch and Grounder having to learn the hard lesson that if you abuse your kid, there's a good chance they'll leave and never want to see you again, regardless of if you try to make it up to them or be more kind later. Robot doesn't owe them forgiveness for being shitty parents! Also, I enjoyed the fact that this is an early 90s cartoon in which we saw two male-coded characters having a child together, and at no point were there any sort of derogatory homophobic jokes made about this fact. That shouldn’t be anything special, but a lot of comedy in the 90s gladly punched down at queer people, and I’m glad this episode wasn’t one of those times.
Til next time,stay cool and be good people!
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phiralovesloki · 1 year
tonight's terrible twos sleep regression wake up brought to you by "i need a big and strong yummy snack" and was resolved by promising to bring in the iPad so he could watch the clip from the Simpsons episode 4x07 ("Bart Sells His Soul") where Bart imagines the magic grow dinosaur growing to full dinosaur size and attacking Lisa.
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 2 years
I met my wife when I was, I think, fourteen, maybe thirteen, I remember seeing her at a church retreat and thinking she was very beautiful and probably quite mean
I had almost no ambition in my life whatsoever, I thought dimly I might be an artist but I didn’t feel like I was banking very heavily on it, and figured I’d just go to school and be a high school teacher or something because I wanted to have summer vacations. My wife was achingly desperate to travel to interesting places, a desire I did not share in the least.
In the summer of 2012 when I was looking for jobs after finishing undergrad my wife applied to a job teaching English in Japan, almost as a gag. Neither one of us thought very seriously about it but she was invited for a Skype interview and when they found out that she was married they wanted me to apply and interview too.
I remember in the whole application process several strange coincidences seemed to come together, a sort of planetary alignment that everyone involved but me thought must have been divine intervention. It was a Christian school, which is very unusual in Japan. One of the application requirements was that you be able to sing, which was something I was routinely told I could not do. There was a portion of the Skype interview where you had to sing a line or two just to make sure that you could carry a tune. I figured that would be the end of it, did a couple lines of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and the interviewer approved to my surprise.
They had us come out to Chicago (well, O’Hare) to do an in-person interview with about half a dozen people who’d flown in from Japan. That October they called us to offer us a job, a yearlong contract starting in March 2013, though they made it clear we would be encouraged to stay longer if we wanted. The HR guy in particular would talk about how God had brought me there and wanted me to be there, there had been times in the past they’d had people they wanted to bring over but something would go wrong in the application process but my wife and I made it. 
We left for Japan in January for a month of training. After that month, they brought my wife and me into a room to tell me I wasn’t working out but my wife could stay on. I asked what it was, they said they couldn’t point to anything specific, it was just me. I asked the HR guy about God wanting me to be there and he concluded they had been wrong.
In retrospect there were some strange coincidences that made our departure quite clean--they brought over about a dozen people and they set everyone up with an apartment but because of the way the year’s schedule was working out the apartment they’d set aside for my wife and me wasn’t ready yet and so we never signed the lease. We had several opportunities to sign up for mobile phone plans but decided to put it off. I remember sitting in a room with several of our coworkers trying to plan a trip to Disney in Tokyo one evening, my computer in front of me with everyone’s tickets in the cart and everything for that summer, and we couldn’t all agree on a date and decided to put it off. So in the event we didn’t have to break any leases or contracts or anything of that nature. All we had to do was close our bank account--we still have those old Japanese debit cards in a little box on my wife’s dresser. Perhaps the apartment thing was because they had reservations about me but the phone and the tickets for that summer were in my hands and it’s strange they didn’t pan out. Providence, perhaps. He gives and takes away.
No more talk about travel after that. A few months after we got back to our hometown my wife got pregnant and moved on.
Back in 2019 I went over to the UK and France for an academic conference, alone. Now I am off to the UK and Germany for an academic conference alone. In a month I will be off to the UK again for a semester, alone. I’m sitting in the airport now next to a carry-on bag my wife and I bought in the Narita Airport in Tokyo in March of 2013 on our way home to replace the one we’d brought over. Stopped right in the airport to unpack the old bag, pack the new bag, and put the old bag in the trash.
The flight is boarding in twenty minutes.
I don’t like travel
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internutter · 1 year
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Challenge #03644-I356: Welcome, Again, to the World
Could we see how the new child is raised? Does Wraithvine take them in, or does Amatu? I'm curious.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03577-i288-a-second-chance -- The New Guy
The jar was heavy, and it seemed to help to have someone either nearby or carrying it. Pondermore took some of the burden while traveling back to see Amatu's girl. Amatu carried it sometimes, or curled around it during their resting hours. Stravras the Really Dark Grey had given them a little device to let them know when or if the being inside needed blood, milk, or some other kind of sustenance. There was a huge list of things that should never be given as sustenance, which included liquid egg yolk and pennyroyal.
They had a cart for this leg of the trip, and Amatu had wrapped himself around the jar. Brooding over the contents in both meanings of the word.
Young men react strangely when they encounter sudden onset fatherhood. Older men are little better.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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mistofstars · 2 years
If there is one thing I'm proud of, it's raising my son to a loving and kind human being (he has his tantrums, though, mind you).
I make sure to shower him with love and attention, because I know what it felt like not to get enough of this as a kid. Up to this day, I am not a heartfelt or "warm" person, but I make damn sure to make an effort with my son and show him that he is loved, seen, respected, cared for.
And it really shows "results" - people constantly tell me how polite and kind he is. And he really has no bad intentions in his heart, bless him. He is simply good and treats everyone with kindness. Wish everyone could be like that.
For example, I told him this evening I have a bad headache and my tummy hurts (damn pms) and he asked me where, stroked my forehead and tummy and said "poor mommy".
I'm so damn proud of him, he is such a good kid. I'm definitely not always on my best days OR manners, but when I look at him, I know I'm doing something right.
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setarra · 2 years
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Shout out to my Ma for capturing a rare photo of us while out to brunch for Mother’s Day. More on www.setarra.com
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ipcearn · 22 days
May you all have a cat that is so determined to lay on you in their quest for cuddles
Ruvik has a habit of half laying on me when I am curled up in bed, it usually starts with a paw on my arm or side - depending on how I am laying
And then some time later he will get up and resettle, like currently his front half is laying on my back, his back half sprawled along my side
A few days ago he tried curling up against the back of my neck - I was laying on my front, half twisted to the side - and he kept sliding off because that made my back be at an angle, and he was so disgruntled about sliding off, he just kept repeating and repeating trying to find the right position so he could lay there (and he did at some point)
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tanuandthetriplets · 1 month
ChidiyaGhar Me Hahakaaar ! Fountain Me Nahane Ki Zid! | Triplets Vlog - 23rd March’24
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musubi-sama · 1 month
Toddler woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and was a bear all day, but she’s asleep now and mama is about to have herself a drinkydrink, review her writing, post said writing, then organize more of her character goods because she is a consoomer wh0re.
Oh, and watch husband play FFVII: Rebirth
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echos-muses · 8 months
sooo i’m thinking of doing a sims world redo, like get rid of the sims and houses and shit. so… without further ado
Forgotten Hollow
Straud Mansion - 40x30
Straud Vampire Castle by yukihyo6121
Bathory Family
Cain Bathory - Patriarch, styled after Daemon Targaryen, by maudhuy
Lilith Bathory - Matriarch, styled after Lagertha Lothbrok, by MegiiSims
Morrigan Bathory - Heiress, styled after Daenerys Targaryen, by maudhuy
Sebastien Bathory - Heir, styled after Aegon II Targaryen, by Raven_5060
Lucien Bathory - Heir, styled after Aemond Targaryen, by orlandovil775
Victoria Bathory - Heiress, styled after (young) Rhaenyra Targaryen, by maudhuy
Marceline Bathory - Heiress, styled after Cirilla of Cintra, by EclipticOrbit
Wolfsbane Manor - 30x30
Spooky Halloween Cemetery by yukihyo6121
Nightclub Lot
Garliclauter Place - 30x20
Paranormal Victorian Home by yukihyo6121
Grimm Family
Asmodeus Grimm - Patriarch, styled after Gomez Addams
Belladonna Grimm - Matriarch, styled after Morticia Addams
Zacchaeus Grimm - Heir, styled after Joe Goldberg
Lazarus Grimm - Heir, styled after Nicholas Scratch
Dorian Grimm - Heir, styled after Evan Peters
Ophelia Grimm - Heiress, styled after Zoe Benson
Rowena Grimm - Heiress, styled after Kiernan Shipka
Scarlet Grimm - Heiress, styled after Jenna Ortega
Widowshild Townhome - 30x20
Basegame Goth Mansion by yukihyo6121
Dragomir Vampire Family
Cordelia Dragomir - Matriarch, styled after Alicent Hightower, by donpanchocruz
Ettore Dragomir - Patriarch, styled after Criston Cole, by YunaDSolo
Magnus Dragomir - Heir, styled after Jon Snow, by maudhuy
Desdemona Dragomir - Heiress, styled after Crystal Reed, by Valexasecret
Lenora Dragomir - Heiress, styled after Elena Gilbert, by fairyflo444
Raphael Dragomir - Heir, styled after Jeremy Gilbert, by hallemeeks
Malachi Dragomir - Heir, styled after Chase Stein, by YunaDSolo
Amelie Dragomir - Heiress, styled after Emily Carey, by donpanchocruz
Fledermaus Bend - 30x30
Gothic Vampire Mansion by yukihyo6121
Constantine Vampire Family
Drusilla Constantine - Matriarch, styled after Salma Hayek
Aurelius Constantine - Heir, styled after Pedro Pascal
Caius Constantine - Heir, styled after Gabriel Luna
Floriana Constantine - Heiress, styled after Eiza González
Renata Constantine - Heiress, styled after Christian Serratos
Dante Constantine - Heir, styled after Leo Howard
Gemini Constantine - Heiress, styled after Olivia Rodrigo
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excitingfatpeople · 10 months
I don't see an ask box but just wanted to say that I love the concept of this blog!
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morganaspendragonss · 10 months
ea are having a summer sale,
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