#after i chose my favs characters from my favs fandoms i realized that most of them are men
majoramasks · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
I was tagged by @tevinterspirit 💕💕 thank you so much Casey!!
Aaravi Mishra (Monster Prom / Camp)
Catra (She-ra and the Princesses of Power)
Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa)
Fenris (Dragon Age)
Mammon (Obey Me)
Dana Zane (VA-11 Hall-A:Cyberpunk Bartender Action)
Arataka Reigen (Mob Psycho 100)
Mettaton (Undertale)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger)
i’m not gonna tag anyone so if you guys want to do it please feel free! 😊
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homielander · 1 year
Top five favorite fictional characters ever?
thank you for this ask💕 also omg... FIVE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS EVER. i will make a list based on the five i like best right now but i know i will forget someone dear tome </3 probably only the top 3 are definitive tbh
1. harry potter from the harry potter series - omg he is my best friend and also my son..... i can't explain how much i admire his perseverance or his bravery or the way he jumps in headfirst to right a wrong despite usually not being like. at all prepared lol. also that entire sequence with harry going to the forest of death, hearing from his dead loved ones, and then his conversation with dumbledore (another fav of all time), and harry subsequently CHOOSING LIFE !! agh i have sobbed every time i’ve read it. literally changed me as a person i won't lie. anyway just chalk this up to childhood nostalgia😔😔
2. homelander from the boys - i could fix him he could make me worse and so on. he singlehandedly got me on tumblr and back into fandom in general after the mcu destroyed all my interest with endgame and that's pretty cool i would say. he just makes me so sad.... for a lot of the characters on this list, love is such an integral part of their arcs, and for him the absence of it defines him everything he does. he is so fascinating like when he is leaving behind an entire plane of people to die and still can't help but spout empty platitudes to assure them that it will all be okay and revel in their affection as he goes... *dreamily* there is so much wrong with him
3. uchiha sasuke from naruto - you guys don't even KNOW how insane i am about him all of that is contained on my sideblog but he is everything to me. he is so mischaracterized in the fandom (especially on reddit lord give me strength) like his character is DEFINED BY LOVE, he is honest to a fault, his default state is to be gentle and compassionate, and he has the most heartbreaking and thematically resonant arc of the series. he was too ahead of his time for naruto and i'm always going to be depressed about b*ruto but in my head team 7 reformed the shinobi system and sasuke is living happily ever after like he deserves. btw #sasuke was right
4. alicent hightower from house of the dragon - i am acknowledging the heavy dose of recency bias likely at work here and also choosing to ignore it. so much of her character in the first five episodes was making the best out of an absolutely awful situation and advocating for others (even though she never did for herself☹️) which is so commendable and people don't talk about it enough. after the time skip i like her writing less but i still loved seeing her finally choose her house, her children, and really, herself (i would say this hasn't been fully realized yet though), at the cost of everything else -- and it will be so soul-crushing fun to watch the tragedy of that choice unfold.
5. izzie stevens from grey’s anatomy - grey’s anatomy is a disaster but she is my girl. she was such a breath of fresh air every time she was on screen (seriously no one else on that show has ever stopped whining), always chose to see the best in people, was so open in sharing love and providing comfort but guarded with her own heart. even the show's anti-heigl bias couldn't stop the character from shining. i’m SO GLAD she got out of that dumb hospital and is living a happy peaceful life with alex (though he is on thin ice) and her children. love her to bits!!
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n-agiz · 6 months
another ramble about my ongoing writing related existential crisis that no one asked for but that i will still put out there hehe
i genuinely love writing as a hobby and stopping it rn is kind of out of the question for me because it is one of my biggest creative outlets and i'm still not ready to let go of it — that being said, and i've mentioned this multiple times over the last few months, i have been feeling pretty unhappy with my work. i enjoy writing smut, but i think kinktober has made me realize even more that my fav genre might be angst, because although i enjoy indulging in the filth every once in a while, i absolutely adore writing sad stuff for some reason that i cannot point out. beyond that, i think my main issue is that i am not as into anime as i was when i started writing two (?) years ago on my previous blog . . i barely watch anime anymore and the same goes for reading manga, which is why i keep writing for the same few characters, because those are the ones i can still feel some sort of connection with and feel any sort of enjoyment writing for. my main problem though isn't exactly my fading interest from animanga, but the fact that even if i can acknowledge it, i still can't think of any other fandom i would want to write for. i could move onto writing for f1, but then i would probably only write for the two or three drivers i actually find attractive, and for some reason even that doesn't appeal to me at all, or i could switch to kpop, but i don't even know what sort of stuff i would wanna write or for who i would wanna write, so i'm left with nothing else because besides those two most of my interests seem to come and go randomly. i have toyed with the idea of doing more of those your fav x you posts and maybe even dipping my feet into some oc related stuff but i'm not sure how that would do in the long run, so i am at kind of a loss right now lmaoo. i still have all intentions of finishing kinktober, but after that i'm not sure in which direction i will be taking this blog. continuing with animanga isn't completely out of the question because, again, even though i don't care much for it anymore, i still feel comfortable enough writing for a very limited list of characters, which is already something ig . . .
anyways, all of this to say i might end up doing a whole revamp to this blog and changing everything about it hehe, hopefully the few people who actively keep up with me will continue here through whatever might come in the future, but even if you don't, that is absolutely fine ! i'm honestly excited to see what path i might chose but also even more excited for the experimenting process that will come before it where i will try to figure out what works for me right now <3 i just wanna have fun with writing and tbh, right now, creating stuff that isn't exactly tied to one already existing character or person doesn't seem too bad so maybe that's the next step for me ? i don't know we shall wait and see
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cant-blink · 3 years
Favorite and Least Favorite Ghidorah Incarnations
Probably gonna regret making this post, but it’s been a long time coming, so let’s do it. I guess I should warn, not suitable for people sensitive to opinions that might be different from their own. Can’t believe I have to say that about a list of fav Ghidorahs, but alas...
Anyway, enjoy!
Let’s start with my Top 5 favorite Ghidorahs! Going from my most favorite down! All five of these are amazing and any one can easily become my #1 at any given time! :D But at the moment, my number 1 is...
Showa Ghidorah
Showa Ghidorah should come to nobody’s surprise, given how much I’ve been writing about him lately! I admit though, it wasn’t always like this. It took some time for him to grow on me, and he actually used to be one of my least favorite through design alone. But he has grown exponentially on me, and now I love everything about him! The manes are unique and I love the crescent moons on his heads too. His eyes are so big, and I feel they have more expression compared to other Ghidorahs. And the inspiration of the more traditional Eastern-style dragon is there in his face too. 
His backstory and personality, though, is what really got me to change my mind about the character. His personality is perfect as far as I’m concerned! Coming from space to destroy planets just for the lolz, cackling maniacally all the way! Even the fact he was mind-controlled was something for me to delve into in my stories, on how such a thing impacts the character. It really opened my eyes to the more subtle parts to his personality, like I realize that Ghiddy wants NOTHING to do with Earth. He tried to destroy it once and that failure is all he needed to know to stay away. The plot device of mind-control is used to keep him coming back in future movies! Even when he defeated Godzilla and Rodan, he chose to fly away back into space! There’s layers to his character if you look deep enough!
There’s just so much story-potential to this guy, I love it! Even in real life, he has an arc, going from one of my least favorites to being the top of this list! That’s definitely special!
Overall, a lot of love for this character, often wrestling with Legendary for the number 1 spot! Speaking of which...
Legendary Ghidorah
The one that started it all for me and they’re second on the list?! Blasphemy!! Nah, seriously though, Showa and Legendary really do often switch places for me all the time! Just right now, Showa has squeezed into the top spot. For now........
Anyway, Legendary Ghidorah needs no explanation for being a favorite incarnation of the character. Whilst Godzilla has always been a very vague presence in my life, KotM’s is what had me diving headfirst into the fandom, all because of Ghidorah. Their design is amazing, sleek and intimidating! The detail that they whip up storms just by flying creates an awesome menacing atmosphere everytime they’re on screen!
The personalities between the heads is unique, providing all sorts of material for my writer side to explore! Their backstory is left open for me to explore as well, like where they came from and how their species functions! It’s been a lot of fun! I may be slightly burnt out from how much I’ve written and posted about them, but make no mistake, I still ADORE this Ghidorah and I have them to thank for starting this whole page in the first place! 
Shin Ghidorah
That’s right, Shin Ghidorah exists in official TOHO canon and he needs more love!!
Shin Ghidorah was one I was introduced to not long after I learned Kamata-kun (oh, and Shin Godzilla) was a thing. With my obsession with Ghidorah, I wanted to know if there was a Ghidorah in the Shin universe and after some digging, I found that there was! Featured in a ride in Universal Studios Japan! And better yet, videos of it exists on youtube! I loved it the second I saw it! 
The design is amazing and surprisingly unique! This is because Shin Ghidorah was originally a scrapped concept for the original Showa Ghidorah! Like, Shin Ghidorah is basically an oversized three-headed Skullcrawler with wings! Because you see those “legs” he has? Those are actually ARMS!! Ghidorah could’ve been a giant Skullcrawler all this time!!
I also love his movements, oddly enough. He doesn’t just fly, he SWIMS though the air, something I don’t recall seeing in any other Ghidorah!
The only thing I don’t like about him... is the fact that he wasn’t around longer! A shame the ride is so short, I would’ve LOVED to see more of him in a movie. Oh well...
Grand/Cretaceous Ghidorah
Both are the same individual, so they’re both in this entry! I remember learning about him through a video talking about Ghidorah’s most sadistic moment and this was it. Grand Ghidorah kidnaps children with the sole intent to devour them, but he doesnt eat them right away, no. He holds them hostage to stew in their terror, returning to them every so often just to listen to their screams and cries. You know he’s enjoying every minute, knowing he’s torn families apart. Without a doubt, all this is just a game before he destroys the world as Ghiddys do. The way he toyed with Mothra Leo, leaving him to suffer after beating him to near-death. Or the way he possessed one of the Mothra twins to try to kill her own sister! It was great! He has such a regal design too! I can see why the fanbase have come to call him Grand King Ghidorah, he’s absolutely majestic. Shame he’s overshadowed, likely due to not being in a Godzilla movie.
Cretaceous Ghidorah has a more Western-dragon look to him and it works. He is basically a baby Ghidorah and he is so cute! His big eyes and squeaky roars, I love it! He also SOMEHOW made me feel sorry for my least favorite dinosaur! That's some true power right there!
The regeneration ability too, is amazing! This is likely where Legendary got the idea, but Grand does it better by regenning from just a small piece of tail left behind. Just badass, all around!
Void Ghidorah
A controversial pick, I know. I made a whole post about my detailed thoughts on Void Ghidorah, see here. Long story short: I think he has great potential, just suffered from piss poor execution. I love the idea of turning this alien dragon into an interdimensional GOD, with followers and everything. His full-body model looks amazing! He’s the biggest and most powerful Ghidorah yet, the biggest kaiju in the entire franchise in fact, and I don’t see him ever being topped. Granted, I dun really judge how much I like a kaiju based on how strong they are, but it’s a bonus here. He needs all the help he can get!
Adding more, his roars are insane, not just a combination of Showa and Heisei Ghidorah! But sounds that are truly otherworldly.
Void Ghidorah deserves love, and a better movie. Guess I’ll just settle on Godzilla: Star-eating Wings as the go-to Void Ghidorah video!
I have no real opinion on the new ride Ghidorah, as I have yet to watch the full "movie” and thus, can’t judge how well I’ll like it compared to the others. So for now, tis neutral.
Now I’m totally going to get hate for this list of “least favorite Ghidorahs”, but this is my opinion. I don’t like any of them, and they’re all outshined by my favorite non-Ghidorah kaijus, and some even being beaten by my “meh” kaijus! Anyway, this is gonna go from “best” least favorite to my “worst” least favorite. Here goes:
Tis no secret that I don’t particularly like Heisei’s version of the character. I’ve mentioned it more than enough. Oddly though, I liked the design when I first looked through Ghidorahs from past movies, and I DISLIKED Showa Ghidorah’s design. How things have changed when I learned more about both of them... 
Now I’ve grown to not like Heisei very much. They took Ghidorah as an alien dragon that destroys planets for fun, and turned him into pets that I’m sure are meant to be cute, but just remind me of Furby’s in how creepy they are (tis not the good kind of creepy either!). I like the scrapped idea of him being an attempt to clone Showa Ghidorah from DNA left behind when he destroyed Venus, so I keep that canon in my head just for some attempt to like him more. Tis why I call him “Kitty Ghiddy” whenever I write him, I legit cannot take him seriously. Such a shame that he’s basically replaced Showa Ghiddy on merchandise, so it’s harder for me to find said Showa Ghiddy because of this thing. Oh, well.
Oh, and he replaced the BIDIBIDI of Showa with generic Rodan calls. And he also turns into a good guy at the end of the movie with Mecha-Ghidorah, and.... well, go down to the next entry for my thoughts on stuff like that.
GMK Ghidorah
He’s a good guy here. They nerfed the fuck out of him by having him be a juvenile (not even done well like Cretaceous Ghidorah), and turned him into a good guy. Granted, he was never meant to be in this movie in the first place and it shows. I’m a villain kind of person, and Ghidorah’s evilness is one of the biggest draws to his character for me. So taking that away... It just doesn’t work for me. It says something when I like GODZILLA more than Ghidorah in a movie. His design is okay, so at least he has that going. But...
I really don’t like the design of the character. That’s literally it. I think four-legged Ghidorahs are very awkward looking; Ghidorah has a lot going on as is, three heads, two wings, two legs, two tails. Adding more legs... it’s just too much going on that tips the scales from ‘awesome’ to ‘messy’ in my mind. I can’t explain too well why I really don’t like the four-legged look to Ghidorahs, I just really don’t. But credit, he does pull off the look slightly better than the last one on my list.
Keizer Ghidorah/Monster X
“An awkward horse” is what someone described him to me as, and I can’t help but agree. Again, that four-legged look breaks it for me but somehow, he looks EVEN MORE awkward than Des. I just can’t look passed it. Maybe it’s the front legs, or the wings looking too small for his body. Des just LOOKS a bit more natural in his four-legged-ness. 
Making it worse for me, Keizer has a second form that I REALLY don’t like: Monster X. They don’t even resemble each other. I can’t help but feel MX was supposed to be his own Kaiju, but they felt pressured to make Ghidorah the final boss so they combined them. Dunno if that’s the case, but it feels like that to me. Not even getting into the “how the hell does a dragon come out of THAT, where does it all GO when he changes back?”. And the biggest thing: I don’t like human-looking characters. I don’t care for human characters at all in any sort of media, or anything that resembles humans too closely. I skip human scenes entirely just to get to the monsters. Tis why I don’t really care for gijinkas either. As far as I’m concerned, I like the kaiju for being kaiju, and making them human just takes away all things interesting.
If Ghidorah kept everything intact about his personality, but you made him human... I wouldn’t even give his character a second glance, much less devote my Tumblr page to him! But yeah, tangent over. Monster X just looks too human for my tastes. 
Plus, tis hard to compete for my attention when you’re in the same movie as FW Gigan! It says something when Showa Gigan and Showa Ghidorah can share the screen and I love them both, but FW Gigan completely outshines FW Ghidorah...
So there we go, a complete list of my thoughts for every Ghidorah incarnation that I can think of. Hopefully I didn’t miss any. Again, these are my opinions and you’re free to like whatever Ghidorah. I’mma sleep now.
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thebluelemontree · 3 years
I know GRRM has previously stated that ADwD!Tyrion is at his lowest point, but I find it very hard to see how he will ever redeem himself given what he has done and what he has participated in. Do you believe readers gloss over the tragedies he faces i.e. slavery, the Tysha revelation, and do you see path for redemption?
I think with the fandom in general there does seem to be a proportional relationship to the amount of careful consideration people give their problematic favs versus how little they give to a character that is decidedly not their fav. Full disclosure: Tyrion is not one of my favs. There are moments I don’t like him and I don’t personally connect with him. He’s deliberately written to be someone most readers will wrestle with. Out of all the POVs, he’s probably the most psychologically complex and fraught with a minefield of trauma-induced hot buttons. As we know, profound trauma and horrific family dynamics rarely produce saintly victims who suffer beautifully, quietly, and always behave magnanimously. I am by no means an expert on Tyrion; however, I do know he definitely started out as a good person. Early AGOT Tyrion is a pretty decent fellow who validated Jon’s feelings of anger and resentment and designed a saddle to accommodate Bran’s disability for no other reason than he just empathized with them both. Even later on, he does stand up for Sansa against Joffrey’s cruelty, even though their marriage was a miserable farce and act of war against her family. Sansa seems to bear no personal ill-will toward him despite it. I think we should leave room for the possibility the impression he made with small kindnesses in the beginning could come back around to foster peace and mutual forgiveness between the Starks and Lannisters toward the end. 
But before that he was a sweet, loving kid until he was brutally disabused of the notion that anyone could possibly love him. I can’t imagine anything worse than your own father violently raping by proxy two innocent kids for the crime of his son being happy and believing for one single second that he was loved for himself. He’s experienced a lifetime of continuous physical, sexual, mental, and verbal abuse on top of ableist bigotry and repeated scapegoating that nearly cost him his life more than once. For all his dark gray, unlikable moments, it’s actually kind of a miracle that Tyrion still retains what goodness he does have when he could have been totally fucked up beyond repair, without any pity or compassion left in him, and hating all of humanity with every fiber of his being.   
GRRM does a good job of delivering blow after intensifying blow leading up to the moment he snaps and murders Tywin and Shae.There’s the overwhelming stress of the trial for the regicide he was framed for, one where his guilt and conviction is a foregone conclusion. The public humiliation and betrayal of Shae’s false testimony where his sexuality is served up for mockery. The people of KL are literally bloodthirsty and cheering for his death. There’s the momentary hope and crushing defeat of Oberyn Martell championing him in the trial by combat. Then finally Jaime drops the Tysha bomb. I mean, wow... it’s a lot. It’s totally understandable why he goes to the Hand’s tower to confront his father instead of escaping immediately. Personally, I don’t think he has to be sorry about killing Tywin at all. That pile of excrement had it coming and deserved a painful, ignoble death on the shitter at minimum. Shae is the only one there that has enough mitigating factors to say she definitely didn’t deserve to be strangled to death, though I get how it happened in the heat of the moment under intense mental duress. I think he needs to atone for that one, and I say that as someone who thinks Shae is a callous, conniving, greedy, low-level bloodsucker without any redeeming qualities. Yet, killing either of them, especially Tywin, didn’t bring Tyrion any peace or satisfaction whatsoever. Kinslaying is still up there with the most cursed of transgressions. It’s major part of his spiral into the tormented abyss we see in ADWD.  
It’s been a long time since I read ADWD as it’s not my favorite part of the series, so my memory of all the details is not the best. And like I said, I am not an expert on Tyrion. The general impression I get is that Tyrion thinks that he thinks he hates humanity and he’s finally become the monster everyone believed him to be. So he rages against practically everything and everyone. He certainly harbors a hatred for the people of KL and the sister sitting on the throne. There is a high probability he acts upon those feelings and helps usher in a catastrophic tragedy out of vengeance. Just as an example, he is aware of the wildfire cache sitting under KL and that knowledge can be used in a really bad way. Might be that crossing a point of no return, which may feel glorious in the moment, is ironically the thing that causes him to recoil in horror and regret after the dust settles. Consider Tyrion’s dream about the duality of himself: 
That night Tyrion Lannister dreamed of a battle that turned the hills of Westeros as red as blood. He was in the midst of it, dealing death with an axe as big as he was, fighting side by side with Barristan the Bold and Bittersteel as dragons wheeled across the sky above them. In the dream he had two heads, both noseless. His father led the enemy, so he slew him once again. Then he killed his brother, Jaime, hacking at his face until it was a red ruin, laughing every time he struck a blow. Only when the fight was finished did he realize that his second head was weeping.
If the two heads are both noseless, then they are both present day Tyrion. There are two sides of him right now that are equally capable of reveling in bloody vengeance and weeping for someone he still loves even though they wounded him deeply. 
Then what? Well, the thing about hitting your lowest point is that you can either dwell there until you fatally self-destruct or you can find your way back up. Granted, ADWD Tyrion is in a dark place, but there’s still space to get even darker for at least a little while in TWOW. It is possible Tyrion spends the rest of his life atoning for his worst actions during this period, using his intellectual gifts (even the parts that are Tywin writ small) to serve the needs of the people he has harmed. And it does make good story sense for someone who grew to hate humanity for very understandable reasons still found it in himself to care about it enough to save it. Even sacrifice himself for it if necessary since there’s a strong possibility he is a dragon rider. Since all signs seem to point to him ultimately playing a heroic role against the Others, we can rule out the idea that he just says good riddance to bad rubbish and laughs while the world ends. That has to mean something, right? 
There is always a path for redemption for anyone who sees the wrong of what they’ve done, has heartfelt remorse, and commits themselves to meaningful and lasting change. It’s not really about forgiveness at all, although that sometimes happens alongside redemption and it’s certainly easier for people to forgive once they see change. Redemption is work the character must do themselves for the right reasons. It’s not a status granted to them by other people. In fact, it’s probably more sincere when someone decides to do right anyway even if no one ever thinks better of them. If Tyrion (or any other character) is unforgivable to you, then the best worst thing that could happen is that they have to live a long life and spend all of it repaying their karmic debt. Even if he’s not my fav or your fav, a lot of people out there still do relate to him and the things he’s been through. A lot of people are not okay and not good victims from the trauma they’ve suffered. Fiction with redemption that is possible for anyone gives people hope that they could be better too, and there’s no other instance in the books that makes me think GRRM is cynical about redemption. The only way redemption isn’t happening for Tyrion is if he choses not pursue it. 
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Just You and Me
Hello My Friends!!! How are you? I'm here again with another meta from this series. This time is time for a very Destiel one, episode 9x06 Heaven can't wait.
I know is a very analyzed episode, well known by all the FANDOM, so I will be quick with some scenes, just mentioning things that we all know, and pointing mostly how the characters felt during the different scenes.
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder , she made the gifs for this meta and discussed with me the episode. Thank you girl! 😘💕
I'm gonna start talking about the Rit Zien (in enochian means HANDS OF MERCY), this different class of angels assisted in the battlefield helping angels wounded to heal, and giving peace (by ending with them) to those who were past saving, wounded with emotional damage.
Let's swim now through his victims in this episode and why he chose Castiel like one of them.
The first victim was a man who had lost his wife, so, he was depressed, he couldn't handle his lost, the love of his life. He had a huge pain he even called to suicide line. The Rit Zien appeared a vanished him, into micro molecules, and the color was PINK.
You know pink represents Happiness, so, we could infer this angel tried to give the pain a relief. To transform it into happiness in Heaven.
The second victim was a girl, who had just break up to his boyfriend, and she was saying this exactly words .. pay attention...
GIRL He dumped me, Jace. (pause) In the cafeteria. In front of everyone. It's just like ... who does that, you know? Like, why couldn't he just dump me on Facebook like a normal person? (pause) I've been destroyed. Socially and romantically … totaled. (pause) I know. I'm just so embarrassed, Jace. I could just die.
She's recalling us to Castiel, and how Dean dumped him from the bunker. And she's describing her feelings, so we can think Cas is feeling dumped, destroyed and embarrassed.
So... Then... Cas must be very upset with Dean. As we will see in the next point, he is.
But now, when the Rit Zien heard her asking for death, he just gave her death, and happiness in Heaven, as we could see when he transformed that girl in pink color.
So, two cases about two people in love, one had lost his wife, and was deeply depressed, and the second one was dumped by her boyfriend, feeling embarrassed.
And if you pay attention too to Castiel's singing to the baby, the lyrics are very melancholic... Flying away in a wing and a prayer... He misses being an angel, he said it again while he was trying to calm the baby, touching his forehead...
After talking with the baby about how it felt being a human all of the sudden, he says...
CASTIEL: (...) You know, it wasn't that long ago when all I'd need to do to ease your pain was touch you.
So... This is melancholy, sadness...
But let's come back to the logic of the victims... As I said first one... Two cases related with lover lost, a girl dumped by his boyfriend...
Then... Castiel being the third victim, shouldn't surprise us at all...
CASTIEL: It's a fever, Ephraim. It will pass.
(Cas thought the angel had came for the baby)
ANGEL (EPHRAIM): You remember my name? I was just a nobody when we met, but you – you were a legend. You've been here before. This is my first time, and it's ... intense.
The Rit Zien remarked Cas was a legend, so he felt honored he could remember his name, but also, and this is very interesting, he's talking about being surrounded by humans, and Hyman's feelings SO INTENSE. I'm pointing this, because there's a scene in the car with Dean in which Case says everything is different, about feelings, about being a human. I just want you to keep this in mind for the next points.
CASTIEL: How'd you find me?
EPHRAIM: Because you're warded? The same way I find all my patients – I just followed the sound of your pain. You have no idea how loud it is. I could hear you for miles
This has to caught our attention. Castiel is in pain, huge pain. He's depressed. He lost his grace, he had to for through being homeless, starved, facing our most deep decadency. And then he had to suffered Dean's rejection. Castiel, who had learn now what his feelings were. As a human, he's sure now that strong feeling he had for Dean is LOVE, and being dumped by him, leaving him in the streets again, is a deep pain, a deep wound, just as painful like losing his grace. So, his pain was loud.
Cas is mad at Dean, and Dean wants see him desperately
Okay, now that we talked about the case, let's focus in Destiel.
Castiel called Dean for the case... And Dean noticed Cas was kind of... Weird, and maybe mad, this made him anxious, and he decided to go to that case ALONE, and find Cas, just in case...
But really, the conversation they had by the phone is hilarious. First of all, Dean stood up and walked away from Kevin and Sam, when he realized it was Cas. Looking for privacy??
DEAN: Hello?
CASTIEL (calling from the Gas'n'Sip) I may have a case for you. (CASTIEL is cleaning the slurpee machine while he talks.) Four missing in Rexford, Idaho. (DEAN stands up, walking away from the table.) Presumed dead, but no bodies have been released to loved ones. And, there were reports of a strange substance at the scenes.
Okay, we'll just stop here, notice how Dean says HELLO but Castiel doesn't, he just goes straight to the point of his call, this is the first sign that he's mad, he wouldn't call, but he has this case, so he had to. Not a nice thing to do for him, because he would prefer no to pass for this. Not to talk with the one that dumped him.
DEAN: Oh, well, hello to you too, Cas. How are you?
Dean noticed that too, and he insists with the HELLO, and he asks how Cas is doing. He knows Cas must be mad at him.
CASTIEL: I ... am busy.
Cas cut him. He was actually, nervously trying to... Do something with the smoothie machine.
DEAN shakes his head.
DEAN All right. So, how do you want to do this?You want to meet up at the latest scene? You want me to pick you up? What?
Dean is proposing see each other, he wants to work with him, Dean wants to see him.
CASTIEL's efforts with the Slushy machine are not going well. A flood of liquid blue slushy mix spills out over the machine and onto the floor. DEAN hears the trickling sound and looks puzzled.
CASTIEL Um … I've got my hands full over here. I just – um...
And this is when Cas gets flustered and the machine is a mess of blue liquid all over the floor. Is not coincidence that when Dean offered Cas an encounter, the mess with the blue fuold happened. Is a consequence of Castiel feeling nervous, an encounter with Dean is something that gets him flustered. Nervous. Anxious. Now that Castiel is a human, he understands clearly what happens in his heart with Dean. He knows that feeling is LOVE. So, isn't that easy, being dumped, get mad, and now calling him, and now seeing him again? Too intense.
DEAN Cas? Hello?
Dean is convinced now that Cas is mad at him, so he decided to go ALONE to see him.
He invented some excuses because Sam wanted to go with him, he tries to minimize the importance of the case, but that made it more suspicious, so Sam asks...
SAM: So, he said nothing about where he is or – or what he's been doing?
DEAN: This is Cas. In case you forgot, he's not exactly Chatty Cathy.
SAM (incredulously) And you're not even gonna see him when you're in Idaho?
DEAN: Well, like I said, as long as he's catnip for angels, he's keeping his distance.
DEAN turns to continue walking, now leaving the room.
SAM: So then, what's the point, Dean? I mean, it's barely even a case.
Sam couldn't understand why his brother was almost running to that "not case" so fast, answering all his questions with not very truly answers.
DEAN (from a balcony, talking down to the other two) That's why I'm just gonna go have a little look-see, and … we're not gonna waste a whole lot of manpower on a big pile of nada.
And then Kevin gave him the perfect excuse...
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Dean must be thinking... Thanks Kevin, over there... Finally alone, just Cas and him.
Jilted Lover and pining boy
We know Misha Collins said producers asked him to play this scene like a jilted Lover, and he did it perfect.
We had this classic Destiel scene... Dean talking with Sam by the phone, outside the Impala, drinking a coffee, we don't see more... Till this happens...
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Dean lowered his head, because he had it covered, he doesn't need his brother help, because he has Cas. And he wants to be alone with him, this gesture, he gets a little nervous over there, like... Anxious... Why? Because he's doing this... This is his cover...
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This is pining, my friends, no friend stays out of the window CONTEMPLATING his handsome best friend working, like... If this isn't pining what is is then? Why he would stop by Castiel's work, watching him for so long?? He wasn't afraid, because when he finally made his dramatic entrance, he wasn't ashamed, so, he just does it because he wanted to contemplate him. Because he is pining for him. Because he contemplates the man he loves. People that are in love do that. Period.
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When Dean appears in front of Cas, Castiel's fav is priceless. He's surprised, but it seems like of his heart just gave a jump! Like OMG! HE'S HERE! WHY?
Look at the deception in Dean's face, again Cas is not saying him hello. And he was waiting for a better response. But, okay, Cas is mad, some maybe not a good response, but at least a HI.
After this, Castiel gets mad again because Dean is disappointed to find him working there and not hunting. Cas names the whole situations he had to go through, because he can't believe Dean shows up as if dumping him from the bunker was nothing...
CASTIEL: My Grace is gone. What did you expect? Do you have any idea how hard it was? When I fell to earth, I didn't just lose my powers. I – I had nothing. Now... I'm a sales associate (proudly)
Castiel is proud, he's showing Dean LOOK HOW I GOT THIS WITHOUT YOUR HELP. I DID IT BY MYSELF.
But Dean doesn't want this for Cas and mostly, he needs him back with him, even if it has to be just for one case. So he will try to convince him, just like the old times.
Then... Nora enters in the scene. At first Dean made his wtf and jealous face when he sees the heart eyes. And then he plays the NO HOMO BUDDY right there.
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Trying to get some info, and the result is Cas has a date!
After recognize the case was about a Rit Zien, Dean wants him to be aboard with him to stop the angel... But Castiel says this...
CASTIEL: But he just got here. The ebb and flow of human emotion – Dean, I've been on earth for a few years, and I've only begun to grasp it. To him, pain is pain.
And then this...
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That's why I said before keep in mind the INTENSE word about Human's feelings. Cas is getting now what is this all about. He's getting know the intensity of the feelings... Love, hate, pain, depression, sadness, joy. He is experiencing all of them. That's why I truly believe he understood what he felt for Dean.
I readed once @amwritingmeta post about this scene here, and the second meaning of I NEED A RIDE and the face Dean made... And I laughed so hard, because she showed in that post the wishfully and lustful face Dean showed. Priceless. Pay attention... When Cas says I NEED A RIDE, Dean's imagination was... To... Where? Cas having a good ride? By whom? Him? Okay. Too hilarious, but Jensen did it. Jensen made that face in Dean's skin... Dirty pining boy for his ex hot angel.
Then he turned to Cas to see if he realized what he had just Sayed, and of course he doesn't!
So... Second meaning for flirting... Is not gonna work Dean...
Tony Manero
When Cas and Dean were in the car, and Castiel was about to get out on his date, Dean says this words that generally are used when someone who's in love with the person is about to having a date with a third one, says to stop him. And our hearts stopped right there... But Dean Winchester made it NO HOMO again, talking about the wardrobe.
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Even Cas has a hint of hopes in his eyes, why Dean would choose those words right there? Because he was feeling like that, he was still flirting with him, he was jealous, and he didn't want to let the angel go. But his repressed feelings won't let him verbalize it. So... He plays it...
DEAN: Okay. Uh, lose the vest.
CASTIEL: What are you –
Even Cas doesn't get what Dean wants, not even Dean knows it either...
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Okay this was very gay, very. And Dean drooling face calling his friend TONY MANERO like the pining boy he is for his gorgeous and hot ex angel friend.
Comparing Castiel with Tony Manero, Made us go to that movie immediately, and to one scene in the car between John Travolta (Tony Manero) and his friend, Stephanie. (Thanks to Agus for show me the scene and discuss with me this). And I know this had been talked largely in the fandom, the frames and the position of the actors were the same like Dean with Cas, but is very interesting the dialogue. Tony was helping Stephanie to move on into a new house with a married man who was using her. When Tony detects this, they both had a conversation in the car and Tony made a jealous scene. Asking for that man, saying her he was using her, and she breaks talking about how that man helped her, that she was alone. You don't know what I had to go through. Is a huge Cas parallel, when Dean starts to recriminate him about his job in the Gas'n sip. And a Jealous Tony is compared with jealous!Dean about Nora. And don't forget, Nora was using Castiel like baby-sitter.
So because Dean was jealous... He was acting like the best friend giving his buddy advices about the date. But he was being ambiguous, like half flirting and acting gay and half giving advices and no homo. The truth was, he was drooling for Cas, pining for him... Even my mom saw that!
But let's return again to Cas in his "date"...
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We saw how Dean contemplates Castiel again while he was walking towards that door, collecting a rose, smiling like a dummie because Cas looks so cute doing that. And the writers showed us Cas sucking his finger because one spine hurted him? Like? Why show something so sexy while Dean is watching? Do I need to add more here?
This was a huge romantic Destiel scene, with reference to a romantic movie, and we were witness of that!
Good Bye
Another Destiel scene, and this will be the last, sorry for the extension of this meta, is the goodbye scene. We had Dean with a half I'm sorry (because he couldn't say the truth, and Cas being so sad.
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Pay attention when Cas is leaving, Dean's painful expression, the guilt and the repressed feelings... He really wants to tell Cas everything and bring him home with him, desperately... But he can't, and is so painful to him. Castiel is sad too, their faces are... Just sadness and pain. They don't like to be apart from each other... Damn...
To Conclude:
Episode 9x06 was a very Destiel chapter. We had the reference to Castiel's depression for lost his grace and being dumped by Dean.
We had a desperate Dean to fix things with his angel, running at his first call, insisting for his help, desperate for having a hint just the two of them. Being jealous, flirty, and very in love with his ex angel buddy.
The car scene with the reference to Tony Manero (a bi vives character in one of the most famous romantic movies), and the two CONTEMPLATING THE LOVE OF MY LIFE scenes, marked this episode like one of the most romantic episode in the whole show.
I hope you like this meta, see you in the next!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
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If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
If you want to read my previous metas about s9, you have the links here and here.
Buenos Aires, December 18th 2019 7:37 PM
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Thoughts on The 100 finale
Right so just to get it out of they way I'm not...mad about the ending of the show.
It’s not a good ending, or the ending we wanted by any means, but it’s not as anger inducing as I had dreaded it would be. Maybe that’s just because my expectations had been set to below 0 but it is what it is. Maybe I'm just a tired old fandom grandma who just can’t bring herself to care that much anymore idk.
But the main thing that I truly believe, that I feel most people might agree with me on, regardless of shipping, is that the whole ending is cheapened without Bellamy. 
I’m not mad about Clarke not getting to transcend for killing Cadogan. I’m not mad at all her friends, her family, choosing not to transcend in order to live their lives with her on Earth. I actually think that’s a decent end for the most important people of the show. Getting to live their lives with the ones they love the most in peace. I’m mad that Bellamy isn’t part of it.  
I’m mad that he died while being right only to be refused the thing he died for. I mad that people on the brink of death got to transcend and come back. I'm mad that Emori died and the loophole of her having a mind drive and existing in Murphy’s head was enough to bring her back AND give her her DEAD body back
let me be clear. I’m not mad Emori was saved. hell no. I’m mad that she died but through a bullshit loophole she got to come back and these aliens gave her her body back while Bellamy is just dead. 
I think the consensus by now is that the whole Bellamy situation was just Jroth being a little bitch that he couldn’t use Bob for the whole season. But you know what Jroth I'm about to fix your shit without even diverting that much from canon and giving the fans a good ending featuring one of the most beloved characters of the seven years. you ready? here it goes.
Clarke shoots Bellamy to save Madi. Fine. But you can get shot and not die from it. After Cadogan dropped our favs off at Earth he could have gotten back through the bridge in time to save Bellamy from fully dying. You want to make the main characters think he’s dead for good? Fine. Put him in a medical coma. He’s alive, so he’ll transcend but Cadogan doesn’t bother healing him all the way since transcendence is so near. You don’t even have to have Bob for those episodes. Just have a single line from Cadogan explain to someone. Then at the very end when Clarke arrives on the beach to see her family alive and well. There’s Bellamy. Who transcend but realized that it would have been useless without his family there with him, so chose to come back.
End on Clarke and Bellamy hug. “What do we do now Princess?” “Whatever the hell we want.”
This show started with Clarke and Bellamy, it grew with Clarke and Bellamy, the head and the heart, it should have ended with Clarke and Bellamy, along with the rest of their family. 
Would this have been my prefect ending? probably not. But it would have been the slightest deviation from canon to give the fans an ended they somewhat deserved. 
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queenitn · 4 years
To the people hating on Steve because of Endgame
I get it. It sucks. But still-
He didn't abandon Bucky. He didn't abandon Sam.
I understand why you feel that way. I felt it too, that how can he do that feeling. But he DIDN'T ABANDON BUCKY OR SAM.
I DON'T like his ending. AT ALL. Because it's not logical, or feasible. Because it's not in line with what his character arc had been before. Because of the the things it implies. But not because of this.
Here's the thing, he's allowed. He's been through a traumatic five years, and he's allowed to up and start over if he wants. If that's what he needs to heal. SHIT HAPPENS, AND HOWEVER MUCH YOU LOVE SOMEONE, SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO GET AWAY FOR A WHILE.
Bucky did that when he chose to not return to Steve even after getting (presumably) a significant amount of his memories back between TWS and CW. Tony started over with Pepper. Hell, from what I saw in Endgame, even Bruce didn't look like he'd stayed in contact much with the other Avengers. It's ok.
The funny part is that it's only Steve specifically who gets hate for this reason. Why is that? He doesn't just get it from the really aggressive SamBucky stans (yeah they're cute but their relationship, whatever it may turn out to be, does not depend upon the intensity with which you shit on Steve, so please relax), he actually gets it from Stucky shippers themselves. What the hell guys?? Does that mean that his only purpose up till now was to satisfy his role in your fav ship?
Hell I can't completely say that I'm different either. The amount of anger I see directed towards Steve from these fandoms leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and makes me actively avoid Stucky fics despite loving the ship. I love the ship, but I really don't like some of the shippers.
Anyway, the ironic part about Steve Rogers is that despite being such a central character, despite being one half of some of the most popular ships of Marvel...his character is very rarely examined or thought about closely as an individual. At most, it's going to be the "Steve Rogers is a little shit" thing. He IS. That's not the point. The point is that THAT still isn't an entire character. That's a very small part of who Steve is.
I admit that my protectiveness of Steve is deeply personal and I'm probably not as objective as I can be. But from where I'm standing, I see a character who's not at all emotionally open or emotive. And I see people judging him based on that. And I think that this is a very significant part of who he is that goes largely unacknowledged.
Wtf is up with that? What do you do when you see a closed off person irl? Assume they're a serial killer?
Note that neither Natasha nor Bucky are very open either, but apparently because their trauma is clear cut and obvious, that makes them baby. I'm not saying they're not. But I'm saying that being reserved about your emotions isn't exclusive to Russian assassins. And being emotionally reserved for real, the way Steve is and not the romanticized version you see generally on screen...often leads to people not realizing the emotions exist at all.
I know because I'm like that. It took me eight years to tell my mom about that one time I got groped when I was nine. For absolutely no reason, I just couldn't. Until one day I'd processed it enough so I could. My closest friend who's known me for years still tells me that she has to remind herself that just because she can't see it doesn't mean I don't also feel pretty extreme shit.
I'm not saying all that to gain sympathy. I don't want it.
I'm saying it because I see this in Steve too. I see him talking about his turmoil a bit to Peggy, who is his confidante, in TWS. I see him trying to reach out to Sam, but clamming up when shit gets real. It's the reason why he failed to tell Tony about his parents. Because he's processing his grief still, his depression and PTSD, and now his guilt over knowing what Bucky went through...and his default setting is to talk about things after.
After he's done processing, after he's come to terms with it, after he's worked through the worst of it on his own. I see him being able to talk about losing Peggy in Endgame because that's a grief he's processed, and he can talk about it now...but never once mentioning either Sam or Bucky's name, because that still keeps him up at night, and he can't yet.
That's what I see. I don't know how much of it is me projecting...but I am convinced that he's a seriously emotionally repressed guy, to the point that people apparently forget that he too is capable of grief and pain, and that he has the right to put himself first.
To whoever bothered to actually read all this, you can disagree with me on literally everything I just said. But I hope this gives you something to think about.
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lifetimeoftired · 5 years
Rational Creator Me: Rationally speaking, Mo XuanYu probably wasn’t all that great of a guy. We can probably agree that while he didn’t harass Fucker McFuckface (aka jin guangyao), he did study demonic cultivation and summoned back Wei Wuxian- who the world only knew as an evil spirit who could have probably come back to murder countless innocent lives- to murder his family. He most certainly had more than a few grudges and was willing to put people in danger for revenge. There’s no possible way he was Pure Sunshine.
Fanon Creator Me: So then why didn’t he go after guangyao??? Or Guangshen? Why only the Mo family? The two of them definitely hurt him as much as the Mo family ever did, so why didn’t he blame them? And, though he did summon an “evil” spirit back, why Wuxian speficially? He would have been reading his demonic cultivation notes that Guangyao provided, so he probably would have realized that all of his notes were almost pure theories and that he never tested most of them. And, despite using demonic cultivation, we don’t actually know why he was using it and who may have influenced his decisions into using it.
RCM: Obviously he didn’t go after them because the Mo family was more immediate. They literally tortured him into insanity, so even if he did have a grudges again guangyao and guangshen, his focus was on the people that literally beat him everyday and humiliated him on a regular basis. 
FCM: Yeah but if that’s true, then why summon Wuxian for justice against these crimes? Evil beings don’t do justice! Also he never actually stated that he wanted them dead- heck, he didn’t even actually make a wish. The curse just chose ‘kill my family’ probably, in part, because Xuanyu wanted them dead certainly, but also because he didn’t want them to hurt anyone else I bet. After all, nobody in the village liked them. They weren’t good people and, arguably, killing them off was the best moral choice here.
RCM: He didn’t say it because he didn’t have the page for it! He skipped that step because he didn’t know about it! And if the curse can subconsciously pick up on those desires, then why couldn’t it have picked up that he actually wanted them to be straight up murdered? People who go after paths like this, generally speaking, aren’t “pure” or “good” in the traditional sense. Even Wuxian admits he went too far because he was caught up in his own insanity, just like Xuanyu was.
FCM: He was given an incomplete page it’s true, but the rest of the ritual required him to state that he had a wish. If he was smart enough to study Wuxian’s writings and understand them, then he was smart enough to realize that he should probably actually make the damn wish. And that’s actually a point in my direction because if Wuxian can still be a good person in the midst of insanity- the only reason he did some of the things he did was because he was pushed back the breaking point and he still continually was trying to protect his people up to the very end- then why can’t have Xuanyu been sunshine-y before he was lost to insanity? It took 13 frickin years for him to get to that point too.
RCM: He was still insane! He was still angry and bitter! He still wanted to kill people and he had no real way of knowing what Wuxian was actually like even if he did read his notes! While I will believe he absolutely hid himself away from people out of fright and probably had a decent character, he had his own resentments and was not a Good And Pure Sunshine boy.
FCM: He Can Be Both! Wuxian is still a sunshine boy even with all his quirky bs!
RCM: That’s not how any of this works!!
Fandom consumer me, watching in the background with popcorn and holding xuanyu like a fav stuffed animal: sunshine~ sunshine~ pretty sunshine boooy~
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 116 Poll Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1,671 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
  RATE THE CHAPTER 1,533 responses
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The chapter overall had positive reviews, with only 19 respondents leaning toward disliking the chapter. Will Isayama be able to keep up this momentum with the rising action?
Amazing as always. Definitely I always get surprised by Isayama each chapter, you never know what can happened in the next chapter, and i love that. Thank you Isayama
It was amazing. Can't wait to see how things will play out
Felt short, little content. I'm happy Porco can be seen when Pieck says "hey there", nice touch
I don't understand how some people thought this chapter was boring. I found it to be the most entertaining one in ages! Hyyyype. Also yay Colt!
I'm glad it looks like we'll get a bit of a break from the political conspiracies and constant double crossing. This is not the kind of stuff I started reading this manga for.
Pretty good chapter with a lot of characters stepping up imo. It's getting pretty tense and I was hoping for more information regarding Ymir or more of Zeke but reasonably this chapter was necessary.
1,634 responses
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This chapter had no shortage of excitement, and we nearly had a three-way tie for the favorite moment of the chapter. For 14.7%, Eren coldly calling Pieck’s bluff was chilling enough to be their favorite moment. In contrast, 14.6% most enjoyed Pieck’s betrayal as she turned to name Eren her enemy. Despite Porco’s failure to incapacitate Eren, 14.1% still loved the Jaw Titan’s surprise attack! He tried!
Nice to see Eren playing 4D Chess with Pieck. I loved Pieck's "Please take care of me!" as she went up the stairs! And Yelena standing up for Sasha was a great moment in my book too - a bit extreme like, but that's Yelena's style though! Eren at the end returning to his old self - angry and legless - was my favourite moment though!
my favorite moment was jean, just jean, jean all the time but that wasn't an option :(
Reiner finally showing his beautiful face again is the best, one can only hope that we get Annie soon.
This chapter was amazing and really set the tone for the upcoming battle. That last page with Reiner looking down at Eren was my fav moment.
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,627 responses
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This wasn’t much of a competition - with Pieck taking the MVP title for Chapter 116 with more than half (56.2%) of respondents thinking her actions were exactly right (as expected). We had a close race for second place, with Jean (17%) taking a slight lead over our problematic protagonist (15.4%).
I never really got invested much in the new Marley characters, but god damn if I don’t love Pieck more after every chapter. I mean the pointing thing? That was SICK
I liked Nicolo's defending of Sasha and it hurt to see her family forced to listen to that guy degrading her. And because of his feelings for her and for eldians, I chose him as the MVP for now :)
Grior. He showed us how deeply Nicolo felt about Sasha, he created a scene where Jean got to show his worth, and he opened the door to everyone seeing exactly how creepy Yelena is. He made EVERYONE (besides Yelena) look good. :D
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The vast majority are happy to see someone from Gabi’s side of the war finally tell her the reality of their situation. 12% of respondents don’t think it will ultimately matter as Gabi is too stubborn to change her views. A smaller portion feel that Pieck doesn’t actually believe what she’s saying to Gabi at all.
Gabi is easily the character whose future development I look forward to the most.
I feel like Gabi needs to listen but Pieck here really means there's another method on the way; the rest is just her LARPing as a restorationist to gain Eren's trust, just as Armin did with Annie in the past.
Gabi's already gotten so many doses of reality that have done nothing. I honestly don't feel anything about these moments at this point.
Pieck isn't entirely lying here. She believes that eldians should fight for themselves and is using Marley to get what she wants. Good on her for calling out Gabi's blind devotion to Marley! Stupid child.
Pieck is showing her true thoughts but won't act on them, because she won't betray Marley and everyone she knows.
Gabi truly believes that all the Warriors are doing what they do in the name of Marely, Zeke turned his back on Marley to accomplish his ultimate goal and Pieck revealed that she doesn't trust them at all. Gabi may understand that simply being an honorary Marleyian isn't why the Warriors fight for Marley, they simply fight for themselves, even if it does help Marley to an extent.
I'm more interested in what it means for Pieck's viewpoint tbh. She says this, and is clearly smart enough to know this to be true, and yet is still apparently fighting for Marley. I'm very interested to see whether she actually has any ideas on how to win Eldian freedom after the Paradis battle.
Pieck was telling half-truths to Gabi, she knows about the danger of the Eldians being obsolete but Eren is not the answer for the survival of her people in the mainland.
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70% of respondents feel similarly to Jean, believing that Eren wouldn’t do everything he’s done without a good reason for it. 21% feel similarly to Armin, just wishing to understand Eren’s actions and why. A smaller percentage feel similarly to Connie and agree that Eren has simply become irredeemable regardless of his motivations.
I still don't know how to feel about Eren and his plans
I really like how Jean was trying to see Eren in a different light to try to understand him and Connie's ongoing grudge against eren.
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Jean provided some much-needed comfort this chapter, and 38.4% were most pleased that he decided to finally introduce some much-needed objectivity to the Eren discussion. On top of that, another 26.1% were most impressed with his ability to stay calm despite the stressful circumstances.
All of the above. Any of these moments in isolation would have been good, but it's all of them taken together that made Jean amazing this chapter.
Now our favourite Jailbirds: I'm so happy to see them after a few months. Jean continues to be the best, and my most favourite boy, I liked how rationally and objectively he viewed the situation -- and the fact that he was still vouching for Eren, and showing so much care for Mikasa made my heart flutter a lil bit.
Horse-face standing up for that suicidal bastard was the best moment in this chapter!!! Jean growing so much makes him best boi-horse ever!
He should join the yaegerists, then we can talk about best boy
Literally anything the majestic stallion does classified him as best boi. He breathes and he’s best boi.
Jean's actions in this chapter show the signs of a good leader, and I hope he is rewarded for it down the line.
getting the SOLID gift of character development that just KEEPS ON GIVING
Oh so for THIS one you ain't got 'all of the above'? WHERE IS ALL OF THE ABOVE
You utter fools, everything Jean has done since Season 1 has solidified him as best boi
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Is it getting hot in that jail cell or did Mikasa take off her scarf for more personal reasons? Almost half of us believe this is hinting at Mikasa breaking away from Eren in some way, but more than a third think it’s just another of many instances where Mikasa has gone scarfless for practical reasons.
Isayama probs used it to sew another seed of doubt so that we'd ask this exact question.
she's sad :(
It's typical for her to take the scarf off when it's warm, so it shouldn't have any significance, however it's hard to think she would just casually remove/interact with the scarf after that conversation. I feel like Mikasa'd either keep it with her at all times, or get rid of it completely (though if it's the latter, the chapter should've focused on the absence of the scarf more). For now, the scarf situation has me really confused.  
She doesn't want to think about Eren right now
She finally saw how hot Jean is. Just as everyone else in that cell. That's it.
She is Sad, not Mad at Eren
This can mean that she is still shaken up after what Eren said to her, but that doesn't mean she's sick of him. She's probably realizing that her attachment to him is not doing her any good so far.
She wants to let go
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The majority are still uncertain about where Onyankopon stands. Less than 1/4th of the fandom believe he’s truly on Yelena’s site.  Many agree that he needed to side with Yelena at that moment regardless of what he truly believes. Nearly half the fandom (45.6%) selected “He’s been too hard to predict, I hadn’t made up my mind.”
My man is legit Yelena’s hostage. He never asked for this.
He looks very hesitant, so I am also hesitant to make a call
he’s sweating and eyeing yelena like he’s worried so he is just playing along with. i think he’ll go free the 104th during the commotion!
At the very least, he and Yelena are not on the same page. In a way, they've been foils since their introduction: from the way they interact with the Survey Corps, the ways they assisted in Liberio, to their stance on God. I've always loved their dynamic, and I definitely look forward to more of these two in the future!
Great way for Yams to maintain tension in the storyline. It doesn't really matter what he chooses, but he works great as a character to bounce concepts off of.
He is on Yelena's side for now. You can tell that the guilt is weighing on him.
He's just here until the next Star Wars movie
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Perhaps the most interesting thing in this result is that 51 people in our fandom don’t want to punch Grior. The vast majority (72.2%) selected the highest choice, “I’ve never rooted harder for Yelena”
She's nuts but she's fun and gets props for shooting Grior.
Jheez the disrespect coming from Grior. Connie and Nicolo were rightfully fuming. Yelena putting a hole in his head has been the best thing she’s done in the whole story.
Fuck Grior
I wasn't a fan of Grior, but shooting him was an overkill. Yelena did it in front of the kids no less.
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“Crazy” was the most common reaction with nearly half the fandom (41.9%) selecting that option.
Although she's 'cray cray', I would feel bad for her and Zeke if they find out that Eren is using both of them. I'm staying neutral to her.
I hate fanatics. I hope Zeke steps on her and we never see her again.
I love Yelena. Truly, her actions aren't that right, but everyone in this show depends on some corrupt decisions. I'm sure she has good reasons why she's that way and she shows to the 104th some of her weak as well as nice side. I think she would be a good ally for them, but we will see!  
She's very interesting, although her motivations are indeed 'crazy' (not normal admiration for the Yeager brothers), her actions stay logical and reasonable considering her goal.
First she kills people in ruthless way and few minutes later she is crying and tells others about Yeager bros being gods. Yet, I have to admit that she is a good character.  
She’s an interesting combination of things tenacious, devoted and cunning. I can’t wait to find out if what her and Zeke want is actually the same thing.
cray cray, but still, P O U N D T O W N
  WHY WAS ARMIN CRYING? 1,573 responses
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Another strong consensus in the poll! 65.4% selected “He realized Eren would never agree with what she said, and is still on their side”.
Armin is trying to like to gain the upper hand
he must've felt overwhelmed with something, and decided to play it to his advantage
Biggest mystery of the whole manga imo. Ymir fritz and he origins of the titans? Nah fam, I need to know why Armin crying was important enough to take up a whole pageworth of panels.
Boy tryna get tf outta here even if it means temporarily joining yelena’s wack ass cult
He just got heads-up about some harsh truth.
He was definitely faking
He's figured SOMETHING out, we don't know just yet. I'm so excited, it's been a while since we've seen his tactical cunning side!
He's obviously manipulating her. Yelena is a bit of a nut case, but she's also really passionate. Armin is using that to his advantage. 
I think he's genuinely crying, but certainly not for the reason he said. As for why exactly... Not sure, it might be for a lot of things… I think he understood something about what Eren's plan might be
he could be crying from relief. he has known eren the longest, knows how much he values freedom, and knows he would never agree to euthanasia. after 112, he was really asking himself whether eren was actually on their side or not. he's definitely seeing through his mask now and realizes that he's playing zeke and his cult like a damn fiddle.
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Ahem. The Snk Poll Team would like to remind you that we asked this question in the chapter 111 poll and at that time only 27% believed he knew about the wine. Just sayin’ :P
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The larger half of the fandom doesn’t feel that the wine plot had anything to do with Eren taking his own actions. Still, nearly half feel it’s possible it could have influenced his decisions.
Eren is planning something
Eren is suspicious.
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Nearly 75% of voters feel that Eren does care about Falco’s situation, but not enough to distract him from his plans. Nearly 15% feel that Eren doesn’t actually care about Falco at all, and 9% believe that he is feeling concerned for Falco.
Sympathizes with another unknowing Eldian pawn
Eren collapsed a building on Falco, like, are we forgetting this.
He thinks he cares, but has decided that the end justifies the means. How noble
I think that Eren thinks it sucks but that 'it be like that'
He’s so cray cray right now that I don’t know what to think
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Was Eren shading Yelena? 30% of the fandom seems to think so. 23% feel that he is referring to Kiyomi. 20% don’t want to make any calls yet but feel that this is something we’ll be calling back to down the road, while 10% think the rest of us are making a big deal out of a small statement. A few write-ins also listed Annie, Hange, Gabi and Historia as potential options.
He's talking about Pieck, the translation is weird.
Can we hack Eren's brain?
Have we considered Historia? I'd love for Historia to be one of the big players herself.
Either he's talking about Pieck if you take the translation as "just as she doesn't trust me" or Yelena, since he's not on board with her plan as a whole.
"That woman" is Kiyomi and she will appear like a wildcard next chapter.
I think that he means Pieck doesn't trust him either? I don't really know, the translations are so wildly different.
  WHO PLAYED THE OTHER BETTER? 1,608 responses
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Regardless of who wins or loses the upcoming titan battle, Pieck won the chapter with more than 75% believing she won this particular meeting of the minds.
As expected of Pieck, she's best girl (hope she won't die too soon).
Erem seemed way too easily convinced by Pieck that she would point out her colleagues. Yes he threatened her with his pricked finger, and yes he was ready to transform on the roof, but it felt like he went along with everything too quickly.
I love pieck and eren and I didn't know I needed them to meet until now!
I was super worried that Pieck wouldn’t be given any spotlight and would stay in the background forever. Now all I need is her last name and I will die happy.
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Sorry Porco. Most (73.1%) of us have no confidence in you. But look on the bright side - 17.1% think that maybe you can be redeemed. Oof.
Coming up through the roof *was* his moment of glory. It's all downhill from there.
His moment of glory was getting to see ymir's gorgeous face four years back
I believe that his mission was about injuring Eren, not eating him. I hope he will have his own five minutes because he is strong as a titan and knows very well how to use his powers.
Eating Erens legs off is pretty impressive on its own right tbh
Eren is gonna eat him before he gets another chance to do something impactful
He'll be forever a failure but I still love him very much! He's trying his best!!
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The opening scene, and one of the most iconic, has had several imitations since. The slight overall majority, at 51% think that Eren turning the tables and being the one to deliver the grim reminder in chapter 100 was the grimmest.  33.5% of you prefer the classic scene that started it all.  9.2% thought that this chapter offered the grimmest circumstance, with Marley’s blimps appearing overhead.
The grimest reminder was chapter 84 for the simple reason that heroes of the story showed the worst side of humanity and ever since then I think they don't deserve happy ending.
It’s so cool that we get to see another grim reminder, again, so soon, as to ensure that it has little emotional impact!
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There was some genuine excitement at seeing Reiner’s return to Paradis. Of the Marley cast, 84% where most excited to see him.
Why you gotta be assuming people are unanimously excited for Marley characters to return? I literally could have gone this entire series without any of them.
ITS BEEN SO LONG MY SON IS BACK i missed you reiner youre doing amazing sweetie pls dont die @_@
My ovaries exploded when Reiner showed up looking badass with those swimming goggles. I missed my best baby boy so much.
REINER VS EREN ROUND 4 BABY!!! hopefully reiner can win! he deserves to win a fight with eren once at least lol
I was so happy to see Reiner again. It's so ironic of Isayama, that Reiner looks like a hero in this panel and Eren as the bad guy.
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In chapter 92 we saw Reiner join his comrades by jumping out of a blimp; will he do it again?  And if so, who will join him?  The general consensus, at 92.8% think Reiner will be skydiving once more; and about half at 52.2% think Colt will join him this time.  36.6% of you think Magath will as well, with 73.4% feeling he’ll likely command from the skies.  2.8% of you think no one will be leaving the blimp anytime soon.
Reiner again! I still fear that Colt will end like Farlan, but it's just me.
I freakin' wish Pixis weren't in jail. I'd love to see him and Magath match wits while commanding large forces.
Colt is allowed to exist dammit
I think Marley is going for the same tactic they used in Slava: sending in Pieck and Porco on the ground, then deploy Reiner via parachute. Zeke will also show up last this time and fire on enemy ships, the difference being that the enemy isn’t marley and the ships are airborne.
I didn’t realize Colt was even in this chapter until I filled out this survey
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With Eren recently acquiring the unique and awesome war hammer abilities, many of us are waiting with bated breath to see him show them off.  87.5% think that Eren will utilize them in the battle, and 8.3% think he already has.  While his titan form doesn’t seem radically different yet, it seems to have formed in the style Lady Tybur’s did.  Only 4.2% don’t believe Eren will break out these powers.
Disappointed that Isayama didn't give Eren's titan form a redesign after eating the Warhammer Titan. Hopefully we'll be able to see how Eren's going to utilize its power in the next chapter.
Marley came prepared to deal with the Founding+Attack+Warhammer Titan. If he's overwhelmed, he may get desperate and who knows what could happen then.
I thought Eren easily fell into a trap, and I don't see why he can't easily take down the blimps with his Warhammer power.
After that Awesome entrance I really wanna see warriors kicking his Eldian ass, but I just somehow know that Eren Warhammer will wreck them.
i'm really hoping to see some badass war hammer action
i am ready for the war hammer boy
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The results here are relatively divided. Nearly 40% of the fandom believe that Eren’s going to be able to handle himself in this battle without the help of the Survey Corps. 23% are certain that he will be defeated. 30% feel it could go either way and don’t want to make a solid prediction.
Eren will struggle but ultimately not be taken captive
He is totally going to get kidnapped😆
They will help him anyways. They need to protect their home, and without Eren it's impossible
Eren's fine. He's been able to predict and deal with everything up to this point. If he knew there were already spies on Paradis, he could've predicted the invasion. Might be too much credit, but he might've even used Pieck's arrival as the opportunity to lure everyone out.
With the help of Zeke and the Yeagerists I believe he’ll be able to hold his own
I sure hope so. He better fail. And he SC better only reluctantly help him they have to; ends don't justify means Eren. You made your bed, you gotta lie in it.
He has the support of the Yaeger faction, Eren has shown massive improvement with his fighting ability in titan form in Marley, and with the power of the Warhammer he can only improve.
He will not be able to overcome them on his own BUT WITH THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP will win out once Armin convinces everyone of the truth
Last time he didn’t have the Warhammer’s abilities, now he does. He also has the Yeagerist faction with him. I say he takes it.
We've never seen Eren in a fight where he was completely on his own.  He always relied on an assist from either the Survey Corps or an Ackerman.  It's going to be  really, really interesting to see how he does without his cheat codes.
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Another battle finally erupts!  What other challengers will approach?  Zeke is the most popular option at 68.7%.  Armin, Mikasa,  and Jean all had about half the fandom voting for them, and Connie and Floch just below that, but still popular choices.  About 90% of you think Levi and Hange will sit this one out whilst on their own little adventure.
I suspect that Zeke will show up with the Yeagerists in time to save his younger brother.
If Zeke should appear, then the battle is almost certainly lost to Marley.
Zeke will probably show up at that moment so he can save Eren just as he claimed he would long ago. His promise to Eren was even brought up Pieck this chapter, who we know is exactly right!
Reiner is going to get SO depressed when Armin transforms into the Colossal. Also not a big fan of Annie but she needs to get out now.
Now Eren is facing the strong enemies alone. I would like to see how he can handle them, that why I hope that Zeke and SC won't join. I want Reiner to win at least once.
Floch and co. will come to the rescue after Eren starts losing
I'm sorry but ew who wants to see Floch?
Floch needs to make an appearance I wanna see the rest of the 104th rip him a new ass hole tbh
Floch is best boy
I just really wanna see all titans fighting each other. Just Imagine how Eren is standing there with Zeke like : Hey We just won and then Eren is kicked from behind by Annie and then Levi show up + Armin (and others) gets out of prison and transform to fight Eren.
I know I've said that I hoped Hanji and Levi stay away from this war as long as they can but LORD please tell me how they've been currently.
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Has Eren burned every bridge?  The majority, at about 55% think both Armin and Jean will still end up siding with him.  Just below that, 47.7% think Mikasa will continue to support him.  28.9% think everyone listed will oppose joining up with him.
Eren alienated Mikasa and Armin so i think they won't join, but they can't abandon him either.
I bet Eren broke ties with Armin and Mikasa so that they wouldn't get involved in this fight, because he's seen a scenario where they die here.
It's hard to tell because Eren's "side" is still quite a mystery. If he truly believe in the euthanasia plan then I doubt anyone in the SC will join him, even Mikasa. But if it turns out his plan is something else we don’t know, then they might help him in the end. Most likely Armin and Jean. But I doubt any of the SC joins the Euthanasia side, now we just need to find out if that's actually Eren's side.
Mikasa believes that the Eren now isn't the Eren she knew back when he saved her
I think it would be interesting for at least one warrior to join forces with him.
  IS THIS THE FINAL BATTLE? 1,570 responses
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The warriors have returned to Paradis Island on the offensive!  Will this be the final conflict in the manga, or is there more to come?  78% of you feel there will be another fight after this one; while 22% think we’re in the endgame with this brawl.
I'm concerned that if this does turn out to be the final battle many important characters like Levi, Hange, Historia and Annie will not be involved.
I think this is the start of the final fight but depending on how you look at it the fight may pause and continue on elsewhere, but this is for sure the final conflict I think
The chapter is a kickstart to the final climax of the manga, and I'm excited to see how the end turns out.
I hope this isn't the final battle, if so, I hope its very long
The final battle will end up decimating the entire island. No one will survive.
I really like that Pieck was pointing her finger at Eren, as he asked on the rooftop where the enemy is and she said 'there'. I'm wondering if this has a special meaning that Isayama will turn Eren into the last 'antagonist' for his final arc. Maybe the last fight, includes the whole world vs. Eren, but who knows?
This chapter was great! i thought pieck will side with eren and others but nope. Also hyped for final battle!
I hope it isn’t the final battle. I’m so confused by everything happening.
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The biggest winners this month were unsurprisingly Jean and Pieck, with huge upswings in popularity. On the other end, Onyankopon, Yelena and even poor Connie took a hit. It seems Connie’s distrust of Eren might have upset a few people.
I don’t know who in the SC will side with Eren but I am almost completely sure Connie won’t.
I'm glad we got to see more of pieck! best girl snapped on this chapter. She was playing it safe and smart with the things she was saying to both Eren and Gabi.
Could someone please punch eren in the face
Honestly feels like Onyankopon is just a side character that won't affect the plot much at all and therefor is pretty much irrelevant.
Also, WTF are you doing, Onyankopon?
Can't say I was surprised about how things unfolded. The SC are still in jail, at this point it's laughable. Pieck and Marley attack - who didn't see it coming? Onyankopon is still shady. Yelena is still cray cray. Eren is still acting like a heartless asshole. Gabi is beyond redemption, she would have shot Pieck if she hadn't been stopped. So nothing much was new :D
Still tryin to figure out what's the point of Gabi in this story.
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Just like last time, most respondents (37.5%) believe that Chapter 130 is most likely to be the final chapter of the manga. 85% think that the manga will go until at least 130, and 48% think it will go until at least 134. With the recent announcement that the manga will continue for another 1-2 years, it’s looking like we won’t be getting a conclusion before Chapter 128 (or 130 if we are going by volume-ending chapters and chapters per volume remains the same).
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We may or may not have forgotten to include Annie on this list, but aside from that, people seem overall most anxious to get an update on Levi’s condition, as well as see Historia (presumably doing something other than sitting in the rocking chair). Floch… sorry, dude.
Annie wake up and kick some people in the head.
Can we get some annie or is she just like the basement we'll never get?
I just want to see Bertoto at some point again :(
I still curious with Levi's and Hange's condition after Hange throws herself to the river.
I wonder how many more angles can we view Historia from that rocking chair.
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Porco and Pieck look good in Paradise Military coats...
It would make the most sense for Eren to lose this upcoming fight because he abandoned his friends, while the opposing side is united because of their friendship (if we're speaking in narrative terms). But we still don't know what his thoughts are, how much he knows, what his plans are, or his reasoning for anything. How can he be the main antagonist of this fight if we don't know this much? Idk but I hope we'll get some clarification during the fight (but I doubt it)
Will Reiner overcome his sufferboi status to finally do something right for himself? That's what I want to see.
I want to know if they have Hot Chocolate in the cell or some coffee. Why only tea? What is Eren planning withholding the coffee?
Armin's ability to manipulate has levelled up so much! He might be overplaying it a little bit with the tears, but considering previously he was really bad at making the emotions on his face reflect what he was saying, he's getting better at it. It both excites and saddens me. Excites because it makes him all the more dangerous; saddens because my greatest wish for Armin is that he needn't know these skills at all. Just let him be free and travel and see cool things! He deserves it.
What a ride!  And what a turn-around.  I love how the narration has come around to Eren being the villain, and Pieck and Reiner being the heroes.  I also can't wait to see Eren get his ass stomped.
I'm so happy that it looks like the remains of the 104th might actually do something soon.
The direction the manga is going it’s fucked up. I think the manga has lost that sparkle that once had. Basically at this point everybody is waiting just to see who makes it out alive and lives to tell the tale.
Eren is finished. Maybe imprisoning your best soldiers, crippling your strongest trump card, having Zeke titanize a bunch of Scouts, and generally wreaking havoc in Paradise wasn't such a good idea.
I was really impressed with Eren. He’s become such an interesting and amazing character. And he didn’t fall for Pieck at all, and it was so smart when he healed his finger in front of her to show he “trusted” her, meanwhile still having another finger cut and hidden. And his overal distrust and not telling Pieck anything he knew. He obviously didn’t trust her. *sniff* my baby going out to destroy people
Jean and Connie are both right. Eren's not absolved just because he has reasons for his actions. Lying and manipulating your friends is shitty, especially if you're doing it "for their own good." That's not a solid friendship. I hope Isayama sticks to his guns on this. And also get Historia out of that damn chair, I'm so tired of it. But mostly I really liked this chapter, particularly the arrival of Reiner and Co. And Gabi and Pieck!
Pieck is the best girl of all time. You CAN’T change my mind.
The Marleyan military is attacking Paradis. Them killing Eren and getting his powers is bad for Paradis. I have no idea why there are fans saying the Survey Corps will outright abandon Eren or even fight against him right now. Helping the people currently attacking them is...unwise, to say the least.
I know Eren looks like a tasty snacc, but I would be extremely grateful if Porco keeps his filthy mouth away from Eren. He can eat a 10 foot flaming pineapple for all I care, please and thank you!
Best part of this chapter: no Zeke. Thank you Yams.
Porco and Pieck look good in Paradise Military coats...
It would make the most sense for Eren to lose this upcoming fight because he abandoned his friends, while the opposing side is united because of their friendship (if we're speaking in narrative terms). But we still don't know what his thoughts are, how much he knows, what his plans are, or his reasoning for anything. How can he be the main antagonist of this fight if we don't know this much? Idk but I hope we'll get some clarification during the fight (but I doubt it)
Will Reiner overcome his sufferboi status to finally do something right for himself? That's what I want to see.
I want to know if they have Hot Chocolate in the cell or some coffee. Why only tea? What is Eren planning withholding the coffee?
Armin's ability to manipulate has levelled up so much! He might be overplaying it a little bit with the tears, but considering previously he was really bad at making the emotions on his face reflect what he was saying, he's getting better at it. It both excites and saddens me. Excites because it makes him all the more dangerous; saddens because my greatest wish for Armin is that he needn't know these skills at all. Just let him be free and travel and see cool things! He deserves it.
What a ride!  And what a turn-around.  I love how the narration has come around to Eren being the villain, and Pieck and Reiner being the heroes.  I also can't wait to see Eren get his ass stomped.
I'm so happy that it looks like the remains of the 104th might actually do something soon.
The direction the manga is going it’s fucked up. I think the manga has lost that sparkle that once had. Basically at this point everybody is waiting just to see who makes it out alive and lives to tell the tale.
Eren is finished. Maybe imprisoning your best soldiers, crippling your strongest trump card, having Zeke titanize a bunch of Scouts, and generally wreaking havoc in Paradise wasn't such a good idea.
I was really impressed with Eren. He’s become such an interesting and amazing character. And he didn’t fall for Pieck at all, and it was so smart when he healed his finger in front of her to show he “trusted” her, meanwhile still having another finger cut and hidden. And his overal distrust and not telling Pieck anything he knew. He obviously didn’t trust her. *sniff* my baby going out to destroy people
Jean and Connie are both right. Eren's not absolved just because he has reasons for his actions. Lying and manipulating your friends is shitty, especially if you're doing it "for their own good." That's not a solid friendship. I hope Isayama sticks to his guns on this. And also get Historia out of that damn chair, I'm so tired of it. But mostly I really liked this chapter, particularly the arrival of Reiner and Co. And Gabi and Pieck!
Pieck is the best girl of all time. You CAN’T change my mind.
The Marleyan military is attacking Paradis. Them killing Eren and getting his powers is bad for Paradis. I have no idea why there are fans saying the Survey Corps will outright abandon Eren or even fight against him right now. Helping the people currently attacking them is...unwise, to say the least.
Best part of this chapter: no Zeke. Thank you Yams.
I know Eren looks like a tasty snacc, but I would be extremely grateful if Porco keeps his filthy mouth away from Eren. He can eat a 10 foot flaming pineapple for all I care, please and thank you!
88 notes · View notes
filliteapot · 5 years
And your opinion on ryo from 7seeds?
He’s probably the character I wanted to slap the most while reading xDD He reminds me a bit of Asagi from Basara. Tbh there was much discourse about the summer A team, especially about him and Ango, in the Russian fandom, and I was rly displeased to find out that many people justified their actions by the fact they had such past (and by the shestheonetoblame which i hate even without context) and said they were right in that major conflict of the series and even had RIGHT to do what they did. I never felt this way. Imo, you can EXPLAIN their behaviour like this, but it doesn’t EXCUSE it at all. Seriously, the summer A teachers nearly failed the project as he and Ango would cause another genocide and apocalypse in the future -if not for the summer B team and circumstances.
To put it simply, I don’t quite understand Ryo. My friend and I tried to analyze the logic of his actions and we failed: we didn’t find any explanation better than him being in love too deeply emotionally involved with Ango because I JUST DON’T SEE ANY OTHER LOGIC IN IT. No doubt he’s as deeply hurt and influenced by the same upbringing and events as everyone else in summer A team is, but I felt like he (and probably Nijiko, but she never caused as much trouble) was always a bit/a lot aside and much of a delinquent. And… does he really change throughout the series? Ango surely does, he goes through the summer B therapy and makes progress, Ryo stays where he was. At least it was my impression. When I thought he also made some steps to the beautiful new world, he just came up with another crazy but calculated nonsense (and got slapped by Ango for that, thanks Ango). In short, I have no warm feelings towards Ryo, but he’s needed for the plot to progress. Also, he says funny things sometimes. Funny in a dark way. He’s the author of my favourite 7 seeds joke ever (check page 18 for context). And I genuinely hope he’ll change and adapt to the new world with others’ help (M*****i, good luck!). But anyways, I was thankful to everyone who  slapped him and Ango/tried to do so throughout the series (honorable mention of Ango, Arashi (he tried!) and Karita).I illustrated my fav scene with them both some time ago, by the way (after I heard the song Tamura chose for that chapter my life couldn’t be the same again).
Also, once we realized he had a long lost spiritual brother in Neko Mix Genkitan Toraji, his character got way more enjoyable to me xD Let me introduce the Devil Mouse to you. *Devilman no uta playing in distance*
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griffinnblake · 6 years
Season 5 Finale Thoughts
Well, I kinda slept, so here we go.
I let out a lot of frustration with Season 5 under the cut, so if you’re a positive person or enjoyed it, then you might just want to skip this one.
Seriously, this is my opinion, and I don’t want to bring people down, but I also have to be honest with myself and the way I’m feeling.
Still here?
Okay, I’m going to divide this into The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
The Good:
The last whole scene once Bellarke wakes up from cryo
The last scene of the episode? Perfect. I loved the moment when Clarke went over to Bellamy as he was waking up. I loved how they chose not to put their jackets back on (please please please get rid of the Clarke shoulder pads jacket next season please) and instead were just in the tank top and henley. I loved that once they went on the bridge, they didn’t even have to say much. I loved how emotional they got because of Marper. I loved the callback to last season’s finale, but instead of Bellamy by himself at the window, he now had Clarke by his side. Visually, that ending shot was stunning. I can’t complain there. I see why people say that this could have served as a series finale. It just works.
Marper saving the day
Favorite part of the episode, hands down. The fact that Monty and Harper got their happy ending in a show like this is both mind-boggling and so satisfactory. They proved that you can choose to be good, you can choose to do the right thing. They lived out the rest of their days in peace. They had a son. They saved everyone. 
Their deaths hurt because they were two of the original delinquents, but I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to their story. RIP Monty and Harper. You did good.
Jordan Jasper Green
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I mean, look at this face:
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AND the fact that he’s named after my son, Jasper...enough said.
I was so excited when he showed up, and when he said “mom and dad” I might have squealed a bit. Monty and Harper live on through their son, and I couldn’t be happier.
Diyoza survived
I seriously thought that she was going to die, and it was a pleasant surprise that she survived. I grew to love her character and hope that she will have more scenes with characters other than just Kane next season.
Bellamy finds out about the radio calls**
I honestly didn’t think they would ever address them. I figured it would just be a dropped plot point like so many other things. I’m glad I was wrong. However, I’ve asterisked this because of what follows. 
The Bad:
Bellamy finds out about the radio calls
Maybe it’s just me, but I found the moment to be lacking. And I know that they literally had no time, but I felt like it deserved more time. Clarke called him for 2,199 days. That’s a ton of calls. And to me, it felt like a throwaway line. An “oh by the way, this happened, but also we gotta go.” And then they don’t really talk about it before going into cryo. I just felt like it was a missed opportunity.
B/E is still a thing
Wow, Lindsay. You’re only putting this into the bad and not the ugly category? Yep. AS MUCH AS IT PISSES ME OFF, they had no time during that episode to even remotely have a chance to break up. If nothing, they were stronger than ever. And that’s why it’s bad for me.
Look, y’all KNOW how I feel about them. It’s been the worst part of this season for me. I can’t find myself to enjoy other parts because it continues to hang over my head. And I hate how they blatantly set up basic foreshadowing at the beginning of the season that things were not going to change on the ground. Yet things...didn’t change on the ground. Congratulations, you just stated facts.
Honestly, what was the point of romantic B/E? Besides setting up potentially romantic Bellarke (which I’ll address in a bit), what was the purpose? I see nothing in the season that would’ve changed if they had been family instead. And considering that was Bellamy’s favorite word in the second half of the season, I would’ve bought it more.
I’m not going to rant about B/E anymore in this post. That would take way too long. But the fact that they are still in a relationship going into season 6 does not bode well for my chances at watching the new season.
The Ugly:
The Flame is still a thing
If there is one thing, ONE THING, I would love to axe in this show, it would be the flame and the title of commander. I absolutely LOATHE it. It’s gotten to the point where it’s such a repetitive storyline that I can’t take it seriously. They use the flame for whatever they need it to be in that moment. Oh, it gives out memories of the old commanders? Okay. It gives the commander strategies on how to win wars? Great. It ends up controlling the host and turns them into basically a robot? FANTASTIC. 
I cannot express into words how much I want that thing gone. And the fact that Jason seems to love the flame more than ever makes me believe that it’s not going anywhere. It was fine at the beginning. I loved the reveal in 3x07 and thought it was super cool. But that was season 3. We’re heading into season 6, and there’s no end to the flame in sight.
For me, this might just be a personal preference, but I couldn’t care less about grounder culture. I signed up for a show about the delinquents, you know, the 100. The title of the show. I know the flame interests some people, but it just doesn’t interest me. 
They saved everyone
Now, before you come at me with your pitchforks, no I am not upset that they saved all your favs. I’m frustrated because the cast of characters has become way too big. There is simply not enough time to focus on all of them, and the characters suffer as a result. The only way to fix this in my mind is to cut the cast. Honestly, they could’ve cut the cast by at least half and I would’ve been fine. But here we are. 
The bait/destruction of Bellarke
Now I know that some of you are going to disagree with me here, so just keep that in mind.
I’m just sitting here laughing at myself because I can’t think of a single scene between Bellamy and Clarke this season where it wasn’t interrupted/about someone else/regurgitating lines from previous seasons. I mean, did they end up talking about something substantial AT ALL? 
I know that they claim that the issues from this season will be addressed in season 6, but it’s hard for me to believe that when for seasons now, this show has been about plot plot plot. Excuse me if I have a hard time trusting the writers when they have stripped everything I love about Bellarke’s relationship away. I barely even recognize them anymore.
ALSO, can someone PLEASE tell me what was the point of “hostage taker and his girlfriend,” of “traitor who you LOVE,” of blurring out B/E kissing and focusing on Clarke’s reactions? What was the purpose of ANY of these things if they weren’t going to be addressed? And again, they claim they’ll be addressed next season. That’s like 9 months away. I have 9 months for these to fester in the back of my mind. I have 9 months to decide if I’m even coming back to  watch that season.
And finally, the article. THE ARTICLE. I know I know, I try to avoid any and all things Jason says, but it’s kinda hard when it’s retweeted and reblogged a million times, not to mention the fact that my sister brought it to my attention the minute I got home last night. And I’m sorry y’all. I just CANNOT ignore it this time. 
Jason basically gave a huge finger to the Bellarke fandom. He said in so many words that he does not plan on making Bellarke canon DESPITE all the romantic hints he’s thrown in the show. He sees a platonic relationship between the two leads as “progressive,” “unique,” “edgy” for lack of better words. He truly can’t see beyond his own ego that it wouldn’t be cliche for Bellamy and Clarke to pursue a romantic relationship. He is so desperate to be “different” that he’s sacrificing the core of his show.
There is no organic way for Bellarke to go other than romantic, and instead of leaning into it, he separates them for episodes at a time, and then gives them no substance when they’re together. Like, I’m sorry, but it’s ridiculous. 
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so frustrated about a ship in my life. Okay scratch that. I think the last ship I felt like this was Zutara, and it took me a LONG time to accept that. And I think, for me at least, as someone who wants Bellarke to be canon and is no longer satisfied with what we have, they have to give me reasons to stick around.
Take One Tree Hill, for example (it’s not the best comparison but it’s the one I can think of at the moment). In season 5, there was a time jump, and Lucas came back dating this girl, Lindsey. It had a lot of similar elements to B/E. Started off-screen, showed reactions of lead female to said ship, storytelling elements that alluded to a break up, etc. What made this situation different however, is that we were given romantic moments with Lucas and Peyton before the time jump and before this offscreen relationship came to be. I had scenes of Lucas and Peyton being explicitly romantic to tide me over until Lucas and Lindsey eventually broke up.
We have none of that with Bellarke. I know some people are going to claim we do, but for me, it’s not enough anymore. If I had even ONE explicitly romantic scene between Bellarke, I’d be in a totally different camp. It doesn’t even have to be a kiss or sex. If it were an almost-kiss, a confession, SOMETHING, it would tide me over. But as it stands, I have nothing to hold onto. And I’m sorry, but season 5 gave me nothing.
At this point in time, I’ve realized that my main reason for watching is Bellarke (and the delinquents). It just is. And I know that people always say that you can’t just watch a show for a ship, but I can’t help it. They were the most interesting part for me, and yes, I do feel disappointed. It comes down to the fact that I don’t see Bellarke becoming romantic anytime soon, and now there’s only a handful of delinquents left. I have to ask myself, is that enough for me?
And right now, I can’t say that it is.
I have months and months to think about it. Honestly, it needs to go on the back burner for now. I just found out that I have 89 lovely sophomores signed up for WHAP this year. And since we’ll be writing every week, that means I have 89 essays a week to grade 😳. If I can make it to the time season 6 airs, it’ll be a miracle.
I’m sorry that this is such a rambling mess. I couldn’t sleep well last night because I had so many thoughts running through my head. I hope I explained myself well enough, and I hope that you won’t look down on me for it. I would LOVE to be where y’all are at and completely love the finale, but I just can’t right now.
If you made it this far, thank you.
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camachameleon · 6 years
Cam’s Voltron Fic Rec 3/∞
VLD Rec Lists:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms. ( ** =  favorites )
    **Recoil/Release by Cheshyr
Word count:  22,387 (13/13)
Summary:  When Keith is bitten by an alien creature with venom that causes your dominant emotions to be amplified, the team is ready for a day of dealing with an incredibly angry paladin.
Which means they’re not ready at all for what actually happens.
Comments:  The almost stream-of-consciousness writing of Keith’s parts are really gut-wrenching because it’s as if you are experiencing it with him. (Warning for panic attacks- if you are triggered at all by that sort of thing you may want to sit this one out, it gets pretty graphic). A couple good song pairings for this fic to set the tone are Broken Crown and World Gone Mad.
    **Synergy by Kokochan & Spanch
Word count:  74,064 (10/10) 
Summary:  The vines were large, stiff, gnarly, and thick-stemmed, with blue leaves as big and round as dinner plates, but Shiro’s battle-arm was able to sever several long straggles with ease. The vines draped easily enough over the shuttle and hid it quite handily from view. “Good enough, I suppose,” Shiro said, glaring at the empty greenish-blue sky. “Come on, let’s… Hunk? What’s the matter?”
Hunk was staring at something behind him. “Shiro, don’t make any sudden moves just now, but there’s a really big lizard thing standing right behind you. Um. Two of them.”
Surprised, Shiro turned, albeit carefully. He’d never even heard them approach. That was rather impressive, considering the size of the beasts. It was as though someone had taken a pair of Arizonan horned lizards and rebuilt them more on the lines of a tiger without leaving out any of the spikes, then expanded them to about the size of an Indian elephant and added six large, intelligent blue eyes. Understandably, Shiro froze in place.
Comments: OH. MY. GOSH. OK. SO. This bad boy is Part 1 of 3, so far, with a total series word count of 241,404 at the moment. This beautiful titan of a series is named Of The Pack, and it updates with great speed, considering it has two top tier authors working on it. The several OCs in this story are so lifelike and realistic and fit so well into the universe that I forget that they aren’t actually canon and I kind of miss them when I’m reading other Voltron fics. My favorite part is the world-building it does. Everything about this fic is so dynamic and multi-dimensional, from it’s characters to the epic plot - this is the exact opposite of lazy writing. I am so here for badass Pidge, and the matriarchal Galra culture and the dragons. I👏LOVE👏THIS👏FIC👏
Also there’s magic! (with a scientific explanation, of course)
A cool song that I think goes nice with this fic is Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw.
  The Kids Are Alright by pugglemuggle
Word count:  10,430 (3/3)
Summary:   Three Garrison Cadets Missing After Freak Satellite Crash
By Mara Garrett, News Editor | The Guardian | Monday, June 13, 2103 7:40 A.M. ET
Two seventeen-year-olds and a fifteen-year-old went missing Friday night after a rogue satellite crashed into the desert a few miles away from the Galaxy Garrison Training Facility, reports say. Garrison officials were quick to cordon off the area, claiming many of the remaining satellite fragments were dangerous and unstable. Government search parties have been sent out into the surrounding desert areas. Details are forthcoming.
Her brother is missing. Lance’s sister isn’t about to sit quietly while the Garrison keeps lying to the press. No—she’s going to get to the bottom of this.
(Or: The paladins’ families team up to find their kids and overthrow the corrupt Garrison regime. Told through news articles, prose, the internet, and art.)
Comments:  The format of this is very intriguing and fresh. We get to see scenes of our favorite paladins through the eyes of their friends and families, from before they disappeared and the aftermath. The open ending is still satisfying and leaves you with a sense of determination and hope for these characters that you just couldn’t help but get attached to. If you’re big on government conspiracies then this is the fic for you!
  **Patty Cake by Froldgapp
Word count:  7,829 (6/6)
Summary:  Quiet, aloof, and alone, Keith is distant from the rest of the team. Hunk begins to suspect why, and it’s only when the red paladin pushes himself too far, the Voltron gang realise he’s just as vulnerable as the rest of them.
Comments:  Aaaaahhh this fic. Something about this one has me coming back to reread it all the time even though I always cry. It is just so angsty but in a more poignant, sharp, breathless kind of way. Some of the things the characters say send painful stinging jolts into your chest and you can feel your heart cracking and then you get angry because how dare (I mean ch4 tho holy sh*t). I just want to hug Keith so much ugh. Hunk’s protectiveness of Keith gives me the strength to finish this masterpiece every time. Also, this can kind of be Sheith if you squint (or not, if you don’t).
  The Message by Shipstiel
Word count:  132,787 (45/45)
Summary:  (4:07) okay, but considr this, and hear me out here (4:08) so like, a photobooth u can do with ur pets like there’ll be lil costumes that u can dress them up in, and u can do liek, period costumes and shit with them (4:09) omg, can u imagine, u and ur cat/dog, and theyre in a lil 1800s dress and one of those lace umbrella things omg so cute
(4:15) Why the FUCK are you texting me at four in the morning with this
Keith is texted by accident by some idiot one day, and honestly he’s not even sure why he responds. Or why he keeps responding. Yet somehow he finds himself drawn in, and okay, so maybe this fool is mildly entertaining after all. Who would’ve thought.
Comments:  Slowburn Klance Wrong Number AU. These two are so cute I just can’t. This is the perfect story if you are looking for something effortless and relaxing to read. Even though this contains some softcore Langst, it is still a very cute and heartwarming story about two dorks slowly falling in love. It features Lance’s mother who I fell in love with here, and the kind of supportive nosy best friends that everyone wants in real life (i.e. Hunk, Pidge, and Allura).
  **The Quiet by MilkTeaMiku
Word count:  66,700 (32/32)
Summary:  Does he not realize he’s dead?
Keith can see ghosts. As a part of his Garrison training, he’s sent to a hospital to do one year of medical clerkship - it’s there that he meets a charmingly irritating chose who definitely needs to learn what boundaries are.
Comments:  Modern Ghost AU with eventual Klance. This fic is the most suspenseful story I have ever read in my life. Idk if it’s just me, but I just have this feeling building up paragraph by paragraph of an impending… something. And it has my heart racing which is crazy because it isn’t even particularly fast-paced. There’s just a heaviness to the words that have the hairs on the back of your neck prickling. I literally have to take a breather from reading sometimes to calm down. 
A couple cool songs I think set the mood for this fic is Smother and Mirror.
  Finding Home by spacegaykogane
Word count:  26,966 (6/6)
Summary:  After the wormhole collapses, Keith finds himself stranded on a strange planet. Alone. Until Lance comes along. With their lions dead and resources limited, Keith and Lance need to put aside their differences and work together to get home. Wherever that may be, now.
Comments:  Klance. I love Stranded fics where they have to work together to survive and bond over that. So yeah this one has some whump obviously, bc you know, crash landings aren’t very fun. This one is angsty but its balanced out by the fluffiness in the end.
  Cuddle Puddle by nothingwrongwiththerain
Word count:  46,782 (6/6)
Summary:  Unexpectedly, Shiro’s hand landed on the top of his head. Apparently with Lance and Hunk taking up all the shoulder real estate, Shiro would settle for ruffling Keith’s hair.
Keith was fairly certain his soul was about to detach and abandon his shaking body on the couch. He was surrounded, in the complete and total sense of the word, by other people. Not once before, not in his whole life, had he dealt with a situation like this one.
Or, five times Keith found himself too close for comfort and one time he couldn't get close enough.
Comments:  Klance featuring ace!Keith. Don’t be fooled by the fluffy summary, this is a very angsty fic with lots of Keith whump. Basically, as stated by the author, this story is about ‘Keith struggling with physical contact and learning to accept people care about him’. I love touch-starved Keith stories, like this one. I love the scenes with Kidge bros, featuring a super supportive Pidge. 
  At the Beginning by Sakuraiai
Word count:  64,203 (12/12)
Summary:  Inspired by Anastasia
King Zarkon of the Galra empire lost his only way in to the Kingdom of Altea. In his anger, he put a curse on the royal family. The young, adopted half Galran prince Keith disappeared when the palace was overrun, never to be seen again -- or so it seemed. The only surviving princess, Allura, grieving for her child, offers a reward for Keith's safe return.
Con artists, Lance and his best friend, Hunk plan to pawn off a phony to the princess, hoping to reap the rewards. They hold auditions and choose an orphan man who has a remarkable resemblance to the missing prince -- all the way down to his fluffy Galran ears.
Comments:  Can anyone say Anastasia AU?! I waited with baited breath for each chapter to come out and I was not once disappointed. I love the integration of the different alien races in this timeless story, it all works out so well. Keith just wants to find his mommy and I just want to cry. Also Kidge bros are still my fav as always.
  out of orbit by rbillustration
Word count:  78,135 (19/19)
Summary:  Dragged apart by Haggar’s attack on the wormhole, the paladins and Alteans struggle to survive and find one another again. Luck has placed them all within the same galaxy… but their fortune ends there. Lance is stranded with a badly-injured Shiro and his relief at finding their leader still accompanying him soon turns to terror. Keith may be the only who can rectify the situation - but the Galra have him in their grasp, and they don’t want to kill him. They want him as one of their own.
Comments:  ANGST. SO MUCH ANGST. A brainwashed Galra!Keith plus a Possessed!Shiro. This is the perfect recipe for disaster if I ever saw one. If lots of blood bothers you proceed with caution. I love stranded fics.
A good song rec for this one is Darkside.
  VLD Rec Lists:  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Here’s a Fic Masterlist for my other fandoms.
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Welcome to another profile on Behind the Screens, giving you personal insight on who your favorite creators are and what they do when they aren’t wowing you with their creative ability.
Happy Tuesday friends! Today, we have the delightful pleasure in getting to know one of your most requested authors, @formerprincess. Rena, our aforementioned guest, is the writer of numerous works, most notably A Tale of Claws and Fangs, Overslept, and Finding My Way To You. As you’ll come to find out, she’s also so much more, so let’s not wait a second more to dive in.
Rena! To get us started, share something about yourself! And for the twist: the word could should be around the number of letters of the characters in you’re favorite TW rarepair ship.
Erica Reyes + Stiles Stilinski = 25
Shy but it you know me I can be pretty weird. Huge book lover. Disney Fangirl. Big heart. Need writing like air. Wrestling fan.
Woah, really?! A wrestling fan? What got you into it?
I get this question so often haha. Because I appear so shy and innocent, people are always like: What? Wrestling? You? It’s fun.
My dad watched it for a while and sometimes I watched it with him, nothing too invested. But then I learned about Nikki and Brie Bella over tumblr rp and I got really curious about them so I researched online. I love them both, especially Brie, love that they stand for strong women and through them I started to actively watch Wrestling and over time gathered some other wrestlers, male and female, I love to see in the ring. It’s fun to watch them and what they do in the ring is impressive.
From wrestling to Teen Wolf, I dig it! And, how you find your way to the Thiam fandom? What about the two grabbed a hold on you?
That’s kind of a long story. I started watching Teen Wolf because I saw gifs and pictures of it on tumblr. I got curious and wanted to see this show but it wasn’t broadcasted on TV in my country, so I kind of searched online for a way and I watched until the point where Liam was introduced in the series  but then stopped because I lost interest and with work I was too busy to even think of Teen Wolf. And then I was on tumblr and I saw a gifset of the scene where Liam and Theo almost fistbumped and I was like ‘Oh hey, these two are cute together.’ I don’t even know why, I just liked the chemistry they had in the scene, Theo’s soft smile, and all. I grew curious who they were because I recognized Liam but I had no idea who Theo was. Quick online search. Aha, those two are Theo and Liam, Thiam for short. Interesting. The Thiam fandom was so very small at this point, there like five fanfics or whatever, so I didn’t really get much from my little expedition into the Thiam fandom.
I kind of forgot about them again because life and other stuff and all and then I saw something about Theo being evil months after my little encounter with the Thiam fandom and I was all ‘Wait a minute! What? But he and Liam…What the hell is going on?’. I was totally confused and stayed confused until was finally able to watch Teen Wolf again (I watched because I heard about the series ending and felt nostalgic so I gave it another shot). I watched season 4, 5, and season 6A and I was hooked!! And so ready for more screen time of Theo and Liam together, so ready to see what would happen to my boys.Tumblr came in handy again and damn had the fandom grown. I saw what everybody had to offer and the ship itself gave me so much inspiration that I wanted to contribute and put in my own two cents on them. The fandom was so welcoming and friendly, it felt like a family from the start and thus I decided to stay. I met many great people because of Thiam already, it’s really awesome.
What drew me in about them? The unspoken chemistry between them, not only romantically but also platonically. Even when I saw gifsets from them without any context, the looks they shared showed such a connection for me, I was astonished and delighted. And when I saw the whole scenes with them, every episode, I liked how different they acted around each other. I always felt like they got each other to a point no other was possible. That doesn’t mean I don’t like the relationship they have with other characters but I always felt they had this special level of a connection. As if they found their ideal counterpart with each other because they both have this fire inside them and don’t shy away from unleashing it.
Oooh, that last bit is so poetic!
Thank you. It came to my mind while I laid in bed and couldn’t fall asleep. When I thought of this, I sat up and almost yelled “That it! That’s Thiam!” Thank god I didn’t or I would have scared the neighbours probably haha.
Haha, most definitely. What’s another thing you’re passionate about beside Thiam and wrestling?
Being creative in general, not only writing.  I mean, yes, writing is the biggest thing I am passionate about. I view writing as a way to deal with the stress of daily life and I would go crazy if I couldn’t write. I also write poetry sometimes.
But not only writing, sometimes I like to create some picture collage or maybe an outfit on Polyvore. Or I simply create things in my head, characters, storylines, worlds, whatever I can think of at those moments. Sometimes I take my thoughts and try to realize them in my Sims game, it’s fun.
LOL, fellow Sims lover! This is one of my fav things to do! What’s been your favorite characters/scenario to conceptualize in the game? How did the game turn out? Any entertaining stories?
Hey, that’s great haha! I love to do this and I’m currently building some houses I could use as inspiration for my stories. I usually play with original Sims, see them starting a family and see how many generations I can have until it starts to get old or until I’m running out of ideas but I once created Stiles, Lydia, Erica and Derek in the game and the Stiles Sims immediately took a shining to the Derek Sims. It was hilarious to watch because even when I was not telling him to, he was interacting with Derek, followed him around. It was adorable. He tried to make Derek laugh^^. It ended with them falling in love and Lydia and Erica being the bridesmaids.
Aww, natural shipping, sigh. That’s the best. Let’s say you could put Thiam in a similar situation, but with characters of another show. Which would you choose? How’d you think the interaction would go?
I’d chose Shadowhunters tv series and to me, this would be hilarious and awesome at the same time. Theo and Jace would so have this little competition who’s better at basically everything; Izzy would be like an older sister to Liam but without actually treating him like a baby. She would admire his determination and will to protect those he loves, they have this in common. I imagine Liam and Jace siding when it comes to fighting because they are all like: Act first and think later but really just want to protect their family and friends. Alec would roll his eyes and ask himself what he has done to deserve this but come around in the end because is actually someone able to not like Theo and Liam? 
Magnus would be totally amused by the whole thing, especially if Liam and Theo are not a thing yet but he has eyes and he can basically taste the sexual tension okay? And Luke, Liam would not stop asking Luke questions about how he leads his pack and everything because another Alpha, how cool is that??? Also Maia and Liam? Dreamteam! Both struggle with control sometimes and they so would get each other. Imagine Luke and Scott running after their Betas to save them from trouble XD. Theo and Clary, because I love the headcanon about Theo being an artist, would bond over that and probably have a tentative friendship going on.
Before we chat about your works, one more silly question. If you could build the ultimate paintball/laser tag team from any five characters AND one villain on Teen Wolf, who would they be and why?
Liam, Kira, Allison, Theo, Erica, and Kate Argent
Liam because he is very athletic and competitive.
Kira because it surely would fun to have her around and she is just an awesome badass cutie. Also, she has fast reflexes.
Allison because she has an amazing aim and also girl power!
Theo because he is like a mastermind and can come up with the best strategy.
Erica because she is my queen and she would lure the other team out so we can shoot them. She and Theo would be great at making a cunning plan.
And Kate because she is ruthless and would destroy the other team.
Perfect. I still say Theo and Allison would’ve been a sight to behold together–for better or worse. Alright, so we have wrestling, sims, shadowhunters, outfit planning. And on top of all those, writing! If your creative process was a person, what type would they be? What would they do? Wear? Listen to? How do they handle conflict?  
They would be a very chaotic type, all over the place. Somebody you see and wonder how they get any work done because they seem to not be organized at all. They would be that type of person that oversleeps and then bolds into work with their bag hanging off one shoulder, their jacket almost slipping down the other shoulder, travel mug filled with coffee clutched in their grip, and clutching a notepad with lots of notes hanging out from it to their chest. They would not be the one that steps into the spotlight at all but rather satisfies with the result of their work.
Their clothing would be a mix from different styles, Boho but also athletic, sometimes chic. Everything they want to wear, they wear it.
Their taste in music is mixed. They mostly listen to Pop but they also have some rocks songs they are addicted to, some Hip Hop. Whenever they hear something with a good beat, good lyrics, that’s what they like and listen to. Their favorite band would probably be Little Mix.
Handle conflict? That’s a tough one. Hm. They would try to see it from the other’s perspective while at the same time telling themselves they should not explode and yell. They are mostly quiet but if they are peeved, they can lash out. If somebody yells at them they would shy away and close themselves off.
Does your creative process also extend to other fandoms? Pairings? Novels or stories with original characters?
I started to lay down the basics for my own original novel and I can’t wait to start. I wanted to write it for years and now I finally got the right motivation and the right mindset.
Aside from Thiam, I have written some fanfictions for Charmed since that’s one of my favorite tv shows. And I have some Stucky fanfictions started as well as the base for a Malec fanfiction that lingers in the back of my mind.  But Thiam is definitively the ship that inspires me the most and I wrote the most about.
An original novel, that’s awesome! What genre are you setting it in? Also supernatural?
It is a novel playing in this day and age but it’s all about the supernatural world mixed with the normal world of the humans. Think Charmed or Shadowhunters. You have the innocent humans living without actually knowing that demon witches, vampires and such live among them. The supernatural society is still in the focus of the novel.
That sounds awesome. Would you say there’s one trope or situation that somehow always wrangles itself in your stories?
I try my best to use different tropes and situations to challenge myself as a writer but one thing that happens for sure is character A watching character B and marveling around how gorgeous they look and how stunning they are. Just some good old-fashioned swooning. I just like to imagine one person being so completely enamored by another person that they have to stop and stare for a while because they sight is breathtaking. And the other person is either completely oblivious and continues with what they do, or knows exactly what they are doing, smirk at person A and preen at the attention.
And yes, friends to lovers, I’m a sucker for this.
Who isn’t really?! What’s the best friends to lovers story you’ve ever read, either fanfiction or novel? (Or one of the best, since they’re probably so many to choose from)
I guess it’s one of the greatest tropes out there haha. Puh, I read so many great stories and novels about that trope, it’s hard to tell. I remember a novel I once read (I can’t remember the title  or the character names though) where this was one of the main story lines but it really took the whole novel for them to finally become a couple and yet while reading you saw their relationship growing and evolving. That’s what I always try to achieve with my stories. 
I also read a Malec fanfic once where both were human but Magnus was a tattoo artist and Alec a florist. They got to know each other and it was simply perfect, Magnus helped Alec with some things and it was just adorable and awesome and amazing. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the title of this one either. I will search for it and maybe give it a shout out later when I found it again because it was really good
Oh, I’ve read that Malec fic, so good! There’s a fantastic MM novel called Switched—I think—by N.R. Walker that’s friends to lovers and I read it in one night. It’s just something about two people, who know one another in and out, coming together, more sighs.
I’d love to jump into your Thiam works. First, the Raeken Twins and your story, Finding My Way To You. Do you have any twins headcanons/imagines which helped you bring Mike Raeken to life?
I got this awesome ask one day about Theo and Mike from PPL being twins and my mind began to rattle. I thought about Theo, his personality, and began to develop someone who would be Theo’s complete opposite. Pretty Little Liars helped a lot because Mike was a sweetheart there, at least until the point where I stopped watching the show. I absolutely loved the idea of Theo having someone to take care of and protect, being a big brother.
I had a vague scene in my mind where Theo berates Mike for being too trusting and Mike just rolls his eyes and tells his big brother to relax. That was the base on where I developed the Raeken Twins. I wanted somebody who was the opposite of Theo but I didn’t want to go completely black and white and so I carved out Mike’s character more, gave him some rough edges as well.
It is fun to play around with the aspect of Theo having his counterpart who at the same time gets him to a T and has someone he always aimed to protect. He may act like he doesn’t care but it had always been my headcanon that he would do anything for Mike and Mike is that one person who knows everything about Theo and who also knows Theo does in fact care
So, if Mike Raeken was part of the Pack and the TW universe, how would he handle these few scenarios:
a: Who would be his pack allies, the pack members he’d bond with? Who would be his pack friend-enemies?
Mike, just like his brother, would become a member of the puppy pack because Mike’s a puppy too. He’d probably bond the most with Nolan and Corey because they share the most character traits with them being kind of cute and sometimes awkward. Brett would be his crush for sure. But he would also be good friends with Liam and totally root for Thiam.
Friendenemies? Good question.  He’s not as harsh as Theo so he probably would not really have problems with the people around. Unless you come for his brother, then he will end you.
b: In a Supernatural crisis, how would he respond?
That clearly depends on the situation. When it comes to facing an enemy and taking them down, Mike’s a fighter and goes into the full experience. He is fast, he is agile, he is ruthless. But if it comes to protecting the people he cares about, he gets very defensive and worries more about them and bringing them to safety than taking part in the fight itself. He’s not even afraid to charge in and drag the person out of the fight (especially his brother). Mike is pretty level-headed and can stay calm even if times get rough. He checks a situation, makes his own theories about it, but he mostly stays in the background, lets the others talk and discuss, and only interferes when he feels like it’s not going anywhere. But most of the times he is fine with just watching and striking when it’s the right time.
c: One hilarious scenario you think would occur between him, Theo, and other member of the pack?
They would pull a Switch-A-Raeken so often to confuse the pack and get their laughs out of this. Liam is probably the only one who can tell them apart because he pays so close attention to them (mostly Theo though) but the others always get totally confused and the twins love to switch even during a conversation to completely confuse everyone.
One situation I find absolutely hilarious and I will write one day would involve the Sheriff, probably to introduce them as twins. One twin gets arrested, the other shows up to bail him out. Stilinski is in his office when suddenly one of the deputies knocks at the door. He calls them in and they open the door, slightly nervous. “We…uhm…have a situation here with the boy we arrested. You might want to check? He said you surely would love that.” The sheriff narrows his eyes and gets up from his chair. He walks out of his office and there they are. Two identical smirks on their faces and casually leaned against the backrest of the bench in front of his office. “Hey, Sheriff!” One of them says. Stilinski is baffled, moments pass by. He finally finds his voice again. “There are two of them? Because one Raeken wasn’t enough???” He yells, voice cracking at the end. He scratches his neck and grimaces. The twins’ smirks intensify. The deputy ducks away and hides behind the computer screen.
Rofl, I hope you do write it! Are you planning to continue Finding My Way To You too? Any spoilers you can slip us?
I am definitely planning to but I have more prominent ideas for A tale written with fangs and claws and other stories at the moment. I do have written some part of the next chapter still. I love this story and the feedback I received was wonderful. Raeken Twins are a fun thing to write about, so expect more to come.
For a spoiler, I will tell you we will have some drama, much love and yes also smut. There will be a slightly different take on the Dread Doctors spin because I am dissecting the storyline a bit to make it more fitting for Finding My Way To You. There will be a shift in the relationship between the twins as well. For everything else, you need to stay tuned ;D
Well, I suppose we must now haha. Until then, we have all of a Tale of Fangs and Claws to keep ourselves busy. Speaking of….a Tale of Fangs and Claws Time!! (I held out for this long; I’m proud of myself.) For anyone unfamiliar, could you give us a quick synopsis? What inspired the idea? 
Whooo!!  The story is about Liam becoming an Alpha when he least expects it. He and Theo are living in Seattle, are roommates in college, and totally in love with each other but they both feel the other might not return their feelings in the beginning. Theo still joins Liam’s pack and together they return to Seattle. The story follows Liam’s journey in his new role, especially when other werewolves appear and Liam and Theo soon have a pack of their own to take care of. They become a family, face many battles and they all learn more about each other and their strengths and weaknesses, help to find their place in the world.
My inspiration for this came from the sole wish to see Liam as Alpha. I think he would be a great Alpha and would have loved to see it happen at the end of the show as some kind of next-generation thing with the older pack members leaving Beacon Hills and him taking over from Scott. The more I thought about this, the bigger the need for Alpha!Liam became and I started to imagine his pack, created their characters a little bit and searched for faceclaims. It took me a while until I finally started to write the story; until I had a decent enough base to actually imagine turning this into a multi-chapter fic and upload it.  Add me playing around with my basic photoshop program and create some Liam as Alpha manips and the inspiration was there. It came to the point where I could no longer hold back and thus I uploaded the prologue. I never imagined the success it would have and I am still amazed by this.
Wow, and it’s almost 300,000 words long! First, huge congrats on being the longest Thiam fic thus far! Is this the longest story you’ve ever written? Did you originally plan all the chapters or has it reshaped itself? Would you say you have a secret to writing longer fics while also keeping your personal interest high?
It’s crazy! Thank you so much!! I have to say I never expected this to turn out so huge, I still can’t believe it. Every time I check the chapter numbers, it still feels so unreal. When I started, I had no idea how long this would be. I had basic elements and certain points I wanted to have happen but everything else was non-existent in the beginning. It still is nowadays because that’s how I write. I don’t have everything planned out and so my own story keeps surprising me but I love this.  I’m writing a chapter and some things are coming to my mind while I’m writing and I take a break to consider, bring this in a vague timeline, and then continue writing.
 I admire people whohave every little detail plannedout but I’m so not like this and I had it happen to me that I wrote a chapter completely different than I intended to. Because my thoughts didn’t work as good as the thing I had been actually writing, if that makes sense. Sure, I have some scenes I have in mind for a long time and while I have not every word planned out, I have a pretty solid image of the scenes. Theo’s development for example. I knew how I want to have the big moments to happen and I am even more excited than usual when it is time to write it.
The story is indeed the longest I have ever written until now.  Who knows what the future has in store? :D
I wouldn’t exactly call it a secret. Thiam itself inspires me so much and receiving so much feedback from so many people is also a very good source of motivation, not gonna lie. This story, the reactions I got from people, has made me feel better about my talent as a writer and that fueled my passion. I associate so many great things with this story and I got attached to every single character that writing a new chapter feels like coming home. I see them as part of my family, my babies if you want, and I am curious to see how they develop further. That’s what keeps me inspired to make this story longer and longer. I’d say the secret, in general, is creating something you truly love, no matter how cliche this sounds. Create this word that is truly you that brings yourself joy and I’m sure you won’t lose interest.
Yes, I so agree! When I was writing my main Stacksonstory, I fell so in love with the characters and the progress of the story! And then to be able to talk about them with so many people, it definitely kept the thoughts coming, even long after I finished it!
Exactly what happened to me with A tale written with fangs and claws! It is wonderful to have such great response and it’s a great source of motivation. I get so many ideas for this story just by reading comments or talking with people. That’s the beauty of fanfiction I think.
Most definitely! Would you then say any of your original characters are based on people you know personally?
Actually no.  I was more inspired by fictional characters, took some things from them, and created my own individual character. If there are any resemblances I haven’t noticed them yet but hey, maybe I will someday^^
Maybe, who knows what might happen. Not us, certainly. Thinking forward, is there one thing you’re dying to add in the story but you have to write a few more chapter before it comes up?
Liam’s and Theo’s wedding! I am dying to write this since a few chapters and everyone who read the last chapter knows I’m toying around with this thing a bit but I really, really can’t wait to write their wedding. It will happen one day and I am excited about it but it will take some more (a lot more) chapters until we can get there.
Yessssss, we’ll be patiently waiting until then! Before we wind down, I’d love to give you a time to impart some wisdom onto us. Any life hacks or creative wisdom on your mind lately?
It is important to figure out what works best for you and never let anybody butt in, writing-wise and in life too. I had to learn this myself but there will be people telling you how you should do a certain thing and then you need to figure out if this is really the best for you. I’m not saying you should not take advice, you definitely should, but it is okay to change this advice, maybe combine it with the advice you got from someone else and create your own special way to get things done. There might be people who are very critical of how you work, how you handle things, and sometimes it can really get to you and be a bummer but it is important to remember that as long as it good for you, as long as it helps you get something done the way you want it to, it’s the right way for you. Your own opinion and your own wellbeing are more important than what some might think are the right thing for you. Your way is the right thing and great things will come from this, just stay true to yourself even when it’s hard sometimes
Also: Allow yourself to change. What was on your mind a year ago, what you wrote a year ago, doesn’t become less valid just because you changed your perspective. You are ever-changing and there will be moments where you realize that your old mindset doesn’t apply to the situation anymore, not to the person you became anymore. That’s okay. It doesn’t take anything away from the progress you made before, doesn’t take anything away from what you created back then. It simply shows your development as a writer, as a person, and that’s a fascinating progress.
Thank you so much for your honesty and depth. Aww, well, we reached the end of our time, Rena! Luckily, we’ve learned so much about you in our short time together. To end us out, what’s next for you? Any big plans?
I have several projects planned. In terms of fanfiction, I’m planning a sequel to A tale written with fangs and claws if I finish the story, I’m planning on continuing my Mated series, Finding My Way To You will be continued as well, and there are several other fanfictions on the line. I’m also planning on finally writing my first original novel, something I’m very excited about.  Those are the things I have planned, who knows what else is gonna happen? Life is full of surprises.
Good luck with your novel! And all the other bundles of surprises and happiness that are whirling your way. Is there anything else you’d like to share? The mic’s in your hands.
It’s okay to struggle. I sometimes feel like the standards expect everyone to be perfect at anything they do and it can be really frustrating when you feel like you’re not reaching these standards. You feel like a failure and it’s a horrible thing to feel. I had so many moments where I felt like I would never reach the standard for that thing to be considered good or even great and it took me a long time to learn not to always compare myself to others and be proud of who I am, my talents, what I create. I still feel like I’m not good enough sometimes but every time I struggle, I learn new things about myself and that’s what made me realize it is okay to struggle. You learn next to nothing when you don’t struggle and ease everything perfectly on the first try.
Sure, it’s great to have a lift first time you do something, it’s even important to be a natural in some things, but I also know that struggling causes doubts and insecurities because you feel like anybody else doesn’t seem to struggle at all. What I’m trying to say is embrace your struggles as part of your development process on becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. And remember: Nobody has the same story to tell as you. The world needs to hear yours, don’t let the doubts take this away from you. It’s a long and difficult way to go but it’s worth it in the end.
Thanks so much Rena! It was a freaking blast getting to know you and your life, inspirations, and quirky interests haha! 
Thankfully, the conversation doesn’t have to end here. To chat with her about her works, Thiam, Teen Wolf, even Wrestling, you can find Rena at these three places:  
AO3: Former_Princess
Tumblr: formerprincess
Ask Box: formerprincessask
In her words, “It’s more than okay! I love getting asks, messages. I’d even love to get a carrier pigeon. I am a shy noodle myself but I absolutely love to interact with people and have them interact with me. Ask as many questions as you want, send in as many things as you want, you will never bother me and in fact make me very happy. Also - on a non fandom related note - myaskbox is always open for anybody who needs somebody to listen to them.”
She’s also currently accepting prompts, though it might take her a while to get to them–you know busy lives and what not. So, feel free to “send in things, share your thoughts, headcanons, and everything else,” with her. (Also, her words!)
Thanks so much for reading. We will see you next week as we get to know about fandomtrashwhore, aka Marie, our resident Thiam Social Media expert. Until then!
Have a Thiam Creator you fan over? Send us their names. Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
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Being Human
Fandom: Touken Ranbu
Characters: Yagen Toshirou, Saniwa
Summary: Yagen and his thoughts about humanity.
 Just a fic based on my headcannons, because Yagen is my fav Touken Danshi.
The first thing he remembered when he first came to life was light.
A very bright light in his eyes. The last thing he remembered was fire all around him and now he was in a room surrounded by light.
He looked around and found a young woman with fuzzy black hair and short statue sitting next to him, with a fox sitting in her shoulder and a smile in her face.
‘You’re Yagen Toshirou, right?’  The woman said. ‘I’m your new master· you can call me Umi. I’m glad that you will give me your strength.’ And as she finished she stretched her hand in his direction.
She is talking to me? He thought. She knows I’m a sword, a lifeless object, right?
Then he looked below him. He then realized that he was in a human body.
He tried to open him mouth and take a step towards the woman, but all he managed to do was make an incoherent sound and fall flat on his face.
The woman chuckled. ‘Walking and talking are a bit weird to get used to, aren’t they?’
Then the small fox came towards him with a white yukata in its mouth.
‘Wear this for the time being.’ The woman said. ‘Once you get used to your body I’ll have you chose your attire of preference.’
The first days as a human in this new place were hazy. The days rolled by, as he tried to stand on his feet and get used to his voice. Two other swords with the looks of a human child and with whom Yagen felt a connection with, as if they were his family, came often to see him and help him adapt. They had introduced themselves as Akita and Gokotai.
Once he managed to walk, he couldn’t stay put.
He ran around the vast garden, climbed trees, rolled in the dirt.
All those years, he had missed the felling of the wind against him and the landscape quickly changing around him. And now, with a human body, this sensation was even better. Unlike other tantous, he was a sword used in battle· He logged for the felling of adrenaline.
‘I finally found you.’ He heard a voice behind him say, once he had slowed down a bit.
He looked behind a saw a sword with the looks of a young adult· with long black hair and striking red eyes.
‘Our master is looking for you.’ He said. ‘She couldn’t find you in your room and got worried.’
As he finished he stared at him from head to toe with a weird look on his face· as if he was disgusted by his dirty appearance.
‘Judging from your appearance, it looks like you were having fun.’ The other sword stated. ‘Don’t worry; we were all like that once we learned to walk· running around the citadel and making a mess. She won’t be mad at you.  Now, follow me.’
Yagen did as he told.
Once he and the other sword, whose name was Kashuu as he found out later, arrived at his room the young woman who was his new master led him inside to give him a bath.
‘It’s nice to see you’ve adapted, Yagen.’ She cheerfully said as she was pouring water on him. ‘I might send you in the frontlines soon. You were used in the battlefield after all, didn’t you?’
And she did what she said.
After a few days, she assigned him in the first unit for a sortie.
Ever since that, he gave his best performance in every battle he was in· fearless and bloodthirsty. He would launch himself to every enemy, no matter how big or small and come out victorious. He did his best to protect everyone important to him· His brothers, his old and new friends, and most of all, his new master.
This led him into wanting to become more helpful and efficient in and out of the battlefield. So, he started reading.
He read everything he could get his hands on· from medical books, to historical documents, to world geography. He even asked his master to teach him first aid, so that he could help the injured during battle.
The recovery room and the library had become his home, since when not out in battle, he would spend his time in there experimenting in new medicine and researching.
‘You overwork yourself.’ His master had told him once. ‘You need to rest more.’
‘I could say the same for you, General.’ He replied. ‘I heard you went to sleep late the past few days.’
‘Yeah, because I was planning strategies for future missions.’
‘Then I’m just as busy as you. I’m researching for a medicine that will aid the recovery of burns. It might be useful in battle and I’m not willing to rest until I get results.’
His master looked at him with fondness.
‘Unwilling to back down, curious and fearless in combat· I can really see why you were the favorite blade of the Demon King.’ She said and patted his head with a smile in her face.
Sometimes, their mission to annihilate the malicious and rebellious spirits known as the History Retrograde Army would quiet down. During that time, they would spend their days relaxing, taking care of the citadel or practicing their swordsmanship.
Their master enjoyed spending these days underneath the cherry blossom tree, having tea with the swords while she asked them about their problems.
‘I want to ask you something.’ She said to him one time they shared tea together. ‘Did you enjoy being human?’
Yagen stutter for a moment. Yes, he loved being in this body, being able to feel and experience, to express his thoughts, to learn all those new things he only had gotten a glimpse of in his original form. But he didn’t know how express those feelings in words.
‘I’m not asking this to you as a verdict.’ His master added. ‘I just want to know your thoughts about it.’
He smiled at her.
‘Of course I enjoy it, General.’ He happily replied. ‘To be able to experience all those things, to travel to all these places, meet all these people. It was hard and confusing at the start, but I got used to it quickly. And serving you, General, really made it worth.’
She stared at him for a moment and then smiled, while whipping some cherry blossom petals from his head. He looked back at her and took a sip from his tea while averting his eyes and looking at the citadel before him. His younger brothers and other tantous were playing around happily with the supervision of his older brother Ichigo. This scene brought a smile in his face· it made him want to preserve this happiness. The happiness of his brothers and his master.
Yes, being there, right now was really worth it.
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head-and-heart · 7 years
T100 is a dark show but I feel Jason is so focused on trying to shook the audience that he's forgetting the biggest strength of this show, the main characters and love. Don't you think so? What's the point to make Jasper's death so dramatic if it's not going to affect his friends at all? and Clarke wanted to save them but she hasn't connected with them since the last interactions of s2. It's a kind of mess imo. I wish they'd start writing consistent relationships and plots about fighting to live
I don’t entirely agree with this, nonny.
I don’t think that Jason has at all forgotten what the heart of the story is and if anything should be an indication of that it should be Praimfaya, of all episodes, one of the two Jason wrote this season. It focused basically exclusively on our delinquents heading to space, and then very briefly on Octavia (also a delinquent, I might add). THAT’S the heart of the show. That relationship among the delinquents, those characters we’ve grown to love? That’s always been the endgame Jason has been striving for season after season.
Which means that they can’t be together all the time. And, yes, they have to go on individual journeys, and struggle, and that’s the point. Because they are stronger together. But our characters can’t be strong all the time, they can’t always be with the people who complete them, who make them a perfect unit.
Why not, you ask? Because if they were always with those people, they would never grow. If they have everything they need, they would never learn to evolve on their own.
It’s the same idea with separating Bellarke so that Bellamy can develop his head-side without Clarke, and Clarke can develop her heart-side without Bellamy. They can’t be interdependent all the time, because the truth of the matter is that in the universe of The 100, there’s never a guarantee that they’ll have that person at their side. People die, they leave (something we’re a little too familiar with in the Bellarke fandom after 2x16 …).
Then what?
Then, our characters grow. On their own. And once they’ve gone through their individual journey, they come together and they kick even more ass than before. 
That’s kind of how it goes every season isn’t it? (With the exception of perhaps Season 1 where the sets and the budget was smaller, and they were introducing all the main characters/plot/relationships so it made sense to keep everyone so shuttered in together for the majority of the season.) Our characters work together for parts of the season, then they split up to go on their individual journeys, and then they come together again in the finale and kick ass as a team.
In Season 2, it started with all our characters separated, working to get to each other. They reunited in the first half of the season, created a battle strategy, and then separated to go through their own character journeys. Bellamy embarked into Mount Weather on his redemption arc to save his friends (simplifying the depth of his arc, obviously, but that’s not the point of this post). Clarke fell into her downward spiral as she took advice from L.exa. Jasper had to learn to become a leader in his own right. Raven struggled to come to terms with her new disability and pain. Octavia started training with Indra as a warrior. Murphy was off on his adventure with Jaha.
… See the trend?
Our heroes were all working together towards a common goal - defeat the Mountain (Murphy excluded) - but they were also struggling within themselves. It makes for interesting TV.
And then what happens in the Season 2 finale? They all end up in Mount Weather, working with and alongside each other using the lessons they’ve learned over the course of the season, in order to save their people.
What were huge themes of Season 2? Finding their family again - lots of reunions. The fight to see their friends/family again, to save them. What happens when you push away the people you love …
Because those themes: found family, love, and the things people will do to keep those things alive … THAT’S the heart of the show. And it hasn’t changed.
Then in Season 3, we spend the first half of the season with everyone isolated and struggling with their inner demons. Clarke struggling to face her people, Bellamy struggling to save them at whatever cost, Raven struggling with her pain, Jasper struggling with his PTSD, Monty struggling with stifling his own trauma while holding up his own family (Hannah and Jasper), Murphy struggling to survive on his own (like always … until Emori comes along), Octavia struggling to find her place in the world (struggling with Lincoln, with Bellamy, with Indra) and NONE of them sharing any of these things (for the most part) with each other.
And, yes, it was dark. And depressing and heavy and disheartening to watch sometimes. But that was the POINT. Season 2 was the descent into hell. 3A was hell itself, and 3B and Season 4 was our heroes rising from the ashes.
And sure enough, our main delinquents reunited in 4x11 and for the last six episodes of the season, it was all about them working together, piecing themselves back together, working towards a common goal as a team. In 3x16, we had Clarke going into the City of Light with Monty and Raven, Harper, etc working from Arkadia to help make it possible while Bellamy and Octavia kept her alive from the outside. It was a group effort. It involved all three elements for them to succeed in defeating ALIE.
What was a huge theme of Season 3? To put it simply, “together”. It was about showing our heroes and how they fall apart when they isolate themselves, and how they are stronger when they come together.
That’s always been the theme of the show, and - contrary to what many believe - the writers didn’t just drop that theme in Season 3. They took a dark approach to it, revealed an extremely grim perspective on the human condition, what happens to us when we fall down and there is no one there to pick us up, and people didn’t like that. But it doesn’t change the fact that the endpoint they were always building up to was our mains working together, stronger than before, in the end of the season.
Same thing in Season 4: they started off working together, they split up for awhile in the middle to embark on their own character arcs, and finally came together in the final few episodes to survive - together.
I think that ever since 3A, people have been stuck in this mindset that - just because they separated our favs from each other - that the writers don’t know what they’re doing. That they’re forgetting their own story, that they don’t realize what their fans want to see.
What I have to say to that is this: you listen to the anti’s too much. That is not the story the writers are telling. It never has been, and anyone who is ACTUALLY convinced that the writers are way up L.exa’s ass haven’t been paying attention. Appearing as a guest star in sixteen episodes does NOT make a show. And if it did, ADC would have been signed on as a regular before FTWD jumped.
I have no doubt Jason is well aware of where the heart of the show is and if anything is an indication of that, it is the finales he has written every single season. Each one consistently focusing on our delinquents working together to save the world. THAT’S the story he is telling. And I feel like a broken record, but I really can’t express this enough.
What’s the point to make Jasper’s death so dramatic if it’s not going to affect his friends at all?
I’m not going to argue with you about Jasper’s death because Jasper’s character arc is such a disappointment to me and I wish (oh god DO I WISH) it was handled in a way better way. I wish he had chosen to live, I wish Season 4 wasn’t just some long drawn out death sentence for him carried out from the Season 3 finale. I wish Jason could have thought of a better way for his character to continue to exist on the show, but that didn’t happen. And it sucks. And Jasper was my second favourite character (after Bellamy, loml) and I’m upset about it. And he was such good PTSD rep and they could have done amazing things with him.
I really feel like Jason had his mind set on killing Jasper in Season 3 but decided that would be too much, but never actually planned out another character arc for Jasper to have where he chooses to live instead. In his mind, Jasper’s story was over before Season 4 even began. Sometimes that happens with writers. They write themselves into a dead-end or they can’t think of another story that works for a character so instead of choosing the storyline where Jasper decides to live, he chose the alternate - darker - one where Jasper doesn’t recover from his trauma … and his story ends in tragedy.
It’s not the story I would have told, and I wish the way the characters on these shows responded to suicide was something other than saying, “you’re a coward”, but I’m not one for censoring what stories other artists choose to tell. They chose to write the dark one. Really, all that I can do is be sad and bitter and wish that the writers decided on a different character arc.
But they didn’t.
That still doesn’t mean that the writers have lost sight of what this story is about, though.
It’s still about the delinquents. It’s still about the theme of “together”. It’s still about life and hope and, yes, some of our characters die along the way or lose their path but - ultimately - in the end, this story is about family.
We don’t know for certain that Jasper has been forgotten, that he won’t be remembered. There are still those flashbacks Jason promised, and they always do callbacks to previous seasons. Yes, I wish we got more of a reaction out of characters like Clarke and Raven (grrr… still bitter over what could have been) and OCTAVIA, but I chalk that all down to being another problem to pile on top of all the other issues with Season 4 that could have been resolved with three extra episodes.
The writers took on too much in one season and they didn’t have enough episodes to tell it properly. Pacing was an issue, and a lot of things got cut or weren’t fleshed out as much as I would have liked because of it - including the response to Jasper’s death.
The writers just didn’t allocate themselves enough time for those emotional beats… and it’s annoying, but there’s really nothing that can be done about it at this point.
I find that most of the problems with storytelling on this show have much less to do with the actual story itself, and more to do with the pacing. This particular instance is no exception.
Clarke wanted to save them but she hasn’t connected with them since the last interactions of s2.
Clarke has pretty much always been kind of distant from most of her friends, with the exception of pretty much only Bellamy. I mean, hell, she even started the show in isolation. This has always been her struggle. Valuing her head over her heart (and sometimes sacrificing her relationships in the process). I thought that the way we ended Season 4, with Clarke waiting every day to reunite with her friends, never giving up hope … that bodes very well for that long-drawn out arc of Clarke holding herself apart from her friends to finally reach some sort of resolution. I’m very excited for where her arc is going next season, and I think the writers are well aware of Clarke’s tendency to isolate herself.
It’s being addressed.
I wish they’d start writing consistent relationships and plots about fighting to live
Sorry, disagree. They’re already writing those things.
This show has consistently been about our characters’ fight for survival. Isn’t that basically the premise of the show? Fighting to live? Say what you want about everything else about the show, but I’ve always felt that part was pretty consistent.
As for consistent relationships … I think most of the relationships we’re invested in HAVE been consistent. They spend time developing the relationships that are most important to the audience. Like Bellamy and Clarke, Abby and Raven, Monty and Jasper (while it ends tragically), the Blakes (as dysfunctional as they are, I don’t feel like it’s really developed unnaturally for how their dynamic started off and evolved), Kane and Abby, Memori, etc, etc. 
I must be reading the show differently than a lot of people because I feel that many are disappointed, thinking that the writers have lost sight of the show they first set out to be, but I disagree. The show has evolved, matured, and gotten more complex. Our characters have grown, they’re older, and they’ve changed. As a result, the relationships have too. But our core relationships on the show? Those have always been front and center, and our delinquents have always been the focus of each resolution to every season. 
We haven’t lost that many of our main delinquents. Jasper and Finn - that’s basically it. Think how many Grounders we’ve lost? How many other characters who aren’t Sky People? Anya, L.exa, Roan, Ilian, Luna, Lincoln, Maya, etc … These characters - as much as we may love some of them - are supporting characters. 
The delinquents are less expendable, and when you actually start cracking down on numbers, it shows that the writers don’t view them as being unimportant in the way that many “fans” would have you believe.
This is a way longer response than I intended on ever writing, so I’m just going to wrap it up here. I think my opinion has been expanded on more than enough.
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