#amy and rory you are absolutely everything to me
camellcat · 7 months
alright. god. I finally got to The Angels Take Manhattan.
okay, here's the thing: I was going in expecting to cry, right? but not really, cause not once in this entire show have I cried outside of something being related to rose tyler. but also, extremely attached to amy. I mean, seriously. she's my second favorite companion by a landslide.
so when I barely even teared up at rory and amy bloody falling together I didn't think it was gonna happen! I thought, oh, y'know, if this doesn't get me surely nothin' will. well. WELL.
suddenly rory is taken and amy is ready to go after him because it's amy and rory together as it should be and eleven is begging for her not to and then he says my favorite catchphrase of "come along, pond" but then he adds in that "please!" which utterly fucking ruins me (I mean, I'm already crying, yeah? this had me... oh man. sobbing might not even cut it. that shit fucked. me. up!) and then she says "raggedy man, goodbye!" and I've been got. I mean, I'm crying so hard I'm lightheaded. my sheets are soaked, my face is disgusting, my glasses need to be cleaned. I'm a right fucking mess.
this doesn't have a point I'm just so distraught right now. like. I just. I didn't. ohhh. I didn't really think I had it in me to care that much anymore! not about this! it's Doomsday all over again! GOD. I think I'll be a bit sad but ultimately fine and then I'm NOT. fuck! fuck me, man. amelia pond. I love you
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Doctor Marathon (Fluff)
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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A short one with Donnie boy💜
I am a pretty big Doctor Who fan myself, and I refuse to believe Donatello wouldn’t like it. So here you get a nice evening cuddle on the couch with Donnie, watching some Doctor Who💜
Warnings: None, not even Doctor Who spoilers.
The soft glow of the TV illuminated the lair, casting a warm ambiance on the makeshift living room. Donatello and you were snuggled up on the couch, a cozy blanket draped over your entwined legs, a bowl of popcorn in Donnie’s lap, and enough juice boxes on the table to last you the rest of the evening. All of Donnie’s brothers and Master Splinter had retreated to their bedrooms for the night, leaving you and Donatello alone for your impromptu date night. It was a rare night when the chaos of the city above ground seemed to dissipate, leaving the two of you in a quiet sanctuary.
Donatello's three-fingered hand held the TV remote, scrolling through various options until he settled on one of his favorite shows – Doctor Who. He turned to you with a gleam in his eyes, his excitement palpable, as the still image of the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond illuminated the screen.
"Ready for some timey-wimey adventures, (Y/N)?" Donatello grinned, adjusting his glasses.
You chuckled, knowing damn well he quoted the wrong Doctor on purpose. "Always, Donnie. Your taste in TV shows is impeccable", you said, faking a British accent that made Donnie smile.
As the familiar theme music of Doctor Who filled the lair, you leaned against Donatello, feeling the comforting presence of his strong green arm around you. The show began, and you found yourself enthralled by the Doctor's - in this case Matt Smith - escapades through time and space.
"Imagine if we could time travel", Donatello mused, his voice soft, watching the Doctor run around the spaceship he, Amy and Rory found themself in. "We could go back and witness some of the most incredible moments in history".
You smiled. "Or forward, to see what the future holds. It'd be an adventure, for sure".
Donatello nodded, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your waist. The two of you settled into a comfortable silence, engrossed in the unfolding narrative on the screen.
At times, Donatello couldn't help but analyze the science fiction aspects of the show, sharing his thoughts with you. You listened attentively, reveling in the passion that shone in his eyes when he discussed the possibilities of time travel. That came with having a tech genius for a boyfriend. He just couldn’t help himself, and you found it adorable.
As the episode reached a particularly emotional moment, you felt Donatello's grip on your waist tighten slightly. Glancing up, you met his gaze, and there was a vulnerability in his eyes that made your heart swell with affection.
"I'm so grateful for moments like these," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "With you. Just being here, together, watching our favorite show. It's... everything."
You smiled, "Me too, Donnie. These moments are my favorite, too."
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, and you snuggled closer. The TARDIS on the screen whirred away, and you couldn't help but draw parallels between the Doctor's adventures and your own, albeit on a smaller scale. Like the Doctor, every other day was a new adventure for you and your turtles. You’ve met dimension traveling aliens and encountered high tech technology.
As the credits rolled from the 8th episode the two of you had watched that evening, Donatello turned off the TV, and you both sat in the quiet lair, surrounded by the comforting hum of machinery and the soft glow of monitors.
"Time well spent", he said, his gaze lingering on you.
You nodded. "Absolutely". You gave Donnie a small peck on the lips, smiling in delight. “Time is always best spent with my favorite doctor”.
Donnie frowned in confusion. “You mean Matt Smith? I thought David Tennant was your favorite Doctor”.
“I’m talking about you”, you laughed, bringing your face close to his once more. “My Doctor Donatello”.
Donnie studied your face, a smile spreading on his face. “I could get used to that name”.
And in that moment, surrounded by the remnants of a fictional time-traveling adventure, you couldn't help but feel that the best moments were the ones spent right here – in the present, with the turtle you loved.
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tamlinrose · 6 months
NuWho Characters as The Entities (TMA)
9th Doctor- The Desolation.
He is fresh off the time war, where millions were sacrificed in flame. He is the main cause of death of his entire people and rose like a phoenix from the ashes. DEFINITELY the desolation
Rose- The Eye.
Come on, she becomes an all knowing goddess of Time. How could Bad Wolf NOT be the Eye??
Captain Jack Harkness- The End.
He literally dies over and over and over. Even though he can’t permanently die, I’d say he’s feeding The End some good cosmic horror
The Tenth Doctor- The Lonely.
Pretty self explanatory. He desires companionship so much, but everyone leaves him, whether by choice or force. In the end, he is all alone. And regenerates knowing that for all the connections he made, none could stay. Sad wet boy
Martha- The Hunt.
I debated this one, but I think especially her traveling across the world with the sheer determination to defeat the Master shows her becoming the predator instead of the prey. She also becomes a unit soldier, and her arc is her adopting the soldier mentality the doctor so hates about himself onto herself out of survival.
Donna- The Spiral.
Her whole arc is around not being able to trust herself, her own mind because she’s been told she isn’t clever or worthwhile so many times. Not to mention Fear Her, where everything about the World is Not Right and she’s at the center of the wrongness vortex.
Sarah Jane- The Web.
She’s a journalist, she’s constantly picking at threads, finding out information she shouldn’t have, weaving it to her will. I also think that the doctor dropping her off and ditching her without her consent is playing into the fear of having your life puppeted by forces outside of your control.
11th Doctor- The Stranger.
Idk something about him… his penchant for theatrics, his burning desire to be human but always being just slightly left of human behavior, mannerisms. It’s like he’s mimicking the humanity he wants so bad, but it just gives him the uncanny valley affect that makes him even more alien than ever.
River- also the Web
She is scared of being controlled by forces beyond her. She was brainwashed into wanting to kill the doctor and ultimately it is not her will that pushes her to do so. She lives to be free of influence but she is controlled by the outside forces of the time stream discrepancies that keep her and the doctor apart.
Amy- The Flesh.
Okay this is for silly goofy reasons, but the fact she was LITERALLY a flesh avatar for like a full season really sells it for me. Not to mention a lot of her arc is very centered on body horror (pregnancy without her knowledge, giving birth, not being able to have kids, etc).
Rory: Also an avatar of The End.
He just dies so many times man, him and captain Jack should go to couples therapy or smthn
12: The Dark.
Okay hear me out. It’s the oldest fear entity, which I think really folds in with 12s general air of wisdom and the fact he’s been around a fucking long time. Also, he has that entire episodes where he tries to find out what lives in the dark at the end of the universe, and what lives under the bed that absolutely does not wish to be seen.
Clara: Also The Desolation
She is sooooo self destructive man. Especially after Danny Pink dies, she’s willing to burn it all to the ground. Her eventual demise is because she is impulsive to a fault, and in some ways it could be argued she has a death wish.
Bill: The Vast
She just gives me that childlike wonder for new worlds and the open sky. IK this seems like pretty vague reasoning but I think like Simon Fairchild she just loves the vastness of the universe so much that she eventually goes travelling with star eyed girl to see it all.
13: also The Vast
Citing that youthful wonder again. Honestly I don’t know much about 13 or her companions so if you have Headcanons for Yaz, Ryan, Graham and 13 hmu! Tag them below
The War Doctor: The Extinction
Self explanatory. He’s the doctor who ends it all, his entire species. And that choice defines and haunts him into future incarnations.
The Master: The Slaughter
Senseless chaotic violence for the sake of violence. Sounds pretty on brand.
If you have any contradictions, additional thoughts, or help on 13s era I’d love to hear it in the tags!!!
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bronzeagepizzeria · 8 months
Is it just me, or does spending Doctor Who season 4 under Moffat make everything more negative and pessimistic? I mean, yes, the first 4 seasons had sadness and deaths. But most people who knew the doctor developed and obtained a purpose in life or improved anyway. Rose absolutely won the grolo in terms of ending. An ending that also technically gives the Doctor what he wanted most in the world, while allowing him to continue being the Time Lord. Sad but somehow optimistic. There is a real fairy tale atmosphere for me in the background of the first 4 seasons. (Also surely because the first 4 seasons form a very distinct story from the rest of the series with my eyes. There is a beginning and an end with a real morality which evolves throughout the 4 seasons on humanity, immortality and life in general.) But what happens next? I just feel like everyone who approaches the doctor dies? (Except with the arrival of the 13th Doctor). It's just me ? Amy and Rory. River and Clara. Bill, etc. I find that the companions' endings are much more depressing under the Moffat guise. It doesn't really make me want to travel with the Doctor in all honesty. Morally, it's also a bit confusing for me, apart from the message about accepting death with Clara. But yes. I find that after Russel T Davies, Doctor Who 2005 lost the heart of its original morality and its optimism with Moffat.
anon this is a very popular opinion 😂
I agree with almost everything you’ve said, I don’t think anyone does series long arcs like RTD does. (S1? Flawless.)
But I don’t agree about Moffat’s companions’ endings being depressing—I honestly just find them annoying. Like if you’re going to end something tragically, let it stick? Moffat is obsessed with killing characters off and then undoing it in a very absurd doctor who sci fi way.
It reduces the impact of the death and the pain it inflicts on the Doctor. Because it’s alright if River died to save him, she lives forever on a *looks at smudged writing on palm* computer hard drive. Sigh.
RTD is the master of devastating endings. Look at Doomsday. Even if that was temporary, it HURT. There were actual consequences. Look at Donna losing her memories. If you’re going to take big bold moves and put you main characters through the blender….make sure the consequences stick.
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how do you click into a characters ‘voice’ as well as you do? People are so consistently in characyer and I notice that as a unique standout of your writing
Advice for Writing Characters: Design, Arcs, and the Role of Plot
Warning: hella spoilers for my Doctor/Amy/Rory 'verse because that's what I'm using as examples for this writing breakdown of sorts.
First off, thank you so much for the compliment to my writing! I have worked so hard on my characterization over the years and it means a lot to hear that you liked it.
But onto the actual writing breakdown:
So I'm going to sound like every basic English teacher you've ever had to suffer through with this opening piece of advice, but it really is about practice making perfect. I wrote disastrous dialogue/characterization when I started out writing in 2014 (when I was 14). Looking back at my old characterization it's hot garbage. Dead awful.
But I have improved a lot over the years. A lot of that has to do with about my ability to sit down and re-watch episodes over and over again and find the right music to listen to, but a lot of it also has to do with the three things I always look to/think about when writing characters.
To be honest, I still have my weaknesses as a writer. I don't always like writing settings and I'm still improving on my action scenes and my intimacy scenes but my favorite things to write have always been a good extended metaphor and diving into character POVs. I write because I like exploring characters. There's a reason why the most popular additional tags on my ao3 account look like this:
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I love writing character-driven stories. Plot comes as a secondary device to link the character moments for me and not vice-versa (though I'm not gonna lie, I can occasionally come up with a decent plot twist, ala the Master, Clara-River-Ytroswinasleen, or Bill/Clara reveals). Writing characters is about exploring what threads twist themselves together to compel the character/story forward, whether that be backstory, current stressors, or what their motivations are to go forward.
For example, with the Doctors it's easy to explain because they're divided by era. To talk about Eleven, you have backstory: the ENTIRETY of Ten's character arc hope from Rose -> guilt/grief from losing her -> Martha/Donna helping him believe in himself/find joy again -> grief from losing Donna -> Time Lord Victorious leading into Adelaide Kane/him finally doing one kind thing for Wilf. Then, as shown in the only good moment in Let's Kill Hitler, his guilt over everything he did to those three. Then you have current stressors: the sheer loneliness he feels after regenerating alone/isolating himself, the guilt he feels after "abandoning" Amy as a child/leading to Rory's death, and the ever-present knowledge he has with every companion that humans do have a tendency to die/leave him.
Backstory and current stressors tend to play off of each other to lead to future actions, aka: Eleven freaking out and assuming that Amy and Rory will leave him after the baby is born and trying to cut them loose before he can or later, after we establish the Martha&Jack&the Master of it all (and the guilt that he still feels after how Ten handled All That Shit), it makes sense that he might go a little Time Lord Victorious when you find out that the Master was behind River's kidnapping because the Doctor finally has a family to get protective over.
And this is all just from one character point of view! It's also about how characters bounce off of each other- my absolute most favorite part of writing. It's what creates the most interesting parts of the story. When you have Rory's desire for a family/desire to do-no-harm/loyalty hitting up against Amy's desire to keep her family safe/the established ferocity of her love/her willingness to face danger in the face and not blink hitting up against the Doctor's fury of a time lord/guilt over doing things wrong the last time/desire to make things right not just for Martha and Jack and himself, but for Amy and Rory and River, things are bound to get not just messy but satisfying when you have Rory look the Doctor in the eye and tell him that he can't take that choice out of people's hands in the end. That the Doctor has to give River and Amy the choice that the Doctor didn't give Martha and Jack regarding the Master before.
Characterization is as much about a satisfying arc as it is digging into a character's mindset. As much as I love writing "character studies," that's only half of the battle when it comes to writing. Yes, you need to know where your character's head is at. But you also need to understand where they were and where they are going. Learning to figure out a satisfying bend to that curve is one of the greatest tools in an author's toolbox. I am constantly aiming to create as satisfying an arc as I can for every character, and this is usually the bit that fumbles most writers. You can come up with the coolest character design and then make their arcs either boring (sadly the case with a lot of Thirteen's companions in canon) or unsatisfying as hell (the case with Rory, River, and Amy's canon character arcs) because you don't plan them out well enough or just start and stop them within a single episode (everything regarding Mel/River Song in Let's Kill Hitler is a fantastic example).
The great thing about fanfiction is that since there are no limits for number of words or length of installments, I can throw words on the page regarding insights I have and figure out the order or how/where they fall later. I can rearrange episodes and give myself plots to bounce off of to develop characters. Because this is where plot comes in: it can give you an opportunity to explore a character in not just how they see themselves, or how they react to each other, but how they react to being challenged by their circumstances. That's how you get great moments in this series like exploring Eleven/Thirteen's unresolved loneliness with the Planet Sanatorium arc or Amy figuring out how to stop the mummy because of her own experience with war or Rory responding to the poisonous hallucinations or Amy getting closure by Eleven popping up as the voice interface or Thirteen seeing Rose in the Solitract or Amy's slow Doctorification thanks to how she reacts to Solomon/the TARDIS-as-Idris/the mummy/the pocket universe in Hide/the prison break situation or Bill figuring out the flesh in the database. You can only go so far with character motivations/their relationships with each other when you don't see how they react to conflict/challenge/separation. You can, however, use the challenges to directly lead into character arcs.
As a final example of all three elements coming together (motivation/character design, character interaction, and plot as challenge), I'll use Thirteen/Amy/Rory's arc. You don't get Thirteen, Amy, and Rory making up at the New Year's wedding if you don't have the arc of trust between them. The Cybermen are used entirely and only as a device to show their characterization/development off as characters. When they first appear, you get a glimpse into how the hundred-year separation has affected Thirteen and how her anger/fear/protective instinct go just as deep as Eleven, if not further, but also how she isn't sure if she can trust Amy/Rory yet, while you also get to see Amy's faith in the Doctor contrasting Rory's doubt but also the nuances of his position (loving her but not trusting her because she has revealed that Eleven didn't trust them). This leads into the Chameleon Arch plot which gives you Bill (my beloved) but also a view into Rory's changing opinion, both Amy and Rory's own development and their ability to hold their own, and the fact that the Doctor trusts them with her life. Then we get It Takes You Away and the realization that the Doctor would stay with Amy and Rory over anything, even Rose, then the wedding scene (kisses! rings! comms! Dr. Pond!). But then the Judoon come back after the Cybermen issue, prompting the TARDIS crash/the multidoctor fic where you get a stark contrast between Eleven at his worst and Thirteen at her best (fantastic place to explore characterization) where you also get to see Rory finally get closure/see that that he really does trust Thirteen. Then Thirteen giving herself up to the Judoon to protect innocent people AND because for the first time in the entire series she completely and fully trusts Amy and Rory to save her. The Cybermen as a villain don't truly matter in the end, other than some really fun imagery and exploring a bit of the mind control angle/just how far Thirteen is willing to go for Amy and Rory. It's about how Thirteen running against them provides the structure of sorts for her, Amy, and Rory's developing characters (and, hell, Bill, for that matter, regarding the Chameleon Arch/prison break plot), just as the Master provided an obstacle/structure for Eleven/Amy/Rory working through their own arcs.
...Whoops. That was a lot of writing. I'm almost sorry for all of that. But I hope that the three-step process made sense! I also recommend reading analysises of characters (and for a show like Doctor Who, I read analysises from both pro-Moffat and Moffat-critical blogs, same as with Chibnall) and just rewatching the show! You don't necessarily have to take notes or anything, just kind of take in thoughts you might not have thought of otherwise! For example, I got a lot from @tenmartha, @orpheustwelve, and @variousqueerthings, all of whom had completely interesting and different takes on Eleven, Amy, and Rory as canon characters!
Hope this gave you a good view into the process or even some advice for your own writing, and I hope you continue to enjoy my writing! (Right now I'm currently working on a much shorter, five-chapter AU to the end of Season 3 where Riley from "42" travelled with the Doctor/Martha for the last six episodes of Season 3, using these same three rules to explore the growing dynamic between Ten, Martha, and Riley, if you're interested.)
Thanks once again for the compliment- the absolute greatest gift I can receive as an author is questions/compliments like that!
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bi-bats · 6 months
just barely holding back from sending you the entire list lmaooo. once again, feel free to pick and choose
1, 3, 5, 15, 24, 37, 42, 54, 77, 85, 100, 129, 131
Bean, my beloved. Hello dear thank you for always coming through 💖
A book that is close to your heart
Vicious by V.E. Schwab. If I had to pick a favorite book, it's probably this one. My original copy of this book is SO fucked up lmaoo
3. A stand-alone that you wish was a part of a series
OH Wilder Girls by Rory Power. What a phenomenal fucking book. It had an open ending that left me satisfied, but also really thinking about what was going to happen and wishing that I knew. I still think about this book and I read it like... four years ago?
5. Something in fiction that reads like poetry
15. A book rec you really enjoyed
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley!! This book has something for literally everyone, I'm actually in the process of re-reading it because I didn't know it was a part of a series when I first read it and my therapist keeps telling me that the way that she puts the overall plot of the series together is one of the most interesting things he's ever read
24. A book on your nightstand
The Cabinet by Un-Su Kim, The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin, The Martian by Andy Weir, Vicious by VE Schwab, I'll stop there because I'm not typing out like 20 titles for this and I wish I was joking
37. Your favorite heist book
I'm actually not entirely sure that this counts, but Anxious People by Frederick Backman. I have a bunch of heist books that I want to read, but I haven't gotten around to yet. This is one of my all time favorite recs though! I love Frederick Backman fr he's such a great author
42. A book that made you want to scream by the time you got to the end
Lost Boy by Christina Henry oh my god. Ohhhh my god. Oh my sweet lord. Everything by Christina Henry is phenomenal, but this one in particular fucked me up. This was one of those books that leaves you feeling raw and hollow at the end. It will stomp on you. It will shred your heart. It will be worth it.
54. A book with the best opening line
Poison for Breakfast by Lemony Snicket. The opening line is literally "This morning I ate poison for breakfast." Full disclosure, if you go into that book expecting a full plot, you won't enjoy it as much. It's really a very wandery story without much plot, but I had a good time and normally I hate stuff like that. There's just something that's really so lovely about Lemony Snicket's way of writing though. Also, the audiobook is narrated by Patrick Warburton my beloved
77. A book so useless that you could use it as a coaster
Those We Drown by Amy Goldsmith. This is the only book I've ever given a zero star rating to. I've never read fanfiction as bad as this book. This is comparable to my wattpad writing when I was 12. Maybe worse. I wouldn't even use it as a coaster, because I returned it.
85. Your favorite book about magical realism
Right now it's probably Even Though We Knew The End by C.L. Polk. This book was so beautiful, and so quick, and the vibes of it were absolutely impeccable. It's a queer, noir, magical realism murder mystery. It was also slightly devastating, but in a really beautiful, hopeful, satisfying way.
100. Your favorite gothic novel
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. This is one of my favorite books of all time, and it's definitely my favorite haunted house story of all time! The plot is just phenomenal and Shirley Jackson is SO incredible. Also it's far superior to The Haunting of Hill House (which she also wrote)
129. A book with beautiful prose
Gallant by V.E. Schwab. She couldn't just have one book on this list. She's my favorite author by FAR. I just. kdfharughu. I don't know how she does it. There are always SO many banger lines in her books. The way she writes is just so. SO. Idk man. If you like my stuff, read her stuff, she's such a huge inspiration to me.
131. Recommend any book you like!
A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers OR The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey. Literally any book by either of them is phenomenal, but those are two of my favorites! They do have VASTLY different vibes though. A psalm for the wild built is like. a solar-punk utopian book about happiness and existence and success not being defined externally. And the echo wife is like. a sci-fi character study of two (three?) horribly fucked up people and also murder and also becoming the thing you fear the most and losing your humanity and rguahrgur. They're both amazing books though!
book rec ask game
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capaldinatural · 6 months
I've decided to share some of my general thoughts on the NuWho companions, just because I think they're neat
Rose: I love her so much. What an absolute icon. I live for her interactions with 9, 10, and Jack. She's so sweet, but she's also brilliant and could easily destroy an army of daleks
Jack: I don't know if he counts, but 9, Rose, and him together means everything to me. I love the silly little bi-con and bicon (bisexual con artist)
Jackie: I also dont know if she counts, but Jackie is fantastic and I would die for her
Mickey: I have no strong feelings about Mickey. He's just some guy to me. He's a great little guy, but not quite a Rory-level of effectiveness
Martha: Goddess among Men. What would we do without her? Die, that's what. Also I love her red leather jacket
Donna: But annoying at first, but you just grow to love her
Wilf: He means the world to me
Astrid: I truly wished she had stayed. She had that perfect bit of wonder that the companions always have at the beginning of their episodes, especially Rose
Amy: Literally such an icon!! However, her thing with 11 is really weird, especially since River is her and Rory's daughter.
Rory: Love that funky dude
River Song: I wasn't sure about her at first, but definitely love her and the Doctor together, especially her and 12! I wish she got to interact more with him and with 13.
Graham: My dad's favorite and I'm a big fan as well. Very silly, very well-meaning, very heartfelt guy
Ryan: Total dingus, but sweet and helpful
Yaz: Literally fantastic. 13 got bad writing, but Yaz is fantastic
Bill: Loved the way she approached different tmes/planets and how she interacted with the Doctor. Plus, queer representation!!
Nardole: 100% slaying 100% of the time
Missy: Absolutely bonkers 100% of the time. I love her evil Mary Poppins outfits
Clara: I really have mixed feelings about Clara. I was really sad to see her go in the end, but my feelings towards her got a little mixed up toward the end of her seasons.
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capybaraonabicycle · 29 days
Hiii!! :) I am curious how you sort the #5: Companion's parents (+ assorted family members)
Hi! Thank you!! I didn't manage to include all of them - some I just don't have a strong opinion on (like most of Moffat parents, that really wasn't the focus of his series, was it?) others I am undecided on and I am sure I also forgot about a few. Also, I've only watched Newwho. But here you go, there is still a large number of family members in the end:
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I'll blabber a little about it under the cut if you like :) Also, because I am not quite sure whether everyone is recognisable 😅
But anyway thank you so much for the ask, this was fun!
Since most of them are on the same spectrum from travelling to booping, let's start at the left bottom corner and work our way up and around:
Obviously, Najia Khan is the one I would most like to travel with - okay, I guess that isn't actually obvious except to me. It might have something to do with the fact that I already knew Shobna Gulati from Everybody's talking about Jamie, but I saw Najia and went "I like her, I trust her, she's perfect." And then everything that happened confirmed that. She's cool, she's badass, she's constantly trying to set her daughter up. (Which is obviously overstepping a line but also so mum). I don't know why but I am pretty certain we could work really well together. But also she's not very cuddly, so she rates lowest on the boop scale.
Then come the three people I know would be great at time and space travel. Brian did very well all things considered, he even had some fun on that spaceship. And he's just very sweet, so I definitely want to hug him, too <3 (That said, he is on the very right of the three because I am a little angry with him for playing favourites with Amy over Rory - but I don't actually want to punch him.) And Eileen and Neville, come on. They were Sontaran fighters within a week (?). They'd be badass timetravel companions and they seem like fun people to be around as well.
Then Francine, slightly higher up because she gets a few less trust and a few more affection points. I love her, a lot. And I would trust her to be a competent and kind travel companion. But she hurt Martha and herself on accident by trusting the wrong person, which - while totally understandable - might initially stand between us more than, say, the playing favourites thing of Brian's. Plus, I absolutely adore her and a hug from her could probably fix me, so the desire to hug her is much higher than for the other four.
I obviously don't want to punch Grace, not even a little bit, but she is on the same step as Francine and there is only that much space here. But yeah, definitely would travel with her in a heartbeat (we would see so many frogs, can you imagine??) But also I think a hug from her would actually be perfection.
I want to date Tish, so that puts her perfectly in the middle between travel and boop. She has such a nice aura, she is kind and driven and curious and I kinda wish she would have travelled with the TARDIS in s3. That would definitely have led to some change in 10's comportment towards Martha and we could have had sister dynamics! (Then again, there's the family of blood arc, maybe rather not. It's bad enough Martha had to go through that. On the other hand, the ending of s3 is not better at all.)
I would like to travel with both Wilf and Jackie and I am pretty sure that'd work out reasonably well in either case. But also they are precious and I want to hug both so bad.
And Sonya and Hakim are just the most beloved characters, please, please let me hug them and have dinner with them! I am sure I would love Hakim's food: everyone (= my sisters) says they don't like my father's food either but it's my favourite, so i am sure it'd be the same with Hakim! And afterwards Sonya could explain video games to me :) I don't need to travel with them, and I am not sure they would make the best travelling companions for me, but just one night at their place, for conspiracy theories and games, please!
Sylvia would definitely have been further down in the punch corner if not for the 60th anniversary special. Now I still want to give her a stern talking to for how she messed up Donna, but I also want to boop her gently for getting this much better and trying her best with Rose and keeping her family safe.
Moira is only below her, because I care about her less in either direction. I still want to punch some sense into her (verbally, probably) because she has literally the best possible adoptive daugther and she speaks to her like that??? Woman, do yourself a favour and get to know Bill? Like, you are so lucky to be living with her, HOW are you not seeing that? She is also a tiny bit in the 'want to travel time and space with' direction because if you could just make her see, you know?
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Disclaimer: This post is going to be Anti Moffat for anyone who’s reading and is a fan you’ve been warned.  
“The Wedding of River Song” is the thirteenth episode and aside from being a boring episode it was, unfortunately, also my least favorite season finale.
The Good: I haven’t watched Classic Who, but I do know the Brigadier is a very important person in the Doctor’s life and I saw his character in one of the episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Having his death in the show to reflect that of the actor’s was incredibly beautiful, and I liked that it seemed to be the moment the Doctor realized it was his time reminding me a lot of Ten and Wilf. The different settings where time is happening all at once looked really cool, and there were some funny jokes especially with Emperor Churchill.
The Bad: I think the reason I feel like I don’t know Amy and Rory that well is b/c instead of developing them as characters for two seasons now we keep getting fake/different versions of them, there’s always a plot twist of “oh actually that wasn’t the real version of them” and frankly it’s tiring. This finale felt like a rehashed poorly done version of previous concepts. All the “voices” saying they’ll help reminded me of everyone thinking of the Doctor at the end of S3, and the different realities reminded me of the end of S5. The Doctor leaving Dorium’s head again in that place was horrible, why not take him to his home or at least some fancy hotel? 
The River storyline being the absolute worst:  That comment about how River spends her days in prison and her nights with him was disgusting, if she didn’t really kill him why on earth is the Doctor making sure she’s serving time?? The fact that we’ve seen her slip in and out of prison easily so many times leads to the horrifying implication that the Doctor just takes her out whenever he pleases like she’s some sort of...idk but that was awful. I genuinely did go into Moffat’s era trying to keep an open mind when it came to her character b/c I was under the impression it was going to be an interesting love story with their timelines not matching. But this has fallen apart in the most horrible ways with everything regarding River seemingly being tacked on w/o any actual thought. How in the world did River convince Ten to trust her in the library? He said that she knew his name, but here he didn’t actually tell her his name...unless later he tells her to fulfill that paradox. But even then I really thought that he would grow to love her in his own way, but the way he treated her here was awful “I don’t want to marry you” and “you embarrass me”. The fact that she loves him when he acts like that with her is probably my least favorite thing Moffat could have ever done. On that same note River saying no one loves the Doctor more than her would feel far more impactful if we actually saw them interacting more in a healthy way, instead we’re just constantly told that they are going on trips and we’re to assume they enjoy spending time with each other when on screen I’ve never once gotten the sense that he actually cares for her. She wanted to rewrite time itself instead of killing him which I suppose I could understand her doing if they’d had a more believable love story, but her relationship with him seems more obsessive and toxic than anything. She knew them touching would cause time to move forward and fix itself, but she wouldn’t allow it until he married her essentially blackmailing him. And Eleven only marrying her to whisper his escape plan seemed horribly manipulative as well, it’s obvious it matters far more to her than him and for him to play into that obsession seems really dark. And I’m not even sure if that counts as their wedding if he didn’t tell her his name? I don’t know enough about the lore, but I was under the impression from the library episode that it was a requirement. 
The Unresolved: Apparently there’s a bigger story to tell with the Trenzalore stuff.
Overall I feel disappointed, I have now watched six series of DW and my biggest concern is that I was so unbelievably bored during this episode and several others in this series. The Doctor telling Churchill how everything played out felt like someone was reading the script out to me instead of me watching things play out on screen. I had a really rough time getting through these episodes, but I’m still staying optimistic that it was a dud and next series is better. I think the thing I feel the saddest about is that I don’t find myself loving the characters as much as I used to in the past, Amy has really grown on me, but even then I don’t feel the same attachment I do to the other companions I’ve seen.  
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musical-chick-13 · 6 months
Me just realizing from your post that while it's obvious that Amy's arc in S5 is her realizing that what she felt for the Doctor was puppy love and not the real type of love and being in love that she had with Rory and learning to embrace that rather than run from it, the Doctor's arc with River in S5 and some of S6 is also about learning not to run away from loving somebody, albeit because of the trauma of knowing how it'll end instead. But I feel in a way Amy and the Doctor have some similarities there because while she didn't watch Rory die before falling in love with him she also went through a good deal of trauma that influenced how she handled her relationship with him/led to her using the Doctor as a form of escapism from the something real she has with Rory that she wants more, but keeps running from. Does this make ANY sense??? I am very sleep deprived. But I think I may be onto something here
I am also very sleep deprived, but TRUST ME I am on your level, your brainwaves are beaming directly into my head.
(Something something, Pond Family Era is ultimately about the power of love in all of its various forms and how it's worth it even when it's hard, and that it's not always easy, and it's rarely straightforward, and it's never perfect, but you should still try to hold onto the people who make your life better anyway and that the good parts of your life are still meaningful even if they end, and that the experience of loving another person in and of itself is an adventure. I'm really normal about this era of the show I promise.)
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at-thestillpoint · 9 months
get to know fic writers: 20, 26, 27
[get to know me!]
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
The biggest pattern in my fics is the ship dynamic that I gravitate toward. What do Phoenix/Hangman, Rory/Logan, and Amy/Laurie all have in common? They epitomize Ambitious Woman/Asshole Who Loves Her. At the risk of revealing too much about myself, I like exploring what it looks like for a woman to get to have it all. 
My characters sigh and murmur a lot. They're increasingly huffing out small laughs. I’m sure there are other common themes, settings, actions, and words that I repeat, and I notice them when I’m writing, but my mind’s like a sieve today! Can’t remember anything!
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
From a pure writing perspective, it was probably the heist!AU. From top to bottom, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I sat on it for a good 36 hours, watched The Man From U.N.C.L.E., the first line popped into my head, and then I just wrote myself into the idea/plot.
From an overall experience perspective, the entire wild and unruly series has been a wild ride. I fully didn’t expect it to consume my brain for an entire year (and counting), or for people to be so engaged with what I still think of as my over-investment in world-building for two characters that have maybe a combined 15 minutes of screentime. Writing has always been a solitary hobby for me (like…I don’t think my closest friends know I spend so much time staring at Google docs’ blinking cursor), so it’s been really lovely to share this experience with others. 
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Well, currently, my least favorite part of writing is having to choose what I want to write. (I have so many (3) ideas! and so little time!) But this is rare for me. Overall, the worst part is having this crystal clear image in my mind that I'm not able to adequately capture with words. That can usually send me into a tailspin for days or weeks, wherein I do absolutely everything except write. Or, in a similar vein, knowing where I want to end up, but the process of getting there is going to take 20,000+ words. I’m an impatient person, which is a lot of fun when I’m also a slow, perseverating writer who, generously, could take an entire year to write 20,000 words (see: triptych). Which, again, often means that I just don't write. Make it make sense!
My favorite part of writing is being done with writing. (This is the best worst hobby!) There’s something gratifying about reading something back and being like, “Damn, this is actually great.” I also really love that feeling of being in the groove, when things are clicking and the ideas are coming and the words aren't awful. But more often than not, that's not happening, ergo: being done with writing.
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 1 year
I wasn't the biggest fan of 11s era. I feel like it was a spit in the face for the most part. But I did give me some things that I actually really enjoyed.
>Rose being the projection from the TARDIS'S emergency program hologram in Let's Kill Hilter. (But fuck everything about that episode URGH.)
>The opening that that Amy and Rory and 11 hanging out in the console room while Super Massive Blackhole is playing. Yes. Absolutely yes. 11 would listen to Muse. Thank you show.
>The entire existence of ✨️MR. CLEVER ✨️like nightmare in silver was kinda mid but thank you Neil for the CYBER PLANNER. 🥵
>Dinosaurs on a spaceship. Not the episode, just the concept of dinosaurs on a spaceship and the Doctor interacting with them.
>11 wearing cool hats. And losing said cool hat in the same episode.
>I never thought 11s whole "*blank* is cool." thing to be annoying. I thought it was cute and charming. (I literally just had him say to Rose, "Waterbeds are cool." in a fic. I'll let your imagination fill in the context of that. 😏
>“Think about it, Doctor. One last day with your beloved. Which day would you choose?” (DONT TOUCH ME THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING)
>Clara's theme. It's so gentle and sweet. I only wish the show gave as much of a fuck about their character as they did her theme.
>The Long Song. But it's Murray Gold. That doesn't effect the show as much. EXCEPT WHEN I LISTEN TO IT AND JUST GET FUCKING DEPRESSED. And not like Vale Decem where I get depressed because "I don't wanna go" regeneration scene CRYING
but depressed because holy FUCK 11 did not deserve that good of a send off theme.
>Hand fasting being a thing in Gallifreian weddings. It's celtic. but on God, the wedding of river song....UGHHHHHHHH 0/10
But it's okay that's why fix fics exist, hehe hoohoo.
>The entirety of Vincent and The Doctor. No notes. This episode is a god damn masterpiece and has some of the best Amy characterization.
but Moffat almost shat it all away when he included a MENTALLY UNWELL MAN IN HIS FUCKING TIME CRACK BULLSHIT.
Maybe he was salty because the best episode of his era isn't even written by him. Haha, seethe. Cope.
>That part where 11 is sitting in the throne in Vampires in Venice. God he is such a *brat.* I never wanted to break a man so much in all my life on god pleas
>Mr. Clever again.
>that part where 11 chugs a bottle of wine just to spit it back out.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 137
The Hungry Earth/Hello, Cruel World
“The Hungry Earth”
Plot Description: It’s 2020, and the most ambitious drilling project in history has reached deeper beneath the Earth’s crust than man has ever gone before - but now the ground itself is fighting back
Hey…guess this is kind of the weird thing about setting your story juuuuuuuuust a little bit in the future. Like. SURE, we would never know if Lady Cassandra was really there for the end of Earth, but plenty of us were here for 2020 and it was not like this
Man. I’m really starting to feel like I’m being tricked into watching spn twice. Maybe I should be putting the would I survive question here since we’re mostly dealing with the main characters’ interpersonal relationships in spn these days. They’re not really out hunting like they used to. Anyway, some guy got swallowed up by the ground
And now the Doctor has brought them to somewhere in England instead of Rio. Aw, it’s actually quite cute that future Amy and Rory would come to see them from a distance
What a convenient way to separate them. Surely this won’t play into the plot at all. Oh look it’s the other half of the plot come to get Rory to investigate
Amy did kind of give up really quickly. I mean, I have no idea how hard she was being pulled underground but dang
It’s kind of funny to hear this kid quote Sherlock Holmes as this is I think roughly the time Sherlock also started.
I like it better when the scientists follow the Doctor’s lead (I’m sure he does too), but it is kind of funny to see these two negate everything he says
Oh good. Now we know that there are also beings drilling up
These angles are doing Karen Gilan dirty…
Interesting that the beings drilling up are automatically a threat. Not even a second thought about it
If I ever redo this or put out a revised calendar to do this, all Doctor Who two parters will be on the same day. They don’t really know how to split episodes
The Doctor did get really careless with this kid’s life, but also why are these beings (I can’t remember what they’re called) not going for a more direct route to him??
These reptilian people really are quite beautiful
Mmmmm, human curiosity getting this whole place in trouble again, I see. The drilling they’ve been doing has been perceived as an attack
Ugh. Scared people are the worst. I know they’re gonna fuck up what the Doctor is trying to do
Ooooo, the underground civilization looks really cool
“Hello, Cruel World”
Plot Description: While Castiel struggles with the burdens of his absolute power, the broken psychological wall in Sam’s mind leaves him unable to discern what’s real
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: we’re picking up right where we left off, so unless we’re talking about having a bunch of leviathan in me or being choked by lucifer in a hallucination, I’m good.
Well that can’t be good. The leviathan look like they’ve just been released into the water supply. Cool cool cool
The trench coat just washing up to the shore. And Dean takes it. He’s really broken up about it 😭😭😭
Dean taking care of Sam while still trying to remain cool and distant 🥺
Let Bobby take care of you, Deannnn!!!
Oh. Sure. A high school swim team just got fuckin mauled
I was hoping nothing was too wrong with Jody, good to see it was just an appendectomy
Who’s the leviathans’ boss????
Oh poor Jody. The actual doctor told her to take it easy tonight, but the one who got hijacked by the leviathan isn’t making that easy
Girl, you are not well (Jody)
Boy, you are not well (Sam)
Oh no. We’re leaving Sam all on his own??
Cool cool cool. We’re replacing medical personnel with leviathan 😎👍👍 Nothing wrong with that
That’s excellent timing, Dean, coming back right after Bobby left so Sam’s not alone for too long. How long til this blows up?
I miss Castiel…things haven’t been the same since he walked into that river and disappeared
Ouch, Dean. Telling Sam he’ll never be okay is a little harsh……oh. Oh no. That….wasn’t Dean. FUCK. FUUUCK. It was the hallucination of Lucifer pretending to be Dean. No, Sam, don’t.
I don’t like the implication that the only thing that can get rid of the hallucinations is continued physical harm
Did…Bobby’s house just get burned down?? Well, damn.
You know a monster is gonna be tough to take down when not even a shotgun shot to the head will take it down
Man, tomorrow’s gonna be like…part four of this? We just keep picking up right after the other one left off? Hey…since it’s almost midnight. What if I did watch it once it turns over?
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renniethedwstan · 1 year
One heart isn't enough for all the pain I suffer
Thirteenth Doctor x Yaz Oneshot
Warnings: Angst, a lotta ansgt. Dark Doctor. Sad Doctor. Angst with fluff. Fluff love confessions awkward talks
(I know Thirteen had her moody and cold moments in her run after Spyfall, but they were quick. I really wanted her to have a dark moment a bit like Eleven where she really showed her age because like Eleven Thirteen was an old Alien with a young face who smile doesn't quite reach their eyes and act goofy to pretend that they're okay when in reality on the inside there is a burning fire ready to burst open)
"Doctor! Help me!!!" The Doctor just stood where she was emotionlessly whilst watching the Slitheen screeching in pain as it's arm is caught in the rubble of a collapsing burning building from a distance. Green blood was pooling as the creature struggled to breath from all the dust and smoke.
Sorbil, if I were to help you, you would have to promise me that you leave humanity alone....and you leave earth alone as well. This planet is protected for as long as I'm around it'll always be protected." Sorbil laughs harshly, withering in pain. Don't you grow tired of protecting those silly humans. All they do is repeat the same mistakes over and over again." He takes a harsh breath." It won't be us that kills humanity. It will be them who do it. Many wars, including the great ones. A third world war will kill off humanity for good. Wouldn't it be peaceful not having to deal with humans all the time?" Sorbil laughs menacingly yet weakly obviously close to dying.
The Doctor walked closer, anger in her eyes. "Yes. Many times I've grown tired of protecting this planet as humans are ungrateful beings who don't deserve being protected but they don't deserve to die especially from an intergalactic war just because you want their oils and a little bit of fun. The reason I protect humans and their precious earth is because many of my friends have been humans. Oh, so many from different times. All absolutely amazing all different endings..... most were lucky very lucky and got away unscarraped and live their lives. Happy and safe with people they care about, and I'm glad they're okay even if I miss them terribly."
The building began crushing around Sorbil as she stood there, making no attempt to even try and help Sorbil as his screeching stopped suddenly. She sighed, walking closer to the building as emotions began bubbling.
But some had endings that they didn't deserve Katarina....Jamie, oh Jamie, i miss Jamie he'd enjoy the new technology....Zoe...Adric.....Adric I'm so sorry. Kamilion... Peri.....Donna...Amy...Rory...Clara....oh, my impossible girl, I wonder where you are travelling too now? And of course Bill....Bill....none of them deserved their fates and it was all my fault because I was so stupid...and careless what's what happens to me I became careless I become human....because they all became a part of me. She ranted angrily, tears falling down her face.
She fell to her knees in despair as more tears fell down her face. Dust was getting into her lungs, but she just ignored the painful urge to cough. "I have always told them that I'd protect them, that everything will be okay and they believe me but....I couldn't save them.....I promise I'd save them yet I couldn't." She choked back a sob as her heart's began hurting. "Maybe that's why I'm so cold this time round because I don't want to get close to anyone again in case I lose Yaz too.....I can't lose Yaz she means everything to me."
Hesitated footsteps could be heard as they got closer to the Doctor. She could feel the person hovering obviously worried about what mood the Doctor would be in. She hated that she's snapped at Yaz in her many bad moods that it's caused her to be anxious....even scared around The Doctor. This caused fresh tears to fall. "Yaz.. I'm so sorry....I never meant to be so cold towards you!" Yaz kneeled down next to The Doctor, shaking her head. "Don't be silly. It wasn't your fault. I know I can be a bit nosy sometimes, and it's okay to be left alone." The Doctor looked up from the dusty ground into Yaz's warm dark eyes. "No, Yaz, I was harsh and rude towards you when you were trying to be a friend. You we're just making sure I was okay, yet I pushed you away, and you can't say it didn't bother you cause I saw how much it hurt by the expression of your face. Im aware that my moods have been dreadful lately. But i can say this. It's not because of you. It's because of so many things. The Master, Gallifrey. But its also because i have lost many people in my past and when ever i had gotten vlose to them they end up being snatched away again leaving a very painful hole in my hearts" The Doctor placed a hand on Yaz's cheek brushing her thumb ever so gently. you're so important to me, Yaz, so I just thought that if I pushed you away, maybe you'd leave and that it would be less painful than witnessing your demise. Obviously, you ended up sticking to your guns and ended up telling me off eh" " She rambled, chuckling weakly, gently taking Yaz's hand in hers.
Yaz gave The Doctor a smile that she absolutely loves. "You silly woman, it would take a lot to get rid of me. You're stuck with me now. No matter how little or how long we spend together. So instead of worrying about the what ifs, why don't you just live in the moment. Doctor, you're the most incredible non-human person I've met. You're kind. Caring, and you have two hearts. What more can a person want? That's why I love yo -" Yaz froze in panic, realising she has basically told The Doctor that she was in love with her.
Yaz panicked slightly. "Oh erm...I think I can hear my phone in the Tardis..." She scrambled onto her feet and turned away from The Doctor as she began walking to The Tardis so she could hide in her room from the embarrassment and in hope the the beautiful blonde would forget the whole incident. Yaz was halfway through her path when a hand stopped and spun her, so she was facing the blonde once more. Before Yaz could even ask questions, the doctor pressed her soft lips onto Yaz's in a heart-stopping kiss. Yaz melted as The Doctor wrapped her arms around Yaz, bringing her closer, deepening the kiss. Unfortunately, Yaz only broke away when she remembered a little thing called oxygen. Otherwise, she'd happily kiss The Doctor forever.
The Doctor's beautiful Hazel eyes stared into Yaz's eyes as she broke into a huge gorgeous smile that made her eyes light up that made Yaz feel like she was the only person in the whole universe. not one of her "I'm okay, but I'm actually not okay," smiles. "Now, where do you think you were going, Khan? You didn't even let me speak?" Yaz blushed and looked down to her battered boots to avoid the intense stare. A finger slid under her chin, and Yaz found herself looking back in those eyes again. The Doctor placed her hand on Yaz's face. Her thumb gently caressing her cheek. "Look I'm not going to deny my feelings for you Yaz as those feelings have been driving me crazy for a long time now but I will admit that I tried to ignore them so that we would stay strictly friends but....Yaz you're so absolutely wonderful, your clever, funny and you make my hearts so happy. I trust you so much and even the Tardis likes you and it takes a lot to get her to like people.......The day I met you I knew ypu were going to be important in my life bit I didn't know how important until I realised what what I'm feeling is love....pure unconditional love........"
Yaz felt he heart flutter in her chest as she smiled at The Doctor in pure happiness. "Wait.. Do you mean that?" The Doctor nodded, smiling brightly as she threaded her fingers through Yaz's fingers. "If I didn't mean it, Yaz, I wouldn't even be telling you in the first place." Yaz chuckles as she gently squeezed The Doctor's hand. "How about I make you a mug of hot chocolate and a plate of cream custard while you plan our next adventure, eh Doc?" The Doctor nodded excitedly as the couple began walking back towards the Tardis hand in hand with pure happiness as the sun began to set in the horizons.
(I hope you guys enjoyed this! I know it isn't great but I really hope I manged to at least get some of the Thirteenth Doctor's amd Yaz's personality. If I didn't I apologise)
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 year
lulu watches doctor who; the doctor, the widow, and the wardrobe, pond life, asylum of the daleks 🥚
it’s clara time it’s clara time it’s clara time it’s clara time it’s clara timeeeeeeeeeee
-have to say that i. did not super care for. the doctor the widow and the wardrobe -like. it was fine????? but i wasn’t like. super invested in it. didn’t keep a great deal of my interest? -there’s probably some words i could put together about the mothership thing of it all/the way moffat writes women continues to be a strange thing but i’m like. eh -that being said i do have A FEW NOTES OTHERWISE
-oh shout out to the chakoteya transcripts yet again for having the prequel in the transcript so i got to read that -eleven calling the tardis and pretending to talk to amy :( -he misses her :( so much :(
-what bothers me is like..............like i said the ending of the god complex was perfect. but then the time shenanigans of the wedding of river song happened and i feel like, kind of overwrote pieces of the ending of the god complex????? especially bc it. left a lot up in the air about what timelines happened. of course amy remembers them all but still it was like -where are they all now?? -i didn’t want a REHASHING of the conversation at the end of god complex but i wanted.........something else about. where eleven is and where amy and rory are -some of it is like.......excused away with, the doctor let them think he’s dead too, to protect them, like he was doing when he brought them home, and didn’t know river told them the truth, and stayed away for two years because he was afraid to be a part of their lives again until convinced by the spirit of christmas, as one does (-matt smith did the, sad miserable agonized fidgeting of a being so alone and so desperate for companionship and not always willing to let it happen sooooooooooo well btw) -i just. wish there had been. a little more there, before he came back for christmas, besides the prequel thing, just, more room for establishing what their relationship going forward is, after he gives them up in the god complex, after the wedding dances all over a million things -i was given minor consequences for ‘letting the world, including amy and rory, to an extent, think he’s dead’ though so there’s that -idk it’s just about the execution of it all again
-i liked having a separate tap for lemonade until i remembered uk lemonade is like. sprite -no hate on sprite but real live lemon lemonade is one of my absolute favorite drinks -“science-y wience-y” the wibbley wobbley marches on -ahhhh here is the “because they’re going to be sad later” -i was going to say something about companions and the doctors but i think i literally did bring up this line back in nine and ten in big notes part 1 when i went absolutely off about, companions and the doctors
-“everything about home that you miss until you can’t bear it. until you almost burst.” “till it hurts. is that what you mean?” -once again eleven’s benchmark for ‘the most gorgeous human hope and experience’ is ‘THE ABSOLUTE PAIN IT CAUSES’ and that’s endlessly fascinating to me. that it’s something he encourages in other people until it hurts, for reasons (here) or he has to be told it’s not quite that (back in victory of the daleks) bc that’s the kind of thing he’s constantly running from as eleven, because of ten (not to push that but it’s absolutely bc of ten.). that’s eleven’s view of what happens when you get too close or when you love, that it hurts -and it hurts him!!!!! all the time!!!!! constantly!!!!!! and he can’t find a middle ground!!!!!!!! there is no middle ground where the doctor is happy and everyone else is safe -which does cover a lot of why eleven stays away for so long and just leaves messages on their answering machine, in pond life, but it’s still not like.........idk -it is attempting to find a middle ground that can’t exist, and just, missed opportunities to me
-speaking of pond life, if we had also seen, more than just one scene of amy and rory’s relationship breaking apart -i wondered if like. there were hints in there anyway. and i think you could MAYBE make a very slim case if you squinted but i’m not like. really committed to it -does it make more sense if we don’t see a reason right away, and we just see them broken up, or to have really seen them fall apart? like, is there an advantage, narratively, or is it fine either way -but also, like........................................... -the reason they do break up. -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 
-on the one hand -- actual, legit consequences from demon’s run! -on the other hand!!!!! consequences we didn’t know about until they can conveniently be pulled out of nowhere for an angst reason!!!!! -i think you can also try and excuse away some of this by saying that amy and rory’s relationship had of course changed after demon’s run but also. again. we don’t see that changing. we can say, yeah, that’s probably why, but we don’t?? see it happen??? -I DON’T WANT IT TO COME ACROSS AS LIKE. I HAVE THIS OBSESSION WITH NEEDING THINGS TO BE VISUALLY SHOWN IN ORDER TO MATTER OR ANYTHING, -BECAUSE I DON’T, -IMPLICATION IS FINE, -BUT THAT’S THE THING, I DON’T THINK WE’RE GETTING IT IMPLIED EITHER, we can figure out a reason, but we don’t even get that reason IMPLIED anywhere, as actually existing in canon, and not just fandom going ‘that’s probably why’ -that’s what i mean about seeing things -i know i personally have an obsession with needing, in my own life, things to be talked out to death in order to understand myself and other people, and that that’s a thing that might sometimes enter my writing and i could write too on-point conversations instead of sometimes the more implied conversation vibes people do actually irl converse in too -but when i say ‘i wanted to see this’ i don’t mean i wanted to see them talk things to death!!! i do mean i wanted it implied!!!!!!!! somewhere!!!!! anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!! in any way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -i want to see anger!! i want to see them taking things out on each other!! i want to see distance!!! -and pond life would’ve been great for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-WE ALSO HAVE NO REASON TO THINK OR BELIEVE UNTIL IT’S EVEN MENTIONED THAT RORY ALWAYS WANTED KIDS. -that’s not a thing we know about rory at ALL until amy says so. -amy not being able to have children is a thing we don’t even know either, until now! (-i mean yes we get foreshadowing. but it’s also like. literally never discussed, until now) -and that’s the dissolution of their relationship????? just not being able to have kids???????????? -we have no idea that would’ve been a dealbreaker, or thought to be a dealbreaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -i actually thought that amy and rory had like, matured to a point as well that they WOULD talk about that. that would be a thing amy would be able to talk about with rory -amy’s modus operandi (please read that in david lynch’s voice) is very much burying how much things mean to her and how much people mean to her and putting up walls between her and other people bc of her struggles in making connections and feeling alone but i also thought that she’d really, honestly connected with rory by this point, and that they had a vibe where they could talk about something like that, or, even just sort of talk about it -or that rory, as well, would be at a point where he wouldn’t think “i love her more than she loves me” anymore -but that’s also a lot of.........we do get relationship development with amy and rory i think but i don’t think their characters ever get stressed or developed as much as i personally want them to
-i do remember the absolute CHOKEHOLD asylum of the daleks had on tumblr when it aired, or at least it felt like that to me, with how my dashboard looked after it aired -also me, at a family baby shower in 2012: so yeah, that episode sure happened, didn’t it? and bbc sherlock, that happened too, back in january. my grandmother and my aunt, still watching new who and bbc sherlock, along with my uncle (although i think this might’ve been around when they all tapped out, of both shows): yep. -chokehold, though. i think the original gifs of that when everyone was screeching over souffle girl live rent-free in my head. i recognized many a gif finally watching this episode.
-AND IT’S CLARA TIME!!!!!! IT’S CLARA TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -it’s not so much that i’m interested in the impossible girl aspect of clara. that i think will in fact be something i will likely get bitchy about. count on it -it’s that i think clara looks fun and she’s adorable. -and not that i’m looking forward to face the raven particularly, down the line, but that i’m interested in how clara becomes more like the doctor than most other companions, even if a great deal of them become like the doctor in certain ways, it’s the way it happens with clara -also she seems spunky.
-and she delivered, in finally seeing the episode!! i thought she was really fun. -however yep the little look at the camera. that bothered me. that’s such a moffat wink wink nudge thing. yes that’ll become a Thing ~ don’t forget ~ isn’t that something to think about ~~~~~ -her being turned into a dalek was very heartbreaking though :( like genuinely sadder than i had pictured from again the gifs that have lived rent-free in my head for ten years (-oh i felt that way about doomsday, too. the gifs don’t do that wall justice.) -the insistence on her humanity, even as she’s having it taken away from her - “i was going through a phase.” a woman can love another woman without you making a joke out of it, moffat. without it being a phase. without this need to write bi and lesbian women who have an obsession with men and downplaying loving women
-the idea of being converted into a dalek is so interesting. like the partial conversion. the foreshadowing that they didn’t remember being converted -but does it like........make sense that the daleks would convert humans??? for their intelligence? -i mean, maybe? to make them into daleks, to be of use, to be the dalek’s idea of a superior being -but it also seems a little beneath them, to think of human intelligence as worthy to the point they would convert a human to keep it -/takes a moment to think not quite fondly but with enduring interest about dalek sec. daleks in manhattan/evolution of the daleks was such a time.
-you know eleven is very angry in this episode. the doctor is usually more angry than usual with the daleks, but idk i also thought it went deeper than that. like eleven’s anger is very dark and bitter and that’s clear here - “they say you can help.” “do they. i wish they’d stop.” - “what do we do?” “make them remember you.” - “who destroyed all the daleks?” “who do you think?” -not to mention, invoking the doctor as the oncoming storm! -the history!! the history that’s dead now!!!! -he’s alone a lot now. (well. APPARENTLY? MAYBE?? I DON’T KNOW) -and that’s why the doctor shouldn’t travel alone, bc of that unchecked rage, especially bc eleven is also. presumed dead -and it’s once again bc amy is threatened, and eleven will do anything if that happens
-i will give moffat this. the daleks were scary in this one - “the daleks have no concept of elegance.” vs “does it surprise you to know the daleks have a concept of beauty?” -well. quite frankly yeah. but ultimately i guess not. sure fine why not -i don’t think ‘asylum’ necessarily works but like i don’t have the energy to get into that. i’m sure other people have before me
- “not one of those things you can fix.” - “it’s just life. that thing that happens when you’re not there.” - :( -life happens with the doctor vs it also doesn’t because that is a shiny sparkly adventure life with one foot on a death rollerskate and nothing like what Life is vs what people think of as a life definitely happens more without the doctor vs the ongoing thought of the doctor could never have a normal life vs the “then what is the point of you?” of it all, if the doctor can’t fix things vs reaching the point where you know you can’t ask the doctor to fix things bc it’s not that kind of problem. it’s not fixable like that. vs but maybe it should have been, especially because it was for amy, amy needed him and she needed him to fix everything and he wasn’t there for her
- “doctor who?” ALL the daleks ever just forgetting about them bc clara wipes the doctor from the hivemind is honestly hilarious, but it’s also very much ‘the question is coming and don’t you forget it!’ but i guess. done in a better way than usual, i think. bc it is really funny
-can amy and rory and the doctor sit down and have a fucking conversation at the end of this episode???? why not, bc he still doesn’t want to involve them????? well it’s a little fucking late now, i think!!!!!!! -i mean i know they all get yoinked into this but like!! CAN WE JUST ESTABLISH THE NEW VIBE OR SOMETHING -i guess it’s whatever now but!!! yknow!!!!!!!
-poor amy almost gets turned into a weeping angel and now almost gets turned into a dalek -so were the images of the humans......1) a hallucination bc of amy turning into a dalek 2) a perception filter?? 3) an implication that the daleks there were humans too? 4) that daleks would want to be? 5) do i need to think about it that hard???? there’s just such an emphasis on that scene, and i just. remember seeing the gif of the ballet dancer soooooooooooo often and the scene is just treated so. elegantly 
-oh newish intro and colors and fonts!!! -that was fun. -it’s dinosaur time next!! (i get the feeling the dinosaur episode was not particularly popular??? idk dinosaurs sound like, at least a time, of some sort.)
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ABSOLUTE SPOILERS HERE, but yep! I had a lot of fun with the big bad for this "season"- I really hope I can pull off writing the Master well once they're actually on page. I'm really exciting about how everyone's character arcs are playing out in the confrontation scene I'm writing- things are going to get very bad for a bit before they get better, but I'm hoping I've been building everything up well enough that the pay off is going to feel really, really earned!
Also, thank you so much! I decided rather early on I was going to get Eleven to Jack and Martha at Torchwood and picked the Master as the main villain around the same time (this was about the time I posted the second fic in the series, almost from the moment I decided I was going through with the River Song plotline). It was just a matter of getting these three plot points to gel, and the character development has really propelled these moments together. The reveal of the Master can also be completely attributed to me rewatching the Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords three-parter (as well as the rest of Season 3, while I was at it) because it made me realize that I really wanted that foreshadowing/gut-punch reveal that the show had for the Master. I also very, very much needed Jack and Martha to hear it first and have a moment to mull on it before deciding to tell the Doctor (AS A SIGN OF TRUST, because of their reconciliation in the earlier part of this series).
And then getting Rory's POV on the reveal, and watching him witness the fury of the Time Lords for the first time...let's just say that as much as I love every character arc/POV in this first arc of the fic series, my favorite one is Rory's, because it combines so much of my favorite parts of both Martha and Rose's arcs while also being so quintessentially Rory Pond.
Because at the end of the day, Rory Pond is a nurse. A caretaker. And he is one of the few companions to really stand up to the Doctor/be a voice of reason. He is kind and stubborn and the first person to lend a gentle hand to someone who's hurt. And some episodes really squandered that potential in the show, but he is shining and shining bright here.
Can't wait for you to read the next two fics (and, well, all the rest, but these two are so very important for everyone's characters/the main themes of this first arc of the series)!
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