anarchist-caravan · 2 years
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Anarcha-nihilism de-facto praxis mood hours
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sun-death · 2 years
Before the exposition of the final act of the Russian nihilists play, it is worthwhile to take pause. Beyond just assassination plots and reading literature, the nihilists were engaged in what they believed was a deep challenge to all aspects of Russian life. Along with atheism, non-monogamy, bank robbery (with several tunneling episodes to their credit), and forgery (especially of the ‘passport’ documentation that served as the Russian’s primary identification papers) the nihilists lived in communal apartments with people their own age, sharing resources, and devoting their lives to ‘the cause’. The state made attempts to infiltrate the nihilists; in return the nihilists also infiltrated the state. Their subterfuge of the Kiev gaol has already been mentioned, but far more significant was the nihilist by the name of Nicholas Kletochnikov, who actually infiltrated the secret police (the Third Section), feeding the nihilists names of informers, locations of planned raids and copies of official seals. The popularity of the secret society gave the nihilists a degree of seriousness that doesn’t exist in the more ‘counter-cultural’ parallels to their lifestyle today, but the attempts at living both within and against the current order continues to be popular in the same way.
Aragorn!, “Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st century”
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cock-holliday · 1 year
I think ultimately where I overlap AND disagree with anarcho-nihilism stems from a more existentialist perspective. Yes, rejection of pre-destined positions, yes rejection of buying into a specific “meaning” or calling or path. But then leaning into creating individual meaning/finding individual (nebulous undefinable) hope rather than rejecting those two concepts.
Idk man I like people™️ too much. Like I get the message of doing away with hope/despair dichotomy but the way nihilists discuss it…is still how I see hope. Like no I don’t think utopia is possible (or should even be the goal), I think falling in line with The Party™️ is a mistake, I don’t think we will see the change we want in our lifetimes, I don’t think The Grand Revolution will ever happen how red rose socialists think it will. But that doesn’t, in rejection of communist “hope”, make me by default despair.
I think fights you can’t hope to win are the most important ones to fight. I think throwing sand in the gears is always important. I think for me “hope” isn’t tied to the success of a movement, but hope in the concept of things having an impact. Y’know, “a better world is possible.”
Nihilists are freed by the idea that a better world isn’t possible. That you are not responsible for a cause or movement. I don’t think I owe any movement or vague concept of community, but I lend my time because I want to. Yeah maybe actions won’t kick off the Revolution but they make a difference to more than me. Nihilists don’t want to leave a legacy and then write profound pieces that impact the readers. Nihilists don’t want to be shackled to the future then move the needle for people fighting for a better future.
I think people are too connected that no piece of individual action exists in a vacuum. I don’t have “hope” in some rigid concept of future but I have hope that my actions have impact. Your actions have impact. Far beyond what either of us can imagine. So it’s important because it will be. Maybe immediately, maybe not for a hundred years.
I don’t have hope that an action will have a specific outcome. I have hope that my actions will have AN outcome. If I succeed, things may change for me or someone else or society. If I fail, it may set things in motion for others. THAT is what hope and meaning means to ME.
Things are connected. My action or inaction. Things HAPPEN. And whatever steps I take with conviction has meaning because I am hopeful that it will. And want to continue to be hopeful that I am headed in the right direction until I know I am.
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alephskoteinos · 6 months
Another adventure of philosophical perversion concerning Neoplatonism, by which I arrive at a new perspective on Neoplatonism while responding to a certain interpretation of the Creative Nothing.
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anoriginalderivative · 5 months
“We negate every truth and rule and we proceed with a spirit of incendiary experimentation. We dream big, expect little, and celebrate every moment of rupture. We take every opportunity to ensure that those in power lose sleep and that their functionaries have miserable jobs. We set our lives to ripping up the geraniums that line the extermination camp paths, pissing in the gears of society’s machinery, and when all else fails, we will follow in the footsteps of those who spent their final minutes in the gas chambers singing and fucking.”
Excerpt From
Blessed is the Flame
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ithisatanytime · 5 months
(DJ MC Boing 2018 Revival Band)
my ass as multiple strangers holler weird things at me from bikes and slow rolling in their cars smiling horror movie style, im talking an actual black guy but not large but he could have had a gun you never know, and a seth rogan lookin feller, anyway um you... hold on ill remember. you uhhhh oh wait me, me take a picture with a meter stick and this next part is you “im a targeted individual” haha you fucking retard zazzlin
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goofy ah anti-civ meme i made cause there are like 15 post leftists and we don't make enough memes
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nihilistgf · 8 months
is your child a nihilist extremist? 🤔
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“Imagine, moreover, if all these protesters and indignant people were satisfied in terms of wages and regained the bourgeois dream of a country house, two cars and four televisions at the sole price of the ever-increasing impoverishment of immigrants, how quickly they would return to their comfortable couch…
…economic poverty is often not conducive to the prospect of anarchist liberation. It is no coincidence that in the past some of the fascist and totalitarian regimes were established on poverty and economic deprivation, after having presented themselves as the solution of salvation and exit from the crisis. Indeed, the impoverished masses often saw Hitler or Mussolini as their redeeming leaders. After all, it was ‘the poor people’ themselves who brought these scumbags to power through elections. This is because for someone who is financially desperate, usually his priority is to save by any means the basic necessities of life.
He is not in the mood to consider that there is a different life proposition that is not ruled by inequality and exploitation. What he is concerned with is a proposal or at least a promise that will now get him out of his impasse.”
Read here.
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post-leffert · 4 months
Greece: First issue of the anarcho-nihilist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame”
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In the following link we provide the digital version of the first issue of the newspaper of our project “Blessed Is The Flame“, a project for the diffusion of the theory and praxis of black-flag anarchy* While the newspaper is in Greek, we would like to see it translated in other languages too and be disseminated internationally. If any comrades are interested in this undertaking, contact us at blessedistheflame (at) riseup (dot) net, and we can provide you with an editable .odt version of the file.
PDF: Ευλογημένη Η Φλόγα Τεύχος
In this newspaper we will cover topics like international and local anti-info of the two most recent months, discussions, claims of responsibility, ideas and tips about direct action and anti-surveillance.
Editorial: “The present newspaper is the printed form of the project Blessed Is The Flame, which will be irregularly issued. The purpose of this project is not only to disseminate black-flag anarchy, but more generally to disseminate the radical thoery, praxis and criticism that stems from the act of insurrectionarry armed desire, recognising that the social situation we are in, and which we did not choose, leads our lives to bankruptcy, to the alienation of our Egos.
We do not attempt to persuade anyone, we do not wish to bet on the mass mobilisation of a robotised society. What we are trying to do is contribute in building a communication bridge between those who have chosen to revolt here and now and those who want to revolt. We are what we are because we got courage and inspiration from the rebels who show us what is possible. We do not postpone the insurrectionary and revolutionary action for an indeterminate future because we are liberated from the bonds of hope. We are not nihilists because we are simply pessimists. No, we are nihilists because the situations around us do not allow us to think of future utopias, because we do not wait for freedom to come, but we bring freedom each time we act with defiance and without compromise against society, state, capital, and any other aspect of civilisation. This is the most immediate realisation of anarchy.
Long live direct, anarchist and guerrila action No resignation, no truce, no peace For anarchy and nihilism”
*In the terminology used within the Greek radical circles, black anarchy (μαύρη αναρχία) refers collectively to the nihilist, individualist, insurrectionary, anti-social and egoist currents of anarchism.
Posted in LibraryTagged Anarchist Newspaper, Anarcho-Nihilist, Anti-Social, Black Anarchy, Blessed Is The Flame, Egoist, Greece, Individualist Anarchist, Insurrection, PDF, Publication, Revolution
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gett-merkedd · 1 year
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A person born into capitalism, a system in which virtually all resources are privately owned, must receive permission from property owners in order to access those resources to survive.
Each person must therefore pay a property owner or labor directly for the property owner to survive. Each person is *coerced* into wage labor and market transactions by virtue of *systemic privatization.*
Any property owner could voluntarily allow the propertyless access to resources free of charge. But each owner is *also* obligated into market exchanges to acquire resources not found on their property to survive, coercing *them* into exploiting the propertyless to survive.
I have said it before: capitalism incentivizes psychopathic behavior. If people must engage in competitive profit seeking to survive, they are disciplined by the threat of market failure, immiseration, and starvation into horrific behavior *whether they want to or not.*
Capitalist ideologues will insist the absence of coercion in any given exchange exonerates the entire system. But I have never once been threatened by a cop over taxes, and yet I am still aware that I face imprisonment and violence if I fail to pay on time. The propertyless are well aware of the violence that will face them if they try to use property without permission—without payment, without laboring—even if they’ve never personally been evicted by a sheriff’s deputy.
Capitalist ideologues will insist on treating the system as nothing more than a sequence of discrete interactions with no connection to each other, because no one wants to think *they* would willingly participate in, and perpetuate, a system of exploitation and coercion.
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sun-death · 2 years
The nihilist position does not allow for the comforts of this world. Not only is God dead to a nihilist, but also everything that has taken God’s place; idealism, consciousness, reason, progress, the masses, culture, etc. Without the comforts of this metaphysical ‘place’ a strategic nihilist is free to drift unfettered by the consequences of her actions. “A nihilist is a person who does not bow down to any authority, who does not accept any principle on faith, however much that principle may be revered”.
Aragorn!, “Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st century”
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icarusxxrising · 4 months
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"Hope is not a Plan" an Anarcho-Nihilist piece by me, feel free to share
If you're curious why this is worded the way it is I would recommend giving "Blessed is the Flame" a read or listen. It is a fantastic introduction to Anarcho-Nihilist politics.
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alephskoteinos · 1 year
One of the worst things about partiarchal ideology is its exclusive territorialization of strength. In modern terms we understand it as an affect of the malefic quality of "masculine virtue". But in reality it should be understood as a function of the asymmetry of state violence.
Violence and power are bound up not only in control but also in the promise of autonomy. The ability to exercise it is the central question of politics. Therefore, those who control us have to maintain monopoly on violence, and close off "strength" to some elite caste. Or, for cisheteronormative patriarchy, for one sex and one expression of sex.
And then, the progressive instincts of modern society reflect back on violence and then the exercise of strength in terms of malefic abstraction, with the effect of closing off the whole horizon. But this means the spiral of power ends in hegemony. Hegemony in our society is still inevitably the hegemony of the white cisheteronormative patriarchal capitalist state. Closing the spiral of power to fulfill the promise of peace and redemption means victory for the oppressors.
Breaking the exclusive monopoly of violence means entering into a state where "force" is omnidirectional, and hence socially omnipresent, not asymmetrical and hierarchical. "Strength" in this instance isn't something to be closed off. However it is understood, you'll need it.
And to be perfectly honest, thinking about it, I find that this makes the chaos star the best symbol for anarchism there is: the perfect representation of what I believe to be the horizon of what anarchy is. The eight arrows stretch out in all directions, forming an invisible circle without borders, and thereby represent the omnidirectionality not only of potential and autonomy, but also personal "power", upheld in support of autonomy or desire, as can be exercised by literally anyone. No hierarchical order can constrict this endless field of autonomy.
In this respect the standard encircled A is a fine symbol for anarchism at large, especially insofar as it's an easy and therefore useful way to mark yourself as an anarchist, but it's also essentially a symbol of the belief in order without the state - that's what the neat, clean circle forming an O is for. But my idea of anarchy is sort of different. I accept - no, I want - what you call chaos. What you call chaos is the omindirectional field of power, in which social domination is either impossible or utterly fleeting. This is liberty, and it is chaos.
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xandra-nova · 11 months
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my work is in a private collection in Kyiv now ❤️🖤.
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doikayt · 2 months
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the epigraph of blessed is the flame by serafinski (2016)
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