#and Nat pouring out the wine
doubleappled · 6 months
Something we don’t talk about enough
is how Richie and Donna call each other “Ree Ree” and “Aunt Dee Dee” in s2e6. When Donna calls Richie into the kitchen, and Richie is tickling her on the kitchen floor (?!).
Ree Ree.
Aunt Dee Dee.
Thank you.
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Kinktober (3)- Age Difference
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Wanda X Reader 18+
Summary: Separated from the rest of the group, you and Wanda find the perfect opportunity in the kitchen to have some alone time.
Warnings/Tags: SMUT MDNI, Mommy Kink, Oral and fingering (W receiving), Power Bottom Wanda, Implied cheating
Kinktober Masterlist
"Uh I don't think so young lady," your aunt, Natasha, says teasingly, taking the glass of wine you just picked up out of your hand. She simply raised her eyebrow at you, taking a sip herself of the drink as she watched with fake glare.
"Oh come on Nat," you grumbled, leaning back into your seat as your aunt chuckled at you, Wanda also laughing at the display. "Surely I can have one drink ," you stare at her with your best puppy eyes, hoping that even though you're an adult she'll give into the oldest trick in the book.
"You can have a drink when you're twenty one," she says with no room for challenge in her tone, yet you decide to try anyway, what's the worst she can do? Pour it on you?
"Please, everyone else is drinking," you motion to Wanda and Vision who sit together on the couch, Maria who sits in an arm chair and to Yelena who is casually sipping her beer while on her phone, most likely texting her girlfriend Kate. "And I'm basically twenty one, It's only two months."
"Well if it's only two months, I'm sure you can wait," she takes another large sip to taunt you, smirking over the rim of the glass as you groan in annoyance at her. "Also everyone else here is at least over twenty one."
"More like over thirty," you grumble, earning a real glare this time. "Fine," pushing yourself to your feet, you start heading towards the kitchen, "I'll go get myself a drink suitable for a twenty year old." You hear a chorus of laughter and shake your head while making your way through the house.
When you arrive at the kitchen you head straight to the fridge hoping to find something to drink and take back to the group. You frown when all you can see are juice boxes and groan when you remember this is Wanda and Visions house so everything is catered for children. Mumbling a small, "Fuck it," you grab two blackcurrant juice boxes and place one on the counter top while stabbing the straw through the other. You got lost in your thoughts as you moodily drank one of the twins drinks, jumping when a pair of arms wrapped around your middle.
"Hey Detka," she whispers into your ear, body flush against your back. "Enjoying the drink?" she teases making you groan once again, turning in her hold to face her. You stare up at the older woman, admiring her features as she smiles softly at you. Your mouth opens to make a snarky remark but your voice dies down when you feel her hands drift towards your ass and face lower, her lips now ghosting yours. "How about I give you something that tastes a lot better than any drink you can have?" she rasps out, accent delicately wrapping around her words.
"What about Vision?" you murmur, losing yourself in her darkening green eyes.
"He's too busy telling the others a work story," she slowly turns the two of you around, her now leaning against the marble countertop of her kitchen. "So?" one hand cups your jaw, tilting your face upwards to look at her better, "Do you want to make Mommy feel good?"
You lean forward to capture her lips, groaning at the lingering taste of alcohol on her lips and move your hands to hold her waist. You feel her tongue slide over your bottom lip, not hesitating to part your lips to allow her tongue to slide in and dominate your mouth. You groan into the kiss when her hands move up your body, one resting casually on your neck.
"We don't have time to play Detka," she murmurs between kisses before pulling back, "Be a good girl for Mommy and kneel." You practically drop to your knees at her sultry voice, staring up at her with lust-filled eyes as your hands slowly creep up her legs. When you reach the hem of her skirt you stop, the silent question in your eyes answered when she nods and threads a hand through your hair. Swiftly, you lift the skirt so your head can meet her core and groan quietly to yourself when you see she's not wearing any panties, her arousal dripping from her.
"Fuck Mommy, you're so beautiful," you mutter while place a few kisses on her thighs before leaning forwards to lick a stripe up her core.
"Shit Detka," she moans quietly, hands gripping the countertop till her knuckles start to bleed white. "Do you know how turned on Mommy was when she saw you earlier?" her voice breathy as she tries to control her volume, your tongue swirling over her clit not helping her stay quiet. "I was so tempted to drag you into the bathroom and have you on your knees like now, fucking me with that perfect little mouth of yours." You groan into her pussy at her words, one of your hands raising to her core so you could tease her entrance with your fingers. At the same time, you suck hard on her clit and thrust a finger into her, one of her hands clamping over her mouth to muffle the moan that erupted from the back of her throat. "That's it Detka, you're making Mommy feel so good," she praises quickly before placing her hand back over her mouth as you curl your finger inside her.
Your tongue continues to swirl around her clit as you add another finger into her, thrusting both digits into her mercilessly as you're addicted to the sound of the muffled moans echoing around the room.
"You taste so good Mommy," you murmur before pulling your fingers out, earning a low groan in response before a choked moan when you thrust your tongue into her. You relentlessly thrust it into her while your fingers go to her clit, circling it in time with the way you curl your tongue inside her to have her legs shake slightly as she supports herself with the countertop.
" God Detka, " she groans out, "Right there, fuck I'm gonna come." You feel her clench around your tongue, legs trembling by your head as her orgasm washes over her. You moan into her when you feel her cum coat your tongue and help her ride out her aftershocks by slowly circling her clit. Her hands gently push you away when she gets too sensitive, you sitting back on your feet as you look up at her with a dazed smile, her arousal all over your mouth. She pulls you up by the collar of your shirt and crashes her lips to yours, moaning into your mouth at the taste of herself. "Good girl," she praises one last time before she lets you clean your face off with a washcloth and tidies her appearance up.
"How's the drink coming along?" Natasha says while Maria wraps her arm around her middle, both of them holding empty wine glasses as they stroll into the kitchen. They pause in their tracks when they see you with a straw in your mouth, your hand holding the other juice box as you finished the first, while your cheeks seemingly flushed with embarrassment.
"Oh my god!" Maria exclaimed while Natasha burst out into laughter, placing down her glass so she wouldn't drop it. You scowled as they started to tease you for drinking a child's drink, defending yourself as best you could but to no avail. You grumbled under your breath before turning your gaze to Wanda who had a soft smile that lessened your bad mood.
You made your way out of the kitchen to avoid any more teasing but stopped at the door of the living room when Wanda grabbed your hand.
"Meet me later for your reward, you were such a good girl for Mommy."
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togrowoldinv · 3 months
Date Night
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
A date night with Natasha
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, car sex, fingering (R receiving), soft and hot times
Note: I was thinking about Natasha as per usual. Enjoy this one!
Natasha Masterlist 1, Natasha Masterlist 2, Natasha Masterlist 3, Main Masterlist
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The candles and soft lighting illuminate Natasha’s smile. She looks at you like you’re the only person in the entire world.
The waiter pours her glass of wine and yours before walking away, leaving you and Natasha be. She takes a sip of her drink.
“I’m so glad we’re doing this,” she says once she’s swallowed the sweet liquid.
“Me too,” you agree. “It’s been far too long since we had a date night.”
“Mhm. Do you think the kids are behaving for Yelena?”
“Oh, I’m sure. But is Yelena behaving?” You joke.
Natasha chuckles and says, “Not a chance. That girl is so unpredictable.”
You laugh. The conversation continues to be about your family that you both love so much until Natasha changes the subject.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something,” she says, her voice comes out steady but the way her eyes don’t quite catch yours makes you nervous.
“Okay,” you say uneasily.
“I’m going to retire from avenging,” Nat says. You open your mouth to react, but she stops you short. “Before you say anything, I’ve thought a lot about this. It makes the most sense for our family. I can’t be out there risking my life. Not when I have so much to lose now.”
“I know,” she seems to read your mind. “I know it’s what I’ve always done. Fought for something. But it’s not what I want anymore.”
“Well, you know I support you no matter what,” you tell her. You see her take a deep breath. “And it does make sense why you’ve been different lately. This has been weighing on you. I’m glad you told me.”
“Thank you for understanding,” Nat says. “I have one more mission to go on before I retire. Steve already asked me to go, so I don’t want to leave him and the team hanging.”
“What kind of mission?”
“The kind that might not be the safest,” Nat reluctantly replies. “I’m sorry to tell you about it tonight, but it’s hard to get a moment alone with you.”
“I understand, Natasha,” you say. “Let’s just make the most of tonight before you go?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart. I love you,” Natasha says.
“I love you too,” you say.
The rest of the dinner goes by without anymore serious conversations. Natasha holds your hand as she walks you to the car. Like always, she opens the door for you to slide in.
“Ice cream?” She asks once she’s sitting in the drivers seat.
“The kids will be sad,” you reflect.
“The kids will never know,” Nat says, her playful smirk on her face. “Come on, baby. I want ice cream. Please?”
“Are you begging me?”
“Are you not into me begging you? Because last time I checked you like when I do that,” her voice drops an octave and you feel your entire body react.
“Fine, we’ll get ice cream,” you relent. Nat kisses your cheek in victory. “Only because you’re so cute.”
“I’m not cute,” Nat pouts.
“You’re extremely cute.”
“I’m not.”
“You are, babe. Accept it.”
“Just drive,” you say.
You share a smile and Nat starts the car. She drives to your favorite ice cream place. Natasha doesn’t even have to ask you what you want. She already knows. She orders and you find a booth while she waits for the treats.
“I got two different ones because I wasn’t sure what you were feeling tonight,” she says. She slides into the booth across from you.
“Thank you, my love.”
You eat a little of both flavors while Nat does the same. While you’re eating, Natasha gets a text from Yelena. It’s a photo of the kids sound asleep in the living room.
“And it’s only 9pm. Well done, Yelena,” you say.
“I miss them,” Nat says.
“Me too,” you agree.
You reach across the table and intertwine her fingers with yours.
“How long?” You ask, bringing up the mission again. She doesn’t have to ask you to know it’s what you meant.
“2 maybe 3 weeks,” she replies. “I leave Friday.”
You nod. There’s a sadness lingering but you push it aside for now.
“Should we get the kids something?” Nat asks.
“Nah, it won’t be as good tomorrow. We’ll just take them out when you get back.”
“Good idea,” Nat says. “Let’s go.”
The ride home is quiet, but not uncomfortably so. You love just existing with Natasha. No words can really capture how you’re feeling. She knows that.
When you get home, Nat stops you from opening your car door. She doesn’t say anything, but she leans across the center console and kisses you.
She kisses you like her life depends on it. Her tongue brushes against yours and you realize her intentions. You push her classic leather jacket off her shoulders.
“Nat,” you whisper as her lips move to your neck.
“I want you,” Nat says.
“You can have me,” you say.
She moves her hand to your pants and dips it beneath the fabric. It doesn’t take long at all to find where you want her the most. Natasha knows your body so well.
“Fuck,” you mumble as she moves her fingers through your folds.
“I love you,” Natasha says against your lips. She leaves hot, opened mouthed kisses all over your face, neck, and any other skin she can reach.
“I love you,” you reply. “Fuck, I love you.”
It’s been too long since you’ve done something like this. Since you’ve been entirely lost in each other in a not so private place. Her and the circumstances leave you feeling so hot.
“Come for me,” Natasha says. She knows your body and your whimpers well enough to know you’re close. “Come for me, detka.”
You come hard against her hand. Natasha grins at the pleasure she sees move through your entire body.
She kisses you softly once you’ve opened your eyes again.
“Let’s go inside?” She asks.
You nod. She gets out of the car as you readjust your clothes and follow her.
Once inside, you love the sight you see. Yelena is laying between the kids on the couch. She’s sound asleep.
“Cute,” you whisper.
Nat takes a photo before you tiptoe past your sweet family. Before you make it to your bedroom, you both hear Yelena.
“I know you two were out there a while before you came in,” she says quietly, her eyes still closed.
You and Nat just giggle.
“Night, Yelena,” Natasha says.
“Goodnight, lovebirds,” she replies.
You and Natasha go to your bedroom and finish what you started.
You’re always so proud of her in everything she does, and you know her future even without avenging will be just fine.
And she’ll always come home to you.
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faerygrant · 6 months
waiting room - carmen berzatto x reader.
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summary: Carmen’s neglect of your relationship finally comes to a boiling point on the eve of your ten month anniversary.
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The table had been set, your favourite China, courtesy of Pete and Nat upon their return from a couples trip two months ago. The bathroom adorned with rose petals and illuminated by a fiery orange flame, vanilla bean scent of your overpriced candles billowing throughout. The bubbles hadn’t subsided, still foamy and enlarged, though you were sure the water had probably gone cold by now.
You sunk to your knees, the caps hitting the cold hexagon shaped tiles leaving you to slightly shudder. All at once, you blew the candles out, the itch in your throat only growing. At any moment now you knew you’d crack, it was only a matter of time.
Once the candles were blown out, the tub drained leaving the damp petals to cling to the sides of the bathtub you made your way back to the dining room, the glistening China never failing to catch your attention.
You took a seat, the Picarde you’d worked so hard on preparing for Carmy was still placed in the middle of the table, covered by aluminium foil. The 2006 bottle of Barossa Shiraz, a gift from his uncle, peaked your interest leading you to pour a glass full for yourself.
With your glass in hand, wrapped up in your white robe you scattered out of the dining and into the living area, where you sat solemnly on the sofa. You’d taken off the dress you’d bought specifically for this night, if Carmy couldn’t remember to even show for your ten month anniversary, there was no reason he deserved the effort you put into looking nice for him.
Your relationship had started of very spur of the moment, introduced to him by a friend in highschool you’d lost contact once he set off for New York but still frequently thought about him. Once he was back in Chicago the two of you were set up on a date by said friend and things took off from there. The honeymoon stage had been almost perfect, his time, attention, affection it was all on you. But as the restaurant became busier and business grew, his attention shifted and his attempts to keep you happy had turned lousy.
So here you were, clad in your white bathrobe and a two piece set from agent provocateur you’d planned on surprising him with. A glass of Shiraz in hand and a heart that was slowly breaking every second the man you loved remained away from you.
At least 30 minutes had gone by and by this point the bottle of Shiraz had found it’s way into your lap, when the sound of the keys fiddling sounded from the door.
“Yo, you still up?” Carmen’s voice calls from behind the sofa, though you make no effort to acknowledge him. You can smell a mix of cologne and cigarette on him as he rounds the sofa and takes a seat by you. He makes no mention of your silence, almost as if he doesn’t notice it. Instead he opts to toe off his shoes and stretch into the chair.
“We were fucked today, Syd and I tried to keep shit running smoothly but we shat the bed with the new recipe. Salty as fuck, don’t think that balsamic glaze could save it” he speaks, his hands covering his face as he leans backwards, clad in his usual pristine white tee and black slacks. You once again simply ignore his words, waiting for him to address the elephant in the room.
“You listenin’ or am I talking to myself?” He brings his hands away from his face, finally acknowledging you. You place your glass of wine down and simply shrug.
“Alright what the fuck is the matter? You fuckin ignored my texts all day, I tried not to make a big deal of it, now m’home tryna’ tell you about my day and you’re not sayin’ shit?” He yells, louder than necessary, the vein in his neck bulging like it always does when he’s upset. His outbursts don’t frighten you though, not anymore atleast.
“What day is it today Carmen?” You quietly whisper, arms crossed over the other, your fingers playing with the fuzzy fabric of your robe.
“I-I don’t fuckin’ know, Wednesday?” He questions, elbows on his knees as he stares at you intensely.
“No, I mean what’s the fucking date today Carmen?”
“The 24th, why is this relev-“ he pauses for a second and instantly his eyes bulge. “Oh fuck, oh shit.”
“Exactly.” You mumble, watching as he goes red, already beating himself up.
“I’m so fuckin sorry, I- I fuck- I don’t even- fuck.” He yells, standing up and pacing the living area, refusing to meet your gaze.
“I’m a fuckin idiot, I’m sorry, I’m so fuckin sorry I don’t even know how I could forget I just, I- I don’t know.” He blabbers and you simply shrug. Your silence killing him.
“Say somethin, fucks sakes, anything.” He pleads with you.”
“I have nothing to say Carmen.” You stand from the sofa, face to face with him, his eyes already fling red, tears rolling down his red face and stray hairs sticking to his forehead.
“Please, fuckin take it out on me I deserve it” he grabs your arms placing them against his chest, pleading with you to hurt him like he hurt you.
“Fine, you want me to take it out on you, I will. I planned this whole dinner, a special night for the two of us since you’ve been working nonstop for the last two months and in return you couldn’t even remember our anniversary. I’ve tried Carmy, so hard to be understanding of your job but I can’t be left to wait for you forever.” A lone tear dropping from your eyes, as you watched his face fall in realisation.
“What’re you doin?, hm what’re you tryna say?” He yells with urgency. The purple-ish blue veins bulging and illuminating his pale skin.
“Carmen I’m not going to be left in the waiting room forever, I refuse to be second in a game I know I’ll never win. Your job means the world to you and I’m not going to make you choose.”
“You- I- please don’t do this, don’t do this, please don’t fuckin do this. I- I lo- I love you” He sniffles, hands bringing your face to his, both your heads leaning against the others.
“It’s for the better.” You whisper, eyes closed, forehead against his and heart shattering.
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wandanatsgf · 3 months
If You're Gonna Lie
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 691
Summary: You know she's cheating, but you'd rather hear her lies than leave her
Warnings: This is kinda sad and contains smut so read at your own risk.
You knew being an avenger and dating a fellow avenger was going to be hard work. You knew you’d go through a lot together, but you never expected this.
The red wine sits untouched in the glass you had poured for her. Her dinner has gone cold by now. She said she would be here tonight, but once again she blew you off.
Giving up, you chug her glass and yours before putting them in the dishwasher. Next you throw out her dinner and put the plate in the dishwasher as well and pack up all of the leftovers.
You should’ve known better. You should’ve known she would blow you off again. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately. You knew what was going on, but it was easier to believe her lies than to believe she was cheating.
You can feel tears threatening to escape, but you refuse to let them fall.
In the middle of your thinking, the woman of the hour walks in the door.
“I’m so sorry baby. I had to work late. This mission was just crazy,” she tells you. You know it’s a lie, but you’d rather hear her lies than see her leave.
“It’s alright baby. I know how hard work is,” you tell her. The words taste bitter in your mouth, but you choose to ignore that.
“Do you want some dinner? I’ve got some leftovers in the fridge.”
“I think I’d much rather have dessert first,” she says. You know she's doing this to reassure you and probably herself, and you let her. She walks towards you and places her hands on your hips and her lips on your lips.
She tastes like merlot, the merlot he gave her, and cherries. It’s a deadly combination to you. It’s addicting and you hate it. You crave it but you know you should leave. Yet you kiss her back fervently. Your hands tangle themselves in her red locks.
Natasha walks the two of you backwards so that you are pressed up against the kitchen counter. She helps you up, never taking her lips off of you.
Natasha positions herself in between your hips and slowly trails her lips down your neck.
“Nat please,” you beg. You can feel your core getting wetter and wetter the more she touches you.
“Please what baby? What do you want?”
“I want you Nat please. Please fuck me."
Wordlessly Natasha pulls her lips away from you and drops to her knees in front of you. She pulls your shorts and underwear off in one quick motion before going to town on your heat.
“Fuck Nat,” you hear yourself say. Nat wraps her lips around your clit and sucks. Your hips buck up against her mouth and you let out a porn star like moan.
You can feel yourself getting closer with every lick and suck. Your hips start to move like crazy and your moans become uncontrollable. You can feel Natasha smile against your pussy.
"Come on detka. Be a good girl and cum for me," she breathily lets out. At her words you feel the coil in your stomach unwind. Your release coats Nat's tongue and she continues to lick you until you are squirming away from her touch.
Natasha removes herself from your pussy and stands up. She kisses you softly and you can feel yourself melting against her lips.
"I love you," she whispers softly. You choose to ignore the stinging in your chest when you hear her words.
"I love you too."
After Natasha actually eats food you had prepared, the two of you spend the night with her in between your legs and vice versa. When she finally tires, she sweetly kisses you goodnight. She wraps her body around yours and quickly drifts off.
But your thoughts are running too fast to sleep. As you lay intertwined with Natasha you can feel tears threatening to spill. You hate yourself for staying, but you love her so much. You pretend she still loves you and that her words still mean something, because at the end of the day she comes home to you. Not him.
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superblysubpar · 4 months
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return to main menu // steve’s music
Honey, On Your Knees
steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: Your husband and you get nasty in a church…again. // This fic is a part of my "Her Body Is Bible" AU - you can find the first story and more here // NSFW 18+
the song: Holy by King Princess
2.5k words
warnings: warnings from prev fic still apply // religious themes, and the holiday Christmas being celebrated // As with part one, you’ll be blocked - nobody is forcing you to read this // Mentions of trying to get pregnant // Alcohol mentions and use by reader // SMUT (oral - reader receiving, public, steve is kind of edging us a little if you squint) // My blog is 18+
A/N: originally requested for an event, I combined two requests from an anon and @djoswiftie - thanks for your patience 💛. The prompts were [APOLOGY: a kiss offered as a way to apologize or make amends] / [FLASH: one muse “accidentally” flashes the other] -- maybe not in the way you think FYI // [NECK: a kiss or gentle sucking on neck] / [PALM: one muse palms the other muse’s penis/breasts through clothes]
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He hadn’t meant to say it. 
The house was warm, the low murmur of relatives catching up while silverware clinked together mixed with Nat King Cole crooning out of the stereo. Mashed potatoes heaped by spoonfuls onto plates, kids’ new toys scattered in a rush once the ham was carved, and soon wine started to be poured for those of age.
Vivian Harrington simply smiled as you told her none for you and moved on, but the same couldn’t be said for others at the table. 
“Not drinking, huh? Are you pregnant?” 
If his scotch drunk uncle jumped over the line of appropriate, Steve ignored it all together, replying hopefully and without thought. 
“No…not yet!”
He hadn’t meant to say it. 
Your eyes widened, jaw tensed as you huffed out a breath through your nose. Steve’s cheeks flushed, and the table erupted into chaos, terribly intimate questions directed towards you. 
“Oh! Are you trying?! How exciting!”
“When you are, make sure Stephen here does everything. It’s the least he can do.”
“How long have you been trying? Don’t give up, Ben and I took two years, but look at us now…”
“How many do you want?”
“Are you still going to work?”
“Kids? So soon?”
“Who’s having a baby? Uncle Steve?!”
“Vivian?” You called, flagging Steve’s mom over.
You took the bottle of previously passed on wine and gave yourself a more than generous pour, and Steve whispered, “Baby, I thought that alcohol could affect your…”
The look you gave him had his mouth closing quickly, keeping his concern about ovulation and hormones to himself. You turned away from him, then answered every single question with grace and a grip on the glass that made Steve gulp around his own drink. 
Eventually, the table settled into topics that gave you a small reprieve. 
Steve leaned closer, lips almost to the apple of your cheek and you turned, so his kiss was cut off, mouth parted in surprise as he blinked at you. He spoke softly, fingers reaching for yours as he did, “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“Should we give you two some privacy?” A quip and waggled eyebrows from the other side of the table, and you plastered on a perfect smile and faked a laugh, poured yourself more wine and Steve’s shoulders deflated. 
You still hadn’t spoken to him. Dinner passed, and then dessert, and then coats were being pushed on and kids wrangled into cars for the midnight service. 
Steve managed to get you close to him in the very backseat of one of the vehicles. He kept his eyes on your profile as you stared straight ahead. 
“Are you going to ignore me the entire night? I’m sorry,” he started, voice low. 
Your gaze turned to him finally and your chest ached from how apologetic he looked. And honestly, you were over it as quickly as it happened, and the glasses of wine helped, and you were ready to say so. But then Steve’s fingers brushed your knee, up and down and back up your thigh. They nudged at the hem of your skirt, testing. His other fingers curled around your neck, words dipping even lower, soft and for only your ears. 
“How else can I tell you I’m sorry, honey?”
Steve’s thumb swiped down your neck, soothing and far too close to your racing pulse. It’d been sort of easy for him lately, and the thrill of making him think you were mad, the chance to make him sweat a little, to work for it, had your underwear growing wet. 
“We can talk about it later, when we get home,” you whispered, sternly. 
Steve nodded earnestly, until your fingers curled into your skirt, until the red, green and gold fabric pulled higher and higher. Your eyes remained on his until he had to look down, to see your black tights were not tights, but stockings. A sliver of supple skin revealed between plaid skirt and where they ended high on your thigh. The black lace disappearing as quickly as it was shown to him as your skirt dropped again, fanning nicely over your thighs.  
His tongue swiped over his lip, adams apple bobbing. He cleared his throat, voice a warning, “Baby-”
The car pulled to a stop, and you were out on the pavement with his family, heading into the church before he’d really even caught his breath. 
He watched you hang your coat, and help his nieces and nephews with theirs. His eyes traveled from the black heels up the black stockings that he now knew ended under your pretty Christmas skirt, curved around your thighs delicately and sinfully. He swallowed at the sight of red velvet over your breasts, at the memory of what happened last time you were here. 
It was easy to slip away as churchgoers caught up over coffee and doughnuts before the service, as kids became preoccupied in the Sunday school rooms with toys. You made your way down a dark hallway under the guise of the bathroom, and had to bite down on your smile as an arm slunk around your waist and pulled you into a room silently and quickly. 
Only lit by the soft light of the navy sky and moon outside, the room was obviously rarely used, a place for mismatched and forgotten things. Steve spun to face you, his fingers behind him clicking the lock closed with a barely audible, but still noticeable click. 
“Yes?” You prompted, folding your arms over your chests and hiding your delight at the way the movement made his eyes flit down to your breasts. 
Steve crossed the room in quick strides, hands finding your hips and tugging you to him gently as he spoke with sincerity. 
“Angel,” his nose traced down the bridge of yours, before he kissed the tip of it, “I’m sorry.” He kissed your cheek, your jaw, the corner of your lips before he pulled away enough to look into your eyes again, so you could see how truly sorry he was. 
“I really didn’t mean to say it, it slipped out. I’m just so excited, and I didn’t even think…” 
“I know,” you offered quietly, as your fingers slipped into his hair, curling stray and unruly pieces behind his ears. Your eyes remained focused on your adjustments, sure that if you looked at his eyes for longer than two seconds, you’d forget you were “mad” and fuck him in a church again. You’d break and he’d have barely worked for it. 
Steve knew this, you think. 
Because your eyes caught the subtle twitch of his lips, the fake deep sigh, the way his head leaned forward until he was at your ear. Hot breath hitting skin in a way that had goosebumps exploding over your entire body, his voice sultry and low as he asked, “Can I make it up to you?”  
“Steve…” your half-hearted start to a protest you didn’t want to give lost as he dipped lower, pressing silk lips to your neck. 
His palms brushed over the curve of your breasts, they skated down your sides, lower and lower to your hips. As your head fell back, they circled to your ass, grabbing generous handfuls and squeezing as his breath grew sharper against your collarbone. Parted lips dragging across it, the tentative trail of his tongue warm and testing. 
“We…we’re in a church,” you gulped around the words, his kisses traveling up the column of your throat now as he nudged your feet backwards. 
“Didn’t stop us the last time.” Steve’s voice was shot, a goner the minute you showed him the stockings. 
Men were too easy. 
Your legs hit a couch arm, and Steve’s fingers grabbed for your jaw gently, thumb pulling at your chin so you had to look at him. Both of your chests moved rapidly, anticipating, as you fell deeper and deeper into the moss and honey in his iris’ - lost in the forest, stuck in the sticky trap. 
His other hand roamed to the hem of your skirt, pads of his fingers buzzing over the skin above the stockings as he pulled the fabric higher. His head cocked in a way that said he knew what he was doing, the ghost of a smile on his lips telling you he knew that you weren’t mad, not really, but he’d play your game anyways.  
“Let me make you feel good, honey,” his lips brushed over yours as he spoke. The chatter of people filling the chapel right outside grew louder, but his voice remained even and soft, “It’s the least I can do, don't you think?”
Maybe you were easy too.  
Because you were nodding, and he was easing you down onto the couch. Steve knelt before you, watching you carefully, hungry, as he pulled your heels from your feet, letting them fall to the ground. 
Your palms pressed to the cushion behind you as he lifted a leg, your words swallowed and caught somewhere in your chest with your breath as he kissed your ankle bone through the thin material. Steve kept his eyes on you, warm and greedy as he kissed up your calf, at your knee until he was at the top of the thigh high. He gently laid your leg back down, and then pulled at your waist until you were at the edge of the seat. 
“You gonna be quiet for me?” 
The nod of your head was pitiful, putty in his hands and from his words as he flipped your skirt up. Steve’s lips pressed kisses to the inside of your thighs, sweet and in a slow way that had heat rising to your cheeks. Your body hot, spine turning to liquid as he nudged his nose into the damp black silk covering you, as his fingers curled into the waistband. 
Steve pulled them from you, sighing at the way they stuck to your lips. He slipped them down your legs, never letting his eyes leave the space between your thighs. He was taking his time, drinking you in with his eyes in a dirty gaze that had your entire body tightening, making you want him more than you ever had, erasing any sort of rationality or thoughts from your brain other than him and this.
His fingers tugged at your hips, squeezing possessively until a whine bubbled out of you, his name a desperate whisper, barely audible over the choir singing. 
He hummed when you spread your legs wider for him, pressing against the couch as he leaned in. His hands roamed down and back up your thighs, until they were spreading you. 
His thumbs held you apart, mouth a ghost over your cunt. Hot breath exhaled against slick lips that had your toes curling and your lungs somehow forgetting how to take in air. He had you on the ledge, and he hadn’t even started. 
Steve pushed closer, the tip of his nose a slow drag through your slit, his lips skimming over your folds behind it, tasting, testing.
His tongue finally made contact with you, a long, slow lick from your entrance to just below your clit, making you wait, making your fingers dig into the cushion and your eyes look towards the heavens.  
Steve did it again, painfully slow, the hot and wet glide of his tongue along you sinful. Over and over, flat, broad strokes of it, tasting every bit of you except for your clit, getting you higher and higher, closer to bliss without giving it to you.  
You were throbbing, an insistent and buzzing pulse under your skin demanding to be felt, demanding to break. It felt like your ears were crackling with static like the speakers the pastor was now giving his sermon in. 
Steve lifted on your hips that wiggled, caressing over the top of your ass. He stopped his movement with his tongue, panting over your cunt, letting his mouth hover against your glistening lips. 
Your chest grew heavier with each rise and fall of labored breathing as you watched Steve’s tongue flick out, tracing the curves of you and letting his nose drag and nudge behind it. Teasing and taunting, pulling every last drop of want out, your body taut and ready to snap. 
Then he looked up at you.
His cheeks flushed pink, and pupils blown wide, lit up in glittering moonlight streaming in through old and warped glass, he looked like something holy and angelic between your thighs. As if he were worshiping you, praying on his knees at your feet.
The grip he had on your hips shifted, pushing down your thighs and spreading you wider, and his voice was raspy as he asked, “You forgive me?”
Your head nodded once, fingers reaching for his hair to pull him closer, desperate for his mouth to be back on you. Your own voice shot, a pitiful whine as you begged him, “Please, need your-ohmygod.”
Steve’s spit hit your clit, making your thighs go to snap close, but his palms held you open forcefully. He wasn’t an angel worshiping, he was unholy, he was sin, he was filthy as he kept eye contact with you and dipped his mouth over you again. 
His lips molded around your pulsing nerves, tongue flicking out in a rhythm that had your entire body lit up, vibrating, fraying and sparking. His hands pushed at your thighs that resisted him, he moaned against you as you fell forward. Your fingers yanking in his hair as your hips moved against his face. 
Steve’s exhale was sharp as he released, sinking lower and dragging his tongue over your slit again. He was faster now, keeping his tongue flat against you as he lapped at your cunt, nose nudging against your clit over and over again as you rocked against it. 
“Fuck, Ste-,” your hand slapped over your mouth and your eyes widened, but Steve didn’t let up. You tugged on his hair, whimpering, and his hand rose, finger pulling at your pouting bottom lip until you were parting for him. You moaned around the black silk he shoved into your waiting mouth. 
He doubled down then, tongue prodding at your entrance, fast and precise licks up to your clit he kept working at with his nose. Steve’s heavy lidded gaze up at you had you crying out around the fabric, your chest crumpling over his head as you grinded down against his nose, unraveling for him. 
Tears pricked behind your eyes, skin hot as you came around nothing but his tongue, he hadn’t even slipped a finger into you. Steve held your waist now as you arched, letting your thighs finally close around his face as he licked over you, humming against your sensitive nerves as he greedily took in everything you gave him. 
He pulled away eventually, nose and lips skimming down your thigh until he was at your stockings. He pressed his cheek to your knee and looked up at you. Your underwear pulled from your mouth and crumpled in your fingers, your eyelashes fluttered as you tried to keep your eyes open, chest rising and falling ragged. You looked at him under your straining eyelids, warmth and affection and something far too sweet for what you two just did behind your gaze. 
The choir was singing again, Silent Night, and your fingers pressed to your lips, hiding a smile and a giggle.
He hadn’t meant to say it, but he was kind of glad he did. 
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nats-firefly · 4 months
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i touch my phone as if it's your face
natasha romanoff x reader
summary: nat's on a mission every valentine's day. this time she can call you. right?
warnings: none really, just kinda sad
a/n: happy valentine's day to all my long distance gays. i feel your pain. this was something i very quickly put together. vent fic, sue me.
words: 750 | feedback is always welcome | masterlist
divider source | gif source
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You smiled at your reflection in the mirror, swiping the tip of your index finger under your lip to fix your lipstick. It had been over an hour since you started getting ready, the anticipation of seeing your girlfriend growing bigger every second that ticked by. 
Valentine’s day is apparently a surprisingly busy time for superheroes, in all the years the two of you have been together, Natasha has been away for all of them. But this year she promised you you’d be able to call and have dinner together. She was undercover as some unreasonably rich guy’s assistant like she had been for Tony back in the day. While he was enjoying the night with his girlfriend, she’d have the chance to call you after doing recon in his private study. Allegedly. 
Natasha being away meant you didn’t get to talk or text or see her very often. It also meant since this was your first time seeing her in months, you wanted to dress up for her. You even put on a special set of lingerie under your clothes so you could give her a show after dinner. 
You had spent the better part of the day preparing for your date with Natasha. You made a hearty plate of pasta, poured yourself a glass of wine. You even lit a candle. Then you waited. 
You picked up your phone to check your messages to see if Natasha had said anything. 
Can’t wait for our date tonight. Delivered.
She hadn’t texted you back since you sent her that text this morning. You didn’t know which part of the world she was in, but from the small details she’d told you it didn’t seem like she was out of the country. Maybe it was just not dinnertime for her yet. Maybe something was wrong. Maybe she’d been caught.
You checked your phone again, but nothing had changed. Maybe you just needed to get your mind off of it. You took your glass of wine and settled yourself on the couch, putting on an episode of your favorite show. One glass turned into two, which turned into three. It was late at night, so you decided to reheat your cold and forgotten plate of pasta. 
As you slumped against the kitchen counter waiting for your food to reheat, your phone screen lights up, followed by the repeated vibrations signaling a video call. Your face lit up and your heart beat loudly in your chest as you clicked answer.
“Baby,” Natasha breathed in relief when she saw your face pop up on her phone. She had been looking forward to talking to you all day. Her ‘boss’ had sent her on a wild last minute goose chase to set up a Valentine’s surprise for his girlfriend. In true rich guy fashion he had done none of the work, but Natasha needed to stay on his good side for a little while longer. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, Nat,” Your finger slides over her cheek and down the side of your phone. Your eyes tear up a bit. Your chest aches and your lip trembles. “I really miss you.”
“Me too, angel,” Natasha says, she notices the change in your expression. She thinks about quitting her job. “Happy Valentine’s Day, malysh.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” You answer. The microwave beeps, but you ignore it, deciding to focus on the redhead on your phone instead. You want to crawl through the screen. Desperation rises in your chest. You don’t know what to do with yourself. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Natasha feels a knot in her throat. She hates being away from you. “Tell me how you’ve been, baby. How’s work? Did that guy in accounting get fired?”
“Oh, Tom? Yeah he-” You were interrupted by a muffled male voice. Then things happened very quickly.
“Oh,” Natasha said, being caught off guard then briefly looking at you with an almost apologetic look.
“Natalie, can you fi-” Call disconnected. 
You stared back at your reflection on the phone screen. You got two minutes with her. 
You went to bed still wearing the clothes and lingerie that were supposed to end up on the floor that night. With the plate of pasta forgotten in the microwave, and mascara stains on your pillow.
As you numbly scrolled through your phone every Valentine’s day post was like a slap to the face. 
Everyone had their someone. Except you. 
Happy fucking Valentine’s Day.
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omgrachwrites · 5 months
Date Night - Carmy Berzatto
Pairing: Carmy Berzatto x Reader
Summary: You and Carmy go on your first date.
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this, please let me know what you think! I love you all! xxx
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part two
Natalie glanced at you as you walked into the living room to show off your outfit, for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Her facial expression was the same as you twirled in front of her, showing her the outfit from all angles.
“What do you think?” you asked as you smoothed your hands down your dress.
Nat laughed, “sweetie, you look beautiful.”
You pouted at her, “you’ve said that about every single outfit I’ve chosen,” you look down at the dress.
She rolled her eyes with a smile, “because it’s true, you’re beautiful. You could wear a bin bag and Carmy would still be crazy about you.”
You smiled as you sat next to her, your date with her brother wasn’t until later on tonight but you were nervous. You really wanted this to go well and you didn’t want to do anything that would screw this up.
“I’m nervous, Nat,” you admitted and she smiled at you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“You don’t have to be nervous, Carmy really likes you, Y/N,” she sighed as her phone buzzed and she checked it, “damn, I gotta go, they need me at the restaurant. Good luck tonight, you’ll do great,” she smiled and pulled you into a hug.
All day you lounged around, doing nothing, last night you’d had the shower where you scrubbed and shaved everything and everywhere. You weren’t expecting anything to happen, not on the first date – Carmy would be too shy to make a move – but you just wanted to be prepared. Finally, it was time for you to get ready, you curled your hair and applied your makeup light and pretty, with the help of a large glass of wine.
When Carmy knocked on your door, you slipped your heels on and grabbed your bag before pulling open the door. Your throat went dry as you looked up at him. He looked so gorgeous, he was wearing a tight white button down shirt that accentuated his muscles and over the top he was wearing a black suit jacket. He was holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers. His cheeks were flushed as his eyes drank in the sight of you.
He smiled as he ran a hand through his curls, “you look amazing.”
“Thanks Carm, so do you.”
The redness on his cheeks only deepened as he held out the flowers, “these are for you.”
You smiled as you took the flowers, “they’re beautiful, come in and I’ll put them in some water,” you let him in as you arranged the flowers in a vase, “you want a drink?” you glanced over your shoulder.
He shook his head as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, “nah, don’t want to miss the reservation.”
You smiled as you finished arranging the flowers and took his hand, “then let’s go,” you flushed as he linked your fingers together.
The restaurant was just an uber ride away and Carmy held your hand as he helped you out of the car. The restaurant looked beautiful – and fancy – you felt a little out of place. Carmy must have noticed because he squeezed your hand and you looked over at him.
“You okay?”
You smiled as you leaned over and kissed his cheek, “yeah, as long as I can take you to my favourite dive bar afterwards.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he grinned.
At first, you thought it was going to be awkward but as you were sat at the best seat in the house the both of you launched into conversation just as easily as you always did.
“How’s the restaurant?” you asked as you took a swallow of wine.
Carmy rolled his eyes with a quick laugh, “everyone’s at each other’s throats but they seem to be working together well enough. How’s the pasta?” he grinned with a twinkle in his gorgeous eyes.
“It’s good,” you nod as you eat a forkful, “but your pasta is my favourite.”
He grinned as he nudged his leg against yours, “you’re my favourite.”
For dessert the both of you shared a dish of lemon sorbet with a couple of vodka shots poured into the bottom. By the time you reluctantly let Carmy pay the bill – he wouldn’t let you split it – the both of you were pretty buzzed as you stumbled to the bar. The bar was a typical dive, the floor was sticky and it stank of beer but you felt comfortable, and you could tell that Carmy was too.
He thanked you as you handed him a pint of beer and he nodded over at the pool table, “you wanna play?”
“I’m rubbish at pool, I can barely hold a pool cue,” you laughed.
“C’mon, I’ll show you,” those big blue eyes talked you into it and you relented as he led you over to the pool table.
He set up the table and you couldn’t stop watching as his tattooed fingers rearranged the balls and he gave you a lazy, lopsided grin, “you wanna break? I’ll show you how.”
You smiled, “sure.”
Butterflies shot through your stomach as he took your hands in his, he stood behind you and showed you how to properly hold the pool cue. He leaned over you, just like they did in the movies and with Carmy’s help you managed to break.
“There you go,” he whispered in your ear and tingles shot up your spine as he kissed your cheek.
It was hard to keep up the pretence and you slipped up when you pocketed a ball. Carmy stood there staring at you with his mouth open.
“You lied! You’re hustling me!”
You laughed at his accusation, “fine, I’m not as bad as pool as I made out to be. And hustling is when you do it for money.”
He rolled his eyes with a grin, “you owe me.”
You ended up winning the game of pool and Carmy looked at you with a look of mock disappointment on his face as he shook his head, “I am so disappointed, that you won by cheating.”
You giggled, “you’re so dramatic. How’s this, I’ll let you pick your consolation prize?”
Carmy grinned as he pulled you closer by your waist and kissed you deeply, you were in shock and you hesitated for a split second before you kissed him back. You placed your hands on his firm chest as you pulled away just a little, “wow that’s funny, that’s exactly what I was gonna pick for my winning prize.”
He smirked as he cupped your cheek, “what an amazing coincidence,” he chuckled as he wrapped a hand in your hair and kissed you again, this time he snuck his tongue into your mouth. That’s how you spent the rest of the night, playing pool and making out.
He walked you up to your apartment, his fingers laced through yours, “I had a really good time tonight, Carm.”
“Me too, even if you did cheat at pool.”
You laughed, “I did not cheat!” you got your keys out of your bag and you looked at Carmy, “you want to come in?”
Carmy smiled but shook his head, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Y/N, I’d end up doing something we’re not ready for,” he chuckled as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, “but I’ll see you soon?”
“I’ll see you soon,” you nod and he leaned in to give you another breath taking kiss that made you feel like you were a teenager all over again.
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chronicrabbit · 1 year
Ok, but
Imagine Gareth getting ABSOLUTELY FED UP with watching Eddie and Steve moon over each other, convinced that it’s hopeless and completely oblivious that their feelings are, in fact, 100% mutual.
So he hatches a plan to, let’s say, hurry things along.
It’s a Hellfire Night. All are in attendance in the Wheeler’s basement, including- of course- Steve Harrington himself.
The ex-jock had finally quit pretending he’d rather be elsewhere, allowing himself to watch the session unfold with obvious interest.
It was hard not to be interested in Eddie’s narratives.
They were playing a one shot as Eddie’s larger campaign was still in the works.
Their party had just stopped off to rest in a tavern and stock up on supplies, the perfect place for Gareth to put his plan into action.
“I’d like to look for some company for the night,” he stated, fixing Eddie with a smirk.
As expected, Eddie didn’t so much as blink as the rest of the party burst into giggles, leaning over the table with a smirk of his own.
“Very well. Roll perception for me.”
Gareth does, proudly calling out a 17.
Eddie nods.
“You glance toward the mostly empty bar where the barkeep is pouring a glass of fine wine for a fair elven maiden. Her hair seems to glow a pale golden hue, and-“
“Tell me about the barkeep. What does he look like?”
Eddie’s eyebrows quirk, the first sign that he’s maybe catching on to Gareth’s intentions.
Still, he continues on.
“He’s… a half elf with dark hair and eyes, and a pale scar bisecting his face.”
“Is he handsome?” Gareth presses, earning a further raised brow from Eddie.
“He’s a half elf,” the DM replies dryly.
Gareth grins.
“I approach the barkeep with a charming smile, leaning on the bar and tossing down a couple gold pieces from the pouch on my belt.
“A flagon of mead, if you please.”
Gareth attempts to school his expression into something flirtatious.
Eddie snorts but pulls himself together fast, falling into character with the ease and practice of a master.
“That’s a rather bold display of wealth, hero. You should be cautious lest someone try to take that from you,” he says in a smooth tone.
Steve straightens in his seat, his interest very clearly piqued.
It’s almost too easy.
“Is that a threat?” Gareth says in a low voice, his smirk widening.
Eddie presses a hand to his heart, feigning very mild offense tinged with amusement.
“Not at all. Simply advice. This is a dangerous town after all.”
“Pity,” Gareth shrugs, leaning his elbow against the table and meeting Eddie’s gaze dead on.
“I wouldn’t have minded a threat from one as fair as you.”
“Roll charisma,” Eddie orders, eyes twinkling with mirth as Gareth snatches up his d20 and shakes it in his fist.
He can see Steve from the corner of his eye, doing his utmost to look unaffected, but Gareth could tell he was some sort of flustered if the way he was shifting restlessly in his seat was anything to go by.
Gareth takes in a breath before he looks down at his die.
“Nat 20, baby,” he announces much to the wild amusement of the party.
Eddie raises his hands to cease the excited chatter, leaning in on both elbows to meet Gareth’s gaze with a positively sultry look of his own, large eyes half lidded, bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“Would you not?” he questions with a mockingly innocent tone, tilting his head so his dark curls fall down over one shoulder.
“Threats are not typically well looked upon unless you have a- heh- preference toward punishment.”
As Mike and Lucas snicker, Gareth watches Steve.
His cheeks are tinged a noticeable pink, his eyes glued to the carpet beneath his shoes as if it’s suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.
Can’t have that.
Gareth decides to up the ante.
“And what if I do? What advice have you for that, fair one?”
Eddie eyes him up and down in character, leaning in even closer until he’s inches from Gareth’s face.
“The barkeep looks you up and down consideringly. He seems to like what he sees as he slams down your flagon of mead and pushes it and your gold over toward you.
“I would advise you finish your drink and head up to your room for the night,” Eddie finishes with a sly and salacious smirk, taking hold of Gareth’s chin with his calloused fingers.
“I’ll find you when I want you.”
And there it was.
Steve Harrington’s breaking point.
Steve stands quietly from his spot in the couch, muttering a quick excuse before rushing up the steps and out of the basement.
No one else seems to notice but Gareth.
It’s not long after Steve’s hasty retreat that Eddie calls for a break, everyone dispersing to seek out snacks and bladder relief.
Gareth makes his way upstairs after relieving himself, intent on rewarding his hard work with a slice of Mrs. Wheeler’s chocolate cake when a sound from outside catches his attention.
He approaches the window overlooking the backyard, slowly pulling the curtain aside to see…
Steve Harrington pinned against the side of the house with an armful of Eddie, their mouths connected in the most aggressive kiss Gareth has ever seen.
It looks like they’re trying their damnedest to eat each other, Eddie’s hands tangled in Steve’s hair, Steve’s shoved up the back of Eddie’s shirt.
Gareth holds back a snort at the loud thump that sounds as Eddie shoves his thigh between Steve’s legs, the ex-jock’s head smacking against the side of the house as he lets out a low groan.
With a self-satisfied grin, Gareth pulls the curtains closed once more, slices himself a nice big piece of cake, and trots back down the stairs to the rest of the party, pre-preparing an explanation for what exactly was keeping their DM.
The End 🖤
~Rabbit 🐇
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roosterforme · 1 year
Hands to Yourself | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Normally Bradley would encourage you to touch him as much as you want, but not when you've invited everyone you know over for a cookout.
Warnings: Smut and fluff
Length: 2500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots! (But it can be read on its own) Check my masterlist in my profile for the reading order!
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You and Bradley had been engaged for just over a week when you invited everyone you knew over to the house for a cookout. The two of you had a lot to celebrate, including Bradley's big promotion to Lieutenant Commander and his return to work after his injury. 
Bradley walked into the kitchen to find all of the food you were preparing for later that day. "Baby Girl, these people do not need anything fancy. We can just dump some beers in a cooler and serve them hot dogs." 
"Sangria and marinated chicken isn't fancy, Roo." You rolled your eyes. You weren't about to invite people over for dinner and then toss a bag of chips at them. Even if it was just the usual crowd.
"Nat and I once ate sushi from a gas station, so really whatever you want to do is fine," he told you, and you couldn't help but laugh. "I'll be outside setting up."
He kissed your cheek as you continued to cut up fruit for the sangria, and you watched him walk into the dining room. He tapped out a few notes on the piano before heading outside. Then you watched him through the kitchen window while he played with Tramp and got the patio furniture cleaned up. God, he looked so good. You knew he was still struggling with his new scars and his body image since his injury, but just looking at him had you practically drooling. 
Your period had ended, and you wondered if there would be time for a quickie once you finished up with all of the food. You rushed to get everything else ready. At least it was mostly things that needed to be grilled. You laughed and pulled out your I Love Meat apron for Bradley to wear while he was grilling. 
You mixed all of the sangria pitchers and tried a sample of each one. "Delicious," you said out loud before pouring yourself a full glass and taking it outside. "Do you want a drink, Roo?" you asked, taking a long sip. "It's insanely hot out here!"
"Yeah, just some water, Sweetheart," he told you as he was cleaning the grill. You watched him in his gray tee and gym shorts, his biceps working hard as he scraped and scrubbed with the wire brush. You bit your lip as he swiped the back of his hand across his forehead. Even the sweaty spots on his shirt were doing something to you right now. 
"What time is everyone coming?" you asked, finishing the rest of your drink in an attempt to keep yourself from touching him while he bent to pick up the propane tank. 
"In about an hour," he said, grunting as he tightened the tank in place with his big hands. He really had no idea what he was doing right now, and you ran back inside to get him some water. 
You put out some snacks while Bradley took a shower. You had been so tempted to join him in there, but everyone would be arriving shortly. You were a few sangrias deep at this point, and when your fiancé walked out sporting damp hair, a snug white tee shirt and gray chino shorts, you moaned. 
"I know what that noise means," he said, eyeing you with a smirk.
You pressed your lips together. "Call everyone. Call them and cancel. Please?"
"Baby Girl," he whispered, and you felt like your head was swimming. The wine was mixing with your neediness, and you were reaching for him. As soon as you pulled him down for a kiss that lingered and got your fingers under the hem of his tee shirt, someone started knocking on the door. 
"Let's pretend we're not home," you whispered against his lips. He chuckled and gave your butt a squeeze. 
"I'll take care of you later, Sweetheart. After everyone leaves."
You pouted in the kitchen as he walked to the front door. You recognized Maverick's voice right away, and you had to act totally normal in front of him, pretending you weren't thinking about his godson naked and inside you.
Soon your kitchen was filled with all of the aviators along with Cam and Maria. Everyone started to filter out to the backyard with drinks in their hands, but you pulled Bradley to the side and kissed him again.
"You look so hot right now," you told him, running your hand along the front of his shirt before letting it trail down his scarred left arm. "Good Lord, Bradley."
"Is this because we haven't had sex in a few days?" he asked in that raspy voice that made your eyes flutter closed. "I'll lay you on our bed later and take care of you. Don't I always take care of you?" He kissed your forehead before he strode outside. 
You whined and squeezed your thighs together, and then you poured another huge glass of sangria and went out to socialize. You talked to Cam and Maria for a while about work. Your lab was collaborating with their lab on an upcoming project, and you couldn't wait to see more of them every day outside of lunchtime. But you watched Bradley slip your apron over his head as he laughed with Payback, his big hands making quick work of tying it in place. 
"Want me to grab you a beer, Angel?" Jake asked as he walked past you, and you must have told him yes, because soon you were drinking both your sangria and a beer. Bradley was preheating the grill now, and you had to press your lips together to keep from making a seriously needy noise as he squatted down on the ground to open the tank valves. 
You finished both drinks and went to wrap your arms around his waist as soon as he stood up.
"Having fun?" he asked with a smile. The playlist you made was perfect, everyone was eating your snacks, and you could overhear pleasant conversations everywhere. 
"I'd be having more fun if my hands were down your pants," you told him, and he choked on his sip of beer. 
"Sweetheart," he gasped as he coughed. "Later." He turned away from you as Bob called his name, and you sighed as you started talking to Jake about his girl problems. 
After a few minutes, you were still shaking your head at him and sneaking glances at Bradley through your tipsy haze. "Jacob, just be less of a fuckboy."
"I don't know how!" he replied, but you had to bite your lip, because now Bradley was standing with his hand on his hip while he grilled the chicken you had prepared along with some burgers and veggie burgers. "The two of you are absolutely disgusting. You know that, right?" Jake drawled once he saw where your focus had drifted. 
"Mmm," you hummed in agreement before making a beeline toward Bradley. "You need anything, Roo?" you asked sweetly, slipping one hand inside the apron and stroking his belly before letting your hand glide lower. You watched him glance around to see if anyone was looking and you giggled.
Bradley grunted as your hand rubbed him through his shorts. "You need to knock it off," he whispered in as stern a voice as he could manage. Because God, your hand felt good on him right now. "Go find someone to talk to. I told you I will take care of everything you need later tonight." 
You just whimpered. Your cheeks were flushed, and he knew you'd had a few drinks. He had honestly never seen you this poorly behaved before. Thank goodness he'd already locked you down with a ring, because this was delightful. He had to reach for your hand and remove it from inside the apron, because you were refusing to listen to him. 
"What has gotten into you?" he asked, nodding at Fanboy when he asked if Bradley wanted another beer.
You looked up at him and licked your lips. "Sangria and lust. And hopefully you, soon."
Bradley tried his best not to laugh, so he pressed his lips together and nodded until he was able to speak. "You know we can't do that right now. Go talk to Nat."
He watched you pout and head away from him, your sundress swirling around your thighs. Great, now he was a little hard. He watched you conversing with his best friend, and he flipped the chicken before anything burned. Fanboy and Payback joined him at the grill and helped him get all of the food off when it was ready.
"Congrats again, Rooster," Fanboy said as he drank one of your fancy sangrias. "You two look so happy together. When's the wedding?"
Bradley glanced at you across the patio, and you were already looking at him. "We haven't made any solid plans yet. I'm hoping for this year though."
You winked at him, and he shook his head in response. He couldn't believe you. When he carried the grilled food to the table, and everyone started to dig in, he turned to face you. "Are you ready to behave now?" he asked you softly since everyone was gathered around the vicinity. 
"No, I'm still feeling a certain way about how sexy you look today."
He heard Nat snicker and look at him over her shoulder. "The two of you are a serious problem," Nat told Bradley. "Plus, I am honestly shocked you found someone who can stand your personality and your looks."
Bradley sighed. He supposed he was lucky, but he still shook his head at you. "Eat something to soak up all of the alcohol you drank. I'm going to wash my hands." Bradley barely made it inside and to the laundry room sink before you slipped inside the room with him. 
You closed the door and leaned against it, chewing on your bottom lip and eyeing him up and down. Bradley slowly dried his hands, taking a moment to wipe his brow with the paper towel before throwing it away. 
"You're acting like a brat," he told you, but that just made you gasp. "You're being a bad girl."
"Oh my god," you moaned, and he knew he wasn't getting out of this room unless he took care of you. "I am so horny, Roo. I don't know what it is about you today! Or maybe it's because we're engaged, but I just... I can't...."
He smirked at you and nodded toward the washer and dryer. "Put your hands on top of the washing machine." He watched you do as you were told, and when he pressed the front of his body against your backside, you pushed back making him groan.
"Please," you whispered, and when Bradley's right hand reached up the front of your dress, you wiggled back against him.
"I can't believe you today," he growled next to your ear, his mustache brushing you softly. His fingers traced your slit through your underwear before he reached his entire hand down the front and circled your clit. "I told you to wait."
"I couldn't," you moaned. He worked his fingers through your wetness and he groaned. "Are you going to fuck me?"
"No," he said, sliding one finger inside you. 
"Why not?" you asked as he held you snug against him and used a second finger to fill you up. 
"Because that's what you want me to do."
You gasped as he started to pump his fingers into you, fucking you with his hand. His left forearm was wrapped around your breasts, and the veins bulging in the back of his hand had you feeling wild. 
"Please, fuck me with your cock," you gasped, but he was grinding your clit with the heel of his hand now. He knew exactly what you liked.
"No." he told you again, his voice firm and unwavering as his breath teased your ear. "You know I'm never quick, and we only have a minute. And frankly, I don't think I should be rewarding this behavior." 
"Ohhh," you moaned, and he hissed as your ass bumped him while he worked his fingers in and out. 
"You're such a filthy little thing, Baby Girl. Gonna have my hands full for the rest of my life."
You were so close now, you were squeezing your eyes closed as the wave of tension inside you grew. "You asked me to marry you."
Bradley grunted. "Of course I did. I love you. Even when you act like a needy little princess."
You bit your lip and let your head fall back against his shoulder as he rubbed his thumb across your clit, making you clench around him.
"You cum for me right now, and later tonight, I'll spread you out on our bed and do you the way you deserve." 
You were whining and gasping for air, your fingers bending against the top of the washing machine as you came. Your skin felt so hot from the combination of sangria and Bradley's attention. When he withdrew his fingers, he brought them up to your mouth, and you licked and sucked them clean. 
"You better behave now," he threatened, grinding himself against your backside before leaving you alone in the laundry room. 
Bradley watched you make your way back outside on shaky legs. Nobody seemed any wiser; the two of you had been inside for less than ten minutes together. You looked at him as he took a bite of his burger, and the soft smile on your lips had him smirking back at you. You absolutely owned his heart and his body, but he still couldn't believe your behavior while you had company over. 
As soon as everyone had finished eating and drinking and the sun had set, your friends started to leave. Bradley watched you saying goodbye to Coyote and Bob, the last two stragglers. 
"Everyone's gone," you told him, standing under the strands of fairy lights that you had hung up outside. 
Bradley just looked at you for a few seconds, your ring sparkling on your finger. "Go get in bed and wait for me," he said. Now his voice was deep and needy. He watched you smile and dash inside. 
Bradley shook his head and cleaned up some of the food and dishes, making several trips into the kitchen. He decided he'd make you sweat for a few minutes, make sure you were even more worked up for him. He washed his hands and started to unbutton his shorts as he walked into the bedroom. 
And there you were, curled up in bed with Tramp. Both of you were snoring softly, your cheeks still flushed from all the wine you'd had to drink. Bradley just watched you sleep for a moment before he sighed and walked around the bed. He gently extracted the worn out dog and set him down on his own bed. Then Bradley covered you up and kissed your forehead before he got himself ready to go to sleep next to you. 
Thanks for reading Roo and Baby Girl! I hope you liked this one where she was being a bit of a brat...
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hughesurdaddy43 · 5 months
bad sacrifices
Summary: you love your best friend who loves someone else
pairing: quinn hughes x fem reader
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You and Quinn stare out your window from your fourth floor walk up. Strangers in the streets, out and about enjoying the night life, wrapped up in winter coats and knit scarves.
"I bet they're cold." You laugh gently, sloshing around red wine in your coffee mug. The weather forecast told you there was an 80 percent chance of rain and heavy winds. You and Quinn made plans to go out, but he knew how much you hated driving in the rain, so he asked for a night in instead.
Quinn gets up from the window first, making his way over to the kitchen to pour himself a new mug of wine. "Typical Canadiens," He says, "I think this makes you some type of outcast, Nat." His back is facing you, but you know there's a smile plastered on his face. Is he really your best friend if he isn't giving you a hard time?
You follow Quinn to the kitchen, pulling yourself onto the counter to be near him again.
"Outcasts are cooler any way, Quintin. I know you know that."
You watch Quinn as he laughs. A stray piece of hair falls over his face and his free hand reaches up to push it away.
You loved this side of Quinn. The side where he isn't too busy worrying about his team. Where he can relax and be himself, because you won't ask him to be anything he's not. Just Quinn Hughes.
You watch Quinn carefully. Sometimes afraid to blink, afraid that the second your eyes close, the boy in front of you will vanish.
"Can I be honest with you?" You ask Quinn, regaining his attention. His eyes meet yours, and you're almost positive he's looking at you the same way you look at him. "Always," Quinn says, his voice barely above a whisper.
You let your eyes drop from his, afraid of what you're about to say next. And if it weren't for the alcohol coursing through your veins, you'd never have the courage to say this.
"I wish you loved me the way you love her."
His eyes are still on you, you don't need to look back at him to know.
There's silence, but the air isn't thick with tension. No sorrowful sighs or rushing out the front door.
"You wanna go for a walk?" He asks you, and you say yes because you can never imagine a life where Quinn isn't right there by your side.
Now you two are the strangers in the street. Wrapped up in coats and scarves. Quinn wears a cap on his head, in hopes that nobody will recognize him.
You're hanging onto his arm, which isn't unusual for the two of you.
The two of you haven't said a word since leaving your apartment, but you were comfortable.
There's a gelato shop ahead of you and you pull Quinn inside because you can't keep on pretending that you aren't freezing, and because you want a reason to talk. You want to hear his thoughts.
You both get the same flavour. Salted caramel.
"You want to try mine?" Quinn asks you, breaking the silence. You laugh and open your mouth so he can shovel a small spoon full on gelato in your mouth.
"Very good, Quinn." You tell him, and he laughs with you over nothing because it wasn't really that funny, but it's Quinn, and when you're with him you can't not laugh.
Across from you is Quinn, who isn't saying anything at all, but you can tell that his mind is scattered all over the place. For a moment, you think you broke him.
"I'm not a cheater, Nat." He tells you, and then he closes runs a hand over his face, almost regretting what he just said. You don't react because you don't really know what to say.
Quinn stands up, sticking his hand out for you to grab. "Lets head back, yeah?" You nod your head, reaching out for his hand.
There are less people outside now, the weather dropped significantly since you stepped into the gelato shop, but you're grateful because you are in love. And you feel like your love is taking up so much space in your body to the point where it's seeping out of you and there isn't enough space on the sidewalk for anyone else except for you and Quinn.
You reach your apartment in no time, hand still holding Quinns. Your face is turning red from the cold but you don't care because he is right there next to you, and you would sacrifice warmth and everything more for Quinn.
"I'm not a cheater, Nat" Quinn repeats, and it makes you feel like he's trying to convince himself. He lets go of your hand and folds his own together to brace the back of his head. "I'm not asking you to cheat, Quinn." You whisper, and you're not sure if thats true.
"I love her, Nat. I really do love her," He looks at you and once he sees that you aren't looking at him he drops his head. Eyes glued to his feet. "I wish, God. Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"
"It's not like I planned this out Quinn. You made me fall in love with you."
In a split second Quinn has a hand on your chin, pulling your face close to his. Your eyes are closed but you can feel how close are lips are to his. You want to kiss him, you want to be able to forget about the world around you, and just as you're about to lean in to close the space between you, you pull away.
"You have a girlfriend Quinn, that you love. We can't"
Quinn laughs and takes a step back. You aren't sure whats happening right now, actions speak louder than words and he told you everything you need to know.
You start to head up the stairs to your apartment. Quinn stays on the sidewalk, and you both know that it's for the best.
"Nat?" He calls out for you. You stop and turn around, but you don't walk back down the stairs, afraid that if you're too close to him you might not be able to control yourself. "If I ever get married to a girl that's not you, I'd pray to God that you'd stand up and object."
Your eyebrows furrow together, unsure of what that's supposed to mean.
"That's how I feel about you."
You smile at Quinn, setting your hand on the doorknob of your apartment complex. "Goodnight, Quinn."
You leave him in the cold, because he has a girlfriend, and you love him, and you'd sacrifice your own love if it meant Quinn was happy.
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i'll be home for christmas
bradley bradshaw x reader
prompt: bradley has been on a mission the past couple of weeks and as christmas approaches y/n becomes more lonely. she decorates their apartment as she awaits his return...
warnings: none, just cute ;)
an: hi guys!! this is my first post hope you love it! i will be taking requests for rooster or hangman and if you're intrested in f1 lando norris and charles leclerc! i def need ideas so please comment!
A cold breeze makes its way into the apartment as y/n attempts to hang the last string of lights on the tree. The sound of waves crashing on the shore almost drowned out the sound of Nat King Cole’s A Classic Christmas playlist. Y/n peaked out of the window, the sun was quickly setting. Bradley was set to arrive home any day now. Christmas was a holiday that they had not yet spent together over the past two years; Bradley was either on a mission or stuck having a late night on base.  She stepped down from the chair she was balancing on and poured herself a glass of wine. She had been slowly decorating more and more each night, hoping that she would be staying up late enough to greet Bradley when he came home. She never knew what his mood would be when he got home, but always tried to keep a smile. She had put on green, plaid pajama pants and a tighter black long sleeve. She heard the sound of giggles outside the balcony door. Y/n peeked out, seeing a family of three spending their Christmas Eve together. She grabbed a plate of cookies off of the counter, not wanting them to all go to waste as she could not eat them all. She slipped on a pair of uggs and walked downstairs. She waved politely. The family lived a couple apartments down. “Cookies?” 
The mom bent down. “Go get a cookie.” She tickled her daughter before the little girl shyly approached y/n. She grabbed a sugar cookie with red, green, and white sprinkles.
“Good choice!” y/n smiled before looking back up at the two adults. 
“Brad coming home soon?” The man asked.
“He said he would be home between December 20th and December 26th…” She sighed, “So hopefully in the next couple of days.”
“If you want to come over tomorrow we wouldn’t mind.” The woman smiled.
“It's alright.” y/n shook her head. “I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas!” She bid them goodnight and let herself back into the lonely apartment. She shut the balcony door before taking a step back to appreciate the Christmas scene she had set for herself. A moment of appreciation quickly turned into a moment of loneliness. The room was dark except for the accent of faded-white Christmas lights and candles. She wanted her boyfriend with her. His perfect golden skin, infectious laugh, and comforting smell. She sat down at the piano he had and their first memories together flooded her mind. She had moved in with him a week after she convinced him to buy the piano. He knew he was in love as soon as she pointed out the piano. It had faded wood and the paint on the black keys had just about dissipated.
“This one is perfect.” She ran her fingers along the keys.
His heart dropped as he studied the piano. “This looks like the one my dad would play when we went out for food at this one diner…”
“Then you need it!” She smiled at him. “It's gotta be a sign.” All he could do was stare at it. She placed a hand on his shoulder, kissing his cheek. “I’m gonna go see how much I can negotiate the price.”
He watched her as she debated with the store owner. She waved Bradley over with an angsty look. “He agreed to lower it by 20%, think that's fine?” She crossed her arms.
“Yes.” He was determined to have the piano. “I’m going to be broke after this.”
“Christmas is coming up.” She declared. “So I’m obligated to put some money in for this.”
“Yes.” She nodded. As she put their money together Bradley noticed her eyes latch onto a silver necklace with a red heart. He watched as she read the price, sighed, and then continued to count the money owed for the piano.
She was now slumped over it, attempting to find a tune. She set her wine glass on a side table and glared at the keys. They hadn’t been touched in weeks. The sound of laughter and singing hadn’t echoed off the walls in what felt like decades. She wished the piano could comfort her the way Bradley did. Tears filled her eyes, but had not yet fallen as she realized the Christmas songs playing on her speaker had stopped. She put on a new playlist before shuffling into she and Bradley’s bedroom searching for a sweater. She opened the closet door, grabbing a gray sweatshirt. She and Bradley’s separate sides of the closet had now just blended into one wardrobe. She pulled it over her head, prepared for another long night of finding a show to binge. Y/n grabbed a blanket and went to clean the Christmas plate she ate dinner on. Being alone made her envy the times she had to clean double the dishes. The sound of the sink running overpowered the sound of the front door unlatching. She set the plate down in the sink, sighing before blowing out a candle. Thump. A duffel bag landed on the floor and her attention was diverted. The tired eyes of a familiar pilot greeted her as she rushed herself into his arms. Her arms were wrapped around him tightly, one hand running through the hair on the back of his head. His arms caged around her waist as he kissed the side of her face, mustache tickling her. “Merry Christmas, baby.” He whispered in a tired, raspy voice. 
“Merry Christmas,” she breathed, pulling away to look at him with glassy eyes. “I’ve missed you.”
“I love what you’ve done with the place.” He let out a breathy laugh, obviously exhausted. “I couldn’t get you anything really nice, but I picked something up on the way home…” He placed his forehead against hers. 
She kissed him. “You didn’t need to get me anything.” He nodded, but retreated to his duffel bag, grabbing a green box from inside it. 
He placed it in her hands before bringing them down to hold her waist. “Nothing was really open this late, but-”
“Shhhhh….” She hushed him. She opened the box to find a sticker and a silver necklace.
“The sticker has the exact plane I fly on it, so that you can stick it on your phone case and look at it when you miss me. It was dumb, but it was at the 24/7 gas station.” She stayed silent, taking the necklace out. “Now that…” He cupped his hand around hers, taking the necklace into his own hand. “I’ve had for a while.” He hooked it around her neck. It was a simple necklace, but had a tiny red heart that fell right between her collarbone.
“Bradley…” Her voice caught. “Thank you.” She kissed him again. 
“God I’ve missed you.” He embraced her again.
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togrowoldinv · 11 months
Weekend Trip
WandaNat x Female Reader
You’re set to marry Wanda, but when you meet Natasha things begin to change. One weekend away makes the three of you face your feelings for each other
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, oral (W, N, R receiving), fingering, flirting, and smoking
Note: So, I watched match point today and got obsessed with Scarlett’s character. This Nat is loosely based on her. Enjoy this!
WandaNat Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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You take one last glance in the mirror and walk out of the room. Down the stairs, you can hear the bustle of the party.
Another one of your friend’s ritzy parties that you don’t want to attend, but you do so anyway. After all, the woman you are set to marry is waiting amongst the crowd.
Before you enter the party, you hear people chatting in the game room. It piques your curiosity, so you step into the room. Standing across from a man at the table tennis game is the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. The man moves out of the room, and you see all of her. She’s wearing a white dress and an updo that leaves her neck exposed.  
“You up for a game?” she asks, her voice velvety.
“Sure,” you reply.
She looks you over as she picks up the paddle again. Two hits back and forth and you blast the ball past her.
“I’m impressed,” she says.
“May I?” you ask, walking to her side of the table.
She nods and smirks at you. You take her paddle and place it in her hands. Your front brushes against her back as you help her hit the ball.
“You play a good game,” she says.
The blonde turns to you and your shoulders now brush. She is close enough that you can smell her perfume.
“And you have perfect lips,” the words fall out of your mouth easily.
She seemingly pulls a cigarette and lighter out of thin air. It shouldn’t be as alluring as it is as she takes a few drags of the cigarette.
You gaze into each other’s eyes but are interrupted by someone walking into the room.
“Natasha, there you are,” your friend, Carol says.
“Hey babe,” Natasha, you know her name as now, says.
Natasha pulls away from you a bit and Carol kisses her.
“This is my fiancée, Natasha. Nat this is my friend y/n,” Carol introduces the two of you.
“Nice to meet you,” you say.
“Likewise,” she returns.
Carol and Nat slip into their own world briefly and you feel out of place. You excuse yourself to the party where you find your girlfriend.
“Hey Wanda,” you approach the woman. She smiles and throws her arms around your neck in excitement.
“I missed you,” Wanda says.
“I missed you too.”
You kiss the woman and when you pull away, you’re met with the eyes of Natasha. You shake off her gaze and direct your attention back to Wanda. The rest of the party goes by without much of any issues.
It’s not until the next week when you see Natasha on the street that things get complicated. You walked with her and waited outside for her to finish her audition. She comes out after and asks if you want to get a drink.
A few drinks in, you both get lost in conversation with each other.
“So, you’ve got it made with Wanda,” Natasha comments.
“Do I?”
“Yeah, I’d say so. You know Carol also works with Wanda’s dad’s company. Quite the set up. If you play it right, you’ll be good for life,” Nat says.
“And how could I play it wrong?”
Natasha chuckles and takes another sip of her drink. She leans over the table a bit and her breasts spill out of her shirt. She doesn’t miss the way your eyes follow her movements.
“You could make a pass at me,” Natasha says.
“What makes you think I’d do that?”
“I’m aware of the affect I have on women and men. But I prefer the women.” Natasha practically giggles at her words. “I’ve had too much to drink.”
“Right,” you say. “Let’s get you a cab.”
You go home to Wanda. She is listening to music and cooking when you get there.
“Hey baby,” Wanda greets you. “Good day?”
“Interesting one. Glad to be home,” you say.
You drop a kiss on her cheek and pour wine for both of you. After dinner, Wanda settles on the couch and opens her arms for you. You fall into them and start a movie together.
Wanda turns down the volume at a boring part and turns to you.
“So, Carol invited us on a trip with her and Natasha,” Wanda says.
“Yeah. My papa offered us the house upstate. Do you want to go?”
You mull it over. A weekend trip with your girlfriend and the woman you’ve been feeling attracted to lately probably isn’t the best idea. But when Wanda wants to do something, you must say yes. That much you know.
“Yeah, let’s do it,” you agree.
“Perfect. We leave tomorrow,” Wanda says. Her voice is cheery, and you know she really wanted to go.
The next day comes quickly and you and Wanda drive upstate. When you arrive, Natasha is there on the porch. She is wearing a purple button up shirt and smoking a cigarette as per usual.
“Hello Natasha!” Wanda greets her. Nat shares the greeting and hugs her.
“Where’s Carol?” You ask.
Nat winces at the name. “She’s not coming. We- um- we broke up.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Wanda jumps in first.
“Yeah, I’m sorry Nat.”
“It’s okay. We probably should’ve canceled this weekend, but Carol insisted I still come,” Natasha says.
“We’re glad you did. I’ll take our stuff to the bedroom. Y/n, can you and Nat get dinner going?” Wanda asks.
You both agree and head inside. Nat cuts vegetables as you get started on the meat. Wanda joins and you all settle at the dinner table once the cooking is finished.
Dinner is entertaining as you jump from topic to topic. You learn a lot more about Natasha and even about Wanda. Under the table, you take any chance you get to touch Wanda. By the time it’s over, Wanda is practically desperate for you.
But you hold fast. You turn on a movie as you sit on the couch with Natasha on one side and Wanda on the other. The blonde tries not to notice the way your hand is under the blanket and Wanda is randomly letting out soft moans.
“Maybe we should go to our room,” Wanda suggests after she realizes she’s moaning particularly loudly.
“And leave Natasha out?” You ask the question loud enough for both women to hear it.
Wanda gasps but she leans over to see how Natasha reacts. She sees fire in her eyes.
“That would be rude of us. Natasha, would you like to join us in the bedroom?” Wanda asks.
You slip the blanket off her lap to reveal your hand brushing over Wanda. Standing up, you offer Wanda your hand and you walk towards the bedroom.
Natasha doesn’t say anything, for once rendered speechless. But she follows you and Wanda.
“You can just watch for a minute,” you say to her.
Not waiting for a response, you pull Wanda in for a deep kiss. Her tongue brushes against yours. You waste no time slipping her panties down her legs and pulling her dress over her head.
Natasha watches as you devour Wanda. You lay down and bury your face between Wanda’s legs. Nat scoots closer to you and when you lift your head from Wanda’s pussy, Natasha takes her chance to kiss you.
Those perfect lips of hers dance with yours as she tastes you and the woman that’s on your tongue. You run a hand through her blonde hair as you kiss her deeper.
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Wanda moans out.
“Yeah baby?” You ask. You keep your hand in Natasha’s hair and pull her down in between Wanda’s legs with you.
Your tongues mingle as they move through Wanda’s folds. Natasha takes Wanda’s clit between her fingers as you continue to use your mouth to please the woman.
“I’m gonna come,” Wanda mumbles.
“Come for us, Wanda,” Natasha says, her voice is deep with sensuality.
Wanda comes against your tongue and Natasha’s fingers. You lick her clean and Natasha kisses you quickly, wanting the taste of Wanda on her tongue again.
The blonde also leans up and kisses Wanda. Wanda groans and starts to open Natasha’s shirt. You reach up the back and unhook her bra as Wanda undoes the buttons.
“You’re so beautiful,” you say, kissing the exposed skin of her back and neck.
“I need you,” Natasha says. She turns her head for you to capture her lips in a kiss.
Wanda slips off Natasha’s pants and buries her face between her legs. Natasha gasps into the kiss and leans back further into you.
“Ride my face,” Natasha instructs.
You slip out from behind her and take off your pants and underwear. Straddling her, you place your pussy right over her lips. You face Wanda so you can see as your girlfriend expertly eats Natasha out.
Nat lets out soft moans of pleasure from Wanda’s ministrations and from the taste of you on her tongue. You pick up the pace and she hangs right with you.
“Just like that, Natasha. Fuck!” you moan out.
Natasha’s own hips begin to shake and the woman comes hard against Wanda’s tongue. The sight is enough to make you come as well. Natasha hums and the vibrations feel so good that you’re close to coming again. When Wanda kisses Nat’s hips up to her breasts, you come for a second time at the sight.
“She’s so good for us,” Wanda says. She kisses you and helps you off Natasha’s face.
You lay between the women and catch your breath. Wanda kisses your cheek softly and snuggles into your side. You turn to Natasha and reach out your other arm for her.
“Feeling better?” You ask her.
“Very much,” she replies.
Natasha leans in and kisses you softly. It feels so soft, so domestic.
You all fall asleep together peacefully. You don’t know what the future holds, but you’re focused on this weekend alone. Wanda and Natasha here with you is everything you need.
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sapphosclosefriend · 2 years
- Sweet Anniversary -
Pairing: Milf! Natasha Romanoff x Milf! Fem! Reader
Genre: smut
Summary: your only intent for your anniversary night is to endlessly tease your wife. Request: “For the blurb request, what about reader teasing Nat during dinner date!”
Word count: 2190
Warnings: bottom! Reader, top! Natasha Romanoff, kissing, SMUT, nipple stimulation (r receiving), oral on strap on (Nat receiving), strap on penetration (r receiving), riding, squirting (from r), a lot of teasing!
A/N: this story contains smut so anyone who isn’t 18+ DNI. So, it was obviously supposed to be a blurb but I got very much carried away sooo here you go! As always, likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated! Enjoy <3
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It’s your anniversary and you can finally treat your beautiful wife to the night of her life after her long day at work. You made sure to get everything ready, the kids are out to their friends’ houses, dinner is ready to be served, Natasha is sitting with a glass of her favourite wine in front of her and you’re wearing a dress revealing enough to show off your assets but still modest enough to cover the surprise, well, surprises, that are waiting for her underneath it.
You know she’s been intently watching you from the moment you opened the front door to greet her with a deep kiss, which left her too dumbfounded to move when you took the flowers from her hand, gave her one last kiss to thank her and left her at the door to go back to the kitchen. The slight sway of your hips as you walked down the corridor was what partially got her back to reality as she followed you further inside your house, where you are now.
You can hear her sighing a bit more loudly each time you bend down to check the pantries for stuff you don't need or lean over the table to pour more wine in her glass while giving her a sweet smile and, despite how fun it is for you to make your wife go crazy, it is starting to become equally frustrating for you to meet her darkened gaze and see the way she keeps wetting her lips as she ranks her eyes all over your body.
Eventually, you are able to finally serve the food and sit down in front of her, giving you the opportunity to cross your legs and try to relieve some of the ache that’s been killing you, something that of course doesn’t go unnoticed by her, who slightly parts her mouth at the staring contest you’re having in the meantime, which you stop when you sit still and smile, before telling her to try the food, as if nothing had happened.
Dinner is filled with lustful gazes, lingering touches and your subtle moans every time you taste a different dish, and you don’t let her relax even when she talks, as you keep moving your foot up and down her calf, occasionally teasingly going higher but never high enough, all while feigning innocence. By the time you’re ready to move to dessert, the panties of your expensive lingerie set are completely ruined and it’s probably the same for Nat, who looks more and more on edge by the minute. You know she’s finally had enough when, as you’re standing by the kitchen counter to get dessert, she stands behind you and kisses your shoulder while moving her hands up and down your waist, subtly rolling her hips into your ass and taking your breath away with her next words
“I should bend you over this counter right now for the stunt you’re pulling tonight”
The calmness in her raspy voice gets you concerned for how you’ll survive the night and makes it impossible for you to contain a small whimper. You try your best to get yourself together just for a little bit more and be able to fully savour the look on her face as she sees your last surprise, so you take her hands and move them up your body and under the fabric of your dress to make her feel your bare chest and hard nipples while moving your hips and pushing them backwards, lowly moaning at the feeling of her packing against your ass.
“Sit on the couch and I’ll bring you your dessert, Nat”
She struggles to hold back but lightly pinches your nipples as a warning, chuckles at your yelp and leaves to go to the living room, where she waits for you. The moment you see her sitting, with her gaze even darker than before, her legs spread and the bulge in her pants more visible than ever, you feel yourself getting even wetter, making it almost impossible for you to keep going with the teasing, so you try to get through with it as quick as possible.
You immediately go to straddle her lap and press yourself on her strap, moving your hips back and forth to get it to rub her just the right way, feeling successful when you hear her lowly moan. While you keep rolling your hips over her crotch, you lean down to leave hungrier and hungrier kisses and love bites on her neck, making sure to mark her just a bit, in order to leave her a memory of the night for a bit. With your movements getting more erratic, her hands go to your hips to grasp them so hard you know bruises will be clearly visible for days, so you move your lips from her neck to her jaw and finally to her sweet lips, kissing her with insatiable hunger and moaning at the immediate feeling of her tongue invading your mouth. You are both left breathless by the kiss and the disheveled look on her face is impossible not to die for. You suddenly find yourself admiring her beautiful face adorned with lines here and there and framed by graying strands of hair, testimony of the time that you’ve spent together, and even now, after all these years, she’s the most beautiful person in the world to you, the only one you could ever choose. You both stay silent but you know what’s going on in each other’s mind and for just a second you exchange some of the sweetest kisses to express your love for each other, but soon everything changes once again and your hunger gets the best of you. You can feel her moving her hands under you and gripping the hem of your dress so you stop her, smiling at the pout and frown on her face, and stand back up in front of her, teasingly running your hands over your body before grabbing your own tits over your dress, rolling your nipples and throwing your head back with a loud moan of her name. She loses control for a second and sits on the edge of the couch to be able to wrap her arms around your body, pushing you towards her and leaving kisses on your belly and hip bones over the fabric of your dress, showing how in need to feel you she is, just as much as you are, so you push her back where she was on the couch and finally pull your dress up and off of you, leaving you only in matching panties, garter belt and stockings. Being well aware of how much she likes your tits, you sadly left the bra in the drawer for another time, only looking forward to pleasing your wife for tonight, and she definitely does look pleased with the sight before her eyes, ready to jump at you any second now, but despite how happy that would make you, you keep going with the undressing, this time of her, but not before having a much needed taste. She suddenly finds you kneeling on the floor in front of her working on opening her belt and pants, before lowering them and her underwear just enough for the strap to get free from the confinement of her clothes. You look up at her for a moment and almost salivate at the sight of her looking so hot, sitting there, ready to be pleased and moving your hair away from your face before lightly running her thumb over your mouth, giving you a clue of what she wants you to do. So you waste no more time and take a good hold of her cock, pumping it a few times before kissing it from the base up to the tip, which you slowly start to suck, moaning loudly while keeping your eyes fixed on hers, but not for long, because soon enough you’re bobbing your head on her cock while her hands guide you to take it deeper and deeper, relishing in the sound of you gagging on her length. The carnality and need of it all do nothing but make you even more turned on and you can now feel your arousal spreading all over the inside of your thighs every time you rub them together to relieve the painful ache you’re feeling.
She suddenly lifts you off her cock, almost shivering at your slightly smudged mascara and reddened lips, to kiss you deeply and tell you to go back on her lap, which you gladly do. The moment you’re once again straddling her hips her hands immediately leave a loud smack on your ass cheeks that echoes through the whole house, making your initial yelp turn into a small giggle at the way she smiles while biting her lip as she kneads your skin. You can’t believe how beautiful she looks today and once again you find yourself admiring her before leaning down to kiss her luscious lips while her hands slowly shift to your thighs and then your waist, squeezing it tightly to move you over her strap. You gladly comply but soon feel her hand sneaking between your legs, making you rub yourself over her fingers. You'd gladly make yourself cum at least once over her hand but the desperation is truly starting to take a toll on both of you, so you go to lift yourself from her to take off her pants but are restrained to do so by her strong hands gripping you even more tightly.
"Stay fucking here, you’re not going anywhere until you cum on my cock”
The way she practically growls her words is a clear sign of the frustration that’s boiling inside of her and next thing you know she’s frantically moving your underwear to the side and rubbing the head of her cock over your slit, regularly bumping on your clit and panting at the clear sound of your extremely wet core. She’s patient enough to guide you down her length rather slowly, not wanting to cause you too much discomfort, and, to be honest, your constant mewling is music to her ears. She feels even bigger than usual and the pain of your walls being stretched is easily bearable when it means that you can finally have her inside of you. By the time your hips meet hers and your core is flush against hers you both are panting messes and the only sounds that can be heard in the house are your ragged breaths and your occasional moaning at the extreme fullness you’re feeling even just by sitting still on her cock. She lets you take your time and take the lead of the pace at first. The initially slow roll of your hips changes pretty soon and you take a hold of her shoulders as you start hopping with more and more might, intently looking into her eyes as she moves her hands to grasp your waist, helping you out. At this point you don’t even care about teasing her anymore and you both solely focus on getting each other off as quickly as possible.
In order to have more leverage and quicken your pace even more, you take a hold of the back of the couch on each side of Nat’s head, leaning even closer to her and giving her easy access to your tits, which she gladly tastes as she fully wraps her arms around your waist as if to never let you go. Your desperate moans blend in with each other’s and the pure ecstasy your feel gets painfully unbearable when she firmly plants her feet on the floor to move her hips and meet your thrusts halfway, tightening the knot in your belly even more and getting you right on the edge in a matter of seconds. Her closeness can be easily sensed as well, as her thrusts get sloppier and her groans louder, while her arms squeeze you more and more tightly.
When you feel like you’re right on the edge you desperately kiss her and lean your forehead on hers, before your strong climax washes over you and almost completely takes your breath away, barely giving you the chance to savour the moment she reaches her own peak.
You stay in each other’s embrace while you both try to get your breathing back to normal and you pull back to fully look at her only when you hear her breathlessly chuckle.
“You soaked my pants”
You immediately look down and you notice the wet patch on the fabric and the small drops of liquid still lingering on the skin of your own thighs, making you sigh and hide your face in the crook of her neck, but she immediately stops you to grab your face and look you dead in the eyes as she tells you how hot it all was before deeply kissing you and breaking it only to whisper right against your lips
“I hope you’re ready because now you’re in for a long night”
Tags: @natashasilverfox @fxckmiup
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
Platonic idea! Nat meets reader (female) undercover while on a mission. Maybe R’s a waitress trying to make ends meet for her kids, while Nat frequents the restaurant for her mission as that’s where she meets her target. They develop a friendship, but R doesn’t know nats true identity. One day, shit hits the fan w the mission and R is caught in the crosshairs. Suddenly her “friend” is in a fight with random people. But Nat makes sure to protect R. When it’s all done, Nat explains herself and her true identity. Bonus points if she helps R w her financial situation. Thanks!
You're Too Nice!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Single Mom! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: With struggling to make ends meet with your current job, you were surprised when a guest tips you every time she comes to eat, leading to an unexpected friendship.  
Comfort? | Slight Angst | Mentions of Blood | Gun Violence | Reader has 2 children | Held Hostage | 2K |
AC: Thank you for sending this!! I miss platonic Nat!! I hope you enjoy this x
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"What can I get you today, Nat?" you smiled softly at the red head as you came up to her table. The new guest now eats regularly at the restaurant you worked at. She told you she'd just moved to town and was a terrible cook and enjoyed the food here. Although, this place wasn't a place you thought somebody could afford to eat at almost every night for dinner, but it was clear that Natasha had money, with every tip she left you was bigger than the last. 
"I think I'll have the rib-eye steak tonight" Natasha looked up with a smile.
"Good choice, would you like a wine to go with it?" you asked, dotting down her order. 
"Sure, what not. Surprise me, I trust you have good taste" she replied.  
"I'll be right back" you gave the redhead a light nod before walking over to the bar and getting your co-worker to find the best wine that would go down with her order. "What's her deal? She eats here every night" the bartender asked. 
"She just moved here and enjoys the food" 
"Ha! I wonder how long it'll take until she gets bored of this place" your co-worker poured a glass of wine before handing it too you, "I don't know, she seems different" you took the glass and made your walk back to Natasha. 
"Here's your wine, your food shouldn't be too far away" you smiled once more, placing the glass on the table. "Thank you" Natasha smiled but her eyes stayed glued to the table of gentlemen a few tables away. A group of 17 men all in suits, laughing over poorly made jokes as they sipped on their beers, whisky. You tried to work out, slyly, which gentleman she was so intrigued by, but you noticed she wasn't just watching one, but all. 
"If those gentlemen are too loud, I'd be happy to move you to another table" 
Natasha looked up at you then back at the table of gentlemen, "no it's okay. I was just wondering what they were laughing at" she replied, brushing off your offer. "My mistake, I'll be back with your order shortly" 
That you did, you placed her order on the table and told her to enjoy and that if she needed anything just to holla. You waited on other guests while Natasha sat by herself, eating her dinner and sipping her wine. By the end of the night, Natasha along with the table of gentlemen and a few others, were the only ones left. 
Natasha waved you down and asked for the check as she got out her purse. You returned to her table not long after, placing the check on the table. "I hope you enjoyed your meal tonight" you smiled. 
"It was lovely, and the wine went down just as well, I knew I could trust you with" Natasha replied, placing $300 on the table. "Oh, please. this is too much!" You looked to her, she was tipping you $150 for your service. "Please, take it. You deserve it. I've seen how hard you work and how little you get. Also, it seems you need to get home to your child or children so you're not paying the babysitter too much, right?" she explained to your surprise.
You nodded, "How'd you know?" you asked. 
"You keep checking your watch and the butterfly sticker on your name badge gave it away. How old?" 
You totally forgot that your 4-year-old daughter had placed a blue colored butterfly sticker on your nametag before your shift started. Money is tight and you try your best to not work late as the babysitter charges by the hour, on some occasions when you knew work was going to be busy around the holidays, you'd ask her for a flat rate which she was kind enough to set a price but you always felt bad that you were taking from her rather than giving. 
"My daughter is 4 and my son is 6" you answered the redhead with an almost embarrassed look. 
"They sound lovely" Natasha smiled, handing the check back to you, "If you're working tomorrow night, I'll see you then" she added before standing up from her seat.
It's been a few weeks since you told Natasha about your children and since she was new to town you offered to show her around on your day off. Quickly, the two of you formed a friendship that honestly surprised you. Going from waiting on her whenever you had a shift to now sitting in a park drinking a hot coffee while your children played. 
"What made you move here?" you asked, dying to know. 
"I heard it was peaceful and I need peaceful in my life right now. Besides, the café near my apartment makes great muffins" she replied before taking a sip of her coffee. 
"I've got to ask, do you not know how to cook?" 
Natasha laughed, "I guess you can't count making peanut butter sandwiches cooking, can you?" 
You shook your head, "not, that's barely a meal!" You chuckled, "Look, I love cooking. I'd be happy to cook a little extra and drop it off to you. It'll save you from having to come to the restaurant every night, which now sounds really bad like I'm trying to drive you away from us" you offered before blabbering on. 
"I don't mind it; in fact, I enjoy it. The service is really good" Natasha replied with a chuckle. 
"Maybe you should get a job there, you've seen pretty much how it works and what we do, how we do it. If you're looking, I can talk to the manger" you offered before taking another sip of your coffee. 
"You're too nice, did you know that?" Natasha turned to you, "is that a bad thing?" you questioned. 
"It can be. Some people might take that for granted" 
"The world is already full of crappy people doing crappy things, there needs to be more people doing kind things" you explained, making Natasha chuckle at your choice of words. "Crappy things?" she questioned with a raised brow. 
"Sorry, I try to reframe from swearing. I don't want my kids to swearing just yet" you explained.
 Natasha nodded, "So if you think that there needs to be more people doing kind things, why do you try to refuse to take my tips every night?" 
She had you there. 
"W..I..well, I am very grateful for your tips but I feel bad for taking them. I give you the same service I give any other guest an- "
"and they don't see how wonderful your service. Lets make a deal, I'll let you drop off some food if you take my tips without trying to get me to stop, deal?" She interrupted you. Again, she had you. 
"Fine, deal" you playful shook your head. 
The night started off normal as usual, except Natasha hadn't come in. A table of 3 gentleman in suits waited patiently for a fourth member and none of them seemed happy to be there. But regardless of their rudeness towards you, you gave them your best service and did your best to make sure they would leave without complaints.
"That wasn't the deal!" one man shouted as you quietly came up to their table, placing their second round of drinks on the table. "I don't care if you don't think it was the deal, it's the deal now!" another snapped. 
"That's it!" the first man replied with anger before standing from his chair. 
"Sit down! Don't make a scene" the other muttered, "I'm sorry miss, somebody has had one too many drinks tonight" He looked at you with an apologetic smile. Before you knew it, your life flashed before your eyes as the angry man wrapped on arm around your neck, trapping you in a headlock while having a gun pointed to your left temple. 
You instantly dropped your notepad and pen in shock. Other guests took cover under the tables while staff called 9-1-1. 
"Let her go, idiot! You're over reacting" one of the gentlemen spoke. 
"We had a fucking deal! If you do this, my entire business will go under and I won't let you do that to me! Not again!" your attacked spat back, pressing his gun harder against your temple. 
"P-please, let me g-go" you sobbed, tears rolling down your cheeks. All you could think about were your children and how badly you just wanted to get home to them. "Shut up! And as for you bastards, if you do this, I will make sure the entire world know what you plan to do!" 
"Damn, looks like you guys beat me to the fun" a familiar voice caught your attention, Natasha. "Who the fuck are you?" Your attacker turned you both slightly to face her. "How about you let her go and I'll show you who I am?" Natasha replied with a light smirk, her own weapon pointed at the man holding you tightly in his hold. 
 The man pushed you to the floor and quickly fired his gun at Natasha, missing her as she took cover and taking him out with a clear shot between the eyes. The other man quickly jumped up from their seats with their own weapons pointed at the red head you considered a good friend. Meanwhile, you took cover under a table with other guests while the sounds of guns and bullets flew across the restaurant. 
Moments passed and you along with all the other guests were too shaken up to come out from under the tables as the restaurant grew with silence. Some guests began to emerge from the safety, "It's safe now everybody, you can come out" Natasha announced but still, you couldn't bring yourself to come out from under the table until Natasha came to you. 
"Are you okay?" she asked with worry in her eyes. 
"W-what, I m-mean who are you?" you asked, hesitant to take her hand. "How about we get you home and I'll explain everything" Natasha offered. You had no reason not to trust her, she did just save your life. So you took her hand and nodded softly, still in shock. 
"So you're an avenger? That explains why I've felt like I've seen you before" you looked up at Natasha she handed you a cup of tea, Nat chuckled, "I couldn't say anything. I was undercover and I'm so sorry you got in the middle of all that" she sat down beside you. 
"Hey, the way I see it, I now have a fun story to tell the kids later on when they're older" you chuckled, taking a sip of your drink. "I guess you'll be moving back to New York?" you asked, your eyes dropped to the mug in your hands. 
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we still can't be friends. I'll give you my number and we can catch up whenever. Besides, I think I'm going to really miss the food" Nat smiled softly. Making you playfully shake your head at the Avenger, "I should get going, I have to report back to my team but I'm going to write down my number and leave it on the fridge for you, okay?" she added. 
"Sure" you smiled, "thank you for the lift" you added. 
Natasha left, leaving her number stuck on your fridge for you to put in your phone later on. You placed your now empty mug in the sink for tomorrow's problem when you noticed a small bag on the countertop, you did recognize it and assumed that Natasha had left it behind, so you called her. 
"Hey Nat, it's Y/n. You left a bag in my kitchen" you spoke when she answered the phone. 
"Open it, it's yours" Natasha replied, "I'm going to hang up before you can say anything about it" she chuckled before she hung up. Slowly you unzipped the bag to be greeted with a sight of cash, more than enough to help you get on top of rent for months to come with a little left over to buy general things for your kids. On top of the cash was a note;
"Just a kind person doing a kind thing, don't think too much about it. Thank you for your lovely service, I'll see you again soon. 
 ~ Nat x"
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | 
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crazyunsexycool · 6 days
My Little Love
Girl's Weekend
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Word count:2.4k
Warning: drinking, guns, fighting, bombing, Just women kicking ass, idk what else....
A/N: I wanted to write something that was Nat, Wanda and Sugar just for fun. This is mostly to show their friendship and it's a pre-Bucky x Sugar one shot. This takes place before the main series!
Series Masterlist
It was a rare moment in the compound. Usually there were always a few team members hanging around somewhere, especially on a Thursday night. But as luck would have it you were the only person from the main team to be in. You’d been on your own small mission and came back to find everyone else was out on missions as well. A weekend to yourself sounded nice. You’d been hanging out in your apartment when the door opened to reveal Nat in pajamas. She promptly sat on the couch next to you, taking the wine glass you’d been holding and taking a sip. You grabbed another glass and poured yourself more. The two of you watched tv and talked. A few hours later Wanda shows up and takes her place in an armchair.
For the next few hours the three of you joked, gossiped, did some face masks and drank more wine than you should have. Friday informs you that the rest of the team will be out for the next few days. Nat’s eyes light up when she hears that. No boys for three days, it was wonderful.
“This is the first time that the three of us have been together without the boys around.” Wanda says.
“We hang out, just us, all the time.” 
“Yeah but the boys are always around and they end up crashing our plans.”
“Especially Bucky,” Nat teases and wiggles her eyebrows. “I wonder why?”
“We are just friends.” You reply, you can’t help but smile. It was no secret between the three of you that you liked Bucky. 
“Anyways, we should take advantage and have a full girls only weekend. We start tomorrow with a spa day.”
“Then we go shopping on Saturday.” Wanda adds. 
Nat and Wanda look at you, waiting to see what you would suggest. 
“We could get drinks at that bar Sam mentioned.” 
“Yes.” Wanda exclaims with a big smile. 
“We could do brunch on Sunday and then go get our nails done.” 
“That sounds like a great plan.” You grab the wine bottle. “But for tonight we finish this off and have a sleepover.” 
Ringing was pulling you from sleep. Then there was your name being called until you finally opened your eyes. It took a second to orient yourself. You were still in the living room. Wanda had her head on your lap and her legs over the arm rest while Nat rested her head on your shoulder. Her arm was wrapped around your midsection and she even cuddled closer. 
“Agent Y/L/N, there is an urgent call from director Fury.” 
“Put him through, thank you.” You tell Friday. 
“Finally.” You hear Fury’s annoyance. 
“Sorry Fury. What’s going on?” 
“Are Romanoff and Maximoff with you?” He asks.
“Yes sir.” You nudge both women until they start to stir. 
“There is a terrorist group we’ve been tracking for a while now. Intel suggests they are making a move at the U.N. Summit that's being held this weekend in Brazil and you need to leave within the next hour in order to stop them. I’ll send the rest of the information to you so that you can go over it on the jet.”
Both women were up and alert although the three of you were slightly hungover. They started getting up once Fury hung up. 
“Meet at the jet in 30.” Nat says. 
“But my head is killing me.” Wanda complains. 
“Don’t worry I’ll bring the hangover cure for us. Just go get ready.”
“So much for a girl’s weekend.”
“Maybe next time, ladies. See you on the jet.” Nat mutters and walks out followed by Wanda. 
You rush to your room to put a go bag together quickly. Then you go to one of your spare rooms where you keep your tactical suit, well stocked first aid kits and weapons. After grabbing what you needed you put on your suit and headed to the jet. 
You were second on the jet. Nat was already in the pilot’s seat, the lights of the screens lighting her face. It was still the middle of the night so hopefully you made it to your destination with enough time. Wanda shows up a few minutes after you do. 
“Ok, before we take off I have to give you each the hangover shot. We have to be clear headed on this mission.” You say while looking through your medical kit. 
“Please do.” Wanda sticks out her arm while her eyes are still closed. “I also brought coffee.” 
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“How did you even come up with this?” Nat asked as she rolled up her sleeve.
“I made a joke about it to Bruce but he took it seriously. We worked on it for weeks.” You give a little shrug. “It works great so you won’t hear me complaining.” 
Once you were done Nat went back to the pilot’s chair while you and Wanda strapped in for take off.  After the jet was airborne and headed in the right direction Nat joined you at one of the computer stations. You’re typing away before the information Fury had sent pops up over the conference table toward the center of the jet. You both join Wanda and go over everything. The plan has basically been laid out for you by the agent that’s been keeping tabs on the group. Nat makes some changes and adds back up plans of course. Wanda adds her input and you offer your point of view. The three of you work well together. You all have different sets of skills that complement each other and cover the gaps. Naturally Nat takes the lead which is fine by you since she has more experience than you and Wanda put together. By the time you get to Brazil you’re confident everything will work out fine.
Smoke and debris settled around you. There was a ringing in your ear from the bomb that had gone off. As you coughed you searched the area for the person that had dropped the bag with the bomb. 
“Y/N? Answer me.” Wanda sounded desperate as she called your name and then Nat over comms. 
“I’m here.” You coughed. “Suspect is on the move.” 
“Don’t go after him.” 
“I have to, he has another explosive in his possession.” You say between coughing.
“Wanda head north, I’ll meet Y/N.” 
You start to run, yelling at the civilians in your way to get out. There was debris all over the lobby of the building you were at but you were a few steps away from the door. Outside Nat’s motorcycle revved and you quickened your step. She was literally right in front of the doors. You didn’t waste any time and hopped on behind her. The motorcycle bounced as Nat drove down the stairs. She swerved through the traffic jam while you communicated with Wanda. 
The three of you met up again at a government office building. People were screaming and running out. Some of them had some type of purple dust on their clothes and skin. It was very obviously causing them pain. 
“There on the second floor.” Nat pointed up to a row of windows where your targets were walking by. 
“If I can get up there I can distract them while you get everyone out. Then we meet and finish this.” You said, looking over at both redheads. They nod in approval. “Ok Wanda, can you get me up there?”
Red magic pulses around her hands and in her eyes. “Of course I can.” 
You reach into one of the pockets of your suit and grab a small respirator to place over your face. It automatically activates and covers your nose and mouth. You extend your hand out and pull the door of a car that had crashed nearby. The metal bends at your will until you form it into small orbs. 
“Ready?” Wanda asks. 
You nod and watch as red magic swirls and lifts you. As you fly toward the window the metal orbs you made shoot forward and break the glass. You land on your feet and immediately start to fight against the group of people causing havoc. Plumes of purple smoke hang heavy in the air. It makes your eyes sting but you push forward.
The metal from the bangles you always wore and the metal from the car door bend to your will. One moment metal is draped over your chest as bullets are shot your way and the next moment little pellets are flying through the air to hit their target. 
The harder you fought the more it seemed like people kept coming at you. Still you kept forward, deep into the belly of the building until you got to the center. The atrium of the building had seen better days. Where once was a large sculpture at the center there was now rubble and dust. The stairs that connected the ground floor with the rest of the building had taken a hit, leaving gaps in the stairs. The decorative plants and benches were all destroyed. People were hiding behind whatever they could as the group of terrorists waved around guns and even took a few shots.
On the ground floor, Nat and Wanda were fighting back and trying to help anyone they could. You sent small metal orbs that hovered around you to shield a small group of bystanders from bullets. The action caused the attention to be moved to you. You duck behind the concrete railing as they start to shoot.
“Keep them distracted.” Nat said as she started to form a plan. “If you can get them all on the stairs we can take them out in one fell swoop.” 
“I can do that but I’ll need help, Wanda can you get on the stairs behind them?” 
“Just say when.” Wanda answers. 
You peep over the railing just enough to see below again. The huge sculpture that laid on its side was made up of glass, wood and metal rods. You could work with that but first you concentrate on the guns the group you’re fighting has. The muzzle of the guns closes so that they can’t be used.
“Their guns are useless now. It should give you an advantage.” You say through comms. “Wanda, I want you on those stairs in two minutes. Keep them in place. Nat, get everyone you can out.” 
They both confirm and you count down before popping up and running towards the top of the stairs. Some of them try to fire but their guns malfunction and just explode in their hands. Just as that happens Wanda takes her position, distracting the group while you begin to move the metal rods, bending and shaping them to your will until you manage to capture every single person that was part of the terrorist group. 
When everything was said and done, you, Nat and Wanda managed to save a lot more people that were hiding within the building. The group that had tried to sabotage the Summit was stopped just in time. With your part of the work done you headed back to the jet. 
“You know if we hurry we can still do some of the things we planned.” Wanda says as she buckled herself in. 
“And if we do our mission report now we can technically take Monday off.” 
“Well what are we waiting for ladies? Let’s get the rest of this girl’s weekend started.” You say as you grab your Avenger designated laptop and start typing away.
You were laughing at something Wanda said as you made your way to the large living room. As you sat down the men all walked in looking battered, bruised and tired. They dragged their feet and collapsed on the first seat they could. The last person to enter the room was Bucky. He scanned the room until he saw you and the tiredness he had disappeared. You involuntarily smiled when you made eye contact. Bucky made his way toward the empty seat next to you. 
“Hey.” You greet him when he plops down next to you. 
“Hey, how was your weekend?”
“Nothing special,” you look over at Wanda and Nat who had joined the group. “Just stopped a terrorist group down in Brazil. No biggie.” 
Bucky’s eyebrows shoot upwards in surprise, even Steve who had been talking with Clint and Sam about their own mission stops mid sentence and looks your way. Nat starts talking about the mission with you and Wanda jumping in and adding details.
“You should’ve seen Y/N, she took this huge sculpture and used the metal pieces to detain about ten guys. It was very impressive.” Nat says, ending the story. 
“Please, I couldn’t have done it without you or Wanda.”
The guys complimented the three of you on your team work. When you look at Bucky he has a soft smile and pride in his eyes directed your way. 
“What?” You ask him. 
“Nothing. You just always say you’re afraid to use your abilities but you did good. You saved people.” Bucky smiles again. “You should be proud.”
You dip your chin to hide how flustered you feel.
“Anyway, it was good to see you boys but we are just heading out.”
“Where are you going?” Sam sits up and starts to put on his best pouty face in hopes of getting invited. 
“Sorry Sammy but it’s a girls weekend.” Wanda informs them and grabs your hand to pull you up with her. “Don’t wait up.”
You start laughing when all of them begin to explain why inviting them would be better. As you head out you look over your shoulder at Bucky who looks like a lost puppy, already missing your presence. Wanda pulls you along though. Nat stays behind and watches you before turning to Bucky. She rolls her eyes and sighs when Bucky gets up and starts walking out of the room. Just as he’s about to walk past her, she speaks up.
“Fine you guys can come. We’ll still go ahead and get enough tables.” She announces and turns to Bucky. “I’ll even make sure you get the seat next to Y/N. But you should make a move soon Barnes. She isn’t going to wait forever.”
Bucky watches her walk away and smiles. All he wanted to do since leaving for this last mission was to come back and see you. Now he’d at least get to hang out with you. He didn’t care that your girl’s weekend was ruined.
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