#and also for thinking of these great skills)
derinwrites · 2 days
The Three Commandments
The thing about writing is this: you gotta start in medias res, to hook your readers with action immediately. But readers aren’t invested in people they know nothing about, so start with a framing scene that instead describes the characters and the stakes. But those scenes are boring, so cut straight to the action, after opening with a clever quip, but open in the style of the story, and try not to be too clever in the opener, it looks tacky. One shouldn’t use too many dialogue tags, it’s distracting; but you can use ‘said’ a lot, because ‘said’ is invisible, but don’t use ‘said’ too much because it’s boring and uninformative – make sure to vary your dialogue tags to be as descriptive as possible, except don’t do that because it’s distracting, and instead rely mostly on ‘said’ and only use others when you need them. But don’t use ‘said’ too often; you should avoid dialogue tags as much as you possibly can and indicate speakers through describing their reactions. But don’t do that, it’s distracting.
Having a viewpoint character describe themselves is amateurish, so avoid that. But also be sure to describe your viewpoint character so that the reader can picture them. And include a lot of introspection, so we can see their mindset, but don’t include too much introspection, because it’s boring and takes away from the action and really bogs down the story, but also remember to include plenty of introspection so your character doesn’t feel like a robot. And adverbs are great action descriptors; you should have a lot of them, but don’t use a lot of adverbs; they’re amateurish and bog down the story. And
The reason new writers are bombarded with so much outright contradictory writing advice is that these tips are conditional. It depends on your style, your genre, your audience, your level of skill, and what problems in your writing you’re trying to fix. Which is why, when I’m writing, I tend to focus on what I call my Three Commandments of Writing. These are the overall rules; before accepting any writing advice, I check whether it reinforces one of these rules or not. If not, I ditch it.
1: Thou Shalt Have Something To Say
What’s your book about?
I don’t mean, describe to me the plot. I mean, why should anybody read this? What’s its thesis? What’s its reason for existence, from the reader’s perspective? People write stories for all kinds of reasons, but things like ‘I just wanted to get it out of my head’ are meaningless from a reader perspective. The greatest piece of writing advice I ever received was you putting words on a page does not obligate anybody to read them. So why are the words there? What point are you trying to make?
The purpose of your story can vary wildly. Usually, you’ll be exploring some kind of thesis, especially if you write genre fiction. Curse Words, for example, is an exploration of self-perpetuating power structures and how aiming for short-term stability and safety can cause long-term problems, as well as the responsibilities of an agitator when seeking to do the necessary work of dismantling those power structures. Most of the things in Curse Words eventually fold back into exploring this question. Alternately, you might just have a really cool idea for a society or alien species or something and want to show it off (note: it can be VERY VERY HARD to carry a story on a ‘cool original concept’ by itself. You think your sky society where they fly above the clouds and have no rainfall and have to harvest water from the clouds below is a cool enough idea to carry a story: You’re almost certainly wrong. These cool concept stories work best when they are either very short, or working in conjunction with exploring a theme). You might be writing a mystery series where each story is a standalone mystery and the point is to present a puzzle and solve a fun mystery each book. Maybe you’re just here to make the reader laugh, and will throw in anything you can find that’ll act as framing for better jokes. In some genres, readers know exactly what they want and have gotten it a hundred times before and want that story again but with different character names – maybe you’re writing one of those. (These stories are popular in romance, pulp fantasy, some action genres, and rather a lot of types of fanfiction).
Whatever the main point of your story is, you should know it by the time you finish the first draft, because you simply cannot write the second draft if you don’t know what the point of the story is. (If you write web serials and are publishing the first draft, you’ll need to figure it out a lot faster.)
Once you know what the point of your story is, you can assess all writing decisions through this lens – does this help or hurt the point of my story?
2: Thou Shalt Respect Thy Reader’s Investment
Readers invest a lot in a story. Sometimes it’s money, if they bought your book, but even if your story is free, they invest time, attention, and emotional investment. The vast majority of your job is making that investment worth it. There are two factors to this – lowering the investment, and increasing the payoff. If you can lower your audience’s suspension of disbelief through consistent characterisation, realistic (for your genre – this may deviate from real realism) worldbuilding, and appropriately foreshadowing and forewarning any unexpected rules of your world. You can lower the amount of effort or attention your audience need to put into getting into your story by writing in a clear manner, using an entertaining tone, and relying on cultural touchpoints they understand already instead of pushing them in the deep end into a completely unfamiliar situation. The lower their initial investment, the easier it is to make the payoff worth it.
Two important notes here: one, not all audiences view investment in the same way. Your average reader views time as a major investment, but readers of long fiction (epic fantasies, web serials, et cetera) often view length as part of the payoff. Brandon Sanderson fans don’t grab his latest book and think “Uuuugh, why does it have to be so looong!” Similarly, some people like being thrown in the deep end and having to put a lot of work into figuring out what the fuck is going on with no onboarding. This is one of science fiction’s main tactics for forcibly immersing you in a future world. So the valuation of what counts as too much investment varies drastically between readers.
Two, it’s not always the best idea to minimise the necessary investment at all costs. Generally, engagement with art asks something of us, and that’s part of the appeal. Minimum-effort books do have their appeal and their place, in the same way that idle games or repetitive sitcoms have their appeal and their place, but the memorable stories, the ones that have staying power and provide real value, are the ones that ask something of the reader. If they’re not investing anything, they have no incentive to engage, and you’re just filling in time. This commandment does not exist to tell you to try to ask nothing of your audience – you should be asking something of your audience. It exists to tell you to respect that investment. Know what you’re asking of your audience, and make sure that the ask is less than the payoff.
The other way to respect the investment is of course to focus on a great payoff. Make those characters socially fascinating, make that sacrifice emotionally rending, make the answer to that mystery intellectually fulfilling. If you can make the investment worth it, they’ll enjoy your story. And if you consistently make their investment worth it, you build trust, and they’ll be willing to invest more next time, which means you can ask more of them and give them an even better payoff. Audience trust is a very precious currency and this is how you build it – be worth their time.
But how do you know what your audience does and doesn’t consider an onerous investment? And how do you know what kinds of payoff they’ll find rewarding? Easy – they self-sort. Part of your job is telling your audience what to expect from you as soon as you can, so that if it’s not for them, they’ll leave, and if it is, they’ll invest and appreciate the return. (“Oh but I want as many people reading my story as possible!” No, you don’t. If you want that, you can write paint-by-numbers common denominator mass appeal fic. What you want is the audience who will enjoy your story; everyone else is a waste of time, and is in fact, detrimental to your success, because if they don’t like your story then they’re likely to be bad marketing. You want these people to bounce off and leave before you disappoint them. Don’t try to trick them into staying around.) Your audience should know, very early on, what kind of an experience they’re in for, what the tone will be, the genre and character(s) they’re going to follow, that sort of thing. The first couple of chapters of Time to Orbit: Unknown, for example, are a micro-example of the sorts of mysteries that Aspen will be dealing with for most of the book, as well as a sample of their character voice, the way they approach problems, and enough of their background, world and behaviour for the reader to decide if this sort of story is for them. We also start the story with some mildly graphic medical stuff, enough physics for the reader to determine the ‘hardness’ of the scifi, and about the level of physical risk that Aspen will be putting themselves at for most of the book. This is all important information for a reader to have.
If you are mindful of the investment your readers are making, mindful of the value of the payoff, and honest with them about both from the start so that they can decide whether the story is for them, you can respect their investment and make sure they have a good time.
3: Thou Shalt Not Make Thy World Less Interesting
This one’s really about payoff, but it’s important enough to be its own commandment. It relates primarily to twists, reveals, worldbuilding, and killing off storylines or characters. One mistake that I see new writers make all the time is that they tank the engagement of their story by introducing a cool fun twist that seems so awesome in the moment and then… is a major letdown, because the implications make the world less interesting.
“It was all a dream” twists often fall into this trap. Contrary to popular opinion, I think these twists can be done extremely well. I’ve seen them done extremely well. The vast majority of the time, they’re very bad. They’re bad because they take an interesting world and make it boring. The same is true of poorly thought out, shocking character deaths – when you kill a character, you kill their potential, and if they’re a character worth killing in a high impact way then this is always a huge sacrifice on your part. Is it worth it? Will it make the story more interesting? Similarly, if your bad guy is going to get up and gloat ‘Aha, your quest was all planned by me, I was working in the shadows to get you to acquire the Mystery Object since I could not! You have fallen into my trap! Now give me the Mystery Object!’, is this a more interesting story than if the protagonist’s journey had actually been their own unmanipulated adventure? It makes your bad guy look clever and can be a cool twist, but does it mean that all those times your protagonist escaped the bad guy’s men by the skin of his teeth, he was being allowed to escape? Are they retroactively less interesting now?
Whether these twists work or not will depend on how you’ve constructed the rest of your story. Do they make your world more or less interesting?
If you have the audience’s trust, it’s permissible to make your world temporarily less interesting. You can kill off the cool guy with the awesome plan, or make it so that the Chosen One wasn’t actually the Chosen One, or even have the main character wake up and find out it was all a dream, and let the reader marinate in disappointment for a little while before you pick it up again and turn things around so that actually, that twist does lead to a more interesting story! But you have to pick it up again. Don’t leave them with the version that’s less interesting than the story you tanked for the twist. The general slop of interest must trend upward, and your sacrifices need to all lead into the more interesting world. Otherwise, your readers will be disappointed, and their experience will be tainted.
Whenever I’m looking at a new piece of writing advice, I view it through these three rules. Is this plot still delivering on the book’s purpose, or have I gone off the rails somewhere and just stared writing random stuff? Does making this character ‘more relateable’ help or hinder that goal? Does this argument with the protagonists’ mother tell the reader anything or lead to any useful payoff; is it respectful of their time? Will starting in medias res give the audience an accurate view of the story and help them decide whether to invest? Does this big twist that challenges all the assumptions we’ve made so far imply a world that is more or less interesting than the world previously implied?
Hopefully these can help you, too.
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midnitetech · 18 hours
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Simazon Unlimited eBooks
Hey everyone,
Something a little different today! I've created a mod to make the Slablet a bit more exciting! Subscribe to Simazon Unlimited and you'll find a big library of eBooks! I've created 60 eBooks, from Classics to current bestsellers, so there's something for every Sim. I created all the covers pretty much from scratch, and they're ALL in Simlish (even though you can't read most of them when it's just a small icon!) Great if you don't have room for a bookcase!
Bookworm and Speedreader Sims will gain more fun than others, and Loner Sims will gain the Social motive from reading. Your Sim will get a buff when they've finished reading their eBook. There are different subscriptions available, and a free trial too, with custom notifications. This mod also includes a full eLearning Library of Skill books. I may add some other categories if there's enough interest? Maybe childrens books, and separated genres. Let me know what you think! You can send me suggestions using the links here.
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⚠️ Please check the attached ReadMe if you have any questions
Required: 💾 XML Injector
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(early access until 15th May 2024)
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bratzforchris · 2 days
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Summary: Matt has a chronic illness that the nurses at his local clinic are all too familiar with. The new nurse in town hasn't had a chance to meet him yet, but what happens when she does?
Pairing: Matt x nursefem!reader
Warnings: Mentions of needles and blood, chronic illness, use of medical steroids, flirty nurse!reader (this is all fiction!), Matt is 20/reader is 23, Matt has a service dog!!
Word Count: Just over 2k
A/N: This is lowkey inspired by the experience I had a few days ago with a flirty nurse while I was in the ER (I'm still thinking about him--had me giggling n kicking my feet n shit like I was in a rom com [this is definitely a story time]). ANYWAY, Matt has PFAPA (my chronic illness!) here. It's usually a childhood thing, but some rare cases like myself don't grow out of it. You can read more about it here, if you'd like. Enjoy!!
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Matt Sturniolo is all too familiar with his local pediatric emergency room. In fact, he’s been there so many times that the nurses have started to treat him as less of a patient, and more of a friend. “Hey Matt!”, “How’s YouTube going, Matt?”, “I remember you!”,  “I saw you last time!”, and the list went on. Some might ask why he still went there at almost 21, but when you had a chronic illness, it was best to see the people who had been caring for you for years if you could. These nurses had been caring for him at least once a month, ever since he was 12, and were usually quite skilled in how to manage the brunette’s comfort. 
Matt had PFAPA, which left him with high fevers and extremely sore, almost strep like sore throats every month. It was a miserable thing to live, and it really impacted his happiness, especially on days like today when he was having one of the worst flare ups he’d had in a long time and both Nick and Chris were unable to come along with him to the doctor. Luckily for Matt, he had his service dog, Emily, with him, but he still longed for a human companion as well. While some people wondered why he ‘needed’ a service dog, Matt’s disability was invisible. Emily would let him know when his flare ups were starting as well as laying on him to soothe his body aches and chills and helping with his anxiety at doctor visits. 
The nurse tech took him into the back rather quickly, running their usual tests of strep, the flu, and COVID. About 98% of the time, they would all come back negative, but the hospital staff liked to do all they could to make Matt more comfortable. Sure enough, the nurse practitioner stepped in about 30 minutes later, a sad look on her face. 
“How are you feeling, Matt?”
Matt shrugged, grimacing as his throat ached when he swallowed. “‘M not great.” he murmured, petting his pup’s head softly as the anxiety welled in his chest. 
“Well, everything came back negative,” she told, a sad look on her face. “We can test you for mono, though. You have a lot of the symptoms for that. That one is a blood test. We’re also going to give you an IV since you’re dehydrated.”
That sentence alone made him want to cry. Despite the tattoos and piercings he had, Matt hated medical needles. They hurt and they freaked him out. Sensing his anxiety, Emily scooted closer to Matt, whining softly and butting his leg with her head. Matt pet the dog’s head softly, steadying himself to get his breath. “Okay…” he breathed, steadying himself. 
The nurse practitioner patted his leg gently, hurrying out of the room to attend to her other patients. Matt began to panic, his breathing rapidly increasing as tears welled in his eyes. He didn’t want any of this. He just wanted them to tell him what was wrong so he could get some meds, go home, and sleep. Patting the bed he was laying on gently, Emily hopped up, curling into Matt’s side. The pooch rested her head on her owner’s chest, subconsciously working to slow the brunette’s heart rate. 
A few minutes later, another nurse and a lab tech stepped into the small room he was in, holding a tray full of supplies. Matt squeezed his eyes shut tightly at the sight, already dreading the feeling of getting blood drawn. Both healthcare workers were very kind, of course, whispering soft nothings to him as they patted his leg and prepared to draw his blood. They promised him that the procedure would be quick and easy, but those words never mixed well with a chronic illness. 
“Your vein rolled because you’re dehydrated. We’re going to have to draw from your other arm.” the lab tech informed him.
“O…kay.” Matt whispered shakily, trying to get his breath and the feeling in his hand back. 
The brunette knew that it was okay to cry, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing. He was a grown man, laying here in a kid’s hospital room, trying not to cry while they tried to draw his blood again in his right arm. Unfortunately for Matt, the dehydration he was experiencing from his extremely sore throat caused his vein to roll again.
“Oh sweetheart,” the nurse said sympathetically, patting his leg. “We’re going to give you a minute, okay? Let’s get some water and Gatorade in you before we try again.”
Matt just nodded as he was passed a mini water bottle and a cherry Gatorade. He was hearing their words, but honestly, he didn’t care. All he knew was that he was going to be poked and prodded again, and he didn’t like it. Emily snuggled into his side, whining softly and brushing her sandpaper tongue against her owner’s arm, trying desperately to get Matt to feel better. 
“Alright, honey,” the sweet, older nurse stepped into Matt’s room again, holding a fresh tub of supplies to draw his blood. “Let’s try it in your left hand, okay?”
Because chronic illness never made things easy, the third time was still a failure, leaving Matt with an already bruising hand and tears pricking his eyes. Before he knew it, he was being shoved a packet of goldfish crackers, a popsicle, and more water, being informed that he had to eat before they could try again. The snacks felt like swallowing shrapnel, making the boy cringe every time he had to swallow. 
“Hello, oldest patient of the day!” You cheered, practically walking into Matt’s room on a cloud of glitter. 
Matt jumped in shock, petting his dog’s head to calm his racing heart. “...hi…” he mumbled. 
“They called me in for backup,” You explained, a smile on your face. You absolutely loved nursing, and every day at your job truly felt like a gift. You’d graduated from nursing school last year at the top of your class and had been working in the pediatric emergency room ever since. It wasn’t every day that you had a patient who was 20, but you didn’t mind. “We’re getting this blood draw this time so you can get the fuck out of here,” You slapped a hand over your mouth. “Shit, I’m sorry. I hope you don’t mind if I curse.”
For the first time all day, a small giggled made its way out of Matt’s mouth. “No, I’m okay.”
“I see you have a buddy,” You commented. “That’s nice.”
“She helps my…anxiety.” Matt seemingly chose his words carefully, but they still made you smile. It was clear that the boy had a bond with his pup. 
“I’m gonna look at your tonsils first so we can get you some medicine to help you swallow and then we’ll draw your blood, okay?” You asked, wanting to make sure your patient was comfortable with everything. 
At the mention of a blood draw, Matt’s blue eyes widened with anxiety, his body becoming visibly tense. You had become in tune with this, sliding on a pair of pink latex gloves and patting the soft material of the pajama pants on his knee. 
“Hey, look at me,” You murmured softly, waiting for his response. Once Matt had looked at you, you chugged on. “We’re just chilling, okay? I’m not going to do anything yet.”
Matt nodded, letting out an anxious breath he’d been holding. “Okay.” he whispered. 
You grabbed the flashlight to look in his throat off the wall. “Alright, I’m pretty sure you know the drill,” You chuckled. “Open and say ‘ahhh!’...oh yeah, you’ve got an icky throat. That looks like it hurts. Although…did you have a blue popsicle? You’ve got blue tonsils. It’s rather endearing.”
Matt flushed, his ears going red as he nodded. You smiled softly, throwing away the cap and hanging the flashlight back on the wall. You gave the boy the steroidal liquid the nurse practitioner had drawn up for him to ease the swelling in his throat, a blush creeping onto your face as Matt scrunched his eyes up at the disgusting taste, quite literally making grabby hands for his Gatorade. 
“Fuck, that’s gross.” he whined. 
“At least you got it over with!” You hummed cheerfully, in a small aim to make him feel better. “Unfortunately, it’s time for the bad part, but we can make it a little less shitty if you want? Maybe you could play me some music? Something you like, okay?” 
Matt fiddled with his phone for a moment before landing on Dominic Fike’s latest release. You smiled at the lyrics, releasing this was one of your favorite songs at the moment. You prepped the materials needed to finally get Matt’s blood drawn for the mono test, patting his knee gently in an effort to calm his trembling frame as he rubbed his pup’s head. 
“Hey, can I tell you something?” You whispered shyly, setting him up for the procedure. “You’ve got goldfish in your teeth–it’s really cute.” You giggled, your own cheeks becoming red. 
The brunette whined, breathing deeply as you began to draw his blood. “That’s embarrassing.” he grunted. 
A few deep breaths and small, sad noises later, you had finally gotten the sample needed. “We got it!” You told Matt excitedly, placing a Barney band aid across the site. “All done!”
You bustled around the room, making sure Matt was comfortable, throwing away your supplies, and making notes on your clipboard. You helped the boy drink water and got him (and Emily) a blanket, before taking his samples down to the lab to get checked out. By the time everything was said and done, an hour had passed and Matt was asleep against the small bed when you knocked on his door. 
“Hey sleepyhead,” You giggled, stepping into the room. “Nice nap?” Matt fisted his eyes, nodding as you went over his discharge instructions. You always hated releasing patients with no explanations or answers as to why they felt so bad, but in cases like Matt’s, that wasn’t always possible. Your best bet was to make him as comfortable as possible here. “Do you have any questions?”
The brunette shook his head, finally able to speak now that the steroids were beginning to work their magic on his throat. “No, but thank you. You’ve been the best nurse I’ve had all day…maybe even ever.”
You blushed at the compliment, helping the boy stand since you knew he was already exhausted, dehydrated, and lightheaded from having his blood drawn. “Do you need help getting to your car? I actually just got off.” You murmured shyly, glancing at the clock on the wall. 
Despite Matt’s steadiness on his feet and his grip on Emily’s leash, the blue-eyed boy nodded all the same, a quietly flustered look crossing his face. You smiled yourself, maneuvering Matt out to his car with a firm, yet gentle hand on his lower back. Thankfully, the waiting room had quieted down quite a bit now that it was nearing the evening, so no one questioned or pulled you away from walking Matt out. It was a slow trek with your patient being a bit unsteady on his feet, but you didn’t mind. Matt’s presence made you happy in an odd sort of way; you hated that he wasn’t well and that this would continue to happen for him, but you couldn’t stop your mind from thinking about seeing him again. 
“I um…I hope this isn’t weird, but I would really like to see you again. Maybe another time? When you’re not in pain?” You coughed and chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. 
He smiled as he slid into the driver’s seat, rubbing his aching head that was seemingly getting better just by being around you. “I’d like that,” he offered. “I’d like that a lot, actually.”
Matt didn’t end up leaving his trip to the hospital with many answers beside the usual ‘It’s your chronic illness’, but what he did end up leaving with was your phone number scribbled onto a pink sticky note that he had been given in the parking lot. 
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tags ♡: @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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Your future was Ferrari - Part 2/?
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Part 1 here
summary: She was finally making her dreams come true, but as the old saying goes "when it rains, it pours" and maybe the nudge Charles gave her might get her somewhere she would never find on her own.
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Ferrari!Reader!
warnings: alusion to mature content.
wordcount: +2K
a/n: Bit of a more internal debate chapter here, but it kind had to be done. Also, would you guys mind if I put explicit description of mature content on this fic? I skipped it on the first one but was thinking that it may be needed for the next ones
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The crisp January air of Maranello was a welcome change from the desert heat of Abu Dhabi. Three whirlwind months had passed since that unforgettable night, and now, amidst the intricate tapestry of Ferrari's world, everything was beginning to feel like home—the rhythmic pulse of machinery, fervent debates over car performance, and the rich aroma of freshly brewed espresso.
One tempestuous afternoon, while engrossed in finalizing a critical report, a summons arrived from Fred’s secretary. Your heart thudded against your ribs like a frantic drumbeat as you made your way to his office. Upon entering, you were greeted not only by Fred's imposing presence but also by Charles, whose eyes sparkled with an enigmatic glint.
"Ah, y/n! Glad you could join us," boomed Fred, gesturing to the empty chair opposite him. Charles flashed you a friendly grin.
As you settled into the plush leather chair, a tidal wave of nerves began to recede. The meeting commenced with a comprehensive review of your contributions and insights into Ferrari’s new car. Then, Fred dropped a bombshell that sent shockwaves through your core.
"We've been impressed with your work, y/n" he began, his voice serious. "I already knew of your great technical understanding and a quick-thinking, and Charles here, has been particularly vocal about his…" he paused, glancing at Charles with a smile, "enthusiasm for your skills."
A blush crept up your neck. Charles cleared his throat.
A blush surged across your cheeks, painting them a vivid shade of crimson. Charles, leaning in with a playful smirk, chimed in, "As you know, we’re an engineer short at trackside. The demands are intense—the relentless travel, the grueling 24-race season—but the experience is unparalleled. We believe you'd be the perfect addition to my side of the garage."
Your mind whirred at breakneck speed. The prospect of working trackside with Charles, under the revered banner of Ferrari, was intoxicating. You couldn’t deny the thrill of being closer to the action, the adrenaline rush of race weekends. Yet, a nagging voice of caution whispered reminders of the relentless schedule and unyielding scrutiny.
"It's a lot to consider," you admitted, looking between the two men.
Charles leaned back, a playful smile on his lips. "Think of it, y/n! You’ve always wanted that, even back at Alpha. Although, you would have to face the brunt of Fred's coffee breath during briefings" he joked, earning a chuckle from Fred.
"Alright," you announced, a grin splitting your face, "I'm in!"
The joy in Charles' eyes mirrored your own. He bumped your fist with a whoop. But as you left Fred's office, Charles stopped you in the hallway, his smile fading slightly.
"Hey," he began hesitantly, "about Abu Dhabi… I got a little carried away that night. What happened between you and Lewis? I never saw you after…"
The question sent a jolt through you. Your stomach lurched. How could you tell him the truth? Shame burned in your throat as you fumbled with your thoughts. "Oh, you know" you resorted to lies, forcing a casual smile "Fan stuff. Autographs and all that."
A flicker of disappointment crossed Charles' face. "Ah, right" he mumbled. "Well, see you in Bahrain then, it’ll be nice to have you in the pit wall!"
You plastered another smile on your face. Packing for Bahrain. Excitement bubbled beneath the guilt gnawing at your conscience. You were going trackside.
The shrill ring of your phone pierced the quiet of the dawn. It was an unusual wake-up call at 6:00 AM, especially on a Wednesday mid-winter break. Squinting at the screen, you saw your dad's name and answered with a groggy, "Hello?"
The familiar booming voice filled your ear. "Y/n! Did you hear the news? Lewis to Ferrari! Can you believe it?"
You forced a laugh. "Dad, there have been rumors about Lewis to Ferrari for years. Remember that time they photoshopped him in a red suit?"
"This feels different, though! There are articles everywhere, even F1 is buzzing about it." Your dad's excitement was palpable through the phone as a wave of nausea washed over you.
You mumbled an agreement, hanging up before he could pick up on the tremor in your voice. The news hung heavy in the air, a dark cloud amidst the usual pre-season jitters.
As you went about your day, the rumors intensified. Mentions on social media turned into breaking news alerts. By lunchtime, a tense hush had fallen over everyone at Maranello. An unexpected staff meeting announcement sent a jolt through everyone.
As you walked towards the assembly hall, a colleague whispered, "Did you hear? Brackley's having a meeting too."
Dread gnawed at your insides. You knew what this meant.
The hall was packed, a sea of expectant faces illuminated by the harsh fluorescent lights. Fred stood at the center; his face uncharacteristically serious. The silence in the room was deafening.
"Everyone," he began, his voice carrying an air of gravitas, "as you may be aware, there have been a lot of speculations circulating today. Speculations that have become… well, reality."
He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. You could hear the collective intake of breath from the crowd.
“Lewis Hamilton is joining Scuderia Ferrari for the 2025 season.” A triumphant glint briefly played in his eyes, but before anyone could respond the team principle continued “But, that’s not for another year. In 2024 we have Charles here and Carlos, who have given us amazing years”
The hall erupted in a cacophony of comments and stunned silence. You felt the floor tilt beneath your feet. Your heart hammered against your ribs, a frantic drum solo threatening to burst out of your chest. Lewis Hamilton at Ferrari. Your secret, your shame, was about to collide spectacularly with your professional life. You were frozen, a lone island of stillness amidst the storm.
The conversations faded into a distant hum. You gripped the edge of a chair, trying to anchor yourself amidst the emotional turmoil. You had hidden that night from everyone, from yourself even. And now you would have to possibly work alongside him.
The desert sun beat down on the Losail International Circuit in Qatar, baking the asphalt and testing the limits of both man and machine. For you, it was the third day of your first official trackside deployment with Ferrari, and a whirlwind of emotions churned within you. The initial media frenzy surrounding Lewis' arrival had subsided, replaced by the usual pre-season buzz: championship predictions, car evaluations, and the ever-present debate about the second-fastest team.
You'd managed to navigate the past two days with a semblance of normalcy. Charles appreciated your input during pit stops and strategy discussions, and Fred's reassuring pat on the back after a successful test session confirmed he hadn't made the wrong choice in calling you in. Yet, a constant undercurrent of tension ran beneath the surface. The ghost of Abu Dhabi loomed large every time you passed the Mercedes garage.
On the morning of the third day, an urge for a pre-dawn run propelled you out of bed and straight to the hotel gym. As you hopped onto a treadmill, lost in the rhythm of your steps, a familiar voice jolted you back to reality.
"Well. Look who it is." There he was, Lewis Hamilton, a smirk playing on his lips. He looked effortlessly cool in a sleek tracksuit, his dark braids damp from a workout. Your heart stuttered in your chest.
"Uh, hi." you stammered, desperately trying to appear nonchalant. You cranked up the treadmill's speed, hoping to appear absorbed in your workout.
Lewis chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes. Briefly, he lingered by the treadmill before heading out, leaving you feeling exposed and flustered.
The rest of the day unfolded in a blur of data analysis and strategy meetings. By the time everyone else had left, you found yourself volunteering to stay back and finalize some reports. The solitude, however, was short-lived. As you gathered your belongings, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness of the paddock.
"Still here, I see?" Lewis' voice sent shivers down your spine.
He motioned towards a secluded corner of the pitlane, and you hesitantly followed.
"Glad to see you're part of Ferrari. You failed to mention that" he began, his tone casual.
Feigning ignorance, you played along. "I don't think we've met." A single eyebrow of his arched up in a silent challenge.
"Babe," he drawled, his voice laced with amusement, "I've kissed every inch of your skin that night. We've been introduced alright."
Your cheeks burned crimson. His laughter did little to ease your mortification.
"You left pretty early the next morning," he continued, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Didn't even leave a message. Quite the enigma" He reached into his pocket; his phone poised. "How about we change that?"
Panic surged through you as his intentions became clear. Just as you were about to stammer a response, he intervened with a disarming smile
“Relax” he reassured, his tone softening. “What happened between us was a one-off thing, if you want it to be just that. But, since we’re gonna work together next year we could find ways, I get you’d want discretion though. I won’t deny it, I had fun that night”
Just as you looked at him deciding if you bought into his sudden innocence, a voice cut through the tension.
"Y/n? Are you still here?" It was Marco, a data analyst from your department, Lewis’ face etched with confusion. Seizing the opportunity, you called out, "Yeah! Just finishing up here! Coming!"
With a fleeting glance at Lewis, who seemed momentarily taken aback, you practically sprinted towards your colleague, your heart pounding a frantic escape rhythm.
You couldn't allow yourself to be alone with Lewis, not after that. Not when the truth could come spilling out like a dam bursting. Not when he was offering you something you didn’t even know could be within your reach, something you had never even thought of being a possibility.
With each step away from the empty paddock, you faced a choice: to embrace the unknown allure Lewis offered or to just forget that anything had ever happened. The impending collision of your professional and personal worlds loomed large, leaving you to wonder: would Lewis Hamilton be worth having your world come crashing down?
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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dtkqer · 2 days
okay fine you asked. what originally prompted me rambling was this because it makes me dizzy how we literlaly saw dream discover how he wanted to present and take care of himself as someone who had a radical change in the middle of the pandemic and then literally relearn to exist now with millions of people that know Him and of Him. because there's something about men that literally look good and Know they look good ..... while he looks so cute and sweet with his clean shaven beard and short hair he clearly likes to take care of himself and his new slightly more defined curls and well kept yet strong beard defines his face so well :( it also highlights his eyes and nose and maybe that’s why i’m so obsessed with drawing his blush because it’s just prominent?? and it makes him look so fucking good but also really cute. i remember someone said that his face was full of small contradictions that just made his face very intriguing to look at and i cannot agree more because while i just really find his nose and lips cute his jaw and eyes just make me want to faint AND THIS IS JUST HIS FACE AND HAIR. i cannot start talking about his hands or else i will go into cardiac shook they’re so big?? and skilled?? this is definitely because he sounds hot when he plays minecraft and is cocky (CONFIDENCE!!!) and also big hands are just a PLUS no matter who you are but his are also very delicate they look so fucking Soft and well taken care for. his body shape is so attractive too HE’S SO FUCKING TALL… and his shoulders are really really big and we KNOW this fucker is strong and has great resistance (does anyone think aboutthe fucking. walking for hours. I DO.) And we all know his dick is big. Thank god for dream. this is actually 300 wordsmy bad 
this is rlly incredible thank you. srsly though i think I remember that post you’re talking about with him having “contradictory” features FUCKKKKK who posted that does anyone remember… anyway he’s just so satisfying to look at like his blend of masc and fem features is just gorgeous it’s just really nice to see him come into his own and become more confident liek dohfgdbmdkfohmy god I’m gonna cry I’m so proud of him … my beautiful bagel forever :((((
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vnusoki · 8 hours
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⋆⑅˚₊ THE ALIEN STAGE . . .
⊹ ࣪ ˖ synopsis. sing or die. the alien stage determines your fate, but what if you lover was your opponent ?
⊹ ࣪ ˖ warnings. satoru gojo x reader. hint of suguru geto x reader. death. angst. hurt/no comfort. fluff. consists of flashbacks and recalling memories while singing. kissing. making out, and illusions to intercourse. based on the world of alien stage. death ( obviously 👩🏽‍🍳 ) not proofread
⊹ ࣪ ˖ notes. wc. 1.1k this is based off of alien stage. i remember seeing a vid back in 2022 and i forgot about it. seems fate that it’s my new obsession currently. sorry if I get stuff wrong <3 might make a suguru version.. idk..
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The light is blinding you, you think, as you bring a hand to block its ray’s shining from the stage lights above. The platform you stand on is slowly raising and you can finally see your stage for the first time in what seem like a few hours.
You are not glad. Anxiety is a knot in your stomach that with the seconds passing by, only tightens further. You have done this before, you tell yourself. There is no reason to be afraid but the bead of sweat tricking down your forehead is testament to the lie.
The fear of death clouds over every round you play, every song you sing, and every person you were set to face against.
Last round, you faced against Suguru Geto. His black hair and mesmerising eyes had captivated the audience the moment you emerged on stage. But you’d been better. Your singing skills soon took the crowd by storm and it was only a matter of time before you won.
You were thankful. Or that was what you would’ve liked to say as you gazed at the dead body of your friend. His eyes ever still mesmerising but the light had long left them. Or maybe it’s always been like that, you just never noticed.
This time, you face against Satoru. Your white haired, blue eyed friend. He had always garnered the attention of his crowds. It was like fate for him to always win with his attractive looks. Nonetheless the fact that his skills were great.
He sounded angelically, his voice hitting high notes and dipping for lows in just the right places. It was as if he had trained his whole life for this.
Your platform finally stills as you stand on your floating platform. The microphone stand infront of you is white, as is the floor you stand on but your dress?
It is wine red and hooks to your figure, the eyeliner anointed on your face is also red and the lipstick too.
You look to your side as the sea of spectators lights up. Satoru stands, back pin straight, blue eyes dark and looking forward. You wish he would look at you.
He wears a suit of white and you are puzzled. Whys would they make you wear a red dress but not hsv w you match with your partner. You laugh at the thought. It wouldn’t matter since you’d be dead in a few minutes.
The music starts in the background and you open your mouth, lips quivering for the first time ever. Nothing comes out and it seems your throat has closed up from horror.
You can hear Satoru’s voice all around you and this time when you look at him, he is turned towards you, blue eyes glistening in the light and he is as beautiful as ever.
You remember when you first met him. You were both young when you attended anakt garden but you would always remember the defiant look on his face as you all stood in a row presenting your voices.
He had been stubborn then, but it soon slowly withered away like a rotting apple from the harsh slaps and beatings he would get for it.
You’d thought, even with the bruise on his cheek, that he looked as pretty as ever. And even more so now as you can see the light purple bruise on his cheek again.
He looks at you, lips moving to a beat you neither recognise nor care for. He is mouthing words you do not understand, a language you have forgotten and you only see him.
Your feet are moving before you know it and you are once again reminded of your first real talk. Satoru was laying on a bed of grass, the newest injury of his, on display on his cheek for all to see. Light drops of blood litter the top of his white shirt.
You think he looks cute pouting.
You take a seat next to him. Eyes trained on the blue sky that you all know is too fake to be real.
‘‘…you mess around too much, y’know?’’
Your hand is lightly grazing his swollen cheek. You watch as a blush seeps into his skin and runs towards the tips of his ears.
‘‘yeah, yeah I do…’’
He wouldn’t ever tell you that he does it to make himself look more better in your eyes. To gain your attention and approval. Shoko has already teased him enough about his crush.
You now stand infront of Satoru and time stills for a few moments. The light is making his face shine, the beads of sweat glisten as they run down the length of his gorgeous face.
You still haven’t sung and sorry claws at him. He doesn’t want you too die, he can’t live with you dead.
‘‘why aren’t you singing? Sing!’’
He pleads with you but you can practically feel the timer slowly coming to a close, the last few seconds ticking down.
‘‘…you know I won’t.’'
Of course you won’t. You swore it to him only a day or so ago and he’d begged you not to as you lay together. You trace shapes on the length of his bare chest, watching as it rises and falls.
You try to distract yourself on what you have just done but the repetitive twitch in your legs and the liquid you can feel running down your inner thigh is evidence enough of what you have just done.
Satoru kisses you again, this time slow and passionately and he lingers too long for the taste of his sadness and fear not to be tasted by you on his tongue.
‘‘…promise me you’ll sing.’’
You don’t reply, instead running your hand through the back of his hair, you bring his face once again closer to yours, bare chests touching. His hands are roaming everywhere, from the expanse of your thighs to sweeter and more intimate areas.
Satoru opens his eyes but the memory has ended too soon. The music has stopped and your feverish look, the pure bliss and love in your eyes is gone.
You stand for a few moments, swaying on your feet and he hears your final words fall off your red lips.
‘‘…you know I can’t promise you that…’’
You fall to the ground, red dress pooling around you like blood. A thin trail escapes your mouth and falls down your chin.
He looks down to his attire and now Satoru knows why they put him in a white suit instead of a red one. He sees the blood splattered from you on his blazer and he thinks he’s going to vomit.
But vomiting won’t bring you back and he watches as guards he didn’t know were there, come and drag you away. He watches the red, bloody trial you leave behind and he wishes he wore red.
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© VNUSOKI 24 do not copy, repost or plagiarise my work !
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adz · 9 hours
A few thoughts on the student protests for Palestine in the USA (and elsewhere) - I am seeing some leftists worrying that coverage of these protests will draw attention away from the genocide. Attention on news & social media is not zero-sum, and there's an increasing dearth of up-to-date info on Palestine as the average person's attention has waned. Western media is naturally inclined to devote more coverage to domestic issues, and taking up as much of this as possible with news related to the genocide can only be a good thing. Local protests against colleges or other organizations doing business with weapons manufacturers etc. also aids the larger story of international support, for which I've seen nothing but joy from Palestinian citizens and journalists.
The USA student protest movement is also a fertile place for building solidarity regarding other issues like labor and for future movements. More action = more experience = stronger coalitions. Many of the groups coordinating support for these protests were formed to fight local police brutality, queer discrimination, or union busting. The current protests are gathering greater attention because of the skills and relationships these groups already have in place. If these protests had zero effect on the universities divesting from Israeli companies, they'd still be useful for radicalizing and strengthening groups on campus and for sending a message of support to the people of Palestine.
Anyway, the central question has always been "what should Americans be doing to support Palestinians & end the genocide?" And I think students leveraging their positions to sever relationships between their universities and the groups causing the genocide is a great step in addition to all the other work being done: protesting the USA government, divesting from Israeli + American weapons manufacturers (like Elbit & Lockheed Martin) and the American businesses working with them (Google & Amazon have a lucrative cloud computing contract with Israel, Microsoft works with their Ministry of Defense), donating eSims so Gazans have internet access, etc etc
Lastly, the making fun of the protestors for being privileged or how they react to being brutalized (e.g. yelling about being a professor)? You know this is not useful. C'mon guys. We share a common goal.
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sanzaibian · 1 day
Which writers do you recommend ? What stories did you like?
I follow quite a bit of creators, so it would be quite overwhelming to include all of them ! So I'll only include those I especially like and have things to say about.
I'll of course shoutout @joshslater, he's honestly a bit of an idol to me, since his stories are always so imaginative - and well-written ! In that category I also add @salmonskinrolltf of which I especially like the multi-parters, and how he explores a gimmick very thoroughly, @maletfsstories who always write great stories that hook me up even on kinks I don't have, and @rozza22365 who basically was the one to introduce me to the guilty pleasure of gay to straight by his thrilling prose !
I'll also shoutout the very prolific @papermoon357 (because, let's be honest, who wouldn't !), whose skill really shines in the stories he posts between captions, @fredwkong and @octuscle who both have a similar style of reader-driven posting that brings a ton of varied content, with each their own spin (thinking about it, it might very well be in the continuation of the style of feu collegenerdtojock, whose tumblr has been taken over by pastry for some reason), as well as @coyotes-rules-of-change who always nails down perfectly what I find hot in tf !
And for newer writers, I'll shoutout @occamstfs who does an extremely good job, @tidetfs who seems to have pretty similar interests as me, and @alphajocklover who kinda does have that old tumblr tf community vibe to his stories !
Finally, a few mentions that I don't know how to group, I shoutout @dreamingtf and his stories that very often make me feel good, @idesofrevolution who has a nack of writing immersive stories, and @nonotnolan who writes some really sweet love stories ^^ (and I'll add an honorable mention to Programming Prince, who was banned multiple times from Tumblr, and since quit writing stories, but was very impactful in my introduction to the community ^^)
As for stories, well, you make me dig deeper, the list has already been so long to write ! But here are some of my all-time favorites, of which I link through my likes/main blog (so that if the link perishes, it perishes with that account ^^') :
@fullfriendnerdpurse's trio of alpha car, forced imposter and how to make a douchebag (not the actual title), all are great concepts of which I love to throw myself inside, and I think could all make a thrilling longer story, @rozza22365's Brotherly Changes, that one story that convinced me to follow him, @alphajocklover's Unmoved, which resonates with my personnal experiences a lot, feu tyranitartf's I'm a dumb jock, very hypnotic and thrilling, @anomanlyarchives' text message swap (not the actual title), of which I love the love story, I-don't-remember-whom's Chess Rival, republished by @marcoh1234, a good all classic that just doesn't get old, @erogenousmind's Turing, one of those stories that just scratches my existential horror erotica itch, @0ng0ingw0rk's To Love and to Cherish..., a great love story, @joshslater's Wet Dreams, the story I blame for my diaper fetish, Happy Endings' The Mind Palace (gayspiralstories), honestly my favorite story of all times, I love the concept, love the execution, the sweetness and the corruption. I do an RP on it (or at least did until I took a break), and I think that's the one concept I won't be bored of ^^'
There's a buch of other stories I love and would love to show off better, but that list is already long enough, so I focused on the most impactful stories ^^'
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dustgeonmeshi · 2 days
so i'm a ceramics student and this week is wet clay deadline so my brain has been nothing but pottery all week. which got me thinking about which dunmeshi characters would be into pottery. here, walk with me now.
ok so my number one candidate is marcille. given her lifespan i like to think she'd try plenty of new hobbies and i think she'd enjoy pottery when she got to make pretty things like vases. falin would definitely do it with marcille but her creations wouldn't be as graceful (she's a pinch pot kinda girl. it keeps the clay out of the feathers). i think marcille would try to get all of her friends to try it at some point because "it's a way for us to make memories while you're all still around..." would they like it? maybe. laios doesn't seem like the most delicate of people, so he'd probably be with falin in making more wonky (but fun) pinch pot cups and whatnot. chilchuck must have a delicate touch given his stature and his trap disarming skills, so i think he'd be surprisingly good at pottery. he'd be inclined to make functional vessels; pots, plates, bowls. marcille would tell him to spice it up and make something nice but he'd shrug her off. senshi's a big, strong guy, but he's not unable to be delicate. i think his strength could be a great asset in making larger vessels. i don't think he'd become passionate about pottery but he'd enjoy doing it for a little bit. izutsumi has claws which automatically makes it near impossible for her to throw on a potters wheel without it being a nightmare, so she's also chilling with laios and falin in pinch pot land. she'd hate it though. there's too much waiting involved with the entire process and she'd get impatient. plus, i think she'd lose interest after realizing the clay won't just magically do what she wants it to. i think she'd enjoy watching the potters wheel spin though, so she'd probably just watch marcille and chilchuck work. i had to google when potters wheels were invented to make sure this would be feasible in dunmeshi lore. did you know they can be traced back to the ancient Sumerians? very cool. what was i saying? anyways wet clay deadline is tomorrow night and im finally going to be free from the potters wheel
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 days
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My Alternate Universes
(AF) Primal Moon:
Twice a year; once in spring and once in autumn, a verdant moon rises to bring the bestial instincts of non-humans to light. Celestials and demons alike struggle to keep hold of themselves, something ancient welling up within them and shifting their thoughts and feelings to a more animalistic state.
The spring moon ends on the summer solstice, the autumn moon ends on the winter solstice.
Each week drives non-humans to feral or uninhibited states, leaving them struggling to control themselves. Violence and kidnappings spike during this time, humans as the usual victims. As a result of this, many people hold rather bigoted and fearful views towards demons and Celestials. Some even wish to oust them from society entirely.
(LMK) Monkie Glaive:
Long ago, monsters of terrifying might roamed the land freely. These beasts tore villages asunder and swallowed up the people inside, leaving naught but cinders of destruction in their wake. When a great Black Dragon came to wreak havoc upon humanity with wings spread wide, only one dared to stand against it- the legendary hunter, Sun Wukong! With his lightning-charged glaive held high, the Monkey King summoned a storm and forced the dragon down from the skies, where he overcame it in single combat! Today, in his honor, we hunters train monkeys as our partners to aid us on the field. With them, we overcome our opponents and forge a brighter future for all of humanity!
(Essentially, a Monster Hunter crossover.)
(LMK) Let’s Start Over:
It’s been years since MK’s story ended, and now yours is just beginning. Upgrading his nickname to ‘Monkie Knight’, he’s working hard to shape you into a worthy successor. As the new ‘Monkie Kid’, you are:
1. An everyday mortal, you were gifted a tiny fraction of MK’s power, allowing you to wield the staff and use his skills. Putting yourself in danger leads to the prompt removal of this privilege, and then you’re relegated to chores and stretches until MK thinks you’ve learned your lesson.
2. A Mystic Monkey in disguise, unaware of your true nature. If he finds out, he’s intent on breaking the news early, trying to keep you from having a breakdown like him. He considers you to be a kindred soul, and frequently offers to help with grooming and personal strife.
Given that MK still hasn’t overcome his trauma, he’s grown extremely protective of his successor, trying to force you down a safe and happy path. He dotes on you constantly, acting almost like a surrogate father. Instead of allowing you to explore and fight on your own, he tags along everywhere to keep you safe. He refuses to truly relinquish his responsibilities to you, instead vicariously living through the safety and security he forces onto you.
Until you get the chance to slip away and meet a resurrected villain that MK had hoped to never see again, allowing you to take the first step on your own journey.
(LMK) Taken Aboard:
Upon his visit to the sprawling Emerald Grove; a massive expanse of forest and rivers, Tang Sanzang finds a mischievous demon child living all alone- you. Taking pity on you, the Great Monk prays to Guanyin for her help, and receives two more tightening bands. Upon being ‘gifted’ these golden cuffs, you ask for the monk’s help to put them on- and are promptly dragged into a long and dangerous journey against your will.
Your fellow pilgrims come to view you as a mischievous little sibling, in need of both discipline and love. They won’t stop Sanzang from activating the bands, but are happy to help with the wounds and tears that come afterwards. They also engage in your tutoring, helping to teach you to read and write and perform basic arithmetic.
All the while, you try your hardest to escape and return home.
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rocksibblingsau · 1 day
how would the bros attempt to bond with Branch if he was country, funk, or techno?
Country Branch:
Country Trolls have a good work ethic, so I think they'd offer to help Branch with his chores. It goes... about as well as I'm sure you all expect. John Dory, despite his survival skills, is... well it takes a special kind of Troll to park at the villains concert in the space reserved for BroZone. He absolutely approaches something he's told to leave alone.
Bruce, as a Vacay Islander, isn't as used to the work ethic of Country Trolls. Personally of the belief that they probably have very short work hours on the island with lots of time for relaxing (lots of breaks too, to catch waves), so Bruce is pretty overwhelmed by the sun up to sun down work.
Clay is more of an administrator than the hands on approach. I think he lasts maybe two hours before he's desperately looking for something more paperwork-oriented to do. Unfortunately for him, there's not much of that with country trolls. They stick him on shucking and shelling corn, a job normally done by the little ones. (Side note: I used to visit a historical farmhouse and they had a big bin of corn you could shell and I did it for fun until I was made to leave. As an adult. Maybe it's the autism but I would willingly do that for fun.) Floyd's not fully healed/up to 100%, so he gets to sit in the shade and help Clay.
They do better at the hoedowns.
Funk Branch:
Funk Branch's main interest is Funk Science, of which none of the brother's should be trusted to assist with. I imagine they primarily try hanging out with Branch in Vibe City, though Branch might take them on trips into space or through the other dimensions.
"What's this dimension gonna be? A world where we're all replaced with mount rageons and bergens are drained of their happiness by trolls?"
"Nah, nothing that crazy. This is just a dimension where you for are all decent brothers who didn't leave." *chuckles* "I'm just messin with you, it's just a dimension full of spiders. Have fun."
(He lied a second time, it was a dimension made from ice cream)
Techno Branch:
They try to go full rave.
They do not succeed.
They also attempt to both give and receive rave names. Attempt.
Eventually they try something more mellow and make kandi bracelets with Branch. Personally I think there's a whole craft and guide to kandi and the colors, patterns and styles have a lot of meaning, as well as every person having a unique flair. In Techno Reef, the average Techno Troll can tell exactly who made a bracelet by looking at it.
Bruce and Floyd are rather good at it. Clay's are a little boring but he tried. John Dory... is great at tying knots. He sure can tie a knot. His kandi? Uhh... it's really cool how he put the letter beads upside down in places.
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pianokantzart · 14 hours
As cute as it is that Maddie described Knuckles as her kid, weird how not a single member of the construction crew question how her kid was apparently a giant fire-truck red echidna
So let me get this straight, Knuckles has punched his way through 4 different construction crews? At this point this seems like something that should be solved with a little sit-down talk. Maddie didn't even explain to Knux what he did wrong, of course he's confused.
I have absolutely no idea how Maddie made it to the kitchen without seeing all the changes Knuckles made to the house.
Honestly if Knuckles hadn't created the livingroom fighting pit they might have been okay with keeping the warrior chair. It's clearly a part of echidna tradition, doesn't hurt anyone, and it might actually be fun to have Sonic and Knuckles have little (supervised + far from the house) fights over who gets rights to the chair.
The way Knuckles goes in for the hug with the ghost/hallucination pulls on my heartstrings. He hasn't been that affection with anyone. He needed that hug :(
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"Wade Whipple? He is no great warrior" "Neither were you when we first met" ... To be fair, I believe Knuckles was younger than six at the time.
The fact that the "an echidna warrior has no home" line has come up twice makes me think he's going to be eating those words by the time he returns to the Wachowski household.
I like that Knuckles shows so much enthusiasm about Wade's bowling once he sees how skilled he is at it. Once someone actually takes the time to explain things without condescension and share their passion for it, he is incredibly open and friendly.
Oooh and now Wade is talking about how he loves bowling so much because his dad taught him oooooh no
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GOD the way Knuckles immediately protects Wade when things get bad and does the "get down Mr. President" tackle. I love him so much.
The mixtape cd animation end credits are adorable.
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Final thoughts?: It's fine. Obviously, Knuckles carries the show. The downside is the human characters. Maddie and Wade are okay, but everyone else is doing this over-the-top live-action cartoon level of acting that's a little grating. Too much ham. But overall, it's nice to know more about Knux and his background. I like also the addition that Knuckles has some pretty impressive rudimentary scrounging/building skills. I like to imagine him helping Tails construct something one day, with Tails handling the intricate electronics while Knuckles handles the base form/bulk mechanics.
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anonymousewrites · 3 days
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Three
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Three: Sports Festival
Summary: Saiki and (Y/N) participate in the Sports Festival, and Saiki has his receiver taken.
            (Y/N) stretched as they waited for the events to begin. It was PK Academy’s Sports Festival, and Class 3 was ready and eager to compete (except for Saiki). Everyone was way too into the event for his taste, but it wasn’t like he could change that.
            “Never give up, Class 3! Yeah!” shouted Hairo encouragingly.
            “Yeah!” repeated his classmates.
            “Quite saying ‘yeah,’ it’s annoying.”
            “Sports Day, huh? Humph, how stupid,” remarked Kaidou dramatically, “My strength is for use in combat. I shouldn’t waste it on silly games.”
            “You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re terrible at sports,” said Nendou.
            (Y/N) laughed.
            “Hey, Saiki!” called Hairo. “I expect great things from you!”
            Don’t expect anything from me!
            “Saiki!” (Y/N) ran up to him and gave him a large, closed-eye smile. “You’ve got this if you try!”
            “Thanks,” said Saiki (not as begrudgingly as he’d like to think). They seemed earnest, and he respected that (and them in general).
            “Nendou!” Hairo turned his exuberant attention to the tall boy. “You’ve got great athletic skills!”
            “Sure!” Nendou gave Hairo a thumbs-up. “You’re not gonna beat me this time.”
            “Nendou, he’s on our team, too,” reminded (Y/N), poking him.
            “(L/N)!” Hairo looked at them. “Keep bringing your energy!”
            (Y/N) gave him a peace sign and smile. “Sure thing!” They always had energy.
            “Also, Kaidou…!” Hairo attended to the blue-haired boy. “Uhm, well, do what you can.”
            Even Hairo’s optimism has limits.
            “What do you mean by that?!” cried Kaidou.
            (Y/N) patted his back comfortingly. “Give your best. I believe in you.”
            That’s probably less earnest than their other statements.
            “Don’t worry,” said Hairo, “All that matters is that our class wins!”
            “I’d rather just have fun,” commented (Y/N) to Saiki.
            Just like they said that day after the rain, they enjoy the little things. They called it “romance.” Saiki frowned as his heart beat a fraction faster as he thought of the word “romance.” That had never happened before. He wasn’t a fan.
            “The competition this year looks tough,” said Hairo. “First, Class 1. An intellectual group that has many students get top grades on tests! And Class 2. An athletic group that has the most students who belong to athletic clubs!”
            “Why does their class representative not have his shirt on?” mumbled (Y/N). They really didn’t need to see a random guy’s bare chest.
            At least someone here notices how weird this is.
            “Furthermore, Class 4,” continued Hairo, “An intellectual group led by Tanihara, who scored first-place in the midterms! The last one is Class 5. An intellectual group where an astonishing eighty percent of them wear glasses!”
            “You just like saying ‘intellectual,’ don’t you?” remarked Saiki. “And why did you have to give such long exposition?”
            “So we’ve got three intellectual classes, an athletic one, and…us,” said (Y/N). I don’t really know what’s special about us. Maybe we’re the “weird” class. A little mean, but it felt right.
            At least someone here knows how to get to the point.
            Over the loudspeaker came an announcement. “The first event is the boys’ 100-meter dash.”
            Saiki sighed.
            “Good luck, Saiki,” said (Y/N), smiling brightly.
            Saiki nodded at them.
            “Kuu! Go for it!” cheered Mrs. Saiki.
            “I’m recording you on a hard drive called my heart,” called Mr. Saiki.
            (Y/N) tilted their head. “Doesn’t he have a video camera?”
            “Out of battery,” answered Saiki.
            (Y/N) frowned. “How do you know?”
            “He didn’t properly charge it last night.” Saiki easily covered for himself. Before they asked anything else, he walked over to the starting line.
            “Go! Saiki! For our victory!” shouted Hairo.
            Saiki sighed, and as the gun went off, he ran out. He ended up in second place, but that was too conspicuous, so he let everyone catch up and instead finished third—acceptable, but more average. His team didn’t mind and congratulated him.
            “Great job,” said (Y/N) earnestly.
            Saiki nodded to them in acknowledgement.
            “That was incredible!” exclaimed Hairo.
            “Why am I getting so much praise for ranking third?”
            “Because friends congratulate each other,” said (Y/N).
            “You’re not my friends.”
            “Maybe one day you’ll actually convince me,” teased (Y/N). They weren’t put off by Saiki’s words. After all, the heart held the truth more than what he said.
            “Not bad, pal, although I can run faster than that,” said Nendou.
            “Well, right now it’s Kaidou’s turn,” said (Y/N). “Come on, Kaidou!”
            Yare yare, so energetic.
            Kaidou tried his hardest and ended up fifth place. He looked disappointed, so (Y/N) patted him on the back and told him he tried his best. He smiled slightly and stood up straighter.
            “What was that running?!” laughed Nendou.
            Kaidou slumped over again. (Y/N) leveled a steely glare at Nendou. He flinched and shut up. Saiki watched warily and reminded himself not to upset (Y/N). Evidently, they had an intense, protective side.
            “We have to somehow turn things around in the next event,” muttered Hairo determinedly, completely engrossed in the events of the sports festival.
            The loudspeaker turned on again. “The second event is the girl’s 100-meter dash,” announced the voice.
            “Well, I’m up,” chirped (Y/N). They were competing against girls since their team needed strength in that area.
            “Good luck.”
            Surprised, (Y/N) blinked. Their heart thumped for a second, but they recovered and just grinned. “Thanks, Saiki!”
            The gun went off, and (Y/N) ran the best they could, spurred on by the belief their friends had in them (even Saiki. Especially Saiki). They crossed the finish line second, moving the class up the ranking. Seeing the scoreboard change, (Y/N) whooped happily.
            “Great job, (Y/N)!” cheered Hairo, clapping them across the back.
            (Y/N) coughed as the wind was knocked out of them but laughed all the same. “Thanks, Hairo.”
            “The next event is the coed three-legged race,” announced the loudspeaker.
            Teruhashi was competing. Instantly, everybody swarmed around her and began to give her words of encouragement. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. It really was incredible the effect she had on people.
            “Good job,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) brightened. “Thanks!” For some reason, (Y/N) couldn’t help but straighten happily knowing Saiki had cover over to stand with them instead of hovering around Teruhashi. It was normal for him, but (Y/N) couldn’t help but notice it.
            From behind them, Teruhashi frowned for a moment before lighting up with a bright smile again. Why’s he over there with them?! Why isn’t he over here, telling me I’m going to do a great job?! I am going to win this! After all, I’m the perfect pretty girl, including in sports!
            I might want to blend in, but I still have my pride. I’m not going to fawn over someone… He subconsciously glanced at (Y/N) before forcing himself to focus on Teruhashi and her partner in the race.
            “Let’s do our best, Sawakita,” cooed Teruhashi.
            “O-Okay,” stuttered Sawakita, blushing nervously.
            “Let’s win no matter what!” Teruhashi took Sawakita’s hands into her own gently. I may not look it, but I hate to lose. Which is why I have to get first, to beat (L/N) and to have Saiki congratulate me!
            Yare yare. I don’t want to deal with this.
            “Hey, if we win, let’s celebrate alone, okay?” asked Teruhashi coyly.
            That’s one way to give him a reason to win.
            Sure enough, as soon as the pistol signaled the start of the race, Sawakita picked Teruhashi up and sprinted to the finish line. No one had a problem with it, and they won first place with no issue. As usual, the world smiled upon Teruhashi and let everything work out for her.
            “Aren’t they supposed to run on three legs?” asked (Y/N).
            Saiki nodded. It’s Teruhashi, though, so no one will get in trouble.
            “All right! Let’s keep it up and make a comeback!” said Hairo.
            “Ha! The scavenger hunt race is next!” laughed Nendou. “Who’s gonna do that?!”
            “You will,” said Saiki.
            “Good luck,” said (Y/N), deciding to ignore Nendou forgetting.
            “Oh, yeah. It was me,” realized Nendou as he walked over to the group of participants.
            “Go for it, Nendou!” cheered the redhead.
            “All right!” yelled Nendou as he picked up his list of items. “Oh, this is so easy.”
            “Looks like he knows where to get it,” commented Hairo, relieved.
            Nendou ran up to the class. “Hey, let me borrow that.”
            “You mean this?” Hairo held up his tennis racket.
            “No, that’s not it.” Nendou reached out and grabbed one of Saiki’s receivers.
            Saiki blanked and collapsed in exhaustion.
            “Saiki!” cried (Y/N) in concern, dropping to their knees next to him. They hadn’t anticipated such a reaction, but their worry covered up the strange moment.
            “What’s going on?!” questioned Hairo. “What happened?!”
            “I-I don’t know,” stammered (Y/N), “He just collapsed!” They gazed at him worriedly since he had an odd look on his face. He clearly wasn’t alright. “Nendou! Give me that bobble back,” they ordered. If taking it out hurt him, maybe it needed to be put back in.
            “Huh? Why?” asked Nendou.
            (Y/N) just snatched it from him and put it back in Saiki’s hair. It also went into his head, but they didn’t realize. They held their breath and waited.
            A moment later, Saiki’s eyes opened. He found himself staring up at (Y/N). Surprised and suddenly realizing he was close to their face, he sat up wildly and backed up.
            “Hey, hey, you’re safe,” assured (Y/N), putting a steadying hand on his shoulder for a moment. They removed it immediately after, not wanting to cross any boundaries. “I put that bobble back since you collapsed after Nendou took it,” they explained.
            Saiki breathed a slight sigh of relief. Obviously, his reaction to seeing them had been about the receiver. He thought he’d done something without his powers being dampened. Luckily, he hadn’t.
            “Are you okay?” asked (Y/N), their voice filled with concern.
            They didn’t care about the announcement of Nendou being last place in the scavenger hunt; they were just worried for Saiki. However, he stood up steadily, so (Y/N)’s apprehension abated.
            “I’m alright,” said Saiki. He was…glad they were concerned—somehow, them being worried about him felt nice instead of irritating.
            (Y/N) let out a breath of relief. “I’m glad.” They smiled. “You had me worried there.” They stood up and brushed the dirt off their knees. “Let’s get some lunch, you need to refuel after passing out.” When there was no response, they straightened. No Saiki. They frowned. “Saiki?” He’s wandered off. It’s not safe to do that after just collapsing. I better go find him.
            At the back of the school building, Saiki slid down the wall with his bento box. His hands trembled as he held the chopsticks. His strength was still uncontrollable, so he was avoiding other people because people might find out about his abilities and because he might hurt a friend. When Saiki heard footsteps, he was immediately on edge. It only got worse when (Y/N) walked around the corner. They were probably the person he least wanted to hurt other than his family.
            “Saiki,” they said, crouching down next to him. “You need to stop scaring me,” they joked. Their smile fell as they saw his shaking hands. Their gaze softened in concern. “Hey, you’re still pretty weak…Do you need help?”
            “I’m trying to eat. What is there to help with?”
            “At the rate you’re going, you’re either going to snap the chopsticks or drop your food,” teased (Y/N). Their expression turned serious. “But really, I can help. I know it’s kinda weird, but you need to eat, and I’m not going to just leave you without help.” Was it strange? Yes. But (Y/N) was Saiki’s friend. They would help him in any way possible.
            “Alright,” relented Saiki. He decided consciously that this was a good cover and a way for him to eat while his strength was uncontrollable, but there was also a comfortable feeling that surrounded him when (Y/N) was there to help. He couldn’t help but say yes.
            (Y/N) smiled and gently took the chopsticks into their hand. Bit by bit, they fed him his food. No words were exchanged; a calm silence enveloped them.
            The peace was unfortunately broken when Nendou rounded the corner.
            “Oh, hey, pal, pinky, we were looking for you. You guys missed the magician,” said Nendou. He noticed how (Y/N) was feeding Saiki. “Oooh, are you guys on a date?”
            (Y/N)’s faced warmed, and they laughed nervously. “No, I was just helping him out since he still isn’t feeling well.”
            Saiki nodded. Good thing (Y/N) thinks quickly. Otherwise, Nendou would tell the whole school we were dating.
            Yare yare, there’s that feeling again.
            “Oh, pal, are you still sick? Maybe you should head home,” said Nendou.
            I never thought he’d ever have such a good idea. Saiki nodded.
            The three of them went back in front of the building. Saiki’s friends annoyances were waiting there and bombarded him.
            “What happened?”
            “Where’d you go?”
            “Are you alright?”
            “Are you heading home?”
            “Are you sure you can go home alone?”
            “Don’t push yourself.”
            “Don’t worry about us, we’ll cover for you.”
            Yare yare. These guys…It’s very hard to go home now. Saiki was tempted to smile, but his “annoyance” was too grand.
            “You’re going to stick around, aren’t you?” remarked (Y/N).
            Saiki looked at them. How do they manage to read me?
            (Y/N) continued jokingly, “We’ve melted your icy heart! You cannot help but stay!” They laughed at themself.
            The corners of Saiki’s mouth twitched upwards for a moment, and he immediately decided not to entertain their conversation for fear of more reactions.
            “Alright, Class 3!” declared Hairo. “We’re having team competitions in the afternoon! The next event is the tug of war!”
            “I think he’s super excited because he wasn’t in any of the individual events,” commented (Y/N) to Saiki. “Have fun,” they teased.
            Yare yare.
            Saiki pulled on the rope with the rest of the boys in his class. However, he wasn’t giving much effort since his strength was far beyond the others’. Saiki even accidentally broke the rope. Due to the situation from earlier, he still couldn’t control his abilities and ended up winning the match for Class 3, though no one noticed it was him.
            “Great job, you guys!” congratulated (Y/N). They turned to Saiki. “You must be strong, Saiki! You were barely breaking a sweat!”
            Yare yare. They somehow cover for all my abilities while also noticing them more than anyone else. So strange.
            “Behold the power of Class 3!” declared Hairo.
            “To think that a match against humans got me this fired up,” murmured Kaidou dramatically.
            “Did you guys have lunch?” asked Nendou.
            “The rope is torn at the spot I was holding,” exclaimed Takahashi, “Could I have done this?”
            The four boys then posed with determined faces and crossed arms while the other classes looked on in wonder. However, Class 3 was still in third place overall. Two events remained.
            “Class 3 isn’t doing so hot, huh?!” questioned Toristuka challengingly, “Looks like Class 2 might win, huh?!”
            “So? I couldn’t care less,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “Having fun with friends is more important.”
            Toristuka hurriedly continued his condescension. “Ah! See? We’re number one right now! Bam!” He smiled. “Well, I was last in the three-legged race, though.”
            Recalling how creepy he’d been, (Y/N) shivered.
            “I can’t believe you look so proud of it,” said Saiki.
            “Please don’t hold a grudge against me if my class wins,” said Toritsuka, still acting superior.
            “Seriously, I couldn’t care less about who wins, or about you for that matter,” said Saiki while (Y/N) nodded in agreement.
            “Sorry, but it’s Class 3 that’s going to win!” declared Hairo. “If we lose, I’ll get a buzzcut!”
            “We’re way behind them, are you sure we should be making bets?” questioned (Y/N), tilting their head blankly. They were all for some fun, but they weren’t sure this was their class’s best idea ever.
            “Are you serious?” asked Toritsuka, looking at Hairo.
            “That just shows you how determined I am!” said Hairo.
            “Hey, hey, if Hairo’s going to do it…We’ll get a buzzcut, too!” promised the other boys of Class 3.
            “Wait, wait,” said Saiki. He didn’t want to get roped in.
            “Count me in, too,” said Kaidou confidently, “Of course, there’s no chance of me losing.”
            “Kaidou, confidence is good, but sometimes realism is important,” remarked (Y/N).
            “Where is he getting that confidence from?” asked Saiki.
            “I’ll get a buzzcut, too,” proclaimed Nendou.
            “In your case, it won’t be a penalty,” observed Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “A proper cut that’s even all the way around may actually look better.”
            “That’s right! Our hearts are one!” declared Hairo. “If we lose, every guy in Class 3 will get a buzzcut!”
            “I’m glad it’s just the boys doing this,” commented (Y/N). They beamed. “I don’t have anything to worry about.”
            Saiki gave them a deadpan glare.
            “Aw, come on, you know I’ll still try to help you,” said (Y/N), waving a hand. They frowned. “All the same, I don’t think there are a lot of events left.”
            I’ll be making sure I don’t have to get a buzzcut with my powers, anyways.
            The loudspeaker turned on and announced, “The next even is the interclass beanbag toss.”
            Sure enough, as his classmates ran around and threw beanbags towards their basket, Saiki ensured that a good amount landed inside. Psychic powers came in handy occasionally.
            Hey, don’t say this is foul play. Nothing in the rulebook forbids supernatural powers.
            Once the time ran out, the beanbags were counted up, and the announcement was made.       “Class 1: thirty-three beanbags, Class 2: twenty-eight beanbags, Class 3: eighty-three beanbags,” reported the PA system.
            “Hey, we did pretty well!” chirped (Y/N). They smiled brightly, and flowers seemed to dance around them.
            “We got more than double the others!” shouted Class 3.
            “Er…” the announced paused awkwardly, “Class 4: one hundred beanbags.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened comically. “How did they manage that?!”
            Especially without psychic powers…
            “We used our heads. Look,” said Class 4’s representative pompously.
            His class had piled all the beanbags into one giant plastic bag and put that into their basket.
            (Y/N) sweat-dropped. “I feel like there should be a rule about that.”
            I might have powers, but this definitely feels like foul play.
            “Don’t call this foul play,” said Tanihara, “The rulebook doesn’t say that the use of a big bag is forbidden.”
            “They should’ve written a rule for that.”
            (Y/N) nodded fervently. “It’s out-of-the-box thinking, but it just feels unsportsmanlike.”
            “But there’s still the last event, the interclass relay!” declared an optimistic, determined Hairo. “The class in first place will get five hundred points. It means that if we’re in first place and Class 4 is in last, we can win! Saiki! I want you to be another leg!”
            “It seems refusing would just make things difficult,” the psychic observed.
            “I’ll try to get the baton to you quickly,” said (Y/N) brightly, trying to help as best they could.
            The classes organized themselves. When the pistol signaled the start, Kaidou began running as fast as he could (not very fast) while his classmates cheered him on. When he passed the baton to Tadashi, they were unfortunately in last place. This was repeated when Tadashi passed the baton to Nendou. Luckily, even though he ran very strangely, he was fast and got to first place. Teruhashi was next and could run quickly as well (another perk of being the perfect pretty girl). She passed the baton to Yumehara who managed to maintain a fast pace. Hairo was next to receive the baton. He handed it to (Y/N) while still in the lead. (Y/N) prepared to run quickly but tripped suddenly. They were in last place as they got back up and started sprinting.
            Saiki readied himself for the baton. I’m going to cross the finish line in the same place I started. In other words, we will finish in last place.
            Tripping someone isn’t foul play, either…As long as no one notices, that is… thought Tanihara.
            Now that changes everything. Can’t let him get away with cheating and sabotaging (Y/N) my class.
            “Saiki! Hurry!” called (Y/N) as they held out the baton.
            It flew from their hand to Saiki’s, causing them to blink.
            “I will,” said Saiki. It’s payback time for (Y/N).
            Class 3, indeed, all of the students, gazed in amazement as Saiki sped to the front of the group. He was almost at the finish line.
            “Yeah! Great job, Saiki!” cheered (Y/N).
            Saiki collapsed. (Y/N) sweat-dropped. His class gaped.
            Oh, that’s right. I can’t control my body well right now.
            (Y/N) walked over and knelt by him. Smiling kindly, they said, “It’s alright. You did your best.”
            Yare yare. I was trying to avoid a buzzcut.
            “Good morning, guys!” greeted Hairo. “Where are your buzzcuts?”
            He was sporting one himself. Behind him stood Nendou, Kaidou, and Saiki. Nendou sported the same cut, but he somehow ended up with more hair than he began with. Kaidou was completely bald, and Saiki had a buzzcut.
            (Y/N) bit their lip to stop from laughing. “You boys only had to do that if we lost to Class 2, remember? We beat them.”
            Yare yare. Saiki had a feeling that (Y/N) wasn’t going to let this one go for a while.
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charliewhaw · 2 days
Hazbin Hotel Talent Show
The characters come out, ready to perform in a mandatory talent show hosted by God.
Alastor plays the piano while his shadows play multiple other instruments, including but not limited to, the cello, the violin, the bass, and a drum set.
Vox can't play any instruments. But he can connect a piano into blue tooth and pump some digital ai generated music through it and pretend like he's playing.
Valentino plays the flute. Just some random ass instrument.
Husk? He's more of a cello guy.
Vaggie knows how to play the lyre, but she's not good at it. Surprisingly, she's great at the electric guitar. Adam taught her. But those are bad memories now and she avoids the instrument entirely.
Rosie plays the clarinet. Sure. That's fine. All elegant and shit. What you didn't know is she's also great at death metal drumming!
Charlie can sing screamo. Screeches the likes you've never heard!
Mimzy is a singer, of course. No instruments. Just dancing.
Niffty's got some mad skills on the triangle.
Sir Pentious plays the harpsichord (precursor to the piano).
The eggbois play a mix of bells and maracas. <- One day Pen tried to distract them with bells and maracas, and they went around the hotel making 'beautiful' music. Everyone was shouting at Pen to stop them, but he just stood in the corner, hands clasped and eyes watering at his precious eggbois.
Velvette beat boxes.
Tom Trench plays a vitar (mix between a guitar and a violin).
Katie Killjoy thinks music is a waste of time. She stands there and summarizes everyone's performances instead. They're all shit. Especially Tom's.
Lucifer and his clones come out at the end, each holding a set of bagpipes.
All in all, God regrets this mandatory talent show.
God asks about Alastor's furby piano once everyone is gone. After one song, God understands why Alastor got sent to Hell.
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rowanswriting · 5 hours
The great divine blessed Eddie with a long tongue to torture us.
yes. yes. YES.
long and it’s pierced, and he’s so skilled with it. goes down on reader for hours, and he’s an expert at it flicking it against them just right so their legs are shaking and they think they’ve seen god. (also he would kiss them after, running his tongue against theirs to let them have a taste.) and he’s always sticking it out at you, smirking when you get flustered because just the sight of it sends you into a complete frenzy. 😵‍💫
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olasketches · 9 hours
actually I love this panel and kusakabe's explanation makes sense. one of the things I like about yuuji is that he’s not a prodigy (thank god we had enough of those… my condolences to megumi) yuuji is a hard worker and also an incredibly determined individual. however, I don’t think that sukuna being a huge factor in yuuji’s tremendous growth is a disservice to his character or a way to undermine his hard work. that’s just consequence of having to share one’s body with another individual. the thing is that BOTH yuuji and sukuna are essential to each other’s growth. in yuuji’s case it’s his tremendous growth as a sorcerer due to sukuna performing high level jujutsu in his body. it’s like a having your dance teacher show you how to perform this complicated choreography in an one-on-one session but better cause the teacher can just posses your body, perform the choreography a couple of times and basically teach your body the dance moves cause of muscles memory. yuuji quickly learns how to understand curse energy because the guy who lived inside him understands it and uses it like no one else (it’s a great advantage and basically a huge cheat code so honestly good for him. Im all for yuuji using sukuna’s knowledge and skills to his advantage!!!).
also yuuji looks so peeved after hearing that sukuna did contribute to his growth as a sorcerer lmaooo how cute
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when it comes to sukuna we already know that yuuji had a huge impact on his beliefs and worldview on life. yuuji basically shakened sukuna’s ideology due to them having to coexist in one body. sukuna had no other choice but to experience everything with him. he got a front row seat in yuuji’s life and had to witness things he normally would have ignored cause yknow… he just doesn’t care.
they’re both rubbing off on each other whether they like it or not. and they clearly DONT lmao. (Im loving it)
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