#and also he has grooming allegations
dyketubbo · 1 year
dont feel like commenting more on the usmp v qsmp shit bc we all know quackity is in the right and there are way worse things to talk about in regards to dream but dream stans are insane to me. what do you mean youre still stanning a guy who has gotten two whole ass twitlongers LITERALLY ANNOTATED FOR MANIPULATIVE LANGUAGE and youre STILL defending his ass 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 how arent you embarrassed at this point. not to mention his usmp twitlonger is literally longer than the one to address his fucking grooming allegations like. hes just being a whiny baby over and over and stans are eating it up. he is digging himself into a hole and dream stans are eating the dirt and asking him to take breaks so they can shine his shovel with their spit fr. just give it up at this point
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identityarchitect · 1 year
Our mutual you are the only one we know remotely into mcyt, what is going on with the dream situation. Please tell us if possible.
uh ok so basically guy called quackity makes 'qsmp', multilingual smp intended to join the spanish and english mc communities w/ a real time translation mod and then dream also makes 'usmp' which is a multilingual smp w/ a real time translation and announces it like a couple days after qsmp launches. someone accuses dream of copying quackity and he writes an almost 2k word response and posts it on his twitter. quackity afaik hasn't said anything which like fucking good for him
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calciumcryptid · 1 year
I'm fucking cackling, why do I keep finding out about random Twitter drama I swear to gods-
At least it's fucking funny.
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luniise-kel · 2 years
nothing is more fucked up than dsmp getting me so emotionally invested into these characters and their problems just for them to be like "kyaaa maybe 👉👈 maybe dweam wasnt so bad 🥺 waht if his intentions were good ! maybe we can b fwiends >~<"
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the-final-sif · 6 months
Dream's Response Summary
Dream posted a response to various accusations, covering just about everything ever because he was done with this shit. I've done my best to summarize it here, but I recommend going and watching his whole video. This is going to be extremely summarized for readability and I'm only going to cover stuff I consider serious so anything about speedrunning is getting skipped.
The tl:dr is: Dream never groomed anyone or had inappropriate contact with anyone underage, he provided proof that one accuser flat out lied, and the other ""accusation"" was from a third party who was never involved. The actual supposed victim released a statement that they were never groomed, nor a victim in any way, never was asked about someone sharing information about them, and wants everyone to shut the fuck up.
Police were never actually contacted, both twitter accounts were lying about doing so to make their claims seem real. Also the supposed snapchat video shown is a very obvious fake.
He covers Manatreed, the run down is the guy was a childhood best friend he grew up with and who was struggling with homelessness. Dream helped him, and never knew about the battery charge (Manatreed had lied to him about it). When Dream spoke to Manatreed's ex girlfriend, she was very clear she never wanted any of this publicly out there, that she was happy that Dream had been helping Manatreed and she wanted the best for him.
Dream still doesn't know exactly what happened with that situation, he has since lost contract with Manatreed, all he knows is he was trying to help a childhood friend and got lied to.
The first allegation from Oxy/Anastasia, he's extremely clear they only ever messaged in twitter dms and he disproves the claim about the texts/tik tok. He has a google voice number hooked up to his tik tok account for obvious reasons, and she was showing imessage texts. This is not possible, which means she was lying.
As part of this, Dream scrolls through his twitter dms and shows he responds to fans all the time and talks to people in his community from all over. He also shows how he's friends with and has hired people that were fans of his, including people like Foolish.
He discusses Amanda, the two of them messaged on instagram back when he was a much smaller creator. He showed/posted the transcript of the two of them talking about normal stuff. They had been messaging since 2020. He did attempt to post a complete transcript of those messages, but she had deleted some of her messages and he doesn't have a way to recover them.
Dream explains that Instagram has a "feature" where if you ever reply to someone, then you literally cannot remove their ability to message you without blocking them. Something I did not know about instagram and which is fucking wild.
Since he replied to her in 2020, that meant she could message him forever and her notifications would be constantly showing up for him. He attempted to delete her messages/her ability to message him back in 2021 and showed proof of this, but realized he couldn't. Dream also in doing so accidentally deleted the context to her messages that she was a fan and basically everything prior to 2021.
Since he didn't remember her (what with the prior messages deleted), she was dmnig him from her personal account without fan content on it and was talking about being a streamer, he assumed she was a smaller streamer he knew and was talking to her as such.
They were talking about music so he gave her his personal snapchat to talk and because he wanted to get some feedback on a new song he was working on. He wanted to send the song via snapchat so he could be reasonably sure it'd stay private.
Dream categorically denies any sexting with Amanda or sexual messaging at all, he goes through why she most likely did this (he had been ignoring her messages and made a new snapchat with only close friends). He also downloaded his own data (something Amanda refused to/failed to do), went through the snapchat logs and did see some messages, but never saw either of his supposed compliments to her.
Amanda claimed Dream deleted her dms and that's why she couldn't provide any of the evidence she claimed she had, but Dream showed those same DMs very clearly undeleted. The dms were never deleted and she lied as an excuse.
Amanda lied about going to the police. Dream had his lawyers file a bunch of requests, and track down the police station that she went to based on the photo. They filed every request possible for any information with this police station, and there was no record of Amanda visiting the station or any records relating to Dream whatsoever. So either she lied about filing anything, or she told a story such that the police filed literally no paperwork whatsoever about the situation. Not even a report.
Dream sent the police station a copy of his own drivers license and Amanda's information so they could contact him if anything did come up, and nothing ever did. Nothing was filed, nobody cared.
Dream got swatted several times as a result of online harassment, including his family, and the harassment was overwhelming and awful for him.
He addresses the gumball situation, he showed up to a birthday party for a friend, gumball's VA was there and kept getting aggressive with him. While on facetime with some friends, Cantu ended up hitting Dream to impress them. Dream was obviously put off by this, but at the end of the night people ended up ubering together and Dream ended up in an uber with Cantu. He thought it'd be fine since other people were involved.
Cantu dropped his phone out the window made the uber driver pull over to look for it and got in trouble with the police. The uber driver tried to talk to Cantu about handling the police in the future, and Cantu started calling the uber driver slurs and claiming the uber driver had "down syndrome".
Dream got involved, trying to defend the uber driver, and Cantu threatened to kill him and called him slurs. Later Cantu apologized and Dream wanted to forgive him. Only later, Cantu started spreading lies about him and calling him a pedophile, so Dream realized the apology wasn't sincere and called him out for his behavior.
The third party who had been filming all of this saw what Cantu was doing lying about Dream and trying to claim none of this happened. They reached out to Dream and gave him the actual video as proof of what happened. Cantu tried to threaten them out of sending Dream the video of what happened, but they ignored him and sent them anyways. Dream also had the uber driver in his video backing up what he said.
Finally, the Jamie Allegations
Jamie is a mutual friend of several people that Dream knew, she did not post the allegations, she was never contacted about any of this she made an explicit statement that she was never groomed or a victim in any way.
Dream and Jamie meet prior to Dream being a youtuber on bbh's minecraft server, they were both fans of Skeppy. Which is why Jamie was followed by Dream, Skeppy, Vurb and some other youtubers in their friend group.
Jamie is still active online and put out her own statement, the person in the screenshots never gave permission for any of this to be put out, and they are very clear that the messages were taken out of context and that the claims made are false. The person in the screens is clear Dream is not a groomer, they never accused him of that, and that the twitter account is lying.
The snapchat video shown is very obviously fake, because snapchat just magically opens itself, there's no finger or button use interacting with the screen.
The burner account never actually contacted the police, Dream records him calling to the department they claimed to contact, and the person answering is very clear they have no contact from this person.
The supposed recent document posted is a fake convo of someone using a fake twitter account to talk to "Jamie", Jamie did not talk to them and it's just fake.
All of this was incredibly damaging for Jamie, who had no idea what was going on, and was getting harassed/stalked/having her irls contact.
Dream has also faced waves of harassment over obviously fake allegations, people have just been taking them at face value. He also shows how easy it is to fake these things as I have done.
He's been swatted, harassed, his family has been swatted and harassed, he's been scared for his own safety several times. It's been awful for him, and all based on fake shit. He's not stepping back from minecraft, but he is stepping back from twitter and no longer engaging with people behaving this way.
Also his ping pong record was undefeated.
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memryse · 11 months
if mcyt isn’t fiction then
people who create dnd characters that are similar to them in personality are just playing themselves and should not be treated as having made a character
people who make any other dnd character should also be treated as just playing themselves since people refuse to even consider roleplay smps as fiction
any ocs someone puts a bit of themselves into? nope not fiction!
actors who play a character with the same first name as them aren’t really acting
and so on
maybe YOU can’t separate characters and real people and think that everything you see from a youtuber even when they’re explicitly acting is how they are in real life but we as a fandom just don’t have that issue lol. we’ve had disclaimers and indicators for when we’re talking about characters and not content creators for years because a certain smp contained a character having suicidal thoughts as a result of abuse at the hands of another character and we needed to make it absolutely crystal clear that we were referring to a fictional storyline and not real guy #1 being an abuser and real guy #2 being suicidal. these customs have either extended into other corners of mcyt fandom, or some developed their own independently like hispanic mcyt fans have used the word cubito to distinguish mc guy from real life guy from years, a term that other language speakers liked so much we’ve also started picking it up lol
we know exactly what we’re doing. i get that the line maybe does seem more blurred to an outsider looking in (i wouldn’t know given that both my first fandom at age 12 and current fandom at age 20 were mcrp lol) but it’s universally understood amongst us. i don’t have a problem separating hermitcraft!gem and empires s1!gem the wizard with a twin brother and empires s2!gem the princess and cc!gem the real life canadian woman.
idk it rubs me the wrong way that after years of trying to explain this we’re either met with people calling us racists because of three guys that the rest of us (all of us, really, because dream team fans do not claim to be minecraft fans. those are the type to actually write rpf and ship the real life racist guys) hate probably a lot more than any of you do, or they watch a few minutes of a less roleplay-heavy series/part and decide that the entire medium is invalid as a form of storytelling
it’s so annoying. i don’t think we need to be understood to have validity as a fandom we’ve been doing this for years already without that but it is so infuriating and sad how whenever there’s some kind of fandom poll thing one of three things happens
mcyt fans are banned outright and placed on the same level as something like hp
an mcyt fan runs their own and gets harassed for it
a non-mcyt fan allows us in until they get harassed so badly by whatever fandoms we go up against that they end up deleting our bracket
in what world is that normal behaviour. and that harassment always involves calling them all racist cishet white men such as misgendering both eret (real life bisexual genderqueer person) and their character (also queer), attempting to harass jimmy solidarity fans because jimmy makes mc videos so he must be a dream associate (the only time they interacted was in a tournament during which dream and georgenotfound shittalked jimmy’s best friends to his face), all the shit quackity has gotten for being a former friend of the dream team as if he wasn’t the #1 victim of their racism and xenophobia, the fact that any time c!technoblade is involved in a poll we have to beg other fandoms not to talk shit about him because the real life man died of cancer before dream’s grooming allegations came out, similarly when tfc was in one. and so on and so forth. all because people can’t separate roleplay and real life and think that the entire minecraft sphere revolves around dream just because their idea of mcyt does (not even his own smp named after him did that).
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scrollypoly · 3 months
Alex Kister has made a response to the document made by Ven
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Alright this is a much more concise and well written document than Ven's was, so ill be brief. Im also gonna strike out my neutrality for this, because after reading Ven's document and seeing the behavior of the accusers on tumblr, I have lost what little belief in this document that i had and belief it was made in poor faith to slander and condemn Alex on false claims.
First, the important claims. Alex did not groom anyone. In fact, Alex says that Ven and DB are older than Alex, and Ven's statements of them being in their 29s corroborates this, as Alex is only 20 years old. Stop spreading misinfo that Alex is a pedophile or a groomer
Alex hits every point that Ven makes in their document and talks through them all. He talks only briefly for how Ven went through their prior relationship, just enough to acknowledge that it wasn't a healthy relationship and that Ven also had some responsibility in how the relationship went down, especially around the miscommunication between the two of them. These miscommunications would later come up in DB's relationship with Alex as well. It is not Alex's responsibility to see through others when they communicate that things are fine when they are not. It is up to the other party to properly communicate their feelings and any problems they may be having in the relationship. Even in the screenshots from Ven's document, we see clearly that when Ven or DB express any discomfort about something, Alex apologizes and backpedals. This is good and normal behavior.
Alex also discusses Ven's intentions with this document
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Literally all of this could have been solved privately and been so much better for everyone. I acknowledge and respect that Ven and DB were hurt by their relationships with Alex, but a relationship is a private matter, and problems in that relationship should be respectfully handled between those in the relationship. This document was cruel, exposing Alex's sexual discussions to the public, outting his identity as a transgender person, and slandering him with little regard for the truth or hearing his side of the interactions. This matter should have been handled privately.
One of the things i acknowledged Alex being in the wrong for in my post on Ven's document was suicide baiting. I'll let this snippet in his document speak for itself. I am undecided on how i feel about the interaction, but this gives very important insight to it.
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Alex also speaks and gives more context and information about his relationship with DB. As stated earlier, DB was also older than Alex. Alex did not groom DB. The same problems with miscommunication Alex had with Ven can also be discussed here. DB was in a consenting relationship with Alex and as Alex shows, responded in kind to Alex's advances and even advanced the relationship further on my own. From Alex's perspective in this document, it looks like he and DB had a comfortable consenting relationship that was suddenly retracted by DB. If DB was uncomfortable with anything in this relationship, they should have spoken up and discussed it with Alex.
All in all, Ven's document already had a lot of flaws, and Alex's response points out many more flaws that I didn't initially see as well. Please note this response is only to Ven's document, and does not acknowledge the other allegations made by donut, mitcha, or any of the others. I assume Alex will also talk about those, I will wait and see before discussing those allegations further.
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kate-rose-red · 10 months
Jason Spisak has announced he's recorded lines for Arcane Season 2.
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(TW: SA, Grooming)
He also has numerous sexual misconduct allegations against him dating as far back 2017.
And has had a pattern of behavior of DMing young women who were fans of his - specifically...Jinx cosplayers.
He's admitted to dating one, a 22-year-old Jinx cosplayer, who was a fan of his (he's 49.)
If you know anything about Jason Spisak, he loves the Jinx and Silco relationship. It's all he talks about in interviews.
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So for him to have a pattern of behavior DMing young girls, soliciting sexual relationships from them, via their attachment and interest in the Silco character, and Jinx herself - is very. Very. Scary.
Evidence in screenshots listed below, including an audio recording.
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It's obvious he fetishizes the Jinx and Silco relationship and grooms young girls on that basis.
Be informed. He's still getting work, in the very show he's utilized to find victims.
The bits of evidence presented can be found here, but there's a lot more I've left out: https://twitter.com/i__am_the_truth/status/1554959726672322560
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whetstonefires · 1 year
So like, I'm pretty darn sure Mo Xuanyu did not actually make a pass at Jin Guangyao.
For several reasons, like for one thing hitting on your own actual brother who is also your boss is genuinely insane behavior, in a way nothing else we know about the guy actually matches, other than his reputation for being crazy which mostly seems to originate from the same point as the sexual harassment allegations. which tracks because even with rampant societal homophobia, that's such a crazy thing to do people would question it if it didn't come paired with the information that he's insane.
Then there's the fact that if that had actually happened, there's basically no way master spin artist jgy would have let it get out, because actually experiencing that would trigger his sense-of-uncleanliness issues so hard.
But what we see is that somehow Everyone Knows that it happened, but also that Jin Guangyao totally didn't tell anyone, because he's too merciful and kind and respectable. It just mysteriously leaked somehow that this private scandal happened.
(Also, to step up a meta level, the gay goth kid who was never quite accepted into his own family and wound up self-destructing was in fact guilty of the homophobic allegations spread by the powerful man who manipulates reputation for personal advantage? This is not the kind of story where that would be true. The thematic dissonance is too much.)
The only way it's believable that mxy made a move on jgy is if jgy spent a long time maneuvering him into it, hinting and deniably flirting and just generally being maximum skeeze, just a huge elaborate incestuous honeypot, just to bait a 'ruined reputation' trap. Which makes no sense at all.
I don't think jgy is necessarily above that kind of creepy grooming behavior but I do think he would hate it, and definitely wouldn't resort to it when sowing rumors would work just as well. and expose him to less risk.
So Mo Xuanyu didn't do it.
So what we've got is that Jin Guangyao systematically obliterated this kid's credibility.
No one would listen to anything he said after being expelled in that sort of context, especially anything against Jin Guangyao, whom he now has obvious motive to smear. This was a preemptive strike against some kind of leak.
It's exactly the kind of thing jgy would do--it targets individual vulnerability, leverages the weak points in Mo Xuanyu's reputation into gaping chasms, in a way that associates jgy with scandal but makes him personally look better. also shows signs of jgy projecting his own issues onto others. The MO fits.
And his motive is easy to construct: Mo Xuanyu had had access to his secrets, such as Wei Wuxian's manuscripts and probably a lot of the other ugly shit. And Jin Guangyao needed him silenced, due to some thing or other, but as with SiSi didn't want to have to kill him.
(A fascinating thing about jgy as a villain is the moments where he yields to sentiment pretty consistently contribute to his destruction.)
But then we come around to: so why didn't Mo Xuanyu sic Wei Wuxian on Jin Guangyao, then?
In cql wwx does have a curse cut for jgy, to keep him in the plot and create an additional open storyline to resolve, since viewers are gonna be denied romantic catharsis, but in cql the homophobia plotline isn't there because all the gay is censored, and mxy allegedly hit on qin su instead. which is less utterly unhinged to do though still big wtf.
In the book, mxy summoned the Yiling Patriarch just to kill the Mos. (Which he didn't even do lmao.)
So I've always been sort of poking at that, like if you're destroying your own soul to get revenge, why spare the person who deliberately ruined your life?
Even if he had done the thing, it was weird! Maybe even weirder; if you're in a headspace where making sexual advances anyone should be able to predict are unwelcome seems like a good idea in the first place, there's a pretty good chance getting punished for them isn't going to make you think you were in the wrong. Otoh there is a zone where he could have done it, gotten the backlash, cleared his head a bit, realized it was fucked up to do, and therefore not held a grudge in that particular direction, but it's still weird. (And also he definitely didn't do the thing.)
But if he was so angry, why was he not angry at Jin Guangyao? Who definitely kicked him out of the Sect, all else aside?
And then I looked at the passage in Jin sect where we swap to Jin Ling's pov and he tells us one of the few first-hand things we hear about Mo Xuanyu: He thought Jin Guangyao was the most amazing person in the whole world. He adored him.
And being betrayed and rejected by him didn't turn that into resentment. Even though he resented the other side of his family enough to want them gratuitously murdered.
So you know what I think happened?
I think Mo Xuanyu thinks it was an honest misunderstanding. That Jin Guangyao, his idol, falsely concluded that his gay little brother was creeping on him based on a misinterpretation of his admiring behavior, and was appropriately revolted. And that Mo Xuanyu doesn't blame him for it. He blames himself.
He went back to his mother's family to rot genuinely feeling like the ruination of his life was his own fault for being creepy. And died like that.
Because of that, to a considerable extent. How can you bend any of your will to saving yourself, to getting out of an abusive situation and seeking a better one, when you don't think you deserve to be saved?
Fucks me up.
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vague-humanoid · 1 month
cw for pedophilia and sexual abuse, also murder
STOUGHTON, Mass. — The last known person to see Sandra Birchmore alive was a police officer.
He stopped by her apartment days before the elementary school teacher’s aide, 23 years old and newly pregnant, was found dead in February 2021. The medical examiner later ruled her death a suicide.
The officer worked for the Stoughton Police Department, near Boston, where he first met Birchmore about a decade earlier through the agency’s Explorer post — part of a youth mentorship program run by local departments across the country. 
He acknowledged having sex with her when she was 15, according to a court ruling citing the officer’s text messages. That document indicates that his twin brother — also an officer and Explorer mentor — and a third Stoughton officer, a veteran who ran the program, eventually had sex with her, too.
These assertions, disclosed in an internal police investigative report and through an ongoing lawsuit filed by Birchmore’s family, have sparked demonstrations and an online petition asking for further investigation into her death. The three men, who did not respond to requests for comment, have denied any wrongdoing and have not been charged with a crime. 
The youth program that introduced Birchmore to the officers is among hundreds of such chapters at police agencies around the country. Created by the Boy Scouts of America decades ago, law enforcement Explorer posts are designed to help teens and young adults learn about policing. Birchmore’s case is among at least 194 allegations that law enforcement personnel, mostly policemen, have groomed, sexually abused or engaged in inappropriate behavior with Explorers since 1974, an ongoing investigation by The Marshall Project has found. The vast majority of those affected were teenage girls — some as young as 13. 
much more at link
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cupcraft · 4 months
This you can rb.
One thing I also wanted to say is I don't think some people in this fandom really understand how harmful it is to platform abusers/to defend them/to make claims how victims should act. It's been unsafe in mcytblr since the dream allegations. 100%. I remember the names of every person that said awful awful vile shit and to my knowledge they still do (though I've stopped checking by a long shot now. It wasn't healthy for me to see if people would change their mind or apologize).
There are many people in mcytblr, in any space really, that are victims. Victims read that shit you say, victims internalize that shit you say, victims remember the shit you say. Victims will not come forward because of the things you say. Victims lose trust and support networks because of the things you say. Your internet behavior has consequences and very real and very dangerous harm. I don't care if your fav "turned out to be innocent" (and in a lot of cases, that's not true actually but that isn't the point of my post). The things you said that were victim blaming still hurt people. It still hurts people now.
And so with the Shubble stuff, when I see like long twitter threads proving Wilbur's innocence. When I see replies on Stellae's posts about Illumina/stu picking apart her story. When I see the way people judge victims on how they behave and call them irrational/reckless/irresponsible/lying because X behavior. When I see people forcing victims to divulge their abuse and still harm them because they didn't bring up critique of abusers in the "right way" (thinking about Niki). When people ask victims to bare the responsibility for abusers instead of others around them (and instead of the actual accused abuser) (thinking of how people treated tubbo during the drm allegations when he is a grooming victim himself). When I see people be ablelist as a means of defending abusers, not realizing there are many of us victims who are disabled too, and there are many disabled people who are harmed by abelism like that. When I see this stuff I feel unsafe. When I see this stuff I know exactly what kind of person you are, to put your comfortability above all else. To put your fav above victims. To treat victims as drama/things you can doxx and pull apart and for entertainment. It's sick.
Mcyt as a fandom needs to do better. It always has but especially now. This is a plea to do better. To learn how to be compassionate. To think about more than yourself.
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neopuppy · 2 years
I Want To Play A Game (M)
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preview. you’re really getting that sequel baby
pairing. Jaemin x female reader x Jaehyun
genre. Mean Boys Club AU(GASP), filthy smut, pwop
warnings. heavy cnc(don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable. thanks.), threesome, cuckolding, degradation, horror movie roleplay, manhandling, double penetration, boo!👻
wc. 3k+
a/n: I am not reviving this series. Happy Halloween🎃
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“What are you supposed to be?” Jaemin chuckles, sorting through a box of old Halloween costumes you dragged out from the attic to figure something ‘slutty— but not too slutty’ at the last minute.
“I’m an angel!” You grunt, turning to face him with a hand on your hip, your other pointing to the obvious fluffy white feather halo above your head. “Duh!”
“You sure are..” he drawls, eyeing the tiny pieces of white fabric covering only small bits of your body. “Does that make me the devil?”
Jaemin’s laid back on your bed resting against his elbow to prop up his head and watch you try on different outfits; a neatly groomed eyebrow stays cocked in his usual arrogant manner to remind you he’s waiting for an answer.
“You’re too cute to be the devil.”
Humming under his breath, he nods, suggestively fingering a ghostface mask between two digits. “Too cute..”
A loud crash booms from downstairs twisting your neck to gaze toward your bedroom door letting out a gasp of surprise. “What was that?”
“Probably just the boogeyman, baby. I hear he loves to devour innocent little angels like you.”
“You’re so funny, I nearly forgot to laugh.” You bite, returning your attention to finding the wings you know pair with this costume.
“You could always be one of the fallen angels,” Jaemin hovers behind, grazing the flat tips of his nails over your shifting wing-bones, still covered in faint scratches from a few weeks ago. Jeno’s doing, he scoffs, already lecturing his best friend about leaving visible marks behind. “Would be more fitting for you. A sweet pure angel, banished from heaven.. dropped to earth to suffer and endure pain without your wings.”
“What are you even on about?” A frustrated grunt sends one of the boxes filled with different looks to the floor, another loud hard to ignore thud shooting up from the ground below. “Did you hear that??”
Jaemin shrugs, toying with the sheer skirt covering your scantily clad bottom squeezing the fat mounds of your ass in a tempting way. “Probably left a window open, it’s coming down pretty hard outside.”
“Can you go check?” The pout you pair your question with has Jaemin huffing under his breath, fixing you with a steely glare before rolling his eyes with devil horns on his head and a mask in hand.
“Get’s wet enough on my lap to soak through my sweats while watching the most grotesque gore films- but scared of a little rain and thunder.” He whispers, snarkily smirking. “Good thing you have me, your ‘not my boyfriend, but not not my boyfriend’ around to protect you.”
“Jaemin.. be careful okay?”
He smiles, opening your bedroom door with his back pressed against it to keep his eyes on your anxious expression. “I’ll be back.”
“Don’t say that!” You hiss, stomping a foot lightly. “You know that's one of the horror movie rules!”
Jaemin lets out an airy laugh, amused by your concern. Playing with your doorknob to make a clinking sound behind his figure, he shoots you a wink, altering his vibrato to match the old Dracula tone. “I’ll be back.”
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It’s been more than ten minutes, in fact, it has been fifteen minutes now.
Jaemin hasn’t come back, and the alleged sound of an open window smacking against something due to the wind and rain has stopped. Nothing has reached your ears other than the hard fall of droplets pelting against the roof over your head, and while you consider waiting longer, you also consider that your friend may have fallen.
He knows your house too well to have gotten lost, but maybe, possibly, this scenario did not involve an open window. Maybe Jaemin found his way out to the backyard, maybe he slipped in a puddle of mud.
That’s it, he probably slipped.
It’s easy to repeat that in your head as you gingerly pass through the hallway outside of your bedroom. The flashlight on your phone leading the way through areas less lit up, with your free hand attached to the staircase railing as you tiptoe in your clear strappy platforms down each step. Stripper heels, that's what Jaemin called them when suggesting you try out that career path for extra money one night before smacking your backside with a wad of cash.
“Jaemin?” You croak, more of a timid whisper than actually calling out his name enough for him to hear if he really is outside.
It’s not as if you haven’t woken up in the middle of the night and found your way down here for a glass of water to soothe your parched throat.
But something feels different tonight. Condensation from fog and rain paints the windows surrounding you, the moon glows more golden, orange and red than you’ve ever seen before. A blood moon for an unholy night when witches and ghouls come out to play.
Something about tonight feels eerie, spooky, sending chills up your spine as you walk through the kitchen and head to the door leading out to the backyard.
“Jaemi—“ the gasp you let out near gags your lungs. Choking on your tongue with a heel planted to spin around and face the kitchen entrance when the lights flick on.
“Jaemin! God! You fucking asshole.” Breathlessly, you clutch at your chest, heaving heavy breaths with one of your hands seeking refuge along the kitchen counter behind you. “You scared me!”
Jaemin doesn’t budge from where he stands at the entrance, having changed from the devil horns he had on before to his other option.
“See, ghostface makes more sense for you.” You say, crossing your arms over your chest. “You’re just like Billy Loomis, total creep, obsessed with sex, most likely to try and murder your girlfriend after taking her virginity.”
Jaemin’s head tilts to the side, the ghostface expression masking his actual face quite silly. Black cloth drapes his frame, disguising him well enough to hide the physique you’d be admiring if not.
“Well? Isn’t this the part where you chase me around as an excuse to make my boobs bounce in slow-motion until I stumble like a bimbo and get stabbed to death in some oddly arousing way?”
Jaemin even changes his walk, adding more of a terrifying element to each step gliding across the tile floor toward you. The sound of his feet doesn’t even reach your ears, continuing to approach you until he’s standing close enough for his figure to loom a dark shadow over yours.
“Oh I get it now.” You laugh, mocking another gasp of surprise with your palm spread out near your lips. “You wanna play psycho killer?”
Jaemin nods slowly, leaning closer until your lower back digs into the counter.
“Yeah? Can I be the helpless victim?”
Another nod and his hips meet yours, locking you in place with no space to move or escape.
“Right right… how does it go again?” Testing your acting skills, your voice raises in pitch, wide eyed and helpless for your predator to fully enjoy. “No please don’t kill me Mister Ghostface! I wanna be in the sequel!”
Jaemin’s face leans in until his breath fans across your lips out of the thin dark fabric concealing his mouth, a clear glint of teeth shines from behind. “You already are.”
A deep voice that doesn’t belong to your friend rumbles slowly, jerking your spine to stand straight and shove him away with force to create enough distance. “What the fuck!”
You don’t make it far, of course, no more than a few steps your mystery guest lets you run for a little chase. A chase that makes his cock throb harder between his thighs. Just a small chase to where he wants you, falling to your knees on the living room floor with a cry.
“Jaemin?!?!” It’s more of a shriek this time, a scream followed by a strangled muffle.
“Shh shhh” a black gloved hand cups your mouth, covering the bottom of your face too much, left unable to even let out another proper scream. “It’s like you wanted your little boyfriend to watch this.”
The masked man trapping your backside to his chest tosses a turned on flashlight out, rolling across the carpet until it hits the tips of Jaemin’s boots. The muffled shouts coming from your friend sat on the couch tied by ropes knotted around his thick bare body, duct tape covering his mouth. The light flashing perfectly on his large red watery eyes bulging out as he jerks in place to break free.
Plastic rubber brushes your ear, blowing out strong breaths of air to push away loose strands of hair. “You wanted that sequel, helpless little whore prancing around like some common street slut. Offering your nasty fuckhole to anyone who will bite.”
Jaehyun, of course it’s Jaehyun.
The familiar tough skin on his cold fingers dragging down your torso eases tension from your shoulders. The slump you give comes off more defeated than relieved, and it’s good enough for him, evident by the hard rod digging into your hip and ass.
“A helpless victim is what you are, isn’t that right?”
Jaehyun’s never gentle, he’s never nice. Between your four fuck buddies he has more of an evil sadistic side, and thats why he keeps fucking you. No feelings, just unadulterated raw disgusting sex, thats what brings you together, even after he forces you to choke and gag around his thick size for hours. Even though it always hurts with him, even when you bruise and ache for days after.
“He’s already hard and I haven’t even fucked you.” Jaehyun’s voice vibrates trying to suppress a laugh while jerking your head to lay on his shoulder and keep your eyes focused on Jaemin who’s given up on struggling. “Should I let him out? Should I let him play with my toy too?”
A rapid nod is all you can give him, shoved forward in a rough manner for your chin to smack land against Jaemin’s knee. Jaehyun knows you probably bit your tongue from the cry you let out, and he smacks a stinging hit on your ass to make you convulse further. Hide your face between his friends' thick thighs to smear the first batch of tears stinging the rims of your eyes.
Jaehyun’s groping everywhere, digging his palms into your lower back to shove your waist into a perfect dip, scratching down your hips as he practically rips the sheer cover and poor excuse for panties off your lower half, the remains of it left at your knees making it impossible for you to spread open.
“So wet, you’re fucking dripping down to your knees.” He’s muffled behind you with the mask still on, but his unmistakable deep voice still rolls like lightning up your back. Rubbing your cheek against Jaemin’s thigh to admire the bottom of his hard cock resting on the planes of his flat etched stomach. He’s so hard you swear that he’s throbbing against each rise and fall his torso takes as he tries to breathe properly.
“Nasty whores get wet like this.” Jaehyun says flatly, gloves discarded to smear arousal on the backs of your thighs. Meeting your buttcheeks with wet claps of his hands only humiliating you all the more when the sound of his slick coated palms rings louder than the thump of rain coming from outside.
“Nasty sluts that love to act like stupid helpless victims.” Jaehyun’s hoarse vocals tremble through your ear, hunching over with a hand placed on your throat in a way that would leave you coughing and sore for days, he hisses, forcing your cheek to hit on Jaemin’s inner thigh. “If you cum, I’ll kill him.”
“No!” A knee jerk reaction has your feet scattering, scrambling to move closer between Jaemin’s legs until your mouth and chin graze his length, the heavy sack between his thighs keeping your head perched in a straining way.
“Listen like a real good whore and I’ll let him play too.” Jaehyun commands quietly, just for your ears to pick up on. His other hand circled around the base of his size to press the tip of cock against your tight rim. “I know how much your slutty ass loves getting fucked, unprepped, not even stretched because you love how it hurts.”
Jaemin’s eyes flutter shut listening to Jaehyun degrade you, remind you of what a filthy piece of work you are. He can’t stand it sometimes, watching you fall apart because of another man, let alone one of his friends.
But moments like this, watching your big glazed over eyes roll back until nothing but the whites are visible with your teeth gritted, nearly foaming at your mouth just at the thought of getting your hole abused sets off a fire in his lower back. The burn raging through his stomach and chest, pulsing more spurts of precum out. The obscene amount of it glistening on his washboard stomach, jerking upon the defined muscle it rests against.
Fuck. Jaemin thinks. You better not cum.
You won’t, he knows you won’t, because that’s only for him now.
“God, you were fucking made for this. You know that?” Jaehyun rips off the ghostface mask before returning to constrict your air flow with his hand tethered around your throat. The tip of his length prods your rim, pushing in the wide girth a few centimeters despite your body's resistance, despite how you tremor and whine out a chant of ‘nonononono’.
The wail of your pain only serves to stiffen him up more, encouraged by your feet kicking on the carpet burning against your knees, he pushes forward more with a growl.
“This is all you’re fucking good for. The way you stay tight for me no matter how many times I fuck you proves it.” Jaehyun’s not one to waste time, thrusting past your tightness even as you start to scream that it hurts. His teeth grind, each muscle lining his stomach and back flexing from the power exerted through each slam of his hips. The clap of his thighs meeting your backside more audible than any cry or scream you let out.
“Keep fucking you until you’re loose, useless for any other cock to even feel good back here.” Jaehyun’s fucking into you with more purpose now, driven by his own words to actually ruin your hole.
It hurts, throbbing pain across your lower back from the position of roughness of each thrust. The drag of his massive size ripping your skin apart, barely even covered in the arousal he swiped through carelessly.
But Jaemin’s gaze never breaks from your face, large eyes attentive to every reaction and change in your demeanor. From the croaked moans sneaking out between your cries to the way you lose your voice, speechless as you turn into the perfect little fuck doll for him.
The visual of you so broken and lost in your dazed euphoric high always shatters him, ripping through his chest whenever you reach that point, cursing under the tape haphazardly placed on his mouth when you go cross-eyed with your tongue hung out like a dumb little pet.
Reflexively his hips jerk, fucking nothing but air just to feel some part of your face touch the underside of his length. That’s all it takes though, the soft silk of your skin feels like sin dragging on a thick pulsating vein there, pushing a weak squirt of cum out that spills out and hits your forehead like a marking.
“Sick fuck.” Jaehyun rasps, laughing breathily when Jaemin pleads with furrowed eyebrows to free him. Only caving because another minute of this and his friend might explode.
One pull on a knot circling his bicep has Jaemin tugging himself loose, dropping down to his knees immediately to force Jaehyun back. The position sandwiching your figure between their heated muscular bodies.
“You drive me crazy.” Jaemin tries to keep quiet, failing to do a good job, only making his friend chuckle as he helps mount you onto the others thighs. The two of them combined suffocate you, both chasing their orgasms fast with drilling thrusts that bounce you up and down, harshly breathing with Jaehyun’s grip never losing its strength on your throat.
Fingers flex and tighten to jerk your head again, forced to look at Jaemin’s distraught pleasured face crumble before you, Jaehyun bites on your earlobe, slamming his cock into you hard enough to feel every inch of him. “Tell him.”
“Huh? Wha—“
Every rough thrust Jaehyun gives you fills your ass up more than the last, losing your wording to another shouted moan, he keeps at it, pointed thrusts burying his size to leave you stuffed full each time. “Tell him.. tell him you love my cock.”
Jaemin’s length tweaks inside of you as he hears Jaehyun’s demands hiss around him. Glaring at you while he works to fuck you faster, a brutal pace that has your head spinning to the point of losing any common sense.
“Say it!” Jaehyun growls, slapping the side of your thigh repeatedly until you’re screaming at the top of your lungs how much you love his cock, how much you love the way he feels fucking your ass.
Jaemin thinks he blacks out for a minute at the feel of you clenching around them in unison, tighter than he can handle after waiting and watching for what felt like forever. Never one to handle edging well, he stills just to let the sensation of your cunt gripped around him wash through his limbs, locked in place while Jaehyun stills behind you. Even in his weakest moment, somehow managing to look cold and cool with a clenched jaw and eyes shut soaking in the pleasure.
“Did so good, you always do.” He has to say it, biting the back of his tongue as he wraps around your waist to finish off inside of you with sloppy thrusts. You always look so pretty fucked out like this, too pretty to not praise even just a little bit.
Jaemin’s tongue pries way between your lips, collecting a fat wad of saliva to hawk down your throat, the smack he gives your cheek forcing your mouth to clasp and swallow as he pushes you down with a kiss. Hissing with his cock softening, still trapped between your thighs. Too sensitive to fuck back into you again still, but not ready for his cum to spill out yet. He opts to stay pressed against you even though you grumble and weakly punch his shoulder, with a laugh, he takes a hold of your hand to peck your knuckles softly.
“You know.. you survive the sequel, you could outrun Michael Myers at this point”.
Jaehyun lets out a chuckle, smacking your hip to make sure you don’t fall asleep yet. The nights only just begun. “A threequel.”
“That sounds like a made up word.”
The doorbell rings right on time, turning your heads in unison to watch a fist erratically pound against the windows bordering the front door.
“That’s definitely the boogeyman.”
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shsl-heck · 11 months
While I procrastinate working on an actual effort post about superhero fiction, I want to say that we here at Wormblr love to mock r/parahumans (frequently this is deserved), and will occasionally bring up SpaceBattles to dunk on, but TV Tropes also has some real gems we've been sleeping on. Compiled below are some of my favorites.
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^^^ This one I love because it actually just does not fit at all. Gold Morning is pretty blatant abt hammering in the thematically appropriate call backs, and the story literally has Taylor get asked whether or not the ends justified the means, and her answer is no.
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^^^ These are just alien thought processes to me. How you could find none of the undersiders sympathetic is buck wild to me since they are a group of horribly traumatized children. Also I will quibble here and say the rape allegation is presumably leveled at Alec, who 1. Never pretended it was justified, and 2. Was like 10 years old??? Literally a full ass child being groomed to commit heinous acts. It's weird to me to act like he is a monster under those circumstances.
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^^^ I assume Brian is the guy being referenced here? Absolutely unhinged take.
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^^^ And finally, someone who simply hates to see a girlboss winning (committing acts of terrible violence) 🙄
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
not a dream, important, grooming tw
I am a fan of the Korean Englishman channel, I've watched it with my mom for years because we both got interested in Korean culture and especially cuisine and they made us want to try out a lot of different dishes that they showcased on their channel and because of them, we searched up different Korean chefs and channels to pick up recipes and learn how to cook, bake and prepare different meals.
With that out of the way and that being said, both of us have seen their videos with the boys from Fulham Boys High School, where they have the kids try out Korean cuisine. So, those kids are regular high schoolers, not celebrities, who have been thrust into fame due to appearing on the channel, who are minors, who have been doxed multiple times, who have been stalked, harassed, etc. because they became so popular.
So do tell me why one of them, who is a high schooler, is being accused of GROOMING his alleged THIRTY THREE YEAR OLD girlfriend, and not the other way around? Why did a YouTuber who takes unconfirmed rumors about Korean celebrities and shares them, who has a lot of followers and influence in Korea, pick up the story about a high schooler who came to visit Korea with his class and who is a non-celebrity, and exposed him to so much hate and vitriol?
Why are Korean reporters picking up the story, without proof or mentioning how wrong their age dynamic is, and repeating it, reporting on it, attacking him, saying he used a woman old enough to be his aunt or even mother for financial gain, when that older woman was messing with a kid? Why is no one calling out and attacking her?
Why did she come out with her whole chest, name and identity, like look at me, I am the woman scorned, woe is me, I am the victim of this high schooler who I was messing with, pity me, attack him please, he turned Tinder on when he went to Korea, and with full confidence decided to share the story of what allegedly transpired with them and people took her side? She's twice his age? He's still in high school?
I am so glad that the people behind the Korean Englishman channel stood behind the boy and are defending him, because so many people are attacking him and spreading falsehoods.
They released the following statement:
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I don't know why this has to be said, but the boy in question is a non-celebrity who has been doxed by the media in a foreign country because one adult in her thirties got jealous for thinking he was allegedly talking to other girls (girls his age, mind you) and who was allegedly bribing him with presents to get his attention. Doesn't matter he started talking to her first, why are we victim blaming?
She's the one in the wrong in this situation, and it's horrifying that a YouTuber who has been sued multiple times for allegedly intentionally spreading misinformation for engagement that brings in the $$$ has also caused so much hate to be spread towards the boy, the other boys and the channel who brought to boys to Korea on a summer trip, by picking up the story and giving legitimacy to the real alleged GROOMER in the situation.
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aita for making a thread on twt against an ex online teammate?
cw: suicide baiting, mentions of grooming, possible sexting, transphobia, mentions of NSFW but no outright specifics
i (15 f) had this friend, who well call aj (fake name) (18-19 ftm i believe) back in october of last year. for context we met in a quick match when i was 14 and he was 17-18 in a video game where i also met another friend, moto (fake alias) (14 f at the time, now 15). after a few matches where we would be randomly matched together he sent me the invite to his discord server and i joined. eventually as more people joined the server (at most there were 20 or more people in the server before its deletion, most of which were minors and we were around her 'adult' friends who were anywhere from 18-30)
we would talk alot (and aj would insert herself into any conversation possible) but we would eventually have our disagreements which would end with aj threatening to kill himself, eventually this became the norm and we stopped giving a shit when he would threaten to kill himself because of how frequently he threatened it (kind of like a cry wolf situation)
around the time we stopped caring about his suicide baiting he switched tatics and tried to guilt trip us into apologizing to him for questioning her behavior (e.x. using the fact that he was neurodivergent, to elaborate someone would say "hey stop saying your going to kill yourself" and he would go "its something called a brain problem" or "i dont have pills to help me", basically blamed all of his actions on his alleged 'brain problem'). we still proceeded to not care because of how frequently he lied
on top of this, he had this streak of calling asian characters within the game feminine? a specific case (and the straw that broke the camels back for alot of my teammates) was when she called a well-loved chinese character from the game something along the lines of a femboy because they wore a traditional chinese outfit that was not "manly" (basically, didnt stop where a normal shirt stopped. im not sure what it was called and google didnt really help...) during the same time, aj identified as transgender (i believe he still does, but i no longer interact with him) and said trans women werent women because they dont get periods???
on top of this, he would also publicly do nsfw things with the adults of the server (none of the chats were role restricted. this wasnt a thing until i became a server admin and then shut it down not even 3 weeks later) and would also share nsfw/18+ topics in the server. even after the "nsfw" chat was there (we were still figuring out how to restrict it [i was coming back from a 2 year internet hiatus]) the other adults still did things along the lines of erp. aj encouraged this behavior and eventually in his new server and was talking about these things with minors (aj is about 19-20)
so after a few months of off-and-on gathering evidence (what you have just read + plus screenshots) from numerous people from his server i post the thread, and almost instantly it got posted to his server. i have a friend in that server who ended up voice chatting with him and moto (who is under a different alias in the server) and aj is literally sobbing, threatening to kill himself, and has his entire family in his room who are all looking at the thread as well. they all basically say that he doesnt look too good in the screenshots and "what were you thinking talking to these people" type of situation. aj ends up deleting the server a few days later, messages undercover-moto that he isnt making anymore servers.
im wondering if i went too far? aita?
What are these acronyms?
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tobi-smp · 2 years
How to watch the Dream SMP
So ! I’ve decided to take another stab at making a post laying out the options for new fans interested in the Dream Smp who don’t know where to start or where to look in the first place! We’ll be going over multiple options that will hopefully give people a rough idea of where they want to go depending on their needs!
at the risk of people scrolling past, I’m putting this under a readmore, so it can be updated as we get more information and so this isn’t an eyesore on the dash.
*This is an edit, discussing important information*
I’m leaving the majority of this post unaltered from when it was written, however I’ve taken the liberty to add information about the dream allegations directly under the cut. I’m doing this both to be informative and to express my own stance on the situation as clearly as possible.
I’m saying this under the cut because that way it’ll show up under every reblog of this post, instead of only being available in the edited version. It’s taken me a while to say this, not because I’ve been avoiding it but because I’ve needed time to process and chew on what I would actually like to say.
Dream, the real person, has been caught in a scandal that is at least partially proven to be true. He has confirmed himself that he has dmed several underaged fans, knowing they were underaged, and sent them to his snapchat to continue messaging him. The allegations beyond that are that he groomed these girls, including sending them inappropriate pictures.
There’s a post that has collected sources for this and several other (many related) incidents involving dream [Link]
[Update, November 20th 2023: a new victim has come forwards about dream, along with nsfw video evidence, tread carefully as this may be triggering [Link]]
I can’t say why this information hasn’t blown up the way that it should have. It might be in part because of the lawsuit currently on-going about said situation, it might be in part because of the fatigue involved with drama associated with dream, it might be that dream is a big enough name in the industry that people are afraid of the reaction they’ll receive if they Do speak out. I don’t know.
But what I Can say is that I have a responsibility to inform anyone potentially interested in the series so they can make informed decisions about what they want to do.
The dream smp is, ultimately, not the brainchild of one person. There are 30 odd people involved with the smp, some of the most popular of which were underage at the time the potential grooming was taking place. I would say that it’s not fair to lay the blame of the actions of one awful man at the feet of these individuals that had no part and no say in what happened.
I would Also say that the reactions from these other members are also very important, even if they don’t implicate them in the crime. The Vast majority of people associated with the server have made explicit efforts to distance themselves from dream. For some that’s been simply cutting contact with him entirely and refusing to associate with him (to interesting results on dream’s part [Link 1, Link 2]). Others speaking negatively about dream in a broader sense. And a select few who have spoken about these accusations specifically, albeit none of them in a very comprehensive way.
Is that enough? I dunno, I’m not the person to ask about the question of accountability vs privacy. I don’t know who’s Allowed to speak on it and who isn’t in regards to the court case, I don’t know whose avoiding speaking on it because of personal negative experiences with the kind of trauma that dream potentially caused, and neither does anyone else. [Link]
I can’t blame anyone who can’t involve themselves with any of the content or the creators that they associate with dream, I also can’t blame anyone who feels uncomfortable with those creators who Haven’t spoken up about the situation regardless of them not associating with dream.
However, personal comfort also isn’t the same thing as blame. At the end of the day creators need to be able to distance themselves from someone toxic and potentially dangerous when they personally haven’t done anything wrong.
That said, I Do also think it’s worth pointing out that that there Are several people who have either openly supported dream through this, or aren’t likely to ever say anything. including “the dream team” (meaning sapnap and george, his roommates and childhood friends) and badboyhalo. they’ve continued making personal content with him (Including buying a trump flag on stream as a “joke” [Link]), and in the case of sapnap and badboyhalo, they’ve openly supported dream while speaking about these allegations and speaking about other creators having dropped contact with him Related to these allegations [Link]
what does all of this mean for someone who’s potentially interested in the series? I don’t know. That’s up to the individual to decide for themselves.
I Will say, the majority of the options for viewing old content given on this post are not directly affiliated with the streamers, being channels dedicated to reuploading vods as well as compilation channels that intentionally break down the footage to make the series easier to digest. I will also say that none of the official vods channels that are linked are associated with any of the dream team.
but of course, dream himself will be in the content linked here. that’s inevitable and largely unavoidable. and if that makes anybody uncomfortable then it would probably be within their best interest not to dive any deeper into the series.
personally, I think anybody is within their right to avoid the series either for moral reasons or for their own personal comfort. I also think it’s possible to engage with the series without being held accountable for the actions the man on the tin. as a long time fan I won’t and Can’t engage with any new content, but I also can’t undo my connection to the story that I’ve sewn into my brain either. so I’m somewhere in the middle, “engaging” only through tumblr posts and ao3.
all of That said, I will be leaving the rest of this post unedited. I frankly don’t want to reread it at all, so if there’s anything below this point that is now ironic then it’s out of my hands.
2023 edit: Inniters stay winning [Link] 
so lets break down some of our options!
1: Summaries and Compilations
This is the most Accessible time wise, which is obviously Very necessary in a series like this where watching every perspective just Isn’t Possible and dedicating yourself to one story line or streamer can still be a Very daunting time commitment.
But it also means sacrificing Detail. When you filter the events through a retelling that means that whoever creates that video is choosing what’s important to tell the audience and How that information is presented to that audience, which can warp someone’s understanding of the events. this is, unfortunately, an unavoidable aspect of this option no matter how unbiased the creator is trying to be. However, there are some options that are better than others. So lets lay them out.
- Blueberry TV [Link] Blueberry TV is a channel dedicated to telling the complete story of the dream smp through clips from All perspectives on the dream smp. They don’t do commentary of their own, they don’t summarize the events, they let the clips speak for themselves. This makes them a very Accurate resource that will give a more complete view of all of the arcs than watching any individual perspective ever could, but that also means that it’s still a pretty significant time sync Because it’s a trying to show you everything.
They have a playlist for season 1 [Link], season 2 [Link], season 3 [Link], and season 4 [Link] for their complication videos that cover the major events in each season (with 3 and 4 being the thinnest because there Aren’t many major lore events).
- The Dream Smp Carrd [Link] Like blueberry tv, this project attempts to make the entirety of the dream smp accessible by breaking it up into smaller digestible clips! Unlike blueberry tv, it does so through a series of playlists collecting those clips from different sources that are all linked together in an easy to follow hub of links organized by season!
this is still a Massive time sync, even more so than blueberry tv, but it’s also more navigable. it’s easier to pick and choose what story lines you’re Specifically interested in and digging into those at your leisure thanks to the dedication to organization! this is Especially useful for smaller creators and story lines that don’t get a much of a spotlight in the main story of the smp! such as the egg arc.
it does, however, stop at season four. though that’s understandable considering the circumstances Surrounding season four.
- Wilbur’s Dream Smp Playlist [Link] This covers wilbur’s story up to the end of season one, meaning the L’manberg war through to the end of the manberg v pogtopia war (november 16th 2020). This is an excellent summary for understanding wilbur’s early story line, especially to supplement his more recent streams as a newer fan. It is, however, worth noting that this is obviously heavily filtered through wilbur’s perspective and writing style, this will give you a complete look into wilbur’s story line but not, for instance, fundy’s or tubbo’s.
- Tommyinnit Main Channel Playlists [Link 1, Link 2, Link 3] Tommy has a few playlists with videos summarizing streams and story lines on his main channel! would I Recommend these? Not Really. they exist for entertainment value, and are made so inconsistently that they don’t really function as Summaries of any given story line, let alone his character as a whole. the exile videos in particular tone down many of the darker aspects of the story, which is part of what contributes to a general misunderstanding of that story line in the fandom. they exist and you can watch them, but I wouldn’t recommend Only watching them.
- Do Not Do This People who are familiar with the dream smp may have noticed a lack of or been expecting a certain channel to appear in this section. That’s understandable, it’s one of the most well known, it’s been used and advertised by multiple streamers, it’s theoretically the most accessible resource in the fandom.
it’s also the resource that has single-handedly spread more misinformation in this fandom than any other single creator or poster there is.
Evanmcgaming is a channel dedicated to making full summary videos for the dream smp, summarizing each arc himself through voice over with professional looking graphics in a Manageable amount of time. He has also outright admitted that he intentionally leaves out entire streamers from story lines when he doesn’t find them personally interesting and to including outright False information in his videos when he thinks that’d make his storytelling more exciting.
Evanmcgaming does not summarize the dream smp, evanmcgaming Rewrites the dream smp and presents that as summaries. this is an extremely important distinction, and one that he never makes in any of his videos. from the very first video all the way through he is tweaking every single bit of information to craft a narrative based on the story that he wants to tell, and this gets worse the further his narrative drifts from the reality of what happened.
This means cutting fundy fully out of the manberg v pogtopia war despite having been an integral part of it, this means telling his audience that tommy faked his own death to trick dream at the end of the exile arc when the reality was that it was a suicide attempt that he’d decided against last minute. If you’ve only ever watched evanmcgaming’s summary of an event, it’s very likely that you’re carrying misconceptions that change the entirety of how any given story line would be understood.
I don’t blame evanmcgaming for being a teenager that made videos for fun. I am, however, haunted by the fact that he is the most well known face in this niche, and that it’s very unlikely that anybody will ever try to do what he’s doing more accurately Because he’s as well known and endorsed as he is. there are streamers on the dream smp who have watched his videos to understand the lore, some of them have streamed this process to their audience. there is no justice in this world.
2: Full VOD playlists
This option is, obviously, the most Accurate, being the raw streams completely unedited. It is, however, the least accessible as far as time is concerned and it’s not an option for most streamers. Not many of the creators have dedicated VODs channels, and not all of the streamers who upload their VODs despite that upload all of them, and while there are fan uploads it can be difficult to keep track of.
And even besides that, the accessibility of this method fluctuates wildly between streamers because of Stream Length. There are many streamers who do many multi-hour streams that aren’t guaranteed to contain any lore. It can be really difficult as a new fan to know which 3-8 hour video has what you’re looking for and Where in those 3-8 hour videos you need to look to find what you need.
To that end, lets go over some of the best options that we have right now.
Dream Team Smp VODs Playlist [Link] This is a fanmade channel dedicated to collecting streams from the dream team (meaning dream, sapnap, and george), and they’ve created a playlist for all of the early streams on the server. At 35 videos, this covers the creation of the server up to the declaration of war on l’manberg. so if you want to understand the Early history of the dream smp, what set the stage for everything that came after it and the Very early lore (meaning the disc war) from the dream team perspective this is the way to go. this is all mostly pre-canon, but it’s a good resource to have!
Tommyinnit VODs [Link] - Tommy has a dedicated VODs channel where he uploads every single one of his VODs. He doesn’t have his own dream smp playlist, but that’s where I come in. - His streams are roughly on the shorter end, mostly averaging around an hour though the absolute high is around 2 and half and the low is around half an hour. - Tommy is Heavily involved with most of the story lines on the dream smp from beginning to end. He obviously Doesn’t and Can’t see everything, but he’s one of the very few perspectives that you can watch and get a general idea of what’s generally going on with the majority of the server.   - However, while his individual streams aren’t very long (comparatively), his heavy involvement with the main story line on the server means that there’s quite a bit More to watch than some other perspectives. Currently we’re sitting at 178 videos in the playlist. - It’s also worth noting that tommy’s perspective will give you insight into dream’s character that you won’t get in full from any other perspective. If that’s what you’re interested in then it’s Most relevant during the exile arc, the disc war finale, the prison arc, and the prison escape.
Note: if Tommy’s perspective is appealing to you, but the amount of videos is overwhelming, then @zeta-in-de-walls has playlists collecting the plot relevant streams for seasons 1-3 ! [Link 1, Link 2, Link 3] This obviously means that you’ll be losing some content and some context, but it’s just a bit more digestible.
Technoblade VODs [Link] - Technoblade streamed on youtube natively, that means that all of his VODs are uploaded directly to youtube! Likewise, he has his own dedicated playlist for his dream smp streams. This makes him one of the Most accessible streamers out there. - That said, his streams do average out to be much longer than tommy’s, with the general stream coming out around two hours. The longest his streams get is 5 hours, while the shortest is around an hour. - However, techno preferred to only stream when he wanted to move his character or the plot forwards. So while his streams may be longer on average, he has much Less of them. There’s 39 in total, which makes it a much faster watch. - That said, for that reason technoblade’s perspective is both generally pretty central for pushing the overarching plot forwards, And very isolated. He’s involved in most of the major events on the server, but watching his perspective will give you very warped ideas about what’s Happening on the rest of the server Because he’s a very isolated character, especially season two onwards. which isn’t a bad thing at all ! it’s just something to be aware of while watching.
Quackity VODs [Link] and Wilbur VODs [Link] - Quackity has an official VODs channel, as well as a dedicated dream smp playlist. wilbur is the only streamer on this list that doesn’t upload his own vods, but he’s also been completely documented through fan uploads. - Quackity and wilbur have very similar stream times to tommy, though wilbur is more likely to have streams on the shorter end (half an hour to an hour) while quackity is more on the slightly longer end (one to two hours) - Conversely, the Amount they stream is more similar to techno (47 videos for quackity, and 32 for wilbur. - These two are both a sort of middle ground between tommy and techno! They’re both pretty central to the overarching narrative of the dream smp (like techno) while being more involved with other parties on the server (like tommy). Taken with tommy and/or techno’s perspectives they add more Context to the over-all narrative. - It Is worth noting that there was a large period where wilbur Did Not stream his perspective (for all of season two and a good chunk of season three), this was done for plot related reasons, but it does mean that you will be missing information about what his character was up to if you Only watch his perspective and nothing else.
It’s worth noting that niki has all of her lore streams directly available in a playlist [Link], fundy has his own VODs channel with a fan playlist for his dream smp streams [Link], and phil and tubbo both have fans attempting to collect all of their vods into playlists [Phil Link] [Tubbo Link].
ranboo also has an “official” VODs channel [Link], it isn’t run by him but it does appear to be uploading all of his VODs, however it doesn’t have a full dream smp playlist. It Does have a playlist for lore relevant streams that’s quite short [Link] and a playlist for every stream he’s ever done period, which is absurd and not recommended [Link]. That said ! there Does appear to be a fan playlist that pulled videos from a different VOD channel that attempted to collect all of his dream smp streams, though it stopped early 2021 [Link].
Karl Jacobs also appears to have a fan-run VODs channel, though it’s entirely unlisted. The twitter account associated with the channel links this playlist [Link] It’s incomplete and doesn’t appear to be in any sort of Order, but it’s there. Edit to say that there’s updated information for Karl Jacobs here ! [Link] courtesy of @jezily
I’m listing these separately because they all have Varying levels of accessibility (niki and fundy both make their perspectives really easy for fans to find, but you wouldn’t understand the major beats of the narrative by watching them. tubbo Would be a very good option for understanding most of the story on the dream smp if he actually backed up his own VODs, which he doesn’t), but they’re still Available and still worth looking into if you’re interested in the stories of the individual streamers !
likewise, just because I didn’t list a perspective here doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth watching, it just means that they aren’t Accessible. the best way to watch the dream smp is through the perspective you enjoy the most, so if you find a streamer you like then it’s perfectly valid to hunt down their VODs to sink your teeth into, it’ll just be a bit more work than the options above!
3: I want to watch Everything
So lets say your goal is to do the impossible and watch Literally Everything the dream smp has to offer indiscriminately. I wouldn’t recommend this but it’s a goal that a person could have. Lets start with the option that’s actually physically possible and work our way up.
- Blueberry TV’s Plot Playlist [Link] Blueberry’s TV’s plot playlist combines all of their compilation videos with individual clips to make a 405 video lore bomb that attempts to show you every single plot relevant moment on the dream smp in as consumable way as possible. It is physically possible to watch and would likely give whoever sat down to watch it a more complete idea of the dream smp than most people have. I don’t think I’d personally call this the most Enjoyable way to watch the dream smp, but it’s definitely the most Accessible.
- Dream SMP in Order [Discontinued] Playlist [Link] This is a playlist that attempted to collect Literally every single VOD available on youtube in order. They stopped somewhere in early 2021, frankly I’m amazed that they did this for that long. This is 964 videos long, this contains videos that are over 8 hours long. I don’t know why anyone would do this to themselves. some people may take that last statement as a challenge, and this option is for them.
- @fairy-rave [Link] Possibly the most powerful individual in this fandom. They have playlists for all of the Notable streams in the dream smp, intended to cover all of the plot relevant streams on the dream smp. They have playlists divided by season [Season 1, Season 2, Season 3a, Season 3b, Season 3c, Season 3d, Season 4] As well as one master playlist for All plot relevant streams, sitting at 905 videos [Link]
On top of that, they have playlists for Literally Every VOD They Can Find On Youtube In Order [Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4] This Comes Out To 1907 videos in total.
- @dream-smp-archives For some people, that’s just not enough. For some people, they need to inject the dream smp directly into their bloodstream. For some people, the dream smp archives is their only hope. This post will tell all [Link]
4: Tales from the Smp
What happens on the dream smp itself of course isn’t the only thing relevant to the dream smp. Karl Jacobs’ Tales from the Smp dives into both his own characters’ lore, as well as lore for the history of the land the dream smp takes place in and the gods that pull the strings behind the scenes!
I have a playlist with the full VODs ! [Link] @fairy-rave helped me recover two of them that had been seemingly lost :> thanks to them “The Masquerade” and “The Wild West” are viewable in full!
5: Animatics
The dream smp fandom has absolutely no shortage of animatics, animations, or pmvs, and if you’re interested in getting into the series odds are that’s what drew you to it in the first place!
That said, I have a playlist dedicated to laying out the dream smp story line in order through these videos (animatics, animations, pmvs, fan songs, etc!)  [Link]
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