#and it just makes my heart all fuzzy and warm
motelofmermaids · 1 day
maximus headcanons ♡︎ (+18)
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♡︎ maximus absolutely loves when you fight—that you can take care of yourself. he adores a strong woman, especially due to how fast you adapted to the surface, despite being a vault dweller.
♥︎ even though he knows you're capable of taking care of yourself, maximus is extremely protective (and possessive), willing to do anything to ensure your safety.
♡︎ maximus has no experience with romance, having dedicated his whole life to the brotherhood. so when he meets you, he has no idea what do… and you can’t help but find it endearing, subtly teaching him. if you were eyeing a little flower or smiling, reminiscing on life from the vaults, he’d do anything just to see that same smile.
♥︎ he’s a little unfiltered… i mean… “you wanna make my cock explode now? sorry, intercourse? :)” so whenever you and maximus become intimate, he vocalizes his need & admiration for you! and i mean… he’s completely enamored, especially with your body. and he makes sure to let you know.
♡︎ maximus is a lover. a lover of all things, actually. the brotherhood is devoid of the type of love he needs, and when he’s finally on his own—when he eventually meets you—he feels safe enough to show the appreciation he has for most things. he’s definitely a nature & animal lover. the wasteland is devastating, yet he finds the beauty in it all. he knows true beauty exists, because you exist. a big, hopeless romantic, if you will!
♥︎ he collects little things he finds that reminds him of you. and if someone else has it? he’d get a molar removed jus’ to get it. because of this, he’s definitely become a hoarder. it’s not his fault! somehow and some way, maximus found a silver locket necklace shaped in a heart, and wears it under his suit, arguing that is represents your heart— ‘it’s your heart… and i can carry it with me forever.’
♡︎ while he may hold grudges, his soft heart makes room for redemption. maximus wants to know people. he needs to understand their soul. their pain. because he understands. when he meets you, he helps you open up, giving him a piece of your soul, and he reciprocates.
♥︎ maximus wants to be a dad. he has a soft spot for children, wants to make the world a better place for children. he lost everything as a kid—his whole world stripped away from him—and when he joined the brotherhood, he wanted to destroy what destroyed him. he wants to be a father in a world that isn’t so evil, with just a lil’ more love and compassion.
♡︎ he adores music. would do anything to sit down with a glass of whiskey and listen to armstrong or porter, for hours on end and do nothin’ but listen.
♥︎ an enjoyer of fuzzy and soft things… especially slippers!
♡︎ maximus would love shower sex… the warm downpour of water over your bodies as he held your leg up to his hip. if he could see one thing for the last time, it would be you pressed against the shower wall as your mouth hung open, your sweet moans mixed with the soft pattering of the water.
♥︎ he’s also obsessed with you being on top. gripping the fat of your hips or thighs as you ride him, seeing your body arch and bounce. it’s his favorite view.
♡︎ maximus loves to touch you in any way possible. gently stroking your cheek, holding your hand, running his hands through your hair. anything that’ll keep you ‘n him close.
♥︎ he isn’t afraid to show his emotions. if anything, he wants you to see all of him. wants to cry in your arms, get angry, laugh uncontrollably, and become to flustered he can’t hold eye contact… maximus wants to be an open book for you.
♡︎ even though maximus knows you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, he wants to help clean you up after. if anything, he needs to. he needs to clean your wounds, bandage you, kiss your temple and whisper affirming words.
♥︎ maximus can’t stay angry with you. physically and mentally, he refuses to be mad at you, too afraid of the future—that everything could change and he could lose you. you need to know how much he loves you, and if there’s a disagreement, he wants to talk rather than let it consume the both of you.
♡︎ he still has nightmares about shady sands. he’ll toss ‘n turn, the same memory playing over in his dreams. until eventually they start to become less frequent, knowing that you were next to him—that whenever he started whimpering, your hand would rest on his chest, his heartbeat calming down against your gentle touch.
♥︎ despite being inexperienced, when maximus first kissed you, it was as if time completely stopped. he kissed you as if you were the answer to all his prayers, as if you were his source of oxygen. maximus was a starved man, and you were his first taste.
♡︎ as long as you’re by his side, maximus doesn’t care where y’all end up. on the surface, in the vaults—as long as he had you, he’d be comfortable anywhere. even if it’s a shabby ol’ cabin that needs intense attention and repairs.
♥︎ maximus 100% has a breeding kink… 🤗
♡︎ during the nights on the surface, maximus would lay down next to you, watching as you stargazed. he would decide in that moment that you were the biggest star he’s ever seen, and whichever one in the sky was second to you, he’d name it after you.
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bloodfreak-boyking · 4 months
things that make me aboslutely batshit insane about this scene:
1.) sam being so willing to just straight up kill himself (i love u martyr boy <3)
2.) dean's absolute REFUSAL of that plan (the very soft way he says "for the last time, no" to sam when its just the two of them - i could survive on that alone for eternity)
3.) dean is willing to give up his most PRIZED POSSESSION, HIS PRECIOUS IMPALA, to a COMPLETE STRANGER, bc he's not leaving sam here alone to die
4.) sam trying so hard to get dean to leave, to get dean to live (but ultimately failing because if sam isn't alive dean doesn't want to be either in fact he'll make sure he isn't either)
5.) dean trying to use humor to make this all seem so casual once they're alone, as if he isn't sacrificing his life for the sake of his brother
I truly believe that if Sam was infected and Dean did have to kill him, he'd pull him into a big ol' bear hug, press their faces together cheek to cheek, put the gun at his temple, and pull the trigger to shoot both of them in the head simultaneously.
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roseytoesy · 4 months
This might have been said before but
How do you feel about hurt/comfort vore?
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
It’s just about everything I read for this community. I love to think of ways for characters to be gently hurt or put in a bad spot and having to be eaten to be comforted. Tucked away to be hidden, to find safety in a cruel world, etc. it’s an amazing trope and I love it so very very much. But if the hurt is too much I’ll be really sad so I need small hurt big comfort. 10/10 in storied and just scenarios in general. Thank you!!
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2aceofspades · 9 months
uhh hiiiii just curious but do you have like a ref for your sona (or whatever character u use to represent urself??) :3
Hello! Um...not a very 'solid 'or 'good' one.
This is how I currently draw myself/sona:
Full body
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I also kinda have a color reference, which is this colored sketch
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So...no more chonky boots or drawing glove (since I can't use my tablet heh..)
Also, I added pig tails just cuz I thought they suited my sona better I dunno. Also also, I sometimes strap a gas mask to the lil backpack just cuz. But! The colors are the same. Pretty drab with red spades.
Gosh, I hope this helped. I would love to do a reference sheet thing of my sona cuz I guess some people like them and my sketches of them, which is very very sweet and I wasn't expecting that to be honest 😅
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this has to be the most esoteric assemblage of freaks anyone’s ever amassed. i love them. (also dr smith who’s just offscreen 😑 one of them’ll have to go so i can have even rows lol)
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fluffykitteninabox · 1 year
me whenever I see a "single adoptive parent with traumatized child they literally picked up from the streets like a stray" dynamic: now I need an AU with Kurogiri and Tomura
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pocketlad · 1 year
I randomly remembered this and couldn’t stop thinking about it, so happy reminder/if you didn’t know, in Bowser’s Inside Story there’s a certain part where you have to cross an area by hanging off this zipline sort of thing, and if you have Luigi hang onto Mario he just takes the moment to hug and snuggle onto him for a bit
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phoenix-flamed · 10 months
Tell us about some of Elwin’s happiest memories with his two boys 🥺❤️
Insert Metal Gear Solid "!" noise here, because I love talking about Elwin with his boys oh my god you have no idea --
There are so many happy little memories he has with them, but we'll start at the very first one that involves both of them together.
Regrettably, Elwin wasn't able to be around as often with Joshua as he had been when Clive was little. In fact, he wasn't even in Rosalith when Joshua was born -- though he did try and return as quickly as he could when the stolas brought word that Anabella was in labor.
Imagine this normally pretty composed guy just -- dropping off of his chocobo as soon as he gets through the gate into the city, bolting to and through the castle at top-speed and blazing past everyone in the process with hastily-shouted apologies, all to see his newest child.
So to address the heart of the request... The happiest part of the whole memory for him is just being able to sit there with little Clive, cradling baby Joshua in his arms while the two of them fawn and fuss over the newborn. (With Elwin more than likely crying a little from sheer joy.)
It's like in that moment, Elwin knew that the two children would be inseparable, just by the way that Clive looked at and interacted with his little brother -- with such fascination and adoration and love.
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callilouv · 1 year
i miss streaming art on discord vc ngl<3
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Once upon a time Not so long ago There was a little girl and her name was Emely
And Emely had a shop
There it is
It was rather an unusual shop, because it didn't sell anything
It was all the things that somebody had once lost, and Emely had found and brought home to Bagpuss Her cat, Bagpuss
The most important The most beautiful The most magical saggy old cloth cat in the whole wide world
Well now, one day, Emely found a thing
And she brought it home, to Bagpuss Who sat in the shop window, fast asleep, as usual
But Emely said the magic words
~~Bagpuss, dear Bagpuss, old fat furry catpuss, Wake up and look at this thing that I bring Wake up, be bright, the goldenen light Bagpuss, oh hear what I sing~~
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neverchecking · 11 months
We all know in one imagine ask that time will likely ask wild to cook that damn duck that fly to his face.
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! I have a couple weird blood-pressure-related questions, both for people with low blood pressure issues and people without
I already know from previous questions y’all have helped me with (and doctor reactions) that it’s extremely weird that my allergic reactions first raise my blood pressure for several hours before crashing my blood pressure, so I’m just leaving that out for these questions 1. Do you ever find allergic reactions affect your circulation? Specifically, making your hands and feet extremely cold?  2. Do you ever find if you are having unusually high blood pressure readings (if prone to low blood pressure), that it happens when your hands and feet are very cold? 3. Does your ability to produce body heat ever, like...stop working? Like you have a blanket over you but it just will not warm up at all, wake up in the middle of the night because even though you’ve got three blankets still over you and it’s 70 degrees inside the house you’re freezing and the bed just will not warm up? I’ve gotten around this by making myself a hot water bottle on days when I can’t warm up, but like, that’s weird, right? these questions brought to you by today’s Weird Medical Thing, where I appear to be having a mild allergic reaction but my fingers are so cold the thermometer* can’t read them and my toes are so cold they ache. I am wearing slippers, have two layers of blankets over me, and it’s 72 degrees in my house. This is absurd.  *sometimes when I feel cold I take my temperature to see if I actually am cold enough to have dropped my body temp (get a hot water bottle time) or am just feeling cold (put on a hoodie time)
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y2dolle · 2 years
hate to be sentimental at 9:40 in the morning but i just wanna say i love each and every one of my mutuals and wish nothing but pure happiness upon all of you
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shimmershaewrites · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson Characters: Wayne Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Good Parent Wayne Munson, POV Wayne Munson, No Vecna (Stranger Things), Alternate Universe, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Marriage of Convenience, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff Summary:
His boy brings home a girl that spring, a pretty thing with blonde hair and a shy smile and a belly she can’t hide, and when he sees the way Eddie looks at her, Wayne’s heart sinks past his gut.
“It’s not mine,” Eddie tells him the next afternoon. They’re out on the side porch after lunch; Chrissy's inside, asleep on the couch.
“The baby,” Eddie adds when Wayne doesn’t respond right away. He’s frowning fiercely at his knees. “She had a boyfriend. Well, until…”
“Until?” Wayne prompts.
The boy—not so much a boy now, twenty-three and taller than him—shrugs. “Until he knocked her up.” His mouth twists in a sneer. “Fucker thought basketball was a better deal than her and a kid.”
Wayne sits with that for a minute. “Sounds like a piece of work.”
Eddie snorts. “I’ll say.”
A couple cars go by on the road; the whine of a lawnmower a couple spots down drifts in and out.
“Yeah, kid.”
Eddie tips his head back to look at him, something between nerves and determination on his face as he squints against the sun.
“I’m gonna marry her. If she’ll let me.”
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sttoru · 2 months
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𝝑𝑒 synopsis. after being married to satoru for two years, you still giggle and (secretly but not so secretly) fangirl about him whenever given the chance. your husband absolutely loves indulging you.
tags. husband!gojo satoru x wife!female reader. fluff, sfw, tiny bits of angst. tooth rotting fluff yeah. reader gets called ‘princess, baby’. inspired by this ask.
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“and and and, his smile ‘s just so beautiful,” you sigh dreamily, resting your head on satoru’s lap. you’re both enjoying the cozy night in your shared apartment. with no one bothering you—with no regards for the world that’s continuing its cycle outside.
satoru chuckles as he pats your head slowly, taking his time to appreciate every feature of yours. from your pink-ish lips to your pretty eyes. he’s so in love with the creation god has gifted him. he nods attentively, “yeah? what else?”
you giggle as he indulges you. it’s a habit of yours, to fangirl over your husband like you’re not literally his wife. satoru finds it absolutely adorable. plus, it boosts his ego. in a very good way.
“aaaand, he’s caring. that’s the one thing i love most about him,” you continue to ramble about your little ‘crush’ on that so-called mysterious white-haired sorcerer. satoru wishes he could capture this moment and keep repeating it over and over in his head.
the way you talk about your crush - him - is filling his stomach with butterflies. the tall man can’t deny the faint blush on his cheeks and the fuzzy feeling in his chest. you keep getting cuter and cuter the more time passes.
when he thinks you’ve reached a state of perfection in his eyes, you once again prove him wrong and go beyond that. “caring, hm? he must treat my princess real good then,” satoru hums and continues petting your head. his other hand rubs your stomach—fingers creeping under the material of your nightgown.
“he does,” you nod in agreement, “he treats me so well. i don’t know how i got so lucky to have met him.” you squirm a little as you feel satoru’s slender fingers graze your midriff, going back down to your belly and then back up your chest again. his touch is so intimate and loving. you’re spoiled. spoiled rotten by his affection.
satoru sighs. his white lashes flutter shut for a second. hearing you say such stuff makes him want to check if it’s reality he’s in. if it isn’t another too-good-to-be-true dream of his. no one had loved him as much as you did.
it feels good to know that he’s wanted. needed.
“no, i think he is the lucky one,” satoru continues. his hand petting your head stops and he moves it to rub your cheek tenderly. he leans his head down, the tips of your noses touching. he whispers, “having a pretty girl like you love him so dearly… yeah, he’s won the lottery.”
your heart skips a beat. satoru’s words leave you speechless. you don’t know if you can keep up the little silly act anymore. his flirting, the teasing and the genuineness behind his words—it’s all too much.
you grab the back of his head and push his lips down against yours. satoru’s breath hitches for a second before he gives in to you. he visibly melts, eyes closing and hands tightening their grip around your body.
“mmh,” satoru lets out a content moan. he loves you. he’s glad he’s met you and he’s glad he made you his wife two years back. you’re the only one for him. death won’t do you apart—no—he promised you on your wedding day that it wouldn’t.
you kiss him like it’s your last kiss on earth. the spark between you is still as warm and strong as it was when you met. the people who’ve warned you about the ‘honeymoon phase’ are clearly all wrong. they aren’t aware of the strength your bond with satoru has. you’re inseparable.
“i love you,” you sigh against satoru’s glossy lips and he deepens the kiss after that.
somebody loves him. somebody cares for him. that’s all he needs in life. his life is complete with you in it. he smiles against your lips and says the three words back, with more passion than ever before, “i love you too, my angel.”
nothing will ever separate you. not fate. not anyone.
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