#and kinda pointless
vintagesimstress · 4 months
Me about every scene in Act 3 of my hopefully-one-day-going-to-be-published-story:
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syninplays · 1 year
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Bits of Kat & Finnr’s London home ~
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redonionlover · 2 months
sunstone..? perhaps???
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anon ur so real for this... they're my faves since i first played rw
havent drawn them in a loong time though so i doodled these real quick :^)
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kiriona-apologist · 4 days
hey disney what the fuck do you mean ncuti's second season will also only have 8 episodes and a christmas special i'm holding a fucking gun to your head
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mr-president · 1 year
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The god of fear and hunger acknowledges your suffering.
Cahara has formed a panophobia. A fear of everything.
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degrees-of-lili · 4 months
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I've done it. I've drawn all the named NPCs Edit: For the record; Gender Symbol is their gender identity and Color is Sex/Genitalia (Blue = Penis, Pink = Vagina, Purple = Hermaphrodite). Probably self evident but I figured I'd state it. Edit 2: Added Charlie. Sorry Charlie. I've done it. I've drawn all the named NPCs Edit 3: Forgot Eden's label.
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noose-lion · 1 year
Hot take of the day;
Dazai is more of an alcoholic than Chuuya.
Chuuya drinks by occasion (sometimes that occasion is a celebration, sometimes it's a bar). Yes he drunk calls his ex-partner, but people can get drunk and not be alcoholic.
Dazai has a room full of empty sake bottles.
It doesn't matter either way, I just tend to ramble. (They both seem pretty alcoholic)
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starrystevie · 7 months
steve falls in love with eddie because he's this perfect amalgamation of everyone he's ever loved.
there's nancy's curly brown hair, of course, but also her fierce stubbornness and her bashful little smile when steve is being purposefully obtuse. there's tommy's passion, his impulsivity, his need to get under steve's skin in the best way possible. there's jonathan's quick remarks with a crooked grin and heather m's soft touches on bruised skin and robin's flailing hands when she talks that steve loves so much.
there's even the dorkiness of his kids that only amplifies when eddie's around them, all their talks of fantastic worlds that steve knows nothing about but nods along like he gets it. there's the bright blinding smiles that seem to pull at every face in the room when they win, hooting and hollering in a harmonious chorus.
steve falls in love with eddie for all of those things but also for all of the things he possesses on his own. his charm and his wit, his need to make steve smile every waking moment. the way he knows when steve needs quiet and dark so he closes the blinds before wrapping him up in his steady arms.
eddie falls in love with steve for all of the things that seem new to him.
he's never had a guy treat him like steve does, never had soft smiles and cards on valentines day, never had date nights or kisses in the daytime or a hand that fits gently against his own. he doesn't feel like a dirty secret pushed away to closets and out of windows. he doesn't see the quick glances around to make sure no one's watching before he gets into steve's car like he's used to getting with old partners. he doesn't get shushed or ignored or heartbroken.
he's used to being shrouded in darkness but steve is like sunshine, his love warming eddie like sunrays in and of themselves. he's used to confusion and questions but steve makes him feel wanted. makes him feel loved back.
steve is protective and smart. he sees through the bullshit eddie's built up around himself and holds him when those walls inevitably crumble down. eddie falls in love with steve because he sees him for who he truly is and loves him because of it.
they fall in love with each other because their jagged edges were made for one another, like puzzle pieces in the wrong box finding their way back home. they fall in love with each other because nothing else has ever felt more right. they fall in love with each other because everyone they loved before was a trial, a test, pushing them together whether they knew it or not.
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rebouks · 3 months
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Ivan: He didn’t come home again last night. Oscar: Well.. he ain’t gonna be cheating on you, is he? Ivan: I dunno… Oscar: C’mon, he can barely strike up a conversation with a tree. Who’s he gonna be cheating on you with? Ivan: A lumberjack? Oscar: Pfha-.. right. Byrd: Daddy look! I’m a dancerina! Oscar: An amazing one at that! He wants a tutu... Ivan: Wren too? Oscar: [cackles] God, no.. she’d probably clog the shitter with it. Ivan: He can have one of Pixie’s-.. I’ll bring it next time. Oscar: Alright. Ivan: I gotta drop Jude off, anyway… Oscar: Try not to stress about it, eh? Ivan: Jude, Jessie, or Bruno? Oscar: All of it, man.. I dunno. [Ivan snorted, rolling his eyes at Oscar and ruffling Byrd’s hair as he headed outside to fetch Jude] ... [Robin idly twirled a daisy between his fingertips, his and Jude’s legs sprawled beside each other as they lay in the long grass] Robin: It might not be so bad; you’ll probably make loads of new friends n’ stuff. Jude: Maybe, but I wanted us to go to big school together. Robin: Why, so I could sit around not talking to you? [Jude scoffed a half-hearted laugh] Jude: I’d still prefer-… Ivan: Jude! Jude: Gotta go! See you next week. Robin: You’re not sticking around for the weekend? Jude: Mom n’ Gavin are having some sorta party they want me there for on Saturday. Robin: Sucks to be you. Ivan: How y’doin’, bud.. enjoyin’ the treehouse? Robin: Uh-huh. Jude: No grown-ups allowed though! Ivan: Rude. [Ivan chuckled as he threw his arms around Robin and squeezed him farewell; he gave the best bear hugs] Ivan: I’m gonna bring y’brother a tutu next time, fancy one? Robin: I’m good, thanks. Ivan: How ‘bout you? Jude: Only if it’s blue. Ivan: I’ll see what I can do. Robin: You’re both poets-… Jude: And we didn’t know it!
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mushtoons · 2 years
We're early (cough by a couple days cough) but!!
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@dragon-spaghetti HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
you're so cool and such an amazing friend and its mainly cuz of u we even fell back in love with tmnt so we honestly owe u our lives 💖💖 so heres some cuties for ur big day!!
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nedlittle · 1 year
something so hauntological about watching mash season 3 knowing how it ends...none of the characters know henry's never going to make it home, the actors all found out in real time. but the narrative knows how this ends, and the narrative is waiting with an open mouth. so the narrative has henry prefigure his own death throughout the season. in o.r. when hawkeye reassures him one day you're gonna have to go back and die in your bed in bloomington, henry says that he's done that several times. he complains in private charles lamb that everything in this country disappears except me (untrue) followed by boy, would i like to wake up some morning, look down and find myself gone (true). when he gets trapped in the wreckage of the latrine in bombed he knocks twice for "dead" rather than three times for "alive." then there's the scene in the consultant where he soaks in the pool, calling it heaven but says the water could be just a titch warmer (burning burning burning), avoiding conversation with frank by submerging himself underwater. henry spends the whole season unknowingly rehearsing his impending death. he goes around camp trying on other people's deaths for size, haunting the narrative before he's even out of it.
in conclusion:
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narnour-momo-007 · 1 year
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Late night at the office + Movie night sketch :]
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poorschilpad · 5 months
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ddenji · 8 months
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im soooo beyond excited. loving the setup of sisters fighting with and against each other, especially bc family/found family is such a big theme for fujimoto. really excited to meet death just in general cuz if theres one thing fujimoto can and will do it's create a fleshed-out, nuanced, sadistic female character that you hate to love and love to hate, but who knows, maybe she'll be different than i think. this does feel like setup for the final arc and we're not there yet, but they did say there was half a year until she showed up so hopefully there are some juicy arcs in between.
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beatcroc · 5 months
hi. vore on main. no that's it that's the post this is straight up genuinely and unironically voreposting on main. mostly just a lot of cutsey dumb goofy shit, but monsterfucker brain did get ahold of me for a bit there so there's also a handful that are uhhhh Spicy. nothing explicit, but like, It's Vore Dude, so if you look under the cut that is YOUR problem ok? ok.
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ok listen before i move on i have to put it out there look i KNOW i drew the funny rat skeleton comic with this guy but that was ONLY because it was funny. thats not my real belief, he doesn't have any organs at all he is just a sack of gunk. he is harmless. it's basically just the same inside as on the outside but slightly more damp since it's not exposed to air to give him that drier 'skin' layer.
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also i already typed this out in my friendserver so im pasting it here now too. my stance on fp re: horniness is i really can't see him as a 'sexual' being, per se, especially with how non-biological he is, but also he really really really likes physical intimacy so if you are giving him permission to be weird and touchy on you in any context, let alone one both parties would enjoy, i mean. he's not gonna say no. this Could be about sex or w/e if someone wanted to fuck him but more relevantly here yeah it's about vore. i think that's categorically about the Most you can be touchy/in contact on a guy so yeah thats always what he's going to go for. tangentially he just thinks it's fun to make peppino* flustered so since pep does not particularly Enjoy being vored, fp has other options to Get Up In There for something else pep might enjoy *spoken generally for whatever theoretical partner, just peppino is the one that's readily available here and fun to use
also while im here id like to say. no peppino is not a monsterfucker are you kidding me. he is not going to ever go out of his way for weirdness. weirdness really has a way of finding him though, and he's shockingly tolerant of it as long as he doesn't clock it as a threat. anyway what im saying is if you got a big clingy beast around and al up in your business all the time shits just gonna kinda Happen sometimes. he's certainly not going to Encourage it but if hes already in that situation, might as well at that point.
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crispytubes · 10 months
I actually don’t care about chibiverse that much but scratch’s design in the series gives me so much physical pain that I had to do a redesign
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