#and mfin pride
bumblinfool · 1 year
Saben que dia es perros
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itsalltooloud · 11 months
i think, next year, i will go to pride in a harness. been thinkin about this. they had the mfin local leather association in the pride parade. my city said “fuck it ! kink at pride mfer!!” and idk. that sounds nice. also, it was hot as FUCK. and the whole time there i wished i woulda wore a thong under my skirt. too hot to be caring about being upskirted. like, some weirdo seeing my penis orrr dying of heatstroke. next year i should just come in a harness and boxers. my mom said she’d just come in pasties next year, but idk whether she was just overtaken by the 42°/107° heat or if she was being serious, cuz it was TOO fuckin hot. i feel bad for the people who were in whole ass dog masks and shit. it was so goddamn hot. OOO WAIT! HARNESS WITH A HAWAIIAN SHIRT OVER IT. yeahh.. gotta do that..
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salvaation · 5 years
I've been distracted from my blatant misuse of the Fenton Crammer in fic by a god-tier concept.
The Hunters go to Pride
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indomitablepride · 5 years
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Also I love @capsulexqueen with all of my heart follow her
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
I just wanna say that as someone who’s
- a nonbinary gay/vincian
- gay/vincian and could technically be classified as female [and male] (so, a turigirl)
- could be considered mspec gay
- aromantic
- pronoun non-conforming
- has a lot of conflicting labels
- and pro kink @ pride
Your account is literally a mfin’ dream. Seriously, ilysm!!!!! /p
welcome to my blog ;) happy pride 🌈
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angelcloves · 2 years
if u got to be belos human guide where would the first place u take him be mine would be the pride of california knotts mfin berry farm and we r gonna drink so much berry punch and puke on silver bullet i think the old man could handle that
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we’re coming up on pride month and lowkey im considering taking a mfin break from this site in june bcoz online queer spaces can be so divisive and toxic, for some reason this is especially true during pride month. idk who needs to hear this but bi, pan, aspec, trans, and nonbinary people are NOT your enemy and we’re also not going anywhere so plz chill out about our existence; you will be happier that way, i promise 💜 peace and love siblings ✌🏼
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iturmom · 3 years
i have decided i am doing the trigender pride flag friendship bracelet next (aka now) i don’t really get trigender but if you are trigender you are valid and i love you but can you please tell me which flag is correct? they’re so pretty i might just do both anyway!
smash the mfin like button if i should do both anyway! :)
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sporecollection · 5 years
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feather-pillow · 5 years
adjsjjdhd the ppl in my house finally chillin tf out (and by that i mean most just aint here for hours at a time, which is mfin fine by me ajsjsdjk) so i might,, swallow my pride,,,, and invite my s.o over for the first time,,,,,, eventually,,,,,,,,,,,idk yet hh-
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grxhams · 6 years
hello, its naomi ( someone stop me ) and this gif makes me cry for reasons i can’t explain. i never saw this movie and i probably never will
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graham as a vine. odysseus as a vine.
[ CHRIS EVANS. CISMALE. HE/HIM. ] GRAHAM CASSIDY aka ODYSSEUS has been a member of the God Club for FIVE YEARS. This time around they are THIRTY-FIVE years old and a UNI FILM AND HISTORY PROFESSOR. They ARE NOT devoted to returning to Olympus because THERE ARE NO THRONES LEFT FOR KINGS. Currently they only possess the power of INSTRUCTIVE MUSCLE MEMORY. 
smash that mfin’ like and we can chat to plot bc if i have to legally write an intro i’ll kermit i’ve had an emotional night. okay i threw something together. i just wanna be able to do replies and not feel guilty for not doing this.
g r a h a m
Well I come here more than you know                     And I'm sure you think I've OUTGROWN you                                         But I couldn't. – COIN, malibu ‘92
FULL NAME: graham jonathan cassidy
AGE: thirty-five ( 35 )
DATE OF BIRTH: december 25th
GENDER: cis male 
OCCUPATION: university professor
RELIGION: unaffiliated 
SEXUALITY: bisexual
FACE CLAIM: chris evans
DOMINANT HAND: right handed
HAIR COLOR: medium brown
SCARS: speckled with well-faded scars, a gnarly scar across his 
TATTOOS: an in memorium tattoo for his deceased mother, a small h on  his left hand’s ring finger, chris’ buddism clavicle tattoo
POWER(S): instructive muscle memory
HOMETOWN: just outside of austin, tx
FINANCIAL STATUS: middle class 
EDUCATION LEVEL: a doctorate in history and film
FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: marissa cassidy [ mother, deceased ]; william cassidy [ father, 58 ], younger sister [ open ]
ROMANTIC CONNECTIONS: heath cassidy [ spouse, 31 ]
PLATONIC CONNECTIONS: cousins, extended family
JUNG TYPE: estj 
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
SIN: pride
VIRTUE: charity
ZODIAC: capricorn
ELEMENT: earth
PINTEREST:  its gay
► PAST         tw: an abuse of commas on my part
     the first born son of a farmhand, graham learned to take care of the land and trust in his own hands before anything else. just a short, two-hour drive from the nearest big city - he had figured that he had grown up with a well-rounded childhood. that ideology was quickly shaken up when he enlisted in the army. basic training brought him up to south carolina where he truly discovered just what type of people existed in the world. the army introduced him to new experiences while also honing the skills he had developed at home. ranking up diligently, graham used his off time to take advantage of covered tuition. though learning from a book was never his strong suit but by making every class as interactive as possible, he managed to rack up a few degrees.      his twenty-first birthday came and went, but as he helping a mate build ikea furniture, she actually read the instructions and he found that.. he knew what to do. his hands moved almost of their own accord and the standard three hour desk took only a fourth of the time. cornered in the library, being told that he would manifest powers and that he was odysseus was a trip. laughing it off, he told a few people about the incident and his friends agreed that lsd was too easily accessible in new york. nonetheless, he was fascinated with his newfound ikea furniture building prowess, he spent weeks trying figure out what triggered this ability. he read manuals, he watched tutorials, he had other people read him manuals, but not all of them worked, through trial and error and a few stressful nights of googling, he found that indirect observation was the key to mastering his new abilities. becoming a quick fan of how-to audiobooks and written instruction, graham consumed everything from mechanics’ guides to cookbooks.      leaving his education on hold to become a ranger, a part of him felt like it was cheating, using this weird, newfound ability to advance his personal life, so he vowed to look up the godclub when he was back in the states. unfortunately, that day came sooner than anticipated. injuring his right shoulder and getting discharged with the grizzly truth of never having full mobility of his shoulder, graham returned to get his masters in something more solitary. on a whim he tacked on a teaching degree to his portfolio and he was able to pick up a job teaching subjects he loves.
gold, gold, gold. 
likes routine, very detail orientated, hardworking, knowledge and facts > feelings, emotionally guarded bordering on constipated, cold anger like clenching a fist around dry ice, ACTUALLY gets shit done, mom friend.
heath -  
ride or die, close friends, confidants etc
gym buddies, neighbors, uncommon friends, frenemies, 
this scenario
however, very recently, i would say about this passed spring, graham lost his mother and has been very depresso about it. he would have taken the summer off and gone on a short trip and then spent the rest of his time wandering the streets after the sun has set. if you’re interested in meeting him then. lmk
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lifeofnes · 6 years
Wk 2
Ok so I was wrong. I think admitting that you are, quickly I might add, is a good habit for me to keep up. Not everything here is dripping with that peace. Well for clarity, life where my inay and tatay live-out in the boonies-is peaceful. It’s different when you aren't just on the farm, enjoying the fauna - when you aren't here just for the island hopping, enjoying a vacation. Outside of the bukid, it's MFin threat level midnight. Things are as busy if not busier than they are in the states. Oyo and I have been eating our way through Lipa’s gullyworks, and visiting family along the way. Some of whom he’s never met before. That’s not really surprising to me seeing as he’s a visitor too, albeit a more frequent one than me. What’s really taking me back is that most of them don’t really know or seem to care to know each other. Maybe it’s because i'm still part of the second generation. Most of the people i’m hanging out with are part of the third, and that gap to know each relative and how we’re related seems too tedious and uninteresting. Which makes me sad in a way that, I can't really explain fully. My cousin’s cousin's, the Marasigans, are close. LIKE REAL CLOSE. I thought I’d find that feeling here with the Mayors. That doesn’t seem to be the case, and so I get to finding out all the nitty gritty in my families stories. The time I have left here is a double edged sword working my my favor. Long enough to scratch past the surface of everyone's hospitality phase. And just brief enough to everyone that the time I have to spend with them is such a rare commodity they try to really get to know me and vice versa. Plus, being an outsider that hasn't known them adds to the level of candidness that they have with me. There aren’t expectations that are there as one who had known them growing up, going through their changes and turns in faith, world view, or beliefs. These stories filled with so many twists are so surprising, and when finally finished, are somehow so relatable, understandable. But again, with ridiculous plot details that they might be Teleserye worthy even. Two close siblings that both had strokes within weeks of each other. Both deciding to tell their respective families not to break the news for 6 months. Thinking that when they each found out, it would do the other harm enough to put them over the edge of life that was barely there. Newly wed husband, turned father, turned martyr leaving behind wife and child. Wives lost to cancer, new wives left due to cheating, old flames rekindled at the end of it. Abusive husbands concealed by hopeful wives. Sons ostracized by fathers for being gay, but accepted by other family. Running from gangs, getting basketball scholarships, dreams on pause due to children. Every scenario, every a, b, and c movie plot you could think of and then some. Relationships are messy and strained no matter where you are on the map. The human heart is complicated and difficult to suss out. Stories and stories and stories stacked up like a rainbow. Coloring what would be an otherwise gray-scale life. Hurt and joy and pain and reunion all here in even fuller effect than what I would expect. Than what I’ve come to experience in the comfortable pocket of my world at the beach. Those rose colored glasses that I saw only peace with start to change hue. That same peace I felt those first 2 days here is so easily snatched as inay gets hospitalized after turning purple and passing out. I'm reminded that peace can’t solely be defined by physical location or surrounding circumstance. Peace is something that preeminently begins within yourself. Between you and your god. That fact is so obvious to me now that I'm staring at her in a hospital bed. She seems at ease. Like pneumonia isn't a big deal for geriatrics. Like Parkinson's is reversible. And maybe it's this prideful, 'don't want to worry my family' attitude she's putting on display. That same attitude so many of my relatives put on for their own households, but she seems strong. I believe her. She's at peace. I can see it in her eyes as clearly as I see how weak she is to lift her legs, & the trembling in her hands. Those steady hands that raised me, now quivering to hold on to mine. I hold back a tear. I look at her face. She smiles. I thank God. She asks “Na kain ka na?”  and the dishes she cooked for me as a child come flooding back to my mind. Tinola, with the overcooked chicken. Tulingan with gata that I never appreciated until recently. The buckets of spam, eggs, and corned beef. All the love and desperation to make sure I had enough to eat. The love. The love. The love. It’s what made the food so good. It’s what transcended it beyond daily sustenance. Now worked into a space that makes sense of the struggle that inay and so much of my family has fought through. Food is their medium for care, for compassion, for community. Their translation dictionary when communication is cut short. Their tether to peace in the midst of this hectic life. I’m so grateful that I get to share in that. So peace to you and yours.
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dpomalescreative · 3 years
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Every day I d3mand more from myself Than anyone else could 3xpect... Take a deep breath I put one foot in front of the next I don't compete with anyone... I only Compete against what I am capable of It's me against mys3lf..no one else Pull my Pants up..tighten my belt Handle my business like no one else What choice do I have... Imma Grown ass man... gotta Rock the bells... Conjure my words speak my spells Cast them upon the places I dwell... I speak my prayers to God hims3lf And no one else. .. I #pride myself on the fact That I've made a comeback Climbed my way out of the darkest And deepest of #emotional cracks... With the wall against my back... I pushed and fought my way forward Never looking back... Here I stand ... A man in command Of whatever I must face... It's up to me... straight up facts I'm a humble man.. But I know how to kick some ass... I'm no longer the man of my past For the Man I am Today...is a 100% badass I dont stop ...Never quit... I Took a PoundiN and some hard hits Like that MFiN ... #EnergizerBunny I just don't quit.... I Do what I gotta do to survive and live #dpomlive #dailyjam #practicesessions #mission #vision #goodkarma #blessed #notap #firsttakes #rawandreal #drummerslife #meditation #relaxation #mentalhealthawareness #emdrtherapy #mentalhealthmatters #ptsd #ptsdawareness #anxiety #anxietyrelief #boom #poet #poetry #speakeasy (at Dpom Live) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRT_8DwsA1c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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beanbagologist · 7 years
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happy mfin pride month
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vioreo · 3 years
I’m pulling up to pride wearing these...
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Hide your mfin partners
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