#and she wraps the bottles safe for transport!!!!! AH!!!!!
cafffine · 7 months
I needed at least a few months of testosterone, but I wasn’t able to get it where I am, so i sent it to a pharmacy near my parents, and asked them to mail it to me.
I opened it up the other day to start using the new stash and there was a wad of toilet paper in the first box. I opened up the rest of them and yeah: my mom individually swaddled each little glass vial of T in paper to keep it from rattling around in shipment, then sealed them back up for me.
crying over a pile of toilet paper now. wish I could write a poem or something but being trans and being loved for it is always novel to me and I wish it on all of you with my whole heart
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austarus · 4 years
Nash Wells x Reader The Beguilement of Barry Allen
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to @moonymartell​
*Yes, I’ve finally gotten around to writing for Nash. Ya’ll are really in for a treat~ Back to studying for my Medical School Admissions exam. Wish me luck
Word Count: 3870
“Ah!” Nash yelped, recoiling from your touch.
“Sorry,” You cringed at his wincing, placing the H2O2-soaked cotton ball back on the cuts on the side of his face. Ragdoll really did a number on the geological explorer earlier that night. You proceeded with patching Nash up with the first aid kit that you kept at home. Sanitizing the cuts on his arm, you made sure to roll up his sleeves to remain comfortably around his elbow. “I told you it would sting.” I mean, hydrogen peroxide is a powerful liquid formula to eradicate bacteria on cuts and wounds. The pain just means that it’s working.
“Anything from Barry on Joe?”
“No, last I heard was that Joe was transport safely out of the city.”
Nash ran a hand through his brown hair, his body aching with every movement. You handed him some pain medication and a bottle of water to help alleviate the pain reverberating throughout his body. “Good, I’m just happy that- that contortionist meta’s put away. I don’t know what I would have done if I knew he got away.” You knew what he was referring to.
“Tonight, you did your best- protecting her from Ragdoll.”
“He still ended up getting to Allegra, knocked her out and everything. If only-”
“Nash,” You cupped his face gingerly to get him to fully look at you. He stopped rambling at the softness in your voice, “that mind of yours can go on for years on the ‘what if’s’ of every situation with Allegra and her safety, but the results will end up being the same.”
“Did… Did I not do enough?”
A heartbroken look crossed through his blue eyes as he lowered his face slightly in your gentle grasp. His sullen expression crushed your heart, but you stood strong. For him. “No, Nash. You did everything in your power. Allegra… She just needs to recognize that she can’t just judge or be angry at you without understanding your reasoning on why you kept her doppelganger a secret.”
“I-I want to explain everything to her, but she-”
“I know. You just… need to give her some more time, I guess. As frustrating as that sounds. Patience just seems to be the key now. Allegra will have to look at this like an adult.” Rather than acting out every time he tried to interact with her. Honestly, it frustrates me.
“Not gonna stop?”
“You Wells men and your stubborn attitude.” You started putting the equipment of the first aid kit away, mentally noting that you’d have to bandage him right before bed as to not waste supplies. “Have you asked Harry?”
“For what? About Allegra?”
“Yeah? Has he not told you about Jesse?”
“I don’t- really like hanging around Harry too much… in my mind. If anything, it’s a miracle if I can get some peace and quiet. They’re all so rowdy.”
You giggled at his quieting voice with each statement he made. “Jesse was Earth-2’s own Flash. Incredibly bright and determined like her father, but so high-spirited. She was truly a force to be reckoned with, especially with all of us with her.” You sighed, retracting your hand as you spoke about the young speedster. Nash gingerly held your hand, knowing that you were close with the two Earth-2 beings. “Harry’s a father too. You never know when his advice can actually swing things around for your approach to handling Allegra.”
“I know she’s not Maya. Allegra’s her own person, but… I can’t help but feel the need to protect her. I wasn’t able to protect Maya, even after all those years of taking her in and keeping her around.”
“This is your penance for Maya?”
Nash nodded, you gave him a sympathetic smile as he answered you, “I can work through the fact that Allegra can hate me, but I will never be able to live it down if I let anything happen to her.” His blue eyes seemed to pierce right through you, rubbing his thumb over the patch of skin on the back of your hand. “Or you.” Your breath hitched a bit.
“Don’t worry you about me. I can handle myself just fine.” You grinned with twinkling eyes and rouge cheeks. “Besides, a charming adventurer gave me one of these in case I needed to make a hasty escape.” You pulled out the smoke bomb he had given you. Nash smiled proudly to himself that you opted to keep what he had given you.
“I should teach you how to make them, it’s fairly easy.”
“Maybe when we don’t have a secret organization backed by one of the biggest and richest labs in the city trying to kill us. Then you can teach me whatever you want.”
You pecked his lips causing the brown-haired man to cheekily smile down at you. “As long as I get more of those, precious.”
“Deal.” You stood up and stretched out both hands to the taller man, curling your fingers to him. Nash took your hands and allowed you to pull him up, towering over you. You tilted our head to the direction of your bedroom. “Now let’s go get ready for bed. I think a shower and beauty sleep is long overdue.”
“Babe, you shower every night though.” Nash quirked a confused eyebrow at you.
“I know. Want to shower with me?”
“No,” the Wells doppelganger deadpanned. Never again. “You turn up the water all the way and it made me feel like I was swimming in one of the deep, rocky pockets of lava within the pits of Hell. I thought my skin was going to melt off my body.”
You blinked at Nash as the both of you entered your bedroom. “I’m not even going to ask why you know and vividly described the environment in Hell. Anyway, I get really cold and the heat helps with it.”
“How do you not feel like you’re getting suffocated from the steam?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, the heat just feels really nice on my skin.” You pointed to the bathroom connected to your bedroom. “Why don’t you shower first?” You normally take quick showers anyway.
“With pleasure,” Nash padded towards the drawers that kept some spare clothes he leaves at your place when he plans to sleep over. You flopped onto your bed, mentally pulling out your change of clothes while he had entered the bathroom for his shower. The days that Nash doesn’t stay the night usually ends up with you cuddling up to a pillow in bed while wearing his shirts or long-sleeves. Goodness, you love the way his cologne and earthy musk mixed together to cling on his clothes. Nash, of course, knew of your secret guilty pleasure, but makes no complaint of it.
You blinked your eyes languidly a few times, the sounds of rushing water soothing you. One thing you noticed was that Nash doesn’t really wear any suits or dress shirts, a stark contrast to the other Wells doppelgangers you’d met. Curiosity fluttered around within you as you attempted to conjure up an image of him in a suit tailored to his own tastes. Nah, that won’t work either. Maybe formal wear just isn’t for him? I mean, I’ve yet to actually see him in casual wear either. Getting bored, you started flipping through your phone before settling on Netflix. You knew you shouldn’t be starting a new series with Nash over, but damn were you tempted to start ‘The Umbrella Academy’. And that’s exactly what you did while Nash showered.
In less than 10 minutes, Nash had finished up. Upon exiting the misty bathroom, he found you laying on your bed with your legs kicking in the air as your upper body inclined on a pillow with your phone propped up on another. Hair mused up messily than it had been all night. A soft smile plastered itself onto his face as he dried his hair. The taller man could only guess that you gave into Cisco and Barry’s whining on starting a new TV series. Tapping on your screen, you paused the pilot episode. You turned your head when you noticed his figure step into the room from your peripheral. Cheeks automatically heating seeing him adorn a fitting short-sleeve shirt that wonderfully showed off his biceps and pajama pants.
“Like what you see, precious?” He called in a low voice, intentionally doing a little arm flex as he continued to dry his hair. Nash knew you had a thing for his muscled arms… And literally everything else about him.
“A dork in his pajama’s? Yeah, I guess the view’s alright.” You teased him, earning a playful scowl.
“You wound me.” You just smiled cheekily at him, heading to take up the rest of the hot water for the night. Bumping into him on purpose before silently indicated you wanted a kiss, Nash leaned down and kissed your forehead. Before entering for your shower, you had already instructed your boyfriend to apply a bacterial ointment along with bandaging himself up. To which the brown-haired man pouted, wanting to watch you do that for him instead. What a dork. Smiling happily, you shut the door behind you with a content sigh. You started up Spotify, the song Diamonds by Megan The Stallion and Normani played before stepping in under the hot water. “I’m super shero bitch, don’t try me hoe-” You hummed heatedly in the shower, escaping into a music video of your own. Nash snickered to himself as he heard you sing through the thin walls.
Padding out of your heated shower, heart appeased with the intense temperature of your shower. You had a towel turban on your head and another one wrapped around your body like a dress. Your eyes spotted Nash, his eyes moving back and forth between two areas in your room before he let out a rough sigh and shut his eyes tiredly. “Nash?”
“Hm?” The blue-eyed man cracked his eyes open and tilted his head towards you as you stood by the door-frame.
“Where you with the boys? Do I need to-” You gestured to yourself.
“They just left to respect your privacy,” I, however, will not look away.
“Oh, okay.” You shrugged, stepping over to the other side of the bedroom as you slowly shed off the towel. Nash’s eyes followed you, eyes darkening a bit and a wily smile on his face. You knew he was watching you. Nash did every time, so you decided to give him a bit of a show. Swaying your hips as you started to lowly hum a song that came to mind, bending over when you needed to get something before fully getting dressed in your sunflower-printed pajama shorts and shirt set. Turning around, you gave him a seductive wink before re-entering the bathroom to commence with your skin-care routine.
“You know,” Nash spoke up as he stood and strode up beside you. He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. “I still think you’re a beauty without all those skin-care products, right?” He pointed to the corner of the skin filled with dermatologist approved products.
“As flattering as that is, you won’t be thinking that when you see me with dry and cracked skin all over my face like a dried-up zombie from those old movies.”
“I’m not taking that bet.” You frowned, shaking the bottle before pausing. Then you shook it more vigorously. Nash inwardly laughed at your frustration to get what seemed to be the last remnants of the skin care solution.
“Do you need me to go get you that hydrating cleanser tomorrow?”
“Yeah… I think I’m out.”
Nash snickered before pulling you to bed with him after the two of you washed up for bed. You beamed up at the geological myth-buster when he had followed your instructions to bandage himself up. Your eyes caught Nash staring, going off into his mind and wandering thoughts.
“You’re thinking about it again.”
“I-I can’t help it. I…” He trailed off. “I should have been better. Done more. For her and Maya.”
You ran a hand through your damp hair before pushing him onto his back and straddling his hips to fully draw his attention away from his thoughts momentarily. His blue eyes widened slightly as his hands gently grasped your hips. “What do I need to do to make you think that you’re enough? That what you’ve done is enough?”
“I can think of a few things currently.”
“…You’re an idiot.”
“That I am not.”
“Yup, you are,” you tapped his nose before cupping his face and giving him a couple of sweet kisses. The Wells doppelganger hummed cheerily against your lips. “What’s done is done. We can only look to the next day and focus on how to better ourselves. It’s just a hard lesson we all need to learn.”
“Speaking of hard-”
“-Let me finish, then we can continue what we started earlier.” By earlier, you meant this morning. You glanced over at the clock. You meant yesterday morning. You had gotten the smart- and by smart, you mean dumb- idea to sleep over at the labs with him. That morning the two of you were… feeling particularly frisky with one another. Bottom line, the two of you almost ended up almost getting caught thanks to Nash biting down a particular sensitive spot on your neck while thrusting himself in. The both of you had to stop when your phone went off which caused you to push Nash off you and accidentally off the bed while you attempted to silence your phone. They can never know, or they’d hold it over my head forever. Especially Iris and Cisco. “Living in the past won’t do you any good, ok?” Nash reluctantly nodded, bringing one of your hands up to kiss.
I’ll try to be good. To be better. For Maya, Allegra, and You. My precious gem. Nash sighed through his nose as you saw raw emotion take over, darkening those baby blue eyes with a certain haziness. “Now can we bang?” The blood rushed to your cheeks at his imminent question before nodding subtly at your horny boyfriend. Well, I mean I’m pretty horny too. Especially since we both never got to finish and today just happened to become the longest day ever. A wide, mischievous grin laced itself onto his face as he pulled you down for more than a couple of kisses.
Vrr, vrrrr
Who the fuck needs me up this late? You scrunched your nose grumpily, shutting your eyes even tighter until your mind registered the sounds from your phone. Laying on your stomach, your leg was hooked over a fluffy pillow while your arm was under the pillow beneath your head. “Mmm,” you groaned in annoyance at the noise, haphazardly reaching for your phone from on the bedside counter and cracking an eye open at the sudden brightness of the screen. The phone revealed Barry’s number and goofy pic on the caller ID that you had set. You blinked a few times before swiping on the screen. Um?
“Barry?” You croaked, wincing at the hoarseness of you voice from… earlier activities with your boyfriend. You were greeted by a somber-toned voice, one that didn’t match the happy-go-lucky speedster’s persona.
“(Y/N), C-can you open the door? Please.”
“Yeah, give me one second.”
You heard his soft sniffling as you ended the line, you brain kicking into overdrive as you tripped in the dark to find something to put on. You ignored the echoing dull ache of your body as you moved. Luckily in the dim light that your phone had provided you were able to find Nash’s shirt.
“Hm, what’s wrong?” Nash groaned, waking from the movement and noise before turning to lay on his back. He rose his head to look at you as you got dressed, blinking a few times to fight back the haziness of sleep.
“I don’t know but stay put.” You padded over to leave your room, closing it behind you. Please go back to sleep. You had to make sure Barry didn’t find any trace of the myth-busting explorer.
You hurriedly went to unlock your front door and opened it. What you saw broke your heart. Barry, your closest friend, in tears and puffy, red eyes. “Oh my god, what’s wrong?” You pulled the Scarlet Speedster into your humble abode as you turned on the lights. Locking the door, you brought him into your living room area.
“Did I come at a bad time?” 
“No, of course not. I’m here whenever you need me.”
“Are you sure? You look...” Barry trailed off, subtly gesturing to you causing you to look down. Your cheeks flushed at the amount of marks visibly littering your body.
“D-don’t worry about that”
Barry awkwardly nodded. “It’s Iris, she-”
“Babe, who was at the door?” Nash yawned as he ran a hand through his brown locks, walking in sleepily and shirtless before freezing in his spot. You froze at the voice. The taller man blinked a few times, his mind starting to work now. Your eyes widened as the two men made eye contact. You were screaming internally at the awkwardness that had filled the air between the three of you. “Hi,” Nash did a subtle wave.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit~ “I can explain-” You started. Oh my god, I want to crawl in a hole and die. The thing is, with everything going on you and Nash decided to stay a secret because it’s really irrelevant with the Carver situation and Barry trying to deal with his lack of speed.
“You and Nash? What? When? How long??” The speedster was mind-blown, giving you an incredulous and stunned look. “Why didn’t either of you say anything? How did I even miss this?”
To be fair, you are pretty oblivious at times Barr. “Barry, focus. Iris first.” You stopped the speedster in his tracks before he rambled on a series of other questions. Turning around, you pointed at Nash with a finger and frown. “And you, we are so going to have a talk later.”
“I welcome it.” Nash grinned cheekily and took a seat next, watching you face-palm in response.
This smooth fucker. “Of course you do-
“-Ew-” Barry cringed at the two of you.
“Ignore him. Anyway- Barry, what happened?”
Barry went on to explain what happened that night. How he did his best to protect Joe and Cecile. How Iris had went off at him for not doing enough for Joe. About his powers and Carver. That he wasn’t there to protect her. How her words had carved a hole in his heart as she kicked him out of their home. “I’m barely hanging on with my powers. She- She said I wasn’t her home anymore. But… that’s the abnormality. Iris- We’d work through it. We’d try to talk it over. She- she wouldn’t do that to me.”
“I’m sorry Barr,” You patted his shoulder as he was seated beside you. You shook your head, mind mulling over everything he had just told you. You were essentially Barry’s confidant when it came to things like this from Iris because he knew he needed another person’s point of view so he wouldn’t be jumping head into anything and risk screwing things up even more. “I fucking knew something was off.”
“What do you mean?” Nash questioned beside you.
“The odd behavior towards you, starring off into space at oddly random times, encouraging you,” you gestured to Barry, “to do things you’d normally never do, the cooking all of a sudden-”
“-Thank you!-”
“-Barry, that’s not your wife. I don’t know who or what that is or why they’re doing this. But that’s not your Iris, Barr.”
“I don’t- I don’t know what to do. What am I going to say to the others? How do I act? Where do I go from here? How am I going to protect the others if I can’t even see the anomaly in front of me? I mean, what if she intentionally sabotages our work to stopping Carver.” Barry started rambling again, his speed gauge watch starting to blink.
“Barry-” You tried to stop his train of thought.
“How did I miss the signs? I was living with an imposter for God knows how long. How am I so gullible?”
“Barry, Nash finally called out. The speedster looked up at him and pursed his lips from his rapid-fire free fall of worrisome thoughts and guilt. “Slow down. Take a deep breath and calm down.”
“Tonight, you need to need to rest. This took a lot out of you, and your anxiety is fueling your speed to be use up.” His speed gauge watch was blinking an orange-scarlet color. “I have a spare bed in the guestroom, you can spend the night here and the three of us can brainstorm. How does that sound?”
Barry nodded at your words, avoiding your eyes as he wrung his fingers together in anticipation.
Nash spoke up, “Allen, I have some clothes you can-”
“Ah-I-I’m good. I’ll just sleep in these and get some clothes from Joe’s tomorrow morning.” You watched with a look and raised eyebrow as Barry walked into a random direction of your home before coming back to where you and Nash were seated. Smooth, Flash. A sheepish look was on the speedster’s face. “Where’s your guest room?”
“Down the hall to the left.”
Once you both heard the door shut Nash leaned in close to whisper in your ear, “It’s a good thing we decided not to keep our nightly activities an all-night this time. Love the new look, who’d you steal it from?” His veiny, but prominent hand had reached over you, lightly trailing the tips of his fingers on your hip under his shirt.
You lightly hit his shoulder, as he snickered at you, “I told you to stay put.”
“I didn’t hear you,” Nash pouted slightly before smirking, “And it’s not like he wasn’t going to find out. My bag is sitting right there by the couch. I mean I’m not much of an artist, but-” The Wells doppelganger trailed a hand over the love-bites on your neck, causing you to shiver. “Even I know that those hickeys were painted beautifully on your skin.”
“And I returned that favor two-fold.” You gingerly grasped his strong jaw with an innocent look on your face. “How’s your back by the way?” You asked him tauntingly.
But Nash didn’t back down, instead his grin widened as he turned his head to kiss the inside of your palm. “Deliciously aching from a precious kitty’s claws. How are those bruises on your hips?”
“Oh hush, you!” Your cheeks burned as the memories of earlier resurfaced. Nash chuckled at you, wrapping his strong arms around you before picking you up and heading back to the bedroom. The multi-versal explorer placed a sweet kiss on top of your head with that smug-ass grin on his face. “Let’s just hope, he doesn’t decide to tell anyone tomorrow,” you muttered to your boyfriend, already secretly dreading what the day will bring.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Itzan Escamilla x Reader
Request by anon: Heyyyy!! Love your imagines so much tbh they make me MELTTTT ❤️ I was wondering if you can write an imagine about Itzan Escamilla (as himself, not as Samu) where the reader is coming to visit the Élite set and then she meets everyone and Itzan falls in love with her at the same moment and he gets shy so Danna helps him out to ask her out on a dinner the same evening which ends up by Itzan & the reader kissing at the end of the night. Thank you & I hope you’re well! Much love 💕💕💕
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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“Girl I’m so happy you’re here!” Danna exclaims when she sees you, hurrying over and wrapping you in an embrace, “I’ve missed you so much.”
“It’s so crazy here,” You laugh, watching as another golf cart passes across the set to quickly transport something else.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll show you around - it will feel like a second home in no time,” She jokes, linking her arm with yours as she starts leading you through.
You had been one of Danna’s dancers for a while now and you’d become close friends ever since you first started working with her. Now she was on the elite set, she’d invited you down to meet everybody so that the two of you could have a long awaited catch up.
“I’ll make sure I introduce you to everybody, they’re all nice so don’t worry,” She explains, “We’re kind of busy filming different stuff today so I might have to leave you a bit but there’ll always be someone around.”
She drags you over to one of the trailers and knocks quickly on the door.
“This is Mina!” She beams and a young woman opens the door with a bright smile.
“You must be (Y/n)! It’s so lovely to meet you!” You instantly recognise her as Nadia from the show and you’d heard Danna always speak highly of her.
She engulfs you in a hug and you instantly relax into trusting Danna when she’d said everyone was lovely.
“Hey!” A boy calls from behind you.
You turn around and see the two boys you knew as Ander and Omar from the show walking toward the trailer.
“(Y/n), right?” One of them smiles, walking straight toward you, “I’m Omar!”
He hugs you instantly and you knew Danna was right when she said he was one of the most extroverted on set.
“I’m Arón,” The other boy offers you a wave - Danna was also correct when she said he was a lot more introverted.
“It’s nice to meet all of you,” You smile, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“All good things I hope,” Omar nudges her, “How long are you here for?”
“I’m in town for a couple of weeks so Danna offered to show me around, I’m just waiting for her to finish filming so we can start performing again.”
They laugh and it makes you feel even more at ease.
“Speaking of which, they were calling you to set Danna,” Arón comments, taking a sip from his water bottle.
She looks at you and sighs, “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine,” You glance around, “I’ll wait for you.”
“Here, I’ll show you around a bit if you’d like?” Mina suggests, “They don’t need me for a while anyway.”
You thank her and she ushers you off through a maze of more trailers, asking you questions about your career and your friendship with Danna as you went through. You’re stopped when one boy comes out of one of the trailers and looks fondly at Mina.
“You’re Dannas friend right? I’m sorry I’m terrible with names,” The boy laughs, “I’m Miguel.”
“(Y/n) - and I’m just as bad with names so don’t worry.”
“(Y/n), I’ll try to remember that,” He grins, giving you a hug too, “Fancy walking down to set with us? I think Itzan and Ester should be around there.”
You agree and follow the two of them. Miguel was just as friendly - asking similar questions to what Mina had, also telling you a little bit about the set and what they’d been filming today. He’d asked for any secrets that he could use against Danna and mentioned that he’d seen you perform at a few shows before.
“Ah! Ester, Itzan!” He calls out to two other people who had their backs to you.
“Ahhh hello beautiful!” Ester grins as she sees you, hurrying over and enveloping you in her arms. You’d met her at a party before with Danna and had stayed in Instagram-comment contact ever since.
“Hey Ester!” You smile, returning her gesture, “It’s so good to see you again.”
“You too, girl! It’s been far too long,” She beams, “Oh Sorry, this is Itzan too.”
The boy looks about your age, fresh faced however to make him look as young as his character. He has sharp features and dark hair that make him seem a lot more mysterious than his bashful smile suggested.
“Hey, nice to meet you,” He nods, glancing down at his feet before glancing back up.
Was he always this nervous?
“Yeah, you too,” You respond, trying to stop yourself from blushing at his adoring gaze.
“Here,” Miguel gestures over to some black canvas chairs, “Take a seat and we can watch the scene.”
You follow where he’d been directing you and sit down in one of the chairs, the one that would be designated for Danna. Itzan takes the seat beside you.
“So how long have you kno-“ He begins, prematurely cut off.
“Silence on set please!” The director calls from their chair.
You offer Itzan a smile instead and turn to watch Danna in her scene with Jorge and the man who played their father.
- - - - - -
“They weren’t too bad were they?” Danna jokes as she walks over to where the group of you had been to watch the scene.
“No, no, not at all,” You shake your head, “Good job on the scene.”
“I find it so hard to not laugh at Jorge!” She exclaims, hitting his arm as he walks up beside her.
The boy laughs and shakes his curls, “Nice to meet you (Y/n).”
Danna turns her attention to Itzan who’s beside you with his eyes trailing the floor, “You okay Itzan?”
He glances up and nods, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You sure, buddy?” Miguel clasps his shoulder, “You look a little flushed.”
“No, I’m good,” He slips through the group, getting away from their attention, “I should probably get ready for my scene.”
“They didn’t even call us yet!” Ester laughs, “Whats up with him?”
Danna catches your eye contact and shoots you a knowing look, “I have no idea.”
- - - - - -
“So, they need me to stay for a few hours tonight to do some evening scenes,” Danna explains as she touches up her makeup in the trailer.
“I thought you said you were done for the day?”
“Well, plans change, don’t question it,” She responds with an evident lie, “But I did manage to find you a replacement companion for the evening.”
“What?” You laugh, “It’s fine, I’ll just head back to my hotel room.”
“Itzan wants to take you out.”
“Itzan?” You raise your brows, “He told you that or you forced him?”
She rolls her eyes at you, “He was just too nervous earlier, but he really wants to go out with you.”
You eye her suspiciously, “Okay, fine.”
You couldn’t lie and say that you weren’t excited. He was handsome to say the least and there was something about his offset nervous nature that made him intriguing to you.
“Where are we going?”
“You will find out later, darling,” She shoots you a wink, “There’s an outfit on my rail that you can wear, and I just need you to text me to let me know you’re safe,” She jokes.
- - - - - -
As Danna has promised, there’s a knock on her trailer only half an hour later and you find yourself checking your appearance quickly before opening the door.
“So Danna said you didn’t have plans tonight, and she didn’t want you to be alone,” Itzan explains, “Would you maybe want to go out with me?”
“Yeah, Id love to,” You smile warmly, “I’ll just grab my purse.”
You check your outfit again. Danna had left a pair of suit shorts with a black bodysuit with the matching suit jacket and you were relieved she’d actually given you something that you felt comfortable in.
“So where were you thinking of going?” You ask as you follow the path he takes through the set.
“Danna didn’t tell you? She said she’d already made a reservation when I spoke to her,” He frowns, “I thought you would’ve known.”
You laugh a little, “Looks like neither of us know. I’m sure she’s got a car booked.”
You’re pleasantly surprised by how easily you and Itzan strike up conversation. He was a good listener, you learnt. He was welcoming and easy to talk to and he remembered little details and asked you more about them. You had niche things in common and even started debating things you disagreed on - like your favourite Marvel movie.
It flows so well that you find yourself eating lukewarm food at the fancy restaurant after forgetting about eating for so long. Danna had booked a restaurant for you and she’d already covered the cost of the table. You’d thank her later.
“I’ve had a really great time tonight, thank you for keeping me company,” You smile as the two of you decide to walk back to set instead of taking the car.
He matches your pace as he walks beside you, “I did have to get Danna’s help to try to somewhat ask you out.”
You laugh, “Yeah I figured she didn’t have any scenes to film tonight.”
“Not exactly,” He scratches the back of his neck, “I’m not the best at stuff like this.”
“Well I’d say you’ve done a pretty good job so far,” You reassure him, wrapping your arms around yourself in the cold.
“You’re cold?” He frowns a little, tugging off his jacket without question, “Here.”
You turn towards him and let him drape the jacket over your shoulders. His fingertips brush the hair away from your shoulders and linger there for a moment. You’re pleasantly surprised at the delicate confidence behind his touch as his hand moves to instead cup your jaw and he slowly leans in to match his lips with yours. It’s soft and his lips still hold onto the sweet taste of the champagne from dinner. They’re soft and young and you find yourself practically melting under his gesture.
“Looks like your confidence is improving,” You mumble against his lips as he pulls away slightly.
“Maybe Danna should have a few more evening shoots whilst you’re here,” He smirks, hands sliding down your arms until one of them locks with one of yours.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
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maaaddiexo · 4 years
Chapter Eleven | Peter Pevensie
[Red Series Book One: Roses]
Synopsis: With World War Two ravaging the world, no one is safe and no one is happy.
Despite their protests, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie are evacuated from London and sent to live in the English countryside with an old professor. Scared and unhappy, only the youngest Pevensie child remains optimistic and ends up sharing her hope with her siblings in the form of a wardrobe that takes them to Narnia, a different world where they are the only form of hope to bring an end to an evil witch's reign of terror.
Rosemary Bennett has no more hope left in her heart. Her brother and father are off fighting for their country, the former having gone missing months ago, and her mother ignores her, preferring the company of a bottle over her own daughter. Giving up seems the only logical plan of action. But when it finally comes to carrying it out, she's transported to a different world, with talking animals and a prophecy that doesn't involve her. Unsure as to why she is there, she must navigate a new world and ponder the possibility that maybe - just maybe - she doesn't actually want to die.
*Warning: this book deals with depression and suicide. Though mental illness isn't what this story revolves around, the act of suicide and depressive thoughts are intertwined with the plot and act as 'backseat drivers' to the novel.
[Chapter Twelve] [Series Masterlist] [Masterlist]
Peter glanced behind him and from the corner of his eye, spotted Rosemary climbing the last of the hill. She was breathless and smiling as she took a seat down next to him.
"How'd you find me?"
"Aslan told me you might like the company. And your sisters are going down to the river and well, even though I lived last time, I'll be avoiding water for as long as I can," Rosemary laughed under her breath at the joke only she would understand. "But I can see why you've been up here for so long. The view is magnificent."
"Definitely not something you'd see back in England."
"Definitely not," Rosemary agreed. "I suppose that makes our time here all the more precious."
"If only I knew why we were here in the first place," Peter muttered.
"I should be asking that. You're here because of the prophecy."
"The prophecy doesn't mean anything. Not to me, at least. I still don't believe it's meant for me."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm supposed to lead an entire army against a Witch and then become King along with my sisters and missing brother. It's unbelievable."
Rosemary shrugged, pulling at the grass. "Somebody has to do it."
"Yeah, but not me!" Peter laughed humourlessly. "I'm no hero."
"And what makes a hero?"
"Someone who can lead and save these people. I've lost Edmund to some crazy lady and I almost lost Lucy in the river. A real hero wouldn't make those mistakes. A real hero would win."
"First of all, the war hasn't even begun so there's no way we could have already won. And second of all, what you're describing isn't a real hero - it's a make-believe hero. The ones we dream and read about. A real hero is someone who tries and persists in the face of failure. Maybe you haven't got Edmund back yet, but you're working on it and you've got an entire army backing you up. You'll get him back. A hero isn't just who they are at the end of it all - it's also who they are in the moment. You are a hero, Peter. And maybe you don't have a crown yet, but in the eyes of the people, you don't need one. You are already King."
Peter looked over the land again. The sea of tents dotting the green land and the sun reflecting off of Cair Paravel. They were all there not only to fight for him but with him as well. "Than-"
The two kids stood up, looking towards the woods where the sound had come from.
"That's Susan's horn!"
Peter ran through the woods alone after asking Rosemary to get help. The water sloshed into his boots as he ran across the shallow stream, pulling out his sword. "Get back!"
The two wolves turned to face Peter, who had his sword pointed. His attention switched between the two wolves.
"Come on," Maugrim rolled his eyes. "We've already been through this. We both know you don't have it in you," the wolf growled, trying to distract Peter as his companion circled behind Peter.
Just as the second wolf prepared to pounce, an involuntary yelp slipped out of its lips and it crumpled to the ground. On the other side of the river stood Rosemary, a longbow in hand and an arrow nocked and ready to fly. Aslan crossed the river growling before holding down the injured wolf. A small army followed but Rosemary remained on the other side of the river.
"Stay your weapons," Aslan commanded. "This is Peter's battle."
Maugrim growled, "You may think you're a king, but you're going to die like a dog." In that moment Maugrim acted on instinct. He pounced on Peter even though his sword was still raised. Lucy and Susan screamed from up in the tree as Maugrim was impaled and Peter was thrown to the ground.
After jumping from the tree, Lucy and Susan rushed to push the dead wolf off of their brother who sat up in shock. But he was alive. There wasn't even a scratch on him.
'"Thank goodness," Susan breathed, wrapping her arms around her brother.
Aslan released his hold on the second wolf and it yelped again, scampering off with an arrow still in its shoulder. "After him," Aslan commanded Oreius. "He will lead you to Edmund."
Rosemary lifted her dress and crossed the stream barefoot, offering a hand down to Lucy and then Susan. "Glad to see you two are alright."
"Peter, Clean your sword." Doing as Aslan said, Peter dipped his sword in the water and rubbed the blood off with his hands before moving back to kneel in front of Aslan. "Rise, Sir Peter Wolfsbane, Knight of Narnia."
Peter gasped happily, smiling broadly at his sisters. "Wow."
"You deserve it, Peter. You saved your sisters."
"Not alone," said Peter. He looked at Rosemary. "Where did you learn to shoot like that?"
"My father taught me. Though I don't think he taught me those skills for this," she laughed.
"Still," Peter said seriously. "Thank you."
Even though they were one Pevensie short, the night was full of laughing and dancing and plenty of food.
A large campfire had been built at the center of the camp and everybody sat, ate, and danced around it. Rosemary had shed her shoes long ago and was now dancing with dryads and fauns. She was spun and thrown around before finally ending up in the arms of Peter.
"Having fun, Your Majesty?" Rosemary teased, her green eyes bright and cheeks hurting from smiling so much.
"It's a great way to end a journey. Definitely not something I expected to experience after walking through a wardrobe. And stop it with the 'Your Majesty'. I'm not King yet."
Rosemary rolled her eyes as Peter spun her gracefully. He definitely knew how to dance. "I already told you, Peter - these people already see you as a king. Their king."
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Do you think I could be King. Be a good king?"
"If I didn't think you were fit to be King then I wouldn't have sacrificed myself by the lake."
"You mean when the White Witch was actually Santa Claus? Ow!" Peter's teasing laugh was cut short when Rosemary let go of his hand to punch his shoulder.
"I didn't know it was Santa Claus. If I did I would've thrown you to the wolves so I could get your sword and shield."
Peter gasped. "After I saved your life?"
"I almost drowned," Rosemary laughed incredulously. "And got this! Not that this is your fault."
Peter frowned at Rosemary's hand, wrapped in a bandage. After the waterfall incident, Peter had noticed that Rosemary was fisting her hand but hadn't thought anything of it.
"When did this happen?" Peter stopped dancing, grabbing her hand and running his thumb over the bandage.
"At the waterfall. I realized I was pulling you away from the sword and into the water so I grabbed the sword. It didn't hurt though - my hands were frozen."
"Does it hurt now?"
Rosemary shrugged, "Not really. Only when I use it."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"We needed to get to Aslan's camp. A cut on my hand didn't seem to matter. Besides, it's been cleaned and wrapped. No harm, no foul."
"No, Rosemary. This is what I mean. There was harm. You got hurt because I couldn't protect you."
"It's just a scratch, Peter. It'll heal."
"But you shouldn't have gotten it in the first place! If I was the person these people think I am, this wouldn't have happened."
"Peter," Rosemary sighed, grabbing his hand. Peter shook his head and pulled away from Rosemary, walking away from the campfire.
"I need to go."
[Chapter Twelve] [Series Masterlist] [Masterlist]
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tessimagines · 5 years
After All This (Bill Weasley x Reader) - Part One
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Pairing: Bill Weasley x Moody!Reader
Summary: (Y/N) Moody and Bill Weasley are counting down the days until their wedding, but before it can happen, they must take the risk of attack and help the Order of the Pheonix in the transportation of Harry Potter. 
You can find the series masterlist in my bio!
Warning: Angst, fighting, death, grief and swearing... a lot of swearing.
Wordcount: 3k
A/N: Ahhhhhh! The first chapter! I’m so excited about this series. Please let me know what you think of it! Also, for the scene where Moody is going over the plan, some lines I took from the book & movie but most of it I just wrote myself.
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July 27th, 1997
“This is it then,” Bill Weasley said, his hand sitting snuggly on your hip as you looked towards the ordinary house of 4 Privet Drive. The cool breeze in Little Whining was rustling Bill’s long, ginger hair as you looked up at him, his face sternly set on the mission you both had at hand.
You wrapped your grey trenchcoat tighter around your body, trying to keep the breeze from making you too cold. Bill was now tending to the large Thestral that had delivered you both to this small town. It had been an uncomfortable trip, the boney and hard frame of the thestral had made sure of that. But it wasn’t the trip here that you were worried about, it was the trip back. So much planning had gone into this one mission, and now, so many people were putting their life on the line. All you could hope was that it all went smoothly, with Harry Potter and every other Order member delivered to the Burrow all in one piece.
“Are you nervous?” You asked your boyfriend of ten years, his tall and slim body coming to stand next to yours again.
“Of course I am,” he said, giving you a quick kiss on your forehead, his arm hung loosely around your shoulder. “But we make a good team, so as long as we’ve got each other's backs, we’ll be fine.”
You smiled up at him and took his hand before making your way over to Harry’s house together, the rest of the Order heading the same way. Hagrid’s stomps could be heard throughout the street as he trudged along beside you, flashing you one of his large and warm smiles. “Ah, (Y/N), and Bill. It’s nice ta see you two ‘ere. I see that you two are attached to the hip. It’s not long now ta the Weddin’ day, is it?”
“Not long at all,” Bill smiled, looking down at you. “Five day’s and we’ll be married.”
You laughed, “Don’t speak too soon, Weasley. I still have five more days to change my mind.”
“I don’t think ‘ere was a person at Hogwarts who didn’t see the two of you comin’,” Hagrid laughed as he thundered along. “You’ve always been so close, I’m surprised that the two of you aren’t already married.”
“Quit the chatter!” Roared an all-too-familiar voice from the doorway of number 4 Privet Drive. Your father, Alastor Moody stood there, his wooden staff held tightly in his fist. “We don’t have much time.”
“Oh, calm down, Dad,” you nudged him as you walked past. “We were just talking about the wedding.”
“You can talk about that stuff later, (Y/N). There’s a more important task at hand.” His electric blue eye zapped to each of your faces as you walked past him and into the hallway of The Dursley’s house. It was impeccably clean, nothing compared to any family home you had ever stepped foot in. You saw Harry in the corner, watching as members of the Order entered his house and shook his hand. You couldn’t help but throw your arms around him when you reached him.
“Harry.” You said, stepping back and allowing Bill to shake his hand. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Yeah, It’s nice to see you two as well.” You gave him a refreshing smile before entering the main room, already full to the brim with members of the Order. The room was full of noise as people discussed aspects of the plan as well as new developments in their personal life. You watched as Tonks flashed the gleaming silver band on her hand to Harry before your father stomped his way to the front of the room, Bill’s hand naturally slipping into your own. It was something that the two of you had grown so used to over time that sometimes it was hard to notice that his hand was even there.
“Alright, alright, enough of the cozy-catch up!” Moody growled, “Let’s get right into the plan.”
The room grew silent as Moody began to talk. “Potter, you’re underage which means you’ve still got the trace on you.”
“What’s the trace?” Harry inquired, his eyes remaining on Moody.
“If you sneezed the ministry would know who wiped your nose. But the point is, we need to use means of transport that the ministry can’t detect, brooms, Thestrals, the like. We’ll go in pairs, that way if anyone’s out there waiting for us and I reckon there will be, they won’t know which Harry Potter is the real one.”
“The real one?” You could already tell that Harry was beginning to dislike the plan, it was plain and simple in his voice.
“Polyjuice potion,” Moody said, pulling out his flask from his dark brown overcoat. “I believe you’re familiar with it.”
“No!” Harry shouted, looking around at the numerous people in the room. “I’m not letting you guys do this. It’s way too dangerous.”
“Everyone here is overage, Potter. They’ve all agreed to do it even with the risks.”
“Well, actually, Moody,” said, Mundungus Fletcher stepping forward from his place at the back of the room. His voice was high and irritating, causing you to roll your eyes at the very sound of it. “Not everyone.”
“Nip it, Mundungus!” Mad-eye roared, he took his eyes off the small man and moved them back to a pale looking Harry standing in the centre of the room. “Right, now some of your hair, Potter.”
Harry gave a sigh as he reluctantly stepped forward, pulling a bit of his hair out and adding it to the flask. It began to fizz immediately, bubbles appearing up near the top of the flask. “Now, I want all the Potters in a line,” spoke your father in his professional, imperious voice.
You looked up and flashed a smile at Bill before giving him a wink and going to stand at the end of the line next to Hermione. It didn’t take long before Bill decided that he was going to stand behind you anyway. No matter where you were, that always seemed to happen. 
“And for those of you who have never taken Polyjuice potion before, beware, it tastes like Goblin piss.”
“Had much experience with that before, Moody?” Fred asked before taking a sip from the flask. You watched his face wrinkle with disgust before he passed the bottle to George. Moody followed the trail of the flask down the line before he came to stand in front of you. 
“Be careful out there, (Y/N). I’d say that there are likely to be a few death eaters waiting for us.” You watched as your father’s normally stern face softened as he looked at yours. “Do your best to get to Muriel’s place all in one piece.”
“You don’t need to worry about me, Dad,” you smiled at him, stepping forward to wrap your arms tightly around him. “Plus, I have Bill with me. We’ll be fine. I’m more worried about you, you’ll have that rat with you.” Your eyes flicked over to the Harry Potter now dressed in Mundungus Fletcher’s clothes.
Moody’s arms wrapped around your body, his scared and large hand resting on the back of your head. It was a comfort to hold his only child in his arms before you both put your lives on the line. When he let go he turned to the tall and ginger-haired man standing behind you.
“Now, you keep her safe, Weasley,” Moody said, his face back to its usual stern expression.  “You’re her protector which means that you protect her throughout the trip. I don’t care what happens, you get her there quick and safe.”
“You’ve got my word, Moody,” Bill said, giving his soon-to-be father-in-law a nod. “I’ll get her to Aunt Muriel’s as safe as I can.”
“Good.” Was all your father said before he passed you the Polyjuice flask.
“Right, then.” You said, looking up at Bill before down to your father. “Bottoms up, I suppose.”
As soon as the Polyjuice potion hit your tongue, you felt yourself gag. It wasn’t the first time you had tasted it, but it's not a taste that any person can get used to. You felt your face wrinkle up and your eyes begin to water as you passed the flask back to your dad.
You felt the change begin to happen immediately, each feature morphing into a body that looked completely different to your own. It was a weird feeling to describe, not painful, but it wasn’t entirely comfortable either. All you could do was wait until it was over and you looked like a flawless copy of the boy this whole mission was about.
“Okay, now that that’s done,” Moody said, thrusting a sack full of clothes on the ground in front of the numerous Harry Potters that all stood in a line. “You will all need to change.”
Nobody dared to muck around. Each person had stripped down in a second and was changing into identical sets of clothes. Harry looked around at each person, his eyes begging them to at least give him and all the replicas of his bare body some privacy.
“Right, now I shouldn’t have to say this but if anything is to happen to anyone, you fly on. I don’t care if someone dies, you keep flying on until you get to your set destination. We need as many people as we can get in this war. Have I made myself clear?”
Moody took the lack of protest as a yes.
“Good. Now, Fred, you’ll go with your father and George, you’ll go with Remus. Ron, you go with Tonks, Hermione with Kingsley and Harry, you’ll go with Hagrid on his motorbike. Bill, you’ll take my daughter and Mundungus, you’ll be with me. Now everyone to their places.”
Nobody dared to disobey. Each person quickly made their way out the door and to their set transportation, all muttering goodbyes to each other as they passed. You couldn’t help but smile at Tonks as she gave you a wink over her shoulder before she boarded her broom with Ron. 
Your father nodded at you from his own broom as he watched you mount the Thestral, your arms going to wrap tightly around Bill’s waist in front of you.  Moody’s expression eased when he saw you flash him a warm smile and turn to give one last look at the man you had your arms around. If he had to put the safety of his daughter's life in one person's hands, it would be Bill Weasley. He knew that he cared for you beyond anything, and that was all he needed to know that you would make it out safe and alive. 
“I love you, Bill.” You muttered. It had become a ritual to say it before anything nowadays. 
“I love you too.” He said, turning his neck to give you one last look before you set off into the sky.
“Good luck, everyone,” shouted Moody. “See you all at The Burrow. One… two… three!”
The Thestral flew immediately up off the ground and made its way toward the clouds. With each foot you rose into the air, you felt the wind whip through your hair and ruffle your clothes. You kept a tight hold on Bill’s waist as you continued to ascend into the already dark and gloomy sky.
As soon as you broke through the clouds, it was apparent that something was wrong. The sky was no longer a solid black, the green light of lethal curses had lit up the entire sky as dozens of death eaters now swarmed every Order member in sight.
In an instant, your wand was in your hand, pointing at whatever death eaters came close. You kept one arm tightly wrapped around Bill’s waist, the only thing that wasn’t keeping you from plummeting to the now invisible town of Little Whining below.
“Hold tight, (Y/N)!” Bill shouted, the only way to be heard over the staggering noise. “Merlin, they’re everywhere!”
“Just keep going!” You shouted as you managed to deflect a curse shot from Antonin Dolohov. 
“Expulso!” You cried, watching as the expulsion curse hit Dolohov in the chest, it’s bright blue light sending him flying through the air and out of sight.
You caught a glimpse of Tonks and Ron just ahead of you, both of them firing spells at Bellatrix Lestrange in front of them. Over in the distance, Kingsley was shooting spells with his usual sharp precision, Hermione doing the same thing beside him. Wherever you looked you saw Death Eaters and Order members battling it out, sending spells and curses back and forth.
You saw Corban Yaxley fly past you, his wand outstretched and pointed directly at Bill in front of you. You felt your instincts kick in as you met his curse, disarming his wand from his hand. Bill did his best to fly on amidst the numerous swarming Death Eaters and the emerald green curses that lit up the sky.
As soon as you saw him, you felt your body freeze over, each and every drop of blood quickly turning to ice in your veins. It was Lord Voldemort, his black cloak swirled around him like thick and impenetrable smoke. His skin was a ghostly white colour, every vein appearing as a deep purple so close to the surface. 
You watched him as she glided so quickly after your father on his broom. Moody knew this was going to happen. They were all bound to think that the real Harry would be riding with one of the best Aurors that had ever lived. Your father turned around quickly when he sensed the danger behind him, causing Mundungus Fletcher to turn his head.
As soon as Mundungus saw him, he apparated into thin air, leaving your father to gain back control of the broom. You watched as Voldemort raised his wand, and without any hesitation said the curse that he was most famous for.
“Avada Kedavra!” A blinding green light erupted from Lord Voldemort’s wand, striking your father directly in the chest. He stumbled on his broom when it hit him, his eyes looking up to find his only daughter in the chaos of the battle. As soon as his eyes met yours one last, final time, he slipped off his broom and began to hurtle down towards the town of Little Whining below.
“Dad! Dad!” The scream scathed your throat as it came out, adding to the already ear-piercing sound of the battle. “We have to save him! Bill!”
“We can’t! You know what he told us!” Bill shouted back. “To keep flying no matter what!”
You were casting spells without notice now, your hand doing the work your mind was too scattered to process. All you could see was your father’s still form before he fell from his broom and down into the darkness below.
“Bill! I can’t just do nothing!” You screamed. If there were tears on your face at that moment, you weren’t able to feel them. “Fucking turn around now!”
“I can’t, (Y/N)!” Bill shouted over the chaos of the battle. “He told me to keep you safe no matter what so that’s what I’m going to fucking do!”
The battle was still raging on around you, each and every order member doing their best to stay on their brooms and Thestrals. Your mind was struggling to process what was going on as you blocked yet another spell shot your way from Rookwood. Bill kept his promise to your father and did the only thing he had known since he had realised he loved you. There was no way that the world was going to lose two Moodys that night. 
“Bill…” You couldn’t help but cry as he broke through the clouds and away from the battle.
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“Merlin’s fucking beard, Bill! Just take me back now!” Your cries rang out around the empty field of the burrow as you apparated with a loud crack.
“(Y/N),” Bill said, doing his best to remain calm for you. He stepped forward, his arms outstretched as your voice became more hoarse with every scream. 
“I need to find him! Do you think I’m just going to leave him there?” Each word was amplified in the quiet field as you shoved Bill’s outstretched arms away. Your heart was thumping rapidly in your chest, the image of what you had just seen on an unstoppable loop in your head. 
“We will, (Y/N). When it’s safe.” Bill was doing his best to be gentle, to stop the shouting and screams that were coming from your throat, but nothing he said was able to stop it.
“I don’t care if it’s fucking safe, Bill!” Your screams had caught the attention of the people inside now, all their heads turning to look at what was going on through the windows. “I don’t care! I just need to find him now!”
Arthur, Remus and Kingsley began to make their way out of the burrow, their minds already grasping the reason for your screams. Bill looked over to them, his face panicked and sullen.
As soon as your knees hit the grass beneath them, Bill was beside you, wrapping his arms around your body and bringing you to his chest. He felt the cries rip through your body, each and every one causing a sickness to bloom in his stomach. The crying was uncontrollable as Arthur, Remus and Kingsley came to a stop in front of the two of you on the ground.
“What happened?” Arthur said, looking at Bill’s blanched face as he held you so tightly against himself. He looked like he was going to be sick.
“Moody’s dead.”
His voice cracked as he managed to get the words out. All he could do was hold onto you as you cried against him, each cry causing tremors to ripple through your delicate body in his hands.  
He only hoped that the next cry wouldn’t be the one to shatter you into a million, tiny pieces.
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Alpha tags: @xinyourdreamsx @marvelismylifffe @xxerwin4laypxx @xxsophie-raabxx @yeeterbenjaminparker @bitchinghourss @sly-vixen-up2nogood
Beta tags: @winchestergirl907 @anormalgirlsthoughts @moondust-and-stardust @otherthingsinhead @kaetastic @themeanestlittlewitch @pixierox101 @semicharmedkindofali @struggleofyesterday @lazydiabetic @supermassiveblackhope @theldrs @firekissedwitchbitch @thatwrestlingfan91 @wonderwoman292 @ohleahdarling @ffantasylandd @fallatyourfeet @riverdaleserpent-hoe @firstworldproblemthings @wandressfox @abbssssssssssss @izzy28901 @lvnalcvegocd @a-mexican-waffle @dreamleveille @ashleykaiba @midnightadventuressss @bitchytortilla @adozendreams @catseatursoul @janettarose @alsogolden-ana @kirra137 @floralhaze91 @buckybarnesthedoritoslut @mindy-franco @heavenannette @axielle-suson @caleybree0520 @sassyvetstudent @geek-girl7 @mxlisxylmz @ahirunana @captainsteverogers-68 @ginevraxrogers @can-i-say-something-please @isabellem20 @autumnrainwitch @caitlinannbarber  @evelynpotter-lupin @icharleecongrevemultifandomsblog  @peterparke-r @daddyslilchild @vyrei @wnygirl2012 @furryexpertstrawberry @lynn14lynn @death-of-the-golden-days @ms-lady-muffin @j-brielmalfoy @songforhema @grandmastergoldblums @galacticnerd-78 @theawkwardbutterfly @steph-fowlie @notearslefttocry218 @iluvmesomemarvelndc @expecto-patronadss @royarlie
If you would like to be added to the taglist for After All This, feel free to let me know in my inbox!
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bluesfortheredj · 7 years
For @jodiereedus22 😘 You'd been captured along with Herschel and Michonne, and now here you were, in the back of a van being taken somewhere to be killed. You all had bags over your heads so you had no idea where you were going. The van comes to an abrupt stop which throws you all forwards, unable to cushion yourselves as your hands are tied behind your backs. The muffled sounds of the governor talking make their way through the van windows. "Who's he talking to?" Michonne asks. "I don't know, can't quite make the voice out," you reply. "I think it's Rick," Herschel says. "We're back at the prison?" You gasp. Suddenly the van doors open and Herschel is dragged out, followed shortly by Michonne, then you. The three of you are kneeling facing the prison you imagine, and your thoughts are confirmed once the bags are ripped off of your heads at the same time. The light blinds you and it takes a while to adjust and see Rick standing the other side of the fence, the others back up by the prison, watching intently. You see Daryl lower his gun as he realises you are one of the hostages. "We need you out," the governor bellows. "We can work this out, live together, the prison's big enough," Rick tries to compromise. "Rick, I don't think you're taking me seriously. Do you want to see how serious I am?" Before Rick can answer, a gun shot rings out right next to you and you duck your head down instinctively. As you go to look up, an intense pain runs through your body and suddenly everyone from the prison starts shooting. "AH!" You shout as you move. "(Y/N)!" Michonne calls out, looking down at the blood starting to soak through your top. Someone comes up behind you and cuts your ropes, then in the confusion you all run off in different directions, Michonne aiming for the governor and you trying to find somewhere to see what damage has been done. You find your way to the edge of the trees that line the edge of the prison and lean yourself against a tree to take a look at your wound. You can see where the bullet went in, then feel around your back for an exit wound, but soon realise it's inside you. Suddenly a walker comes at you and you manage to step out of the way as it falls forward and onto the ground. You stamp on its head, crying with pain as you do, but knowing it's the only way. You limp further into the trees, hearing the commotion still happening behind you and wishing that Daryl was with you right now. After a while you find a road, and sit down on a fallen tree, deciding this is the best place to try and patch yourself up. You get your knife out and feel inside the small wound to figure out how deep the bullet is. You stick the knife in and dig it out, sweating pouring down your face as you do. As the bullet falls out, you let out a scream and fall to the ground. "What was that?" Glenn asks, hearing a scream in the distance. "Someone's in trouble," Tara replies. "Come on!" Glenn shouts as they both run towards where the noise came from. They get to the stretch of road where you're laying unconscious at the side. "Hello," Glenn calls out. "What's that?" She asks, pointing to what looks like a body on the grass verge. They approach with caution until Glenn recognises your outfit. "(Y/N)! (Y/N), can you hear me?" He gasps as he drops down to your side and checks your pulse. "Is she okay? Is she breathing?" "Yeah, there's a pulse," Glenn nods, looking down at your knife on the ground and the bloodstained bullet next to it. Tara follows his eyes and gasps. "Did she take it out herself?" "Must have done. I've gotta dress that wound before it gets infected," Glenn says, "keep a look out for walkers." He takes a rucksack off his back and sets it down beside you, then gets out a small first aid kit and starts cleaning you up. "All done, but we can't move her until she wakes up," he looks around, worried, then a truck comes along the road, a large man with ginger hair and a cigar hanging out of his mouth leaning out of the window. "Y'all know the way to Washington?" He calls out to Glenn and Tara. With that they strike up a conversation and apart from having to go off on a mission to Washington for the scientist guy Eugene, they were willing to help with transporting you to a safer place. About a day or so after loading you into the back of the truck you start waking up. Tara leans over you and you look at her confused, not knowing who she was. "She's awake!" She calls out to Glenn. "(Y/N)! It's me, Glenn," he says, rushing it your side and smiling down at you. "Glenn? What's-? Where am I?" You croak out as Tara hands you a bottle of water and Glenn helps you sit up. A searing pain shoots through your side and you remember getting shot. "The governor, he attacked the prison, everyone scattered and we found you at the side of the road passed out," he explains, "Abraham, Rosita and Eugene found us and are willing to take us to a safe place. There have been signs for somewhere called Terminus, maybe our group have seen them too. It's our best bet." "Okay, that's a lot to take in right now," you exhale, trying to breathe deeply through the pain. "Oh, and this is Tara," he finishes. "Hi," she says shyly. "Hello," you smile, thinking that you recognise her from somewhere. "She was with the governor, but she's not like that, he brainwashed a lot of people to think we were something we weren't," Glenn says. "Ah. Thought I recognised you," you nod. Days go by in the truck. Tara helps you change your dressing and you get to know the three people who picked you up. Rosita can be a bit blunt sometimes, but she's harmless enough, Eugene is quiet but seems to be a human encyclopaedia, and Abraham is a loud mouthed man with a great sense of humour. You were nearing Terminus and Glenn had found signs that Maggie had written on, indicating that she was heading there too. "What do you think we'll find when we get there?" You ask the group. "Chances are these people have food, shelter and water if they're inviting people in. But then again, telling people where you are leads you to be vulnerable, especially in this world-" Eugene rambles. "Oh come on, just have some faith for once," Rosita chimes in. "If Maggie gets there before us, I hope she's okay," Glenn sighs. The closer you get, the more nervous you all become. Everyone had trust issues these days, and it was a scary thing meeting new people. Just thinking about what happened with the governor makes you feel sick. You hit a blockage and Glenn and Tara get out to check a tunnel. You stay in the truck, still recovering from your injury, and keep checking how many minutes are going past, worrying that something has happened to them. Some time later, you hear chattering coming towards the van, and a voice that you hadn't heard in weeks. "Is she okay?" The female voice asks. "She's getting better each day," Glenn replies. The van door flings open and Maggie stands there, one hand on her hip and one interlinked with Glenn's. "(Y/N)!" She squeals, jumping into the van and rushing over to you. She squeezes you tightly and you wince, then she quickly lets go and apologises. "Maggie! I can't believe they found you!" "Didn't ya know I put a tracker on Glenn back at the farm. Can't ever get away from me that boy," she laughs. "Hey, what are you two laughing about?" Glenn asks. "Maggie's just helping me feel better," you smile. "On to Terminus then?" Maggie asks. "It's the only chance we have of finding some of our group," Glenn nods, "lets go!" The greeting to Terminus is strangely friendly and you all immediately have a bad feeling about this place as soon as Gareth opens his mouth. That's when you see Daryl's crossbow being carried around by someone. You nudge Maggie and nod over in the direction of the weapon. She nods to you, then gets Glenn's attention. As soon as you three are aware, they catch on and throw you all in to a dark train carriage, then lock the door behind you. There's a small slither of light that shows there's other people in here and Abraham is first to speak up. "Who's there?" He bellows, using his voice to scare whoever it is. You and Maggie come up either side of him and then a face appears. A fave that you thought you'd never see again, a face that you missed so much everyday it made you cry during the night. "Daryl?" You whisper, barely audible. "(Y/N)," he gasps, voice breaking as he realises you're alive, "I thought ya were dead." His arms wrap tightly around you, squeezing you against his chest. You cry out in pain and he loosens his grip. "Sorry, still hurts," you whisper, looking up into his tear stained eyes. "I wish I'd 'ave been there," he breathes, tears finally falling down his cheeks. You start to cry as well and bury your head in his chest as you hear Glenn explaining to Abraham who Daryl was. "...and he's (Y/N)'s boyfriend," Glenn says. "Husband," Daryl corrects, looking over your shoulder at him. "Shit, sorry, forgot. Husband," Glenn apologises. "How did ya get out?" Daryl asks, turning his attention back to you, soaking his tshirt with tears. "I ran into the woods, got the bullet out but fainted and it was pure luck that Glenn and Tara found me," you answer. "What happened to you?" "Nothin' for ya to worry about. Found Rick, Carl and Michonne on ma way 'ere though," he mumbles into your hair, then kisses your head. You knew he was keeping something from you, but decided not to push it in this tiny container you were stuck in. With Daryl by your side, you knew everything was going to be alright now. @negan-dixon @sapphire1727 @reedusteinrambles @blondielovesr5-blog @whovianwalker1999 @cbarter @dixonreedusfangirlforever @coffeebooksandfandom @serfyan18 @kjs1939 @teamrick @princessxpunk @addiction-survivor25
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bluedragonbooks · 7 years
Ch 04 - Ep 32 - The Stught
“Garod called, they’re having a bit of trouble with one of the species waiting for companions. They’re stirring up trouble.”
“Do we need to make another trip?”
“They’re demanding to meet here, not their ships … just their companions. They’re saying they’ll respect the embargo. But …”
“But you’re concerned the ships will use the template to track their Companions, and they’ll blackmail us with disclosure.”
“Could you firewall them? Wrap them in a quantum forcefield noisy enough to block their communication?”
“An interesting thought; hang on sec… The Archives indicate its possible for a First ship to block other Companions; like we did with Dragon and Thomas though it’s considered rude.”
“Not if they agree to it tho.”
“Hello Rohan … This is unexpected.”
“The boys are playing, and I’m the guinea pig. None of the Stugth companions are “First”; so …”
“So if Icarus can block a First like you from his ship; the Stught’ll have no chance at breaking through.”
“Precisely … Ah, it seems to be working; I can’t hear Garod … Icarus tell Garod to use the template at full power; see if he can find me?”
“He says he can’t find you … What about you, can you access the template?”
“Barely, but not enough to call to him or any other.”
“Can you get any sense of co-ordinates?”
“None, I can’t even get a sense of your Quantum field …and in all the time I’ve known you you’ve never been able to hide it fully from me.”
“Thanks Icarus.”
“Oh, that’s a relief, I felt quite ill-at-ease being out of communication with my ship.”
“I’ll make note of that, it might come in useful. Tell me more of the Stught.”
“They’re a new ship species and somewhat unpleasant for the Platth to deal with. I almost didn’t include them in the lottery. The trouble is they’re a Patriarchal species with very rigid beliefs on the role of Males and Females. One of our Elder Companion males has been their primary point of contact. They have 5 Billion souls, but register very few ships, a few hundred at most. They have 5 ships at Platth at the moment, though none have calved … I suspect they claimed earlier due dates to secure a place; but these are their first calves, so I’ll excuse their caution.  
“Let me guess, no females Companions.”
“No, they do have Female Companions and Ships, many more in fact than males; but the females must serve under the command of non-companion Male Captains. Their species seems to lack some of the emotional capacity required of Companions. They seem to have been largely abandoned by the species that discovered them, but given the ratio of female companions to males we think they have potential; so we’ve been treating them as a hardship case.”
“Are there any of the female ships at Platth?”
“Two of the five.”
“I’ll meet with them on the following conditions; We'll meet only the 5 Companions, no Captains are to accompany them. Secondly, they must agree to Garod blocking them and transporting them here; both Icarus and Garod will continue to block them on arrival. I’d like You and Lilithandra to represent the Platth during the negotiations, and I’ll invite Myriam. So it will be the four of us and the five of them, and a reasonable gender balance. On second thought, I’ll ask Lilith to bring Mirith with her and schedule a time when Mirith will need feeding. That’ll even up the numbers.”
“Daedalus, you're an evil devious man; You'll make a great Elder Matriarch.”
“Garod has the Stught delegation on board, and he’s about to jump.”
“Well, you better fetch Myriam.”
“Already here” replied Myriam.
Daedalus smiled, “And you look particularly fetching in … whatever it is you’re almost wearing.”
“Aniya did some Stught research … This is apparently ‘Power-dressing yet Feminine and Alluring’.”
“It’s a little bit …teenage boy, Hero-gamer fantasy; I feel over-dressed.”
“I was thinking Xena Warrior Princess, but yes. You’ve got time to change, I’m sure Icarus can whip you up a fetching little battle thong or something.”
“Been there, made that mistake … never again; and Umm … I’m not sure we want to set the precedent … but it’s your call.”
"I concur, but I wanted to see your face … priceless; at least you’ll be better prepared when they arrive. Back in a sec,” said Myriam before she transported out.
As it was, it still took all of Daedalus’ composure to keep a straight face when their guests arrived.
Once the introductions were out of the way they took their seats; the Stught males sat together, flanked by their females, their leader Thulsa took central place. Daedalus also noted both of the females were pregnant. Daedalus had Myriam to his left, with Lilithandra and then Rohan to the right. Daedalus himself sat left of centre, effectively showing he and Lilithandra ranked as equals.
One thing puzzled Daedalus, Mirith was sucking on a bottle, rather than one of Lilith’s teats as he’d expected. Even so, it was clear the Stught Males were less than impressed; whereas both the Stught females hid slight smiles as if they’d guessed the game.
Just as they were about to commence, Mirith slurped her last and Lilith offered her to Daedalus to hold.
“Daedalus? Do you mind, you’re so much better at burping her and getting her to sleep than I am. I really do need to find a competent Male to act as nursemaid and take care of her.”
“Perhaps Terenthrad, the lad seems to have a knack with the younger cubs, and from what I’ve seen in the Nursery he seems competent enough. Once his Sister chooses a concubine he’ll be released from his Clan duties.”
“An excellent suggestion, now perhaps we should get down to business. Thulsa of Stught, what is your grievance, and why did you think it warranted the attention of the high councils of both Earth and Platth and in particular the First of Earth and Platth?”
“Why do you let this female speak on your behalf?” Thulsa asked Daedalus while trying to avoid looking at the cub he was holding.
“I authorised the Elder’s of Platth to act on my behalf and to invite species to bring their calves to Platth and join with my Companions. Lilithandra is the Platth Ambassador to Earth, in this room she speaks with the authority of the Elders of Platth. Neither Elder Rohan nor I have heard anything to cause us to question her authority in this matter. So, perhaps you should answer her question before I grow offended at your rudeness. Need I remind you that as none of your ships have yet calved, there is nothing to stop me striking your names from the lottery and telling you to take your calves elsewhere.”
“There are more calves at Platth already than all of the ships of Stught combined; we could commit more calves; but we do not believe you will honour your side of the bargain.”
[Rohan, were the Stught at my previous demonstration?]
[No, they came after.]
[Ah … perhaps we should schedule another visit to the Nursery.]
“And you have so few ships, when others already have so many. Perhaps, you feel you deserve some special consideration for committing as many ships as you have?” asked Daedalus.
“We noted the success the Platth are having with their Companion breeding program, and have implemented one of our own. We felt that if you were to assign some of your females to us; under the command of a male Stught Captain; it would go someway to repaying us for the calves we will give you. We don’t ask for servitude, just until their First calf is born and can join with the Stught Companions we are breeding. It would make the transaction more of a loan, than a gift.”
“Our females are not cattle to be traded for their calves, nor bred for their genetics. They are equals and do not answer to the command of men. I’m sure those of our companions who choose to join with Stught calves will maintain a close relationship with the Stught Homeworld. If you wish to avail yourself of the services of our ships; they or Myriam as Head of our Trading Guild will be happy to negotiate with you. When the time comes for our ships to calve, we will have sufficient calves to offer you as many as you can muster Companions.”
“How many can you pledge?”
Daedalus opened the Quantum Template and displayed it as he had before on Platth. “9 Million, 847 Thousand, and 643; how many do you think you will need?”
“How is this possible?”
“Perhaps if you started treating your females as equals and showing them the compassion they deserve, the number of your companions would increase … Now if you excuse me, this young cub has soiled herself and needs changing. Rohan, can you make sure our guests get home safely. Thulsa, please let Lilith know if your ships decide to remain at Platth, you have 7 days or she will declare their places vacant. Myriam, have I forgotten anything? No, Lilithandra? Thulsa, it seems our business is complete; unless you wish to remain and help me bathe this cub?”
The look on Thulsa’ face was priceless, as were the grins of his female associates.
Daedalus nodded to the Stught females and added “You’re welcome to visit anytime, just give Garod a call and confirm you’ll respect the Embargo. You might find discussions with some of my female High Councillors very enlightening.”
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fleabite531 · 7 years
JVP Netanyahu demo and Official New Friend
Wednesday. Chilled day with Y. He was working from home. I was lazing about and got snuggles during his breaks. Then I headed into SF for Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) demo protesting Trump’s meeting that day with Netanyahu and their shared values of racism, wall-building and hate-mongering. Was cool to be with other Jewish progressives, though a little disappointed there was only about 40-50 there. It was a 2 hour demo and I was only there for last bit so there might have been more attending in total as folks were coming and going. I liked the connection between zionism and to USA rhetoric and policies on migration and borders, which was expressed in chants and handmade placards.
After the demo a couple of Bay Area friends I had originally connected with from Gaza (from my trip in 2003) met me and I really enjoyed how easy and grounded in affection these relationships are. Partly I think it might be that usa (partic west coast?) culture is more emotionally demonstrative anyway, so i might just be experiencing that and feeling it as “ooo these people like me, its safe for me to open up to them too”. But regardless I’m starting to really value these other reasons for being in bay area besides Y, and this works well as both Y and I like spending time with other people too when we’re together.
I had this waffle/diner food craving, and as this was my last opportunity for it for a while, we headed to Mel’s. Mel’s is both fun, and cliched/OTT, but I’m a tourist and I kinda enjoy the OTT so I love sitting in a Happy Days set! We even used the booth side jukebox! Excitingly someone joined us who I’ve only before met with when I’ve been also meeting her partner who is an old friend of mine. We both agreed that meeting without him made us now Official Friends. She was also excited to be in SF itself, as she does the common Easy Bay resident thing of hardly ever coming over into the city.
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Waffley goodness. And hell yes did I add the extra butter as well as the warmed maple syrup!
Official Friends! And both excited by our food!
Y joined us, and then a bit later New Official Friend, Y and I decided to go for Mexican food in the Mission – hey its my last night! I’m totes allowed 2 suppers! Then we went for a wander and ended up at the top of Dolores Park enjoying the view over the city before grabbing Indian deserts on our way to the last BART back to the East Bay. For I still needed to pack and then get up at 6am for my flight home!
Bus ticket drama
At SFO I was probably over excited by the TSA dog – so cute, though it looked pretty skinny. Luckily the excitement was not reciprocated so I got through security uneventfully, though the same was not true about getting from Edinburgh airport back to Glasgow…
So I’d managed to lose my purse containing my return bus ticket and debit card at Reykjavik airport on the way out. Pop quiz: a) I did the responsible thing and phoned lost property about it as soon as i realised, or b) I procrastinated making the scary phone call and then decided I’d just see them when I transited on my way back home only to find out that the lost property office was only open at 8:30am, was after my 4am-7am transit time? Ooops! Of course I had a chain of backup plans in case my purse wasn’t even in the airport:
1) pick up return bus ticket with bank card in iceland. 2) use debit card stored in chrome to buy bus ticket online and choose sms ticket option 3) use Y’s credit card to buy bus ticket online 4) convert $20 at edin airport (and take on chin the double commission whammy of both converting a small amount and an airport booth – I just need £11:60 for the bus ticket…) 5) once am in uk and time is more respectable (i landed 9am) start calling round friends to either buy me a bus ticket online / rescue me from airport 6) hitchhike – lots of Glasgow folks use Edinburgh airport and I was due to land at peak time (9am)
Ok, fine, so I couldn’t get my bus ticket or debit card… i just drop to option 2. After all I’ve used my card online so often I never even have to look at the CVC anymore. It turns out that my memory of that 3 digits is perfect unless its 5am and I’m on dodgy airport wifi with no way to just look at the back of the goddamned card! Fine, I’ll use Y’s credit card – he’d given me one that was about to expire anyway in case options 1 or 2 fell through. Except it turns out the citylink website doesn’t accept non uk billing addresses. Argh! More time passes and I’m like, bugger this, I need coffee[0] and then realised i could get citylink tickets on megabus website too. So off I go but now I’m struggling with the verified by visa password and Y is busy.
However the coffee was def working – some more googling and it turns out you can buy bus tickets at edinburgh airport’s tourist information booth! They’re bound to accept card payments, and Y’s given me his pin so i’m sorted! There are buses at 9:30 and 10:00 and I’m desperate to just get to my own bed by this time.
[09:00] Luckily our flight lands a bit early and I race through immigration and to the booth (in post coffee alertness at Reykjavik I’d pre-memorised the route from the online airport map)
[09:15] Possibly over sharing I tell the v friendly “welcome to scotland” person that i’ve just arrived back from travel abroad and so don’t have cash yet and so want to buy the bus ticket using my credit card and am hoping to make the 09:30 bus. She says she’s going to make sure she can give me the ticket before taking my money and then has to boot the computer an go through the complex online system. “I don’t think we have to waste time filling in your phone number and email address. I’ll just tick that you refused to give them to me”
[09:18] The printer is jammed and after several minutes she gives up trying to fix the feed and goes to another machine which thank the universe spits out the ticket.
[09:23] I put Y’s credit card into their card reader, but instead of asking for the pin, it says “payment accepted. signature required” and directs me to remove the card. So she prints the receipt and asks me to sign it. I squiggle “Praveen Kumar”[1] and hand it back.
[09:24] She flicks over the card (d’oh! of course she was going to do that! i’d forgotten that was even a thing. when was last time you signed for a card payment???) and the signature panel is blank… “Do you have any other ID with you?” Me, feigning calmness but running lateness “Oh no, I don’t have an other ID with me!”
Lets recap : 1) I’ve told her I’ve just landed off an international flight. 2) As far as she’s concerned she’s addressing a white female with an English accent. 3) The card is for an American bank with an Indian male name.
“Well I think you’ve been kept waiting long enough trying to get it printed. Turn right and then right again to get to the bus stop”
I LOVE BEING BACK IN SCOTLAND!!!! And I am very appreciative that I have bucketloads of white privilege which I am benefitting from – doubt this would have been so easy had Praveen Kumar been trying to use a card with a white chick’s name on :(
Friday – Spontaneous outing to The Lost Boys at amusement park
I arrived home at about 11am. Obviously first thing I did was put the kettle on. Ah tea, now things seem more reasonable. Ok, so I’ve had maybe 6 hours sleep since Wednesday, and I should probably change my clothes, but all I need to do today is stay awake til 8ish, go to the bank to get cash out across the counter, and get a few groceries in for the weekend. Then I’ll sleep like a baby and wake up some time tomorrow, go to the LGBTQ boxing club, and my timezone should be all fixed ready for 12 hour shift on Sunday. By 4:30pm I’ve done bank and shop chores and have cash and am planning a quiet evening and then sleeeeeeeep.
And then, this being Glasgow, a friend invites me to a Glasgow Film Festival screening of The Lost Boys in a secret location, buses leaving from the GFT in 90 mins. So much for the early night plan! Accompanied by motorbikes revelling as they rev their engines to full blast we are transported to M&Ds amusement park. We bump into another friend and play on the rides opened up specially for the occasion, the park packed with excited adults in vampire/hunter dress-up squirting holy-water-pistols at each other on the big wheel and maximal audience participation through a favourite teenage movie. Much glee!
Walking home from the bus, much sleep deprived but very content with how lucky I am to come back to Glasgow, where being “cool” means showing your exuberance, participating to the max. Not sneering, but rather thrilling at and cheering on others’ dorkiness and throwing themselves into the spirit of whatever hijinks is going on.
    eg from http://www.medizeninc.com/index.php/menu/
[0] food and drink seems to feature a lot in today’s blog… To add more, as wow air doesn’t give any food on the flight I’d packed another really good picnic; hard boiled eggs, oranges, humus and veg wrap (didn’t taste good on the flight though – i know taste buds are supposed to be different on flights), smoked tofu and jerky. This time didn’t have the conveniently under 100mls water-tight containers i had last time, and the liquor store seemed confused about why i’d want a *small* bottle of alcohol (merkans and their super-sizing!) so decided to buy booze in duty-free as obvs you can carry that onto the plane. Except then I realised once aboard that i wasn’t sure if i’d be allowed to carry it onto my second flight if i took it out of the heat sealed duty free bag and opened it. so i relied on snoozing and copious pre downloaded star trek to get me through instead. I’d turned down a pal’s offer of a “medicated” jelly bean which given the TSA doggie (such cute eyes!) was lucky!
[1] Name changed to another Indian male name for privacy reasons.
Homecoming – Last day in SF bay area (JVP netanyahu demo, and /official/ new friend). Bus ticket drama. Glasgow returning – spontaneous outing to The Lost Boys at amusement park. JVP Netanyahu demo and Official New Friend Wednesday. Chilled day with Y. He was working from home.
0 notes