#and that's what i wanna focus on <3
delicourse · 11 months
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lesbian pride moment 😳🌸
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alaraxia · 5 months
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finally finished some full body art of vesper and her three main outfit variations
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squirreltastrophe · 2 months
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some little lighting tests that are kinda messy but I liked them enough to post :] wanna really focus on getting better at colors n such!!!!!!
(more coming soon probably hehe)
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cannibaleather · 19 days
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lion-buddy · 5 months
You've started writing notes for swap au concepts?
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care to share some?
hehe yeah sure
ever since i found out abt cure puka, role swapping them and prim is something ive been rotating in my mind. and now that i have the actual story in book form i was able to really sit down with it and think. initially my ideas were pretty basic with a generic role swap. puka is now the cure while prim is the fairy and nothing else changes. it was more for sillies and i wasnt sure how to formulate an actual story around it.
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i drew these back when all i had were the trailers to go off of lol
a complete story is my end goal when writing any au. i really like to take into consideration how the entire story could be affected by this change and im a big stickler for trying to make it all make sense. i figured there are two ways i could go about this. one is that i can stick to the original concept of a basic role swap. im sure i could make some sort of story out of it. but it was just. kinda boring to me. the story would follow a lot of the same beats. the only real change being that they look different. maybe change things up with a team swap as well? idk. or maybe swap their personalities, but i found that to be kinda. reductive. i feel half the appeal of personality swaps is redesigning the characters as such and well.
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idk not much would change lol. There personalities are inverse of each other and so are their designs. It’d be pretty boring to me
and option two. i ended up laying out what drives these two characters. prim is driven to act though a desire to gain power and prove their strength. pukas actions revolve around their hatred of their power. the two contrast each other in personality, with prim being emotionless and blunt while puka is very much the opposite. i want to stay true to that. so i decided to try and swap their moralities. they would still follow their principles since it defines their characters, but they would have different goals due to circumstance, idk if that makes sense. it would probably help if everyone actually knew the story lol. soon,,, but yeah. puka becomes more of the driving force, taking prims place as a "precure" and being the one in charge. swap pukas goals are different, and their relationship to their strength and power is complicated. i dont fully know what im doing with them yet but i have ideas. swap prim on the other hand is forced into a passive role as a fairy. prim does not like this. they will bite you.
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overall i just want to ensure the theme of power and "what is a precure" is kept in tack since i find that to be most important. its all veryyy interesting to me and i dont want to say too much since its still very fresh and being worked out and i dont want to contradict myself later but. yeah :]
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bulbtree · 4 months
Hey guys, just to let you know i'm still alive, much to collective disappointment. Alive indeed, but that what cost - entirely exhausted and drained as you can see by poor output
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I've been working on some irl improvement and it's taking everything from me. But fret not traveler, for that can't stop me for too long or rather as soon as i figure out the next life hack. You already know how it goes, i'm absolutely not going anywhere long term and we're stuck on this ship together probably forever by my estimation So, how have you been my fellow mutuals?
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lopsidedtreetrunks · 1 year
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America is a horsegirl
no text ver:
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raiiny-bay · 5 months
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my favorite edits - 2023 edition 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
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keeps-ache · 7 months
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trying to get my creative gears running again !!
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orcelito · 25 days
After I get adhd meds it's all over for you fuckers. And by that I mean I'm hoping it will let me focus on my writing enough that I can continue both ITNL *and* discacc. Concurrently!!!!
That's the dream, at least. I love ITNL too much to wanna give it up midway through (pls ignore the 4 months hiatus 🙏 I've been goin thru it) BUT ALSO I really really love discacc too.
For now. Adhd only allows one focus at a time, and barely even that. But someday... I will get to write both vash AND akechi fics. Thank you.
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bunnihearted · 1 month
#ugh im so anxious and like i think i have more pains bc of it#i overslept bc ever since i got a new phone my alarm is so quiet i never wake up?? this is the third time this happens for this class#but i cant miss more bc if i have more than three weeks absence they'll fail me :< so i hurried and walked to school#i wish i had a bus pass T-T since they introduced civilian clothed controllants i havent dared taking the bus at all i dont wanna get a fine#so yes anyway. on top of that im pretty sure my sister stole my keys. bc they were in my jacket pocket yesterday and today they werent there#and she left somewhere earlier this morning. so now im anxious abt not knowing where they are + will i get inside?? my mom wakes up late af#ummm what else???? idk im just so stressed. i got to class and have been here for 40min now and the teacher left for lunch#i'll leave now bc i cant focus enough to sit here more. my tooth aches too :((#i just wanna cry tbh#the entire way here i was like i wanna die i wanna die i wanna die#i feel so awful.. and stupd and worthless. why am i incapable of getting a job? or even studying at university? im so bad at everything#im like an anxious wreck who can barely function. everything hurts both physically and emotionally#i dont even wanna walk home im just sitting in my empty classroom bc i dont wanna kove#move*#what's wrong with me? how did i turn into this? i miss school. like i miss being able to actually do my work and talk to the teachers etc#im only a shell of what i used to be. and im scared i'll never be anything other than this :((((#well i gotta move ig bc the sooner i do the sooner i can get home and lie in my bed & cry over how useless i am :3
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nafohcnis · 2 months
john dory quick n concise guide Finished how do you feel
I was states away from home when it finished and i got this ask so i didn't get to process my feelings on its completion.. i feel like someone took a bite out of my chest, but im also very proud and excited for the author!
HONESTLY... don't know what im supposed to do with my time now...
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the speech bubble is not supposd to be you its my phone when i check to see if its updated..
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I find it soooo fucking funny when people say HLVRAI is only sillies with absolutely no angst, it's JUST jokes and there has NEVER been ANY angst, and then they get mad at people for writing angst because it's a "funny gmod series."
Like even aside from the fact that if it's handled well and with care, dark topics can be discussed, it's just. Oh you mean the funny Gmod series where the tutorial character found out he's just an AI and was so broken and horrified by the realization that he wanted to wear the protagonist's skin like a meatsuit to escape? The funny Gmod series where the main character canonically has PTSD and maybe psychosis and got betrayed, amputated, and almost killed by his friends and talked about how he was just feeling complete despair over it? The funny Gmod series where the protagonist tries to kill himself on screen multiple times and expresses suicidal thoughts several times? THAT funny Gmod series?
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restinslices · 4 months
Marvel pushing this hard for Captain Carter instead of our new Captain America is never gonna sit right with me. Idc, idc, once The Falcon and The Winter Soldier ended I feel like Sam just vanished. She gets way more screen time and recognition than Sam has been getting. Didn’t they also make her their Twitter pfp? Then she was in DSMOM and I’m just wondering why Sam isn’t talked about nearly as much as she is. Why are we not leaving this woman dead? We’re focusing on a dead woman rather than the new Captain America who is getting shit on just because he’s black? And yeah, she’s a variant but my point still stands. Why is Marvel not giving Sam the same push? Wrap it the fuck up Marvel
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forgotten-daydreamer · 3 months
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lavenoon · 1 year
this is a bit early but plans are in motion. do the Accidentally Undercover boys (Sun, Moon and Eclipse) celebrate Valentine’s Day in any way? Or do they prefer little expressions of love to their favourite agent at all times, regardless of holidays?
"Plans are in motion" and that's why I'm answering this ahead of all the other asks in my inbox, because otherwise this might take at least a week (and it's not too long of an answer) <3
All three boys are romantics at heart core processor, and once they have someone to celebrate with, they'd like to do it (as far as [insert favorite agent*] would be okay with it!)
*since Robin and Eclipse do not have a romantic relationship, and I have encouraged people before to yeet Robin from the universe to make self inserts happen
Sun: Look me in the eyes and tell me this man isn't going all out. He's making chocolates (tries to, anyway - this is one thing he hasn't tried before, even if he's a pretty good cook), then gets more chocolates just in case, as well as flowers, and then he'll take you out for lunch too. Not quite as romantic as a dinner, maybe (no, baby boy, it's still romantic, you just watched too many romance movies), but he'll do all the nice things anyway! He'll have a reservation to a place where he can show off to you and others (I can treat you to this/ Look who's with me and not with you), but that you'll still like, pull out your chair, and then ironically make it very hard to eat because he'll just be lovestruck the entire time <3
Moon: Much more subdued. You might think he's not doing anything special - but he's planning the coziest and most romantic sleep over/ movie night. I'm talking full out blanket fort with fairy lights inside, all your favorite snacks and food from your favorite take out place, all while watching the silliest romcoms. He's not one for the big gestures or showing off in public (usually), but a cozy night at home where he still gets to spoil you? Count him in! Win win, really, because my oh my, would you look at how close you have to sit cuddle to fit? Plus, he gets to hear you laugh and doesn't have to worry about what people might think when he gets the urge to kiss you silly, and then you can fall asleep against him and he'll make sure you'll rest comfortably all night <3
Eclipse: Valentine's fiend. This man is Sun and Moon and so much more. He's getting the chocolates (bought - he's too experimental in the kitchen and he knows it), the flowers, the various gifts - he's taking you out to eat anywhere, hell, he'll be open to do a take-out picnic if you wanted to - he's spontaneous! No reservations, no romantic dining, but he'll ask you what you'd like to do, and then make it happen. And then after a nice day out, you can come home and he'll shower you in even more affection, cuddling you close as he holds you on his lap, and maybe he isn't quite as focused on the movie you two settled on as he should be, but can you blame him? There's something much more interesting to pay attention to right there <3
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