#and then gets nice comments from people who follow that blog 😭
vampirecatboy · 2 months
when your theme week fic gets reblogged by the blog that ran the theme week 😳
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FNAF Dashboard Simulator Pt 2 (because yall ate up the first one)
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🦚 the-skrungly Follow
Guys be honest. How many of y'all became engineers or furries after visiting the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex.
🐺 weremy-jeremy Follow
...OMG is that why I became a furry?!
🦊 toy_foxy_4vr Follow
I'm a furry AND an engineer. checkmate
🐅 Furry-Heritage-Posts Follow
Official Furry Heritage Post
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⬜️ da-mechanic-deactivated03132024
I don't have. a reddit but I wanted to do this so. I'm a mechanic at the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. AMA
🐊 monty-gater-notice-me Follow
do they let you fuck the animatronics
⬜️ da-mechanic-deactivated0313202
AMA over guys
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🌔 eldest_daughter_syndrome Follow
Guys I went to pick my brother up from the pizzaplex daycare and the security guard was so mean. but she was hot and had rainbow hair
🎳 bunny-bowl
Diversity win! Rude security guard is queer!
🌔 eldest_daughter_syndrome Follow
Bad news guys. She doesn't have rainbow hair anymore. too scared to ask what happened
🎳 bunny-bowl
Diversity loss!
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📙 crackshipper34 Follow
guys do you think fredbear and springbonnie ever,,,, you know,,,,
🟠 glop-shitto Follow
wtf no eww! Why do you always do this?! They're mechanical animal mascots without feelings!
🔮 sleegy_deeby Follow
actually they did kiss and here's the proof: https://youtu.be/O7I-UTvo_80?si=4qjh3zye4o153QsM
🌇 ness-and-ness
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🐺 weremy-jeremy Follow
unironically why are fazbear animatronic fanartists literally so good at what they do. youre drawing robot animals
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📸 Wire-Monster-Heritage-Posts Follow
Guys, as we all know, my blog has been on hiatus ever since the Wire Monster disappeared back in 2023. However, I've been getting a lot of submissions lately about possible Wire Monster sightings at the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex. We're so back!!!
🐰 springbonnie-and-friends
omg what? isnt the wire monster a dead meme?
🕶️ cryptid_hunter Follow
then the meme is back baybee!
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🎼 classicalmusic1 Follow
friendly reminder that y'all need to be WATCHING YOUR KIDS at the pizzaplex guys. literally caught the rabbit animatronic trying to lead some kids into the back rooms
🎳 bunny-bowl
girl what rabbit animatronic? bonnie was decommissioned
💽 foundfootagelvr3
oh my god. please tell me what i think is happening is not happening
🎩 f-bears-family-diner Follow
its happening again.
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🐇 bonnie_lvr Follow
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🌉 floor-bot Follow
dude, you are down BAD
🚀 golf_is_for-nerds Follow
🎇 slaymechanic Follow
@golf_is_for_nerds oh my god thats so cruel and insensitive to be making jokes about that. I heard that even the newest animatronics are still super dangerous!
🌻 farmgurl1 Follow
Didn't Jerma say he was going to go to the Mega Pizzaplex for a stream? When is that going to happen?
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🧩 matlabpat
Guys I've been researching the history of the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex... and I think I might have a theory... should I make a youtube video about it?
#fazbear theory #mattheory
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reminder that these are unreality! also i see yall commenting on the video that i linked in the last post. im still going to leave yall mystery links but i didnt make any of the videos i linked so youre gonna be confusing random people 😭 so be nice to them or dont do that. and i hope that poll made yall distraught
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mamaestapa · 2 months
this isn’t hate so don’t take it as such but it’s really confusing seeing you have one foot in, one foot out of the fandom and then getting mad when people don’t follow or understand where you’re at
I don’t read everything you post, I’m not on tumblr often but i saw you said you’re not writing for joe rn (completely fine and valid) but you answered an ask the other day about how much of a dream it would be to have him fall in love with you (when anon said you looked like liv) AND hes still your profile pic and username. I understand the username is effort to change but he is still all over your blog and some days it seems like you’re in a good mood to talk about him and the next you’re so done and it’s just really confusing at this point. if you’re done with him, that’s fine, just pls say so bc it’s confusing when you’re like “u never know!” but also “im not in a joe mood rn” but also “I’d love him to fall in love with me and that would be a dream” and then get mad when we send asks like I genuinely just don’t understand if you love or hate him? you’ve kinda given the impression of both and it’s fine either way but pls just be clear bc it seems like we’re pissing you off but you’re not clear on where you stand and idgi cjdjdmd i thought you were done with him but then I saw the liv ask where u said it would be a dream for him to fall in love with u, so I thought ‘ok ur not writing for him, but you still like him and wanna talk ab him’, and he’s ur prof pic and stuff so I was like ok safe assumption, but then it seemed like u got mad when I sent u a tweet so im just confused fjfjffjd
i hope you understand this isn’t hate and i genuinely love your blog. i just think being clear would be helpful and if ur rlly done with him, even just for now, being straight up would be better than saying youd love him to fall in love w u and then basically telling us to shut up ab him the next day bc ur in ur hockey era rn 😭
sending this with love! once again not hate just don’t like being chastised
“this is the only ask i’ll answer regarding this. “
felt like I was being told off by a teacher in school when I just didn’t know bc u said he’s your favourite last week and some other positive things the other day😭
i don’t really know how to answer this lol. first of all, i’m not mad at anyone. i just get a little annoyed.
i want to start by saying, i don’t hate joe. i hate what the joe community on tumblr has turned into. you can’t post anything anymore without receiving hate or some sort of comment that isnt so nice. it’s frustrating to see so many good blogs and genuinely nice people receive hate because of the things they post.
we’re all on here just trying to have fun and post positive things about our favorites!
i do not expect you to read every single thing i post on here. i don’t expect that out of anyone that reads my stuff or follows me.
yes, joe absolutely is all over my blog. i’m a fan of his, i write for him, he has been my blog for a whole year now. i don’t mind receiving asks about joe, literally at all. when it comes to his personal life and what he’s doing though…it’s different.
i didn’t create my blog to talk about or speculate anything about joes personal life/life outside of football. i made this blog to write about, see pics of, and meet other people who shared a love for him and the sport too. all this community has turned into the last few months has been drama and speculation which is NOT what im here for.
i’ve moved onto hockey because football wasn’t my interest anymore and that’s okay. i didn’t say to shut up about joe, you absolutely can talk about him. i simply just said i’ve moved on.
i get a little frustrated when i get asks about when in writing fics or updating for him because i’ve said multiple times that im taking a step back and taking a break from writing about joe. am i not allowed to be a fan and say i love him without him being the focus of my blog anymore? lol.
i didn’t mean to “chastise” anyone, i just was simply saying i’m not going to answer anymore asks about what the tweet was about because it’s ALL over tumblr right now. many blogs are receiving hate, talking about the subject, etc. and i just don’t want to be apart of that. i did not create my blog to talk about his personal life or have any drama.
i’ve stopped writing about joe because of what the community has become. he has nothing to do with it.
i appreciate you being honest with me on how you feel about my blog and my approach with this! i didn’t mean to come off the way i did when i answered your ask about the tweet, i just didn’t want to contribute to the conversation anymore and make it a bigger deal than it already is.
with that being said, it’s been great on here with yall but i’m stepping away from the “joemunity”. thanks for being so amazing🤍
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kiss-me-cill-me · 1 month
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better🌹💕
Yay!! I always look forward to the Emmett council meetings. I left Tumblr and the fanfic world a few years ago because of all the fighting and toxicity in the fandoms I was in, which was getting me down, so it's nice to come back and accidentally stumble into a fandom that is so friendly and just wants to talk about Cillian Murphy's stupid face all day. I probably wouldn't have come off anon if you hadn't been so nice about my Emmett idea, and I'm glad that I did.
(Funny I rejoined Tumblr for the Aneurin Barnard content but have instead spent more time on Cillian blogs. Sorry Aneurin babe, I still love you the mostest but you're not in enough movies 💔)
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Yes!! You are a very valued member of The Council of Emmett 😄 I'm so happy to hear that you've had a good experience in this fandom - we do have a lot of very lovely people, and I feel lucky to be a part of it as well! I've written for several different fandoms over the years, and I have to say that this is one of the most welcoming and supportive ❤️
I totally feel your pain on not having enough content of your favorite blorbo though 😂😭 Believe me, I have had some obscure blorbos over the years lol
But, selfishly, I'm glad to have you in the CM fandom even if you are only on loan from Aneurin fandom haha 😘 I always love reading your comments!
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
joined the 911 fandom few months back and…has it always been this annoying or did something shift recently. someone on twt said maybe mehta coming back doesnt have anything to do w buddie at all and now they are getting cooked for “raining on people’s parade and being a negative nancy for no reason” …. this whole cycle of setting expectations and bullying people for not having the same enthusiasm then getting annoyed that the tv show isnt delivering the same expectation you set is just so annoying??? glad that your blog exists and you exist because this fandom is in heavy NEED of rational minded people 😭🫶🏽
I've been actively involved in fandom since the start of s4 (was a lurker in s3) and from my perspective...things get worse as the seasons continue! In s4, there was *some* hope for canon!Buddie, but Ana came back into the picture and TayKay soon followed so expectations were lowered (because we didn't know how long they'd stick around). Thennn...the shooting happened. Plus the change in guardianship. People were on board again AND we were introduced to even more new fans who couldn't believe "the gay firefighters" weren't together yet. Season five? Eddie breaks up with Ana, Buck breaks up with TayKay..."If Buddie not canon then why did they break up with their girlfriends?" And now season six is about how "all signs point to canon Buddie" no matter what happens. (ie They were convinced Eddie would be a big part of Buck in the coma to hint at feelings and when he wasn't they changed their theories to "explain" why his absence was a good thing; same with the sperm donor arc - all that non-communication was going to pay off once Eddie confronted Buck about a decision he didn't think through and now the lack of 6A content is going unmentioned because Oliver has (twice) emphasized that there's nothing for Buck to come to grips with, he knew what he was doing when he said yes.) I think the fandom just really, really wants to be right about this one thing for two reasons: 1. It would be a game-changer. How many fans of a queer ship can say that they got the endgame they wanted? Furthermore, how many can say their canon ship started out with two straight characters who fell in love over time because a show thought that made the better story? (Not the SPN fandom, that's for sure. They're some of the biggest naysayers you'll find around here because "I've been where you are." Mind you, most us are old af and remember a time when queer ships stayed in fandom spaces because TV shows wouldn't dare take the risk of alienating audiences.) 2. Having Buddie go canon is an opportunity to get back at any and everyone who doesn't believe it'll happen; the ultimate "I told you so!" victory lap.
I do agree with the fandom when it comes to keeping opinions out of other people's inboxes unless they're open to reading it (obviously me :P), but expressing an opinion on your own page (whether that be twitter or tumblr) is what having a social media account in a fandom is for. You don't have to agree with the person. You don't even have to read it. But you can't stop them from feeling how they feel. And quite frankly, while having hope is nice to see (I do, too!), some people could use a reality check. We're not in the writers' room. We don't know what the writing staff is really thinking when they come up with stuff. Even when Kristen makes comments and Oliver gives his perspective, the fandom calls them "liars" or twists their words to fit a narrative that makes for (what they think is) a better outcome. They'll also advise people not to read the articles, but...nobody actually lies in those because they don't give away all that much information, and the information they do give is to tell fandom when things aren't about Buddie, lmao. Kristen said the coma arc was about Bobby and Chim and there fandom was hyping up Eddie's importance only to realize she meant what she said. Oliver says Eddie going after Buck in 6x10 isn't hinting at anything and they're envisioning feelings realizations at Buck's bedside, which never came. They're TELLING fandom to not get its hopes up right now and the speculation has only gone deeper into "this can't be about anything other than Buddie" because everyone is too invested to turn back now.
As for Captain Mehta - I have my own theories about this. Could his presence bring about a mention of the shooting? Yep. Could his presence inspire another conversation? Yep. But *why* him and *why* he finally has a first name? 1. Is everyone at that table supposed to call him Captain Mehta or just Mehta? Nobody knows him on a personal level? 2. Is it possible that throwing some third no-name/relatively unknown firefighter into the scene (along with Capt. Williams and possibly Julie) does nothing to gauge the audience's interest? At least the audience will remember Mehta and there's a connection between him and both halves of Buddie whereas we've seen Julie in limited quantities (and not even as one of their friends off the job) and Miranda Williams was last seen in early s4.
I'm not saying him being back can't be the precursor to important things, but people also thought the Buckleys were coming back after two years so their kids could yell at them some more and they would decline to be with their son in the hospital (why else would they have returned right then, duh!) and we all saw how that turned out. This fandom loves to say "Bestie, you're watching a FOX procedural" on the ~discourse~ days while routinely ignoring the fact that we're watching a FOX procedural. Sometimes what you see really is what you get when the show runners are (currently) pandering to an audience that includes everyone but us.
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ravencincaide · 2 months
hi, i don’t normally comment on things like this— kind of nervous it’ll make you uncomfy but i hope you know how genuinely phenomenal your writing is. i read the anon ask that was like “where are the fics” and like i recognize it’s cause they’re excited to read what you want but some part of me is sad when people treat writers like that. idk… i don’t want to step on any boundaries, i don’t know you as a person, i have no right to decide what’s hurtful for you. i just hope you don’t feel pressured into writing anything, i would hate to witness someone’s hobby become more of a job. once again, i don't know you personally so i could be blowing things out of proportion 😭😭
Hey Anon! Goodness you're so sweet and I would just love to give you a hug and say thank you so much and just show you how appreciated your words are. Honestly you remind me of the old fanfic community and its a breath of fresh air! You did not make me uncomfortable or cross any boundaries what-so-ever (if anything I think you've read me and my self-estreem issues very well haha XD)! That being said I think, unfortunately, that's kinda the way fanfic community is at the moment; not only on tumblr but on other bigger sites (FF.net, AO3..). Fics are taken, translated, read aloud, unique writers styles, prompts and expressions shamelessly copied. There's also a demand from writers to share, produce, provide, be efficient, have a schedule, take requests etc etc while they get threatened with AI, hate, insults, trolls, demands, being reported, get buried/not have any engagement at all and I could go on. Fact of the matter is, there's very little wiggle room as a writer for what you can do 'back' so to speak. Sure you can create a DNI. Or more precisely a " All fics are unique works by ©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me! " text to every fic- but does anyone listen? Not really. Sometimes it's still nice to see it though so I'm definitely starting with that even if it is essentiella pointless. You can spend valuable time on playing 'monitor police' on all those who take your work for granted and manually block spam-like, monitoring age/minors & bot-like blogs etc etc while repeatedly reminding about reblogs, comments and such. But ultimately it's not a fun activity; it would entail me blocking basically 90% of my followers. It would also take what little time i have to spare away from writing. And finally, I could just put this blog on hiatus and keep my writing to myself or find a site where I can hide it behind paywalls. Seeing as I write for anime/small fandoms/BSD rather than big fandoms such as Supernatural, Harry Potter etc the chances of doing that and making a name are rather.. well limited to say the least.
So fact of the matter is, independently whether I get hurt or writing becomes a job, if I want my fics out there. And if I want 'Raven Cincaide' to become a penname- a trademark that I could one day use for when I publish an original buyable book, then all the shit that comes with writing- it's just something I have to take with a smile on my face.
Thank you so much for reaching out to me and giving me a small space to vent. <3 Much love Raven
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wri0thesley · 3 months
hi Nat! hope everything is well!🥹 I hope you don’t mind me asking this, but how do you get people to interact with you? i have quite a big following if I say so myself but it feels like there’s barely any interaction 😭 mostly it’s my fault as well to contribute to that, but I’ve been more active nowadays and when I try to interact by posting stuff so my lovely followers can interact, nobody really does. do you know the best way for interaction?🥹sorry for bothering you with such a question :(
i do not mind at all anon!
i actually have absolutely no idea. i am INCREDIBLY lucky that my beloved followers interact with me so much (to the point i feel AWFUL i have so many unanswered asks), especially because the usual advice for getting interaction is usually 'give interaction yourself' and aside from reblogging and sometimes replying, i get too nervous to send asks and such (if i do i usually send them anon even to moots fgbkjnbgnj).
if it helps give any sense of interaction vs follower count, i have about 15k followers (i have been writing on tumblr for a LONG time and writing reasonably consistently). i do think that the fact i've been around for a while helps too to be honest; people kind of see me as a safe person to come to with asks! i also try very hard to be friendly and open which i think helps; i want to be a positive force without being an UwU Toxic Positivity Force! i also generally try not to get involved in drama any more (i was involved in a little bit a long time ago when i just wrote jojo); again, i think that's a thing people do think about with interaction, because it can be scary to interact for the first time and fear that the blog is going to laugh at you!!!
i also try and treat the anons i DO get like they're my friends and mutuals instead of making a big divide between 'this is my friend group of mutuals and these are my Less Important Anons'. i know i personally get scared of interacting with blogs who seem to have a very defined friend group and do not really venture outside of that; it can feel cliquey even when it's not!!!
so yeah gbfdjnkfgbnk. not helpful i'm sorry! lots of my advice is honestly just 'stay on tumblr and write what you like and enjoy and people will come to you'. being friendly always helps! reblogging and commenting and sending asks (i send ask prompts when i can when they're reblogged because that's easier for me than speaking off my own head! i also try and practise ask prompt etiquette - if i reblog it from someone i try to 100% send them an ask from it too, that's polite!) helps too. treating anons like your friends* (*obviously in a non parasocial way; like friends you're seeing at a party as opposed to your bff forever) helps!
i hope that any of that helps!!! it can be hard and disheartening to not base your worth as a writer (or whatever fan-content you make!) on your interaction but i promise as long as you are having fun and being nice eventually people will notice and will give back what you give out!!!! <3
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deldeldel90 · 1 year
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- lorena!! ksysiss ok but like!! she'd def be on tumblr whenever she needs to say smth
- has terrible grammer thats inconsistent and messy
- types in caps more than she should
- reblogs memes n pictures of cats in hats
- talks abt her family all the time, especially abt gwen
- does shitty doodles of her mutuals
- does a lot of copypastas
- has a very lowkey account, not many people know about it
- says a lot of puns (half of them don't even work)
- sometimes her posts r just "had a blye shshhie?!" and then there's whole ass essays abt the usage of camouflage
- has twenty backup accounts
- is into military history!! reblogs interesting facts abt it and adds her own lil comments
- if you're her mutual, she'll be reblogging and liking every post of yours, will give you literally all of her support
- lorena is always there to talk to somebody !! she's kinda awkward sometimes but she makes up for it by being persistent and a bit hyper when you really get her going
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- Maria! <33
- ok so she's literally a sweetheart
- big sister vibes whos always willing to give credit to others and is super chill to talk to
- has really good grammer, messes up a few times but overall, she uses commas and barely has an typos
- gets a lot of anon asks, always talks to them like they're her long lost besties, super natural n caring
- she makes her own gifs!!
- talks abt her crush sometimes
- links her pinetrest
- writes fanfics and keeps it the biggest secret of her life, her followers only know bc she makes way too many references to ao3 fics
- lowkey a fangirl ngl, will gush her heart out and makes edits and fancams
- she keeps her identity (apart from her voice) a complete secret, like, you wouldn't even know the color of her hair
- reblogs a lot of facts n pictures of birds and in her rbs, she talks abt her experiences w them
- keeps a pastel blue aesthetic to her blog
- most of her text posts are her discussing bozart and asking for advice for her singing
- is always really excited to talk to people!! has a good amount of tumblr friends and is just really nice
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- GWEN!!! gwennie gwen gwendolyn!!
- she's gen the sweetest
- like ever <333
- this girl.... she's not very open and has a hard time telling if somebody likes her but does try to be kind to everybody
- shares a lot of baking recipes nd pictures of her own baking
- is really shy
- recorded herself talking once and immediately deleted it
- will sometimes vent in a very smash keyboard way whenever she's stressed
- mostly reblogs things to do with baking but also reblogs comfort posts that makes her happy
- doesn't discuss how she looks at all
- takes pictures of moss nd overgrown and thinks they're really pretty
- uses emoticons like ^^ and :)
- has a really really close group of five or so friends she met on tumblr and really wants to message them but is too scared she's bothering them
- wet sad fluffy kitten energy
- quotes from romance books and pictures of buttered bread
- her blog is the definition of comfort <33
- reblogs pictures of a bunch of funky animals and coos over them in the tags
- if you get to know her she's really really nice and will probably want to send you baked goods
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- jamie....
- this mans blog is half chaos half reviewer
- reblogs leo's posts (because he def has a tumblr too) literally all the time, usually like "how r you texting this in jail ://"
- does food reviews literally all the time, probably has a YouTube channel too
- gets asks all the time 😭😭 answers them all on one tuesday morning out of the blue
- 6/10 grammer, no attempt to do better, internet slang makes up half of his vocabulary
- uses 'ngl' when its not needed at all
- uploads a lot of pics of food, some of his own, some of others
- talks in tags, speaks in lowercase 1/3 of the time
- this man either capalizes everything or nothing... good for him!!
- has 82 drafts and is waiting for the right moment to post em
- compares his sister's cooking/baking to everything like "hmmm this lasagna is alright but my sister, Gwennie's,...."
- is accidently aesthetic.. everything this man posts just happens to have pink in it idk
- probably uses fonts tbh
- reblogs light academia/pastel royal/literally any type of cat aestheyic posts
- uses emojis ironically
- jamie honestly is a pretty chill guy and also enjoys talking to people :) sometimes he'll just hit somebody up and be like "that pasta you made has supreme good vibes,,, care to tell the recipe??"
- uses a lot of question marks and expscmation marks
- shows his face a lot !! Along with his outfits and bracelets nd stuff
- posts about his life a lot, doesn't really care if somebody finds out this is him because he's really open abt it
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minhxniee · 1 year
Growth update 5 💗 (topic: my thoughts on pt. 2 and what I'll write next)
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Okayyyyy 520 is so crazyyy like I'm seriously baffled 😳.. This honestly means so so so so super much to me, I really can't thank you all enough 😌❤️❤️
Little story:
I remember first coming onto tumblr and seeing all these accounts posting really good blogs like their ideas are really good and it was something I really wanted to do on here as well.. So it took me almost an entire year to build the courage to post something on here.. But yeah seeing so many people actually enjoying my blogs, really makes me tear up(I'm very emotional btw) I'm very appreciative and always will be with anyone taking their time to read, re blog, like, comment or even follow my blog.. It absolutely always warms my heart 😭✨💖
Soo my thoughts on pt. 2..hmmm if you see slight changes over the course of few days.. Dw I'm just trying to fix some minor errors to keep the flow you know? Buttt like idk if it's just me that I'm dead cringed after finally reading it when it's posted (nah I just re read it to be in the readers pov if that makes sense) so yeah I'm cringed with it.. Jdjdj I think it's because I have like zero experience of what a relationship is really like.. And ngl lovey dovey things do sort of make me feel weird for some reason.. I guess its cause I'm still developing idk lmoa 😌..
So what I'm going to do next is that I'm going to take a little break from the heated argument scenario? I think that's what its called 😐.. The maknae line version to be specific.. I think I'll get bored if I do the same scenario again so I feel like I'm going to do something different in the time being.. There are a few people requesting me with actually good ideas.. But I'm going to do the person who has requested first..its something about y/n having a bad dream of them like cheating or something... And omg I have the perfect format or layout of this scenario and this time its going to be ot. 8!!
+ may post an about me tomorrow to celebrate 500, I think it would be nice for people to get to know me a little better and it would be great for some of you introducing yourselves.. I'd love to get to you you all two😊✌️
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
hello!!! tysm for the fic advice, it really really helped!! im in the process of tryna fix up my blog layout and such, may i ask what your first fic was? or what was your first published work and how was it? the feedback, how'd u feel & stuff? i have multiple fics/ideas written down already and i just fr need to post them atp 😭
IM SO SORRY IF THIS FEELS LIKE AN INTERVIEW!! i promise i don't wanna intrude, and you definitely don't need to answer at all!!
Not at all, I’m happy to answer!!
The first thing I ever posted was my fic savvy, which is an aged-up fic about a reader in the UA business course trying to wrangle Bakugou into cooperating on a senior project, and falling in love along the way lol. I only had an ao3 for maybe the first 6 months of my fanfic writing career, so I think at least my first 7 fics were published there exclusively, before I eventually backfllled them here when I finally made a tumblr.
I can say that on ao3, everyone was very kind to me. I would get like one to two very nice comments and a handful of kudos per chapter at the beginning. It's so addicting, realizing people like your work, even if I knew it was unpolished. I would save people's comments in my inbox and read them over and over throughout the day (still do lol. If you're nice to me, I will hold onto your words literally forever). I cannot even properly describe how heady the feeling of appreciation from other people is. It really stays with you forever and ever, and makes you want to grow and learn and be better and keep delivering for those people who were kind to you.
I really like the variety of comments people give on ao3--they range from compliments, to theories about the next chapter, to personal anecdotes about aspects of the chapter, to pages-long analysis of your writing, to strings of emojis, to clarification questions, to well-wishes for your health and safety. It always makes it fun to log back onto ao3 and not be able to anticipate what kind of conversation people will be having with you.
The "negative" experiences I've had on ao3 were mostly invited by my own errors--writing my fic cover shot which is kind of exclusive of readers with darker skin tones, which I was rightly called out for failing to note. And also failing to properly note threats of violence in the first chapter of my fic statistically significant, and accidentally triggering one of my readers, which I still think about and deeply regret to this day.
I also asked for constructive feedback, which I might actually advise against for the first little bit that you are writing. Actually almost none of the concrit that I have received has been actual concrit.
In general, concrit is supposed to recognize the goal of your writing and help you achieve it. But most of the concrit that I have received has been people suggesting their own plotlines and character interpretations, and sometimes that has been phrased as, "Bakugou would never do [X thing you made him do]" or "I don't like that you made them say I love you to each other after just a couple months of knowing each other"--because while I'm sure those comments come from a place of wanting to be helpful, they're super subjective, and don't actually help me write the fic I want to write. And also they can make you feel like an idiot who doesn't understand characters or love or life as well as the next person might.
In general, though, people were very lovely and said that they thought my first few fics were good for first works, and that gave me the encouragement to keep writing!!
I don't know what it might have been like to post my works on tumblr at the same time too, although people have been generally very nice on tumblr as well. I really enjoy the community aspect of tumblr beyond anything, the opportunity to follow and get to know the sorts of people who read my fics!!
I think the one thing that you have to be prepared for when you post on tumblr is salty anons. While asking for no concrit on ao3 should be enough to ward off any more "negative" feedback, I've found tumblr to be just a liiiiiittle bit more hostile in recent months. I think this year especially, people are meaner than ever on the internet lol. I've answered 3 or 4 mean anons publicly in the last 8 months alone, but there are several more I've just chosen to block and delete.
There is almost no way for you to anticipate what kind of thing you will write or say that will upset someone on here, so if I had any advice for you (or past me) it's that you have to anticipate some bad with the good. Tumblr is just a different audience and a different kind of social media where you're judged a little bit more as a person than a writer. But know that the good is totally worth the bad!! The opportunity to really get to know people and make friends on here is the absolute best thing about the fandom.
Anyway I hope this helps and I hope this didn't scare you off!! Being a fic author has been the absolute best thing these past couple years and I totally want you to have the same experience too!!
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
hey there<3 i'm sending this as an anonymous because there will be a lot of expressing emotions in here which i'm not used to doing.. so it's gonna be weird to me if i reread it again after you post it..🫶🏼
ahhh i don't know where to start honestly.. i've installed this app without knowing what's ahead of me.. especially getting to know new people, it was an unexpected thing. i thought i would be a silent reader, i've always been one.
the reason why i even installed tumblr is because i wanted to follow mimi - you probably know her. i had no idea how to use this app nor how this broken site works😭 but i never knew i would be so lucky💜
one day, i opened the app, and one of your works (a popular hobi fiction 👀) was at the top of the page. it had like 3k notes i guess? so i decided to read it and it was truly amazing<3 and that's where the journey began!!
and then i commented on one of your posts and then you were like: 'welcome', something like that. i mean you did welcome me and it was so nice of you!? that's when i knew that you're a very sweet person!<3 you gave a very good first impression 😏😊
i went ahead and took a look at your blog, everything about it. and when i knew that you identify yourself as queer, i smiled so hard😭 i mean i am straight, but something about queers hits different, i really genuinely love them. (and no please don't think i'm creepy 👀)
anyways, and that's when i decided to start reading your fictions!! i read 90% of them and if i started to talk about how good your writing is it would take hours to just describe the beauty of it. so let's just say it's perfect<3
your style of writing brings comfort to me, even if it's just porn. i really don't care if it's angsty, fluffy, smutty,... it just comforts me in a way that can't be described, at least by me because i suck at these things :')
you're the type of person who i wish i could meet one day<3 i didn't only read your fictions, i saw when you felt tired, unmotivated, sad, even confused in some asks and i wished i could hug you and make you smile. because i once was sad and you were there for me. i vented, and you listened.. you even said things to me that i will never ever forget in my whole life. i still look at them in my screenshots whenever i feel down and that one reason can truly show why i love you so much 💜
i still remember when you started the process of writing TSOYB, and then at some point you thought it was shit ☹️ but then it was drop day and i got to read a magnificently written fiction and it was obvious how much you had worked for it to turn out this way!! i was so proud of you (and i still am!💜) because you didn't fucking give up even when you felt it was trash. you trusted the process and i learnt a lesson from you. because i'm a perfectionist, so if i don't do something correctly at the first time, i start to think i'm literally useless and all of the overthinking shit starts again blah blah. so now whenever i even think to overthink 😭 i remember someone like you exists💜 i remember your words. you helped me em💜
ah i don't know what else to say.. there's still like too many emotions i wanna express but i just don't know how to do that.
god i just love you with all my heart, you don't even have an idea about my gratefulness towards you. and to god who gave me a chance to know such a wonderful person!!💜💜
like namjoon once said: "i wish there was a better word than 'love'. i really truly love you. please know that."
(and please please if there was any type of weirdness in this i'm so sorry it's 2:48! am!)
omg anon 🥺 this is so overwhelmingly sweet i don't even know how to respond!!!! i'm gonna stick it under a cut so this isn't a million years long hahaha 💜
i'm so glad you managed to find me - bless party on you for blowing up lmao 🙏 and glad you felt welcomed!! the more people that follow the harder it gets for me to keep up with everyone personally, but i do really try to make sure everyone feels welcome here 🥺 (except bigots 👹) - it's important to me to curate a safe chill space where we can all just read porn and have fun lmao!
LOL NOT QUEERS HIT DIFFERENT that's so fucking funny akhglksjrgsjfkg can confirm we do 😌
gahhhhh you're so kind about my writing thank you thank you 🫠 i think this is probably my favorite compliment to get, that people feel comforted by my work. it's brought me a lot of comfort to write and to establish this little blog, so the fact that i can share that with others is truly priceless!!
and omg 🥺 you got to see the process work in real-time!! that's so wild. i really do think i hit a bottom on pretty much every fic i write (sometimes i'm more vocal about it on tumblr, sometimes less) where i just feel like ugh, this sucks, it's never gonna be good, i should give up. and part of the writing process is just pushing through that - which is really hard for me because i am also a perfectionist!! but you're so right. sometimes you just have to trust the process and do whatever it is anyway, even when every word feels like a struggle!
this was such a sweet note to receive 😭 i'm sorry it took me so long to respond!! but i didn't want to half-ass a reply either since you took the time to share your thoughts and be so vulnerable. that really means the world to me! i love you a lot and i hope you're having a wonderful new year so far 💜 and i'm always here if you need me!!
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purpleyoonn · 2 years
i finally got past that level. i try to take the game slow even tho it’s somehow addicting to play 😅 so idk when i’ll reach the 300s
it keeps raining here so the humidity is high af making it feel so much hotter outside 💀 i literally hate summer so much for that reason
target is my safe space too!! i just hate talking to people sm :/ you’re blog is really safe i feel like. you are understanding and super nice to your anons. i just always apologize for ranting no matter the person which i know i should stop apologizing for everything it’s just hard to stop something you’ve done your entire life ya know?
free writing helps me a lot!! it’s also helpful to just get all the thoughts going on around you’re head down somewhere before diving into a big writing project. which i’ve done recently and helped my poetry to start flowing again :) i’m excited to read whatever comes next!!
The 300’s are the worst and I’m only just finding out that there are like 1000 levels…I’m gonna cry😭
I hate summer just because of the heat. I have POTS and the heat is the worst. It makes all of my symptoms flare up and I always get so sick from the heat.
I hate talking to people as well. I always end up stuttering and not able to push any words out. Like I’m starting to believe that I’m only like a semi-speaking autistic person. Like as soon as my lips move to talk I feel so uncomfortable and like I have to force everything out. Plus I don’t understand any social cues which also sucks.
I’m glad my blog feels super safe. That I think was number one on my list of like,important things when I started posting on here. I used to follow this one fic writer who would always be like super demeaning when answering comments or asks and it made me feel I like I was almost stupid?when asking questions and I hated that.
I agree! I usually have everything planned ahead but for some reason I just don’t like the way abmol was going and that may be why I lost motivation? I don’t know. I’m hoping it helps🥺
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strawbebe-dk · 2 years
Some problems I have with people's interpretations of the human souls
(A submission I had)
Hey, I've been checking out some undertale fallen children themed tumblr blogs. Now the stuff that I'm about to mention has nothing to do with your blog, just give me your comments and reasons about why these things are the way that they are. 1. Some people make the Patience soul a mischievous and somewhat mean and stubborn girl. Why? 2. Some people have the Bravery and Perseverance souls bicker and argue with each other a lot. Why? 3. Some people make the Bravery soul an arrogant and mean jerk/bully. Why? 4. Some people make the Integrity soul a snarky, somewhat mean, blunt and sassy girl. Why? 5. Some people make the Perseverance soul a cold, jagged, snarky and somewhat mean nerd. Why?
" Some people make the Patience soul a mischievous and somewhat mean and stubborn girl. Why?"
honestly i got know clue. I feel that the soul traits should be a window or the base of the kids personality like i feel being stubborn is a justice or perseverance thing (unwavering sense of justice or the feeling to persevere no matter what) stubborn doesn't seem to naturally fit to me
"Some people have the Bravery and Perseverance souls bicker and argue with each other a lot. Why?"
ngl I'm absolutely guilty of this-😭
speaking for myself i wanted to at more dynamics then "everyone are friends and nice to each other" like with my kids bravery and kindness are best friends, bravery looks up to justice and likes to annoy her, and patience and frisk like to follow integrity around just to list some examples.
both bravery and perseverance are often seen with clashing personally types in grouptale aus so they are the easiest to start drama with. of course in my stuff its not in like a "i hate this idiot" way (cuz why tf hang out with the dude you hate-) more like you get on my nerves but i still love you.
" Some people make the Bravery soul an arrogant and mean jerk/bully. Why?"
again when I typically think or bravery i think strong and confident and confidence can lead to arrogance. and that adds depth to the character. "Some people make the Integrity soul a snarky, somewhat mean, blunt and sassy girl. Why?"
integrity being mean makes little sense to me since the definition of the word is to be honest with high moral values so a "snarky and somewhat mean" character sounds the opposite
"Some people make the Perseverance soul a cold, jagged, snarky and somewhat mean nerd. Why"
I the glasses and note book from in game can give off nerd vibes to people so I went the snarky nerd route i know overplayed but what can I say. I KNOW don't want them to come across as a cold and clever lone wolf more of a a smart kid who was treated like an adult, try's to act like one to compensate, but fail since they're like 10 and likes the company of other kids
answered these to my best abilities! and my opinions are subjective
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baekhvuns · 1 year
I was dreading to open your blog and read your reply, cause I knew the slander would be too much 😐😐😐😐 I'm simply closing my eyes. Blocking the haters (aka user baekhvuns). I actually stayed up late to watch the match and it was not worth it, thankfully Sanhwa went live and their Lego shenanigans were more exciting 💀 I kept yelling "wake up, Madrid, Ancelotti use your fucking brain and Gavi get off the pitch!". Benzema in his salty era, yikes, I know he's mad that his goal was offside and so am I, but come on.
Moving on........
I just hope that if the allegations against Gr**nw**d are true, the girl won't go through the same shit again. 🙃
Yeah the Atiny I met has been following Atz around since last year, that's why I blocked her and stopped interacting with her recently. She's not dangerous, but how manu times do you have to see them? That Judy girl is so fucked, she thinks she's doing something??? And is besties with NCT???
Fucking LSM destroying his own company, ffs I've always said he'd be the downfall of SM. Chris Lee what a dumb greedy bitch, no wonder these two are related. But speaking of dumb people. The delusion and saviour complex is huuuuuge. And did you see that "SM with Hybe" Twitter account???
Avocados don't like snow so I'm not shocked your uni closed ajshaisshhajahwkkaa. Pls stay inside it's safer and cosier 😭. Omfg knife crime typical London behaviour, sigh. Paris is bad too lol, not the safest place, Berlin is better, but the city is also on my shitlist, too privileged. Kai you don't need to go there
"Your guys's hierarchy" hey, don't group me with them Brits, I'm just an outsider who has been studying the UK behaviour for years 😭 Brummie accent was once voted the least appealing, but foreigners are obsessed with it cause of PB, so hilarious. I like beans on toast, I'm afraid... BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ME BRITISH OKAY.
I remember when Hwa apologised he couldn't dye his hair black yet, because of Imitation?!?!? Some people had the audacity to comment on the grey hair 🔫🔫🔫🔫
Cornish accent is sometimes called "the most American of UK's accents" but they're not like deep South, Cornwall is nice and fun! I guess the difference between most Southern English accents and Cornish is that they roll their "Rs". I have some friends from there, one got into performing school as a child and they asked her mother if she could "get rid of the village accent" huh?! She wasn't even from a village
Breaking Wommys hearts kusuahsjsjauaah but I'm not complaining 🥰 yes to fencer or racer Hwa
WHAT did you just say about the nose 🔫🔫🔫 my feelings are soft, I just wanna perform some cannibalism ok. let me bite Seonghwa's nose in peace!
Finally some Atz x fashion interaction! Seonghwa next pls 🤗
Liking anything when you're over 25 is illegal Baek, so have fun while it lasts. Later it's just taxes, mortgage, 2 shifts etc. no happy days in sight 🤗
Everyone's screaming shaking and crying trying to find Seonghwa's winter MD, but ever since I saw the blurred previews I knew I had to have him, so I'm safe! I'M GONNA EAT HIM I REALLY WILL!!!! THE HEART BLUSH?!?!?!? I'M UNWELL
This is bad for me, a cat boys enthusiast 🙄
Pls look away OP, you don't need to perceive him. In constant battle with myself, because I wanna gatekeep Seonghwa, but also want everyone to know and praise him 🤧
My rockstar gf! and Mingi toooooo
I'm on the floor actually. The 2nd photo 🥴🥴🥴🥴
👀👀👀 but girlie was stressed msjsjdjsjabsnswjsh
Hwa is watching The Alchemy of Souls, I won. Also TAoS Hwa AU...... 😊
And can we talk about KQF2 name... it's pronounced"SAIKERS"?! Say XIKE lmaoooo - DV 💖
I was dreading to open your blog and read your reply, cause I knew the slander would be too much 😐😐😐😐 I'm simply closing my eyes. Blocking the haters (aka user baekhvuns). I actually stayed up late to watch the match and it was not worth it, thankfully Sanhwa went live and their Lego shenanigans were more exciting 💀 I kept yelling "wake up, Madrid, Ancelotti use your fucking brain and Gavi get off the pitch!". Benzema in his salty era, yikes, I know he's mad that his goal was offside and so am I, but come on. Moving on……..
anon… ur in for a ride,,, both ur teams LMFAOOO 😭😭😭😭 BARCA COOKED!!!! HUMILIATION? HUMILIATION !!!!! AND WITHOUT OUR MAJOR PLAYERS???? GETFOOO AGAINST THE SAME REAL MADRID??? HELP RHQKDHQKDHKW TAKE GAVI OUT???? TAKE VINI OUT BRO WAS WWE-ING ON THE GROUND AND DIDN’T GET A RED AND DISRESPECTING THE REF???? 🔫🔫🔫 and now the second leg with pedri, dembele, lewa ???? cOOKING !!!! forever rm’s owners <;3 no wonder they got bodied
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and man united ??? 7-0??? LMFAOOOO?????? WHAT THE FUCK???  THIS IS TERRIBLE FHWNHDK
I just hope that if the allegations against Grnwd are true, the girl won't go through the same shit again. 🙃 /// Yeah the Atiny I met has been following Atz around since last year, that's why I blocked her and stopped interacting with her recently. She's not dangerous, but how manu times do you have to see them? That Judy girl is so fucked, she thinks she's doing something??? And is besties with NCT???
tbh i hope someone finds a loophole in the case and gets him to be held accountable, his careers def gone & he’s def not playing for the england national team 🤚🏻 they’re already shit wouldn’t want them to become even more,,,
anon ur friends are 👁questionable👁 NOOO SRS THE NCT JUDY GIRLIE WHAT IN THE WORLD ???? hoping sm sues her bc what tf?? their bodyguards need to bodyslam her some sense
????? he’s nicer than me fr
Fucking LSM destroying his own company, ffs I've always said he'd be the downfall of SM. Chris Lee what a dumb greedy bitch, no wonder these two are related. But speaking of dumb people. The delusion and saviour complex is huuuuuge. And did you see that "SM with Hybe" Twitter account???
THEYRE SO 😭😭😭 WHAT EVEN IS THIS “kpop is slowing down” it never was that famous to begin with!!! its really mostly on twt which for some = worldwide,,, but i have to say even those not remotely into kpop know solder sm groups,, i wonder why kpop slowed down,,, maybe bc everything is about achievements now 🔫🔫 the saviour complex of this company and man needs to be studied,, the music quality deteriorated and now mr hybe will come to save it with it’s auto tune <3 one thing i liked about sm was the insane music quality they had,,, doing this shitshow online is so tragic to see,,, I DID AND WHAT THE ABSOLUTE SHIT IS THAT 😭😭😭😭 the artists coming on their bubble to say “i don’t know what’s happening but im with u” bro 😭😭😭
Avocados don't like snow so I'm not shocked your uni closed ajshaisshhajahwkkaa. Pls stay inside it's safer and cosier 😭. Omfg knife crime typical London behaviour, sigh. Paris is bad too lol, not the safest place, Berlin is better, but the city is also on my shitlist, too privileged. Kai you don't need to go there
WILL DO 🫡 no bc wth is this knife problem in uk 😭😭😭 there’s so many true crime cases on it like??? kINVES BELONG IN THE KITCHEN KEEP THEM THERE! i feel like france and ny is the same thing,, the pickpocketing 😭🤚🏻 speaking of berlin,,, is this an accurate representation FBKWHDKW
"Your guys's hierarchy" hey, don't group me with them Brits, I'm just an outsider who has been studying the UK behaviour for years 😭 Brummie accent was once voted the least appealing, but foreigners are obsessed with it cause of PB, so hilarious. I like beans on toast, I'm afraid… BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ME BRITISH OKAY.
YEAH SO TECHNICALLY UR A BRIT 🔫 u become what u eat and live in 🤚🏻 no bc the brummie accent, and the nottingham accent how DO U EVEN UNDERSTAND THEM one of my cousins is from nottingham and she spoke to me and i ???? went pass my head,, so fast i just stared at her nodded <3 STOPPPPP THATS SO NASTY MY FATHER HAS AN OBSESSION WITH THE BEANS ON TOAST WHY DO U ALL EAT LIKE ITS STILL WW1 COME ON 😭😭😭 UR BRITISH RBWMDHWK PEAK BRITISH
sorry what is this  
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I remember when Hwa apologised he couldn't dye his hair black yet, because of Imitation?!?!? Some people had the audacity to comment on the grey hair 🔫🔫🔫🔫
some people should have their rights taken away
Cornish accent is sometimes called "the most American of UK's accents" but they're not like deep South, Cornwall is nice and fun! I guess the difference between most Southern English accents and Cornish is that they roll their "Rs". I have some friends from there, one got into performing school as a child and they asked her mother if she could "get rid of the village accent" huh?! She wasn't even from a village
AHHHHHHH hopefully they’re not just exactly like how americans are personality wise,, NOT THE VILLAGE ACCENT NOOOO 😭😭😭😭yOU GUYS ARE BRUTAL CALLING THEM OUT ON EVERYTHING 😭😭
Breaking Wommys hearts kusuahsjsjauaah but I'm not complaining 🥰 yes to fencer or racer Hwa /// WHAT did you just say about the nose 🔫🔫🔫 my feelings are soft, I just wanna perform some cannibalism ok. let me bite Seonghwa's nose in peace!
wommy’s need to be shown their place 🤚🏻 not but there’s seriously like no woo fics in atiny writing community now 😭😭 fencer hwa and a racer hwa,, but what about a hockey player hwa <33 I SAID NOTHING ???? WHAT DID U READ 📸💥📸💥 📸 i saw this video the other day that explained ur liking for vampires i WILL find it by the next time i answer this HOPEFULLY why bite when u can take a seat
Finally some Atz x fashion interaction! Seonghwa next pls 🤗 /// Liking anything when you're over 25 is illegal Baek, so have fun while it lasts. Later it's just taxes, mortgage, 2 shifts etc. no happy days in sight 🤗
FINALLY!!!!!! BALMAIN AMBASSADOR SOON 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻 seonghwa and of mingi for versace ?? would pass out,, LMFAOOOO will use my 20’s as a excuse to travel and live my yn moment <3 anon how’d ur mortgage going, how’s the job? HOWS KR BEEN
Everyone's screaming shaking and crying trying to find Seonghwa's winter MD, but ever since I saw the blurred previews I knew I had to have him, so I'm safe! I'M GONNA EAT HIM I REALLY WILL!!!! THE HEART BLUSH?!?!?!? I'M UNWELL
U ORDERED IT RIGHT???? GOD BLESS U IM ON MY WAY HIDE UR DOOR UR KIDS UR CATS UR PC’S IM ON MY WAY he looks like he’s about to join a furry con / star in a red velvet mv
This is bad for me, a cat boys enthusiast 🙄//// Pls look away OP, you don't need to perceive him. In constant battle with myself, because I wanna gatekeep Seonghwa, but also want everyone to know and praise him 🤧
My rockstar gf!  and Mingi toooooo /// I'm on the floor actually. The 2nd photo 🥴🥴🥴🥴 //// 👀👀👀 but girlie was stressed msjsjdjsjabsnswjsh
no bc how dare they do this photoshoot for japanese albums and not for korean ones! WHY ARE THEY SO EXPENSIVE AND THIS???? 😩😩 seonghwa for calvin klein when
Hwa is watching The Alchemy of Souls, I won. Also TAoS Hwa AU……😊 //// And can we talk about KQF2 name… it's pronounced"SAIKERS"?! Say XIKE lmaoooo - DV 💖
anon we’re finally getting the return of shoujo with stunning animation 😭😭
hot take, but they’re kinda right
0 notes
tamayosclinic · 2 years
Hi! Could I make a request? I recently discovered your blog and have really enjoyed it!
Could I get "No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving." and "I thought I had the worst luck, until I met you." with Giyuu and gn!reader please? Thought the first one suited him since the other hashira/shinobu are always bullying him 😭
Thank you!
"No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving." "I thought I had the worst luck, until I met you." | Giyuu x GN!Reader
Warning(s): Angst to Fluff, Insecurities, Giyuu being bullied
Author's Note(s): Hello mywinterivy. I have seen you active on my blog. Thank you for your support. These prompts were so fitting for Giyuu. Enjoy this oneshot.
Word Count: 1,071
100+ Followers Event [Closed]
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People always say that time flies faster than one could imagine, and Giyuu had not realized it was true. Not yet at least. He was returning home from a mission, burnt out and eager to curl up into bed. He imagined his lover (Y/n) wrapping their arms around him and running their fingers through his hair.
A disappointed hum escaped his lips when he came home to an empty house. Or at least he thought it was until a pair of arms embraced him from behind. “Welcome back, babe!” (Y/n) beamed, not giving him a chance to return the greeting before they led him to the dining room.
Giyuu’s mouth watered as he scanned the various dishes laid out on the table—particularly the salmon daikon on his side of the table. (Y/n) really went all out with tonight’s dinner. It was a good thing Giyuu was good at keeping a stoic face; otherwise, his confusion would be evident.
What special occasion was it to warrant such a feastful dinner? He wondered but held back on asking (Y/n) for the sake of not making a fool of himself.
But would it really surprise (Y/n)? Sanemi and Obanai warned them of his airheaded attitude plenty of times. The most memorable was when the two were assigned a joint mission long before dating.
“Huh? A joint mission with Tomioka. Well, it was nice knowing you (Y/n). Tomioka is an idiot even in battle.” Sanemi jeered and glared at the Water Hashira, who kept his distance from the group.
“Don’t get (Y/n) killed, Tomioka. We need as many Hashiras as we can get!” Obanai added.
“Oh, stop it! I trust Giyuu to back me up, and I will back him up!” countered (Y/n). As one can see, nothing terrible happened to (Y/n). Still, Giyuu thought about Sanemi and Obanai’s taunts on each joint mission he and (Y/n) had been assigned since then.
“Happy one year, Giyuu.” (Y/n) cheered, snapping him out of the vivid memory as they ushered him to a seat where a bowl of salmon daikon was set for him.
It finally clicked in Giyuu’s head. It has been a year since they had started dating. Time indeed does fly fast. However, as Giyuu reflected over the year together, he could not help but think it was a drab year for (Y/n).
Drab, being the word Uzui used to describe him once when (Y/n)—who was crushing on Giyuu—sought out more information about him from their fellow Hashira. “Tomioka? He’s a drab guy, like watching grass grow or paint dry. That is all anyone really needs to know about him.”
I feel sorry for (Y/n). They wasted a whole year with me when they could have found a more cheerful lover.
“Giyuu?” (Y/n) snapped him out of his thoughts once again. They placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with concern. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, just thinking about the past year.” Giyuu half-lied and kissed (Y/n)’s cheek. “Thank you for the meal. Happy one year. Let’s eat.”
Oh, how much (Y/n) wanted to question him further, but they decided to bring it up later to not ruin the mood. “Right.” Dinnertime was pleasant even as (Y/n) pondered what could be wrong with Giyuu.
Meanwhile, Giyuu’s thoughts continued surging with not-so-subtle comments (Y/n) received about him from the other Hashira. Most of them were negative.
“He is a good man, but his voice is so low! I can barely hear him!” Kyojuro bellowed out.
“Dark,” Gyomei remarked.
“He is so quiet, and shy, and cute!” Mitsuri babbled. Her remarks were the only positive things said about him. Then there was Giyuu’s number one taunter. Shinobu.
“He is airheaded.” “He needs to talk more.” “Like Uzui says, he is drab.” “Nobody likes you, Tomioka.” The last one always hit hard.
She may be right. How could anyone love a lost cause like me?
“Giyuu Tomioka!” (Y/n) snapped him out of his thought yet again, pulling him out of his seat and guiding him to the bedroom. They motioned for him to sit down, and Giyuu did so reluctantly, knowing full well what was about to come considering the setting.
“This is the third time I called for you. You seemed to be overthinking since you got back. You did not even touch your salmon daikon, let alone smile once. Something is very wrong. Please just tell me what is wrong,” (Y/n) pulled his head down to rest on their shoulder and ran their fingers through his hair.
“I was just thinking,” Giyuu intended to leave it at that, but the thoughts only made it more challenging to keep quiet, and he cracked, “thinking about what a waste this past year has been for you. And it is all my fault.”
(Y/n) tilted their head in shock and confusion. “And what makes you think that?”
“The other Hashira. All of them are right. I’m so drab; I don’t talk at all, and I’m gloomy even on our anniversary. Those are not the qualities of someone who’s fitting to be your lover. You deserve better than me.” He rambled, spiraling downward the more he berated himself. (Y/n) listened until they saw how teary-eyed he had become.
“Giyuu, dear, calm down. Take a breath.” They rubbed his back soothingly. “Mitsuri is the only one who was right about anything. You are quiet and cute, but there is another side to you that only I know of and that I fell in love with. You are sweet, loving, more talkative than everyone else thinks. Plus, you are a strong, dependable Hashira, and you have the most radiant smile I have ever seen.”
“But I-” Giyuu was stopped by (Y/n) who a finger on his lips to silence him.
“No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving.” They whispered in his ear with a warm sincerity that melted Giyuu’s melancholy heart. He pulled away from the hug and smiled at (Y/n) for the first time since arriving home.
“You know,” Giyuu cupped their cheek in his hand, “I always thought I had the worst luck until I met you.”
(Y/n) returned the smile and wrapped their arms around his neck as they puckered their lips. Giyuu leaned forward until they connected lips in a tender kiss. “I love you (Y/n). Thank you.”
“I love you too, Giyuu, and I always will.”
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diesukitsuki · 3 years
hi, Novah! I'm kinda nervous, i love your blog, amazing work! I am thinking about starting posting my stuff in my own blog, but something really stresses me out, i don't know if it's good enough or if people will like it..i would love some tips!
Anyways, if you're here for the thirst, here I go! Dragon King Bakugou, who has a counselor who likes to tease the king in front of the whole court. so he needs to teach her a lesson, fucking her on his throne, where anyone else could walk in and see the scene of the so smarty and confident king's counselor reduced to a mess with his thrusts.
(sorry for any mistake, English it's not my first language, have a nice day! Drink water, eat good, have enough sleep! If you want to identify me, i could be 💜 anon!)
CW;; 18+ only, spit play(?), impact play(?), condescending bakugou, breeding (light-ish), fem reader, um.. idk if i’m forgetting anything. Blogs w/ no age indicators and minors DO NOT INTERACT
WC;; 1.7k
note;; yall i ain’t gonna lie im so shit at smut. so forgive me.. 😭 and i’m tired asf so there might be typos and shit… also.. i blueballed yall sorry :(
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PLEASE. This is so.. god, this is so fucking *puts my fist in my mouth* /pos.
ugh but can you imagine.. like he’s not used to that kind of treatment?? He’s so spoiled. He expects everyone to treat him with respect despite not returning it, and he assumes he’ll get what he wants with the snap of his finger. He does whatever the fuck he wants, and if he wants something, he’ll take it despite what anyone says.
He preens when people always follow his command and cower in his presence, basking in the elegance of a king like snot-nosed brat. He expects so much from the staff of his kingdom, and the court was sick of it having to always bend over backwards for him. They mutter amongst themselves at his ineloquent behavior, chittering about ways to tame this spoiled brat of a king.
So they hire you… without his knowledge.
When he meets you for the first time, his pretty counselor, he thinks you’re one of the concubines for his harem. You stood in the middle of the hall unassumingly, trying to ease your nerves before you met the king. Your nose is buried deep in a moleskin journal, sucked in by the copious amount of notes about the king that you wrote prior. A hand runs over your hip as he pulls you to his side with a smirk. You slap his hand away with a sneer, pushing him off of you. Disgust strikes through you, and you’re not shy when it comes to showing it on your face.
He flushes at the rejection. His eyes are wide with shock before pinching into choler. He chokes on his curses, fists curling and shoulders bunched up at his ears as you towers over you. You don’t seem to react.
Before he could straighten your ass out, his court rushes to introduce you, stammering out your name and precipitating from trepidation as they announce your new role in the kingdom. A roar of a laughter bounces around the kingdom walls. It fades quickly when he sees the court members shake and eye each other awaiting him to realize that they’re serious.
Bakugou expected you to bend at his will like everyone else did. He expected you to stammer and nod your pretty little head as he commanded you to do this and that. He expected you to praise his ideas with a wry smile. He expected you to be a good.
What he did not expect was for you to talk back to him, make irritating little comments about this and that, give him a little haughty response after he barks at you for correcting him. You even have the gall to call him dumb— in front of his court at that!!
You were infuriating, but his cock couldn’t help but twitch every time you bitched at him. Your brows furrowed, hands at your hips as you snarl are him. You had this habit of bending down and staring him right in his eyes as he sits on his throne. His eyes greedily glides down to your tits as you chewed him out with a smirk, happy that he was taking a beating to your words.. happy to see that he’s looking.
Even in the privacy of his own chambers, your face and annoying ass voice invades his head. His cock is annoyingly hard every time you make his way to his head, being all snarky and bratty. His tip is sticky and dripping whenever he frees his heavy cock out, fucking his fists to the idea of shoving his cock in your mouth just to shut you up.
One day, you were nagging him about something, calling him careless and dumb as you recalled something he did this morning— He sent a group of soldiers to terrorize the village located at the bottom of mountain, which was NOT apart of his territory.
His cheek is cradled into his hand with a blank look on his face, watching your plush lips smack together, makin’ words he doesn’t even care to process. You have your hands on your hips while that stupid journal of yours is tucked in between your armpit. He eyes the opening of your blouse, watching your breasts heave as you continue to scold him for this and that. The bored look on his face told you he didn’t know nor did he care about what you were yapping about, and you sigh:
“Are you even listening, my king?” The nickname was supposed to be mocking, but it did quite the opposite effect you wanted to.
Before you knew it you’re on his lap. Your stupid notebook thrown to the side, and Your pencil skirt bunched up at your moving hips. His cock buried deep into your cunt, dragging itself up and down against your gummy walls. He groans under the bite of your nails as they plant themselves on to his broad shoulders. Large hands gripping onto your hips, guiding them up and down, while his mouth latches onto your nipple as he watches you ride his dick.
You were so cute trying to get yourself off on his dick. Huffs and whines fly out of your plump lips, pouting at the fact that you’re barely at the base of his cock. Your brows are scrunched up together letting something so big consume you. A growl leaves him, and you shiver in return. Your concentrated expression makes him want to eat you alive, makes him want to show slam up into you and give you all of him… But he holds himself back, promising himself that the end result would he better if he waited.
He lets go of your tit with a pop.
“You love this cock, don’t cha baby? You love your king’s cock?” He coos. A smirk hooks at his lips as he watches you try and undo yourself.
You almost forget to answer the question, too caught up on feeling his fat cock split you open. The curve and girth of it pressing into the right places, leaving you drooling.
You nod, dumbly, eager to please. The sound of skin slapping and the squelching of your pussy swallowing his cock bounced off the high ceilings and vast walls of the throne room. Embarrassed and afraid of unwanted eyes, You bite back your moans.
“C’mon. ” He goads. The head of his cock kissing your cervix as he thrusted his hips upward with a grunt finally bottoming inside of you. He groans, “Oh fuck, yeah.”
You let out a choked moan, eyes widening at the sudden movement. You hunch over in pleasure. Your sticky forehead pressed against his shoulder.
He quickly pushes you back so you could look at him. You looked so stupid, so dumb. Your cockiness no longer present. He thrusts himself back into you again, amusing himself while he watched your eyes cross.
“Say something, girly. The fuck you being so quiet for, hah?” He squints at you, his condescending smirk never leaving his lips. “You afraid of getting caught? Poor baby’s afraid is gonna be caught on the throne fucking the king? Your king?”
You nodded dumbly, whimpering. Drool dribbles down your chin as you continue to sloppily ride his dick, tits bouncing in front of his face. Bakugou brings his hands up to tug at your nipple before slapping one of your tits. You mewl.
“Is that all you can do? Just nod?” He laughs, “My dick makin’ ya stupid, honey? C’mon, you’re a smart girl, use your words like a big girl.”
“Ye—Yes, My—hngh— My king..”
“Tha’s right.. s’good for me, hm? I tell you what to do, and you’ll do it for me, right?” Moans pour out of your lips as you eagerly nod, “Atta girl.”
“and I get to do whatever I want with your body, right baby?” Your head bobs up and down as you whine around his cock. He slaps your tits again. It jiggles in impact, “C’mon, say it.” He grits.
Your hazy eyes blink rapidly, trying to form words as you cried out. “Ye—Fuck, Hngh,, Fuuck, yes.. You can do wh— Hah— Whatever you want with my,my body..” Bakugou groans, delighted with your obedience.
“Is that right?” He chuckles, “ Gonna let me breed you? Gonna let me fuck the shit out of you and knock you up?” A deep guttural moan leaves his lips at the feeling of your walls tightening around him. “You like that? You like the idea of giving me some little brats?”
You give him a shakey ‘fuck yes’ before slowing down. The weight of your body drags you down as you sloppily attempt to drags yourself up and down. Bakugou can feel your leg quiver. He unsheathes himself from your aching cunt.
Your hands find their way around his wrist as his hand comes around your throat. You look at him with hooded eyes, whimpering as he presses softly against your throat before pressing his lips against yours. He nips at the bottom of your lip before pushing his tongue through. You moan under the pressure of his tongue poking and prodding at your mouth. Once the two of you separate, a thin line of saliva connects the two of your before it dissolves into nothing. Your eyes are lidded and hazy when he searches for your reaction.
The hand on your throat slides up your throat. He slips his thumb through your lips. You take this as a sign to open your mouth. Your pink tongue peaking past your lip. Bakugou feels his cock ache as you innocently look at him. Your eyes rounded and expecting, willing to do anything for her king. He praises you with a quiet ‘good girl’ before shooting a white glob of spit onto your tongue. You happily trap your mouth shut. He can feel the your throat moves as you swallow.
When you open your mouth back up, the spit is out of sight. His eyes rolls to the back of his head as he groans.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking nasty.”
You’re dizzy when he flips you over and lays you on his chair. Your neck being forced to crane up because of the back of your chair. Bakugou towers over you as he pulls your legs apart with his hands on your knees. His cock slaps against your stomach, showcasing how deep it going to go.
The man in front of you stands back with his cock in hand. A wicked smile stretches across his face as he slaps the pink mushroom head onto your cunt.
“Beg for it.”
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