#ankor wat
ikiyou · 2 years
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You occupy my every thought. Night and day, I’m immersed In feelings of pure serenity, And yet I feel somewhat like a rogue.
Teaser for my most recent cosplay shoot.
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strange-messengers · 1 year
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Ankor Wat, looking out from temple window, Cambodia
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booksbluegurl · 2 months
Day 4/100 days of Productivity
5th April, 2024
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I did 157 questions of Biological Classification. Out of which were 112 correct and 45 were incorrect. There were 229 questions in total, but I couldn't finish them all.
Finished 2 lectures, 2 hours each of Mechanical Properties of Solids. I also read the notes after every 30 minutes of content to remember all of the formulas and relations.
I did an NCERT based flashcards study of Biodiversity and Conservation. There were around 93 flashcards but I did it twice so that it atleast feels to me that I learnt something.
I made a revision sheet of the points I couldn't remember in Biodiversity and Conservation.
Revised biology revision sheets.
Read short notes module of zoology for my test on Sunday.
I'm planning on making short notes of my chemistry content and just revise it everyday. The biggest struggle isn't solving questions, it's remembering the houseful of information.
I'm unable to bring myself to study Organic Chemistry. It's just sooo lengthy and I'd also need as much time to stamp it on my mind as it does to have and understand the material.
I'll also start doing previous year questions, so that I can just be prepared. I realized that what I need for my exam is an extensive revision of all the content matter in the week before my exam.
[I need to share this: I was doing questions about bacteria and had a question on mycoplasma,if the statement's true or false, and I read "mycoplasma is the smallest and way less living organism" instead of wall less. And its so funny to me🤣🤣]
Non Academia
Watched another Mina Le video about how fashion is often discriminatory towards older women. I think that the more we entertain the idea of being scared of aging, the more we're pushing ourselves into a prison we might not be able to get out of. I mean, is aging scary because you have wrinkles and saggy skin or is aging scary because you're body isn't functioning well enough? Or both? I'm just tired of our looks gaining more attention in the battle against aging.
Watched first half of this video, it's a documentry on Ankor Wat.
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We need to realise, especially when we're entangling ourselves into this web of pursuit of success and academic validation, that our everyday live, our fun, our happiness, our rest, are all important. We need to stop ourselves from almost being on the brink of our limits, from falling down out of hopelessness. We do that by attaching ourselves to the present.
Look at the sun, look at the trees. Feel the cool air of your A.C. or your fan. Sit still, eat with patience. Don't try to run when you're doing something which is non productive enough. To give your best at something, you'd need good rest to have enough energy to do your best.
- Tanishka.
Day 3
Day 5
Pictures from pinterest. Credit to the owners.
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tropic-havens · 1 year
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Ankor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
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I'd forgotten how beautiful the White Tower was. The exterior reminds me of Ankor Wat while the interior has shades of indian/Arabic architecture
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
27, 30, and 73 for the weird asks!
favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Stay inside. Cool weather (30s-60s) is one thing and I love being out walking in it. But cold weather (20s to the negatives) usually comes with windchill which is dangerous and I don't mess with that. If there's snow, then I like watching it. From inside my house. With a warm drink. Parked in front of my heater fan.
places that you find sacred?
The House on the Rock. The Museum of Jurassic Technology. The Winchester House. Minneapolis Institute of Art. The Met and Met Cloisters. The Louvre. The V&A. The Uffizi. Cathedral Saint Chappelle. Pompeii and Herculaneum. La Sagrada Famillia. Fushimi Inari Shrine. Wat Po. Ankor Wat and Preah Khan. Reykjadalur River. Highgate Cemetary. Père Lachaise. Salem. Most Minnesota state parks. And anywhere there are equal parts monkeys and gamelan music flying through the trees.
favorite weird flavor combo?
Burger topped with jalapeno, cream cheese, and raspberry jam. I am telling you. I AM TELLING YOU.
weird asks that say a lot
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upstartcrow1564 · 2 years
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The Fool is back again today to remind us that we need to do the work, to do our homework so that the wisdom we gain thereby will stick. It’s about truth and honesty in communications, in being yourself and clearly articulating what we want. It’s also about standing on our own two feet and not expecting someone else to do the work for us. This is our path - yours is separate from mine which is separate from that lady over there whose path is separate from everybody else’s. Don’t expect to come face to face with authority and say “the dog ate it” or “I had to do X, Y, or Z other thing first.” Start thinking ahead. Be proactive. Plan what needs to get done in order to get you where you want to go. Nobody else is responsible for moving you along in life, only you (leaving aside the acts of god(s) that all of us experience, of course). So take personal responsibility for moving forward on your path and go find what you seek. [Image shows the 0. The Seeker: Spirit in Search of Science card from the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot deck, Revelation Edition - a figure walks through an ornate temple in Ankor Wat carrying a rose as a gift for the Great Divine - the Norse rune Os, the Crown charm, the Thunderbird charm, and the “I” Game Tile charm.] #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #volva #disir #ancestress #seer #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcards #dailytarot #tarotadvice #divination #divinersofinstagram #charmcasting #SpiritKeepersTarot #TheMusesDarling #witchesofinstagram #OnYourWayLittleFlower https://www.instagram.com/p/CiNbIhaL_XP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fadynich · 2 years
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Angkor Wat, temple complex at Angkor, near Siĕmréab, Cambodia, that was built in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II (reigned 1113–c. 1150). The vast religious complex of Angkor Wat comprises more than a thousand buildings, and it is one of the great cultural wonders of the world. Angkor Wat is the world’s largest religious structure, covering some 400 acres #travelphotography #traveler #thisboyslife #cambodia #ankorwat (at Ankor Wat, Cambodia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CloIeIBrZSG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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travelingjoe · 3 months
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Ankor Wat, Cambodia — Flashback 1993. We had an amazing time visiting Ankor Wat and seeing it while you could still enjoy its wild history and beauty. It was four fabulous days touring around with our motorbike guides leading the way. Tourists were pretty much non existent. I think it was all backpackers and we were all staying at the one same guesthouse. On my wall at home (well in storage) I’ve got a massive rubbing from one of the walls of the main temple that they were selling for $1! I’m sure you can’t do rubbings anymore. In one ruin I actually found what I thought was an old grenade launcher. Turns out it wasn’t an old one after all. Unfortunately the Khmer Rouge were still quite active in the area and the UN and any locals that could afford to were getting the hell out of town. Elizabeth and I made haste to do the same…but that’s another story.
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jordanincambodia · 5 months
An action packed ending to the first chapter. Yahoo!
As many of you are well aware, I am now home in San Francisco with my family for the holidays!! I'm so happy to be with them again and still processing the 6 months that somehow felt like several years passed in the blink of an eye for me, and if that doesn't make sense to you, try to imagine the state of my brain right now.
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The month of December, though the main theme felt like goodbye😢 , had so much good work of the Lord in church, work, friends, and my cats. It left me feeling in awe and so thankful for this opportunity to travel to Cambodia, meet some amazing people, and take part in the Lord's work being done in this country.
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Here is the Groundwater Practicum I helped organize and attend! We had WASH non-profit organizations present, including Samaritan's Purse and ClearCambodia, as well as groundwater experts from the US and New Zealand. The event was designed to have the experts speak, equipping local organizations to more ably pursue effective, sustainable, and even cost-reducing practices with providing drinking water and groundwater wells to communities in Cambodia. I enjoyed learning about groundwater and so much information was shared at this smashingly successful 4-day event!
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The weekend before the Groundwater Practicum, I ran the Ankor Wat half-marathon, a loop that goes around a huge temple near the tourist city of Siem Reap. Here is one of the blurry photos I took during the race as I struggled to avoid veering off the road and crashing into the bushes. Overall, the race went well as I finished in less than 2 hours- and Siem Reap is a beautiful city with yummy food that I highly recommend for anyone visiting southeast Asia!!
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Out of all the things I did in my visit here, including working on engineering projects, going to the gym, and even getting bit by mosquitoes, the hardest thing for me was saying goodbye to good friends. Brendan (my fellow intern) and I had touching sendoff parties at Every Nation Church, EMI office, and even at home in a cookie decorating party with our friends. I am already missing the meaningful relationships that were forged in my short time here. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have met such amazing people and pray constantly that I will be able to return!
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At our work retreat, people spoke kind words of encouragement and appreciation, and prayed over Brendan and I as we prepared to come back to the US. So thankful for all of the lessons learned, the culture we were able to experience, and the people we met along the way.
Thank you for following my blog! It was so hard to write these because they just don't do my whole experience justice. But at the end of the day, I just wrote what I could and hopefully it helps you see that God does deserve all of the glory we could possibly give, and then some. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for supporting me in however way you have chosen to.
Speaking of support, I have one more prayer requests if you would be willing to pray:
that the Lord would guide my time here in the US, as I begin to understand how I have changed and grown as a result of this trip, and that I would follow His call to do His will in my career (maybe even return to Cambodia soon!) while being a blessing to my friends and family.
អរគុណច្រេីន (Thank you so much) for being a part of my journey! I appreciate you and hope y'all will reach out if there is anything I can do for you, or clarify. See ya when I see ya!
For we walk by faith, and not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7
(I pretty much typed this whole verse in Khmer from memory 😍 not being humble but I'm very proud of it)
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mrjohngrace · 7 months
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Went and lost myself for a bit…
Being an outdoors person and an old Grunt it is good for me to go and get lost. Found myself in BC and I have to say the beauty and quiet is hard to match anywhere on the globe. Honestly, Ankor Wat was probably the only other place I have been that was this quiet and had this kind of peaceful energy.
But even in peace, I’m haunted… Thoughts of her hiking with me. Sitting with me. Holding my hand. Watching her hair flow with the cold Canadian Rocky wind. And just like that, I breathe, and it’s gone. She’s gone.
I wish we could sit and hold hands one more time.
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ikiyou · 2 years
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mayvadev · 1 year
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Medieval Cambodia
Ancient Cambodia used to be a collection of small kingdoms the king Jayavarman II declared himself a mediator between man and god https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devaraja
Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world it was constructed nearly a thousand years ago, it was completed in only fourty years covered in 2000 unique carvings of hindu mythology. The Kmer people are still largely a mystery, or even how they built the temple.
The reign of the people lasted around 500-600 years.
Most of the city has been lost to time as it would have been made of wood and degradable materials with the grand temple using LiDAR technology the city of Angkor can be reconstructed. There was an intricate system of canals and roads, covered in houses monasteries and palaces. The dwellings seem to be laid out in a grid system in the centre and an abundance of pools around dwellings much like ancient romans. Bathing may have played an important part of their culture. https://angkorlidar.org/assets/external/Stark_et_al_2018.pdf
In the 12th century when ankor was being built, the population was nearly 3/4 of a million (750,000,000) and the largest in the world. The combined city is greater than modern day New York.
The surrounding hills and rivers are sanctified with religious carvings in the riverbeds that lead to the capital.
As a monsoon country the houses are forced to adapt to the changing water levels, raising ten meters and covering 10% of the country. The modern villages have adapted by living with the environment in stilted houses. Ancient Angkor developed new engineering skills and built huge reservoirs, 8km by 2km a massive undertaking. 48 million cubic meters of water, 200,000 would have constructed (hand dug) the high embankments. 900 years after it's construction it is still used today to irrigate during the dry season. They manged to terraform the area in order to change their harvest from only once a year to three or four, instead of relying on the natural seasons. Building a strong economic foundation to facilitate temple building and wars.  The temples would also be used as economical and political tools with administrative and religious roles. There was no currency in ancient Kmer taxation was carried out through donations at temples or workers who would devote their time or even their children.
The society was built on forced labour as well using the shrines and the donations of children into indenture.  The ashrama was utilised as a school, temple and tax office.
https://angkorlidar.org/assets/external/Stark_et_al_2018.pdf further reading on Angkor Wat
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dicensocialism · 2 years
So had to call my Cambodia trip short and miss seeing Ankor Wat due to 1) what looks to be a nasty skin infection forming on my leg from insect bites (happened in Japan and I needed emergency medical attention and I'm worried its going the same way again) 2) feeling unsettled and uncomfortable for reasons I can't explain and 3) my nerves being utterly shot and unable to take any more due to my anxiety about planning and making mistakes or more to the point plans and choices that are not perfect.
I thought I'd worked through my past trauma and yet here I am poorer and getting a quick flight home.
I really do suck sometimes
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gordies57 · 2 years
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There must gave a huge importation of plaster cast dogs years ago. Almost every gate over 20 to 30 years old has these ridiculous dogs on top. Cows grazing in the very poorly kept crematoria. So much for respectful ancestor worship here. Some very old grave stone surrounds under the weeds, look like Ankor Wat era.. Rubber plantations here, but not of commercial size. The very low incomes here are punishing, yet the damned lazy men always find enough money for smoking, boozing and gambling.
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#positivevibesonly #positivemindset #positivequotes #positivethinking #positivethoughts #positivity #positivevibes #motivationalquotes #books #bookstagram #self_help #selfhelpquotes Feel Free to Follow me for more Motivational quotes, Story, Positive Lifestyle. https://www.instagram.com/positivethinkingeagle https://twitter.com/Positive_Think5/ https://studentdevelope.wordpress.com/ (at Ankor Wat Cambodia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChzxlNZvkZm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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