#another thing is that i genuinely love all my sims so much and can never pick who to use for things bc they're all special 😭
bluupxels · 1 year
kinda jealous of people that have one sim that’s like Their Sim, like their mascot that they always play dress up with. sometimes people have multiple but those are Their Sims. like you see that sim and immediately know who it is (both sim and blog i guess). it just seems fun to have one character that you can fall back on to put in situations if that makes sense
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soraontop · 4 months
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title i won’t say (i’m in love)
summary it’s that first “oh. oh.” moment for sora. chapter 2 to ‘10 things i hate about you’ series
genre fluff, angst, slice of life ???
characters jung sora (8th female member oc of enhypen), jake sim, brief cameos of other enhypen members xx
warnings poly ot7 enhypen au with 8th female member. sora is difficult and emotionally stunted. feelings realization. implications of sora’s not so great home life.
words 3,033
note sorry im a professional procrastinator thats why it took forever 😭 this just isnt my only focus sjfndjd i focus on so many things at once lmao. anyways, pls let me know what u guys think and if theres anything yall wanna see ?? like in the past or present time !!
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ISEULLIE: sora check out this video LOL it’s hilarious
ISEULLIE: [link]
Sora stares down at her phone, the YouTube video thumbnail staring back up at her. scorpioz being scorpioz, the title said with the thumbnail saying ‘sorajake being sorajake’. Her brows furrow, eyes darting between the picture of her and Jake mid-laugh, staring at one another over the heads of the other boys.
She curiously clicks the link, and it’s a matter of fifteen seconds before she’s giggling at her phone. She never responds to Iseul until later. In her head, she can’t even hear the bustling noise of Jay making lunch for the group and her members shouts— not that she paid much mind to it, anyway. She grew up as the only girl in a family full of boys, she could typically deal with the noise. The video sends her into a whole new world of Engene made videos of the group, mostly watching the ones concerning her. Almost every video she watches includes Jake. A lot.
She’s never realized how much she really talks to or about Jake. Yes, she’s thought about the ‘what if?’ question that Jake was never in her life and how she’d deal without him. (Her answer: She couldn’t.) But for there to be so many parts to a video series titled “Reasons to Ship JakeSora” was a bit ridiculous.
A knock on her door interrupts her watching, making her sit up in shock before she quickly swipes out of the app and clears her throat, glancing around her room for anything out of place— as if that would tell on her for watching fan made videos of her and her members. Oh, she thinks she’d genuinely die if she was caught. She can never do that again.
“Come in,” she says, hoping the person behind the door wouldn’t notice the waver in her voice. The knob turns and the door opens, revealing Jake standing with a cup of steaming hot ramen in hand. She blinks. Speak of the devil 

Jake grins that stupid crooked smile, kicking the door shut behind him gently. “You haven’t eaten all day, are you going on strike?” Amusement shines in his eyes and she rolls her eyes, an automatic response at this point. He’s almost as bad as Sunghoon, she swears. He holds out the ramen and a pair of chopsticks to her.
“Just too lazy to get up,” she manages to bite back a grin as her lips threaten to twitch. She takes it carefully, blowing on it gently and looks up at the older boy. “Thank you.” She tries not to spit the words out as if they’re poison, but old habits die hard.
Jake notices, but he doesn’t mention it. “Do you want to go watch a movie?” He asks instead, seemingly holding his breath for her reaction.
Sora smiles slightly, feeling her heart warming in her chest, “Yeah, what are we gonna watch?” She grabs her phone and ramen, shoving the phone in her pajama shorts for a free hand.
“I meant, like,” he waves his hand at her, fumbling for the words, “Outside. At a theater.” He then hastily clarifies, “With me.”
“In public?” Sora blinks, surprised. He wants to go out in public with her where it’s inevitable for a fan or some to catch them. Yes, they were seen in public all the time but that was when it was for a schedule. He nods silently.
Strangely enough, to her, it was more intimate to be seen out together without any staff or other members. It meant that he wanted to be seen with her in public.
For a brief, panicky moment, her heart stops at the thought.
Swallowing the taste in her mouth with a bite of ramen, she slowly nods, “Okay. What movie?”
Jake proceeds to ramble on about the movie, what it was about, who was starring in it, what he liked about the trailer. She tries to listen, she really does— but she suddenly finds his lips a lot more interesting. Without even meaning to, her eyes keep dropping from his eyes to his mouth, watching as he’d momentarily pull his bottom lip between his teeth as he thought about something before saying it.
Horror suddenly fills her chest once she realizes what she’s doing, eyes widening and a small gasp leaving her mouth. Jake, who hears, stops, looking at her in concern, “What? What is it?”
Sora’s face goes blank. “Nothing, the ramen just burned my tongue.”
Jake looks more concerned now, “Shit, I’m sorry, Sora.” He starts to lean forward and she tenses, looking at him with wide eyes as he 
 tries to inspect her mouth? What the hell was happening? Why was he so concerned? “Is your tongue OK? Let me see—”
Sora was already panicked with how close he was— imagine how much that tripled when he cupped her cheek and tried to urge her to open her mouth. Her heart pounding was so loud in her ears that it blocked out everything else Jake was saying. She didn't know what she was thinking, all she knew was that she had to get away from him and fast, preferably before her heart burst out of her chest.
In her haste to get away, she completely forgot about the cup of ramen in her lap and didn’t secure it before jolting up. With a painful gasp, the ramen tips over and spills over her clothes and bed. To prevent from letting out any other painful mutters, she bit down on her tongue— hard. It wasn’t as bad as she had previously said it was, but it was still warm— warm enough to hurt badly.
“Shit! Sora—” Jake bolts up after her, looking at her soaked clothes with wide eyes. “Fuck, fuck— are you OK?!” He doesn’t wait for her reply before he’s shouting out into the dorm, “Hyung! Jay! Jungwon! Sora’s hurt!”
Oh, don’t tell them that, Jake! A voice in her head groans. She never wants to worry them.
Sora faintly notices the lull of conversation from the boys outside, before she hears multiple loud footsteps rushing towards her room. She shakes her head as her door is pushed open, revealing the rest of her members crowded in the doorway. Jay pushed himself to the front, closely followed by Heeseung and Sunghoon with wide, frantic eyes.
She tries to reassure them that she’s OK, that it’s just a little spill, and a little of a burning, but nothing she’s never handled before. But their voices are overlapping, asking what happened, if she was OK, and Jungwon was rushing in with two towels, quickly wrapping one around her and putting one on the floor to clean up the ramen.
Sora blinks at the noise, getting tired of hearing the same questions so she huffs, raising her voice as she shouts, “Shut up!”
The boys shut up. Sunghoon, even in his worry, manages to raise his eyebrows and point a finger at him as if to ask, “Me?”
She breathes out, looking down at her now dirty clothes, “Thank you. I’m fine. It’s just a little spill.”
“A little spill?” Heeseung asks in disbelief, “Your skin’s red because of how hot it is, Sora.”
She looks down again, tilting her head to see the redness Heeseung claims to see. “Huh.” She murmurs, seeing how unusually red her skin was. “Well 
 It doesn’t feel that bad.”
“You’re going to feel it in a minute,” Jay quickly grabs her by the wrist gently, pulling her out of her room, passing by the concerned Sunoo and Niki. Her skin tingles where he grabs her, and she’s not so sure the redness on her skin is from the ramen anymore. “Hurry, go take a shower— No hot water. We’ll clean this up, don’t worry.”
“Oh, no, really, I’m fine,” Sora laughs lightly, shaking her head, “Like, it’s really not even that bad—”
Sunghoon doesn’t even bother letting her finish her sentence, picking her up and basically dragging her to the bathroom. She can feel Jake’s apologetic and worried eyes on her as she’s dragged out of her own room. “Hey!” She quickly hits him lightly on the shoulder, “Let me go!”
“Alright,” he shrugs, letting Niki push open the bathroom door and quickly shoves her in. She whirls around just in time for the bathroom door to shut in her face.
Her mouth drops open, “Sunghoon!”
“Sunghoon Oppa,” he corrects.
“You earn that title!” Sora hits the door lightly, trying to wiggle the doorknob, but it doesn’t open, “Let me out! I’m OK, please don’t clean it up, I’ve got it!”
“Already started,” Niki’s voice comes through the door, “Too late. Get in the shower before it gets worse, noona, please.”
“Don’t be dumb,” Jungwon chastises her lightly next, “You know it’s the smart thing to do.” She can’t help but feel appalled, again.
“No buts!” She can hear Heeseung shout from her room.
Sora resists the urge to throw a tantrum like she would have nearly six years ago. She sighs, the warmth now a dull ache. “I don’t even have clothes to change into!”
“We’ll get you new clothes,” Sunoo reassures her from outside the door now.
“Don’t go through my room!” She says loudly, starting off as a shriek before she forces herself to quieten down. It reminded her too much of her old self. “Just let me out and I’ll—”
“Let you out so you can lock yourself in another room?” Sunghoon sounds somehow both amused and serious now, and she has no idea how, “Get in the shower, Sora.”
“I’ll get you clothes, Sora,” Sunoo says gently, then there was a light thump on the door. She wonders if he’s resting his head on the door like she is. (He is.) “Don’t worry, I won’t snoop or anything.”
“I know, but 
” Her voice is uncharacteristically weak, “Just 
 Get me a shirt and pants, please. I’ll get the rest 
” She feels awkward saying it, her brothers were far too young to even want to help her with anything. She wasn’t used to this, being taken care of. She didn’t like it. She also just didn’t want any of the boys going through her room and finding things she never wanted them to see.
There’s a pause, and then footsteps walk away from the bathroom door, but she can tell one or two people are still on the opposite side.
“Sunoo’s getting your clothes,” Sunghoon murmurs, and there’s another pause, “Don’t be stubborn. You know we just want to help.” His footsteps then walk away, too, and she finally relaxes, swallowing as she turns to face the bathroom mirror. The mirror is slightly still fogged from whoever took a shower earlier, and she swipes at it with her hand to look at her body clearly.
She winces at the redness on her arms and thighs, knowing from experience that it would hurt way less later on. She had no idea how she was going to explain this to their managers.
“Sora,” she jumps when she heard Jake’s soft voice on the other side, turning as if she could see him. She slowly walks closer to the door as he says, “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for it to spill on you.”
“It’s OK,” she shakes her head, frowning to herself. “It wasn’t your fault at all, I’m the one who spilled it.”
“But I brought it to you—”
“It should’ve been on the table,” Sora says it like it’s final, leaving no room for an argument. Jake doesn’t reply for a moment and she wonders if he left, but she didn’t hear him walk away.
“Still, it must’ve hurt a lot,” Jake insists.
“I’m used to it,” the words come out of her mouth before she can even think it through. She visibly recoils once she realizes, mouth parting in shock as she starts to frantically look around as if it’d give her an excuse on why she said that. “I— Uh—”
“What do you mean?” Jake asks, his tone being mixed of confusion and cautiousness, and she can imagine him standing on the other side with that cute confused look he gets. She curses herself for somehow managing to think about something like that in a situation like this. It’s just the videos getting to her, she knows it.
Sora sighs, “I just mean I’ve been cooking for a long time, remember? My mom taught me young.” Kind of, but this time she keeps the truth to herself.
“Oh, right,” Jake laughs, sounding relieved. “You know, I thought for a second 
” Don’t say it, don’t say it. “You know what? Nevermind. Just 
 I’m sorry, OK?” Before they can get into another little argument over the same topic, she hears his footsteps walking away.
Sora wants to scream. Her face falls into her hands, slumping against the door. Her hand comes back and lightly smacks herself on the head, “Why, why, why 
” So stupid of her to be so careless. They didn’t need to know anything in her home life. That was a mistake.
Why did she feel so compelled to just spill her guts out to Jake? That was the last thing she needed was for him to know anything in general. Sure, the basic stuff about her was fine, but he, nor the others, needed to know anything about her home life. She knew they’d overreact, and she just wanted life to slow down a bit so she could catch her breath.
Forcing herself off the door, she sighs loudly and starts the cold water.
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Sora really can’t understand why she’s doing this to herself.
She really does try her best to not avoid Jake the next few days, she doesn’t want him thinking she blames him for the spill, but she also just 
 needs space. Every time he touches or jokingly flirts with her, even when he just talks to her or says her name, her heart starts pounding and her face gets warm. She’s tired of it, and needs a break. So if she stays close to Sunoo or Heeseung for the majority of the next week, he doesn’t think anything of it.
It’s the middle of the week, and ENHYPEN are at dance practice, already practicing for their first comeback despite still in the middle of promotions for Given-Taken. Sora is ever so unsuspecting, pushing her hair back up with a ponytail as the only sound in the room was her and her members’ loud out of breath panting. The choreographer claps once, “Good job, guys. See you tomorrow, yeah?”
Sora forces herself to respectfully bow as her members do, waving goodbye to the staff and choreographer that leave. The only people in the room now are the group and their managers, Wooseok and Hyosun, and she glances around to see that Wooseok is calling someone and Hyosun is texting. She turns to look for her water bottle that was no longer in the same place it was before, but is startled when two water bottles were presented to her at the same time.
Feeling a creeping sense of dread, she presses her lips together and looks up, finding both Jay and Jake holding out bottles of water to her. She glances between the two, who glance at her and then to the waters and then to each other. Both of their hands move like they’re going to take it back, but when they both catch what the other is doing, they freeze.
“Um,” Sora murmurs, feeling awkward as her face heats up, mostly out of embarrassment and slightly flustered. She doesn’t like the position she’s in, at all. She notices movement in the corner of her eye and turns her head to see Niki holding up her lilac water bottle in his hand slightly from his spot against the wall. “Yeah, thanks but 
” She gestures to Niki, quickly grabbing it from him and starting to chug it down. Half because she really was thirsty, the other half because she wanted to ignore the situation.
Avoiding eye contact with the other members, who were watching the awkward moment, she sits in between Heeseung and Sunoo. Pressing the cool bottle against her cheek, she waits a few moments before looking back up to see if anyone was still staring at her.
Her eyes connect with Jay’s and she abruptly turns her head back to the floor, feeling her face get impossibly hot, even with the water bottle. She feels like she just got caught doing something she shouldn’t have done.
There had to be something seriously wrong with her.
“Your face is really red,” Heeseung whispers from beside her, and she turns her head to stare at him. He blinks. She blinks before turning her head back to the floor.
“Yeah, we just got done practicing,” she mutters, swallowing. She’s afraid if she stares any longer, he’ll be able to know what she’s thinking.
Here’s the thing— Sora isn’t dumb. She was placed in the top three of her class, and she was sure to get into any university she wanted. She’s also been in a relationship before, she’s had plenty of crushes— she knows. But she can’t.
Not when they’re her members.
If it were anyone else, she wouldn’t think much into it and would let it pan out.
And it wasn’t even just one of them. It was two. She really was proving netizens right. And she hated it. So what was she going to do?
Ignore it and hope it goes away. And if not, well 
 She was pretty sure that plan would work. She didn’t want to think about what would happen if it didn’t.
As long as she remains strictly platonic with her members, everything would be fine. She’s worked too damn hard to get where she is now, she’s been through two survival shows, and she wasn’t going to go on another one again. She would succeed in her dream.
Still, she seems to forget that the heart wants what it wants.
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
This is inspired by @acuar-io !! Thank you for doing this and THANK YOU FOR THE TAG!! (even tho it didnt tag me properly đŸ€§)
Tumblr is silly and while I will tag ppl, I know not everyone will be properly tagged, so if u see this, skim thru the list for your name ESPECIALLY if your my mutual ! đŸ«¶
To start off, I just wanna say that Fae (acuar-io) has some absolutely STUNNING sims, it's hard to exactly word it, but their sims are SUPER recognizable, and their saves (Snow flower, Cozy save, etc) are SO nicely edited, so aesthetically pleasing to the eyes đŸ«¶đŸ˜©
@oshinsimblr is the reason why I started storytelling (even before my simblr time) and why I try and find a story-related reason on why my sims/characters do certain things, her videos are also SO comforting and i love her lovesick series!!! and of course, @minimooberry the whole inspo for this simblr and why I render in blender!
@mattodore and @cinamun are AMAZING simblrs if u want rich storytelling and/or well-thought out characters, River has inspired me to really tear into my characters and give them more personality, and cina just genuinely makes such realistic characters and the tea is ALWAYS hot and simblr aside, she has very good takes >:P
@groovetrys and @circusjuney have been around on my blog and as my mutuals for a LONG time and they really are some of my biggest hype people, lori has an AMAZING legacy going on with her sim, Melody, and u should DEF check it out, and june makes the most amazing clown sims đŸ„č theyre always so pretty and STUNNINGGGG
-> To add onto the above category, id also consider @miralure as one of my biggest hype ppl!!! Although they havent been around as long as june and lori, they always hype me up and it makes me stupid happy 😭 they make REALLY good lookbooks and i love their sim style SMMMM
if u dont know about @rebouks what are you DOING with your simblr-life, bc becca has some of the most human-feeling story/dialogue, i always get a stupid sappy smile on my face when i read her story posts
@jarakio has an AMAZING story called Girls with Guns and its prolly my fav story that ive read on simblr, the dialogue? amazing, the poses? amazing, the vibes? AMAZING, i'm ALWAYS hooked in whenever i see GwG pop up on my dash
@stellarfalls just HAD to be on this list are u kidding me????? Bree has a PHENOMENAL save called Valley, even tho there's no dialogue, each image and gif speaks more than words could, she's inspired me to kick up the quality of my posts and also start making gifs, I also consider her to be one of my biggest hype ppl, she always be coming in with the best compliments đŸ„čđŸ«¶
@torissims !!! She makes BEAUTIFUL posts, her blog is very yellow and orange and i LOVE IT, she pulls a lot of inspo from Studio Ghibli and even tho ive never seen any SG Movies, I can just see and feel the inspo, shes def underrated af đŸ„č
@amburgundy has BEAUTIFUL builds, and they dont just do TS4, they also make builds in other sims games!! (u did a phenomenal job with Madi's legacy house amber đŸ€) I LOVE the clutter and they always looks so cozy 😭
@flovoid is another one of my hypemen LMFAOOO bro you and your tags literally make me so happy, i LOVE reading them. Flo makes AMAZING SIMS, and you should check out literally ALL of their sims, especially their sims Roo and Norman from Majima Land (first post under my Roo tag is me reacting to one of their posts with Roo and Norman, funniest introduction to a blog ever), Also their sim, Draco Almond??? He's got me tucking my hair behind my ear... đŸ«ŠđŸ«Š
@elderwisp has some of the most immaculate editing ive ever seen, the lighting, the vibes, the dialogue, the poses, the expressions, i be eating those posts up like im fine dining đŸ˜©đŸ˜©
@changingplumbob is so chill, I love how much passion she has for her rotations, and her love for cats?? Perfect mutual to have, I also literally LOVE reading her behind the scenes posts, they're literally so funny 😭😭
@tricoufamily and @dejasenti99 make absolutely phenomenal renders, like if theres any renders on simblr that im gonna recognize immediately, its these two's renders, they're genuinely more HQ than my fucking eyes 😭😭
-> Also Nat (Missatan) makes incredibly HQ renders as well, these three are like... my biggest blender render inspos...
@buttertrait @missatan @virtualfolk @pearlean @claudtrait all have BEAUTIFUL sim styles, butter's is very unique, i know they arent really a sims 4 blog anymore but i ALWAYS recognize butter's sims when i see them on my dash and I genuinely love their sim style sm. Nat (Missatan) has SUCH a gorgeous sim style, you've heard of them hips dont lie, well her sims' lips dont lie đŸ˜©đŸ«Š Virt (Virtualfolk) and Sam's (pearlean) sim styles are SO animated (if that makes sense), they're like eye-candy. Den (claudtrait), like Nat, has a sim style with the most luscious lips and poutiest faces ive ever seen and are just SOO pleasing to look at, like i just feel blessed in the eyes when i see their sims
@yukikocloud 's Apricot save and storytelling is incredibly reminiscent of Bree's posts, and I just LOVE looking at and reading her story posts, this post in particular just absolutely captivated me, I was drawn in and just get so giddy seeing the Apricot save pop up on my dash đŸ„č
@alientown @venriliz @nefarrilou @druidberries @machinegrl make STUNNINGGGGG occult (or cyber/robotic in Baja/Machinegrl's instance) sims. Nef always makes beautiful sims for their Cryptid "series", im just in AWE when i see their cryptids... Ven and Ana (alientown) both always make absolutely gorgeous alien sims and they also just have very unique/beautiful sim styles 😍 Baja's cyber girlies are just >>>>>>>>>>>>> I love her whole dystopian/cyber theme, its literally so good and so cool, and her Deadstars series? SO good. Alexis' (druidberries) elowen is so pretty, and her sim style, especially with occults, is just MWAH chefs kiss, literal eye candy
@swallowprettybird is just one of the sweetest people on simblr, I love reading what she has to say about mine and others' posts, and she makes amazingggg posts, I loved that one national geographic inspired post with the zebra, it was so well done
@softle0 makes some absolutely stunning builds, they always look so lived in, so cozy and I would ABSOLUTELY live in pretty much every single build they make
and honorable mentions to @droolski @felysline @pamsimmerstories @swiftviolets @weirdosalike @mushbop @calicosimgirl @shadowtrait and @seriallovertrait because I feel like they're all SO underrated, they're all passionate about their own stuff and I just love seeing their posts, and if you're seeing this, FOLLOW THEM đŸ«”đŸ«”
Thank you Fae (acuar-io) once again for starting this train up, I love seeing stuff like this and it's so sweet to see what everyone has to say about one another, I may have spent 1 or 2 hours doing this, but it was INCREDIBLY well spent to be able to admire and appreciate all these people, them and every other simblr person, whether i follow them or not, deserve every last drop of love and appreciation genuinely
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junityy · 10 months
ÊšĂŻÉž — acts of service with enhypen.
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pairing. ot7 x gn!reader
genre. fluff, hcs
wc. 1.4k
note. starting off with the shortest of all help 😭😭 definitely not my favorite tbh but i hope you enjoy regardless <33
taglist. send an ask or reply to this post if you want to be added to the taglist. — you can also sign up for my general taglist here if you want!
➝  5 love languages masterlist.
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ʚɞ. lee heeseung — ìŽíŹìŠč
helping you with your tasks / projects
whether it be random projects you just started and dedicate most of your time to, or tasks for work/homework for school you still need to get done; heeseung is always right by your side to help you out with whatever you need. even when you don't really tell him that you're struggling with something, heeseung grabs a chair and sits down beside you anyway - without a word, like it's a given. regardless of the fact that he might have other things he'd like (or even has) to do; helping you with whatever you need to get done with has priority now. plus, especially when he knows you're stressed, he'll try his best to help you out even more - knowing full well he doesn't actually have to and he could just let you do it yourself, since he knows you'll get it done either way. but of course, you thank him every time for it. and you make sure to thank him especially when you know it's a task he doesn't quite enjoy doing; knowing he takes time out of his day for such things makes you happy.
ʚɞ. park jongseong — ë°•ìą…ì„±
cooking your favourite meals for you
whenever jay finds out about another one of your favourite meals, he promises himself that he's gonna try making it - despite the fact that sometimes, he's never even heard of some of them. but even then, he will try his best so he can surprise you with it even better. because, one; they're your favourite meals. and made by jay? he knows it'll make you happy. he loves nothing more than making you happy, with literally anything - and hey, if cooking for you does the job, then he'll even spoil you with all the food he cooks. and two; if they're your favourite meals, then he might want to try them himself; possibly wanting to see why you love them so much. and who knows, maybe he'll love them as much as you! so as soon as he knows, you can bet that he'll make your favourite meals more often from time to time, knowing how happy it makes you. plus, making them more often, means he'll get to polish his skills! since everyone knows how much of a perfectionist he can be. but what makes you the happiest about it, is that now you'll have your favourite meals with jay. and what makes jay the happiest about it, are your happy reactions each time and how you genuinely enjoy it.
ʚɞ. sim jaeyun — ì‹ŹìŸ€ìœ€
giving you a massage whenever you're stressed
whenever you just fall into bed and sigh, jake knows something's up. and if you don't wanna talk about it or are simply too tired, jake just asks if you want a massage and chuckles when you nod in an instant. you simply relax like you've been waiting for this all day, sometimes even going as far as falling asleep the second he's got his hands on you. jake loves making you feel good, so it's not only something he does when you're stressed; oftentimes, he'll randomly ask when you're just sitting at home, and of course, you'll randomly say yes. if it were to go after him, he could have his hands on you all the time. and if it were to go after you, you'd let him. plus, to your luck, he gives good massages. like, really good, and therefore, you could never get enough of them. it's like his hands work magic on you, and suddenly you feel so much better. a very very good thing you were lucky enough to get used to after a while.
ʚɞ. park sunghoon — 박성훈
tying / braiding your hair for you
the fact that sunghoon knows how to braid hair isn't too surprising, all things considered; so it only seems natural. yet you still can't hold in a tiny chuckle every time he braids your hair - you think it's cute, especially considering how much he loves doing it. he'll do it at any given chance, never missing a single opportunity. it's something rather small, although daily, but it makes both of you happy in a silly way. even something small as simply tying your hair for you when you're almost falling asleep, and therefore too tired or lazy to do it yourself - you appreciate the fact that he pays attention to details like that. it feels like a tiny favour he can do every now and then (quite often actually). whenever he sees you wearing your hair in a braid, - which, needless to say, he braided - he can't help but smile. even more so when you wear it throughout the whole day - although it, obviously, looks rather tacky after a while compared to how it looked in the beginning. but it's more than okay, because guess what? he's already down to braid your hair again. and additionally, you also braid some short strands of his hair just for the fun of it sometimes. because of this, he's always got at least one hair tie on his wrist - and needless to say, none of them are ever really his.
ʚɞ. kim sunoo — êč€ì„ ìš°
taking care of you when you're sick
you could almost call sunoo your personal nurse whenever you get sick, or just don't feel good at all. he will make sure you stay in bed so you can rest; therefore bringing everything he makes to bed so you can relax extra much. it can go from meals, additionally specific soups to make you feel better, to tea and over to hot water bottles and more - he will most definitely make sure you got everything you want. but also everything you need, for that matter; for example, sunoo always makes sure you don't skip any meals, even when you're sick and barely feel like eating. and honestly speaking, you could never resist him, not when he's there to make those meals for you. but what you probably almost love most besides his five star service, is also him always making sure to ask if you're feeling better by now, and assuring that you will get better in no time. that he loves you, and how he asks if you need anything else - like he hasn't given you the world by now. it's something you appreciate beyond words, and you can never actually thank him enough for doing everything he can just so you'll get better.
ʚɞ. yang jungwon — 양정원
always asks how / if he can help you
maybe most people would barely notice how this became an actual thing jungwon does every time he sees you doing something, literally anything. but you did notice, and it's kinda really adorable in a way. whatever you're doing, - cooking/baking something, cleaning, doing other chores such as laundry etc, homework and what not - he always asks how or if he can help you. and if he can, he's doing it in no time. like, you'll barely have finished telling him what exactly he can help with, and he's already doing it. you'd say he's dedicated within only a second, just to help you. like mentioned, it's something rather small, - really small, most would say - but jungwon always wants to help wherever he can, and with whatever there is. and you really, really do appreciate it; despite the fact that you might already be doing something quick and easy. he loves to do things with you, even if it's something such as chores. even chores you're almost done with, for that matter; if he sees a chance, he'll take it. and hey, if you get it done faster together than you would have by yourself, maybe jungwon can even spend more time with you for the rest of the day, just enjoying your company.
ʚɞ. nishimura riki — è„żæ‘ 抛
tying your shoes for you
sometimes riki will notice that your shoelaces are untied before you do; meaning he'll simply stop you from walking any further and basically drop to his knees to tie them. and well, sometimes you're quite taken aback as he does it without saying much. he loves doing it for some reason - whether you're already outside and they're suddenly untied, or you're just about to leave and you (well, initially you) need to tie them. the boy will literally drop to his knees in no time, leaving you barely time to react sometimes; no matter where you are. he won't even ask whether he should do it for you, he'll just do it. but it always gets a little giggle out of you regardless - you love when he does it, so you let him. although.. at times, you wouldn't put it past him to tie your shoelaces together just to mess with you - like the menace he is (more like the menace you're hopelessly in love with, though) - however, you couldn't say you'd be surprised. but needless to say, at the end of the day you'll always let him do it, because why wouldn't you?
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taglist @tyunni @geombyu @jaeyunverse @yjwfav @sieuneo @choconyu @czlluvriki @envirae @aureliaxuuu
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yunhobug · 2 years
Ateez Boyfriend headcanons
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I know I have individual boyfriend headcanons but these are smaller more domestic mundane things I think they’d do.
W: some of these get a bit saucy
Ateez x gn!reader
The type to love every single feature of your body, Hongjoong understands how insecure someone can feel about themselves. Still, there never goes a day where you don't receive a compliment about a minor feature or flaw you may not have even considered before.
Loves sending voice messages to you, as we've seen from universe, he also loves when you send them back.
There has also been plenty of sexting happening over voice messages.
Loves making playlists for you, he makes them at random times of the day, whenever he may get overwhelmed by his own feelings for you. There have been multiple times he'll send you a playlist in the middle of the night titled "That one trip to my parent's house" or "The day I realized I loved you"
Seonghwa is a giver in a relationship, he loves being a caretaker of sorts.
The type to buy those touch bracelets you see on TikTok, so you always know when he's thinking about you.
Loves listening to you talk about the things you enjoy, he likes seeing how excited you get talking about your favorite hobbies and movies.
Loves to flirt with you and make you flustered, but LOVES when you do it back, he finds your confidence and flirting super hot.
I've said this countless times but Yunho loves skinship, without a doubt though, his favorite moments are when you're cuddling. He just feels so much better and can fully relax when your arms are wrapped around him.
Yunho would do anything for you, you have this boy wrapped around your finger, he would go to the ends of the earth if you asked him.
Yunho will document his entire day if you guys are apart, the type to make Snapchat his own personal vlog and sends them to you throughout the day. he loves when you do the same thing.
Loves to get you gifts, it's not uncommon to see bags and boxes for you when you get home from work. He bought you lingerie for your birthday once and he swears it was the best day of his life.
You guys have a lot of quiet time, days where you spend all day together but doing your own activities.
This boy does not shut up about you, to the point that the other boys get annoyed by him.
If he isn't busy with schedules he practically lives at your place. He likes the idea of living together and whenever you give him shit for it he says it's practice for the future. He likes the privacy and intimacy of your apartment, it gives him the opportunity to kiss and touch you anywhere he'd like, not having to worry about Seonghwa walking in to see you making out in the kitchen.
You guys always have a show you watch together, when one ends another one starts, he gets genuinely upset if you watched an episode or two without him.
San can be difficult to wake up in the mornings but a sure way to make sure he's up is to give him a plethora of kisses all over his face.
Loves fueling your plushie obsession, he's probably bought more for you than you have yourself.
LOVES when you take showers together, he likes getting ready for the day together but it also gives I'm the perfect opportunity to let his hands wander.
You guys love playing games like the sims together, you made sims of each other, have your own apartment, and like three cats. He also gets upset if you ever play it without him.
Tons of pillow talk, Mingi can get self-conscious at times and quiet talks in the morning can really brighten his day and ease his worries.
Loves to hold your hand, he tries to keep PDA to a minimum in public but he won't let go of your hand if he can help it. Also loves to hold your hand in your lap while driving.
Mingi is such a sucker for your praise, he loves when you compliment him on his jokes, personality, and body, especially when you praise him for how good of a job he is at pleasing you.
He would love to pick your outfits for you and would get extra excited if they matched in any way. Speaking of, he would buy the two of you matching shoes for your anniversary just for these outfits.
You guys gossip so much, you know all the drama he hears at work and vice versa.
Lots of late-night outings, eating street food, stargazing, or just wandering the streets Wooyoung loves the quiet hours of the night, in contrast, to his loud bursts of energy.
Such a tease, the type to yell things in public to make you flustered but can't handle when you tease back, he goes red in the face when you whisper things into his ear and become a bit more handsy at dinner.
Loves to place kisses on your cheeks, he tends to be very playful about it and makes a loud smooch noise to embarrass you.
Jongho is extremely cautious of his surroundings and always notices the small things about you. Whether something startles you or makes you laugh, he notices.
You'd never have to lift a finger with him around, he loves being of help to you and gets sulky when you tell him you've got it under control.
They type to keep polaroids of you in his wallet, he's got a cute candid one and another one only for his eyes.
Loves to play with your hair and massage your scalp, he also loves to hear the small breaths and whimpers escape from your lips when he pulls a little too hard.
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kissyck · 2 years
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hiii besties!! it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been on/posted on here and i’ve missed y’all <3 i did some cc shopping and finally opened sims yesterday for the first time in months. made this lil simmie and did a quick edit to post! i’m going to start getting caught up on reblogging and replying to asks, sorry that it’s been such a delay! (also am currently working on some new nails *wink* *wink*) love and appreciate all you lovely humans so much <33
more in depth update below the cut for those interested :)
so i genuinely have no idea how to do quality update posts, but i guess i’ll just go in order of events.
i would say july was fairly eventful. i finished my infusion treatments at the hospital, which ended up making me feel SO much better (i had severe anemia). i genuinely didn’t realize how bad the physical and mental toll that it was taking on my body. i gamed a LOT, just had lost pretty much any interest in the sims. fall guys had become my fixation, and i had started a perfection save in stardew which also became the only thing i wanted to do. i bought more squishmallows. i got another piercing in my ears, and that same day i got fitted and met with a physical therapist so i can start the painfully long process of getting a new wheelchair. i saw a rainbow while driving home from my dad’s house. i took wayyyy too many pictures of my puppy who’s literally ginormous now, and taking all the pics of my kitties!! july ended with a mini road trip to see a comedy show, and i took pictures of clouds the whole way there.
the beginning of august was bittersweet, but was followed by one of the best days i’ve had all year. august 1st i hung out with my best friend in the whole universe before she moved 13 hours away. we’ve dealt with long distance before and talk every day, but this is definitely the farthest we’ve ever been from each other. i’m soo happy for her and am so excited to see all the amazing things she’s gonna do in the future. a few days later, i went on another road trip to nashville!! another bestie of mine was having a concert that i could not miss. plus i love nashville, so i will take any excuse to go. this trip was one of the trips EVER!! i got to see a lot of my internet friends too that i never get to see and i love them all so much. the concert was SOOO good <3 ugh i wish i could go backkkk. i also bought more squishmallows in nash lmaooo. they’re addicting. the rest of august was pretty much uneventful. i played stardew and fall guys with friends, animal snuggles bc they’re all terrified of storms and we had some bad ones, and i bought myself a fancy new mechanical keyboard (the new logitech one from the aurora collection!!) it’s so beautiful, i literally cried when i first opened it.
september was eh. i started a new animal crossing island, which i spent a lot a time playing. that and any animal snuggle i could get. the end of september was a bit rough, i was in pretty low spirits. i lost a close friend of mine earlier this year and it was her birthday. i couldn’t stop thinking about her, which was also making me think of my dog that i had also lost earlier this year (both happened on the same day). there was also some other family stuff, so i didn’t love the end of september. good things did happen though! my furbaby niece came to live with us again. i missed her so much. she’s the cutest lil peanut ever. and i went to the movie theater which was fun! also prepped for my birthday trip since we were leaving the first of october!
and now we’re in october. this month so far has been good! it started with another road trip for my birthday (i turned 23 on oct 4!) this was hands down one of the most fun trips i’ve ever been on. we went to austin for a concert two nights in a row and they were both just so magical. i dressed up fun and went shopping too (yes i bought more squishmallows) honestly that trip would have to be it’s own full post bc so much happened. have just been chilling ever since. was supposed to go on another mini road trip yesterday for a concert but pneumonia went through our house (i didn’t catch it thankfully) so that kind of threw a wrench in our plans. oh and dr. ms. taylor alison swift released an album and it has such a chokehold on me it’s not even funny. i literally cannot describe how much i love her. every time i’m listening to it, my puppy runs in and comes to listen too. she’s got TASTE :) oh and omg i almost forgot, i reached perfection in stardew!!!!!!! this is the first time i’ve ever done that and it was so fun.
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immobiliter · 21 days
🌿 author portrait .
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
basics .
name/nickname: lottie age: 27 pronouns : she / her years of writing : ten years on tumblr, but many many years before that on various platforms or just writing in general. it's always been one of my hobbies. i wrote fics before tumblr and before that i did a lot of storytelling in the sims 2 fandom ( but yeesh this was years ago lmao let's not talk about it 💀).
reflection .
why did you pick up writing? i don't think i ever made the conscious choice to pick up writing? i've always loved it and had a natural talent for it, from writing stories as a child to doing so much essay writing at college and university and then writing rp. i think the reason i've stuck with rp for so long though is because it's so collaborative? writing can be quite a solitary hobby but it is literally the most fun thing to wake up in the morning to someone writing you a reply to something that has specifically been written for you as a treat and then getting to respond to them. it's the best thing, genuinely.
do you have any writing routines? i guess i do and i don't? sometimes i will just sit and write, no music, no background noise, it all just flows. sometimes i have to warm myself up by watching clips of the muse or listening to their spotify playlist. it really just kinda depends on my mood tbh. because of the number of threads/muses etc i write however, i do tend to have a routine of picking a thread or two and letting them simmer in my brain for a few days before i sit down to write them, that always works quite well for me.
what's your favorite part about writing? aside from the collaborative nature of rp as i talked about above, just being able to embody a character that is completely different to yourself? as a species we read and write and tell stories for the escapism of it all and i love getting to jump into the head of a character who is nothing like me and write them unapologetically as they are.
three things you like about your writing .
one, i'm gonna echo charlie and say my dialogue. it's the thing i put the most effort into when it comes to writing. each muse of mine needs to have a very well-defined voice ( both in terms of their narrative voice which drives the bulk of the reply and their dialogue ) for them to stick for me, and i take a lot of time to study how each of my muses speak when picking them up as i feel like when rping the most important thing is that your muse sounds like the character, especially if they're a canon one. i think also as a brit who has seen a lot of americans online writing brits over the years with varying levels of success, i am particularly stubborn about getting those nuances in dialect and vocabulary right.
two, this is maybe not about my writing per se, but i think my ability to come up with crossover verses for my muses and push them into unfamiliar/other settings? i love exploring a character in their canon, sure, but nothing is more challenging and interesting to me than trying to translate that character (and keep their essence intact) to another piece of media. it also leads to possibly my favourite thing in all of existence, which is crossover interactions and crossover ships. for me there is nothing quite like bringing two characters together from completely different fandoms who would never normally have a reason to interact and seeing them click. it's immensely satisfying too, i think, because that's our work as writing partners to create that dynamic from scratch? it's not a dynamic automatically offered to us.
three, i like that i can write comfortably in different genres? i don't just restrict myself to angst or fluff, sometimes i love writing a good action thread where stuff happens and other times i like writing shenanigans with my more comedic-aligned muses which are just pure, unadulterated fun.
a question for the next person .
write a question for the next person to answer. once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
where is the oddest place that you have written something? okay so not so much tumblr writing because i've figured out that i have to be sat at my desk concentrating in order to write on here, but a couple of times that i've done discord back and forth rp with close friends, it's ended up with me writing hardcore smut at 7.30 in the morning on the way to work lmao.
new question: what time of day is the best or most productive for you to write?
tagging: whoever would like to do this! tagged by: @resolutepath ( thank you!! )
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madsims4finds · 25 days
Okay. So we got 4 life sim games in the works and I’m going to give my opinion on each one so far. Starting with the one I’m looking forward to the most. This is a LONG ASS Post. Get a snack if you’re interested in reading lol.
1. Paralives
Paralives is the game I’m the most excited about. Since they started sharing their work on the game, it’s looked great. From the character models to how the world looks. The improvements they’ve made have only made the game look even better. You can tell they are taking their time and staying in their own lane. Compared to some of the other competitors, the Paralives team doesn’t seem to have the mission of taking down the sims. They just want to make a good game, and I appreciate that. The ironic part is, even though they’re not trying, they’re the closest to a Sims killer in my opinion. I love the look of the characters. I love how they interact with the environment in such detail. They’ve truly taken animation to another level. Watching the footage of a proposal both gone right and gone wrong, and how that animation just looks more real compared to anything we’ve seen in the sims, was awesome for me. I guess we have to be fair and say that the sims has always come from a silly angle. But it’s just nice to have some realism in a life sim. Like I’m sure our paras won’t die from laughter or embarrassment. I get some players may like that, but I’m kinda too grown for that lol. So I want a life sim that takes things a bit more seriously and it seems like Paralives is following that. Like I don’t know if they’ll have this, but I’m the type to want my sim to possibly die from a mysterious illness, not laughter. They also take interactions to the next level. They released footage of selecting 4 paras to go use the bathroom and they did something I’ve been begging for. My biggest issue with the sims is that it feels like you have too much control or not enough. Say you wanted to recreate that moment in the sims, not only do you have to direct each sim one by one, but as soon as one person is on the toilet, the sim will wave and shrug and then walk away. Since there is already a sim blocking them from their immediate action, they’ll just drop the action entirely and then end up peeing on themselves somewhere. In Paralives, they all crowd around the bathroom door, socializing, and taking turns to use the toilet. Like real people! That’s what’s been missing and I’m so excited to see how much more fun it’s gonna be to actually play a life sim that adds this level of realism and detail.
2. InZoi
InZoi is an interesting case. In all honesty, I’m excited about it, but it’s giving a little too good to be true. I mean it looks out of this world amazing. The interactions and animations are even better and more detailed than Paralives. I was worried about being able to make Zois look the way I want but they have one of the best character creators I think I’ve ever seen. And you want to talk about realism?! The graphics are insane and more along the lines of most modern day RPGs like GTA or Cyberpunk 2077. Not too surprising since the dev for InZoi did say they’re using unreal engine. Which is why I wonder if this will be available on consoles. It genuinely looks more like a console game than Paralives or Life By You. And I think that is why the dev made a point to say something like driving in the game is not like driving in GTA. But with the way it looks, I would want to play it on my ps5 and my big 65 inch tv. It just looks like a world to get lost in at ground level, where you’re more part of the action and not so much playing from above like a god in control. I think the fact that they even have difficulty settings for the game backs up my point. We’ve never experienced “easy” or “hard” modes in life sim games, so that’s definitely a big deviation. It also feels like the game will be a lot less about building and a lot more about living. The world doesn’t seem like it can be edited very much, aside from maybe where your Zois live. Some people may not like that. But if you play specifically for live mode then you won’t care too much. It also seems to be geared more toward city living than living in the suburbs. I’m seeing a lot of apartments versus homes. So I’m not sure how many options we’ll have there. On the flip side of that, it’s really cool to be able to control the weather, whatever trees or billboards are in the city, what animals spawn, even changing the crime rate and possibility of fires?! That’s pretty cool and realistic. They did something really unique with the ability to sleep walk. I love that. I love seeing a kid sleepily walking into their parents room to get in their parent’s bed. Too cute. Hilarious that you could donate all your money in your sleep too. I’m just loving how these devs are differentiating themselves from the Sims. However, there is also the question of how live mode actually works. It seems like the dev wants to have some kind of story or maybe quest system. Some type of actual goal or scripted experiences, which is another big deviation from most life sims. He mentioned working for a specific company, but we’ve also seen Zoi’s working at coffee shops, so it’ll be interesting to see what options are available for what our Zoi’s do for a living. Clearly there is family play, but we’ve only seen kids, not babies or toddlers. Or even elders when I think about it. But they’re still working on the game so I’m sure we’ll learn more eventually. But, like I said it all feels too good to be true. If they do come out with the character creator demo then I’ll have a bit more faith. I get that people have had early access to it and played it but even they are saying the game looks completely different now from what they had their hands on. So, I’m still a little hesitant. That’s all. Hoping for the best with this one though, and a console version lol.
3. Life By You
Honestly the one I’m least excited about. And yet they’re the closest ones to release. The game just looks bad frankly. I understand that people like to say that gameplay is what matters. But to me, in a life sim, if it doesn’t look good, if my characters don’t look good, I’m disinterested. Aesthetics are important. That’s the ONE thing that I love about the Sims 4. How the sims look and how the environment looks has always been my fave out of all the sims games. And while InZoi looks like this huge and immersive, console type open world, and Paralives is giving a more stylistic version of Sims 4, Life By You is giving a small miniaturized set. I don’t know about you, but gameplay looks
tiny? Like the proportions of everything just seems really off. It reminds me of a mobile game. You can zoom in fairly close but I feel like if the “human” stands in front of their fridge, it’ll be the same height as them. Granted that’s not actually the case but it just feels like all the assets are one size. Cars look small, bikes look small. Someone was skateboarding in the clip and I could barely see the skateboard. The world just looks and feels small. But speaking of gameplay, the world feels so empty. And this is what worries me the most. For both Paralives and InZoi, we see clips of people roaming around the world. Interacting with each other. Sitting at cafes and what have you. But Life By You? We’ve seen so much footage of walking to the beach or through a neighborhood and there’s literally no one else around. No one jogging. No one working in their gardens. We’ve gone to the gym, no one else in the gym. We’ve gone to the grocery store, no one there either. Don’t really see any other cars on the road when you’re traveling. No people swimming or sun bathing at the beach. I mean great, there’s no loading screens, great there’s no rabbit holes, but the world is literally empty. Nor does it seem like there’s very much to actually do. After all we keep seeing them showcase the same activities over and over. People go to the beach but don’t change into swimsuits or get in the water. Walk by parks but there’s no one there. We haven’t seen kids. Like there’s a lot that just seems to be missing.
And then there’s the technical. Apart from it just not looking good aesthetically, the animations need major work. And I’m really over things disappearing into thin air, or characters untying a bow without actually touching it. We need details! That’s what makes a game feel realistic. The create a character looks atrocious and the “humans” themselves just don’t look attractive. The UI looks extremely cluttered and hard to understand at times. All this and this game is supposed to be coming out next month 👀👀👀. Yes in early access, but it doesn’t even look cooked enough to justify early access to me. And the fact that they seem to be targeting certain sims reviewers to promote the game to their audiences,ugh I don’t know. I just have a bad feeling about Life By You. They’ve been trying to create all this hype around something that genuinely doesn’t look that impressive. And if it weren’t for InZoi and Paralives, maybe I would be more excited. But now that ive seen the possibilities, Life By You just isn’t cutting it. Ironic part for me is this game feels the most like the sims. Not too surprising since it’s headed by one of the creators of the original sims games. Mostly sims 2 I believe. And that’s kind of the problem. I think he thinks he’s doing something different. But it feels very familiar. It feels like his focus was for you to make the game that you want. What he calls “modding” is really just in depth customization. Which yes, that is missing from the sims, but that’s not enough for people to choose Life By You over these other games. Cool they speak English and we can create our own dialogue branches. Cool, that traits are so customizable and I can create a “human” (I wish they would have came up with something clever to call them) with the exact personality I want. Cool that humans actually have to pay money for clothing and accessories. These all feel like details that are missing from the sims and Life By You is coming to fill that void. But what about everything else? I just get the feeling that this is going to be one of those tragic type launches. But I hope the game is good enough for them to turn things around.
4. Sims 5/Project Rene
Honestly, I’m not even interested.
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What? Sorry. Lmao.
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minimoxha · 3 months
Hello everyone, it's been quite a while since we last connected. I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for all the love and support you've shown for my book. When I first started writing it, I never imagined that people would still be reading and enjoying it today, despite its initial flaws. It's truly heartwarming.
Life has a way of getting in the middle of our plans, and I ended up taking a long break from writing. However, I want you all to know that I am now back and fully committed to this project. I understand that in the past, I've made promises to return and failed to follow through. But this time, I genuinely mean it.
My writing has improved more than this and I want to be a director so the best way to improve my craft is to write every day. With that being said, my fanfic roster so bad is this
parent scenarios update
Todoroki or Iida story - Vote here
Bakugo Prnstar update
Hawks story update
Maybe an Aizawa story
Gojo or nanami
Zoro story
Tumblr random fanfictions
Miguel O'hara fanfic
Comment on which ones you'd like to see and any other ideas! Thank you so much for supporting me- and one more thing.
My friend is looking to be another streamer/youtube gamer girl and has recently started her channel. @Universalappl3pie on youtube. If you like sims roblox or any other games please check out her channel if you can. If a couple of you could stop by, it would mean a lot to see her smile! I'll see you guys soon, bye!!
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moonlit-orchid · 1 year
You already know who I'm gonna ask forđŸ˜» Astral for the ask prompt thingy?
Here we go!
Favourite thing about them
Everything His personality! I love how he is capable of being super serious and cold but also the sweetest guy ever! In the first season, especially near the start, he was the most sarcastic guy ever, and was just done with EVERYTHING, but under all that he's genuinely sweet, just look at him in Cross Duel XD
(I also really love his dub voice. It may sound a bit too old but it's really good, especially how he can sound like a fed up parent one second then a very loving brother the next)
Least favourite thing about them
What happened to him at the end. His way of getting Yuma to duel him in the final duel episode was a bit weird, and his attitude was not like him at all. I feel like it would have been more in character for him to be like 'I don't want to do this, but I have no choice, it's what I was entrusted to do...buuuuuut if you maybe duel me I'll have a reason not to' rather than the cold act he put on. I get that it was to raise stakes and all, but you can have a high stakes emotional duel without making one betray the others, like Joey and Yugi's duel in the Duelist Kingdom Arc. Also I am not happy that he was the only one who didn't get to stay on earth. If frickin' VECTOR deserved a normal life so did he!
Favourite line(s)
(Tired parent voice) "Two multiplied by four is eight"
"Oh, please. You snorer." (Yes he really did call Yuma this. Twice)
(Affection brother voice) "I believe that is called '✹detention✹'
The whole speech he gave when taking over the duel against 96 "Yuma, please know I will always be here to high five sky with you" (you hear that? That's me sobbing)
Also my favourite line (so far) in Cross Duel "I feel the same way about you <3" (this is just a dating sim at this point XD)
Him and Yuma! Obviously. They just ARE brothers, you can't convince me otherwise. I also like to think that Astral's mentally adopted Yuma and considers him his child. Aside from Yuma another one is him and Nelson- they're best friends post series and go off on anime rants at 2 am in the morning on the phone to each other and Nelson uses his connections to get Astral rare merch.
Also thanks to cross duel, him and Yugi are a brOTP (Astral likes how nice Yugi is and Yugi just wants to be there for him), as well as him and Yusei (he sees Yusei as a big brother, and he and Yuma remind Yusei of Leo and Luna, plus Yusei keeps an eye on him) and him and Yusaku (ptsd kids who help each other cope) and also him and Skye (they're both sweet kids and i love the idea of skye helping him calm down when he's triggered)
me None :)
I just don't ship him with anyone, he's very much aroace (i say that like i dont hc EVERYONE as aroace with only a few exceptions XD)
(Hides) Him and Mist! I'm sorry, I know how popular that is, but I just can't ship them! I can easily see them as brothers, but not lovers. Not just because of them looking like twins but also I just don't think it would be a very healthy dynamic. (Also Astral and Don Thousand, because apparently that's a thing. Even if I didn't hc Don as Astral's father, that ship just makes me uncomfortable. Astral's clearly a child and Don is clearly an adult)
Random headcanon
Astral can drive despite being underage. Really really dangerously. He once had to drive a car because Kaito couldn't. In Kaito's words: "Never again!" Did they all live? Yes. Did Astral destory a lot of property? Also yes.
Unpopular opinion
I've already mentioned this one before: I can't hc Astral as nb/ using they/them pronouns. Canon has already established Astral as he/him, and while I fully understand if others want to hc him that way, I just can't, sorry.
Song I associate with them
Angel with a Shotgun (probably because of an amv I watched of him) and also Queen of Mean from Descendants 3 XD, I just think it suits the Sargasso events when he lost control. Also that bit in Happier than Ever, "I dont relate to you, cause I'd never treat me this shitty" sounds like him yelling at Eliphas.
Favourite picture of them
Any scene where he's smiling! (I have waaay too many screencaps to go hunting for one)
Example: THIS SCENE!
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Not-So-Micro BL Reviews
This is mostly me doing catch up on all the things that I have been watching/was watching and then abandoned when I found Midnight Museum and fell like a ton of bricks (this is still something that confuses me but what can you do, really?) It will be long - I missed or ignored a LOT for a while.
Catch Up Dramas:
All the Liquors - This one never did anything revolutionary, but I have to admit that I liked the awkwardness of Chef. I really liked BFF cutie though. He was seriously the highlight of the entire show for me. Cute, if mostly predictable and not really plot heavy. Very KBL kiss. 7.5/10
Our Dating Sim - This was just a little gem of a series. The chemistry was on point and the conflicts made sense from what we were given of the characters. For how short it was, the emotional arc was satisfying. It's a solid little drama, and I quite enjoyed it. Good kisses, too, and not just for a KBL. 8/10
A Shoulder to Cry On - I just don't think that this one was for me, and that's okay. Part of me feels like if I were younger it would have landed better - it's dealing with some pretty serious topics and yet something about it feels a little too OTT for me, like they're kids playacting at adult emotions rather than it being genuine. IDK. I wanted to like it more than I did. This is one of the ones where the time skip actually worked in its favor though. 6/10
The New Employee (I know, don't look at me) - you know, I don't know why I randomly stopped watching this. It's adorable, and it actually does manage to convey the business drama pretty well on top of the cute, which I didn't expect from such a short drama. They also made me really dislike Manager Park, so kudos to them for that. I do like that Jong Chan genuinely believes in Seung Hyun's ability, and that he encourages him in that capacity. Overall this show was just cute, okay? It was. 8/10.
Bed Friend - I had such high hopes for this one. High apple pie in the sky hopes, even. I love me a FWB that gets serious (even if King was clearly pining for more from like, day 1 I don't even care. I've been wanting that fix since Between Us (another one where at least one of the FWB was clearly ready for more almost immediately, but hey what can you do). And these two are very, very good at selling that they want each other so kudos for that (and they clearly still want each other after the feelings and do not turn into blushing maidens who apparently haven't heard of kissing before, Team)). But around the time the gross boss Krit decided to invite himself over for family dinner with worst mother and SA stepdaddy and worst mother was like "oh yes he's perfect for you, son" I tuned out and didn't bother tuning back in until recently. I feel like there's only so much misery you can pile on one character before I either stop caring or start finding it unintentionally hilarious. I have to keep reminding myself that I am a Westerner so I don't understand the family dynamics in these things, that's all. Honestly Uea's inability to cut his awful mother out of his life is just not something that I can resonate with. It does amuse me though how often parents in these dramas are either amazing or awful, with not a lot of in between, normal sort of hey, sometimes parents do dumb things too because they are fallible and human. I guess that doesn't make for good drama. King and Uea are very cute, though, and I do really like them when they get to just chill and be boyfriends with each other, although I have to admit the end got a little too saccharine for me. I swear I can be so picky, sigh. The show might not have fulfilled all my hopes, but once it got off the misery train it was fine. 8/10
Moonlight Chicken - I loved this drama. And the funny thing is that it was low on my radar - literally the only reason I was planning on watching at first was due to First and Khao. That was it. The plot wasn't even really my thing, I figured I'd just be waiting for those two to show up and that would be that. But nope, I loved it. This felt like just the kind of grown up drama I've been aching for, one that was ultimately less BL and more, well, life, with all of its complications and messes. It just so happened that the main characters were gay. More of this, please, Thailand. I promise you that there is an audience for it. I liked how messy it was, and in such a believable way. From Wen and Alan's extremely slow breakup to Jim's trauma becoming a sort of shield for him against opening up to people to Heart and Li Ming's wholehearted jump into a first relationship, the characters felt real and grounded and i loved it. No one was perfect (well, except Gaipa who is honestly a sweetheart too good for this world - I loved his huge crush on Jim even though I knew it wasn't gonna go anywhere, he was so sweet and unassuming about it, best unrequited love ever). Jim especially won my heart, because the way his walls worked was so relatable to me. I think that some people don't quite get how easy it is to shut yourself off, and how once you do it it is so much easier to just keep letting past trauma keep you from moving forward, not necessarily in ways that hinder your entire life, just parts of it. Jim's utter reluctance to let Wen in and his worry about Li Ming made so much sense to me. He'd been burned and burned hard, it's only natural that he'd want to protect his beloved nephew from the same pain, even though he went about it in the worst way possible most of the time. :D But that's not how it works for the young, and that's a good thing. Yeah, Li Ming might crash and burn, he and Heart might not be forever, but that's okay. I have heard people complaining that Earth is way too young to play Jim, but I honestly thought he suited the role, actually. It might be my favorite role of his yet. Final Verdict: 9.5/10. This was almost my perfect drama and if I could have more of this I would be delighted.
New (to me) Dramas
A Tale of a Thousand Stars - watched because of Our Skyy2. I wanted to be looking forward to more than just The Eclipse and Never Let Me Go, haha. It was fine. I really liked Tian, even when he was being a spoiled shit. There's something about Mix, I think, that makes him extremely watchable. I do not really feel that way about Earth and I was mostly annoyed by Phupha. *shrug* I wanted him to actually talk to Tian rather than making decisions for him - sure Tian was impulsive but so much of his problem was with his parents running his life, he didn't need that in a lover, too. Once Phupha pulled his head out of his ass it was better, but my goodness that took a while, didn't it? Also what is it with this pairing and these weird "does he love me or my sister/the woman who's heart I have" plots? Glad Moonlight Chicken moved away from that kind of plotline, even if I do actually really like Cupid's Last Wish (more than this one, actually - I get the sense that is unusual but I don't care, I love it). Overall though this wasn't bad, even if I felt like it dragged a bit in places. Am genuinely sad that they put Khaotung in a Earh/Mix vehicle and didn't have him gently pining over either of them. He did it so well in Moonlight Chicken, after all. Final Verdict: 8/10
Star and Sky - Star In My Mind & Sky in Your Heart - these were fine. I felt like there was a lot of drama over very little, but they're decent little slice of life kind of dramas. Easily consumed, easily forgotten. 6/10 for both.
Rewatches (because why the hell not right)
The Eclipse - I just love this drama. *shrug* It's so incredibly rewatchable. Plus, you know. I love Akk, he's exactly my kind of character. I honestly can't wait for the Our Skyy2 episodes but they look a little nuts. Honestly though I don't even care so long as we get some cute - I think that there were enough tears during the show proper. Yes both First and Khao cry well but still.
Cupid's Last Wish - You know, the first time I watched this I think that I said I was pleasantly surprised because I expected it to be a lot less obvious that Korn was so gone on Win that no one else even entered his big, dumb head. I was worried that it would be more of a "oh, I fell in love with you as a girl but it's still you" thing, and it...was very much not. I thought they also did a real good job walking the line between showing Win and showing Lin, and I have to give a lot of credit to Jan for her portrayal of Win as Lin. Pitch perfect, really. I say again, there's just something about Mix that is likeable - I've enjoyed him in ever single drama I've seen him in thus far, although Earth as Moonlight Chicken's Jim has my whole heart. He really shone in that role. My one quibble with this is how everyone just forgives the mom for being awful. I don't know, I guess I'm just a grudge holder. Anyway I originally rated this at a 7.5, but due to sheer rewatchability and how much fun I actually do find it, I'm moving it up to an 8.5/10. It's fun, I like it a lot, I will probably watch it again at some point.
Looking Forward To
I'm honestly kind of out of the loop with this! I don't really know what is coming up, so my list is very short:
Only Friends
Dangerous Romance
Both of them seem messy, messy, and i am ready for it. I also can't wait for the Utsukushii Kare movie but I'm going to have to, so.
I'm also excited for whatever comes up for the renewed drama shower slot for MBS. I wasn't a fan of all of them last year (I loved one of them beyond all reason, liked two, was meh on two and DNF one), but I love that I can look forward to at least one drama coming out of Japan for a while.
Whew! That wasn't so bad, was it?
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borreloadsavagedragon · 1 year
alright tell all of us your thoughts about kaito :)
I did not forget
 I have just been con crunching but now I’m free to become the worse
Minor Zexal and Arc V spoiling ahoy
How I feel about this character:
Oh no you’ve opened a floodgate
 welcome to oversharing hour with Jay
I’m very normal about Kaito, just ignore the two full cosplays + the EVA foam Orbital work in progress I have mapped out, the wall scroll that’s at my work computer, my ita pin bag, and the fact that I’ve done everything I can to make his deck competitive viable and god dammit am I still trying please print this deck a god damn banger starter, Konami, I can’t keep doing this without your help-
Short story but I used to be suuuuper YGO Vrains favoring from 2020 into early 2022, but I found myself drifting from it because one can only tolerate so much subtweeting and catty behavior over personal preferences, and I’d never really finished Zexal before, just has a half baked idea how it ends, like I watched a chunk of it when it first aired but never finished and proceeded to forgot most of it, so I picked it back up after deciding to pick up Kaito to write in an RP server with some friends because I remembered liking him and
 well I didn’t stand a chance when I got back to him fjdhdhd
I deeply relate to the theme of self-inflicted loneliness because it’s easier to be by yourself, just getting walked out on, left in the dark, or even being shafted for reasons out of my own control, I really get that
Also taking on too much if it means the people you love will be ok even if the ending result is you’re not ok, where he is after his Duel with Yuma at the end of Zexal I and getting to repair all of those relationships he was damaged by is where I want to get to in life
Bonus fact that’s minor spoilers for another spin off, but I’m
 not a huge fan of his portrayal in Arc V, I like that he’s there and acknowledge that it’s a different Kaito and I love all Kaito Tenjos as they exist, including the Structures Cosplayer, but
 yeah, not a fan, I’m a big fan of showing vs telling and Arc V to me feels like it’s ALL telling for all of its supporting cast most of the time
All the people I ship romantically
The better question is who I don’t honestly because that list is far smaller, but if I had to pick favorites I’m very partial to Ryouga, Mizael, and Edo-
Something about rivals to lovers resonates with my very being, even if Edo is less of a rival and more of an enemy until Arc V does it’s usual-
I’ve written for Challenge and AntiHero both already actually, my docs is 99% Challenge Wips that are slowly coming along tbh, and GalaxyMaster takes more time to write since most of those are
 you know what I’m getting at LOL
I stg Gallop's one mission was to make Kaito Tenjo a dating sim protagonist because I have no other excuse for why they gave him so many boyfriends and even girlfriends across Zexal and Arc V, Yugioh’s surprising most eligible bachelor
My non-romantic OTP
nervous laughter
I like to think of them more as divorcees who are just fine staying apart
Also gestures vaguely at the first answer
My unpopular opinion
I don’t know if I have many tbh, besides disliking Arc V’s rendition of him / not liking mentor at all lol— Like maybe how I genuinely believe he’s the strongest rival bc his record was the best even after he was put up against forces behind human understand and was even considered dying majority of the time of Zexal while remaining arguably mostly human, Zexal’s wack
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
Oh my god, the duel I hate the most in all of YGO is Kaito’s duel against Heartland because not letting Kaito win against someone who’s become representative of the garbage he was put through is SO UNSATISFYING
Yuma coming in and finishing it up is symbolic in its own right because of the importance of bonds, but to me that was and always should have been Kaito’s moment, let Yuma and Astral show up literally any other time and I’m fine with it
ALSO WE DON'T GET THE RYOUGA AND KAITO GRUDGE MATCH, though Kaito solos everytime, I’m so sorry Ryouga
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schleepyplays · 1 year
Never thought that i would need to make a post clarifying things, but I saw that my personal contact information was posted here, without my knowledge.
I left the community about almost a month or two ago because I was feeling extreme anxiety from the things that transpired between some of the people whom i thought were friends. I tried to stay out of it as best as I could because nothing directly involved me. The only time i got involved in any confrontation, was because i had the misunderstanding that someone was lumping me into the equation of what was originally supposed to be a dispute between 3 others excluding myself. I will acknowledge that I wasn’t very nice in that message because I was annoyed and angry, not that it should excuse hurtful things that were said, but I believe that me and the person involved have moved forward and clarified any misunderstandings that we both had.
I haven’t spoken to anyone besides the casual greetings exchanged during the festive season. I was only made known of what transpired in the past few days because a mutual friend told me that there was something that happened between another acquaintance of mine and the friends that we once had; curiosity got the better of me so i logged back into tumblr to read the posts - so imagine my surprise when one of the posts contained my personal contact information. (my discord tag) I was stalked and harassed online and offline before, so having my contact information out there for the world to see just does not sit right with me. I have never given permission for this information to be made public, and i was not being spoken to beforehand. If there was any misunderstanding or things that need to be clarified upon, you can come to me directly. Unfortunately, i have no interest in corresponding with anyone in this circle any further, and this was the final straw; my mental state has been improving for the past few months and i simply have no wish to muddy it by constantly having to explain about things i have never said or done.
I have reported the post for releasing my private information, as well as spoken to the mutual friend who told me about what happened, to urge the person whose posts contain that information to take it down. It has been more than 24hrs and nothing has been done, so i will just wait for Tumblr’s team to get back to me. But if you are seeing this somehow, i don’t mind if you need to use the screenshots for the context of the post or whatever, but please at least have the decency to blur our mine and the other person’s contact information, it’s a huge breach of privacy despite what you think.
Other than that, this tumblr will still be up so that people can still use the links i have to the poses i made, but I won’t be updating it anymore. The past few months have really turned me off from the Sims community in general to the point where I can’t even play the game anymore. This is just the breaking point because i was not even here to defend myself, not that I need to because I didn’t even do anything. And this coming from the people i cared so much for at one point, is disappointing. The messages that we last exchanged, and the way they are portraying me to the world right now, just makes me think that maybe I didn’t know them that well after all.
Thank you to everyone who I have spoken to and only genuinely wanted to strike up a friendship or bond over our common love for the game. I wish you all good health and happiness moving forward.
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
Giraffe's Eye View | Komi Can't Communicate REVIEW
Wanna here more of my geeky opinions? Click here to check out my last review on 1962's Mothra! For now though, let's talk about the girl who doesn't talk a lot.
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When a person has extreme social anxiety, also known as social phobia, they struggle to communicate with others. But take this into consideration: it makes for genuinely heartwarming entertainment.
Like I said back in the review of Princess Mononoke, anime isn't really my thing. For a while the only animes I watched were RWBY or the Avatar series, only to be met by gatekeeping nerds saying those 'aren't true animes'. Usually their logic is that anything made outside of Japan is faux-anime, a way of thinking I consider incredibly stupid. After all, imagine if any animated media made out of the United States couldn't be called a cartoon. Ignoring that though, anime never struck my interest, much to the persistence of my pals. Much like with My Little Pony, I legit can't remember a time when I wasn't hounded to watch more of the stuff or read more mangas, it had gotten annoying! I thought I was safe with my sci-fi loving friend SIM-N (aka Finjix for anybody not familiar with his Monova or WALL-G comics), but eventually even he succumbed to the power of the medium. What was it that did him in?
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But we're not here to talk about Nagatoro, at least not yet, anyway. While we wait for Season 2 of that show to hit Crunchyroll, let's talk about the other anime series SIM-N got me hooked on!
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Komi Can't Communicate is a series centered around Komi, a High School student with an extreme social disorder that renders her practically mute. Not that anybody else in her school notices, instead perceiving her as silent beauty that's too cool to mingle with peasants like them. That is until an unassuming boy named Tadano discovers the truth, becoming her best friend before promising to help her make more. This all happens in the first episode / volume of the manga, the two carrying on a conversation via a chalkboard. It's a really cute scene that sets up the rest of the series perfectly. You get how nervous Komi is, how well Tadano's able to read her, and the seeds of what will (hopefully) blossom into a romantic relationship.
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Being someone who wasn't exactly a social butterfly in school, I relate to Komi far too easily. Heck, I can even relate to her getting a flip phone later on in the series, my family getting me an old school phone with keys rather than the newest iPhones that were slowly on the rise. The only thing I can't relate to is how everybody wants to be on Komi's radar. I was never that popular in High School, even accidentally. Admittedly that's the one annoying aspect of the show, how easily some problems are solved for Komi or how much everybody gushes over her, but luckily Komi's too modest to let any of that go to her head. The only opinion that genuinely seems to mater to her is Tadano's.
While equally intimidated by Komi's presence at first, Tadano quickly manages to pick up what her friend is feeling, resulting in the most endearing relationship on the show. Easily the cutest moments on the show come from the two encouraging each other, daring to reach outside their comfort zones, or even daggling in the romantic feelings they so obviously have for each other. I'd complain about this relationship being yet another slow burn I have to wait forever for, but recent developments in the manga have changed all of that.
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Before that happens though, there's the matter of Komi making 100 friends. This subplot is kinduv' annoying considering how many characters you have to keep track of, some being more notable than others. It gets so annoying that my friends and I have resorted to giving some of these friends nicknames for ease of remembering. Here are the ones who make frequent appearances or are the most memorable to me:
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First there's Najimi, Komi's second friend and Tadano's oldest friend. They are easily the best character on the show. Acting as a conundrum with lilac hair, this excitable young student is the one who truly pushes Komi to venture outside her comfort zone, inviting her to large social gatherings with an absurd amount of people. It helps that Najimi has been childhood friends with everybody, a factor they have used against Tadano on so many occasions. Good rule of thumb with Najimi: never tell them any of your secrets. You can pretty much guarantee they'll no longer be secrets by sundown. Also, never take them to Las Vegas, they have a gambling problem. Which is small potatoes in comparison to...
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Yamai Ren has earned the nickname 'Stalker McGee' among my peers. So obsessed with Komi is she that in one of the earlier storylines she actually kidnaps Tadano with the intent on killing him so she can take his place. Now one could say she wasn't really gonna commit manslaughter, playing it off more like a joke considering she threatens him with drumsticks in the show. I'd buy that if not for the fact that she wields a very large butcher's knife in the manga! Or, y'know, the fact that she kidnapped one of her peers in the first spam place! She is a creep that keeps overstepping her boundaries, constantly trying to peak up Komi's skirt or having sexual fantasies of her. Later on in the show when the girls all have to share a bathhouse, Yamai even asks to grab Komi's boobs. Honestly I'm shocked she even bothered asking! Stalker McGee is easily the worst character on the show, sentiments shared by friends like Alec or @the-pale-servant. Nobody likes this character, so why is she still here? In fact, her continued presence doesn't even make sense in-universe! After freeing Tadano, Komi and co forgive the blood-thirsty bitch way too spam easily! Girl, your spoiled butt should be in prison!
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Next there's Agari, a shy girl who totally has naturally green hair. Totally. Another anime trope she falls victim to is the series constantly drawing attention to her large breasts, which totally doesn't get annoying after the first few times they make this joke. Totally. Out of all the characters on this show, Agari is the one I feel the most pity for. Not only are they always pointing out how plump she is, but when they were making her they apparently rolled a Nat-1 for confidence, meaning her self-esteem is essentially non-existent. This is why when Komi eventually works up the courage to ask for her friendship, Agari only accepts only if she's treated like Komi's dog. That's not to say she isn't a cute character, but boy do I wish this universe would stop using her as a punching bag.
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In contrast we have Nakanaka, that one student from school you know spends most of her time at Hot Topic when not playing the latest JRPG. She wears an unnecessary eye patch, is a pro at totally not Smash Brothers, prefers to roleplay as some reincarnated knight, is it weird that she's one my favorite character on the show? She's just so zany and over the top that you can't help but love her. Then again, it also helps that she's a foil to Yamai, so there's that.
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Speaking of crazy, there's Makeru, Komi's self appointed rival who's super into sports... despite pretty much sucking at all of them.
There's plenty of other characters I haven't mentioned, but like I said, that's the downside of a show with a premise of someone making 100 friends. It's hard to remember them all. 100 always sounds big and flashy on paper, but in reality I would've been fine with Komi making 50 or so friends. It'd still be a large number while also providing us fans an easier time remembering who is who
Oh, and before anybody mentions why I haven't mentioned Manbagi yet, it's because I'm not that far in the manga yet and she was just introduced at the end of Season 2 of the anime. From what I have read though, she seems like yet another over-the-tope personality for Komi to befriend, though with a twist. Turns out she also has feelings for Tadano too. Unlike so many other properties that would depict the two as hostile rivals hellbent on making each other miserable in the name of love, Komi and Manbagi are depicted as friends who still try to encourage each other despite everything. I really dig that, actually. This series manages to depict healthy relationships founded on communication, something I wish more shows and books would do. Words can't describe how refreshing it is seeing everybody act so maturely. Y'know, save for Stalker McGee.
As stated though, the best moments come from Tadano and Komi. Them talking via chalkboard, Tadano cheering up Komi after a mishap at the water park, the two sitting next to each other during Christmas, Komi falling asleep on Tadano's shoulder on the bus ride back from a vacation, their ever-evolving relationship is the biggest reason why you should check out the book and series. If you haven't yet, do yourself a favor and buy yourself a copy of the manga or stream the show via Netflix. After all, it must've been good if it made an anime-shut-out like me into a reluctant weeb in training. Now to see if that carries over to the next anime I watch...
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hannahsmusings · 3 days
*my cheeks flush just a bit as he says it was too soon for me to joke, feeling bad that I was trying to laugh about it in front of him, filing that information away and telling myself that I’d never bring it up again until he did* Yeah, right, sorry. *I did feel a swell of pride when he gives me a genuine - albeit amused - little smile, knowing that my reintroduction ice breaker hit the mark, ignoring the way his big hand fit in mine so well, memories from the night before coming back to me, how he held my hand at the bar as he was all but begging to let him fuck me, the memory sending a red hot feeling through my body and straight to my core, hoping that my attraction to him would fade away as I got to know him, maybe once I saw him every single day his beauty would become less other worldly and it would just be ‘oh there’s Charles’ and not ‘omfg he’s so hot today’* *I blink slowly as he holds my hand for a little too long to be professional, letting out soft breath once he finally dropped it, breaking that connection and whatever was just building between us* Please don’t call me boss. *I smile up at him, matching his teasing grin, I kinda liked the idea of him having a nickname for me, I liked ‘princess’ better from the night before but he’d never know that* You’re going to get dressed, we’re going to head back over to the track, you and Carlos are going to do some sim training for a couple of hours and then we have a team lunch
 smaller than last night’s soiree, just the engineers, mechanics, you two and the reserve drivers. Then the rest of the afternoon and evening is yours. Tomorrow we’ll let you guys do more training and then probably get you in the cars in the afternoon to do a few laps, see how they feel. 
*I couldn’t put my finger on it but this interaction felt different, there was a tension to it, finding myself holding you too long, looking at you too long, smiling a little brighter, noting the little flutter in my chest as you give me a teasing smile back, figuring that maybe we could put last night behind us and then we’d be friends, knowing I’d have a much easier time navigating that relationship with you than the head fuck that was last nights interaction* *cocks my brow as you tell me not to call you boss but then proceed to boss me around with instructions, chuckling a little with a teasing glint in my eyes as I fold my arms over my chest with a smirk* But it fits you so well..*grins, implying you were being bossy, feeling much more relaxed now that I decided I just wouldn’t be attracted to you and instead you’d be my friend and colleague* *nods as you get down to business, grinning at the plan as it sounded like a busy day and I loved having a packed schedule, always thriving when I could be active and show off my talents, grinning as I begin to head over to the bench to grab my clothes* Alright, cool. Sounds good. You wanna wait for me to get changed and we can head out together? *asks, looking up at you from my bending down to get another towel, grinning a little as I was committed to this casual ease now, knowing the humiliation would linger for a little but I’d decided that we’d just be friends now which made this whole thing easier*
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nerdypanda2424 · 1 year
Rant Continued 3/3
There is not originality. Frankly it seems like all the packs they created, they made them 1-2 years after a modder already did and had major success. Sacraficials Get famous mod
 Trilipis? Witch mod
 Arnies Farming mod. And soooo many more. Hell even modders made their own memory/milestone mod that is honestly more fleshed out. Yes I know many of these were features from previous games that’s why modders made them and so did EA. The difference here is that the sims team working on sims 4, everything they have made has been stripped and watered down. Honestly if they made an exact copy of sims 2 with updated graphics they would have had far more success. Sims 2 gameplay was PHENOMENAL, the details to this game, you hardly outright noticed them but all those small details added up and made your sims feel alive. The game was challenging and fun. Every expansion pack was FULL and added core gameplay that changed your game for the better, every pack integrated with eachother well. Not like sims 4, they added the wish and fear system, VERY POORLY, and they didn’t update it to include all packs if you have them. Another thing that made me sad, when the fears and wants was announced I was so excited that finally they were going to bring back what made sims 2/3 so fun and challenging at times. NOPE. My sims wants are constantly “meet someone new” “talk to this person” the fears are kinda decent. But the wants are just worse whims. Wants and fears were so great in sims 2 and 3 because the wants generally were meaningful wants, yes occasionally you had buy this or talk to this sim, but generally the wants were big, go to university, get engaged, get married, have kid (if your sim had family aspiration) the fears were more meaningful also. Like fear of a loved one dying or becoming a zombie, witnessing a fire, rejection at altar etc. Sims 4 is just so shallow, empty and half done. Not to mention the zero quality control, the clear greed that at this point is hardly ethical. Not to mention the chaos with EA app, which frankly the problems people are having, is making me nervous for when sims 4 is completed and they move on. The way Mods treat people on the forums is so concerning that when the game is done, and people’s games go missing again in the future, there will be even less if any support and bam, people loose their 1000$+ game
 I genuinely cannot wait for the day that EA looses their throne when it comes to simulation games. Frankly I would be so pleased if they went out of business entirely. God knows they would deserve it. It’s one thing to be a business and need to make money, but the crap they are doing now? That’s not a need to make money. It’s become a monopoly. Stupidly expensive for the quality received. Broken to all hell each patch, never to be fixed again. Hello wedding stories
 dine out
 this update has made my game an utter mess. Thankfully I already play on longest life span because everything I try and do takes a day. Sims won’t stop making/trying to make white cake. House is a mess. The infants, well only playable if it’s one adult sim and one infant. Because despite one sim already taking care of infant, other adult sims budge in and cancel the interactions already being done, essentially making my infant starve and get zero care. It’s a mess. I will say on the positive note though, it’s absolutely adorable that my sim can baby wear and garden. As a mother of 2, my fave thing was baby wearing my kids all the time. So was overjoyed to see this added. HOWEVER, the constant cancellation of baby wearing because of other sims is beyond annoying. Also for some reason I cannot get a sim to take photos of my family and their infant, or even just the mom and the infant. It just won’t work. They stand there for hours, the mom up and down picking up putting down baby. Sucks so much
. I hope they fix this game. But doubtful
 they will release one or two patches that will barely fix anything and then move onto the next expansion as always
 rant over.
0 notes