#aspd resources
spoczkotszcz · 5 months
If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone is trying to use a checklist to impact your life and freedom, the below might be useful.
PCL-R is widely used to assess individuals in high-security psychiatric units, prisons and psychological screenings. This decides who should be detained and what sort of treatment you'd receive.
The checklist is a constellation of traits which you need to be aware of so as to not score them. Simply. This impacts your life. This is important. Do not allow people to box you in. You may be branded with a label that has a very real very tangible impact on your ability to access resources if you are not careful. It can have financial and social repercussions which will affect the quality of your life. In extremis you may lose your liberty. Avoid at all cost being labelled ASPD NPD or anything of the like.
Narcissism - this one is easy to avoid. Pretend you are shy talking about yourself. Pick a trait, such as having difficulty making eye contact that is easy to fake and easy to spin into a narrative wherein you are so concerned about what others think, but not in a positive or self obsessed manner.
Superficial charm - this one is also easy. Ties into the counter-narcissism narrative quite neatly. Make it so your fictitious trait is prominent (don't overdo it!) In your conversation. This can be shaking hands, unsure eye contact, a nervous twitch. Whatever.
Charisma / outward attractiveness -do not bother with this one. The innate human desire to trust and believe those they perceive as clean/attractive/healthy etc will only help you
Seductiveness -don't try to fuck the psychiatrist
Promiscuity -see above
Lack of empathy - ironically the easiest tell on this one is over exaggerated reactions. Do not grin broadly. Mute yourself. Go for a natural look. Do not overdo the shy/nervous/etc gestures
Feeling of emptiness -do not discuss the void. The void stays in the void.
Sadism- do not discuss. Bonus points if you organically introduce a narrative wherein you express that you feel horror at another's pain with very subtle body language and facial expressions to match.
Paranoia- if it weren't for your paranoia you wouldn't be reading this, and I wouldn't be writing this. By virtue of it being paranoia you won't talk about it with a head snooping doctor anyway.
Self harm
The suicidal x self harm traits are the ones you need to focus on and outwardly display so you may be diagnosed with a depressive disorder, if you are in a situation where they need to diagnose you with something. A depressive disorder will be much less impactful on your life. Of note is that the way you experience self harm and suicidal ideation is different than that of a depressive person. You need to be keenly aware of this. A depressed person does not get sexually excited by the prospect as an example. You will need to do research.
Female presenting people will also have an easier time with this and can afford to get a lot more lax and creative as femininity inherently signals emotional caring etc. in many cultural contexts. Obviously play it by ear, but do consider how you present outwardly. This includes other physical characteristics such as height and build. Try to be an inoffensive stereotype they can easily box in and feel smug that they've identified your "issue".
All other traits must be masked. Do not avoid discussing your past, but do lie about it.
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clusterrune · 2 months
does anyone have any good articles or posts on aspd?
anything at all, all input is a huge help /gen
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scaryinclusive · 5 months
by @scaryinclusive.
presently, narcissist is a word used to define individuals with narcissistic personality disorder. a narcissistic individual is someone exhibiting traits or symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. due to its widespread use as a derogatory, dehumanising and stigmatising label, despite its original purpose, the use of 'narcissist, narcissism and narcissistic' as an adjective, especially in an insulting, derogatory way, is ableist, sanist and stigmatising.
why should you consider altering your vocabulary and stop using words like 'narcissist' as an adjective — especially a derogatory one? please read this informative post. help the npd community out by opting to utilise less harmful, stigmatising language in your speech and writing! please note: the following words listed are not synonyms with or indicative of npd symptoms or traits. but for the context 'narcissist' is typically socially applied to, they are a beneficial replacement. feel free to reblog.
arrogant. an exaggerated sense of one's own worth or importance. this can come across as overbearing, or socially inappropriate.
selfish. very concentrated on one's own personal profit or pleasure, typically lacking consideration for others.
self-absorbed. preoccupied with one's own interests, feelings or situations.
boastful. excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one's own achievements, possessions or abilities.
braggart. same as above, just a synonym. relating more to bragging than boasting.
conceited. alternative for vain, excessively proud of oneself.
egotistical. excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself. a synonym for self-centred.
haughty. acting superior in an arrogant, disdainful way.
insolent. rude, arrogant, showing a lack of respect.
ostentatious. a pretentious or showy display, an attempt to impress.
overconfident. excessively confident, an excessive certainty in one's abilities.
proud. a deep pleasure or satisfaction gained from one's own achievements, qualities or possessions.
self-confident. trusting in one's abilities, qualities, and judgement.
self-important. an exaggerated sense of one's own value or importance.
superior. an overly high opinion of oneself. synonym for conceited.
vain. excessive high opinion of one's appearance, abilities or worth.
egocentric. thinking only of yourself, without regard for others' feelings or desires.
self-centred. preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs.
self-involved. preoccupied with oneself, not paying attention to anyone else.
smug. an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.
pompous. grand, self-important or solemn in a way that is insincere or pretentious.
self-serving. having concern for oneself and oneself only.
sycophant. someone who is too eager to praise or obey someone in order to gain an advantage.
complacent. smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.
vainglorious. overlay vain, excessively proud of oneself.
obnoxious. extremely unpleasant.
egoistic. relating to egoism, preoccupied with oneself, synonymous with self-centred.
callous. showing or having an insensitive or cruel disregard for others.
cruel. wilfully or deliberately causing pain / suffering to others, potentially with no remorse.
abusive / emotionally abusive. extremely offensive or insulting. a form of interaction wherein the abuser is psychologically controlling, manipulating or harming you.
manipulative. exercising control or influence over another individual or situation. can be intentional but equally can be subconscious.
self-righteous. a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.
unsympathetic. not expressing, showing or feeling sympathy towards others or a situation.
toxic. poisonous, very harmful or unpleasant in a way that is pervasive or insidious.
insidious. the proceeding of something in a gradual, subtle way, but with extremely harmful effects.
malignant. very dangerous or harmful.
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The thing is that if there was any positive resources for Personality Disorders, we would be able to get better. Instead, if we look up “narcissist help”, articles come up with “how to destroy a narcissist” and “they’re self absorbed, entitled and manipulative”. You look up your disorder and you just get things that articles on how other people can destroy your mental health, just because you have your condition, because of the trauma that caused you to have this personality disorder. It’s like they don’t want us to get better, they just want us to know how we’re horrible. They need people to demonise us, they want us to be destroyed. They make sure that everything hurts us. They expect us to recover then stigmatise the things we are trying to fix. That doesn’t convince us to get better, that convinces us to become the worst version of ourselves.
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the-npd-culture-is · 3 months
NPD/ASPD culture is doing whatever you can to get what you want, hurting someone or something in the process, and being confused as to why people are mad at you for it. Like are you dumb?
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dizzy-lights · 7 months
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f2u cluster b shiny gif pride flags!
requested by anon. I'm not part of the cluster b community so I asked some friends who are what flags would be preferable! tags in order of flags.
edit: reposted because the bpd flag was for some reason not a gif.
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cluster b culture is struggling to find non-ableist resources for aiding in your own journey and research
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
dsm really is like well about every other PD is determined by abuse, neglect, poor relationships and bad experiences as a child, and trauma. narcissistic personality disorder is largely defined by a desperate terrified need to never seem weak or like a failure and hunger for praise and approval. who tf knows what causes it tho
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npdbenrey · 3 months
thinkin about how i used to actively give public warnings about the fact i'm not a good person. now i just let people find that out for themself.
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npd-jesus · 2 months
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spoczkotszcz · 4 months
A 2016 study into the behaviour of voles
"voles comfort each other when mistreated, spending more time grooming a mistreated vole. Voles that were not mistreated had levels of stress hormones that were similar to the voles that had been mistreated, suggesting that the voles were capable of empathising with each other. This was further proven by blocking the vole's receptors for oxytocin, a hormone involved in empathy. When the oxytocin receptors were blocked this behavior stopped."
In short - externally induced oxytocin receptor desensitisation
Also a supplementary read to above
Basically the insane variance in response from person to person in response to administration of the same amounts of oxytocin during childbirth. The study postulates what many others have proved - there is a variety of oxytocin receptors variants and these are genetically predetermined.
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clusterrune · 10 months
Antisocial personality disorder
aspd resources
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a tedtalk on aspd(link)
another masterpost(link)
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scaryinclusive · 5 months
by @scaryinclusive.
presently, antisocial is a word used to define individuals with antisocial personality disorder. an antisocial individual is someone exhibiting traits or symptoms of antisocial personality disorder. antisocial is regularly misused in derogatory, dehumanising and stigmatising ways, feeding into harmful stereotypes. aspd is a hugely misunderstood disorder many are uneducated on, and you can help reduce stigma by altering your vocabulary. this includes the use of 'psychopath' and 'sociopath'. the use of 'antisocial', 'psychopath' and 'sociopath' as an adjective, especially in an insulting or derogative form, is ableist, sanist and stigmatising.
help the aspd community out by opting to utilise less harmful, stigmatising language in your speech and writing! please note: the following words listed are not synonyms with or indicative of aspd symptoms or traits. but for the context the aforementioned labels are typically socially applied to, they are a beneficial replacement. feel free to reblog.
asocial. socially avoidant, might be inconsiderate or hostile towards others.
standoffish. distant or cold in mannerisms, might be unfriendly.
introverted. shy or simply quiet, socially reserved, prefers time alone and introspection.
ascetic. a good word for someone religiously dedicated in a way that might be unusual to others. means someone is abstinent from sensual pleasures and indulgence.
cold. affectionless, lacking warmth or fondness, emotionally detached.
cynical. believing others are only interested in themselves, untrusting or discrediting the goodness in other's actions / intentions.
blunt. direct and to the point without compromise.
dangerous. likely or able to cause harm / injury to themselves or others. someone being dangerous isn't always intentional, either.
violent. the use of or involving physical force with the intention to hurt, damage or kill another living or inanimate thing.
charming. a feigned trait, appearing as attractive or pleasant to others.
solitary. to be alone, without companions, maybe a preference to be alone.
unsociable. someone who doesn't enjoy being sociable or want to make an effort to behave in a sociable way in the company of others.
cruel. willing to cause pain / suffering to others, especially without feeling concern.
cunning. a skill in achieving one's ends by deception or evasion.
organised. someone that arranges things systematically, neatly or orderly. might favour or prioritise cleanliness.
collected. calm and self-controlled, cool-headed.
detached. separated or disconnected from one's surroundings.
distant. not invested or intimate, reserved and removed from the moment.
aloof. not friendly or forthcoming, a synonym of distant.
apathetic. lacking interest, enthusiasm or concern.
indifferent. unconcerned, no particular interest or sympathy.
insensitive. not showing or feeling concern for the feelings of others, should be noted that this can be unintentional with some individuals.
disinterested. a lack of interest or desire, not influenced by any potential advantages.
impulsive. acting on or doing something on impulse, without forethought or concern / consideration for consequence.
aggressive. likely to attack or confront, visibly or verbally responding to or seeking confrontation.
reckless. careless of consequences, lacking caution.
uncaring. not displaying sympathy or concern for others.
remorseless. deeply regretful - though not to be confused with regret, remorse might drive someone to not do something again due to such deep feelings of guilt.
mean. unkind, spiteful or unfair, if someone is mean they might not take your feelings into consideration.
abusive. extremely offensive or insulting. a form of interaction wherein the abuser is psychologically controlling, manipulating or harming you, depending on if physical or psychological.
morally corrupt. someone who behaves in a morally wrong way, such as being dishonest or partaking in criminal activities to gain power.
bully. someone who makes a habit of seeking out those they perceive as vulnerable, to harm or intimidate them.
threatening. a hostile or intentionally frightening quality or mannerism.
uncontrollable. cannot be controlled, unsolvable or cannot be alleviated.
rude. impolite in an offensive manner, bad-mannered or lacking respect.
disrespectful. showing a lack of respect or courtesy.
callous. showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.
unusual. not commonly occurring or done, different from the usual.
problematic. something or someone that presents or creates a problem.
dispassionate. uninfluenced by strong emotion, can be rational or impartial to a situation because of this.
logical. someone who exhibits capable, clear and sound reasoning.
nasty. behaving in a very bad or unpleasant way.
disorderly. can mean lacking coordination or tidiness, contributing to the disturbing of peacefulness and the law, behaviour that is not law-abiding.
disruptive. causing or tending to cause disruption / a disturbance.
rebellious. a desire or drive to resist authority, control or convention.
controlling. someone that determines the behaviour or supervises the running of others / the environment.
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nightfall-system · 4 months
Looking for resources
does anyone know some good videos/youtube channels about aspd? we're trying to look more into it and cant find one clearly run by someone WITH the disorder, not just a doctor
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impunkster-syndrome · 4 months
Every day something bad happens at work I restrain the urge to leak PII and then go to jail for potentially endangering national security.
All this would be avoided if I could tell people they're being a fucking asshole on call.
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cluster b culture is: crying over math
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