#auto memory dolls
cinderbutnotelle · 2 years
I've been happy for too long. Must immediately go and rewatch Violet Evergarden !!
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misandriste · 9 months
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violet evergarden: eternity and the auto memory doll ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 外伝 永遠と自動手記人形
2019, dir. haruka fujita | 藤田春香
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blueraimo · 11 months
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mel-0n-earth · 1 year
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Me watching Violet Evergarden: Eternity for the first time
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theteltales · 2 months
The Letters That Move Us - Violet Evergarden x Amy Bartlett (Isabella York) FanFic
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Summary: Violet Evergarden finds herself taking an unexpected assignment as a handmaiden for Miss Isabella York while she attends a prestigious women's academy. It's a far cry from Violet's typical work writing letters and made more complicated by the secrets they must keep.
This story is a re-imagining of the movie Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll. It explores what might happen if Violet walked a different path and eventually reciprocated Amy's feelings. The story will go beyond their time at the school and expand on the adversity they have to overcome if they want to be together.
Written in a way that is (hopefully) fandom blind friendly.
Rating: Everyone (for now, may change in the future for language or more "adult" concepts).
Notes: Before we start, I'm going to set the stage a little since the timeline (especially ages) can get a little ambiguous. So, I'm writing as if all the events of the season 1 anime to have happened already. Chapter one starts at the end of the final episode and then we are off into the movie.
I consider Violet and Amy to both be over the age of 18. While I don't plan on including any smut in this story, I feel more comfortable if that is established from the beginning when dealing with romance. That kind of content will be separated out into other pieces. I hope you enjoy!
(Primarily published on AO3 if you want to catch up quicker)
Chapter 1: A Promise on the Wind (Violet)
Chapter 2: A Fateful Assignment (Violet)
Chapter 3: A Rough Beginning (Amy)
Chapter 4: A Lesson in Irritation (Amy)
Chapter 5: A Break in the Day (Amy)
Chapter 6: Boiling Over (Part 1) (Amy) Chapter 7: Boiling Over (Part 2) (Violet)
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beefjerkybuffoon · 1 year
Violet really just walked into an all girls academy, accidentally made every girl swoon for her, and left.
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v-lightsk · 1 year
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A Raging Spark from a Heart seeking understanding of What is "Love"
In a Gaze through the Battlefield, her eyes were a beam through the multitude of soldiers at an array of dreadfulness. Her strength made her resistant as the feeling of unempathetic made her a weapon of mass destruction.
But through it all has made her feel an emotion for once as her partner was at the brink of dying, expression of "Love" was let out as it came out from words but the thought of it unknowingly was still at her feeling.
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my-anime-list · 6 months
Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll
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Isabella, the daughter of the noble York family, is enrolled in an all-girls academy to be groomed into a dame worthy of nobility. However, she has given up on her future, seeing the prestigious school as nothing more than a prison from the outside world. Her family notices her struggling in her lessons and decides to hire Violet Evergarden to personally tutor her under the guise of a handmaiden. At first, Isabella treats Violet coldly. Violet seems to be able to do everything perfectly, leading Isabella to assume that she was born with a silver spoon. After some time together, Isabella begins to realize that Violet has had her own struggles and starts to open up to her. Isabella soon reveals that she has lost contact with her beloved younger sister, Taylor Bartlett, whom she yearns to see again. Having experienced the power of words through her past clientele, Violet asks if Isabella wishes to write a letter to Taylor. Will Violet be able to help Isabella convey her feelings to her long-lost sister?
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ch-postal-company · 7 months
Something I never thought would actually happen, happened last week while I was training to work the front counter. A customer asked me to write a letter for them! For a brief second, I was confused by the unusual request and then it clicked in my brain: "This is it!"
They seemed very nervous, like they might break down crying or run out the door at any moment, so I tried to break the ice with some questions to get the words flowing. They said they weren't sure if the person they were writing to was still alive, but didn't want to give any more details. After a few minutes, we had a short, rough, but direct letter. Then it was promptly signed, sealed, and delivered to the outgoing basket.
Looking a little more at ease for having fulfilled their errand, the customer left. I sat behind the desk, gazing out at the silent lobby, in awe at what had just happened and wondering if I would be asked to write more letters for people in the future. I will work on getting one of the old typewriters in the basement in working order, just in case. This could be the start of something great!
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danaearbg · 1 year
La muñeca que se volvió humana: Violet Evergarden (ensayo)
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Pensar en una historia que refleje el vivir humano, en específico cuando este se encuentra rodeado por la guerra, así como por emociones y sentimientos derivados de esta que perpetúan la experiencia a lo largo del tiempo. De igual forma y de manera paralela, el tema del amor, la amistad, la perseverancia, la disciplina, y por su puesto, el arte de la escritura forman parte de esta bella historia que Kana Akatsuki le ha obsequiado al mundo. Siendo esto un motivo suficiente para mí e inspirándome a escribir este ensayo en el que me dispongo a abordar: el arco de transformación del personaje principal, así como el contexto histórico y procesos psicológicos que llevaron a la protagonista de esta historia, poco a poco, por caminos inimaginables. Por lo tanto, y antes de que continúes leyendo, es mi responsabilidad mencionarte que en esta ocasión habrá destripe (spoilers), así que si no has visto la serie y piensas hacerlo, te recomiendo verla antes de leer esto.
Arco de transformación
Desde niña, Violet era considerada un arma militar humana. Siendo la parte humana la menos aceptada por los militares, a excepción de una sola persona: el comandante a su mando, Gilbert Bougainvillea. Su transformación parte de este hecho, el haber crecido con la idea o auto-concepción de sólo ser un arma, de no sentirse útil a menos de que cumpla con las órdenes de su superior, lo único que en ese momento valida su propia existencia. Pero a pesar de esta idea, el mayor Gilbert, le va mostrando lo que significa ser humana; ayuda con su educación enseñándola a leer y a escribir, le habla sobre la libertad, valores y lo grande que ella puede llegar a ser. De igual manera, es él quien se encarga de darle un nombre, Violet, con la intención de que algún día se convierta en una mujer tan bella y libre como la flor.
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Al pasar los años, y una vez sanadas las heridas físicas de Violet causadas en la última batalla, Claudia Hodgins llega al hospital donde ella se encuentra para ofrecerle un trabajo, después de que ella conoce a la familia del mayor Gilbert. Es a partir de aquí que Hodgins se hace cargo de ella (tal y como se lo encomendó Gilbert esa noche bélica), y es cuando podemos notar la dificultad de Violet por comprender emociones humanas, así como la total disponibilidad para seguir las órdenes asignadas; de la misma forma como lo hizo en batalla. En consecuencia de esta educación militar, su forma de actuar y comunicarse son bastante directas, manteniendo una expresión corporal hipnotizante a causa de sus perfectos movimientos. Inclusive, las personas que la conocen por primera vez comparten la misma primera impresión: “parece una muñeca de verdad”. Recordemos que en esta misma etapa es cuando trabaja como Auto memory Doll de la empresa que Hodgins fundó: “CH Postal Company”. En el tiempo que ella se adapta al nuevo trabajo, aprende lo necesario y se relaciona con personas le llega la noticia de la desaparición del mayor teniendo como último registro la noche de esa batalla.
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Impulsada por el deseo de comprender las emociones humanas, pero sobre todo por entender el “te amo” que el Mayor Gilbert le dijo la última vez que lo vio, es que Violet decide convertirse en Auto Memory Doll. A pesar de no comprender la esfera emocional por el hecho de seguir viendo la vida y reaccionando a ella desde la forma en la que lo hacía cuando estaba en la guerra, Violet se muestra tenaz, y haciendo uso de sus habilidades adquiridas en su pasado es como va formando la disciplina de aprender y día a día seguir mejorando, tanto en el terreno laboral como en la parte personal. Vemos ahora a una protagonista que, con el paso del tiempo, se va deconstruyendo para nuevamente volver a construirse, ahora desde una forma distinta, más humana y consciente.
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Durante esta trayectoria, además, conoce a muchas personas a las cuales ayuda con el cambio de sus vidas, sanando aquello que aún les lastima. Y de igual manera estas personas contribuyen a su crecimiento y autoconocimiento. Observar dicho proceso de transformación es una exquisitez, pues al inicio, y en sincronía con este conocer a Violet por parte de los personajes, el dolor guardado de estos sale a flote enmascarado de enojo o rechazo hacia ella. Sin embargo, la forma en la que se relaciona con ellos, fungiendo como un espejo que les ayuda a darse cuenta del dolor que los agobia, es aún más sublime. Mediante las cartas, y más específicamente la escritura, es como les ayuda a desahogarse y encontrar ese consuelo, a sanar aquello que daban por perdido y a conectar nuevamente con las personas cuando más necesario se vuelve y más valor se necesita.
Contexto histórico y sus procesos psicológicos
Para comprender esta parte es necesario regresar al encuentro de Violet con el almirante de la marina de Leidenschaftlich, Dietfried Bougainvillea, quien después de observar sus habilidades para pelear y matar en batalla sin titubeo alguno decide obsequiársela a su hermano Gilbert como arma personal. A pesar de vivir por y para luchar, Violet descubre un mundo distinto, en donde existe la libertad para las emociones, sueños y bellas experiencias. Todo esto gracias al cariño y cuidados de Gilbert.
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Posterior a la guerra, tanto Violet como la sociedad, quedaron afectados. Muchos perdieron a sus familias, otros tantos la vida. Las ciudades quedaron en ruinas, negocios se perdieron; la incertidumbre y el miedo se sentían en el aire. La pérdida de sus extremidades no fue tan dolorosa para Violet como lo fue el perder a su superior Gilbert. Sin embargo, este proceso de transformación que vive a partir de recibir la noticia hasta su reencuentro, es lo que la lleva a confrontar y sanar su dolor. El tener en mente el recuerdo siempre presente de Gilbert, fue lo que la sostuvo mientras se enfrentaba a su pasado; mientras se descubría y aprendía a contar una historia distinta sobre sí misma.
—No sabes que tu cuerpo está ardiendo, y no sabes que está ardiendo por todas las cosas que has hecho.
—No estoy ardiendo.
—Sí estás ardiendo. Y algún día entenderás lo que te estoy diciendo. Y por primera vez notarás que tienes una gran cantidad de quemaduras.
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En el capítulo 9 encontramos este precioso diálogo entre Hodgins y Violet, el cual es un recuerdo que se hace presente una noche en su habitación cuando por fin es realmente consciente del pasado; cuando comprende en su totalidad estas palabras dichas por Hodgins, pues en ese momento está ardiendo. Es aquí cuando Violet entiende el verdadero significado de ser un arma y experimenta el peso de lo que esto conlleva. Por primera vez vemos a una Violet humana, que sufre y siente todo lo vivido, que se cuestiona su pasado y su presente, que logra sentirse, percibir su cuerpo y el dolor  tan hondo que este guardaba. A través del recuerdo de las últimas palabras y de la orden dada por Gilbert de vivir libremente su vida, en interacción con todo lo aprendido gracias a su trabajo de Auto Memory Doll, es como logra sentir y comprender este sentimiento que la consume. En este punto, Violet se siente culpable por haber arrebatado la vida de tantas personas, lo que la lleva a cuestionarse si realmente merece ser libre después del daño que ocasionó. Una escena que refleja perfectamente los traumas que le dejó la guerra, así como el hecho de conocer a tantas personas que también sufrieron a causa de esta, y que gracias al trabajo de Violet logran disminuir, o al menos, hacer consciente ese dolor para después poder aceptarlo y así lograr sanar esa herida. Esta empatía fue la responsable de que poco a poco la coraza de Violet cayera, de enfrentarla con la realidad para así poder darle la oportunidad de vivir una vida diferente desde un sentir realmente humano.
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A partir de su relación con Luculia y la nueva perspectiva que esta le proporciona de lo que es tener un hermano veterano de guerra que sigue sufriendo, y la extensión de este dolor que afecta también a su hermana, además de servirle como una de sus primeras amistades; pasando por la carta que le ayuda a escribir a Iris con la intención de decirle a su familia aquello que no sabe cómo expresar; una princesa que necesita comunicarse públicamente mediante cartas con su prometido; un escritor carente de inspiración y con un pasado trágico que se relaciona con su hija; así como un joven transcriptor que comparte un pasado similar con Violet; y hasta un soldado en una base militar que se halla inmerso en una guerra civil. Cada uno de estos personajes le enseñan sobre el dolor, el perdón, la pérdida, la amistad, la esperanza, el amor… Al mismo tiempo que ella va desenterrando su pasado y enfrentándose con él.
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De manera precisa, y con bastante cariño, el episodio 10 me ha dejado con “demasiado mucho” al combinar la inocencia de una niña con el dolor y pérdida de su madre. Personalmente, este capítulo ha sido de los más emotivos para mí, en parte por el tema que desarrolla y la forma en la que lo hace, así como por la manera en la que muestra el impacto del ardor emocional que Violet experimenta en el capítulo anterior. En un punto de la historia, Violet empatiza y comprende el sentir de la niña y su madre en relación con la situación, llegando a tal punto que no logra contenerse y termina por llorar. Ahora siente y su cuerpo puede expresarlo. Violet es capaz de comprender emociones complejas, pero sobre todo de vivirlas.
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Es así que a partir de este punto Violet se construye desde otra historia. Poco a poco su dolor sana y se desvanece, al mismo tiempo que el pasado queda atrás y logra hacer las pases con él. Asimismo, esa corazonada latente que le indica que Gilbert sigue con vida, la que la acompañó desde el inicio y que mantuvo su esperanza por encontrarlo, es la misma que la lleva hasta él. Con la diferencia de que ahora es libre, y que por fin, después de tanto trabajo comprende y experimenta el amor, lo que le permite dejar de ser una simple muñeca para convertirse en humana.
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riveramorylunar · 11 months
Violet looks so god damn pretty in that white suit of hers!!!!
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ahb-writes · 2 years
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(from Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou)
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misandriste · 7 months
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violet evergarden: eternity and the auto memory doll ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 外伝 永遠と自動手記人形
2019, dir. haruka fujita | 藤田春香
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blueraimo · 1 year
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2022
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Violet Evergarden
1 - 7. Violet Evergarden
8 - 10. Erica
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theteltales · 2 months
The Letters That Move Us - A Rough Beginning
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Unbeknownst to Violet, a pair of light green eyes followed her every move once she was in sight of the dormitory. All the way up until the blonde woman disappeared around a corner of the building. At this point, Isabella York finally let the curtain close behind her, a heavy sigh left trailing in her wake. It wasn't fair. That she should remain caged like a bird, now and in perpetuity, while others wandered free. 
After leaving the window, she walked back towards her bed to haphazardly fix the blankets from last night. Who was that girl? Was she the handmaiden that was meant to be her secret tutor? Her father, for lack of a better term, had explained his plan on their trip here. To find someone who could help mentor her in the ways of etiquette and ladylike behavior. Whatever all that meant. Wasn't that why she was at this school? To learn such things? Though she had to admit the other girls seemed leagues ahead of her in that regard. After a few minutes, there was a knock at her door, which made Isabella jump. 
"Hold on..." Another sigh preceded her movement to answer it and she paused after a few steps before reaching down and grabbing the handle. Just long enough to summon the energy for whatever interaction was to come.  
"Miss York?" A muffled voice from the other side of the door called out to her before she finally opened the door. "I said hold…on." The last word came with much less intensity as her eyes went wide, taking in the sight of the stranger with piercing blue eyes. Her mouth hung slightly ajar and any further words died in her throat. The other woman's expression was neutral and framed by flowing blonde hair on either side of her face. Wait…the blonde hair! So, this was the girl she'd seen from the window.
The growing silence was abruptly shattered then when the mysterious woman set down her bag with a thud. Subsequently, she grabbed the sides of her dress and performed a near-perfect curtsy. "Good morning, Miss York. My name is Violet Evergarden, and I am here to act as your handmaiden and tutor for the next three months." When she stood tall, her hands came together to rest in front of her person as she waited for Isabella to say something. Anything.
For her part, Isabella could only stand there in awe for a few more seconds. So, this was her babysitter? Damn, she didn't have to be so striking! "Right, I guess you can come in." Isabella turned away from the entrance and started to move back inside, a hand coming up to indicate a second, smaller bed set up beside her own. "That's for you, they moved it in a few days ago. You can set your stuff do–" Before she could finish, a cough welled up in her throat. Followed by another, and another until she couldn't speak. Why now of all times!?
Seeing this, Violet moved swiftly from the door, raising a hand to offer some comfort or aid. "No! Don't!" The words came out hoarse and, before Violet could lay her hand on Isabella's back, the student swatted it away with her own. Her hand hurt something fierce following the impact, like it had struck something hard. Clutching it to her chest, her eyes went to the gloved hand she'd slapped, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "Damn it, that hurt! What's with your hand?" While she waited in response, Isabella gently massaged the injured fingers. 
"Miss York, please refrain from using such language. It is not befitting a lady." Violet kept that same expression as she offered the rebuke before lifting her hand and removing the glove. Now free, the polished, metal fingers shone in the sunlight that leaked into the room. Violet then separated the fingers and closed each one in rapid succession before opening them again. "Both of my arms are prosthetics, I lost them in the war. Don't worry though, it won't impact my duties. I'm still able to do most things with ease."
Isabella couldn't help but stare for a few heartbeats more, curious about what the rest of the arm looked like beneath the dress.
"Miss York, though I don't mind it, it is considered impolite to stare at someone. Especially at something like this."
Hearing the words brought Isabella out of her mind and her eyes back up to match Violet's gaze. She cleared her throat and followed up the gesture by rolling her eyes. Great, is this what I have to look forward to for three months? "Yeah, yeah. Sure. Hurry up and get changed. Your clothes are already in the dresser. Right side."
Violet simply nodded her understanding and proceeded deeper into their room, setting her bag atop the guest bed. "Very well, I will get ready." 
The now-handmaiden chose not to unpack further and, without a word, changed into the school's uniform. Finished, Violet subsequently moved to assist Isabella with hers. Only to be given an unpleasant look in exchange for her effort. "I don't need your help, go wait by the door. I'll be done in a minute."
Once again Violet did as she was instructed and moved to stand by the wall to wait for Isabella to finish. However, her eyes remained on the student and the simple brown dress she slipped over her undergarments. Unlike Violet’s, Isabella’s uniform bore the school's crest, indicating her status as a student and not an assistant or handmaiden.
"Miss York, I understand my purpose here is to teach you, above all else. However, you should let me perform my duties. Both to keep up appearances and to get you accustomed to such things. You will have maids and staff you must interact with when you leave school."
All Violet received in response was a silent grunt followed by a long exhale, while Isabella considered her suggestion. "Fine. I guess that makes sense, at least the first reason does." Still, she continued on her own for now, hands attending to her wine-colored hair without any help. She wasn't quite sure what Violet meant by interacting with future staff. Didn't she just...you know, tell them what to do? Seemed pretty straightforward to her. She had already bossed Violet around easy enough and it had only been 20 minutes. “I didn’t think dolls did this kind of stuff. Teaching people and all. I thought you only wrote letters for people.”
“We do not. If it wasn’t for the request from the Drossel family and your unique circumstances, I most likely would have turned down this assignment.”
Her unique circumstances? Whatever Violet thought she knew; it was most certainly a far cry from the truth and Isabella wasn’t about to inform her. So, she remained silent as she finished her hair and the rest of her preparations for the day ahead. She didn’t know who the Drossels were, but they were probably just as snobby as the rest of them. Finally ready, Isabella stepped up to the door, opened it, but paused before passing through so she could turn to look at Violet where she stood.
"Look, for the record, this wasn't my idea. Just keep quiet unless it's absolutely necessary for my education, ok?" Honestly, Violet sounded like a piece of work already. If she had to listen to her speak regularly, in addition to what she already had to put up with at the school, she may end up losing her mind. Before Violet even had a chance to respond, Isabella stepped through without so much as a backward glance to see if she was following. Of course, she was close behind the woman, and the sound of two pairs of boots soon filled the hall, adding to the chorus of students making their way to the school building for the day's lessons. 
Once they exited the dormitory, Violet followed behind Isabella down a cobblestone path. One currently occupied by a steady flow of students. Overhead stretched a thick canopy of trees which provided shade during the majority of the walk. It was still cool out this morning, so relief from the sun wasn't needed. However, come the afternoon, it would most likely be appreciated. Especially as they transitioned into Summer. Of course, the newcomer among the students was immediately noticed, evident by all the side-ward glances cast Violet’s way. Whispers could be heard all around them, and Isabella even noticed a few fingers pointed in their direction. Even with all the attention on Violet, her companion apparently remained unphased.
However, while Violet was taking the looks in stride, Isabella was considerably more annoyed with all the attention since it inevitably passed on to her as well. So much for blending into the background! The looks continued as the pair made their way through the school building. It seemed like everyone, student and handmaiden alike, stopped whatever they were doing to observe them walk past. Isabella did her best to keep her eyes fixed on the pattern of the floor but she could still feel their gazes. Thankfully, the classroom was coming up. All she had to do was make it inside and then she could retreat inside her mind. 
She was about to reach for the door when Violet suddenly moved ahead, grabbed the handle, and stood to the side waiting for Isabella to pass through. For a few heartbeats, she could only stare at Violet, eyes blinking a few times extra. Once she snapped out of her shock, Isabella turned and continued through with a huff. The little interaction wasn't lost on the curious sets of eyes either, and a fury of whispers erupted from the hallway. Which were only cut off when Violet stepped through and shut the door behind her. Isabella had been so intent on getting away that she hadn't been paying attention to where she was going. Which caused her to run smack into Ashley Lancaster.
"Hey, watch it!" The words left Isabella’s mouth before she had a chance to reconsider, and her face turned a faint shade of red once her mind caught up. The tall blonde took the accident and the remark in stride, though. Not missing a beat, she smiled and tilted her head in greeting.
"Oh, pardon me, Miss York. I was just coming to see who was accompanying you this morning." A polite smile graced Miss Lancaster’s lips as she spoke. The gathered group of women behind her all wore similar expressions, mixed with curiosity. 
Isabella's own face contorted into something resembling a mix of confusion and disgust. Before she could respond though, Violet stepped in from the side to draw in the group’s attention.
"Who is that?" "Did Isabella get a handmaiden?" "She looks more like a princess than a handmaiden..."
Violet’s face remained passive as the soft whispers made it to their ears. In front, she performed another curtsy before rising and meeting the other woman’s gaze, blue eyes locked on brown. "My name is Violet Evergarden and I will be in Miss York’s employ for the next few months. It is nice to meet you all.”
When Violet spoke, the whispers died to nothing as all ears around them listened intently to what she had to say. Before replying, Ashley looked over to where Isabella stood but only took a second to study her. Whereupon she returned her attention to the handmaiden. "I see. Violet, what a pretty name. I look forward to getting to know both of you over the coming months. Good day, ladies." After performing their own bows, the group of women soon filtered off to their seats, Miss Lancaster leading the way. Now that the interaction was over, Isabella finally looked up and fixed Violet with a malicious stare. Without another word, she pushed past, her shoulder lightly brushing Violet’s as she went.
Class began soon enough thereafter. The teacher was a tall, slender woman who looked to be middle age judging by the streaks of gray in her dark, brown hair. After taking attendance, she started with the morning's lesson. Not long after, Isabella was once again lost in her own thoughts with the lecture flowing in one ear and out the other. Her mind was focused on one thing and one thing only; her new handmaiden. Well, teacher? As if prompted by thoughts of the woman, Isabella turned her head, eyes glancing to the side to catch a glimpse of Violet in the back of the room. Sure enough, those blue eyes just happened to be looking right back when she stole the glance, forcing her to abruptly bring her head around to the front.  Damn it, it’s like she’s always watching…
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