#baby and chuletas
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Eat Beans Day
National Eat Beans Day (or National Eat Your Beans Day) occurs on July 3 each year, and we guarantee it will be a holiday that will give you a whole new appreciation for legumes as a food group. And if not, perhaps our fun facts and riddles will have you full of beans.  Try this one on for size — ‘I am a bean, very lean. I am not fat, I’m sure of that. Like all beans, I’m small and round — but unlike others, I don’t grow in the ground’. Giving away the answer would be too easy, but we’ll give you a hint — this may be a kid’s favorite kind of bean. It may also surprise you to know that beans are not strictly classified as ‘veggies’ either since legumes by definition are any seeds or fruits that grow within pods or the edible pods themselves, which grow on leguminous plants (i.e. those belonging to the pea family). This opens up a whole world of beans to us, which should be exciting, especially for those who grew up being forced to eat beans as a vegetable.
History of National Eat Beans Day
Though the exact date and reason for National Eat Beans Day being made a holiday are not known, we do know that the history of the bean itself predates even the invention of the pots used to cook beans.  Bean cultivation dates back as early as 7,000 years ago, making it a staple that has stood the test of time, and we’re not surprised. With amazing health benefits, legumes are plant-based, protein-packed powerhouses of nutrition. So this also means that they’re for everyone, no matter the diet or lifestyle choice. It’s very rare to find a person allergic to beans too, though some legumes can trigger allergic reactions, such as peanuts.
Beans are originally from wild vines which grow in Central and South America. This is known as the common bean, and since then, thousands of bean varieties exist today and are cultivated all over the world. They are one of the most versatile crops and can be grown almost anywhere. 5,000 years ago the lima bean and other varieties were a popular favorite among the Incas and Aztecs, and the popularity of beans is so much so that they are worth a mention in Homer’s “Iliad,” where he uses beans as a metaphor. Ancient Egyptians seem to have also been partial to beans and lentils, as paintings and physical evidence shows that bodies were buried with beans, to nourish them on their journey to the afterlife. By the 1500s, with the advent of trade via ships, beans began to reach all the corners of the globe and more varieties began to be cultivated. Though often viewed as a poor man’s food, beans have been an important source of nourishment for people in dire circumstances; such as the soldiers who fought in the First and Second World Wars, or the Europeans who were dying out due to the spread of the plague in Europe, during the Middle Ages. Who would have thought beans could be such lifesavers.
National Eat Beans Day timeline
700 B.C. The French Revamp Vegetable Soup
The French begin to add chickpeas to their vegetable soup, making it a heartier meal in every way.
800 A.D. Chickpea Cultivation Helps Save Lives
Emperor Charlemagne orders the cultivation of chickpeas to save people from the ravage of war, and it works.
1700s Beans Spread Across the World
With the increase in trade, beans begin to be traded all over the world.
1920s Beans Help Ward Off the Great Depression
Beans become the poor man’s meat during the Great Depression in America, enabling many families to survive.
National Eat Beans Day FAQs
What are the healthiest beans to eat?
The top nine healthiest beans/legumes to eat are — chickpeas, lentils, peas, kidney beans, black beans, soybeans, pinto beans, navy beans, and peanuts.
Is it bad to eat beans at night?
Yes, eating beans at night is not recommended. This is because beans can cause indigestion or gas problems, so it’s better to stick to eating that bowl of chili during the daytime.
Is it okay to eat beans every day?
Yes! Not only are beans low in fat, but they are also great sources of protein and fiber, and they come packed with nutrients like iron, folate, calcium, and potassium. This can help protect against high cholesterol which may lead to heart disease. The recommended portion size of beans/lentils is 25-38 grams a day.
National Eat Beans Day Activities
Eat beans
Grow your own beanstalk
Fix up a care package
Yes, you guessed it. Sometimes simplicity is everything. In this case, we’re keeping it real simple, by telling you to go eat some beans — green, black, red, or yellow — the choice is yours. Boil them, bake them, saute them, mush them, or eat them raw; beans are bound to have your body thanking you for years to come.
Though we cannot guarantee a hen laying golden eggs at the end of it, we can guarantee that there’s nothing better than the feeling of eating your own home-grown produce. And what’s more, the golden glow of health which your beans will bring you is worth far more than any golden egg-laying hen!
One of the things we love about beans is how affordable (we daresay cheap even) they are. So why not take the time to gather some different types of legumes, a hand-written little booklet of recipes, and give them to a family who may need extra beans.
5 Recipes We Bet You Never Thought Used Beans
Beanie brownies
Honey-roasted chickpeas
Navy bean pesto
Bean burger
Alfredo sauce
These ooey-gooey delicious brownies come with a surprising twist — black beans are the star ingredient!
Step aside, caramel popcorn, as this delicious, crunchy snack takes over the coffee table at your next movie night.
Pureed navy beans with any greens can make an amazing and hearty pesto sauce.
All the flavor, all the protein, but not meat. Perfect for everyone, even those hardcore meat lovers.
White beans can make the perfect, silky alfredo sauce, which will cause all to go “mama mia”!
Why We Love National Eat Beans Day
Beans are healthy
Beans have a variety
Beans are cheap
If we have not said this enough times already, we will say it again — beans are so good for you. Not only are they amazing sources of protein and fiber, but they also contain folic acid, iron, potassium, and calcium, all of which are beneficial to prevent all sorts of medical conditions.
Some say that there are as many as 4,000 varieties of beans out there. If that doesn’t inspire you to start exploring and experimenting in the kitchen, we don’t know what will. Trying out different beans can also bring you one step closer to exploring a whole new cuisine or culture, and variety is the spice of life, after all.
We’re glad that beans were overlooked by the rich snobs throughout history so that we all can enjoy the delicious benefits of beans without feeling the pinch in our pockets. For something to be cheap and nutritious almost stretches belief.
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badgermcghee · 2 years
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baby & chuletas: adorable little love demons by littleguntank and sarsparilly
support the makeship campaign and get a plushie for yourself!!!!
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saucedupdrenchgod · 3 years
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My big ass baby boy lol #chuleta #goberian #goberianhusky https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ2ssMtBoOB/?igshid=1o554ox6vdgt7
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1000recetas · 4 years
Arroz de Coliflor y Camarones al Ajillo
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El arroz de coliflor es una cena para dos bajos en carbohidratos y repleta de proteínas y vegetales. La coliflor tiene un sabor muy suave, por lo que no compite con el de los camarones al ajillo en este plato. Una comida sabrosa y baja en carbohidratos tiene que estar al principio de tu lista para las cenas entre semana. El énfasis aquí está en lo sabroso.
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El arroz de coliflor -coliflor cruda finamente picada que parece granos- funciona como un gran telón de fondo para los otros sabores frescos de esta receta. Obtiene una fuerte dosis de limón, cáscara y jugo, además de un bono de espinacas apenas marchitas y tomates cherry. Complementado con camarones al ajillo, esta cena tiene un factor de delicicia muy rico.
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El arroz de coliflor se ha convertido en un reemplazo popular de los granos para las personas que tienen alergias o que solo quieren reducir su consumo de granos con almidón. Puedes comprarlo ya preparado en la sección de alimentos congelados o hacerlo tú mism@. Listo: los supermercados se pusieron al día rápidamente con esta tendencia, y a menudo puedes encontrarla en la sección de productos preparados o envasados ​​en el congelador. Es un paso menos, así que si tienes prisa, está es tu mejor opción. Hágalo usted mismo: es muy fácil hacerlo tú mism@ con un procesador de alimentos y un poco de coliflor picada. Congélalo: si eres ambicios@ o simplemente tienes una cabeza gigante de coliflor que no puedes usar de una vez, llévaela del procesador de alimentos al recipiente hermético del congelador. Se mantendrá bien en el congelador hasta por un par de meses. VARIACIONES: Cambia el arroz de coliflor: puede reemplazar con cualquier grano cocido que desees en esta receta si no estás de humor para coliflor, o simplemente quieres cambiarlo. Cambia los vegetales: usamos espinacas baby aquí, pero la col rizada o la acelga sería un buen cambio. Intercambia los camarones: con atún enlatado o algunas sobras de carne en rodajas como filete o chuletas de cerdo. Muy pronto obtendrás otro plato completamente diferente, ¡pero esa es la belleza de cocinar! ¿Aumentarlo? ¡Sí por favor hazlo! Sería una comida fácil y sencilla digna de compartir con amigos.
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Ingredientes 1/4 taza de aceite de oliva, dividido 1/4 taza de cebolla roja picada 3 tazas de arroz de coliflor congelado, comprado en la tienda o casero 1/4 taza de jugo de limón, dividido 1/4 cucharadita de sal 1/8 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida 1/2 limón finamente rallado 2 puñados de hojas de espinacas baby (aproximadamente 2 tazas, empacadas) 8 tomates cherry, cortados a la mitad o en cuartos si son grandes 2 cucharadas de perejil picado 1 diente de ajo, pelado y en rodajas finas 8 a 10 camarones extra grandes, pelados y desvenados 1/2 cucharadita de pimentón 1/2 aguacate en rodajas (para decorar) Preparación  Cocina la cebolla y el arroz de coliflor: En una sartén grande a fuego medio, agrega 2 cucharadas de aceite. Cuando el aceite brille, agrega la cebolla picada y cocina, revolviendo, durante 1 a 2 minutos, o hasta que la cebolla se ablande. Agrega el arroz de coliflor y 1/4 taza de agua a la sartén. Cocina, revolviendo con frecuencia, durante 5 minutos, o hasta que la coliflor pierda su sabor crudo. Agrega 2 cucharadas de jugo de limón, sal, pimienta y ralladura de limón. Agrega las espinacas y los tomates cherry: revuelve las espinacas en la coliflor y cocina por 3 minutos, o hasta que las espinacas apenas se marchiten. Agrega los tomates. Prueba y añade más sal y pimienta, si lo deseas. Retirar del fuego y reservar mientras cocinas los camarones. Cocina los camarones: en una sartén antiadherente lo suficientemente grande como para acomodar los camarones en una capa, agrega las 2 cucharadas restantes de aceite y el ajo. Coloca la sartén a fuego medio y cocina por unos 30 segundos, o solo hasta que el ajo chisporrotee. (Comienza calentando el ajo y el aceite al mismo tiempo en una sartén fría para evitar que el ajo se queme). Añade los camarones en una capa. Cocina durante 1 o 2 minutos por cada lado, o hasta que los camarones estén opacos en el centro. (El tiempo exacto de cocción depende del tamaño de los camarones). Retira la sartén del fuego y espolvorea con el pimentón. Agrega las 2 cucharadas restantes del jugo de limón y el perejil. Gira los camarones para cubrirlos bien con el aceite de limón y ajo. Ensambla los tazones: en dos tazones poco profundos, divide el arroz de coliflor. Cubre cada uno con la mitad de los camarones y decora con rodajas de aguacate. Servir tibio oa temperatura ambiente. Receta y fotografías de: Sally Vargas source https://1000-recetas.blogspot.com/2020/06/arroz-de-coliflor-y-camarones-al-ajillo.html
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gunsnroseschile · 4 years
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Ya faltan pocos minutos !!! #Hoy viernes en nuestra FanPage de Facebook GUNS N ROSES CHILE estaremos disfrutando del show de "Paradise Kitty " desde Hollywood el tributo a #GunsNRoses solo por Gunner Girls . Para que no se te olvide te aconsejamos activar la opción Aquí "ACTIVAR RECORDATORIO Y podras unirte tambien a nuestro chat en vivo !! Facebook.com/gnrchileofficial "Paradise Kitty es una banda de cinco babys rudas ,mal nacidas y criadas en el debut de Guns N 'Roses en 1987, Appetite for Destruction Con serias chuletas afiladas de metal y una escandalosa reverencia por los guerreros de Sunset Strip que tomaron por asalto a Hollywood y al mundo, Ellas son un homenaje sexy, ardiente y muy serio que pretende atraer a los fanáticos de GN'R de todas partes. Compuesto por la baterista radicada en Los Ángeles, Rachael Rine, la frenética líder, Jenna Syde, y un elenco rotativo de algunas de las mejores guitarristas en Sunset Strip, Paradise Kitty está lista para patear tu puerta y volar tu techo Bienvenidos a la nueva jungla ! Paradise Kitty online llegara a tu. ciudad y será una locura." Lonn Friend "Paradise Kitty " en vivo hoy viernes !!! Aquí les dejamos los horarios a los amigos Gunenrs de otros países que también nos siguen: 22:30 hrs Chile🇨🇱 Boiivia 🇧🇴Usa 🇺🇸 23:30 hrs Argentina🇦🇷 Brasil 🇧🇷 21;30 hrs Mexico 🇲🇽 Peru 🇵🇪Colombia 🇨🇴 4:30 am España 🇪🇸 Nos vemos esta noche en nuestra unica FanPage Oficial: GUNS N ROSES CHILE Facebook.com/gnrchileofficial Y podras unirte tambien a nuestro chat en vivo !! Para que no se te olvide te aconsejamos activar la opción Aquí "ACTIVAR RECORDATORIO " Paradise Kitty - All Girls, All GUNS N' ROSES. Siguelas en sus redes sociales Aqui: <3 https://www.facebook.com/paradisekittyband/ https://www.instagram.com/paradisekittyband/ https://twitter.com/paradisekitty_ www.paradisekittyband.com COMPARTE #Gunsnroses #Chile #gunsnroseschile #gnr #gnfr #axlrose #slash #duff #richardfortus #frankferrer #themelissareese #dizzyreed #rocknroll #hardrock #guns #live #florida #usa #eeuu #paradisekittyband #girlswithguitars #femaleshredders #allgirlsallgunsnroses #arielbellvalaire https://www.instagram.com/p/CBW6Euvgyj9/?igshid=1vd742kh7blkd
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enderlima · 4 years
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Esta cuarentena me enseñó a valorar hasta el espacio en el cual nos movemos aprender de chuleta que al verla salir se su recipiente mira el mundo como si fuera lo único asi deberíamos ser los humanos y valorar todo lo no material!!. . . #tortuga #tortuguita #mascota #baby #home #minianimales #maracay #venezuela #free #cautiverio #somospeem #family (en Maracay, Aragua) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sufrnHDUa/?igshid=166nprl5kcphs
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wiremagazine · 5 years
By Rafa Carvajal
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I have always enjoyed the food and cocktails at Toro Toro Restaurant & Bar, so I was happy to attend a special family-style dinner where I had the opportunity to sample several of Executive Chef Jean Delgado's delicious new dishes and specialty cocktail offerings that were a true celebration for all my senses. Toro Toro is the Pan-Latin steakhouse located inside the InterContinental Miami in the heart of Downtown Miami. Its new menu showcases the flavors, techniques and culinary nuances from the cuisines of the Caribbean Islands and the Americas.
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My friend Robert and I started our Toro Toro feast with a couple of specialty cocktails, the Encierro crafted by Michael Lassandro with Woodford Reserve, Carpano Antica, Luxardo Maraschino, and walnut bitters in a smoked glass; and the Me Quemo with Don Q Añejo rum, Disaronno, almond milk, Coco Lopez, strawberry puree, pineapple, lime, Creole bitters, and torched anise. We sampled several delectable dishes from the cold and hot small plates: Grilled Octopus with cilantro sauce, salsa criolla, and fried yuca; Parmesan Crusted Sea Scallops with lemon butter sauce; Chicharron De Camarones with crispy shrimp, aji amarillo, avocado, and rocoto; Miyazaki Tartare with sweet chili, fried egg, and shaved radishes; Seared Ahi Tuna Tiradito Salad with frisée, pea tendrils, avocado cream, and wasabi dressing; Beet Salad with pistachio, orange segments, ricotta cheese, and aji amarillo vinaigrette; and Arroz Chaufa with fried rice, chicken, chorizo, steak, egg, and vegetables.
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We then enjoyed some very enticing entrées from Toro Toro's Pan Latin Specials and Off The Wood-Burning Grill: Creekstone Farms - USDA Prime Beef 14 oz Prime Ribeye; Chipotle Miso Chilean Sea Bass with dashi broth, braised lettuce, asparagus, mushrooms, kabayaki sauce, and crispy lotus root; Family Size Chicken Paella with whole achiote chicken, sofrito, baby artichokes, and piquillo pepper; Charcoal Adobo Chicken with green rice, toasted almonds, cascabel jus, and grilled scallions; and Chuleta Kan Kan with arañitas, cilantro sauce, tomatillo kimchi, bibb lettuce, farrotto con gandules, and chorizo.
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For dessert, we loved the very appropriately named La Bomba, a scrumptious chocolate sphere with fresh berries, dulce de leche and strawberry ice cream, cream cheese mousse, almond cookie crumbs, caramel, vanilla, and berry sauce.
Toro Toro Restaurant & Bar. InterContinental Miami. 100 Chopin Plaza. Miami
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This was originally published in Wire Magazine Issue 13.2019
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oriswonderland · 7 years
Papi Chulo y Chuleta 🐢❤🐢 #turtle #turtlelover #PapiChulo #Chuleta #sliders #tank #love #happy #sliders #baby #cute #TurtleGuru #lol
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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National Eat Your Beans Day
National Eat Your Beans Day is observed every year on July 3. National Eat Your Beans Day marks the importance of eating healthy food and celebrates beans of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Bean is considered as a cheap yet nutrition filled pulse. It also plays a significant role in the diet of vegetarians as they have high protein and low fat. Bean is a type of legume that is cultivated and consumed over an extended period of time. The popular varieties of beans are soybeans, lima beans, pinto beans, green beans, black beans, white beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, pinto, garbanzo, lentils, and black-eyed peas. The Beans contain a high amount of soluble fiber, protein, carbohydrates, folate, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and iron. Beans are widely grown in North Dakota, Michigan, and Nebraska in the US. Adding beans to the regular diet will help oneself in keeping their heart healthy and lite. USDA recommends all the adults to eat a minimum of three cups of beans every week. There are around 4000 varieties of beans in the world and only a fraction that is used for consumption. This day is remainder for everyone to include more beans in their diet.
“Three of the most beneficial, longevity promoting anti-cancer foods are green vegetables, beans, and onions.” – Joel Fuhrman
History of National Eat Your Beans Day
The founder and the reason for the creation of National Eat Your Beans Day is unknown. The creator must have created this day to encourage people to take more of beans in their daily diet. Beans are one of the plants cultivated for most extended history. In Thailand, there are beans which had occurred naturally and are improved and grown since the early seventh millennium BCE. The genus Phaseolus is a typical kind of bean which is eaten fresh or dried, comes initially from America. Beans are popular from old history and are considered as a rich source of protein.
How to celebrate National Eat Your Beans Day
National Eat Your Beans Day is celebrated by trying out different kinds of beans that are new to you. Bean plants are easy to grow and just takes 60 days to attain harvest period, so give an attempt on growing bean plants. You can also dig into some yummy recipes and make a dish using beans. On this day you can either consume or purchase any beans or bean-based products. Beans are so versatile, there are many innovative ways to add them to your diets. One can even use them in desserts.
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Los 200 nombres de perros más singulares
Los 200 nombres de perros más singulares
Las celebridades eligen nombres únicos para bebés: Apple, Maddox, Blanket, mientras que el resto de nosotros tiende a ser un poco más reservado. Pero cuando se trata de nombres de perros, todas las apuestas están canceladas. Oscuras referencias de Harry Potter, viajes por el mundo, compinches de ciencia ficción, todos sirven como inspiración para nombres de perros únicos. Después de todo, nuestros perros son especiales y merecen nombres personalizados tanto como la atención personalizada.
50 nombres de perros menos comunes
Si está buscando un nombre de perro único, no escuchará muchos de estos en el jardín de infantes. Tenga en cuenta que omitimos las variantes ortográficas de los nombres comunes, como Bayleigh o Maxx, para centrarnos en las verdaderas selecciones únicas. Cada uno de estos nombres se le dio al menos a 250 perros individuales. Nombres de perros hembra más inusuales Hera Leela Rita Mitzi Joya Claire Chiquita Jolene Mariquita Tordo músico Latté Kya Sara Wendy ñandú Jane Viaje Malibú Jill Fergie Addison Chai Nikita Reina Maxine Nombres de perros machos más inusuales Vinnie Parche Boris Pliegue Juju Kovu Skyler Gibson Timmy Hobbes Kiko Rígido Tonka Ajax Zumbido Carlos Pongo Nigel Lanudo Todd Roy Poe Clifford Albus Nyx
Nombres únicos de perros: Edición Nombre del bebé
¿Te gusta el sonido de un nombre de bebé humano en un cachorro? Si es así, no estás solo. Solía ​​ser que la mayoría de nosotros acordamos un buen nombre para un perro. Fido, Rex, Lady: esperábamos opciones genéricas. Ahora, sin embargo, es más probable que escuche nombres humanos en perros, desde bulldogs franceses llamados Jacques hasta pit bulls llamados Bella y golden retrievers llamados Sheena. ¿Pero cuáles son los nombres de personas más inusuales para los perros? Estos son los menos comunes: todos se dan al menos a 50 perros individuales. Estos son realmente poco comunes en los perros, ya que están muy por debajo de los 1000 nombres principales. Tenga en cuenta que muchos son selecciones vintage con un toque de bisabuelo. Maurice Clayton Jonas Carmela Maynard Virginia Bryson Steven Maravilla Virgilio Meera Merida Corbin Lois Suri Leona Ethan Doris Amaya Aida Evan Lars Lara Boscoe A Bin
Nombres de perros únicos por categoría
Nombres de perros de Harry Potter Harry Potter Weasley Hermione Lupino Minerva Sirio Malfoy Neville Longbottom Luna Lovegood Gryffindor Bellatrix Cedric Fudge de Cornelius Tonks Fénix Lucius Ron Andrómeda Dobby Albus
Nombres de perros de comida más inusuales
Desde los rangos inferiores de la base de datos y entregados al menos a 25 perros individuales. cannoli Hamburguesa Colby Jack Malteada Melón Crema Chorizo Soba Jack Daniels Klondike Caramelo pesto Meriendas soda Poptart Chex Riesling Carne de vaca ciruela Pastel de luna Alforfón Boudin Mora champán Control deslizante
Nombres de perros de ciencia ficción / fantasía
Arya Stark Espada Bruce Wayne Capitán Picard Chewbacca Gandalf Harley Quinn Janeway Jon Snow Kal-El Katniss Krypto Kylo Ren Luke Skywalker Nebulosa Pepper Potts Hiedra venenosa Primavera Princesa leia Riddick Ripley Sansa Serenidad T’Challa Tyrion Tywin Mujer Maravilla Yeti  
Nombres de perros famosos
Beyoncé Biggie Smalls Bono Cardi B Chuck Norris Clooney Coco Chanel Conan O’Brien Dolly Parton Eddie Vedder Ellen Ernest Hemingway Etta James Farrah Fawcett Frida Gretzky Honey Boo Boo Johnny Cash Joni Mitchell Kanye Kobe Lizzo Maynard Mozart Picasso Scout y Rumor Springsteen Stevie Nicks Tony Romo Willie Nelson
Nombres de perros con palabras poco comunes
Dado a al menos 25 perros individuales, estos sustantivos aleatorios han adquirido una nueva vida con colas meneadas. Auto Hermano Iglesia Pana Chuleta Fábula Huracán Paciencia Reserva Historia Tostadora Remolcador Mago Juegos de perros juguetones Jimmy Chew Jimmy Kibble Beau Dacious Koby Teeth Reeses Puppycups Casper el perro amistoso Baby Boomer Buzz Pawldrin Winston Furchill Encuentra un gran nombre para tu perro  Read the full article
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watsfordinner-blog1 · 6 years
Week 4 in Ecuador
I can’t wait for classes to be over! I wish I had more time to explore the city of Quito everyday. This city is truly magical. It’s a shame it gets dark here so early. Friday of week 3, I woke up, went to school and had no idea where I’d end up by the end of the day. My friends and I wanted to end up at the beach, but we had heard Esmeraldas was a bit dangerous and dirty, Canoa had a bus traveling only at night, and Puerto Lopez was much too far. After our classes we packed our things and headed for the bus station. There we decided Perdernales was the place we’d go, for it was close and tranquil. While booking our hostal, we had a bit of a funny mistake. My friend had booked a hostal on the beach In Perdanales DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. This mistake was easily fixed though. We arrived in Perdernales at around seven and headed straight for our hostal. Afterwards, we hopped in a motor taxi and went to a restaurant where I enjoyed a little taste from home: Chuletas. The meal was incredibly tasty, my mouth is salivating just thinking about it. The next morning we rose and headed for the beach! Here we met new friends with the cutest of puppies. One was a Golden Retriever and the other was a baby German Shepard. Lina, the Golden Retriever loved to eat and fetch rocks, she was a cutie. Our friends took us by motorbike to a hidden peninsula where we enjoyed the day playing in the sand and soaking up the sun. Much of the beaches in Perdernales have trash everywhere and fishing boats take up a good section of the beach as well, so this peninsula was heaven sent. While walking through the rocks in the peninsula we unfortunately spotted a dolphin carcass. This image is something I will never forget, it haunted me. That evening we hit the town and ended up at a bar on the beach. It was my friend’s birthday, so we got a round of shots. Unfortunately being a tourist, the woman at the bar gave us top shelf alcohol; with each shot costing $8 a piece. The music was upbeat and fitting for the environment. We danced the night away together and headed for the beach once we all were tired. The beach at night is the most calming environment. The stars shine above you, while the waves crash upon the shore. We all headed home after this, to rest up for our next day. The rest of our trip was spent at the beach. It was my favorite part of the trip, for the beach is the only place I yearn to be at any moment. On Monday we headed back to Quito, and said a sad goodbye to our new friends. Week four at academia was good, but I haven’t noted a big improvement in my Spanish. As I said in my previous passage, I am confused about the tenses and when to use them. The amount of information we receive is a overwhelming. I think I could’ve absorbed all of it more if I studied constantly, but what’s the fun in that? I’m in Ecuador. The thought of leaving my host family makes me a bit sad. Over these past three weeks, they have truly became family to me. I love all of them so much. Juan sé, my brother, is a clown who never fails to make everyone laugh with his impressions. My mama Sonia is the sweetest lady with nothing but love in her heart. I’m glad to have been put with them for my time here. I’ve learned that Quito is a very large city, with very different parts. The people here are kind, everyone greets everyone. I can’t wait to return one day!
Taylor Watson
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anqelhood · 7 years
rules: tag 9 other people you want to get to know I was tagged by the lovely @immaculate-child relationship status? single AF fave colours? baby pink, dusty rose, any type of translucent/glittery color. pets? i had a wonderful chihuahua named Chuleta who was and still is the light of my life, she passed away last month on the 27th. I adopted a dog a week ago from a shelter named Nova but we lost her too because she was terminally sick. And today, we rescued a lab/hound puppy we named Juniper. last song i listened to? tired- kelly price (nobody judge me, it's a good song. 😭) fave tv show? The Get Down first fandom? this is so cringy but when I was in the 8th grade I was a part of the Criminal Minds fandom (I was and lowkey still am in love with Spencer Reid.) books im currently reading? Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and Last Exist to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby. I tag anybody who wants to do this. 💕💕💕
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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National Eat Your Beans Day
National Eat Your Beans Day is observed every year on July 3. National Eat Your Beans Day marks the importance of eating healthy food and celebrates beans of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Bean is considered as a cheap yet nutrition filled pulse. It also plays a significant role in the diet of vegetarians as they have high protein and low fat. Bean is a type of legume that is cultivated and consumed over an extended period of time. The popular varieties of beans are soybeans, lima beans, pinto beans, green beans, black beans, white beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, pinto, garbanzo, lentils, and black-eyed peas. The Beans contain a high amount of soluble fiber, protein, carbohydrates, folate, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and iron. Beans are widely grown in North Dakota, Michigan, and Nebraska in the US. Adding beans to the regular diet will help oneself in keeping their heart healthy and lite. USDA recommends all the adults to eat a minimum of three cups of beans every week. There are around 4000 varieties of beans in the world and only a fraction that is used for consumption. This day is remainder for everyone to include more beans in their diet.
“Three of the most beneficial, longevity promoting anti-cancer foods are green vegetables, beans, and onions.” – Joel Fuhrman
History of National Eat Your Beans Day
The founder and the reason for the creation of National Eat Your Beans Day is unknown. The creator must have created this day to encourage people to take more of beans in their daily diet. Beans are one of the plants cultivated for most extended history. In Thailand, there are beans which had occurred naturally and are improved and grown since the early seventh millennium BCE. The genus Phaseolus is a typical kind of bean which is eaten fresh or dried, comes initially from America. Beans are popular from old history and are considered as a rich source of protein.
How to celebrate National Eat Your Beans Day
National Eat Your Beans Day is celebrated by trying out different kinds of beans that are new to you. Bean plants are easy to grow and just takes 60 days to attain harvest period, so give an attempt on growing bean plants. You can also dig into some yummy recipes and make a dish using beans. On this day you can either consume or purchase any beans or bean-based products. Beans are so versatile, there are many innovative ways to add them to your diets. One can even use them in desserts.
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gunsnroseschile · 4 years
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#Hoy viernes en nuestra FanPage de Facebook GUNS N ROSES CHILE estaremos disfrutando del show de "Paradise Kitty " desde Hollywood el tributo a #GunsNRoses solo por Gunner Girls . Y podras unirte tambien a nuestro chat en vivo !! Facebook.com/gnrchileofficial "Paradise Kitty es una banda de cinco babys rudas ,mal nacidas y criadas en el debut de Guns N 'Roses en 1987, Appetite for Destruction Con serias chuletas afiladas de metal y una escandalosa reverencia por los guerreros de Sunset Strip que tomaron por asalto a Hollywood y al mundo, Ellas son un homenaje sexy, ardiente y muy serio que pretende atraer a los fanáticos de GN'R de todas partes. Compuesto por la baterista radicada en Los Ángeles, Rachael Rine, la frenética líder, Jenna Syde, y un elenco rotativo de algunas de las mejores guitarristas en Sunset Strip, Paradise Kitty está lista para patear tu puerta y volar tu techo Bienvenidos a la nueva jungla ! Paradise Kitty online llegara a tu. ciudad y será una locura." Lonn Friend "Paradise Kitty " en vivo hoy viernes !!! Aquí les dejamos los horarios a los amigos Gunenrs de otros países que también nos siguen: 22:30 hrs Chile🇨🇱 Boiivia 🇧🇴Usa 🇺🇸 23:30 hrs Argentina🇦🇷 Brasil 🇧🇷 21;30 hrs Mexico 🇲🇽 Peru 🇵🇪Colombia 🇨🇴 4:30 am España 🇪🇸 Nos vemos esta noche en nuestra unica FanPage Oficial: GUNS N ROSES CHILE Facebook.com/gnrchileofficial Y podras unirte tambien a nuestro chat en vivo !! Para que no se te olvide te aconsejamos activar la opción Aquí "ACTIVAR RECORDATORIO " Paradise Kitty - All Girls, All GUNS N' ROSES. Siguelas en sus redes sociales Aqui: <3 https://www.facebook.com/paradisekittyband/ https://www.instagram.com/paradisekittyband/ https://twitter.com/paradisekitty_ www.paradisekittyband.com COMPARTE #Gunsnroses #Chile #gunsnroseschile #gnr #gnfr #axlrose #slash #duff #richardfortus #frankferrer #themelissareese #dizzyreed #rocknroll #hardrock #guns #live #florida #usa #eeuu #paradisekittyband #girlswithguitars #femaleshredders #allgirlsallgunsnroses #arielbellvalaire (en Hollywood, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBV_XUfgvyL/?igshid=jcin4kc2919b
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