#bella russo
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Supermodel Adriana Lima at the 2019 Vanity Fair Oscar’s party
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Carmen Russo, Italian actress, dancer, singer, showgirl, tv presenter.
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exmcrtis · 7 months
you can sit beside me when the world comes down...
(a general overview of what my muses have been up to post-event)
ARTEMIS has mostly been laying low. she was unaffected by the destruction in town, but the emotional damage was enough to convince her she needs to keep her head down, and she's been spending more time at home or at work. she's been feeling more and more lonely these days, and as a result has decided to stop using physical intimacy as a coping mechanism. long story short, she's a reformed hoe.
BELLA has been splitting her time between jerico, the cruz-duttons, and her friends, but has mostly been with jerico. his injuries have worried her enough that she's in full-time panic mode, but is doing her best to hide it from everyone. she's also formed a new friendship with jessie, one that she plans to hold near and dear. just don't tell other people that she has a heart, she'll probably kick you in the shins.
CAIN suffered an eye injury during the earthquake, and has been sentenced to wear an eye patch for the foreseeable (pun intended) future. not being with val during the ordeal freaked him out, and they have been shacking up at his place for the past couple of weeks. he really only leaves the house to go to work, but he's been rendered useless since he needs both eyeballs in order to do his job properly. just call him captain cain and slap a pet parrot on his shoulder.
EZRA did not attend the event, as the idea of being around that many people freaks her out. she happily stayed at home with her books, but often visits the large cracks in town to inspect them. can usually be found staying out dangerously close to dark, but thinks nothing of it.
HALLEY sustained sprains to both her wrist and shoulder, but is otherwise unscathed. she's still quite emotionally stunted when it comes to her family situation, but chooses to distract herself by visiting mo as often as possible. she also spends a lot of time with zarina and knightley, but still doesn't fully open up about her feelings. she also confessed her feelings for saffron and doesn't regret it, but the very thought of liking someone that much terrifies her.
LAVENDER hasn't been doing so great for the past couple of weeks. the disappearance of her mother has left her feeling like a shell of a human, and no matter how much she tries to distract herself, she just can't shake it. she spends most of her time at work or around town, no longer feeling like the commune is home. however, she has no plans of moving out, so she's stuck in a limbo state currently.
LEIA was beebopping around until the earthquake hit, and then she scrambled home. she visits draven and salem more often than not, wanting to make sure that draven is okay despite how heavy things are at home.
LUCA has been hovering around parker as often as they'll let him. he didn't attend the event, but seeing so many people grieving and recovering makes him tense, so he's been spending most of his time at work. he does regular check-ins with all the weirdlings, and while he wants to pretend that he has no feelings, his concern for his little siblings for all intents and purposes outweighs any façade that he tries to put on. basically, this is the best time to try and befriend him.
ONDINE has been trying to adjust to life in town rather than the commune. her life has been uprooted in every sense of the word, and it's caused a lot of trust issues to develop that weren't there previously. she's made quick friends with celia, a good thing considering she's been bringing joei to work with her, and has begun settling into the idea of being around people outside of the commune. ondine wants to believe that she and joei are safe now that there's some sort of separation from absinthe, but she can't help but feel paranoid that something bad will happen at the drop of a hat.
PRUDENCE is living in a current state of grief and sadness. the loss of minnie hit her hard, so she's been trying and failing to find as many distractions as possible. she hasn't been sleeping much (if at all), and the exhaustion is starting to show. conrad's offer for her to stay over at the greene residence whenever she wanted has been accepted every single day since the earthquake. she's started to feel like a burden as of late, but she continues to show up at mason and conrad's door on a daily basis. she worries that she's overstaying her welcome and is waiting patiently for the day when they kick her out. spends most of her time crying but has become a pro at hiding it.
SALEM sustained some pretty serious burns from her shoulder down on her left side. in the past couple weeks she's visited the clinic a few times to make sure she's taking proper care of herself, but unless she's there or at work, she's spent most of her time at home. though draven tries to fuss over her, salem still keeps her focus on him, trying not to think too hard about what happened to her. however, she plans to cover up for quite some time, not wanting to draw attention to her burns. garnering extra attention is too scary.
SARE has spent most of her time working. she tries to check in with spencer even more now, not wanting to feel like a helicopter sister, but also wanting to make sure her little sibling is doing okay. she's finally coming around to the idea of having a closer relationship with sycamore, but she's choosing to take that one step at a time.
VIOLET has been a worrying mess since the earthquake. she's been trying to give saffron space, but has done at least one check-in (even if it's met with a grouchy attitude). she knows how worried rex is and has been spending as much time with him as possible so she can keep both of their minds at ease.
WOLF has been coping with his injury by cracking jokes and annoying arty. his hand was crushed badly by debris, and he anticipates that it'll never gain its full functionality ever again. while it's been extremely painful to deal with, his aversion to going to doctors (and being touched, for that matter) has made him refuse to go to the clinic. he will continue to cope with humor.
WYLIE is doing the worst of them all. minnie's death has left her feeling like she barely exists, and she cries most of her days away. she has stopped going to work all together, and when she is around other people, she mostly stays quiet until someone addresses her. wylie feels like there's no point to life anymore, and has no idea how to channel any of her emotions. coping mechanisms don't currently exist, and being around her can only be described as 'miserable'. she misses the love of her life.
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dumpitos · 2 years
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authenticity is the 🔑.
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xhollandlilsx · 1 year
People I write about, send in requests :)
Leah Williamson.
Georgia Stanway.
Lucy Bronze.
Alessia Russo.
Ella Toone.
María León.
Ona Batlle.
Sarah Mayling.
The Last Of Us:
Ellie Williams
Bella Ramsey
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bhadidb · 5 months
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queenofglassbeliever · 10 months
Bella Swan:
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visionairemagazine · 1 year
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Alberto Radius ci ha lasciato questa mattina dopo una lunga malattia. Ne hanno dato la notizia la moglie Cristiana e il figlio Andrea che hanno dichiarato: “Ci lascia un grande vuoto, ma tutti noi porteremo per sempre la sua musica nel cuore”. Sono molti i messaggi postati sui social per ricordarlo. Produttore, chitarrista, ex Formula 3, collaboratore di Lucio Battisti, Radius è stato un innovatore nella storia del rock italiano. Amava sperimentare continuamente e aveva continuato ad esibirsi fino a pochi mesi fa, per amore della Musica. La sua ultima apparizione in televisione è stata da Serena Bortone su Rai1 dove, nonostante la malattia, ha imbracciato la sua fedele chitarra, incantando gli altri ospiti e i telespettatori. A Sanremo 2021, durante la serata dedicata alle cover, era salito sul palco insieme ai Coma Cose, regalando momenti di grande levatura musicale. Questo eterno ragazzo, nato a Roma, già da giovanissimo ‘on the road’, è stato uno dei più importanti chitarristi rock italiani. La sua è stata una lunga e prestigiosa carriera. E' nel suo Studio di via Capolago che il grande Franco Battiato registrò “La voce del padrone” e altri successi. Simbolo del prog rock, Alberto Radius ha lasciato delle indelebili impronte di stile, lavorando con molti Artisti del panorama musicale italiano. Come ha dichiarato il cantautore Roby Cantafio, Radius era un artista di spessore e un uomo dal grande cuore. Ogni chitarrista aveva da imparare qualcosa da lui. Era stato il fratello di Little Tony, Enrico Ciacci, a insegnargli a suonare la chitarra. Aveva appena 12 anni. Verso la fine degli anni cinquanta comincia ad esibirsi nelle sale da ballo con i White Booster e in seguito, per due anni, entra a far parte dell'orchestra di Mario Perrone. Dopo il servizio militare, suona con i fratelli Gigi e Franco Campanino nei club di molte città italiane e sarà proprio con i Campanino che aprirà nel 1965 alcune serate dell'Equipe 84. Trasferitosi a Milano, suona con gli inglesi Simon & Pennies per poi passare ai Quelli (la band che diventerà la Premiata Forneria Marconi). Insieme a Tony Cicco e Gabriele Lorenzi, fonda i Formula 3 che, dopo l'incontro con Lucio Battisti, debuttano con l'etichetta Numero Uno, fondata dal cantautore. Dopo due anni incide il primo album da solista e nel 1974, dopo lo scioglimento dei Formula 3, contribuisce a fondare la band Il Volo. La sua produzione discografica da solista conta vari album e lavori importanti come “Nel ghetto”. Parallelamente, inizia un'intensa carriera da session man che lo vede affiancare Lucio Battisti, Pierangelo Bertoli, Mino Di Martino, Marcella Bella, Goran Kuzminac, Cristiano Malgioglio, Franco Battiato e i vari artisti con cui ha lavorato il cantautore siciliano in quel periodo: Milva, Alice, Giusto Pio, Sibilla e Giuni Russo, di cui, a volte, è stato anche produttore.
"Eppur mi son scordato di te" è la canzone più famosa del repertorio dei Formula 3, ma noi non ci scorderemo mai di lui.
L’amico Gigi Cifarelli gli ha dedicato questo bellissimo e commovente scritto che voglio condividere con voi:
“Alberto mio caro sapevamo che la festa della Vita stava volgendo al termine. Abbiamo scherzato e riso insieme ancora tante volte lo scorso anno e resterai sempre nel mio cuore, come in quello di tanti altri per i quali eri la chitarra della Formula 3 e di Lucio Battisti, i nostri dell'infanzia. Ma quanto ti devo? E per fortuna te l'ho sempre detto e l'ho sempre detto a chiunque. Come dimenticare? Fu come in un sogno. Correva proprio lo stesso periodo dell'anno, febbraio/marzo 1985. una sera stavo suonando al Capolinea (la mia seconda casa) e ad un certo punto, in fondo la sala riconosco quel capoccione pieno di capelli irsuti che ti caratterizzavano e trasalii... È Alberto Radius... Che meraviglia il mio idolo da bambino... Mi affrettai a fare una pausa per raggiungerti sperando di poterti anche solo stringere la mano. Appena poggiai la chitarra  invece ti vidi partire per venirmi incontro, ero emozionato e sorpreso... Tesi le mia mano per stringere la tua e il mio desiderio era quello di esternarti il mio affetto e la mia gioia nel poterti conoscere, ma non mi facesti nemmeno iniziare. Partisti a cannone esordendo così: “Aoh!! Ma ma li mortacci tua! Ma d'addo vieni?? Da Marte? Maestrone (e mi ha poi sempre chiamato così) ... Anzi sai che famo? Domani devi da vení in via Capolago 5 a lo studio mio. Famo un ber Disco.” Me l'aveva detto Marco (E. Nobili), ma chi se lo aspettava? Non dormii la notte e alle 9, il giorno dopo, stavo da Te. Già scrivevo per Guitar Club e così conobbi direttamente il caro Marco e anche Giuni Russo, i tuoi cari amici, che adesso avrai raggiunto, e conobbi anche la cara Rossana Pasturenzi, tuttora una cara amica. Ci sedemmo, progettammo e in due settimane nacque "Coca&Rhum", il mio primo disco e la mia vera scrittura, da lì, grazie a tutto questo, partì una sequela di cose bellissime della mia Vita. Coca&Rhum fu disco dell'anno e io iniziai a essere votato nei referendum, vincendone tanti.  Ero un ragazzo ed ebbi tante gioie e tante gratificazioni. In questa foto c'è tutto l'affetto che provavi per me e che io ho sempre ricambiato. Senza di Te nulla sarebbe stato così e domani il mio concerto al Grace di Lodivecchio, vicino a San Colombano dove mi invitavi sempre e ci sono venuto troppo poco, sarà dedicato a Te, Alberto mio caro. Ti vorrò bene sempre... Saluta tutti quelli che abbiamo amato insieme. Hendrix su tutti.” ❤️Gg
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bellaradiotv · 10 months
Simone Russo - Io per lei
Ascolta e Guarda Simone Russo – Io per lei
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ofaflower · 11 months
muse tags
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devilfic · 6 months
❝right place, right time❞
VI. do you trust me?
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parts: previously / next plot: things are getting messy. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: surgeon!reader, secret identities, slow burn, descriptions of surgery, angsty mcangsty pants as always, mentions of the christian God and religious practices, maybe you and bruce wouldn't have to keep so many secrets if you just made out a lil bit, :). words: 6.2k.
a/n: edit as of 2/11/24: replaced mistaken use of "officer" with "detective".
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Your needle passes through skin to the beat of a steady metronome. It's made up of muscle memory, glazing your mind as your hands thread the tear together. With each pass, you're unblinking. There are three others in the room with you but they might as well be shadows, faceless and without sound, coloring your peripheral but otherwise of no concern.
The steady metronome beats on well into your final pull of the thread, well into your dismissal of the shadows, well into the comforts of your office where your brain falls out of rhythm. It's been 48 hours and you haven't found a clue.
You'd think after 17 years that you'd have forgotten his name, but you remember Detective Russo. About 5'9, a kinky black beard, and bushy eyebrows that took up good real estate on his forehead. You remembered sizing up every one of those officers, but he was the one you'd memorized. He was the one that promised you that no one would ever know you were there that night. And now Bruce knows.
He was a detective of little significance outside of that, as far as your research was concerned. He'd served a whopping total of 20 years on the force before retiring seven years ago, but without any social media presence or nearby family to speak of, you couldn't find him. Not an old address, not a phone number, nothing. It was like he'd wiped himself clean the minute he retired. Which meant you'd have to resort to plan B.
Your boss intercepts you before you can even get to the stairs, though. Rudy Moretti rarely had good timing, after all, "Hey! Early lunch?"
You think about lying for all of two seconds, "No. Headed to the police station."
Your boss' eyebrows shoot up. "Whoa, everything okay? Are one of those guys from the other night bothering you? I can come with you if you need-"
"No, no. Nothing like that. It's something personal."
Rudy shifts awkwardly, "Oh. Well, be safe. And let me know if anything like that pops up." You nod, attempting to escape, but his hand finds your elbow and stops you, "By the way... how's everything with Mr. Wayne?"
You should've expected a question like that by now. You had been officially working for him long enough to warrant it, but you still wince. "Fine." When your boss blinks at you, expecting more, you have to bite your tongue to keep from swearing, "I actually... was invited to a celebration for the Mayor. Courtesy of Mr. Wayne. She was interested in the hospital's new wing. We had a good conversation."
Like a child on Christmas morning, your boss lights up at the good news. "Oh, that's good! That's good. Did she mention wanting to come down for a tour?"
"What happened to you should have never happened in the first place. I'm glad you were able to make it out alive."
Her hand on yours should've been a comfort, and to some extent it was, but even the softness of her palm couldn't have steadied your trembling. She had squeezed tighter when she felt it, perhaps thinking you traumatized for having to recall that night. Unaware of where you'd been. Unaware of the burning need to escape before you spilled your guts on the Persian rug.
"It happens all the time," a voice came from your right, a drunken councilman with his suit jacket unbuttoned, "and it'll keep happening so long as that thug's still running the streets."
"Thug?" The mayor dipped her chin.
"With all due respect, Bella, what's your plan to put Batman in Arkham for good?"
You watched the mayor's back straighten, her eyes narrow. It was the one thing everyone was itching to talk about, and the one thing everyone was too afraid to bring up first.
You felt Bruce's knee bump yours and stiffened.
"You think he ought to be imprisoned?" The mayor asks.
"I think he ought to be drawn and quartered! It's people like him that make this city a far cry from its glory days. Inviting violence, chaos. He's single-handedly responsible for that- that homicidal freak that nearly killed you, mayor. And he's responsible for everything else this city's suffered since he started infecting it. He's a menace. It'll be a cold day in hell before this city's safe with him still on the streets."
It sickened you to hear. People who'd done nothing since being elected calling for the arrest of the one person who's made any real change in this city.
The mayor doesn't immediately speak up and you think she's chewing on his words, preparing to respond with a bit more bite. Her pause is what prompts you to speak first, "If it wasn't for the Batman, I might be dead. He's done more good for this city than bad..." you watch the councilman turn his focus to you, looking baffled as to why you were butting in, as if you hadn't just finished recounting your brush with death moments ago, "...with all due respect, Councilman Roberts."
The councilman sobers up at the heavy gaze you level on him, "Oh, no. Of course. Of course! It's good that he was there. It would've been a- been a real tragedy to lose one of Gotham's good, fine citizens. I'm just saying that... maybe these things wouldn't be happening if he wasn't there to... encourage it."
"You think he's encouraging it?" The mayor chimes in, taking a sip from her glass. Whatever she was going to say before has been shelved for the time being, it seems.
The councilman laughs. You watch him twist so that he's facing you and the mayor, holding his glass to her like a gavel for judgement, "He's a glorified criminal! He's no better than that clown we put away years ago."
"He put away, councilman. I believe you meant to say he," Bruce's first words since he'd introduced you to Bella give you a shiver. With his one arm hanging off the back of the couch, he leans in from beside you and smiles that TV smile again, "Unless you've got something you’d like to share with the class?"
Snickers break out amongst the group. You can feel Bruce's breath on your shoulder for only a passing moment, and then he's falling back into the couch and taking a swig of his wine.
The councilman bristles, clearly not a fan of being laughed at. Or being faced with the truth, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, nothing. Just a silly theory of mine. It's just... it would make sense for a vigilante to hide his identity by publicly denouncing himself, especially if he’s in the public eye already. I mean, it would make most people cross you off their list but... you're making me think twice about you."
You chance a glance at Bruce's face. He isn't drunk. His eyes hold a steady gaze with the councilman encroaching on your space to meet it, and even with the looseness of his body, you can tell he's calculating. His arm behind your head feels drawn tight. You can sense it in its weight near your head. He's flashing his teeth and keeping his voice light, but he's not defenseless. He's leveraging.
Your heart hammers again at what lie beneath this tower.
The councilman flushes. Sinks back into his seat, grumbling, but all eyes on him has him forcing a grin, "You're funny, Wayne. Unfortunately for your theory, I have a real job. Making real change in this city. Something Batman wouldn't understand."
That does something to you, "Maybe I'm biased, but... I've seen what he's done for this city, sir. And in the wake of last year, I think we can all agree that... well, anyone can say they're making change. Even if they're just making money instead. Perhaps it feels like Batman is doing more because we actually know what he's doing."
Bruce's leg bumps yours again. Accidentally.
You watch the councilman's Adam's apple bob, "No offense, and I'm sure you feel offended on behalf of the man that saved you, but there are laws that make sure people like me and Ms. Reál don't cross the line. What say you, when your hero takes things too far one day, hm? Who're you going to call when the Batman beats someone's brains in because people like you justify it? Or is it only okay because at least he stopped you from getting a bullet to the head?"
You're about to spew the first thing that comes to mind, probably full of anger and vitriol and a little of whatever you had to drink earlier, when you feel a hand take hold of your inner wrist. Bruce's grip is firm, but it doesn't hurt you. It's enough to stop whatever might come out of your mouth. When you look him in the eye, he's not smiling anymore.
You stare at each other like that for a few moments, not a word shared but a million thought. It was almost like he knew what you were going to say, knew how it might've made you look, made you both look. Had imagined it coming out of his own mouth too, maybe.
Instead, he releases you and turns to the councilman, "Okay, enough. We all feel pretty spirited about the topic." When the councilman scoffs, Bruce nods to you, "I think you both make good points. He's done good. He saved my doctor, of whom I never would've had the pleasure of working with otherwise. But I have to agree with you, councilman: he operates outside of the law and that is cause for concern. I'm sure these are all important issues that our mayor is working tirelessly to address, isn't that right, Mayor?"
Mayor Reál has her leg crossed over the other, eyes cutting from the councilman's to Bruce's to yours. Eventually, she smiles and raises her glass, "Indeed. This conversation was enlightening. Much to think about."
"I'm gonna get another drink." Your announcement is followed by the most graceful exit you can muster, even though your chest is throbbing with adrenaline and you can feel Bruce following you.
You don't stop until you reach the bar and have another glass in hand, doing your best to ignore his presence as he looms beside you. He allows you a full three sips before he starts talking, "Are you okay?"
The diplomat from before is long gone. He's melted, keeping his back to the group you'd just escaped and giving you such wet puppy dog eyes that it makes you want to hurl again. How could he look you in the eye?
Your hand shakes around the stem of your glass, "You're different around them."
His eyes fall to the bar top, "I am?"
"Smiling, friendly, funny..."
He cuts his eyes back to you, smiling a little, "I'm not usually funny?"
"You pretend to be laid-back around them, and I get why. But you don't do that with me. You act like I know some big secret about you and I'm this close to spilling it," you pinch your fingers together in front of his face, "or maybe you know some big secret about me."
You watch his face for any sign of recognition, but you're disappointed to find there is none. No reaction other than a sigh. "I pretend around them because I don't trust them."
"And you trust me? Even though we barely know each other?"
Uncharacteristically, Bruce tilts so close toward you that you bend back to keep some semblance of space between you, "You're asking if I trust the person I pay to keep me alive over... Councilman Roberts." He pronounces the last two words with such incredulity, then laughs right after. You note his breath smells sweet, but nothing like the wine. Had it been wine he'd been drinking? One look at his glass and you'd think so. Two looks, though...
He was stone cold sober.
You swallow, staring up into his face. Bruce doesn't back away. Questions begin to form on your tongue... destructive ones.
How do you know? How did you find out? What are you going to do about it?
Your stomach drops as you think, surely, there's quite a bit he can do about it. If he wanted to. If you made the wrong move.
His eyes narrow on you, "You look sick. Are you feeling okay?"
"I'd like to go home."
Bruce blinks, shrinks in on himself a bit, "Okay."
"I... I drove."
Bruce nods, holds a hand up to one of the suited men near the edge of the room, and turns to you, "My driver. He'll take you home."
"My... my car. I have work in the morning." You mumble pathetically.
Bruce says something to the driver when he gets close. Another man is summoned, appearing by your side in an instant. This one holds out his hand to you and it takes you a second to realize what he's asking for. You fish your keys out and drop them in his waiting palm.
It's incredibly awkward as Bruce walks you out. You think he'll stop at the front door, or the elevator, or even the lobby, but he walks you all the way to the back door of his ride and—God—even holds it open for you.
You settle in to the nice seats, blinking up at him through eyes you fight to keep dry. You wonder if Bruce would forgive you for throwing up in his car instead. "If it's any consolation," he begins, leaning on the roof of the car. You can still hear the bustle of Gotham all around you, but when he looks at you... there might as well be only him and you, "I agree with you. Councilman Roberts is a jackass."
Your boss is looking at you, expectantly. Still waiting.
"I'm sure she's thinking about it." Is your curt reply. "Is that it? I really gotta go."
Your boss deflates, but otherwise doesn't keep you.
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"How can I help you?"
The cop behind the desk seems nice enough. He doesn't smile at you but his tone is pleasant, unhurried. It helps calm your nerves. "Hi. I'm looking for someone. A detective who used to work here."
"You remember their name?"
"Detective Joey Russo," you offer, watching the cop begin to type into his computer, "he retired seven years ago. I wanted to know if you could get me in touch with him. A number or a... address."
"Ah, Russo. I remember him. I'm sorry, may I ask who you are?" You give your name and the cop frowns. "You got a badge? Unless you're with the state, I can't give you anything."
You'd worried as much, "He worked a case of mine 17 years ago. Something new's popped up and I just wanted to talk to him about it."
"If it's about a case we covered, you'd have to talk to one of us about it unless he's directly involved, and even then it'd be a process." He must notice how your face falls because his own softens, "I'm real sorry. I can get you in with someone else."
You know you shouldn't be upset. After all, he was only doing his job. If they gave out personal information to every person who walked in off the street, you imagined they'd have a bigger problem with domestic terrorism than they already do.
It doesn't make it any less debilitating. Bruce Wayne had found him. That was the only way he could've gotten his hands on your file, surely. And Bruce Wayne had money, more than enough to get an ex-cop to talk.
You're thanking the man and trying not to sound as distressed as you feel when you turn and catch new eyes.
You'd only seen Batman at night, tucked into the corners of shadow of your apartment, but here he was in broad daylight—midday—standing next to a plainclothes cop who had yet to realize the vigilante was no longer listening to him. You're so relieved to see him that you actually break out into a smile.
Batman doesn't return it. Without acknowledging his partner, he stomps across the room to you, cutting off your greeting with a rushed, "Did something happen?"
You blink, unable to answer when the cop from before sidles up next to the two of you. He's got a warm, friendly look to him, even if his eyes are narrowed at the pair of you with skepticism, "You two know each other?" He asks. When Batman refuses to tear his eyes from you, the cop addresses you directly, reluctant to extend his hand without confirmation that you were friend, not foe, "Detective James Gordon. And you are?" You give your name and his eyes light up. "Hey. I know you, don't I?"
"The hostage at Gotham General," Bruce answers for him, not even bothering to glance at the detective, "they were on the news."
"You three mind moving somewhere else? The freak's making people uncomfortable." The kind cop from before has dropped all pretense now, glaring at the vigilante who, still, pays no one but you mind.
Gordon grumbles and motions for you both to follow him down a long hallway out of sight.
You struggle to keep up when the detective starts walking, much faster than he looked, and so you all but yelp when the Bat places a hand on your lower back and guides you in front of him.
A turn or two later, you empty out beside a window at the end of another long hallway, far enough away from prying eyes that the detective seems to find it sufficient.
"What are you doing here?" Batman asks immediately.
"I was looking for someone but, actually, now that you're here, I was wondering if I could talk to you." You look over at Gordon, "If you're not busy."
The detective grunts but holds his hands up in surrender, slinking down the hall out of earshot, "I'm gonna go smoke, but I need him back in ten."
When he's far enough away, Batman speaks, voice at a much lower volume than before, "What's wrong?"
"I'm looking for a cop. I need to get in touch with him but he retired and they won't tell me where I can find him."
The Bat's head tilts to the side. You can tell the gears in his brain are turning, "Who?"
"Detective Joey Russo." The Bat freezes. "Do you know him?"
He doesn't answer that, something you take note of with a funny feeling in your chest, "Why are you looking for him?"
It's your turn not to answer. You should've known he wouldn't just tell you without good reason, but your throat closes up when you think about how you'll explain it. It wasn't that you didn't trust him... but... "It's personal. Please."
"That's not enough."
"I know... I know. And I wouldn't be asking this of you if it wasn't important-"
"Then tell me why."
"I can't. But it is important. To me. I promise, it's for good reason."
"A good reason that you can't tell me? That's not enough. That's not how I work. God forbid someone finds out I gave you classified information."
"If I told you why I needed it—if I told anyone why I needed it—it would defeat the whole purpose!"
"That doesn't make you sound any more convincing."
"Batman, please," and your voice breaks as you step that much closer to him, your eyes rimming with tears you're terrified to shed, "I have never asked you for anything, have I? Not for money or your identity or anything. I am asking you for this one thing because I have no one else. You... are the only person who can help me. Please."
You see his face fall, so clear it feels like you can see right through him. Past the cowl and the facades and right into his very being. For a moment, you're just seeing the person and not the idea of him. You see your fears reflected back at you in his eyes, a deep understanding there that gives you some hope.
He draws a deep, heavy breath, and- "I'm sorry."
You're too stunned to watch him walk away.
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Judith's apartment has a lack of technology and an abundance of crucifixes. The first time you'd seen it, you'd thought it was overkill. Now, since you've visited enough, it was comforting in its own creepy way. A blast into the past, memories of a grandmother who was never really your grandmother.
She startles at the stove where she's just put something in the oven, "Oh! Dear, I didn't hear you come in. Is everything alright?"
You smile and kick your shoes off by the key-holder, "I knocked. You're supposed to have your hearing aid in."
She gives you a stern look, then smiles.
You can smell hibiscus tea in the air, her favorite. She'd gather handfuls of hibiscus and dry them out in the sun, and then she'd steep their petals in hot water until it turned a deep pink. The taste was always striking, tart and strong, but she'd sweeten it with honey for you and then it wouldn't be so bad.
Without asking, she waddles over to her breakfast table where you've already found your seat and pours you a steaming cup of tea. You take the honey she's brought with her and begin to stir. "You never answered my question." Judith reminds you.
You bite the inside of your cheek, "I'm just taking a break from work, is all. Do I need to be having a bad day to visit you?"
"No, I suppose not," she sighs, taking the seat across from you, "but you do look a wreck."
You grumble. You hadn't looked in the mirror. You hadn't done anything but busy yourself in hopes that it would stave off the wave of anxious tears threatening to fall. You busied yourself until your hands started shaking and people started asking questions. And now you were here.
"Yeah. I'm sure I do. Work's... been hard."
"And besides work?"
"I don't know. I don't really have a life outside of work anymore."
Judith frowns, "You should really make some friends, dear."
That gets you to laugh. "I have friends! I have you. Are you not my friend?"
You could see the question already brewing, the narrow of her eyes as she watched you begin to fidget, "And that demon? Is he still hanging around you?"
You cast your gaze to the tabletop, "...I don't think we'll be seeing him around anymore."
"Oh?" You don't miss the hope in Judith's voice, "Did the police finally arrest him?"
"No. I think I may have... scared him off."
She doesn't respond for a while, even though you can tell from the shift in the air that she's rather pleased with this development. It makes you feel sicker to the stomach. "It might be for the best, dear," you can tell that she's being careful, minding your upset, "he's dangerous. It's best you stick to the light for now." When you don't respond, her leathery hand clasps over yours and forces you to look her in the eye, "Come with me to service this week. I've been telling everyone about you."
You snort, "About me and the demon I'm friends with?"
Judith shakes her head furiously, as if the accusation that she might have spilled your secret greatly insulted her, "They have been praying for you ever since the night at the hospital. They'd really like to see you in person one of these days. I never shut up about how proud I am of you."
Even through the despair, you feel the warmth of Judith's love. It makes you hold her hand back, gripping so tightly that you fear she may be too fragile to handle it. She doesn't seem to mind.
You two share the rest of your tea in relative silence, taking breaks to comment on the neighbors or the news or the weather (which never really changes outside of summer, but you always have something to say with her).
After a refill or two, you feel the dread begin to creep in.
"Dear, come here," Judith calls as you button up your coat at the door, "bow your head."
You frown but do as you're told. In a blink, you feel her finger swipe across your forehead in a quick motion. The familiar scent of cinnamon and myrrh hit your senses right after. You reach up to touch it but Judith captures your hand in her own. In her other is a small vial, unmarked, filled halfway with oil. "To protect you," she says, nodding gravely, "God will watch over you. You are blessed."
You want to tell her that the anointing does nothing for the stones gathering in your stomach, that the moment you walk out of this door you will be hit with a wave so sudden that you will surely drown. But you'd be lying if you said this little woman with her God and prayers didn't make you feel, even for a fraction of a second, safe. You kiss her cheek goodbye.
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It's desperate, you know that. You spend the whole evening hating yourself as you pace the hardwood floors, thumbing over buttons and weighing the pros and cons.
"For emergencies only", but this was an emergency to you. It felt like one, the way it gnawed at your very center demanding blood. Every minute dreading that you'd have to see him again and pretend like you had no idea that he knew that you... You'd also spent part of the evening bent over the toilet.
At some point, you throw yourself onto your fire escape for fresh air and nearly throw the phone across the way just to breathe.
You know you've screwed up. The tentative threads of your friendship with the Bat had surely been severed. What had gotten into you, asking him for such a bold favor without anything to offer in return? You'd already given him your hands and your mind, the two things that you'd worked so hard to hone, and you would never think of taking them away.
But maybe that would be inevitable. Maybe you'd lose your license if this got out. And it wouldn't just be you carrying that burden. Every single one of you would be dug up and exposed to the world, and with Bruce Wayne involved, you couldn't imagine the lawsuits. You just couldn't. They could put you under the prison with his kind of money.
And the cops didn't even know everything.
You gasp, sob, and wrench yourself from the railing. You clench the phone tight.
Even if you could get to Russo, and even if he admitted that he gave you up, what good would it do? Bruce had already seen it. He probably had a contact at the DA's office on speed dial. You'd seen what money could do to men like him in this city. What it made men like him do to people like you. The echoes of the accusations against his father a year ago still rang in the wind, and his efforts to make up for it all would never truly make that go away. A criminal record was just as much currency as anything else. He would undeniably own you.
Somewhere between your panicking thoughts, you hear the grates of the fire escape tremor from above. You whip your head up and see a dark shape hovering a floor up. Swiftly, it descends the stairs until your eyes adjust. Your heart catches in your throat as you choke out his name.
The strangled noise causes him to pause when he turns to you. You clear your throat, "Are you hurt?" Batman's head tilts to the side. His eyes flicker from the phone in your hand and back to you. "I'm... I wanted to see you."
His shoulders stiffen. He almost looks like he didn't mean to come. A sliver of you had actually hoped he'd changed his mind, too. "I know it wasn't fair of me to ask something like that of you with no explanation. And I'm sorry. I want you to know that."
He waits, head still tilted.
You bite your tongue, tasting the blood beginning to pool on the surface.
You could tell him. Lay it all bare. And he could drop you at the GCPD without another word.
Or he could accept you. See the you that stands before him now, who had been years clean and had saved his life on your living room floor and confessed that he was why you were a better person now.
That's what friends did. Were you and the Batman friends?
Were you and Batman... anything?
"I wasn't always like this," your head throbs as you force yourself to keep talking, clenching the railing behind you with one hand, "I'm sure it's no surprise to you that I didn't just waltz through life completely innocent for thirty-something years, given where I come from. I wasn't a very good person when I was younger... and I did things I'm not proud of. And, by the grace of a very good man, a very small group of people know the true extent of that.
"But recently, I found out that someone who shouldn't know... does. And they could ruin my life if they used it against me. So I need to talk to Russo, because I need to know if he broke his promise, and then... God knows what else. I don't know. I haven't thought any further than that."
Something substantial but unclear, and if Batman were to go digging officially and find out the rest, at least you'd know Russo was the snitch.
But your heart still clenches in your chest. It feels like you are all made up of open wounds and they're all gushing blood as he watches, saying nothing. If you had really told him the truth, you imagined it would feel akin to spontaneous combustion. God, would you even be able to utter the words? It'd been so long since you'd last said-
Batman takes a slow step toward you, and the open wounds seal up at once. You are frozen.
Another, and another, until you are caged there against the railing, awaiting his verdict. Judge, jury, and... "And if he didn't? If it wasn't him that sold you out?"
You'd briefly considered that. Your friends, who were really more ghosts now than friends, had no reason to expose themselves. They'd gotten off just as easily as you did. Most of them were living lives on the other side of the country now, far, far removed from the history you shared together. Only you remained.
And who would even think to go looking into them? Outside of your history together, now sealed up and locked away, no one would look for them unless they knew what happened already.
Which only left one other option. "Then someone did—someone very close to Bruce Wayne, and there's nothing I can fucking do about it."
Batman stares at you for a while. You don't have a clue what he's looking for. "If I take you to Russo," you gasp, and he hurries his words out before you can say anything else, "it'll be the last time anything like this ever happens again. We go, we ask, and that's it."
"Thank you. Thank you, thank you."
"And I wasn't lying to you."
"About Wayne. When you asked me if he was corrupt." You watch his eyes waver on you, eventually falling to the grates beneath your feet, and you're dumbstruck by the shift in his tone. "I never lied to you."
"I... I didn't think you had." He looks at you again. "But there are things that maybe we don't know about him," and as you speak, you place a hand on his arm, feeling it go rigid even beneath the suit, "I mean, he's a Wayne. They're older than this city. And you've seen firsthand the kind of reach people with that kind of money have. He can smile and wave and support as many good causes as he wants, but that could all be smoke and mirrors."
"You really don't trust him, do you?"
You sigh. You could almost hear Emily asking the same thing. But Emily would be smiling, and Batman is grave. Almost... disappointed. Your frown strengthens, "He's got a lot of secrets."
"So do I."
"Yeah, but you also saved my life," you chuckle, "if Wayne pushes me out of the way of a moving car, I might reconsider my stance on him."
The Bat squints at you. To your relief, you notice a bit of mirth in his voice, "No. You wouldn't."
"Listen, I am really grateful that you're doing this for me. And I wanted to say that after today, the thought of scaring you away scared me. And I would really, really like it if you could trust me. I don't want you to think that I'm taking this for granted. I'm not asking for you to take off your mask or bare your soul or anything. I just want you to know that-"
"I gave you this," the hand holding your burner is scooped up in his, held between the two of you, "because I trust you. I keep coming back because... I like... this. It's different. And I don't trust easily. If you believe me on anything, believe me on that."
A bit of your dread is chased away, and your hero is standing in the wake. Bruce Wayne is far away from this moment. He can't stain it. You won't let him. "You wanna come in for coffee?"
At that exact moment, your doorbell rings.
You see Batman jolt backwards and reflexively reach for him, using what strength you have to keep him from escaping. He watches you, wide-eyed, as you cling to his side, "Wait, wait. I wasn't expecting anybody. I'll send them off. It'll be quick."
He turns his head to the door. "You weren't expecting anyone?"
You shake your head. He shucks away your grip as he climbs through the window and takes a few, long strides to the door. He has to bend to look through your peephole, and you rush to catch up to him. After a long moment, he peers at you from the corner of his eye, "It's an old lady."
Judith. The doorbell rings again. "My neighbor. She's harmless, I'll handle it."
You expect him to walk off, find somewhere else to hide from sight, but he backs up behind the door and waits, nodding to you. Well, he was out of sight.
The door opens. The concerned look on Judith's face melts as soon as she sees you there, and holds out a pan wrapped in tinfoil, "Oh, there you are, dear. I made too much casserole so I came to give you the rest. Just in case you haven't had dinner yet."
You beam at her, taking the dish out of her hands, "Thanks, Judith. That's really sweet of you."
She returns a modest smile, but it falls away a second later. You follow her gaze past your shoulder and into the living room where- shit. "It's winter." Her brows furrow, "You'll catch cold if you keep your window open all night."
"Right! I was just... looking out over the city. Taking a breather. You caught me in the middle of it."
She presses the back of her hand to your arm and you note the very stark difference in her body temperature to yours. She frowns hard, stepping closer to you in order to whisper, "Has that demon come to see you again?"
You can't see him from where you're holding the door open, though it's your instinct to glance, but you feel yourself warming up pretty quickly, "He's not a demon, Judith."
No matter how often you repeat it, it goes in one hearing aid and out the other, "Then why does he have horns-"
"Judith, I'm fine, I swear. Even if... he did come visit, I would be fine. He wouldn't hurt me. As I've told you before."
She stares at your window, looking for little goblins with pointed tails and pitchforks no doubt. But as the curtains blow this way and that and no shadows make themselves clear, she is forced to take your word for it. "Alright," she relents, and you try not to visibly deflate, "enjoy the casserole, dear. Keep the window shut."
You watch her waddle all the way down the hallway, smile every time she glances back at you, and wait until you can no longer hear her kitten heels click-clack-clicking on the stairway down. You immediately shut the door and drop your head against it with a dull thud.
A few moments pass. You can feel him still next to you. Even worse, you can feel him trying not to laugh. "She thinks I'm a demon?"
You stand up and shove the casserole into his hands, only a little taken aback by the smile on his face when you do, "You're going to eat this casserole and then you're gonna tell that woman you're a God-fearing man and it tasted fucking delicious."
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a/n: there's a scene I'm really excited to write for next chapter if it's gonna go the way I plan for it to go :)
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exmcrtis · 6 months
🐞 ---- Do they believe in love at first sight? If not, what's the reason? (ALL >.>)
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artemis absolutely believes in love at first sight. will not be elaborating at this time. don't even ask her.
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bella already answered here.
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cain for sure believes in love at first sight but will never openly admit to it. however, if you watch the way he looks at val, it's blatantly obvious.
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dawson believes in like at first sight but not love at first sight. their brain is far too logical for any of that nonsense. their words, not mine.
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ezra has always believed in love at first sight, and felt that it was confirmed after meeting icarus. he's the only person she's ever loved romantically, and he's the only person she will ever love romantically. she firmly believes that he's her soulmate.
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halley believes that falling in love with someone takes time. she's also never been one to trust her own emotions fully and will overthink every little thing whenever she can. she much prefers taking her time with things like love.
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lavender believes in love at first sight, but is reasonable enough to know that it happens to others, but never her. she's in love with being in love and in love with the idea of it, but she's more made to watch from the sidelines rather than ever experience it herself.
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leia has always believed in love at first sight, and she's hellbent on the fact that she can prove it. her only evidence is that she's had a crush on the same boy for years, but in her mind it totally counts.
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luca doesn't believe in love at first sight. he never have and he never will, and you can thank his abandonment daddy issues on that one. however, he's learning that like at first sight is a thing, and it terrifies him.
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ondine definitely believes in love at first sight. how could she not when she's been lucky enough to experience it twice?
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pru has always believed in love at first sight but never thought it could happen to her. and then she met conrad greene and her whole outlook on life changed. however, she would probably never admit any of that out loud, if only because thinks people will find her crazier than they already do.
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salem didn't believe in love at first sight until recently. she's never really been one to develop romantic or emotional feelings for another person, but meeting gio rossi really threw her for a loop.
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sare believes in love at first sight, but she also knows that love takes time. feeling the feelings is far different than immediately acting on them.
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violet doesn't believe in love at first sight, but she does believe in soulmates. until meeting rex, she hadn't ever experienced genuine love, but he's clearly changed her mind about that.
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wolf surprisingly does believe in love at first sight. however, he knows it's because that's the only way he can explain how he fell for arty so quickly.
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wylie used to believe in love at first sight, but she no longer does. how could the universe be so cruel as to give you something so precious only to rip it away unexpectedly? safe to say that wylie doesn't believe love is real at all anymore.
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youremyheaven · 1 year
pt 2 vedic astro symbols & motifs
serpent yoni folks depicted with their yoni animal
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Bella has Ashlesha mars as her atmakaraka, with saturn and ketu in UBP. Gigi has UBP venus and Ashlesha mars amatyakaraka. ive talked about how Ashlesha natives often have a controlling mother, or a severe, abusive and toxic upbringing and anyone who knows about Yolanda Hadid knows how controlling she is as a mother.
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there has been some debate about Rihanna's birth time. with her current birth time, she has Revati moon/venus/rising but there is a slight possibility that she potentially has UBP rising.
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Ashlesha sun, Rohini mars and Mrigashira ketu Cara Delevingne has a snake tattoo on her hand.
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UBP moon and Ashlesha rahu, Kim K in a snakeskin dress (she often wears snakeskin if you guys have noticed)
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Rohini moon & rising, mrigashira venus Priyanka Chopra wearing snakeskin
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Ashlesha Ketu, Taylor Swift in a snakeskin dress. Her Reputation era heavily featured serpent imagery as well.
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2. Vishaka women love headpieces or hair accessories or making their head stand out in some way.
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Beyonce (vishaka moon) is known for her over the top head gears.
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Lana Del Rey (Vishaka rising) at the met gala, a few years ago. She is also known for her love of old school big beehive hairdos.
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Sonam Kapoor (vishaka ketu) closing a Ralph & Russo show. Sonam is also known for her love of extravagant hairdos.
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Salma Hayek (vishaka ketu) loves wearing tiaras on the red carpet!!
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Vishaka sun & mercury, Lorde at the Met Gala
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Katy Perry (vishaka moon & saturn)
3. Mary Sue is a character archetype, which is defined as a "usually a young woman, who is often portrayed as inexplicably competent across all domains, gifted with unique talents or powers, liked or respected by most other characters, unrealistically free of weaknesses, extremely attractive, innately virtuous, and/or generally lacking meaningful character flaws."
i've noticed that a lot of characters who are labelled to be "Mary Sues" are played by women who have deva gana nakshatras. Deva gana natives are said to possess a divine nature and hence, why they're often cast as people who seem to be lacking flaws and sometimes sincere to a point of stupidity.
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Rey Skywalker is said to be a classic example of a Mary Sue. She is played by Daisy Ridley who has Revati sun and Punarvasu moon.
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Anastasia Steele is another Mary Sue, played by Dakota Johnson who has Hasta sun and Anuradha moon
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Bella Swan is probably the most notorious example of a Mary Sue, she is played by Kristen Stewart who has Revati sun and Hasta moon.
4. ive noticed a lot of Ketu girlies playing sex workers in movies, especially a lot of Magha natives
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Jennifer Connelly in Requiem for a Dream (she has Ketu in Magha)
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Barbra Streisand, Ashwini sun (Nuts, 1987)
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Dolly Parton (Magha moon) in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
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Magha rising, Uma Thurman in Les Mis as Fantine
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Magha moon, Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman
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Jane Fonda, Mula sun in Klute
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Ashwini stellium, Penelope Cruz in To Rome with Love
5. ive noticed that many women who marry into royalty have jupiter nakshatras
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Kate Middleton who is married to Prince William has Punarvasu moon.
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Kareena Kapoor who is married to the Nawab of Pataudi has her Mars in Vishaka in the 7th house of marriage 👀
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Grace Kelly who married Prince Rainier of Monaco, had Vishaka sun/mars and Purvabhadrapada moon
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Diane von Furstenberg, the designer was married to Prince Egon and she has Vishaka venus & jupiter (her darakaraka and atmakaraka, respectively)
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Rita Hayworth who was briefly married to Prince Aly Khan also had Purvabhadrapada moon.
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Olivia Wilde who was married to Prince Tao Ruspoli has Purvabhadrapada sun & mercury
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Barbara Hutton who has Vishaka sun & mars was married to 3 different princes.
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bitcell · 4 months
since i got such lovely recommendations, here are some, if you are trying to get into brazilian music/learn more portuguese, they're mostly bossa nova/mpb/alternative rock
lenine - martelo bigorna, candeeiro encantando, jack soul brasileiro, o silêncio das estrelas (one of the best songs ever made imo)
criolo - não existe amor em sp
geraldo vandré - pra não dizer que não falei das flores (amazing and beautiful song, it was written during the brazilian military dictatorship, so check out the lyrics)
cartola - preciso me encontrar (a classic)
chico buarque - cálice (a classic as well, also written during the brazilian military dictatorship, the word calice is an analogy to the word cale-se, or shut up, that was how they were able to release this song without going arrested)
renato russo - mais uma vez (legião urbana's lead singer solo project)
vanessa da mata - boa sorte/good luck, amado
supercombo - ela, memorial, aos poucos (alternative rock!!)
bella e o olmo da bruxa - neon genesis evangelion (alternative rock sprinkled with a little brazilian surfer rock)
pitty - teto de vidro (alternative emo rock)
banda do mar - mais ninguém (amazing song, dont look up the story of the band tho haha)
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bhadidb · 5 months
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