#bishop speaks [ooc]
splinter-sister · 3 months
Players, mutuals, and/or followers do not OWE you the same or greater effort as you put into an rp, thread, or scene. We all have our own lives, preferences, and comfort levels. If an rp flops, then it flops. MOVE ON. If you can not regulate yourself or entertain yourself when no one is around, or if they don't have the spoons to interact with you, then that is YOUR PREROGRATIVE. Do NOT blame others for that. Do not throw public fits and vague post about people who are literally minding their own damn business. Your experience on this hell site is your own responsibility. Learn to occupy yourself and be your own audience. Strangers on here don't owe you shit. Grow up.
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bone-pile-rp · 21 days
Just a heads up, I did change a few things to my pinned post in regards to my preferences now a days as well as add an age requirement for rping. I should have changed this a while ago, but better late than never!
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bishopinblue · 8 months
When you really think about it, the world is falling apart because of a few people who think they can rule it all like some imaginary chess game. So many people are protesting the genocide in Palestine, and nothing is being done other than prolonging it. There are thousands of people dying from this. Lives that can not be brought back. Just think about the comparison in numbers here. A few hundred officials compared to thousands of others just as human as them. Power really does corrupt. We've seen it again and again over the years. Something has to change! People are being killed like pawns in a game. It's horrible.
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renegaderobotics · 5 months
Craving redesigning the twins.
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
Ngl, being able to edit things here is cool, other media don't have this option so all you have to do is delete or slowly die every time you remember that mistake🥲
WELL– in that case it would be really fun to see Yelena just being a big softie to reader and end up getting caught by her friends doing so, then everyone would make fun of her or something (it would probably be their last time making fun of something in their lives, poor souls.
I saw that you still have things to write, so no hurry (and good luck with all this-). Also, Your writing is really good so it will be good anyway, but I'm sure you'll get it!
passive-aggressive magic tricks [Y.Belova]
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pairing: yelena belova x reader
summary: a fun game night with your friends takes a turn when they realize how much of a soft dork the russian turns into when she's around you.
warnings: none, i think [except peter being verbally attacked every other paragraph lmao]; so much dialogue; a weirdly written game of uno; just...so much chaos; never written for yelena before so feel free to yell at me if she's too ooc in this one
wordcount: 1.2k
a/n: this gif makes me feel things gonna start this off by saying that this is meant to be romantic but you can read it as platonic if you want. i know everyone has an opinion on yelena's sexuality and not everyone will agree with mine and that's okay! [just don't be a jerk about it. i personally think yelena is a demiromantic asexual so do with that what you will] ALSO, this is so chaotic and borderline nonsensical and you can blame 🌟 for making me think about yelena playing uno that one time. ALSO ALSO, thank you for the vote of confidence, lovely anon, this was actually really fun to write and i hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
“This sucks,” Kate declares with a pout.
“Don’t be such a crybaby, Kate Bishop.” Yelena’s words only make the archer’s pout deepen which makes the whole situation feel even more ridiculous.
“Yeah, Kate,” you jump in. “You’re the one who started talking shit in the first place.”
An offended gasp escapes her lips at your accusation. “I wasn’t talking shit! I was being honest about my skills.”
This time, Peter cuts in before the blonde gets a chance to make fun of the archer again. “Guys, I thought we decided against Monopoly so we wouldn’t fight.”
“Fighting is Yelena’s love language,” you reply with a shrug.
You pretend not to notice the way the Russian’s lips quirk up into a small smile and instead focus on Kate and her awful decision-making skills. It takes her a few extra seconds and she still manages to choose the most annoying card in her hand.
“It took you two minutes to throw in a plus-four?” Peter questions, clearly doing his best to not sound judgemental.
“Shut up and take the cards, Pete.”
The boy grumbles something you don’t quite catch but Kate is quick to punch him in the arm, earning herself a kick to the shin. Their dynamic is certainly…interesting and you can’t stop yourself from wondering how much of it comes from being two only children attempting to one-up each other.
Yelena leans in toward you, pretending to whisper. “Why are we hanging out with them again?”
The pair clearly overhears her considering both the glare and the pout that gets thrown your way. You merely shrug in response, attempting to shield your cards from her expert gaze. “It’s…entertaining, I guess.”
“You guys are jerks,” Kate says, speaking the thoughts Peter is far too nice to vocalize. (It’s definitely not because he’s terrified of getting on Yelena’s bad side.)
“And you suck at Uno.”
She rolls her eyes at you but decides not to reply. The small moment of silence allows Peter to take his turn and the game continues…until Yelena decides to betray you.
You’re not fully paying attention to the strategies each one of your companions is forming which means you don’t realize it when they decide to team up against you.
You’re only four cards away from winning and the blonde beside you can’t stop herself from sneaking a look at your deck. Kate somehow manages to catch her in the act and the two stare each other down until the archer raises an eyebrow, silently asking to be a part of the Russian’s plan.
A plan that quickly leads to Kate placing down another plus-four card and Peter being thrown one of Yelena’s under the table. 
“We can stack, right?” He asks, mainly in an attempt to keep you from noticing what they’re doing.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you reply with a shrug. “Just don’t be surprised when Yelena pulls out a knife from her boot.”
The joke gets a few chuckles, and a slightly concerned look from the young Avenger. 
“Do not worry, Spider-Boy, I promised y/n I wouldn’t threaten you…again.”
“Right…” Peter’s clearly not convinced but he throws in his card anyway.
You turn to face Yelena with a smug smirk. “Sorry, babe, but it looks like I’m on my way to winning this round.”
“You sound like Kate Bishop.” She playfully rolls her eyes at you but the glint in her eyes shows off more amusement than annoyance. “I hope you handle losing better than she does, though.”
“Hey!” You and the archer both voice your protests, albeit for different reasons, as the blonde slams down the last plus-four card needed to ensure you won’t win any time soon.
This time around, she’s the one who looks at you with a smug grin but you’re too busy being dramatic to fully appreciate how good she looks when she’s being competitive. It’s genuinely just a stupid card game and yet you pull out all the tricks you’ve learned over the past few months to get the Russian to melt into the huge softie she is at heart.
“Oh, come on, that was mean.” You pull on your best impression of Kate’s wounded puppy dog look. A look that includes slightly wide eyes and an incredibly deep pout.
A pout Yelena has never been good at resisting. (But only when it comes to you, much to the archer’s dismay)
She, literally and figuratively, keeps her cards close to her chest but you catch the way her free hand twitches slightly, almost as if she’s fighting to keep herself from touching you. It’s strange how affectionate she wants to be with you when she’s always been the first to pull away from a hug, the first one to scoot away when someone sits too close. 
Being guarded had always felt like second nature to her until you came along.
Her hand reaches out before she can stop it, landing on your knee and giving it a soft yet reassuring squeeze. It's a subtle reminder that underneath all her sarcasm and the rough edges, she cares about you. A lot more than she ever thought herself capable of.
“It’s just a game, sweetheart.” The words are a mere whisper but somehow the person with the worst attention span you’ve ever seen manages to overhear them.
“Did you just call y/n ‘sweetheart’?” Kate blurts out, clearly far too shocked to worry about her safety. “You actually have feelings?”
“Wait, did she really say that?” Peter’s slightly more cautious but there’s both awe in curiosity shining in his brown eyes.
“I heard her!”
“I think you hit your head too hard on your last mission, Bishop,” you reply, trying to steer the conversation away the second Yelena starts glaring at your friends.
Despite all her other skills, Kate is still awful at reading the room so instead of accepting the safety you’re offering, she decides to be stubborn like always. “Don’t lie to me, y/n, I know what I heard. Yelena’s just a big-”
“A big what?” The blonde cuts in with the most threatening glare she can manage. Which, considering she’s an ex-assassin, is quite effective at shutting the archer up.
“Um…” You can practically see the wheels spinning in the brunette’s head as she tries to come up with something different to say. She clearly fails based on the words that come out. “A big softie..?”
“Oh, Kate,” you sigh. “You’re never going to learn to stop poking the bear, huh?”
“What do you mean?” 
Her confusion lasts for about a second before Yelena shoots up from the couch and lunges toward her. The archer gets the message pretty quickly after that, expertly ducking out of the way and taking off running in the direction of the bathroom.
All you can do is laugh and shake your head as the Russian chases after her. “Go easy on her, babe!”
“Yeah, Yelena, listen to your girlfriend!”
“Kate!” You and the Russian yell out at the same time, leading to a fit of giggles belonging to the biggest instigator you've ever met.
"So much for a chill game night," Peter mumbles, placing his cards onto the coffee table. "You're gonna go help Kate out, right?"
You shrug. "I'll think about it."
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marvelousmichelangelo · 5 months
*+~Masterpost ~+*
Hello there! My name is Michelangelo, you may call me Mikey or Micheal. My pronouns are He/they There will be some cursing on this blog, so please be sure to leave if that makes you uncomfortable 🧡
T-CEST, Proshippers Please do not put anything NSFW in my asks or DMs
#Wizard speaks #Wizard asks #Wizard art #Mystical mutuals #mini mikey 2.0 [[OOC text looks like this!]] [[Mod is usually on from 9pm to 2am CST]] [[If you would like to find the other RP blogs, please check out @the-forgor-four-rottmnt]]
[[I've deleted any posts pre-RP restart, so some things you need to know are below in green]]
[[Anon hit Mikey with an age reverse bomb, so for the time being, he is 17. Mikey has already interacted with most (if not all) RP blogs, so we've got those set. He is suspicious of Bishop and there is slight (friendly) beef between him and present Leo. If there's anything I missed, please tell me!]]
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masterkeynobi · 1 year
trw e1 brain dump incoming im obsessed w how 0 people predicted some of the pc classes. BARD/ROGUE bulbian bishop? satanist (hungry one-ist?) shapeshifting BARD/WARLOCK teenage spymaster?? (karna is perfect btw i will never not love an ethically dubious aabria pc aabria i'm your biggest fucking fan but i was like 100% sure she’d be a rogue...)
anjali is sooooo fucking fun too ive never seen her play before but i love her already it’s real hot girl shit in there!!! she said somebody in here has to serve CUNT and she DELIVERED!!! jessica rabbit as a mango Do You Like Women. she has the most consistent accent(s) i’ve seen in the dome ever. like i wasn’t sure she Wasn’t irl british until she spoke ooc and sounded american. when she went french-accented british to speak fructerano... beautiful. love it. love to see it. (also was fun when matt went from french-accented to american-accented to indicate the switch to fructerano but that only lasted a few lines, rip)
feels characteristic (affectionate) of lou and zac to play very like. straightforward/Not Great At Politics pcs, given their past pcs within calorum (see: acoc ap ep 5, lou talking abt playing amethar so he doesn't have to be good at politics + zac talking about how playing lapin was hard bc he doesnt think/talk like that; by the time cumulous was in the picture there wasnt really Politics to deal with) vs iyengar + mulligan getting spicy with it and playing devious untrustworthy bitches w big ol secrets.
1. i think colin should kiss either deli or his mom, sorry, and 2. OBSESSED, truly, w the lady amangeaux-raphaniel-karna dynamics. brennans patented cute lil old man voice + a pc who's apparently so optimized to lie that he cannot get a sub-20 deception roll? i watched battle for beyond im gearing the fuck up for another mulligan minmax build that shit rules. lady a loving+trusting both of them implicitly but raphaniel maybe having killed...? her husband...? and karna def going out there and talking shit for fun and profit... yum. delicious. excited for it to get worse
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itsss4t4n · 6 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
-Bob Andrews
-Peter Shaw
-Justus Jonas
-Skinny Norris
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
-wally west
-roy harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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lost-generation-au · 3 months
(hiii just in case anyone is confused i thought i would make this little guide
normal text like this is bishop speaking
normal red text is ranboo
[red text in brackets like this is the ai filter]
[and normal text in brackets is just describing whats going on, kind of like in undertale if you know what that is lol]
and anything in parentheses is ooc! :D typically any posts that are only ooc will have the lgau announcement tag ^^)
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[Pinned post accompaniment]
Tagging system:
#genius speaks [original post]
#incoming transmission [asks]
#unknown sender [anonymous]
#social interaction [character reblogs]
#from the internet [non character reblogs]
#private logs [whisper] [For when he is talking to himself, without other characters being able to hear.]
#technical expertise [media attached]
#404 error [dream/recollection]
#breaking the fourth wall [OOC]
#task manager [to do list]
#data collection [polls]
Trigger warnings are written as #error.subject (for example, error.needles, error.amputation). If it’s two words (or more), the spaces will be replaced by periods. (Example, error.needle.mention).
If you need something tagged you can either message or send an ask [my memory is. Not so great. So I cannot promise anything but I will try.]
Character tags:
My timeline
#orange pawn [mikey]
#red king [raph]
#blue bishop [leo]
#the crow [darner]
#teal rook [casey junior]
#cyber bishop [S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.]
#turquoise pawn [acie]
#green knight [yarrow]
#minor interference [minor character]
Past timeline
#donnie.pst [past!donnie]
#mikey.pst [past!mikey]
#raph.pst [past!raph]
#leo.pst [past!leo]
#toby.pst [past!toby]
#junior.pst [past!cj]
#yarrow.pst [erin]
Lite timeline [Slightly in the past]
#donnie.lte [donnie lite]
#mikey.lte [mikey lite]
#raph.lte [raph lite]
#leo.lte [leo lite]
#toby.lte [toby lite]
#yarrow.lte [zinnia]
Genius Built [AU] timeline
#indigo knight [gb!donnie]
All other characters will have their blog name as the tag.
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splinter-sister · 2 months
Tomorrow, I will become an older pile of bones.
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bone-pile-rp · 5 months
Its Karamatsu.
He's the muse I'm contemplating.
I can make him so cringy. I have the skill to do so.
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bishopinblue · 8 months
I just found out that the quote, "Blood is thicker than water." Does not mean family ties are stronger than discovered ones. It's not even the whole quote!
The quote in the entirety is, “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” 
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attorney-rat-law · 11 months
// OOC: Pinned Post!
Informational Post (read byf) ⚖️ Ratticus Finch, Esquire.
Tumblr media
✒️ Character Sheet: [🚧] ✒️ Daily Rat Facts: click here! ✒️ Playlist & Pinterest: [🚧]
✒️ Sign Off: their full title (like a professional email), mostly! (Can unlock -Ratticus [/nickname/relation])
⚖️ Quests: (w/ completion %)
Boundaries, Story, and more below the cut!
This is a DnDads (Dungeons and Dragons, a D&D podcast) rp/ask blog for Ratticus Finch, Esquire, the Chief Prosecutor at Meth Bay! Ratticus is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.
This blog is run by Mod Bishop, who uses he/they/xe pronouns. :] (Blog follows from @princehen!)
Other DnDads RP blogs can be found here as well as here, and my other RP blogs can be found here!
⚖️ Boundaries:
✒️ In Character (IC) DMs: ✅ (and encouraged!) ✒️ Out of Character (OCC) DMs: ✅ (would prefer you said hello on discord or at @violets-in-spring, but you can message me here to plan stuff or do private rps!) ✒️ Anon/In-Character Asks: ✅ (negative & positive asks are welcome!) ✒️ Shipping: ✅ (w/ like planning & permission, ofc) ✒️ Tagging: ⚠️i tag for serious topics (drug use, suicide, assault, violence, etc) but not for spoilers b/c ratticus is a late-S1 character. I also add IC tags to posts--OOC tags/markers/messages from me begin with "//". - OOC posts: "// OOC: bishop chats" - OOC reblogs/tags: "// OOC: bishop reblogs" - IC posts: "the attorney speaks!" - IC reblogs: "chief reblogs!" - Daily Facts: "// OOC: daily rat facts" ✒️ Reblogs: This acct reblogs work/study tips, quotes, and cute animals. ✒️ Other: ❌ no explicit 18+ content
⚖️ Story:
✒️ Ratticus Finch is a 4th level Oathbreaker Paladin and a 16th level Warlock (of The Law) due to their long years of experience in court. I do roll for stats!
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maple-leifarts · 2 months
Gen 1
Only RGB trio alive
Lives in the mall
Someone else is watching, they are calling themself “Bishop” which in name form mean ‘Overseer’
No one else is at the mall (As of right now)
Bishop: Any and all pronouns, is nice but maybe it’s an act?
Ranboo sees the anons as people.
Theory: The anons are ghosts and because Ranboo was dead for a while they can see us.  
 Gen 2
Ignore the Theory it’s not important THEY ARE IN A TIME LOOP (And so are we I guess)
Bishop is a bitch and is trying to blame us! (Bishop good now don’t worry)
Ranboo can’t speak 
Some of the others might be alive now (Nope)
List of people I want to stab if I get a body :The founder, Hetch, whoever is the person talking in red. 
Ranboo has figured it out! They all now know that they are in a time loop.
We can’t say Bishop’s name, but that won’t stop me from trying to hint at it >:)
I think they are still in the show, it is the only way to explain how they can get stuff and money for stuff. 
Can’t say any more things to them. Hide stuff better and do more hints.
Bishop is un-mind controlled now, They are good.
I accidentally revealed that to the founder, but we are going to fix that��…hopefully….
Got Sneeg to help look for Checkers (What we are calling bishop now) so hopefully we find them.
Checkers looks like security to everyone but us (Sometimes) and Ranboo.
Got it fix we good
Gen 3
We are not good, the looped rest. if this happens again I’m going into my villain arc :D
No filter this time, Yippie 
Checkers says that we should stay away from Ranboo this time, at least for now 
(OOC: ask Bishop about their past at some point, Maple seems to want to rant about that :D)
Ranboo got mind control by a mask
Hetch caught on quickly, he is not mind control but my just good old fashioned gaslighting gatekeep girl bossing that’s happening, we’ll figure it out. (what was I even trying to say here? How much sleep did I get? How late did I write this?)
Gen 4
Going to be worse this time, be extra careful.
Back to talking in hints and riddles, yippie/s
Don’t know if anything changed
New(?) person, don’t know their name but they are a bitch
Checkers is missing
Ranboo got out of the box by themself and they are hurt, a lot……I really hope they remember…..(They don’t remember us D:)
Red text (The new person) is an AI,
Ranboo can’t see or feel us anymore :( I want to hug them so bad……(Head pat them, they don’t like hugs any more)
Ranboo doesn’t want to leave this time
The power is out
Everyone is split up (Fun :D/s)
Bishop is ok :D but I want to check if they are being controlled again as soon as I get the chance (Worried about Ranboo now, Bishop is fine (Bishop is NOT fine))
Ranboo found their notebook :D
Ranboo is mind-controlled D: by the earpiece
“Ranboo” wants to cut off all the cameras, AKA, send us back to the void :(
Bishop was masked and was being controlled (Fucking called it) and we met the founder and Hetch fucking stabbed Ranboo and-
Gen 5
Charlie and Sneeg are out of the mall
Charlie finds us in their backyard
Ranboo is still trapped at the mall (I figure the same with Bishop)
No one remembers still (wHy :( (Ranboo remembers))
Charlie and Sneeg are staying at Sneeg’s old house. (I don’t think that’s the truth it way too close to the mall)
Going to go save Ranboo and Bishop (And whoever else we make our friend) after Charlie gets Sneeg.
Never mind, Ranboo is at the house now. (Still need to safe Bishop)
They all reliving the last 3 years (So like, 2026?(We in the future))
Ranboo can feel us again :D (don’t give hugs just head pats)
Ranboo has an old friend, feels like this is important, like they will be trapped as a Showfall worker or something.
New mission, make Ranboo smile and let them be happy :D
Ranboo has been forced to watch gore for the past 3 years, so if we get a chance to hurt Hetch and the founder, make sure they are at least closing their eyes.
Who I think Ranboo's friend is: an oc, Aimsey (Because Ranboo’s friend goes by any pronouns and Aimsey does as well, I think). 
Sneeg and Charlie are being mind controlled or something because they are saying some shit that they would not say. (If they are not being mind-controlled I’m going to slap them, or throw myself at them, one of the two.)
Charlie locked Ranboo in a room
We are in Ranboo’s dream now :D
Ranboo’s friend goes by any pronouns
The dream was an old memory of when Ranboo found the taps, we met Ranboo’s friend in that dream but their face was blacked out, and after Ranboo stopped playing along with the dream the friend was yelling at Ranboo to say their name until Ranboo woke up
Also apparently Ranboo lied to us, not mad, tho I do want to know what they lied about.
The door to the room is unlocked
Don’t know where Sneeg and Charlie are
There are flys and bugs outside the house and in the house
There is a dead crow in the backyard, I wonder how it died….probably from a baby zombie (I’m sorry I can’t stop myself :D(never mind it was a raven I’m stupid))
Gen 6
It fucking reset again, Ranboo quickly found us and we are now figuring out what happened (Ranboo stills remembers don’t worry)
Snowfall workers hunted Ranboo around the mall, killed them, and then they would wake up the next day revived.
Wait this is the first looped where Charlie didn’t find us……bit weird but it’s ok :D
Ranboo has wires in their skin
One of the wires glows red, I think it when they lie that it glows…….I’ll feel so bad if I’m wrong :( (I was wrong fuck I’m giving them so many head parts to make up for it……and hugs if they are alright with it now(They are not, stick to head pats))
Gonna to test to see if we can still give them head pats. (We can lets go :D)
Therapy (Seriously Ranboo looks insane sometimes they need it, and I’m sure everyone else will need the same)
Went to go cause some chaos against Showfall, found something to break, Ranboo cut a wire and everything went dark for a moment but now we are with Bishop again (I thought I killed us for a moment)
Ranboo got killed again but they will be revived tomorrow (I don’t know if it’s comic time or our time)
I finally got a chance to show Bishop their fan art :D
Here it is :D sorry I didn't answer right away I was sleeping.
RAHHHH I LOVE IT HOLY SHIT also good guess on who the old friend is but its not aimsey :)
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This is a PERMANENT STARTER CALL for Kate Bishop aka Hawkeye. If you would like to interact and plot with Kate then go ahead and hit the like button. I will then post a short to medium length starter for you. Please be patient with me. I will get to everyone as soon as I can. If you are a multimuse blog, please specify which character you’d like to plot with.
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