the-nysh · 2 years
It’s interesting how everything comes full circle in a way. I saw someone on here say they think Saitama is Tsundere with Genos, as he can actually be quite cruel to the poor guy sometimes, and instead of being dismissal it felt more like Saitama didn’t want to have Genos too close or didn’t want to admit how far he came to care for him. But now Saitama went to leaps and bounds to keep the core intact. It goes back to what you told me about the similarities between Garou and Saitama, and how Tareo and Genos fill a very particular role in both their lives.
Garou and Saitama share many similar parallels, and "Tareo and Genos fill a very particular role in both their lives." Yes. :')) Which I think these two pages illustrate very well - as their respective, last clinging tethers to their humanity... (As the closest people they care for and wanted to protect.) Where Garou silently understands what Saitama meant, without him even needing to elaborate on why he continued to grasp the core for emotional support, as much as well, on his part, Garou kept mentally thinking about Tareo all along on his journey as his anchor too... And as for me, I read this moment as silent empathy over their mutual loss. :')
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theomnicode · 2 years
I like your latest analysis on the characters regarding not much the plot but their personalities and their inner troubles. I found the post on Saitama liking animals really cute but sorrowful at the same time. I would like to think that other than defeating god the most important thing Saitama Can learn is to love himself and to love others and be happy 🤧🤧🤧🤧
Thank you for the compliments, it's always nice to hear from you in my inbox bohemian-suho. :)
I am of the opinion that unless Saitama learns to once again care and love others, he won't be able to self-actualize and defeat God at all. Yet such thing opens him up to emotional manipulation, not just from God but the things and people he cares about.
Interesting thing about Saitama caring about people, comparing WC and Manga versions.
WC Saitama is, ironically, probably more or less immune to God's manipulations. He's in control of whatever happens in that universe because he cares little.
But at the same time, he will never gain enough power to actually defeat God, if it's on the same level as in manga universe. WC Saitama would stagnate somewhere down the line because he would remain too detatched when the time comes to throw down with God. Ofc God itself could work as a catalyst for WC Saitama to eventually grow strong enough...but then what? Was it something he was seeking? Would he able to self-actualize from defeating God once? Doubtful.
Manga Saitama on the other hand, would get all the power he needs if he just feels strongly enough. Opening himself up and not inhibiting himself emotionally. He himself says he gets the energy to continue on with just small positive attention, because it makes him happy.
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Saitama is at his happiest when he helps people. But going down the route of apathy and losing his humanity makes him not care about other people, so he can't be happy any longer and it creates a vicious cycle.
And yet...opening himself up emotionally is a huge vulnerability at the same time. One OPM God has already exploited other people and him and would exploit some more. The more he opens up, the more his feelings can be used against him. A double-edged sword and he will have to be really careful if he does not want to fall onto his own sword.
Because monsters are made when they abandon humanity and when they desire for things too much. And social interconnectivity, emotions and love are things Saitama desperately craves, but has tried to detatch himself from having. There is a gap in his heart that needs to be filled.
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One way to not be vulnerable to God's machinations and exploitable would be if his heart no longer craved anything though. With heart full of emotions and love, he would not be vulnerable any longer, like Garou who was taken advantage of by the visage of Bang offering him his support. The heart desires for nothing if it has everything.
That's why I do feel like it's important for manga Saitama especially to learn how to care for himself and for others again. Since God has made itself a far more prominent presence in this version.
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
@bohemian-suho asked in reply to 'Morality Pets' the following question that doesn't fit in a neat paragraph:
Could you expand and how she did it and what changed in him? Because I saw it kind of the other way around. I was so proud of her fighting alongside him and working as a team with him.
Ho, this is a pretty big question. For sure, no interaction is ever one way. However, I don't yet know if Tatsumaki has learned a thing. Yes, when she was in a dire pinch, Genos came through for her wonderfully and she found working with him good. However, once she's healed and feeling herself again, it is an open question whether she decides that she'll moderate her mantra of absolute self-reliance or if she'll write this incident off as a once-in-a-lifetime exception, or even if... she'll consider herself to have been humiliated by his interference. People are like that, particularly when their most cherished beliefs are challenged. When you do that, you rarely get a friend who thanks you for setting them straight. You get an enemy who blames you for causing them distress. So I'm waiting to see.
Genos though, I do know has learned from supporting Tatsumaki. He's confronted and made progress on two important philosophical questions that have troubled him. Philosophical makes it sound academic, but they concern core issues of how he's to best conduct himself.
The first is who needs help. Heroes help those who can't so the direction of travel is allegedly clear -- help flows from the strong to the weak, so the stronger you are, the less help you need/deserve/get. In the WC, Genos has not challenged that belief in the slightest, when he scornfully tells Flashy Flash that he has nothing to offer Saitama:
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When he sets out to follow after Tatsumaki and help her, we see him consider that question explicitly, remembering Saitama coming through for Mumen Rider. The answer to who needs help is anybody, regardless of capability. Which is a radical change to the sense of noblesse oblige that prevails unexamined.
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The second is another that's troubled him for a long long while. Where the balance of destroying enemies versus protecting others lies. Genos has been as strict a utilitarian as Metal Knight is, with the difference that he's willing to lay down in front of the trolley himself if need be. The cold logic of the matter is that if there's any innocent people to kill to stop a terrible threat from killing many more people, heroes are the right people to kill. Because they're the people who are prepared to die for others. He acknowledges explicitly that killing heroes would have once been no big deal for him if the outcome was that a monster as terrible as Black Sperm didn't escape.
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So what changed the calculus? Tatsumaki. By working so closely with her, she ceases to be a hero in the abstract, or even just a person. She’s the person he’s flown in the teeth of one of the most terrifying monsters ever to give her space to work. She’s the person he’s plunged down a mile to summon help for, then clambered back up to guard her when she could no longer protect herself. She’s the person he’s carried in his arms, giving his back to every obstacle and blow so as to keep safe. Furthermore, he’s seen and empathises with Fubuki’s fear for her sister’s well-being and that impels him to try that much harder for Tatsumaki. And she's a person who really, really doesn't want to die.
So when push came to shove, the question wasn't 'are you going to kill a dozen heroes to save millions of lives?' It was: 'are you going to kill Tatsumaki? Is that your idea of justice? REALLY?' It's at that point that he gets on top of her to shield her from being stamped to death, to protect her come what may. It might not have worked out as well as it did in the end, but no matter: Genos has decided that his path to justice and strength does not lie in strategically sacrificing others.
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The issue of what, if anything, he owed to stronger people has been vaguely knocking around in Genos's head since he promised to be there for Saitama if the latter ever found himself cornered. Tatsumaki forced it into focus and made him make a positive decision on the issue. The issue of destroy vs protect is one he's been able to avoid looking at hard to date and utilitarianism looks nice until it means betraying a scared, badly injured woman who has put her trust in you. The nice thing about Genos is that he's stubborn as anybody else, but when he sees the error of his ways, he's prepared to change. He doesn't waste time hanging onto things that no longer serve a purpose.
So in short, I don't yet know what Tatsumaki will be taking from this interaction, but I do know what Genos has so far.
Edit: Just for completeness, how did the webcomic handle the issue of whether to take heroes with him? By having it always be unthinkable for Genos, so there's no moral debate to be had and nothing to learn.
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hyunniebaeked · 5 years
Wow Junmyeon thank you for delivering the best IG live of all time.
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exoficsspanish · 4 years
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GIF no me pertenece, crédito para el que lo hizo :D
Almas y Flores: Naciste para amar a tu alma gemela, pero… ¿qué pasa cuando conoces a la tuya y no te ama de vuelta?
Park Chanyeol x Lectora
Número de palabras:3k+
Capitulo anterior / siguiente
*Capitulo narrado por Chanyeol*
-Si estás tan preocupado ¿por qué no le llamas?- razono Baekhyun conmigo a lo que yo solo negué rápidamente ocupándome en seguir trabajando con la cerámica viendo si ya se encontraba lista después de pasar un tiempo secándose.
 -No lo sé, siento que no es un buen momento para bombardearla con algún mensaje- dije inseguro a lo que mi amigo solo saco un bufido exasperado por mi actitud 
 -¿Sabes? muchas veces no es tanto el mensaje o lo que digas si no que hayas tomado un poco de tiempo para demostrar que sí importa ella para ti - dijo con sabiduría Yume la cual comenzó cariñosamente a peinar a Baekhyun el cual se relajó al instante, logrando soltar el zapato qué estaba pensando tirarme 
 -¡Vamos Chanyeol! no seas tan soso y mándale un mensaje, yo creo que le haría feliz ver que su alma está preocupada por el estado de su papá y su traslado- Jongin se asomó a nuestra habitación a lo que solo asentí, saqué mi celular y apreté su número en el chat.
 Justo ayer estábamos hablando sobre lo buena que había sido la película de Bohemian Rhapsody que vimos juntos a distancia mientras ella cuidaba de su país en el hospital, hoy era el día en que gracias a los contactos de Suho cambiarían de hospital a su papá para que pudiera tener a su cargo el caso y prestarle la mejor atención médica. 
 Estaba casi seguro de que, aunque mi alma gemela no lo dijera en voz alta estaba preocupada por las cuentas que ella debería en el primer hospital como en el segundo, pero por más que Suho le explicaba que él se haría cargo de todo ella seguía necia que pagaría, aunque sea algo del tratamiento. 
 Volteé a la florería, podía ver a su mamá trabajando, me sorprendía la naturaleza con la que atendía la florería, cómo cambiaba la forma en la que tanto su hija, como ella trabajaban, la música sonaba en el negocio, la señora platicaba con las plantas incluso podía jurar que la vi besando a las rosas cuando las regaba, gente mayor pasaba a saludarla a lo que ella platicaba, sonreía e invitaba té para sus amigos.
 -También podrías hacerte amigo de tu suegra- Luhan me empujo logrando que me tropezara 
 -Creo que tienen suficiente en su plato como para qué todavía aumente la carga con saber que su hija ya se encontró a su alma gemela- me distraje mejor acomodando unos cuadros que los chicos querían cambiar, cuando fue la hora del almuerzo le pedí a Yume que fuera a checar a la señora en su negocio en lo que yo en la trastienda me dedicaba a pensar qué mensaje mandar 
 “Hola!, debes de estar ocupada con todo el traslado, me gustaría haberte ayudado, pero estoy seguro de que Suho es una mejor opción que yo con esos temas, no te preocupes todo está bien, hemos estado pendientes de tu mama por si acaso necesitaba algo, cuídate y espero que cuando estés desocupada podamos hablar”
  Borre el mensaje para volver a escribirlo agregando otras cosas, pero siempre volvía al mensaje original, fue cuando seguía dudando qué Baekhyun llegó detrás de mí y lo mandó sin mi consentimiento, quería matarlo, pero el daño ya estaba hecho. 
 Guardé mi celular en mi pantalón, tratando de evitar ver lo que ella escribiría cuando tuviera el tiempo necesario.
 -Te estás ruborizando?- preguntó entre risas Baekhyun a lo cual negué, aunque podía sentir mis mejillas calentándose 
 -¡Oh por dios!- mi amigo tomó mis manos confirmando la teoría cuando noto mis manos sudadas- ¿estas nervioso?- lo volví a negar, pero estaba gritando por los demás, abrí la puerta de atrás tomé mi patineta y salí huyendo. 
 Decidí comer solo, estaba terminando mi panini cuando mi teléfono sonó
 Vi el mensaje esperando más burlas por parte de Baekhyun, pero solo me encontré con un mensaje de ella preguntando si estaba ocupado, rápido le respondí con un no, fue después de casi un minuto qué mi celular comenzó a vibrar por una llamada
 --Hola- respondí guardando mis nervios a lo que su voz también sonaba un poco nerviosa
 -Hola, no tienes ni idea de lo bien que mi lazo me ha hecho sentir ahorita- dijo ella sin miedo de declarar su sentir a lo que yo sentí mi lazo darme lengüetazos en mi estómago por la emoción de mi alma gemela
 -Igual- sabía que para otros podría sonar demasiado seco, pero esperaba que ella entendiera qué estaba intentando abrirme y explicar lo que sentía adentro
 -¿Cómo estás?- dije un poco preocupado
 -Estoy afuera del hospital, mi papá está estable y platicando con los médicos que Suho puso a su cuidado, pero quería hablar contigo para saber qué tal iba todo - no sé porque, pero la imagine con un rubor en su cara a lo que mi lazo volvió a darme más rubores
 -No hay nada de qué preocuparse, en la noche también estarás con él - pregunté pensando que tal vez veríamos de nuevo otra película a lo cual ella negó 
 - Tienen enfermeras para qué la familia no se canse demasiado- dijo ella y de nuevo escuché en su voz la duda de las deudas 
 -Suho te ayudará, créeme- dije para tranquilizarla, pero ella soltó un aire frustrada
 -No es eso, sino que Suho es tu amigo, siento que es abusar, no soy nada de él como para que absorba todos los gastos de mi padre- dijo ella por fin comprendí su punto de vista 
 -Entiendo, cuando tenía once años y Suho me regalo un iPad pensé lo mismo, mi mama me pidió regresarla, pero cuando lo hice Suho me explico porque lo hacía, entendí que mi amigo así es, si tienes esa preocupación explícame para que él pueda decirte lo mismo a ti- dije terminando mi bebida a lo que ella me dijo que hablaría con el 
 El silencio se alargó, podía escuchar qué ella abría y cerraba la boca tratando de encontrar un punto en común para platicar conmigo, recordé qué debido a qué ella estuvo todo el día en eso lo más probable es que haya descuidado del comer algo. 
 -Baekhyun me ha dicho que hay un puesto de kebab muy bueno cerca del hospital, no sé si quieras ir con nosotros para qué también puedas despejarte un poco – mordí el interior de mi mejilla por el miedo qué tenía a qué resultara en un rechazo a lo que ella dijo un si rápidamente. 
 —La verdad me gustaría mucho salir con ustedes - respondió ella con cierta timidez —siempre salir con Baekhyun y Yume me hace reír mucho además el plus es estar contigo—ella expresaba su amor de una manera en la que me parecía como respirar, me daba envidia el como ella podía decir eso 
 —Está bien nos veremos pronto, cuídate- dije tratando de sonar sincero ella me dio las gracias y colgamos, a la hora de ver mi celular sentí mi corazón palpitar demasiado fuerte, suspire y regrese al trabajo, rápidamente le dije a Baekhyun lo qué haríamos por la noche 
 Cuando el reloj dio la hora para verla, apuré a Baekhyun y a su novia porque no quería qué ella esperara mucho fuera del hospital, las noches en la ciudad eran particularmente frías así qué, si ella no estaba preparada tendría frio, caminábamos platicando de cualquier cosa, fue cuando la ví en los escalones con Suho qué sonreí a todo mi potencial, mi amigo nos saludo le di un hola rápido y la vi a ella, rápidamente se puso junto a mí, saludo a todos.
 -¿No hay problema con qué me una?- Suho doblo sin cuidado su bata de doctor, estaba casi seguro qué debía de tener una cantidad exorbitante de ellas en su casa por lo cual no tenia mucho apego a ellas.
 -Claro, entre más seamos mejor- comente sin prestarle atención, mis amigos se dieron cuenta como automáticamente ella y yo nos acercamos lo demasiado para ir platicando como si nos tocáramos las manos, había una distancia mínima qué tras un pequeño tropiezo de Yume hizo qué ella me tomara del brazo y no me dejará ir siempre tuve cuidado de no rozar sus muñecas para que ella no se sintiera nerviosa con sus heridas.
 Si pudiera reducir la cena a un evento fue cuando fui a lavarme las manos antes de cenar, había un gran espejo detrás de mi se reflejaba ella junto con mis amigos, se reían y al verme al espejo me di cuenta de que mis ojos brillaban y la sonrisa no se podía borrar. 
 ¿Mamá estarías orgullosa?
 Un mes pasó, entre risas, citas, visitas escondidas de sus padres, besos en la mejilla.
 -No puedo creer qué tus padres crean qué Suho es tu novio- dije riéndome, dándole la mano a lo que ella solo negó con asco a mi acusación, pero tomo sin dudar mi mano.
 -No tengo nada contra él, pero sinceramente no haríamos buena pareja- ella tenía puesta una blusa qué demostraba a todo el mundo la marca de alma gemela, como coincidencia también yo traía una playera sin mangas donde, aunque tenía un tatuaje cubriendo una parte se veía mí marca … nuestra marca, estábamos sentados en un parque público qué se caracterizaba por tener fuentes que la gente ocupaba para refrescarse en época de calor. 
-Créeme Suho parece salido de los sueños de todas las mamas del mundo: es doctor, tiene buenos modales, es gentil, honesto, con un trabajo seguro y ayuda a quien lo necesita- dije sin ningún ápice de envidia porque había convivido con el desde hace mucho tiempo y estaba acostumbrado a las reacciones de la gente. 
-No, Chanyeol aquí el que se la pasa hablando de que buen hombre es Suho es mi papa, es como si hubiera salido de un de los dramas que tanto le gustan ver- ella sonrió a lo que mi sonrisa se hizo mas prominente 
-Vaya ahora también es encantador de suegros, muy bien tratare de cuando me conozcan tus papas Suho hable por mi- guiñe un ojo pero al parecer mi respuesta la hizo ponerse nerviosa. 
 Mordí mi sándwich de helado con sabor a vainilla, ella se rio cuando me cayó en la playera negra y yo me reí cuando a ella le cayó en su falda, me golpeo con el codo, los dos instintivamente soltamos nuestras manos para intentar rescatar el helado y volvimos a tocarnos sin importar qué estuvieran pegajosas o sucias.
 -Todo parece un sueño- me dijo ella en un susurro 
 -Tú lo eres- ella hizo un graznido parecido a un cerdo por mi expresión.
 -Alguien se ha vuelto demasiado cursi- yo solo rodé los ojos ante su broma
 -No puedes negar qué te gusta- ella corrió antes de que pudiera ver su rubor hacerse más evidente 
 Mientras brincaba sobre los charcos de agua, escuche como alguien decía qué no podían creer que alguien tan suave, tierna y linda como ella pudiera tener como pareja a mí, el cual tenía cabello pintado, tatuajes por todas partes y claramente sin un futuro prometedor.
 Por primera vez en mucho tiempo voltee a verla riéndose, corriendo sin notar qué no iba detrás de ella, el cabello se pegaba a su cara y caían gotas de aguas en sus ojos, cuando me vio comprendí qué, aunque las señoras tuvieran sus opiniones yo no las escucharía porque ellas no sabían qué tenía en mi cartera una foto suya presumiendo cada qué la abría su cara como si fuera una obra de arte. 
 —Chanyeol ¡mira!- señalo un árbol enorme con unos dientes de león
 -¿Qué tiene?- pregunte acomode mi cachucha en mi cabeza haciendo que mi cabello se escondiera y tratando de ver algo qué no comprendía 
 -¿Podrías dibujarlo para mí?- ella tomo mi mano, llevándome hacia las señoras qué también habían hablado mal de nosotros 
 -Claro- ignore el sonido de mis tenis mojados encontré donde habíamos dejado las mochilas a salvo del agua, saque mi gran cuaderno de bosquejo, ella tomo su toalla, se recargo en mi hombro viendo como dibujaba puse música en mi celular
 -¡Vaya! sí que soy afortunada – mencionó sin vergüenza al ver cómo le presentaba el dibujo ella lo puso en su mochila sonriendo y dándome un beso casto en la mejilla haciendo qué nuestros lazos hicieran volteretas en el estimado
 ¿Mamá, estás viendo? pensé en mi mente de nuevo 
 -¿Segura?- le pregunte por veinteava vez
 -Si- ella estaba arriba de mi patineta, las calaveras pintadas en ella se veían ridículas contra sus calcetines de girasoles y sus colores pasteles, la tome de las manos y con cuidado comencé a dejar que el mismo movimiento la guiara por la calle, trate de no prestarle atención a que estaba rozando sus muñecas un área que la ponía nerviosa que le recordaba que no todo había estado bien, de hecho poco a poco su habito para lastimarse estaba mejorando con ayudad de un terapeuta que Suho le había recomendado.
 —Esto es fácil— tenia una gran sonrisa, ignore las hojas que estaban enredadas en su cabello, me concentre en el rubor natural que el sol había provocado en ella, sus manos estaban calientes y sudadas, pero no me importaba, solo podía ver como nuestra cita en el parque estaba siendo uno de mis mejores recuerdos, además de la confianza que ella debía de tener conmigo para permitirme acercarme un poco mas a ella.
 —Eso crees? Muy bien si piensas que eres ya lo suficientemente buena te soltare — cuando hice el intento de soltarla se aferró a mi
 —No, nada de eso, me gusta la vista desde aquí— a pesar de que intenté no demostrar que me había puesto nerviosa su respuesta estaba cien por cierto seguro que tenia una de mis sonrisas enormes.
 —Por mas que no quisiera que nos fuéramos, será mejor que vayamos al metro, porque si no Suho nos matará por no cuidar mejor de nosotros— dijo bajándose con cuidado de la patineta
 —¡Ni lo digas! No hay nada peor que sus regaños, ¿traes una muda de ropa en tu mochila? — inquirí cargando mi patineta y acomodándola entre la mochila y mi espalda
 —Si, aunque no creo que Baekhyun este contesto que me la pase yendo a bañarme a su departamento— ella caminaba tratando de no pisar las líneas de la banqueta
 —En primera es nuestro departamento y en segunda Yume pasa la mayoría del tiempo ahí así que nada de sentirte mal, creo que los chicos mencionaron que irían a cenar a la casa así que estoy seguro de que tendremos comida esperando por nosotros— nuestros zapatos hacían sonidos gracias a que estaban húmedos ella se reía porque decía que parecíamos niños de cuatro años, pero su sonrisa delataba que se sentía a muy feliz
 El viaje en el metro constantemente teníamos que taparnos la boca para no reír cada vez que alguien se enojaba por mojarse a rozarse con nosotros.
 —Estúpidas almas gemelas— escuché murmurar a alguien, por un momento recordé como hace meses atrás pensaba igual pero ahora con ella de frente solo podía reír como bobo y pensar en que había hecho en toda mi vida si no estaba ella. Algo en mi interior se apretó, no se si tenia que ver con el lazo o era la parte razonable de mi cerebro preguntándome que había sucedido.
 Pero tan pronto como llego esa sensación desapareció cuando ella con su dedo índice trazo mi nariz, saque la lengua para ella a lo que ella también lo hizo, sacó su celular y tomo una foto de nuestra imagen reflejada en el cristal del metro, le dije que me la mandara a lo que ella negó diciéndome que seria capaz de ponerla como fondo de pantalla, le prometí que no lo haría pero mágicamente se convirtió en el fondo de pantalla para mis chats.
 Al llegar al departamento Yume gritaba mientras jugaba videojuegos mientras que Baekhyun le daba indicaciones, pero por la cara de frustración de Baekhyun al parecer había perdido otra partida.
 —A este paso seremos siempre el ultimo lugar — mencionó infantilmente a lo que Yume rodó los ojos
 —Gracias por llegar, si hubieran tardado un poco más, Baekhyun me hubiera obligado a ver otro tutorial para aprender a jugar esto— se levanto de la computadora sin prestarle atención a su alma gemela y jalo la mano de mi alma gemela llevándosela fuera de ahí
 —A veces me gustaría que supiera sobre esto— Baekhyun enojado volvió a iniciar una partida, sin dudarlo me senté junto a el
 —Estoy seguro de que Yume es buena en otras cosas, además que importa si no eres el numero uno al menos tienes alguien que te quiere lo demasiado como para soportar por horas verte jugando o jugar ella misma cuando no le gusta
 —Espera… ¿Qué has hecho con Chanyeol? ¿desde cuando das tan buenos consejos?- Baekhyun de un momento comenzó a sonreír de nuevo
 —Blah blah blah — paso casi una hora cuando Yume regreso a la sala seguida de mi alma gemela, la cual ya parecía haberse bañado y la cual me dijo que ya estaba lista la ducha para que e cambiara sin dudarlo deje le teclado a lo que Baekhyun grito, pero mi alma comenzó a jugar por lo que pude escuchar era tan mala como Yume, pero tenía un poco mas de talento para evitar su muerte
 El agua caliente ayudo a despejar mis ideas, a entender mi lazo y otra vez callar a mi mente, no quería volver a dudar de mi mismo, como algo que me estaba haciendo sentir tan bien podría ser algo artificial, cerré los ojos y puse el agua fría dejando que lavara mis malos pensamientos.
 En la sala escuche a todos los chicos habían llegado cuando me estaba duchando, Suho estaba sentado platicando con Jongin fue al salir que note que teníamos estofado para todos, ella me había apartado un lugar y con lo cálido de la sopa en mi estomago y lo cálido de su mano todo lo frio de mis pensamientos había escapado
 “Mamá no quiero estropearlo” pensé y a lo lejos vi caer la primera gota de lluvia en el cielo, vaya eso sí que era raro.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
hi there - i love your blog. I just had a question for you ~ can you teach me about exo? i know nothing about them. Can you do maybe, if you have time, use like a sentance or a few words to describe each of them so i can get a feel? if you don't have time that's totally okay! I don't want you to feel pressured or anything. have a good rest of your night!
Girrrrlll yes. You gone learn today
9 members. Used to be 12 but I only started stanning during the Monster era so idk the other 3.
Must watches: Monster MV, Love Shot MV, The EVE dance practice, Tempo MV, Gayo Daejeon music festival love shot performance (Kai's solo p h e w), Growl at Elyxion in Seoul, exo next door (nobody fucking @me I'll fight you it's my favorite thing ever)
Vocal Line
Suho (Kim Junmyeon)
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Gorgeous. Obviously.
Has done a lot a lot of acting, is very good at it.
Super sweet, dad to all the members, clear baritone, my second biaswrecker ngl, he's my sugar daddy in my head
Looks amazing in a suit, good at being diplomatic, lots of press
He said he wants his insta to be "a small but certain happiness" to exo-ls mom I love him
Byun Baekhyun
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Demon absolute demon, high-key flirt
AMAZING vocalist, tenor, lots of range, him and Jongdae really are some of the best vocalists in kpop imo
Him and Chanyeol are close, a chaotic duo
He tried to choke me out in the Monster MV
BUT he adores us EXO-Ls he will throw hands over us for sure, deadass called out someone on fancafe for suggesting he doesn't care about international fans with 10 exclamation marks and "TRANSLATE THIS" at the bottom
Kai (Kim Jongin)
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Aka Nini aka Nini bear looks like the biggest fuckboy on the planet a whole demon onstage but the softest most shy baby alive my number one biaswrecker of any group tbh MELANIN p h e w the best dancer in kpop imo, works SO hard, slays every performance
Loves Kyungsoo and doesn't care who knows it
A baritone, pretty vocals but is low-key a pretty good rapper
Xiumin (Kim Minseok)
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He's enlisting rn so we are sad :(
A whole demon onstage is very chill offstage, lot of aegyo he's fucking adorable
A tenor, great vocals, excellent dancer
Part of a subgroup called CBX which is him, Chen, and Baekhyun they are all close
Lay (Zhang Yixing)
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He's not in a lot of the newer performances he has a solo career so he's busy
Dimples that ruin my life, two of three Chinese members, dance line, such a demon onstage like wow him and Jongin like compete to wreck us exo-ls
A literal angel though, hopeless romantic, a whole s a p
Chen (Kim Jongdae)
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Voice of an ANGEL leaves me shook every performance with his high notes like honestly he's my favorite vocalist in kpop
Sweet sweet boy so many members are high-key soft in EXO
The first to hug and comfort the other boys when they're crying, a fucking s a p, handed out hot packs to ghosts in a haunted house I kinda wanna marry him too
D.O. (Doh Kyungsoo)
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Story time when I first watched the Love Shot MV I literally could not stop talking about how handsome he was despite having already picked my bias
My sister was like....are you SURE D.O. isn't your bias?
Anyway.... angelic vocals, i keep saying angelic but....EXO has so many beautiful voices
Amazing actor, been in a ton of kdramas
Sweet shy baby he and Jongin are so soft for each other, best friends
He enlisted this year :(
Shy but a high-key savage
Park Chanyeol
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Phew. My motherfucking HUSBAND
I could write a 20k word essay about this man but I'll try to keep it brief
A big fucking dork, clumsy, he's so big but like...he doesn't know it? EXO is full of 6 footers but he towers over all of them
Skinny thicc legend like he looks thin but sis those biceps....ANYwAY
Deepest voice my absolute weakness, loud AF
He's so soft though, he is the only member with tats he has 4 and one of them is for exo-ls 😭
Spits bars but sings like an angel, cover of All of Me ruined my life, plays guitar and piano we stan a multitalented king
Instalives he is always sleepy and wanting exo-ls to talk him to sleep, played Bohemian Rhapsody on guitar for us, basically he's the perfect man send tweet
Oh Sehun
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Maknae, very serious boy but actually high-key funny, sarcastic, a brat and we love him for it
Dance line, such a demon onstage and offstage on vlive he deadass teased exo-ls about sleeping naked and called them naughty girls I'm not making this shit up
Looks the best in eyeliner tbh
Deep voice (p h e w), spits bars, can also sing
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aerisosweet · 5 years
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chanyeol rockin’ out to bohemian rhapsody during suho’s ig live (plus an excited pup)
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xkagayama · 7 years
can we all agree baekhyun's "MAMAAAA OOOH" last night in singapore sounded like brendon urie in p!atd's version of bohemian rhapsody
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pikayeollie · 5 years
Chanyeol doing a guitar cover of Bohemian Rhapsody and then Suho singing silent night while playing the piano CHRISTMAS 2018 HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN 🎄🍾
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carnationsinjanuary · 6 years
🎶Song Tag 🎶
I was tagged by @xtemptaetionx ☺💕
I'm gonna tag @littleladyphantom and anyone else who wants to do it then have fun!
instagram by Dean
Seoul by RM
tokyo by RM [I keep repeating these two the most from the mixtape]
Bohemian Rhapsody (live) covered by Panic! At The Disco
Killer Queen covered by 5 Seconds of Summer [Panic! & 5SOS really out here with the best Queen covers]
Dinner by Suho and Jane Jung [So good]
Hey Look Ma, I Made It by Panic! At The Disco
Save You by GOT7
Woman Like Me by Little Mix ft. Nicki Minaj [THE DROUGHT IS OVER PT.1]
Talk Fast by 5 Seconds of Summer
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untouchabyeolman · 5 years
chanyeol putting on a theatrics show to bohemian rhapsody during suho’s ig live was so goddamn cute uGh i love that guy :/
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the-nysh · 2 years
My take on Genos getting all those memories is that those memories are just a jumble of images with no sound and he just kind of understood the general gist of it. “Garou killed everyone and then Saitama and him traveled to Jupiter (probs didn’t even see that) and then fought him. Then they went back in time”. Genos after all doesn’t have any previous incentive to think the best of Garou, because those moments were available to us as readers and not him, so much so that with King’s final move being actually performed by Garou, he’d rather thought it was a glitch in his systems. Also it would be more believable that it was not like a movie playback, but rather a collection of images and energy.
The only thing that starts to stand out is his reaction at knowing only “Saitama and him” know about this. It was really strange. Even without seeing the translation it stands out that from the moment he gets those memories he pupils disappear. And his overall countenance is weird. As you say, even Saitama is doubtful about these “heroic acts”. So hopefully if something else is at play here Saitama remains wise enough to keep not believing Genos about his own sense of heroism. Which so far has been consistent.
'He rather thought it was a glitch in his systems' before, which is why it's so odd for Genos to fully trust the data from this core without any skepticism or possible glitches in its system too. Maybe he only received the visuals/impressions as a jumbled slideshow injected all at once to make sense of what happened (with missing details), but it's also odd he doesn't suspect at all how much Garou might remember too, since he was also a part of it. And....part of future Garou's 'soul' returned to check on Tareo anyway (and could have merged with his current self's subconscious to account for his behavior's subdued sense of acceptance, for one thing.)
So there were just way too many factors Genos easily glossed over not even reacting to his own 'death' as anything noteworthy or meaningful - ack, yet felt so assured about as 'correct' (they were not; whoaa so much was largely off-base with him jumping to conclusions thru his skyrocketing Saitama-bias.) So before we jump to any conclusions suspecting more sneaky foul play from god or something, it'll help to keep a close eye on Genos' behavior - and to be wary of what might become of it if he doesn't keep that idolization/fanaticism in check. :O (Mayhaps we need Kuseno to analyze the core for a second informed unbiased opinion!!! Off to the lab we go!) But thankfully, Saitama is still humble (and insecure in his own heroism enough) to not blindly believe things that seem completely out of left field, but he's also sharp enough to sense when things are off if anything weirder happens between them. (And it'll be up to him to interject or set some boundaries, even if he needs to do it in 'teacher mode' for Genos' own sake.) So hopefully they can communicate some more (even with Kuseno as an intermediary) without leaving each other in the dark.
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peachysuho · 5 years
‪i wanna know what suho thought of bohemian rhapsody ‬
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
Morality pets
Morality pets, the characters who force other characters to look into themselves and learn to be better people, have been a staple of One-Punch Man since the beginning.
Saitama had the Butt-Chinned kid. His entire destiny changed because of this child.
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Garou has Tareo.
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Metal Bat has Zenko.
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They don't always need to be human. Flashy Flash has gotten Manako, the monster who seems to have found her better nature given few options. Seeing this ruthless ninja actually protecting her did my heart good.
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And Genos gets Tatsumaki. Ho, ho. It's like everybody else being given a cute puppy but he gets a rabid badger.
ONE: No, no, it's not actually rabies; she's just upset.
Genos: Why is she upset?
ONE: She's awake.
Somehow, this cranky, complicated little asshole whose hands are none too clean and who'd savage him nearly as happily as she does monsters is just what the doctor ordered for his personal development. Ho. Ho.
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Ah well, no one said that one's morality pets had to be cute or helpless!
Edit: I had a great follow up question to which I had to say more. See here: https://www.tumblr.com/gofancyninjaworld/690099563780063232/bohemian-suho-asked-in-reply-to-morality-pets?source=share
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roseyongs · 6 years
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@bbbambam tagged me for 6 selfies of 2017! Let's please ignore my eyebrows in the first three im highly aware that I look like a demon also there's a huge jump between the second to last and the last bc I was too trigger happy at the beginning of my camera roll lmao Anyway I tag @xiaolu-lattae @lucky-suho @linglily @sakura-gucci-panda @suhosbulge @baekhyuns-diamond @donghyuks-gf @gilded-cages-golden-eyes @umusings @bohemian-butch @isotopamine @soyousgf and I'm sure I'm forgetting ppl I'm so sorry also emma r if u see this i tried to tag u but Tumblr wouldn't let me so consider yourself tagged I lov u
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ardentlyjae · 6 years
So I was tagged by @chanyeolingss​ to do these tags and I thought, why the hell not? Thanks for the tag!
rules: list your top ten biases and answer some questions! extra rule: before your read the questions, list down your biases first! it’s more fun that way
My biases (I guess in order, though some of them may be tied for the same spot tbh): 1. Jung Hoseok 2. Jeon Jungkook 3. Im Jaebum 4. Kim Namjoon 5. Kim Joonmyun (I just call him Suho but for the sake of uniformity hah) 6. Johnny Suh (Or Seo, I have no idea) 7. Nakamoto Yuta  8. Bang Yongguk 9. Kim Seokjin 10. Choi Minho
(Okay towards the end I varied my responses because I didn’t want to have all of BTS in this to make it more interesting, but they are all my biases of their respective groups)
1. Between 1 and 4, who would you rather kiss? | Hoseok or Namjoon I would love to kiss both of them, but Hoseok. I feel like it would be a fun kiss you know? Also he’s my sunshine and I adore him.
2. Between 2 and 7, who would be your best friend? | Jungkook or Yuta As much as I love Yuta and his savage nature, I think my personality would click more with Jungkook. 
3. Between 5 and 10, who has the better voice? | Suho or Minho Suho. I love rap god Minho, but Suho.
4. Between 1 and 8, who is the funniest? | Hoseok or Yongguk Hoseok!
5. Between 6 and 9, who would you date? | Johnny or Seokjin Oh my heart hurts so much. But like Seokjin I imagine would be SUCH a gentleman you know? But at the same time Johnny would be so fun to be around because he’s such a dork? Ugh omg, OKAY, Seokjin. This one hurts.
6.  Between 9 and 10, who would you do a collaboration with? | Seokjin or Minho
Another one for Seokjin! He was a beautiful voice how can I not choose him?
7. Between 4 and 8, who is the best dancer? | Namjoon or Yongguk Lol okay this is a funny one hah. Though Joonie has definitely improved in dancing, I’m going to give this one to to Yongguk I think.
8. Between 3 and 5, who would you most likely marry? | Jaebum or Suho JAEBUM. JAEBUM A MILLION TIMES YES.
9. Between 1 and 7, who would you nurse when they’re sick? | Hoseok or Yuta Okay but like I imagine Yuta would give you so much shit if you didn’t try to take care of him while Hoseok wouldn’t. I imagine he’d try to still do his day to day things you know? But that would just make me more worried and want to take care of his precious self so Hoseok.
10. Between 2 and 3, who has the better smile? | Jungkook or Jaebum OoooooooOOOOOooh. This is so hard! Because when Jungkook smiles he looks like a cute little bunny that I just want to hug and is so precious and I absolutely adore that smile. But then when Jaebum smiles his eyes almost entirely close and he just looks so happy and his smile is just sooo perfect? How can I honestly choose between those two smiles? That is just too hard. Ugh I’m gonna hate myself for this but Jungkook.
Monsta X - Dramarama
Sik-K (Feat. Crush) - Party
Taemin - Move
BTS - Mic Drop (I’ve been getting hyped up for the remix especially after hearing that bit at Jimmy Kimmel and I’M READY)
Wanna One - Beautiful
Day6 - All Alone (HAH. That was not intentional)
Block B - Shall We Dance
Niall Horan - On the Loose
Say Lou Lou - Everything We Touch
Charlie Puth - How Long
NAME: Diana
GENDER: Female
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
MIDDLE NAME: Don’t have one
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
EXO - Monster
Arctic Monkeys - Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?
Nirvana - Jesus Doesn’t Want Me for a Sunbeam
Simple Plan - Addicted
Jung Sewoon - Just U
“At the center of the grove an ancient weirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold.”
From: A Game of Thrones
I’ve been meaning to read these books for a while.
Sadly no.
Like a week ago. Bohemian Rhapsody requires it.
Western celebrities or Non-Western celebrities? Because Western it’s Harry Styles. Non-Western it is my sunshine Jung Hoseok, but if we’re going out of the idol category, then I would say Gong Yoo.
I absolutely hate the sound of bugs flying around, it freaks me the hell out. I love the way the rain sounds when its a particularly heavy rainfall.
Ghosts, I want to say yes but then again I remain pretty skeptical about them. For aliens, it’s likely they do, I mean the universe is HUGE.
Yes I do drive, but I don’t have my license yet so I haven’t crashed hah. I was involved in a minor accident once but I wasn’t the one driving.
I’m in the middle of reading Game of Thrones! But a book I recently completed was a collection of all of Edgar Allan Poe’s stories and poems.
Sometimes hah.
Thor: Ragnarok
I think I twisted my ankle when I was little. I don’t remember it that well though. I’ve never broken a bone though!
Well besides BTS, not really. Except for chocolate but I don’t think that really counts. Oh! And I marathoned Younger like two days ago and loved it.
Not really. I don’t trust them anymore but I believe that it’s useless to hold a grudge against someone. I just don’t want to waste any time on them anymore.
So single my mom has asked me to get a boyfriend or a girlfriend just so that I can have someone to talk to.
I tag: @bangtansohotdamn​ @shinypandacupcake @the-third-guy-from-the-left
Don’t feel obligated to do all or any!
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