#bro wont even give her an exasperated sigh
snivyartjpeg · 10 months
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yuma's personal hell
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It shouldn’t have been a big deal to Sam that Bucky was taller than him. In fact, it wasn’t a big deal to Sam, no matter what Sarah insisted.
“There is only one thing you men are more sensitive about than your height,” Sarah had teased with a knowing smirk, “and that would be y’all’s foot size.”
Sam had wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Please don’t ever speak to me again.”
“You are the one living under my roof, Samuel.”
Unfortunately, his sister had been right about that, too.
Except no, no, it didn’t matter that Bucky was taller than Sam! The difference was a measly two inches, so small it could hardly even be called a ‘difference’ with total seriousness. And Bucky was yet to boast of this slight advantage he had in height, either, thus reinforcing the fact that it really and truly did not at all matter to Sam that Bucky was the teensiest bit taller than him. Sure, maybe sometimes Sam wanted to be the one who leaned down into a tender kiss, but that wish was not so strong as to be the only thing ever on his mind.
“If that’s the case, why can’t you stop talking my ear off about it?”
Sam frowned at his sister’s irritated tone, though her dramatic eye roll that followed told him Sarah’s exasperation was only half-genuine. “Well, since you’re always telling the boys you know everything, I figured you’d be the best person to ask for adv—”
“Oh, you hush.” Sarah swatted his arm with the kitchen towel. “I don’t tell them I know everything. I just remind them that if they have questions, they should come to me before you or Bucky.”
Yeah, Sam couldn’t blame her for that one. Bucky’s knowledge was antiquated at best and Sam no longer bothered to deny how his constant to and fro across the country meant he was oftentimes out the loop. “Okay, well, now I’m the one coming to you with a question. So what should I do? Buy a pair of heels?” He was pretty sure he’d hate wearing them, but Bucky’s reaction would inevitably be hilarious. Sam was tempted.
“Hell no, do not waste your paycheck on that.” Sarah sighed as she hung the beige towel up beside the sink. “Look, bro. If you’re coming to me like AJ and Cass do with a question about people, I’m gonna give you the same answer I always give them. If you got a problem with someone…” She gave him a flat look that immediately clued Sam in to the fact that he was going to hate her advice. “Talk. It. Out.”
Sam groaned, leaning back against the wooden cabinets of the kitchen. “You already know Bucky’s the quiet and condescending type.”
“Who gives a shit? Clearly you’re the one with a problem here, not your beau.”
“Also, you chose to date him.”
“Alright, alright,” Sam grumbled. “You’ve made your point.”
“Thank you. Now go put all your counselor skills to use and have a talk with your man,” Sarah concluded with a shooing gesture. “Oh, also—wake up the boys for me, will you? They’re gonna be late for school if they don’t get moving.”
Sam gave her a mock salute, grinning as Sarah rolled her eyes a second time before turning back towards the eggs she was scrambling on the stove. Knowing such a reaction meant their conversation was over, Sam resigned himself to maybe—maybe—talking to Bucky about his… see, he didn’t even know what to call the issue. His height complex? God no, that sounded horrible.
Well, first things first—he needed to wake up the boys.
As Sam headed towards the stairs, he passed a sleepy Bucky emerging from the small half bath, his normal hand covering his mouth as he yawned while the vibranium one scratched his stomach. Sam did his best to ignore the way the latter action made the hem of Bucky’s shirt ride up a fraction of an inch.
“Morning,” he said, earning a tired nod from Bucky in response as he reached the foot of the stairs, pausing after taking only a few steps up. “Sleep well?”
Bucky nodded again, a content smile tugging at his lips. “Through the whole night.”
Sam’s chest swelled with pride at the revelation. It had now been—what, a week and a half of restful nights for Bucky? Surely he was verging on a new record. “Hell yeah, man. That’s great.”
Bucky’s little smile became a pleased smirk. “I still think I’d sleep even better in your room—”
Sam laughed. “Sorry, Buck. Not with kids in the house.” He glanced at the clock across the hall before taking another step up the stairs. “Speaking of the boys, I need to wake them up before Sarah has my head.”
“Oh, wait. I’ll come with you.”
Sam pretended his heart didn’t flutter at the near-insufferable domesticity of the mental image that followed, one of Bucky gently shaking his nephews’ shoulders to get them out of bed. Christ. Sam was so whipped.
When Bucky reached the foot of the stairwell, Sam couldn’t help but notice the scattered fluffy tufts his partner’s hair had developed into throughout the night. Unfairly-attractive bed head, as it were. This casual observation was followed by a more intense thought that hit Sam like a sledgehammer.
He could see the top of Bucky’s head. Because, on the stairs, he was taller than Bucky.
Sam didn’t consider himself to be an impulsive person—no matter what Bucky said—but at that moment, he threw forethought to the wind. Bucky only had his feet on the first and second steps when Sam leaned down to cup his partner’s face with both hands and crash their lips together in a kiss that made fireworks explode in Sam’s stomach. Bucky’s morning breath wasn’t even too bad—rinsed his mouth, maybe?—and Sam soon found himself lost in the warmth of Bucky’s lips on his and the firm grip Bucky now had on his hips. Although he sorely regretted the eventual need to pull away for air, Sam had to admit that the dazed, blissful expression on Bucky’s face almost made breaking the kiss worth it.
God. Fuck. That settled it. If this was what it was like to kiss Bucky Barnes from above, Sam was going to suck it up and lay everything out to Bucky. Sarah would tease him endlessly, as sisters were wont to do, but damn.
It’d be so worth it.
“What was that for?” Bucky finally murmured, running a hand up and down Sam’s side.
Sam smiled as he traced Bucky’s bottom lip with his thumb. Ha. “Ask me later. We gotta wake up the boys.”
Bucky nodded. He made absolutely no move to continue up the stairs. “Kiss me again, first?”
Well, who was Sam to refuse such a polite request?
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janeykath318 · 3 years
The Avengers Zoo
“Since when did the Avengers compound become a zoo?” Darcy asked, flabbergasted to see a frog and a porcupine just chilling out while a hairless cat sat in a sunny corner relaxing. Jane had been summoned down to headquarters and she’d begged Darcy to come too.
“Since Loki showed up and decided to cause havoc, as he is wont to do,” Jane sighed. “Everyone is….not human right now.”
“Oh, dear,” Darcy sighed. “Have you figured out who’s who?” 
“Getting there. Hawkeye and Falcon are obvious, The bald eagle has to be Steve, and Thor is a golden retriever, which I have to admit, is kind of fitting.” 
A big yellow dog trotted over to Jane and sat at her feet, tail wagging and tongue lolling. 
“Hey there, big guy!” Darcy greeted. Thor barked and doggy grinned at her. 
“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, pal,” she returned, smiling at him. “Hopefully, we can convince your Bro to undo whatever he did.”
“We think they still have their human minds, but Leo and Jemma are running some tests to verify that,” Jane informed her, leading Darcy to another room, which contained a dozing black bear, a striking panther, an adorable floppy-eared bunny, and three large birds of prey.
Darcy’s jaw dropped and she saluted the bald eagle. 
“Wow, Cap. It’s a good look on you,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. The eagle-Cap’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t move a muscle. 
Talk about majestic.
The sleek Falcon next to him let out a sound that Darcy took to be a birdish laugh and preened his feathers. 
“Yeah, I see you, Wilson. You’re looking good, too,” she assured him.
Clint-Hawk flapped over to her and squawked a greeting.
“Hey, Clint. How’s the bird life treating you?” She asked, trying not to laugh. “If this wasn’t top secret, I’d have so much good blackmail material on you.” 
Hawkeye gave her a birdie glare and shook his brown feathery head. 
Darcy had to stifle a shriek when two large spiders suddenly dropped down in front of her. Of course, they were much bigger than any natural spider, but Loki had probably done that on purpose.
 “Natasha?” She asked nervously, looking at the one with the red hourglass symbol on its body and thanking her stars she wasn’t arachnophobic. 
The spider blinked at her and waved one of its legs, as if affirming her guess. The other spider was a solid black and much more wiggly than Natasha. 
“Let me guess: Peter?” She queried, laughing at the younger spider’s antics as he shot around webbing everything in sight. 
“Yep,” Jane sighed. “He makes such a mess.”
“King T’Challa looks every bit as regal in panther form as human form,” Darcy commented, watching the panther walking alongside one of the scientists, not making the slightest noise. 
“He’s trying his best to help us figure this out,” Jane said affectionately. “He’s quite brilliant even in large cat form.”
The bunny rabbit hopped over to them and looked up at Darcy intensely. In a flash, she was given a mental image of the transformation moment and all the human identities of the animals. 
“That’s definitely Wanda,” She informed Jane. 
“She showed me who everyone is.” 
One of the other scientists ran over eagerly.
“Ooh. Do tell,” he begged, looking like an excited puppy.
Jane rolled her eyes. 
“Darcy, this is Leo Fitz. He’s helping figure this thing out. Fitz, this is Darcy.”
“Nice to meet you.” 
“Likewise,” Fitz said. 
“Other than the ones we already know, the cat is Dr. Strange, the frog is Bruce Banner, the porcupine is Tony Stark…” She cut off with a giggle and Fitz and Jane grinned at the hilarity of Tony the Porcupine.
“Anyway, Wanda is the rabbit, and the bear is Bucky Barnes, bless his heart.”
Darcy looked over to the bear, who was now awake and watching her with quizzical eyes. 
“I’d stay away from that one,” Fitz advised. “He growls if anyone gets within three meters of him.”
“Poor Bucky really doesn’t like scientists,” Darcy told him. “He knows me. I’ll be okay.”
She walked over and sat down beside Bucky the Bear. He lifted his head, but didn’t growl or lunge at her. 
“Hey, there, Bucky.” She told him. “Can you understand me?”
The big bear head nodded clumsily. 
“Excellent,” Darcy beamed, then sighed, remembering their last very awkward encounter. “Now I can finally clear the air about us without you running off or interrupting me with self-flagellation.” 
Bucky bear made a mournful sound, but Darcy kept on track.
“I thought we had a good thing going, Bucky. The flirting was top-notch and you had me completely wrapped around your little finger. Then we kissed and suddenly, you freaked out and avoided me like I had the plague. It’s okay if you aren’t ready, but I want you to know I’m not scared of you in bear form and I’m not scared of you in human form, either. 
You’re a good man, Bucky Barnes. Believe it or not, you do deserve to be happy. Just think about that, okay?”
She could see Steve’s eagle eye watching them, and The Falcon and The Hawk were also gazing with interest. 
The bear snuffled and looked up at her with soulful eyes that were ridiculously cute in a large beast like him. 
Darcy had a strong urge to give him a pet, but figured it would be best to ask first.
“Do you mind if I touch you? That fur is really something.”
The bear didn’t seem to mind and Darcy slowly sank her fingers into his side and marveled at the feel. She gently ran her hand over his soft black fur, noting that Bucky bear had closed his eyes in bliss. 
“Oh, you like that, do you?” She teased. “I bet your human self would too.” 
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a commotion and Jane Foster giving a familiar mischievous figure a thorough chewing out. Loki was trying to be a smartass, but Jane was having none of it. Finally, he gave an exasperated huff.
“Fine! I have modified the spell to wear off in three days. There is no need for more threats. I am well aware of your expertise. You mortals have no sense of humor.”
With a poof, Loki turned himself into a snake and slithered away. 
Jane sighed. 
“Hear that everyone? You’ll be human again in three days. I have no idea what we’re going to do in the meantime.”
Turned out, Darcy added Avengers zookeeper to her resume during the next few days. She chatted to them, made terrible bird jokes, and helped make sure they ate. She got to watch Steve, Sam, and Hawkeye soaring regally in the air, which was a pretty incredible sight. Bunny Wanda liked to sit on her lap and nibble at lettuce while Porcupine Tony made ridiculous faces at Darcy and pretended he was going to poke Bucky with his quills. Bucky mostly snoozed at Darcy’s feet or watched the Birdy Trio flying around. 
Kitty Strange slept most of the time and looked disdainfully at the others when he was awake, goblin like eyes eerily watchful. Thor of course, followed Jane around with his undying loyalty, and the spiders chilled out in their webs, amusing themselves by building more and more elaborate designs. Bruce was given his own private enclosure away from the chaos and he hopped about contentedly. 
When day three arrived, they made sure everyone was in a safe location for a safe transition back to human form and waited it out. 
Darcy got a text from Jane while on a coffee run that simply said, “I forgot how annoying human Tony is. I think I liked him better as a porcupine.”
The avengers were chattering and joking around about their antics as animals when Darcy got back. 
“Lewis! I hear you’re switching careers to zookeeper!” Tony yelled. She flipped him off and ignored him. (She’d learned long ago this was the most effective method of dealing with him if Pepper wasn’t around to tattle to.) 
“I have now dubbed you three the Birdy Trio and nothing is gonna change it, so get used to it,” she informed Steve, Clint, and Sam. 
They all groaned and Darcy grinned in satisfaction. 
Behind her there came a rusty bark of laughter and she turned to see Bucky grinning from ear to ear. His smiles were rare, but they were so adorable, Darcy’s heart skipped a beat.
“Don’t be smug, Barnes,” she playfully chastened him. “You’re gonna be Bucky Bear to me for the rest of your life.” 
The smile did not diminish one bit.
“I hope that’s not the only thing I am to you, doll,” he said softly, making her blush.
Steve, observing their interaction, dragged Clint and Sam away to give them privacy and Darcy vowed to thank him later. Steve really was a good bro.
“You were right. I shouldn’t have run away like that,” he admitted, taking a tentative step toward her. “I’ve been kicking myself ever since. I’ve got more issues than National Geographic magazine, but if you’re willing to give me another chance, I’d definitely like to take it.” 
Darcy smiled and grabbed his hands in hers: both of them. He looked surprised when he saw her grasping his metal hand, but he gently squeezed back. 
“Bucky Bear, I’d love to. How about we start by catching up over dinner?”
“Sounds great, doll,” he said, beaming at her. 
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kayteewritessteve · 5 years
Love and War - 1/16
Description: In a harsh and cruel medieval world, you set out alongside your sister on a perilous quest to find your foolish missing brother. A quest that will lead you onto a forbidden and unforgiving land, a land ruled and controlled by a ruthless Warlord King. One who does not look favourably upon trespassers of any kind, and punishes all with a iron fist. Will you be able to find your brother in time, will you be able to not only rescue him but also keep yourself out of harm's way? Or will you be captured, in more ways than one? Only time will tell. But what you do know is you will forever be altered by this journey. You will never be the same once it’s finished. And that knowledge is what truly terrifies you the most.
Catch up HERE.
Word Count: 3,420 ish.
Pairing: Medieval!Steve Rogers x Reader.
Rating: PG for now. May become 18+ later.
Warnings: Violence. Curse words. Mentions of fears and potentially brutal medieval tactics. Most likely more to come down the road. Please don’t let these warnings scare you too much, give the story a try before you judge it.
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader, so I do proudly own all the errors and this story, so there’s that.
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“You will marry him, Y/N,” Athos sternly told you, “there is no escaping this union. It is already set.”
“How dare you,” you seethed from your place standing in the middle of the large room, directly in front of his enormous throne. “King or not, you can not make me! I wont do it. I would rather die!”
“You know that isn’t possible,” he mumbled and shook his head, as if he were exasperated with you, as if you were some silly child throwing a pointless tantrum. Instead of a woman refusing to wed a man she loathed, entirely. “And the deal has already been made.”
“Can I at least know the reasons for why you are forcing this?” You crossed your arms, “why you have thoughtlessly given my hand to that man?” You spat the last part in disgust, as if the words were a vulgar curse. Hepha was not a man, far from it actually, he was more of a pompous coward. At least in your eyes anyways.
The King sighed deeply, his large presence shrinking and deflating just a little. Just enough to show you how tired he truly was. But you pretended not to notice that, refusing to let it interfere with your outrage towards all of this. He locked eyes with you, “it wasn’t thoughtlessly, Y/N. He trapped Hypatia in a ploy for revenge, we tried to free her but our plans were foiled. You must see, child, there was no other way, he refused to release her unless I betrothed you to him.”
“We both know that isn’t the only reason,” you scoffed, narrowing your eyes at him.
“It is the only reason that matters!” he snapped back, “did you not hear me, Y/N, he had the Queen. Regardless of my personal opinions of you, or of your affairs, this was entirely to save her. Your previous transgressions played no hand in any of this.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“And I do not care what you believe, you will marry him. You won’t be escaping this union.”
You hesitated, only one question bouncing around in your mind now, “does Alarick know?”
“He does not, and he will not learn of it until it’s all finalized and finished.”
“Then I will tell him myself. He is going to be furious with you,” you threatened as you turned away from him and went to storm out. You were not going to stand by and allow this. And you knew Ari wouldn’t either. He’d be able to find a way to fix this, to end all of this ridiculousness. And most importantly he’d be able to save you from this greatly unwanted marriage.
“You do not walk away from me!” the King bellowed, his deep commanding voice freezing your steps, and causing you to slowly turn back around to face him. “You will show me the respect I am owed. And as for your threat, you will not find him. I have sent him and Harlin away to deal with more important matters. They are not to return until after the wedding,” he informed you, his words instantly leaving you feeling entirely trapped and utterly hopeless. “Now, with my permission, you may leave my throne room. But do not forget, you have a wedding to attend tomorrow morning. Get some rest and do not be late.”
“Fine, I will leave, but I will not be attending that wedding. You can not force me,” you turned on your heel, going to storm out but Athos deep voice halts your actions once more.
“You have no say in this, child. And do not forget who you are speaking to, I do not want to have to punish you for your stubborn insolence.”
“You already are, this wedding is a punishment,” you snapped back then stormed out of the room. Ignoring his hollers for you to halt, you refused to go through with this. You couldn’t. You wouldn’t. You’d just have to find another way out of it, you’d just have to save yourself this time.
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Some time later, in a land far, far away.
“Are you sure this is the way he went?” You whisper skeptically as you are crouched down behind a thicket of brambles.
“I am,” Wanda whispers back from her place crouched down beside you, “I know he came this way, I can feel it.”
“Oh great,” you sigh deeply, then mumble, “let’s just continue to risk our necks for your ‘feelings’.”
“You and I both know my ‘feelings’ are always right,” Wanda glares at you.
“So far, yes,” you cross your arms and glare back at her, “but it’s only a matter of time before you get it wrong, and we both end up dead because of it.”
“So you don’t want to make sure Pietro is okay?” She raises a brow at you, challenging you. And you narrow your eyes at her, of course you want to make sure he is okay, but you’d prefer if it wasn’t at the potential cost of your own life.
She smirks smugly at your silence, “that’s what I thought. You care about him just as much as I do, don’t pretend otherwise.”
“Of course I do, he’s my bro—“ you begin to whisper harshly at her but are abruptly cut off when you hear a twig snapping, off in the distance.
Your eyes instantly flick towards where the noise came from, seeing two insanely large figures about 50 yards away. Clearly they are patrolling his land for trespassers, such as yourself and Wanda, as you both are currently far too deep into the King’s land. Much further in then you’d have ever liked, or imagined you’d be.
It was common knowledge in your small, coastal town that it was heavily against the rules to so much as look towards the King’s land, let alone ever step foot on it. And anyone foolish enough to ever do the latter, was never seen or heard from again.
The King was a secretive man, not much was known of him, his territory or his people, but the rumours and whisperings were the things of childhood nightmares—most adult nightmares as well—At least all the ones you’d heard so far about him were.
He was a warlord, a bloodthirsty beast who ruled with an iron fist and gave no mercy to his foes. He barely ever even left his own land, at least not long enough for you or any other commoner to actually set eyes upon him. He only left his domain for war, and once he won—because he always won—he would retreat back to his castle, and not be heard of again until the next battle would arise.
But never having laid eyes on him was a good thing, a great thing actually, as those who did never lived long enough to tell the tales. No one could even give a solid answer as to what he was truly like, let alone how he looked, or how old he was. But of course many made up stories of encounters with the Warlord King, though you couldn’t actually take any of them seriously. But they made for both horrifying and intriguing stories, to be sure.
One such story you’d heard in passing was that he was larger than any man to ever walk the earth, so large it was believed he was a descendant of Giants. Large beings that no longer walked the earth, but had many, many centuries ago.
Another rumour was that he was a mad King, that he’d gone insane when his wife was kidnapped and killed by his enemies—as he had a great many of those—and the loss of her had sent him well and truly over the edge. Had made him became an angry, vengeful King who sought to kill all those involved in the Queens kidnap and murder. And then once he had a taste for blood and power he just couldn’t stop. Even after he had successfully exacted his revenge on all those involved.
Though there was one story about him that intrigued you, more than terrified you. It was said his lineage could be tied to the ancient Gods of old. The tale was vague at best, no one really knew the full facts, but supposedly his lineage was linked to the King of Gods himself, somehow. That somewhere along the line a child, a son, was born. That child then grew to be a great and noble warrior who conquered this land, and built his empire upon it, becoming the first King of Winterbourne.
But believing that an actual God had come down to produce a child with a human, was far fetched at best. You strongly believe this tale only came about in an attempt to quell your towns immense fear of the ruthless King. Something slightly romanticized to help smooth everyone’s unease, as your town was one of only a couple that directly bordered his land. Being so close to him and his territory made most in your townsfolk restless, at best.
But that was really the only intriguing tale that you’d heard. The rest were all—well, to put it lightly, they all terrified you to your very core.
And the most horrific of them all, was the tale that he had tricked a powerful sorceress into believing he loved her, so that she would build him a half breed army, and then once she had, he had her executed. The half breed army was stronger than any other in the realm and that was why the King never lost a battle. By day the army was man, but by night they were beast. Monsters so large they rivalled the size of even the largest of bovines. Fearsome, bloodthirsty creatures who could smell your fear from 100 yards away, and kill you before you ever saw it coming.
You shutter at the thought as you clench your eyes shut and try to envision being back in your cosy little room, sitting at your desk, drawing all the things you dreamed about. As was your favourite pastime, since you always seemed to have such very vivid and overly realistic dreams, ones that you could never make any sense of. But that you also didn’t want to ever forget.
“Once they are out of sight we will continue on,” Wanda whispers from beside you, nearly causing you to jump in surprise as you had been so lost in your own mind, you’d forgotten she was beside you, and where you were, for a moment.
You snap your eyes back open and watch as one of the two guards raises his head slightly, then glances around. The motion sending another unpleasant shutter through you. But then to your utter joy, they both start to move away from you, and your hiding place. Though this entire moment leaves you completely aware that you really shouldn’t be here. You do not want to find out, first hand, which of those disturbing stories are true. The half breed army being the least favourable one, to be sure.
“Wands,” you turn to look at your adopted sister, “we really shouldn’t be here,” you stress.
“I know,” she sighs and looks to you, “but we can’t just leave Pietro out here,” she takes your hand in hers and gives it a squeeze, “he’d come for us.”
You nod slowly as you turn to see how far away the guards are now, “you’re right. I’m sorry, I’m just scared.”
“I am too, but I’ll do everything in my power to keep us both safe, I promise,” she vows with another hand squeeze as if to reassure you that her words are true. “It appears they are gone, we should continue,” she says as she stands from her hiding spot, pulling you up with her.
You both take a moment to stretch out your aching legs, having been stuck crouching for much longer than your bodies are used to. Then you both adjust your skirts and cloaks, detaching any bramble branches that currently cling to the thick, coarse wool materials.
You each do a final glance around and then step out from behind the bushes, ready to continue on. Wanda glances up at the sky, the overcast clouds blocking out most of the direct sunlight. “I believe it’s about mid day now,” she says as she looks back to you, “we only have a few more hours of daylight so we need to find Pietro quickly.”
You nod, not being very good at Sun Tracking yourself, so you’d just take her word for it. You both quickly but quietly make your way forward, using the natural foliage to hide your small forms. While keeping both your eyes and ears alert to anything, and everything, around you, wanting to notice anyone nearby long before they notice you.
You hear the sounds of a lazy river off to your left and make your way towards it, needing to refill your canteens as you’d both been on the King’s land since the wee hours of the morning. You’d decided to set out shortly before dawn, using the blanket of night to cross his border, as it was the most heavily guarded spot. Knowing that once you were deep enough onto his territory, you’d encounter less guards as the border patrols would normally catch any trespassers long before they got anywhere near the castle walls.
Guards were far less frequent throughout the interior of the territory as, honestly, no one was stupid enough to even think about entering his land uninvited—well besides Pietro. And, I guess Wanda and yourself now, though you were only here because Pietro had been foolish enough to enter the King’s domain first.
He had left 7 days ago to hunt, normally he’d stick to your own towns territory, but this time he had stupidly decided to hunt on the King’s land. However in his defence, this area did have the best game, to be sure. All the animals just seemed to grow larger on the King’s lands, as opposed to anywhere else. So if Pietro was successful in tracking, hunting and extricating a wild deer from here, you’d be set for meat all winter. One deer here equaled about 4 from your territory. But hunting this land was not allowed, it was strictly forbidden actually, and if caught doing so, the punishment was death.
But Pietro was always too cocky, he believed he could outrun anyone, including the King’s guards. And even though he was faster than any man you’d ever known, he didn’t know this land like the guards did. This was entirely unfamiliar terrain for all of you.
So when Pietro hadn’t returned by the 5th day, which was usually the maximum day for his hunts, you and Wanda began to worry. Though you tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and just continued to wait out his return. But by the 7th day of him being gone, you both knew something had happened to him. And then Wanda formulated this ridiculous plan to enter the King’s land and find him.
You had been reluctant at first, not wanting to get your neck cut, but eventually you agreed to her insane suicide mission, as you knew Pietro would have come for either of you, if the roles were reversed. And honestly, Pietro was the provider for you and Wanda. He’d taken you in with open arms and had basically adopted you as a sister. Though everyone in town was told you were his actual blood sister, and had just been living with a distant relative for most of your life.
However, that was just a story you’d all fabricated. Where you’d really come from, or who you were actually related to, was unknown to any of you. They’d found you just about a year ago, aimlessly wandering in the woods near their town, confused and disorientated. You had no memory of where you’d come from or where you’d been. And they took pity on you, bringing you home with them and cleaning you up then offering you a warm, dry, safe place to live.
Though you don’t remember them finding you, the first thing you do remember is waking up in a bed in their home. Confused and weak. They nursed you back to full health and you’ve been with them ever since. Living as if they were actually your long lost siblings, you’d dream often of learning that they were, in fact, your blood family. That you did in fact belong with them. But then you’d wake and the truth would come back to you. The truth that you tried so desperately to ignore.
You didn’t actually know who you were. You didn’t know where you belonged. You didn’t know where you’d come from, or where you’d been trying to get to. But what you did know, was that something was missing. Something always just felt off, like you needed to find something very important to you. However, you didn’t have the foggiest of ideas as to what that something was. You just knew it was out there, somewhere, waiting for you.
“Here, give me your canteen,” Wanda’s words pull you back into the real world, noticing her hand outstretched towards you now.
You quickly detach it from under your cloak, where it has been tied onto a belt around your waist and hand it to her. She bends down and refills it in the stream, then hands it back to you as she steps off the river stone, the one she’d used to reach the water’s edge without getting her skirts wet. “We will follow the river for as long as we can. Knowing Pietro, he would have done the same. If he hasn’t been captured, we will find him somewhere along it.”
“Okay,” you reply quietly as you both start to walk again. You were always envious of Pietro and Wanda’s skills when it came to tracking and hunting, you’d clearly not come from a background where that was ever needed. Or maybe you had, and you just couldn’t remember? Either way, you always felt slightly useless in comparison to the both of them.
You had no notable skills to speak of, unless you count your ability to draw as a skill. To some, maybe it was, but to you, it was a rather useless talent. You couldn’t make a living off of it, nor did it protect you from the world. It was just a hobby, something to help you pass the time until Wanda could finally unlock your memories.
How was she planning to do that? Well, Wanda is a witch, though she isn’t part of a coven, nor has she ever been formally trained through one, but she is capable of a few minor spells. And is slowly learning the extent of her powers, and just what she is able to do.
She had been very young when her powers were made known, and she’d almost been caught when she casted a spell by mistake in front of a few towns children. Pietro had freaked out, and managed to cover it up but he was worried the townsfolk would figure out her secret and burn her at the stake. So in the middle of the night he packed them up and moved them far, far away. Living in the woods for a few years, just until Wanda could control her power and learn to hide it.
Once she had a handle on it, they moved into the town of Triskelion, and have lived there ever since. The town with which you now also call home. It wasn’t a huge place, the population consisting of around 300 people and located right on the coast. With the sea on one side and the King’s land on the other, both prevented the town from growing any larger. But it was a stunning little place, most of the townsfolk were friendly enough, though the three of you kept mainly to yourselves. Just for fear of either Wanda’s secret or yours getting out.
Pietro made a decent living as a blacksmith, and was able to provide for both Wanda and you rather well. You owe him so much, which is exactly why you now find yourself a few hours into this unfamiliar and unwelcoming land. Illegally searching for your foolish brother, with your magical sister by your side—
Another branch snapping behind you startles you out of your thoughts as you whip around to see what caused the noise. Wanda doing the same as you both come face to face with two massive guards. Ones who do not look friendly, nor happy, at all.
“Well, well, well,” the larger of the two starts, “and what do we have here?”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So there it is! The first part! I can’t wait to hear what you all think of it so far, it’s starts off a little slow. Just building the setting and backgrounds. But it will pick up soon! As for posting, I’m not sure of a schedule for that just yet, most likely every few days I’ll put a mew chapter up! At least 2 at weeks, for sure!
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neutralfans · 7 years
Breera High School dance
So instead of doing actual work on my many unfinished projects I wrote this. Enjoy. 
Bran Stark + Meera Reed high school AU 
2,234 words
No warnings needed, just pure fluff. 
Bran rolled into the cafeteria smiling at the people who moved out of the way as he approached his lunch table. As he pulled up to the table he barely had time to move his torso away from something white being hurled at him. “Tommon, why on earth did you throw a napkin at me?”
“Keep it and hurl it at your sister for me.” The blond replied sullenly, “I had to listen to Joffrey throw a tantrum about her breaking up with him all last night.”
Bran winced, his older sister, Sansa, had finally decided to break it off with the older Barathon, much to the relief of the whole family. But in retrospect, while he did approve of Sansa’s decision, he kinda wished that she’d waited for the weekend to break up with her now ex as then Bran wouldn’t need to deal with Tommon’s reaction.
“Come on Tom even you have to admit that he’s a domestic violence situation waiting to happen.” Tristain said shoving Tabasco covered fries into his mouth. Tommon sighed with gusto, “I know, I know sorry Bran.”
Bran shrugged pulling out his meal from a brown bag, leftovers from last night, as Jojen Reed sat down  beside him, “Whatcha got there Bran?”
“Sansa’s tofu stir fry.” Bran shrugged, he often ate whatever Sansa made when she was feeling down, but lately she had gone on a vegan diet, making Bran’s supportive eating an adventure at best. He was more of a pizza and steak guy. Jojen flashed him a sympathetic smile and pulled out his own lunch before neatly switching his own beef macaroni with the tofu stir fry, Bran flashed his friend a grateful smile.
“You two make a lovely couple.” Tristain commented as he poured more Tabasco sauce onto his fries, causing Jojen to grimace, “You’re going to kill yourself with all that sauce, besides Bran is more interested in Meera than me.”
Bran choked a macaroni noodle, Tristain thumped him on the back which helped him to breath but not ease his nerves about what Jojen had just said. “I, what do you mean Joj? Meera’s your sister and-” The two other boys laughed as Bran wracked his brain to try and come up with a way to salvage his sentence. “Bran, we all know you have a thing for her.” Tommon said still tittering.
“Yeah, you’re not very good at hiding it, the way you moon over her when she passes you in the hallways, or the way you duck your head when you’re trying not to be caught looking. Its the little things man, the little things.” Tristain joined once he’d caught his breath.
Bran glanced at Jojen, waiting for the other boy to add his opinion on Bran’s crush, but he remained silent that alone was disquieting. Bran had known Jojen the longest they had grown up together and until the last few months Meera had just been Jojen’s older sister, someone who bossed them around when they were younger. Then when she’d started high school she had gone to an all girls boarding school and hadn’t been around to boss Bran and Jojen around. But things had changed last summer. Jojen and Meera’s mother had been diagnosed with cancer and Meera had enrolled in the local high school to be near to her mother. Bran had gradually become aware that he had a slight crush on Meera, he had thought that he’d kept it all under wraps considering that none of his older siblings had teased him about it, though he hadn’t considered that his best friend might see right through him. 
Bran was still trying to figure out a way to get out of this delicate situation when Tommon’s eyes lit up, “Hey Bran, the homecoming dance is next Friday, you should ask Meera to go with you!” Tristain nodded in agreement his mouth full of fries. Bran glared at them both and made a wide gesture at his wheelchair, “And why would I do that? I can’t dance. Period end of sentence.” 
“Come on Bran,” Tristain wheedled, “aren’t you the one who keeps telling us that being a paralytic doesn’t stop you from doing what you want. Besides the worst she can say is ‘No’.”
Bran gawked at his friend, “You’re wrong the worst that can happen isn’t her saying ‘No’, its her feeling like she has to say ‘yes’ because she’ll look like a heel for turning down the guy in a wheelchair. I don’t want pity dates.”
“Meera wouldn’t do that Bran.” Jojen said quietly, sticking another bite of stir fry into his mouth. 
  Bran looked at him, “you can’t be OK with this Jojen, I mean she’s your sister, aren’t you suppose to be reading me the riot act or the bro code or something?” The realization that his friendship with Jojen could also be on the line was not lost on him.
“There’s nothing in the bro code about asking out your friends sister.” Tristain muttered, garnering himself a glare from Tommon, as Tristain had asked the former's sister to the dance next week.
Jojen swallowed his food and looked Bran dead in the eye, “I would be if I didn’t think you’d treat her right.”
Bran gawked at him completely floored, he had never considered that Jojen might approve of him liking his sister, he didn’t know what to do with this information. Jojen though had, had enough of Bran’s gawking and sighed, “Bran out of all the guys that go to this school, you are one of the six that I wouldn’t glare at when they came to pick her up for a date.”
“Wow, high standards much?” Tristain jibed, earning himself another glare from Tommon, both were ignored by Bran and Jojen.
“So are you agreeing with them?” Bran gestured at the other boys, “That I should ask Meera to the dance?”
“I’m saying that if you asked her out at all that I wouldn’t say anything negative, just don’t give me details about what you both get up to and I wont be tempted to strangle you.”
“Bran, Meera just walked in now is your chance, go ask her to the dance.” Tommon said in a hushed tone. Bran froze and looked down into the beef macaroni trying to decide if he should ask Meera out or not. Though she was two years older she was only in his sister Arya’s grade as her birthday was after the cut off date; would she still see Bran as that annoying little kid who’d come around to play. Or would she look at his wheelchair and politely decline as others before had, though they were few. Who would want to go to a dance where their date couldn’t participate, surely she wouldn’t want to spend the entire night sitting with him.
“Bran, for the sake of all that is holy, at least go talk to my sister.” Jojen said exasperated.
Bran took a deep breath and pushed his chair back from the table scanning the room for Meera, just his luck she was sitting with Arya, he couldn’t back out now the others would tease him not to mention Jojen would probably be annoyed with him, having given him his blessing and all.
“Bran stop over thinking and just go ask her.” Bran wasn’t quite sure who had spoken but it managed to shut his brain down and motivated him to move over to where Meera sat, and before he knew it he was a respectful distance from her. Unfortunately he had garnered the attention of the wrong person at the table. “What’s up Bran?” Arya asked him, “Sansa’s tofu got you looking for edible food?”
Bran’s tongue felt thick as he responded to his sister, “Uh, no Jojen traded with me.” Meera was looking at him now and Bran was sure she could hear his heart that was threatening to beat right out of his chest. “Oh really? I didn’t know he liked tofu.”
Meera laughed at Arya’s comment, “he sure does, he’ll eat it plain if you tell him that’s what’s for dinner. Mom tried adding it into our regular diets once, Dad was not a fan, so that failed quickly.” Both girls laughed and Bran chuckled weakly, wetting his lips before he plunged past the point of no return.
“So, Meera, have you heard about the dance next week?” Bran chastised himself, of course she knew about the dance next week everyone did.
“Yeah, its funny though my other school didn’t have dances, so I just thought I’d skip this one and go see a movie or something instead.”
Bran felt his stomach drop, that wasn’t the response that he’d been expecting, not to mention that Arya was giving him the weirdest look. “Oh, well, what if someone asked you to go, would you go then?”
“Maybe, it would depend on who was asking.” Bran reminded himself to breath, and that the worst thing would be that he’d need to ask his parents to get him transferred to a different school.
“Well then would you go with me?” There he’d done it, he’d asked. Arya gaped at him mouth open exposing her half chewed food, Meera looked, well not repulsed by his question. Which Bran took as a good sign at least.  Bran felt as if time had managed to stop before Meera spoke, “Are you being serious or are you asking hypothetically?”
Bran swallowed, “Serous.” “What the-” Arya started, but with a look that Bran could only describe as quelling, Meera silenced her. 
“Honestly Bran I’m not interested in going to the dance.” Bran felt his heart sink lower than his stomach, “but if you want we could go see a movie instead.”
Bran blinked, that was not a rejection, not a ‘No’, “Sure, what’s playing?” Well he never claimed to be smooth.
Meera grinned, “Not sure yet, want to decide when we get there? Make it more fun?” “Uh, sure. What time should I pick you up?”
Meera’s eyebrows raised, “You drive?” Bran winced at the one flaw in his plan, he was still learning how to drive his specialized car and had no license to speak of. “Not yet, I’m working on it.”
“That’s cool, I could drive us.” Meera offered.
“Yeah that works, so around 7?”
“Sure.” The world seemed to have taken pity upon Bran as just then the bell rang for the next period.
“OK I’ll see you then I guess. I’ve got to get to class now, uh, bye.”
“Looking forward to it Bran. See you later.” Bran felt as if his chair couldn’t move fast enough towards his next class, he was situated at his desk before he remembered that he’d left his lunch bag behind. He was contemplating the problem when Jojen dropped the bag down on the desk in front of him before gracelessly flopping down into his own. 
“What’s the verdict?”
“She said no to the dance.” Jojen’s eyebrows furrowed together, “But we are going to a movie instead.” Jojen’s face smoothed out and he nodded. “I don’t think I need to tell you that if you hurt her that I’ll dump you down the longest flight of stairs that I can find, right?”
Bran flinched, “Message received.”
“Good.” . . . . . . Jojen watched as Bran and Meera entered the reception, smile wide on his face, they were perfect. Bran in a suit and maroon tie, Meera in a cream floor length sleeveless dress that sparkled when she walked. Jojen was proud of them and the part he had played in their relationship. The couple sat down at the head table and Jojen took his place next to Bran, knowing that before long all eyes would be on him. The wedding had been beautiful, Meera had done a wonderful job, surprisingly single-handedly or near enough. Though her being a wedding planner probably had something to do with it.  
Jojen’s attention was brought back to the present when Arya stood up to make her Maid of Honor speech, Jojen as Best Man would follow up with his own shortly. He looked out at the guests specifically at the table where Bran’s parents and his Dad sat, his own mother having passed only a few years before. Everyone looked happy for the newlyweds. Applause brought him out of his musings alerting him to the fact that it was now his turn.
Jojen smiled and stood, “Ladies and Gentlemen, today we are celebrating the union of two people that I care about deeply, I have the privilege of calling the bride sister, and now I can call my best friend brother as a result of a high school dance. A dance that was not attended by either the bride or the groom they instead went to see a movie, and as they say the rest is history. But I can’t help but think that if it hadn’t been for that dance that they skipped, that this strong couple wouldn’t be sitting here. So a toast to high school dances and the Bride and Groom.”
When Jojen sat down he was embraced in a side hug by Bran, “Thank you, Jojen.”
Jojen smiled feeling giddy, but that might be the champagne, he couldn’t think of a better out come to that day in the cafeteria than this.
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