#brotp okay
kitherondale · 2 years
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NOPE 2022, dir. Jordan Peele
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seasononesam · 1 year
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supernatural meme: (1/9) relationships | sam and ruby 
Why are you following me? I'm interested in you. Why? Because you're tall. I love a tall man. And then there's the whole antichrist thing.
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writing-whump · 1 month
Too much sun
Matt gets sick and calls Isaiah for help. Contains emeto.
"Have fun, Matt."
Matthew turned at the phrase, giving Isaiah a sceptical look. "Last time you send me away to have fun, you ended up with a flu from hell. I'm not making the same mistake."
Isaiah sighed. "Alright, but that's a lesson for me, not for you. And I did call Sel back, didn't I?"
Matthew frowned. He was all ready to leave, shorts and a shirt. Some of his new friends from boxing invited him to a basketball game and the weather was perfect for the courts outside on the beach by the Danube river.
"Matt, for real. I'm alright. I'm literally swarmed with homework and assignments, I'm doing two lectures outside my faculty and I don't know what their faculty's style and method focus is at all and I'm gonna be trying to do the volunteering thing at the lawyer's office for wolves on Fridays...besides, I was no invited," Isaiah said with a smirk.
He was so happy Matthew was getting his own friends, that he was reaching out to people and they were reaching back. And not just because they knew he was in the pack with Isaiah.
Matthew needed his confidence in this department build up, and there was nothing better for it than experience.
Matthew bounced on his toes, not looking reassured.
Isaiah grimaced. Did he need to hand out test screenings of his health for his friends to believe him, when he wasn't sick? This was getting out of hand.
"Alright, I'm going. See you in a few hours." Matt probably figured not that much could happen in that time as he turned to leave.
Isaiah relaxed, chuckling a little for himself as he opened his laptop to scroll to the right pdf.
The time flew quickly after he got to work, morning turning to midday and to early afternoon that forced Isaiah to fix himself a lunch as a break. He was working his to do list off very well, satisfied, neglecting his breaks.
Around 2 pm he was sipping coffee on the balcony, wondering if he shouldn't take a walk or go on a quick run. Would Matt be in the mood for some sparring, when he got back, or would he be too tired?
Seline was visiting her parents, hopefully successfully this weekend. One of her uncle's was celebrating his 50th birthday, so she was even farther away from him than usual, someone in Central Slovakia.
Very human focused family from her father's side, since the wolf part came from her mother. Isaiah wondered what it would be like to be there with her. He could play the perfect human, he had no doubt of that, but Seline didn't want him to play one. She wanted him to be a wolf, but introducing a wolf to the family was a more serious business and they both knew it.
His phone rang on the little glass table on the balcony, Matthew's name on the screen.
Isaiah smiled, picking up. "Miss me already?"
Isaiah's smile disappeared at the weakness in Matthew's voice. "Matt? Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
He heard coughing that turned into gags on the other end of the line. "C-could you...come pick me up? P-please..."
Isaiah was at his feet that instant. "Yes, of course. You are at the sport park, right?" He went inside as he spoke, grabbing his car keys. He was really grateful for his car during emergencies, even if the parking situation in Vienna was an expensive tedious business.
"Y-yeah." There was something slurred and scared in the trembling sentence.
"Matt, talk to me." Isaiah locked the door to the apartment, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. "What's wrong with you? Are you hurt?"
"I don't know what's wrong- I can't-urrup-" There was more gagging and something wet hitting the concrete.
"I'll be right there."
The way there was a blur with Isaiah wracking his head about what could have happened on the court. Concussion? Did he suddenly get sick? A fight with some hostile wolves passing through?
He parked the car the closest he could get to the area, getting out, just about to call Matthew for a GPS location, when he spotted a mop of dark red hair on a bench near the basketball court.
Isaiah all about ran to the place, heart speeding anxiously.
Matthew sat hunched down, elbows on his knees. There was no blood and no shadow, no visible signs of injury.
"Matt? Hey, man..."
Matthew lifted his head, squinting his eyes at Isaiah like he was looking straight into the sun and not into a pleasant afternoon shade under the trees. "Hi..."
That's when Isaiah noticed the vomit covering the ground, part of the bench and Matt's left sneaker.
Isaiah sat down on the clean part of the wood, hand going to Matthew's neck. "What happened? What's wrong?"
Matthew slumped forward at Isaiah's touch. "I don't know. We were playing just normal, it was hot and good and all. And then my head started to pound and I got dizzy and suddenly I was throwing up all over the place and I don't know why." There was more than a hint of frustration in Matthew's explanation.
"Okay, okay, we are gonna figure this out." Isaiah ran his hands over Matthew's face, his pupils were normal, there were no bumps...he was really hot and dry to the touch. He could feel no sweat, wasn't that weird after an intense game of basketball on a warm day?
Matthew's face scrunched up in a grimace at the ministrations, closing his eyes. His body suddenly pitched forward with a heave, bringing up a chunky wave of vomit.
Isaiah scrambled to turn Matthew's face towards the sidewalk, between his legs instead of at him, gripping his shoulder and upper arm to steady him. "Okay, bud, get it all out."
"C-can't stop," Matthew managed between gags, spitting at the puddle. He wrapped his hands around his stomach, hunching over even more. "My head really hurts, Zaya."
"Your head? Not your stomach?"
Matthew groaned, slumping to the side against Isaiah who let him fall into his lap, rubbing his back and shoulder. "Everything hurts. Cramps like a motherfucker."
"Okay. Just breathe, it will pass in a minute," Isaiah promised, not sure what it still was.
Matthew squeezed his eyes shut, head on Isaiah's tight, his face one pained grimace, throat bobbing.
"We are just going to stay here and breathe and then I'm going to get you home and it will all be okay," Isaiah said as calmly as he could, rubbing his arm. Could this be some kind of heat related issue? Heat exhaustion or heat stroke? He wasn't that sure of the difference, just that the symptoms were kind of similar.
"...ruined everything again," Matthew said, curling around his stomach.
Isaiah scoffed. "You didn't ruin anything, that's nonse-"
"Got all sick during the game. They all left."
Isaiah frowned, angry coldness entering his voice. "Then they aren't good friends. In fact, they aren't even decent people, to leave someone who is sick alone. What idiots."
"Nobody else got sick, I must have done something wrong..."
"No, you didn't. I think you got a bit of a heatstroke, there, bud, can happen to anybody." Isaiah put the back of his hand to Matthew's creased forehead. Still no sweat and hot to the touch. "We need to get you home and cool you down."
"Uhmmmm," Matthew grunted. "Don't wanna move. Dizzy."
"It's not going to get any better here. I got water in the car and we will be home quick, I promise. I'll help you."
Matthew took a deep shaky breath, but then started to lift himself up. Isaiah helped him to straighten up on the bench, then guided his arm around his shoulders, wrapping his hand gently around Matthew's torso.
The moment they stood up, Matthew groaned, more puke exploding out of his mouth.
Isaiah held him steady, when he swayed, more vomit splattering in front of them, spluttering everywhere.
"Ughhhh, sorry..."
"Shhhhh. Not your fault. Can you walk? One step at a time, we'll go slow."
Matthew got heavier, most of his weight hanging on Isaiah as he fought to catch his balance. He squeezed his eyes shut with force as if to block out all the light.
They made a few steps, when Matthew froze, gripping Isaiah's sleeve on his upper arm in panic. "Zaya, I can't see, I can't see- what-"
Isaiah felt cold sweat on the back his neck, stopping immediately. Matthew's eyes were screwed shut. "Shhhh, okay, don't panic. Describe it to me. What can you see? Pitch black? A blot at the center?"
"It's like black spots all over-" Matthew sniffled, sounding dangerously close to crying, breathing fast as he turned towards Isaiah's voice.
Isaiah readjusted his grip, one arm under Matthew's armpit all around his torso, holding Matt's arm around his neck tighter. "Could be just from standing up and the elevation changing. It will clear out in a few seconds." He stopped adding promises to his sentences, mentally preparing to just call 911 if it didn't.
Matthew gasped for breath as if he was choking, blinking his eyes, then breathed in relief. "It's clearing up again..."
Isaiah didn't let out the deep sigh of relief stuck in his chest, pretending like that was what he expected. "All good now. You are okay. Just a few more steps to the car."
Matthew's grip on Isaiah's sleeve didn't loosen, but he nodded tightly, letting himself be dragged forward.
Isaiah fiddled with finding the car keys, opening the back seat door to slide Matthew inside, door open, in case he needed to vomit some more.
He went to the trunk to locate a water bottle and some plastic bags, crouching down next to Matthew.
"How are you feeling, bud?" Isaiah offered Matthew the water bottle.
Matt took it, but didn't drink, eyes closed, but not squeezing them shut anymore, as if he was afraid it would make his vision blotchy again. "Ughmmmm. Like I'm gonna throw up."
Isaiah rubbed his arm. "I'm sorry."
"Everything-everything's spinning," Matthew belched, gripping the water bottle in his fist, the plastic squeaking under his fingers.
"This is very likely a heatstroke. The headache, the nausea, the dizziness....it will be fine. We'll cool you down, get you some good meds, and it will all go away."
"Uhhhhmmm," Matthew wiggled his hands restlessly in discomfort, bowing his head. "I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I know this could happen? So stupid."
"It's different for everyone. Some can take the heat better than others. You will know what signs to look out for next time. It's okay."
"But I wanted to- wanted to do something on my own for once." Matthew's whole face crumbled. "I didn't want to drag you into it to save me, I wanted to do it on my own-" Matthew sniffled again, breathing picking up and he leaned forward to rest his forehead against the seat in front of him.
Isaiah's chest squeezed, realizing Matthew would be crying if he had the tears to spare.
Isaiah circled the car to climb in from the other side, hand going around Matthew's back to push him against his chest. "Aww, come on, bud. You did everything right. You are meeting new people, you got that new boxing gym...you are putting yourself out there, building a life for yourself outside your shadow, without accidents or fights you don't want. You are doing great."
Matthew let himself get dragged back into Isaiah's lap, breathing still panicked. "L-look how stupid I am. People are supposed to know these things at my age- they-I'm not supposed to be a burden on you, constantly getting sick on you-"
"Hey, hey, hey. Don't talk like that. We all have our own learning curve. You were on your own from such an early age, Matt, it's harder to find out on your own," Isaiah said gently. "Besides, you are not a burden. You are my best friend. I don't mind saving your ass, when you need it."
Matthew snorted despite himself, before taking another shuddering breath. "Seline said- and the points- I don't know if I have enough- if I can help as much as you- you didn't call me and I-" he buried his head against Isaiah's stomach, shaking.
"Points? What points?" Isaiah didn't understand and didn't think this was time to find out. "You are doing enough. It's okay. We love you, of course we would want to help out. Not your fault, when you get sick. It's not a burden."
"It-it is, even you think you-"
"It's not a burden to get sick," Isaiah said firmly, rubbing Matthew's back. "Shhhhh. It's okay."
They sat there for a few minutes, Isaiah rubbing circles to Matthew's back and listening to his breathing hitching as he sniffled and found a slower breathing rhythm, watching out for gagging noises.
"There you go. All better," Isaiah murmured. "You didn't have a family that would look out for you like this. That's why you feel like a burden. It's not your fault, but it's not fair at all for you to feel like that. You get sick and we'll deal with it."
Matthew was lying limply over him, breathing much calmer, though he was still pale and frowning, lips pressed in a thin line.
"Come on, bud, let's get home....I can't drive like this," Isaiah said with a small smile, ranning his fingers through Matthew's hair.
Matthew lifted himself up with a groan, enough for Isaiah to slip from underneath him.
"What if I throw up on the way?" Matthew said quietly, stretched out over the back seats.
"There is a bag right next to you. And if you do, you do. It isn't such a big deal." Isaiah just wanted him home and lying down in a cool place already. The car was getting overheated, standing in full blown sun.
"Uhmmmmm," Matthew moaned as Isaiah got the engine started, a/c on full blast. "If it's no big deal...don't think...you had the right family either...Zaya."
Isaiah's stomach flipped at the words. He swallowed heavily, focusing on backing the car out the parking lot.
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incorrectlco · 11 months
George: Normally, you’d use a computer to examine all the combinations, but in this case it was faster to write it out longhand until I found the right code.
Lucy, gently poking him in the cheek: He’s so lifelike.
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lady-griffin · 11 months
Sevika: What the hell is wrong with you?
Jinx: I don’t like being excluded, bitch. Do you?!
Sevika: YES!!!!
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kitten1618x · 7 months
For @chocolateghost xoxo ❤️
It’s Friday, I’m in love
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When Sansa seeks out her neighbor and long-time nemesis Jon Targaryen as an unlikely ally for help in winning over the guy of her dreams—namely, handsome, charming Harry Hardyng—she doesn’t expect for the guy in question to change.
But it’s not long before she starts to wonder… is what she thought she wanted, really what she should have been looking for in the first place?
By the time Sansa takes her seat in Mrs. Mordane’s first-period history class, the debate raging in her brain has reached epic proportions, and full-on madness is beginning to set in. There is simply no other excuse for the ludicrous plan currently forming in her brain.
It’s so unlike her too, but maybe that’s why it’s suddenly so easy to flip open her notebook and scratch a quick and very ambiguous note to the boy sitting two seats behind her and to the right.
Nevermind that despite being her next-door neighbor since the dawn of time, the two of them have actively gone out of their way to avoid one another—trading only the occasional insult or side-eye. Nevermind that he’ll probably just turn her down, make fun of her and then tell the very boy she’s hoping to impress what a pathetic loser she is.
And yet, here she is, about to give him the power to humiliate her straight into hiding, should he be so inclined. But she can overthink it—and that—and then spiral into full-blown panic mode later… Right? Right.
Folding her note neatly in half, and then again, Sansa quickly scrawls Jon’s name on the corner and passes it in his direction before she can lose her nerve.
There’s no turning back now.
Read it here.
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oksanas-sun · 27 days
nobody touch me, i'm in my konstantin & oksana feels
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stincorrect · 2 years
Dustin: I’ve noticed a trend in life. The larger a thing is, the more likely it is to be evil. This applies to companies, people, and mountains. Steve: Except for dogs, the exact opposite is true. Dustin: A notable outlier.
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theangrypomeranian · 10 months
when Louise realizes she's bi, she goes to Rudy and is like "I think I like girls."
his response is simply "yeah that checks."
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memoriesoftanalorr · 1 month
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She was an angel but she never knew she was (Michael Langdon x female reader)
Note: I don't know why I'm came up this, sometimes my mind rushing with ideas. I'd wish that there's was an redemption arc for Michael Langdon. I hope I didn't mess the things up since I never watched it but I'm gonna research properly, okay seems I'm not so but I'll rewrite it later on then. Why I'm so spontaneous with stories sometimes? Used the song by Thousands Foot Krutch sentence from the song Honest and also used Day To Remember song Miracle. Again I'm random at tittles.
Summary: Sets somewhere around AHS Apocalypse. Y/n is 17 years old student girl who's living at the countryside more or less safely. Cordelia Goode wanted to recruit a mysterious teen as she knows that Y/n has supernatural abilities but girl is hides well, some kind of spell hides her. Sometime later Y/n sees how Michael Langdon murders the person, somehow Michael didn't tried to kill the girl, he senses supernatural being but only barely and didn't figure out who is the girl is. The second time when Michael meet with a teenager, she was in the danger, a forest was burning in the fire, Langdon saved her. Somehow he felt affection to Y/n. Unknown to her, she's have a supernatural in her as well, her grandfather was a angel, cherubim and left a messages and instructions and amulet how to stop the Apocalypse. BTW, forgot to mention it'll be not a romance. Sorry for my grammar. I hope it's okay.
If you could only feel the way that I feel Ready for the war to come my way Yeah, I struggled so I know what it takes The pressure only builds 'til it breaks If you could only feel the way that I feel You might think it's something spiritual But I'm betting on the right here, right now To Hell with all the someday, somehow I've waited long enough I've waited long enough Don't need a miracle Right here, right now To Hell with all someday, somehow I've waited long enough I've waited long enough Don't need a miracle You might think it's something spiritual But I don't need a fucking miracle If you could only see the way that I see You could find the faith to take the leap It only took one shot to prove I'm not made of glass There's no pain you could cause that won't eventually pass If you could only see the way that I see You'd be betting on the right here, right now To Hell with all the someday, somehow I've waited long enough I've waited long enough Don't need a miracle
Y/n spending time at the countryside from spring until October, she lives in a two floor house with her father and they have many good friends among the neighbors. A teenage girl likes gardening and walking near the lake, she has her own room there. She made there so many good memories, Y/n loved their neighbor so much, she's a good lady who has a cat and they're always talking about flowers and walking near the lake together. Once at night, Y/n get a small trip away from the house, a teenager decided to enjoying the sunset. Y/n get through the bridge and walked forward the edge of the grasshill next to the lake. A girl starred at the purple sunset with a smile.
Y/n and her father stayed at the countryside a little longer though it was October. Week later, Y/n decided to get a walk over the lake again. It's getting dark when she is heading back, suddenly she's heard someone's terrifying screaming for help. "Is anybody's here? Oh, it's really scary." Y/n started feeling herself nervous.
A teen saw man's body laying on the ground covered in blood and then she noticed a man with short strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes wearing black trench coat, pants and boots, he is holding a bloody knife. "You're better not telling anyone whet you saw here." Michael leaning closer to you. "Who are you?" Y/n trembling in fear. "My name is Michael Langdon. I'm Anti-Christ." he made a slutty smile. "Are you crazy? Stay away from me!" Y/n stepped back and runned as fast as she can. "Go on, run but I'll find you anywhere." Michael chuckled. Y/n get back home at the dinner time, get inside the hallway and take her jacket off and then locked the door. "Hey, how's your walk? You're just in time for a dinner." your dad greeted you. "Hey, dad." Y/n replied. "Something is wrong? You're look pale, are you getting sick?" he asked. "I think I get a cold. I don't want to eat. I'd rather go rest in my room." Y/n lied. "Rest well." Your dad said with a smile. "Thanks." Y/n nodded. You laid into your bed, closing your eyes. "What a nice night, meeting with maniac. I wish everything will be safe and peaceful here again."
Two weeks ago, you researching on an old and abandoned archive, it was weird that the building was near the forest. Inside was dusty and dark, you could see the spider webs at the walls and windows. "Disgusting. I should prepare myself. This archive needs a repair and cleaning. Alright, I'm come back here later." you spoke out loud. When you get outside you could feel the smell of fire and smoke. The trees and leaves were burning, turning into a large flame. You started panic and ran towards your house. Soon you began to choke on smoke and coughing a lot, you started to feel yourself dizzy. "Somebody help!" you screamed in despair. Michael Langdon appears behind your back. "Give me your hand. I'll get you out of here." "Is that you?" Y/n gasped. "Come on, trust me." Michael landing you a hand. "How I can trust you?" she struggled. "You're rather prefer to die? he pointed out sarcastically. Y/n grabbed his hand and falls into his shoulder as she lost consciousness. Langdon teleporting you miles away from the forest and then carefully laid you on the ground, leaning down on his knees next to you. Michael slightly using his abilities and read your mind while you were asleep. Sometine later, you're woke up, slowly getting up. "Ow, my head." "So you're awake finally." he spoke. Y/n glanced at him. "You're saved me?" "That's right, Miss Y/n." he nodded. "Well, thanks I guess." Y/n rubbed her shoulder. "You're welcome." "Wait, how did you know my name?" "That's one of my special talents." Michael made a slutty smile. "Uhm, I need to go now." you replied. "See you later." he smiled. "I don't think that I want to see you again." Y/n snapped. "Are you sure, little brat?" Michael mocked. "Anyway, I'm leaving." Y/n walks away.
In the distance you saw firefighters and an ambulance. Your father ran up to you and hugged you. "How did you escape the fire?" "I was on the other side of the forest. Everything was fine, but what happened to the others?” Y/n asked. "Our neighbors are fine. Some idiots set the forest on fire." "Let's go home." You glanced at your father with a soft smile and then looked back. "What are you looking for, dear?" your father asked. "I just had a feeling. Never mind." Y/n squeezed her father's hand and both of them leave the road side by side.
Few days later Y/n drive away with her dad to California. At the city she haven't friends and she's always just at home doing her daily routine or having small walking around the town. Once at afternoon Y/n sitting at the bench in the park and somehow she noticed a familiar strawberry blonde haired man with blue eyes in the crowd. You pretended that you're didn't seen him in the crowd and just reading the book. Michael sits down at the bench next to you. "What are you reading, kiddo? Is this a love story?" he teased. "It's not a love story, I don't really interested in love stories, it's a detective." Y/n responses to him. "I see." Michael chuckled. "Michael Langdon, right?" you just wanted to be correct if you're said his name right. "I love the way you said my name." he made a small smile. "Are you following me or what? Why you're here?" Y/n glanced at the man. "Because we're need to talk." he simply replied. "I don't want to talk when the other people could hear us." Y/n whispered. "Oh, I know where we can talk, come with me." Langdon stand up from the bench waiting for you. You take a deep breath and stand up from the bench. "Alright."
"I'm not going to hurt you." Michael assured you.
"How lovely of you." Y/n followed him across the street.
Michael lead you into abodended bookstore, though it was nice inside and not as dusty. "Uhm, I didn't seen this bookstore before." Y/n spoke. "You can find something interesting here for sure." Michael's blue eyes glanced through yours. "We're here not for reading, are we?" Y/n blushed. "Yeah, I know but I thought you would like to look around." he responded. "I guess there is a second floor, I'm bet this bookstore has a reading room. Let's talk there." Y/n suggests. The two getting up the stairs and entered a large reading room. Michael sit down at the sofa. "Are you going to just stand here or you're sit down?" he asked. "So what are you wanted to talk about?" you still didn't trust him completely. "Don't worry, kid. I'm not going to hurt you. I told you that before." "Alright, you can start first." she said shyly. "What brought you to California?" he asked. "Visiting a family member and actually I have a vacation." Y/n answers honestly. "I see." Langdon spoke. "Now is my turn. Are you really, you know---" Y/n paused. "Too scared to said it out loud?" Michael becoming glummy. "I just never thought that I could meet a supernatural being." Y/n expressed. "Hmm." Michael was amused. "So you're going to destroy the world?" you lowered your head. "You're better don't know about that." he said coldly. "Sounds really dramatic. Anyway I'm bet you're going to be lonely if you're going to do this." Y/n responses. "We both know who I am but I interested more in who you are." Michael stand up and walked towards you. "What do you mean?" Y/n freeze in shock. "I feel supernatural in you but I can't quite understand who you are." Michael glanced at you coldly. "It can't be true! I'm just the most ordinary person." Tears flowing down your face.
"Hey, kid. I'm sorry I'm scared you." Michael squeezed your hand.
"I don't understand... How it possible?" Y/n glanced at him.
"I'm not sure." He confessed. "Anyway, it's not about what you said, I'm just good for nothing." you still feeling your heart skipped with sadness. "I promise I'll find it out." Michael's blue eyes starred at you. "You don't have to." Y/n looked away. "Forget about it for a while. I like your perfume, it's so sweet and in the same time not so strong." Michael cuddled into your cheek gently. Y/n blushes and stepped back. "What was that? Stop that flirting." "I didn't meant to flirt with you, just wanted to make a compliment and comfort you." Michael replied. "Hmm, seriously?" Y/n rolled her eyes. "Believe me I don't have nothing like that in mind. See you later, Miss Y/n." "Wait, uhm, thanks for company. It's kinda weird but---" Michael smiled and then get down the stairs. Y/n leaves the bookstore few minutes after Michael leaves.
Time skip. Days ago. "Hey, dear. Take care of yourself. You know lately there has been a lot of unrest on the streets and in the world in general." Your father warned you. "I know that, dad. It's been a while since I'm getting outside though." you replied thoughtfully. "By the way where have you been last time?" your dad asked. "I was at the park and then I found a really nice bookstore but it was abodended." you answered. "I'm bet you're getting inside because you're really curious and love those kind of places." your dad said with a smile. "I hope nobody would think I'm a thief. I just would love to take care of this building." Y/n said passionately. "If this your wish, how about to talk with neighbors to make some repairs and such? And we'll do something together." he spoke. "That's would be great! But I think this building doesn't need much repair." Y/n hugged her dad. "Alright. I need to go." Your dad get a jacket on. "Be careful too." you reminded. "I've noticed you're daydreaming about something lately." he said. "I just daydreaming for some peaceful days." Y/n blushing. "Nice wish." Then he is get outside and leave the house, you locked the door. The truth is that Michael was on your mind. Last time he was tricky, cold and in the same time delicate. What he's feeling? Is he drowned into darkness or it's not too far gone?
Y/n then finds out from her dad that her grandfather left her an a amulet and his journal, Y/n don't remember much about her grandfather but she's heard he was kind and religious person. Y/n decided to find it.
The other day, Y/n was inside her room but then get outside at the backyard, Michael standing there. Y/n stepped forward him. "Michael?" Y/n was surprised to see him. He turned his face towards you, he was full of anger. "Mich… What's happened?" Y/n touched his hand gently. "My destiny in destroying humanity and the world. If you only knew what I can do! But I don't want to hurt you. I don't know why I feel this way. I am a monster!" Tears flowing down his face. Y/n embraces him into a hug. "You're must be feel yourself lonely, aren't you? I feel humanity and good in you. I wish there's a way out to prevent Apocalypse and heal your soul." "I afraid it's no way out." he replied. "I wish it's not like that." Y/n whispers. Michael squeezed into your shoulder gently still sobbing. "You're been through a lot I guess." Y/n patted his back. He slipped from your embrace and looked away. Y/n wiped his tears away, stroking his hair gently. "I like your hair." Y/n smiled. "I missed you, Y/n." Michael squeezed your hand gently smiling. Y/n giggled. "By the way, I'm not sure but I think we have a chance to get the answers on some questions." Y/n said mysteriously. "This is what I'm thinking about?" Langdon asked. "My grandfather left me a amulet and his journal. He was religious and it might mean that in this journal could be something about… If I am really a supernatural being and maybe in this notes he wrote how to stop Apocalypse." Y/n lowered her head. "Hmm, you need my help to find it?" Michael guessed. "I think I know where to start the search." Y/n said excitedly. "Seriously? Where?" Michael wondered. "It's somewhere in his room at our family's countryside house or in old archive but I think archive get damaged by fire." Y/n said thoughtfully. "I can get you there now." Michael spoke. "Let's do it tomorrow. I still have a lot of to do." Y/n yawned a bit. Michael giving you a hug before leaving. "See you soon then."
On the next afternoon, Michael knocked at the door. "Who's there?" Y/n asked. "Hey, It's Michael." he responds. "Hello, Mich." Y/n said as she opened the door into a hallway. "Are you ready?" he asked. "Listen, I'm not sure I want to know the truth. I'm such a coward, right?" Y/n struggling. "But yesterday you were so determined about finding the journal and amulet." Michael get confused. "But if we're don't find it or it's journal didn't exists at all. I don't remember my grandfather." Y/n sighed softly. "You're brave and clever girl. We're going to work it out." Michael laid his hand at your shoulder. "Thank you. Alright, we should get going now." Y/n take her bag. "Where's we should teleport first?" Michael asked. "How about try that forest? Archive is somewhere further."
"I got it. Take my hand and close your eyes." Michael spoke.
"Okay." Y/n squeezed his hand and take a deep breath before she closed her eyes.
When Y/n opened her eyes, she noticed that the surrounding around her is changed, it was the same forest.
Suddenly Michael grabbed your hand in protecting gesture. "I feel someone's presence." "Who's this? I feel something too but---" Y/n turned her head to see a women coming towards them. She has a blonde hair and brown eyes, pale skin, she's wearing a beautiful dress. She's seemed powerful but in the same time not going to harm anyone. Y/n wasn't as scared to meet with her. "Who's this lady?" Y/n asked Michael. "A witch from the coven. Get back, Y/n." he replied. "It's really surprising that you're trying to protect that child from me. I come with peace." Cordelia replied. "Are you two already met?" Y/n asked out of curiosity. Michael groaned. "So you're Y/n? I have something for you. I've been looking forward to meet with you but I couldn't do it earlier. My name is Cordelia Goode." she smiled. "Nice to meet with you." Y/n spoke. "Me too, dear. Take this amulet. It'll protect you." Cordelia helped you to wear on a amulet on you. "Thanks. It's from my grandfather? Did he left me a letter?" Y/n asked anxiously. "I found a letter tied with a ribbon, you can read it." Cordelia patted your arm. You opened a envelope and started reading. "Dear, Y/n. It's your grandfather. I should explain a lot of things. First, wear this amulet, it protects you from evil. You'll find more in my favorite place." Then the letter ends and you hide the letter into your bag. "I need to find my grandfather's journal. I think he's wrote how to stop Apocalypse." Y/n said. "Let's find it together." Cordelia laid her hands on your shoulders. Y/n looked back at Michael. "If root of evil doesn't mind that. If seems like he wants to let his anger out." Y/n mocked. "Do you know who he is? Did he tried to hurt you?" Cordelia asked. "I know who he is and he didn't tried to hurt me." you answers honestly. "Hmm, interesting." Cordelia glanced at Michael. "So this why you're here. I don't mind but I'm not really happy either." Langdon tighned his teeth. "Can I talk face to face with Langdon, dear? It won't take a long." Cordelia squeezed your hand gently. "Alright but I hope he'll not try to kill you when I'm away. I'm will wait you two over my family's house." Y/n joked and walk away. "What was that?" Michael said in confusion. "Do this child knows who she is?" Cordelia asked. "No. I can't understand it either." Michael replied in annoyance. "I feel bright and powerful aura. She's an angel." Cordelia added. "She's angel?" Michael widened his eyes in shock. "I see that child softened your heart a bit." Cordelia pointed out. He lowered his head. "I don't understand how but I feel affection towards Y/n." "She's a kind soul, she wants to save yours." Cordelia explained.
Then Michael looked away, he felt sadness. "I hope she can do this because without her, everything losing meaning in this damn world." "So Y/n means a lot of to you?" Cordelia was amazed by his words. "Let's stop wasting our time on talking, shall we?" Michael responded. "I'll tell her the truth when she's ready." Cordelia finished the conversation then. Cordelia and Michael caught up with you then. "Hey, Michael. What you two talking about? Did she cast a spell on you?" Y/n teased. Cordelia laughted, "No, I don't casting any spells on him when you were away. You'll know everything later on." Michael groans in response.
"Hmm, my grandfather wrote that I'll find more in his favorite place. Did he meant his room? It's get abandoned after his death." you feel like crying. "Let's check it out." Cordelia patted your shoulder. Michael glanced at you with empathy. "Right. This way." Y/n becoming encouraged by support. Trio get inside the house and walked through the hallway and then on the right. "My grandfather always locking his room but in last time, the door was unlocked but I guess my dad actually locked it after sometime." Y/n opened the enclosed latern and inside it she finds a key and opened the door. "Interesting. I feel something supernatural." Michael pointed out. Cordelia nodded quietly. The room was messy and dusty, there's was the mirror, a wooden table, chair, books and the window. "I found another key. Hmm, is there is the shelf on the back of the mirror with a lock." Y/n guessed. You unlocked the shelf on the back of the mirror and found a large journal. You're glances at the pages. "There are some rituals here. I don't quite understand." "Would you let me take a look on it?" Cordelia asked politely. "Yeah, sure." Y/n land a journal to her. Michael standing next to the teenager silently. "It's a really powerful rituals. Can I borrow your grandfather's notes for a while?" Cordelia looked at you. "Why not. I trust you." Y/n smiled. "Thank you, dear. I'll tell you both more when I'm made a proper research on it." she spoke. Y/n locked the room and then the trio leave the house. Michael then grabbed Cordelia's arm. "Why don't you tell me what you saw now?" "I'll tell you and Y/n everything later on." Cordelia glances at him. "What are you talking about?" Y/n approaching them. "He's just too impatient to know what was in these notes." Cordelia mocked. "I respect you enough to wait until you're read it." Y/n replied. "See you later, dear." she made a soft smile. "Bye." Y/n smiled. Then she leaves and Y/n steps to Michael. "I feel something between you two or I'm wrong?" "Hmm." Michael looked at you thoughfully. "Are you okay?" Y/n asked. "Do you really want to know who you are?" "Not now."
Five days later Cordelia and Michael visits you in your house. You made everyone a cup of tea. "First I have to tell you something, Y/n. You don't even know how much power you have. Your grandfather was chosen. He is an angel and so are you, it's in your blood." Cordelia took your hand. "Thank you for telling me." you lowered your head. Michael glanced at you. "Your grandfather also writes that his successor or witch can stop the Apocalypse by killing an a Antichrist either removing it's evil powers by ritual. But it's really powerful rituals and you're untrained and we're don't have much time. I can't risk your life. I'll do it." Cordelia glances at you. "But you're okay with risking my life, aren't you?" Michael snapped. "Maybe I can do this…" Y/n said. "Everyone at Academy is agreed with risk anyway." she added. "Do you guys having a witch school?" Y/n wonders. "Kind of." Cordelia giggled. "Who's going to make a ritual? If this works, I'm okay with that." Michael said. "Why do you would do that?" Y/n asked him. "Because I want you to be safe." Michael replied honestly. "So you care for me? It's unbelievable." Tears flowing down your face. "Trust me. I do care for you." Michael giving you a hug. Y/n squeezed into his shoulder gently. Cordelia watching the two with a smile. "I'll send a taxi for you when I'll prepare everything and provide you about the ritual if this safe but I'm not sure I can make it safe for you." Cordelia then finished. "Okay." Y/n nodded. Michael and Cordelia leaving your house quietly. "Tell me one thing, is this going to kill me or Y/n?" He asked. "Perhaps. But we have no choice anymore." Cordelia sighed. "Do you lied to her then?" Michael bursts in anger. "No, I'm not. There is still hope that she can survive." Cordelia responded. "I want her to live, can you hear me?" Michael replied bitterly.
Three days later Y/n get a letter from Cordelia laying under the carpet next to the front door. "Dear Y/n, I'm sorry that you're didn't heard anything from me lately but I don't want to risk your life, Michael don't want it either." A teen read the letter quietly. "I hope that everything will be fine soon." Y/n get inside the house and hid the letter inside her room.
Meantime, Cordelia and Michael went inside the abandoned castle, she draw the casting circle and prepared ingredients for the spell. Cordelia land a cup to him. "Drink it. I'm warning you, ritual going to be painful." Michael take the cup and drank it. "Let's do it." Cordelia then began casting the spell, the fire in the candles flickered. Langdon feeling like he's burning from the inside, he screamed in pain and at the end of the spell, he's falled on the floor unconscious. Cordelia leaned down next to him. He is still breathing. Michael opened his eyes some minutes later. Cordelia tugging his hair away and look at his ear, the mark behind his ear is fades away. "Your mark is faded." she spoke. "I can't believe it!" Michael shouted in shock. "Now you're human." Cordelia smiled. "And what's my purpose now?" he wondered. "I don't know what you're going to do but now your soul is healed and you're got a friend or a more than one." Cordelia get up from the floor and takes his hand and helping him to get up from the floor.
On next day, world gets to normal and safe. Michael and Cordelia went to your house. Y/n reading a book. Someone's knocking at the door. "Who's there?" Y/n asked. "It's Cordelia." A female voice spoke. Y/n wondering what happened to Michael. If he okay? "Oh, hello, Miss Cordelia. I will open the door now." Michael crawled from behind and grab your waist. "Hey, little brat!" Y/n trembled from a sudden attack from behind but laughted out. "You're freaked me out!" "Sorry I just couldn't resist myself." he made a smug smile. "I giving you back your grandfather's notebook. He left you another letter inside it and your photograph. He loves you." Cordelia land a notebook to you. "Then why I don't remember him? Thanks, but I guess it's better if you're hide the notebook somewhere with magic if something will happen." Y/n replied. "I think that nothing bad going to happen but anyway, that's wise. Take a letter then." she nodded. "So this ritual goes well?" Y/n asked. "Michael is human now, his powers are gone." Cordelia answered. "Glad to hear that." Y/n smiled. "Would you like me to teach you how controlling your abilities?" Cordelia touches your arm. "Attending a witch school? But I'm not quite a witch." Y/n struggling. "What's you answer, kid?" Michael smiles. "I'm not sure yet." Y/n rubbed her neck. "Don't worry. I'll wait for your decision. See you later, dear." Goode giving you a hug. "See you later maybe." Y/n hugged Cordelia back. "I think Michael wants to tell you something. I need to go." she whispers. "Really?" you're whispering to her. Cordelia nodded to you with a mysterious smile and then leaves. "Do you need help with finding a apartment? I know a nice one around on rent." Y/n spoke to Michael. "Sounds great. Listen, I going to say you something and I'll be honest with you." he squeezed your hand. "Alright." Y/n nodded. "I want to say… Thank you for being a good friend." Michael lean closer to you. "We're friends? But we're don't know much about each other." Y/n looked away. "I don't care and when I met you in second time, I readed your memories. Some of them. I hope you're not mad at me for that?" he glances at you. "I hope I can read yours. I'm not mad at you. And you're welcome." Y/n responses. "Hmm, the same perfume. You smell good." Michael cuddling into your cheek again. "That's enough!" Y/n hiding her face with her hands blushing and playfully pushing him away but then Michael hugs you. "I love you, my angel." he smiled softly. "I love you too but you're such a slut sometimes, my friend." Y/n mocked. "So you're love me too?" Michael made a playful smile. "So you made a truce with pretty witch lady huh?" Y/n teased. "Something like this." he answered. "If something I think we're can helping each other wilth stuff you know." you spoke. "Would be nice." Michael replied. "Do you want something?" you asked him. "Can we take a walk before I'm leave?" Michael taking your hand. "Sure."
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
*on the phone*
Hidan: Heeeyyy, Kakuzu! Um, Dei and I need you to come to 425 Walnut Street, and bring $1500 with you.
Kakuzu: Are. You. Insane?! Fifteen hundred dollars?? FOR WHAT?!
Hidan: Er, t-there’s this really fuckin’ cool Escape Room we’re doing, and it costs that much …
Kakuzu: What kind of “Escape Room” is that goddamned expensive??
Hidan: Well -
Deidara, in the background: Oi, did you ask him for the bail money yet? Or do I need to use my one phone call to beg it from Sasori, hm?
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 months
(omg and I might have forgot the arranged marriage fic mayyyyyyybeeeeeeee u shd give us a snippy just sayin)
Okay yes I did forget hehe. But technically it's more of a one-shot thingy than a proper series for me.
the arranged marriage is very much still an idea in my head but i find the malec dynamic in that fic to be very different so I'm curious to play with it. there are a lot of dynamics in that fic that i am excited to explore next year - including this -
"He is not easy to handle," the man said quietly. "My son."
"Why?" Alec asked, passing the glass of water. "Does he lie about taking his medicine too?"
"I did not lie," the man scoffed and Alec raised an eyebrow. "I did not lie to you."
"Take your medicine," Alec crossed his arms.
"Are you going to stand there until I do?" the man demanded incredulously.
"Yes," Alec nodded.
Asmodeus rolled his eyes and swallowed the three tablets. "Perhaps this is for the best. Magnus needs a firm hand."
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imogenkol · 6 months
Betrayal for Imogen and Cal?
Well, this gave me a reason to finally write the moment where Imogen betrays Cal for the first time in fallen order, so thank you!!
[BETRAYAL]: trying to keep the receiver calm before the big reveal, the sender cups their face gently to keep them steady, and then reveals that they're the villain. words: 1.2k
The vault lay empty. Quiet. Serene, even. Imogen subtly admired the greenery that crawled up the gilded walls, how light refracted off of the bright surfaces and into the water at her feet. Their mud-ridden boots disturbed the shallow pool that flooded the ancient chamber, yet even the small splashes of their steps echoed in whispers. A fleeting calm. Imogen readied herself for the inevitable. 
“Something feels off. The astrium has gotten heavier,” Cal said, his voice tense with caution. 
“Ease your mind, there is no time for distraction,” Imogen replied. She briefly wondered if he began to sense her intent, but she felt the same weight linger through the Force around her, too. There may only be one chance to fulfill her goal and she could not afford to miss it. Not when she was this close. So she shrouded herself behind the invisible shadow at the back of Cal’s mind to await her opportunity. “Unlock the vault. I shall keep watch.”
The young Jedi foolishly nodded and approached the center of the chamber. Imogen slowly circled him, keeping her steps light, carefully watching Cal out of the corner of her eye as she pretended to guard the entrance. He knelt down and lowered the astrium into its slot, manipulating the device with his mind. A few clicks and whirrs and the key disappeared beneath the floor, causing the domed roof to shift above their heads. Warm sunlight flowed over the two of them as the chamber realigned itself. The display reminded Imogen of the inner workings of an old lock. 
Cal watched the massive parts move in awe. “It’s like the entire vault is one giant Holocron.”
“Indeed,” Imogen muttered. She found herself impressed with the ingenuity of the Zeffo, but quickly pushed the feeling of wonder down to search for where the true Holocron might show itself. 
An etched panel off to the side rolled away to reveal a silver, reflective wall of some sort. It resembled a mirror. 
“What is that?” Cal questioned, his curiosity drawing him closer to the mysterious wall. 
Imogen did not trust it. It would not surprise her if the Zeffo implemented a failsafe, even after offering the astrium. The fool may very well set off a trap with a single wrong move for all she knew.
"Leave it." Imogen kept on his heels and reached to stop him just as he went to touch the smooth surface of the mirror. Her hand landed on his arm at the same time his palm connected with his reflection.
It was only a moment — a blink of her eyes — but Imogen suddenly became awash with utter dread. She feared failure. She feared loss. She could smell the tinge of blaster fire and ozone. Explosions shook her eardrums. A ghostly expression of disappointment glared down at her. She felt the agony of losing her leg all over again only to look up and see herself illuminated by her own crimson blade. 
Just as these unexpected and intense visions threatened to consume her, it was over. Both Cal and Imogen stumbled away from the mirror as the two of them gasped to catch their breath. 
“Did you see it, too?” Cal asked, pale features looking like he’d come face to face with something worse than death. 
“I saw nothing,” Imogen lied. “Whatever unsettles you, put it out of your mind.” 
Cal blinked at his reflection for another beat before he nodded and glanced over his shoulder. His eyes widened. “Look.”
Imogen turned to see a green and bronze cube hovered over the center of the vault. Relief settled over her shoulders. The opportunity she had been waiting for flashed in the sunlight before her like it wanted her to seize the revenge that was rightfully hers. All of the risks she took, all of her careful planning, and the delicate facade she has maintained for weeks finally paid off. Cal rushed over and plucked Holocron out of the air.
“This is it!” he exclaimed.
Imogen shook herself out of the brief stupor and joined him, outstretching her hand. “Let me see it.”
He held the device up triumphantly. “Imogen, this is how we will rebuild the Order. This is your – this is our redemption.”
She stepped closer and motioned for the Holocron, her other hand inching towards the hilt on her belt. Her cybernetic leg still ached terribly, but she gritted her teeth and forced her body to remain balanced. “Hand it to me. I will ensure it is not damaged.” 
The young Jedi did not acknowledge her persistence. Urgency overtook him. “We’ll check it on the Mantis. Right now, we need to leave. The Empire will be on our tails in no time.”
“Cal,” she called again to no avail as he lifted his comlink to his lips.
“Greez, get the engine running, we have it.”
As rage gathered like a storm within her, Imogen gently rested her palm against the side of his face and urged the frantic Jedi to meet her gaze. An intensity pooled into her steel irises – that of a hunter who had her prey in sight. Everything went as still as the moment they set foot in the vault. The breath even halted in Cal’s lungs as a terrible feeling dawned on him.
“Cal, give me the Holocron,” she commanded in a calm, steady tone laced with menace. “Or I will kill you.”
The mask fell. Cal stared into the eyes of an Inquisitor. One who may not harbor allegiance to the Empire any longer, but who held all of the malice and ruthlessness as her former peers. He finally saw the young woman for what she was — a monster with an insatiable hunger for power and revenge. 
All of Imogen’s training screamed at her to run him through without a second thought. She should have done it while he was distracted. Imogen certainly hadn’t experienced much trouble eliminating Jedi in the past. But something about the tightness in her gut when Cal touched that mirror gave her pause. On the Mantis, she had easily made the decision to kill him, but now that the time came, a part of her wanted to give Cal one last chance to let go of the Order. She couldn’t quite figure out why. At the very least, she would offer him a fair fight. Not that it would do him any good. 
Cal flinched away from her touch. “You...”
As soon as he took half a step back, Imogen ignited her blood-red blade and swung, stopping it a mere inch from his neck. The Jedi froze once more. Her next words were as precise as her movements. “I will not ask again.”
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Ok ok listen, these two together are my spirit animal, all their interactions gives me life one way or another //
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buffyspeak · 8 months
"are you okay" "never better" okay if clary wasn't fully under jonathan's influence and lying by this point this would be a really cute fraywood brotp scene
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tokuteasings · 1 year
Do you have any general headcanons for mbjr?
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As we know, Jin gardens but he loves collecting whacky ass little flower pots and painting them! Whenever he's free and has one of the other members of MBJR with him, they go out to buy new seeds, pots, or paint them. He has this one pot that all of them painted together and it's his precious lil treasure.
Horobi knits, he's learned to do so in a way to almost "train" himself. It's a reminder that even though his hands have hurt and killed so many...they can be used to make wonderful things too. This extends to cooking. Perhaps its part of his programming as a father humagear but he enjoys doing small little crafts and cooking.
Ikazuchi adores riding a motorbike everywhere because of the thrill it gives him. He does it with Subaru and takes the other members of MBJR sometimes on it and everyone calls the bike, Ikazuchi Junior because of how much this dude dotes on it. But in general, he's their getaway driver if they ever need a quick escape route. Also, please do not challenge him at Mario Kart. He'll cheat.
Naki visits Delmo often and outside of MBJR, Delmo is one of the Humagears that they are closest to. Delmo talks about her dreams often and is the kind of pep in the step that Naki needs sometimes. They often go shopping together and Naki has modeled a bit because Delmo roped them into it. She joked Naki could make it in the world of modeling and has physically fought people in her attempt to defend Naki. Naki has taken this fashion sense and shared it with the rest of MBJR to varying results.
These four still play the Metsuboijinrai game in their spare time. Sometimes they do it on an off day when they're all together and chaos tends to ensue because they have updated the punishment wheel due to the suggestions of Aruto, Fuwa, Izu, and Yua. Those four sometimes join in as well.
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