#but I'm still so fucking mad.
it sucks so fucking much how easily you can tell where the story has been cut and which scenes and plotpoints in Thanks To Them should have been episodes of their own but because Disney and corporations as a whole hate art and stories that might challenge or upset people we will only ever get to see glimpses of what should have been.
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futureboy · 3 months
the thing about variety describing warner bros discovery making "unsuccessful attempts to sell the unprofitable fandom" is that this shifts all the blame on the audience. how are you gonna try that with a fandom that crowdfunded films on a record-breaking scale, raised millions for extra life for years and years, and spawned their own fucking convention because RT was so goddamn popular?? insane that poor business restructuring and shitty company practices from WBD is being spun into "our audience didn't give us enough money so unfortunately, we have to sell RWBY (a western show that enjoys enormous popularity in japan despite not being a homegrown anime) and RvB (a show which pioneered machinima as both a genre and medium)"
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zehecatl · 7 months
holds your face so fucking gently please leave reviews for indie games. please. every single review legit counts, especially if the game is small enough, and you don't even gotta say much if that's the problem!!
like, anything from a long ramble to a simple 'it was good' matters, because steam (and probably also the Other Ones) uses an algorithm. so the more reviews, the more exposure, the more money the dev team gets. like, please. please. leave a review. throw your small indie dev team a bone
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hypokeimena · 2 months
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
yeah still thinking about this actually
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azuremist · 8 months
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"next time you want me to hang out at your place, though, you know you can just ask."
src: adventure time: marshall lee spectacular
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genericpuff · 6 months
We've Finally Come Full Circle <3
The union of mouth to tail in the great Ouroboros is complete.
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No no, this isn't cause for anger. I'm not upset or anything about this.
I'm flattered.
Because if this isn't a coincidence and she's reading Rekindled and she mimicked my little cartoon chibi heads in her newest FP episode... Rachel is supposed to be the #1 creator on the platform with a series that's marketed as a "worldwide sensation"; and she has to resort to ripping off foefiction - created for the purpose of improving upon her foundation that she built in 2018 - in lieu of utilizing her own ideas?
That's pretty damn cool. Disappointing because the #1 creator on the platform shouldn't be doing this, but still, pretty cool, you got me. Well played Rachel. I'm not gonna "clapback" at this, I'm not gonna "get revenge" through any sort of quip towards LO in Rekindled because I've already accomplished that. I've already proven my point. Every time I update Rekindled, I prove my point and "clapback" through my own efforts to create something new out of what you started but couldn't finish. And if this was intentional, then we've truly come full circle in a way that I can only smile at, because it's delightful.
Thank you for featuring a little piece of what I've contributed to this community in your work. I'm still not entirely convinced that this was intentional or satisfied if it was, I'm still waiting to see a box of generic off-brand cereal dumped down the toilet or hurled across the room, but this will suffice. The show goes on and so will we ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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bananonbinary · 2 months
as a certified Diagnosed Autist(TM) i cannot stress enough that i am not only pro- self-diagnosis, but also pretty anti- legal medical diagnosis. it is, at best, a cruel hoop we have to jump through so privileged people will deign to give us what we need. don't fucking do that shit unless you have to, it was disgustingly expensive, fucking humiliating, infantilizing, and dehumanizing, and would probably actively cause problems in my life if i didn't have some really good allistic (-passing) people in my corner and also wasn't so fucking disabled that it mostly doesn't matter.
literally get that diagnosis if you need it for job/school accessibility shit or SSI or whatever, and otherwise dont tell the government SHIT about yourself. there is zero good reason for them to want that information. that's between you and the people you want in your life.
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unpretty · 1 year
i swear to god i've literally made long posts of romance novel recommendations before, featuring book covers, which meant that:
the book was going to be about people falling in love. because that's the plot of romance novels. there might be other set dressings, like a murder or the reform act of 1867, but those are secondary to the main plot (some people don't want to kiss, but then they do, but they can't until they can) (this is an oversimplification but you get what i'm saying here)
the people who fall in love are most likely going to be on the cover, especially if they're marginalized because authors like to be clear about that kind of thing
and i still. STILL. on a post that was at least half diverse romance where various queer models of color were about to kiss on the covers. on a post where i mentioned the set dressing or any identities not immediately obvious from the covers, which were all pretty obvious. on a post that i mentioned was exclusively romance novels and were not going to be of interest to anyone who doesn't like kissin' books. got angry comments of:
but what is it about??????
i don't care about white people, this list is not for me
i don't care about straight people, this list is not for me
i don't have any money, where can i pirate these
some people have one standard accusatory response about every book they weren't planning to buy anyway and there is nothing, literally nothing, you can do to stop them from regurgitating it right up to and including telling them directly "this book is everything you say you want and also it's free right now"
... but at least the "is it gay" crowd tends to enthusiastically support your shit as soon as they find out the answer is "yes"
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dootznbootz · 3 months
There's something really fascinating about how Athena treats Diomedes so differently from how treats Penelope and Odysseus (even Telemachus but that's a lil different too)
Athena has basically known Diomedes since he was born (some even say that she had a say in naming him) because of Tydeus. I don't think it's far-fetched to say that in a way, she possibly "molded" him. And Diomedes is kind of known for being the "perfect warrior king". He's respectful of the gods and most of his comrades, an incredibly skilled soldier, and has already achieved so many things despite being one of the youngest kings in the war.
I sadly think that's why Athena treats him so differently than Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus.
She cares for him, but it's still "distant" in a way. Or almost in an "I molded you. You will react the way I would want you to therefore I will not be surprised."
When it seems like she's known her other favored mortals for less long, she didn't get to "mold" them. They surprise and bring something "new" for her. She sees her little tricksters' scheme and plot and watches with intrigue but watching the perfect warrior is a "Yes, perfect form. That's what I'd do."
I mean even how her favored mortals pray to her tells you a lot about the relationships they have.
For example, in the Iliad, Odysseus doesn't need to really give as much reverence to her to "earn her favor" during book 10's Night Raid.
Odysseus rejoiced, and prayed to Pallas Athene: ‘Hear me, daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus, you who are with me in all my adventures, protecting me wherever I go. Show me your love, Athene, now, more than ever, and grant we return to the ships having won renown, with some brave act that will grieve the Trojans greatly.’ And Diomedes of the loud war-cry followed him in prayer: ‘Hear me also, Atrytone, daughter of Zeus. Be with me as you were with my father Tydeus in Thebes, when he went there as ambassador for the bronze-greaved Achaeans, camped there by the Asopus. A friendly offer was what he made them, but on his way back he was forced to take deadly reprisal for their ambush, and you fair goddess, readily stood by him. Stand by me now, and watch over me, and in return I will offer a broad-browed yearling heifer, unused to the yoke. I will tip her horns with gold and sacrifice her to you.’
(Book 10, A.S. Kline)
Diomedes brings up his dad and offers a young heifer (granted that could just be how Diomedes is with every immortal) while Odysseus doesn't and is basically like "Yo, help me out like you always do!". Odysseus is much more casual and personal with Athena. And with Penelope, Athena takes the form of one of her sisters to comfort her!
While Athena also most likely has known Telemachus since he was a baby, she's still closer to him than Diomedes.
Imagine that. You're basically molded by a goddess since birth, listen to her and other immortals dutifully, basically become her perfect warrior, and yet you can't seem to reach that familiarity with her. The same warmth she has for her other favored mortals.
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zecoritheweirdone · 1 month
eyyyy,, guess who's been drawing more of that hc x msa au?
been making a lot of scene redraws/edits for the past few days,, buuut i'm not quite done with them yet,, so i'll prolly share them another time. until then- here's a lil pearl design! mostly made these to finalize her design,, since the next scene i'm doing involves lewis,, sksnsks.
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khaotunq · 4 months
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i dial drunk, i'll die a drunk, i'd die for you
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distressedwalnut · 5 months
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Doodled a few moments from my tomodachi game :]
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hells1nfern0 · 6 months
Everyone whos saying they pulled a 5 hour long bait and switch on people just for the hl2vrai trailer. It wasn't just a bit for that it was so much more than that. Everyone is switching on a dime calling it such a good joke or staying stuck mad and pissy about it. Genuinely it was a fun stream. It was something the RTVS team clearly had a lot of fun making, they put 3 years of work and planning into it. There is more to them than HLVRAI. They never directly said it would be HL2VRAI.
But honestly though. I can't blame them for teasing it as such. If YOU put 3 years of effort into something would you allow it to just get ignored by everyone because it isn't what everyone cares about you for. Or would you want to make sure all the people started liking you for it initially would see how you grew.
BrBaVRAI was the same thing that HLVRAI was supposed to be. A fun stream with friends.
It isn't just for you man. It's supposed to be something fun and if you genuinely threw a shitfit about it or if you gave up on it called it unfunny, mid, or even bad. Only to turn around once you got what you Wanted.
You do not deserve what the RTVS crew will make.
You do not deserve HL2VRAI
EDIT: Honestly I don't care about most of the shit people are upset about. Yeah its fine for them to troll you they're known for that. Don't treat their work like it was always shit up until the point they gave you the shit you were waiting for. Just because you wanted a Twix doesnt mean a Snickers doesn't taste just as sweet. They aren't morally bad people for a prank that upset you.
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fromkenari · 5 months
I was thinking back on my Tumblr fandom journey, and does anyone remember that brief, so brief moment when...
"You're not gay."
"I could be."
"Not dressed like that, you're not."
was a hilarious father/son moment when John Noah caught Stiles snooping before it was something that was nailed to the cross of things we had to give up as being fun pokes at the queer-coded character being truly queer and collected as examples of microaggressions and insinuations that he was only queer-coded because it was "funny" if everyone thought he was queer but he wasn't? Like that's in any way acceptable.
Also, don't forget, "There is a bible."
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some-zer0 · 1 year
Forever obsessed with the way that Bridge to the Turnabout revolves around Morgan, Diego, Iris, and Misty deciding they alone know what's best for the people they care about, with that assumption being inherently false due to it having been constructed on outdated, heavily biased memories
Morgan wants Pearl to be Master because SHE wanted to be Master, so she assumes her plan's the best thing for Pearl, even though we can clearly see that it would ruin Pearl's life
Diego's using Maya as a proxy for Mia, believing that since he couldn't save Mia he has to save Maya, but his grief blinds him to the fact that he doesn't actually have a personal relationship with Maya
Iris is, once again, going along with a plan because she assumes others know best, but she's also an ambiguous enough character that you could interpret her as trying to fulfill an obligation to Pearl (her sister), Maya (the future Master), and Phoenix (who she wasn't able to protect last time)
And Misty is trying to save her daughter, but she's also the one who ran away when Mia and Maya were children, thereby putting them directly in danger of Fey clan politics in the first place
Diego, Iris, and Misty have multiple opportunities to tell Pearl, Phoenix, or Maya what's going on, but they're so set on viewing them a certain way that they can't see them as they really are. Like, Phoenix has been Maya's closest friend and biggest supporter since Mia's death, and he's a major caretaker of Pearl too, so why not let him know what's happening? Pearl genuinely doesn't know what Morgan's asking her to do -- she could almost certainly be talked out of the channeling if she understood that Maya would be in danger, so why not tell her? And Maya has already been involved in several extremely dangerous situations, including a previous plot by Morgan, so why not tell her? Especially since it's her life on the line?
Bridge to the Turnabout is a story of good intentions, but ultimately all that those good intentions did was rob Maya, Pearl, and Phoenix of their agency and lead to unnecessary tragedy
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