#but gotta push that boulder
lunasilvis · 4 months
sadly the cloud of grief + anger/confusion has followed me into Barcelona, but the whole city smells like pastries and Ibérico, there's weird but super nice random flamenco displays and a chill but pleasant springtime sun
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drawbudd · 14 days
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and keep going
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wh0rganic · 6 months
debt quest update: one credit card paid off in full and I’m three points away from having good credit again
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meanderfall · 10 months
having a "i'll be a functional human being later" kind of weekend
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bones4thecats · 5 months
I'm not sure if you accepting RoR request but can I request Shiva, Buddha, Qin Shi Huang and Nikola Tesla with a fem reader that's Nyarlathotep? (crawling chaos from HP Lovecraft) she looks normal and even cute most of the time but she can be very much terrifying when turning into her cosmic horror form or if she wants to just mess around with the gods (mostly Zeus and Odin) by messing with their heads most of the time and they can't do much because she's an outer god but around them she's very sweet and helpful and ties her best to push away her violent tendencies for their sake
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Shiva, Buddha, Qin Shi Huang, and Nikola Tesla Name: {Character} with a Nyarlathotep! Reader Requester: Anonymous
A/N: At this point, I may as well make a page dedicated to my H.P. Lovecraft-themed Reader pieces, since I've written like three pieces now! It's ironic because of how much I love reading about these characters, lmao
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🪩 This man thrives on destruction, he's the God of it for crying out loud!
🪩 When he first met you, you and your father, Azathoth, were attending the Gods' Council meeting, and you were one of the Gods who decided to spare Humanity, and when asked by him, you just replied with a sly
" Oh, I do not wish for them to live because of pity or love, silly! Quite the opposite, actually! Humans have caused so much chaos and madness, it's wonderful! And, I plan on keeping them for as long as I find them enjoyable. Now, ta-ta~ "
🪩 He'd be lying if he said he didn't find you a hint alluring, you looked far cuter than what was written down, you were always described as a being that looked more 'monstrous' and 'hideous' than anything Humanity could've created
🪩 Shiva and you would normally speak whenever necessary, but, after a while, your more distant bond grew into a blooming friendship and eventual marriage!
🪩 This God definitely doesn't care about how mad you sound with your words, he just fears that maybe one day you'll either say something to the wrong person or you'll end up going unstoppable with madness and get annihilated by a stronger being
🪩 Whenever Loki messes around with Shiva, you end up messing with his mind a lot, prompting Odin to knock you away, which makes you target him, much to his birds' annoyance
🪩 Shiva tried pushing his own violent tendencies away for you and his fellow wives' sake, and because of this, he ends up having a special day every month for him to go out and let out those thoughts and actions, and, when he notices just how much pressure was building on you, he'd take you with him
" Go ahead and blow that massive boulder up! Good job, my Being of Chaos! "
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🍭 This guy was concerned when he first met you, you were seemingly more insane than the other Gods he met, and that included those such as Loki, and we all know how crazy that guy is
🍭 The only reason this guy even spoke to you was because of how strongly your father stood with the destruction of Humanity, every. single. time. that the Gods voted
🍭 Buddha was getting annoyed with how ignorant and oblivious your father was, and he could tell you were as well, and when he asked you about how you truly felt about your father, you acknowledged him, unlike many different Gods, and spoke to him calmly with hidden insanity
" My father is quite ignorant and, to be honest, sometimes even I wonder how in the name of the universe he has so much power. But, let me be honest with you, Buddha. Because of this, he's fun to manipulate. But, don't tell anyone about that, yeah? Yeah! Alright, gotta go, bye! "
🍭 He was quite off-put when he asked Brunhilde about you, and when she said how dangerous and hideous of a being you were, he was confused, you were adorable and seemingly sweet
🍭 Your God-friend and you were some of the only Gods who voted for Humanity's safety, though, you both kept it to yourselves, not wishing to have a certain someone's rage on your asses
🍭 When Ragnarok commenced, you teleported to speak to Brunhilde, telling her your plan of siding with Humanity during the Gods' strongest point to break them down mentally, you did love to watch them struggle, after all!
🍭 After finding out that Buddha was siding with Humanity, you jumped down, causing many to believe you were fighting against him, but, when you announced your defect to their side, your father's rage knew no bounds
" Oh, father, just how much of an ignorant prick can you be? Humanity does have some, decent, qualities to them. And while I may never fully understand them, I will try my best to do so. Anyways, have fun fighting, my dear! "
🍭 Much like Shiva, he appreciates how much you try staying sane around him and the Human Fighters, it lets him know just how much you do care about him
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👑 When Qin first met you, it was because one of your father's minions accidentally caused mass destruction to his home, leaving many lives in ruin and an emperor very, very, upset
👑 You attending the small meeting with your father, though you spent your time screwing around with the nearby humans, causing the ruler to ignore your father's rambles of incoherentness
👑 While he initially disliked how unsettlingly cute yet sadistic you were, once he got to know you a bit better, thanks to some well-spent time on Earth by yourself, he began to see you for what you really were
👑 Being raised by such a cruel yet idiotic being, you really didn't have the best examples when it came to interactions with other brings, heck, you had some of the most horrendous relationships with your two siblings, Nameless Mist and Darkness
👑 During one of your first meetings while on decent terms, he asked you exactly what you were going to do, since he had heard about Ragnarok forming from one of the guards of his
" Ragnarok? It sounds pretty pathetic to me, honestly. Though, I suppose watching the smug smirks of those so called Gods fade would make me smile myself. I kid, I kid! Oh, you see right through me, emperor! Honestly, really it's a funny thing, but, I may side with Humanity in the downfall, you know how I am! "
👑 Qin disliked how cruel and hostile you were with pretty much anyone, but, when he noticed how much softer and seemingly polite you were with his fellow fighters, he would smile to himself
👑 You must really care about him if it meant you were trying to push back the only thing you ever knew behind just so he could be happier and not driven to the brink of insanity himself from stress
" Why am I so kind with the mortals? I figured I was being sneaky with my behavior, oh well! They're far weaker appearing then they really are, I suppose. And I respect that, to a degree. I'm not going soft, damn you! "
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🧪 Nikola Tesla, the man known on Earth as the 'Ultimate Mad Scientist of His Time', and his title alone was enough to interest you
🧪 Once you learned of where he resided in Valhalla, you took a small trip there, leaving a simply written note on the table your father sat at daily, and setting a straight-lined course there
🧪 He was just working on his newest invention when his doors slammed open, making him jump and snap his head back to see a fairly tall humanoid-being standing there
🧪 While he stared at you, you smiled and ran up to him, allowing your form to float above him and ask if he was indeed the human known as 'Nikola Tesla'
🧪 Once reassuring his identity, you began asking about his work, from how he made something so complicated look so seemingly simple, despite the multitude of horrendously long equation written on his chalkboard
🧪 Due to his own curiosity, Nikola had to push himself to ask who and what you were, in which you just laughed and answered him with a honey-coated voice
" Who am I? That's quite surprising, dearest mortal! I am Y/N, the offspring of the Outer God, Azathoth, and the God of Madness, at least in many's eyes I am. Humans are different creatures... ANYWAYS! How about you explain about that, uh, what did you call it again? Ah, yes! The electric engineering, how does that work again? "
🧪 Nikola was very off-put by how devoted you were to being by his side to learn everything he was working on, and, in all honesty, he kinda enjoyed having you around to speak to, it made him feel a little less lonely
🧪 While he was being scolded by Brunhilde for speaking to a God who was said to have only sided with Humanity to make them suffer at their own hands, he couldn't help but argue back with how you were far more gentle with his fellow scientists when working on his armory
" Brunhilde. While I agree with the fact that their father isn't ideal in the slightest, Y/N is going behind his and the multitude of Gods' backs just to help me and my fellow geniuses win Ragnarok. You may not trust them, but I do. Now, I recommend you leave before they arrive, it may get ugly, and I do not wish for their aura to destroy our hard work. "
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emsgoodthinkin · 1 year
MDNI | dark!Eddie Munson content
After being together for 7 months, Eddie finally decided that he wanted to keep you forever to himself; so he made sure he did a good job kidnapping you at 3 o’clock in the morning, to take you to an abandoned house.
He didn’t even have to drug you, you actually sleep like a fucking boulder. If anything, small sounds wake you more than loud ones.
That was one of the things he loved most about you. Never a fight to put up with.
You’ve been trapped in this old, broken dusty room for 2 months now. You’re hungry. You’ve been hungry for hours, days, weeks..
Not to fear though, Eddie’s been right beside you the entire time. Never leaving your side… he won’t leave you alone for a second. It’s honestly bothersome.
When you awoke in this house months ago, you were confused. You knew he loved you.. alot but you didn’t think he would keep you away from the world.. forever.
His ears always perk up to the sound of your rumbling tummy, it’s loud enough to echo..
..because it’s been empty for weeks. other than the plate of crackers he brings you occasionally.
“Mm, someone’s hungry huh?” he asks with sarcasm and surprise
“I just filled you up last night baby, you need more?”
“Please.. Eddie I- I need real food my stomach hurts”—
“Shh, shh it’s okay I gotcha”, he says climbing on top of your bedded body, you’re too weak to protest. You did say you’d do anything for him when you guys met didn’t you?
“I know exactly what you need sweetheart, I’ll make that belly of yours full in no time”- he says pulling off your musky underwear, his cock already sprung out
“I’ll get ya so s-stuffed”—, he strains to say as he pushes his cock into you
“Ed please, not like this I’m starvin”—
“I know you’re hungry, cock hungry, I’m giving you what you need aren’t I?” You nod sadly, as he pants, pounding into your sore, wet hole
“You should get real full after this, I might even give you seconds so you won’t go hungry again”
He knows you meant hungry for food, but his cock can fill you up just as satisfying as food can. His logic.
*stomach gurgling louder*
“Goddamn, you are hungry huh? Here ya go fuck— fuck I’m cummimg!!”, he shouts filling you to brim—
“There you go sweetie, bon appetite” he smirks, pulling out and cuddling you into his side
Silent tears roll down your face, all you wanted was a piece of bread. A crumb.. anything more..
*stomach growls*
His eyes widen, chuckling looking down at you
“Still gotta big appetite dontcha?” he flips you back on to your back
“I think you could go for more, I know you can, you’re just a selfish, needy little bunny” he says patting your belly as if he’s talking about real food this time.
You start to want to say no, but he interjects that you forgot your dessert. Tonight’s special. Cream pie.
But not the kind you wanted.
You’re so hungry.
Reblogs appreciated:>
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aayakashii · 13 days
Based on one of Haru's voice lines, in which he implies he is barely eating properly 。°(°¯᷄◠¯᷅°)°。 took matters into my own hands and made the hardworking king eat a bit ( –֊ー)✧
I have no idea why I formatted it like this, but I guess I'll be rolling with it
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“I ate a few of the snacks I gave to Peekaboo earlier today, so I'm fine!” Haru says with one of his thumbs up, disheveled hair and mud all over his clothes “I promise, I'm not hungry at all, haha!”
“Haru” you say, in a serious and deep tone “You can't keep neglecting your health like this, you know?”
“But I gotta feed all the animals first, dontcha think?” He says, chucking another fruit towards the angry and starving cockatrices that threatened to bite his fingers off if he took even a little bit longer to feed them .
“Well” you say, crossing your arms and quirking an eyebrow “If you fall ill again, then no one's gonna be feeding the animals, dontcha think?”
Haru gasped dramatically “Come on!! I just got sick last time because I got scratched, now check this out” he says, sticking out his arms and twirling on the spot “I am A-okay, no scratches to be seen at a-oof!”
As if on cue, Towa leaped from one of the tall boulders that surrounded the field, straight into Haru's arms, tightly hugging the Captain.
“Towa! I was just showing (y/n) that I have no bruises, it wasn't an invitation for a hug!” Haru gasped, as Towa rubbed his cheek on the top of his head, just like a cat.
You sighed, leaving the two Jabberwock students behind as you trudged back towards their dorm, tired and incredibly frustrated.
Seeing Haru overexert himself on a daily basis caused a pang in your heart. He barely received any help, and it’s not like you could be properly useful either, since each and every animal in this place could snap you in half with just one forceful push, or tear a limb away with just one bite.
So you had to do your best babysitting Peekaboo whenever he needed, lightening up the load the only way you could.
As you opened the door to the Jabberwock dorm, you made a beeline for the kitchen – Ren was out working at the diner, so it would be fine to take a peek at the state of things without prying eyes.
And… how predictable. There was nothing but animal food in the freezer. And in the pantry, and in the cabinets.
You sighed loudly. You kind of could understand Towa not eating – maybe he just… photosynthesized? – but Haru wasn’t as whimsical as your resident fairy boy that could (probably) live on bubbles, sunlight, and flowers. “He still needs to eat, damn it.” you muttered, closing the refrigerator’s door with a bit too much force.
With a strong resolve, you decide to jog your way to your own dorm.
Since you came to Darkwick Academy, the Chancellor had been extremely kind to you. Granted, the dorm WAS a rundown dusty cathedral in the beginning, but he still made his best to fix everything to keep you as safe and comfortable as possible.
Which means: the Chancellor had given you an entire kitchen and a small allowance that let you buy as much food as you needed since the cafeteria wasn’t open 24/7.
You aren’t exactly the best cook in the world, but you could still make your own snacks, if needed. Sho would probably yap endlessly about your lack of culinary ability if he saw you with all hands on deck, but what mattered was getting by.
Therefore, you got to work: separating lettuce, carrots, eggs and every other healthy thing you could find in your inventory, you prepared four well stuffed egg sandwiches: for Towa, Ren, yourself and, of course, Haru.
After packing the food and a bottle of juice, you strode back to the Jabberwock dorm.
After two sandwiches carefully placed in that barren, sad refrigerator, and a stroll back to the field, you found Haru feeding the Capybus with huge leaves as he cooed, admiring the huge animal anomaly.
“Hey, I’m back” you said, making your way back to his side
“Oh! Hello (y/n), where did you go all of a sudden? I’m about to finish giving her this food!”
Ignoring his question, you pointed at a tree a few meters away from the spot “Hm, when you finish, could you go over there? I need to talk to you, so I’ll sit there and wait”
Haru’s face drooped immediately “Eh, okay…? Is everything fine?! Are you upset with something?”
You waved dismissively as you walked towards the tree “Don’t worry, it's nothing! Just don’t keep me waiting too long!”
Haru finished his job quickly and jogged his way to the tree, sitting under the shadow beside you.
“Wh-what’s going on? What did you need to talk about?” he asked, fidgeting, a worried frown on his face.
“Hey, don’t worry, I told you it’s nothing horrible” you laughed “But I want you to do something for me, if possible”
“Oh!” His face immediately lit up. “What is it?”
You opened your bag and placed the toasty sandwich on his lap.
“I want you to eat properly for once”.
Haru blinked at the food, silent.
His prolonged silence made it your turn to fidget uncomfortably “Haru?”
“You made this?” he asked, his voice quieter than usual.
You nodded. “It’s nothing fancy, but I can’t let you waste away while you do everything in here. I can’t do much besides babysitting the little guys, so at least I want to help you in another way… Is this okay? Sorry if I’m crossing a boundary…”
“No, no” Haru shook his head and turned his gaze towards you, smiling softly “It’s… I really appreciate it. It's just – I’m not very used to something this thoughtful. This was a surprise – a good surprise, obviously.” He said, unwrapping his sandwich.
As the scent of food hit his nose, Haru’s stomach growled loudly. “Oh dear” he giggled, sheepishly scratching his head as a blush appeared on his face “I guess you might be starting to know me a little better than myself”.
You laughed as well, but clutched his arm right before he could actually touch the sandwich, holding a finger up “Wait, wait!”
Rummaging through your bag, you fetched a small bottle and sprayed his hands thoroughly “That’s alcohol. Please always clean your hands before eating” you said, solemnly “You might be a ghoul, but your tummy can ache as well”.
Haru stared at you blankly for a moment, then immediately started laughing loudly as he drenched his hands in alcohol.
“You know, people usually say I’m the mother of all these animals, but being on the receiving end does feel kinda good” he said, still laughing happily, making a blush creep up on your cheeks.
“It’s- it’s just hygiene, okay?” you pouted, cleaning your hands as well and grabbing your own sandwich.
“I know, I know” He said, still unable to control his smile “Well, then… Can we dig in?” Haru asked, holding the snack close to his face, mouth wide open as if he was waiting for your okay to take the first bite.
“Let's eat!” You said and Haru immediately chomped his sandwich, taking a big bite “I do hope it's edible enough…” you murmured, eyeing him carefully to gauge his reaction.
After that big bite, Haru let out a loud “Mmh!!” as he chewed, his cheeks puffed like a squirrel who put one too many acorns in their mouth.
“What?? Is it that bad? I'm sorry!”
He eagerly shook his head as he finished chewing, a small piece of chopped carrot still stuck on his chin “No no no, stop selling yourself short!! This tastes great!!”
You let out a sigh of relief and took your first bite, confirming that, indeed, you did a good job with the snacks.
After a few moments of silence as you two snacked together, Haru ate the last bit of his sandwich, letting out a sigh of pure satisfaction.
“Ahhh… that was so good! Thank you so much, honestly.”
“See? And you didn't even notice at all how hungry you were! Here, now drink this” You grabbed the juice bottle you prepared and opened the lid, tilting the container towards him “Drink it while it's still cold, it'll taste a lot better.”
“... You truly prepared all of this for me?” Haru asked, gazing at the bottle.
“Of course I did. I made sandwiches for Ren and Towa too so they wouldn't feel left out, but truthfully, I made it all for…” your voice trailed off as you looked at Haru.
He avoided your gaze, a faint blush tinting his cheeks.
“Um. Yeah” you cleared your throat “I made it all for you. And I will do it more times to make sure you're eating properly! I don't want you to get sick ever again.”
Haru nodded silently. “I'm sorry for worrying you that day…” he mumbled into the now empty juice bottle.
You sighed heavily. “Hey. It's fine, Haru. Just remember there's a lot of people who always want to see you healthy and happy, okay? I'm one of them.”
He nodded once again, then immediately opened his arms out in a stretch, yawning loudly. He let his body fall heavy on the ground, with his head right beside you.
“I really am living in paradise, ain't I? Got this pretty place, cute animals and now even home cooked food…” he yawned again “I'm living the life… or maybe I already died and went to heaven…” he mumbled, almost incoherently.
“Geez Haru, don't say this type of thing!” You almost went for a playful smack on his head, but right as your hand was about to touch him, you noticed Haru had fallen asleep almost immediately after lying down.
Your eyes softened at the sight of his relaxed figure right next to you, and your fingers found their way to his hair, interlocking them with his soft red locks.
Unbeknownst to you, as you watched him sleep soundly and petted him gently, a pair of pink eyes observed you two from afar.
Towa munched on his own sandwich after picking out the egg and leaving only the greens. His eyes were set on the two of you, and he let out an amused giggle.
“Well, well... I wonder if this will become another love story.”
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 16
tell me what u like about the chapter :D guess where the story's going, anything! gimme fuel qwq
Damian lay on his belly on Phantom’s chest as the boy floated just underneath the surface. It was night time, and the Atlantean town they’d sacked was far behind them now. Here they only had the stars to accompany them, wobbling and swaying over the distortion of the water.
They were so close… Damian pushed himself up with his arms. His head breached the surface, water washing over his face like a veil. His eyes widened as he took in the beauty of the night sky, much more comfortable without the blinding sunlight when he’d first tried this.
There was something comforting about the stars, something beautiful outside this world that would be there no matter what, even in his most miserable nights with the League. It was something he missed when he moved the Manor underneath Gotham’s smog-filled skies.
Damian pushed himself further, balancing himself on his tail and hip fins instead of his arms. The gentle sea breeze prickled at his wet scales, causing him to shiver. It brushed against his ear fins and gave a sense of immeasurable calm. Just him, Danny, the stars and the whistle in the wind.
And a feeling of suffocation.
Damian’s lungs demanded air. Or was it water? He inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of the sea from above it rather than underneath, but it didn’t help. He inhaled again, but the pressure remained.
What- What was this madness?! Sirens could breathe over water. This was indisputable. Danny had been able to breathe and talk over water the night Damian was transformed. Damian was able to breathe air and talk then. Damian sucked in more and more air, desperately trying to sate the need for oxygen. Why couldn’t he breathe?!
 Damian’s vision twisted. His head spun. His chest felt like knives being stabbed into it.
Hands grabbed him. Danny pulled him back under, where the water provided sweet relief. Damian clutched his chest, as if any moment now he would drown again.
“Are you ok Damian?” Danny’s hands hovered over him, like he was fragile china. Damian scowled.
“Why couldn’t I breathe? What has happened to me?” Damian asked, demanded, heavy with accusation.
“Dude, your lungs are water balloons right now. You gotta empty ‘em out before you can breathe air.” Danny said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Damian’s cheeks burned. He turned his back on Danny and crossed his arms.
“I was aware. I was merely testing you.”
Danny poked him in the sail, the sensitive touch causing Damian to hiss instinctively. “I mean if you’re the siren expert, then by all means!”
Damian did not dignify him with a response. Instead, he surfaced again, determined. Instead of inhaling in panic, trying to pump air into lungs at full capacity, Damian focused on exhaling, on pushing the water out.
His throat cramped with pain. The young siren gargled and gasped. His throat clamped and throbbed, like he was pushing a jagged boulder up. He barely managed to spit out a meagre drop of water before Danny dragged him under again.
The older boy pulled him to his chest, stroking his back as Damian coughed and hacked.
“Ok that was my bad, are you ok?” Danny said, ear fins drooping. Damian wheezed, his eyes closing as the pain abated.
“Do you go through this every time you surface?” Damian shuddered. What would happen to him once he got home? He wouldn’t be able to walk, and now couldn’t even breathe without immense pain.
“Hehe, no.” Danny deadpanned. “You’re supposed to use your gills.”
Danny tapped on his own gills. Instinctively, Damian moved his elbows to cover his. Lately he had been keeping sane by not thinking too much about the creepy feeling of having water flow through the slits in his chest, how exposed and vulnerable it made him feel. How it gave him a glaring weakness that could be easily exploited.
“Just open up your gills, and let the water drain out. It’s that simple.”
Damian sputtered. “What did you say?”
Danny shrugged, like he was explaining grade school mathematics to a two-year-old. “Like this.”
Danny’s gills flapped open. It was only from years of stoic training that Damian did not gag at the sight of Danny’s pale flesh revealed underneath his aquatic breathing apparatus. His eyes trailed to his own set of gills.
“Is there another way?” Damian was not avoiding this issue, nor was he ‘procrastinating’ as Richard would insipidly suggest. He was merely searching for a more optimal alternative.
“We’re sea creatures, Damian. I consider myself lucky for being able to not drown in air at all.”
Damian swallowed the lump in his throat. He was the son of Batman and Talia Al Ghul. He could face this. Being unable to breathe above water would make him a liability on this journey. He had to push through.
Damian prepared to resurface, gathering his nerves.
“Just relax. You can do it, Damian. It’ll be as easy as breathing.”
Encouraged by the prospect of not hearing any more puns, Damian pushed his upper half over the surface. Accordingly, Danny also pushed closer. This high over the water, Damian wobbled as his body adjusted to his weight in the air.
The pressure started to mount on his chest. Damian focused on the slits between his ribs, on the alien feeling of wind blowing into them and hitting exposed flesh. He squinted his eyes and tried to push the water out through his gills. He flexed and contracted his arms and stomach, searching for the unconscious switch in his brain that could activate the write muscles.
It was too much. He went under again.
“This is proving more difficult than I had anticipated.” Damian huffed, chest heaving from strain.
“I can tell.” At Damian’s glare, the older boy raised his hands in defense. “Hey, you looked legit constipated up there. I was starting to worry you’d actually make a mess of yourself. Now, like I said, all you need to do is-”
Damian hissed at the older boy’s mockery. “I can take care of myself. I need no advice to do something as simple as breathing. Thank you.”
Damian glared at the surface, the invisible barrier between this world and the old one, and redoubled his efforts. The pressure came back. Damian twisted his body and nerves, but he couldn’t get a single gasp of air in. He sank. He re-emerged, he suffocated again. Each time Damian pushed himself further, only to be met with the same difficulty. Each time left him sorer, more cramped.
Until after many an attempt, Damian slumped against Danny’s chest, scaled skin warm despite the cold, deep-sea looking appearance. His muscles turned to jelly, even as he feebly pushed against the older boy’s scales for another attempt.
The young siren felt soft hands wrap around his waist. Damian tried to push away, to wiggle out. Danny’s chest vibrated with a low him, and it was like his strings were cut, and Damian’s resistance ceased. All he could do was mutter weakly.
“What are you doing?”
Danny surfaced, arms keeping Damian under, until they began to pull him up too. Damian’s heart accelerated. He could not stop the frightened chitters forcing their way out. His fins went rigid. Was this it? Did Phantom finally lose his patience, and decide Damian was no longer worth the effort? This was bad. He needed to escape and he needed to escape yesterday.
But as Damian began to struggle, the rumbling vibrations from the elder’s chest intensified, and the small boy went limp again. His muscles, sore from exertion and rendered even weaker by the strange biological signal, refused to move. All he could do was tilt his head away, trying to delay the inevitable. Helplessly, he watched the surface creep closer and closer, until he went over.
Damian waited for his death. In his prayers, he apologised to Father, to Richard, even to Drake, for everything. In this moment, as tears pricked his eyes as he was helpless but to drown in fresh, oxygen-rich air, Damian resigned himself.
The pressure did not come.
His chest tingled. Pinpricks poked the skin and outer scales, and along the lining of his gills. Water ran down his chest and over his abdomen. Damian blinked, and looked down.
His gills were open, fully open, gaping wide and exposing his insides for the world to see, but they were open. And water flowed out of them, emptying his lungs. Damian gasped, and felt sweet relief as cold, burning, fresh air finally filtered into his body. His body wracked from the sweet release, chest struggling to accommodate the big greedy gulps he took.
“And now you shut them, keep the air going out the other way.”
Damian nodded glumly. That he could manage. A swift motion, and the flaps of scales and skin shut tightly, leaving only thin lines on his body to suggest that he ever had gills in the first place.
For a moment, he felt human. Even as he actively commanded his breaths, he felt more like a normal human again than he had in the last 48 hours.
“T-thank you.” Damian said, cursing the weakness in his voice. Not to mention how it sounded completely different now, travelling through water instead of air. It was unnerving, but he couldn’t place why. He felt too tired for more riddles about his body. “You have saved me a great inconvenience.”
Danny quietly chuckled. “It was literally what I told you. You need to loosen your muscles to get the water out. This whole time you’ve been all tight and wound up like a spring lock. Dude I think you even sleep all locked up too. That can’t be healthy.”
Sleep was when you were at your most vulnerable. Any threat could walk by and do with you whatever they pleased. In his life, there would be danger at every turn. It was a sentiment he’d expressed to the others in his family when they too voiced the same concerns.
He would never be safe in this life.
A finger poked his cheek. Damian snapped his teeth at the infantilizing gesture, only for it to retreat back just as quickly. He turned around and looked up, muscles no longer rendered limp by the subjugating vibrations.
Danny pointed to the sky, a soft smile on his face.
“It’s a good night to stargaze, isn’t it?” A comet whizzed by in the night, a streak of white trailing behind it, like an artist’s brush across a canvas. Now that he could breathe again, Damian felt an overwhelming sense of calm again, treading water and watching the stars shine.
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blkdaddie · 18 days
Empregnas University: Code Gold
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I shifted in my seat as Professor Roca droned on. As a second-year law student class, it's important to have good notes but my concentration is shot today. The baby has been sitting low in my pelvis for a week with no signs of labor. At least I can breathe a bit better but a 10 lb baby plus sitting for hours is murder on my back. I feel the now familiar urge to pee, and ease my heft to my feet. Prof. Roca doesn’t miss a beat of his lecture – with almost 40% of our student body pregnant at any time they’re pretty easygoing about bathroom trips during class. I take a few shuffling steps, knowing my waddle has become exaggerated with this bowling ball of a kid between my hips, when I feel a sudden wetness. I try to waddle faster mortified that I’ve wet myself, when a contraction seizes me and I double over with a grunt. “Holy shit, Derek’s finally having his kid!”. If I weren’t in so much pain I would laugh; I realize the wetness is at my rear – my waters have broken.
Prof. Roca finally pauses his speech on the intersection of artificial intelligence and ethics, turning his attention to me with a sigh. “I really thought we’d get through one semester without a labor starting in class. Damn nuisance, these kids.”  I don’t know if he’s referring to me or the baby, but I’m too panicked to care. This baby feels like a boulder between my hips and I sink to my knees aided by a classmate,  Anthony. I distractedly notice he has a slight belly, and he’s clearly freaking out, probably imagining his own labor.  I’m too breathless to reassure him.
Prof. Roca crosses to an old-school landline phone on the wall and I understand why it’s still there when he picks up the receiver. “Code Gold, Memorial Hall Room 242. And send janitorial, he’s leaking all over the place.”
The pressure is immense. I feel like I’m floating outside of my body as I watch my belly warp from the force of my muscles all moving the baby down.   “Derrick, just sit tight for a minute, health center is sending someone with a wheelchair. Now, where were we…”  Professor prepares to continue his lesson but I can’t bite back the pained cry that escapes my lips. I have an overwhelming need to push, and start scrambling for the waistband of my jeans. “Um, professor, I don’t think he has a minute!”  Anthony awkwardly kneels beside me and I feel cool air against my ass as I push my pants lower. A couple of classmates who have delivered before rush to my side, but most sit there gawking. We all know anal birth is normal and natural but seeing it live and in person is some wild shit.   James, who I know had twins last year, probes to check my dilation, and Andre, who has a toddler, starts talking to me softly.  “Bro, you gotta focus. Quit screaming and breathe. Da fuck is wrong with you, coming to class like this?”  He shakes his head but looks resolved when James signals something from over my shoulder. “Next contraction, fuckin’ push.”    My belly hangs low and heavy as I sit back on my haunches, looking for any relief, but it’s futile.  I’m terrified but my body takes over. One push. Then another. Unbearable burning. On the third push the baby’s head is out and I can feel it wiggling. The sensation is surreal but I don’t have time to ponder. I bear down again and the baby slides out into James’ hands. I feel a sudden physical emptiness but my heart is bursting when I hear a mewling, then a cry. My classmates help me lie back; I’m shivering as I come down from the adrenaline high, but my grasp on my wet squawking baby is confident and secure. Professor Roca gives up, slamming his laptop shut. “Forget it. Class dismissed. See you on Thursday.”
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tparker48 · 3 months
Request from Anonymous
Evening had arrived as the streets of the neighborhood began to quiet down. Cars pulled into their driveways, people from inside heading into their homes. In a car resting inside a garage, would be a man named Hogan. He yawned as he got out of the car, tossing his safety cap to his workshop tool table near the front of his car. He dragged his feet toward the main door, and the cold breath of the air washed over him. The corners of his construction gear bulged into his arm pits, the sound of tears seething from his shoulders. He lowered his bag toward the wall, and his body became lighter, like a boulder had just been lifted from his back.
“One down, now I just gotta get these..” He sucked in his gut, grabbing the zipper of his uniform as his stomach bounced across his waistline. Sawdust splashing into the air, casting its particles into the sunlight as they danced from the laundry room window. He took to his pants, and let out a satisfied grunt as he kicked his boots off. “That’s better.”
He kicked the leathery shoes next to the washer machine, tossing his clothes into the opening as he walked bare into the living room. He grabbed his headset from the living room table and put them on. He crashed to his stomach on the floor, his console turning on along the shelf. After hours of work, what better way to unwind than through quality gaming.
He crashed to his stomach on the floor, his console turning on along the shelf. "Let's see what the boys are up to on deathwatch."
He flipped through the screen to his game, turning on his microphone as he searched through the lobby.
An hour had gone by since Hogan started to relax, enjoying the peace of enjoying the peace of with his online friends. The screen flashed with chaos as effects danced around the frame, Hogan’s call outs booming through the acoustic’s of the living room. But  another chaos brewed in the shadows, as a small pair of eyes peeked from the folds of a crumpled towel. Inside, would be Peppe, staring at his hubby’s backside.
“He’s finally home.” he said, a low giggle escaping from him. “Took longer than expected, but at least it gave me time to prepare.”
He dug into his pocket and fetched a tiny piece of gum, unwrapping its plastic blanket as it overtook his chest. He folded into a cubed shaped ball, and chewed at its end until the entire thing fit into his mouth. He savored the fruity flavor filling his mouth as he slinked out from beneath the towel, the smell of gas fumes polluting the air as the giant soles raked through the fibers of the carpet. 
He crept faster, the path narrowing as it centered toward Hogan. A mountain of hairy muscle rose before him, the elastic fabric over the mounds spreading atop like a blanket of snow.  After many times of venturing to his ass, he got tired of the view. It reminded him of being on an island, guarded by a musky volcano as it swayed overhead. He’d think he’d feel bad pranking his hubby all the time, but damn did it feel good to watch him squirm. And with an opportunity like this, it was too good to pass up.
He approached the crease between Hogan’s legs, the lining of crack rocketing over the bubbled ridge. He stepped upon the bulk of his crotch, sweat oozing from its surface like a leaking sponge. Must’ve been working hard out there on the construction, he thought, even after an hour of cooling still his backside was wet.
“Typical, Hogan. Big guy’s certainly not making it easy.” he rolled his eyes, gripping into the white fabrice along the left leg.
He clung to the bushed of hair, pushing into the thick borders sealing the mounds inside. His foot creased into a loose fold, warmth from beneath the fabric against as the smell of fresh sweat poured into his nose. He puffed his nose to ease its stinging sensation, continuing his climb aboard the mounds.
Sausage fingers reached from the other mound, piercing the lining of his crack Peppe dragged to the center. “Damn sweat’s going in the wrong places.” Hogan said, sliding his now glistening palm from the crack.
"Easy horsie, can't have your rider bucking off with the reins." Peppe whispered.  
He climbed to the top of Hogan’s ass and caught a glimpse of the horizon. A slope met before him as it climbed to a meaty neck above, the Tv screen flashing behind Hogan’s frenzied hair. He cherished the view for a moment before digging through his pocket, pulling a bulky string from inside. He opened his mouth and stuck the end of the string against the sticky mass, molding it with his tongue to ensure it was secure.
 Phase one of his great prank was complete, now it was time for the main event.
He approached the top of the elastic fabric, peeling a corer for himself as he tucked his feet inside. He shimmied himself between the mounds, watching the warm flesh rise as they spilled over his chest. Hogan’s fingers returned, stamping just a foot from Peppe as it stirred in place. 
“That works.” He said, shimmying the rest of his body as he slipped beneath the surface.
 The damp fingers wagged above as he dove into the mounds, flesh molding his body as they swallowed the light. Strands of hair snagged at his limbs, the scent of dry cement reaping his nostrils as sweat dashed into his clothes. After all was said and done, he had to remind Hoga to take a shower. Any more scents added to his musk and he’d be a walking gas station. The hairs thickened as they spread into him like a brush, revealing a red puckered star as it winked with sweat. It blew kisses as Peppe wisped past its folds, cushioning at the bottom as his foot sank between two soft boulders. 
“Target acquired,” He spat the gum from his mouth. “and just enough hair to strap on.”
He placed the wad against the ridge of the hair taint, cherry picking bunched hair as he molded them into the gum like clay. Hogan’s  legs shuffled, scooping Peppe close as he planted against the warm testicles.  
"What’s this guy teabagging for? Our team won that fair and square! Let me get a crack at him, I'll give him some nuts he can teabag!"
“As competitive as ever” Peppe mumbled, peeling from the damp skin. He spun a portion of the string to anchor Hogan’s hairs. They sprawled out like a row of vines, their sweat soaked surface brushing against him as if it were a paint brush. Before long, the task was complete, hairs wrapping around the gum as if they were holding it up. “Like a bouquet of smelly vines.” he patted at the top of the gum.
He crawled toward the bottom of Hogan's balls, the dampened fabric appearing as it stretched behind him. Peppe followed its path until it curved upward, taking to the thick hairs covering the mounds as he crawled back the way he came.  They slid through his fingers, his body cast back down as he tumbled into the mustache covering his anus. Its bristles tickled his nose as he swatted them away, grabbing a handful in a bunch as he climbed up its length. 
“Yeah that’s right, take all these nuts!”Hogan roared, his own thighs moving as the sac below squished into the fabric. 
Peppe fought its sway, gripping harder at the strands of hair as he reached  toward the slanted lighting of the crack. He slithering his palm back into the cool world of the living room, shimmying the rest of him through the caked mounds before Pulling the rest of the rope out of his pocket.
“Alright..that’s my workout for today.” Peppe wheezed.
 He climbed back to the top of Hogan’s waist, and looked to his head. Still he faced the Tv screen, even after traveling through his underwear. Just what he was expecting, and now it was time to retrieve the fruits of his labor. Wrapped the end of the rope around his wrist, the line straightening as it darted beneath the fabric like an anchor.
“Oh ho, prepare for a sting of your life Hogan.”
"Well done guys, we managed to pass that squad without setting them off. Too bad we can’t say the same for you..”the mute icon appeared on the side of the screen,Hogan batting an eye backwards. “..Peppe.” 
He froze at his words. “Huh?!”
 the string tightened as he yanked him beneath the underwear, like a fish caught on a hook as he burrowed through the mound of flesh. The dimmed space greeted him once more, his face dragged along the hairs resting in the bubbled valley. From what took minutes turned to mere seconds as he was dragged beneath the bulk of the testicles, fingers fiddling at the string as if it were a spider retracting its web. His back clung to the wad of gum at the taint, the fingers taking to his side as they jammed him beneath the muscular boulders. He gritted beneath its weight, the clammy skin spooning his ears as they acted as restraints on his head.
The ground shifted as  fingers pulled the waistband apart, Hogan’s face peering inside. "What do we have here, a munchkin taking a dip in my underwear."
Peppe shuffled a fold from his mouth. "What gave me away?"
"Come now, as many times as you explored my body, don't you think I would know if something complex was in the way?" He dwindled a finger through his pubes decorating the round spheres between his legs, swirling a patch of Peppe’s into the mix. "Hair pulling. Tsk, you gotta do better than that, dumpling."
"What can I say? It's a classic."
"Uh huh, charming. You know you're getting  punished for this right? I missed a lot of shots because of your meddling. Naught, naughty." He squeezed his legs together, Peppe’s lips smacking as they puckered like a fish. "Unfortunately we’re still in a game, so consider this a taste of what’s to come."
His smile disappeared as the waistband clamped at his waist, a gust of musk washing into Peppe before the thighs shifted, and  Hogan’s weight pushed at his back. "Hubby! Come on, you can’t be made at this face. You can’t do this to your dump-" a solid surface cushioned his chin, the bulk of the giant testicles plonking atop his head. “pling..”
A soft chuckle vibrated the walls. "Oh no, you’re not getting off that easy, hun. No matter how adorable that face is."
Taking the slow route huh? Just like him to toy with him slowly. Peppe rolled his eyes forward,wiggling his head to relieve pressure from his chin. Sloshing muffled from the orbs cupping his face, like giant silos filled to the brim with water. Its body heat grew hotter as its muscle flexed, the shaft knocking out of place as it drooled into the white fabric. He was getting off at my capture, and he called him the naughty one.
But even caught, he wasn’t going to give up just yet. He shifted his gaze into one of the orbs, inhaling the dried sweat coating the skin as he leaned his fingers to his jacket. He pulled the bottom of the fabric from his pants, shedding from its layer as he pressed it into the clammed ceiling. He gazed into the maw of the musky cave, the loose skin sagging as if were going to collapse. 
 There wasn’t enough room to pull the string, but he wasn’t without options as he looked to the flexing muscle.  He laid upon his back, taking a handful of the soft skin as he pulled himself upward. The humidity between was rough feet, his skin skidding against Hogan’s as it peeled off like a sticker. The skin only grew firm as he reached the stem of Hogan’s cock, its barreled underbelly cushioning his chin. After moments of climbing, he sighed as the ever growing pressure slipped from his feet, the bag of sac collecting as the length of the shaft rested upon him.
He planted his feet upon the balls, and Hogan shifted. "What are you doing down there?"
"Putting my plan into motion. I'm gonna make you submit to your dumpling!" Peppe declared.
"Sure. And just how are you going to do that."
A smile crept along Peppe’s face, a foot peeling from one of the testicles. "Creativity." He spread his toes across the bulging testicle, and wiggled them into the tender muscle. He added his other foot, and pressed it to the other as he marched over them. 
A groan rumbled through the air, a thigh thrusting and a clunk came from outside. “Mmm..kneading my balls huh? Bold, I’ll give you that, but it's gonna take more than a few foot rubs to get me to cave.”
"That's for sure. This is just the appetizer." He cradled his limbs to the corner of the member, holding it against his body as if it were a body pillow. He worked himself beneath its underbelly to the top of the shroomed head. Its flesh radiated with warmth greater than the balls below, a salty stream spilling upon his shoulder as it guzzled from the slit. He ringed his fingers between its lips, the stream widening as it spilled at his neck. "You know the thing about being small? You can reach just about anywhere?"
He wiggled a palm over the slit, and jammed it inside. Its creamy fluid lubricated his arm, driving it to his shoulder as the lips clamped onto his shoulder like a sleeve. He plunged his other hand inside, and began to twist them through  the soggy folds as it trailed through the tight opening of the shaft.
Hogan’s body bucked, a sharp moan piercing the air as the sounds of buttons clacked from above "Oh..ff.."
Peppe's eyes became starry eyed. "Gotcha now."
He wormed more of his body toward the front of the underwear’s pouch, clinging his feet to the puffed edges as they peeled the hood away. The muffled grunts turned to purrs, Hogan’s entire waist beginning to thrash as if it were in a trap.
"Still thinking about surrendering?" Peppe giggled with excitement, grinding his elbows to circle the rest of his arms between the tight tube.
A digital voice announced that the game paused, the sound of a controller toppling to the side. "Give me 2 minutes,boys." Hogan's voice boomed, the space shifting as. Gravity tossed Peppe atop the bulging cock.
The inner tube tightened his arms like a vice, its girth nudging between his legs. The fabric yanked off and light blurred his vision, forcing Peppe to wince as his eyes raced to adjust. His gaze eventually relaxed, As Hogan’s met his, peering from the mountainous torso  high above.
"Now you done it, dumpling. You managed to make me cave?”
"I did? I mean yeah, I did! Take that, Hubby.” He declared, but looked up to a smile peering across his face. “You uh..you aren’t mad are you?”
“Me? Not all. In fact, I'm ecstatic.”
“Yeah..” He replied. A palm raised beneath him, clasping at the center of the shaft. It pumped at a steady pace, getting stronger as it gripped at Peppe’s arms. “I get to do punishment early.”
Oh shit. Peppe tugged at his arms to get them free, shimmying his shoulders to lighten the pressure, but a suction locked them down, the cock’s throat pulsing as they tucked his arms together. Fingers curled around his back, hoisting his lower half into the center as it tilted toward the cock slit. He wrestled between the thick fingers, a thumb pressing his head into the lips as they  gummed the sides of his cheek.
The thumb trailed over his neck to the rest of his body, plunging Peppe deeper into the urethra. He was caught in the pull of the suction inside, guiding him through the tight crawlway of the tube as seed lathered into his side like lotion. The tender walls manhandled his body, thrashing him about in its attempts to gobble him up. The lips slipped higher, funneling to the tips of his toes as he sunk deeper. The cool air left from his feet, and the shaft became alive as its walls tenderized his body.
Outside, a lump traversed through the cock's underbelly bulging, sliding down at snail's pace as it flattened against Hogan’s twisting palm. He gritted his teeth, pumping harder to knock the protruding bulge from its spot as he massaged its soft ridges as it parted the walls inside. It bobbed over the base of his shaft, a finger tilting it for Hogan to see for himself. With a simple clench, the bulge launched and it plunged past the surface of his crotch, its form wisping through his inside as it curled down to the meaty low hangers throbbing below.
The World was dimmer in this region of Hogan’s body, the waves of muscle squeezing him like toothpaste through the tubes. He couldn’t move his body, his blood rushing to his head as he tried to face upward. He doubted it’d help with the surrounding fluid, gunks of slated goo lathered his face, sending his senses ablaze as his head began to swirl. The wall hugged closer as an opening arrived, his head smothered as  more salty fumes spewed into him like a ventilated shaft. 
He found himself in a round chamber, white goo secreting from the walls as they collected into a large body at the bottom of the fleshy dome. 
"Your balls?” He shouted, the sphincter encircling his neck. “Who shoves their love life into their balls?"
“Consider it a special treatment just for you. I was going to just shove you into one of my boots, but then you went and got me hard.”
Lumps caved from the walls, and the chamber became slanted. The white goo rose like a roaring tide, submerging Peppe’s head beneath its surface. It shrouded like a fog, the pink walls near him blurring with white smudges.
“Quite the load isn’t it dumpling? All thanks to you.” 
the tight tube squeezed at his body, rocketing him into the milky mess as he flailed to the surface. He inhaled the tainted air, splashing to keep himself afloat. "Okay, foul play! You’re playing dirty, how am I supposed to have fun in here?"
“Sorry, hun, that’s not my problem. You’ll just have to sit in timeout like a good boy.”
 The chamber flipped once more, spiraling Peppe  from wall to wall as if it were a tube mixer. He felt nauseous as he dunked and emerged from its gooey surface, his efforts to cease derailed as his palmed slid from the soft wall. It was only when the pool flipped to the ceiling did the swirls cease, and it crashed atop of him.
Hogan’s laugh vibrated the walls, crusts forming into the seed as it rocked in place.. "Ready to call it quits?" 
"You..can't possibly think..I'd give up after that." Peppe panted, his head spinning amongst the seed.
"Yeah I thought not, you’re too stubborn for that. Ah well, perhaps a little marinating will teach you to behave yourself." The chamber swayed as steps rang through the walls, the fluid jumping as it crashed upon a solid surface. "I'm back boys, what I miss?"
Peppe groaned as Hogan faced his attention elsewhere, his head bobbing against the milky waves as he tilted to the ceiling. He looked to the shriveled star in the ceiling, seed squeezing from its folds like a wet rag. That was his way out of this filled chamber, but it was too out of reach to grasp. He pawed at the doughy walls for leverage, hoisting upon the soft lumps to escape the milky pond. But their surface melted upon contact, spilling him into the seed once more.
“This is getting me nowhere, how’s a guy supposed to move when everything around you is muscle?” He tried again to reach for a fold, its surface slipping into the fluid as it glossed the wall beneath.
A moan erupted from above, the walls caving as waves splashed him in its epicenter. He resurfaced, looking to the walls as they battered the fluid along his borders. “He felt that?” He puzzled, swimming to the wall behind him. 
He smeared a layer of gunk from the lumpy surface, cupping his palm to split its flow to the rest of the seed. When clear pink muscle appeared, he pressed his fingertips into the soft wall, twisting it as it sunk breath its surface.
The walls shook again, and Hogan’s moans returned. When it finally settled, a smile crept upon his face. To think Hubby’s sweet spot would be right at the source of it all.  He swam closer to the wall, tapping his foot at the submerged flesh. When soft ground touched his toes, he shifted his legs into a running motion, his feet pattering against the muscular wall.
A sharp moan echoed the walls, Waves splashing in the seed. "What are you doing now?" Hogan's voice muffled.
"Improvising." he turned himself toward the wall of flesh, grabbing a handful as seed lubricated his hands. The chamber unraveled, globs of gunk slamming against the opposite wall as it crashed at the ceiling before it pattered onto his shoulders.
Hogan’s grunts turned to whimpers as the folds compressed and expanded,it battered its contents. "Stop being.. a brat." he strained, the walls beginning to pulse..
The seed’s current grew stronger, sweeping Peppe from the walls as he swirled around the rim.The walls compressed, and the ceiling closed in as the sphincter spasmed in place.
"Almost there, just one more push.." he assured himself, clinging to the corner of the folds to continue his efforts.
 The once spacious chamber shrunk to the size of a quarter, a mere gap separating Peppe from the chamber’s quivering lips. He massaged its folds to the best of his ability, the substance overtaking his arms as they splashed about his wrist. The walls squeeze closer as the fluid reached his chin, forcing him to tuck his nose close to the salty folds. 
"Here goes nothing." he managed to muster, taking a breath as he kissed into the center of the sphincter.
He sunk beneath the seed’s surface, suspended in the middle of the sac as the walls surrounding him became restless. Hogan’s grunt's grew louder, distorted as they became strained. Hard thumps shook the chamber, and the star above winked before it opened its entrance like a floodgate. A suction dragged at his body, pulling him against the widening entrance. Its lips barely passed his shoulder, the current flowing through his armpit as he held his breath.
A watery slosh echoed the chamber, before Hogan’s roar overwhelmed it.
Hogan’s body tensed, the controller in his hand slipping to the pocket of the couch. He stared weakly at his seed soaked palm, its grip still stroking his shaft as his hips bucked. "Can’t.. Hold it in..I.." he choked on his words, his head launching back into the cushion of his sofa. 
His hips locked, and seed erupted from his cock. Its warm fluid flowed like lava from an active volcano, a creamy stream filling his shorts as another drenched the corners of the chamber. He huffed as he regained control of his body, looking down to his member. its meaty length throbbed against his inner thigh, satisfied as it returned to its flaccid state.
In his weak stare, he looked to his bulging sac, the swollen orbs drooping over the side of the couch. "You kinky bastard.." he huffed softly, staring at the right nut that rocked slowly.
Inside, the pond had all but drained from inside the chamber, reduced to a hollow husk as fluid dressed the walls in webs. Stuck against the ceiling, Peppe remained, smothered by a wad of gunk as it dripped to the bottom of the chamber.
"I told ya..I wasn't finished." He smiled weakly, peeled from the ceiling as if he were a sticker. The chamber softened his fall, as it rocked slowly.. "How'd your game go?"
Hogan looked toward the screen, bits of his fluid dripping from the corners of the frame. Banter boomed from the microphone, gamertags from both his team and the opposite team flashing,
"Eh, they’ll.” he said. "Really wanted to get that streak. Was gonna get it too, until a twerp decided to get frisky.
"oo bummer." Peppe said. “Guess it goes to show you can’t shove something in your balls and not expect consequences.”
A flick shook the testicle. "Don't be so high and mighty, Dumpling. You're still in punishment time. But since you saved me the trouble of unloading in there, it’s only fair you do your part in making it.”
“You want me to make the pool all over again, didn’t you just climax?” Peppe asked, picking up a soft huff from the walls. “Wait a second, you’re not trying to get me to build up all that just for you to enjoy it personally?”
“I..I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s simply a fitting punishment for a brat like you.” he said. “Just be sure to rub them deep. So..so I’ll know if you’re doing your task.”
Peppe places his hands at his hips. “Uh huh, sure.” he traveled through the mush  of seed toward the wall, reaching at a palm as he scratched at its surface. The chamber jostled in place, heavy thumps returning as they shook the walls.
“Oo..just a little to the right..”
“Do you want me to pleasure you with both my hands, Hogan?”
“Yeah..Er! I mean no-”
“Hah, gotcha. You’re totally into this!”
“Why you little-..this is supposed to be punishment. You’re not supposed to be enjoying this!”
“It’s not like I’m going anywhere. If I’m gonna be put to work, I might as well have fun with it, right? Oo! Now that I think about it, this space is just enough to bounce around it.”
“Dumpling, I forbid you to even try- Mm! No stop-mm..eassy in there!”
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jupiter-soups · 10 months
the more that you say, the less I know
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part three of begging for you to take my hand part one part two
pairing: joel miller x f!reader, friends -> enemies -> lovers (kinda)
summary: joel faces the reality of what a life without you actually feels like. you discover the joys of speed dating.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, masturbation (m), some very mild verbal sexual harrassment towards reader (kinda, just being cautious), some angst and general lack of emotional intelligence
word count: 10.3k
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Joel lifted the hunting rifle into place, hands flexing open and closed as he stretched the stiffness out of his fingers in preparation for taking the shot. A stag, tall and substantial in size, had entered the clearing up ahead and peacefully cantered to the edge of the lake. It didn’t sense the Millers, neither the elder brother, who was lining the impressive beast in his rifle scope, or the younger one, who was more preoccupied with the rapid darkening of the sky. 
Joel’s shaky finger reached down onto the trigger, and he forced a few heavy blinks to get the sleep out of his eyes. His vision was slightly blurry around the edges, a symptom of the deep exhaustion that permeated his entire body. Sleep hadn’t been coming to him easily recently, and he knew that his movements were slowed and sloppy as a result. 
Sharp inhale. Hold your breath. Steady and firm pressure on the trigger. 
The bullet ricocheted off of a slab of rock that was jutting out of the water. Not even close to where the stag was. Or had been, rather, as the beast streaked off into the woods at breakneck speed the second the bullet made contact with the jagged boulder. 
Tommy sucked in an exaggerated breath through his teeth, faux pity in his voice as he playfully jabbed “Ohhhh, so close. Better luck next time, brother,” with a teasing, but sympathetic, pat on Joel’s shoulder, using him as leverage to stand up.
If Tommy hadn’t been so preoccupied with getting back home before the sun set, he probably would have noticed the tension in Joel’s body, and the way his eyes remained locked on the point where the stag had been standing. It was only when he turned around in the absence of audible footsteps following him that he noticed his brother was still kneeling where he was.
“Come on, Joel, we still got a good haul, was jus’ one stag. We gotta head back.”
Jackson had been struggling with food resources after a colder-than-usual winter had meant that some of the foraging that they relied on couldn’t take place. It was the reason why Joel and Tommy had been sent out to hunt for the day, and why Joel had had no issue with finding extra shifts to take over throughout the last month.
Fear over lacking resources wasn’t the reason for Joel’s shitty mood though. His body hurt. He was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open. He just missed a shot that should have, no, would have, been a sure thing on a typical day. All because he couldn’t stop thinking about you. 
The only thing that actually worked to mitigate the guilt and loneliness he was feeling was working to the point that he simply couldn’t think about it. And now, Tommy stood by his horse, practically giddy that he would get to go home on time to his wife, while Joel’s attempts at pushing himself to the point of not-feeling had failed miserably.
Joel finally stood, grunting slightly as his knees cracked at the movement. He paced towards the cart behind the horses, gritting his teeth to prevent himself from saying anything unkind to Tommy in the face of his unmistakable eagerness to finally head home. 
Each of Joel’s movements were close to violent as he circled the horses and cart, tossing each of the unpacked bags into the back of the cart with unnecessary power, before beginning to busy himself with ensuring everything was securely in place under bungee cords. 
Tommy finally spoke up about Joel’s unconcealed anger when he saw his brother almost tearing open the saddlebag on his horse to rifle through for his worn winter gloves.
“Hey, easy there brother, we got plenty for the people back home. Your traps did a good job with the rabbits, much better than our old ones.”
Joel nodded wordlessly, trying to tamp down the excessive anger before it inspired more conversation or probing from Tommy. Looking up, he realized that it was already a lost cause, judging from the appraising look that Tommy was giving him.
“Not about the stag, is it?” Tommy’s tone was frustratingly knowing. 
The soundtrack of howling wind that had been surrounding them throughout their entire ride out into the woods was maddeningly absent in that moment, letting Tommy’s smug voice linger in the air. Joel cleared his throat and climbed up onto his horse. 
“I don’ know what you’re tryin’ to imply, but nothin’s the matter, Tommy. Jus’ tired.”
He had been quiet and thoughtful for the entire day. Well, quieter than usual. That was the typical sign that he had been working too long and was worn out; when he let Tommy go on and on about whatever mundane domesticity he was experiencing without complaint (this time it was that Maria had just found a new dress for some event she was helping to plan.) 
“Right.” Tommy’s voice was full of suspicion, and Joel knew that he was not going to drop the matter,  so he reached over to grab his old thermos, and tossed back the last few swigs of lukewarm coffee. He would need it to survive the journey back. 
It only took a few minutes of riding back to the main road for him to start his interrogation.
“You good, man?” Tommy knew that he wasn’t good, that something had been wrong for at least a month now. He had just assumed that it was the stress of a dwindling food supply and a relentless winter. Whenever he tried to approach the subject, he was met with a shut-the-fuck-up glare that sent him on his way.
Joel made a dismissive noise, not wanting to dignify the line of questioning with words.
“Come on, brother. I can tell  something’s goin’ on. I mean, you’re a mess.You know it’s true. You haven’t been sleepin’, you’re in a shitty mood, you look like shit–” 
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Joel sucked in a long-suffering breath, rifling through his tired brain for any way to explain his behavior without needing to actually explain. “Just not been feelin’ too good, is all.”
“Oh. Do’ya need to see a doctor, or somethin’?”
“Not like that.” Joel's hands flexed around the leather reins in his hands, listening to the steady crunch of snow under the horses hooves for a brief moment before continuing.
“Haven’t been sleeping too well. Not been feeling…good,” He finished lamely, trying to successfully find the correct words. Words that would be honest, but not honest enough to concern Tommy. The silence in return made him certain of his failure in this pursuit.
The sky had continued to darken considerably as the sun set, and Joel knew that they were already nearly back to Jackson. As much as he had been pushing to stay out for longer, he was grateful for how close their journey had kept them to the safety of the Jackson gates. At least he could get away from the line of questioning, just as long as he could make it through those gates where Tommy would surely become distracted by getting home to Maria on time for dinner. 
“Is this…about the patrol you went on last month? The, uh, overnight?” Tommy’s voice was apprehensive. 
Fuck. So close.
Joel’s eyes snapped up to Tommy, who was markedly not looking at Joel. “Why? What did’ya hear?” He cringed internally at the speed at which he spoke, knowing that he just gave himself up. If he was lucky, Tommy wouldn’t pick up on it. But of course, Joel knew he was never one for luck.
“Nothing, nothing.” Tommy’s raised an eyebrow, infuriating Joel. “ Just, I know you don’t get along too well with…her,” At least he didn’t say your name out loud.“Thought maybe something happened. You… argue or…?”
Tommy’s words trailed off under Joel’s fixed look.
“Everything was fine. We didn’t… argue. ” That was clearly all Joel had in him, and Tommy seemed to give up for the moment. 
It wasn’t like Joel was going to suddenly tell him what was going on with him. That wasn’t how he worked. He had already been cracked open by Ellie, and that in of itself was something that Tommy wouldn’t have been able to predict. It was hard to sense how much more Joel was even capable of giving, so pushing him on this felt like a losing battle. He decided to try a distraction, instead. 
“Y’know, tomorrow some of the guys were goin’ down to that speed dating thing at the Bison, the one that Maria’s been helping to organize. You thinkin’ of goin’?”
Joel let out a huffed chuckle, humorless and short. “An’ why, exactly, would I do that?”
“You fixin’ to stay single for the rest of your life?” That was exactly what Joel was planning to do, but he knew that Tommy wouldn’t like that answer so he simply didn’t respond. 
“Maria’s invitin’ her single girlfriends, includin–,” Tommy cut himself off with a stutter. “Well, anyway, it could be good for you. Get back out there, an’ all that. I think–”
Joel shut him up with a look, yet again, before focusing back on the worn path. Just a little longer, and this would be over. Suddenly, he felt like maybe seeing a doctor would be the right plan of action, as slight nausea began to creep in as Tommy’s words floated around his drowsy mind. 
He knew what his brother was about to say. You were going to be there. After all, Joel was well aware that you were single. You being there meant that you wanted to move on. Maybe, he thought to himself, you didn’t even need to move on. It might have just been a simple release of pent up frustration, something that he had cruelly tainted by hurting her with his callousness.  
No matter how much he tried to convince himself that it made sense for you to find someone actually good for you, and that he wanted this, the knowledge was ice in his veins. His grip on the reins tightened until his knuckles were white from lack of circulation, as he tried and failed desperately to not think about it. To not think about you, happy and in love with someone that wasn’t him. 
You wanted this. You wanted this. You wanted this.
It was so wrong to feel what he was feeling, of course, and the guilt that he already felt for his treatment of you just multiplied as he considered his hypocrisy. He had been the one to hurt you, anticipating your future regret and acting on it before you could. What he didn’t anticipate, foolishly, was how fucking hard it would be to be nothing to you. 
It was one thing when you had spent months hating him, mocking him, arguing with him. That was difficult enough, after knowing first hand just how soft and caring you could be. But at least it was something, at least he knew that you thought about him. Now, he wasn’t even worthy of a glance. Not a single joke at his expense, nothing. As grateful as he was for Ellie teaching him that he could be a person again, a feeling, gentle, person, in this moment he found himself missing his cold self. He was stronger then. Loneliness was always there, festering in the pit of his stomach, but it had been a dull ache. Manageable. It didn’t feel that way anymore.
Now, he felt like he was losing his mind. That feeling only intensified at night, when he was alone, no one to distract him away from thinking about you. That was precisely why he had been doing his level best to avoid experiencing those nights, making sure to push himself to his mental and physical limits with how much he was working. If he wasn’t working, he was with Ellie. If he wasn’t with Ellie, he was with Tommy. If he wasn’t with either of them, he was at the Tipsy Bison, drinking until he knew that sleep would come easy. His nights would end with him passing out on top of his covers, usually not even being able to change out of his work clothes first. 
As the brothers reached the Jackson gates, Joel could tell that that wasn’t going to be the case tonight. It was far too early in the day, despite the dark winter sky. That sickly feeling in the pit of his stomach returned, as he dismounted his horse and began to walk it into the stables.
Despite his best efforts to leave quickly and quietly, Tommy caught up to Joel. “Hey, wait up. Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight? Jus’ me and Maria, bring Ellie along. I’ll cook up one of the rabbits you trapped. Maria will make that turnip thing you like.”
Joel considered it for a moment. It would be a good distraction. Probably would fill up a few of the daunting hours of free time ahead of him. He almost agreed before spotting the glint in Tommy’s eyes that told him that he had ulterior motives. There was no way that the previous topic, that Tommy had so kindly dropped on the journey, wasn’t going to come up again, and Joel knew how good Tommy was at making him talk once Joel had some whiskey in him.
“I’ll probably call it an early night. Have some dinner with Ellie, or somethin’.” 
Tommy accepted his answer, but continued to stand between Joel and the exit. “Brother, y’know you can tell me what it is. I don’ like seeing you like this. Jus’. Find me when you’re ready to talk, alright?”
“‘Course.” Joel had no intention of doing so. He was already too much of a burden, and this was self-inflicted. So, he would do what he always did. Suffer it alone.
That night, as he lay in his bed after a frustratingly quick dinner with Ellie, who had quickly left for a sleepover at her friend's house the second her plate was empty, Joel thought everything through. He had considered heading to the Tipsy Bison for his usual routine of sipping on a strong drink until he felt he could face his bed, but Ellie had actually wanted to have dinner with him, an increasingly rare event. He wasn’t mad at her for it. It had been hard for him at first when she seemed to want to spend more time with her friends than him, but you had convinced him that it was normal teenage girl stuff. 
No. Can't go there. 
Joel swung his legs over the side of his bed, getting up with a groan of exertion. God his body was sore. He tugged on his clothes from the day that was strewn across a chair in the corner of his room, and took a look at the faint numbers on his broken alarm clock. Nine p.m., practically early evening. He would just have a few drinks, and then be back to bed soon enough.
The snow whipping down outside didn’t do much to convince him to take it easy for one night, but the light on in Tommy’s living room did. Fuck, he should have just gone the longer route. Now, Tommy’s stupid words were ringing in his ears. Joel knew that Tommy would say what needed to be said. He had that much trust in his younger brother, who was seemingly incapable of lying to him when it mattered. Before he knew it, he was walking past the turn for the bar, and heading up those creaky porch steps that he knew well.
Tommy didn’t seem surprised at all upon seeing Joel on his doorstep. He led his brother to his couch and poured him a couple of ounces of whiskey, giving him the opportunity to shoot back a few sips before speaking. 
“So, somethin’ did happen, then?”
“It did.” Joel drained the rest of the whiskey in an instant, placing the glass down on the coffee table only to instantly regret not keeping something in his hands to fidget with. He looked around the space for anyone that could overhear, particularly the someone who was best friends with the topic of discussion.
“We slept together.”
“Alright, brother, good for you!” Tommy exclaimed, slapping a congratulatory hand down on Joel’s shoulder with a cheeky grin, “Didn’ know you had it in you,” He teased.
“I, uh. I told her I didn’t want to do anything else. Or to be with her again.”
Tommy let his hand fall off Joel’s shoulder as he groaned in exasperation. “You kiddin’ me? Is this why you’ve been mopin’ around town, workin’ yourself half to death?”
Joel merely scoffed in response, but wasn’t able to conjure any other words to deny the accusation.
Tommy rubbed a hand over his tired face, frustrated at his brother's basic lack of ability in dealing with basic human interaction. “I’m assumin’ she didn’t take it well, then.”
“No, she did not.” Joel replied quietly, eyes trained on the wood grain of the table in front of him. “She was quite angry.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
Joel suddenly felt very idiotic for showing up to Tommy’s. They were brothers, and he knew that he would listen, but Tommy couldn’t possibly relate. He had Maria and a whole community of people that loved him and cared for him. He was even thinking of starting a family soon. Tommy was happy.
 Joel wasn’t necessarily unhappy. If anything, he was the happiest he had been in a long, long time. Jackson had given him more than he thought he would ever have again. Routine, neighbors, safety. Ellie had given him even more. Parts of him that he thought had been destroyed, forever. It was selfish of him to feel so lonely, despite everything that he had.
Joel started to stand, muttering a quiet “This was stupid. Thanks for the drink,”
Tommy forced Joel down onto the couch with a firm push on his shoulder. It only served to remind Joel of how much weaker he was than he used to be. He was older now, and his body showed it to him everytime he tried to do something that should’ve been easy. Joel didn’t mind that, usually. He had lived a long and tiring life, longer than he had thought he would, or frankly than he even wanted to at times. But now, with the prospect of starting something looming over him, it just served as a reminder that it was too late for him.
“You shouldn’t have done that to her. Maria’s been tellin’ me that she’s been weird recently, and she didn’t know why. I think you really upset her. You need to fix this.”
Joel nodded with gritted teeth. He was well aware of how angry you were. How cruel he was to you. It didn’t feel good, but it was a necessary evil. Tommy couldn’t possibly understand, not when shit was so easy for him.
“You need to fix this. And not just for her sake. I wasn’t kidding earlier when I said you were a mess. You’re punishin’ yourself and her at the same time, and you don’ need to.”
“Tommy, you don’ understand. You can have your nice house, nice wife, nice family, all of it. I’m happy for you, really, I am. But I’m not the typ’a man who can have that life anymore. I’ve done shit, and you know better than anyone what I mean by that. I’m lucky enough that I have Ellie.”
Joel stood up again, and paced towards the front door, pausing at the sound of Tommy’s concerned voice.
 “I do know you, Joel. An’ I admit, when you first got here I had my concerns. But you’re differen’ now, and you know it. I see it in the way you treat Ellie, everyday. How you take care of your neighbors and work for the people here. Don’ throw away a chance at something more, jus’ cos you don’t think you deserve it.”
Joel’s throat tightened at that. He didn’t deserve it. He knew that as a fact. He didn’t deserve any of the things he already had, so why would he deserve anything more?
“It doesn’ even matter. It was a heat of the moment thing to her. No point in doin’ any more damage by trying for somethin’ more. You’re right though. I should apologize.” Joel accepted, hoping it would be enough to satisfy his brother's worries.
He gave his brother a small smile of appreciation that didn’t quite reach his eyes, and Tommy let him leave with a disappointed sigh.
Joel was lying in bed by midnight, slightly intoxicated but not quite enough. Tommy’s insistence that he could be worthy of more made the taste of the whiskey he ordered in the Tipsy Bison, mere minutes after leaving Tommy’s home, bitter in his throat. Even more bitter than the poor excuse for whiskey usually was. 
Alright, you can do this. You can sleep. Just relax. Focus on your body.
 First focus on your arms, down to your fingertips. His shoulders ached. His knuckles were scraped and sore.
Your chest and your breathing. His breathing seemed strangely loud in such an empty house.
Your legs. Your toes. Fucking stop thinking about her. His feet hurt. They always did. He probably needed new shoes. His knees were almost as bad as his feet when he was standing for a while, but the soft bed gave him some reprieve. 
Okay. That’s good. Just…keep focusing on your body. There was something else, too. A sensation that would find him late at night, when he was conscious enough to be aware of it. When it was real quiet, and nothing blocked out the thought of you. The image of you. All soft curves and rough touches. Hands grabbing onto him, onto his hair, his arms, desperate for a release only he could give you. 
You’re weak. Pathetic. His hand trailed down past his waistband, unable to fight it, the memories taunting him. He had you, and he lost you without even fighting for something more, all of his own volition. Would it be so wrong to indulge in what he was left with? 
He gave in. He always did.
Joel’s callused hand wrapped around his hard length, fucking into his fist fast and rough, chasing a quick release. ‘Then don’t hold back.’ Your voice echoed around his head as his breathing intensified, reverberating around the room. You had wanted him, you’d begged him to give in to you, and he did. A quiet whimper passes through his clenched teeth.
He hesitantly moved his thumb over the tip of his cock, hissing at the sensation as he stroked. It had been what you had done when you brought him to completion, but it was just not enough. His hand wasn’t soft enough, and it was clumsy where yours had been precise, knowing exactly what was good for him. You had been so good for him, and he ruined even the chance of anything more.
“Fuck,” He groaned shakily as he approached his climax. This is just a release, just biology. He knew he was lying to himself, no matter how much he wanted it to be true. It was your words, your eyes, your lips, that brought him to this point, as it had been everytime he was in this position over the last month. Sleeping with you had been such a mistake, because now he knew. There was no one that could make him feel how you did. 
With a muffled, unsatisfied, grunt, it was over. 
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It was fucking freezing. Even more so than you had anticipated when you drew back your curtains and saw the dark, heavy clouds roiling outside. It was the tail end of a long and brutal winter, and it seemed as if the season had one last death rattle to exhale in the form of yet another approaching snowstorm.
If you hadn’t made a promise to take Ellie on a morning run, you would have decided fuck this and promptly gone back to bed for a couple more hours of shut eye before you had to get up for patrol duty. But alas, you made a promise. One that the teen girl had been very certain that you would not regret. 
This was another one of her hare-brained schemes to prove to Maria that she was ready to join the patrol team the very second she turned sixteen.
First, it was that she would ‘wow’ everyone with her expert knife-throwing skills. She was good, you would give her that, but the minute Joel found out about it, it instantly became a no-go. You had just been grateful that he never clocked that it was you who agreed to teach her. 
Next, she insisted that she would get so good at hand-to-hand combat that no one would possibly have any reason to doubt her survival skills. Her teachers were not particularly thrilled when they found out about the fight club she had organized during lunch, despite Ellie’s insistence that it was perfectly safe and that Leah's sprained wrist was because she tripped over a root. Joel’s scolding look of disapproval in her direction during the entirety of his conversation with her teacher meant that the reign of the J.Y.A.F.C (Jackson Young Adult Fight Club) had to come to an abrupt end. 
Her latest and greatest idea was that she would demonstrate just how committed she was by shadowing an existing member of the patrol team. One that was strong, knowledgeable, kind, and super pretty and cool. Her words, of course. She always knew how to get her way, which is why you had to start making your way over to her home at the ass-crack of dawn in the shittiest of weather conditions.
As you trudged along the salted road in the familiar direction towards J– towards Ellie’s house, you thought about how much you regretted telling her that you went on a run every single morning at six a.m. You assumed (hoped) that your white lie would discourage her, especially since she loved to sleep in as late as possible, but she only seemed more determined that she would be up and ready to go. You knew her better though, so you weren’t surprised when you finally reached the front door, and she did not answer your first few knocks. 
Yep, still asleep. Which meant she was still upstairs. In a bedroom quite close by to the other occupied bedroom. Which meant you had to knock loud enough for it to be heard by both of those bedrooms. Great. 
You continued to knock, much louder now. Please don’t hear. Please don’t hear. Muffled footsteps could be heard through the front door, and even though they sounded far too light to be who you feared, you still felt a palpable sense of relief as the door opened to Ellie’s scrunched up little face wrapped in a soft fleece blanket that she had over her head. 
“Whaddya want?” She groaned, unable to keep her eyes open. 
The shit-eating grin on your face only served to piss off the tired teen even more, as you answered sweetly. “It’s time for our run, Ellie! Y’know, the one you promised you would wake up on time for?” 
As much as you loved Ellie, it was sort of amusing to see her regret her choices so deeply in that moment. 
“But it’s the middle of the night!”
“It’s dark because it’s winter, not because it’s the middle of the night. Look!” You lifted your wrist and turned it to face her, showing the little hand on the six and the big hand on thirteen. “I’m practically late waiting for you!”
The girl bit back whatever curse word she was about to fling at you, and grumbled a dissatisfied and begrudging “Fine!” before turning around and plodding back up the stairs to get ready. 
She left the door open, probably expecting you to let yourself in and settle down on the couch while she got changed. As cold as you were in your worn out hoodie and sweatpants, there was no way in hell you were going to go into the house. Instead, you parked yourself by the front door, leaning against the slatted wood to wait for the girl to show back up, hopefully without her falling asleep again in the process. 
It had been a long while since you’d been here. A month and a half had passed since you even spoke to him, let alone hung out at his house. Instead, you chose to meet Ellie at the school house, or at your place. Sometimes even at the kennels, where Ellie would linger after school to play with the puppies after their training. Safe places where you were sure you wouldn’t run into him.
A sick feeling settled into the pit of your stomach as the thought of him drifted into your mind. It didn’t last long, though, as you were broken out of your anxiety-driven nausea by the sudden introduction of very real physical pain. The screen door to the left of you had swung open with overwhelming force, knocking into your body with enough impact to actually kind of hurt, despite it being mostly mesh.
“Who’s there?!”
It took a few seconds for both of you to realize what had happened. Joel stood there in front of you, confusion deeply etched onto his tired face. He was wearing his worn down old blue jeans, top button still undone in his haste to get them on. He was also noticeably shirtless, and any pain that you may have felt was suddenly secondary to the immense heat you felt throughout your body at the sight. 
When you had slept together, you never got the chance to see him like this, and he was every bit as beautiful as you had imagined. You could have forgotten how mad you were at him for a moment, if his guilty expression didn’t remind you.
“W-what’s wrong?” His urgency wasn’t lost on you, and you knew that he thought the only reason why you would show up at his door was that something terrible had happened. He wasn’t even shivering in the cold, despite his state of undress, completely occupied by you being in front of him.
“Nothing’s wrong. I wouldn’t come here if something was wrong. I came here for Ellie. We’re going on a run.” You wanted your words to wound him, but the pained expression that flickered on his face for a brief moment didn’t feel good.
“Right. She, uh, mentioned somethin’ like that. Sorry, I jus’...heard the banging on the door, and it was open, so I, uh, jus’ thought–”
“Well, you were wrong, so you can go back inside now.” You shifted forward to lean against the railing overlooking the icy front yard, not wanting to look at him, with his stupid, sad, brown eyes and his strong, scarred body any longer. “And tell Ellie to hurry.”
You thought he might have headed back in before hearing him clear his throat quietly.
“You can…wait inside, y’know? I’ll be back upstairs, gettin’ ready. It’s real cold out this mornin’” With that, he left you there, heavy footsteps heading back upstairs.
It was cold. And the worst case scenario had already happened for you the moment he rushed outside, panicked and searching for a potential intruder. At this point, you might as well head into the belly of the beast, you decided as you shut the front door behind you and walked into the living room that was unsettlingly nostalgic.
The horse carvings were still on the old bookcase by the fireplace, but now there were a few new ones. A couple of sheep, too. There were framed portraits dotted around the mantlepiece, and small scraps of paper here and there that had pencil sketched images of Joel, Tommy, Ellie’s closest friends, and even a few of you, you noticed with a small smile. His guitar was still there, but there was another one right next to it. Slightly smaller than his, and with a cursive ‘e’ carved into the light wood. He had always wanted to teach Ellie guitar. 
It took an annoyingly long time for Ellie to reenter the room, before she ran down the stairs with a speed that was, frankly, concerning.
“We haven’t started the run yet, Ellie,” You chuckled at her display of fake enthusiasm.
“I know, but I am just so excited to get going!” She began to jog around you in circles as if to prove her eagerness, “Look at me go, wouldn’t you consider that the behavior of someone who is committed to the cause?”
“If the cause is being annoying, then yes” You said, giving her a teasing elbow in the side.
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop,” She laughed, heading back into the corridor to pull on her sneakers. You heard her whisper in her evillest voice “...for now,” as soon as she was out of your eyesight.
You took a moment to look around the room one more time. It had been somewhere safe for you, a place of warmth and comfort and him. You resented Joel for the way the thought of him now made you tense up rather than relax, and the way you felt so, so small in a house that was briefly a second home to you.
“You, uh–,” You jumped at Joel’s voice coming from the corridor behind you, “Sorry, jus’ wonderin’ if you wanted a coffee, or somethin’?”
“No, I don’t want anything. Ellie, you ready?” You circled around where he stood to start walking to the front door.
“Wait!” You felt the brush of his hand against the sleeve of your hoodie, before he quickly withdrew it to his side. “Wait. Can we jus’…talk for a second?”
You had to get out, you had to get out now. Ellie looked up at you with an awkward smile and quickly darted out of the front door, slamming it behind her to give you both some privacy. Of course she couldn’t be fast when getting ready, but she was perfectly capable of being fast when it came time to abandon you.
“Say whatever thing it is that you have rehearsed so I can leave, Joel.” If you didn’t look at him, it would be okay. 
You could hear him swallow dryly as he prepared to speak to you.
“I’ve been thinkin’ a lot, recently. I jus’. I know I hurt you, but I just need you to understand why I said…what I said. All I want is for you to be happy and I wouldn–”
“Do you think it made me feel happy to be used like that? Just a quick fuck to keep warm before you go back to ignoring me?” You finally faced him and stalked closer to his rigid body, not even bothering to disguise the contempt you felt for him at that moment. Your eyes traced every inch of his face, observing each twitch and shift in expression coldly. Your heart was beating too loudly in your chest to make heads or tails of any microexpression, but you still took it all in. “You knew, didn’t you?”
“Jus’ lemme explain–” His voice seemed desperate, now.
“You knew how I felt about you and you decided that being all alone together was the perfect opportunity to get what you wanted.”
“How you felt?”
Another step closer. You were practically chest to chest as you tried to ignore the pounding in your ears and the heat across your cheeks. 
“Well, are you happy Joel? Was it good enough to justify it? Was I good enough?” You meant the question to be a hurtful one, one pointed out the casual cruelty in how he used you, but there was an unfortunate wobble in your voice, a weakness that you couldn’t hide, which betrayed an embarrassing insecurity.
His eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment before moving back up to meet your eyes. 
“You were... Uh.” He was clearly flustered, unable to put together the correct answer, and that brought you some semblance of satisfaction. You waited patiently for his answer.
“Of-Of course you were good. But that’s not wh—”
You smiled bitterly as you took a couple of steps backwards, hand reaching behind you for the handle on the front door.
“Well, I’m glad you were satisfied, at the very least. Makes it all worth it.”
“Wait, please–”
The front door slammed behind you, leaving him standing there in the corridor. Alone.
Ellie was standing at the base of the porch steps, casually leaning against the bannister. 
“Oh, hey. Just…waiting for you. Over here. Away from the door.”
“Goddamn it, Ellie. Just.” You sighed in exhaustion, “Just start jogging, okay?”
Ellie gave you a big, dramatic salute, before taking off ahead of you, running way too fast, while you followed behind at a reasonable jogging speed. Within minutes of her beginning to run she was already groaning and complaining. Ellie was relatively fit but the girl wasn’t exactly one for cardio, and she had no problem with letting you know that as she stopped and knelt over to catch her breath in the middle of the road while you caught up with her.
“Fuckin’ Christ, there is no way you do this everyday!”, She exclaimed as she grabbed onto your arm while gasping for air. 
“I don’t do this everyday. I do it, like, three times a week, maybe,” She looked at you, eyes wide at your treachery as you giggled at her expense. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, okay? In my defense, I said jog not sprint. Also, like, you kinda asked for this,”
“I know, okay. God.” She muttered, finally straightening up and starting again at a pace that matched yours. 
The early morning was still and peaceful, and you started to appreciate the calm it brought you. Being with Ellie like this was comforting, and it reminded you of when your little sister still spent time with you. She was engaged now, and as much as you did still spend time together, it just wasn’t the same.
“So what’s going on with you and Joel, anyways?” Ellie’s voice cut through your sudden melancholia, and your defensive expression prompted her to quickly tack on, “Well, it’s not exactly normal right now! He’s being all weird and you’re not even making fun of him.”
“Weird? Weird, how?” You ignored the small smirk on her face when you latched onto her words about him.
“Well, I don’t know, sad and tired, I guess? Like, he just works and sleeps. I figured you finally started dating someone or something.”
Shock crossed your face and your foot sort of caught against the ground as you turned to look at her in confusion.
“Why would–. He’s probably fine, it’s winter, they probably just need more help than usual. People probably…have the flu, or something.” The lack of confidence in your voice was unconvincing.
“Right,” Ellie said sarcastically, “Well, he’s off today. If that is something of interest to you.”
“It’s not,” You had begun to respond before she even finished her sentence, causing her to roll her eyes.
“Right,” She continued “Well, are you busy tonight? ‘Cause, I was thinkin–”
Rather than let her even nearly finish whatever scheme she was going to try and sell you on, you cut her off again. “I am actually busy tonight, Els. Sorry. Maria forced me to sign up for this speed dating thing at the Bison. It’s stupid, but I thought I’d just…see what happens, I guess.” 
Ellie stopped in her tracks and pointed at you with an accusatory look “So you are dating someone else!”
“Not really, I’m just gonna go and talk to some other sad 30-something year olds for a couple of hours and then, I don’t know, go to sleep early or something.” 
Ellie didn’t need to know about your real plan, which was to suffer through the evening with a fake smile and a full cup of whatever shitty liquor they had put aside for the event. 
“Ugh, lame, remind me to never get old.” 
You threw a lump of icy sludge at her from the side of the road in response to her teasing, and you were sure that her blood-curdling scream in response woke up any of the few people who hadn’t yet woken for the day.
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You felt stupid and underdressed. Insecurity about your appearance was something that you had always refused to make space for. There was just too much to think about, important things, and you weren’t going to let the fear of being unattractive interfere with your ability to get shit done. It may have crept in over the years here and there, from the occasional snide comment or weird, uncomfortable leering from drunk men, but for the most part, your appearance was something that you were apathetic about. All of your years of not caring evaporated the moment you stepped through the doors of the Tipsy Bison doors and saw people actually trying. 
Curled hair, jewelry, shaved legs in short skirts, the whole nine yards. And you stood there, looking like…you. Plain you.Your jeans were baggy and so was your sweater, removing even the suggestion of a figure, and the only makeup that you owned smelled too expired to apply that evening (you guessed that the natural crushed berry concoction that your sister made for you had a pretty short shelf life.) 
You didn’t consider yourself to be ugly by any means, and male interest was something that you definitely had experience with, but, in light of a pretty recent rejection, ‘plain you’ just didn’t feel like it was good enough. 
Maria waving you over from her seat at the bar saved you from spiraling, and you were able to swallow the strange sensation building up your throat with the help of her bright expression. As you approached her warily, she chuckled at your serious expression and leaned over to physically lift the downturned corners of your mouth into a smile.
“Come on, at least pretend you want to be here!” She begged playfully, causing your fake smile to turn into a real one.
“You’re right, I know. Just–I don’t know, I look like shit and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“You don’t…” Maria gave you a quick look up and down and plastered on an insincere smile ”...look like shit?” Her eyes lingered at the crusted mud splattered on your jeans.
“I—well, I had to go to work! It’s all gross sludge out there right now! Don’t look at me like that!” 
Maria rolled her eyes while standing up, pushing you into the seat she had been occupying and gesturing at the bartender for a drink to be poured for you. “You’re gonna have a drink and then you’re going to go talk to the nice men, and maybe even set up a real first date with them. Then, you’re gonna come for lunch with me and Tommy tomorrow and tell us about your favorites. These are orders, not requests.”
“Fine- wait, where’re you going?”
Maria paused with one arm in her jacket sleeve, as if she had been hoping that she could casually sneak out without you noticing. 
“Oh. Well. I sort of was going to go on a double date. Your, uh, sister and her fiance wanted to cook dinner for me and Tommy, so…”
“So…..you’re abandoning me?” You hoped your accusatory tone made her feel as guilty as possible.
“Yeah, pretty much.” 
You knocked back the shot sitting on the bar in front of you and gave your friend a quick half hug before she left you to visit your happily engaged sister. Who was five years younger than you, and already engaged. Engaged to be wed. While you sat there, about to embark on fifty first dates, not even really knowing why you bothered to come. 
Well, no point in delaying the inevitable.
You forced yourself away from the safety of the bar and approached the plastic fold out table containing name tags and score cards. Each pin had the names of those who signed up for the event in simple calligraphy that you recognised as your sisters. She must have been practicing for the wedding invites. You pinned the button onto your sweater, and walked to sit at one of the tables, waiting anxiously for the first man to sit in front of you 
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It had been the longest hour of your life. Longer than the time you were stuck in a flipped car, unable to crawl out towards safety due to the few straggler runners roaming the street that hadn’t quite heard you yet. Even longer than the time that Tommy thought Maria was breaking up with him, and came to you drunk and babbling about making a plan to win her back, only to find out that the note she left him was referring to her leaving temporarily to check in on the new family in town (he had been on some strange paranoia-inducing painkillers for a foot injury at the time.)
The liquor was definitely helping, as you listened to the unremarkable man in front of you drone on and on about some sort of farming quota he was struggling to meet. He hadn’t asked you a single question yet, and the time on the stopwatch meant that you only had three minutes left in his lovely company. Three minutes that could not be moving more slowly.
You let your eyes wander around the bar, and spotted Emmett, your current patrol partner. He gave you a bright grin, almost spilling the drink in his hand in his eagerness to wave at you. Stifling a giggle at his almost, but not quite, endearing stupidity, you turned back in time for the timer to beep, signaling your freedom.
It was time for a short break, and you practically dragged yourself to the bar for anything strong enough to make you forget about the carrots and the turnips and the stupid fucking green beans that you had heard enough of for the rest of your life. 
Emmett reached out to you as you approached with open arms, pulling you into a too-tight shoulder hug that you reciprocated out of sheer awkwardness. 
“Well, well, well, look who actually showed up for one of these events! You could've told me if you were looking for a hot date, I would have taken you out in a heartbeat.” His wrinkled black dress shirt was buttoned a few buttons too low, and there was a leather strapped necklace with a gaudy metal shark tooth pendant around his neck. It only served to make you even less charmed by his attempts at seduction, if that was even possible.
“Unless you’ve aged ten years since the last time I saw you, that’s probably going to be a no,” You gave him a tight smile.
“Come on, you know I'm wise beyond my years. Trust me, I have plenty of experience where it counts,” You began to peel his arm off from around your shoulder while he laughed at his own implication, ready to move further down the bar and away from his slightly slurred voice. 
“Sober up, and I’ll see you tomorrow morning, alright?” You said when you finally got out of his vice grip, turning away.
Alcohol of any kind was needed, right that second, if you were going to make it through the rest of the evening.
“Is he like this with you all the time?” The voice next to you made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your fingers curl tighter around your glass. 
Just ignore him. Keep your eyes on the placemat in front of you. Why is he even here?
The bartender seemed to sense your frustrations, if the double shot of gin he poured for you without you needing to ask was any indication.
“You actually let him get away with that?” 
“I let you get away with a whole lot worse, didn’t I, Joel?” 
He shut up at that, for a moment, and your shoulders began to relax. You didn’t know where he came from or how long he’d been here. You certainly hadn’t seen him around the event, otherwise you would have left already. 
You felt him shift closer to you, chest almost touching your shoulder as he leaned closer to speak to you, almost imploring you to listen to him.
“He’s a real piece of work, you really shouldn-”
“I don’t need advice from you.” You slammed your glass down onto the counter as if to punctuate your point with a glare of pure disdain in his direction.
He seemed to take the hint, turning away from your side and resting his hands against the counter in frustration. He stood there, shoulders rigid, seeming as if he was physically holding himself back from speaking. You were grateful for that.
As your eyes reached his form you felt your previous anger die down, just a little bit. He looked so tired and unsure of himself, so strangely tense. He was not quite drunk but definitely getting there, and your outburst left him visibly unanchored as he grit his teeth and nodded carefully. You felt almost embarrassed at the way you snapped at him when he seemed so hesitant under your glare.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. None of my business.”
“Yeah, it really isn’t.” With that you walked away from the bar and from him, wanting to just get through the last couple of dates so you could go home and forget this ever happened. Fuck dating, fuck the boring men at this stupid event, and especially fuck Joel Miller for somehow still being able to get under your skin.
Once you sat, you checked your watch and noted that you might even have enough time once you left to head straight to Tommy and Maria’s and demand they were put to justice for making you partake in this nightmare. Your evil plans were cut short by the shadow of someone looming above you. You almost laughed when you looked up and saw who it was taking a seat opposite you.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Joel?” The chair you were in let out an awful screeching noise as it scraped against the hardwood floor where you pushed it back from the table, but you didn’t move to get up yet.
“You’re next on the thing.” He mumbled while gesturing at the card in his hand before placing it face down on the table and settling down in his seat.
“You…why are you even here? I thought you weren’t into the whole relationship thing. Y’know, unless that was just your way of letting me down easy.” All of your effort was going into not letting your voice shake in anger.
“Jus’--I thought–” His stops and starts infuriated you even more. “Tommy mentioned it, I thought it might be- fun.” He couldn’t even look at you as you fumed in silence.
“What’s your job in Jackson?” He read out quietly from the question card in the center of the table.
You clenched and unclenched your jaw, finally moving to stand up. 
“Wait. It’s not time to switch partners yet.”
“Fuck off, Joel.”
He looked into your eyes for a couple of moments too long before looking away silently. As if he accepted that you weren’t going to give him anything. You froze in your movement as you saw his face. God, he really didn’t look good. 
Despite the voice in your head screaming at you to just leave and go home and eat the caramel corn that you stole from your brother's pantry, your body seemed to instinctively sit back down.
With an exasperated sigh and a flat tone, you answered “Patrol. You?”
His eyes flitted up to yours for a moment and he nodded, “Patrol, too. What’s your favorite color?”
“Green.” It wasn’t green. There was just a part of you that didn’t want to let him have anymore of you than he already had, even something as inconsequential as a favorite color.
He paused at that, slight confusion on his face. His fingers that were loosely resting on the table began to tap against the wood restlessly. His mouth opened and shut, before he seemingly decided to push forward. 
“Mine’s blue. What’s your favorite movie?” You felt uncomfortable as he watched you, with his soft brown eyes glued to your face as if he was waiting for you to say something, anticipating it.
“Titanic.” You answered without elaborating further. 
“No, it ain’t.” The hand that had been tapping slammed flat against the table, not out of anger but sheer frustration. He leaned in closer, sitting up straight from where he had been leaning to speak as if he was telling you a secret. 
“You like Star Wars. I know that for a fact, ‘cause had a hell of a lot to say about the way it ‘revolutionized cinema’ when we talked about it.” He was almost daring you to tell him he was wrong.
“Changed my mind.” Somehow, you were able to answer without stuttering, ignoring the way your heart rate accelerated from him being so fucking close to you. You didn’t know why he remembered that stupid debate you had with him. It had been months and months since you had talked about anything as simple and lighthearted as your favorite movies. You really didn’t know why it seemed to bother him so fucking much that you said an answer outside of what he believed to be true. 
“Right.” He said with a sigh, slumping back into his chair. His hands that were on the table, just a few inches from your own, shifted back towards his own body. “What’s your–”
“You didn’t answer.” Fuck, shut up. Joel seemed as surprised as you were at your interjection. 
“You know what my favorite movie is.” You did.
 “What’s your favorite book?” He continued to read from the question cards diligently.
“I don’t really have one.”
He stared at you, jaw clenched. 
“Is it that hard to answer a few questions? You like Star Wars, I know you like Star Wars. You like yellow. Your favorite book is Interview with the Vampire.”
He was right, of course, but that didn’t mean it didn’t frustrate you that he was so certain that he knew everything there was to know about you. If he cared enough to remember random trivia about you off the top of his head, then how could he be so deeply uncaring just as easily?
“You don’t know everything about me, Joel. I can change my mind.” Your fingers had started to hurt from how hard you were gripping the edge of the table.
“You do that often? Change your mind like that?” His tone was low and gravelly, and it wasn’t hard to understand that he wasn’t referring to the stupid ice-breaker questions.
“And what, exactly, do you mean by that?” Now you were the one leaning forward in your chair, unable to get a grip on the rising anger in your chest.
He sort of flinched at your sharp tone. “Well. You’ve been different, since…” He hesitated for a moment. “An’ I know that’s my fault. Jus’ didn’t think it would mean that I wouldn’t even exist to you anymore.”
You stood up, ignoring the looks from the other couples nearby who all looked at their stopwatches to see if they were supposed to be switching partners. “Why the fuck are you actually here, Joel?”
He looked uncomfortable and shifted slightly in his seat. “I told you–”
You turned at the start of his non-answer and grabbed your thick winter coat, pulling it on over you as you walked out on him. Any patience that you had for Joel Miller was long gone, and you regretted ever giving him the benefit of the doubt. You should’ve known there was no point in even trying when he showed up for a dating event a mere month after using his alleged inability to be in a relationship as an excuse to not be with you.
The snow was flurrying down outside, and if it wasn’t for the soft yellow glow of the street lamps illuminating the main street, it would have been pitch black.
“Will you hold on jus’ one minute?” Joel whisper-shouted behind you, still tugging his own jacket on in his rush to follow you. “I jus’ wanted a chance to explain things!”
He grabbed your arm and pulled you to a stop before you could begin your trek through the snow home, and you wrenched it back from him as if his touch burned.
“Jus’ wait! Please.” It wasn’t the authoritative tone he used in his command, but the desperation in his plea that finally got you to stop in your tracks. 
Noticing the way you sniffled from the cold winter night where you stood in the open air, he guided you towards the alleyway beside the Tipsy Bison, never actually touching you but instead steering you with a hand a few inches away from making contact with your back.
The alleyway was dimly lit from the left over street light, and thankfully slightly warmer due to the proximity of the busy kitchen’s back door. The rushing breeze didn’t quite reach either of you in the sheltered space. It was much quieter here, as you stared at each other, and you were determined to not give him the pleasure of having you crack under his gaze. You were going to be cold and unaffected and not let yourself get dragged back into whatever game he wanted to play.
“Will you just leave me alone? I don’t understand you Joel, you were the one who didn’t want me. You say you want to explain, but it already seems pretty cut and dry to me.” You were sort of impressed at how strong your voice came out of your nervous body, surprised that your determination to be unaffected actually seemed to be coming across. 
“You’ve got this idea in your head that I planned this, or somethin’. That I wanted to use you,” The word use dripped in what sounded like disgust at the very idea that you could have believed that of him. He took a step closer to you and moved a hand to rest on your bicep, not squeezing or putting pressure, just wanting you to feel him there.
“I...I do care about you. That’s the problem. Maybe to you it could’ve been somethin’ casual and I ruined it by bein’ so cold,  but it couldn’ be that for me. An’ you yourself said that you would want somethin’ more out of a…relationship.” His voice faltered for a moment as he spoke that word. Relationship. Just speaking it in the context of being with you made his hand tighten around your arm.
“I would need you entirely and I know I can’t be that for you. Don’ even know if you would want it to be me, but I do know that I couldn’ be that. I want you to be happy.” His voice was almost pained as he tried to explain himself, the words he didn’t get to say in the morning now tumbling out in a rush. 
You couldn’t identify the exact moment that it happened, but he was holding on to you by your shoulders now, eyebrows furrowed with an intense need for you to just, somehow, understand him.
“Just deciding what it is that I want or need without actually listening to me isn’t fair, Joel.  This isn’t how people care about people. This isn’t how you care about people. I didn’t need or want anything more than what happened between us.” You reached up and brought one of his hands down between you both, gazing at his scarred fingers resting in your palm before letting it fall to his side.
He seemed to struggle for words for a moment, pulling back from you entirely. “We can be friends again.” His voice was pleading. “Or whatever we were before I fucked it all up. I can be that for you. I know you regret what we did, and you want to forget it ever happened. I won’t cross any lines, I won’t try anything with you ever again. I just… I miss you.” 
He was more vulnerable than you had ever seen him, but none of it felt right. You and him were practically nothing for months on end before you slept together. He was insisting that you meant something to him, that he needed you, but he wanted to keep you at arms length. It was so fucking confusing, and you were still struggling with just how easily he was able to let himself hurt you, even if he convinced himself that it was for the best. 
“I think…it might be a little late for that, Joel.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, partially to warm yourself up and partially to soothe the building anxiety in your chest. “We haven’t been friends for a long fucking time. I think…maybe it should stay that way. At least for now. This just. It isn’t what being cared about is meant to feel like.”
Your words seemed to have an impact on him, as something seemed to shutter behind his eyes, closing off that soft vulnerability that he had let you into for such a brief moment.
“You’re right,” he said quietly, “You’re right. I don’ know what I was thinkin’. You, uh, have a good rest of your night.”
He walked past you quickly, giving you a wide berth as he passed, before pausing with his back still turned to you. His silhouette in the dim light was broad and still as his heavy exhale visibly poured out of him in a haze of vapor. 
 “And I’m sorry. For everythin’.”
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please let me know what you think!!!!!!! i hope it wasn't disappointing!!!
also massive thank you to @morning-star-joy @beardedjoel @huffle-punk for reading and giving me feedback, you're all my babies and i love you and i'm sorry for needing you all to pat me on the head and tell me i'm doing okay so often <3 <3
@beardedjoel @huffle-punk @quicheislife @orcasoul
lemme know if u wanna be tagged!!
98 notes · View notes
goofyahhcats · 9 months
Hold the Line
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Rating: E
Re5!Chris Redfield / Gn!AFAB!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Angst if you squint, Injury, Violence (not related to smut), p in v action, Gn reader, reader is afab, reader usually wears a bra, use of sweetheart, baby, etc.
Summary: After being injured in the battle against Albert Wesker, you find yourself making stupid decisions. How can you face Chris after what you've done? He seems to be avoiding you. Then again, who wants to get chewed out by their coworkers? You can't help but notice a glint in his eye. It's just your imagination, right?
Word count: 3.8k
A03 link here:
Took some creative liberties with the end of/post re5 ignore that
Burning alive inside of a fiery volcano was not exactly your preferred way to go. The heat and smoke had forced their way inside of your throat hours ago, leaving you teary-eyed and gasping for air. Your eyes, open wide and wild with panic passing back and forth between the rocky landscape and the red and bubbling abyss. You watched in horror as the thing that was once your Captain writhed and screamed as he flung one of his many-tentacled appendages toward you. Scrambling in the other direction, you sprinted towards any open path that wasn’t obscured by lava or crumbling to pieces. Your boots thudded over the rough terrain with an unpleasant rhythm. A stark reminder of an unfortunate tumble you had recently landing you directly on your ankle. 
You focused on keeping your breathing steady as you stumbled as fast as you could away from Wesker. Who, after tossing a quick look over your shoulder, was gaining rapidly. A mass of Uroboros shot by you, just barely missing your arm and instead making contact with the floor in front of you. Crumbling away and sizzling as it contacted the lava, the stone of the once angled slope ahead now resembled more of a solid brick wall. Your steps slowed and came to a shaky stop as you stared unblinking at the end of the path. Horrified, you cringed as you heard Wesker’s maniacal laughter seeping between the loud bubbling of the active volcano. 
You turned, horrified, as he inched closer and closer towards you. His face wore a grin of satisfaction. Bright red and cat-like eyes alight with the fire of the hunt. Suddenly, his eyes locked somewhere above your head. His grin faded into a snarl as you heard a deep and loud voice scream your name.
“Grab on!” Chris’ large hand extended into view as you whipped around, jumping and gripping him as hard as you could. He almost effortlessly lifted you onto the ledge you had been trying to reach. Biceps and shoulders turning and flexing as he shoved you behind him. 
“Go! Now!”
Chris lets a few bullets fly from over his shoulder as a strong hand finds the small of your back and pushes you forward and away from the amalgamation that once was Albert Wesker. 
“We gotta get out of here!” Chris called, pulling you behind a boulder to avoid another attack from Wesker.
You stumbled, catching the side of the rockface to hold yourself up. You felt a hot and searing pain flare up from the base of your leg. Shit.
Chris noticed your pained expression, “Hey, what’s wrong?” A gloved hand reached your shoulder, turning your upper body to face him.
“It’s my ankle,” you grimaced, “Twisted it earlier when I was running.”
Chris’ eyes flooded with concern, “Shit, can you walk?”
You tentatively placed your foot down and put a bit of weight on it. The searing pain returned and you quickly withdrew your foot.
“It’s no good,” you rasp, shaking your head.
“Here, I’ll carry you,” Chris rumbled as he reached his hands under your shoulders and legs. You protested slightly but quickly shut your mouth as Chris took off in the direction of another alcove. You heard Wesker shriek as Sheva bombarded him with a barrage of bullets. Chris tucked behind the rocks and looked around, leaning against the wall for support. His breathing was hot, ghosting across your face in waves in time with the rise and fall of his chest. Sweat beaded over his forehead as he watched Sheva duel with Wesker. 
“The helicopter should be here soon,” he mumbles, eyebrows knit in thought and frustration.
“Just leave me here,” you look up at him sympathetically, “I’m no use to you two down there if I can’t even walk.”
“No. Absolutely not.” Chris’ dark eyes hold contact with yours. The steadiness of his voice surprises you. This was the Chris Redfield you knew.
“No!” Chris yells. You feel his hands tighten and release around your sides as the spark of anger in his eyes slowly fades away. “I’m not losing another one.” His voice is once again steady, But his eyes betray his stoic expression. Tired, sad, and angry. For a brief moment, his eyes flood you with an emotion so intense you can hardly think straight. You feel warm inside, and you smile gently.
“I’m good with a rifle. Tell Jill to pick me up,” you hold his gaze as he drops his head, screwing his eyes shut and letting out a shuddering sigh. 
“I can’t let you do that,” he looks back down at you.
Suddenly, you are lifted into the air again. Chris pants as he brings his legs up to speed again, running across the volcano. Wesker and Sheva come into view. You breathe out gratefully that your friend is still alive. You feel Chris’ breath hitch as the full scene is revealed, however. Wesker has Sheva’s neck in a tentacled grasp. Her legs kick as she squirms in an attempt to fight back. You hear her gasp for air and struggle to breathe. Wesker smirks psychotically at her weak display of resistance.
“I know!” His eyebrows are tightly knit, and he looks down at you and back up at Sheva. Taking initiative, you wrestle yourself out of his grip. 
“No,” Chris starts but returns his gaze to Sheva as Wesker drops her to the floor, laughing as he cages her in between him and the lava.
He looks back at you, surprised to find your eyes filled with cold hard determination. Your rifle was positioned in your hands.
“Go,” you state. Nodding towards Sheva, “I’ll be ok. Help her.”
A moment's hesitation, but you see his eyes harden again, “Alright. I trust you.”He turns away. 
Suddenly, you are overcome with a rush of emotions. Worry. Want. Need. Before you know it, you are hobbling on one leg and grabbing at his bicep for support. Chris stares at you, bewildered, before you drag his head forward by the vest. Your lips meet for a brief moment. Seconds, maybe. His arm cards through your hair and he holds you close. You feel that warm feeling spread through your body again before it is ripped away as you pull from the kiss.
“In case we don’t see each other again,” your expression is somber,  patting him roughly on the shoulder and giving him a slight push in the right direction. He takes two staggering steps forward, looking back at you before his expression tightens. He nods and charges off towards Sheva and Wesker.
The rest of the night is a blur. Jill arrives in the helicopter, just in the nick of time. They swing over to retrieve you, and you watch as Chris and Sheva blast Wesker to pieces. You all sit back as the helicopter flies away, the volcano retreating into the distance. The ride is silent, but you occasionally can feel Chris’ hot gaze on your back. Your hands brush his as you exit the helicopter back on base. 
You don’t talk to Chris for a whole month. You had been too engrossed in your medical status - doctors confirming that you had fractured your ankle - and had been bedridden for weeks. Your hospital had denied you visitation, instead putting you in trauma counseling. You didn’t need the therapy, this was the fault of the BSAA’s shitty cover story, claiming that a violent house fire caused you to fall a few flights of stairs, losing all of your roommates and extended family in the process. Those roommates and extended family were covers for the deaths of the other members of Bravo and Delta Team, who had lost their lives in battle. Of course, the BSAA only told this story to the general masses and the hospital. The details - although as vague as possible - were disclosed to the families of the deceased. After your counseling, you endured a few more weeks of physical therapy and were now happily on your own two feet once again. 
You reentered the BSAA headquarters for the first time in what seemed to be forever and were greeted by many astonished coworkers. You smiled and waved, giving gratitude towards all of the well wishes that you received. In reality, you had been scanning the crowd for a familiar face and a brown tuft of hair. You couldn’t find Chris anywhere.
You became a bit frantic, eyes looking from face to face to no avail. At some point, you excused yourself and rushed through the compound. Twisting and turning through the corridors, you eventually come face to face with a strong wooden door. The engraving read, ‘C. REDFIELD’. You raised your fist and knocked one, twice, three times, before you heard a muffled, “Coming,” and some shuffling from within.
You took in his figure when he opened the door. Once broad and proud shoulders tired and hunched. His arms remained built and impressive, but you could feel the weight they carried as they dangled loosely by his sides. His face was scruffy as if he hadn’t shaved in a while. Although you silently admitted it was a good look for him. His hair was considerably longer, and the quiff in front no longer stood at attention and instead lay half up half down in a feeble attempt. He had heavy eyebags, which encircled his thick eyelashes and lidded gaze. 
“Chris,” you shift on your feet nervously, unsure of whether to run away or wrap your arms around him. 
A low mumble of your name cascades between his lips. His right arm twitches upward as if to touch you, grab you, hold you close, but then slowly returns to its initial position. 
You stand in silence for a few moments, taking each other in with thousand-yard stares. A spark of something, you aren’t sure what exactly, fills Chris’ eyes. He takes a step back. Gesturing to his office, “Come in.”
You walk in and take in the familiar surroundings. This is not the first time you’ve been inside of his office. He always kept it surprisingly tidy, but it always had a comfortable and lived-in feeling to it. However, now you notice trash on the ground. Cups upon cups of coffee are scattered about. On the desk, on the floor, and in the trash can. 
Chris takes a seat in his desk chair and you sit on one of the two chairs facing his desk. The quiet was deafening. Chris rummaged through his desk, avoiding your gaze. You open your mouth to speak, say anything to break the silence that was hanging over the two of you like a wet blanket. Chris beat you to it, haphazardly tossing a wad of papers into your lap.
“Need you to file a mission report,” he was speaking in his professional voice. His inflection read This is strictly business, nothing more. You picked up the papers and flipped through them. Nothing caught your eye. You raised your head to find that Chris was already looking at you. His eyes bore into yours as if he was searching for something. You nod, going to stand, to leave, to get away from the warm blossoming feeling. He doesn’t protest. Your hand reaches the doorknob before you are halted by his voice, gravelly and tired.
“What was that?”
You turn to face him, “What?”
“Wesker. The volcano. You know what I’m talking about.” Chris’ eyes catch yours once again.
You are flooded again with that familiar feeling. You hate it. His lips had felt so tender, so soft. You felt the need to run to him. Wrap your arms around him, and tell him everything is going to be alright.
“What about it do you want to know?” your voice is quiet, feeling almost cornered by his gaze.
Chris sighs and drags his hand over his face. His eyes break contact and stare at the ceiling.
“We need to talk,” he mumbles.
“Everything.” his voice rises slightly, and he stands up. He makes his way towards you and halts. You can feel your heartbeat thundering in your ears. He was so close. You could practically count each scar and blemish that decorated his upper body. You longed to trace your fingers over them. To soothe the aches that he must be feeling.
Chris’ hand reaches over yours, and clasps around your right hand, still resting on the doorknob. You tense up as Chris gently turns the handle and pushes the door open. The knob swings away, but his hand remains on yours.
“Meet me at my place tonight,” his hand slowly retracts, as if he just now realized what he had done. 
“We need to talk,” he repeats.
You nod in reply, your throat too dry and your voice too shaky to respond. You stay staring at him for a moment, before turning and leaving his office. 
You finish your BSAA duties quickly, rushing home and almost stumbling on your way to the shower to clean yourself up. Only once you had finished getting dressed and were slipping on your shoes did the reality of the situation hit you. Your rushed movements slowed as the anxiety set in. You felt the pit at the bottom of your stomach only grow as your car neared Chris’ apartment building. You made your way up the stairs, practically sick with the idea of actually confronting your feelings.
You raised a fist and knocked only once at his door before it opened. Inside stood the same Chris that you had met this morning, only now in a comfortable white shirt and gray sweatpants. He steps backward, and you walk in as he shuts the door behind you. You look around his modest but homey apartment. 
Just like his office, you reminisce. Smiling slightly to yourself as you walked further into the simple living room. Chris takes a few long strides to his couch and sits down. He takes a beer he seems to have placed on the table previously and cracks it open. As you sit, you notice he had put out one for you too. You take it graciously and take a sip.
Chris turns to you, “So, about what happened-”
“I am so sorry Chris. I overstepped. I really shouldn’t have let my feelings get in the way of work, I-”
“Stop.” Chris gently rests a hand on your shoulder to calm you down.
“No! But, it was so unprofessional of me..!” your hands flail about as you talk,  words tumbling from your mouth as the coil inside of you unravels faster than you could keep up, “Sheva could have died and I- I was just being… selfish,” You exhale at that last word and look up into Chris’ dark eyes. For the first time in months, weeks, or years, you see a smile spread across his face. It crinkles the corners of his eyes up, and you feel as though you will never see anything as beautiful ever again. 
“Sweetheart,” it falls gracefully between his lips as he talks, the other hand coming up to brush a knuckle along your jawline, You feel your face heat up.
“Chris, listen-”
Chris shuts you up by pressing his lips against yours. You let out a muffled squeak in response. It was all passion, Want. Need. His arms wrapped themselves tightly around you and you reciprocated. Fingers finding their way into his hair, alternating between stroking and pulling. He groaned into your mouth and swiped his tongue across your lips. You obliged. His tongue buried against yours as you suddenly found yourself leaning back against the cushions. 
The warm feeling is everywhere. Hot and heavy. But this time, you didn’t want to back down. You needed more.
One of your hands took a detour from his hair and began exploring his expanses of muscle. His biceps flexed on instinct as you came into contact with them. You traced up and down the curve of his elbow as he kissed you harder.
He broke away for air for only a split second before diving into you again. You felt and heard him audibly shudder as your wandering hand found the edge of his shirt. He broke away, face flushed.
“Are you sure?” It was quiet, almost difficult to hear. You nodded.
Chris cupped your face with his hand, “Need to hear you say it, sweetheart.”
“Yes,” you whispered, wetness pooling in your pants as he quickly pulled up his top. You were only allowed to stare for a moment before he captured your lips in his again. Instead, you opted to see with your hand, which traveled over every bump, bruise, scar, and muscle it could find. He groaned and fisted a hand in your t-shirt. You pushed his chest away and broke the kiss, hot breaths filling the silence of his living room as you fumbled with your shirt, exposing your chest to Chris.
“Fuck, no bra?” he growled against your ear as he began to grope and explore your body just as you had his.
You let out a small giggle, “Nope, didn’t feel like one today,” you gasped as he gripped onto your sides, making contact with the top of your pants.
He smirks, “Shouldn’t feel like wearing one more often, then. Fuck,” he stares down at your chest, “I’ve been missing out.”
His mouth catches yours and you pull him down flush against you. You can feel his sizeable bulge against your thigh, which only deepens the wetness pooling in your underwear.
With a surge of confidence, your hand reaches between the two of you and palms Chris through his sweatpants. He lets out a low and shuddering moan at the feeling. You fumble with his waistband before he pulls it down himself. His boxers come down with them and you are left with the feeling of his cock springing against your stomach. You swallow heavily as you stare. He was long and thick. You gripped him and stroked once experimentally. He let out a breath and hissed as you slid your thumb over the head. You slid your hands up and down his shaft before he grabbed your wrist. 
“Let me take care of you first,” he whispered. In a flash, your pants and panties had been removed, exposing your glistening cunt to the world. Chris groaned at the sight. He experimentally slid a finger between your folds. Your hips bucked upwards at the feeling, a noise escaped your lips that you didn’t know had been there.
Chris raises his finger and chuckles, “All for me?” he presses the finger to your lips. You gently allow him inside and clean him off with your tongue. He takes his finger away and returns it to your folds. One finds its way to your slit and strokes over and around the opening, while another finds your clit. Both fingers circle for a moment until you grow desperate, rocking your hips against him. 
“Chris.. don't be such a tease,” you say between each rock of your hips. Your hands find purchase on his broad shoulders. He allows you to rock for a little while. Simply admiring you with a soft look on his face.
“Chris, please,” you whine. He groans, dipping one finger inside of you. You moaned louder than you had meant to as he began to thrust his finger back and forth. The other finger rubs circles over your clit as you pull him down towards you for another kiss. He kisses you passionately, bordering on rough as you whimper into his mouth. You can feel his resolve cracking the more your tongues and lips meet. His fingers speed up until he quickly rips them away from you. He breaks the kiss, staying close to your face. His eyes burn with desire.
“Tell me you need me,” he growls low, one of his fingers returning to your folds. You start to respond but let out a choked moan as he tugs at your clit.
“Tell me you fucking need me,” Chris’ eyes flash “Because I've always needed you.”
“Fuck… Chris, I need you..! I need you right now, please just-” 
You are cut off by his cock sliding itself into you, and you moan. Your back arches up as your hands tighten over his shoulders. His lips dip down to your neck, kissing and sucking as he begins to move at a rapid pace. No slow introduction, no pacing, he needed you and he needed you now. 
Your moans bounce throughout his living room, skin on skin echoing through his apartment. You bring a hand up to his hair and pull, bringing his head up from its position at your neck. He groans at the feeling, eyes locking onto yours as he pounds into you. 
One of his hands grips the flesh of your thigh and lifts, bringing it upwards. The stretch nearly causes you to orgasm on the spot. Chris’ cock nudged that perfect spot with each thrust. 
“Fuck.. baby,” Chris rasps in your ear, his other hand holding tightly to your waist, “I'm close. I'm close… fuck.”
You moan in response, reaching down between the two of you to thumb at your clit. Chris quickly grabs your wrist, “No. Let me..” 
His calloused thumb rubs against your clit, and you can feel your pussy tightening against his cock.
“Shit, yeah sweetheart. Just like that,” Chris moans. His eyes squeeze shut and his lips meet yours quickly. He’s messy, sloppily kissing you in time with his thrusts. He drops his head and groans a chorus of Fuck’s and Shit, baby.
“Look at me. Are you close?” you meet his eyes and nod, moaning his name.
“I know, baby.”
His thumb speeds up, and you spasm. Your back arches up as you cum, your legs shaking. You spill fluids all over his dick, moaning and babbling incoherently. It doesn't take long for Chris to find his end as well. You feel a hot sensation flooding between your legs as Chris empties himself into you. He gasps and groans as he thrusts into you a few more times. 
His movements halt and you both stay there, breathing heavily. You hold eye contact with him as he gently pulls out of you.
He sits back, admiring his work. He then stands and pads towards another room. You hear a sink running. He returns with a warm washcloth and wipes you down, folding the cloth over and then wiping himself off. Ever the gentle giant, he tenderly sits you up, offering you a glass of water. You lean into his touch, resting your head on his shoulder as you gratefully sip the beverage.
Chris gently strokes your hair with one hand. You smile and nuzzle into his side. His arm wraps around you as you both sit there in silence for a few minutes.
You turn your head up to him, “Did you mean what you said? About needing me?” 
Chris sighs, a small smile falling across his features, “Yeah, I did. Did you?”
You return the smile, pressing a small kiss to his cheek.
“Yes, always.”
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itsscromp · 10 months
Jaime Reyes/blue beetle x reader platonic
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Welcome to another blue beetle fic, It's closer and closer by the minute. Even though I have to wait an extra month as it doesn't release in Australia until September lol. But for this fic, if anyone has seen Homecoming, you'll get the idea ;) word count:849
Jaime, Your best friend, The freaking Blue Beetle !!!, holy shit. When you first found out he was Blue beetle when he rescued you from coyote, You had to calm yourself and not go full nerd. He did just save you, But once you recovered and went back to school.
"Jaime, we gotta talk" You had to whisper so that people didn't know he was Blue beetle.
"y/n I know but please not right here"
"I know I know but..." He was right you had to keep quiet but you had a million questions and zero answers.
During different points of the day you asked a question relating to blue beetle.
"Can you summon an army of beetles ??"
"Is the amour titanium or something ??"
"No, it's extra terrestrial"
"Ok ok... Is the suit fart proof ??"
"What kind of question is that ??"
After school Jaime decided to show you the powers of blue beetle
"Ok Y/n, follow me. I'll show my powers. Just please no more questions"
"Alright alright."
Jaime then brought Y/n to a rural area just near the edge of El Paso to make sure no one see's his identity.
"Ok before I show you my powers. There's one thing you gotta see."
He turned around and lifted his shirt
"What are you do.. OH MY GOD !!"
His back revealing the scarab, wedged right into his back. No surgery seems to be getting that off anytime soon
"I know, it took me a while to come to terms with it as well"
Their was silence for a bit.
"Look I trust y/n ok, they won't reveal my identity ok ??"
"Uhhh, who are you talking too ??"
Jaime sighed, It looked like he was talking to himself.
"Its the scarab, I don't know how but it seems I can only hear it and talk to it"
"That's freaky but awesome."
"It is, but It's like almost being nagged by Mom."
Quiet again
"Look scarab just trust y/n ok ??"
It would take some getting used too to see Jaime talk to scarab.
"Anyway, Now my powers, with them, I can be able to summon anything just by thinking to scarab what I want."
"Wow, that's so cool !!" Y/n was smiling wide.
"Alright, so the first thing... the armour. Originally I could only do it when I was in danger. But I figured out how to summon it at will."
Then Jaime stood there, shutting his eyes. Withing seconds. the blue beetle armour started to take over him, the pincers popping out, his face then turning into a mask, his eyes glowing yellow.
"Pretty cool right ??"
"Oh my... HOLY SHIT !!!" you were bouncing from pure excitment.
"That was awesome !!"
Jaime couldn't help but smile under the mask from your excitement.
"You ain't seen nothing yet amigo."
*queue sword*
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"Final fantasy fan I see."
"What the buster sword is a classic."
"OK what else can you do ??"
Jaime then summoned arm cannons, his hands melting and reshaping into cannons.
"Hell yeah !!, these bad boys are my favourite"
"Woah !!, ok uuh, test it on that boulder"
"Say no more"
Jaime then aimed at the boulder and with one blast the boulder was completely destroyed. But as Y/n was still in awe from it they didn't see a big chunk of the boulder falling to your direction.
"Jaime the boulder, it's gonna crush y/n !!" The Scarab warned him, Jaime quickly then pushed Y/n out of the way and caught the boulder with his bare hands, Struggling for a bit before tossing it away from harms reach.
"Are you ok y/n ??"
"Holy... You. Have. SUPER STRENGTH !!!!!"
Jaime started smiling again before the mask disintegrated revealing his face again.
"That is the power of the blue beetle y/n"
"This is awesome !!"
"But y/n look, real talk here buddy. While yes this is awesome to see, you can't go telling anyone about this, not even your dad or my family. Only you know about this." He took your hand and squeezed it, in a way of seriousness. "Can you promise to keep this secret for me ok ??"
Your smile faded slightly knowing the seriousness of the cause, You squeezed his hand back. "I promise Jaime, I promise."
"Thank you y/n" He smiled and hugged you tightly. "Your a great friend you know that ??"
"Can say the same to you" You smiled as you hugged him back
Jaime saw the sun setting before realizing he's been out all afternoon.
"Oh mierda, I gotta get home before mom kills me, I'll see you at school tomorrow ok y/n ??"
"Shoot I should get home too" You saw a bus stop and had some money, so you then went to the stop.
"See you tomorrow Jaime !!!"
Jaime waved goodbye before grabbing his backpack and activating flight mode, zooming back home.
You smiled as soon as you saw him fly off, Your best friend was a superhero. A freaking superhero. El Paso was in safe hands with Blue Beetle.
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At the hot springs
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Fandom: Seven deadly sins
Characters: Ban
Relationships: Ban x reader
Note: spice under the cut
Wrapping the towel around you, you pushed strands of hair out of your face and stepped out of changing rooms into the small courtyard with the pool. For a moment, everything you could register was the sound of running water, hot humid air, and thick fog everywhere you looked. You stood for a moment and with squinted eyes, looked for the direction of the pool. When your eyes caught the stone edge of the pool you carefully stepped towards it. Little by little, you started to see more of the bath as you walked closer. You took a note of the neat stack of towels and soaps at the steps to the pool, rock boulders positioned nearby and water gently lapping at the stone walls.
Carefully, so you won’t slip on the wooden steps, you put your foot into the water. It was even hotter than you imagined. You took off your towel and slowly sank into the warm water letting out a groan as you felt your muscles relax, followed by a content sigh. Your eyes wandered to the other side of the bath and you noticed a silhouette sitting there. You couldn’t decipher a person’s appearance in the thick fog, but all you thought about was how great it is that the women’s part of bathing pools was mostly abandoned today except for you and that other girl.
However, as the fog started slowly floating away you had a chance to inspect this person further. For a woman, the person had impressive shoulder width, accompanied by their muscular arms and thick neck, you started to suspect this wasn’t a woman. To your horror, when the fog finally lifted your eyes were met with red devilish ones.
“Well, well, well…looks like you couldn’t wait for me to get home huh? Gotta say, quite bold. I like it!”
Ban emphasized his flirting remark by striking a provocative pose with a hand purposefully carding through his damp hair, bulging bicep full on display.
You would’ve shot some scathing comment but you found it hard to untangle your tongue while your eyes followed a path of a wayward droplet of water that traveled from Ban’s temple to his jawline, down his neck, and finally trickling between his pectorals underwater. When you finally collected your thoughts, you let out a panicked screech and jump out of the water, only to dive back again when you realize that you were completely nude.
Once you were up your chin in the water you heard boisterous laughter. You glared at Ban showing no signs of getting out of the pool. He always looked so young and boyish when he laughed carelessly like that. Considering everything he’s been through, it’s honestly admirable. You shook yourself out of your musings. You’ve done it again…losing yourself in thoughts about him.
You decided to end your embarrassment with the loud accusation: “What are you doing here?!”
Ban stopped laughing and gave you a confused look, “I’m bathing?”
“That’s not what I mean…!”
Ban waved his hands at you with a cheeky smile. “Relax, relax. If you want me to get out of this pool so bad you could’ve just said so…” and with an impish grin, he started to slowly rise out of the water, and inch by inch more tempting bits of flesh were revealed to you. You flailed your arms in front of you in panic, “Wait! Hold on!! That’s not what I-”
Another wave of laughter echoed in the bathing chamber. You have to take a calming breath. This guy’s insufferable! Deciding that the best thing you can do is ignore him, you turned your back to him and grabbed one of the soap bars from the deck. Once he realizes he won’t get a reaction out of you he’ll leave on his own. The bathing chamber got quiet once again and you were sure your plan had worked. You started to lather the soap in your hands.
“Wanna help with that?”
Ban’s voice sounded surprisingly close and in shock, you bolted away from the source of the sudden offer, only to smack your head into one of the boulders encircling the pool. The soap fell out of your hands into the water and with your head bowed you rubbed the bump on your head. Ban’s smile disappeared the moment he heard your whimpers of pain. He loved to tease you but he didn’t want you to get hurt.
“Hey…you alright?” he asked you in a much softer voice than you’re used to with him.
“Dinna wants to scare ya like that.” he gently pushed your hand away and petted the back of your head with his own hand.
Feeling his much larger palm cupping your skull, you momentarily forgot the pain and lifted your head to look at him in surprise. His tender touch renders you speechless.
Ban noticed you staring at him and at that moment realized the intimacy created between the two of you. He jerked his hand away and stammered “I..uh…just wanted to make sure you’re…ugh dammit.” He scratched the back of his head as he felt his face warming up, and not from the hot water.
You kept looking at Ban, it’s not every day you get to see him flustered. That sheepish look in his face combined with his nudity that didn’t bother him at all made you laugh.
Hearing your soft giggles, Ban looked at you again. With your bare shoulders wet and glistening, damp hair turning all curly, and face scrunched up in laughter, you looked, really cute. This wasn’t the first moment he caught himself thinking these things. You’ve been occupying his thoughts for some time now. And the only way for him to convey these thoughts was a whole bunch of suggestive flirting with some pranks thrown into the mix.
He caught a glimpse of the soap bar you dropped and with one swoop of his hand, he fished the soap out. “Sooooo, the offer still stands?” he leered at you, “Want me to wash your back?” he swam a touch closer to you as he said those words and you could clearly see the small droplets on the tips of his hair or the veins in his forearms.
You pondered the question for a moment and then you said “Ok,” as nonchalantly as you could.
Ban’s lecherous grin froze on his lips.
Once more you turned your back to him and fixed your hair so they don’t cover your back, “make sure you won’t miss a spot.”
There was a beat of silence, as Ban stared dumbfoundedly at your bare back and you nervously kept your gaze on the pile of towels. If he’s going to be such an insufferable tease, let’s see if he can handle it being thrown back at him…
You were dragged out of your musings by the sound of shifting water as you felt Ban getting closer. Your heart was pounding, your body felt scalding hot all over and you could basically feel the skin of your back vibrate from his close proximity. Despite all of that, you knew that even with all his pervertedness Ban wouldn’t do anything to make you scared or uncomfortable.
You gripped your knees as you felt a pair of large calloused hands filled with soap suds slowly rest at your shoulders. They stayed there unmoving as if not sure how far you’ll allow them to go. Realizing this, you lifted one of your hands out of the water and gently ran your fingertips over his. A silent reassurance for him to continue.
The bandit felt the weight of his sin at that moment because he realized just how greedy he can truly be. With your wordless approval, he might take and take until there’s nothing else of you he could take. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he got to work.
His hands traveled to your forearms, working on tense muscles on their way. You let out a quiet sigh as you feel yourself relaxing. Then, in languid circles, Ban’s hands moved down your back. When his arms slid underwater to rest on your waist, his fingers spread to grip your sides more firmly. That grip made you feel strangely secure and stable as if you could’ve gone completely limp and he would still hold you firmly in place. A hot puff of breath tickled the side of your neck and you turned your head slightly, only for Ban to rest his wet cheek on your shoulder. Eyes closed to preserve the thin veneer of privacy between the two of you. You didn’t know what to say or do, so you just let him rest there. Calmness settling over you both.
“Hm?” you hummed inquisitively at Ban’s whisper.
“I counted five freckles,” he kept whispering, as if not to ruin the serenity of the moment.
You were once more rendered speechless, working on the lump that formed in your throat.
He slowly peeled his eyes open, blood-red pools swallowing you whole. He slowly pressed his face into the crook of your neck, his hands moving from your side to wrap around your middle and pull you closer to him. You gasped at the sensation of his strong chest and tight stomach pressing into your back. Your head tilted without you realizing it as he rested one of his canines near your pulse. No doubt he could feel the wild pumping of your blood there.
The last thing you remember is something firm pressing against your thigh as you slowly melted away into a hazy dream filled with pleasured sighs and wisps of steam rising from the water's surface.
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dimorphodon-x · 4 months
I've had this done for months and well, I guess I worked hard enough on it to publish it. Warning for descriptions of animal injury and pet loss.
[A crystal basher was a miner’s best friend. Patch was Sawback’s most reliable and sturdy companion.]
It had started with the sound of a crack. 
Immediately the tunnel went silent as every miner froze and listened. Another crack, small pebbles dropped from the ceiling, and the walls trembled.
No one needed to say anything, they already knew the drill, hurrying towards the nearest exit as quickly as possible as the walls shifted and began closing in on them.
One miner lagged behind, an old leg injury acting up and slowing him down. He clung onto his mechanimal companion, a smokey black crystal basher with a cream colored dome. The basher remained calm as he helped keep his handler on his feet, despite the large rocks and boulders crashing down around them. 
“Sawback!” The miner lifted his head at the sound of his name. A second miner was rushing back towards him, arms out. Sawback’s crystal basher shifted, suddenly looking about and pushing at his handler, “Patch?”
Patch let out a short bleat and used his hip to shove Sawback forward into the second miner’s arms. The two stumbled back as more debris fell down on and around them, blocking their way out. The ceiling dropped a few feet and there was another alarmed bleat before it crashed down.
Sawback opened his eyes, frame shaking, shoulder and leg burning, and looked up. The ceiling of the tunnel had stopped just overhead. He looked to his side, the second miner, Godfree if he remembered right, was unconscious, his head bleeding, but still alive if his rattling vents said anything about it.
“Beh,” Sawback looked forward, and his eyes went wide.
“Patch!” The smokey basher stood upright before the two miners, frame stiff and trembling with exertion. There was a small crack on the cream white dome of his head from the ceiling, which he was currently holding up all by himself.
“Oh Patch,” Sawback grunted as he used his good arm to sit upright, “you tough little scrapper! Well done!”
Patch didn’t respond of course, huffing and grunting as he stood motionless. The miner looked about, a frown on his face. Patch was likely holding up many tons of rock right on his head, and who knows how long the crystal basher could hold out. Probably not long enough for any help to arrive.
“Gotta do something…” Sawback muttered to himself. All that surrounded the trio were fragile rocks, nothing that he could use to help Patch keep the ceiling from falling down on them.
Godfree finally shifted, groaning as his eyes flickered online, “wuh…?”
“Oh good, you’re alive,” Sawback turned to him, “think you can help us get out of here?”
The other miner blinked wearily as he lifted his hand to feel at the gash on the top of his head, pulling away with a wince and looking at the blood on his fingertips. With a frown, he looked around, immediately startled by the sight of Patch, “is he-?”
“Keeping the ceiling from crushing us? Yeah,” Sawback smiled and his chest puffed out with pride, “that’s my boy!”
Patch merely grunted at the praise. Godfree on the other hand, appeared horrified.
“He can’t keep that up for long, Sawback. That’s too much weight to hold up, even for a basher,” Sawback blinked, then looked back at his mechanimal companion. Crystal bashers were tough critters, handy for carrying heavy items or injured mechs and clearing obstructions from pathways in the mines. They were strong, but they weren’t invincible.
Patch was already punching far above what he could handle. His legs were shaking, his frame was overheating, and that crack on his head was slowly growing longer. Sawback felt his spark sink as he watched the mechanimal struggle. 
“I… what do we do? We can’t just… sit here and do nothing!” Sawback ripped his gaze from Patch to Godfree, his pale eyes wide with worry and desperation. The other miner sighed and again looked around in the small dark space. He pulled a lantern from his subspace and turned it on, the sickly green light flickering as it allowed the mechs to better see what their situation was.
It didn’t look good.
Both of the miners were injured, Sawback could already feel his own injuries and saw the head injury Godfree sustained, but he didn’t realize that one of the other mech’s arms was trapped underneath rubble.
“It’s not completely crushed at least,” Godfree huffed, “I can still move my fingers, but I don’t think I can pull myself free. Besides, moving these rocks the wrong way might only do more harm than good.”
“Right…” Sawback sagged into the pile of boulders, his frame suddenly feeling very heavy and tired. He looked back at Patch, the hurt in his spark only worsening as he watched the stubborn beast keep the ceiling off of the doomed miners for as long as possible, even if it was all going to be for nothing in the end.
“Amazing critters, aren’t they?” He startled when Godfree spoke after some time spent in silence, and gave the other mech a curious expression. Godfree motioned towards Patch with his chin.
“Just look at him. He’s so determined to keep us online, even going as far as to hold up the whole mountain on his head if it means we get to live a little longer. Just how many crystal bashers were just like that? How many managed to save the lives of their mech handlers? How many chose to die at their side rather than save themselves?” 
Godfree smiled fondly, though his eyes were sad, “isn’t that amazing? That they would rather their handlers not die alone than to leave them to their fate? They care about us more than those pompous high class scrap heaps above ground ever will.”
“Yeah…” Sawback swallowed dryly. He had been Patch’s handler for centuries, the basher never leaving his side and supporting him when he had originally damaged his leg. Damn struts were still broken, he never could rely on the higher ups to offer any medical help.
The trio again sat in silence for an uncertain amount of time. All the while, Patch never shifted, despite the fact that he had to have been in immense pain.
“Hey, Sawback,” it was again Godfree who broke the silence, “you know about the movement going on topside?”
“Movement?” Sawback blinked, “no, I haven’t really heard anything significant.”
“Rumor is there’s a mech up there fighting for us, a miner just like us,” Godfree tilted his head back with a hum, “Megatronus I think he calls himself. If we get out of this alive, I plan on joining him. What about you?”
“Fighting for us?” Sawback again blinked. Again, he turned his attention back to Patch. If that rumor were true about this Megatronus guy, maybe he was doing the same like Patch was doing right now. Risking everything and suffering greatly for a pair of mechs that the rest of Cybertron couldn’t care less for. 
“Beh,” the crystal basher let out a soft bleat, pink energon slowly oozing from the crack on his dome. Sawback chewed on his lip, his spark buzzing in its casing. It was painful to watch his companion suffer like that. It was a sight that, if he ever were to get out of this alive, he wouldn’t want to see repeated.
“Yeah,” Sawback slowly nodded, “yeah I think I’ll do the same if it means Patch will never suffer again.”
“Heheh, that’s the spirit,” Godfree smirked and let his head fall back against the rock with a huff. He closed his eyes for a few minutes before his frame stiffened and he sat upright.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“Shh!” Godfree held a finger over his lips and leaned the side of his head against the pile of rocks. Sawback did the same.
“No way,” his eyes widened and Godfree grinned excitedly, “they’re digging us out!”
The sounds of drilling and voices were still muffled by the wall of debris, but it was slowly getting louder as the minutes passed by. It wasn’t too long before they could more clearly start to pick out individual voices.
“-think we’re close!”
“There’s a pocket just ahead.”
“Could it be them?”
“Guys?” Sawback called through the pile of debris, “hey! Guys, we're here! We’re okay!”
“Sawback? That you?”
“Yeah! Godfree is here too, and Patch!”
“You need to be careful!” Godfree added, “Patch is literally the only thing holding up the ceiling right now!”
The drilling slowed to a stop and the pair could hear hushed voices going back and forth for a bit, probably discussing on what they should do.
“We don’t have much time,” one of their rescuers responded, “but we’ll be as careful as possible! We’ll get you guys out, I promise!”
“Uhg, never make promises like that,” Godfree huffed and rolled his eyes. Sawback just chuckled fondly.
“Oh!” Godfree suddenly flinched and started to laugh, “hey, they found my arm! Hey guys!”
Sawback could hear rocks being removed and voices chattering excitedly. The pile of rubble shifted and Godfree was sucked in, “Godfree!”
Sawback yelped as the small cave trembled and the ceiling sunk down a few inches. Patch whined as energon poured from his head, his frame creaking, gears crunching, struts straining and on the verge of snapping. Smoke started to seep from seams and segments of armor, a blaring sign that his internals were burning from exertion.
“Patch!” The remaining miner gasped, “guys! Please! He’s barely holding on!”
“We’re trying Sawback,” one of the other miners responded, the light from their headlamp shining through the new hole. Hushed murmurs could be heard on the other side as they could probably now see the struggling crystal basher.
“How long has he been standing like that?”
“What can we do?”
“It’ll take too long to get any supports in there…”
“I don’t think he can last much longer.”
Sawback sagged as he listened to the other mechs. He stared hopelessly at Patch.
“No, there is no hope for the basher. Just… grab Sawback, that’s all we can do.”
“What?” Sawback’s frame went stiff, “you cannot be serious! I need him!”
“Bashers can be replaced, Saw.”
“No they can’t! There is none like Patch!”
The voices were silent for a moment, “look, Saw, we can’t do anything for him. We only have so much time before the supervisors arrive-”
“Come on, we pull him out when I give the signal. Ready?… go!”
Hands broke through the rubble and grabbed at Sawback. He cried out as he was dragged back, his shoulder wrenching loose from its socket and his armor scrapped up by rough debris.
“We got him! We got him!” Sawback flailed in the other miners’ arms, his spark spinning in a panic.
“Patch! Get Patch!” He screamed, one arm reaching back towards the smokey colored basher. He couldn’t hear or see any of the other mechs around him as he stared at his companion in desperation. Patch stared right back, his pale eyes calm as he let out a comforting bleat.
Sawback’s world went dark and silent. Everything slowed down. Patch’s eyes dimmed and his frame started to relax, and that was all it took.
The silence following the deafening thud lasted both seconds and centuries as the stunned miners stared at the solid wall before them.
Sawback didn’t move as he felt Godfree’s hand on his uninjured shoulder. The other miner gave his scuffed plating a soft squeeze.
“He… he won’t suffer anymore. Never again.”
Sawback didn’t know how to describe the multitude of emotions curdling in his core. It hurt, burned even. He grit his teeth and shrugged Godfree’s hand off of his shoulder. The burning spread from his chest as he stood up, ignoring the pangs of agony in his struts. 
He limped up to the wall and placed his hand on its cold smooth surface. Just by touching the solid mass, he could imagine just how heavy it must’ve been to hold up. Being crushed underneath it would’ve been instant death. There was hardly any comfort in knowing that Patch didn’t suffer, because he did suffer. The image of his breaking frame was still clear in Sawback’s mind.
He should’ve stayed with him.
He should’ve been more careful. If he never injured his leg in the first place… no, injuries were inevitable in this lifestyle. That’s just how it was. Sawback was not at any fault there.
His lip curled into a snarl and he scraped his fingertips over the wall’s surface. The other miners were muttering and approaching him. He couldn’t hear them past the rush of energon in his lines.
Sawback had seen death many times down here in the mines, he’d lost friends before, he’d heard the mournful wails of mechs cradling the remains of companions. Though most bodies never were retrieved, left abandoned and forgotten under tons and tons of rubble. The higher ups just sent in more fodder, ignoring those that remained, broken, beaten and starving. 
Because they just didn’t care. It was all their fault. All of this pointless death and pain and loss just so some rich asshole can sip expensive wine in a crystal garden in their decorated oversized mansion without a care in the world. “I’ll make those spoiled bastards pay for this.”
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cringefaecompilation · 3 months
"is orym pushing imogen to be a leader?"
"yes, absolutely."
orym thinks liliana is nothing more than an manipulative monster forcing imogen into evil that they have to kill before she hurts her more. explicitly because the first thing he heard of her was liliana making imogen feel like crap for being sad laudna died. so yeah, of course he's going to be biased and want her dead!
so he pressures her into doing this because he knows that liliana is always going to have that leverage over her. he wants her to stop caring about someone he sees as irredeemable.
and imogen does make a good leader. she is doing her best to get as much information as she can. she's smart and clever and even when she messes up, she gets back on her feet. everyone knows she's capable, quite capable of doing amazing things and they trust her to do them. but she hesitates when it comes to liliana.
just forget about all the times she told you to run, imogen. forget about how you wanted nothing more than just to know her for decades. forget about how it felt when you reached out and FELT her for the first time. forget about the weird cognitive dissonance when she shows she deeply cares for you. forget about how despite everything, she really does want to keep you safe and away from otohan and ludinus. it's all gotta be lies and manipulations, right? liliana is pure evil and you shouldn't feel bad at all about crushing her head in with a boulder!
"we want to destroy my mother" imogen says. she doesn't hesitate. orym winces and tries to shrink into himself.
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