#but she's MY special little gay fire bender.
frostedpuffs · 3 years
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some sketches of my zutara kid oc
b...blue fire......
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ceruleanwhore · 4 years
Let’s talk about LoK’s shit worldbuilding
Technology is what I’ve seen the most people the most opinionated about, so that’s where I’ll start. Plenty of people out there share my opinion that having LoK be set in basically the American 20s is just some really shitty worldbuilding but I’ve also encountered plenty more who are of the opinion that since it’s technically possible, that means it’s good. For those who aren’t aware: just because something is technically possible does NOT make it good. AtLA is set in a more traditional fantasy world with a hard magic system where the setting, character design, and everything else are meant to feel older (even though this time it isn’t modeled after Europe). There is some technology in AtLA and what is shown works with the nature of their world and their society so it isn’t like, say, a lamppost from England being dropped right into this little fantasy world and disrupting things. The trains in Ba Sing Se are a perfect example of this with how they are operated by benders and also fit, visually, with the surrounding buildings and whatnot.
The issue with LoK is that it seems that there was no real thought around the development and incorporation of new technology in the context of the world. Instead, it’s as though they copied and pasted the American 20s in there and it’s really jarring. This would be the part where I said that just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s good writing- just because our industrial revolution was at breakneck speed doesn’t mean that having your fantasy world develop the same way is a good idea. For a little context, let’s compare this to the Lord of the Rings. Imagine that Christopher Tolkien one day decided to write a whole new four part series set a century after the end of Return of the King. So now, seemingly out of nowhere, boom, technology. Minas Tirith is basically 1920s Chicago, they have cars and stuff. And the thing is that there was a little bit of technology in LotR, just like with AtLA, so that is a fair comparison. 
Also, like I said earlier, it feels lazy with how they’re just throwing in some of these different types of technology. For example, a glove that electrocutes people with no explanation whatsoever on how it works doesn’t make sense. Not to mention, the fact that anything relies on lightning bending, which is SUPPOSED to be super fucking rare (more on that later) is beyond stupid. 
I think this reflects an ongoing issue with Korra where they clearly think that they should be trying to make things more “realistic” but either don’t realize or don’t care that in the process they’re wrecking that ‘fantasy’ feel their world used to have, which brings us to our next topic: people.
Just like how they decided to go the ‘realism’ route with a breakneck industrial revolution, they also decided to go that same route with homosexuality and, more importantly, homophobia. Friendly reminder that if you’re writing fantasy and you spice it some with some good, wholesome gay content, you DO NOT have to ruin it with fucking homophobia. It’s supposed to be fantasy, you dense fuck. It has its own problems but the Dragon Prince is an absolutely perfect example of how to write gayness in fantasy, i.e., perfectly common with zero homophobia to be seen. Writing it like Bryke did just to double down on “it’s been like 90 years since the war ended but did you know the Fire Nation is fucking TERRIBLE and Sozin is basically HITLER?” is weak, stupid, and fucking annoying.
The other thing I want to touch on is race. Basically, put whoever you want in your story and have them look however you want them to look but keep in mind that the way you do or do not introduce groups of people can affect the quality of your writing. What I mean is that with a fantasy universe like this, it’s all wysiwyg. When the gaang traveled around *the world* meeting and interacting with all kinds of people from all kinds of places in all 3 remaining nations (and showing memories of the air nomads that are now gone), that’s your chance to showcase all that wonderful diversity. By the end of the series, when their tour of the whole world is over, you should have a complete picture. 
Again, think about LotR for a second. By the end of Return of the King, you’ve encountered all the different types of men that ever existed in any of Tolkien’s writings (kinda sorta including the dunedain, and there’s even a reference or two in there with Aragorn tying that in all nicely), multiple kinds of elves, dwarves, goblins, hobbits, ents, huorns, the eagles, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, the Nazgul, and multiple maiar (some good, some corrupt). The only race that hasn’t appeared in any of this that does exist in Tolkien’s other works is the valar but, otherwise, you, as the reader, along with characters like Frodo have been introduced to each and every race in middle earth, and, frankly, the Valar can be excused because they all are in the Undying Lands (plus Manwe might have been mentioned with the eagles.) Now, compare that to LoK where, with a Rowling level of retconning, they decided to just add some more races out of nowhere with no explanation 90 years or whatever after the original series. 
I just know that, for myself, I would’ve loved to see all this included from the beginning and incorporated into the original series and the travels of the gaang. Instead, we have it so AtLA is pretty set one way and then in LoK there’s just that one random dude with an afro and then, going into the comics afterwards, they decided to start incorporating different races in a way that feels like a JK Rowling tweet (“Hermione was black all along, even though I described her in the books as having light skin and picked a white actress to play her, I swear!”) So, basically, when you’re writing fantasy, you kind of have to include everything like that because that’s how the genre works and it’s not like in normal fiction where you can just have a black character without any explanation. Once again, the difference between how fantasy writing works and things being “realistic”.
As for realism, yanking the white lotus out into the open by their ear like an errant child is so unspeakably dumb and unrealistic. They’re a SECRET society who transcend the four nations and operate in SECRET jfc. After the war ended and the old folks home was no longer fighting the Fire Nation, the rest of them should’ve been able to go back into hiding no problem. But to drag their asses into this mess just to make them like Korra’s personal bodyguards and guards at high security prisons is so fucking stupid it hurts.
So then, to finish this up, let’s talk about bending. First off, there’s the issue of how bending forms have just… ceased to exist and/or been replaced with vague yet aggressive punching. Remember when Katara had to learn all those water bending stances and there was even a scroll of them? Or when Aang had to learn fire bending forms from Zuko? Well fuck that, now everyone can just punch at stuff instead. Never been able to airbend even with what should be proper form? Try waving your fist around!
The other thing is how so many of these characters are just “so naturally gifted” and can either successfully bend well with little to no experience or casually do stuff that’s supposed to be hella difficult. An example of the first point is Zaheer who just got his airbending like 3 days prior but suddenly can fucking fly and an example of the latter would be the blood bending, just all of it. That’s kind of another thing, though, how they’ve taken these things that were special and notoriously difficult and then watered them down and made it so literally everyone can do it. You know how lightning bending was a really cool thing only Ozai and Azula, the Fire Lord and princess who are both also known to be especially skilled benders, could do? Not anymore, now pretty much any fire bender with a pulse can shoot lightning out of their fingers. Same goes for blood and metal bending.
Also, can I just say that I’m mad at how pro bending was done? The earth bending stuff with the Boulder and all that worked because that framework of wrestling is really well suited to the element. Now, it’s what I’ve been saying where it’s like ‘oh yeah we can just put all the elements together in this boxing type shit because everyone in this fucking series can bend by punching, right?’ They had an awesome opportunity here to figure out different styles of fighting sports tailored to the different types of bending and they said ‘nope, fuck you’ and gave us that shit. Or just sports, in general, based around if the people playing and benders and, if so, what type of bending they have.
The last main thing with bending though is the absolute horseshit of harmonic convergence and kinda just season 2 in general. For starters, Korra getting her bending back because dead Aang was like “here ya go” was bullshit. I feel like it would’ve been better if that had been when Unalaq got introduced as her spiritual guide and, through working with him, she eventually was able to reach Wan, see his whole backstory like we got in episode 7, and then, afterwards, she could contact Raava directly and somehow with her get her bending back. Then, afterwards, she could go back to Republic City and give everyone their bending back and start helping with reconstruction from Amon. Season 2 doesn’t need a villain and it most certainly does NOT need that dumbass ‘dark avatar’ bullshit. 
Also, in terms of the air bending, seriously, fuck that shit. If air bending is going to come back then maybe, I don’t know, after following my other advice have Korra realize that not only can she take bending away (like Aang) but she can also give it so she could just go around to all the acolytes and make them airbenders. Or, if that would fuck up the balance or some shit, have her go around and make all the people who lost their bending to Amon into a fresh batch of air benders. You can’t really introduce something like energy bending and then expect us to believe that the only way to bring air bending back is for Aang to fuck a lot and then rely on following generations and subsequent incest, plus hc is fucking stupid when you have a character who can straight up just give people bending.
Oh and all that convergence shit brings up my last point of discussion, the way they retconned and fucked up the lore. Just like with what they did with lightning, blood, lava, and metal bending, they also decided to just do everything they could with those fucking turtles. Just like with Azula’s lightning bending, the entire fucking reason the lion turtle works so well is because of how it is so rare and special and all that so once you take that away, it doesn’t matter anymore smh. For most peope, champagne is special. You know why? Because most of us aren’t out here drinking the shit by the gallon every day. So yeah, between that and the way they threw away already established lore (that was further reinforced by experiences of characters in the show) makes it just a big old “yike”. All they had to do was fanagle a bit to keep Raava and Vaatu but ditch the whole hc shitshow and just maintain the parts that are already established.
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garnetluxray45 · 4 years
So, I’m Zukka trash but I also love Suki so let’s talk
First of all, can I just say, thank you guys for the notes on my Izumi being a waterbender post, love y’all and I wish y’all the best!
Now, let’s get to it.
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So, we know that Sokka and Suki were still going strong at the end of the original series. They were being the best kind of teens, just loving each other and still getting shit done. We catch glimpses of this in the comics that follow it and they’re still being cute.
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I mean, just look at this shit. They are in love and we stan. Now, the comics also confirmed that Suki and the other Kyoshi Warriors were put as guards for Zuko during the time of the kidnappings and Azula being out on the loose. And it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume the Zuko has the Kyoshi Warriors on call should shit go south. Suki and Zuko would probably develop a solid friendship and worked really well together, to the point that Zuko considered her the best nonbending warrior he knew, much to Sokka’s dismay. So, they worked together and the three people ended up being a pretty good trio, with Zuko being the third wheel. Zuko would also have his gay awakening around this time and probably confine in Suki that “Hey, I think I’m into dudes and also your boyfriend”, which she’d probably be a little awkward about but they’re grown enough to not let feelings ruin that friendship. So, things are great, right? The three are together and everything’s fine.
Well, not exactly.
So, I don’t know if this part is 100% confirmed but Suki apparently dies young. I’d be willing to say that she died in combat because she would not go down without a fight. I’m assuming that Suki was helping Zuko with some problems with rebellion with the New Ozai Society. Talks go poorly between Zuko and the Society and things started to heat up. They tried to take Zuko’s life and Suki fought back and took a direct hit from a firebender. This would kill a nonbender who isn’t prepared to deflect an elemental attack and have the one track mind of ‘defend my friend’. So, Suki goes down, Zuko retaliates and helps the rest of the people he brought escape. 
Cue the sad feels.
Sokka hears this and he’s obviously upset. And rather then blame Zuko, like a YA protagonist, he reasons that Zuko could have done nothing in that scenario. There’s a vigil for her and Suki gets a special grave on Kyoshi Island along with a memorial in the Fire Nation Palace. Sokka has lost his mojo now. He has now had two loves who have died because they were serving the people. Zuko offers Sokka a place in the palace and he accepts. Sokka only comes out to pay respects at Suki’s memorial before retiring. Zuko lets this go on for a few months before he comes to help him. He postpones his royal duties. Zuko sees Sokka in his room, covered in his blankets, his sheets wet from tears. Zuko has a heart to heart with him and he lets him know that if he needs anything, please just tell me so I can help you. Sokka pulls him into a hug and the two just shed tears and embrace for a bit. After this, Sokka slowly starts to come back to normal. He resumes his training and helps Zuko with royal duties. The two go about things as normal before Zuko, being the awkward turtleduck he is, accidentally lets it slip that he likes Sokka. Sokka and Zuko just stare at each other for a bit before Sokka tells him that “Zuko, I do like you, and I’d be willing to try but we’d be taking it slow” because, even though its been about a year and a few months now, Sokka’s still sensitive to the romantic loves he’s had. Zuko agrees and it starts with just small hugs here and there before progressing.
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(Link to the art: https://picsart.com/zh_hant/i/sticker-avatar-atla-sokka-zuko-304372460328211 :D)
The two end up becoming the powerhouse duo of uniting the Water Tribes and Fire Nation. Things spiral and they end up adopting both a baby dragon and a little baby waterbender with claim to the throne. And things seem great! Everyone’s happy! Sokka has love again and Zuko has both an amazing husband and an heir to the throne. Things are awesome!
Until, Sokka dies.
Sokka has been confirmed to die before Zuko. As shown below:
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For the parallel, I’m going to say that Sokka died in battle. I’m not too sure what possible threats there could be at the time so I’m going to say that the nonbender and bender conflict is the catalyst for this. Sokka tries to have peace talks with them but it’s actually a ploy to kill the nonbender cause he sided with the benders and is a essentially traitor to them. So, Sokka dies. Zuko grieves and the Fire Nation Palace goes quiet for a few days cause they basically lost the queen and Water Tribe ambassador. Zuko and Katara grieve together and Zuko carries on to lead the Fire Nation, being more closed off. And yeah! Zuko carries on to lead the Fire Nation and things go as they did from there in The Legend of Korra.
Sorry there’s no happy ending here but one more thing. Y’all remember Aunt Wu? Remember how she told Sokka “ Your future is full of struggle and anguish “? Well, it wouldn’t be very cash money of her to be wrong so, unfortunately, Sokka gets the short end of the stick. And with that, I conclude my tirade. Let me know what y’all think and if anything should be changed! Thanks for reading!
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draegaa · 4 years
Favorite Female Characters
I was tagged by @thebyrchentwigges​. Heck yeah!
Rules: List ten of your favorite female characters in different fandoms and then tag ten people.
1.       Terminator - Sarah Connor: A character that’s been with me well... basically my whole life. She’s the baddest bitch in town, but also like. Gives everything to save the world, despite being screwed over multiple times and losing everything she loves. Glad she gets a little hope in the end.
2.       Halt and Catch Fire - Cameron Howe: First of all if you haven’t seen this show, YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS SHOW. Cameron is a genius programmer, and full of love and creativity, and a punk, and a total asshole sometimes. A wonderful, complicated character who will break your heart and heal it again a million times. Ugh we just finished this series and I love her so much.
3.       The Legend of Korra - Asami Sato: Daughter of the Henry Ford of the universe, an inventor and brilliant engineer in her own right. Dedicated to fighting for what’s right, and ready to go up against benders with her tech. And she’s loyal to the core, but willing to break with her father when he turns out to be a bigoted shithead.
4.       Kushiel's Legacy - Phedre no Delauney: A “servant of Naamah” (the universe’s name for a high price sex worker), Phedre is adopted into the household of a noble, and trained as a spy and linguist. She’s crazy smart, and god-cursed, and saves like, the world a few times. 
5.      Dragon Age - Leliana: A spy and assassin, who started the series as a sweet, if not innocent, person. She grows through the years, becoming powerful and jaded, but still willing to fight for the downtrodden, and one of the few supporters of mage freedom in the Chantry. She (in my games) eventually becomes the in-universe equivalent of the Pope.
6.       Mass Effect - Tali Zorah vas Normandy: She’s a tech genius, specializing in finding a way to neutralize the threat of the Geth, hostile AI robots that occupy her people’s home planet. Eventually she realizes that they need to make peace with the Geth, and learn to live together, and leads her people to live again on their own planet, alongside their former enemies. 
7.       Dragon Prince - General Amaya: She’s the aunt of the two human princes, and guardian of the breach between the human kingdoms and the magic land of Xadia. She’s determined and a fierce warrior, willing to give her enemies every honor, and willing to challenge her own prejudices. She’s deaf, and speaks using sign language, with the help of her second in command Gren. Also she’s super gay and in love with a Sun Elf now!
8.       Castlevania - Lisa Tepes: I mean, she walked into Dracula’s castle, told him he was being rude as hell, made a deal to learn science from him, and then married his ass. She’s good-hearted, smart, and forgiving of humanity’s flaws. Even so far as begging for the lives of those who were burning her as a witch.
9.       Bloodborne - Eileen the Crow: A Hunter of Hunters. She has taken on the task of killing Hunters who have become drunk on the power of the Blood. These hunters are no better than Beasts in her eyes. Basically, she’s a stone-cold bad-ass in a dark world.
10.     Guild Wars 2 - Aurene: The granddaughter of the Elder Dragon of Crystal, Kralkatorrik. She was born to be the only hope of a world threatened by world-ending dragons, and we watch and help her grow from a hatchling to an adolescent to a fully-realized Elder Dragon. She is a force of nature, but also filled with love for the people of Tyria, and her family keeps her connected to the mortal world. 
I’m tagging some folks, but no pressure! @rederiswrites, @kitsu-chi, @whoeverdares, @overkill-max, @mini-oddity
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jumpingpools · 7 years
KDramas, A review
Hi friends, I watch a lot of kdramas so I thought i would review them if anyone was interested in watching some. (These are my opinions plz don’t destroy me)
She Was Pretty
Main girl used to be pretty and knew a fat boi when they were younger. They meet up later in life when she is ugly and he’s hot, so she has her hot bff pretend to be her to meet him. Things get complicated. Love triangles everywhere.
Took like 9 fucking episodes to get main girl to not act like an idiot. Plot line and main girl was kinda annoying. Couldn’t finish it. Decent but not my fave.
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Chicago Typewriter
The plot alternates between modern day and the 1930s when Korea was colonized by Japan. It follows a group of liberation fighters in the 1930s, and in modern time a famous/grouchy writer, his number one fan and a hot ghost from the past. The modern day group is the reincarnation of the freedom fighter group. Travel through time with them as they discover their past together and how they died.
WOW this one was amazing. Has a lot of literary references, especially with Stephen King. Discusses the nuances of what it means to be a writer. Discusses plagiarism, censorship, mental health and freedom. Has a love triangle, but the love plot isn’t exactly the whole plot of the story. Main girl is kind of a call back to the other characters of the right thing to do and represents many things throughout the show. A must watch.
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Weightlifting Fairy
YAS QUEEN! A girl struggles with society’s ideals of what makes a woman beautiful, her career as a weightlifter, and a one-sided love affair. REALLY REALLY cute romance. A very healthy romantic relationship. A must watch. SO CUTE. SO GOOD. WATCH IT.
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The Man in our House
Vastly underrated. Main gurl comes home after her mother dies to find a dude younger than her saying he was married to her mom and owns the house/property. She must figure out his intentions. Cute story about redemption, grief, supporting loved ones and romance. Has action moments, romance and legal elements.
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Kill Me, Heal Me
A man struggling with dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder) tries to keep his mental health struggles a secret and meets a cute/smart Lady who happens to be a psychiatrist and has her help him. The history between these characters and personalities are more complex than any of them can imagine.
OMG this drama gave me so many feels. It made me laugh out loud and cry for days. It talks about mental health in a beautiful and intelligent way. All the little things in this drama matter and come back later on. Mystery, mental health, family, and love are the major themes of this one. A MUST WATCH.
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Fight My Way
A group of four friends slowly realize that they haven’t fought hard enough to realize their dreams, and work towards their life goals even though they are older now. Inspirational and cute. Some moments are a little annoying but a solid ok drama.
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You’re All Surrounded
Follows a group of detectives solving an old case that has to do with one of the detective’s dark childhood (mom got murdered in front of him). Great. Unpredictable in the best way. Keeps you on your toes. Cute romance. (The main girl is homeless???) but it’s chill. Would watch again. A solid drama. Crime thriller, romance, melodrama.
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Hyde Jekyll, Me
Another dissociative identity disorder one. Kill me heal me is better. A rich Boi was traumatized as a kid and has DID. A cute GURL falls in love with one of his personalities. Mystery, romance and such. I’d give it a 5 out of 10. I did cry.
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(Taiwanese) Dear baby Jesus this one was so cheesy and awful but I LOVE IT. Gender bender. Gurl has to pretend to be a boi and falls in love with her friend-bro (a rich BOI). But rich Boi isn’t a jerk in this one (surprising right? His fam is nice too). The side character plot story is REALLY REALLY good. Like they should have been their own show. Bff of rich boi falls in love with a girl with cancer in remission, you can see where this is going… Gender bender, cute, so cheesy that you’ll laugh, gets you with the feels, romance.
Absolute Boyfriend
(Taiwanese) HOLY HELL THIS ONE IS BAD. Like so bad. Gurl makes a robot boyfriend as a joke but ends up actually receiving the robot boyfriend. Neighbor boi is in love with her. She has to hide the fact that robot boyfriend is a robot. It’s bad fam. I still cried at the end though. If you’re looking for a gawd awful drama to watch to make you laugh at how bad it is, watch this one… but also I did cry…
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Coffee Prince
Oh man. Genderbender. Poor Gurl pretends to be a boi to get jobs that pay better (I feel you gurl), ends up working with a rich BOI in an all-male coffee shop. Rich BOI falls in love with male her and has a panic attack. Lots of love triangles. The beginning is slow, but worth it to get to the good stuff. Cheesy but really enjoyed this one. SOBBED LIKE A BABY at one point. Worth it watching.
(did i mention the main boi is in goblin??)
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Secret Garden
Jerky rich Boi and stunt woman Gurl switch bodies. Gurl is a badass bitch I love her. Takes a while to get to the main plot. Love triangles (what drama doesn’t have one). A solid drama. Cute.
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Descendants of the Sun
OMG SO SO SO GOOD. My absolute favorite!!! Doctor Lady and Special operations military Boi fall in love. Often separated b/c of their jobs. Both end up in a (fictional) war-torn place called Erk. Very seriously discusses what it means to be/the morality of a soldier and a doctor. CRIED SO HARD OMG. This drama will change your life. Really well made, writing was amazing. OST is amazing! One of those dramas where the little things come back later on. Everything has purpose and meaning. The two main characters got married in real life!!! 10/10. SO good.
(the main boi legit broke his arm during filming)
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Boys over Flowers
Why has everyone seen this one? This is a trash can disguised as a drama. Cheesy, stupid plots, poor communication between the characters that makes you want to scream at them. Yet I couldn’t stop watching it??
Four rich BOIs are the rich SKOOL hot bullies. Poor Gurl comes and ~changes everything~. Leader of the Bois is a jerk-face and of course they fall in love. Love triangles of course. A trash can. An actual trash can. Strangely really long. You must have will power to make it to the end. Watch it, it is a rite of passage.
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To the Beautiful You
Korean Hana Kimi for those familiar with the books. Doesn’t follow the books super well but still really good. (So much better than the mess that was the Japanese and Taiwanese versions). It’s really cute and lovely just like the books. Min Ho from Shinee is Sano. He’s a cutie.
Gurl pretends to be a boi and goes to an all bois (college I think? might be high school) to meet her high jumping idol. They end up being roommates and then good friends (and maybe more????). Love triangles. The real OG genderbender. Gay panics. Gay acceptance. An aloof doctor. A cute dog. One of my faves. Plz watch.
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You’re Beautiful
Both the Taiwanese and the Korean versions are literally the same scene for scene line for line so just pick one. Gender bender, love triangles. A nun (yes a fucking NUN) Gurl has to pretend to be her twin brother in a band with 3 bois. Can she keep her secret? Will she fall in love with the jerk leader boi and not the other nice boi? Watch to find out. Not the best. Cheesy. Watch if you have nothing else to do or want to laugh at something. Entertaining though.
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Moon River
I had such high hopes for this one but it was more of a trash can than Boys over Flowers. Basically the same plot as Boys over Flowers. SO SO BAD. A few redeeming scenes. Not even bad in the way that it’s funny to watch, just bad. Don’t waste your time. I couldn’t even finish this one. 3/10 don’t watch.
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Crossing Hero
(Taiwanese) I had a Jiro Wang phase and he directed this one. It’s quirky and cheesy and terrible but I love it. Main boi travels through time to modern day. The two side heroes follow after him into modern day and don’t know how to cope with modern day. The squad gets involved with a reporter and a detective and solve a ~huge~ crime plot. Jiro, our main BOI, just stops showing up in his own drama like halfway through it?? and the side characters become the main characters, which is weird but fine b/c they’re cool.
Horrendously cheesy. Weird. But still good, especially once Jiro stops showing up. Wouldn’t put it anywhere near the top of the To Watch List though. Watch it if you want something totally out of the ordinary.
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Oh my Ghostess!
A young virgin ghost possess the body of an extremely shy chef girl to try to bang the head chef and go to Nirvana. The main Gurl getting possessed can actually see ghosts so things get complicated. What happens when main Gurl and main ghost gurl both get the feels for head chef? Will ghost gurl figure out how she died?
Has mystery/crime thriller, spoopy/supernatural, sweet, romance, family, grief and friendship element/themes. Thought this one would be bad but was really surprised at how good it was. Solid drama.
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Bring it on Ghost! / Let’s Fight Ghost!
A friend-less boi can see ghosts and fights off ghosts for people for money. Meets a cute high schooler ghost that ends up helping him. Gains two weird ghost obsessed friends (against his will). Will the budding romance between a living boi and a cute ghost gurl ever work out?
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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
YAS QUEEN! A gurl born with super strength is wary of losing her powers and hides them. A serial kidnapper/killer with a creepy baby mask. Crime and mystery drama. A really cute drama. A sweet romance, funny mixed with some sad, decently feministic drama. Great. Watch it.
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Suspicious Partner
A lawyer gurl is framed for murdering her ex. A cute prosecutor is caught between doing what is right and trying to not get fired. An unlikely alliance/romance between two people who understand how it feels to be cheated on. Discussion about when the justice system fails, at what point and extent should you take matters into your own hands. Crime thriller, mystery, revenge, law and justice, heartbreak, romance and forgiveness.This one is full of twists and turns. Really good one! Watch it!
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ok fam, that’s all of my reviews! Thanks for reading!!!
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angstalottle · 7 years
Part 2:
During his stay with the Queen and prince of the water nation Keith came to realise somthing very important. One was that he was very gay, but after asking Shiro about it apparently everyone already guessed that. The other thing he realised was that Lance ran off. A lot. They would be about to sit down for a fancy dinner only to find the prince missing. They would be touring the city and turn round to find him no where in sight. Boat ride? Gone. Trip to the vending school? Gone. Visiting the fishermen? Gone. Keith would of been annoyed at how rude Lance was did it wasn't for one simple fact. Lance was never left alone. He always had guards trailing behind him scaring people away so that no one dares interact with him. At first Keith had assumed it was just how royalty was treated here, a and was just different to the fire nation. However Allura never had guards. She was the queen and would walk around like everyone else with no added protection. Of course she was a powerful bender that could more then handle herself as demonstrated when she took Shiro down in a friendly duel. But Lance was nothing short of amazing when It came to bending too. While Shiro was being healed up after facing the queen, Lance had dragged Keith into a match as well. Keith is a very impressive bender, his farther made sure of that. But like Shiro, Keith found himself on his behind staring up into those beautiful blue eyes before his fire even got close. It was clear Lance could handle himself... So why the guards? -------------------- "Keith, have you seen Lance today?" Allura asked stopping Lance in the hallway. "No sorry, but isn't that normal for him?" Keith asked raising an eyebrow. Allura sighed "I'm afraid so, but he knows I need his help with the preparations for the full moon celebrations..." "Oh yeah I forgot that was coming up." Keith in all honesty had been very excited to see the celebrations first hand, even hearing rumours that a special visitor was coming that could prove a valuable ally in the war. "Yes, it is a time for great celebration for both my people and my brother. It's his birthday you see." Allura didn't sound happy about it, rather like the day filled her with pain. "Allura?" Keith questioned placing what he hoped would be seen as a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine..." she smiled at him "I am surprised though that you did not know. Lance he was born on a full moon so to my people that makes him very special. A baby born in the love of the moon, he was destined for greatness... but others were afraid he would be too powerful so as we slept they... they poisoned him... a little baby and they tried to kill him." Keith's mouth fell open in shock. "I never knew water benders could heal something like that..." Slowly Allura shook her head "we can't... we were sure he was going to die, but my farther wouldn't accept it. He took him down to the koi fish and they used their power to save him, his brown hair turned white and he was alive and healthy but..." Allura looked out of the window and Keith followed her gaze to where the guards had cornered Lance in the courtyard. "I have lost many things, friends, my parents. But my little brother shall not be one of them." Keith nodded in understanding, Allura wasn't trying to stifle Lance, just keep him safe. "That is why the celebration must be perfect, if we can form this alliance then perhaps I can keep him out of this war for just a little bit longer..." Keith realised she hadn't taken her eyes off him for a moment "I hope so too..." Keith didn't say that he doubted they could stay out of it. That the fire nation wouldn't let them. He just prayed to the spirits that Lance could make it out the other side and maybe... when the war was over, Keith could take him to see the world like he clearly longed to do.
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theenetflixnerd · 7 years
Riverdale Recap. Episode 7: ‘In A Lonely Place’
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Yay. Finally, some of my prayers were answered: MORE RIVERDALE and MORE JUGHEAD.
First off a massive congratulations to the cast and crew of Riverdale for being picked up for Season 2 already!! I’m sure I am not alone in the excitement at the prospect of more of the gang! Super well deserved!
Episode 7 starts with that super cool opening sequence where our Core 4 are dressed up in traditional ‘Archie Comics’ looks. *J’adore* this was perfectly done and super well executed. 
The sequence is a dream by Juggie and it seems he is struggling a bit with his feelings for Betty VS his friendship with Archie as in the dream Archie says ‘Why did you stab me in the back?’ ... which, I only assume, is in relation to his new found feelings for Betty, whom he knows has had a long time ‘relationship’ with Archie. Although, personally, I don’t think Juggie should be feeling any sort of guilt, if Betty is the reason anyway, because well Archie pretty much told her that he doesn’t care for her in that way, and seems to be more than happily moving on with Valerie.
It gets a tad heartbreaking here as we discover that Juggie has been crashing at Riverdale High. Archie discovers Juggie’s secret in the locker room one morning, and I love the little bromance moment this leads to.
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I love this Juggie and Archie friendship, and also love how our darling Archie IMMEDIATELY tries to help Juggie out and ask his dad to help them out by giving FP (Jug’s dad, Skeet) his job back. 
Juggie begs Archie to please not tell anyone about his current living conditions and problems, especially Betty. Archie’s all like ‘Betty won’t care, If anyone will be a snob about it it’s gonna be Veronica’. But then a little subtle Bughead moment alerts the gang to the fledgling romance,
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I think this is like super cute, and really shows Juggie’s supportiveness of Betty as she’s telling the gang about Polly’s escape from the looney house and being missing. 
Polly’s escape is another massive theme of this episode as everyone begins looking for her. It turns into a little ‘Coopers VS Blossoms’ thing as they all try to find Polly for different reasons, the Blossoms are convinced Polly is the one who torched the car, and thus trying to cover her tracks about killing Jason. Mama and Papa Cooper are trying to get Polly back under their control, and Betty just wants her sister and her little niece/nephew to be safe at home. 
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I love the badass slow-mo as Cheryl and the Blossoms walk, leading their search party through the forest. I also keep for getting to mention this but I’d like to take this time to give some recognition to the wardrobe team(s) of Riverdale. Honestly, each character in the show has such a unique and definitive style... I love it. They’re all so perfect right down to jewellery and shoes (i.e. Archie and his jeans, cardigans and converses. Betty with her vintage tops, Veronica with her more formal style and super cute short skirts, Juggie with this gangster sort of street style). 
I love this little conversation during the search party where V tells Kev her plans to get even with her mom as she now has a ‘get out of jail free card’ because her mom took the one thing she’d always told her no one could take - her name.
In NEW YORK, Ronnie would always rebel with some online shopping and go on a bender hitting some clubs with three people
1) Her ‘fave celebrity gal pal’ - role assigned to Josie. CHECK 2) Her ‘best gay’ - naturally, Kev. CHECK 3) and some ‘dimwitted, disposable arm candy’ - calling Reggie Mantle. CHECK
I love this club scene where they’re all super cool and grooving on the floor. Girls (and Guys) got moooves!!
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Of course things don’t end (all too) smoothly, when Ronnie’s card is declined as it was reported ‘Stolen’ - and Ronnie knows this is the work of Hermoine. Well Played, Hermoine, Well Played. ( I also love that Josie pulls out the ‘my mom, the mayor’ card here.) Veronica agrees to stop her troublesome behaviour provided Hemoine comes clean to her father, because Ronnie doesn’t want him to think that she betrayed him. Which I guess, is totally understandable. 
Speaking of family issues we have some insight into what happened to Juggie’s family. Skeet lost his job by getting involved in some dodgy stuff, ending up in jail and this lead to Fred edging him out of the business.  It seems however that the two are ready to bury the hatchet as Skeet goes back to work for Fred. Hermoine is not happy about this, but Skeet begs her to stay quiet, he says that Hiram settled up, and they’re even. He also says that ‘If you don’t step on a ‘serpent’ they have no reason to bite you.’.... and the four boys hang out in the diner after FP’s first shift back .
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I found this father/son bonding session super touching, and eye-opening for Archie too as he realised the tension caused here. Things are looking heartbreakingly sad for Juggie as it turns out Skeet is struggling with a drinking problem. (This really breaks my heart, Alcoholism is such a terrible disease, which affects so many today, and I’ve been personally affected by losing family members to this horrible, horrible addiction) ‘but I will stop’ ‘i’ll turn myself around’ ‘you can all come back home’ ‘i’ll get my self better’ ‘i just need time’ .... i’d bet my bottom dollar this has all been heard before. 
Sheriff Keller and Principal Weatherbee also come across the new murder wall that Betty and Jug have been building at the school, and Jug is called into the station for questioning. 
Right through out the questioning (Apparently Juggie was being bullied by the football team, and also in elementary school he accidentally started a fire while playing with matches he burned down the school - so they are thinking he burned the car down, but Betty knows he was with her). Juggie’s dad is nowhere to be found. Cue broken hearts. He eventually turns up, but only after Fred has already come to the rescue.  Fred creates a “fake” alibi to say that Jughead was working for him on the week of 11 July so he couldn’t have killed Jason. (We later see him faking the time card). So much respect for Papa Andrews right here! He’s just awesome, and I love how he is willing to do this to protect Juggie. Juggie also goes to live with the Andrews until things can get worked out with Skeet.
In the meantime, Betty finds Polly who tells her that Hal and Alice want her to put the baby up for adoption, but Polly wants to keep it. Cheryl also confronts Betty saying that they’re now on the same side, and Polly carrying Jason’s baby means she is a part of their family too. The girls approach the Blossoms who agree to give Polly everything she’ll need to care for the baby including financial and emotional support, but a few questions that Penelope asks Cheryl in private expose their true intentions, however Cheryl is genuinely concerned about ‘Jayjay’s’ baby and so warns Polly to get out and not to trust her parents who ‘want Polly out of the picture’. (Side note _ I am glad Cheryl is back from her boarding school in Europe haha ... don’t know what happened to that, but I love watching her in the show, she’s extremely entertaining.)
Then the show once again has a really weird, and oh so intriguing ending... the final scene cuts to FP getting trashed in his apartment, and then as he walks past it, the camera zooms to where there are jackets hanging in his closet and lo and behold hanging in Skeet’s wardorbe is Jason’s football jacket (his name embroidered on it) ... the same one that was in the car, which Betty and Juggie found. So what does this all mean? Did Skeet (or the Serpents) burn down the car after retrieving the drugs which were also found there? Were the drugs and the serpents somehow also involved in Jason’s death?? Curiouser and curiouser.
And now I have to wait 3 week for another episode :( not cool, Riverdale. Not cool.
All I can say is that I hope things turn around for Juggie. I hope hope hope with all my heart that Betty doesn’t break his because he truly deserves some one as special and caring as she is, but I hope she isn’t just using him for the support and then realises that it’s not true love. I mean, of course, I do think that one day it will be Betty and Archie (they are endgame afterall) but I’d like this Betty and Juggie thing to last a while. They’re so good together, and I love Lili and Cole’s chemistry. I also hope that Skeet is able to clean up his act.
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