#but the idea of them interacting intrigues me a lot ngl
folkdevilism · 10 months
I know at one point in human history I saw completely unironic Paolo/Jindosh content on here. And it wasn’t a fever dream. Someone actually put that out into the world.
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spinningerster · 1 year
I found the script for Newsies Jr online and need to share the changes bc there's a lot, this won't be absolutely everything, just the big/main changes that I noticed, this will be all over the place but anyways, enjoy
DISCLAIMER: I am in no way making fun of Newsies Jr, it's great that community theatres/schools etc. who might not have the means to put on the full show are still able to put on a production of Newsies, this is purely for entertainment/intrigue purposes
the show starts with the newsies shouting different headlines and selling papes to the audience (which is also how uksies starts so that's fun)
there are a lot of line changes (so I won't cover every single one), which is understandable but very jarring to someone like me who knows the script off by heart. this is obvious straight away as they pretty much changed crutchie's first line (sidenote non binary crutchie we love to see it so I will be using they/them pronouns below for the character)
newsies jr makes it canon that crutchie's bad leg is due to polio
for some reason crutchie is named casey (correct me if I'm wrong but pretty sure we've made it canon that their name is charlie so weird change but oh well)
manhattan girlsies!! (nancy, pigtails, hazel + muriel)
they cut the back and forth between race and weasel, but kept his interaction with albert which is a bit strange
race doesn't have a cigar
there is like no romance between jack and katherine, honestly they might as well have just replaced her with denton from 92sies
no idea why but for some reason crutchie is in the street scene before they go to meddas for the first time, and the scene in the theatre, whilst I do like them being given some more stage time, don't really understand why they're in these two scenes bc it doesn't really add anything
the bowery beauties are the bowery brigade (their names are ethel, ada & olive)
that's rich has been replaced by a new song called just a pretty face, never planned on you/don't come a-knockin' has been cut
they cut something to believe in and watch what happens reprise
yes, no poor guys head is spinning
they also cut woild is yer erster
letter from the refuge is moved to just after santa fe, which ngl I kinda prefer
some lines have been moved into different scenes, like the 'you've got real talent' bit that katherine says to jack has been moved to what is supposed to be the wwhr scene
also for some reason, the bit where jack is like 'you got a name?' is in the scene that's supposed to be at jacobi's where katherine is trying to convince them to let her cover the strike, BUT the scene between her and jack in medda's theatre was pretty much completely rewritten and she introduced herself there (aka jack kelly is not a good listener confirmed)
okay this bit really confused me, so they added a new character named dorothy who is the daughter of the guy who owns the trib, but they kept bill, and darcy (who in this version is katherine's photographer, but could still be kept as the son of the guy who owns the trib like he is in the broadway/tour/uk versions)
so thats all I could think of for now, will add if/when I remember more :)
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shinidamachu · 10 months
Speaking of SessKik, I’m actually starting to really low-key get into that ship. Ngl, at first I thought they might be a little too similiar and cold to ever really work together but I remember someone explaining the appeal of the dynamic in that it’s basically two prideful racists coming together/clashing and having to subvert their preconceptions of the other’s race and each other. Plus the fact that they’re both fundamentally lonely people but extremely good with kids (Yashahime Sesshomaru will never be my Sesshomaru) could give them something to bond over. Also what’s more taboo than a Miko being with a hanyou? How about an honest to god full-blooded youkai instead?
The ship would honestly be great character development for the both of them because they’d be forced unlearn and unpack their prejudices by basically confronting their mirror self.
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It's precisely because Sesshomaru and Kikyo are so similar that they would make such a great match. Inuyasha and Kagome are only opposites on a surface level. Deep down, they're actually very alike and that's why they work perfectly together: they're different in every possible way except for the ones that matter, the ones that could make those differences irreconcilable. Sesskik would the morally gray version of that.
The fact that they're both stoic, pragmatic, arrogant, self-centered and prideful characters allows them to understand each other better than anyone else ever would because they operate in the exact same frequency.
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Not only that, but putting them together would have made perfect sense, story telling wise. They're both lone wolves with similar goals and similar ways to achieve them, acting on the sidelines. Plus, they share the same soft spot for children — as long as the children in question aren't related to them, it seems — and have special bonds with Kohaku and Rin. It feels only natural that they'd team up at some point.
Then, of course, there's the fact that Kikyo is dead and feeding off women's souls while Sesshomaru is the only character to have a sword that brings people back to life and a parent with ilimited access to an amulet that opens and closes portals to the underworld.
I know her situation is more complicated than simply snatching a soul from hell — for many reasons — but in a series such as Inuyasha, where everything is possible, is not really a reach to theorize that if someone had the means to really bring Kikyo back from the dead, it would've been Sesshomaru. Even if he couldn't, the idea of the two of them interacting is still thematically intriguing.
There are also rumors about an interview where Takahashi said Kikyo is the type of woman Sesshomaru would take romantic interest in and I can't help but agree, since the only woman who canonically caught his eyes was Kagura, an independent woman who was smarter than him — which isn't very hard —, had a lot of guts and just wished to be free, a woman he couldn't save even though he wanted to. It's not hard to picture Kikyo in the same role.
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The tragic way Kagura dies by Naraku's hand, therefore ending any romantic development with Sesshomaru, could become a parallel with the tragic way Kikyo died by Naraku's hand, therefore ending any romantic development with Inuyasha, the brother Sesshomaru despises. The room for angst and conflict is amazing.
To me the appeal lies exactly on the point you made: the creative choice of putting Sesshomaru and Kikyo together would pay off in great character development for the both of them by subverting their preconceptions of each other and unlearning the prejudice they still held against each other's races.
I love the idea of Sesshomaru finally making enough progress to love a human in a romantic way, someone who would see him not as simply his father's son, but as his own person, like Kagura did.
I love the idea of Kikyo falling for a demon without the safety net of eventually turning them human, someone who, in the most extraordinary of ways, makes her feel evey bit the ordinary woman she always wanted to be.
They would have been able to see through each other's poker faces and feel actually seen, in a way they haven't quite been seen before: for everything that they are. Not just his father's son and not just the embodiment of purety and perfection in the shape of a village priestess.
Sesshomaru and Kikyo are equals. There are no power imbalances, no idealizing each other, no putting each other on a pedestal because they refuse to acknowledge each other's flaws. They're both intimidating people who can not be intimidate by each other and would be totally comfortable being themselves around one another without fear of judgement or putting their partners in a position where they have to constantly make up excuses for their behavior.
Basically, they could have helped to progress each other's character development and pushed the plot forward while still making thematic and narrative sense, with the plus of fixing most of the things that personally bothered me in Inuyasha and Kikyo's relationship.
It's funny because at the same time I have complained about how much I hate that Inuyasha doesn't feel like himself when he's with Kikyo, acting all reserved, sad and cautious, without his signature fiery temper and dog like mannerism, I've seen people gushing about how mature he is around her and outside I'm like "to each their own", but inside I'm screaming: Sesskik. You want Sesskik!
It also doesn't hurt that they're aesthetically pleasing to look at: elegant, lethal and composed. And Takahashi seems to agree there was wasted potential there because it very much looks like she tried to make up for it with these Mao characters. Yes, I know same face syndrome is a thing and so is coincidence, but come one, now.
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Their separate personalities didn't call out to me but together they could have made a very interesting dynamic, even if it was only platonic, because asexuality, aromaticity and homosexuality still fits them very well and wouldn't be an impediment for the found family trope and being single is different from being lonely.
I understand the reasons Takahashi didn't go there, though, because it would have taken real work to make it right and to be honest I've always been more invested in the Inugang, anyway. But the potential was there.
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
How do you feel about Gege's overall writing style?
Am I wrong to think that sometimes he introduces stuff, interesting stuff that could be further explored but just drops/brushes past it?
Cause ngl I'm genuinely fearing for Megumi right now. The way Gege had handled the Zenins before, the politics, the clans, the higher ups - all intriguing plot points that led to nothing of notable consequence, makes me think he's fully capable of ditching a proper closure for Megumi despite all the build up. I'm also quite disheartened that, for a shonen manga that has enough awareness to question the idea of 'child soldiers', it doesn't seem that eager to delve deeper into the root cause - which is the jujutsu society and how it affects generation upon generation of sorcerers.
The Zenins are my biggest gripe with regards to this. I know not a lot in the fandom care for them but tbh I found Naobito, Mai and Naoya pretty interesting, esp. Naobito. I find him pretty reasonable and that bit of exchange wherein he tells Maki he'll put her under trials befitting her goal of becoming the Zenin clan head, made me think he had potential to be more nuanced than just a misogynistic prick. But, then he dies and gone he is along any possible character arc.
And with his death we got to the Megumi becomes the Zenin head plotline which - didn't lead to anything meaningful in the overarching narrative (at least so far, but I don't really see Gege backtracking and picking this subplot again). All of this gone to waste just so Maki could get a power up. Even Naoya seemed like he was just written to be a punching bag for one character. And while I know loads in the jjk fandom loved this mini arc, it left a bad taste in my mouth.
Now, I'm not a Maki hater. I liked her before, but after her power up she just became bland to me. And I hate how so much subplot was wasted just for her. Megumi didn't even benefit from any of this. We didn't even get to explore his dynamic with the rest of the Zenin which is just criminal. We could have delved into generational trauma. We could have had Megumi finding out more about Toji which could lead to an emotional conclusion if he ever gets told the truth about Toji's death. As it stands, I don't get why finding out would even matter to Megumi atp, since he doesn't have any emotional attachment to Toji and the story doesn't seem inclined to rectify that even just a bit. Like, we could have explored more of Megumi's character and other relationships. Cause contrary to popular opinion, and while I may seem like I'm being contradictory just for the sake of it, but his relationship with Yuji and Tsumiki is the least interesting thing about him for me.
I know that Yuji and Megumi's bond has more bearing to the overall narrative of the manga (and basically even to Megumi's character as well), but I feel like while Yuji gets to be explored in the lenses and relationships he build with other characters (like Junpei, Nanami, Todo, Choso, even Gojo just to name a few), Gege doesn't seem all that interested in doing the same with Megumi. We barely get scraps of interactions between him and other characters. And it feels like Gege is purposely limiting him to just Yuji, and Tsumiki, although we know how this particular one turned out. Once again another possible character relationship introspection gone to waste. Tsumiki being treated like a plot device felt like an insult to Megumi tbh. That's one of the only 2 developed relationships he had but, again, it gets brushed off.
Now I'm probably just overreacting, but I'm highly pessimistic with Gege's writing and execution of Megumi's character. Not to say he's not well-written, the reason why I'm this pissed is because he is the exact opposite and I think there's so much more to him that could be expanded upon beyond his relationship with the MC.
Hola! Welcome back to our regular programming with JJK confessions Sunday! Not on a Sunday.
Ok so you ask two specific questions:
How do I feel about Gege's overall writing style? I love it. Although I'm looking at writing style from the perspective of how Gege conveys his vision and not necessarily the technicalities. This kind of requires that I am in tune with that vision. While I do feel like the technicalities have room for improvement, I'm so focused on the vision that I am not concerned with the technical bits. I also see Gege as a an amateur writer who is having his first major commercial success and who is doing a really good job for how long he's been writing. I often talk about CLAMP, right? And I by no means want to make it seem like their first commercial success (Tokyo Babylon) was bad. I LOVE tb and it is well-written. But there is a marked improvement in storytelling and writing that you can follow along throughout CLAMP's career. So I kind of see Gege in the same light as someone who is going to improve his craft.
Am I wrong to think that sometimes he introduces stuff, interesting stuff that could be further explored but just drops/brushes past it? No, you aren't necessarily wrong.
Let's taco'bout it under the cut.
I was actually having a similar conversation with a moot about this because I don't necessarily think that Gege is leaving loose ends, I see it more as two things happening:
First, patience grasshopper! In a couple of interviews with the cursed cat that have surfaced lately where he talks about his writing, he makes reference to writing as a craft. When I read those interviews, the way he talks about how he writes feels like he's very intentional about how he chooses to plot, develop characters, etc.
Problem is sometimes we don't see a payoff for some time. i.e. I don't remember the actual chapter number, but the enchain clue was dropped as early as somewhere around chapter 12, but we didn't get a payoff for another 200 chapters.
We also learned about Gojo becoming "The Strongest" as early as chapter 70something, but we don't learn how that identity hindered him for [insert maths here] chapters.
The other thing I see happening (and I can't necessarily back this up take a shot for every time I use the word necessarily in my answer) is that Gege is a metaphorical thinker.
Regarding this, someone in an ask before said something that made sense to me: Gege might not be grounding his vision into the page in a way that is concrete and understandable to everyone--I agree.
As a highly metaphorical thinker myself, I struggle with communication because the way I use language to convey meaning is too flexible, ambiguous, and dependent on people picking up on the mental images I associate with the words I use when I speak. And... unfortunately for my infantile desire to be understood in my own terms, communication doesn't necessarily work like that.
All that said, from reading you, I have the feeling you are a natural meta-thinker, and that you have a very good imagination that is very expansive.
So it's only fair and understandable that you'd like to see Gege expand upon the themes you mention. After all, they ARE good and interesting plot points and you can see the untapped potential.
The part where I'd disagree (although I am not necessarily disagreeing), is that, while these themes are touched upon, they aren't necessarily the sole focus that Gege might have in mind for the vision he wants to convey. Exploring these themes in depth would also necessitate a much longer manga, and it seems Gege has an end in mind that he's trying to reach.
I swear if I say necessarily one more time.
So yeah... I can see why you feel like he's brushing past these themes, but to me Gege is simply exploring "depth" in a way that is perhaps not aligned with what you'd like to see.
For example, you might disagree and I could be wrong, but I see the whole "child soldier" theme and looking for "the root cause - which is the jujutsu society and how it affects generation upon generation of sorcerers" theme playing out through Kenny's desire to push the evolution of mankind. There's something here about how Kenny's goals are a sort of continuation of Geto's will.
As for Megumi lacking some sort of emotional connection to Toji, you have to remember that Megumi says one thing and feels differently sometimes. Saying "I don't care" is a conscious defense mechanism for wanting to suppress "caring too much". Again, I could be wrong, but from a psychological perspective, we are inevitably emotionally bound to our biological parents. So we have yet to see how this plays out. Clearly Gege has something in mind.
Sticking to Megumi--I want to write more about this, because I used to agree with you about Tsumiki. I don't know how to explain in concrete language yet, but the more I think about it, the audience was never meant to see the real Tsumiki, and that was the whole point. Tsumiki existing in Megumi's imagination is the whole shebang because she represents his anima, which he has to integrate into consciousness as part of his psychological development.
The way I see it, what Gege did with Tsumiki, is both 100% shameless plot device and masterful Analytical Psychology and Psychology of Fairy Tales in action.
As for your grievances about execution. Here's where I join you 😂. God did I hate the Sakurajima arc! I l liked things about it, ofc. But Naoya coming back and getting his ass kicked again just made me want to move to Alaska and lock myself up in a cabin and become a recluse.
I can see the arc's role in retrospect (reading people's meta about it really helped with it), I acknowledge it, and I still didn't like it. 'Tis what 'tis.
I think every manga has that one arc you are just not going to vibe with.
Love your comments about Naobito and Naoya being interesting characters too! Mai also strikes me as a well-executed example of Gundam Seed's Flay Alster.
So anyways, you might disagree with what I say but, in writing this, goal is to invite you to think differently about what you mentioned if you feel inclined to do so.
Thanks for stopping by anon and here's to hoping Gege doesn't drop the Megumi storyline.
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redr0sewrites · 9 months
Hi out of interest how would humans, elves and dragons react to seeing a space ship and when the spaceship opens thy meet well other humans that came from a different planet where magic, elves and Dragons are well myths ?
i literally tried to write this 3 times but i kept accidentally refreshing the tab and it would delete everything so im sorry if this sucks but i legit am going to die if i have to write this again😭
he was scared af at first ngl
he was super interested in learning ab the human technology and explained the magic to the new humans since mages r a myth in their world
wants to learn ab other worlds
probably would befriend a lot of the other humans and teach them ab how xadia worked
she would probably be super wary of the humans at first and the giant ass ship
would prob try to attack jt 💀
once she warmed up to the humans, she would teach them ab xadia and elven culture!
shed be super interested in the humans weapons, she is an assassin after all
he would prob try be the most diplomatic
would try to make some alliance or peace treaty
hed be the first to approach the ship and interact with them as he wanted to know if they were a threat
very interested in learning ab the othee humans
he would bring them to katolis, much to opelis annoyance
now hed be intrigued
traveling among the stars? now that caught his attention
like 50 humans would fall in love w him just like me fr lmfao hed flirt mercilessly
the idea of other worlds and planets intrigues him alot
def asks a lot of questions
also wants to learn ab human tech and weapons, but for more malicious purposes lmfao
they all think that elves and dragons r myths, so he would show them magic and explain the entire history and lore of xadia to them💀
she would help to ensure peace with ezran adn make sure they werent a threat
the humans would prob either be super scared of her or think she was super cool since dragons were myths
teaches them ab xadian and dragonic customs!!!
is wary of letting them meet zym tho, she doesnt want to endanger him
if they see the statue of avizandum and ask questions she will legit just ignore them 😭
overall is a little wary of them but accepts it as it is
i cant find the strength to write more im so so so sorry 😭😭😭
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corvicarum · 6 months
@paramythas asked: gimme the ship bias for La Creatura (wuya), kayn and che'nya-
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technically already answered here. but. some others id like to explore:
ortho ( besties,, lil pranking pals )
jade ( platonic )
malleus ( platonic )
rook ( buggs bunny & elmer fudd fr )
jamil ( one sided crush lets go )
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not a ton. im rlly... rlly picky with kayn actually.
gwen/kayn: oh... oh mythe you already know. you've got me rlly in deep on these two okay. i love the aesthetic, i love the dynamic. especially what we have going right now for hearsteel. i definitely wanna dive into main canon at some point too, because i do think kayn would enjoy her personality a lot? idk, people tend to overlook gwen a lot or misunderstand her as a goody feelsy doll. girl legit runs around with a pair of giant scissors and jokes about cutting people into bits. like?
yone/kayn: this isn't even related to heartsteel tbh. i havent dove a TON into yone's lore but i do like the feeling of the pairing. i think kayn just pairs best with characters who are as ruthless as he is. i like them in their heartsteel au too though...
zoe/kayn: if i see anyone shipping these two romantically im going to strangle someone seriously. but these two as friends? oh my GOD fuck me UP! zoe is just a goofy, cosmic little kid- she's deeply terrifying sure, but! i think she could take the edge off for kayn a bit. plus her being the new aspect of twilight? hello?? theres way more chemistry with them as besties- and even found family. you know, instead of shipping kayn romantically with a fucking child. LOL.
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chenya is kinda hard to ship with ngl. he's too carefree, too loosy goosy, and really is just out here doin whatever he wants.
idia/chenya: listen. come on. this is... this is a no brainer. seriously though i do love the potential here, and not just because he's a cat. chenya, at least how i write him anyway- is so whimsical and quirky. he isn't necessarily extroverted, but he isn't a big introvert either. like, he is genuinely a cat through and through. not a beast man, not a fae-- something else. i love the idea of idia having sb who doesn't push him to go way outside his comfort zone-- but wont let him just shut himself off from the rest of the world for too long. dunno. at least with my take on him, this one is a fave.
riddle/chenya: so i could really see these two going p much any direction. i love the two of them just... interacting, regardless of the relationship. chenya has known riddle since they were kids. and a bit like trey, i like to think he knows how to push riddle without him blowing up. there is also the added factor that chenya definitely knows at least in some way, what riddle's home life is like. it's the sort of thing that would make their potential bond that much better. i could rlly go in depth on it but then i'd be here making an entire meta on it lmao.
jade/chenya: funny enough. i think jade and chenya might click really well in long term, more than you'd expect. and yeah, i could see this developing from friends, to more given the appropriate amount of time. chenya would be sooo fascinated by how weird and how deeply fucked up jade actually is. and jade likewise would be really intrigued by chenya's strange and uncanny nature... good stuff.
others i've considered but not given a ton of thought to yet:
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ran-orimoto · 1 year
Choose 3 jobs you would have given each Frontier memb instead of the canonical ones I don’t like.
For each of them? 3? This is kinda hard, let’s see what I can do🤣. Should I add Izumi too, though? Izumi has got no canonical aim besides her modelling part time job. In my headcanons she ends up becoming a chef bahaha XD.
• Takuya: The F1 driver, possibly in Ferrari, because it’s flaming🔥🔥🔥. This has got no sense but Takuya gives me the vibes of a F1 pilot. He has got enough fire and steam in his heart to pull it off. Next, crazy I know, is an airforce military (because of the Moon episode. Dying) and…I can’t pick another one, help! 🤣 This is happening because I like Takuya as a football player, so I’ll stop at the second one. Fail👏! No, but really. I like him in that field. I want him to show the world the most eccentric hairstyles. Ok, listen, Kouji cutting his hair; Takuya growing it out. Third…………Could he be a fire fighter ? Another dumb idea because he has got no patience. He wouldn’t wait forkitty to get down a tree.
• Izumi: Ok, so, the chef has already been said and it’s one. The second one is the lawyer, because she’s extremely diplomatic and has got oratory skills; maybe she could be specialized in international law? The third one is the languages teacher, but I’m not sure if she would like other languages besides italian. I can just embrace the idea thanks to the drama, in which she teaches italian to Takuya but I know it doesn’t really mean anything. She has lived in Italy since she was a little girl , so ,of course, she can be helpful with it. It doesn’t really mean she would enjoy other languages she doesn’t know. If she stuck with teaching italian, I don’t really know in what kind of school she would do that. Honestly, who would teach italian in Japan nowadays? Teachers from cram schools, perhaps? Who knows if Junpei actually studies italian in a cram school because his pronunciation is pretty good ahaha.
• Junpei: The architect engineer obviously comes to my mind immediately. Let my boy use as many blueprints as he wants🤣! Still, I prefer him as a train driver, ngl about this. Besides the fact a bio says he collects model trains (adorable ), he interacts with Trailmons a lot in the series and I can’t care less about Takuya winning the race in that episode. Junpei or Izumi were supposed to win that! They were the ones immediately taking the reins of the situation and riding the Trailmons. The third one is the kindergarten teacher, which makes me awe but also laugh. Big man taking care of bbies who are so small compared with him. I can’t, okay. I can’t. I think a good compendium of what he has shown throughout the series could be represented by that job: him knowing magical tricks, him having entertaining skills, him being able to lift the mood (THINK ABOUT THE LIBRARY SCENE OMG), him playing with the baby digimons at the KINDERGARTEN, him bonding with the bby Kokuwamon, him lifting the Motemon up and down, him (and Izumi) being the first ones proposing to take care of the egg bbies. And let’s not forget about his relationship with Tomoki, which shows he would also be a great elementary teacher …? THESE ARE FOUR, ZURA GAHHH. But I love Junpei in teaching and bless God most opera singers eventually land in that field when they’re older.
And Junpei could also be a carpenter or an act- TIME OUTTTTTTTT.
Can I stop here because I have no clue about the remaining ones and because you would tell I don’t care that much about them 🤣. I mean, I like Tomoki, but not as much as Junpei, Izumi and Takuya? He’s a bby but his story doesn’t make me that intrigued. But whatever…
• Tomoki: He’s too similar to Izumi when it comes to me depicting him as both a cook or a lawyer. The politician is perfection for him, but let’s also add the social worker, because he could deal with problematic kids and families? And he could also be a model for children in that way, but on a less popular scale, of course.
• Kouji and Kouichi. God Lord, I can’t really think about anything. I’m doomed. I love Kouichi as a doctor and I can’t see any other job fitting him. Instead, Kouji could be a florist too and that’s it *shrugs*. I just believe he could be a florist while being a backpack traveller, at the beginning of the carreer at least. Where would he find money ??? Kouji????
Yes Anon, I wasn’t the right person to send this ask to💕💕💕, but thank you for the ask. I’ve tried.
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creative-crybaby · 1 year
Thanks a lot for indulging into my fantasies I loved the little drabble you did of them😭😭.
I just checked you're an INFJ so I'm guessing you know bout the mbti types. I've always wanted to see some mbti personality mixed in fanfics, you know. Very very self indulgent ask of me but if you're willing to humour lil ol' me(a girl can dream big) I'd ask for your thoughts on entp reader(basically Kuroo's type) X characters.
Sakusa is what's on my mind specifically since I barely see content on entp X istj, (that also brings me to the idea of sakuatsu but I can't ask for so many things at once so I'll just leave that for later) and ofc I'm can't for the good of my heart live without a bit yandere mixed into stuff so do spill your thoughts on this pairing (Imsosorryimjustsodeprivedbarewithmepls)
P.s. do tell me if my asks are being too much!!
So sorry for the delay!
Ngl the only reason I know my MBTI type is because I had to know it for a little in-class assignment (idk why and tbh I don't think the prof knew either). Just got a wee bit curious and took a peep at ENTP--pretty intrigued, honestly.
Note: I love when people send me asks, and people wanting content they can't often find isn't unreasonable. That said, if you want me to write a fic, that's a commission, to which you can DM me to discuss the specifics as well as the price. As much as I love writing, creating a whole story takes time and energy. Otherwise, I'm sticking to a drabble.
Upon doing my bit of research on the ENTP type, I immediately thought of sakuatsu, mainly because I can imagine Sakusa's irritation around the personality type (in an enemies-to-lovers way, ofc). However, we're also adding yandere shit into the mix (as we should), so I view the enemies-to-lovers dynamic to be the front Sakusa sets up to hide his true feelings. A mix of love (if you can call it that) and jealousy for being almost everything he isn't, he knows his thoughts of you would be frowned upon.
The wing-spiker can't say he's a fan of your rule-breaking and spontaneity--it's just begging for chaos to ensure, and with what he has to deal with from some of his teammates (you know the ones), he doesn't need any more of that. But those concerns are nothing compared to how he greatly admires your creativity (not that he'll ever admit it), and while he hides from crowds, you welcome them, though he can't say he particularly enjoys your attention being elsewhere (especially when other people are involved).
The fact that you're willing to interact even with him intrigues him. Dare I say, he wants you to come back, perking up when you call his name to start a conversation. Sure, you do most of the talking, but he's more than willing to listen, so long as you don't notice his staring, or that his thoughts are stuck on you, morphing farther away from innocent. At least you don't suspect anything malicious when you catch him zoned out. He'll scoff at your teasing if it means keeping you unaware of his true desires.
Now he's listening in on more conversations, even the ones that he's not in. He hates crowds, but he'll deal with them if it means seeing your lips curl upwards while you talk. He's just looking over you, of course. He's seen how others look at you--the curses of having charisma, he supposes. Keeping them in line is the least he can do for you.
That excuse doesn't work when you're home alone. You're talking on the phone--to whom, Sakusa couldn't care less. So long as you didn't have a partner, he'll gladly watch you go on about your day from his little hiding spot. Learning whatever he can, hoping to somehow bring it up in your next conversation without drawing any suspicion. Maybe you'll come back to him more often afterwards, grow closer until your feelings match his. He's willing to change for you if it works, if you'll stick around a second longer.
Just a little longer.
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Now I think it is apparent I am a shipper, it is literally in my name
And I feel the need to speak of Vanguard ships I have been fixating that are very obscure
Now I have discussed my beloved TetsuRen and I still have a lot to say on that, but I shall spare you (mainly because I want to gather photos)….ngl this is just me babbling about ships that I cannot stop thinking sbout
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I am personally am not the biggest fan of Morikawa (for many reasons but I shall never be able to forgive the heart swimshorts) and I don't really have an opinion on Korin one way or the other but this is...once you get past how Morikawa Morikawa can be...is very cute.
He genuinely loves Korin and while he is overly passionate in showing it and can definitely be overly rude to others in the course of that affection
He supports her in everything she does and never looses faith in her. His actions in the high school tournament shows that he can take things seriously and is willing to put his feelings aside if something is important, also takes her seriously as a fighter, he respects her.
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Now yes he does have the weird fan of an idol thing I don't believe you should constantly be declaring you are definitely going to marry an idol or call them your darling in full seriousness, but I like how supportive he is of Korin.
I like to think that maybe after the events of legion mates he can find her again and fall in love with her, that with a little training in self control and maybe manners he could be a nice supportive boyfriend. She deserved to be loved after all she's been through especially with the constant uprooting of her life and how often those around her forget who she is.
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(Please anyone for the love of god give her a hug)
(I've also seen Korin/Noaki which is another very cute ship for her)
Jun/Masaki (Naoki's brother)
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I will not lie I saw a piece of fanart of these two and this ship just popped to me
They don't even exist in the same versions of the show, that is how far removed this is: Jun is solely in the original Vanguard and Noaki's brother only appears in the reboot. This ship has no business existing and I know that, but the intrigue of the dynamic gets me.
This man is an uptight, no nonsense, "stop being childish and learn to do something useful like a proper adult" type of guy. He sees Naoki enjoying himself and his first response is to tell Naoki to stop before he inevitably gets bored.
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Jun is 'the king of underground cardfighters,' he walks around with a chain and in his second appears he ties Miwa up. He enjoys vanguard and the lawlessness of underground fights.
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Stark opposites; would never reasonably interact.
But an idea came to mind; Masaki sees how much fun and how invest in Vanguard Noaki is, something the boy has never been with any of the other hobbies he picked up. Wanting to know more about what made such a dramatic change in his brother he stumbles upon the underground. Of course it is very sketchy but Noaki's blond friend who seems somewhat reasonable is here so it's probably fine (like Miwajun in both romantic and platonic and semi believe Jun smokes and definitely got Miwa into smoking).
Noting Masaki knows Miwa from seeing him interact with Naoki but doesn't actually know him and both of them ended up at Jun's entirely unrelated
"maybe not the best guy to introduce you to vanguard" - A Gaillard fan upon hearing about this ship
I think Masaki would be suspicious at first but slowly end up pulled into Jun's rythm. Jun would find this clear newbie to vanguards presence amusing and interesting him, pushing him to interact more with him.
He handcuffed Miwa to a poll after their first conversation, you cannot convince me he would pass up the chance to question why someone with zero vanguard knowledge showed up at his hideout.
(Miwa also sees Jun's newest toy and asks Noaki if he has a brother, immediately wishing the man good luck when Noaki says yes)
And finally...for now
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Ibuki will always be Suiko's malewife yes, it is his calling
But If also gave us this beautiful duo
They have their whole training sequence and god is Gouki a shojo protagonist in this ep.
I feel this needs no explanations, they're just great
He just immediately steps up to encourage this forelourned man, their whole conversation is the rejected heroine and the loner 2nd male lead who never admits his feelings but constantly encourages them, a couple you want to root for, is it all for his Jammer misson? Yes. Does that change anything? No.
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And of course
Gouki still dears of their time together, longing for memories he will never get back
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This is such a weird ship but I just love it
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk (I have more screenshots for all of these but tumblr is limiting me)
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jnixz · 2 years
character ask meme
Lucrecia Mux
For this Character Ask Meme 
Lucrecia Mux
First Impression 
Maligula: Oooo powerful, very powerful. Are those water snakes? Hell yeah those looks rad. I bet she really is gonna be resurrected and be the last boss (so right fam, but man the twist to it wowie love it so much)
Lucy: Oho? Water Powers? She is so Maligula. But then... if she was with the group, why did they go against each other? A betrayal of sorts? Change in goals? Verrry intriguing. Gonna be interesting piecing her story together and find out how to defeat her when she does get revived(oh boy man were we in for a treat) 
Nona: Oh my gosh she is gramma, same raz same must help her be comfy around here. Her acrobatics in the first family scene was endearing too like-- hell yeah check out that jet! jump razope with the kids!
Impression Now
She has to be one of the most interesting driving force in a narrative I have ever seen. She has so much presence in everything that has happened. A big big butterfly effect, with wings encapsulating the whole of psychonauts. A very powerful echo that has etched into these character’s lives, marking them for the rest of their lives.
LAYERED, the multiple perspectives on how she is seen by other people is so so good. Then of course we get to see it from her view and my god it’s even more fantastic. 
It’s like having archetypes per name. Each with their own set of meanings that add into the whole of Lucy. When it all comes together, it is a very fascinating to think about how it must be like to think about these Identities as herself. It’s like paint in a flow of water, that then all get mixed in with the aftermath. It’s a lot. 
NGL portalcartoon has made me think more about her than I would have if left alone, especially with how my metaphor works here.
Favourite Moment
Lucy: The photobooth audios with Ford is so damn adorable, the figment accompanying it too! Oh and of course, can’t forget Wet Wanda reveal. Hot goss right here
Maligula: Boss Introduction. Like ho damn I actually said something along the lines of “She is go pretty, and that VOICE. wtf girlboss”. When I played that part of the game. like the this is actual point were I can acknowledge the HDness of her model in my shitty laptop I used to play the game. 
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Look at her
This shot has undeniably powerful beauty with a sharp glint of danger, just like how the psychic 6 must’ve faced her, and that is so FAN-TAS-TIC. 
Nona: Oh just that solemn ending after defeating Maligula. There is no nead for words, no monologue to be heard. (although legit thought she was gonna stab maligula, but ah she did one better than I would) It is such a good wrap-up and the animation does it wonders. Can’t forget the hug with Raz too, gosh.
Idea for a Story
What was her relationship like with Marona, Lazarus and Gelsin like? Ripe story idea for before she joined Ford & Otto in the Forest ;]
That said, her time when Gelsin went to war, how she reacted after receiving news of her death, how Marona would’ve reacted to her grieving sister, how she got into contact (first time and then more recently) with Otto that lead to everything else.
Interactions with the family! I’d love to see the early days to just her and Augustus, how she was acting post-deluge-astralathe and how she connected with Augustus. 
The days were the Astralathe blockage is wearing off. I love me a good disassociative-like narrative where we witness how it is like in her POV, as well as others POV when she wanders.
Talks with the rest of the psychic 7! Specifically the heavy parts. Or at least like get them to know what happened. Overall I think the group would have a long long talk with each other with all that has happened.
Interactions with other adults in the now secret-agency Psychonauts! Wonder what she thinks of how that changed. Specially since she IS how this started to form like this. It’d be neat to see the dynamics of the main adults to her. 
Like other than the professional distance of keeping and monitoring her health and stuff. Little interactions as a person and all that jazz. At the very least, interactions with Truman, given he IS Bob’s Nephew and how she has that affected his family-- personally and in the importance of the psychonauts to the world.
OH ALSO, she gotta talk with her family about this shit too. Especially with the aftermath of because this entire truth is some HEAVY truth for this family. I’m sure this is somewhat tackled in the more kids/teens fics but I don’t really read those so *shrug* I can’t quite point out what specifically I want to see her talk about to her family, but at the very least something about sharing her experience to Augustus maybe, even though I think they’d understand each other enough without it. 
I just-- ergh have this image of like a mindscape level reminiscing about the events in Grulovia. There would be memories of her stay as the War Minister but the most emotionally impactful one would be the Heavy regrets surrounding the memory of like, Marona and Lucy disagreeing with each other during the time of the protests. Just very intriguing to me to share her POV of what happened and fill in the gaps in the events. 
Interactions with the interns Junior Agents. I think she gets to dunk them in water just a tad for her grandson-nephew as a treat ;) also maybe a thank you for helping him with Maligula ofc (then again, she did dunk them already in the boss battle soooo the interactions of them being reminded of that fact would be funny I think)
Honestly I'd point you to portalcartoon for all the Lucy ideas, especially with angsty ones during her time as Maligula, as well as her dynamic with Marona and how that all mixes in. Lotsa ideas and feels Also Onebigowlhouseobsession has plenty of fics about her too!
Unpopular Opinion
I really think the Maligula thing is really REALLY difficult to replicate. Like extremely fuck around and find out reckless discovery time with the Astralathe + extremely bad mental strain times only. The whole circumstances of how that happened would be very under the wraps to prevent experiments by other people from happening. I think that with how the psychonauts agency is formed, they would have to passed a law/system/rule made to prevent such thing from happening ever again, even if the real reason behind it were only known by the psychic 6 survivors. In the current times I think only the top agents would know the details of it to prevent shit from happening to the Aquatos and Psychic 7. I just think that not everyone else would know the details, and just know like: “Don’t know why but this happened. Anyway, ”. Like how some employees in the lobby didn’t even know Raz already graduated to a Junior Agent lol.  IDK man I just don’t want more bad things to happen on that scale I suppose.
I don’t think she would be mad at Ford for what he did. In a more introspective and non-teasing manner, she'd definitely relate given her own actions and how that spiraled. They both had the best intentions but hey shit happens ;] Like man, imagine going back tin that genuine and noble mindset of just wanting to help your sister and country survive another war, only to be the cause of a tragedy that makes you snap and go down a slippery slope. They are both tired and regretful of what they’ve done, how much everything after has hurt people they love. 
Favourite Relationship
Lucy and Ford, Lucy and Raz, Lucy and Augustus. It’s all just **heartgrips** y’know?
Special bonus Lucy and Mirtala. The little snippets of their relationship is so cute. I think they hang out the most when others are busy with other things that require attention, and queepie is off wandering somewhere.
Favourite Headcanon
The Aquatos specifically were acrobats, Galochios were fortune tellers. Marona fell in love with Lazarus and dragged Lucy to do some acrobatics sometimes. That said I think she and Marona had soured relationship with their parents by hanging out with the Aquatos.
Lucy & Otto childhood friends. Although I do think Otto’s family moved out of the country and lived in the states. They still see and check on each other whenever Otto visits relatives in Grulovia.
I still think Ford, Otto and Lucy are the trouble trio in the Psychic 7. The most actively mischievous and lotsa mind adventures with these three.
Mom-friend but also a bit of a reckless herself. Lots of her actions are lead by her heart.
She got a lot of love in that heart of hers and she can hold more than one partner *nod nod*
Naturally good at card games, even without psychic powers. Also love the headcanons of her making bets during psychic 7 days. Also baking-master, love that.
I think I have more thoughts but my brain is telling me to stop making bullet points whoops
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Hi! I’m back with another hc question! What inside/running jokes do the poets have with one another, and who started them? And a separate question, what do the rest of the student body think of the poets? Like are they famous or just another friend group and also are specific poets more famous than the others? I’ve always thought that Neil and Cameron would be famous as fairy godmothers who help poor first years with their homework and finding classes and stuff. Also Meeks is the library cryptid and you can’t tell me otherwise.
oooooo ok let's see!!!! this is going to be kind of a long post by the way, so buckle up
inside jokes
meeks and pitts def have like a shit ton of really confusing inside jokes and no one has no idea what they're talking about, they also pretty much communicate exclusively in vines, it's fascinating to see these two interact, really. meeks and pitts also have a foam box hanging from the ceiling of their dorm. there's a story behind that, probably.
then neil and charlie also have a bunch since they're close, probably about stupid stuff they did in the past that may or may not have gotten them in trouble. they always share them with the group and let them in the joke so they can all laugh about it, it's fun to have their own things and they do have some of their own things but y'know they love their friends and they wanna share all the stupid stuff they did with them.
now i'm sure neil and todd have their inside jokes being hopelessly in love and everything but todd actually has a bunch of them with cameron, they hang out a lot cause they love their friends, they really do, but they could really use some peace and quiet sometimes. so they actually have a bunch of inside jokes, but they mostly keep them to themselves because they've seen each other do some ridiculous stuff they don't want the others to know they're capable of, they don't really need to know why whenever they see a chihuahua todd asks cameron if he's gonna hunt it down, nothing good could come out of it.
charlie and cameron have an ongoing joke about how many pairs of shoes can fit in their dorm's closet and they keep taking guesses. everyone thinks they're joking and it's just something stupid they came up with because they didn't know what to disagree over, it's all fun and games until one day neil walks in and sees them trying to push the door of a suspiciously full closet. they wanted to see who was right. no one knows where they found all those shoes.
the group has a lot of inside jokes in general because they keep doing weird shit, they definitely reference the poems they read in the cave all the time, whenever they call each other and one of them asks who is it the one on the other line answers "it's god", they make innuendos with weird latin words meeks teaches them and then laugh whenever they're said in class, stuff like that.
social status thing!
okay, i'm actually really excited about this one because i kinda wanted to talk about how welton views the poets seperately, outside of the friend group. cause like they obviously know them as a group, there are some rumors of a secret society here and there in welton and let's be honest, they're an odd bunch, neil and the new kid and whatever the hell pitts and meeks are and Charlie Dalton (tm) and knox who probably has a bit of a reputation as a romantic and then cameron????? like what do these people have to do with each other??? so there's a lot of rumors about them, as a group. but seperately!!!!! let's look into that shall we!!!!!!!!
okay, so neil is definitely popular. he's friendly, he's extroverted, involved in pretty much everything, overall really chill, people like him. they all kinda know there's something going on with him because everyone knows neil's gonna be a doctor but he's never showed any interest in it and he definitely strikes everyone as a creative kind, so they know there's something going on there but no one ever addresses it cause that's how high school students are. neil is kind of welton's golden boy, everybody loves him, and if someone doesn't they're probably a dick who wants to start fights.
todd doesn't have much of a reputation aside from "jeffrey anderson's brother" since he's new and also so quiet, everyone just thinks he's a little shy and some people think he's weird but no one ever dares touch a hair on his head because they know he's with neil, and neil will go berserk if anyone tries to hurt him. not that most of them would want to, todd never did anything to anyone but y'know how some people are. it's like in mean girls where no one dared fuck with anyone who was regina's friend? that's what it's like being friends with neil.
okay, we all know charlie has a bit of a reputation. he's a troublemaker, likes to joke around, probably has a few enemies around welton because he tends to,, punch people a lot. everyone thinks he's kinda cool, some people think he's just annoying, which he kind of is sometimes let's be honest. also a considerable amount of people thought he was in love with neil. he was not. how everyone figured that out i'll leave up to you but i have a,,, few ideas for my beloved little group of chameron shippers, hi guys what's up we're living off of crumbs :)
okay, meeks and pitts go together, we all know that, they actually have kind of a history with,,,,, starting shit, basically, it really started as an accident, they blew something up in the science lab, but then they just said fuck it and kept going over the years, causing a lot of stupid shit, and now all the teachers kinda have their eye on them (hence the demerits, yay). but even the conjoined twins have their own reputations. meeks,,,,,, is kinda shady ngl. people go to him for help with weird stuff. like random people. none of the poets know what this is about, the only thing they know is that he rents banned books to students, but that doesn't explain much. also yes he definitely is the library cryptid. pitts on the other hand is perceived as much more,,, legal that meeks. he's kinda the guy you can always go to for anything, pitts has approximately zero enemies in welton. a lot of people think he's a little stupid, for some reason. he's not. he's smart as shit and it takes ten minutes of hanging out with him to figure that out.
cameron's kinda obvious, people think he's boring and a stick in the mud, but he's still respected because he's clearly impressively smart and will help anyone with homework even if he has his own shit to deal with, which means he can pull the "you owe me one" card at anyone any time he wants to, also he's under the neil perry umbrella and welton doesn't fuck with people under the neil perry umbrella, we've been over this. cameron's kinda intriguing though. no one knows anything about him and everyone thinks "there must be more to this guy than just being a huge dick", so there's a lot of conversation around welton about cameron and he never confirms nor denies anything purely because he thinks it's funny.
knox just kinda comes across as a romantic to everyone, he's always the ones with the love poems in class, getting super hyped for valentine's day, all that stuff. he's very bold so there have been a lot of misunderstandings with people, but he usually works things out, most people like him. knox is probably remembered for doing something really impulsive and really stupid once a few years back, but i can't decide what it is. like, not something impulsive and stupid in the way charlie does to fuck with people, just a,,,,,, really big fuck up, that made the whole school laugh and gave him kind of a positive reputation.
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kae-karo · 2 years
Genshin asks, 3, 5, 8, and 25? (Can be your favorite team, if your current team is something like a friendship team!)
hello hi hello dear!! oooo excellent choices 👏👏
send me genshin asks from this list!
3. top 5 favorite ships (platonic or romantic)?
1. kaeluc/luckae - look is this even news lmaoooo really though i mean this is the ship that got me into genshin, this is the ship that i've written above and beyond more fics than any other ship in genshin lmao. i love them deeply, and i always look forward to any interactions between them. mayhaps a reconciliation some day, i can dream
2. zhongchi/tartali - strangely enough i haven't written as much of this as i thought? but it is SUCH an interesting dynamic, i really love the idea of this fresh 20-something murder-happy guy falling in with a millenia-old literal god and just. like. they're in love. like. it's such an endearing ship to me? with potential for everything from soft fluff to hardcore smut, nobody is doing it like zhongchi tbh
3. chiluc - okay okay hear me out i didn't mean for this to happen but,,,,this is dabihawks. this is just. it's dabihawks. my adoration for enemies to lovers is coming to light and this is unironically now my second-most-written ship behind kaeluc. i just want them to meet in game ngl i would LOVE to see what happens but tbh if it's not the word art 'i will pound you into the floor fatui scum' childe-heart-eyes interaction then i don't want it lmao
4. chaeya and/or zhongluc - it's really a toss up depending on my mood cause sometimes i want to think abt the mischievous chaos bois with dark abyss-related pasts and sometimes i wanna think abt the soft refined gentlemen with blood on their hands and i think that's very valid of me
5. chennett - i have recently fallen into this hole i didn't really mean to be here but here i am i mean what more incredible and disastrous combo could u come up with than 'actively enjoys throwing himself into danger' and 'unintentionally generates danger everywhere he goes'. i simply think Them ur honor
5. unpopular opinions?
um. many? maybe? slkdjfklsdf i really don't know what's considered unpopular these days. i like kaeluc? i think that the cn translation is what the cn folks say it is, but i will continue to use whatever dynamic i want in fics bc that's kinda the point of fics lmao
also generally i don't care that much about like. making my characters the most incredibly badass perfectly built whatever they're supposed to be? like. i think it's hilarious that my yanfei has 1:1 crit ratio. i think dps barb would unironically be awesome. i like my characters to be fun to play but i'm not upset if they're not like,,,the most incredible dps to ever be a dps or anything. i love that my kaeya does 15k on his skill but i'm not obsessed with making it Better? (although kaeya artifact farming is my 'downtime resin' activity slfkjdjkldsf) but like. idk. i just think it's fun to make characters do all sorts of things instead of just building them as the best thing for whatever they were Actually Created For. is that unpopular idk lmao
8. what bit of lore is most interesting to you?
ahahahhaa ohhhh my god where to even START aewin pls understand i have a whOLE DOC FILLED WITH GENSHIN LORE INFO it's really just a raw dump and a lot of speculating at the moment but i really love istaroth/kairos as an entity in the game? i think she could enable a LOT of really cool theories, like the idea that perhaps kaeya was transported in time instead of just somehow being 500yrs old similar to dain (while having grown up with the ragnvindr family, so he clearly ages as far as we're told), etc etc. it could also enable my surepio = baizhu brainrot, although i'm also partial to the idea that baizhu either is or is a host for the current dendro archon (aka if changsheng is the dendro archon) ANYWAY i have so much lore in my brain at all times but istaroth is probably the current piece that i find most intriguing
25. current team?
i'll give u multiple lmao my exploration team is also my go-to damage dealing team (like if i'm encountering smth new, new domain, etc) - benny, kazoo, kaeya, and childe (zhongli and kazoo swap if i really need a durable shield)
right now my team that i built out as an evaluation team and am mostly using in open world is diona, yunjin, yanfei, and ayato! they're kind of a friendship team atm as well, since i don't think anyone is maxed, but i'm testing them out at the moment!
send me genshin asks from this list!
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delicate-fayette · 3 years
I love your stuff and you kinda make me want to get into the games! Could you rec some of your favorite ones?
Omg thank you!!! You have no idea what it means to me to hear you like my stuff!!
Hmmm. Well, honestly that’s really hard of a decision for me to make, because I adore ALL of the Final Fantasy games haha. But I’ll give you a list! For your sake, I won’t delve into the plot of these games, bc I don’t wanna spoil anything.
(Keep in mind that all of my fav games are mostly the older ones, so the graphics might be a bit outdated haha. But luckily most of these aren’t hard to find bc most of them are on a lot of platforms nowadays.)
Final Fantasy Tactics! - My favorite game in the series, and the first one I ever played. The protag of this game is my favorite in the entire series! This game is very bittersweet and has a lot of political intrigue. Just for you to know, this game is really hard. Like, you might just wanna watch it on YouTube if you aren’t someone that’s likes strategy. But really, I think this game is definitely worth a shot. It has some of the best writing in the series. (I’ve written some Yandere headcanons of the main protag, Ramza before btw-)
(Just to keep in mind if you do end up playing/watching FFT, please make sure that you get the War of the Lions version and not the original version of the game. The original has a lot of bad translations and the dialogue so bad it ruins the story. Please just play the War of the Lions version lmao).
Final Fantasy 4 - Absolutely adore this game. This game is kinda funny bc literally everyone either dies (don’t worry they all come back later) or gets possessed at some point. But other than that it’s a fun classic FF game with well-written characters! Cecil and Kain are the best characters in the game.
Final Fantasy 6 - Very good classic FF game. It has a shit-ton of characters, which makes a lot of characters interaction (and more people for me to simp over-). My fav characters are Celes, Locke, and Terra! All three of them just have such good character development which makes their stories more satisfying. (Ngl I have a fictional crush on all three of them lmao)
Final Fantasy 7 - You’ve probably heard of this one over a million times, and it’s for good reason. It’s the most popular in the series next to FF15. FF7 is very ambitious for its time, and is special for that reason. My fav characters are Cloud, Tifa and Aerith haha. Sephiroth is a great villain in this game.
Final Fantasy 9 - Probably one of the most existential FF games lmao. This game has a lot of talk about existence and how you live your live, so be prepared for this feels trip. Vivi is my favorite character in the game, he’s just such a baby. He’s deserves the world. Zidane and Garnet were both my bisexual crushes when I was younger lmao, and they’re romance is really sweet (not my fav in the series, but still sweet). My one favorite villains in the series, Kuja, is here too! (I’m thirsty for that man)
I hope this helps a bit! If you have any questions about any games in the series, please feel free to ask! I really like taking about FF, so I always like excuses to talk about it lmao. The only game in the series I struggle to understand is FF11 bc I literally know nothing about it lmao. But other than that fire away!
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thecrazyanimegirl · 4 years
Winter anime 2020
And it’s time for another one of these lists. They kinda keep growing in number and it’s scary, but here it is! This season there were some continuation and some anime that got new seasons (ahiru no sora, chihayafuru, isekai quartet,  kaibukichou sherlock, iruma-kun, radiant, nnt) but here are the new anime we started ^^
{ Winter ‘18 }  { Spring ‘18 }  { Summer ‘18 }  { Fall ‘18 }  { Winter ‘19 } { Spring ‘19 }  { Summer ‘19 }  { Fall ‘19 }
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.
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This is a typical isekai with a game-like action and plot. It doesn’t have any deeper meaning, but okay for relaxing. Basically, if you want to take your brain out for a walk - watch this!
Darwin’s game
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The manga is better. It always is, but here especially so. It has a really good concept - a battle to the death game in real life, but not as good execution with the anime adaptation, they skipped some of the really important parts. Don’t let that discourage you tho! It has a good character development and nice action scenes, which makes it quite good! And move on to the manga later ^^
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A very interesting anime! Weird, but good! Not surprising tho, it’s mappa. The world in which the story is placed is, although very dark, refreshing and unusually good. The characters are unique, lovable, but weird... like really weird. The animation is a bit different, but it has it’s charm. Also, it has it’s fair share of blood and gruesome scenes, so skip it if you don’t like that. We loved it though! One of the favorites ^^
Hands off the motion pictures club! 
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Soft. Just goddamn soft. The animation is a bit different and simplistic, but it fits the characters so well. This slice of life pulls you into the imaginative and colorful world of three high school girls who share the love for animation, and the viewer follows their process of getting inspired for plots for their anime and working on creating it. There is not much action going on, but it always leaves you with a positive feeling after watching it.
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Yes. Watch it please. Awesome detective/ mystery story. The idea of entering a criminal subconscious (aka the id) is a unique and it gives new possibilities for detectives to find clues. The plot is very intriguing and keeps you on your toes. Its confusing at the beginning, but the story connects better after a few episodes and it makes you want to watch more. The characters are intriguing and their conversations well paced. (also great voice actors and music *-*) It has some darker scenes, murder and suicide mention, just thought I should mention that, but it’s an extremely good anime, so would definitely recommend!
If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die  
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As you can see from the title, this is about a girl fangirling over her favorite idol and that’s it, that’s the plot. But, it’s somehow soft, nicely animated and the story is just enough for an episode a week. It shows both the idol and the fan side of the idol culture, especially the less famous groups. Overall, it’s not an anime that will knock you off your feet, but it’s a solid comedy with relatable characters ^^
Infinite Dendogram  
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Generic entering-a-game anime. The point of the anime is that every persons possibilities are endless and everyone has the potential to develop into a strong person. Like we said, nothing new. It’s old, but cute concept. 
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 
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And we’re pretty sure most people already know about this one! It’s playful, colorful, cute as heck, the main girl gets a bit annoying, but it’s hella good! The story balances comedy with a school setting and a darker side involving yokai and evil things that lurk in the shadows, making it interesting to watch. The animation is pleasant to the eyes and the characters are great, what’s more to want ^^
Kyokou Suiri
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The plot of this anime is more focused on logical and critical thinking rather than on action, though it may seem otherwise from the synopsis. The relationships between the main characters are kind of weird, but in a good way and their interactions are always interesting. We were pleasantly surprised to see the main female character to have a crush on a guy and still maintain her IQ level. Overall, it’s a good anime, it has good voice actors (Mamo-chan <3), but don’t expect to be kept on the edge of your seat.
Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden  
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If you watched Madoka, I’m sure you’ve heard about this release. We were happy that they kept the same dementia animation style, especially of witches. It kinda has a more positive vibe than the original but it still keeps some of the original darkness. There are a lot of new magical girls and more plot and action. It’s pretty good, but the original is better (we love them darkness).
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A very cute five minute anime about a girl searching for her friend who suddenly stopped answering her texts. The animation is cute and you have nothing to lose if you watch it.
Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga 
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It’s about japanese warlords and historical figures, who are resurrected as dogs. Even though they’ve kept their personalities, they can’t say no to dogs drives (pet me hooman!). It’s cute, but not a lot of plot.
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It has a very interesting idea of entering peoples subconscious and changing it, manipulating their memories in order to control them. But the executions of that idea is... meh, at best. The characters aren’t lovable or memorable, you don’t feel a connection to them. It’s one of those anime that at the end you say ‘It could have been so good’. But yeah, it wasn’t.
Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It 
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The title says it all. Comedy, slice of life (but not really, the sample is not representable). You really start rooting for the main couple and they are funny at proving their love. It’s also educational, it does mention and explain some principles. It’s quite funny ngl. 
Smile Down the Runway
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A heartwarming anime about a guy who wants to be a designer and a girl who is too short, but still wants to be a model. It’s a story about perseverance, hard work and pushing towards your dreams. Positive and emotional, and you find yourself cheering for the main characters. Perfect if you want a slow paced anime that includes character development. 
Somali and the Forest Spirit 
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It’s heartwarming, has very clear animation and great voices. The concept is really interesting, the accent is on understanding others different than you and showing love and support. Basically, lots of emotions, it doesn’t have action or a complicated plot, but as a soft story, it’s pretty good. 
The Case Files of Jewler Richard
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This show is so filled with emotions and softness, it’s amazing! It’s mostly peoples stories - problems and difficulties they overcome on their own or with help of the people close to them, which also have some connection to a jewel. The plot focuses more on the main characters in the later episodes. But the art is very pleasing and the main characters have good chemistry. Of course, it’s not for those who don’t like a bit more of a slow paced story, mostly based on storytelling and human interactions. But it’s still good ^^
Watched but got to lazy to properly review: Ishuzoku Reviewers (sometimes you just have to admire that someone had the imagination to come up with some of the episodes), Sorcerous Stabber Orphen (not terrible, not that good either)
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empty-dream · 3 years
Just read FGO Salem
Me, a Sanson big fan: My skin is cleared, my crops are watered. This is basically his spotlight. I can ask for no more. The guy is a doctor, good with kids, very level-headed, can cook, and have a massive chunk of guilt issues. It’s not apparent at first but at the climax, it’s obvious that all along he’s trying so hard to atone for his past as an executioner. So putting him here in this chapter about sins, executions, and redemption is really fitting. 
Once I thought Robin showed up in the main story a bit too many times. Now I get why he’s in Salem. He is BIG MOOD™. All his cussings at the irrationality of the entire singularity are gold. His attitude naturally clashes with the rigidity of Salem. And his dynamic with Sanson is really fun.
Mata Hari is really is big sister for everyone, but mostly to Robin and Sanson lol. The part where she is executed and her sad past is played… Sanson yelling her real name as she’s hanged just makes it more painful.
Circe is really fun. I already expected it as much but wew. Now I want to see her interaction with Medea. As the Queen Witch™ , she is goat. The party couldn’t have survived for that long if she wasn’t there.
Queen of Sheba’s mixture of wisdom and recklessness is intriguing. And the part where she bonds with Mata Hari and timidly asks her to tell all about Solomon as a human in Chaldea is really endearing and bittersweet. I wish they could have met again… Also like Circe, goat.
I have no idea why Nezha is in here, but her friendship with Abigail is so cute. The way she is evil detector and very earnest to a fault is endearing too. Come to think of it, she does show up a lot too, huh, considering LB3&4 iirc.
I like that from the day the trailer dropped, we all knew that girl is Abigail Williams, the most (in)famous kid who incited the Salem Witch Trial. But how she’s played here, it’s interesting. I like that she’s a very pure, kind little girl who doesn’t mean harm, but that very purity leads her to accuse people. In the end, she knows she is as sinful as everyone else in Salem, and the only way she believes to help them all is to inflict punishments as redemption. Very pure, but very dangerous as a result.
Nobody would have guessed Lavinia and the Whateleys are also cast in Salem singularity. Like, literally cast in. Lavinia’s relationship with Abigail and Sanson is really nice. Even though she’s so awkward, she truly does care for them. LAVINIA WHEN DW??
It’s so weird tho to see the Chaldea crews in their usual get-ups, which are decidedly very not puritan-y. It clashes with the more realistic villagers. I know, cuz budget and all. It’s just funny that Tituba is a slave in a very traditional puritan village, and she dresses like *that*. Also kinda spoiling the fact from early on that she isn’t really ordinary after all. Thankfully the manga handles the costume aspects.
Ngl it’s lengthy. I don’t play the game, so I just sat down and stared at the screen for total 8 hrs. (Thank god for speed controller). Tipping my hat to the actual players, Idk how your phones survived that.
I don’t think this is what people hail as best EoR chapter, and no comment from me either cuz I haven’t read the other EoR chapters. But ever since the EoR trailer popped out, this singularity grabbed most of my attention. Cuz Salem with trial is, uh, a very well-known messed up case.
And the game story actually fulfilled my expectation. How dark it is from the get-go. The cruelty of people as they start accusing each other in their faith-covered paranoia. Before it is a cosmic horror story, it is a horror story of humanity. It is exactly what I imagine witch hunts and overly religious environment would be like.
I love the way the tension and creepiness building up, but at times I felt it was a liiiitle bit too long. And I was expecting the climax to be longer tho. I just wanted the moral conclusion of the core story - the endless searching of redemption for sins in the past -  to be elaborated more. I mean, atonement in a twisted way is an interesting concept for me.
I don’t know much about Lovecraft lores, but I admit having such an unknown variable completely outside what we’re used to in Nasuverse is really exciting. Raum is creative, I’ll admit that. For people who played the JP version first time, this should have been a very big moment.
Meteo Hoshizora I owe you my life.
When Robin yells “LA MORT EST L'ESPOIR” near the end I just
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
Thanks @spiny-norman for tagging me! I definitely think it's time for me to try and put an overview of my thoughts coherently in one place, instead of the cluster I've left my blog in lmfao.
For lack of better words, here's a review of s5
I'll start with the positives too! The things I truly enjoyed:
The action was really thrilling and well-done.
It was funny. That is a very important aspect to me lmfao. I was truly worried the season was going to be too edgy for its own good and sacrifice its trademark humor. Tamayo was easily a highlight of this season. I loved that man from the moment he showed up in season 3, and he only got better this season. Alicia was also one of my favorite things. She's just so hilarious, I'm rooting for her to betray everyone and fuck them up.
In la banda itself, Tokyo and Denver completely stole the show, with magnificent acting from both Jaime and Ursula and genuinely good writing for them this season (something I can't say for the other characters), and the way they stayed true to themselves and yet evolved in such an organic way will always stay with me.
Tokyo deserves a whole point on her own even though I haven't shut up about her for nearly a week now lmfao. I'm still amazed at the perfect way her arc was handled, I could have never imagined or wanted anything different for her. It was a hugely bold move to place this in the finale of the first volume because I have no idea how they'll top it with anything now. Ursula obviously stole the scene, but everyone's acting in that scene punched me in the gut repeatedly. Very few characters' deaths in all media really affected me generally speaking, but I just know Tokyo's is here to stay with me.
Now, for everything else. This is already long but it's about to get longer lmfao.
First, I genuinely disliked how the show handled its political aspect this season. It was never perfect at it tbh, with a lot of misplaced allegories, but it was fine. The reason it was fine is because, other than a few weird moments, the show stayed realistic. It was was character-driven, and most of the time, the characters didn't mold themselves to be activists. This seasons' progressive tone was very out of place. I know a lot of people took pleasure in Bogota's speech while he beat Gandia, but it took me out of the mood. It was out of character and very ill-fitting to Gandia. I disliked Martin's speech nearly as much. Again, it was very out of character and ill-fitting. The really fun and realistic thing about the previous seasons was that just because a character was a minority or in some unfortunate group for one reason or the other, it didn't change anything. It didn't make them better people. Martin was still an egotistical, narcissistic, power-hungry, misogynistic, macho piece of shit. The fact that he was gay changed nothing, it didn't make him kinder to fellow oppressed people, not once did he act or gave any indication that he thought of himself as a victim in that sense. They were very unnecessary scenes.
Speaking of the characters, outside of Tokyo and Denver, I didn't feel 'anyone'. All actors did more than an amazing job, Rodrigo and Alvaro were top notches. But it just, the story had suddenly changed from a character-driven story to a plot-driven one and the show didn't handle that change well. Raquel, Martin, Andres, and Sergio were just there. I'll come back to Andres later because he's a special case lmfao. But those three, with how huge their roles are supposedly now, literally were just there. Raquel was just going around shooting things and sometimes giving some order or the other. Martin is pretty much the same. And the only useful thing Sergio did was pull the kid out of Alicia.
Now, I get that Alex Pina said this volume will all be boom boom, and in the next volume we'll get more of the character-focused scenes, but I'm not disappointed because the scenes were few. No, I'm disappointed because they were out of character. Martin was very, very not Martin. He was just some guy lmfao. It's not that I just wanted him to be more of an asshole, which I did because he is an asshole (bless the Monica and Arturo scene tho) but also he was just very soulless. Very unrecognizable. The moment he showed up, took Raquel's order to stop the melting without even one objection or even asking her to explain lmfao, (even fucking Tokyo was like ????? and not Martin!!!), I knew that he's not himself this season. And I was right, this Martin didn't give a single shit about the gold, had no passion, no fire, no soul. It's not like he doesn't resemble 'Palermo' (whatever the fuck that means), he doesn't even resemble himself in the s3 and 4 flashbacks. This isn't healing or redemption. This is a complete personality change overnight. And it just made him a boring character ngl, he's just not entertaining or complex or intriguing anymore. He's literally just some guy with some cringy out-of-character moments that made me go ???? Not even asking about plan Roma and having no problem with not melting the gold, telling Bogota 'revenge is egotistical and bad uwu', his whole speech of being the shit of society or whatever were all highlights of how the show just threw his previous characterizations in the trash lmfo. I genuinely hope it was just because this volume needed to move without any obstacles from the characters and he'll go back more to who he is in volume 2, but I doubt it tbh.
The flashbacks. First, they were funny, and that is their only saving grace. Andres going 'LOBSTERS' in the middle of telling his kid that he ruined his life was top-notch. Other than that, they were terrible, terrible shitty writing. The show didn't connect them in any way to Andres' flashbacks in s3 and 4 and at the same time didn't connect them to bank heist (outside of the parallels of the water, diving, and gold in both heists). They were very disconnected from everything else, and even though I'm certain they'll have more meaning next volume, it doesn't erase the fact that they had none this volume and didn't establish any stones for connections. @spiny-norman Tatana isn't even my type lmfao so I got nothing from this.
Lastly, the relationship dynamics were so.....not there. We got about nothing other than the Tokyo stuff. No hermanos, no Martin and Sergio, no Sergio and Raquel, no flashbacks from the panning in the monastery, no Tokyo and Martin being a pain in each other's asses, no Martin/Andres and the plan, no Martin and Raquel beyond co-leading. If we had time for that stupid, stupid love triangle, then we could have had some meaningful interactions between the actual important relationships in the show. Monver defending each other and their relationship to other people was very <3 though.
The plan has no meaning. Sure, I enjoyed the action. But this bank plan itself was devoid of the soul it had since it first appeared. The bank plan was something like an individual character in previous seasons lmfao. It was the one true love story of Andres and Martin. I think the show could have balanced some of that with the action and thrill.
Again, I know it's all about the action. But the show had a true shining chance to have some iconic scenes between Raquel and the police now that Sergio was unable to participate, and we had absolutely nothing. No negotiation, no clever back and forth between her and the people she worked with for decades, just nothing. I loved seeing her in action, but the boom boom omg badass queen woman warrior with a gun thing gets boring. This fits Tokyo. Raquel's truest moments of really being a boss were supposed to be between her and the police. Just again, all characters were just doing the same thing. They were no longer brilliant, varied individuals each shinning through their own strengths that were already established. I only hope we'll get more of that in volume two.
I think this captures most of my thoughts about the volume. Sorry for long it is lmfao.
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