#but when it comes to it he never asks livia to stop pushing him to the throne
wolframpant · 2 months
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I, Claudius Episode 5 Poison Is Queen
 I'm sick of it! The gods know I've done my best! He never liked me. Never! Thirty years I've run his errands for him! I've fought on his bloody frontiers, collected his taxes! He's never once put his hand on my arm and said, "Thank you. What would I have done without you?" Now he sends me off to Illyricum and he doesn't even plan a farewell dinner. Not even a goodbye. Just get on your horse and ride! Well, damn him! I retired before and I can retire again! Let his precious grandson run his empire for him. I'm sick to death of it!
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dearly-somber · 3 months
the other girl | h.hj | skz
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-> pairing. cheater!hyunjin x female reader
-> genre. angst, breakups
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 586
-> warnings. cheating, reader finds another woman’s nudes on Hyunjin’s phone
-> a/n. I was writing a lot of cheating fics back in the day, huh…
-> collection. songfic
-> started. Sept. 17th, 2020 @ 22:35
-> fin. ???
-> edited. Fri., Jul. 14th, 2023 @ 23:05
You’re laying with your back propped up against the headboard, fiddling mindlessly with your fingers while deep in thought. You’ve had a suspicion that he had been cheating on you for quite some time now, but somehow you’d managed to convince yourself otherwise.
Why was it bothering you so much now, you wonder? Because he’d called you by a different nickname. It wasn’t unusual, but it was odd. Of course, it was something small. But even the way he’d walk out of the room to take a call (something he’d never done before), and then come back with a large smile on his face, utterly pleased with himself, was suspicious.
Your head darts up to the doorway where Hyunjin is leaning against the door, hands folded over his chest. He’s dressed and ready to go already.
“Can’t you stay a while longer?” you ask hopelessly, already knowing what his answer will be. Doesn’t matter that you just had sex—he’d leave immediately after. It sent a tidal wave of alarms off in your head that you’ve been pushing down for god knows how long now, all because you want to believe that no, he wouldn’t do that to you.
He smiles at you sadly, looking down at his combat boots before clearing his throat. “I’ll be back tomorrow?”
You sigh, sliding out from under the covers to get dressed. Hyunjin watches you closely as you get dressed into your own clothes, choosing for the first time in forever to not wear something of his before you saunter close. With a hand on his shoulder, you stand on the tips of your toes to place a resigned kiss to his cheek.
“See you tomorrow.” You smile sadly before turning back and sitting down in bed, hopping onto Twitter to distract yourself.
Hyunjin feels the guilt eating at him as he exits your apartment, shoving it down when he receives a picture of Olivia in lacy-black lingerie.
come over xoxo
Hyunjin bites his lip, looking dejectedly back at your door before heading to Olivia’s house a few blocks away.
It’s unsurprising when exactly four months later you see Hyunjin’s phone ding with a notification from Livia🍑. You look at the bathroom door, steam emanating through the crack at the bottom while Hyunjin hums to some song he heard on the radio.
Biting your lip, you unlock his phone (you shared passwords when you moved in together) and check the message only to close your eyes quickly after seeing it. What person would ever feel comfortable sending pictures of them masturbating?
Hyunjin comes out of the shower whistling, stopping immediately with his hand gripping the towel around his waist. You look at him with a pissed smile and sad eyes.
“All I’ve been wondering since I started suspecting was which one of us is the ‘other girl’, in your world. The diamond versus the pearl. Who’s the first and who’s the fool? At this point I don’t even wanna know.” You shove the phone into his chest, tears streaming down your face as he blunders, stumbling over his feet and his words to try and get you to stop and listen. He knows he’s too late by the determined shoving of your clothes into a travel bag, just wanting to get back to your apartment. Anywhere he isn’t.
“Y/N, please—“
“Don’t. We’re over,” you spit, wiping your tears with the back of your hand before fumbling to unlock the door through your blurry vision. “I’ll move your stuff.”
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indecentpause · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
from the untitled Christian and Livia fic
Although yesterday had quite confused him, today, Christian knew very well that Livia was asking him on a date. There was no other reason the other man would be asking about coffee two days in a row. But Christian had never actually been on a date, mostly due to lack of interest. The two people he ever did have interest in, a boy in high school and a man in college, hadn’t felt the same about him, so it hadn’t gone anywhere. For a long time, Christian had thought he was aroace. It took years, but finally, in his first year of college, he realized he was actually demisexual and also very, very picky. So Christian didn’t go on dates. It was so unlikely anything would come of them, and Christian had absolutely no interest in even kissing anyone, much less sleeping with them, and that was where everyone wanted dates to lead, right? Everyone moved so much faster than he did. By the time he’d even realize he was attracted to someone, they’d get bored or frustrated and move on. But Livia had seemed to have a rough day, rumpled and frowning and his brow furrowed in, and Christian couldn’t bring himself to turn the other man down.  Livia really seemed like he needed the company today. Christian just wouldn’t do anything romantic or sexual. He’d just show Livia a shop he really liked that played music so loud they would barely be able to talk. He couldn’t take Livia out for a drink, coffee or otherwise, without it seeming too date-like. But they could easily hang out at an indie record shop without that confusion. But then they stepped onto the train, crowded with rush hour riders, and Livia, small as he was, got shoved straight into Christian’s front. Christian froze. Livia grabbed onto the pole beside them, but then the train screeched to a stop and threw him off balance. Livia’s hands shot out to steady himself, and he grabbed Christian’s bag by accident, and then, somehow, they ended up crammed together, surrounded by other riders, with Livia’s hand on Christian’s hip. Oh god oh god oh god Christian couldn’t force him to let go. He didn’t want Livia falling. And he couldn’t say anything without drawing attention to them both. It was only one more stop. It would be okay. Right? When the train stopped again, Livia dropped his hand and Christian gently pushed the crowd around them aside so they could leave. They paused a moment, the only two riders getting out at this stop. The train doors closed and it began to move again, leaving the two in an awkward, echoing quiet. “Thanks for catching me,” Livia finally said. “I almost fell flat on my ass.” “Well. We can’t have that,” Christian said. But Livia didn’t touch him again, and for that, Christian was grateful.
General taglist:  @ohsugarfoot @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words​​​​​​​​​ @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace @drippingmoon @viskafrer @thelaughingstag @athenswrites @kaiusvnoir @magic-is-something-we-create @fictionalbullshitter @idreamonpaper @winterandwords @papercutsunset
if you want to be added or removed from either my general list or on a list specifically for this story, just ask!
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angedemystere · 5 months
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The Chosen Holiday Challenge: "Shalom, Shalom"
Summary: Gaius reflects on his conversation with Simon and what to do next for his family. Set during season 3 episode 7, "Ears to Hear."
A/N: This time I'm posting a story AND a picture edit for The Chosen Holiday Challenge. They focus on the theme for Week 2, "Peace." Enjoy!
“Why do you say it twice?” he asked Simon the fisherman. That word, shalom, Gaius had heard it plenty of times. Saying it once seemed enough for Jews to greet each other, but now and then they said it twice when parting ways. Of course, he shouldn’t have cared about the reason. Jews were Jews, with their odd customs and idiosyncrasies. Lately, though, questions kept leaping to his mind like excited fish. And, like an overflowing net, his mind couldn’t keep them from leaping out, this time his mouth.
“Once means ‘peace,’” said Simon. “Twice means ‘perfect peace.” He paused. “Complete wholeness.”
“That’ll be the day.”
Quietly, clearly distracted, Simon muttered a noise of agreement and went on his way. He drew up the hood to hide himself from other residents of the Roman quarter in Capernaum. It was possible only because Gaius had lent him the cloak.  
Things must really be bad at home, Gaius reasoned. Funny, really, how he’d come to learn some things about Simon in the last week or so that he’d never learned of any Jew in the last ten years of his posting in Capernaum. Unless it was a matter of public welfare, he minded his own business, even with his own countrymen.
Some part of him that was always a Roman soldier, now bearing the rank of a primi, reminded Gaius that he was in uniform and needed to return to his rounds before his men started looking for him. It also occurred to him that Livia might be anxious to know the truth of his relationship with Simon. Not because she was curious over why he’d be the least bit friendly with a Jew, but whether Simon had a connection to that “Jewish doctor” he’d spoken of.
He'd tried to explain to her, after his slip of the tongue, that this Jesus wasn’t really a doctor in the usual sense. That didn’t much matter. The rumors about him, the stories that began cropping up about his ability to heal lepers and paralytics, kept spreading even to non-Jewish ears. Now that Livia had wind of it, and by extension their son Marius, the hope of curing Ivo of his illness couldn’t be snuffed easily.
Gaius pressed his lips together, told himself to walk, and strolled out of the alley like the stoic, single-minded officer he was supposed to be. In short order, he found a few of his men and assured them that the trespassing Jew had been interrogated, found to be drunk and stupid, and with intimidation cautioned to avoid this breach again. He also found the patrolmen who’d been distracted and failed to notice Simon wandering into the area and left their egos plenty bruised.
Through it all, a few thoughts kept echoing in his head. He kept brushing them off until the first watch of the night sounded and he was free to retire from duty. Just as he stepped through the door, Livia appeared. Her drawn expression, the growing lines of worry that were aging her beautiful face, probably mirrored his own.
“Did you learn anything more?” She spoke softly and calmly. She didn’t want to rouse Marius, wherever he was.
“About?” Gaius shouldn’t have asked—he knew what she meant. He was buying time to go to his quarters and call his slave to start undressing him.
“You know about what.” Livia stopped herself when the slave entered the room. She didn’t leave, merely stood back and waited. Their slaves were privy to the household secrets, but it didn’t mean she needed to spill out her thoughts and emotions in front of them. She also took the hiatus to compose herself.
Gaius did the same. It was like a boulder had rolled down a hill and was pressing against him, not yet crushing him, but little by little it was growing heavier and pushing him down the slope. Like Sisyphus, but in reverse. That boulder was the silence between them, the unspoken knowledge and pain that he’d successfully ignored for years. Now it suddenly demanded to be acknowledged. And why? Because Ivo was sick. And a damned street preacher had gotten to him. Gaius had let him, or his words, get to him.  
The slave put away Gaius’s armor and garbed him in his evening tunic. Gaius nodded and sent him out to tend to his other duties. At last, Livia and he were alone. Alone with the silence that needed to be shattered, or it would flatten them.
“That man,” Gaius began hesitantly, “is … is a student of Jesus. The doctor, so to speak.”
Livia breathed in. She didn’t speak. Gaius gritted his teeth, then continued.
“He wasn’t here because of his teacher. He’s … let’s just say Jews have their marital problems, too.”
“But did you tell him the rest of it?” she said. “About …?”
“… yes.”
She couldn’t help the wince, he knew. She was embarrassed, even annoyed. “Will he help?”
“I didn’t ask him to.”
“Why not?”
“Because … why should he? You do realize the Jews hate us, right? Maybe even more than we find them repulsive. Just because a boy is sick doesn’t mean …”
Gaius swallowed. He had to stop not because he buckled under the notion of no one in the world caring about Ivo, his flesh and blood. Instead, he could imagine Jesus accepting a request to come heal him. The man was a strange specimen. That idea burned him. A mix of Roman and Germanic pride held him like irons from accepting help from a Jew, even a miracle worker. And yet … if Ivo was going to get worse … if he might die, how could Gaius live with himself without trying every route to save him?
And there was the sticky situation of going to Jesus or having him come to his house. Jews didn’t go into Gentile homes, from what he gathered. Unclean and all that. He’d learned quite a bit about “clean” and “unclean” from Simon of late. But hadn’t Simon entered his home just now with no fuss? Might not Jesus? But the other Jews might get riled by it, not to mention by the betrayal of a Jew helping a Roman officer.
No, it was all a disaster waiting to happen.
He broke out of his thoughts. He looked at Livia.
Her voice cracked right as she continued. “He … Ivo … he’s your son. You have to try.”
His eyes widened. She’d never said it aloud before.
“Do you really want me to? He’s …”
“He shouldn’t be punished for what you did.” Her expression was stiff. She said these words as one does when taking a noxious medicine. It was necessary, even good, but deeply unpleasant. She’d worked herself into believing this, despite every reason she had to feel the opposite.
For some reason, Gaius thought of Simon’s face from when they met by chance at the cistern in front of the synagogue. In a way, it had been easier to talk to Simon then than to Livia now. The alcohol had helped. Slight inebriation didn’t affect Gaius’s memory; he could capture the distress on Simon’s face at the question of whether he and his wife were arguing.
On top of that memory came a much fresher one. Simon, standing before him and wearing a borrowed cloak: “Silence between a husband and wife … it’s poison.”
Why did the cure have to hurt worse than the venom?
“I was worried you hated him,” he said.
Livia’s eyebrows jumped up, then fell. “Maybe, for a while, I resented him. Not now. Marius loves him, and … I decided that I could live with that. What … what do you … I know you don’t want to tell me, but I want to know what he means to you. Truthfully.”
The truth came out of Gaius far too easily. The boulder rolled over him.
“He’s my son. I don’t want to lose him.”
“Then seek out the doctor. Do it, Gaius, for all our sakes.”
“You mean that?”
The weight passed like a cloud, and he could breathe. But now that he wasn’t exerting himself in holding up the boulder, now that he was free, his armor started to fall away. A sob broke in his throat. He tried to suck it back in.
Livia didn’t rush to him; that wouldn’t have become a proper Roman wife, certainly not one married to a soldier. She came over to him, all the same. She didn’t chide him. She touched his arm.
He gasped. Another sob managed to heave out.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
He shook his head. “Why? It wasn’t your fault.”
“I carried my anger with me for so long, and for what? Well, to punish you. But I don’t want that now, and I’m sorry I ever did.”
“I’m sorry.” He did his best to speak clearly through the tears. “I was wrong. I … I’m sorry.”
Livia smiled. “You’re good at saying that. At least now I know you mean it.”
“I always mean it,” he said through a wet laugh.
She shook her head and shushed him. “It’s all right, Gaius. No one is watching.”
They sat on the bench, the one near his table where he reviewed official papers and other business. She guided his head to her shoulder and let him unleash the rest of the flood inside him.
Complete wholeness. It didn’t seem logical that a person could feel whole when emptying themselves. Yet, for a little while, through tears and choked moans, it felt true.
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amberthefantasy · 2 months
Nitimur in Vetitum
chapter nine: cadere (fall)
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The proscription of 43 BC was the second major proscription... here were 2,000 names on the list in total, and a handsome reward of 2,500 drachmae for bringing back the head of a free person on the list- The Proscriptions
7th Day Before the Ides of December (7th December)
"She's beautiful Octavia," Lucretia murmured as she stared down at the babe in Octavia's arms. After five hours of labour, Octavia had finally pushed the little girl out. Octavia smiled down at the bundle in her arms. "Isn't she just?"
"Octavia?" Gaius' voice called from outside.
"In here!" Octavia called back, her smile widening slightly when their brother entered the room. His eyes landed on the babe and a wide smile took over his own face. "A girl," Octavia said.
Gaius' smile didn't falter, he simply stepped closer and peered down at the little thing. Then his eyes found Lucretia, and she saw the want in them. She smiled at him. It was only a matter of time for certain.
Though Lucretia knew there were ways to prevent pregnancy, she had never really inquired about them, or cared. Three years of marriage without a child? To a man who had already had a son? If Lucretia wanted any hope of stopping the whispers and rumour beginning to spread about her, perhaps it wouldn't be completely foolish to get pregnant. If they could convince Silvius to lie. A year ago perhaps she would have even suggested divorce, but Gaius had made a foolish deal without consulting her and now she was stuck in her marriage to Antonius' ally.
"... he gave her the name Marcella," Octavia was telling Gaius, who smiled and nodded, his eyes flicking to Lucretia's thoughtful face every now and then.
16th Day Before the Kalends of Ianuarius (17th December)
Lucretia blinked her eyes up at the sky. A flock of birds took flight in front of them and she heard Gaius sigh, "Heading south… for the winter."
"What?" Agrippa asked. Lucretia lowered her eyes to the men. 
"The birds," Gaius explained. Agrippa nodded slowly, glancing back at the birds.
"They’re getting out while they can," Lucretia muttered. 
"Is that a good omen?" Agrippa asked, turning to Gaius, the pontiff among them.
"Of course it is," Gaius said, though his voice wasn't as confident as Lucretia expected. "Let’s do it." Gaius clapped a hand on Agrippa's back and stood.
"I still want Caecilius," Lucretia said. Gaius nodded once as they mounted their horses and began the journey back to the city.
Livia was awoken by the sound of a door opening and her name being called. Antigone sat up beside her, eyes darting to the door. "Livia!" Antigone breathed out, "that's the dominus."
Livia jumped up, running out into the atrium of Nero's house. "Father?" Livius was standing, fully dressed in armour, near the centre of the room. Her eyes landed on the soldiers standing by the door, people she didn't recognize, "who's that?"
Livius didn't respond and Livia walked closer, anxiety pulsing through her body. "The war has come, Little Bear," Livius said. Livia felt her heart beat faster at the words.
"Livius? What are you doing here?" Nero's voice came from behind her and Livia turned to look at him. 
"Like the last time, a list of names is going up in the forum," Livius looked back at his daughter. "Senators and knights. And a hundred thousand sesterces on every head."
"What? Well am I on it?" Nero asked.
"No, but I am. Now get yourself dressed and warn everyone you can think of. Start with Piso," Livius pointed at Nero, who turned to leave.
Livia watched him go, then snapped her eyes back to her father. "Let me come."
"I'm going to Greece," Livius explained, "to join Brutus and Cassius. And afterwards, I'll find you." Livia nodded quickly, tears pooling in her eyes. "Remember your family and your duty."
"Always," Livia said shakily. Livius nodded, glanced down at their joined hands, then let go and headed for the door. "Father?" Livia called to stop him. "Antigone thinks I might be pregnant."
Livius' face softened, "a grandson."
"Well, I wouldn't waste your time with a girl," Livia jokes.
Livius took her face in his hands, "if she is anything like you, Little Bear, I'll be happy." He placed a kiss on her forehead, before releasing her again. His eyes tinged with tears, and left her standing there. Alone. In the large atrium of Nero's house.
"I am a Senator! I am a citizen! You cannot do this to me!" A man's voice sounded through the empty atrium as he was dragged in by guards.
Lucretia smirked. Her eyes flicked up to see Agrippa entering in front of the bound man. "My dear brother has revoked your citizenship Caecilius," Lucretia's eyes glittered in the candlelight.
The old senator froze mid step, his eyes darting from the soldiers to Lucretia. "What is the meaning of this!?"
"Murderer," she hissed, stalking forwards. "Conspirator. Traitor. My father granted you amnesty and you slaughtered him like an animal."
"Caesar was a tyrant!" Caecilius yelped, "it was just. It was roman!"
"It was murder!" Lucretia responded, her voice raising in volume to match his, "it was dishonourable. It requires retribution."
Agrippa drew his sword from its sheath and handed it to Lucretia, who lifted the blade with a smile. "Justice."
"No! I am a Senator! I am a patrician. You cannot just kill me without trial!" Caecilius pleaded, his voice becoming shrill.
"You have been named," Agrippa said, a smirk forming on his lips. "You are no longer a citizen. You are no longer a Senator. And your life is forfeit."
Lucretia smiled at the shaking man. The soldiers pushed him to his knees as she neared. "Say hello to my father for me," she hissed. The silver-haired woman raised her sword and plunged it into the man's throat. She sliced sideways, relishing in the gurgling cries spilling from his lips, before the blade cut through and his head toppled to the ground.
On the Nones of Februarius in the Year of Lepidus and Plancus (5th February, 42 BCE)
Gaius ran his hand over Lucretia's arm. She smiled at him, eyes crinkling slightly. "You are gorgeous when you smile," he praised.
"When I smile? What about when I don't?" she teased.
"Always," Gaius breathed as he brought his mouth closer for a kiss. She moaned into his mouth as his hands ran up her leg. "The most beautiful. The most lovely. The kindest." He kissed a different place on her face every time he said a compliment and Lucretia began to giggle. 
"And you, my beloved brother, are the best man Rome has ever seen," she pulled him back for another kiss. Their lips moulded together like they were made for it. Their bodies pressed together like two halves of the same coin. 
"I already knew that," Gaius said in a whisper. Lucretia pulled back to raise a brow at him. Gaius laughed, "but I do adore when you remind me."
Lucretia allowed him to kiss her again, simply saying softly, "you better."
On the Ides of Aprilis (13th April)
The stress of war planning was getting to her. Lucretia ran her hand over her churning stomach, trying to calm it from the outside. "Cousin?" Octavia asked, her voice filled with concern. Lucretia blinked to try and focus on what she was saying but some gnawing thought at the back of her mind kept distracting her. "Are you alright? You look ill." Octavia stood to reach over and place a hand on Lucretia's head.
"I'm fine Octavia," Lucretia waved her off. "I've just been nauseous lately."
Octavia pursed her lips, looking Lucretia up and down with narrowed eyes. "When?"
"When?" Lucretia repeated.
"When is the nausea happening?" Octavia said, her voice tense.
"I suppose... early in the day?" Lucretia shrugged, then her eyes widened and she stood, hurrying to collect her veil and leave.
"Lucretia... Whose is it?" Octavia called as she left.
Lucretia turned back to her, "I don't know."
Gaius and Agrippa were looking over some letters when Lucretia rushed into the room and came to a stop before them. "Lucretia?" Agrippa asked.
"I..." Lucretia gasped, trying to force air into her lungs.
"What is it?" Gaius asked, taking her by the arm and looking her up and down, searching for injury.
Lucretia took a breath to steady herself then said softly, "I'm pregnant."
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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John Wick x Darcie Angel (asian ofc)
Summary: After Tiki has passed away, the Wicks aren't ready yet for a new companion for Oreo, but that's before John walks over that bridge.
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: mentions of death of an animal
John always knew it would happen someday, but nothing prepared him for the devastation Tiki’s passing would cause. She had been there the day he stepped foot in Darcie’s cafe and now she’s not there. She doesn’t bark when he walks in, she doesn’t beg for more treats by acting cute and she isn’t jumping over Oreo anymore. No more Tiki curled up on Livia or Sam’s bed, when thunderstorms roar outside or just in general.
Seeing his wife crushed, crying non stop whenever she walks around the place, breaks his heart. Tiki was Darcie’s first dog, her first love after everything that happened. Livia sought out to Oreo, who himself was mourning too. Little Sam had a lot of difficulties to fall asleep at night, simply because Tiki wasn’t there to give him a lick on the cheek.
And John kept it all together. He takes long walks with Oreo, he hugs his kids when they need him and consoles his Darcie when she is crying.
But when the kids are in bed and Darcie’s sitting on the couch, John needs a breather.
‘I’ll be right back,’ he says to Darcie, giving her a kiss on top of her head.
‘Of course,’ she answers. ‘You’re taking Oreo with you?’
He shrugs, but seeing the look on her face, he realizes he should take the big pitbull with him. While he can perfectly take care of himself, he knows she often worries about him and with the loyal companion, she feels slightly better. He grabs the leash and Oreo gets up from the couch, already knowing what is expected from him.
‘I love you,’ he says, after he put on his coat.
‘Love you more. Don’t make it too long, okay?’ Darcie bites her bottom lip. ‘Please?’
He only nods, because he doesn’t trust his own voice. Once he’s outside, he lets out a sigh. It was unexpected, Tiki’s passing. She had been fine one day and the next, she was unable to get up from the couch, threw up blood and when they arrived at the vet’s, it turned out Tiki had internal bleedings and would not recover.
It was the hardest day of his life, but the days that followed weren’t easy. Between the tons of hugs he gave to his family, he dug a hole in the backyard to bury her. It was difficult and not a day goes by he doesn’t miss her.
Oreo and John are strolling around, walking towards the park, though that place is filled with Tiki memories. He lets out another deep sigh, before he crosses the bridge with Oreo, who all of the sudden is not moving anymore.
‘Come on, boy,’ John says, gently pulling the leash, but Oreo is not budging. ‘What’s wrong?’
Oreo whines and starts to walk the opposite direction. He walks behind the grey pitbull, who pulls him towards the field, that leads to the spot underneath the bridge. If Oreo were to do this with Darcie, John wouldn’t be happy about it, but now he can walk with him.
Besides, Oreo has never been so persistent.
John follows the dog and it gets darker and darker. ‘Okay, that’s enough, come on.’
But Oreo doesn’t listen. He drags John with him and stops in front of a plastic bag. He sniffs and whines some more.
‘What’s wrong?’
The soft whimpers of what seems like a puppy catches John off guard. He crouches down and when he reaches to touch the plastic bag, a wet nose touches his fingers.
‘Hi little one,’ he says to the small and shaking puppy, who carefully and cautiously crawls out of the plastic bag. From the looks of it, this is a St. Bernard pup, but he is quick to push the future image of giant hound destroying their mansion back.
John pats Oreo on his head, who pushes his nose against the pup. ‘What do you think?’ he asks his loyal friend, after he checked the pup for a collar, which is no where to be found. ‘We should take him home, right?’
❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎
The pup has been carefully tucked into John’s jacket, as he hurries back home. He walks into the living room and he hears Darcie say: ‘Hi honey.’
‘I have a surprise,’ John says.
He hears her stand up from the couch and she pats Oreo on his head who walks up to her. Then her eyes land on the puppy’s head sticking out from his zipped up jacket and she gasps. ‘Oh my goodness,’ she says. ‘Who’s this sweetheart?’
‘I found him underneath the bridge,’ John answers. ‘Well, Oreo found him. Poor fella, all by himself in a plastic bag.’
‘No way,’ Darcie says, scratching the little one behind his ear. ‘Poor thing. Can’t believe there are actually people who dump their dogs. Cruel world. How about we put him in a bath and when he’s clean, we’ll tell the kids.’
‘What?’ John asks. ‘We tell the kids we have a dog?’
‘Yes,’ she says in all seriousness. ‘Come on, John, you can’t bring puppy into our house and then expect me nor the kids to not want to keep him.’
‘Darling, are you sure?’
She nods. ‘I am. I think it would be good for us, for the kids to have a new dog. I know this enormous fella will never ever replace Tiki, but… I miss having two dogs around.’
John chuckles. ‘I could’ve known. Besides, I kinda wanted to keep him.’
The two of them put the little fella in the bath tub, washing off all the dirt. Tomorrow they’re taking him to the vet, to have an entire check up. The puppy has a sweet face and seems totally at ease here.
The kids must’ve heard they were still up, because they hear two pairs of footsteps. ‘Mommy, what are you do— Oh, is that a puppy?’ Livia asks, rushing up to them, sitting next to John.
Samuel joins them and sits close to Darcie. ‘Where did it come from?’
‘Dad found him on his walk with Oreo,’ Darcie says. ‘He is so cute.’
‘Can we please keep him?’ Livia says. ‘I promise I’ll wash him, feed him and walk with him.’
John chuckles. ‘Of course we can.’ He lifts the puppy from the bathtub and Darcie helps him dry the pup, who is already happier, wagging its tail. Oreo sits in the doorway and Livia and Samuel tuck him with them as they all go downstairs. Despite it’s already late, the kids are wide awake.
‘How are we gonna name him?’ Samuel asks, who sits near Darcie, his eyes shooting hearts at the pup.
‘Plagg!’ Livia exclaims.
John looks a little daze, as he stares at the three pairs of eyes that look so identical to one another, who all think the same, while he still doesn’t understand. ‘Plagg?’
‘Yes,’ Sam says. ‘Plagg.’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘Plagg is Cat Noir’s miraculous. Tiki was Ladybug’s,’ Livia is quick to explain. ‘I mean, mommy named her first dog Tiki, then she named Oreo… I think it’s our turn to name him.’
‘And I don’t get to name any dog?’ John asks, pretending to be a little hurt about it.
Before the kids can even feel a little bit bad about it, Darcie snorts. ‘Your dad wanted to name Oreo Dog, so he lost all of his dog naming privileges.’
Livia scrunches her nose. ‘Weirdo.’
John tickles her side. ‘So, we’re calling him Plagg?’ he asks.
Unanimously the three of them nod and say: ‘Yes!’ for extra emphasis.
John pulls Plagg on his lap. ‘Welcome home, Plagg. You’re part of the family now.’
Taglist: @toomanystoriessolittletime // @diegos-butt // @allie1804-fan // @cynic-spirit // @raven-black102 // @abschaffer2
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mysticpetals · 3 years
Can you please do a fluffy 42 with Lucifer and MC and their daughter pls🥺🥺
Pairing: Lucifer × angel!mc (Vienna)
Words: 1.2k
Genre: fluff, humor
Summary: Lucifer and his daughter plan a surprise but it doesn't go according to plan.
Prompt: 42. "Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen."
Notes: I'm soooooo sorry that it's so late but again, I can only blame exams 😭 I hope you like this fluffy oneshot 💗 couldn't really find a suitable gif so bear with me lol
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"Go on, it's okay. It looks like she's just as scared as you," Vienna nods towards a middle aged woman, who was her charge's mother. Her charge didn't even know that she existed till his father drunkenly admitted one day that he had forced her to leave them.
Now the teenager looked unsurely towards his mother from outside the cafe's window and watched as she fidgeted nervously. It was difficult to arrange the meeting, and even more difficult to get the moody teenager to agree. But looking at the hope on his face, of finally getting something he had been looking for his whole life, she was sure that she made the right decision.
"What if she doesn't like me?" He asked.
"Now why would you think that? You're her son, she'll always love you," Vienna said and the boy stood up straighter, gathering himself to head inside, but as he turned to thank the kind lady, she was nowhere to be found. He furrowed his brows and decided that she must be running late for her work and had left.
Across the street, Vienna looked as the child entered and the mother sprang up from her seat. They both shook hands awkwardly but soon, they were talking with each other, all smiles and Vienna felt that her job here was done.
She called upon the vortex to open up, and take her home to Hell, where Lucifer and their daughter must have been waiting for her. She had promised them that she'd make them pancakes when she returned home and was looking forward to spending time with her family.
The vortex opened up next to the entrance of hell and she giddily made her way to the throne room, not doubting that she'd find Lucifer and a few of his advisors arguing again about something pointless. To her surprise though, it was absolutely empty.
Vienna tilted her head in confusion as she looked around. Lucifer had made sure to take his duties seriously ever since ascending the throne after Satan and it was rare to find him slacking off. Sure he was stubborn and took a long time to actually accept anyone's suggestions but still, he had never left the throne room so early before, no matter how aggravated he was.
She walked towards their home, hoping to find someone there and wasn't disappointed when the delighted shrieks of her daughter reached her ears. She sighed in relief, the war having made her too sensitive to the smallest of things, especially since her daughter was half angel and half demon.
A demon working for them greeted her and offered to take her cloak that she had removed and she stopped him.
"It's okay. Do you know where Lucifer and my daughter are?"
The demon hesitated, shuffling nervously and Vienna suddenly felt a sense of foreboding.
"Er..no, Miss Vienna. I'm afraid not."
Right then, she heard Lucifer shouting 'get away!' and fearing the worst, she dropped the cloak and ran towards the voice, heart pounding in her chest with fear and adrenaline.
What she came upon was her daughter hiding behind a chair as Lucifer held a pan, which was on fire, away from her.
"Mom!" Livia noticed her standing at the entrance of the kitchen and abandoning her chair, ran up to her, hugging her legs.
Vienna grabbed her daughter, pushing her behind herself, as Lucifer finally put out the fire and slumped against the kitchen counter. She gave a sigh of relief when a helper demon came upon the scene and told them that she'd clean up here.
"It's fine, I'll do it," Lucifer said, waving his hand and turned towards the pan once again. Livia tugged at her mother's dress, eyes wide as if to say that she shouldn't let that happen and Vienna smiled.
"Darling, I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen."
"What? You think I'll mess this up too?" He barked defensively and Vienna shook her head.
"No, because you two troublemakers need to come with me and clean up."
Lucifer looked at his daughter who was fidgeting with Vienna's robe, already distracted from what they had been doing prior to this whole fiasco and sighed in fond exasperation.
"Fine, let's go."
"So….what were you two doing?" Vienna asked as the three of them walked towards the bathroom.
"It was dad's idea!" Her five year old exclaimed and Vienna had to stifle a laugh at the betrayed expression on Lucifer's face.
"Well, you're the one who asked me to help you surprise mom!" He countered and the two of them started bickering about who was to blame. Vienna let them argue until they reached their destination and then turned to them with a raised eyebrow.
"You're wrong! And mom believes me anyway," Livia said, a smug smile on her round face as Lucifer scoffed playfully.
"No way. I met her first which means she trusts me more."
Livia's expression dropped as she turned towards her mother with tear filled eyes and Lucifer looked panicked at seeing her like that.
"Mom? You don't believe me?"
Lucifer looked at her pleadingly but Vienna, used to her daughter's antics picked her up and set her on the bathroom counter.
"I trust you both equally. Now let's do something about that flour on your face."
Livia pouted at her mother's dismissal of her question but Lucifer was relieved to see that she no longer looked like she might cry any second.
"Didn't I tell you I'll make you pancakes after coming back? Were you that hungry?" Vienna teased her daughter as she rubbed a wet cloth on her cheeks and Livia scrunched her face.
"I wanted to make pancakes for you like you always make for us." She mumbled and Vienna's heart clenched, the love for her daughter, her family only growing more. She caught Lucifer's eyes in the mirror and he gave her a genuine smile, one that she so dearly loved.
"All done! You can go now missy, but I better not hear that you went into the kitchen again!" Vienna said and Livia struggled to get down from the counter before Lucifer helped her. She giggled in delight when he tickled her and squirmed away, running back to the hallway, the sound of her laughter trailing behind her.
"Is it my turn yet?" Lucifer smirked and Vienna rolled her eyes playfully.
"Nope. You're a big boy, do it yourself."
"Oh, come on!" He grabbed her hand and pulled her flush against him, cradling her face and kissing her gently.
"How did the assignment go?" He murmured between kisses and Vienna pulled away a little.
"Wonderful. But I see you had fun without me here." She smiled and Lucifer laughed, the sound making her smile widen.
"She's going to be the death of me," he said fondly but she could see the hesitance on his face, the doubt that he wasn't enough.
"Hey," she cupped his face and made him look at her, "you're a great dad. You're doing amazing, even though you've never had that yourself. She loves you so much, probably more than me. So don't doubt yourself."
Lucifer's expression melted into something softer and he nuzzled his face against her neck.
"I knew she loved me more."
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twinkleallnight · 3 years
The Christmas gift of writing.
Merry Christmas!
This one is for you dear @texaskitten30 . Thank you for hosting this @cordonianroyalty. Many more thanks to @indiacater for helping me out of my worries and pre reading it for me.
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Pairing: Drake x Olivia
Word count: 1376
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: Mention of pregnancy and childbirth.
Prompt: Features wackydrabbles prompt 71 in bold.
The Nevrakis-Walker Christmas
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24 December 2019
“I don’t want to go.” Olivia threw a tantrum umpteenth time.
Drake again patiently tried convincing her. “Come on it’s been a month since we planned the Christmas eve at Beaumont’s manor.”
“Don’t push me Drake. I know you want to don the best uncle’s hat for Bartie and Eleanor. Go ahead. I. Don’t. Want. To. Go.”
“ Livia, please.” Drake closed the distance between them. Standing behind her, he curled his hands around her shoulders, kissing the loose red tendrils of hair away from her neck. “I promise it will be fun.”
“You said it last time too when that bone-head Beaumont set up the April fool prank and look where I stand now.”
Drake delicately moved his hands from her sides to cover her swollen belly. “Well, I don’t regret what we have here, thanks to that prank.”
01 April 2019
They were newly weds when Max called them over to help him prepare for his first book reading session while Bertrand was off to the palace for some official meeting. He locked them in the library and planned to have some fun on April fool’s day. As luck would have it, Bartie fell down and got hurt. Max had to rush to the hospital with Savannah and the couple was left bolted, forgotten by Max. Alone in the library without any rescue plan, soon their carnal desires took over. What were they thinking? No protection and a month later Olivia tested postive.
24 December 2019
Olivia leaned back, Drake taking her weight and trying to relieve her stress. Olivia was an organised person and this unplanned life changing event in their life was giving her nightmares. She was still not prepared, even after all the parenting classes Drake planned and attended with her. To add to it, she witnessed Eleanor’s birth and she was shit scared if she will be able to go through it.
“Livia, you were the smartest little girl I knew growing up. The sharpest teenager I admired and you bloomed into the strongest woman I know. You give me strength and courage to look into the eyes of this world. Our baby will be blessed to have you. You will be a great mother. And I promise I will be there with you at each step, always at your side to share all the moments. Please, stop questioning yourself.” He tilted his head to kiss her on her temple.
Olivia turned around and shrunk into him as he hugged her, trying to wash away her insecurities.
‘How? How will I take care of the tiny being? I grew up with servants, Liam and Drake were my only family. I have never known what being a mother is ? What if I hurt the little life? I want to give you the world Drake but I don’t know how?’ Olivia thought to herself but she still didn’t have the courage to voice it out in front of Drake. A teardrop rolled down her cheek whilst her face was hidden in his broad chest.
She pulled herself together for Drake once again and dressed up in the Red floral dress Drake had bought for her. “ For god’s sake, floral pattern Drake?” she had scowled.
“Don’t be stubborn, try it! Red colour is for you dear, the flowers are for our little bean.” he had lovingly planted a kiss on her growing tummy.
Drake was all smiles to see his wife in the dress. “Lose the grin Walker!” she threw the car keys at him, which he caught at the right moment without letting them smash his face.
As they drove to the Beaumont manor, Olivia warned Drake against Max. “ I promise you I will stab him if I find that bone head within 6 feet of my vicinity.”
“And I promise you that he won’t stand in the room that you occupy. He has still not revived of the shock you gave him last time when you tried to kill him by targeting that flower vase at him.”
Once at the manor, everyone got busy in the preparations for the festivities. Olivia kept close tab on Riley and keenly observed how Riley managed little Eleanor. Riley had sensed Olivia’s anxiety long back and would always keep the company whenever they met.
Max was always at safe distance. Even for dinner, he sat at the far end of the table away from Olivia.
After the meal, Riley and Savannah took their kids to bed. Bertrand and Max went to load the gifts with Bastein to be taken to the charity next day. Liam and Drake sat in the library and discussed the security for Christmas party at the palace. Olivia relaxed in the parlour. She got up to get a glass of water for herself when it all happened suddenly. Olivia felt a sudden rush of fluid down her legs. At the same time, Max came hurrying to pick the leftover gifts and bumped into Olivia. She twirled a bit as Max held her in his arms firmly but she lost her mind. “Drake!!!” she screamed.
Drake barged in, absorbed the scene in front of him and didn’t waste a second. He lifted Olivia and scurried to his car calling out, “ Liam call up the hospital and tell them I am on my way with the mamma bear.”
Luckily, Bastein was out near the car to help. He volunteered to drive them to the hospital.
In all the overwrought, no one realised that the younger Beaumont was left frozen in his place. He was scared to death, never realising that it wasn’t his fault.
“I told you I didn’t want to come!”
“Calm down dear. It has nothing to do with Max. All is under control. We were expecting this. It's time. Have faith Livia! Just breathe!” Drake maintained his poise while reassuring his wife.
Dr Montgomery was waiting at the hospital after receiving the phone call from the king himself. Olivia was admitted. Next few hours passed in a whirlwind, Olivia trying to concede in her fate, unsure about what was to happen. Drake never left her side for a minute. He was holding her hand and talking sweet nothings to their baby while soothing Olivia at the same time. He kept dabbing her face, rubbing her back running around for the ice chips. He had the hospital bag ready in the car for emergency. She had never even bothered about it. She knew he would be a doting father. Olivia was counting her blessings!
Her contractions started nearing and it was finally at the dawn of 25th December that the Duchess of Lythikos along with her loving husband welcomed their baby girl.
The royal couple who was waiting in a special room at the hospital was informed and called in, to greet baby Nevrakis-Walker. Max came with them.
Olivia was holding the tiny little red head in her arms, her eyes welled up with tears. Riley went to her side and hugged her. Liam congratulated the proud father while Max stood at a distance.
Olivia caught his attention and smiled, “Come here you!” Max apprehensively came close to her. She stretched out her free arm to hug him. “I have targeted you a lot this year. Blame those hormones.” Max was relieved that Olivia and baby were fine. “You planned it well for us Beaumont! Look we have a Christmas baby!” Olivia said gleefully. Drake was glad that his nervous Olivia was finally relaxed and happy. Max was overwhelmed, and left speechless. He just hugged her back.
“So what do we call this little bundle of joy?” Riley asked, all excited.
Olivia looked at Drake quizzically. Drake circled his arm around Olivia and gently moved his fingers over their little red head. “Lilith, fierce and strong, just like her mother.”
“Lilith,” Olivia repeated softly. “You will be the strong and protective eldest daughter of our family.”
“Livia!” Drake was surprised at her announcement. His wife who was unwilling to accept any change in her life till a day prior just announced that she was ready to dive in and let the family grow! He couldn’t stop himself and kissed his wife. Olivia was beaming at him.
Tags: @ao719 @aloneautumn @bebepac @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordonianroyalty @drakewalker04 @gkittylove99 @glaimtruelovealways @kat-tia801 @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @idontknowwhysblog-blog @islandcrow @jovialyouthmusic @jaxsmutsuo @kingliam2019 @lovablegranny @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @no-one-u-know @ntoraplayschoices @princessleac1 @ritachacha @speedyoperarascalparty @shanzay44 @queenrileyrose @sanchita012 @sfb123 @theroyalheirshadowhunter @wackydrabbles @yourmajesty09
Tagging those in the Christmas Gift of Writing @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @iaminlovewithtrr @anjanettexcordonia @kat-tia801 @eadanga @xxrainbow-princessxx
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Next-Door Neighbours : Chapter Sixteen
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A Liam Fanfic, A Niall Fanfic, MA Rating
New neighbours, new drama. Sometimes what you need is the last thing you’re looking for.
1- This fic is written by Julie ( @paynesqueen​ ) & Livia ( @horansqueen​ ) 2- Julie will write the odd chapters and Livia the even chapters 3- This fic will have romance, drama and smut.
Chapter Sixteen by Livia (horansqueen)
With the way her lips curled, Louis knew she was totally down to play. It was exactly the kind of things she enjoyed and that was one of the many reasons he loved her.
"I'll get the flashlights."
She ran to the next room, opening a few drawers when she heard Louis yell to her she should check the bottom one. She opened it, grabbed two flashlights and made sure they worked before running back to the kitchen, handing him one. His lips curled at how excited she was and she quickly put her shoes on, following him outside. He stopped after a few seconds and turned around, moving the flashlight up to illuminate his own face.
"You hide first." he proposed, his lips curling into a smirk. " You can't go too far but you can move while I search for you."
"Okay, you close your eyes and count until fifty."
His eyes roamed on her face in the dark and he raised his eyebrows. "Deal."
As soon as his eyes were closed, she started running away, hiding herself behind a tree but close enough so she could see him. She looked around, trying to find other places to hide when he'd come close to find her, but when she heard him yell 'FIFTY!', she held her breath as her heart skipped a beat.
Olivia leaned against the tree, waiting in silence and hearing Louis' steps getting closer. Her lips curled on the right and she moved her head down slightly when she realized she wanted him to catch her, but she was going to play the game fully. It was always like that with Louis. It was always fun and unpredictable, and that was something she'd never get enough of. She was scared that if she ended up not dating him, all of this would stop. It was not just about the sex, it was also about the connection they had and the close friendship that linked them. Would he still want to be her best friend if she dated Niall? Probably not, and she couldn't really blame him.
She heard Louis getting closer and slowly, she walked to an other tree, leaning against it. It was dark, her flashlight was off, but she could see Louis' light the ground near her, making her press her lips together. He was close, and she couldn't move without catching his attention. After a few seconds of silence, he turned around and came face to face with her, making him chuckle.
"Found you!"
She started running, letting out a short yell and it made him laugh even more as he started running after her. He caught her easily, bending down to wrap his arms around her waist and she yelled again, making him laugh.
"You don't really  think you can escape, do you?" he asked, amused by the way she was squirming in his arms.
He brought her farther and turned her around, taking a step closer and forcing her to lean against a tree. Her lips curled and she tilted her chin up, raising her eyebrows in a defying way.
"Who says I want to escape?"
Louis' eyes roamed on her unable to hide the feelings running through him. It was a mix of lust and affection and she loved it more than she wanted to admit to her.
"Then don't move." he whispered, pressing his body against hers.
"Did you do all that just to fuck me in the forest?"
"Maybe." he smirked.
He was still holding the flashlight but it was not directed to their face. He bent down to reach her lips and let his free hand run under her hoodie, his eyes never leaving hers. He wanted to tell her he loved her but he was scared of what she would say, and even more of her silence. How can you love someone so much was beyond his understanding but he knew he couldn't fight it.
"You smell so good, that's how I found you." he admitted in a whisper. "That perfume drives me crazy."
He pushed his body more against hers and she heard the flashlight fall on the ground, making her smile right before he kissed her roughly. Her heart skipped a beat as his hand slipped in her sweatpants. She spread her legs slightly, feeling two of his fingers slide on her slit before he pushed them inside her. She moaned against his mouth and it made him grin.
"I want to feel you clench around my cock the way you are around my fingers right now."
Instead to do as he said, he quickly got down on his knees, bringing her sweatpants with him and he groaned when he saw she was not wearing panties. She stared down at him, her lips parted as she panted, and cursed low when he moved closer, pushing her thighs away and sliding his tongue between them.
"Oh fuck..." she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the tree, focusing on the way his tongue was moving in and out of her.
Her brought his mouth back up and started sucking on her clit as she grabbed his hair, pulling on it a bit too hard. The short whimpers she let out made him even hornier and he felt himself swell in his pants as she dripped on his tongue. She started shaking slightly and he stopped right before she came, making her groan low. He moved back up and chuckled at the grimace on her face, waiting for her to look at him. Her eyes fluttered open and he shook his head slightly, sending her a smile.
"I love when you're needy like that."
"Shut up and fuck me."
She reached for his pants, pulling them down quickly and running her hand on his boxers.
"You know when I said you smelled good?" he asked, moving his face closer to hers. "You taste even better."
To prove his point, he kissed her hard, pushing his tongue in her mouth. She immediately started sucking on it and he groaned low, pulling his boxers down before she grabbed his throbbing cock in her hands, stroking him quickly. He took her hand away, moving closer, and she shut her eyes tight when she felt his cock against her thighs, sliding up until it pressed against her pussy.
She spread her legs and quickly, he pushed himself inside her, making her shake against him. She brought both her arms around his neck, slipping her fingers in his hair and pulling him closer, and when he moved his hips back, she held her breath, waiting for him to thrust against inside her.
"You.. You make me so..." she couldn't find her words as he fucked her against the tree. She felt the bottom of her back and her butt scratch against the trunk but the way he pushed himself in and out of her felt so good she didn't even care. Would sex feel that good with anyone else? Would sex feel that good with Niall?
Thinking about him while having sex with Louis made her heart jump in her chest. It was so wrong, yet Niall had appeared in her mind despite herself. She started feeling guilty, telling herself that maybe, if she had given in and had sex with Niall, she wouldn't be wondering how he'd feel inside her while her best friend was fucking her. Or perhaps, it would do the opposite. Maybe it would make her think about Niall all the time, maybe it would make the feelings she had for him turn into something stronger, something she didn't know how to handle.
Louis brought his hand to her face, taking her out of her thoughts, and spread his fingers on her cheek. With his little finger, her moved her chin up, making her lips brush against his.
"Are you close?" he asked in a murmur, making her shiver.
"Yes, don't stop."
He kept fucking her against the tree, his body pressed against hers as she started seeing stars behind her eyelids, trying to push the thought of Niall out of her mind, and when she felt an orgasm coming, she moaned louder, making him thrust deeper inside her.
"I'm cumming." she whispered low as she started shaking against him again, bringing him quickly to his own orgasm,
She felt his hand grip her waist tight as she did the same with his hair until they both came down from their high, panting in silence.
"I love you." he whispered without thinking, leaning his forever against hers.
She swallowed hard, trying to find the right thing to answer, and her hands slipped from his hair to his face, cupping his cheek.
"I have feelings for you, Louis." she breathed back.
He licked his lips, his tongue brushing against her mouth, but she kept her eyes closed as her heartbeats accelerated. "What feelings?"
"Many." she finally answered, swallowing hard again. "But I need time to figure them out."
It took a few seconds before he answered and she opened her eyes to look at him, his eyes roaming on her face again. "Okay, I'm sorry." he murmured. "I'll wait."
The ride back home on the next day was almost completely silent and when Louis parked near her apartment, he leaned against the bench and sighed.
"That was some sort of test, wasn't it?"
Olivia frowned and turned to him, shaking her head slightly with confusion. "What do you me-"
"This weekend." he quickly cut her, turning his head quickly her way. "You said yes to find out if we could be more than just two best friends who fuck. You wanted to see if you had feelings for me, and now you're going to test him the same way."
It sounded more like a fact than a question and Olivia's lips parted. She was speechless. She had never seen things like that but even if the way he explained it was horrible, it was still not a complete lie.
"It's so unfair, Liv." he added, ignoring her. "For me, and for him too. Does he know?"
"Yes." she let out before swallowing.
"And he's okay with that?" Louis raised his eyebrows. "Does that hurt him as much as it hurts me?"
"Louis! I don't want to hurt you, okay!" she replied, feelings her eyes filling up with tears. "I didn't want any of this. I didn't want a relationship, I didn't want love. You're the one who's pushing me to decide what I want, and expecting an answer from me. I don't know if I love you, Lou. I don't know how I feel for Niall either! I just want to... I don't want to think about that, I don't want to pick either of you, or lose either of you. I don't want a boyfriend."
His traits changed and he teared up too, sniffing and closing his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat. He knew he was being unfair and that it wasn't all her fault. He was pushing her and he felt like she was playing him, and he had no idea how to handle all of this without getting hurt. Waiting for her decision hurt like hell, but just giving up completely seemed impossible.
"I don't want to lose you either." he admitted after a while, sighing low. "It's just hard not to expect anything."
"This whole thing is so stressful." she let out low. "It was easier before."
She was not sure before what and gladly, he didn't ask, probably not really wanting to hear the answer either. Was it easier before Niall moved in her building? Was it easier before Louis confessed his feelings?
"But we're here now." Louis argued gently, opening his eyes and gripping the wheel. "Things changed and we're gonna have to adapt."
"I know." she whispered before licking her lips and turning to him. "Regardless of all that, I loved spending time with you, It was a nice weekend."
His lips curled sadly and he nodded. "It really was."
She moved closer to kiss him, her lips lingering longer than intended against his, and she finally thanked him before grabbing her bag and walking inside. She looked back as the door closed and swallowed the tears that threatened to come out. It would never be the same with Louis and it was only just hitting her at that exact moment. If she decided not to date him, they'd never be as close and it would change their friendship forever, and if they ended up dating, it would also change their relationship and eventually, if they broke up, it would break their connection, too.
She got up the stairs slowly and the higher she got, the more her heart raced. She wanted to go knock at Niall's but she felt extremely bad to go to him only a few minutes after Louis had left and instead, she stopped in front of her own apartment, searching for her keys.
Everything was quiet when she walked inside and she took her shoes off, walking slowly to her room. Julie was not there, and Olivia guessed she was probably with Liam and there was no way she was going to disturb them. She let her bag fall near her door and sat on her bed with a sigh. Her heart was aching and she was not sure why. She was scared to lose Louis, and she wanted to check on Niall. Both feelings seemed to be opposite and she decided to just lay down and close her eyes.
It's a knock at the door that woke up her. She groaned low, rubbing her eyes and yawning before realizing how late it was. The sun was down and when she checked her phone, she noticed it was 9pm and that she had 4 text messages from Niall. It knocked again at the door and she jumped slightly, getting up and walking to the door.
Her heart skipped a beat when she swung it open and she tilted her head, sending Niall a small smile. He looked pretty, his hands in the pockets of his jeans and a gold necklace hanging over his dark blue shirt. His eyes were the same blue as his shirt and she nibbled on her bottom lip.
"Hey." she just said in a low tone, leaning against the open door.
"Hey petal, I missed you." he let out, making her heart twist in her chest. "I'm sorry for all the messages."
"Don't be."
They looked at each other in silence and he finally looked around the living room before her gaze found her again.
"Are you alone?"
"Mmhm." she nodded, knowing that her next words could change everything. "Come in."
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scarletaire · 3 years
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A/N: Not my usual Jurdan fare, I know, but after reading A Sky Beyond the Storm, this fic poured out of me and I was helpless to stop it. Canon-divergent for Chapter LX, but mostly follows canon for everything after.
WARNING: Spoilers for A Sky Beyond The Storm!
Fandom: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Ship: Helene Aquilla x Avitas Harper
Genre/s: Fluff
Rating: T
Links: Masterlist | Read on AO3 
[Summary and tags under the cut because spoilers!] 
When Avitas Harper falls, the Blood Shrike makes a deal with Death.  Snapshots of their life together after the war.
Tags: Harper Lives, Fix-It, Happy Ending, Helvitas Living Their Best Lives, We Stan One (1) Power Couple
When Avitas Harper falls, the Blood Shrike makes a deal with Death.
It happens as Mirra of Serra takes her knife to Keris Veturia’s neck. The blood and the life leave her body, but the Shrike cannot revel in it, for her love is dead and cold in her arms.
How is it possible that she still had anything left to lose?
But of course, to love someone is both to gain and to lose a thousand pieces of the world all at once.
She roars in the face of it.
In the face of Death.
And this time, with the bridge between worlds on the brink of evisceration, Death answers.
I need power, says Mauth to anyone who will listen, weakened, and scrambling for any strength to beat back the storm. Power to fight.
The Blood Shrike has never heard the voice of Mauth before, but what he asks for is familiar. She knows all too well the pursuit of power, the search for anything to keep fighting. It is what she searches desperately for now.
Give him back, she orders Death with the voice of a girl who has still too much to lose, give him back, and I will give you the strength you need.
The power of the Star. The power of song and healing. The power of Rehmat, reborn again through the centuries and a thousand times in her blood.
Whatever it is, it will be enough.
It has to be.
The maw opens its jaws. The Nightbringer succumbs to the maelstrom. The Sea of Suffering overtakes the sky.
And Helene Aquilla sings her last song.
For a moment, there is only the storm. It surges through the escarpment, it rages across the cliffs, it consumes everything in its path.
For a moment, all is lost.
For a moment, she thinks that at least she didn’t have to wait long before following him.
And then, between one breath and the next, the maelstrom disappears.
Beneath her hand, Avitas Harper stirs.
In the end, her deal hadn’t mattered. It wasn’t Mauth that saved them all. It was Laia of Serra, because of course, of course, who else could have done it but her. Helene is full of a strange mix of pride and awe when she pulls Laia into a hug. The girl she once tried to kill, the girl who pieced together the broken world.
The once Beloved, the once Forsaken now rests in chains of mercy, and so the world continues on.
Mauth never speaks to her again.
Maybe because there is nothing she could possibly offer anymore. Maybe because the next time Mauth speaks to her, it will be at the end, when his words will be the last thing she will ever hear.
Briefly, she wonders what Death will do with the power she gave him. Then she thinks that it doesn’t really matter much to her, anymore.
She stands with Elias as they take in the bodies of their dead. They are spread out in lines across the forest floor. There are too many of them, Martial, Scholar, Tribal – it isn’t important anymore. They were divided in life. Today, they are united in the loss of it.
Above her, around her, the forest blooms alive, like a panacea for the death and destruction spilt upon the soil, blossoms of apricot and cherry and Tala filling the air with their sweetness, falling to the ground like colored snow.
It is a good thing, then, that Harper is alive. If she had lost him, truly lost him, then she would not have been able to bear the sight of flowers ever again.
It turns out dying and being brought back to life takes a toll on a human body.
“When will he wake?” she whispers into the quiet of the healer’s tent. “It’s been days.”
She knows the body lying still before her is merely asleep, but she remembers the way he had looked with all the life drained out of him, and it is a sight she will never forget.
“Give him some time,” Elias says. “Being resurrected by Death itself is no easy thing.”
She raises her eyebrow at him askance.
“I know a thing or two about being resurrected by Mauth.” He shrugs, and the movement is so familiar, so genuinely Elias that she feels the corner of her lips tilt. “Guess it runs in the family now.”
Avitas Harper wakes two days after.
She doesn’t give him a chance to get his bearings. The words are out of her lips before he can even try to sit up, like a song she can’t keep silent any longer. “I love you.”
He raises his fingers to her face, tracing the scars there like a benediction. “I got my wish.”
Emifal Firdaant.
She presses her palm against his hand, trapping it against her cheek. “With all due respect, Captain Harper, it was a bleeding stupid wish. So I did you the courtesy of vetoing it.”
When she kisses him, she feels like she can breathe again after a millennium of holding her breath.
When Mirra of Serra takes up the mantle of Soul Catcher, Helene watches the life return to Elias’s eyes, and the hope return to Laia’s.
The Bani al-Mauth turns to Harper. “I suppose I should thank you. For offering me shelter and safety in the bowels of Antium.”
“It was an honor, Lioness. You repaid me in kind when you helped the Blood Shrike through the tunnels.”
“And when you aided in the battle with Keris,” Helene adds.
Mirra scoffs, white hair dancing in the wind. “I worried that the Shrike wouldn’t be able to keep the secret to herself. Not like you. A mind like a steel trap, you have.” She slaps Harper once across the chest. He does a fine job of hiding his grimace as she knocks his healing wounds. “Think you’ll be a fine brother-in-law for my daughter.”
Elias splutters, Laia flushes, and Helene feels a laugh bubbling up in her chest for the first time in ages.
As their troops begin to file out of the Forest of Dusk, she sees the figures of two men talking under the shade of a tree. Elias is taller, but Avitas is older. And so it is he who holds out his hand for his brother to shake.
And it is Elias who takes it, but uses it to pull him into a hug instead. She sees Avitas’s back stiffen in surprise, but he doesn’t push him away.
“It shouldn’t have taken so long for this to happen,” Elias says. “I’m glad you’re alive, brother. I’m glad I wasn’t the one to have to pass you on.”
When Quin Veturius proclaims her Empress in front of the conclave of their people, her eyes immediately seek Harper.
Help me, she tries to convey. Knock the old man out before he actually convinces them.
“Stand strong,” he says aloud, instead, love and pride sparkling in his green eyes, “Empress.”
Later that night, when she sings Zacharias to sleep with a soft lullaby, her blood doesn’t sing with her. It’s silent, dormant. The air is empty with the ghost of her magic.
Leaning against the door a few feet away, Avitas has closed his eyes to listen, his lips curled up at the edges.
And it should feel like something has been stolen from her, but really, it feels more like a blessing than anything else.
She dances with Avitas at the Moon Festival in Nur, and the night is warm and they’re both still in armor, and neither of them really know how to dance properly anyway, but it is enough.
It is more than enough.
Skies, it’s more than she could have ever asked for.
He lifts his arm and she twirls under it, catching the twinkle in his eye, and suddenly, she wishes they weren’t in such a crowded place full of other people. Suddenly, she wishes they were alone, in a room, flushed and pressed up against each other just like this. Dancing a dance they both know the steps of far too well.
On her next twirl, she catches Musa’s eye, where he leans against a table, flirting with a pretty Scholar girl. He winks at her, as if he knows exactly where her thoughts have strayed.
She’s far too happy to be annoyed in any way, and so she almost sends him a wink of her own before Harper pulls her close against him again and the thought is forgotten.
It occurs to her later in the night, as the festivities draw to a close and she glimpses Musa walking back to his tent alone, that she had come far, far too close to understanding his loneliness in a way she hates to imagine.
At night, the Empress walks her city.
Avitas Harper walks with her.
The blue irises native to Antium are in full bloom, littering the ground.
One year, she thinks, as she cups her hand around a petal that floats down to her through the air. It’s been one year since the last flowerfall.
The one in which the world was broken. The one in which the world was remade.
Sometimes, she wakes thinking of her family. Of Livia, bleeding out in front of her son. Of her mother, father, Hannah. All of them, their throats cut, their lives lost, gone.
Sometimes, she wonders if they will hate her for bringing back her lover instead of one of them, any of them.
Sometimes, she wonders if she will ever forgive herself for any of it.
Avitas Harper, as it turns out, is a shockingly good babysitter.
The first time he gets Zacharias to sleep in under ten minutes, she chalks it up to dumb luck and good timing.
The second time it happens she almost kisses him despite the baby in his arms, too grateful for the peace and quiet after a long hour of listening to her nephew scream.
The third time it happens, she stares at him in disbelief.
“Did you bring back anything from the afterlife, maybe? Does Mauth have supernatural baby-charming magic that we don’t know about?”
He flashes her that half-smile that she feels underneath her skin.
Her next decree, she decides, will be outlawing all attractive men in armor from holding adorable, sleeping babies. It should be absolutely illegal by now, the sheer power of the sight before her.
She may be the Empress, but she is a soldier first and foremost.
When the Karkauans hold hostage the Martial ambassador she had sent over to confer the peace treaty, she is first in line for the mission to take him back.
“It’s not over yet,” she tells her men, when all efforts at neutral negotiation fall through. “I’m most dangerous when I’m cornered.”
Harper stands strong at her side. Her Blood Shrike, always watching. “That makes two of us.”
They march together into the fray.
The next Moon Festival, Mamie Rila finally succeeds in shoving her into a dress.
She puts up a good fight, doesn’t go down easy. In the end, it takes the combined forces of Laia, Afya, and an exasperated Mamie Rila to wrangle the Empress into the thin, strappy excuse for a gown.
“What is this supposed to be, a slip? Where’s the rest of it?”
Laia furrows her brows. “What are you talking about? That is the rest of it.”
Helene gapes. “I can’t wear this. I’m the Empress. I can’t walk around looking like I’m one stiff breeze away from a public scandal!”
“If you ask me,” says Afya, “a public scandal might do you some good. Just the thing you need to convince some of those troublesome, barbaric Karkauans to ally with you like you’ve been planning.”
“Burning, bleeding hells.” Elias’s eyes go wide when he walks in. “Who are you and what have you done with the real –”
He chokes off as Laia elbows him in the gut. “Don’t listen to him. Or Afya. You look great. Harper will love it. Shall we get on with your hair?”
Helene rears back, because her hair is the last bastion of normalcy she has.
Harper looks like he's been stabbed in the heart a second time when he catches sight of her, and Helene vows to never wear a dress again.
But when his fingers find the hem of her skirt under the table, tugging first, testing the stretch of the fabric against the skin of her thigh, and then slowly inching under, and then up and up and up — well. Maybe dresses aren’t so bad after all.
Sometimes, when she walks, Laia is there beside her. There are some nights when the ghosts of the past seem to walk with them, too. This night, in Serra, is one of those nights. Spring has come, and the flowers here are different, cushioning the road on which they walk with bright yellow petals.
“I can’t forget their faces.”
Laia has never been a killer. But she has dealt her fair share of death during their war, and that leaves a mark on the soul that can never be burned away. The difference now lies in how one goes about dealing with those marks. No, Laia has never been a killer, even when she had to be.
Helene, on the other hand, has spent too much of her life wearing the skin of one, and so she speaks as much to herself as she does to her friend when she replies.
“And you won’t. Just don’t forget the ones you saved.”
The first time Zacharias speaks a full word, it’s in the middle of supply negotiations with Tribe Nasur. She has just been reunited with her nephew after months in the capital and so is making up for it by carrying and snuggling him everywhere she goes, even if it is to a highly political trade meeting.
Fortunately, Tribe Saif is in close relations with Tribe Nasur, and so no one throws dirty looks when the baby babbles nonsense right when someone tries to speak. The Fakira even smiles encouragingly when Helene begins to bounce him on her knee.
That’s when Harper enters behind her with a missive from Blackcliff.
“Empress.” His voice is warm, and she realizes that it’s because Zacharias has noticed him, and is dimpling up at him with his head tilted back in that way that only babies can do. “We have positive turnout for the new recruits at –”
The whole room stills, as if everyone understands the gravity of this moment. Helene feels a grin break across her face, and she realizes that this is a first for her, too. Her first real grin in so, so long, after so much pain. Harper’s large, brown hand comes over her shoulder to pat Zacharias’s downy head in gentle praise, and she forces herself to get it together in front of all these important Tribespeople.
The meeting goes on. But then, one little detail niggles at her, like a tiny pebble in her boot.
Later, when she’s pushing him against the side of an empty caravan, her lips maybe a little too punishing against the skin behind his ear, he has the gall to chuckle at her.
“Are you jealous? Because his first word was my name and not yours?”
And so Helene sinks to her knees and shuts him up the best way she knows how.
Once, and only once, Mirra of Serra, Bani al-Mauth, visits her on a balmy night. The snow is almost over, and the Empress stands at her balcony overlooking the grounds, singing a lullaby to a sleeping Zacharias. He is getting too big now, and so she relishes any moment with him while she can still carry him in her arms.
It is on a dying winter wind that the Soul Catcher comes to her, the white locks of her hair stark against the night. “So it was you. I should have known.”
Helene glances at her out of the corner of her eye. “Known what?”
Mirra casts her gaze out into the city, and beyond, seeing something that only the Chosen of Death can see.
“There is a song across the river,” she says. “In the Waiting Place. All the ghosts ready to pass on hear it. It gives them peace.”
Ah, Helene thinks to Mauth, even though she knows he isn’t listening, so you used my voice after all.
When flowerfall comes again, and she has lost count at this point, how many it’s been, Helene Aquilla does not need to walk outside to know.
The blue petals of her beloved city, so familiar now, drift across her window like rain. The air is sweet with the smell of it, and with all that the two of them had done during the night, tangled together in the sheets of her bed.
She lifts a hand to trace the outlines of the silver Mask on his face. He pulls himself out of his doze just enough to smile at her.
“I know I said I would never marry and have children and all,” she begins, and the words are slow like honey in her mouth, “and I stand by my vow as Empress. But the adjoining room to my chambers is empty and I was wondering if –”
She blinks at the swiftness of his answer. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. How else will I keep you out of trouble, my love?”
And so their lives go on.
End Notes: 
Thank you for reading!
I did not foresee ever writing for this fandom, but after that ending, writing this was the catharsis I needed. Now back to regularly scheduled programming! 😂
* Didn’t tag anyone for fear of spoilers, and also because I wasn’t sure if they’d be interested in non-Jurdan fic 🙈But if you’d like to be tagged in any future stuff, I’d be honored to do so! ❤️
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Hello! May I request prompt #7 with platonic Sophie and Will?
A/N: Thank you so much for all of the requests!! I’m having a lot of fun writing them! 
Prompt: “I can’t do this without you.” 
Will couldn’t think properly. What was he going to do? Despite the fact that he calls the Silent Brothers (Jem, if you wish to be technical about it) more than once a week, it wasn’t as though he knew anything about medicine. Sure, he knew a little bit of first aid; it was a requirement for patrolling Nephilim, after all. But this? 
“By the Angel Lightworm. You had to put yourself in front of the demon like the imbecile you are.”
Gabriel groaned in pain.
“Only the most talented of Shadowhunters like myself can do that.”
“Now’s not the time to scold me, Will.” Gabriel said, cringing at the pain he was no doubt experiencing.
When Will found Gabriel, he almost threw up at the sight of his leg. It was ghastly. Had he words to describe it, he wouldn’t have done so. Worst of all, he had no idea what to do.
“Heavens, what happened?”
“Sophie! Help me! I don’t know what to do.”
Sophie slid to her knee and got one look at Gabriel’s leg before she paled. Nevertheless, she held her ground and examined the leg.
“It’s broken.”
Gabriel tried to let out a breath he was holding but failed. 
“Breathe,” Sophie instructed.
“I’m trying.” Gabriel gasped out.
Sophie looked like she wanted to help, but knew that telling a seriously injured individual to breathe normally was pointless; Gabriel was simply in too much pain. She turned to Will.
“We can’t give him an iratze or his leg will heal broken.”
“I know, but how do we move him? The institute is too far to drag him, and we didn’t bring a carriage.”
 Sophie looked around the alley before speaking. 
“We have to break it again.”
“We break the leg again, make a splint with that piece of wood, give him many, many iratzes and help him walk back to the institute. Hopefully, he’ll go into shock and he won’t feel a lot of pain.”
Gabriel looked like he was contemplating asking Lucifer to take him away.
“The best I can do is give you a numbing rune.”
Will winced. This was not going to be pretty. 
“Or,” Sophie continued. “One of us can run all the way back to the institute, call for backup and have people carry Gabriel back.”
Gabriel shook his head. “Break my leg again. It’s quicker.”
Sophie was surprised. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Do it.”
Sophie exchanged a look with Will and took a deep breath. “Okay. 
Will couldn’t have guessed how much time had gone by, it might as well have been an eternity. Gabriel passed out seconds after Sophie broke his leg again. Will remembered hearing him cry out in sheer pain before the alley was silent, save Sophie’s heavy breathing.
Now, Sophie looked up, sweat and blood on her face. “Will, I need your help. I can’t do this without you.”
Will hesitated. He could barely hold his guts in his stomach. But one look at Sophie's desperate face and he was kneeling across from her, holding the wood in place while she wrapped the bandage around Gabriel’s leg. 
“Is he all right?” Will asked, looking at Gabriel in his unconscious state. 
“Why? What happened? Has he stopped breathing?!”
“No! No, nothing like that. It’s just that he looks…”
“I know.” Sophie said when he trailed off. “I know, he looks dead.”
Will looked away quickly and met Sophie’s gaze. “Are you done?”
She nodded. “The leg won’t heal today, though, no matter how many iratzes we put on him.” 
“We should get him to the institute once he regains a bit of consciousness. Do you think he’ll be alright until then?”
Sophie nodded again. 
“All right then. I guess we just wait.”
Will smiled. “Do you have any interesting news?”
Sophie pushed her hair back. “What do you define as news?”
“Anything out of the ordinary, of course.”
“You mean other than the fact that my brother-in-law is laying on the floor, unconscious, because of me?”
“Silly Sophie, knocking people unconscious is not out of the ordinary for you.”
Sophie rolled her eyes, “I’ve only done it one other time and it was necessary. It was for Jessamine’s own good.”
Will couldn’t really accuse Sophie; after all, if it weren’t for Sophie’s knack for knocking people unconscious, he and Tessa would not have had a particular moment on a particular balcony. 
“What are you smiling at?” Sophie asked, interrupting his thoughts.
Sophie shook her head. “You can’t even say ‘nothing’ without smiling.”
“I was just smiling at our fond memories together.”
“We must have different memories.” 
Will put a hand to his heart in mock agony. “How could you say such a thing?”
“William.” Sophie said, “you cannot possibly argue that, in the past, you were a delight to be around.” 
“No, but I assumed my devastatingly gorgeous cheekbones compensated for my incredibly malicious remarks in the past.” 
“By the Angel. How does Tessa deal with you.” Will opened his mouth but Sophie cut him off, “If you say it’s because of your ‘devastating cheekbones’ I’ll hit you with the blunt face of my seraph blade.”   
“Sophie, you are wonderful for making conversation.”
Before Sophie could answer, Gabriel groaned. 
Sophie locked eyes with Will. “Quick.” she said simply and they both got to their feet. 
They picked up Gabriel, each one of them under one of his arms. 
Sophie drew iratze after iratze, trying to ease Gabriel’s pain as they sped walked to the institute. 
Will shouldered open the institute gates once they arrived. 
“TESS!” He yelled, trying to get her to hear. 
Tessa appeared, got one look at Gabriel being hauled up the driveway, and told Bridget to call the Silent Brothers before racing down the steps to help. 
“That was quite a patrol.”
Will said, once they both cleaned up and Gabriel was being attended to. 
Sophie laughed. “I was afraid you would retch all over me.”
Will made sure to display a face that conveyed offense. “That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?”
“It’s perfectly accurate, is what I think.” Sophie said with a smirk.
Will shook his head. “You will never let me forget it, will you?”
“Squeamish Herondale? Never.”
“Cruel woman!”
Sophie curtsied.
“Anyway,” she said. “I’m off. I think it’s best for Gideon to come home and stop worrying about his brother. And besides, I would like for the last man I see tonight to be my handsome husband.”
“I’m going to ignore what you are implying by that statement and bid you a goodnight.”
“Goodnight, William. Let your sleep be filled with graphic images of Gabriel’s leg.”
“And yours as well. Adieu, Sophie.”
“Buenas Noches, Will.”
Tagging: @hitheresomeoneusingthus @livia-dovehallow @celias @tsccreatorsnet 
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baldwin-montclair · 4 years
Baldwin’s Nightingale (Part 16)
Characters: Baldwin Montclair/OC
Timeframe: After the S1 Finale, TV Show canon MOSTLY with some S2, Shadow of Night and Book of Life.
Summary: With Baldwin hunting an intruder around the environs of Sept Tours, Alisha spends time with her tenants, step-daughter and the various creatures at Sept Tours.
Tag requests: @christi14 @poemfreak306 @pookie-cleary @hofficoffi @stormyheart326 @simplytimeless @wonderlander594 @madamquacklemore @thereadersmuse @livia-valerie-rown1793 @kynthiamoon @she-who-is-named-katie @ordinarymom1 @fuzzyflowervoid @raspberrypierocketeer @maybelightning @lady-lazarus-declermont
The Story So Far
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Alisha changed quickly, the long dress no longer seeming appropriate for the situation.
Instead, she pulled on some jeans, a vest top and a warm sweater, hoping to quell the chill settling into her bones. She also exchanged her heels for some ballet flats.
The roaring fires and many guests downstairs did nothing to banish that same chill.
“Three ways in,” Marcus was giving orders to his Knights as a very attractive man approached her.
“Madame de Clermont,” he gave a slight bow, “not the best time for introduction but I suppose it is out of my hands. Fernando Gonçalves.”
“It is nice to meet you, even under the circumstances,” she looked around, “I have to apologise, I’m still getting caught up on my in-laws, I’m sure Baldwin mentioned you-“
“You’re sweet to say but he most likely didn’t. I’m not a de Clermont, not by blood anyway.”
“Oh,” she pondered before realising, “so, you’re mated to one, like me?”
“Yes, my darling Hugh, rest his soul.”
Alisha nodded solemnly.
“From what Baldwin’s told me, he was very special, and loved by a lot of people. I wish I’d had the chance to meet him.”
“As do I.”
“Fernando,” Marcus called, “first watch south door.”
“Yes Seigneur.” Fernando called to Marcus and gave Alisha a respectful bow before attending to his duties.
“You changed clothes.” Ysabeau commented with a hint of disapproval.
“Restrictive dress, high heels, not good in a crisis.”
“You will be nowhere near any sort of action, I guarantee it!”
“Maybe not but I want to help the people here and it’s much easier to do so like this.”
“What is your directive, Madame?”
Ysabeau asked the question but it was far from a request for orders and more a test.
“Alright,” Alisha nodded, thinking, “We have a wedding feast already prepared, lets skip the fancy table settings, get everyone together around the table and fed, at least then they’ll be in the same place and accounted for.”
“It’s what I would do, which is why I have already arranged it,” Ysabeau gave her an approving glance.
“And the boy who lost his father, his mother, where are they?”
“In the sitting room.”
“They probably won’t feel much like eating but they should still have something, just in case.”
“I agree,” Ysabeau gave a curt nod, “which is why you will bring them some food, talk to them.”
“You are Madame de Clermont-“
“Not to them, they know you and they trust you. Those people have lost someone they love, it’s not the time to subject them to me and my training wheels. I don’t have your way with people.”
“You don’t, that is true. But, they already have one of me, they do not need a copy. Besides, you too have known loss recently, be you, be honest and connect with them.”
Alisha nodded, reluctant, but resigned.
“I’ll need a translator.”
“Your tenants are extremely well educated,” Ysabeau answered with a hint of offence, “they will understand you.”
“Alright, I’ll go see what the kitchen-“ Alisha stopped when Marthe approached with two plates and holding a bottle of wine under her arm.
“No need.” Ysabeau stated.
As their tracker, Baldwin, backed up by Verin, took to hunting the killer from the site of his crime. Gallowglass and Stasia secured the perimeter to ensure there were no potential problems.
Freyja was charged with control of the immediate environs of Sept-Tours.
Baldwin was easily the strongest in the family but never the fastest, which is why Verin was taken aback when he sped from her, towards something he sensed that she did not.
By the time she made it to his side, the offending vampire was on his knees, snarling and struggling with Baldwin’s arm around his neck.
“He’s infected by the rage,” Verin stated plainly, the black appearance of his eyes betraying his affliction.
Baldwin sank his teeth into the creature’s throat, searching through it’s memories.
He saw the murder of his tenant, some deer and a sheep but nothing beyond.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Verin admonished when Baldwin dropped the vampire on the ground.
“What is it?” Gallowglass asked as he joined them in the clearing.
“We know nothing about the disease or how it spreads and you fed on someone that you know had it?” Verin was yelling but Baldwin didn’t say a word, instead, he walked to the small stream to wash the blood from his hands and face.
“I can sense your wife,” Stasia stated plainly.
“Aye, but there’s no way granny’s letting her leave, nor would she even make it out this far.” Gallowglass answered with a frown.
“And it’s not just from you,” Verin told Baldwin as she stood over the dead creature’s body and noted a strip of material tied around the arm, “it’s coming from th-“
Baldwin’s hand was on her wrist before she could touch the fabric.
Instinctively, she growled but the deeper, more commanding one she received made her bow her head slightly, breaking the eye contact, retracting the challenge.
Baldwin released her and she stepped back, away from him.
“What is that?” Gallowglass asked when the tense moment subsided.
“It’s Alisha’s but she brought no clothes from New York, I purchased a new wardrobe for her. Whoever sent me this message was in her home.”
“You fed on him, did it not tell you anything?” Verin pushed.
“Just the shepherd, some animals, everything before that is blank.”
“Could that be a temporary side effect of the rage?”
“Or magic,” Stasia suggested.
“Possibly,” Baldwin shook his head, none of what he was sensing made sense, “and since I do not know this dead creature, I assume he is not the person sending me this message.”
“He was mad with the sickness, most likely turned and set loose.” Verin added.
“If we were to create a list of potential grudges we would be here a while!” Stasia retorted.
“None of those are particularly new,” Verin reminded, “we need to ask ourselves why now?”
“I assume you have a theory on that, sister?” Baldwin’s words dripped with warning.
“Not one I’m inclined to share.”
“Wise decision,” he turned back to the dead creature, “we can ponder the possibilities once we secure the borders and make sure he was alone.”
“Whoever dropped him here, they could be on a different continent by now.” Gallowglass pointed out.
“Trust me, there isn’t a piece of land on this earth that’s safe for them.” Baldwin assured.
“Well this one is neutralised. At least you can return to your wedding evening.”
Baldwin shook his head.
“We’re not nearly done. Every inch of this place must be secure.”
“Four quadrants,” he decided.
“That was a game,” Verin rolled her eyes, “one of father’s misguided attempts at fostering family unity.”
“I’ll take the first quadrant,” Baldwin ignored her protests, “Gallowglass two, Stasia three and Verin Four.”
“I suppose I asked for that.” Verin complained at the seasonal muddiness of that section.
“Not at all,” he determined, “we do this four times, by the end, we will each have searched every quadrant so that if one misses something the others won’t.”
“Thorough.” Gallowglass agreed.
“Excessively,” Stasia added, prompting a glare from Baldwin.
“We have tenants, guests and family here,” he corrected, “even this measure does not completely reassure me.”
“We must first dispose of this poor creature.” Gallowglass suggested, trying to break the tension.
“The furnace.” Baldwin responded without a thought.
“That’s for animal remains.” Gallowglass answered quickly.
“He killed a tenant for no reason, what is that other than an animal?”
“A pawn, a victim, you can’t-“ Gallowglass grabbed Baldwin’s arm when the older vampire turned to leave but quickly found himself face down on the forest floor with Baldwin’s knee on his back and the other trapping his arm.
“This is not a democratic process and I do not know what fanciful notions any of you may be entertaining, but my marriage has no bearing on how I intend to lead this family. Any comments?”
Verin had many, it was obvious from her expression. Still, he did not begrudge her thinking them so long as she was not careless enough to voice them.
“Good,” Baldwin stood and offered an arm to help Gallowglass to his feet, which he accepted, “Verin and Stasia will get started on their areas, we will dispose of the body.”
Gallowglass voiced no objection a second time.
Alisha?” Marcus placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her from the silent reverie she shared with the fatherless farm boy.
His mother was still asleep as she sat holding his hand in comfort.
“Marcus,” she excused herself for a moment, letting him lead her from the boy to the window, “is everything okay?”
“They’re doing the final sweep now.”
“Did they catch the killer?”
“It was never about catching him, you realise that?” He reasoned and she nodded in solemn understanding.
“Did they stop him?”
“They did,” he answered carefully, regarding her with concern, “are you alright?”
“I’ll be better when they come back, and really,” she glanced at the bereaved family, “nobody has suffered more than they have.”
“I’ll stay with them.”
Marcus greeted the boy with familiarity, they clearly knew one another and she left them to talk.
By the time she rejoined the gathered guests, all talking amongst themselves, quietly at first, then louder until recriminations and accusations were passing between them.
“Miyako,” Alisha was grateful at seeing the familiar face, “they’re scared and confused, where’s Ysabeau?”
“On the ramparts with the witches, she told me to fetch you this.”
Miyako handed Alisha the violin case, the one left in Baldwin’s tower. As his daughter, she obviously had access to it.
“What is this?” Alisha looked at the sheet music Miyako handed her with the violin.
“I have no idea,” the vampire shrugged, “it was on top of the instrument, I assumed you placed it there as a choice.”
Alisha shook her head with a smile, either Marthe or one of the de Clermont’s other servants could have subtly left it whilst cleaning, a request.
“Do you require accompaniment?” Miyako asked.
“You would...play with me?”
Miyako looked momentarily offended.
“Grandfather was very strict about our learning music, he believed it instilled discipline and patience. I may not have your instinct but I can play several instruments more than moderately well.”
Alisha smiled widely, tamping down the urge to hug the other woman, partly to make it easier to hide the tears of heightened emotion pricking the corner of her eyes.
“I don’t doubt that, and I meant no offence, I’d be honoured to play music with you.”
Miyako nodded and took her hand, giving it a light squeeze.
“I know Grandfather had a cello here somewhere but I’ve been unable to find it. I suppose I will have to play second with the viola.”
Alisha followed after until a thought occurred to her.
“Wait,” she stopped, “what instruments does Baldwin play?”
Miyako shook her head and kept walking.
“That is his secret to tell!”
“Quadrant clear!” Stasia reported with palpable irritation after meeting up with her other siblings, all finished and waiting.
“It would have been much easier without the heels!” Gallowglass teased.
“Then the search is complete,” Baldwin confirmed before Stadia could respond to her Nephew, “but now the hunt begins.”
“Do you intend to hunt down those responsible tonight?”
“No,” he glanced in the direction of home, “but be assured that you will each be notified when I decide on the action that is to be taken and you will share nothing more than the fact that we stopped the culprit. I won’t worry Alisha unnecessarily, not until I know more.”
“A bit early in the marriage to be keeping secrets.” Verin poked.
“I could say the same to you in reverse, does Ernst know all of your secrets?”
Verin fumed in silence.
“I thought not,” he turned back to Gallowglass, “go back to Sept Tours and bring my wife to the Chateau, we will be spending the next two days there.”
“And what of us, are we to remain at Sept Tours, awaiting your command?” Verin asked spikily.
“No, you can leave whenever it pleases you sister.”
Backlit by candles, Alisa Montclair performed for her husband, the same music she played when she first felt his presence.
This time, however, instead of sensing his gaze in a crowded concert hall, he was propped up against the pillows in their bed wearing just his dark pyjama bottoms. She stood illuminated at the foot of the bed through the thin gauze of the four post bed it was a much more intimate setting than a crowded concert hall.
Wearing just an ivory coloured and very thin silk slip, she was very much aware that he could see so much more than a human could, the candles highlighting her every curve in the silhouette of the candles.
Never had playing been such an erotic experience for her.
When the song ended, she performed a curtesy in response to his soft clapping.
“That was beautiful my darling, thank you,” his voice was thick with emotion and desire.
“You are very welcome, my Lord,” she put the instrument away and approached the side of the bed, “if it pleases you, it pleases me.”
She crept towards him and straddled his lap.
“You please me,” he sighed in contentment, “and not just because you’re beautiful and talented. You demonstrated tonight that you are ready to assume the responsibility that comes with being Madame De Clermont, as well as Mrs Montclair. I understand you played for our guests as well, accompanied by Miyako.”
“Who told you?”
He lifted his phone from the bedside.
“Don’t worry, I only wanted to show you this. You can be rest assured I will be switching it off for the duration of our time here together.”
She settled into a seated position between his strong thighs, his chest reminded a cool marble statue, immovable.
He lightly rested his chin against her shoulder and pulled up the video on his device.
It was of her and her step-daughter, playing together as the crowd was silent.
“Who took this?”
“Marcus, he sent it to me, I’m sorry I missed it, you play so well together” he mused, lightly kissing her shoulder and continued up her neck.
“She’s very talented,” Alisha grinned in memory of Miyako’s revelation, “so what instruments do you play?”
He sighed in resignation, switching the phone off and placing it back as promised.
“Piano, Harpsichord, Organ-“
He was cut off by her burst of giggles.
“Yes, why is that so funny?” He smiled, happy to hear her laugh.
“No reason,” she shook her head.
He growled a little, but she could easily read it as a playful, exasperated expression.
“Alisha,” the stern tone that drove her wild was back as he lightly nipped at her neck with his teeth before soothing the area with gentle suction.
“It’s just,” she gasped at the sensations he was firing within her, “you already enter a room like there should be organ music playing in the background, I didn’t realise you could compose your own theme song.”
His chuckle was low and she felt the deep rumble of it in his chest.
“Are you calling me dramatic?” He murmured quietly against her ear.
“Big yes,” she nodded, involuntary shifting in her position due to his uncanny ability to make her laugh and turn her on at the same time.
A slight groan erupted from his lips as she realised that her fidgeting was having a direct effect on his own arousal, judging by the sudden bulge growing against her tailbone.
“What else?” She asked, armed with this new knowledge she targeted her innocent squirming to very slight and easily denied stimulation.
“What else what?” He asked in confusion, his breath a little more stilted than before.
“What else do you play?”
He didn’t immediately answer but the reason for that was clearly the diverted blood denied to his brain to feed a hungrier organ.
Just as sudden, his hands on her hips instantly stilled her movements. She took in a sharp breath, realising just how much self-control her husband had.
“I can play one more instrument,” he started, clarity returning to his words, as one of his hands drifted up from her side to ghost up her chest and clasp her breast through the thin material, radiating his granite coolness on the sensitive area.
“W-what’s that?” She asked, her ability to move and tease him hampered by his arm braced across her torso.
“Guess,” he teased, his finger tracing circles around her puckered nipple as he continued to nip and lick at the skin on her throat.
She realised too late the Venus trap she had fallen into and now she was under his complete control, her body practically bared to his whim.
The slight inhale from Baldwin told her he had sensed the wave of arousal that washed over her upon realising her predicament.
“Um, flute?” She whimpered.
“No,” he answered gently as his free hand settled on the inside of her thigh.
“Is it a wind instrument of any type?”
“Arctic,” he grinned, his hand gently and slowly inching its way up to its target and building anticipation as it went.
“There aren’t any more.” She argued, with a shudder of excitement as he neared his target.
“You’re forgetting the most obvious one.” He directed her vision to the violin case with his hand, loosely around her neck.
“Strings?” She gasped.
“That is the one you forgot but this instrument is so rare it belongs in no classification. The music she makes when you touch her just right...”
The slight mewling gasp she let out upon his fingers tiptoeing lightly over her panties made him smile.
She understood his meaning instantly, he could play her as well, if not better, than she could play her own violin, and he did, his fingers diving, dipping and playing her body like an expert musician stopping only to relieve her of the slip.
“I want you see you, all of you, take them off,” he ordered, “and lie down.”
His tone had the edge of command and it made her desire stronger.
She shimmied her way out of the underwear and lay on her side beside him, trying - and failing - to look sultry.
“I have seen you naked already sweetheart, why so shy now?” He teased, making her blush more pronounced.
“Because you were also naked,” she retorted, “and you were too occupied to study me.”
“Do you think I haven’t already committed your every peak and valley to mind,” he ran his hand down her waist and over her hip, “I have, I wager I could draw from memory your every freckle, especially this one.” His hand rested on her buttock and he pulled her to lie on her stomach.
She felt the slight playful nip of his teeth on the flesh under where his hand had rested.
“Baldwin!” She squealed in between giggles.
“Apologies,” he kissed the spot and continued placing light kisses up her spine, “so plump and inviting I couldn’t resist.”
“Hmm, charmer,” she accused, folding her hands beneath her head and glancing back at him.
In the candlelight, the rich copper tones of his hair were more obvious and the style was less strictly managed and more wild than usual. Between that and the darkness of his eyes, he was a vision of feral beauty, equal parts terrifying and magnificent.
“I‘m not as fragile as you think, you do know that?” She asked, hoping he understood her meaning.
“Vampires play rough sweetheart.” He warned, placing a tender kiss between her shoulders.
“I trust you,” she turned and captured his lips with hers.
He hastily joined her in complete undress and immediately she was enclosed in soothing coolness. It was a welcome contrast to her passion inflamed skin yet did nothing to quell her desire.
She yielded easily to his claiming of her, this time, however, the fit was more challenging on account of their position and she gasped at his fullness within her.
“Do you need me to stop?” He asked and she shook her head emphatically.
“Don’t you dare!” She moaned.
Accepting her answer, he slid his hand down between the mattress and her body, slowly building her arousal as he gradually increased his tempo.
Alisha was lost in a myriad of ecstatic sensations, between the spot within her that he somehow manage to reach every thrust to his ministrations upon her clit.
When he enclosed her throat in his hand to better access her scent, he felt her breath catch as his senses picked up a wave of pheromones from her that urged him forward. A subtle change in her scent intrigued him, something beyond her sweet apricot aroma. It was both unknown yet familiar at the same time.
“Baldwin,” she moaned, the very sound seeming to him more holy than any sermon or choir he had ever heard.
She was almost at her end, he judged from the way she tightened around him. He too would not be long after.
“You are bound to my will, remember?” He murmured low against her ear.
“Always!” She turned to look at him and he kissed her deeply, feeling her melt into him.
“My will,” he answered, “is to feel you come apart in my arms, can you do that for me?”
She nodded mutely as he kissed her neck, nibbled playful at her earlobe.
“Oh God,” she gasped, signalling how close she was to the edge.
“That’s it,” he coaxed gently, “just give in, I have you.”
Her movement was extremely restricted and yet, she felt unbridled, free and for the first time in a long time, safe.
Baldwin held her tight to him throughout her climax.
“You changed my life.” He kissed her temple with tenderness of which no-one could imagine him capable, and took his own pleasure.
After several seconds of quiet contemplation, he withdrew from her and rolled over onto his back. She was the first to let loose a satisfied sigh.
“So, I changed your life?” She grinned, moving to rest her head on Baldwin’s shoulder as her hand closed over his heart, still beating faster than his usual vampire rate.
He chuckled lightly.
“You never fail to surprise and impress me little nightingale.”
“To be fair, you did most of the work, next time I get to ride you like the stallion you are.”
“Noted,” he peered down at her, tucking her hair behind her ear, “and I meant your studies.”
“Mi hai cambiato la vita,” he grinned, closing his eyes, “you don’t have to be modest, your grasp of Italian is commendable, and yes, you have changed my life.”
The drop in her stomach was made more pronounced by the way his relaxed posture grew more rigid. She realised that he hadn’t spoken the words in English and she had been too out of it to differentiate.
“Alisha,” he sat up, bringing her with him, “vampire’s are programmed to sense panic, it’s how we identify prey. What did I say that upset you?”
She averted her gaze, no words came to mind.
He framed her face in his hands, giving her no choice but to look at him.
“Alisha, tell me what’s wrong!” His tone was calm, gentle even, yet she knew he was not leaving this without an answer and with his senses, a lie was not an option.
She had to concede that the choice was made for her.
“Baldwin, there’s...” she took a deep breath, “there’s something you should probably know.”
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a-smile-hides · 4 years
SECRET (P.3) - S.R.
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Pairing: Sigurd x reader
Sum: At last, the truth comes out
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy this final part!
Sigurd stormed through the streets of Kattegat. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own as they led him to a small, crumbling house. The people that dared to go outside looked amused at the sight of him. Shaking their heads as he almost tripped over his own feet. His step quickened as the cabin came into his vision, until he was full on running towards it. The fur on his shoulders almost falling off. Not that he cared. He was finally doing what he should have done so long ago. He was finally running towards the one who truly held his love.
As he neared the small cabin, the prince breathed heavily in and out. Little clouds of warm air where visible due to the cold weather. Sigurd raised his fist, knocking rather hard on the door of your cabin. The door shook with each knock. With a nervous smile he waited for you to open. The young man shifted his weight from one foot to the other. His brows furrowed as the door in front of him remained closed. Raising his fist in the air again, he banged on the door. The door shook violently because of the force he used. But it remained closed. Sigurd stepped back, looking at the tiny house in front of him. It looked horrible. The fence around the property was broken, some parts of wood missing as they were used in a desperate attempt to fix the gaping holes in the walls. Sigurd shook his head, trying his best to look through a window to see if you were home.  
“M-My prin-ce Sigurd.” Stammered a voice.
Sigurd looked up, behind him stood a man. One of his hands was wrapped around himself, clutching a thin cloak around his shoulders. With the other hand, he dragged a wagon with him, lathered with bags, cloaks, and other stuff to sell. Sigurd recognized him from the market. He was the one who sold his lover a black bag.
The man’s eyes went to the ground. His body shivered from the cold. It made Sigurd feel guilty. The white fur he had wrapped around his shoulders shielded him perfectly from the harsh cold.
“Y-you w-w-won’t find t-that girl.” The man shivered, his blue finger pointing towards the cabin behind Sigurd.
Sigurd looked behind him to the cabin where he had shared countless of moments with you.
“She has… has…” The man paused, closing his eyes. “A m-man showed up t-two days ago. P-promising a better future. Aw-away from Kattegat.”
Sigurd stepped forward; his eyes opened wide.
“This ni-night, they left. M-my s-son has gone w-with him. M-my beautiful s-son.” The man sobbed; his hands clutched the cloak that hung around him tighter. His teary eyes met Sigurd, who was looking at the man with different emotions running through his body. The man sniffed, rubbing his nose. “The girl has left too. No one knows where they went.”
The words made Sigurd feel numb. His hands curled up into fists, his nails pressing hard against his skin. The young man stared off in the distance, trying to process what he just heard. It couldn’t be true. Why would you leave Kattegat? Why would you leave him?
“Everyone is-s dying. T-there is nothing here an-anymore.” Said the man, who saw the confusion and anger on the prince’s face. “It wa-was leaving o-or d-dying.”
Sigurd nodded at the man, thanking him for the information.
As the man passed him, Sigurd remembered that when you had last visited him, you brought that large, black bag with you. The bag was filled to its fullest with all your possessions. You had really left him…
Sigurd stared at the ground as the thought slowly became louder in his mind.
Trades were no longer possible. The cold made the people in Kattegat poor. The deal with the king gave just enough to survive, but not for everyone. Not anymore.
You ran away. Lured by someone who promised you a better future. All in the hope to survive, to live. To where, he did not know.
He had lost you.
You were gone…
Sigurd ran. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. The fur around his shoulders fell off. But he didn’t bother turning around to pick it up. The cold wind hurt his face, making tears appear in his eyes. But he didn’t stop. His lungs hurt, screaming for air. But he did not stop running.
He only slowed down once he arrived at the docks. His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at the water.
It was frozen.
Two boats were next to each other, stuck in the ice. Removed too late and now doomed to wait there until the winter was gone. The prince groaned. There was no way you could have left by foot. You were too weak for that. It was impossible to assume that the stranger had taken horses with him to help his followers to their ‘better future’. So, you must have left by boat.
But as Sigurd looked at the ice in front of him… this couldn’t be true. There was no way that a boat would have arrived without him knowing. He was a prince of Kattegat. Nor was it possible for a boat to leave Kattegat because of the ice.  
Sigurd sat down on the ground. If you hadn’t left by foot, horse or boat, then… how did you leave. And, where were you?
A month passed, and the winter still hadn’t released Kattegat from its grip. Sigurd was walking on the docks, looking over the water in front of him. Five boats were lined up next to each other, people working hard on them to make them ready for their first trip since the winter had landed in Kattegat. The ice that blocked the boats from heading towards a new adventure had disappeared.
It worried him. Every day he had searched far and wide for you. Even asking his brothers for help. But not a single person in Kattegat knew what happened to the group that had packed their bags and left in the darkness of the night. Many were jealous. They wanted to escape this harsh reality too. It happened a lot that the prince was stopped on one of his walks by someone who looked at him with red, tired eyes, begging him for help. He avoided going to The Great Hall, where Queen Aslaug sat on the throne trying desperately to think of a way to help her people. Time was running out. Even though it looked like the winter was slowly coming to an end, they still needed a plan to help the people back on their feet.
His thoughts were interrupted by a shriek of joy. Looking to his right, Sigurd watched how a man lifted a woman in the air, spinning her around before putting her down. The man then kneeled before her, pressing his lips to her stomach. It was now that Sigurd saw how the woman had a small bump. Her proud grin showed that she was carrying his child. Sigurd adverted his eyes as the two stared at each other lovingly while the man kept pressing multiple kisses on her stomach.
The act made Sigurd nose flare in jealousy. The woman clearly wasn’t pregnant for long, her bump was hardly there. But still the man was down on his knees on the cold, wet ground kissing her stomach. Sigurd had never done that before. When he came to think of it, he hadn’t really been allowed to touch Livia’s stomach at all.
Shaking his head, the prince turned around. He marched towards a small, grey hut where an old woman lived. He hoped she would provide him with answers.
After another long month, winter finally passed. Livia strolled through Kattegat, a fine smile on her face as her hand rested on her stomach. It was the first time she came out of her house since the winter became harsh. With a beaming smile she walked slowly towards the Great Hall. She liked the quietness in the streets.
Livia got quite a scare once she entered the Hall and was met by the judging eyes of Kattegat’s residents. She had overheard Sigurd talk to one of his brothers about the fear the people had of leaving their houses. Apparently, they were scared the Gods would plummet them into another cold winter and for that reason, refused to go outside. But as she looked around, it felt like every man and woman that lived in Kattegat was there. There were even some children. All eyes were fixated on her. Some people looked at her in scepticism, others with pure disgust. But she paid no attention to them, walking forward with her chin tilted up high until she reached the throne where the queen sat. Next to her sat her youngest son, Ivar. The smirk that only grew wider with every step she took made her feel uneasy. Her eyes opened wide in surprise as she saw her father standing next to Aslaug, an angry look on his face. But in his eyes, she saw pain. Pain he was desperately trying to hide. Ignoring him, she kept walking to the queen, the crowd parting as she made her way through them. Smiling, she stopped before her and bowed shortly.
“I see that the people have finally come out again…” she said softly, “It warms my heart.”
Aslaug nodded her head. “Yes, they have all come at my invitation.”
Livia lifted one of her brows. “Invitation? It seemed that might have passed me.”
Ivar snorted, looking to the side. Aslaug bit her lip to hide her smile at her son’s behaviour. Livia frowned at him but remained quiet. Without losing her smile, the young princess looked around.
“Forgive me, but I can’t spot my husband. Where is my beloved?” She took a step forward, wanting to stand beside Aslaug and her father, but Aslaug held out her hand. Livia stopped, gasping in surprise.
“He went to your home. I had asked him to bring you with him.”
Livia looked confused at the woman in front of her but laughed softly. “We must have missed each other than” She grinned.
The two women stared at each other. Both trying their best to put up their most convincing smile. Until the murmurs of the people behind Livia made the two of them look up. Pushing his way through the crowd, Sigurd walked towards his wife. As he stopped next to Livia, he felt her reach for his hand. The young woman looked at him with a loving gaze. “Ah, my husband. It is good that you came back. I heard that you were looking for me. Luckily, I passed The Great Hall… I wanted to pay your mother a visit.” Livia giggled.
Sigurd couldn’t hold back the chuckle that passed his lips, shaking his head he took his hand out of hers. Livia looked around her, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. “Sigurd… what is wrong?” she said through her teeth. Her tone was gentle, but her eyes betrayed the annoyance she felt.
Sigurd turned towards her, crossing his arms. The silence made her feel uneasy. Not a single soul in The Great Hall had made a sound since she had entered the building.
“Care to tell me why you have been visiting the healer so many times, wife?” Sigurd asked, almost spitting out that last word.
The young woman looked startled by his question. “Is it a crime to look after your son, my love?” she chuckled, turning towards the crowd behind her, “I would be a fool to let any harm come to your child.”
Her statement was met by silence. Some seemed conflicted by her words, nodding their heads at her. Some just averted their eyes, others straight up scoffed at her words.
“Livia, for your own sake… shut your mouth. The damage is done.” Her father spoke up. His voice sounded like thunder and made her jump a bit.
“Papa…?” her voice croaked out. She looked towards her father, trying to find an explanation for his outburst, but he refused to look at his daughter. Her eyes went from him to Aslaug, who still sat on her throne, eyeing the princess with a stern look on her face. Ivar was still grinning down at her as if she was the best joke he had ever seen. She watched as he waved at someone in the back, making the young woman turn around to come face to face with Kattegat’s best healer. The one that she always requested to see.
The old woman was escorted by Ubbe, who went to stand beside Sigurd. Livia looked with fire in her eyes at the poor lady, who stood shivering in front of her and the crowd. Her eyes went from face to face, scanning her environment. Sigurd slowly stepped closer to the woman, placing his hand on her shoulder in hope to calm her down. Bending down a bit, he said: “Do you remember my visit to your cabin?”
She nodded her head.
“You do remember my question, right?”
The woman exhaled for a moment, looking at Sigurd’s wife in front of him. Livia tried to look at her with a friendly smile, but she couldn’t fool anyone. Even a blind man could see that Livia was silently threatening the poor woman.
The healer looked towards Sigurd again, a doubtful look on her face. Sigurd rubbed her shoulder softly, silently encouraging her to answer his question.
“It is not a crime to tell the truth.” The healer looked at Aslaug. The queen smiled softly at the woman, nodding her head in encouragement.
The old woman looked down, mumbling her answer. “You asked me about your wife’s pregnancy, my prince. You exclaimed your worries that there might be something wrong with your child.”
At this the Great Hall started whispering, Ivar had perked up in his seat, the grin on his face had only become wider. Ubbe shuffled next to Sigurd, stepping towards Livia who had now backed away a bit.
“Could you repeat your answer to his question?” Aslaug questioned.
The healer looked towards her queen, pressing her lips on each other.
“I told my prince not to worry, for every woman is not the same and one could have a small tummy for a long time.” The woman swallowed, looking down. “But… in this case… There is indeed a problem”
Livia gasped, putting both hands on her stomach. “The scandal!” She exclaimed, “Why haven’t you told me anything about that?”
The old woman cowered away in fear. Sigurd stepped protectively in front of her, staring angrily at his wife.
“Know when to stay silent.” He snapped at her. On his throne, Ivar snickered at the sight of Livia’s shocked face.
Carefully Sigurd turned towards the scared woman, urging her to continue.
“I had my first doubts not long after the princess had first stepped foot in my cabin. I hadn’t felt the same thing I normally do when I examine other women, but as I said before… not everyone is the same.” She explained, “But after a while had passed, her stomach still felt the same. Not a single thing had changed. Even now, it is not normal for her to still be like that. There should be an indication of her pregnancy.”
“The scandal!” screamed Livia again, pointing angrily at the woman.
By now, Ivar had enough of her screaming. He stared annoyed at her, slamming his fist on his throne which effectively shut her up.
“What is it that you concluded?” asked Sigurd.
“Princess Livia… was never pregnant.”
Murmurs echoed through The Great Hall; all eyes were back on Livia. What was believed by some was now spoken out loud for the first time. Aslaug lifted her hand, silencing the whispers.
“Is there another way to confirm what you have proclaimed?”
“She has bled… every month… just like any other woman when they are without child. And every month she came to me to help her cover it up.”
“No! These are false accusations!” said Livia, stepping forwards to the old woman. Ubbe quickly grabbed her by the shoulder, holding her back.
“Why is it that you have kept this a secret all this time?” Ivar spoke up, “Why have you helped her lie to Sigurd? And to us?”
The healer looked down in shame, her foot scraped over the floor. “She… she has treated me, prince Ivar. I-I had n-no choice.”
Livia pulled herself free out of Ubbe’s grasp, walking towards Aslaug.
“Queen Aslaug, you cannot believe this woman. She is obviously a fraud! I have believed sh-“
“Livia!” shouted her father. His pounding voice silencing his daughter immediately. “I have heard it myself how you treated this poor woman.”
Livia took a step backwards, taken aback by what her father said.
“You’re good at playing a part, wife.” Sigurd laughed, “But you’ve become in sloppy in hiding that you are doing it.”
Sigurd leaned next to the door of the grey hut he had led his wife’s father to. Together with his older brother Ubbe he had visited his kingdom to tell him the truth about his precious daughter. After some debate, the king had agreed to come with them. Now he stood before Sigurd, his ear pressed against the door to listen to the conversation between his daughter and Kattegat’s best healer.
“My princess, I cannot help you. It is clear to me that you are not with child. I am sorry.”
“This is not the answer I want to hear! I have told you this multiple times already: I don’t want to hear you say that!”
The healer stayed silent for a moment, as if she were contemplating what to say. “I cannot change this fact. Eventually, the Gods will grant you a child. You’ll just have to wait.” Her voice was shaky but soothing.
A harsh slap followed those words. Then it became very quiet.
“This is the last time I will say this: those words are NOT the words I want to hear.”
“The boy is doing great, my princess”
“It is over, Livia. My child…” The king said softly, “It is time to tell the truth.”
Livia shook her head. Her cheeks were red, her hands grabbing onto her dress. Aslaug nodded her head at the healer who quickly hurried away from the angry princess. Ubbe followed her outside to make sure no harm would come her way. Livia bit the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from screaming at the woman. As Ubbe and the woman had disappeared from her view, she looked around, until her eyes landed on a pair that made her blood ran cold.
“You!” she hissed out. “It’s you. It has always been you isn’t it.” She chuckled humourlessly, stepping forwards. “You witch.”
Sigurd walked towards Livia, pushing her back. “You don’t talk to her like that.”
Livia lifted her brow, “I may not talk to your little whore like that?”
It took all of Sigurd’s willpower not to lash out at her, but he had promised not to harm Livia. To her when he made his vows, to her father when he accepted her hand in marriage and to you. You had asked him to never hurt her if it ever would go south. And once he promises something to you, he does everything in his power to fulfil that. Turning around, the prince stretched out his arm towards you, making you step out of the protection the crowd gave you. Placing your hand in his, you bit your lip to prevent a smile on your face as you felt the warmth go through your body.
Around you, the hall filled itself with murmurs again and this time Aslaug had to speak up to silence them.
“It is a good thing she had made me promise not to hurt you…” Sigurd hissed through his teeth.
Livia scowled at him. Then, her eyes went back to you. If her gaze could kill you, you would be lying dead on the floor now.
“You shouldn’t even be alive right now.” She whispered.
The comment made you look down and take a step back, but Sigurd stopped you. His hand wrapped itself around your waist, keeping you close.
“It is good that you bring up your second wrongdoing.” He smirked.
Livia gaped at the man in front of her. “A-a sec-second?” she stammered.
Behind her, she heard shuffling, grunting. As if someone was struggling or fighting something. When she looked over her shoulder, she saw how Hvitserk now entered the Great Hall, dragging someone with him. Both had a thin layer of sweat on their foreheads. The person’s hands were bound behind his back, his feet dragging over the floor as Hvitserk pushed him closer towards where you were standing. As Hvitserk neared his mother’s throne, he pushed the man down on his knees, grabbing him by his hair so the man looked straight into Livia’s eyes. The young woman looked at him briefly before averting her eyes, ignoring his cold stare.
“You recognize this man?” said Ivar, noticing her reaction.
Livia shook her head.
The man snorted, spitting on the ground at her feet.
“Are you sure?” asked Aslaug.
Livia nodded.
“How is that possible? Y/N has told us that you have payed that man to lure her, along with all the people who went missing, away from Kattegat?” Sigurd asked.
“It is clear that she is delusional.” Livia answered, her face showed no emotion. Her voice was dull, as if she answered without realizing what she was saying.
“So, you are saying that she is lying”
Livia looked back at you. “She is. If that man has something to do with the disappearance of that group, which unfortunately she was a part of, is it his fault.”
At this the man got up, his mind was set on attacking her, but he was held back by Hvitserk.
“You bitch!” He yelled out, struggling against Hvitserk to get himself free. “You are the one to blame! I will not take all the blame.” The man eventually stopped wrestling, eyeing her dirty. “I am dragging you down with me!”
Livia ignored him, staring straight at Aslaug who lifted her brow at the scene in front of her.
“You have paid this man to lure her away from me.” Sigurd spoke up, stepping protectively in front of you. “You have payed that man to pretend to be a prophet. A saviour. To make her leave Kattegat and never return. That other people went along and walked to their deaths, didn’t faze you.” He stepped closer to Livia, hovering over her. “As long as she was gone, you were happy.”
“It is true that I would be happy if you dumped that whore. But I am your wife and a princess. An important figure. I cannot let any harm come to any person of Kattegat. Even to her. So, I wouldn’t do anything that would provoke that, my love.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. As Sigurd looked at them, he saw fire. A look he recognized from every time he returned home after he had visited you. He should have known she wasn’t that stupid to never notice where he was going.
The man that Hvitserk had brought in started shouting again. “Stop that! Lies! All lies! She has asked me to do it! My Queen-“
Aslaug silenced him with a stern look. Next to her, Livia’s father was becoming more nervous. The looked ashamed of what was happening. Stepping forward, he held out his hand towards his daughter.
“Livia, darling. Stop it.”
“Papa… there is no prove. No way to prove that I am the guilty one here. His words against mine. A commoner like her” she spat, her fiery eyes on you. “Against a princess”
“Except it isn’t” Sigurd said, squeezing your hand as he felt you shaking under her intense glare. Livia gasped in surprise. Some men in the Great Hall scoffed at her behaviour, getting tired of the act she was putting up. “Mother, we do have proof.” His free hand brushed some hair out of your face, the comforting smile on his lips washing away any doubt you had. He looked to the side and nodded his head. A man stepped forward and lifted his hood.
“This is Birger, the son of Trygve. Trygve is a merchant. A man who sells his goods on the market and has struggled to survive just as many of you did. He was also one of the men who woke up one morning to find out his child had disappeared. Birger was lured away by this man. He and Y/N are one of the few that escaped death during this scam.”
Aslaug looked at the man standing beside you. He was young and very tall. The man looked angrily towards Livia, who eyed him up and down in disgust. A scar ran over his face from his left eyebrow down to his cheek, right over his eye. Bruises and scratches covered his body just like yours, but he was alive.
“Can you confirm what has been said?” Aslaug questioned
Birger’s eyes went from Aslaug to the man who had taken him away from his family with empty promises. “It is true that this man promised us a better future. He said he would take us to a better place. A greater land. The winter was unforgiving, my queen. We saw no future here anymore. But it was all a lie. He was nothing more than a fraud. We were abandoned not long after we had left Kattegat. All of us too weak to go on and too broken to go back.” Birger’s eyes looked down for a moment, before he looked back at you. You swallowed before stepping next to him, resting your hand on his shoulder.
“The winter was harsh and claimed many lives. Y/N and I were one of the few who survived the first days of wandering through the woods. We were lucky to find an old cabin where we could find shelter.”
Aslaug nodded; her gaze went back to Livia, who was panting heavily while she watched her plan fall into pieces. This was not how it was supposed to be. This was not what she planned.
Sigurd ignored her state; his eyes were only focused on you. The truth had come out. His wife had lied to him, faked a pregnancy, and ordered a man to lead you to your death. He had more than enough reason to leave her. Sigurd stepped closer to you, standing right behind you, his hands resting on your hips.  
“I think this marriage can no longer be mother. I ask for it to be broken.” You stared up at the man behind to you, who now lifted his hand so he could run his finger over your cheek. He smiled apologetically as you flinched when he touched a small scar on your cheekbone. “So, I can marry out of love this time…”
Aslaug watched the interaction between you two, the corners of her lips lifting slightly. The Great Hall erupted into whispers once again, this time of agreement. Many nodded their heads and lifted their fists in the sky in encouragement of this idea.
Livia crossed her arms, shaking her head. But no one paid attention to her anymore. Her plan had failed. She had placed a bet and lost.
Aslaug cleared her throat, catching the attention of everyone in the Great Hall again. Without looking at the king beside her, who now hung his head between his shoulders, she spoke. “This deal can indeed no longer exist. For it brings more grief than good.”
Livia’s father nodded his head at her wise words, walking towards his daughter who stood in front of the crowd with her head held high, trying to hold on to her last bit of power. Her father looked torn. He still loved his daughter and hated that he now lost his connection to Kattegat and the sons of Ragnar, but he felt ashamed of what his daughter had done.
“It seems that these two weren’t fated at all” Ivar spoke up, a small grin plastered on his face. “Our Sigurd has proved that by sleeping with this girl during his marriage.”
Sigurd grumbled, his hand now going around your stomach to press your back against his chest. Typical Ivar for not keeping his mouth shut.
“That is true, Ivar. Sigurd had not been faithful to his wife. However,” Aslaug voice dropped. A threatening look darkened her features. “What Livia has done cannot be forgiven. Never. Thereby, for the consequences –“
Sigurd stepped forward, lifting his hand to silence his mother. The crowd gathered in the Great Hall all frowned at the prince’s action.
“I know that many would ask for it, but I wish that they will not be punished by death. Or harm of any sort.” He said softly.
Once again, the Great Hall erupted in shouts of confusion. Many thought the prince was delusional and screamed for him to keep his mouth shut. But he ignored them, his eyes stared straight at the woman he had to call his wife until a few moments ago. Her head was still held up high, but her face showed how scared she really was.
“The news of this betrayal shall spread quickly.,” he said, raising his voice so everyone could hear him, “And I imagine that not many will trust you from now on. You must live with that shame. The thing I ask, is that you help Kattegat out of the mess the winter has left us with. After that, we part ways.”
The king averted his eyes but nodded his head reluctantly.
Ivar nodded his head at Sigurd words. “Death is an easy escape…” He whispered, “I did not know you could be so wise, dear brother.”
Sigurd grumbled, but ignored his younger brother’s words.
Queen Aslaug smiled, “Then this is how it shall be. Now leave.” She said, waving her hand. Immediately, some men jumped into action and walked up to the king and his daughter. Each of them eager to guide them outside. But before they could even reach them, Sigurd spoke up again. “Livia. You were just as trapped as I was in this marriage. You are now free of me. And I of you.” His eyes went from her back to you, his loving gaze filled you with the warmth you missed all this time. “Now you can find real love.” He said smiling.
With that, the men grabbed Livia and her father by their arm and escorted them out of the Great Hall. The king walked with a strong pace, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. While his daughter lingered, a painful grimace on her face. The man beside her rolled his eyes, dragging her out the hall while she tried to get Sigurd to look at her one last time. But the young prince’s attention wasn’t on her anymore. It was fully on you. Sigurd grinned as he stepped closer to you. He placed his hands on the back of your head, pressing his lips on yours. His heart filled itself with joy as he realized that now, he was free to make you his wife. His real love. A love that finally wasn’t secret anymore.
Thank you for reading xxx
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mangorokie · 3 years
Adrienne's moving castle (Agent 24, Howl's moving castle AU)
(This AU is based off old cross over artworks I made of Adrienne and Livia with howl's moving castle. Sophie is Livia and Howl is Adrienne!)
Chapter #1- Magic
The sun shined throughout the town of Inkopolis. A crowd of people came and go as they pleased, buying any essential needs, kids happily laughing as they chase eachother, planes rushing through the air.
But throughout a little window of a manor, peeked a pink octoling. She was sewing her own handmade hats to show off in her little hat shop. This was basically her whole life, needle comes in, thread comes out, and the whole thing repeats. "Oh look! It's Adrienne's moving castle!" She heard Callie giggle, Adrienne's moving castle? Livia never thought such a thing exists...She looked through her window, seeing a big machine moving through the gray clouds. She has heard some tales of this so called 'Adrienne'. Most of them was about her stealing any beautiful maiden's heart. She won't need to worry about that though, Livia doesn't really think her own self is beautiful.
"Livia!" a knock on the door startled her. "Yes?" She turned her head facing the door, a turquiose octoling opening the door smiling, "Livia dear, do you want to come along with Pearlie, Callie, Marie,and I? You haven't shopped with us in a whole while." Livia smiled back, "I'm fine, Marina. thank you for the offer." "Oh okay- Suit yourself then! Let's go girls!" Marina walks out leaving the door open, she could faintly hear the laughter of Callie and Pearl. The then laughter cutting off by the sound of the front door shutting. Happiness and Enjoyment is something Livia craved....
Making hats was the only thing that kept Livia stable, it's what her father always did. And she knows her father would be proud of her, even though it's the only thing she did her whole life ever since he died...that thought made her frown. She looked at the window infront of her, the train passed, gray smoke covering her view. Marina was right though, she hasn't been outside for a while. Turning her head, Behind her was a dark pink dress,along with her favorite hat on the stand. Yeah, maybe just this day could be a time to get some fresh air. She should pay a visit to her friend,Diana, who has been working at the very popular bakery near the royal city. Livia grabbed the dress and went into her bathroom, she set the hung the dress on a rack and washed her face with water.
Drying up her face with a towel, she looked up at the mirror. Her face... one of the last things she'll ever want to look at. Everything about the way she looked made her feel really uneasy. Livia shook her head, No. Stop. Stop looking at the mirror. Stop looking..... She turned her head to the dress, putting it on layer by layer. Then putting on her hat, walking out the bathroom, purposefully avoiding to look at the mirror.
Livia walked out the room, heading to the main door. Taking one small glimpse at the house before closing the door. She walked down the front courtyard, her little hat shop right next the main gate. She waved her hand, ordering the guard to open the gate. The guard nodded and pulled a lever, the gate slowly opened. Livia quickly exited her home residence, hearing the chimes of the cart that come by every few hours so. The brakes got hit, screeching on the rails. She saw that the cart was full inside so she clinged onto the bar entrance of the train. The conductor rang his bell, starting the cart to move.
The wind swiftly gusted through, her hair and hat slowly moving. She gazed at the horizon, boats moving around, seagulls flying, and the endless area of water. It was a radiant sight,one of Livia's favorite things in the town..
She dozed out while looking at the view, until she got startled by the agressive bell the conductor was ringing. "Royal City! Royal City! Now aboarding and deboarding all riders! Next stop will be the Village!" That was her que, she let go of the bar and joined into the large crowd. Parades were happening, apparently they were wishing the soldiers luck for the upcoming war. The soldiers were marching in sync, their black metal boots making noises as they stomp, golden medals on their straps, and their ocean blue monkey suit uniforms as they hold their guns. Livia's eyes widened in satisfication, they looked rather fashionable. Though she didn't like being stuck in a crowd with multiple people, so she quickly rushed her way to an alley.
She sighed and calmed herself down, then continued to walk down the alley. Small shops were there as well, 'Fortune telling' 'Potions and brews' 'Spells and Scrolls'. All of them had to do with...magic. Magic is one of the things Livia doesn't understand in this world. Is it a curse? A gift? What could it be? What is the purpose of magic? Nevermind that, she shook her head and slightly walked faster in frustration, but she was stopped by 2 tall soldiers. One with blue tentacles, and the other, orange tentacles with a big mustache.
"Hey there, seems like a little mouse has lost its way~" The blue inkling winked at Livia, "Oh no- I'm fine really," she slowly started to back off to keep her distance but they kept getting closer, "I'm just taking a short cut to the royal bakery." The orange inkling bent down, "Well then, how old are you and where do you live? you sure you don't need some company?~" Livia pushed him off, "Leave me alone!". The blue inkling nudged the other soldier's arm, "See? Your mustache scares all the girls." He nudged him back, "Hey, she's even cuter when she's scared."
A hand gently got placed behind Livia on her shoulder, causing her to flinch a little bit. "There you are, sweetheart." A soft, tendered voice immediately came in, "I'm sorry for the wait, I was looking everywhere for you~". Livia looked up, seeing a tall, green inkling by her side, she blushed at the sight. The blue haired soldier raised an eyebrow, "hey,hey, we're busy here!", "oh really? I thought soldiers were supposed to be guarding in their position right? So you both be good little soldiers, and go back to your post." The girl behind Livia raised her finger, then pointing it in the opposite direction, commanding the 2 soldiers to stand up straight and march unwillingly down the alley,"Woah-Hey!"
The taller girl looked down at Livia, talking in a concerned tone, "My dear, you can't go through these allies by yourself. You know how much I don't want you to get hurt. Now let's get going to the royal bakery, shall we?" She turned her hand infront of Livia, waiting for her to place her own hand there. Livia was confused, who was this tall...gorgeous inkling that was standing right next to her? She's quite charming, it won't hurt to ask right? "I mean...I'm flattered but..who are you?" The inkling girl was about to answer, but she glanced over Livia's shoulder, noticing the sanitized goop moving slowly. She had to do something quick, "I'll explain that later. Just hold onto my hand. I'm being followed." The pink octoling was left confused, but she did it anyway. As soon as they interwined fingers, they started walking rapidly. Livia looked around, noticing mint green goop starting to form into one whole pile, then chasing both her and her other companion. "Sorry, seems like you're involved. Just act natural okay?" The inkling somehow kept a straight smile on her face, but Livia was shocked. She whispered to the taller girl, trying to keep a calm tone, "What are those things and why are they coming for us?".
"Shhh, just follow my lead," She comforted the octoling, "On 1," Livia grunted in annoyance, but looked forward and noticed they were walking towards a dead end. Oh god what was this inkling thinking? "2," She noticed the green tentacles slowly starting to float, wait...what's going on?! "3!" The inkling exclaimed and jumped high up, bringing the shorter girl along with her. Livia looked down, seeing the mint goop smush together. Ew, though her attention quickly went back to the inkling right next to her. Next thing she knew was that she and her were floating ontop of all those people!
"Wh-" Livia gasped, but Adrienne positoned her to keep her steady. Her fingers interwined with the octoling's, their arms spread out and their clothes and hair slightly floating, "Just spread your legs, and start walking!" The two of them waltzed through the air, Livia's eyes widened. All those people jammed up, dressed up all fancy, soldiers chatting with eachother, people sitting at tables and laughing. It was scary to walk so high above, but it was an enjoyable experience at least. The green inkling smiled, "See? Not so hard is it?"
The two started to slowly descend, landing on a wooden balcony of the royal bakery. "Hey, Livia." The octoling raised her head, how'd she know her name? "Make sure you wait for a bit until I draw those nasty monsters off, okay?" Livia nodded her head, "That's my girl~" Adrienne smiled and jumped off, disappearing into the crowd. "What..." she was still slightly confused.
Diana smiles at all the soldiers and customers, giving out sweets and pastries. "Alright!," her sweet voice giggled, "one at a time will you?". "Hey Miss Diana! Care to bring over the blueberry sweets? You look fabulous by the way!" A soldier called out to her, "Alrighty! Just let me find that and-" she got pulled over by a friend of hers, whispering a few words into her ear. "She what?!" Diana rushed out the counter and went up the stairs, "Hey! Hey! what about my treats?" A random customer called out.
Diana rushed on the top of the wooden balcony, catching her breath, then seeing Livia leaning on the fence,looking out the crowds. "Livia! Someone just told me they saw you waltzing in the air!" "I really don't know what happened...a random inkling girl just picked me up and it all happened in a flash-" Diana grabbed Livia's hands, "It's Adrienne! That no good sanitized playgirl! Livia you have to be more careful!" Livia let go of Diana's grasp. It was Adrienne? The one who...has the moving castle? That made a whole lot of sense now.
The two of them walked down the stairs. Diana escorting Livia to the exit, "Still Livia, you need to be more cautious...or else she'll steal your heart!" "That's nonsense,she only goes for beautiful girls." Her voice faded, "Don't give me that, you know what I mean. " A door opens from beside, a baker with a bright smile "Hey Diana! The customers are in need for your service!" "Alright, I'll be there in a bit!"
She dusted her dress, Livia twirled her hair, "Whatever, she won't find me anyway. I'll be hiding in my hat workshop. It's suitable for me also so-" "No- Liv- That's another thing. You can't spend your whole life working in that hat shop!" "But it's what my father would've wanted,he always wanted the shop to keep living for generations." Diana frowned, "I'm not talking about what your father wants, i'm talking about what you want!" A random guy walked by holding 3 boxes, "Hey Diana!" "Hello there!" Diana smiled back at him. Livia walked back, feeling unwanted, "I should get going..." Livia walked away, The orange girl shouted back at her, "Do something for yourself just once, Livia! Please!" She waved her hand at the inkling, "Bye, Diana."
Livia walked down the street, boarding back onto the train cart. Riding back to her little manor.
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Skincare times
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A one shot in the universe of ‘One cappuccino and a chocolate brownie, please’
John Wick x Darcie Angel
Summary: The Wick family has a special night time routine
Wordcount: 993
Masterlist // January masterlist
When John walks back to the living room after he and his family finished their dinner. He watches as his beautiful wife Darcie is sandwiched between their kids. Six year old Livia on one side, four year old Samuel on the other and both kids have placed their heads on Darcie’s shoulders. Their loyal dogs Tiki and Oreo are curled up against one another in the corner of the living room on their respective pillows.
‘Is there room for me?’ he asks the three on the couch.
‘No,’ Samuel says. ‘Mommy is ours.’
‘And we don’t like to share,’ Livia adds, as she wraps her arms around Darcie’s waist.
John fakes a pout, something he never expected himself to do in a million years. Who would’ve thought that the world’s most dangerous assassin, turns into this around his wife and a six and four year old? ‘You two are breaking my heart. I knew your mother first.’
He never imagined he would ever get a beautiful family like this, but… All three of them on the couch, are all part of his family. Part of his life and he loves them more than anything in the world.
Livia is the first one to feel kinda sorry for him, because she scoots over. ‘Come on, daddy, you can sit here.’
He plops on the couch and pulls the six year old on his lap, tickling her sides. ‘Yeah, you finally had a little mercy for your old man?’
‘Daddy, stop!’ she squeals and he actually complies, pressing a kiss on her cheek. Samuel crawls on his mother’s lap, placing his head on her chest, letting out a deep sigh, as he looks at John, his eyes small and a little watery.
John wraps his arm around Darcie and pulls her closer to his body. ‘What’s up, little man?’ he asks.
‘I’m tired,’ Samuel mumbles.
‘Just like your dad. Always tired after dinner,’ Darcie chuckles. ‘How about we all go change into our pj’s?’
‘And then do our skin care?’ Livia asks.
‘Then do our skincare,’ Darcie agrees.
After John and Darcie got married, he used up all Darcie’s products, to a point where she made a skincare routine for him with his own products. He never expected them to implement this night time routine with their kids, but when they asked, Darcie and he couldn’t say no. But if this means he gets to spend more time with his wife and kids, he’ll take the opportunity with both hands.
The kids go to their shared bedroom (they have room enough so both of them could have a room of their own, but the two of them insisted on sleeping in the same room) and John and Darcie help them to change in their pajamas. From the corners of his eyes, he notices how clingy little Samuel is. He is always clingy towards his mom, but today it’s something different. Maybe he is a bit sick?
‘Come here, baby,’ Darcie says, as she lift him up and Livia skips towards her mom, holding John’s hand. They walk towards the bathroom and John lifts both of the kids on the counter. While Darcie puts on her oil cleanser, John gives both of the kids a pump of foam cleanser.
‘Careful,’ John warns, ‘watch your eyes.’ As they all wash their face, he hears a soft cough coming from Samuel.
‘Water in your nose and mouth, honey?’ Darcie asks, as she pats her face dry, before helping Samuel and Livia.
‘Yes,’ he mutters.
While Samuel and Livia are massaging in their moisturizer, Darcie and John quickly finish up their own routine. His wife bumps her hip against John’s, as she stand on a little stool to reach the bathroom counter.
John carries both of the kids to bed and Darcie and he give both of them a kiss. ‘Sleep tight, love bugs,’ he hears Darcie say.
‘Good night, mommy,’ Livia says.
‘Good night, dad,’ Samuel says and the two of them leave the room.
She plops on the couch and John sits next to her. ‘I told you I loved you today, haven’t I?’ he asks her.
Darcie rolls her eyes. ‘You did, yes,’ she says. ‘That doesn’t mean I get tired of hearing it though.’
John pulls her in a hug and peppers her face with kisses. ‘My beautiful wife,’ he chuckles in between pecks, ‘the gorgeous mother of our kids. I can’t believe I got this lucky. Besides you are the only one I trust with my cappuccinos.’
Darcie smiles and runs her fingers through his long locks, thin whitish locks through his own black ones. She gives him a kiss. ‘I can’t believe that as well.’ She sits on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. ‘Have I told you I loved you today?’
John shakes his head. ‘You haven’t.’
‘Liar, I totally told you I loved you today,’ she laughs.
The two of them share a chuckle, before they hear a soft: ‘Mommy, only I can sit on dad’s lap,’ from Livia.
Darcie and John look to the side, only to spot both of their kids in their pajamas.
‘I knew him first,’ Darcie says, ‘so his lap is officially mine. But what’s wrong, sweethearts?’ She steps off his lap, walking towards the pair.
‘Sammy is sick,’ Livia says.
‘Oh, baby, your head is warm. I think you might be down with a little fever.’ She lifts him up and pats Livia on the shoulder. ‘You take such good care of your brother.’
Despite his youngest son being sick, he can’t help but smile and be grateful for the life he has right now. Meeting Darcie was the start of a new life and this life has yet to disappoint. He pushes himself up, lifts Livia up with one arm and says: ‘How about you and I get the mattresses and sleep in the living room tonight?’
‘Really?’ Livia asks.
‘Yeah, really.’
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