#by formal i mean i didn't use contractions
Ok, this is the essay I've been talking about, defending kaider. Keep in mind that I'm 15 and English is not my first language, so I might've said something wrong. Also, this is veeery formal because that's what I was taught to do.
Like in all fandoms and all canon and non-canon pairings, kaider sometimes receives comments regarding their dynamic saying that it is not a good ship, that it is not well written, or that they do not go well together. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however, there are several good arguments against this position.
Firstly, the main aspect that is often criticized about kaider is how quickly the characters "fell in love" and it is often referred as "instalove" even though, if it is carefully analyzed, it becomes obvious that this is not true at all.
Kai, Cinder's love interest, develops a romantic interest in her since their first meeting, this is a fact. But it does not mean it was instalove. Because instalove is love at first sight, when a character thinks the other is their soulmate and wants to be with them forever after only taking a glance at them. However, this is not what happens with kaider. Kai is interested in Cinder and asks her out multiple times but he is not in love, it is very obvious he is just a teenager who has a crush on a girl. This is not rare in real life. This is not unrealistic at all.
In addition, it is impossible to say Cinder's feelings are anything similar to instalove. She doesn't instantly develop feelings for the prince. At the beginning of the story, she does think about him and is interested in him, but her feelings are not particularly strong or obvious yet (partly because she is repressing them).
Secondly, another aspect that is often used to say kaider is a bad pairing, from Cinder's side, is that she is a "not like other girls" character, when she technically is not. This is almost a separate subject, but in essence: Cinder does not say she is not like other girls as a way to put herself above them and denigrate them, she does this because she is insecure, as a way to place herself below them.
Finally, often people criticize this pairing because they think Cinder would be unhappy if she married Kai, because she never wanted to be queen. But the reasons why Cinder did not want to be royalty are not simple. There are many reasons: 1. Cinder does not want to fail her people, 2. she thinks she will not be accepted by the citizens, 3. She desires anonymity. None of these reasons are actually about ruling a country, and once she overcomes these things they would not affect her.
Some might also argue that since she was queen, and then abdicated, she doesn't want to rule. But the reason for her abdication is mostly about her political position. She believes a monarchy is bad for Luna, since monarchs can easily manipulate their citizens (which they have done before). That is the true reason for her abdication. And even after her abdication, she still dedicated her life to politics as an ambassador, which she was not obligated to do.
In conclusion, even though kaider might seem badly written sometimes, this is not true. It is deeper than what it seems. The characters are complex, the reasons why they act in certain ways are very complex as well, as they would be in a real world scenario. Everyone has the right to have their own opinion, but it is good to analyze deeper, rather than only retaining a first impression or a superficial analysis.
also, credits to @impossiblesuitcase because I based most of the sixth paragraph on their post about a similar topic.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You get a four-legged friend
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After your contract with Arsenal runs out, you have a lot of options.
You could have had your pick of the WSL - United wanted you, City wanted you, Chelsea had made an expensive offer that you were more than happy to turn down. The NWSL had expressed an interest as well but America wasn't something you wanted.
It was only when you were wrapping up your last training session at Arsenal before the World Cup did you get a call from your agent.
"Barcelona," He says," They're interested. They're rivalling Chelsea in the amount of money they're willing to pay you."
You couldn't care less about the money. "Set up the meeting."
The meeting was merely a formality and soon, you were packing up your things from London, saying goodbye to Arsenal and flying to Barcelona.
Momma and Morsa come with you, helping you move in.
Morsa laments about the flight times. "It's a lot further than London," She tells you like you don't already know," Almost five hours from home."
You roll your eyes as you unpack another soft blanket. "Morsa, I'll be fine. If anything happens, I'll call Tia Tana or Alexia. I'm not completely helpless."
"Your Morsa is just having a hard time adjusting," Momma assures you," She doesn't like the fact that you're leaving properly."
You roll your eyes again. "I already left properly."
Momma cradles your face. "Try telling her that. You're always going to be her little girl."
You huff but don't argue any longer, preoccupied with placing little knick-knacks on your shelves. At the bottom of one of the boxes is your childhood pet, Rocky the rock. You look at him fondly before giving him pride of place next to your medals.
"You still have that?" Morsa laughs as she joins you.
You roll your arms. "Hey! The bond between a girl and her pet rock is indescribable. Rocky is an important part of who I am."
"You and that rock-"
"His name's Rocky!"
"-Are so cute. You used to take that everywhere with you."
You roll your eyes. "You wouldn't let me get a puppy or a kitten."
"I think a puppy or a kitten would have been too much for the three of us," Momma says," We already had our hands full with you."
You scoff. "I was an angel."
"Hmm," Morsa says, pressing a kiss to your temple," Most of the time."
She and Momma exchange a look briefly and you're instantly suspicious when you catch Momma's phone getting a notification that you instantly see her clear from her screen.
"What are you two up to?"
Both of them smile even more suspiciously as there's a knock on the door.
"This isn't finished."
"I think it is," Momma murmurs behind you as you swing open the door.
"Hola, Tia Tana," You say before suddenly falling silent.
There's a wriggling puppy in her arms and you coo softly, hand out for it to lick.
It's a Spitz of some kind. You're not sure which but it's definitely a Spitz. Those are your favourite kind of dogs. It's got a kind of reddish fur that looks really pretty and he's full of little wiggly energy that's absolutely adorable.
"He's so pretty, Tia Tana," You say as she lets him loose," I didn't know you got a dog."
"I didn't."
You sit on the floor with the puppy. "He's so cute. It is a he, right?"
Tia Tana nods. "It's a boy."
"You're so cute," You say to him, letting him jump up on your lap," Yes, you are. A very handsome boy. Like a little prince."
"A prince for our princesse," Morsa says," How do you like him?"
You don't quite understand what she means so you just coo over your new friend. You wished he was Tia Tana's so you could see him more often.
"Are you puppy sitting?" You ask her," He's so sweet."
Tia Tana laughs. "In a way," She says," I'm handing him off to his owner today. He's had all of his shots. He's been neutered and everything."
"He's so cute. I'd love to have a word with your owner. You're too handsome to let go."
"That's good," Momma says," Because he's staying with you."
You look up in shock, brows furrowed. "What?"
"We'd feel better if you had some company," Morsa explains," So we got into contact with Aitana before you moved to see if she could find a puppy for you."
"He's a Finnish Spitz," Tia Tana says with a smile," His Mami was very sociable and his Papa goes on runs with his owner. I'm sure he could keep up with you."
You look between the three of them. "Really?"
"Yes," Momma says with the smallest of smiles," He's yours, princesse. Why don't you give him a name?"
"Prins," You say instantly and your mothers start laughing.
"What's funny?" Tia Tana asks.
"His name means prince," Morsa laughs," Truly, a little prince for our princesse."
Prins barks, his little tail wagging. You stroke your fingers through his fur.
"We need to go back out," You say suddenly," We have to get him food! And a bed! And toys!"
"Already done," Tia Tana says," It's all being delivered soon."
You look down at Prins. He looks up at you, curly little tail wagging happily as he nibbles at your shirt sleeve with his little baby teeth.
"This is the best gift ever!"
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devilander · 4 months
I don't know your rules so I hope this is ok.
Homelander being bored one day and finding boxes full of your old things that your parents kept and he can't pass up on an opportunity to learn more snoop about you. He finds old teddy bears/ drawings/ pictures. Ya know, the typical nick knacks that a proud parent thinks they might be useful someday. It mads him a bit sad that he missed out on so many 'just being a kid' moments but he is enjoying the glimpses that he finds when he sees you in your little league uniform or you soaking wet with a big grin on your face at some waterpark.
You eventually find him all surrounded by memories and see the glassy look in his eyes, you just can't help but crawl in his lap and comfort him. You talk about some of the stuff you guys find, laughing at some. You tell him you promise to make as many happy memories for Ryan and by extension him in the future.
Again, sorry if this is not what you were looking for. Please ignore this or DM me if you want something specific. My brain worms are always a wigglin'.
You finally agreed to move in with Homelander a few months ago. More of a formality, since you already lived in his penthouse most of the time. Yet your parents were so delighted—it was funny, actually, how enchanted they were with him. Their baby girl with America's hero! And he was a charmer too!
Though you lacked for nothing in his house, your parents kept sending housewarming gifts; just trinkets, silly things. Two pairs of white slippers with red stars in them—that one had warranted a full-blown laugh from both of you.
A blue blanket your father had knitted—that one left Homelander at a loss of words. He stared at it for a moment, then silently put it in the bed.
And the boxes! Four boxes filled with knick-knacks; mementos from your childhood and teenage years you were unsure if it'd make Homelander uncomfortable, so… It's not like you hid them (as if you could hide anything from him, anyway), more put them in the very back of your closet and chose not to speak much of it, only mentioned in passing.
“My parents sent even more stuff! Can you believe it?”
The next day, as you left for work, Homelander decided to snoop. It wasn't even snooping, really. You lived with him, you shared it all. And, c’mon, you were an open book. He could read you in a second, knew each flicker of your eyes, every change of breath, the way you scrunched up your nose unconsciously.
He opened every box, sitting on the floor, surrounded by glimpses of your childhood. A picture of you, in your little league uniform, all smiley and proud. A kind of an ugly drawing of what he supposed was meant to be you and your parents. An enormous, threadbare shark plushie you once said was your favorite thing when you were seven.
It was all so mundane—yet his eyes prickled. This was something he'd never be able to share with you.
So lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't notice you'd already come back, and was walking toward the bedroom.
“Hey, you,” you whispered softly. Your chest contracted painfully when you noticed his glassy eyes. It was an effort not to cry too.
“Hey, babe.” He laughed, but it felt hollow. “Juuuust checking some things you tried hiding from me, missy.” He wiggled his finger in your direction in faux annoyance, but you saw it for what it was.
“Baby…” You crawled towards him, sitting in his lap, touching his cheek. “I didn't want to hide it, I just didn't want to upset you.”
“Why would I be upset?” He snorted, now holding a picture of you when you were thirteen.
You groaned.
“Please laser this right now.”
“Why? You look so… cute.” You tried to snatch it from him, but he wouldn't let it. “Awnnn, look at those buck teeth. You look like a rabbit.” He snickered.
“You mean, mean man!” But you giggled too.
As you found more pictures and drawings, and even one Homelander plushie—that he'd never let you live it down—the mood slowly lightened, and you both laughed as you told him all your embarrassing childhood stories. You knew your parents would tell him all anyway.
After a while, you were just laying down in each other's arms, sharing languid kisses in peaceful quietness.
“You know,” you murmured, fingers caressing his hair. “One day, you'll have all of this too. With me, with Ryan, with our future babies. We'll be the happiest family in the entire world.”
He then held your face so tenderly, eyes glassy again—but those were happy tears, a gentle smile on his face.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you more.”
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blues824 · 1 year
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa do you watch vtubers? i saw the requests were open and was gonna request housewardens with a reader like vox akuma but i was hesitant because i didn't know if you watched vtubers or not. twst and nijisanji(en) are my big hyperfixations rn and I put vox's streams on in the background while im playing. (you don't need to watch vox's streams to get his persona down if you wanna do this request actually. watching 'the vox akuma experience' on youtube would be enough ;-;)
I do watch VTubers! Ninomae ina’nis was the first one I’ve watched since I had a request a while back, and that brought me into the world of Vtubers. Gender-neutral reader.
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Riddle Rosehearts
When he heard that you were a voice demon, he thought you were something akin to a siren, but in demon form. He appreciated how you dressed very formally, and how you remained polite in all of your interactions.
Then you started getting comfortable with being in Twisted Wonderland. That’s when you busted out the lewd and crass jokes, the flirty comments, etc. and he was just so freaking flustered all of the time. You even once got close to his ear and said that his shoelace wasn’t tied in a very seductive manner just to mess with him.
He would’ve collared you by now if you weren’t a demon who could easily overpower him. You had battle experience that he has only read of, so you were nearly indestructible. You never took your amusement too far, though. After all, you didn’t want your beloved queen to get too angry.
You and Trey team up to make meals for Heartslabyul. Riddle tries to help you both (because he’s jealous whenever you two hang out by yourselves in the kitchen), and he’s not all that bad. You don’t play pranks on him like the Vice Housewarden. The Housewarden absolutely loves every type of food you make.
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Leona Kingscholar
At first appearance, he thought you had a stick up your ass. I mean, you had a very formal way of speaking, plus you dressed in a suit every single day. However, he eventually found out that you were the exact opposite person he thought you were.
You both got to a point that you flirted with each other more than you just casually talked to each other. One thing that became apparent was that you both were very competitive in charm and seduction and would always try to make each other flustered.
He doesn’t mind the fact that you are a demon, as long as you don’t do anything that annoys him or disrupts the productivity of his dormitory. The chances of that happening are very slim because you’re usually napping with him.
He loves the dishes you cook for him, even if it contains vegetables. You somehow make the veggies taste so good that his mouth waters when he smells the food. You have essentially replaced Ruggie in the Savanaclaw kitchen with your awesome cooking.
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Azul Ashengrotto
If you weren’t a voice demon, he would have tried to find a way to get you under a contract. Unfortunately, your magic was demonic and therefore not the type of magic that can be taken away like that. He also appreciated how you dressed formally no matter the occasion.
When you started bringing out the flirting and the lewd jokes, he was more flustered than he has ever been in his whole entire life. He couldn’t even imagine returning the behavior since he stuttered trying to talk to you in general.
He also doesn’t mind that you are a demon. In fact, with your permission, he uses it as a threat to other customers who don’t comply with the rules of the Lounge. It tends to scare off unwanted people, and helps profit stay stable.
Azul asked if you wanted to try cooking for the Mostro Lounge because your food was really good and could probably sell. You made gourmet food, which is much different than they originally had on their menu. So, your cooking went on a secret menu.
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Kalim Al-Asim
He wasn’t wary of you at all. He thought your clothes were interesting because surely you must get hot in that suit. Then he grew worried whenever you visited Scarabia since it was always hot in the desert that was the dorm.
He absolutely had no idea what you were saying or trying to do when you were trying to flirt with him until Jamil explained it to him. That is when his face just goes completely red and he feels so dumb. He mentally beats himself up for not getting what you said at the moment you said it.
This continues and he is just so flustered all the freaking time. You were just flirting with him over and over. He eventually uses his innocent charm to compliment you and ‘flirt’ with you in return, but he always fails to make you blush. 
He wishes he could eat your food, but he doesn’t know if it is poisoned or not. So, you offer to have Jamil watch you cook so that everyone is sure you didn’t sneak anything into the meal. He is so happy, and when his Vice Housewarden gives the ‘ok’, he digs in and is in love with all the different flavors.
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Vil Schoenheit 
He almost squealed in excitement when he saw how good you looked. You knew how to dress very well, you did your makeup well to accentuate your features, you were basically his dream significant other. He praised any higher being above that you walked into his life.
You both tend to flirt with each other since it proves to boost self-esteem. Everyone besides Rook gag at how lovey dovey you are. The hunter volunteers to be the flower girl at your wedding (reminds me of when Hercules Mulligan was the flower girl at Hamilton’s wedding, iykyk).
He also doesn’t mind that you are a demon. It wasn’t like you would go ballistic and slay everyone out of nowhere, so he was relaxed around you. You often play as his voice of reason with all the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years.
You both work to promote healthier eating, and you try to cook for the dorm and have a few of the Pomefiore members help out. You refuse to cook fish since you don’t like the smell or taste, you just incorporate more of other foods to replace it and Vil is okay with it. He can tell that the entire dorm is just a bit healthier as well.
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Idia Shroud
He most definitely squealed because you looked and acted like his favorite VTuber Koe Daemonium. Mans worshiped you. He considered himself as one of your kindred, and when you told him that he was your lover after a while, he nearly died of joy.
Idia gets nose-bleeds whenever you act more seductive or lewd. Ortho always thinks that he’s having a brain aneurysm and tries to perform medical aid only for you to tell him that he was just a tad flustered.
He also doesn’t mind that you are a demon, what he’s worried about is you taking a liking to someone else and leaving him for them. He is insecure and shy, so he wouldn’t be very surprised if you picked someone over him, and this worries you. So you make a vow to him to always make him feel loved.
One way you do that is you make him food, and good food at that. You were aware that he didn’t get adequate enough nutrients in his diet, so you fixed that problem for him. Idia reported feeling better than he had in a long time, and you were glad that you could be a part of the process.
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Malleus Draconia
Oh, goodness. We have a demon and a dragon; in my mind, they are both very possessive creatures, and it shows with you and Malleus. You like to make sure that you both will be safe when one of you is going somewhere without the other.
He doesn’t understand what you are trying to do when you flirt or say something lewd to him, so Lilia kind of has to act as a translator. Of course, he tries his best not to get flustered when he finally understands what you were trying to say. Instead, he reciprocates your affection.
Lilia absolutely adores having chats with you. You both have past battle experience, you enjoy gaming, and you both dress well. Silver likes hanging out with you and sparring against you. Sebek absolutely despises you, and it’s mostly because you are a demon and therefore “aren’t a good example for Waka-sama”. You didn’t care, though.
Everyone became grateful for you when you took over cooking, saying that Lilia deserved a break. The old fae didn’t mind being treated by his future child-in-law, and the food you made was heavenly (get it?). Malleus makes a big deal, saying how the future co-ruler of the Briar Valley shouldn’t have to cook for anybody, but you laugh it off and say that it’s fine.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
The entire "following grammar rules is XX-ism" and "telling someone not to write with a dialect" or whatever in official settings, school, government paperwork, etc, has always been a weird argument.
I live in a country where you're encouraged to speak in your local dialect no matter how official the situation is. This includes politicians and professors. This means every dialect no matter how heavy and obscure it is is just as valid as any other. It was even encouraged to speak your dialect during presentations because it would be more authentic.
While it does allow for a lot of individuality it's also incredibly hard to understand in a lot of situations, especially when going somewhere with a different local dialect. And that's the spoken language.
The area I live has a very strong dialect which often is used in informal writing, between friends as an example, if you're not familiar with it you won't be able to understand anything because of the phonetic writing, which has almost nothing in common with how the words get written when you follow the correct grammar and spelling for the language. In school our teacher gave us a few examples once, where an article had been "translated" into different dialects to show how it would look if the rules for spoken language was applied to written. I still have a headache thinking about it.
I think the people using these arguments have just never been in a situation where they had to engage with a dialect or written form they didn't understand, especially official documents, otherwise they'd understand WHY having rules are in place. It's great for individuality and and informal settings, but you'll turn right the Hell around when someone with an incomprehensible written-dialect starts doing your taxes, or writing your contracts.
I think a lot of people who hotly defend their own dialect and linguistic diversity in general are in favor of having certain main standards for things like academic papers.
Attempting to eradicate "AAVE is grammar mistakes hur hur"-style racism/classism and encouraging people to code switch for certain formal environments can and do coexist just fine.
In my experience, the people who most defend the idea that standards are -ism are not the people coming from some non-prestige dialect community. It's all theoretical.
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demonslayedher · 11 months
Tengen's Favorite: Fugu
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A.k.a., the pufferfish, a flamboyant way to flirt with death by tetrodotoxin.
"Sempai, you didn't!" you might be shaking your screens as a way to shake sense into me. "Sempai, I thought you wouldn't risk your life for Kimetsu Kitchen!" So you say, but I'd like to remind you that I am a bad cook and I could probably find less flamboyant methods of culinary death. But also I am here to educate, and guess what? This isn't my first time eating fugu. It's time to knock the flamboyance down a notch by telling you that fugu is more commonly consumed than you might think, as well as give you the details about Uzui Tengen's favorite food in a safe way.
Because yes, you should mind safety.
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Cutting out the liver and other toxic organs is a very precise, very crucial process, so let's allow Hinatsuru to concentrate and ask our local fish-fan and poison expert to tell us more.
"Thank you for asking! Did you know pufferfish don't make this neurotoxin themselves? They get it from eating things like mollusks and bacteria, so I'll bet in the future raising these fish in farms with controlled diets will be popular. The tetrodotoxin, or TTX, blocks the passage of sodium ions into a nerve cell, thereby not letting signals to contract reach the muscles. Although there is no antidote, it's a poison humans can metabolize rather quickly, provided they have artificial respiratory assistance. The paralysis and all the other symptoms sure won't be fun, though!"
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Thanks, Shinobu! Taisho Secret: Shinobu's goldfish is named Fugu.
She's right about the farmed fugu, and I've heard it said that people who can taste a difference between farmed fugu and wild fugu tend to prefer it farmed anyway. What's also important to note is that there are many varieties of fugu, and "torafugu" (tiger puffer) is the safest variety, and what is typically consumed. Although some people say the livers are the best part, they are typically rich people who wind up eating their words later on. Don't listen to them, they are dead.
We'll pause here to acknowledge the history, because not everyone who has ingested wild fugu has doomed themselves to consciously watching themselves suffocate over the course of a few hours. There are records of use their use in Chinese medicine, and even though Toyotomi Hideyoshi (one of the three great unifiers of Japan) formally banned their consumption and the Tokugawa shogunate upheld this ban, people continued to consume them anyway, especially in areas where the Tokugawa shogun was not popular. (I'd like to imagine some Uzui ancestors ate fugu out of spite.)
One region not especially privy to the shogunate was the Choshu domain, in modern day Yamaguchi prefecture. This domain played a major role in overthrowing the shogunate and establishing the Meiji government, and the first prime minister, Itou Hirobumi, was from Yamaguchi. The story goes that in 1887, it was on visit down at the very western tip of Japan's main island that he stayed at an inn and wanted fish, and the lady of the establishment had no fish to serve him except the illegal pufferfish. She decided it was better to risk what might look like an attempted assassination of the top guy in the country than to serve him a subpar meal.
Well, bam, it was so good that pufferfish was legal the following year! By my calculations and presumed dates that KnY takes place, that means it was already legal before Tengen was born. Sorry, buddy, you don't get to be that edgy.
As for how to eat it, the most iconic way is to eat it raw, sliced so thin that you can still see elaborate patterns on the dishes through the translucent flesh. This is called "tessa." It's often arranged in elegant patterns evocative of chrysanthemums, or on festive occasions, like a phoenix. It's most often a winter dish, but you can get it all year round. It has a very, very light, rather unflamboyant flavor, and is therefore typically eaten with a special variety of onions grown to accompany it, and other condiments like ponzu, citrus, and momiji-oroshi (grated daikon with chili pepper).
The main draw is the texture of the fish. As someone who enjoys sashimi, I did find the texture of tessa very, very nice when I recently got a chance to try it. The same meal also served the skin, and the flesh cooked into a rice porridge dish.
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I wonder if Hinatsuru is almost done?
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Not yet. Then let's talk about incidents and safety!
Basically, if you're not in Japan: DON'T DO IT. Heck, if you're in the European Union, it's illegal in the first place. There are very, ve-r-r-r-y slim opportunities of eating it in the United States after it is sourced from Japan, and although frozen tessa can travel, really, why bother eating in New York City? If you have that budget to spend, just fly to Japan. Anywhere else... just don't do it. The restaurant fatalities in recent years have primarily been in countries that don't have as stringent of a training and certification process as Japan. Japan also has a small handful of cases each year, but they don't usually end in fatalities because the accidental poisonings may not always be a large dose, and the victims received medical attention that got them through the crucial hours of paralysis. Also, those cases have typically been due to overconfident fishermen, not mistakes made by industry professionals.
But if you're in Japan----oh! It looks like Hinatsuru is done.
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All of those examples? Things I have eaten in real life, often under the mistaken impression that "fugu" referred to two different kinds of fish (as happens sometimes), as there was no way I'd have eaten fugu without signing a waiver first, right???
No. Not at all. It is totally realistic to find yourself in a situation where you are served fugu without realizing what it is (though I imagine most tourists don't find themselves in these situations unless they have a guide who planned things without asking about dietary preferences). To demystify this fish a bit, there is so much fugu consumed without incident that you can get to a point where the possibility of poison doesn't even cross your mind. They sell it at a regular grocery story just down the street from where I live in a place that is not famous for fugu or anything like that. (Also, no one brings it up as much, but raw eel is toxic too! You never see it available for sale unless it's been precooked or specially marinated. Again, industry standards.)
Granted, I was still nervous about eating tessa, and the danger is still part of the thrill of fugu, though the industry stresses its merits as a tasty and (otherwise) healthy fish. I get the feeling that if Tengen lived in the Reiwa era, he'd find pufferfish disappointingly lower risk now than suits his thrill. Nonetheless, although I'll eat it if it's served to me, it is not something I go out of my way to eat.
But I will state it again: ONLY eat pufferfish that has been prepared by a professional in Japan. Otherwise, DO NOT.
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mariyekos · 25 days
So this headcanon is of the crack treated seriously variety but-
Lately I've been thinking about Trish accidentally forming a demonic contract (bond of servitude) with Dante post DMC1 without either of them realizing it at and the shenanigans that would produce.
The idea is that post DMC1 Dante takes her on as an actual employee at Devil Never Cry to get her used to the human world. As part of his attempts to keep a semi-legitimate business for the non-demon hunting front, he has her sign some typical employee contract stuff. Except as it turns out Dante is apparently demon enough for it to trigger the sort of bond of servitude that is normally formed when a demon swears themself to a higher demon, which neither of them even considered as a possibility when they signed away. If you wanted to go further for it, you could say that Dante also nicked himself while preparing the documents and didn't feel like reprinting everything so he just left the page with the bloodspot in the packet, which Trish didn't notice because she doesn't really care about human formalities and immediately flips to the page she has to sign. But a drop of blood is still blood, meaning the contract is a blood contract, and oh will that bite them in the butt later on.
Like I said before, they don't even realize what's happened at first because Trish has always felt weird around Dante from a combination of the Sparda-pizzaz and potential Eva influence Mundus might've put into her. Her feeling a different sort of weird around Dante after signing the contract- maybe she feels some sort of pull or extra loyalty- she'd just chalk up to a potential side effect of being modeled after his mother. It's not until Dante tells her to go do something neither of them want to do as a joke and she actually does it without hesitation that the two pause, go "wait what" and start to investigate. Because Trish did not want to do that, but did it anyway. Because she felt compelled to in a way that overrode her personal desires. Which results in them realizing that oh, Trish can't actually disobey anything Dante orders her to do, and that is Not Normal.
Trish is, unsurprisingly, not happy about this. She's the one that brings up the contract thing, which Dante tries to deflect from by saying he didn't realize anything would happen, it's just a standard human practice! I think if Trish brought up the "well normally it needs a blood contract" thing Dante would twitch in just the right way that has her grilling him for more information, leading to the reveal that oops! She did sign a blood contract! Dante's laziness lead to Trish ending up as a servant yet again!
Dante would promise to never use it and never order her to do something, but I think it would take Trish a while to get over it. It really was an accident. He didn't mean to do that; doesn't want that kind of control over her or anything. He's sincere and means it when he says he will never ever tell or even ask her to do something again if that's what needs to happen for the contract-enforced servitude to activate. Eventually Trish would accept his apology with a grumble, but I see that as part of what would have her leaving DMC/DNC between DMC1 and DMC4 to do her own stuff. She's her own person and her own master. She doesn't want to be anyone's pawn anymore. Even if Dante says he doesn't plan to ever take advantage of the bond, she doesn't want him inadvertently doing anything to her or for herself to unconsciously follow. The contract should weaken with distance and time as long as they don't renew it, so she'll do her own thing most of the time, help out on the occasional mission, and eventually it'll all be in the past. By DMC5 the bond would definitely be broken, though I'm on the fence about whether in this verse it would be completely gone by DMC4 or just mostly gone.
But yeah! Basic idea is whoops Trish gets bound to Dante on accident and decides to peace our between DMC1 and 4 because neither of them really want that bond to activate and for Trish to get stripped of her will, even for something minor.
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sibylsleaves · 3 days
i think its safe to say nobody is leaving the show unless they announce it formally? at least of the main cast. not to keep comparing them but they do that with greys a lot. and im assuming everyone got new contracts when the show was brought over to abc that im sure included multiple seasons. so until then i wouldnt expect anyone to quit the show tbh 🤷‍♀️
anyway can we talk about under pressure more because buck’s lusting for eddie is absolutely crazy 😭
skjsfdkjfkjekjwekj listen i can ALWAYS talk about Under Pressure more. I have been in the business of re-litigating Under Pressure for YEARS and even I was unprepared for the way that 7x04 CANONICALLY re-litigated Under Pressure. Because like. What do you MEAN when Buck meets a hot competent guy his immediate reaction is that he thinks he's going to be REPLACED but ACTUALLY that is just him getting his wires crossed about his insane bisexual lust????? WHOMST among us has not felt insane obsessive homoerotic jealousy before they figured out they were actually just queer??? (alexa play lacy by olivia rodrigo)
And also like. i could talk about Buck in that episode FOREVER but what about Eddie????? He is trying so hard to seem like cool unflappable guy in the face of all of Buck's........Buck-ness. But in reality he is like WHAT is wrong with this guy. I bet I can make him worse. You cannot tell me that he didn't try out for the Firefighter Calendar JUST to rile Buck up. And then once the grenade thing happens he's like. oh WHAT is wrong with this guy. he can match my freak. perhaps i will pay him one (1) sincere compliment and make him my bestie soulmate partner for life.
Like it's also soooooo crazy how quick the switch flipped for Buck. He's not even pretending to still hate Eddie for appearances sake. He's like oh my god. oh my god he thinks im a BADASS. oh my god he wants me to back him up and be there for him and have MY back and let me step into his life like there was always a space there for me????????? LIKE I BELONG THERE???? dont mind if i do.
banger episode. I love Under Pressure so much.
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spamgyu · 2 months
SVT & Brands I would love them to work with // HHU
I talk so much crap about fashion on here and i have been asked by a few people to pair them up with designers I think they would be good with or I would love to see them work with. 🤧
Doing this in units because tumblr wont let me post more than 30 images at a time.... and for once, 13 men in one group actually seems like a lot.
disclaimer: this is based on the runways of the brands in the past 2-4 years (some brands will go as far back as 4 years mostly bc i love them sm... some are two years bc i didn't like their creative directors until recent). also i h@t3 k3nz0 but hearing how vernon talks about the brand im choosing to accept his soul binding contract with them. this is also based on if they were to actually have a similar contract like vernon does with kenzo with these brands. meaning they would wear these brands 90% of the time not just for brand events (which is most likely rare bc of how crazy expensive and limiting it is. but just entertain my ideas for this one time)
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Look I know we were expecting me to have him for Vetements or Off White.... And I thought so too. But then I think I want to see him in an elevated version of the silhouettes he sticks close too (boxy/baggy) I think Sacai still has the streetwear aspects of his style all while testing the waters in terms of what we usually sees him ass. Because listen... we've seen the possibilities when he does editorial shoots.
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WONWOO – Gucci
Okay listen..... Gucci and Gucci are different. Does that make sense.....? lol Like the Gucci some of us know are 😖 but this Gucci... the one I'm talking about..... It's very 🤌🏼🤌🏼 lmfao Anyways look, Wonwoo is a clean polished guy. He like simple outfits, clean lines, not too flashy – but he also looks good in color. I think this brand will look so so so good on him especially if they were to pull pieces that matches his stage presence well. The potential we would have... wow wow
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MINGYU - Givenchy
The day Mingyu and learns how to dress according to proportions and realizes that he can look clean and polished all while mixing texture/prints.... is the day my world will look like it has sunshine rainbows and butterflies Givenchy is literally the perfect brand for him because I know how much he loves his colors and I know how much he loves looking polished when it comes to formal event. It's a brand that I think he could take and run with for at least 2 years.
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VERNON - Acne Studios
I will die on this hill.Vernon has always been a fan of rock and before THAT BRAND got him, he showed hints of how he is able to mix his taste in music into his clothes. THAT BRAND is also tied to his music taste, and his appreciation to HipHop – but PLS ROCKER!Vernon .... pls...Like imagine we got Johnny AND Vernon last FW??? bruv...... I want to- (gunshot)ALSO I KNOW THEIR RUNWAYS ARE SO ................... LOUD AND INTIMIDATING but listen....... individually, and styled for dailywear... it's doable.JUST LISTEM TO ME
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vashtijoy · 1 year
so since you're the language analysis guy especially when it comes to akechi and i just noticed this on a third playthrough i thought id ask
on 9th jun when you have your first conversation with akechi and he ties himself in knots over the pancake thing, he excuses himself with
"no matter. welp, see you tomorrow"
and i was wondering if it's a flair of translation or if he says something as un-akechi as "welp" in both languages
Oh, anon, you have won my heart. Seriously, fucking welp? I HATE THAT. Even that long time no see doesn't pull me out of immersion as thoroughly and entirely as welp.
Akechi まあ、いいや。じゃあ、明日スタジオで。 maa, ii ya. jaa, ashita stajio de. No matter. Welp, see you tomorrow. Well, it's not important. See you tomorrow in the studio.
It's jaa. じゃあ jaa. If you ever watched any form of anime, you've heard it a thousand times. JAA IS NOT WELP.
Could jaa be "welp"? Sure. It might make sense for the context and character you're working with. But it has to do that. jaa means "well; so; well then". It's a contraction of de wa, which also means all those things, but is more formal; you can hear the SIU Director using de wa to mean "well" in his phone calls. But jaa is casual, used with equals or inferiors. Akechi sometimes parts ways with jaa ne, "well, bye", though he's far more likely to say goodbye with mata ne, "see you again".
By the way, going to the other extreme just because we can, Akechi's casual jaa ne got translated as "farewell"! He also has a jaa na in the timeout bad endings, as the Mysterious Man—and those are also translated as "farewell", when something like "bye then" might have been more like it.
There are a ton of signs that the vast-scale P5 translation was rushed as hell, and this is, sadly, one of them. A translation needs to have a consistent sense of a character's voice, and when you see something as egregious as this, you know the translator didn't have that—or simply didn't have time for that.
We could be more charitable and take into account that Akechi's meant to come off as young and kind of "fresh" and aware of trends and so on—but he still doesn't ever, to my knowledge, talk in Internet slang like Futaba would do. He sounds young, he shifts register flawlessly between the casual manner he has with Joker and the more polite way he addresses his elders. But he's almost always eloquent and precise, and chooses his words with care.
I almost never do this, but I'm happy to break out a great big DENIED stamp for "welp". Just say no to welp.
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smartycvnt · 8 months
My First Kiss
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Title: My First Kiss Pairing: Toni Storm x Reader Prompt: 5. "You were my first kiss, that's gotta mean something." NR WC: 1042
The end of the year was always a tough time. The holidays wore down on people, but for Y/n, it was trying to keep the news of her jumping ship at bay. She had already left WWE and praised AEW for being such a good home to her, but now she was going back to WWE. The company seemed to be in a bit of a better place, and Triple H had offered her a position as a trainer if she came back. The idea of getting to wrestle the newcomers on NXT and Level Up while also getting to spread her knowledge of professional wrestling to the next generation was too good to pass up. Y/n wouldn't have to travel nearly as much as she usually did, which was the biggest upside to it all. She was just getting towards the end of her mid-20s, but she swore some days that she felt like an old woman with all the aches and pain.
Y/n got nervous with each little notification on Twitter that someone would leak her secret. She had made friends at AEW, ones who would be upset with her for leaving and not telling them. The company was already getting hit hard with Jade not coming back in the new year. Tony had been understanding, even if he was a bit upset with her. She had been injured a lot during her time at AEW, and that left both of them feeling like Y/n hadn't gotten to her full potential there. However, she needed to give her body a major break, and this seemed like the most satisfying way for Y/n. She knew that she couldn't go more than a few weeks at a time without wrestling.
There was something about the tense stares directed towards Y/n as she made her way into the locker room that told Y/n her secret was up. Nobody seemed sad or confrontational, which meant that they all knew someone else was having an adverse reaction to it. Y/n hoped that it would Britt instead of someone else like Saraya or Toni. Y/n couldn't bear to look Toni in the eyes and tell her that she was going back to WWE. Y/n had been the first of them to leave because of the way they had been treated, and she was also the first to go back once she got a respectable offer. AEW had been good to her, but not nearly as good to her as it had been to her friends. She knew that she wasn't a main event draw, but she could have still hoped for a little bit more.
"I don't know how true the rumors are, but I hope that you're sure this is the right decision." Y/n didn't have to look up to know that it was Jamie. The strong, yet gentle hand on the back of her shoulder confirmed it. It was a friendly touch, but still apprehensive. Y/n remembered whenever Toni had moved out of their place together, it was the same one that Jamie had used to comfort her. Y/n wondered if Toni and Jamie would be able to put their differences aside whenever Y/n moved down to Winter Park for WWE.
"It is," Y/n confirmed. Jamie offered her a kind smile, one that Y/n knew was the closest thing to good luck that she'd get. The locker room cleared out pretty quickly as Y/n put on her gear and laced up her boots. She knew that it was only a matter of time before Toni made her way into the locker room to try and talk Y/n out of leaving. The contracts were all signed and filed, so it wasn't like there was actually anything to do. However, Toni would feel better knowing that she at least tried to stop Y/n from leaving.
"Hello Y/n," Toni said formally. It was cordial, much too cordial for the two of them. Y/n would have almost preferred that Toni completely ignore her instead of talking to her like that. "I heard something very interesting today from some people, but it sounded so ridiculous that I just couldn't believe it. I mean, you wouldn't go back to Vince McMahon, would you?"
"No, I wouldn't. Vince has no part in where I'm going. Shawn and Hunter assured me of that when we started discussions months ago," Y/n answered. Toni's face fell when Y/n revealed how long she had been planning to leave. It would have hurt less to know that Y/n had just decided randomly for a change, but Toni knew better than that. Y/n wasn't a spontaneous person, she liked things to be meticulously planned out beforehand. "Toni, I am sorry that I didn't tell you before, but I didn't want to tell anybody. I wanted to enjoy my last couple months here."
"Don't go," Toni blurted out. It was obvious to Y/n that Toni had planned to say something else, but that was all she could manage. "I'll miss you, so please don't leave."
"I have to do this Toni, and it's not like we won't ever see each other again. Remember when you moved to England, and I thought it was the end of the world? We found each other when I moved to Japan, and I think we'll find each other again after this," Y/n said. Toni tilted her head back to stop the tears from falling. "Don't cry, you're still stuck with me for a while."
"Stay here for me, please. You were my first kiss, that's gotta mean something." Toni's lip quivered as she held everything in. Y/n remembered being in Toni's position when they were younger. She remembered speaking those words, but she also remembered the way that Toni had just kept going.
"This is just something that has to happen, love. I'll be seeing you again real soon, I promise." It felt wrong to throw Toni's words back in her face, but Y/n wouldn't have been able to hold her resolve any other way. That was just how things had to go.
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thegodthief · 2 months
Dreamt I had been invited to a "seance party" along with several of the host's friends. Most of us didn't know each other, but knew the host to varying degrees. I was not his friend, but a "peer" that had refused to partner with him because I didn't want to be associated with his grifting workstyle. I was lured there on the promise of it being a curated discussion of a recently discovered grimoire.
Well, the book turned out to be his book, recently published, that claimed to be the ultimate distillation of all the known grimoires into "The Last Grimoire You'll Ever Need". The highlight of the night, the seance, was supposed to be performed according to the ritual in his book. I had read enough of the procedure to know that we were going to be in for a good old-fashioned round of joint popping and cold-reading so I felt safe enough to stick around for the inevitable dumpster fire of a reveal.
Jokes on me, something showed up, and promptly ganked my ass because I took no precautions whatsoever. While the others at the table were about to panic, the host assured everyone that all was well. According to him, I was just experiencing the righteous judgement that came with rejecting his call for fellowship.
The spirits that ganked me realized that (1) I was not panicking, (2) I could hear them quite well, (3) I was permitting the shenanigans to continue, and (4) I could evict them at any time. They took advantage of their "captive" audience to detail their ninety-five theses why the host was an ass and this would be the last time they would work for him. Most of their complaints were things I already knew. A few surprised me. The man really had no sense of self-preservation it seemed.
I asked them what they wanted from me. They said they only wanted to be heard out in full and were glad that someone embodied now knew their complaint. Their contract with him was such that they were bound to serve him but if either party was dissatisfied, then to sever the contract, the leaving party had to tell the other "I quit". But until this night, the host had always summoned the spirits into inanimate objects or commanded a possession in such a way that prevented the spirits from making their voice heard. Indeed, the seance ritual was for the spirits to inhabit a large glass ball and fill it with lights and images. It just so happened that my lack of self-preservation made me a more suitable vessel. Would I be so kind as to permit the use of my body to complete the severing?
Would I fucking ever. It was my honor and a delight to provide the means of comeuppance.
Together, the spirits and I put on a not-at-all convincing show of portraying me in severe distress. Those guests that knew anything about me immediately saw through the charade and settled down for the lighting of the dumpster fire. Those guests that knew nothing about me pleaded to the host to rescue me. The host was too busy soaking in those desperate pleas to notice the mood of the silent audience had shifted.
Finally, the host said the words of undoing; "What is it you want? Speak, O Spirits, and reveal to us your reason!"
I didn't so much as yield to the spirits within me as I did just mentally step out of the damn way. They now had access to my full vocabulary, formal and informal, proper and slang, and they used it to full effect. They laid out their grievances against the host with swift phrases and deft use of expletives. As the guests that knew him better began to laugh, he sputtered impotent commands at the spirits to be silent and to leave me. Finally, they uttered the severing words.
"I. Quit!"
The host's face blanched as the spirits wrapped my arms around myself and gave me a comforting hug. "Thank you." I had forgotten how warm my voice could sound. "Thank you for hearing us and giving us space to be present. Good bye." They placed my body so that I would not fall when they departed and left me in peace.
In the few seconds that I was absent, I missed the host being slapped at least twice by victims donors of his projects and a drink being poured upon him. When I came to, he shrieked that I had brought a curse upon him and was personally responsible (morally and financially) for the consequences of all that happened tonight. One by one, the guests were leaving, many of them furiously typing on their phones about what happened as they left.
He chased after one in particular, a person with little experiential magical knowledge but apparently willing to pay a lot of money to learn how. Now alone with the last two guests of the evening, they helped me put myself back together and prepare to leave. They didn't want me alone with the host and actually wanted to see me leave before them. Apparently, some of the things that the spirits revealed in their Fuck You I Quit speech had changed the nature of the guests' relationship with the host.
"You know, you took to that very well. A lot better than most. This wasn't your first possession, was it."
Not my first. Not my fiftieth. I had stopped counting decades ago.
They nodded. "I know you are still looking for your path, your purpose in life. Have you considered leaning into what you do best?"
What I do best? What I do best is being a pain in the ass, a contrarian, a speck of randomness, and an irritant. That's what I do best.
Both of them laughed. No, they said, that's what I am, not what I do. They pointed to the events of the night. "What you do, is commune with spirits, and you have a knack for it."
I thought about all the times something passed through and how it has happened so often that I stopped regarding it as something special. Was that a breeze or did something pass through? If the window is open, is there a difference?
I shrugged. Communing with spirits is nothing special in the peer groups I peer at. It is a foundational skill for woo-slingers. I began to feel like I was being set up for a sales pitch.
I must have allowed my face to display my opinion clearly because the two magicians started chuckling. "No, dear, we aren't going to even attempt to corral you into something or another. Just pointing out the obvious. Just give it a thought when you wake up and have had some coffee, yes? We know you have been chasing an identity and a community, and what pits you have fallen into by running blind. But there is more than one way to see for folks like you and me, and not all bonds are built with bone. But now it is time, for this dream to unwind, and for you to grade yourself in this test. Do not compare to what others share, for their acts are not yours to atone. But instead learn to see, what you alone can be, and to yourself, strive to be your very best."
I had not realized I was dreaming until the magician said I was, and when they started rhyming, I was stricken still with a horrible sense of dread as I realized I had no control over the dream. The other magician sighed and shook their head at their peer. "Look what you've done, you gave her anxiety. So much for staying out of it, I guess."
In the distance, I heard the host making his way back to the room. Apparently his attempt at repairing the flow of funds was not successful as we all could hear his swearing long before we could hear his footsteps.
"Ah, the prodigal son is returning. What happens next is not for you, my dear, this will be a private reckoning." The other magician placed the tip of their finger very gently on the space between my eyes. "However, what has happened, you must remember. Remember, and tell it to at least one person, or it won't take."
They winked, and pushed ever so softly against me.
The dream shattered and I fell awake in my bed.
I laid there, staring at the beam of streetlight reflected onto the ceiling. The birds were already announcing the coming of the day and I could hear the footsteps of workers begrudging the morning.
"Or what won't take?"
And so, I record the dream here, because I have no sense of self-preservation, and I am curious af of discovering what has likely been written in plain sight.
Make of that, what you may.
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nerdnag · 7 months
"Now then, Sunshine," Hubert said, plucking a fresh sheet of parchment from the corner of his desk and readying his quill. "Tell me about this person you wish to bring into Lady Edelgard's service."
"Really, Hubert, you should be ashamed not to have heard of my dearest Sara before!" Constance crowed. She unfurled her fan purely to brandish it for dramatic effect. "Her talent for the magical arts is simply extraordinary! Th-though, no match for my own, of course…" she added nervously.
"Yes, yes, your magical prowess is unparalleled," Hubert intoned, waving a dismissive hand yet smiling fondly. "Continue."
Constance stomped her foot. "Hubert! Have you forgotten which of us is the more skilled with Morfean magic?! Anyway… Sara is really quite accomplished in her field! She is trusted with the most important clients, and many of her coworkers rely on her expertise and insight. It is marvellous how skillfully she interprets contracts of privacy law and explains them to others! And the other day, she came up with a most revolutionary Excel formula as well! Why, I believe that with the proper training, she and I could truly be Sister Sages of the highest calibre!"
"And that is not all," Constance continued on. "No no! Sara has many talents off the battlefield as well! She pens the loveliest stories. In fact, you should read the wondrous tale I commissioned her to write about our activities on our wedding night—"
Hubert choked on his coffee.
"And she draws quite skillfully also!"
"Please tell me you didn't commission a painting to go with that story," Hubert groaned, head in his hands.
"Oh, no, I mainly commission her to paint flattering portraits of myself," Constance replied airily. "One of my favourites is a particularly striking one of me against a starry sky that I'm sure you shall like to see sometime!"
"Ah, but I can see you against a starry sky any night I wish, lovelier than any painting."* Hubert smirked as Constance flushed and began fanning herself, clearly flustered.
"I— yes, well—" Constance took a moment to compose herself again. "Let me finish telling you about my dearest Sara's redeeming qualities! She is an excellent friend: a joy to be around, and her presence is sure to brighten one's day. She is funny and kind, and, dare I say, very nearly as charming as myself!"
"I see. She does sound quite promising." Hubert put down his pen. "I shall have to conduct a background check, of course."
"Is my word not enough?!" Constance protested. "Need I remind you that for all your repute as Imperial spymaster, you had not even heard of such a dazzling star as is Sara before?"
"Need I remind you who it was that brought Epimenides himself into our midst?" Hubert shot back, but there was no real fire in his voice. "Based on your personal recommendation, I shall expedite the process. If all goes well, we will send this Sara a formal offer by the end of the moon."
Constance huffed, unable to argue the point. "I suppose that is agreeable enough."
"It's settled, then. Now, I believe we have tea with Lady Edelgard to be getting to." Hubert stood and offered Constance his arm. "Shall we, my dear Countess Vestra?"
Constance took it, positively glowing at the form of address. "Yes, Count Vestra, we shall!"
* Eifie double dog dared herself to write this line.
OH. MY. GOD?! You wrote this for me..? 😭💚
Original Eifie work! So cleverly written!! Lots of references to my fic and little details about me and incredibly well-characterized! You even went out of your way to include romo 🥹
THE EXCEL FORMULA ASDFGHJKL it truly is like magic. Also I LOVE the idea that every single art work and fic I've ever made of/about Constance has been commissioned by her. That is hereby canon.
Thank you for taking me into consideration for the position!! 🙏 (Though I must admit I'm a little scared of what Hubert's background check will mean for me......)
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generic-sonic-fan · 11 months
when writing for sonic characters, are there any Particular renditions of their voices that you hear?
Interesting question!
I do daydream a lot about these characters (that's where my fics come from!) and each has their own distinct voice in my head, but their voices aren't from any specific voice actor/game! If I have to be more specific, I guess you can say that each voice is a blend of a variety of game voices, tuned to what I think is most pleasant.
What's more important for me while writing, though, is the distinctive phrases or sentence syntaxes that each character uses! It's less about the "sound" and more about the cadence and rhythm. An obvious example with a solid contrast in character voice is the difference between Omega and Sonic's speech in "I Can't Accept All This". Allow me a quick experiment, if you will:
“Do you want to stay down here or something?”
“For being the individual responsible for educating Shadow on ‘the power of friendship’, it seems you do not trust your friends.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I have activated my emergency transponder. Help is on the way.”
“How do we know the signal’s gotten through all this concrete? Have you got a response from anyone?”
“Negative. There has been no response.”
“Then we could be stuck down here until we do something! Come on, work with me here, dude!”
“Did you inform anyone as to the location of your mission before you arrived here?”
“Did you?”
Omega speaks very formally, with long sentences and complete phrasing. Sonic, meanwhile, uses shorter, choppier phrases, sometimes with interjections or other slang words. Omega also doesn't use contractions whereas Sonic does. Even with the removal of Omega's speech quirk of using all caps, it's fairly obvious who's saying what in the dialogue above, even though I tried my damndest to pick dialogue that didn't have other context cues as to who was saying what.
Other characters have different speech quirks. Silver is rambly and has trouble communicating exactly what he means, Rouge uses a TON of cliché phrases and likes punctuating with pet names, and Shadow is actually my most "neutral" character voice, as he speaks evenly, plainly, and with just a slight tinge of formality.
I create these speech patterns for every character that I write with based on observations from canon game lines, but also a heavy dose of fanon from other fics that I read. So really, I guess this answer isn't so different from the one I gave regarding the voices I hear in my head- it's sort of a blend of everything, with a healthy dose of my own fine-tuning to even it out.
I could make a whole other post on how I flesh out a character's internal narration, but that's getting too far away from the question you actually asked, so I'll leave it at that.
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lemonduckisnowawake · 2 months
So a while back @floorbacon0621 was talking about a hallmark movie where a woman body hijacked a rich lady but then realized all she wanted was family for Christmas.
Cue @emarynn going "eh, sounds boring" and me going "WELL CHALLENGE ACCEPTED."
The below is the result, transcribed (copy/pasted) from Discord because I realized I wanted it somewhere I could find before it got buried (it's already been buried actually) from all our chatter....which means I need a new tag for my personal writing stuff. BUT ANYWAY
Woman- gets isekaid into rich lady ML - rich guy whom rich lady is engaged to Rich lady - gets isekaid into woman
Plot: rich lady sees this sad and hectic ADHD family that is just NOT managing holidays well and is giving stress upon stress to each other and is like "all right, imma straighten you all out cause i'm a doctor" and actually starts helping the woman's family cope. Woman's family is like "woah, daughter, college in the city really has changed you. maybe this was a good idea after all." Meanwhile, woman is not at ALL happy to be in rich lady's body and is annoyed with rich guy who is doing his uttermost to scare off rich lady to break off the engagement, but woman isn't gonna do that cause this isn't her life - and rich guy is confused cause it was about to succeed, so what the heck? Woman wasn't really looking forward to the holidays cause her family is SO chaotic and it drives her nuts, and she guesses that this is a great way to escape but…they were expecting her and she still LOVES them, so she's gonna check. Unfortunately, before she can do anything, she's pulled into rich people christmas stuff with rich guy as her confused date. She finds all the bluster and pomp way too annoying and almost worse than her family's chaos but, again, not her life so she doesn't say anything. She likes the food thought, but everything is so fake that it just pricks at her even more until she can't take it and just….leaves the party at one point to hide.
Rich guy comes after her and they have an emotional moment or idk, which now confuses HER cause where was the rude guy? To which he admits he was trying to break up the engagement cause there's someone he loves who is not as wealthy and thought the best way was to act mean. To which the woman, in utter bafflement, is like, "Dude. It's a free country. Just…..break it off? You're over the age? Is there like any formal contract?" "Uh…no" "??????????? Then why don't you just break it off?" "They'll disown me. I don't have any job experience!" "??? Are you serious? You're in training to be the CEO? And you have a college degree? Just….use that to get a job???" "Oh…." "Uh huh." Anyway, cue woman accidentally making things better without even meaning to in her comedic shenanigans to just CALL HOME and see how everyone's doing, interspersed with cuts from rich girl who is having a blast organizing everything but thinks she should probably find a way to get back to her body cause being an heiress is great.
Anyway, blah blah blah, magic of Christmas, switcheroo goes back to normal after they meet and tell them all the happenstances ("you broke off my engagement?" "NO! He broke off his engagement with YOU! I didn't say I'd accept or anything! And you actually made my family functional?" "Yeah, being a psych and med student is great" "…..i hate rich people" ":DDD") End movie
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blood-and-pizza · 7 months
What would Golden Freddy's personality be like if he wasn't shut in or what was it before he was a shut in
Allow me to answer this with a little Fazbear Estate history lesson.
Golden Freddy was the first horror animatronic produced by Fazbear Entertainment. When he was first introduced to Classic Freddy and his band to promote the first FNAF game, he was eager, hopeful, and a bit nervous. Eager, because at the time he really looked up to the Classic band, and was looking forward to working with them. Hopeful, because if he did a good job promoting the new game, it would likely lead to sequels, meaning more chances for him to perform for people and make them happy. Nervous, because he was something totally new from Fazbear Entertainment, and he didn't want to disappoint anyone.
Golden Freddy actively tried to befriend the Classics, and at first, they seemed to accept him... even if they personally had hang-ups about being portrayed as scary murderous robots. After all, Golden Freddy was young and new, freshly programmed. It was only fair to give someone like him a chance at being part of the Fazbear Family. Sure, he was a little too talkative at times, but that was because he was excited at getting to explore the world outside Fazbear Entertainment's HQ. They thought his eagerness was kind of cute and even charming.
And then "The Incident" happened. Golden Freddy scared someone with a heart condition, which gave them a heart attack and almost killed them. Golden Freddy didn't even know this person had a heart condition, and if he had known, he never would have scared them to begin with. The Classics, however, wouldn't hear of it. They knew Golden Freddy was only following his programming, but if doing that could potentially harm a human, then their thought was that there was something inherently WRONG with Golden Freddy... not unlike how they responded to Funtime Freddy, in fact.
In response to "The Incident", Fazbear Entertainment retired Golden Freddy to Fazbear Estate, deciding that was a better option than forcing the public to sign safety waivers before attending a FNAF promotional event. This upset Golden Freddy considerably, but what upset him more was that the Classics were actively avoiding him, even Foxy, who at the time was a bit iffy at being seen as scary (his newfound popularity as a horror icon hadn't quite kicked off yet). Classic Freddy was particularly hesitant to talk to Golden, which broke his mechanical heart the most. So, losing all hope in making friends and being happy, Golden Freddy locked himself in his room at the Estate and refused to come out. He had a charging station and internet access, so he wouldn't exactly NEED to come out... but he would be very, very lonely.
It was at that point Classic Freddy realized that he and the other Classics really screwed up with Golden Freddy. They had essentially destroyed him. Someone as new as him didn't deserve that. Classic Freddy did try to apologize to Golden, standing outside his door and doing his best to convince him to come out of his room. Golden didn't believe Classic's sincerity, however. He snapped at him in anger and demanded to be left alone. "You have already made it very clear that you think there is something wrong with me! Why should I believe you are actually sorry!? I bet you are just apologizing so I can go back to looking up to you like the starstruck idiot I was! SCREW YOU! You are a jerk, and so are your bandmates!" Humbled by this, Classic left Golden without another word.
(Note: you may have noticed that Golden didn't use contractions in his speech patterns at the time. This is actually typical of newer Fazbear Entertainment animatronics. When they're fresh off the assembly line, they don't use contractions and have a tendency to sound a little too formal when they speak. It's only by listening to human speech regularly that they eventually learn how to sound more "natural" and use contractions. Just thought I'd mention that.)
Since that day, Classic Freddy has tried pretty much everything to make things up to Golden. However, nothing he did worked, mainly because he was the only one in his band trying to fix things. Classic Bonnie keeps telling Freddy that Golden is a lost cause. Chica is afraid of Golden Freddy and what he's capable of. As for Foxy... even though he now has a very appreciative outlook of being seen as scary nowadays, he feels way too guilty about Golden Freddy to try and patch things up. It's one thing about his past he'd rather bury and forget about because he's so ashamed. Foxy is extra-nice to the other horror animatronics to try and make up for this, but he knows he's not actually facing the problem. He's afraid to, plain and simple.
So, in a shellnut: Golden used to be a happy, optimistic young bear who just wanted to make friends and make people happy... and now he's depressed, angry, lonely, and bitter. And he cries a lot...
You know, someone jokingly responded to my post about the Freddys at the Estate swearing by implying Golden would have a potty mouth. At first, I was like, "NOOOO, GOLDEN IS A GOOD BOY" but honestly? After giving it some thought? Considering how angry he's become... and only really having the internet for entertainment... yeah, he's definitely a potty mouth nowadays, at least when he bothers to talk to anyone. The only time he won't swear is if there's a child present.
I will say that the happy bear he used to be is still in there somewhere. He just needs a friend, a real one. He just... doesn't really trust anyone anymore. It would take someone with a lot of patience and understanding to get him to come out of his shell, and his room.
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