#cherry limeade cookie
quibbs126 · 6 months
If you can, could you draw a daughter for rockstar cookie and my oc, cherry limeade cookie? I feel like her name would be cherries jubilee cookie or something.
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This one was finished surprisingly fast (I’ll get to your other request eventually, sorry about that), this is Cherry Ice Cookie
“If you hear the chords of an electric guitar strumming in the distance, you might just be hearing the practice session of Cherry Ice Cookie. Being the daughter of a rock legend, it’s only natural that she was baked for the electric guitar. However unlike her singer parents, she doesn’t have much of a voice for the job, so she lets her guitar be her voice. Though one could even argue that her guitar skills make up for far more than any voice could hope to achieve! Any Cookie who’s met her in person will tell you that she’s one of the most relaxed Cookies they’ve met, wondering if she’s even capable of being mad. Perhaps it’s all the shaved ice in her dough that makes her this way. And perhaps because of this nature, she’s content to not be the star of any band, only their guitarist. Of course, that doesn’t stop her from getting a number of guitar solos in the songs!”
“She frequently practices with her keyboard playing sister in the garage.”
Okay I’m gonna be honest, that probably wasn’t one of my best descriptions, mostly because I know very little about how music works. But you got the gist of it, yeah?
Also, said sister is a character @amythecat2001 named Key Lime Cookie, made after I sent her the design, it’s on her account here
Anyways, let’s move on to design notes
So her name comes from shaved ice, though specifically shaved ice with cherry flavoring. Originally I was trying to go for something non-edible or more chemical, since I like to headcanon Rockstar as being made of shaving cream, but I couldn’t think of anything, so I just went with shaved ice
Cherry flavored shaved ice:
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So okay, I feel like she’s way more cherry than either of her parents, but I just wanted to keep the theme of her flavor as the main feature, so she’s a lot of pinks and reds. The gradients in her hair are supposed to be reminiscent of the syrup fading into the ice, hence why the top is pink (and also it looks better that way to me)
Her jacket I kind of just ripped straight from Rockstar’s Tower of Adventures sprite. The dress was inspired by a design for some costumes I found somewhere on Google, and I thought it’d work well with the jacket. I made the dress white specifically because you tend to get shaved ice white paper cups or cones. In practice it probably seems unrelated but that’s what I was going for
I was going to give her a cherry necklace originally, but I didn’t think that’d work, so I instead gave her the dots on her dress, which were supposed to look like cherries. Probably could have also put them as pins on her jacket, but whatever, it fills a blank space where it is now
Overall I do quite like her design, and I hope y’all like her as well
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iceemoondemon · 11 months
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Cherry Limeade Cookie - A very chill cookie, they may look stoic, but they're friendly, and when they're not in an alleyway, they usually like to go to cafes, parks, or even the boardwalk.
Class: Ambush
Position: Middle
Skill: Citric Cherry Drop!
Strawberry Cupcake Cookie - A kind, and helpful cookie, loves fancy stuff, and her Cupcake Monster servant, Mr. Ontop, and is very independent and strong, and would do anything to protect her sibling.
Rarity: EPIC
Class: Defense
Position: Rear
Skill: Sweet Cupcake Victory!
BONUS: Separate References
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Strawberry Cupcake Cookie and Cherry Limeade Cookie had a single mother, she loved the both of her daughters, and would do anything to lift up their spirits, but when their mom went to a diner to get her and her kids some food, a mysterious cookie was about to shoot them, but the mother got in the way, and the mystery cookie… shot her
Few years later, the two cookies were looking for a home, until, they met Blueberry Pie Cookie, and there was explanation, about the death of their mother, and how they were homeless, Blueberry Pie Cookie listened, and took them in
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myboxofcookies · 2 years
Can you tell me about your children, Cherry Tea?
Cherry Tea Cookie: Ah, my children? And I suppose you mean my direct children, ah, where do I start...?
"Well, perhaps it is best start with my eldest son, Cherry Jam Cookie. He's always been a headstrong boy that eventually made his way to becoming one of the strongest commanders of the Hollyberry knights. Even made his infamous Cherry Scythe with one of the kingdoms finest weaponsmiths. Despite his name and reputation at the time, he's a really sweet lad that semi-retired from serving as a commander during the Dark Flour War with his lovely wife and children. He still resides in the kingdom and takes time out of his day to train the royal family's newest recruits in their army. Sometimes I ask his daughter Cherry Sauce to bring him and his trainees some of my homemade desserts after a long day."
[ More under cut: ]
"Second, of course, will be my second eldest, Cherry Bloom Cookie. Oh where do I begin with him other than taking after the me in my youth hehe! He always loves things that go boom, spark, and pow to the point he practically begged me to teach him how to make his own cherry-themed bombs as he got older. Ever since, he became one of the kingdom's soldiers that strikes down enemies in battle with bombs that can bloom into beautiful yet deadly flowers. It made me as he fought in the Dark flour war to protect the kingdom and his family. … My only regret is not telling him to be more careful, otherwise... perhaps he and his wife would've at least be able to watch their daughters grow up for themselves...."
"... B-but enough for the sad past for now! Ah where was- Ah right!"
"My third child and only daughter, Cherry Pie Cookie, actually took her inspiration from Hollyberry Cookie herself! She used to be a quiet and reserved child, which I can't blame her as her brothers already make quite a ruckus when I was still raising them all. Until one particular day when I invited Hollyberry and other cookie knights for dinner, plus the local bar was closed at the time, I remembered seeing my little Cherry Pie staring at Hollyberry's shield all night that eventually caught the attention of Hollyberry herself. She then proceeded to ask her a lot and I mean a lot of questions that took me off guard, in return Hollyberry answered her questions with tales of her adventures beyond the kingdom. And perhaps, no, most likely what set her passion alight to work herself into joining the ranks of the kingdom's military, she even had a shield of her own inspired by her hero!"
"After the war she retired as well and lives with her husband in a city far from the kingdom, we send letters back and forth to see how things are doing our end. And recently I heard that her daughter is doing well in the sports league so luckily the future seems bright for her family."
"And last but absolutely not least is my youngest son, Cherry Limeade Cookie! An eccentric yet mellow cookie that takes after a bit of both me and his father, Key Lime Cookie, that likes to strategize things at a safe distance. He always looked up to his older siblings to the point he joined the kingdom's ranks as a strategist and sharpshooter. He would've lost his life in the Dark Flour as if it weren't for his wife, Papaya Pudding Cookie, who managed to save his life with some technology of some kind."
"I don't completely understand how that stuff works, but if it managed to save my son's life I suppose it's alright. And safe to say, right after the war was over, both had retired, found safer work elsewhere, and started their own little family. Sometimes, if they got too busy to look after their current youngest child, they send her to live with me for the time being. I don't mind my Candied Cherry Cookie staying with me and Cherry Cookie, work does that to you sometimes, but I wish they would tell me a little more about their work, other than "to protect our timeline from further harm"..."
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lovertm · 8 days
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cowboy hats decorated like cakes by cowgirldrip_
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caluski · 28 days
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desnayy · 3 months
So... I have decided to do a full post on what I think the different characters are in an omegaverse and including the scents... I blame my brain latching on during a moment of mental weakness... some that I don't know that well will be defaulted to beta, but I would be open to hear what other people think
Badboyhalo- Omega; Spiced chai with vanilla with an undertone of something sickly sweet
DanTDM- Beta; Freshly clean laundry
ElMariana- Alpha; Citrus with an undertone of fresh air
Fit- Alpha; Earthy with an undertone of still water
Foolish- Omega; ocean breeze and apples with an undertone of metal
Jaiden- Beta; Blueberry trailmix with a very faint undertone of clinical cleaner
Luzu- Alpha; Licorice
Maximus- Omega; Dark chocolate with raspberry
Missa- Alpha; Marigolds and cinnamon with an undertone of something sickly sweet
Philza- Omega; Matcha chocolate and petrichor with an undertone of something sickly sweet
Quackity- Omega; Roses with an undertone of fresh snow
Roier- Alpha; Something spicy and sweet, like Mexican hot chocolate
Charlie Slimecicle- Omega; Lime jello with an undertone of water
Spreen- Beta; Woodsy
Vegetta- Alpha; Blackberry with an undertone of pine needles
Cellbit- Omega; Coffee with a very faint undertone of blood
Felps- Omega; Myrrh with an undertone of fresh air
Mike- Alpha; Strawberry ice cream with an undertone of gunpowder
Pac- Alpha (?); Pomegranate lemonade with an undertone of ocean air
Antoine- Beta (?); Freshly mowed grass
Aypierre- Alpha; Grape juice with an undertone of metal
Baghera- Alpha; Lemon candy with a very faint undertone of clinical cleaner
Etoiles- Beta (?); Fresh air with a very faint undertone of something burning
Kameto- Beta; Woodsy
Frozen Peeps:
German- Beta; Cherry limeade
Ironmouse- Omega; Spiced chai and cotton candy
Lenay- Beta; Ocean breeze
Niki- Beta; Fresh sugar cookies
Polispol- Beta; Ink and aged paper
Rivers- Beta; Fresh air
Tina- Omega; Spiced chai and carrot cake with an undertone of fresh air
Tubbo- Omega; Maple syrup with an undertone of ocean breeze
Willyrex- Alpha; Whiskey with an undertone of gundpowder
Bagi- Alpha; Coffee and chocolate
Carre- Beta; Petrichor
Doied- Beta; Tilled soil
Cucurucho-Alpha; Clinical cleaner (all the workers are the same due to being clones)
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famishedfeline · 4 months
Meu! Saw how you might be hungry, lately, so I got you a tall shake, an extra order of tenders with fries, a couple onion rings orders, a heavy Cherry limeade slushie, a hotdog, uh, what else, what else, a half dozen cookies, a slice of chocolate custard pie, aaand one chicken sandwich, spicy! But with extra Mayo and pickles for some balance!…am I missing anything Meu?
Meu licks her lips in anticipation, tongue running over her pointed teeth as she eyes the tenders. She leans forward on the couch, clearly resisting the urge to pounce, and starts plucking chicken strips from the basket and tearing them apart, shoving handfuls of fries in her mouth between each. The cherry slushie helps wash it down, and when she's done with that, she starts twirling around onion rings and tossing them in her mouth.
Her belly starts to bulge a little as she cleans out the onion rings with a chocolate shake, going onto the sweeter portion of the meal and giggling as she gobbles up the cookies, one by one pushing them in like envelopes in a mail slot. The hotdog follows suit, then the custard pie... and finally, the chicken sandwich! With that little feast done, she pulls back from the coffee table, stifling a burp as she sits upright as if in anticipation. Her black work pants clearly strain to hold that belly in place.
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rgr-pop · 1 year
okay i'm making
smitten kitchen confetti cookies all red (has anybody done these?)
a second dessert, i'm thinking lemon bars
i REALLY want to do a blue dessert but i can't really justify jello and i don't make frosting or frosted things and i thought about blue pudding shots but i don't want to go there so it's gonna have to be a batch blue cocktail. we tested out a few and i liked a blue curacao martini with something spiced ? maybe?? open to suggestions. i didn't buy coconut creme and don't think it's summer enough yet to go there
i may impulse bake another set of cookies or brownies if that doesn't look like enough to me
raspberry simple syrup
get rid of a few boxes of red hots simple syrup
i may bake up the rolls that are in my freezer
i'm leaving the non dessert snacks mostly to others however i'm going to make at least one dip with whatever i have on hand. which is mainly: a bunch of gruyere? i think i will try something like a carmelized onion gruyere dip
drunken cherries
pickled onions maybe
might make a big jar of my spicy carrot pickly slaw
still want to have a few ideas of shots i can mix up to pass out before i play me music lol. for vibe manipulation
eta: limeade based non alcoholic punch possibly tea can't decide
i was thinking about doing corn cheese but i would have to buy ingredients for that and i shouldn't do that i should just shop my pantry... also if it looks sparse i can easily make several bean dip concepts. full pantry of beans
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amythecat2001 · 6 months
Rockstar cookie x cherry limeade fankids incoming!
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Meet the twins, cherry ice cookie and key lime cookie. They are just like their parents and are very active when it comes to music.
Key lime cookie is designed by me.
Cherry ice cookie is designed by @quibbs126
Hope you guys like it
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thexvibexdiaries · 1 year
Part 2 to my Recent post ✌🏾😎
The Daughter of the dusk gloom sea (Inky Sea Cookie & Black Pearl Cookie)
Divergent (Éclair Cookie & Girasoil Cookie)
Pawlidays (Red Velvet Cookie & Ruby-Gold Cookie)
Everybody hates Blueberry (Princess Cookie & Juneberry Cookie ft. Blueberry Cookie)
The longest week EVER! (Sunflower Cookie & Sea-Glass Cookie)
Top Pedigree (Kougin-Amann Cookie & Macadamia Cookie)
Romeo and Juliet (Gloriosa Cookie & Stargazer Cookie)
Operation: Steal Magnolia (Almond Cookie & Magnolia Cookie ft.Rougefort Cookie)
What the Furball? (Biscotti Cookie & Macadamia Cookie)
In a (Ginger) snap (Gingersnap Cookie & Carol Cookie)
The Parent Trap! (Gaulettes Cookie & Danish Butter Cookie & Madeline Cookie)
Sweet and/or Sour Undertones (Lemon Tequila Cookie & Cherry Jubilee Cookie)
Chocolate & The Cherry Bombs! (Bittersweet Choco Cookie & Cherry Cookie & SnowSugar & Pancake Cookie)
The Prodigy’s son (Clotted Cream Cookie & Cranberry Creme Cookie)
Everyone Is Learning Today! (Strawberry Limeade & Zesty Lemon Tea Cookie)
Super Secret Pit Crew (Princess Cookie & Raspberry Toffee Cookie ft. Knight Cookie)
Hashtag: Vibe Check (Strawberry Cheese Cake & Blueberry Pie Cookie)
Season Pass Memories Stay. (Margarite Cream Cookie & Oyster Cookie)
YOLO! (Devil Cookie & Brownie Batter Cookie)
Love at first bite (Butterbeer Cookie & Royale Margarine Cookie & Pecan Creme Cookie)
The Real Housewives of The Crème Republic (Angeletti Cookie & Macadamia Cookie & Oyster Cookie & Sapphire Frost ft. Light Cream Cookie)
Veil-Break! (Belle Shortbread cookie & Raspberry Cookie & Milk Cookie)
Walking in a winter wonder what? (Lemon Gelato Cookie & Snow Sugar Cookie Cookie & Mistletoe Cookie Ft. Carol Cookie)
Fireworks & Choir Quirks  (Pastry Cookie & Liberty Pop Cookie)
Never eat soggy pancakes (Pancake Cookie & Starshine Cookie)
Afterschool Activities (Pumpkin Pie Cookie & Fruit Spin Cookie)
Honey! Honey? Honey! (Beignets Cookie & Cherry Jubilee Cookie)
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kaysartblog · 2 years
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Oc! Cherry limeade cookie!
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myboxofcookies · 2 years
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The Cherry family tree (first draft)
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imxthexhandler · 1 year
Word Association
RULES: fill in with the words you most associate with your character.
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ANIMAL  :  Fox. COLOR  :  Sky Blue. MONTH  :  October. SONG  :  "Human” by Rag’n’Bone Man. NUMBER  :  1776. DAY OR NIGHT  :  Night. PLANT  :  Apple tree. SMELL  :  Cinnamon sugar. SEASON  :  Fall. FOOD  :  Chocolate chip cookies; Wild mushroom risotto. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN  :  Sagittarius. ELEMENT  :  Earth. DRINK  :  Bee’s Knees; Cherry Limeade.
stolen from: @murder-popsicle-- hope you don’t mind! tagging: @koiwrites for Gerry and Sonny; @quiveringdeer for Dazzler; @agentsterling; @yourscarletscarab; @thiscrimsonsoul; @ablackwidowsbite for Natasha; @sah1x1s​ for Tristan; @bokketo​ for Clint; @wildthiiing​ for Jane; and @marvariants​ for Logan.
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prospitsdream · 2 years
trickster mode themes headcanons (yeah i know june and dave have canon ones but I Dont Like Them)
June Egbert- Marshmellow
Rose Lalonde- Licorice
Dave Strider- Candy Apples
Jade Harley- Carrot Cake
Aradia Megido- Twizzlers
Tavros Nitram- Peanut Butter
Sollux Captor- Honeycomb
Karkat Vantas- Candy Corn
Nepeta Leijon- Tea
Kanaya Maryam- Baby Bottle Pop
Terezi Pyrope- Candied Cherries
Vriska Serket- Sour Patch Kids
Equius Zahhak- Cookies!
Gamzee Makara- Grape Jam
Eridan Ampora- Salt Water Taffy
Feferi Peixes- Swedish Fish
Damara Megido- Candy Canes
Rufioh Nitram- Tootsie Roll
Mituna Captor- Dulce de Leche
Kankri Vantas- Limeade
Meulin Leijon- Coffee
Porrim Maryam- Wax Lips
Latula Pyrope- Cherry Slushie
Aranea Serket- Apple Pie
Horuss Zahhak- Sugar Cubes
Kurloz Makara- Jawbreaker
Cronus Ampora- torn between Sweetarts and Candy Cigarettes
Meenah Peixes- Cake!
Okay thats it :3
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butterflybaby247 · 1 year
Went on the treadmill at an incline of 12 and a speed of 3 for 90 minutes today since I skipped yesterday Bc I was sick. I’m gna do another 90 minutes tomorrow which will put me 100% back on track. I thought I’d be fine, because I had this amazing salad today 🥗 but then My bf brought home sugar cookies from Walmart and I ate 2. I’m still under 900 cal but I feel yucky. The sugar was not worth it. Thank God sugar free gum exists. I have so many flavors now it’s insane. Raspberry, Strawberry, Grape, Tropical, Mint, Piña Colada, but my fave is Cherry Limeade.
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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Page of Swords. Art by Kim Thompson, from Divine Your Dinner.
The words you’ve been using to describe your world have worn out their welcome. Take inventory of the most common things you say and consider their accuracy; are they coloring your perception in an unhealthy way? Explore new ways of expressing how you see the world around you. You’ll find that your attitudes shift with your language.
To give that new view a rosier hue, eat cherries. They have a long history of use in love spells, ensuring you’ll gravitate toward language that describes what you adore. Dress them up for a garden party in this cherry lime icebox cake. The lime and vanilla are excellent co-conspirators.
Part cake, part Key lime pie, and part cherry limeade, this recipe is the one to make for a warm summer soirée, when cherry season is at its peak. The basic premise is to layer cookies with whipped cream, put it in the icebox (aka refrigerator), and let the cookies soak up the moisture from the whipped cream overnight. By that time, the cookies will have softened into a cake-like texture and from there, you slice and serve.
There is but one downside to this cake: At some point, the graham crackers will become oversaturated with the lime and cherry juice and they’ll turn to total mush. You’ll have about a 48-hour window before this happens, so EAT UP.
1 pound cherries ¼ cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons grated lime zest ½ cup fresh lime juice 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk 2 cups heavy cream 2 teaspoons vanilla extract ¾ cup powdered sugar ¼ teaspoon kosher salt 23 graham cracker sheets
1. Pit and roughly chop half the cherries. In a small bowl, combine the chopped cherries and the granulated sugar and set aside to macerate for 1 hour. Lightly press on the cherries to help release their juices. Drain off the excess liquid and discard.
2. In a large bowl, combine the lime zest, lime juice, and sweetened condensed milk and set aside.
3. In a stand mixer fitted with the whisk, combine the heavy cream, vanilla, powdered sugar, and salt. Whip the cream until medium peaks form, 3 to 4 minutes. Do not overbeat! Fold the whipped cream into the lime and condensed milk mixture.
4. Spread ¼ cup of the lime cream in the bottom of a trifle dish or an 8 × 8-inch baking dish. Add an even layer of graham crackers on top, breaking them as needed to fit. Evenly spread ¾ cup of the lime cream on top of the graham crackers, then repeat with another layer of graham crackers and ¾ cup of lime cream. Layer half of the macerated cherries on top of the lime cream, then layer another round of graham crackers, lime cream, and the remaining cherries. Finish with two more rounds of graham crackers and lime cream.
5. Cover the cake loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. To serve, top with a pile of the remaining whole cherries.
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