#cockles being perceived by misha in the last of us …
imayauu · 1 year
The way I GASPED when I realized I was on MISHA’s TikTok 😭😭😭😭😭
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theyarebothgunshot · 1 year
Your tag under this post here so true. Also the post itself. I'm always having a blast when everyone is joined in the craziness, but at the same time I'm always exhausted afterwards 😆
lmao yes so true, it is chaotic in the best way hfdhhsf but i finally have time to freak out some more after being a "responsible adult" all day......
it's been a while since i have done a compilation like this but i dont wanna clog the dash and it's all about the same thing so here we goooo
Jensen did everything in his power to stomp the J*2 narrative into dust this weekend. Love that journey for him!
listen, i am not one to be petty (lol okay sometimes i am, ngl) but.... the difference was SO stark this time, it has to be said
I was obviously hoping for some good cockles content this con, but this has exceeded everything I could have thought of lol. Amazing.
my expectations were pretty managed after we got interrupted so early last time, but this indeed exeeded everything!!
Gonna have a difficult week... And difficult four months until I leave work... But I'm so hyped but today's Cockles nothing's gonna stop me - tea anon
i'm sorry you are gonna face some hard times <3 you know i am here when you want to talk! thankfully jenmish gave us enough seretonin for a life time hdgfhdg
First we get Mish. Dee. Now we have Jensen, Danneel and their boyfriend Misha. Truly could not have predicted them being *that* unhinged but I do love to see it! Going to need about 10 business days to process it all though lmaoooo - Honeymoon Anon
you and me both!!
The thing is, there is absolutely no reason for them to act like that, none. like, can you imagine jensen making that kind of jokes toward jp lmaoooo he'd rather unalive himself💀 but then again, misha is his close friend so , what's the difference hmmm🫠 they are driving me insane Rose
*kermit nodding gif* yeah..... it is a lot lmfaooo
“tell jensen i mentioned him first”
they wanna score points with the big boss ghdhgh
Rose it's 5 am and I haven't slept yet and I am so not normal about this. I have been around a lot of JIBs so I knew what was coming. Yet, I still am so overwhelmed by everything that happened. I have watched the cockles panel twice by now. Some scenes I have definitely watched more than 20 times. I have perceived more and more details every time I rewind. Jensen Ackles butt wiggling. Him winking at Misha. That weird expression on his face when he made a wish. The movement of chairs, which is, of course - as it always is every JIB - closer together. The weird non-improvisation of the improvisation. Daniela coming in with the CW sniper in the form of a birthday cake to stop Jensen coming out as Misha Collins' boyfriend. Not to mention all the other big things that happened. Canary? Kissing Misha? When in Rome??? The preparation of Misha's 50th birthday party. Misha and Jensen playing an European puppet show with Misha shouting "Dieter I love you! Kiss me Dieter". Rose. Jensen said Misha is Danneel's boyfriend. Jensen said Misha is his boyfriend. The underbear and straddlegate have walked so that this Jibcon panel could run. How am I supposed to sleep? I am not even attending a convetion yet the convention high is keeping me restless. I feel like I need a continuation. Like this was a series finale with a cliffhanger that needs to be resolved. Like there are things that need to come up so this can settle. I have been a cockles perceiver since years yet my patience is limited right now. I mean if I wait a day or two I know it will wear of. It always does. But the boyfriend will stay. Right here with us.
- anon anon (you know who I am)
ahhhhh i totally feel you!! i had to physically make myself go to bed last night because i had to get up early, but it took a LOT to finally go to bed and i slept poorly ngl hfgdhhg i hope you did manage to get some sleep though!! and oof. what a year yesterday was!!!
Also @ all the other anons, I remember you guys, too!!! ♥️ I don't know if you remember me though haha
- anon anon
ahww i'm sure they do!! <3
You Know what i have realised. This weekend have felt like a fan fic of dean and cas but instead of reading it i was watching it.
you're not wrong!!
Ok also at the end of angeles he glances at misha then suddenly stops playing and looks away sooooo bashful. Did you show too much jensen? Did you get nervous when you made eye contact???
head in my fucking hands!!!!! jensen.... sweetie....... why sing that song huh????? answer quickly (also hiiii omg love seeing you in my inbox!!)
jensen singing angeles with misha there watching (and at some points singing directly to misha) seems like fanfic AND YET…
and yet..........
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cooloddball · 3 years
Lately I have been having my doubts with cockles. Jensen hasn't commented on any of Misha's posts for over a year yet he comments on all his other friends' posts even Jared's. I don't want to lose faith but this is disappointing. The copy pasta anon are not helping the situation either. Do you think they are okay or did they break up?
Oh no.
I know how you feel though. I used to feel that way for a long time but I learned something that helped me navigate those feelings.
Cockles involves real people and it does not exist for our entertainment. They are just simply living their lives and we perceive and squee over what we see. They are not playing a role hence we have no say on what kind of content we get, when, how or where. Once, you understand that, you will never have doubt again especially if you believe or know that they are together, together.
I keep saying this and I will say it again. Social Media likes and comments don't actually mean anything. I don't always like or comment on my friends' and family posts on ig because it's either I don't actually like the post, I have nothing nice to say or I simply did see it.
That being said however, Jensen likes Misha's photos at intervals. It's like he has this pattern where he will go on a liking spree, then nothing for the next 4 posts, then liking spree again. IDK why but my man's weird like that.
The last time Jensen commented on Misha's post announcing the gish get together.
That was two months ago.
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I honestly believe they are okay and thriving. Seeing that Jensen called him "babe".
And let's not forget Misha missing his pink blanky at Jensen's condo 👀
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To get you out of your funk, here are a few flirty moments they gave us in 2020.
That time Misha was deep throating a rainbow and Jensen had something to say about it.
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That time they were talking about date. 🦇
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That time Jensen got grumpy because he missed Misha's roast chicken.
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That time he was feeling himself because Misha was fangirling.
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All in all they are okay. I just think that they have other things to do rather than flirting on social media.
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littlewetbeast · 3 years
Thanks for acknowledging in that last cockles ask that the 'family = unit' thing is also something j*2 do as well, and more frequently, and they are the ones whose families actually live near each other. I perceive cockles too (and do not ship actual bros j*2) but it drives me absolutely crazy when cockles'ers take a couple of ancient stories and a few photos of the more remote collins/ackles clans and automatically make that into more than it is. That kind of conflating undermines the rest of the cockles archive imo, drawing into question the interpretations of other cockles stuff. I think people get so excited about jenmish and their ridiculousness that they over exaggerate some things like this. Unfortunately. And ignore evidence that it's just something they ALL do. (There's plenty of evidence with things they most definitely do NOT all do, ahem mister misha-induced-bon[redacted] ross ackles.)
Anyway, thanks for coming to my "Be More Objective And Level-Headed Please, Fellow Cockles Fans" ted talk. 🌠
anon, u are absolutely correct and have really hit the nail on the head, which unfortunately therefore unleashed a small ramble from me, whoops. 
thing is, while i regularly put in the disclaimers that I Don’t Know These People and Can Therefore Never Know Anything For Sure, i am also entirely and unapologetically convinced of cockles. seriously, not a single shred of doubt in my mind. could i be wrong? of course. but i do have working eyes and a working brain and can put two and two together. HOWEVER. i started off with a lot of doubts, even after going through all the listed ‘evidence’, for the exact reason you’ve mentioned.  i try not to shut down different cockles interpretations and evidence bc it’s not a hill i’d like to die on, and in the end, without full confirmation from the people in question there will always be some difference in interpretation. thing is - jensen, j*red and misha have at certain points almost lived on top of one another and become so close in ways i think that are hard to compare to most people. jensen is also, when permitted, actually very affectionate and sweet even with his male friends. (thank FUCK for misha, as he was clearly a positive influence there.) i’m pretty sure he shares drinks with j*red and occasionally shares clothes with him, and it’s no surprise they have considered their families as - well, extended family, as part of a large unit. (it’s also one of the reasons why, if the j/2 fallout theory is true, that’s also... kinda sad? but i digress.) like i mentioned, when i first drifted in here i actually came out from viewing all the full evidence not quite convinced - because a lot of little things can be explained away, sometimes quite easily, and that starts casting doubt on the picture as a whole, despite there being a lot of damning evidence for cockles. it wasn’t really until i had started absorbing additional jenmish material through osmosis that something just clicked in my brain. after seriously considering the fact that i have seen jensen’s [redacted] on stage bc of misha AT LEAST TWICE - which is two more times than i would have liked - suddenly all of the other insane things (the fart joke, the anniversary date, the relentless flirting, jensen’s inability to stop gushing about misha, j*red’s relentless teasing, the attempts to explain away the clothes sharing, the fact that destiel is what it is, etc, etc, etc) slot right into place. it’s natural then to become slightly biased in favour of other evidence without having the full picture. i get it! but like u said, we are better off as a fandom to check ourselves when some things are misinterpreted. like, we all joke that “we simply perceive” which in some cases IS true, but also, sometimes the things being perceived are. uh. wrong? lmao anyways, point is, i agree! there is a lot of ‘evidence’ i don’t subscribe to. when it comes to jensen and misha, for me it’s as simple as the fact that i don’t celebrate anniversaries with my best friends and i don’t get physically turned on by them. and that’s only TWO of the most insane things those two idiots have subjected us to. thanks for coming to my follow-up, messier ted talk.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
I hesitated sending this because I don’t want to add fuel to the anti’s fire.
I tend to agree with you the majority of the time, so it’s odd that I don’t now. Ever since Thursday?? was it only Thursday??,,,it became common knowledge that Misha and Vicki are separated you really seem to be pushing Misha & Darius are together, together. It feels like you are trying to shift the narrative and that you want those of us who perceive Jensen & Misha’s relationship to doubt ourselves or believe they are over. Obviously you have your own opinion and I know you’re not a shipper blog, however, I am genuinely curious as to why you are on the Misha & Darius kick. [gestures at your last 100 posts on the them and the Oscars, et al.] *insert your $199.00 shtick *
No, this is actually a more fair question than when people just spew their internal nonsense at me like I'm their personal therapist or need to actually even construct an argument back for whatever they built.
The simple fact is, I'm speaking openly for either. There's been a quiet misharius contingent in fandom for another. Frankly, the misharius contingent I know isn't even mutually exclusive from being cockles. The fact is, I'm not taking a side. There's no "push". It's the simple fact that two eligible bachelors chose to be the +1 to the Oscars. If you want that to be bros being bros that's cool too. Again, penile insertion has never been an actual interest of mine to track. But lately, Misha is back to his closeness with Darius, and whatever they are, there's a lot of it.
Nobody needs to ~doubt anything or even think I'm intentionally casting ~aspersions on whatever. Hell most misharius shippers I know are cockles trash too. So what you do with all of that, at the end of the day, is entirely up to you.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
I'm not sure if you follow the supernatural fandom but one of their stars, Misha Collins, accidentally insinuated he was bi at a fan convention over the weekend and then later had to tweet to clarify that he is in fact straight. And I mean there's a whole drama about that and a lot of the people in that fandom ship him with his male costar Jensen Ackles. It's called "cockles" and it's quite famous in that world. And Misha has a poetry book where he wrote about the time he kissed a guy and honestly before he "came out", a lot of us were pretty sure he was bi. Sorry for the huge rant. He was also married to his wife for a long time until a couple of years ago.
But anyway my main point, I got to thinking about how wrong I was about perceiving his sexuality even with "proof" like that poem or certain stories of the past where he alluded to being attracted to men. And obviously sexuality is fluid and can mean whatever the person wants but he did "come out" as straight yesterday and I kind of had to sit back and say to myself "what if I'm wrong about Louis too"
And quite frankly I'm a little conflicted right now because on one hand, I'm suddenly starting to think of how invalidating it might be to constantly call someone queer if they aren't but at the same time I have to think about why I feel that way you know? I mean even if we ignore all past evidence and Louis' intimate knowledge of queer history and certain choices he's made in the past, I keep coming back to these last few months. Particularly, the colorized pride flags. I feel like out of everything, that was the moment that I keep coming to whenever I feel myself wavering these days. That was a very deliberate choice that was meant to stand out. And outside the baiting theory, which I very much don't agree with, I'm not sure what the purpose of that if it wasn't queer coding?
Idk I'm just concerned sometimes that I might be reading things wrong because I've seen Misha's tweet where he said he was straight and I went back to Louis' tweet where he said he was straight and I just can never understand why I believed Misha but it's taking me so long to see that Louis is probably straight and this whole thing was just one big conspiracy that's gone on for too long.
I'm sorry for the long ask. I just feel like it's important to look outside our own perspectives sometimes, especially when it's about something as important as closeting and "pushing" a sexuality on to a public figure.
I'm familiar with Supernatural, Destiel, Cockles, and the situation that unfolded over the weekend. The questions you're asking resonate with me, 100%. I don't really have any answers, but I'll share some similar questions I have, even if they might be unpopular.
I'm always concerned that I'm reading Louis incorrectly. I understand why his fanbase believes as they do. But if Louis felt the need to deny the rainbow Apple t-shirt's (potential) LGBTQ+ connection, he could have merely said he was representing the original Apple logo and left it at that. No one was expecting him to "come out" as straight or define his sexuality - nor was the article suggesting that he was anything more than an ally. Unlike Harry, Louis has labeled himself as straight. Even if he's not, it still feels unethical for fans (myself included) to speculate or claim that he's queer. People are what they say they are.
Regardless of what is going on with Larry right now, you could never convince me that Larry wasn't real in some capacity, for some period of time. But Louis always denied Larry heavily when Harry did not. I know this is taboo to say, but sometimes I wonder if Louis didn't reciprocate Harry's feelings to the same degree. It makes me wonder if Harry was more of an exception and Louis does see himself as a straight man.
But then, why does Louis seem to know so much about queer culture and history? Why does his music resonate with so many queer fans? Even if he was questioning his sexuality for a period of time, why is he making a lot of not-so-straight choices on tour? Interacting with the Larry signs and paraphernalia, yes. But colorizing the flags in the IGTV video? Given what his fanbase believes?
What about female hookup stories? Why are there so many stories about Louis turning down female advances? Because he was being faithful (to Eleanor or Harry, take your pick)? Because he’s not into women at all? Possibly. But he had a child with a girl on the LA club scene. We saw pictures of him getting into cars with women (but whether he actually slept with them is another matter). And people will deny this, but Louis made out with Briana - very publicly - while they were clubbing. But even during spring 2015, why did the groupies (who knew of Briana but did not think highly of her) doubt that Louis got her pregnant (iirc)? Why did they never mention Louis as someone who would sleep with groupies and said that if a girl claimed to have slept with Harry you knew she was lying? I find all of this very hard to make sense of from either a Larrie or an Anti perspective.
Certainly, bisexuality and pansexuality are very real. But why are there virtually no male hookup stories? (Maybe Aiden Grimshaw during X-Factor? Maybe?) Because Louis has been in a monogamous relationship with Harry for the last 12 years? Possibly. I know that's what most Larries believe. Perhaps Louis is especially discreet. I think that's a possibility, too. I have no desire to know the specifics - it's none of my business. I don’t discount the possibility of Louis having a male partner who is not Harry. That’s what I presumed for a long time, even though there’s very little direct evidence for it. But the way Louis is interacting with Larry signs on tour is making me rethink that.
I will never understand. And the thought of being so wrong - for so long - feels almost unbearable. What would that mean for Louis, Eleanor, Briana, Freddie, and their families? (Honestly, what does it mean for Louis, Eleanor, Briana, Freddie, and their families even if we’re right?) And what would it mean for the queer fans who saw Louis as a kindred spirit? Honestly, when I think too much about it I feel nauseous. Neither angle makes complete sense. But I feel like there are very real consequences associated with being wrong about babygate, Larry, and Louis' queerness.
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quillquiver · 3 years
Feel free not to answer I just wanted to say I think the whole approach to "season 16" is very much so an age thing. I PROMISE that's not me calling you old lol I just mean a lot of people who are super into it are in their late teens/early 20s and a lot of the people who are super not into it are late twenties/thirties/whatever. I say this as someone in their early twenties having a blast. I think it might have something to do with how fandom/the ways fans interact with the works is evolving, like me and a bunch of us were on spn tumblr as 13/14/15-year-olds and grew up with that old tumblr energy that invited this sort of mania, whereas people who were older at the time or had been in other fandom spaces before didn't really participate in that. I think a lot of us are very self aware and "tinhat" because it's legitimately fun for us. I'm not criticizing you at all because I totally get what you're feeling, your posts on it just made me think a lot about this.
No, this is great! I am definitely from a different generation of fans - and I’ve noticed a divide in age as well. I guess I’m just curious how people have the energy? Or is it that things aren’t taken so personally?
For context: when I started in fandom, it was something that had an element of seriousness and responsibility because it had to be - it wasn’t something talked about, and you didn’t flaunt yourself because you didn’t want to drawn attention to yourself or the community for legitimate fear of getting your shit taken down and being slapped with a lawsuit. I started at the very, very end of that, and because it was hard to find, and because there was community responsibility involved, there was a code of conduct that had to be learned and adhered to. So like, being a fan is serious to me, and it’s an important part of my identity.
I have been in SPN fandom for the better part of a decade, and on tumblr for longer than that. So I know that energy! It’s great! I just feel that it’s shifted from motivating fanworks to encouraging this weird grief spiral, where everyone constantly seems to be angry and upset, and then couch those emotions in social justice in order to legitimize them - when, to my mind, feeling them should be legitimizing enough! Fucking revel in your emotions, this is a space built to process them, specifically. We made a space for ourselves to do that.
I guess I feel like a lot of engagement in fandom just feels very high stakes now, when it used to be this really nice, low-stakes environment way more conducive to relaxation. Sure, there would be serious drama that would kick up every now and then, but it was never sustained like this. I saw posts of people who seemed to be legitimately upset there was no new drama from the KoC podcast - and I’m confused, because before 15x18, drama was something we all generally agreed to try and avoid. Or at least, we knew exactly who was wont to create it and steered clear if that wasn’t our thing.
But this is everywhere. I’m not kidding; I have probably unfollowed more people than I ever have because I’m trying to get my dash somewhere back to normal and nothing is working. Almost every other post across my dash involves some kind of academic theory or willingly buys into network conspiracy--Jensen’s silence is sexy, but given the atmosphere in the fandom right now, is anyone actually surprised he or Misha haven’t spoken up? No one knows what their NDAs look like, and if it were me, I’d keep my trap shut out of sheer self-preservation. 
And like, I love tinhatting. I have been cockles a cockles tinhatter for a long-ass time and I enjoy the hell out of it. But - and I’m definitely gonna sound old here - I feel like there’s an element of respect, not only for the cast, but honestly, mostly for the community at large, that seems to have been obliterated in the SPN renaissance. I think that because lots of young folks grew up at a time where fandom was generally widely accepted, and now are being catered to, and they have forgotten that this is an actual community, and that what one person does reflects on all of us. Tagging the cast in shippy posts? A big no-no. Because I can tell you right now that the person you’re tagging might see your username and think of you as an individual, but you are part of a community that has been Perceived for a long-time, and your behaviour reflects on alllllll of us. 
And last thing, I swear, but like. The posts. The posts that just say the same thing in different words: from different blogs, from the same blogs, all with this air of manic self-importance that ratchets my anxiety up to 11.... what is with that??? These things rack up hundreds of notes and I am mystified because not only have we covered this years ago, we covered this last week and the post is dated 30mins ago. There’s this obsession with being right and finding the truth and being smart and just rehashing that over and over and it’s exhausting to me. 
And I know I am currently coming off as an old fart who’s complaining about young people and screaming get off my lawn but I am genuinely curious: Is it that I just take things very personally? Is it that everything rolls off you loyal s16 followers? How the hell do you have the energy for this? Don’t you want to process your grief? Are you grieving? How do you interact with works? Like, how, from your perspective, is that changing? 
These are legitimate questions, and this was very long, so if you’re reading this I’m sorry. 
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Why many Misha fans want haters and non fans to kill themselves.
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I was scratching my head for awhile wondering why Misha's fans behave the way they do.  Now I think I might be starting to get a partial clue about that.  He is like a cult leader, because unlike Jensen and Jared who just want to be known for the work that they get paid to do, Misha has more time on his hands and uses it to constantly stay in contact with his fans so that their attention is never diverted from him.   I found a Psychology Today article that made me smirk.  The article is written in the context of a dangerous cult leader but Misha is not that.  He doesn't use aggression.  He uses sympathy.  He puts him in victim mode so that his fans will feel the need to protect him.  Remember that mockumentary that made his fans feel sorry for him?
He has also put himself in the position of an authority figure who has an opinion about charity, the LGBT, slash fiction, feminism and politics amongst other things.  He rarely speaks about the canon aspects of his character and the canon of Supernatural.  And yet he was a director.  His sub group of fans, especially destiel fans, would not have gotten any attention from him, had he been a normal, agenda free individual.  Because he does something as unusual as giving slash fans attention, they latch onto him because they are not going to get that attention elsewhere.  Hellers and minions identify with Misha because he presumably cut himself on the thigh as a ''fat'' child.  I have seen some of his childhood pictures.  He was not fat.  Quite a cutie actually.  Cutters will therefore identify with him even though, he has told many lies about his childhood. 
These are some of the traits that Psychology Today listed.  I had to remove some that fit a dangerous cult leader more than the sympathy junkie that Misha is.  There are some that don't have additional information in bold, because although they feel like Misha traits, I don't have a pinpoint example.  Or there are too many examples.  If you wish to contribute to the updating of this list, please let me know. 
He has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he can achieve. [He refers to himself as an Overlord]
Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, or brilliance. [Used Gish to break Guinness World records] 
Demands blind unquestioned obedience. [calls his fans minions.  A minion are a servile or unimportant follower or underling of a powerful person] 
Requires excessive admiration from followers and outsiders. [Expected fiction authors to write stories about him for free]
Has a sense of entitlement - expecting to be treated special at all times. [wanted to be in the TVGuide graphic despite having no right to be on it]
Is arrogant and haughty in his behavior or attitude.
Has an exaggerated sense of power (entitlement) that allows him to bend rules and break laws. [wants NASA to do Gish related things for him in outerspace.  Admitted to stealing passes from the White house]
Takes sexual advantage of members of his sect or cult. [pandering destiel, and asking Gish participants to do half naked challenges despite knowing that there might be underage participants]
Is hypersensitive to how he is seen or perceived by others. [During the Giving Back Tour, a con headed by him only and not J2, he pitched up only on the Sunday, the way that the leads do for their cons, perhaps to be percieved as a lead himself.  They have a valid reason.  They are working till the last minute.  He had no reason to not be present from Friday evening.  He wants to be like J2.  That con flopped. - thanks for reader inputs because I didn't know this.] 
Publicly devalues others as being inferior, incapable, or not worthy. [calls destiel shippers perverts]
Makes members confess their sins or faults publicly subjecting them to ridicule or humiliation while revealing exploitable weaknesses of the penitent. [pointed out the lap dancer, while she was asking a question and showed the butt plug for no reason even though he could have reported the lapdancer and refused the butt plug]
Has ignored the needs of others, including: biological, physical, emotional, and financial needs. [no support for J2 during the Nolacon scandal, or for Jared during various heller attacks, but spoke up for Danneel because it secures heller sexual fantasies - I have an inkling that HatersOfDanneel might be minions which is why he stopped them, to show her how supportive he is.  Who knows, maybe he set up to do this, so he could rescue her.]
Is frequently boastful of accomplishments. [the receipts can fill a book]
Needs to be the center of attention and does things to distract others to insure that he or she is being noticed by arriving late, using exotic clothing, overdramatic speech, or by making theatrical entrances. [like the chair gag at Comic Con which garnered sympathy from fans, and constantly drawing lewd attention to himself during panels where he is with others.  He didn't like sharing a panel with Sebastian Roche, because Sebastian can out-crass him, and is obligated to sit through a Jared panel because Jared can also be provocative if he so wishes, but enjoys being in a panel with the sexually restrained Jensen, perhaps because it puts him in a powerful position.  And he seldom just steps on stage.  He must say or do something first:  like an accent or something similar.  Once he wore a severely torn T shirt under his jacket and made sure he showed everyone on stage.  The man cant afford a T shirt?]
Doesn’t seem to listen well to needs of others, communication is usually one-way in the form of dictates. [called Jensen a motherf*cker, for speaking unfavorably about his scenes with Cas being decreased] 
Haughtiness, grandiosity, and the need to be controlling is part of his personality. [constantly waving rules set by the CW and CE, for example telling people about the ''I love you'' line, even though he was told not to.  He doesn't follow the rules that others are humble enough to follow.]
Behaves as though people are objects to be used, manipulated or exploited for personal gain. [asked Dean and Cas cosplayers to make out for his leery pleasure]
When criticized, he tends to lash out not just with anger but with rage. [there is a gif somewhere of him telling a critical con guest:  I don't appreciate your tone when she told him he was queer baiting.] [Edit: A wonderful fan sent me the pictures - Thanks]
Anyone who criticizes or questions him, is called an “enemy''. [calls non-minions haters]
Acts imperious at times, not wishing to know what others think or desire. [smashed a Boba Fett cake in Jared's face, without notifying him that the cake was from a fan and was painstakingly made for Jared's birthday.  The cake was inedible after that, and Jared profusely apologized to the fan.  How hurt she must have been.  Misha took the cake on stage, when he had no business to - Edit: thanks to an awesome reader for this input.  I forgot about it, even though it had ticked me off when I learned the truth] 
Is superficially charming.  [Sometimes he cant even muster up a smile at his photo op, unless it is a Cockles one.  He cant even pretend to like his fans]
Habitually puts down others as inferior and only he is superior.  [again minion and pervert.  Jokes that Jensen and Jared got their jobs on the basis of their looks.]
Has a certain coldness or aloofness about him that makes others worry about who this person really is and or whether they really know him. [when he hugged JDM, fans in the background cheered, and Misha looked at them, shook his head in a fed up, irritated manner before focusing at JDM]
Is deeply offended when there are perceived signs of boredom, being ignored or of being slighted.  [told off a fan who said she wasn't supposed to be attending his panel.  She was supposed to be asleep.  She was called because her name ended up on the question line up.  He was so angry, he didn't let her speak.  That transcript is difficult to read.]
Treats others with contempt and arrogance.
Is constantly assessing for those who are a threat or those who revere him.  [SPN Anti-Bullying Twitter is the most communist thing I have ever seen.  It only seeks out Misha critics and does away with them.  Its like communism, fandom style.  Misha is in close contact with Emily Cleghorn who runs this page and participates in Gishwhes.]
The word “I” dominates his conversations. He is oblivious to how often he references himself. [With Misha it might be the opposite.  He tries to project a kicked puppy personality.  Watch his body language carefully]
Hates to be embarrassed or fail publicly - when he does he acts out with rage.  [Just drink your effen water and get off the stage - could be a joke, or could be something else.  Its was said to Jensen who laughed about it, but you never know how he perceived this outburst.]
Doesn’t seem to feel guilty for anything he has done wrong nor does he apologize for his actions.  [Didn't apologize for slavery or roofie joke]
Believes he possesses the answers and solutions to world problems.  [Gishwhes is more about his ego, wasting food and stripping down to nothing, for his enjoyment more than anything else.  But he thinks it will solve problems.  Other than creating a spectacle, and reaching the attention of Larry King, it doesn't seem to do any good because what good could the Record breaking largest number of people dressed as French maids do to better the world.  And he waste food, whilst taking part in a marathon to end child hunger.  He doesn't realize how hypocritical that is]
Believes himself to be a deity or a chosen representative of a deity. [Haha, I don't know if bragging about being accused of being the anti-Christ counts, because what decent person brags about that.  Just added it here, as a laugh.]
Rigid, unbending, or insensitive describes how this person thinks.  [Made Jensen tell the story, during their Jib panel, that made Jensen break down earlier - bashed the Bible]
Tries to control others in what they do, read, view, or think. 
Seems to be highly dependent of tribute and adoration and will often fish for compliments.  [wanted fiction writers to write a story about him for free - this is worth a second mention because of how arrogant it is]
Uses enforcers or sycophants to insure compliance from members or believers.  [Has journalists in media outlets like Geekiary, Hypable and possibly others doing his bidding, including attacking the leads on social media, for saying something contradictory to what Misha is saying.  Natalie Fisher of Hypable is more notable for doing this.]
Sees self as “unstoppable” perhaps has even said so.  [With regards to Misha, he might say it about Random Acts or Gish because he want to project being 'humble'.]
Conceals background or family which would disclose how plain or ordinary he is.  [Lied about being poor to garner sympathy - lied about only receiving elite education, because he has never been to public school, and says he lived on his friend, Darius's handouts, including meals, which makes me wonder how trust worthy Misha's friend is. Because don't elite private schools provide meals and uniforms - lied about being mugged]
A gazillion thank yous to my awesome friend, whom I will now refer to as Sam the researcher, because this is the second obscure piece of evidence that she found for me.  I have been looking for it, for too long, fruitlessly.  Also thanks for the second and third ones. 
@iamacynic seems to think non-Misha fans were born without the faculty of thinking.  So this person accused me of being non-empathetic to the fact that Misha was poor and living in a tent.  Do you think nobody knows that?  When Misha first told the story of being poor and having a druggie for a mother, he got a lot of sympathy, which is why over the years, the story has become more and more elaborate.  The Overlord had found his niche.  Misha was poor from birth till age 3.  Mom married a guy who was loaded and who took over responsibility of Misha and his brother.  From 4 till now, Misha has been a rich man.  The elite private schools Misha attended cost more than $50 000 per annum.  Misha attended Greenfield Centre and then Northfield Mount Herman.  He has never attended a public school.  And Misha doesn't remember any of that?  All he remembers is the first 3 years of his life?  Realistically, person will only remember a smidgen of the third year of his life.  Unless someone out there remember age one.  Raise your hands.  Tell us about your extraordinary memory. 
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JIB recording policy: my thoughts and feels
So this feels like a really awful moment to be an SPN fan. I’m crushed that “Wayward” didn’t get picked up and honestly that deserves its own post and other eloquent folks on here will no doubt be chiming in soon. Before that, though, I was already alternating between seething and feeling on the verge of tears about the “no recordings” policy for JIB. Because, honestly, I was relying on it as a hugely positive experience to lift me out of the daily struggle I’m in right now. Where the show can and will hurt me all the time (hopefully with a narrative purpose!) as I expect it to in the finale, Jibcon never does anything except make me laugh and smile (and post too many gifs). And without the prospect of seeing the panels, especially Misha and Jensen’s, I genuinely feel...bereft. It’s not that I feel like I lost what I was entitled to, but that I’ve been deprived of something positive and beautiful for no good reason.
If you think that’s silly or that I should get over it or whatever please do me a favor and stop reading. These are my personal thoughts and feelings about something personal to me and you don’t have to agree. But since I think many of you do I’m going to write about it. I’m also going to reflect on the positive impact that sharing panel videos has on the fandom and what we lose without them. (And I recognize that this policy has existed before and that we have gotten around it and that we do not yet know how strictly it will be enforced. But I have these feelings anyway so I wrote about them.)
ETA: I hear from some folks there that you can record but not livestream, like usual. I’m going to go ahead and leave this up though, whatever the outcome, because it makes other points that are prompted by the policy but not strictly about it.
In a previous post I used the phrase “hostile to the fandom” to describe the policy and I stand by that. If it were merely about money or legality why would they not do something like sell tickets to a livestream and/or digital downloads or recordings? (If you are in the industry and have insider information on this I’d be super interested in your perspective and happy to post it with or without attribution.) I know that they may not have the infrastructure to accomplish this. It takes a lot of servers to livestream to that many people. It takes a certain standard of recording equipment to make something professional. But this is the 9th year running. They know there is enough interest to justify sinking some capital into that infrastructure and I’m surprised they haven’t.
I am absolutely willing to pay for content. Paleyfest panels are livestreamed and available to buy afterwards (months after, but that’s ok). I have bought a copy of all the Paleyfest panels from my favorite shows. I am not objecting to paying for content at all. Give J2M a cut! Give the JIB staff a cut! Shut up and take my money! There needs to be a price point between “flying to Europe and paying hundreds or thousands of dollars” and “peering at illegal phone video on YouTube.” Legal recordings that generate profit seem like a great option.
You know who they would be good for in the fandom? Everyone.
People without the money to travel and attend cons.
People who might have the money but who have difficulty traveling or being in a group of people because of physical disabilities, social anxiety, mental health issues, illness, etc.
People who are caregivers and cannot easily find someone to take their duties or who cannot be away at all.
People who work multiple jobs with inflexible schedules.
I could go on at greater length but I think you all get the point. We talk about the SPN Family and have our fandom-driven efforts to better the lives of people involved and show them that “you are not alone” and “family don’t end in blood” and “always keep fighting.” And that is AWESOME. It’s special. It’s so unlike other fandoms I have been in. But the thing that keeps a lot of people going is seeing videos from cons and feeling like a part of that community by sharing those experiences. For some people, maybe just the show is enough. But there’s a substantial population that relies on the social aspect of fandom and on the (perceived) closeness or accessibility of its figureheads, J2M.
Taking away the means to do that and acting as though we have done something wrong in asking for it, in wanting it, seems antithetical to the community-building we rely on. (I could do another post about campaign fatigue, which hit me pretty badly back in the fall, but right now it’s not on my mind.) Why not record it and either monetize it or even (radical idea!) don’t and just release it? Forbidding recording and distributing panels creates elitism and alienates many of the people who rely most on that sense of connection.
This is where I get to the point about hostility. Because I can’t see this new policy (or new decision to strictly enforce the policy) as unconnected to Daniela’s Facebook rant. I can’t. I wrote about it at the time and agreed with other folks who said that, though offensively expressed, it was fundamentally anti-antis and anti-entitlement rather than anti- any particular ship. I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt and allow her to just be a frustrated human being who had a bad time at work and complained. But now I feel like it was a message about how we need to back off of Jibcon because we in some way don’t deserve it. 
And, perhaps wrongly since no pairing was singled out in the Facebook post, I feel like it’s about Jensen and Misha. Because by raw YouTube views alone those are the panels people want to watch recordings of. They are chaotic and hilarious and sweet and a just A Hot Mess, so it makes sense that we want to see them together and beam at our computer screens. There’s a reason it’s always the closing panel, that it’s so expensive, that it sells out so quickly.  And just like with Creation’s weird refusal to offer that as an option (except at Honcon) it seems like banning recordings has to do with some unarticulated prohibition on how fans view those two specifically. Like it’s untoward.
But...if that’s the case, if Jensen and Misha are so bothered by it, why haven’t they done something like sue for libel or send out cease and desist letters to the Cockles blogs? They...don’t care. They actively know what we think about them (they’re grossly in love! they’re secretly a couple!) and they play with it in their stage personae and, I assume, just gloss over it in their everyday lives because they’ve developed a strong and healthy sense of “who the fuck cares?”. I guess it could be something their publicists are clamping down on, being like NO MORE HELLA GAY GIFSETS AND KEEP YOUR DAMN CLOTHES ON, or whatever, but my impression is that the policy is coming from JIB staff.
There is no need to generate more antagonism anywhere in this fandom. There is too much of it already. Alienating the fans who aren’t able to attend JIB from the JIB organizers seems pointless. If it’s an attempt somehow to shut down the shipping wars, well, that’s ass backwards since I’m just waiting for someone to yell about how the whole policy is because of Destiel/Cockles people and their inappropriate questions and theories or whatever because obviously we are the reason Jensen flashed his underwear onstage last year. It’s going to alienate us from each other too, as I already now feel way more envious of people who will get the privileged experience of seeing the panels. 
It seems like such a harmless thing, to let people post videos of panels they can’t see but desperately want to. Like it’s basically just a force for good in the fandom. I suspect that people will find a way to record and share anyway, as we have before in face of the same policy. But, because of where I am personally and how much I have been looking forward to JIB, I have been thinking about the difference it (and other cons but especially this one) make in people’s lives I wanted to say something. Perhaps I’m wrong about the motivations--I admit to making all kinds of assumptions--but I don’t think I’m wrong about what it indicates about how the staff are viewing the fans. And that hurts. Because it’s not about objectification and shipping at all for most of us, even if it’s fun to talk about. Many of us just want a delightful thing in an otherwise painful time.
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
y'all weren't kidding when you said you could feel something big was coming huh. sigh. hi! welcome to: the gang freaks out about misha's text in my inbox
instantly my first thought upon seeing misha’s text: “he sounds like that in the morning.”
they woke up together on the regular <3
GUNSHOTS WAKE UP DID YOU SEE MISHA’S TEXT??? he misses jensen so much :(((
yes :(( and me too :((
*adjusts tinhat* d-do you think misha originally took that photo to send to jensen? like a “hurry up and come in here, the pink blankey and i miss you.” ...
oh my god anon its too early for this i dont need to get emotional!!! on god i believe he texts him pics like this every day
have you seen misha's text yet??
girl wake up new cockles content
july is gonna be our month i can feel it!!!!!!!!
hi did anybody else get the fact that he never said that pic was while filming supernatural. like it was a little weird to not add 'in vancouver while filming [episode title]' My theory is that its a little joke because that pic is ACTUALLY in jensens apartment NOW when hes filming the boys from like a week ago. It seems like something he would do amen
oh my god i cant do 'cockles are living together rn' truthing today but you are very brave <3
ROSE ROSE ROSE ARE YOU AWAKE????? MISHA’S JENSEN TEXT!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I’M SCREAMING????? HELP!!! what 👏🏽 was 👏🏽 the 👏🏽 reason 👏🏽 misha ??? he really said i miss my march 1st baby OUTLOUD without really saying it outright i- MISHA WHATS UR @ SERIOUSLY!! - 🦋 anon
misha said happy pride to my husband and our perceivers and i thank him for that <3
Rose I hope you have a very nice sleep and are not suffering throughout this major cockles event in the middle of the night. ANYWAYS I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO SAY I CAN'T BREATHE 'SPARE ROOM' 'HIS BLANKY' SIR - anon anon
*looks into the camera* so anyways i woke up pretty much around the time you messaged me this and i am dead tired now
hehehe once again you've made the mistake of going to bed. I think imma stay up to see your reaction to the sleepover in a few hours ;) -🐢
hope i didnt dissapoint dsjhfsjfhsjhf
I’m just here to apologize that once again you were asleep when the fandom decided to start on fire <3
thank you darling i feel like i deserve some financiel compensation tbh
To all of the other anons who will undoubtedly be in gunshot's traditional freak out post with me (looking forward to all of y'alls reactions 😂), I really hope you've enjoyed this fantastic ending to pride month. Misha really chose to share that info wth us!! I haven't slept much this week because each night gets crazier. We're all thriving in this dumpster right now - 🐢
god bless we ARE all thriving!!!!
i cant deal with the Love You script dropping on the same day that misha posts both a t&s pride post and That Text. so misha is invested enough to know that the script dropped today in all likelihood. and. i. help. help. help.
yeah yeah yeah exactly nonnie exactly
my tumblr has been crazy, i haven't been able to send you asks until now ��� my posts are not showing in the tags...anyway tumblr staff already fix the problem with the asks so at least I can be loud in here.
crazy everything is just crazy! Misha's post, Misha's message, Goodbye Stranger script...all I'm missing is for Jensen to pull a heller!Jensen on main and i'm dead
Hope you have a beautiful day!!
yeah tumblr fucked up and turned on my asks yesterday wtf, i hope your problem gets fixed soon!
and i hope you have the best day too!!!
we get to see misha today too i can't do this
oh god me neither
this is just me speculating but is it a coincidence Misha is thinking about “lasts” especially the last night sleeping at Jensen’s, on the last day of pride????? *insert incredibles coincidence I think not gif*
its never a coincidence, everything this chaos machine does is on purpose
You woke up much earlier than expected! I legit thought that I had lost track of time scrolling through the madness that is the cockles tag right now. Sorry that you're going to be dragging for the rest of your day. Misha ensures that only he gets sleep when he pulls these stunts -🐢
lmao it was already light outside and i kept thinking about the misha text so i thought fuck it lets forget sleep, i need to cockles truth on main before i have to go to work <3
I’m sorry. I died. 🦚
me too!
*head in hands*, affectionate - tea anon
happy second month of pride everyone
cheers to that!!
had a thought: that one time the fan asked misha about them sharing clothes in 2018 and he joked, “it’s easy for our clothes to get mixed up, that’s all. whose is whose, you know, when you’re putting it on.” and “now everyone’s like ‘hmm, how’d the laundry get mixed up, guys?’” i hate him. i hate that it’s not implausible now. i hate.
how many times do i have to tell y'all that misha uses jokes to mask the truth <3 he was telling us the truth!
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cooloddball · 3 years
I swear to God, these copy pasta anons have me so on edge that every time I see an anon saying they’re losing their faith in cockles or whatever I just think they’re an undercover anti or something. So here’s the thing, I think Jensen’s been a lot more active on social media purely because of business. He’s posted about and commented on his new co workers’ instagram posts a lot lately. It’s obviously for pr and that’s ok, in fact I think until two weeks ago, most of his interactions with J@red were about w@lker, and then the fallout drama happened and now he’s going out of his way to show that he and the overgrown man-child are ok again, it’s actually a little funny. He doesn’t really need to do that anymore with Misha, as of now they won’t be in any new projects together (that we know of) but he still makes a point of liking Misha’s posts, even ones that made me raise an eyebrow, like the bloody shirt one or the 4th of July one. Besides we know Jenmish like to keep their business private. Technically speaking, they don’t really need to interact anymore because they’re just former coworkers to the outside world, I don’t think they’ll rock the boat and go out of their way to flirt on social media, especially because a lot more people are zooming in on their relationship lately. But like I said, they like to mostly keep their shit private, it’s been proven to us many times. The whole “Vicki helped me move in with a friend” business,and then it turns out that friend was Jensen all these years later, or all the times that they hung out outside of work that we only find out about later on, the latest example being that ridiculously couple-y picture where they’re holding their coworker’s new baby in a hospital. My point is, Jenmish will be perceived by us when they want to be perceived by us. We don’t really have a way of knowing how much they’ve kept in touch, but based on things like “ok babe” or ‘blanygate’ as some like to call it, I’m guessing they’re doing just fine.
Yes I agree with all this.
However, Jensen has always commented on his friends' posts. And what's interesting it's almost always something thirsty especially under Max's posts :)
x x
What's interesting is that he rarely comments on Misha's photos and he even has a particular way in which he likes Misha's posts.
As for him and JP, yes I think it's for PR to show everything is okay. I think he wants to put all the bs behind him being that he's doing a spn prequel and spn is based on the premise of family. He and JP have been branded as family for so long so much so that that's all there ever will be. I also believe they made up and are still friends but that tantrum JP threw put an extra strain on their friendship.
Speaking of PR. Jensen has liked all of Clif's posts from June. Nothing in that is weird per se, but he rarely likes his posts. What's even more interesting is that Clif always tags JP, Gen, Jensen and Dee on his posts( why does he do that though? It's a bit odd. Also do you remember when Clif's brother was hating on hellers and cockles shippers on twitter last year and Speaking on behalf of the Ackles and Dee said he doesn't even know who he is and should stop spaeaking on behalf of her family?)
Anyway Clif stopped tagging Jensen and Dee after the JP's Twitter tantrum. However, Jensen has liked each and every photo since that date. It's just funny.
x x x
Also Clif and Misha don't follow each other on IG anymore. I think they used to follow each other or at least Clif used to follow Misha because he follows everyone from the spn cast 👀 even Alaina and Matt. Something isn't adding up.
Also remember Dee posting the mantra tea on her IG stories a few days after the scandal whilst on a walk in the woods? 👀 all I'm saying is if they are trying too hard all of a sudden and it's damage control. It's all a out family and this is not far fetched tbh.
All in all, Jensen "coping with shit" Ackles J"gutted" P and Misha "I love and miss you both" Collins are all still friends though the dynamics of that friendship may have changed greatly since the spn prequel announcement.
On cockles. Yes there are still together. As I said in my answer earlier, social media comments and likes don't mean anything tbh.
This digressed a lot but I think it's in the purview of PR and even if you didn't ask for this, it's what you got, LOL.
Speaking of copy pasta anons I have one very bitter anon in my inbox and I just laughed at what they had to say about me and cockles. Stay tuned for developments.
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Mishalecki is the secret weapon against Cockles.
Jibcon 8, also known as the con where Jensen had his breakdown, had an interesting tail end to one of the J2 panel.  Misha crashed the panel and all three told the house story.  If you haven't watched it, here's a link to very clear footage by Apromit.
Misha's cult leader tendency showed here, because he did his India-Russian accent before coming on stage.  He was also wearing an oversized doily.  I don't know why.  And Jensen laid the insults on thick before he could take to the stage.  The Misha fans were livid.  Funny how when its someone else, then its not a joke.  But even if Misha is being obnoxious, he is just joking.  They told an oh so hilarious story of J2 bunking at Misha's rental home for the filming of the last episode of the season.  I think they shared the place for a day or two.  The boys hunkered down after a night of drinking and Jared pranked Misha the next day.  Its a funny story to listen to. However, every time, I watch the panel a few things make me scratch my head: 
Didn't the house have a couch to sleep on?  And if it was Misha's stupid idea to bunk in the tiny house, and he is a shriveled and tiny sort of creature, why not dump him on the couch, if Jared was too large to fit on it?
How can any idiot on earth not know how many rooms a building has?  They were still debating on stage as to whether this rental place has two rooms.  Can they not count that high?  Even Jared?  You cant even blame alcohol because they were not drunk the next morning, when Jensen was enjoying his coffee while watching Hurricane Jared tear Misha apart. 
Interestingly, Misha looks like he lied to them that the place was ''huge''.  Why would he do that?  He ''joked'' that he was baiting them to come and spend the night at his place.  But would you need to do that with your ''best friends''?
Jensen always worries about Jared.  But this time, he let Jared, who was sick during the filming of that episode, sleep on the floor, next to Misha's bed, while Jensen slept alone in another room with the door closed.  Where they all sleeping on single beds?  Couldn't Misha share with Jared?  Why didn't Jared sleep on the floor in Jensen's room? 
Why did Jared seem on a mission to make Misha regret inviting them?  I mean, the place is on Misha's name?  By their own account, Misha was practically chasing Jared around the house, stopping him from wreaking havoc.  Why is that?
Are their trailers stuck at the studio?  Why couldn't they just sleep in their trailers?
I am not answering those questions, because some theories go into far fetched territory, but if you have a good reason for this whole illogical story, please share.  I will refrain because I can recognize when my theories are nonsensical.  However, there was something about Jensen that I found interesting.  Jensen, the uncomfortable non-shipper type was actively pushing Mishalecki.  The words that he used were very telling.  Let me paraphrase some of the exchange and how I perceived them [in italics]:
Jensen:  ''Jared slept on the floor, next to Misha's bed.  I don't know what happened.  I was in the other room.''
So, he is emphasizing that Jared and Misha shared the night together, while he was not with them.
Misha's remark to Jensen: "You were resting after what we've been through.''
Yep, you just have to do that, don't you, fake Alpha.  Even though, Jensen is trying to distance himself from the whole scenario, Misha has to do something like this.  Jensen tries again to distance himself from Misha, and because Jared noticed, he helped Jensen to shut Misha down.
Jensen:  I remember being in the other room, and being awoke to this [making snoring sound] and I am like 'what are they doing in there?  Have they brought in animals now?  Jared was snoring so loud.  I was down the hallway, in a closed door bedroom.  It woke me up.  And I'm like 'how is Misha possibly sleeping in the same room?''
Jared:  Oh he had been put to the test [inaudible]
Jensen:  [after doubling up laughing]  he could sleep through anything. 
Jared:  No, he woke up for...
Jensen:  When you nudged him...
At this point, the ''Alpha'' who usually pushes this nonsense, shakes his head.  J2 steamrolled right through whatever he planning to say.  In fact, he didn't look happy because they ate into part of his panel.  He is smiling though.  But that smile is fake and half-baked.  Why shake your head?  Are you unhappy? 
After the whole story is told and Jared is leaving the stage, he blows a kiss to Misha.  Misha doesn't reciprocate.  He just stares at Jared.  One thing that I noticed is that Misha looks like he didn't want to tell this story.  Jared kept pushing forward. 
So my takeaway is that Jensen was using Mishalecki to keep the heat off of him for a change, and Misha wasn't allowing it.  When Jared realized what Jensen was trying to do, he got on board and helped Jensen, shutting Misha up completely.  That is why Misha shook his head.  He cant win when Jared is on stage.  Notice also that Jensen ended up going and standing behind his chair rather than sitting next to Misha.  But the shipper girls flipped out because he poured Misha a drink from the glass he had previously drunk from.  Crumbs!  They are literally living on crumbs.  Of course they are living on delusion as well, because they said Jensen wanted a hug from Misha and didn't get one.  Yeah, that is why he flew off the stage the minute the session was over without acknowledging Misha.
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