#cod oc fun facts
the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
10 Fun Facts About Stone
I wanted to talk about Stone and give a little more insight into his character, so ten fun facts about Stone. Ten facts about Kali will be in another post! Btw, while this is numbered, the order is by no means a measure of importance.
Stone gets henna done on his hands whenever he's home from deployments. Depending on when his plane lands, he either goes straight to his trusted henna artist or if there's no time, then he has her come over to his house to do it (because he rarely leaves the house when he's home, ofc the artist gets a hefty tip when she goes over to his house).
He doesn't read fiction, he solely reads non-fiction books. His house is full of either books on warfare or medical books. There are some books on astrology because he loves stars.
Not only would he be a cat dad if he was home more often, he'd also be a plant dad. He loves both cats and plants and if he ever retires, he's 100% getting cats and plants.
This me inserting myself into his character (but I mean, isn't that part of the point of OCs?), but he does not like ketchup. Hates it, in fact.
To elaborate on the hating the ketchup fact, Stone is autistic. He was undiagnosed for years until he was in his late twenties. The elaborating on the hating ketchup thing is that he hates ketchup because the smell of it makes him gag.
Stone hates horror movies. He doesn't watch much TV, this is a known fact about him, but he will watch something during recreational time on deployments if someone on his squad pesters him enough to watch a show or movie with them. Except horror/ thriller movies, he will not watch those.
As for what he would watch, he'd unironically get interested in a romcom movie. Someone puts on a romcom movie for shits and giggles and pulls him down onto the couch to watch it with them. While everyone's making fun of the movie, Stone shushes them because he's now invested in the plot.
Stone tries and fails to communicate via stares. He swears up and down that his eyes do the speaking for him, but no one can tell the difference. His eyes always look the same and then they just think he's mad at them because he's just full-on staring, practically glowering at them.
He once unintentionally walked into his neighbor's house when coming home from deployment one year. It had been three in the morning and he lives in a very safe/secluded neighborhood so everyone more or less leaves their front doors unlocked. Despite the fact that he himself locks his front door, he didn't think anything was wrong when he stumbled onto his neighbor's front porch and opened the unlocked door and went inside. He got all the way to the bedroom before realizing he was in the wrong house and thankfully it was the same neighbor who gets his groceries so he was used to Stone's antics.
While Stone is tech-averse, he does listen to music. How does he do that? With the help of his neighbor and Kali, he buys vinyl records. And his favorite music genre is Bollywood music.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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ghouljams · 10 months
can we hear from konig and fetch? I love her powers and how konig actually READS the manual first unlike ghost boy smh
mwah much love
Of course! I love them, they're so silly(I say as I'm about to write Blacksite prison shit)
You perch, nice and pretty on the edge of the table, watching the man in front of you sweat. König is looking over a tray of surgical instruments. He rubs his chin through his hood, picks up a corkscrew and sets it down. You swing your feet while you wait, at least the man you're interrogating is smart enough to keep his mouth shut. It's no fun if they get started begging too early.
"Schöne, where are the curved scissors? The snippy ones, not the wiggly ones," König asks you. You summon a pair of pruning shears and hold them out to him. The metal blades are just starting to rust from the poorly cleaned off blood. König looks at them and you can see his eyes crinkle at the edges as he smiles under his hood. "Thank you, those will do nicely."
His gloved hand takes the shears gently from your outstretched palm. The subject of your stalled interrogation thrashes against the ropes binding him to the chair. "What the fuck did she just do?" He asks, eyes wide on you. You flash him a smile with all your teeth, let's your horns burn into visibility, just to hear his panicked heartbeat.
"Go on and show off," König hums, watching you, "it might make this faster." You push yourself off the edge of the table and lean close to your victim.
"Don't worry," you tell him, pressing your fingers over his heart, "this won't hurt, but you'll remember it the rest of your life."
You push your fingers in, feeling the skin and cloth give way to your insistent push, ribs bend out of your path, and you feel the rapid inhalation in the man's lungs as your fingers brush past the organ. You wrap your hand around his heart and extract it, careful not to sever anything important when you rip the still beating organ from his chest. The heart drips blood onto the man's lap as you hold it in front of him, it squeezes and pumps, continuing its thankless work even outside the body. It picks up pace, anxiety and fear spiking it into a rapid race of desperation as the man stares down his own life.
"You should really take better care of this thing," You turn the heart over in your hand, examining the stress markers on it.
"That's my-"
"I think I'm going to start with the fingers," König tells you, cutting the man off.
"What?" The man transfers his panicked stare to König as he grabs his hand, holding the shears open around his pointer finger.
"Keep monitoring his vitals, I want to see how many I can get off before he starts talking." König holds his hand still with an iron grip as the man thrashes and struggles to free himself. The blades of the sheers hardly touch the man's skin before he's begging.
König dots his pencil against a small notebook, large hands dwarfing the writing instrument, his gloves resting on the blood stained table between you. Your victims heart is still beating in your hand, though the body is slumped in the chair. As far as you can tell the intel supplied is good, and though it's a bit of a stretch to say you can "fetch" the truth out of people, you pride yourself on being able to get the information you need.
"Good work Colonel," you purr. He looks at you with heat in his eyes, you know he likes when you call him that. Now isn't the time or place and you both know it, but teasing him now means more fun later.
"Have your snack Schatz," König says, going back to his notes. He flips a page back and forth with his fingers as you tip your head back and drop the heart into your waiting mouth. You're careful to bite through the muscle, sharp teeth slicing clean through your victims last lifeline. You swallow both halves to keep the blood from squinting everywhere as the corpse in the chair spasms with its last dredges of life.
König shuts his notebook and goes to bang on the metal door three times. You're quick to jump in his shadows as the latch clicks and the gears start turning to let you both out.
"I don't know man, it's just weird that's all," one of the cleanup crew grumbles. You cling to König's back, his hand reaches back to brush up your thigh, dragging against unseen flesh.
"Just do your job," the other advises, "Don't think too much about it, I mean, you've heard the rumors right?" You smile, press your lips to König's hood over his ear.
"They're talking about you," you whisper. Their eyes follow him as he walks past, their footsteps avoid his shadow.
"They're talking about you, Miene Liebe," König mumbles, turning his head to make sure its only you the hears him, "they're always talking about you."
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mango-parfait · 4 months
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The quiet sergeant and the woman who thought he was Federation and tried to knife him :)
I'll never get over them but I'm taking a break from drawing
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yupstep · 4 months
*offers a small, shiny coin*
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May I have 5 Zona fun facts if you have time?
*takes the coin like a crow and offers silly doodles in return*
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liamthemailman · 5 months
CW : Gore, MCD, artistic nudity
My dear Johnny... at least return my heart before you go for good.
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It's not fair that I wasn't there to witness your last breath.
What was in your mind as you closed your eyes for the last time?
Because I know you'll be mine before I laid to rest.
I'll see you soon.
Love, Ace
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sillystanleystuff · 6 months
I'm posting shit on TikTok now 😔
(I just realized I didn't censor the word "gun". Hopefully my video won't be taken down 💀)
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pagib1g · 10 days
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ok. i GUESS this is happening now. ok.
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nik-barinova · 2 months
Since I’m not giving this person the clout they deserve, I thought I drop some lore tidbits on Doe and how she ended up not letting her physical disability get the better of her mentally in Call of Duty
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When I made Doe back in like 2013-2014 as a League of Legends OC (if you wanna know how old I am, there ya go 💀), I didn’t think much about it, I just thought she would look cool with a prosthetic arm
Now that I put her in Call of Duty as an adult, I ended up researching more on how she can be disabled with one arm amputated and still be in service without it being a burden on her and everyone around her. Turns, you can! Here’s just one example video of a woman with one arm being able to do jujitsu [x]
Doe had her arm amputated at a young age, roughly 14-15, and was able to get a prosthetic to accommodate her daily needs despite saying she doesn’t need to or want to. Joining the military to give herself a purpose in life was already a task in of itself, begging and pleading she can still do the things able bodied people can do, and yet she was turned down a lot of times without being given a chance
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You can imagine the amount of relief and joy she felt when she was noticed by an off duty SAS member and given her chance to prove she can still do everything any other able bodied person can. Ofc she might not get the disability benefits iirc, but this is fiction here, I’m working with what I got lol
Yes, Doe has been picked on by fellow SAS members for having one arm (even the Task Force 141 were guilty, but their’s was more out of good fun), but she was still able to prove to them she can still beat their ass with just her left arm
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Doe had to deal with a lot of trauma and anger surrounding the loss of her arm throughout the rest of her teenage years, but maturing and getting older, she didn’t allow it to stop her from being equals with her fellow abled SAS members.
On top of that, she utilizes dance to maneuver around for fights as well as being flexible to take advantage of her opponents.
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cosmictap · 2 months
To be loved is to be changed:
A Logan Walker x trans masc! OC fic
CWs: Disassociation (entirely based off my experiences), the vague implication that a character thinks the other may be transphobic (barely there), hints of self hatred.
I’m not to sure how well i wrote any of it but! enjoy nonetheless
There was always something about Logan that he hated about himself, he was shorter than average, could hardly hold a conversation with anyone who wasn’t his brother, couldn’t stand strangers, easily irritable, the list went on and on. He got by each day by sticking to himself, putting up a wall between him and everyone - to protect himself, he reasoned; but he knew. He knew each time he found himself stuck in his own head, somewhere he could remove himself from reality for a while, blocking everything out because it hurt less. The truth was, he needed someone to help him get out, but god knows he was far to gone for retrieval.
That was, until a certain blond wanker boy turned up. He was strange. Introduced himself with his last name, point blank refused to give his first name at first. Rorke. The name sounded familiar, in a very distant part of his brain he couldn’t find the energy to explore, regardless, ‘Rorke’ was frankly, the most irritating person he’d ever met (excluding his brother). It took a week. A single week, and Logan was already unbearably fond of him. Rorke was his best friend soon enough, and god if that didn’t scare him; how had he broken through his defences that quickly? Why was this loud, opinionated kid choosing him?
Within a month he was starting to feel real again in a way he had almost forgotten, the small details of his days stuck out, the way the leaves fell near tenderly onto the ground, the calming sound of those very same leaves, crushed under boots. He loathed to say it, yet, it was plain to see. Rorke found a way to get through everything. He was finally learning how to live as opposed to simple survival.
They got out of class that day, immediately finding each other so they could make the walk back home together, something he’d grown very pleased with over the weeks. They were chatting about their days, what kids in their lessons got in trouble, the usual, but Logan could tell something was off with Rorke; he was fidgety, quieter than usual.
He soon found out why. Rorke’s name was Cameron. Although, he said it almost uncertainly, like he was waiting for some kind of rejection. It never came.
He’d never admit it to anyone, but Logan was in love with his best friend, perfectly content to admire from afar. Feeling his heart break with every relationship Cam got into, and inevitably end up broken up with.
He wished he could save him, just like he was saved. The risk was high but.. He’s willing to try. For the sake of his partner best friend.
WOOOO this was a bit of a mess coming up the end i won’t lie!!! but i’m done with it!
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gipsyavnger · 9 months
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Isobel "Medusa" Williams of Task Force 141 enjoying her day off.
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slashrabbitbunny · 1 year
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Whiteboard dump raaaaa!!!❤️🐰❤️
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
So I thought I'd make a fun little post about all of the original thoughts about my OCs when I created them that aren't part of their character/background now.
Y'all already know I contemplated having Stone being 6'8" & Kali at 6'6". (Someone tell me not to change their heights around, because I'm really seriously contemplating it and you know I don't have much restraint.)
Sarabi was originally single when he first appeared in my mind, but I just had him married to Kevin when writing "Survivor's Guilt/Blood-stained Hands" because I had originally thought I wasn't going to make the rest of The Lions actual OCs.
Simba was originally going to be younger than Nala, hence why I sometimes write him as a little more childish (I guess is the right term) than how Nala acts.
Ladder came to creation when I was daydreaming about 6'8" Stone and so she was originally going to be 4'8", which is the minimum height for women in the Navy. It was supposed to her and Stone being the on opposite sides of the height range for soldiers in the Navy and I probably would've kept her at 4'8" if Stone had been 6'8" at the time.
Heartthrob was actually originally a Sergeant (don't know if anyone remembers me talking about The Tigers originally) and he was originally two years younger than Sarabi, Kali, & Stone. I changed it because I really do see Stone as someone for goes for his age or older and not anyone younger (even if there's only a two-year difference).
I contemplated making Hellstorm a base librarian. I had no idea what the hell his job in the military was going to be until I made the character introduction post for the High School Teacher AU (I still haven't finished the first part of that AU, RIP) and wrote him being a retired naval aviator (they're all retired soldiers in that AU).
Cerberus was originally going to Manish Joshi-Kaur (Stone's half-brother) and it was going to be like "Oh everyone thought he was deceased, but he was actually held in captivity and just presumed to be dead." But I changed it because with the way the timeline matched up with when all of Stone's half-siblings were born, Manish would've been the same age as Ladder & Cerberus was originally used to be eventually romantically with Simba.
This made me realize that I still have yet to post Cerberus' basic info post and so y'all don't even know he's the same age as Simba or that Cerberus isn't Manish Joshi-Kaur, but whatever. I'm holding onto that post until Sarabi's birthday post that's coming in two days.
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gazspookiebear · 3 days
Hello again! I have returned once more :D
First off, before I forget: Would you ever be willing to reblog one of those OC ask games for your silly? I'm not that great at coming up with questions all the time, but I could still send you some questions that way :3c
What's the age difference between Anchor and their sister? Is she still in her teens while Anchor is fighting for their life every day? What's their sister's name? How different were they before they became a mercenary? Like, they're mysterious and deadly now, were they different when they were younger? But other than that, what are some of their interests in general? They have a motorcycle, are they interested in something like the MotoGP or do they just have it for aesthetics or efficiency? Is their nationality a secret? You didn't answer that question, so I got curious ^^
Love your little silly so much! I am invested in their life now! But please give them a happy ending! I want them to be happy! In fact, if you don't give them a happy ending then I will take it upon myself to give them one, that's a guarantee and a threat!!
I'm totally down for oc ask games!
The age difference between Anchor and their sister is probably around 7 years, so they left her when she was 10-ish, and she's in her mid teens now. As for her name, I'm thinking maybe Sparrow?
They were pretty similar back then to how they are now, just a little less intimidating. They still wore a headscarf and were secretive, they just trusted people a little bit more. They still had faith in the military when they were younger, but that's gone by now.
They're actually really into science! They wanted to become some sort of environmental scientist when they were younger, but obviously that didn't work out. For their motorcycle, they like it mostly for the aesthetic. Also, it's easier to hide than a car. Speaking of cars, they also like mechanics. Anything mechanical that they can get their hands on to work with will make them happy.
I have no clue what nationality I want to make them tbh
I'm a sucker for happy endings, so their life definitely won't be completely miserable. Just mostly miserable!! Gotta have the angst for enrichment, y'know?
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mg-dango · 3 months
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News flash! so uhhh Dientes isn't my only CoD OC, I also have been working on this other fella a since a few months ago already, his name is Aleksei :D
the only problem is that I don´t have a callsign for him yet so I was hoping you could help me to choose one for him
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crowithy · 6 months
My three epithet erased ocs
The one who does NOT listen to MCR (he does)
And the entirely fish themed despite hating fish with a burning passion
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liamthemailman · 5 months
OG!Lieutenant Ace
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quick info
he's a lieutenant
Ace's taller and younger here, standing at 5'8 and 28 years old
short hair :DD
instead of rope burn, he's got stitches on his neck
very insecure about them too, cant live without something on his neck to cover it
he's K-9 handler instead
he's a handler to a German shepherd he named "Private Bones"
baby face with a pout, sad droopy eyes and long lashes
and OG!AceSoap because they'll always be together across their lifetimes
they like to bully one another but it's all in good fun :)))
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Captain Soap was not sure about ace at first after hearing his nickname is "Mad Dog" but they're chill now
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