#confession 1274
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"I am fed up with Luna's prounouns's discourse saying the fandom and the character misgender them. It's clear that Luna being non gendered as more to do with the plot than gender identity since them being neither male or female allows them to fill the lack of fatherfigure for Misha and the lack of mother figure for Vanitas. This keeps reminding me of stupid discourse just because the translation uses them to translate the neutral pronouns in jpn that can be used in any context. Headcanons are fine, but don't push it please and in Luna's case, it's clear you can refer to her as a she or he or they because they are intented to be seen as that : a creature whose identity depends on how they are perceived."
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tryan-a-bex · 9 months
A Reunion in the Dreaming
1274 words, Gen, fluff and cheesecake, no dragons. Thanks to @aetheltrythh and @best-wishes for beta reading! Based on this post by @windsweptinred and a prompt by @violetoftheendless; thank you! @themirokai also wrote a version of this reunion, how cool! More cake! Unity's situation is based on Desires well-tended are a hearth by @dancinbutterfly. Read it on AO3.
“Rose! Jed!” 
Unity’s eager greeting floated from where she stood waving beside the picnic she had spread out under a stately maple tree in Fiddler’s Green. Rose blinked as her mind adjusted from regular dreaming to the lucid dreaming state that let her visit with her great-grandmother in the Dreaming. Looking around, she saw Jed beside her also blinking, and watched his face transform into a huge smile as he saw Unity.
“Nana Unity!” he cried, running over to give her a big hug. The joy in her eyes as she snuggled him almost brought tears to Rose’s eyes as she walked over more sedately, joining them in a group hug when Jed and Unity refused to relinquish each other. Laughing, they finally separated and turned to the picnic. 
“Ooh, cherry cheesecake!” Jed exclaimed. Rose had shared with Unity that Jello cheesecake from a box had been Jed’s favourite when he was little, and Unity had asked Lucienne for help replicating it in the Dreaming. It seemed to have turned out well, and Jed’s reaction was especially gratifying. Enthusiastically, they all settled down to catch up over an open-air meal. 
“My manuscript is almost ready to go to the editor,” Rose shared excitedly. At least this was one deadline she wasn’t late for! She reached for a fresh strawberry in celebration.
“And how is your application for grad school going, dear?” Unity asked, pouring some lemonade for each of them.
“I’ve applied at three schools–they all have very good reputations for their Creative Writing Master’s.”
“Yeah, my buddy Joe wrote this great story about a monster robot praying mantis!” Jed interjected. “He was telling it during soccer practice. I got a goal that day, it was super awesome!”
“Wonderful!” Unity beamed at Jed’s accomplishment, and Rose glowed with how happy and settled he was becoming. As he dug into the cucumber sandwiches and sipped his lemonade, Rose turned to Unity.
“How about you, Unity? How have you been?”
“Oh, my dear! It’s so lovely to visit with Desire again! They made me happy for over a hundred years while I was asleep, and Dream has been so kind as to allow them to continue seeing me now that I am back!”
“I’m so glad for you!” Rose said. “But I thought Dream and Desire didn’t get along very well?”
“Well, no, you know, they didn’t. But I asked for them specially, and Dream was able to allow it, as long as Desire stays with me. Dream’s been visiting too, you know, at my request.”
“Oh yes! I thought he could use a grandmother, you know. He needs taking care of!”
“Hey, look! What’s that?” Jed pointed as a big green bug leapt out of the grass. “Oh, cool, a grasshopper!” He ran over to see if he could catch it, and crowed with joy as he startled a handful more from the grass. Rose leaned back on the blanket, full of joy at watching him regain the simple childhood pleasures he had almost missed out on.
“For example,” Unity continued, watching Jed chase the grasshoppers, “just the other day, Dream was looking kind of down, when he came for tea, and when I asked him about it, he confessed. He was feeling guilty that it bothered him that Hob was leaving his dirty socks on the floor, and he just didn’t know how (or even whether) to talk to him about it. You see? A grandmother is just what he needs.” Rose and Unity chuckled as they sipped their lemonade, but Rose was actually quite glad that Dream was finally willing to ask for and receive wise advice from time to time. 
Suddenly, Jed came running back to them.
“Look, look, what could that be?” He pointed at a couple of dark shadows high in the sky. “Dragons, do you think? Will I get to see the roc today? What if it’s a pterodactyl?” 
Unity squinted at the sky and nodded in excitement rather than agreement. ���No, I think it’s something much better than any of that!”
“What?!” Rose laughed, “Better than dragons?”
“Yes, look!” Unity said as the shapes grew closer and larger. “It’s my friends, Lucienne and Gault!”
“Oh, yes, Lucienne is even better than dragons! I remember hearing Gault’s name before,” Rose mused. ”Wait, was she the one…?”
Rose’s words dwindled off as she watched Jed run toward the two women, raven and fairy wings now clear, carrying them closer to the picnic under the tree. Jed doubled back as they passed low over him, and he ran up laughing as they came in gracefully for a landing several feet from Rose and Unity. 
“Rose! Unity!” Lucienne exclaimed. She came forward to hug each of them in turn, followed by Gault who also embraced Unity. 
“I think we’ve met,” Rose said to Gault as they came face to face.
“Yes,” Gault confirmed, turning to include Jed as well. “We have met, though not under the best circumstances.”
“Wait, I remember you!” Jed tilted his head, scrutinizing the dark, glowing fairy before him. “You’re what mom turned into right before the King of Nightmares took her away.”
“Yes.” Gault smiled gently at him. “I never was your mother, I only looked like her for a time. But I did enjoy the time I spent with you, and I’m so proud of how courageous and strong you were in all of your dream adventures. I see you’ve met your real life adventures just as bravely since we were parted.” 
A thoughtful look crossed Jed’s face and he hesitated–looking around at the four beautiful women gazing at him fondly and surrounding him with love–and found his courage once more. “I have a request. Can you be Mom again? Just for a minute, so I can say goodbye to her?”
“Oh, Jed,” Rose said. “You know it won’t be Mom? Are you sure it will help, and not just make it harder for you?”
Unity nodded. “It’s hard to say goodbye to people. Sometimes saying it out loud with someone else there helps. But living in a fantasy will not help you heal.” 
“I know. But she helped me a lot, when I was at that place, and I want to say thank you.” 
As the women all nodded in understanding, Gault transformed into the shape of Miranda. Jed’s smile broke open like the sun coming through clouds, and he threw himself into her arms. They hugged for a long moment, as tears ran down everyone’s cheeks. 
“Thank you. Thank you so much for helping me there,” he said, his face buried in her chest. “Thank you for not leaving me alone.”
“You are welcome. I’m so proud of you for being so brave, and I’m so happy about how well you are doing now.”
Jed stepped back, knuckles swiping away the tears prickling in his eyes. “Goodbye, Mom.” He nodded, and Gault transformed into herself once more. Suddenly he threw himself into her arms once more. Startled, she embraced him back. “I hope we can be friends,” he said this time.
“Of course!” Gault wiped a tear from her cheek as her face also broke into a glorious smile. “I’d love to be your friend, Jed!”
“Oh, excellent!” Unity exclaimed. “Now that we’re all friends, everyone sit down and help me eat this cheesecake!” They laughed, brushing the tears from their faces, and sat around the blanket.
“So, how have you two been doing?” Rose asked as Unity handed out cake.
“You wouldn’t believe,” Lucienne answered with a smile. “The other day, Merv got himself into such a scrape…”
For the rest of that story, read Fireflies and a Missing Person. @carnelianmeluha I described the food (a little bit) just for you, but it's very simple: cherry cheesecake, cucumber sandwiches, strawberries and lemonade. The cheesecake box link is in the endnotes! @thesandwomen this is really early for your October event and it's not a femslash. But. I was thinking of you.
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ao3feed-sambucky · 1 year
sometimes so by chance
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46752472
by exbex
Sam didn’t want Bucky to open up. Not like this, not when he couldn’t really choose to do so.
And not when it felt like he was tearing down Sam’s own carefully constructed walls.
Words: 1274, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: Pining Sam Wilson, Pining Bucky Barnes, Truth Serum, Confessions, Inner Dialogue, Introspection, Light Angst, Pre-Slash
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46752472
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ao3feed-eremin · 1 year
Just Very Good Friends
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HinYOgb
by Lussette
Jean tries to get Armin to admit that he (Armin) and Eren are not just friends. When that fails, he decides to tell Eren himself.
Words: 1274, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Armin Arlert, Eren Yeager, Jean Kirstein
Relationships: Armin Arlert/Eren Yeager
Additional Tags: Love Confessions, Crushes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HinYOgb
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alwaysrisesthemoon · 2 months
infinity times infinity (1274 words) by dreamofbees Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Chang'e (Monkie Kid) & Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque Characters: Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque, Chang'e (Monkie Kid), Hou Yi (Chinese Folklore) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Different Powers Series: Part 2 of so much stardust Summary:
Chang’e had already known the story, for Hou Yi had told her.
He had confessed that he had shot down all ten of the suns. Yet, somehow, only a while later, a new sun had appeared—
“That’s not right,” the monkey tells her, “it was the tenth sun.”
The monkey does not tell her the part of the story she knows; instead, he tells her about the last sun.
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ao3feed-ds9 · 7 months
What Does It Mean To Love?
https://ift.tt/y2tRzmZ by Just_A_Dapper_Fellow Odo begins to worry that no one will ever love him due to the fact that he's a changeling. Quark takes notice of this and puts it upon himself to show Odo that he is loved, no matter what he is. Words: 1274, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Odo (Star Trek), Quark (Star Trek) Relationships: Odo/Quark (Star Trek) Additional Tags: First Kiss, Love Confessions, Confessions, Declarations Of Love, Sweet, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotions, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Happy Ending
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cruger2984 · 10 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT CLARE OF MONTEFALCO (Saint Clare of the Cross) The Patron of Heart Diseases and Cardiovascular Problems Feast Day: August 17
In order to put simply, Clare was recognized as an Augustinian rather than a Franciscan.
Clare was born in Montefalco, in Umbria, likely in the year 1268. She was born into a well-to-do family, the daughter of Damiano and Iacopa Vengente. Her father, Damiano, had built a hermitage within the town of Montefalco. Clare's older sister Joan (Giovanna in Italian) and her friend Andreola lived as Franciscan tertiaries in that hermitage as part of the Secular Third Order of St. Francis. In 1274, when Clare was six years of age, the Bishop of Spoleto permitted Joan to receive more sisters, and it was at this time that Clare joined the Third Order of St. Francis (Secular), moving into the hermitage and adopting the Franciscan habit.
In 1278, the community had grown sufficiently large that they had to build a larger hermitage farther from town.
In 1290, Clare, her sister Joan, and their companions sought to enter the monastic life in a more strict sense, and they made application to the Bishop of Spoleto. As the Third Order of St. Francis (Regular) was not yet established, the bishop established their monastery adjacent to the church of Sant'Illuminata in Montefalco according to the Rule of St. Augustine. Clare made her vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and became an Augustinian nun. Her sister Joan was elected as the first abbess, and their small hermitage (built and funded by their father) was dedicated as a monastery. On November 22, 1291, Joan died, after which Clare was elected abbess. She was initially reluctant to accept her position, but did so after the intervention of the Bishop of Spoleto.
1294 was a decisive year in Clare's spiritual life. During the celebration of the Epiphany, after making a general confession in front of all her fellow nuns, she fell into ecstasy and remained in that state for several weeks. Since she was unable even to eat during this period, the other nuns sustained Clare's life by feeding her sugar water. During this time, Clare reported having a vision in which she saw herself being judged in front of God.
Clare also reported having a vision of Jesus dressed as a poor traveler. She described his countenance as being overwhelmed by the weight of the cross and his body as showing signs of fatigue.
During the vision, Clare knelt in front of him, and whilst trying to stop him she asked, 'My Lord, where art Thou going?'
Jesus answered her: 'I have looked all over the world for a strong place where to plant this Cross firmly, and I have not found any.'
After she reached for the cross, making known her desire to help him carry it, He said to her: 'Clare, I have found a place for My cross here. I have finally found someone to whom I can trust Mine cross,' and he implanted it in her heart.
Clare took her belief in this vision seriously. The rest of her years were spent in pain and suffering, yet she continued to joyfully serve as abbess, teacher, mother and spiritual directress of her nuns. While Clare's reputation for holiness and wisdom attracted visitors to the Monastery of the Holy Cross, she proved to be worldly-wise and canny in the way she governed her monastery. She was careful not to disrupt the communal harmony and the necessary day-to-day management of the monastery's domestic affairs.
In 1303, Clare was able to build a church in Montefalco which would not only serve as a chapel for the nuns, but also as a church for the town. The first stone was blessed by the Bishop of Spoleto on June 24, and that day the church was dedicated to the Holy Cross (Santa Croce); the remnant portion of that small church comprises the frescoed Chapel of Santa Croce connected to the larger Santa Chiara in Montefalco.
Clare had served as abbess for sixteen years. By August 1308, she had become so ill that she was bedridden. On August 15, she asked to receive Extreme Unction, and on the next day she sent for her brother to come to the monastery. Clare made her last confession on August 17, and died at about 40 years of age in the convent on August 18.
Immediately following Clare's death her heart was removed from her body, and upon inspection it was reported that symbols of Christ's passion, a crucifix and a scourge, were found within her heart.
Other historians report that an 'autopsy' was conducted and a small crucifix was found in her heart and three gallstones were found in her gallbladder, which were taken as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.
The crucifix reportedly found within Clare's heart is about the size of a thumb. Christ's head leans slightly towards the right arm of the crucifix, and his body is white, except for the 'tiny aperture in the right side which is a livid reddish color.' The scourge and crown of thorns are apparently formed by whitish nerve fibers, and the three nails are formed of a dark fibrous tissue.
The body of Clare is now reduced to bones. A statue of her body is on display to pilgrims in the crypt of the Basilica of St. Clare in Montefalco in a glass sarcophagus; the bones are on display in the rear of the sarcophagus but can only be seen by nuns who have access to the rear of the crypt. Her heart is displayed for veneration at the same church.
The canonization process was initiated in 1328, but it was not until April 13, 1737, that Clare was beatified by Pope Clement XII. On December 8, 1881, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Leo XIII canonized Clare as Saint Clare of Montefalco at Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
Просто услышать твой голос
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uU1oqbL
by kaorusun
Просто в какой-то момент Ойкава решил, что ему в этом мире не место. Есть игроки куда лучше него, он только мешает остальным.
Words: 1274, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Русский
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Dark, Angst, Suicide, Falling In Love, Depression, Love Confessions, Sad Ending, Unhappy Ending, Drabble
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uU1oqbL
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ao3feed-hadesgame · 2 years
by TiniestAuthornaut
Thanatos is harder and harder to find recently. Zagreus thinks he knows why, but they still need to talk about it. Communication is important.
Words: 1274, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hades (Video Game 2018)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Thanatos (Hades Video Game)
Relationships: Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game)
Additional Tags: Short One Shot, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39698541
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“I know Thomas doesn't care but I saw so much potential in Chloe Bourgeois. But something tells me he just wants to show that some people don't change. But that doesn't change the fact that his hatred towards Chloe is a total circus.”
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“People need to low their expectations about Luka. Everyone's just so sure he's gonna be the cause of "jealous Adrien" and that he's gonna date Marinette but i don't think that's really happening, and when he appears and do nothing the fandom is expecting they're gonna be disappointed and mad with the show” 
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#1274: “12 Dancing Princesses is my favorite Barbie movie. I wish their mother’s story had been made into real books for fans to read too.”
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takenyoomies · 3 years
Life With Terano South - Ask Box Req
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Life With Terano South
Genre: Fluff/ReaderxCharacter
Characters: Terano South
Tags: Fluff, Mild OOCness, HCs, Light Swearing, Confessions, Mild violence mentioned
WC: 1274
Summary: Some HCs about how you met South, how South confessed to you, and sometimes what the downsides of dating him can be.
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South to most might look rather frightening, enormous, and perhaps even a bit imposing. Though my HC is outside of gang-related things, he’s reasonably mild and easy-going despite his looks.
Most of the time, I think South spends his off-days looking for classical records in hole-in-the-wall shops and getting into heated debates with the clerks when they try to guide him into the more modern sections of the store based on his looks. Conversations such as:
“I’m looking for Chopin, not Little whatever-the-fuck.”
“This is the R&B section, not the Classical section, I don’t know what kind of man you take me for, but you’re sorely mistaken.”
However, when he finds something he’s looking for in the shop, his face lights up like a kid on Christmas, which is exactly how you and South bumped into one another.
“Let’s see…” You hummed to yourself as your fingers carded over the various records, “Nocturne….Nocturne…” You whispered to yourself, eyes scanning as you went down the stack. As your hand reached over, another slowly darted out underneath it. A startled gasp left your lips as you snatched your hand away in shock, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention!” You looked up and mentally panicked.
Oh no…The guy… was terrifying.
The man in front looked down at you, though it looked more as though he was a predator eyeing up its prey. His golden eyes stared at you before he tipped his head to the side, “Do you need help finding something…?” His deep voice questioned.
You froze like a deer in headlights, causing him to laugh a bit, “Cat got your tongue or something?”
Blushing, you shook your head, “I’m just…looking for Chopin.” You explained, voice trailing off a bit near the end as the giant hummed.
“Good taste.”
“I said you have good taste.”
“…Thank…you?” You questioned with a laugh, the oddity of the situation getting to you as the tall man pointed over to one of the stacks.
“Try over there…but if you can’t…” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notepad and pen before beginning to write, “Feel free to contact me.” He tore the slip of paper and attempted to hand it to you.
You stared at the piece of paper and how small it looked in his gargantuan-sized hands, taking a slight glance back up at the top-knot-headed man handing it to you. Before you knew it, a laugh erupted from your throat, the fear you once felt leaving your body all at once as he simply raised a brow at you.
“I didn’t say anything funny?” The man asked in confusion, hand still outstretched with the paper.
You wiped a tear from your eye, not entirely sure why you found this scene to be so funny, “I’m sorry, it’s just…you don’t even know my name, and I don’t even know yours.”
“Well...” He began as his face contorted into thought, “How about we fix that.”
And that was how you got to know Terano South, lover of Classical music, bad fast food late at night, going on walks just for the sake of going on a walk, and lastly, leader of Rokuhara Tandai, even if he didn’t tell you that for a few months.
South’s confession to you was somewhat normal. At least that’s how you felt it was when he came over that night. Both of you had decided to watch Casablanca again, even though it was a one-way ticket to you falling asleep somewhere near the end. You had a feeling this was South’s goal in the end, though you brushed it aside as you both continued to watch the movie. Slowly but surely, however, your eyes began to feel heavy, and you felt your head slowly make its way onto the giant’s somewhat comfortable lap.
You weren’t sure how long it had been before you felt a warm hand brush a piece of hair away from your face. Then, sighing a bit, you opened an eye and peeked upwards.
“Sleep’in again?” South asked, a warm smile on his face.
You blinked before sitting up quickly, his laugh booming through your small living room, “Ahh…” You cried in embarrassment, covering your face with your hands.
“Y/N?” South questioned, officially ignoring the movie and focusing on you, “I like you, Y/N.”
“…You can’t just outright tell me that!” You complained, throwing your hands off your face as a blush made its way up your neck.
“Well, I just did, so deal with it.” He huffed with a smug grin.
“…Fine.” You leaned back into the sofa, “I don’t think anyone else will put up with you anyways.” You joked, only to get a laugh in return.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He snaked his hand into yours, turning back to the TV only to realize the movie had ended, “…Wanna watch it again?”
However, dating South sometimes came with some scares and frights that made you worry about him more often than not.
It was late.
Later then, he said he would be.
You bit into your lip, and you paced in your living room, thinking where he could be and if something could have happened. Then, walking over to the TV, you switched on the local news station only to nearly drop the remote.
Local gang-related brawl leads to several injuries…story still developing…
You hear a scraping sound at the door before a knock. Rushing over to the door, you open it to reveal a disheveled and bloodied South. The words get lost in your throat as your mouth goes dry. Yet, he looks up with that dumb smile he always wears.
“Hey, honey…I made it in time?” He asks in a hoarse voice.
“…You idiot.” You breathe, feeling tears stinging the inside corners of your eyes, “Come on…we need to fix you up.”
He chuckles hoarsely, “Mhm…” He slinks into the apartment, kicking off his boots at the front, “Sorry, you have to see me like this.” He sighs out as he attempts to slide off the top of his uniform, hissing as it pulls against a wound.
You glare at him, unable to process the emotions you’re feeling at the moment, unsure if you’re angry, sad, scared, thankful, or a combination of all of them. You decide not to say anything at all.
“You’re quiet?” South comments as he finally can strip down to his undershirt, “Listen…I’m sorry, I know it’s not easy being with someone like me, and being the leader is…” He sighs heavily.
You clench your fists and teeth before walking towards the bathroom, wanting to start the bath and perhaps just get away from this situation. Though inevitably, the situation follows you as South walks behind you.
“Alright, you’re pissed.” He states, as a matter of fact, “I’ll leave after this.”
You swing around and wrap your arms around his torso, causing him to hiss in pain.
“I was so worried you weren’t coming home…” You whisper, the man in shock as he hadn’t ever seen you act like this before.
“Babe…You know I’m stronger than that…” He reassured, sliding a hand down your waist.
“But…” You tried only to be silenced with his lips on your own.
“I don’t want to hear it.” He said after a moment, kissing your forehead.
You buried your head into his chest, not entirely caring how bad he smelled from the previous brawl or if the tub was close to spilling over. All you cared about at that moment was that he was safe.
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Street art in designer Jimmie’s decadent apt. where he mixes baroque and tags, graffiti, and urban art.
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Some cry sacrilege, b/c repainting old furniture is not to everyone's taste.
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His quirky decoration challenges with its originality, its strength and its unique side.
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Jimmie confesses that spray painting and recycling are his hobbies, "I find it interesting to have items with a soul and a story that you won't find elsewhere."
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Industrial kitchen with splash of a bright lemony green.
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Upstairs is pretty conservative by comparison.
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The bedroom is a serene gray with just a few pops of whimsey.
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The dressing room has a nothing funky but this customized dresser.
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And, his bathroom is a start, standard black & white. 
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myuni-moon · 2 years
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I posted 1,546 times in 2021
1274 posts created (82%)
272 posts reblogged (18%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.2 posts.
I added 2,160 tags in 2021
#myuni answers - 1015 posts
#au.cult - 224 posts
#myuni.reblog - 201 posts
#myuni.rambles - 130 posts
#genshin impact x reader - 102 posts
#genshin x reader - 101 posts
#genshin impact x y/n - 99 posts
#genshin x you - 99 posts
#genshin impact x you - 97 posts
#genshin x y/n - 92 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#like yeah diluc was here first but there’s nothing like doting on someone so prickly
My Top Posts in 2021
Who's more likely to do the craziest things for God!reader, genshin and yandere please (I hope I requested good)
[Who’s most likely to go to the extremes for the reader?]
warnings: yandere content, yandere cult stuff, mentions of violence and death
event is now closed
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zhongli is one of the few to take everything to such extremities, and it's no secret either. he's confessed to you on multiple occasions that should you will it, he'll burn down the entirety of teyvat. such things are no hard matters when he's lived long enough to attain the title of the god of war. he'll plunge the entire world into an era of darkness and suffering. he'll tear himself apart if he needs to. even when he is blinded by erosion and the corruption of the earth digs into this soul, he follows you until his dying breath.
"the world is nothing," he tells you one cloudless afternoon. he pours tea into your cup, gracefully tilting his wrist as you watch the liquid run down into the ceramic container. "at least, there is nothing to it without you." zhongli sets the steaming drink in front of you, and you are none the wiser to the glimmer of danger from his eyes reflect onto its surface.
scaramouche has never felt so wanted until he was with you. he's never felt like an actual person until he opened your eyes to your kindness and welcomed you into his heart to the point it's only filled with you. despite his mechanical disposition, he can't help but feel like real flesh and blood when you touch him. that is why he doesn't care whose bones he has to break, whose ashes he lets fly into the wind, whose souls he has to lead to eternal damnation if it means getting to be with you forever. let the whole teyvat bow down for your mercy.
"i will give you everything." it's not a promise. it's a vow, an oath where the sakura trees are witness to the start of the end of the world. despite the underlying dark tones, he is nothing but soft in his advances as he presses his forehead to the back of your palm. "all the kingdoms, all the lands, all the power you could ever want. they will all be yours."
See the full post
1037 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 12:04:57 GMT
Out of all of the genshin cult who is the quickest to come to their god’s side when they call for them? ♓️ Anon
[Who’s most likely to be the quickest when reader calls for them?]
warnings: yandere content, yandere cult stuff, mentions of minor injuries
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aether perks up immediately when you call his name. sometimes you wonder if he's developed a sixth sense for it because even before you call him, he's already there asking if you need something. he's like a puppy almost-- a golden retriever, you jest. he likes it so when you call him name, especially when you coo at him about how cute he is. it makes him all the more enthusiastic when you call for him, knowing how much you'd praise him after finishing the order you've placed upon him.
"aether," he hears you call from down the hall. he sprints as fast as he can, almost tripping over his feet and sliding across the floor when you finally come into view. there's a smile on your face, and he already feels giddy at the sight. "can you get something for me?"
xiao entrusts you with everything that he is. calling his name, you become his top priority at any given time in any situation. even when a hundred voices are calling for him simultaneously, he can pick apart your voice from the others. just whisper his name, and he'll come as quickly as he can. his first instinct when you call him while he's on duty is that you're in danger, so do prepare for him to be a bit defensive and protective when you summon him. after he senses that there is no immediate danger, he'll calm down and calmly ask what it is you need him for.
"xiao, dear." it feels odd to hear his name said so softly as if you'd cradled him in warmth yourself. his rigid figure gives, and he turns into the idle xiao that resides with you in your teapot on slow days. "here, have a bite!" his golden eyes migrate from your face to your awaiting hands, a spoon of almond tofu in your hold. he opens his mouth and eats, but no sweetness could ever compare to the gentle call of his name from your lips.
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1140 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 13:36:50 GMT
self-aware genshin au, based on @/streimiv's works. wanted to do my own take with inazuma so have a baal
tw: yandere content, manipulation, obsessive worshipper baal
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"are you testing me, baal?"
the woman in question stiffens. as the raiden shogun, she should have no qualms showing her distaste at the blatant disrespect any mortal should show her. she could crush you without even batting an eyelash. she has every right to place divine punishment upon you in the less-than-omnipotent state you are in now. but you are her god.
to her, you are the most important being above all. you are her reason of living. you are the strike of lightning that blinds her in the rage of the storm. you are the alluring seasons that sweep inazuma. you, her deity, are the eternity she so strives for.
she understands the implications of your words, and it plants a pit of nervousness in her stomach when she sees your gaze harden upon landing on her. the electro archon then realizes that she’s starting to struggle to keep her composure in the face of what could possibly be your wrath and disappointment being aimed towards her.
baal really doesn't want to disappoint you. no, everything she's done has been to please you-- to bring you the greatest satisfaction she can offer all in the hopes that you would welcome her into your loving arms like she has prayed for all these nights. to displease you is the last thing she wants. if foregoing her pride as an archon in favor of earning your praise, she is ready to get on her knees, bow her head, and grovel at your feet.
she only gulps and lowers hear head even if she does feel ashamed of lowering herself to a level befitting more of a mutt, much to the surprise of the entirety of her court. after all, they'd never think their archon would bow her head like a lowly dog to a measly mortal from beyond inazuma borders no less. baal’s bottom lip trembles.
"no, your grace." her breath is even shaky as she answers you, words just shy from being stuttered from her lips. “as you wish, the vision hunt decree will be dissolved and all confiscated visions will be returned immediately.”
"and?" you stride over to her crouched form, towering above baal in front of the many nobles and generals surrounding you two. the electro archon awaits anxiously for any of your movements.
"inzauma shall open its borders once more and make amends for the discrimination against adventurers."
baal feels fear claw at her. she hopes that her words are enough to not warrant any negative reactions. seconds pass and you still do not make a move, only standing in front of her tiny form. she takes a chance to hesitantly lift her head, and she readies for that scowl on your face.
she is promptly relieved when baal spots your lips curved upwards and eyes staring at her with glee. your hand is stretched out, and you promptly place a gentle pat on her head. a shiver wracks baal’s body as euphoria shoots up her spine. she finds herself leaning into that brief contact of your fingers grazing her scalp. it feels so good— so right— as you touch her. baal finds herself craving more of your praise.
“very good, baal.” you retract your hand before turning away from her and walking back to the two ex-archons accompanying you. “i expect you to keep up this good behavior the next time we meet again, baal. is that understood?”
“yes. yes, your grace!” she nods ardently. baal only watches you take your leave, remaining silent as she stares at your hand in particular. she ingrains that feeling of your skin against hers, and she’s too lost in the feeling of content from her name rolling of your tongue.
it takes her some time before she regains her divine composure and steeling herself again to address the mortals whose faces she won’t even care to remember later on.
“and what are you all waiting for?” her tone is cold, nothing like that needy puppy moments ago that was begging for scraps from her master. her court is once again hit with whiplash at baal’s change in behavior. they only start scrambling when thunder starts to crackle by her fingertips.
“get on with it!” she yells, lightning striking the ground. the mortals flee, making their way to appease their god just as baal had tried to appease you. once they all have scuttled away, baal goes back to working on the orders given to her. for your love and for your praise, she vows that any wish or command you have of her, she will see it done.
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1154 notes • Posted 2021-08-05 05:53:48 GMT
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#who's a good boy?
their reactions when you dote on azhdaha and dvalin ft. cult!venti and zhongli
warnings: yandere content, yandere cult stuff
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1474 notes • Posted 2021-09-01 09:53:32 GMT
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#a god from nowhere
synopsis: perhaps who could be the last remaining of the mortals that worshipped you has now become your lover. your affections are now and forever his. you, his god from a place long forgotten, have decided to place your heart in his hands. what do the archons think?
warnings: genshin spoilers, yandere content, yandere cult stuff, mentions of violence, slight gore, mean! reader (yeah ok i wanted to make this hurt so no one's gonna be nice <33)
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2036 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 12:52:09 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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peyton-warren · 2 years
Chaos and Clothes Part 3- There is No Crying in Hunting!
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jo Harvell, Ellen Harvell, Impala
Pairings: Dean Winchester/ Jo Harvelle
Fandom: Supernatural
Word count: 1274
Type: Angst, fluff, smut
Warning: 18+ only!  Language, horrible flirting, SPN flavored violence and eventual sexual situation.  
Summary: Dean manages to be supportive.   Part 1 Part 2
Ask Box: Open
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As the bathroom door clicked shut, Dean gave Jo a stern look while pointing her toward the couch.  She reluctantly sighed and grabbed their beers, following his nonverbal command.  She deposited the bottles on the coffee table before flopping down in an unladylike fashion, glancing around the room, uncertain what to do with herself or say.
Leaning back against the arm and back of the sofa, Dean sipped at his beer as he put his bare feet on the edge of the coffee table.  Placing his hand on her shoulder, he gently pulled her backwards.  At first Jo resisted, still conscious of the fact that there was no water running yet in the bathroom but the need for support was almost overwhelming, making her feel weaker yet.  With a resigned sigh, Jo settled with her back against his shoulder, his heart beating comfortingly under her shoulder blade, his hand gently squeezing her shoulder where it landed.  
“Whatcha thinking?” he asked before swallowing more beer. “Despite my little brother’s doubts, I can listen, you know.”
Closing her eyes, Jo scrubbed her hand over her face.  ��I don't know what to think, Dean,” she confessed as his thumb brushed soothingly against her shoulder.  “What to feel, how to process any of this.”  The case.  Him.  How slowly her mom was going to kill her when she got home.  “I mean this should have been a simple job.”
Turning to briefly kiss the side of her damp head, she felt him linger and laugh as she forced herself to not pay any attention to his warm breath against her hypersensitive skin.  “Any hunter who tells you there is such a thing as a simple job is lying through their teeth, sweetheart.”  Jo snorted, not at all surprised.   
“And for all intents and purposes, today did go relatively well,” he continued. “You know despite you feeling the need to get taken,” he teased with a shrug against her back.  “You did do good though, Jo.  I may have given you a hard time but when it came down to it, I couldn't have asked for a better person to be hunting with.  You kept your shit together when it mattered.”
Jo allowed herself to grin at his complements.  Dean didn’t strike her as the type who was saying this just for her benefit, even if he was angling to get in her pants at sometime tonight.  
With a gentle squeeze on her shoulder, he sat back. “I never knew him, but I think your dad woulda been proud of you today, Jo,” he said softly.
Her eyes and throat suddenly burned hot with all the tears she had been fighting against since she woke up in the cell.  Bringing one hand up to her mouth, rubbing the back of her fingers against her lips, Jo blinked hard as she looked out the window above the couch, swallowing in an attempt to keep these emotions in the box they belonged.   
She missed her dad, more than she let on earlier when she and Dean talked.  Her dad had walked on water in her 13 year old brain.   Her mom told her the pain would pass with time.  All time really did was mask it until the scab was torn from the memories, sending her spiraling back into that hurt.  
All Joanna Beth Harvelle ever wanted was her Daddy’s approval. He gave it to her when she was a girl, everything she did.  Softball, school, girl scouts, 4-H.  He went to every event when he was home.  But she never got to show him she could do this too.  She could be like him.  She could hunt with him.  
She was not only envious of Dean having his dad as long as he had, but also they hunted together.  John showed Dean things.  Jo had her books, her knife collection, and conversations with any hunter who wandered through the Roadhouse door.  But that wasn't the same as being shown how to do this job.  
Jo slowly came to the realization she was enveloped in Dean’s embrace, face flush to his chest, him whispering soothing noises in the hair on the top of her head.
“Son of a bitch, Jo,” he started, softly, sounding at a loss. “I didn't mean...”
His words went in one ear and out the other as she continued to mourn for her father, the time she could have had with him, and an overwhelming sense of loss that she didn't even know she had left after almost 20 years.  
Biting her tongue hard, mentally pushing the emotions down into her heart to lock back up, Jo willed herself to calm down.  It took a few minutes of slow breathes and self-talk but she eventually pulled away, avoiding Dean’s concerned look.  
“So much for not looking like a fool on my first hunt,” she sniffled, wiping impatiently at wet and red checks.  
Dean was silent as she stared out the dark window.  He was silent as she pulled the edge of her shirt up and wiped at her face.  He was still silent as she finally turned to face him. He looked dumbfounded, and confused. And it looked like he might have also been crying.   
“I’m sorry,” she started softly, her eyes seeming to water again.  Or maybe just yet.  
Dean just closed his eyes for a second, shaking his head slightly. “C’mere,” he all but whispered to her, waving his hand. When she turned and looked at him, he waved his hand again.  “C’mere.”  His hand rubbed wearily across his eyes, his ring catching the glow from the recessed lights above.   Jo continued to just watch him, wondering what was going through his pretty little head.  “Don't make me say it again,” he mumbled as he uncovered his face, his eyes seeming to briefly lose focus on her before he grabbed her arm steadily pulling her against him.  
She sighed softly and allowed herself to relax into him as his arms moved around her.  With a deep breath, she curled her legs behind her on the couch and bowed her head to lay on Dean’s chest.  As she tried to collect her thoughts enough to say something that was decidedly not stupid, the door to the bathroom opened.  Jo tried to spring out of Dean’s arms, but he simply held her tight.  Sam stopped in the doorway in his lounge pants and garbage bag, looking them over, one eyebrow arched high enough on his forehead it disappeared under his wet hair.
“So....” he started.  “Not gonna kill each other?”
“All made up,” Dean assured him, the bravado back in his voice, cocky-as-hell smile firmly back in place.   “Even managed a make up quickie while you were gone.”
Without a second thought, Jo threw her elbow into Dean’s ribs making Sam laugh.  “Right,” he smirked as he grabbed a knife out of Dean’s bag, cutting the tape to free himself.
Jo untangled herself from the moan-giggling Dean with a dramatic huff.  “Cause that's all the longer he lasts.”
“Oh is that what you think?” Dean attempted to sound hurt as he stood from the couch and stalked slowly across the small space, eyes on Jo. “Might have a mind to show you different.”
Sam groaned playfully, watching Jo back up to the table.  “You need another 2 minutes? I can go back in the bathroom...” He pointed his thumb back over his shoulder.  
I don't know the timeline of when Jo's dad died. So if someone can point me in the direction of how old she was and how long its been since, I'd appreciate it.
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