#damn you gadreel
dessertbird · 8 months
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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Heaven can’t wait - Cas POV. 😳🥺💔
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flugame-mp3 · 2 months
#theo.txt#I DID NOT REALIZE DEMON DEAN WAS NOW#DESPITE KNOWING THAT YEAH HE LOOKS ABOUT THAT AGE OR WHATEVER IN THE SCREENCAPS IVE SEEN#WHEN I TELL YOU I CHEERED AT THE END WHEN I REALIZED WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! i love crowley pulling some bullshit at the last minute. classi#king of hell shit#and in the end scene where it's just mark sheppard's stellar monologue and the EYELID NOISE... chefs kiss that got me so hyped for s10#i do think this finale got me really interested to see what s10 brings generally#AND DOESNT ROWENA SHOW UP THIS SEASON?? WE LOVE TO SEE IT IM EXCITED#rip gadreel though he was an interesting character. sad he had to die just to prove a point and blow up a cell. but a fitting end ig?? :(#i also loved cas's plan at the end though with the angel radio thing. get his ass lol#but also god i felt so bad for him. can the narrative give him a fucking break. he is trying his god damn best#the curse of free will and the curse of loving. painful but you do it anyway. castiel when i get my hands on you#also if i am not mistaken... the shot parallels to sams first death with deans death... we cry#IS SAM JUST GONNA BE ALL ALONE NOW?? I ASSUME CROWLEY TAKES DEAN WITH HIM?#OH NO 😭😭😭 SAM BABY IM SO SORRY#not that he doesnt always have a rough time but he has a particularly excruciating season. someone give this man a hug#i feel for him very deeply#'i lied' 'ain't that a bitch?' got me. i hate them. SOOOO brothers.#anyway#AAAAAAAAUGH#also why was metatron the worlds number one destiel shipper at the end of the season here im DEAD. MULTIPLE pieces of dialogue hes like 'yo#did it all for HUMANITY... for your ONE HUMAN of CHOICE... the HUMAN who motivates you...' JUST CALL HIM A SLUR WHY DONT YOU#im dead#idk what the general community thoughts are on that episode but i did enjoy it. wild fucking ride from start to finish#s9 wasnt my favorite and definitely did not hook me in the second quarter for some reason. def was not as compelling as like s7 for me but#the points that i liked i really enjoyed#loved sam resorting to summoning crowley. he wants his ass dead SO bad. i think sam deserves the world after the shit he was put through#this season#anyway overall. i am gnawing on the walls and pacing around my room at incredible speeds. what is UP with this show.#man.
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heavenssexiestangel · 10 months
"you're so fucking annoying please just shut up about those stupid characters and those even worst actors"
No, I don't think I will :)
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thinking about Sam post-Gadreel going to get his anti-possession tattoo re-done. And as the artist is working on him, he starts thinking.
Goes into research mode when he gets back to the bunker, looks up every sort of anti-possession ward he can think of, dives deeper into the library and starts making his own spells. He consults with Don for some advice, digs out Patrick's number and has a sigh of relief when the witch picks up and runs his thoughts by him, too. Searches and searches until he finds a tattooist who is hunting-adjacent and understands why he wants the ink mixed with a bit of holy water.
He gets his second tattoo on his back, centered, and it takes several hours spread out over months. Castiel helps him with the aftercare, spreads balm over the healing tattoo, washes it with holy oil, makes sure it stays clean and healthy the entire time. When it's done, his back is covered in runes and Latin and Enochian sigils. Esoteric symbols from every culture he could think of. All of them geared towards protecting his mind and body and soul from demons and angels and ghosts and witches. No possession. No body-swaps. No mind-control. Everything he and the witches and Castiel and the bunker library could think of.
When his back is done, he gets bits and pieces of the tattoo done on other areas. Anti-possession tattoo behind his knee, on the sole of his foot, on his hip and shoulder and around his navel. Enochian script flowing along his biceps. Tiny runes of protection behind his ears. And it's not enough. He still doesn't feel safe.
He gives himself an undercut, shaves away the hair at the base of his skull, and has a spell tattooed onto his scalp to protect him from mind-control and starts to feel better.
Finally, he asks "Have you ever tattooed something... intimate?"
The tattooist has been in the business, and known enough hunters, not to be phased. "It'll hurt," he warns.
"I can handle pain," Sam says, and he doesn't think about the Cage as he pulls his jeans and briefs down.
The request might not have phased the artist but Sam's size has him raising an appreciative brow - still professional, nothing that makes Sam feel uncomfortable, and he's all business as he wipes Sam down with sterilizing cleanser.
"Just fit as much as you can," Sam says.
The tattooist laughs at that. "Man, I could fit a novel on this," he says and Sam blushes as he chuckles.
Sam concentrates on staring at the ceiling and keeping his breathing steady, counts his breaths while the man works. The buzz of the machine is oddly soothing, and the clinical way the man touches him is reassuring.
And for the first time since he kicked that damned angel out of his body, he can close his eyes without seeing Kevin's burned out eyes staring blindly, accusingly, into his.
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collarbjt · 1 month
SPN 923
Cas…you always gracious to everything, even to your enemies. Lovely angel
Haha Sammy, you are jealous about Crowley, someone other than you bromancing your Dean! Don’t worry, he’s not a real bro, YOU are the real bro.
Now they are sharing their recent problems. Haha you guys are sooo friend now!
Oh Gadreel….Even you did so many wrong things, it’s sad to can’t see you again. …
Oh, angel tablet under the typewriter.
Hell no Dean!!!!!!!!!!
Metatron : To save Dean Winchester. Well that was your goal, right? I mean your draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but ultimately, it was all about saving one human, right?
Dingdingding, sir you’re damn right. 🥰 You’re soo Destiel shipper sir Metatron 🤣
Don’t go Dean… bc there’s 6 more seasons left so you’ll be safe I knew it but I’m now crying Dean plz don’t go….
The ending song is so sweet, love it.
Sam……!!!!! Winchester bros are re-united at last !!!!
Well… Crowley, you also seems quiet sad, interesting
???what…….is he saying…? Whatwhatwhhhasywhskkdngnkfkrncnxjskehhcjgorkdnneudjn Dean’s demon???!!?!!?!!? Wtf real??????????? I’m going crazy
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daughterofcain-67 · 9 months
𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 (𝔭𝔱.2)
(Dean Winchester x Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Sam and Dean are on the road looking into a lead that Castiel had given them. Sam is hoping that this will get them a step closer to getting Dean some help. Meanwhile, Dean is reluctant because the lead doesn't sound promising in aiding Cass in the hunt for Metatron. He thinks this will be a waste of time, but little does he know what he and his brother will find waiting for them in Cincinnati. Meanwhile, you are on a mission to find out why exactly Crowley has sent a demon to come and find you.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SPN spoilers, the usual supernatural violence, torture and gore that may not be suitable for all audiences.
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Sam was riding in the Impala beside Dean while he was driving. Castiel asked them to go to Cincinnati, Ohio to look into a lead. There was a report that a demon went to some sort of tattoo parlor and hadn't been seen again.
No one was sure if it was related to Metatron, or if an angel under him had something to do with it. Dean was a little skeptical at first but in the end he agreed to go with Sam, hoping this wouldn't be some sort of wild goose chase. It's like they've left every stone unturned when it came to locating the former Scribe of God but they would come in empty handed every time and it was really getting under Dean's skin.
"This had better be worth it, other wise we're just wasting time when we could be looking into an actual lead, not to mention it's a waste of Baby's gas." Dean said with a bit of a grumble. Sam rolled his eyes at the last part of the remark.
"With the amount of credit card frauds we've undergone, I think the car's gas is the least of our worries." Sam said with an arched brow and Dean shrugged a bit, gaze still transfixed on the road.
The constant burning in Dean's arm was relentless with the mark. He knew that he had the urge to kill. Something needed to be done, he needed to kill something on this hunt to get some sort of relief, even if it was temporary.
Sam had told Dean not to bring the first blade along. At first, Dean complied but the second that Sam wasn't looking, he tucked it into his jacket for safe keeping. After all, what if Metatron just showed up spontaneously? What if they ran into more than just a handful of demons on this 'new lead' Cass sent them on? Bringing the first blade was a necessary precaution even if Sam didn't see it that way.
"Dean? You alright, man?" Sam asked. Dean perked up when he was broken from his thoughts. But the older brother nodded a little.
"Yeah. Just hoping that this lead won't be a waste. If we don't take care of this mess soon, who knows what that bastard will do. Metatron has to die and we can't afford any more screw ups. Not when we've lost enough people over it." Dean said.
"Then there's the fact that Cass is obviously having trouble finding what he needs. I should be over there helping him out. He needs some answers and those stupid angels don't know how to get it out of the other angels they capture. they don't know a damned thing about interrogation and who knows when things will get worse on his end." He continued on.
Sam frowned, understanding where Dean was coming from. He couldn't blame Dean for feeling bad about Kevin. Nobody wanted something like that to happen. He was just a kid. And Kevin didn't deserve Gadreel killing him like that.
"Dean, if they need help with some interrogation tactics then I'm sure that Cass will give us a call. Especially considering your... experience. And I'm just as angry as you are about what happened to Kevin. I get what you're going through. But unless we have any other leads to follow, this is the best one that we've got for the time being." Sam said.
Dean took in Sam's words and his jaw tensed, his grip tightened on the steering wheel as his brows furrowed together. The mere mention of what happened to that kid was enough to make his blood boil.
"How could you possibly understand what I'm going through, huh? There's been enough shit in our lives, this mark is the only thing that has brought any hope in this whole damned disaster, and you do nothing but nag about the so called effects you think it gives me. It's always one argument after another over the one thing that can bring all of this shit to an end." Dean practically snapped.
Sam was a little shocked that he'd burst like that, yet he wasn't really surprised at what had been eating at his brother. He knew Dean wasn't one to open up about how he felt, but he didn't to a good job at hiding the fact that he was bothered either.
"Okay, wrong choice of words. But putting an end to this mess is a part of why we're out here right? As long as it's a step forward, then it's at least a step closer to the goal. It's a Hell of a lot better than taking five steps back, right?" Sam said with that typically optimistic tone that he seemed to have most of the time. The tone that Dean didn't always understand when things seemed to be at its darkest.
The real reason for coming to Ohio right now was because Cass had a hunch that it wasn't one of Metatron's angels that may have killed that demon. Maybe this person would be able to assist in killing Metatron. But what Sam was hoping for the most was that this would be the break they needed. That this lead would be the foretold, missing daughter of Cain. Dean needed a win, and Sam was hoping that this would be some kind of win for the both of them. Someone to help ease the suffering, help Dean gain some kind of control.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, Sammy. But if this thing turns out to be a disaster then you won't be hearing the end of it."
"Yeah, I've already gathered that." Sam said with a slight smirk.
Dean rolled his eyes a little before he leaned forward and pushed a button on the Impala's radio to play one of his cassette tapes. The next thing they knew, they were listening to Would by Alice in Chains.
"Well this is kind of different from your classic rock you normally play isn't it?" Sam asked and Dean shrugged.
"Nothing wrong with a little variety once in a while."
But once there was silence in the car again, outside of the music that was being played, Dean focused on the road. It would be another day before they'd get to Ohio. Then they could get this little 'lead' over and done with. Then he'd be able to kill some sort of monster or he could check on Castiel and see if he needed help with gathering information from Metatron's angels.
Either way, the mark was thirsting for blood, and Dean was trying his best to hold it together to keep Sam off his back.
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You were growing antsy. The burning mark on your arm was more intense than it had ever been before. And somehow, you were sensing that there was another barer of the mark. They hadn't killed in a while and you could almost feel the thirst that person was going through as well.
But you were having enough of it. You had to know who this person was and you were willing to do anything to get to the bottom of it. Because surely this person, this mortal, had no idea what they were getting themselves into.
Needless to say, your little shop was closed for the day and your appointments were cancelled of course. And now, you were in your own cellar beneath your store.
There you had a summoning circle, an iron chair, and there was a demon trapped inside since the devil's trap was engraved into the iron shackles attached to the arms of the chair.
"What do you want with me? We know you killed one of the other demons just for stepping here. If you don't want to be found then why did you summon me?" The demon asked.
"Oh, Sweetie, who said that you were the one in charge of asking questions?" You asked with a chuckle as you moved your rolling table. On top of that table was your, what you liked to call, interrogation utensils.
You stooped down to the demon you had in a bind and you held your blade up to its chin. Now, this was no ordinary blade. Granted it wasn't as legendary as the First Blade, nor was it the demon blade that Ruby used to carry, but it was something similar that killed demons, angels, and monsters alike.
"Now, don't make this easy on me. It's been a while since I've enjoyed a good, slow kill." You smirked and the demon's eyes widened. The rumors were right. You were just as menacing as your father before you.
"But what if I don't know anything?" The demon asked as it regained its composure and attempted to be as unphased by you. You cocked your head to the side and shrugged a little before placing the side of the demon's cheek and watched the steam appear from the vessel's flesh since the blade was previously dipped in Holy Water. The demon hissed and gritted his teeth as if he tried not to scream.
"Well then, I get to have my own kind of fun. It's not like I can let you go now that you know where I am." You said.
"Now. Why is your pathetic king searching for me, hmm?" You asked and the demon's eyes shown black as he glared at you.
"If I'm going to die anyway, I'll never tell you." But then you slashed his cheek, causing him to wince as the wound started to bubble up due to the Holy Water.
"Oh, but I think you will. Now I'll ask you a second time: Why is Crowley looking for me."
"I will not betray the King of Hell."
Your brows narrowed. You had told him not to make it easy, but you needed to know why you were being sought after. You had to know what Crowley already knew incase you needed to go into hiding again.
So, you took your knife and cut off one of the demon's fingers before you dipped the wound in salt. Hearing the cries of the demon was a little annoying but you had to admit, there was finally a soothing feeling in your arm from the mark you were born with. It was finally some sort of release.
"Y-Your mark! He wants to know more about your mark to help a Winchester." The demon said.
You perked up when he finally gave some kind of information. You supposed losing a finger would have that effect on almost anyone.
"So your King that's too good to get his hands dirty is helping a human? Who is this Winchester?" You asked as the demon's head hung low.
You rolled your eyes with annoyance and you lifted the blade to his chin to make him have eye contact with you.
"If you have that much of a problem looking at me, I'll gouge those eyes right out of your skull. Now talk." You said as your eyes started to glow red.
"His name is Dean. Crowley was having trouble with the Knight of Hell, Abaddon. He went to Dean for help and they found your father. Your father gave Cain the Mark and Crowley wants to know more about it to hold the information over the Winchester's head to get what he wants, I assume." The demon spilled.
You lifted a brow as your eyes changed back to their normal color and you stood upright.
So, Crowley wanted some leverage, huh? You supposed that he couldn't exactly find the information he needed from some kind of book outside of the fabled Book of the Damned. No one seemed to know where that book was and that would have at least some kind of information Crowley could be after.
"That's all I know. let me go. I won't tell anyone where you are. Just spare me." The demon pleaded and you looked down at him again.
"Oh, Sweet Cheeks. I can't go around trusting demons not to give away my location. I'm sorry but you're just going to have to suffer." You said.
And with that, you placed your hand on the demon's head and your eyes glowed red once more. Suddenly, the demon started to let out a bloodcurdling scream and his eye sockets were glowing red. Blood started dripping from his eyes and the drops started rolling down his face like tears. Red droplets came out of his pores like sweat before turning into a black ooze.
Yet you looked at the demonic scum without a hint of expression in your eyes. But finally, finally there was a relief from the constant pain in your arm.
Once the demon was finally dead, you looked at the body. That has been the second demon you killed. But at least you got the information you wanted.
"Dean Winchester.." You muttered the name before looking down at the mark on your arm.
It hadn't even been two minutes but the pain was back like you needed to kill yet again. You placed your knife on the table and let your thumb graze over your mark.
"Dean, you don't realize what you've done."
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Thank you guys so much for reading! I know I got this out a little later than I would have liked to've published but I had a friend from Germany come and visit me. I am hoping to get Part 3 released soon! Thank you for your continued support! If you would like to be tagged let me know! Wishing all of you the best!!
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@johannelis2302nely @justtrying2getby-blog @deans-spinster-witch @roseblue373 @alternativeprincess @doctorlexilouwhosblog
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adreamoverlife · 6 months
so it's no secret I didn't like the apocalypse world plotline so here's my counter. haven't figured out a way to work this into a fic yet so tossin the idea to yall but if the writers really wanted to make Gabriel suffer THAT badly I have a solution. What if after Gabriel got out of hell instead of immediately going after revenge he sought comfort in his brothers. Maybe he doesn't push Lucifer away, maybe he goes down to the cage and checks on Michael because he knows whats it's like to be locked in hell. Then maybe, under the cover of night, Lucifer vanishes and the world blooms in unimaginable beauty.
Vines grow thick into the bunkers foundations, Sam and Dean get reports from hunters that they're experiencing fae encounters or some kind of witch. Somethings made the world go beautiful. There is no more thunderous thrashing from the cage, the lowest level of hell now silent and still.
And Gabriel? Gabriel's in the war room with his feet up with a lollipop sticking out of his mouth. He places it in a velvet lined box and stands with a smile.
"Pleasure to finally meet you boys."
Gabriel is not Gabriel. has not been in a while. When Loki was told there might be an attempt rescue plot from Asmodeus he took a little trip down to hell and pulled a switcharoo. Gabriel ruined his family when he was finally making amends with his father? Loki can do that too. Loki can do that better actually. This is after Chuck has left after all and Lucifer is oh so grieving and angry at the abandonment. Michael most likely heard of the way Lucifer degraded him when he was speaking was Sam when he went to the Devil for help, how Lucifer damned him, damned Adam.
I've always found it interesting how we know angels can ALWAYS see each others true forms in any vessel. (sans when Cas was human and didn't notice Gadreel but I'm gonna caulk that up to no grace, no astral sight) So whatever flesh Gabs inhabiting it has to have some special rune or magic attached to it that makes the angel invisible which is something I can't remember us seeing before. So if say, Gabriels vessel showed up even if Lucifer can sense 0 grace and no true form he probably would still believe it's Gabriel. And if Lucifer and Michael talked in the cage like they were implied to Michael might not question "Gabriel" showing up like that as well.
Would be a shame if there was a snake in the garden. Would be a shame to wind up the two most powerful archangels and trap them in their own personal hells. Would be a shame if someone pulled a wandavision on Gabriel when it's normally his trick.
And where is Gabriel in all this? Well you know him, probably still searching the waves. 300 channels and nothing on.
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franklespine · 6 months
Oh my god. Genuinely, s14e19 jack in the box was the single most excruciating episode I have ever watched. I am devastated.
How people act when they are without a soul is something I found incredibly interesting in s6 with Sam, and its interesting how the way that Jack is portrayed in this episode fits into it. Just like Sam - he's got no instinct. No guiding moral compass. No gut feelings. Except now it's a billion times worse because Jack is the most powerful being in the universe and everyone seems to want their part in manipulating him. Because the interesting thing about soulessness is it doesn't just make you incapable of feeling empathy, but also makes you incredibly susceptible to manipulation.
I just knew Dean was a ticking time bomb the entire episode. Ugh and the way he painted it - like Jack was just playing them the whole time, that they fell for his act or whatever.
And the Ma'lak box???? What if that was my final straw? What if watching Sam have to manipulate the kid that he sees as his son, that he sees as a reflection of himself, was the end of me? What then?
This entire episode, Sam isn't even angry, he's just full of guilt and sorrow and disorientation. He can't even really articulate how exactly he thinks it's his fault, just that he is somehow at fault. s14 really punishes Sam for being sympathetic huh - at every turn and every mercy.
Whereas Dean is just guilty in an angry way that is like I feel horrible and guilty but in a way that means I really do actually blame you.
Then Dean making SAM be the one to make the call to Jack. Taking advantage of Sam's close relationship with Jack, the one that he valued and took the patience to establish with new born Jack whilst Dean was drinking and condemning him before he'd even stepped a foot in the world. And he doesn't even pose it as a question. He's not telling Sam his plan - he's giving orders. "Because you are going to be so damn sincere". It's going to be you Sam because "you've always been in his corner. You're his go-to guy. If you reach out, he'll come." Yes Sam this is hard for me too, Dean says. Now you take advantage of your close trusting bond whilst I stand here and look imposing.
And then using the only thing that would make Sam actively participate in this crazy shit - his love and dependance on Dean. "If I do it, after what happened to Mom, I could lose it. I will lose it."
They both knows what happens to Dean when he looses it. They've been through the MOC, they've been through demon Dean. Like you can just see it on his face - the menacing way this scene is framed - with such clear power dynamics - this is a threat.
I can't. I can't do it.
Something that keeps happening in the later seasons is situations where Dean is aware of their codependence. He knows Sam puts a ridiculous amount of love and faith in him and he knows that he is the only thing that gets Sam to loosen his morals. And he uses it against him?? It happened with Gadreel and now it happened against with Jack and the box.
Time out. I need a breather.
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vaicomcas · 7 months
That tow-truck driver lady in s10e2 was the luckiest character on SPN.
Why? because she had one nice thing to say about Castiel ( great guy you have there) and did not get brutally killed.
Compared to anybody else who had any kindness or positivity to Castiel. It doesn't matter how big or small their role is.
Yeah, we know: in the show nobody is allowed to tell Cas they love him. But also: nobody is allowed to genuinely admire Cas or show kindness to him. Those who did admire him have to be killed, made villain (and then killed), or shown as "vapid hysterical fans" (such as Godstiel's female admirers who witnessed his miracles; or the angel army characterized as a "cult"). Sometimes they have to be killed by Cas himself, just to twist the knife some more.
Anna, Balthazar, Samendriel, Gadreel, Muriel, Hannah, even Bartholomew and Malachi (they were his enemies but they praised him); Meg, Crowley, Rowena; Kara the Biggerson's waitress who was nice to Castiel in that one scene in "The Great Escapist"; Charlie who thought Castiel was "dreamy"; Cecily, Crowley's NSA spy who thought Castiel was "hot"; Kelly who had faith in Cas.
One other exception of this rule is Gas-n-sip manager Nora who gave Cas a compliment (you are special) but didn't get killed; however she made up for the "sin" by taking advantage of Cas for free babysitting, so she got a pass.
To be fair, most characters on the show got brutally killed. So I'm going to stress only those I think were killed because they were sympathetic to Cas. (therefore I don't count Meg and Crowley because the characters were meant to be killed off for reasons unrelated to their relationship with Cas; or Charlie who was more killed to...actually I'm not sure why, to give Dean some man pain to showcase I guess)
Anna was killed to make the point that Cas would readily go against someone who was important to him to protect the Winchesters.
Balthazar was killed to make the point that Cas was so corrupted and evil that he would kill someone who was his friend.
Samendriel was killed to make the point that Cas was so under control he would kill without intention (but does it have to be the only angel who defended his character?).
Hannah was killed to make the point of the degree to which all angels, even one who loved him, were his enemy because he "chose the Winchesters".
Another observation from this list: those who have been (however briefly) friendly to Cas were mostly in the earlier and mid seasons. After season 12, he was so isolated, he simply had no more real relationship with anybody else, therefore certainly nobody left to admire him and then get killed for it. Writing and killing off a Cas-positive character was too much trouble.
So then, after I tediously re-established what is already known that Cas was not allowed any friends or allies of his own, let me ask: did the main characters, who were presented as his "found family", ever gave him an earnest compliment?
No, I don't count "and you do help, you are always on our side" as an earnest compliment to Cas. It was just telling him his worth was not his own. (Both Dean and Sam had given this "compliment").
No I also don't count "my devastatingly handsome friend", it's just Dean needing to be center of attention when the waitress was into Cas, not him.
Is "surprisingly tough for a nerdy little guy" close to a compliment? No, I don't count either--this was just excuse Dean gave Sam and himself for abandoning Cas injured and comatose in the past (as a result of helping them).
Or is "don't ever change" considered a compliment? No, not taking it either; this is Dean saying, your other version (even though willing to die for me) sucked, but I'm glad this version of you is still useful to me.
Damn, after two years as bitter Cas fan I am still surprised by Dean's awfulness.
I can't think of Sam or Jack giving Cas an honest compliment either. Jack never acted like he admired Cas, only the Winchesters. Sam hugging Cas after Cas healed him in Season 9 was the closest, I guess, but once again, it's about what Cas did for him, not Castiel's own qualities.
It's possible that it happened and I just don't remember it. But if it did, it certainly never rose to the level of what Cas deserved.
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deanwinchesterpregnant · 10 months
I think the thing w Sam & Dean’s actions in the show is “correct” or “redeemable” or whatever doesn’t necessarily apply; it’s about whether or not they’re understandable in context and they always are whether or not it’s something they SHOULD do or if it was the RIGHT thing to do or not. And, you know, their actions are always designed to fight against the other’s main “thing.” Sam uses demon blood to save Dean because he’s driven by grief but Dean is angry because he’s just spent 40 years being tortured by demons. Dean lets Gadreel possess Sam, who struggles with bodily autonomy. Sam lets the Book of the Damned unleash a biblical evil to save Dean, who has a savior complex. Etc etc. So idk, you can feel a type of way or not but I personally find “irredeemable” to be kind of a reductionist word to apply to, y’know, the things that drive the themes of the show. It’s ALWAYS grey, there’s never a black and white answer. And that keeps it interesting!
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icecream-and-gadreel · 11 months
Think about tocuhed starved Gadreel begging for affection after a really rough hunt ughhhh
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A/N: Lemme go ahead and write a drabble before I start teaching cause asghdgjhgkjjfhdgsf
Gadreel crawls above you, a look on his face of pure exhaustion. You brush a hand over his arm, eyebrows shooting up as he immediately leans into the contact. "Gad..." you let your voice trail away as his head falls down to your chest.
"Touch me," he says, hands gently creeping up your sides. "Hold me." He nuzzles into you, gently guiding your arms to wrap around his back. "Hold me tight, please," he says, voice coming out in a shuddered breath. You wrap him tight in your arms, and he damn near moans, tangling his legs with yours and pressing impossibly close. "Don't let go."
"I won't baby," you say, pressing a kiss against his forehead. He's never been the shy type, but this is new. He squeezes you tighter, a moan rumbling in his throat as you give him the same treatment.
"My light," he begins, pressing kisses along your shoulder blades. "The dawn of my day," he adds, kissing along the length of your neck. "I've missed you so, so much." You take him into a kiss, and he shudders, hands reaching to cup your face. "Every touch from you is intoxicating."
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Seventh Year Bonus Scene 4
I just realized I can share this bit! This is from Chapter 9, right after Michael tells his siblings that yeah, he'll go back with them. The reason I didn't share it earlier is because I was leaning hard into Michael's narration and didn't want to show you guys what he was missing and also what he was giving off to his siblings.
Now that Chapter 10 has dropped, we can start to pull that curtain aside.
So! Here's the 4th bonus scene for Chapter 9! Appreciate your thoughts! :)
Bonus Scene 1
Bonus Scene 2
Bonus Scene 3
“Not now. You can go if you’d like, but I’ll follow later.” Michael didn’t even leave them time to respond before he flew off to Hogwarts.
Gabriel stared after him, confused and vaguely upset about the abrupt brush off. Where had that come from?
“What a dick,” he muttered, then stepped hastily to the side when an unimpressed unicorn head-butted his shoulder.
He’d thought Michael had been different, had picked up on that sense of weariness and grief at first. And, sure, they’d had that heart-to-heart on an asteroid in the middle of outer space, but for the most part Michael was…essentially as Gabriel remembered him.
Stoic, slightly cold despite the heat of his Grace, and a yes-man.
“Gabriel,” Raphael said reprovingly.
“What?” Gabriel huffed, taking the bag of magical sweets in hand. He’d been surprised when Michael had paid for the sweets rather than just whisking it all away, but he supposed that even Michael had to pick up some human customs after six years here. “You know it’s true, Raphael.”
“I’m sure he’s processing,” Raphael said. “He took it remarkably well.”
Yeah, Gabriel had to give Michael that. He’d been worried about telling Michael about having Created brand new souls. Michael had been dead silent with a blank expression, but then all he’d asked was…
All he’d asked was what their Father had to say.
Honestly, Gabriel had once been worried about that, too, but there were some who hadn’t even considered that (Gadreel being a prime example). And for Michael to hinge everything on that…
He really hadn’t changed at all, had he?
“If he’s processing,” Gabriel said eventually, “I don’t want to know what’ll happen when he’s done processing. We hit him with a lot of info.”
“It might not be what you’re thinking,” Raphael said. “There was a great deal Michael never let you see, Gabriel.”
“He showed it to you?”
“No.” Raphael shook her head lightly. “But last night… How much did you hear?”
“Absolutely nothing,” Gabriel admitted, since he’d wanted to give Raphael privacy. He’d had only a small eye on the conversation to make sure things didn’t go south.
“I caught something just now,” Samael said, rubbing briefly under nir eyes before looking back at Gabriel. “He…regrets.”
Gabriel sure hoped Michael had regrets. Everything that had happened and everything he did…regrets were the least of what Michael should have.
He abruptly remembered the flash of guilt and hurt from Michael yesterday after Gabriel’s comment about him sitting on his hands. It had been sharp enough that Gabriel had felt guilty about the jab, but not guilty enough to apologize because it was true.
Michael had sat on his hands long enough through the years, shouldering off his duties to Gabriel and doing basically nothing aside from plotting the damn apocalypse and ordering the wiping of their siblings.
But for someone who felt regret, Michael sure didn’t look like he did.
No, he still carried that air of cold superiority. Gabriel had honestly thought Michael would kill Pansy Parkinson for what she’d said if she didn’t apologize properly. The only reason he hadn’t stepped in had been because Michael’s two friends hadn’t seemed quite so alarmed (Malfoy had looked more hurt at Parkinson’s words than focused on Michael).
Michael hadn’t protested either. The only sign of actual emotion he’d given had been when Malfoy had seemed ready to do something entirely un-wizardlike.
It was still disbelieving that Michael had friends – let alone human friends.
“I could have told you that,” Raphael said to Samael, unimpressed. 
“He didn’t seem very regretful just now,” Gabriel noted, glancing to where Michael had been standing.
“No, he…” Raphael hesitated. “He was different last night. He…apologized.”
Gabriel blinked. He’d never known Michael to apologize. “He did?”
“He has regrets,” Raphael said shortly. “The same regrets I do.”
Gabriel breathed in, held it for a few seconds, and then let it out.
“I’m so tired, Gabriel.”
Michael had spent practically all this time in their Father’s Grace, in that place where angels went after dying if they were saved, and he still felt tired.
Gabriel wasn’t even entirely sure what Michael had gotten up to here aside from apparently killing Voldemort so Harry Potter didn’t have to. And hadn’t that been a surprise to hear.
“Well, looks like he’s coming back with us,” Gabriel said when no one else spoke. He had the niggling sensation that it all seemed too easy.
“Yeah,” Samael said slowly, “guess he is.” Ne seemed doubtful.
Gabriel glanced at nem. “What?”
“I’m just…a bit surprised.” Samael shrugged. “You’ve seen him around his friends, haven’t you?”
“A bit.” Michael had amassed what looked like quite a crowd here. And Gabriel wasn’t entirely sure what was up with the Malfoy boy…
“I’m just saying,” Samael said, frowning slightly, “I haven’t seen him like that in a long time. He wouldn’t listen to me at all. He wasn’t fighting me because he wanted to. It felt more like he was doing it because he had to.”
“That’s a difference from before?” Gabriel asked.
Samael sighed. “He never wanted to fight me, Gabriel. Not back then and not during the apocalypse. This didn’t feel any different, but he also felt really determined. That was new.” Ne made a face. “And then there were his friends. They were also weirdly determined to step in, but Michael was just as set on keeping them out. He kicked me into a lake,” ne complained.
“How are you even surprised?” Raphael sounded exasperated.
“I really shouldn’t have been, but now I’m more surprised by his friends. And that he seems just fine with leaving them behind.”
Gabriel might have said that perhaps they weren’t really friends. Perhaps it had just been convenient for Michael to make nice with them while he was the only angel here.
But that was absolutely ridiculous. Michael could have just not done anything on Earth at all. But he had. And he’d…made friends.
So perhaps he’d changed a little.
“Has he changed?” Gabriel asked, directing the question to Raphael.
Raphael considered the question, tilting her head back. “I think so,” she said. “Changed enough to regret, certainly. He wasn’t in a place for that before. Neither of us were.” She met Gabriel’s eyes. “He hid himself from me as well,” she said quietly. “There were doubts he had back then that he never shared. The same doubts I held but which I also held back.” She smiled mirthlessly. “You wear masks, Gabriel. Michael has his own.”
Gabriel had never pictured Michael as the type to wear masks. But then…
He had never spent the most time with Michael, had he? Samael had been closest, and then it had been Raphael. But as for Gabriel…
When he cast his memories back to the early days, he remembered Michael as somewhat distant. He had been there, but he’d also left Gabriel mostly to Samael, only occasionally expressing some kind of disapproval or dismay or mild amusement at their antics.
But masks…
Michael hadn’t seemed to wear any when Gabriel had first seen him here. He’d been at once exhausted, pained, bewildered, and…happy. But sometime within the last day those emotions had disappeared, replaced by the older brother Gabriel was so familiar with.
Was it all a mask?
Gabriel couldn’t read Michael.
“So…does he want to leave or not?” The question left his lips before he realized he was even considering it.
“I don’t know,” Raphael admitted.
“You were the one saying he wears masks!”
“Just because I know it’s a mask doesn’t mean I know what’s under it!” Raphael sounded irritated. She turned to Samael. “What about you?”
Samael startled, head jerking up. “Ahh…that’d be a no.”
“Really?” Raphael pursed her lips. “You were closest to him—”
“A long time ago, Raphael.” Samael sounded tired. “He’s changed since then. And we didn’t exactly talk while we were in the Cage.” Ne grimaced, looking down to the grass. “I have no idea what he’s thinking, and he wouldn’t tell me either. He doesn’t trust me.” Nir shoulders slumped.
Gabriel would have been extremely surprised if Michael had decided to trust Samael. “Let’s give him some more time on that.”
Samael smiled weakly. “Sure. Besides, he’s coming with us, isn’t he? He could have said no.”
“Yeah,” Gabriel said slowly, something still niggling at him, “he could.”
He could so easily find out what that niggling was, but he’d already decided not to go that route.
Exhaling slowly, Gabriel pushed down the newly expanded part of himself that granted that omniscience.
He’d find out what it was later.
Hopefully it wouldn’t bite him in the ass.
“You do realize,” Raphael said, “that you told him nothing of your friends. The same friends who are now a mixture between angel and human.”
Gabriel winced. “Ah, uh… I’ll tell them to hide?”
Raphael shot him an unimpressed look. “For how long?”
“Until I tell him?” Gabriel was not chasing after Michael now. “I can’t exactly rescind the invitation now, can I?”
“You could,” Samael said brightly. “But he’d probably want to know why.”
Ugh. Gabriel knew it had been too easy.
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
I have thoughts of Sam being pregnant and Dean not knowing that he is the father! It plays in S12 and Mary has just come back.
Sam didn’t know yet he was pregnant when the british men of letters kidnapped him. He only become aware of it afterward, when Dean and Mary had saved him. Sam was out of his mind with panic and dread.
He and Dean didn’t had sex for years. They stopped their love affair when Sam was possessed by Gadreel and didn’t pick it up again.
However, just the night before Dean went to kill Amara with the soul bomb sitting in his chest, something happened. Dean was drunk as hell and Sam was grief stricken. They had sex, trying to find last comfort in the other's body. That’s how Sam ended up pregnant. Dean though can’t remember the night. He was too drunk and his memories are blank.
Sam doesn’t dare tell Dean he is pregnant now that their mother is around, but it becomes plain soon. Sam’s belly starts swelling and everyone knows it. Dean begins looking at him with a mix of anger, pain and amazement. He knows they aren’t together anymore, but Dean still feels betrayed. At the same time though, Dean can’t stop noticing how beautiful Sam looks with his swollen belly, heavy with life growing below his heart. And he is actually excited to see the baby, getting to hold it and be called uncle.
Now I wanna know from you how Dean could find out that Sam is pregnant from him and how would he react?
[sorry I let this marinate so long! but I've just been rewatching a few s12 eps, so I was thinking about this]
Imagine that scene near the end of Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox, when the demon has possessed Jody and she's going around the room tattling everyone's secrets... Mostly the demon is revealing secrets of people it possessed, but it can smell Sam's pregnancy -- it's a crossroads demon, it's its job to know what leverage it has to work with.
Earlier in the episode, Dean is talking about how Asa went out the way all hunters do, and how they should be so lucky. Imagine secretly-pregnant Sam, how his heart sinks at those words. How there's just no way he can tell Dean he's pregnant now.
So the demon does. But the demon can't tell whose it is -- doesn't care, or maybe just can't seem to spit it out as everyone in the room has a turn at saying the exorcism and casting it out.
When Dean hears in that moment that Sam is pregnant, he can't sort out his feelings about it -- it's too much. It's a blessing and a curse, because he's always wished for that apple pie life for Sammy, and he should want Sam to be able to move on; but damn, what is his brother thinking with this timing? And who's the father?!
But he can't ask that in front of their mother and all these people, and Sam has buttoned up; too anxious to tell the truth.
Dean gets the answer to that when they finally track down Vince Vincente weeks later -- Sam still comes along despite his condition, of course (Dean grumbles equally about headstrong baby brothers and Sam's savior complex and his teenage crush on Vince). And when they get trapped in the empty concert hall with Lucifer!Vince, rather than whining about dear ol' dad leaving him, Lucifer waxes poetic about how he deserved to be the one to make a child with Sam -- how he took Vince's body because he'd seen Sam's crush when he'd possessed him and he knew it'd draw Sam to him. How it's not fair that Dean of all people got there first -- doesn't he understand that Lucifer deserves Sam?
And now Dean is really out for Lucifer's head.
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confusedkittensposts · 2 months
The things is Castiel's story is a tragedy in many ways, any part you pick up it's a fall
May it be pre series, or stopping the apocalypse or the civil war, even the part where he becomes a Father
He is someone who has been manipulated and used and everyone just keeps chipping him away
When we meet him, he is presented as this outwardly, powerful being who everyone is scared of, but you meet him and you realise he is all that but also curious and facinated by the world the around him, it's new to him in many ways, and he still cares about it.
And he has opinions that don't necessarily go with his family but he isn't afraid to state them. He cares about his siblings, he has a relationship of understanding with most of them and mourns them as much as he can.
He judges Dean not based on how dean treats him but what dean does for others.
Castiel is someone who sees his own world fall apart with the rest of it and even when the world for others is saved he can never get back what he lost.
He looses his home, his family, the relationships he had for millions of years, he losses his powers. Like imagine, and I lot don't understand that it's not Cas + powers, he was created with them, he didn't just loose his ability to do some fancy tricks he lost what is equivalent to lossing your senses, your limbs.
Scratch mourning, he isn't even allowed to state the extent of his loss. He is only allowed grief and anger and hurt if it's for the Winchesters.
In Monster at the end of this Book, deanakes it very clear their relationship can only be transactional, he tell Cas if Cas doesn't help his he will never return the favour, and you know what he does after cas helps, and keeps doing for more than a decade he doesn't return the favour
Castiel asked Dean, begged him for trust, for support, more than once but he was mocked and rediculed and told loud and clear that he doesn't get anything, not even basic decency
Dean didn't convince Cas to reble, he ordered it and then got angry because Castiel took more than 30 seconds to give up everything he had known since before the beginning of time.
The Winchesters constantly prove Cas gets a place in the metaphorical table as long as he can bring something, give somthing
The Gadreel excuse is funny, because Gadreel told Dean, Cas couldn't stay. Throwing Cas out with nothing, cutting off communication with him, was Dean's decision, his choice. Because he couldn't spare a second thought for Cas
He learned that he couldn't trust memory, that it's had been violated, he had been violated. They took his memories from him. Do you wonder if it was angels who fought alongside him that took him Naomi when he disobeyed, or if others had to go through lobotomies because of him? Because he asked them to fight with him? Do you think cas did?
Castiel had to watch father look at him and not see him, he had to watch his father come and fight for Earth and Winchesters and not even think about angels.
He had to watch the man he loved point a gun at son's head, he had to watch his father, who turned out to nothing but a cruel, egoestical, uncaring puppeteer, kill his son. He had to watch his son's face being twisted into mockery towards him by a demon, he had burn his son
But it doesn't matter, right? Why would it? What's Castiel's grief, his pain, none of matters right?
Cause at the end of the day the only thing his life and death can be about is Dean Winchester
Because making a disabled, traumatized and suicidal character die, and be happy about it is best damn thing you can do to them
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Hello everyone. I have been planning to do one of these for a long time... And since I need to distract myself from "con drop" (which people just let me know exists), I am going to recommend a few fics to y'all.
Since I don't have the brain energy to make two lists, beware that this list contains both SFW and NSFW stuff. It goes with reader discretion. I'm not your dad and I can't tell you what to do.
So, this will be divided by ships <3
Also this will probably contain sort of my comfort fics mostly I guess
Recs under the cut because I think this will be long
EDIT AFTER ACTUALLY MAKING THE LIST: Besties this ended being just recs for Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester and Gadreel/Dean Winchester cuz there are so many I love and I don't have the brain energy for more right now so I'm going to make it the first part of the Recs
Easy to Please by orphan account (SADNESS)
Rating: E
Ketch teases his hormonal boyfriend a little too much.
Comment: I like to re-read this from time to time. Wish the writer was still active
Morbid Painting On Display by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell (so many of her fics will be here lmao)
Rating: E
Dean and Ketch ride the adrenaline rush of murder
Comment: Can't really go wrong with Luci y'all
You Can Take My Breath Away by Imoshen (I don't know if they have a tumblr)
Rating: E
Ketch comes home after three days' absence. Who knew riding his motorcycle in hot weather would have his Omega mate all hot and bothered?
Comment: I'd really love to have more of this AU but. Oh well
Uptight (Let Loose) by Marveljunkie and wincestgoddess (I don't know if they have a Tumblr)
Rating: E
When Dean gets injured on a hunt, a whole new side of ketch appears.
Comment: I should actually re-read this. I've read it a few times and it's just. Sooo good
Pinched in a Pinches by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Rating: M
Interrupted playtime because of work makes C/O Dean Winchester forget about a certain pinch.
Comment: Prison Guards AU my beloved
Every Time I See You (Seems I Can't Let Go) by Imoshen (I'm not sure they have a Tumblr?)
Rating: E
Dean Winchester works as an Omega for hire. This appointment is going to be different than all others before, though. (Damn Brits.)
Comment: I love this one so much :)
Phone the LT (And Give Him A Blowie) by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Rating: E
Lt. Ketch receives a phone call from work. Dean's not happy about it and aims to rectify it.
Comment: brain dead basically but. I love itttt
Baby Grab Ahold of the Joystick by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Rating: E
Dean and Ketch are playing a game on game night.
Comment: eheheh.
Ligma Boots by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Rating: E
Dean came all over Ketch's work boots. It's now up to Dean to clean them.
Comment: I love this AU so fucking much and Luci knows it.
Proud Husband by @deansmultitudes
Rating: M
Dean has a difficult case to crack. Ketch has his own ways of supporting his husband.
Comment: This is really nice, I should re-read it more. Also I'd love for the writer to write more of this universeee
Primal Urges by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Rating: E
Ketch indulges in Dean after a hunt.
Comment: Mhmmmh this is truly a fave
Stepfamily Shenanigans by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Rating: E
Dean has always had a thing for his stepfather and a day in the shop tells Dean something.
Comment: rip to me I love it so much
Give Me Your (Love) Blood by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
Rating: M
Dean and Ketch enjoy some time together.
Comment: Luci is such a good writer I cannot!!!! I love her fics so much and she knows it. Re-reading her stories is always the best
seeking salvation and doing something unholy by RocksaltandPie (I don't know if they have tumblr)
Rating: E
After Dean rescues him from apocalypse world, Ketch is a changed man. The attraction between them is still undeniable, though. Dean finds a way to remind him of who he used to be before the angels broke him, leading to Ketch changing into a new improved version of his old self. Set right after 13.22 Exodus / Ketch's POV.
Comment: Listen, you have no idea how much I wanted to scream when I saw someone that wasn't my friend wrote Arthur/Dean. It's such a good fic too. Mind the tags and warnings here besties
GADREEL/DEAN WINCHESTER (someone other than me writing it???? A miracle)
The Great 'Nah-Duh' of Dean Winchester by @ladyknightskye
Rating: T & up
The LARPers of Moondoor participate in a fire rescue training exercise as their quarterly community outreach project. In the process, Dean discovers something about himself. Something everyone else apparently already knew.
Comment: I mean. This was written with me in mind so like. It has everything I need bye
Actually no bye I was promised smut for this and I'm over here waiting. Somehow patiently.
Heaven Help Them by @threshie and Couyfish (I don't know if they have tumblr)
Rating: T & up
Gadreel returns from the Empty just as Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack are trying to solve Heaven’s angel shortage. If they can overcome the past, they might just be able to secure Heaven’s future.
Comment: This also has Sastiel, which I really don't care for, but it's one of my favorite stories of all time. Absolute fave. Love it. It's so so sweet and Gadreel and Dean are so good with each other <3
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envythemouse · 27 days
All-time Sam/Gabriel recs
Five Times Sam Gave Gabriel the Kiss of Death (and One Time he Didn't) by ScrollingKingfisher
Summary: Everybody Sam kisses dies, right? That's his curse. So he figures that if it works on his lovers, it should damn well work on his enemies, too.
Only this is Sam Winchester's life, and nothing is ever easy like that.
Envy’s notes: Not placing these fics in a particular order but this one deserves to be first because of the amount of times I go back to it. Sam thinks the people he kisses are cursed and so at Mystery Spot decides to kiss Gabriel when he thinks he’s the enemy. He does it again in Changing Channels and eventually falls in love with Gabriel, now Sam is scared Gabriel’s gonna die because he kissed him.
A Time To Cast Away Stones by TheRiverScribe
Summary: The healing Gadreel had begun during his unwelcome tenure in Sam’s body had slowly unraveled in the weeks since the angel’s forced ejection. Castiel’s own borrowed grace dwindled in strength with each passing day. And Dean? Dean had the Mark of Cain, which seemed to lend the bearer power at the cost of their humanity.
They were all running out of time.
Envy's notes: Had to edit this post because somehow I forgot to put this one on here even though it's in my top 3. Cas helps Sam to time-travel back to the mystery spot era. Sam knocks out his younger self right before confronting the trickster after Dean permanently dies, he then hugs Gabriel who is disguised as Bobby and confronts him. I love any fic where Sam time-travels and confuses the fuck out of Gabriel by being affectionate.
Hoo-Doo Yoo-Doo by Violet Hyena
Summary: Sam's secret is that he's a drag queen. Gabriel meets his alter ego, Doe Adeer, and they hit it off very well. Sam is nervous about telling Gabriel who he is, but Gabriel might figure it out himself first.
Envy’s notes: Very lighthearted and sweet, NoHunting!AU, secret identities.
In Memory Of... by MonPetitTresor
Summary: "Over the years, Sam had become quite intimate with the concept of loss and he'd developed a few different coping mechanisms to help him deal with it. He learned to honor the memory of those he'd lost and he made sure to never forget them. Remembering them gave him the strength to keep going on. To keep fighting."
Only, for the first time, someone that he lost - someone other than his brother - comes back, and Sam's forced to confront just how much that being actually meant to him.
Envy’s notes: Sam gets a tattoo in honour of Gabriel after he dies, Gabriel luckily does not stay dead and eventually finds out about the tattoo when healing an injured Sam.
The French Mistake 2.0; or, Gabriel Being A Dick by LPCollins
Summary: "Hey baby, I got you flowers." "CAS?!" "Ahh yes, because that never gets old, Jared. Anyway, how was your day, baby?" "Me? ... Dude, I married fake Cas." "Actually it's Misha, you know, just in case you didn't read the marriage license when you signed."
Envy’s notes: Sam and Dean get thrown back into our world. Except that Misha and Jensen are married, so are Jared and Richard. Sam and Dean have to try getting back to their universe without disrupting this one.
Spoiler: Jared and Richard are having marriage struggles, Sam slept with Gabriel without knowing this
"But why would Rich want to? He knows they're fighting," Misha argued.
Sam's eyes grew big at the realization that Misha was right. "That doesn't make any sense."
My theory is that Richard is secretly Gabriel and has lived in our universe since Gabriel’s “death”. This fic is still ongoing and has 21k words right now, very excited for it to update (I have hope that it will).
Highway of Love (Or: How Sam Winchester Learned to Stop Worrying and Relax Already) by Jassy
Summary: AU. Sam noticed a few things weren't quite right after they killed the Trickster. After going back to check things out, his life will never be the same.
Envy’s notes: Sam realises the trickster did not die and returns to the lecture hall to look for him. Gabriel has the ability to stop time and takes Sam on a bunch of dates. A very romantic and sweet fic.
Spoiler: Gabriel saves Sam from the reaper when he gets stabbed by Jake, that’s also when Dean finds out about their relationship.
Last Words by Miniatures
Summary: He feels Dean’s eyes on him, but he can’t bring himself to meet his brother’s gaze. His mouth is cotton, his chest scraped raw. He draws back his sleeve and stares, breathing ragged, at the sharp black lettering along his forearm—the last words he’ll ever hear his soulmate say.
"And this is me lying down."
Envy’s notes: The last words your soulmate say to you are written upon your skin. Happy ending.
Beep beep Sammy by ObsessedAngel
Summary: Day 10 Spooptacular!
We’re at an amusement park and I swear to god that clown is following me. (Sam and Gabe, Dean and Cas are there but wandered off. Sam is scared. )
Envy’s notes: Gabriel protects Sam from a clown. Literally.
Sam Winchester, The Heat-Seeker by orphan_account
Summary: Sam gets cold in the bunker, wakes up, and goes to grab some coffee. On his way back, he ends up finding a really warm room. Is there anywhere better for him to sleep?
Envy’s notes: Sleepy and cold Sam goes to Gabriel’s room to steal all his warmth with a cuddle. Comfort!fic.
Thunk by badgerempress
Summary: Sam's had enough and decides to give Dean a taste of his own medicine.
Envy’s notes: Cas and Dean are loud. Sam gets back at them with Gabriel’s help.
Genres of Seduction (or 5 Times the Archangel Gabriel tried to seduce Sam Winchester using Television and 1 Time He Didn’t [but totally did]) by waffleawful
Summary: Angels loved television.
In which Gabriel uses the rules of television to court Sam Winchester.
This fic exists in kind of a nebulous universe where Gabriel left the Elysian Fields hotel and joined the boys in their fight to stop the apocalypse.
Envy’s notes: Fun and lighthearted. What better way to seduce Sam than to put him in a dating game with only you in it?
Morning, Sunshine by misbegotten
Summary: Gabriel likes time loops.
Envy’s notes: You know that scene where they have sex in ‘About Time’? Imagine that but it’s Sabriel and Sam remembers.
Shipmaster Sam by iscatterthemintimeandspace
Summary: Inspired by the Following Tumblr post from sabriel-OTP:
Anon: "What if Sam looks up Destiel fanfictions after this and discovers Sabriel that way?"
Envy’s notes: Sam finds out about Sabriel and enjoys it.
Vanilla In Lace by VioletHyena
Summary: Gabriel wants to spice up the bedroom but Sam is against the idea, at least until he learns he's vanilla. Sam, as a last resort, summons Balthazar to help him because he's not very knowledgeable on lady garments. He then he proves to Gabriel he's not that vanilla.
Envy’s notes: Sam wants to prove he isn’t vanilla and tries crossdressing as a surprise for Gabriel.
Trustfall by DawnOfTheRoses
Summary: Next thing Sam knows, Gabriel’s fingers gently tug at Sam’s wrist and pull his arm over his head, closer to the cuff at the top left corner of the bed. Sam peeks at his arm curiously, and if Gabriel minds him looking, he doesn’t tell him off for it.
“I’m going to tie you up now, Sam. It’s important that you’re honest with me about your colours in the next few minutes, do you understand?” Sam nods, not trusting his voice, but Gabriel is not satisfied. “Use your words, Sam.”
“I understand, sir.”
OR Sam and Gabriel scene for the first time.
Envy’s notes: Very underrated, Gabriel is a soft dom in this and comforts Sam throughout their scene.
Gotta go back in time by pansexualgabriel
Summary: A witch sends Sam back in time & he meets someone he thought he'd never see again.
Envy’s notes: Sam time travels back to S2E15 Tall Tales and hugs Gabriel when he sees him.
Omni gladio ancipiti by lifevolutionary
Summary: The archangel Gabriel had never chosen a Bearer for his sword. Until now.
Envy’s notes: Sam wields archangel Gabriel’s flaming sword.
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