#danny was right in front of me so when the wave hit he fell right on top of me
Almost died again today ✌️
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airis-hunter · 2 years
Sneak peek at the DP x Batman fic I'm writing. I'm calling it (chapter 1 up now on my profile)
The Phantoms Bat
Summary: Danny has been the ghost king for quit a few years now, technically he was 20, but ghostly he was like 60. As Danny watches his loved ones die he wonders if he’ll ever feel that feeling of love that came with family, luckily a trip through a random ghost portal gives him the feeling again through an orphaned bat.
Danny wondered through the ghost zone for what felt like the millionth time, but he still hadn’t explored ever nock and crany the his dimension had to ofer. It was a beautiful place, but maybe Danny was a bit influenced by the fact that he was its king, that didn’t stop him from loving it though.
As he floated absently looking around a portal opened right in front of him almost a if it was waiting for him. When the portal fully opened his core seemed to tug him in the direction of the portal. Never one to question his ghost instincts. He hovered hesitantly in front of the portal.
Approaching it he reached a hand through, he waited only a second to see if clockwork would show up and tell him not to go in, but he didn’t. Reassured that he wasn’t going to mess up and big timeline mambo jumbo Danny floated into the portal. Danny was not expecting to come out standing on a building roof top above an ally way.
The sound of someone crying quikly distracted him. Running over to the edge of the roof top Danny looked down and what he saw felt like it cracked his core. Down in the ally way was a child crouching over two larger forms Danny could only assume were the boys parents. Floating down behind the boy Danny fell to his knees.
The sadness, and ablolute despair the boy was sending out in waves practically broke Danny. “Hey.” Danny spoke in the most comforting voice he had, which he often used with the new ghost children that would manifest in the ghost zone confused and hurt and sad.
The boy wiped his head around Danny was afraid he was going to get whiplash, when Danny spoke.
“Who, who are you?” The boy asked with an obvious tremble in his words. It made Danny’s core and heart ace.
“I’m Danny, who might you be younge man?” Danny asked with a smile while sending waves of calm, and safety at the boy.
The boy sniffled before answering. “Bruce.”
“Thats a very nice name, now Bruce could you tell me what happened?” He asked with as much reasherence as possible, he did not want the boy to think he was going to hurt him, Danny would never hurt a child (not when they all reminded him of the child he wish he could’ve had)
“Someone shot mommy and daddy. We were just leaving the theater when a man attacked us.” Bruce sniffled before continuing. “He, he killed them.” He said with a sob.
Danny couldn’t hold back anymore. He floated over to Bruce quickly and scooped the child into his lap and hugged him. That seemed to be the hit that broke the dam as Bruce started ugly sobbing, Danny didn’t mind the small wet spot that started form on the front of his suit.
“Shuh, shuh, its okay no one’s going to hurt you now, you’re safe with me.” Danny reassured Bruce. The only response that Danny got was a small nod from Bruce.
As Bruce’s sobs turned to small sniffles Danny felt his breath even out. Looking down at Bruce he saw that he had fallen asleep. Danny’s core warmed in content at such a display of trust so quikly. At the sound of approaching sirens Danny turned invisible and floated up to the roof top that he first appeared on.
However, now he was in a predicament, Where did Bruce and his parents live? Looking down at the streets Danny saw a newspaper stand new by. Flying over to it in hopes of clues Danny was greeted with the image of the boy and his parents on the front page. Apparently they were the wayne family.
Looking at the description Danny instantly new they were very rich, so he just had to look for possibly the biggest house in the city, and he would drop Bruce off at home. A home that would now be empty.
Should I continue this or no???
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lexosaurus · 3 years
Phic Phight oneshot for @datawyrms: Danny Phantom's jumpsuit is hiding a secret he'd rather not reveal to anyone.
“Shit,” Valerie cursed, deactivating her hoverboard and gently placing the figure on the ground. “Shit, shit, shit.”
Bright green liquid soaked the ghost’s body, dripping off his waist and painting the grass in a steady stream. It was ectoplasm, something inhuman and twisted, and yet when Valerie looked down, all she saw was how closely it resembled blood. 
She raised a shaking hand and attempted to brush away some of the green on her suit. But she looked more green than red at this point and all she could think of was how much ectoplasm was outside the ghost’s body. 
It was too much.
They’d been ambushed after a ghost fight, the Guys in White having caught them in one of their special nets. Valerie had tried to yell out that she wasn’t a ghost, she was human, but it was no use. They zapped the net, and her vision was shrouded in darkness.
The next thing she knew, she was in a van, trapped with her biggest rival in Amity Park. Phantom was awake, but he didn’t know how long they’d been in the van for. Hours passed before the van stopped at last. But at that point, they had a plan.
As soon as an operative opened the back, Valerie was on him. She knocked him out, stole his gun, and bolted.
Apparently, Phantom wasn’t so useless without his powers either. By some miracle, he managed to find a way to remove his inhibitor collar and take flight.
But that was when all hell broke loose. Right as he’d paused to free Valerie from her inhibitors, someone landed a shot on him.
And he fell.
Valerie didn’t have time to think. She just grabbed his body, activated her hoverboard, and flew, not sure where she was going but unwilling to stop until she was sure she’d lost the agents. 
“Fuck.” She threw off her helmet and looked down at Phantom’s unconscious form. There was a hole in the stomach of his suit, and ectoplasm bubbled and sparkled in the harsh sun.
He was going to die, Valerie realized. What happened when a ghost died? Could they even die? 
“Stay with me,” she whispered.
She shoved a hand in her belt for her emergency supplies, but her glove was too slippery, and her hand trembled too much. She couldn’t do this. She ripped off her glove and tried again, trying to ignore the way the ectoplasm trickled between her fingers.
She had a bit of gauze, a tube of instant clot powder, a few butterfly clips, and a few large bandages. It wasn’t much, but it would have to work.
Because the alternative…
She set the supplies down and turned back to the unconscious ghost. His glow was almost nonexistent, and for the first time she could see his face clearly. All the grooves of skin, his pores, the individual hairs on his eyelashes and eyebrows. He had freckles. That tiny, human detail Valerie would have thought impossible for a ghost. 
Even the more humanoid ghosts always had some slight haze to them, something that just made them more like a realistic doll than a person. But not Phantom. If it weren’t for the white hair and ectoplasm, she would have thought him to be just a regular teenager.
“Stay with me.” 
She needed to take his jumpsuit off. Could she even do that? Was it attached to him? Would taking it off just hurt him more?
For a moment, Valerie knelt there frozen, unsure of what to do. She felt lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous. Her nostrils were filled with the scent of burnt battery acid and lime, and she could only stare as the Phantom’s face slowly grew paler and paler.
She pinched herself. “Snap out of it.” She’d dealt with worse, this was just a ghost. A ghost that she didn’t even like. A ghost that she’d spent the last two years chasing out of Amity Park.
She could do this.
Grabbing her swiss army knife out of her belt, she began carefully slicing through the fabric. Her damp hands were immediately filled with green goo, and for a moment she panicked, thinking that her fears were correct and that the jumpsuit acted like a second skin for Phantom.
But then she saw a black t-shirt peeking out underneath the jumpsuit, and she realized with a shaky breath of relief that the suit simply melted if it wasn’t attached to the host.
Of course, that made sense. She’d seen Plasmius rip off his cape before and it had dissolved in thin air. How could she have forgotten?
She made quick work with removing the jumpsuit, and had started on the undershirt as well when Phantom groaned.
She froze, unable to move the slightest muscle, as she watched Phantom’s drunk green eyes slowly flutter to life. 
“Don’...” he slurred.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked. “You’re hurt, I’m sorry.”
She tried to resume cutting his shirt, but he lazily swatted her hand away. “Don’...”
“Phantom, stop. I need to get this off you.”
“I gotta do this,” she said, tearing his t-shirt. “It’s just a shirt.”
“S’ugly,” he mumbled, his eyes rolling back. His head lolled to the side, and he was out again.
Valerie rolled her eyes. “Oh, don’t be—” 
Her voice cut off, and she sucked in a breath. Tattooed on Phantom’s skin were glowing lightning figures that branched from his shoulder, snaking around his chest and stomach as if they were alive.
Valerie had never seen anything like it before, and she could have dismissed them as just ectoplasmic tattoos. But from Phantom’s reaction, she had a sneaking suspicion that these were something much more serious. Much more personal.
Something that she didn’t have time to think about right now. Something that was getting covered by ectoplasm, something that was losing its bleak glow as the aura around Phantom faded to nothing.
Time was up. She needed to act now.
Ripping off the packaging, Valerie got to work.
The sky was clear, glittering with thousands of stars. It was one of those rare nights where the milky way was visible, arcing the sky with its brilliance. 
Valerie had never been one to care about nature. Growing up rich in the city, her focus was always materialistic. She just wanted to fit in with the other girls, so she’d been more than willing to follow along with their hobbies and model her life after their trends.
Nature? Space? Stars? She never gave them a second thought.
Until her life was turned upside down, that was. Suddenly, Valerie went from hardly spending time outside to now soaring through the sky every night, weather be damned. It didn’t take long for her to appreciate the beauty of a clear, warm, night sky.
She landed on top of a building and collapsed her hoverboard. It had been quiet thus far, with only a few ambient blob ghosts roaming around a warehouse. Although at the beginning of her ghost hunting career, Valerie had spent each night painstakingly capturing every ghost in sight, she’d grown since then. She wasn’t so angry, so vengeful now.
And aside from being completely harmless, even Valerie had to admit there was something almost cute about the tiny bulbs of ecto energy.
Her suit dinged, signaling a ghost nearby, and Valerie groaned. There really was no rest for the weary, it seemed.
She raised her radar watch to her eyes to see a familiar ecto signature reading pop up in the corner.
One that was heading towards her.
She hadn’t seen Phantom since that day. He’d been avoiding her. And maybe a few months ago she wanted him to avoid her, but now...
That day had changed her.
It was terrifying the way the government had so easily lumped her in with the ghosts just because they detected ectoplasmic readings from her suit. She woke up not knowing where she was, where she was going, if she’d ever see her father again.
Part of Valerie had insisted that once they saw her without her helmet, they’d call her dad and drive her back. It would have all been a big misunderstanding.
But a different part of her, one deep down inside, knew she was just lying to herself.
The government operated the way she did when she first started ghost hunting. All black and white, no room for grey. Ghost were evil and all ectoplasm needed to be destroyed. Period.
After she patched Phantom up in that grassy field, she flew and flew until she stumbled across a nearby town. She hid Phantom in a warehouse and sat with him for hours, forcing herself to stay away and stand guard in case the GiW found them. 
He didn’t wake up until the next morning, taking one look between Valerie and his exposed torso before panic struck his features and he simply disappeared. Before Valerie could gather her wits to hunt his ungrateful ass down and kill him again, he reappeared, suit intact, and began leading their way back to Amity on instinct alone.
Phantom refused to look her in the eye for the entire trip home. And when they finally got to Valerie’s apartment, left her with a “get some sleep” before disappearing once again.
Her watch buzzed lightly against her skin, signaling that he was close. Valerie leaned back, waiting. Seeing if he’d actually come to her, or if he’d bail and pull the vanishing act he was so famous for.
But then he appeared. Right in front of her. His glow was vibrant against the night sky, covering his body in a shimmery aura. His acidic green eyes glistened in the dark.
He really looked no worse for wear after his injury. That kind of hit would have landed Valerie in the hospital. And yet, Phantom was back the next day, full of bright smiles and puns for the people of Amity.
She wondered how often this kind of thing happened to him. Just how many times had he been nearly slaughtered only to pop back into the public eye pretending like nothing happened?
He gave her an awkward wave. “Hey, Red.” 
“Phantom.” She greeted cooly.
Just because lately she’d been seeing Phantom as someone who didn’t have an inherently evil Obsession didn’t mean that she liked him. At best, he was cocky, arrogant. At worst, he’d dumped her back at her apartment and left her by herself after the complete shit show that was their kidnapping.
So yeah, maybe she was a little bitter. Sue her.
“Uh, do you mind if I…” He gestured to the roof.
She pretended to mull his proposition over, watching as his ghostly tail flickered in anxiety.
He was ready to bolt, and she didn’t blame him. They’d never really talked before.
“Do what you want. I don’t feel like fighting tonight,” she finally conceded.
Relief spread across Phantom’s features, and Valerie was once again reminded of how human he was. She once thought that ghosts couldn’t feel any emotions. While it was doubtless that the way they experienced emotions was different than how humans did, there was just no way that Phantom was able to nail all those tiny details so accurately. Even if he was one of the more powerful ghosts out there, it would have been near impossible to mimic the full range of human emotion so quickly and precisely.
He settled down next to her, his tail morphing into legs positioned criss-crossed against the concrete. He turned to her, rubbing the back of his neck.
Valerie said nothing, just allowing the blanket of awkwardness to settle over the pair. If he wanted to say something, he could say it. Valerie wasn’t going to hand-hold him through a conversation.
When the tension was reaching the point of unbearable, Phantom finally broke the silence. “It’s a nice night.”
“Sure is.”
“I haven’t—uh, seen any ghosts. Tonight, I mean. Like outside. Or inside, too. Uh...it’s a quiet night. Ghost free. Well, except for me, I guess.”
He ran a gloved hand through his white hair. “Not that I’m really complaining. It’s kinda nice to have a break for a change.”
Valerie grunted in agreement, even though she was sure Phantom was lying through his teeth. Ghosts lived for their Obsessions, and Phantom was no different. She knew that deep down, he reveled in ghost hunting even more than any human ever could.
The duo was lapsed back into another tense silence, one that Valerie didn’t try to break. She didn’t understand what his goal was with the petty chatter. Did he think they were suddenly friends now? After he discarded her back at her apartment like she was a used rag and disappeared without a hint of remorse?
After she carried him hundreds of miles away from the Guys in White compound, bandaged his wounds, and then stayed up all night just to make sure he was safe?
She could have left him there. She could have been home before her father had woken up the next morning in a panic because his daughter was nowhere to be found. She could have avoided the phone call to the police, the missing child report, the whole mess that had followed.
And he couldn’t have even been bothered to say thank you afterward. Just dumped her and left.
So if he thought she was going to help him out now, he had another thing coming.
“How have...um, how have you been? Since…”
“Fine.” She said. “My dad’s been better.”
He winced. “Yeah…”
“Not that you care.”
He jolted up, turning around to face her. “What?”
“You know what I’m talking about, spook.”
“I thought we were over the whole ‘spook’ thing,” he said, his face twisting in annoyance.
“And I thought you were over being an inconsiderate jerk. But I guess I was wrong.”
“Listen, Val—”
“Don’t call me that,” she snapped.
He pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Okay, Red. Listen, I’m sorry. Okay? I got freaked out that you—you saw…” He let out a shaky breath. “I didn’t know what to say. I’m sorry you got caught up in my problems, I’m sorry they thought you were a ghost, and I just...yeah.”
Valerie sat there for a moment, glaring out at the night’s sky. “It was a big mess, you know.”
“I know.”
“The police were involved and everything.”
“I heard.”
“And you know the worst part? I couldn’t even tell them the truth.” She let out a bitter laugh. “I got kidnapped by my own government and I couldn’t even tell my dad. I had to lie and say I got lost while out on a nature hike. How stupid is that? I nearly got killed by the freaking government and I haven’t been able to say a damn thing to anyone.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice was quiet.
“Yeah, well…” Valerie swallowed the lump in her throat. “You know. Hazard of the job, I guess. Still would have been nice if you hadn’t just left on me. After everything.”
Phantom lowered his head, allowing the white strands of hair to cover his eyes. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“It was a dick move.”
“It was.”
“I just wanna know why.”
He looked up, startled. “Why? Why you were captured, or—”
“Why the silent treatment? Was it because I saw those glowing lightning tattoos under your jumpsuit?”
He flinched back as if he’d been struck, his body lifting to hover over the cement. He stared at her open mouthed, as if he didn’t think she’d even dare to mention it.
But Valerie couldn’t find it in her to be joyous at his hurt expression. “Seriously? You were mad about that? Like I care about what you put on your body.”
“No, no.” Despite looking like he wanted to take flight, he managed to lower himself back onto the roof. “No, they’re...it’s complicated.” 
“Oh, wonderful,” she said sardonically. “So let me get this straight, ghost boy. I save your ass from the government, pull an all-nighter guarding your lifeless body in a warehouse, and the best you can give me is an it’s complicated? Thanks a lot. It really makes me feel better.”
“No, it’s…” He trailed off, rubbing a hand over his face. His eyebrows were pinched and he looked almost sick. When he finally spoke, his voice was small. “They’re not tattoos.”
“Oh? What, an unlucky birthmark?”
He didn’t respond.
Valerie turned to him, realization hitting her with full force. Unable to keep the surprise out of her voice, she said, “Really? That’s it?”
He pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs. His eyes were distant, far away. Lost in some other world.
He’d been electrocuted. Struck to death by lightning, or something similar. And now it was branded on him, as some twisted reminder of the ugly creature that extended its spindly claws and ripped his humanity from his body.
“Damn.” Valerie blew out a breath. “Of all the ways to go, huh?”
She couldn’t help herself. “Do all ghosts have one?”
Valerie didn’t know if that made it better or worse. Questions swirled through her brain, but she bit her tongue. She didn’t know much about ghost culture, but she was fairly certain that there was a taboo against asking ghosts about their deaths.
So she stayed silent, pretending to focus back on the stars but stealing glances to the teenage ghost beside her. His brows had furrowed, as if he were having an internal war. Whatever it was, Valerie didn’t pry. Even if her curiosity burned brighter with each passing moment.
Finally, he sighed, dropping his forehead into his knees. “It’s fine,” he said, though his voice sounded anything but. “You can ask.”
She hesitated for a brief moment before relenting. “Why do you have a mark?”
“They’re called Lichtenberg figures,” he explained. “They just happen. If the shock is bad enough. But they, uh, are supposed to fade in a few days. You know, if you’re...human.”
“But yours didn’t.”
“No, mine didn’t.” He raised his head, opening his mouth slightly, before slamming it shut.
This was unmarked territory she was stepping into. Hell, she doubted even the Fentons had ever talked to a ghost about their death before.
“Do you remember it?” she tried.
That surprised her. She’d read some of the Fenton’s papers, and even they were uncertain of how much a ghost remembered about their death. 
The question must have shown on her face because Phantom added, “Not everyone does. I think...I think it has to do on their power level. And, uh, how old they are. I think some of the more ancient ghosts just kinda...forget. But I don’t know much. We don’t really talk about it.”
Phantom nodded, staring down at his gloves. He sighed, and then started pulling one of them off.
Valerie froze, her eyes locking onto the movement. She’d never seen Phantom remove them before, and frankly she wasn’t even sure if they could be removed.
The glove left his skin and dissolved into ectoplasm, splashing onto the concrete roof. And there, left on his otherworldly skin, were the cobwebs of the lightning scar that covered his torso. It was brighter, glowing with more precision than Valerie remembered from before. 
He pushed his sleeve up to his elbow, revealing more of the Lichtenberg figure. It traveled up his wrist, spiraling throughout his arm before it disappeared into his suit. The branches were thin, glowing with the same ectoplasmic energy that ran through the ghost’s core.
Valerie didn’t know what to say. Here Phantom was, her biggest rival in Amity Park, revealing his creation, the moment that turned him into what he was today.
“It was an accident.” He finally spoke. “I was being stupid, I don’t know. My friends and I were fooling around with this...this machinery, I guess, that we knew we weren’t supposed to be near. I grabbed a malfunctioning piece of equipment—I didn’t realize it was plugged in—and that...was it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, well…” Phantom pushed his sleeve back down. He closed his eyes, willing the glove to  materialize back onto his hand. He looked at her and offered a feeble smirk. “Teenagers, am I right?”
Valerie forced a polite smile in return, hoping it didn’t look too pained. 
He cleared his throat. “But, you know,” he said, allowing some of that familiar cocky energy back into his voice. “It’s in the past now. I’m over it.”
Valerie doubted that much. After all, he was still a ghost.
“I mean, I get to do really cool things now. Like helping people. Protecting the town. You can’t exactly do that as a human.” He froze, his eyes flickering to her. “I mean, aside from you. You’re great at it!”
Valerie flipped him off. “Whatever, ghost boy.”
“No, I’m serious! You’re really good as a ghost hunter.”
“I know I’m good! I don’t need your flattery to give me self-esteem.” Her voice sobered. “But really, Phantom. I’m sorry that happened to you.”
He frowned, and looked up at the sky. The brilliance of the stars reflected on his form, giving his body an almost ethereal presence. 
“It’s okay. It was a long time ago.”
Thanks for reading!
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going-dead · 3 years
Lightning Scars and Listening Ears
Phic phight prompt by @datawyrms : Danny Phantom's jumpsuit is hiding a secret he'd rather not reveal to anyone. (feel free to be metaphorical if you want.) l
Team Human: @currentlylurking​
Most citizens of Amity Park often forgot that Phantom wasn’t human. Sure he would fly through the skies, turn invisible, and shoot ectoplasm at the ghosts who would attack the city on a daily basis, but the way he acted when not saving the city always seemed so alive. That’s where the problem lied though. The ghost kid wasn’t alive, a fact that Amity Park never actually thought much about.
Phantom was playing around with some kids in the park when it all happened. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence to see the boy play with the younger citizens of the city, under their parents supervision most of the time. Seeing him give them piggyback rides and playing tag was actually a common sight when there were no ghosts to fight. Phantom had six different kids hanging off of his arms and legs, apparently trying to tackle him and get him to fall down. The group of parents laughed at the sight as the teenage hero fell to the ground admitting his defeat in a dramatic flourish. “Ahh you got me! Foul villains, you will regret this!” He laughed as he lunged at the closest kid and launched a tickle attack. Childish squeels rang out as the uncaptured children ran trying to avoid being tickled. The little girl in his arms was finally released from her attacker when she turned on Phantom and started to tickle him back. His laughter attracted the other kids who scattered and they joined the counter attack.
“I yield I yield!” He flailed his arms as a dozen little hands tickled any spot they could reach. The kids slowly let up their assault leaving the teen gasping for breath.
One of the children, the girl who started the attack on Phantom, pulled on his arm. “Mr. Phantom? What’s that did you get a owie?” She asked pointing to his neck where part of his jumpsuit wrinkled down revealing a few red raised streaks maring his skin.
Phantom froze eyes jumping over to the adults just a few feet over who had stopped their conversation to try to see what the young girl was asking about. He quickly pulled the collar of his suit back into place. He gave the girl and the other kids surrounding him a pained smile. “Yeah I did get an owie. Don’t worry though I’m fine, doesn’t even hurt anymore.” Suddenly blue frost escaped his lips, the adults sitting nearby never saw him more relieved to have a ghost show up than in that moment. He gave quick goodbyes to the kids before shooting off to find the day's threat to the city.
All the adults gathered waved over their respective kids. While they trusted Phantom to get rid of the threat it was always smart to stay inside during a ghost attack. A loud boom sounded in the direction where Phantom flew off, shaking the ground. They all gave each other uncertain looks. “My house is closest we can take shelter there.” One of the men said leading everyone away.
After a block of running the group was almost to shelter when the ghost fight moved over their heads. The adults grabbed onto the children doing their best to shield them from the flying debris. They held the kids against their chests as they watched the sky in horror. They didn’t recognize the attacking ghost, but it was certainly doing a number on Phantom. The rest of the battle lasted at most a minute when Phantom managed to suck up the ghost into his thermos before he seemed to wobble in the sky and falling to the ground creating a small crater where he landed.
The man who was leading the group passed off the kid he was holding to the man next to him. “David what are you-?”
“Brian just hold her.” He ran over to the fallen teen and picked him up in a fireman's carry and rushed the rest of the way to his house.
Once he arrived he kicked open the door and placed the teen onto the couch in his living room. He looked down trying to assess the situation. Phantom’s jumpsuit was torn in numerous places exposing spots of his arms, neck, and chest that had splatterings of green ectoplasm across the exposed flesh. He started taking the rest of the jumpsuit off of the teen wanting to make sure there were no hidden injuries underneath. Behind him he could hear his husband and the other parents come through the door. “Get me a wet rag and some warm water!” He yelled behind him.
Once he was handed the items he started working on cleaning up the cuts and wiping off the ectoplasm. He silently thanked any higher being out there that he took a first aid class a few years back. The wounds actually seemed less severe than what David initially thought, that or the kid had some seriously advanced healing. One of the parents led the kids upstairs while the rest of them crowded around David and Phantom.
Once Phantom was as patched up as he could be David finally sat back and actually took a full look at the boy. His breath caught in his throat as he examined the body infront of him. In the end all he could get out was.“Oh my god. He’s- he’s dead.”
“What the hell do you mean? Of course he’s not, I can clearly see him breathing right now.” One of the parents protested.
David shook his head. “No.” He went to run his hands down his face before spotting the blood- no the ectoplasm covering them and settled for grabbing onto his husband for support. “No, I mean he’s a ghost.”
“Well yeah he’s a ghost it’s not like that’s news now is it?” Brian said running his hand up and down his husband's back.
“You guys don’t get it.” David pulled back. “Think! Look!” He ran his hand through his hair, staining it green. “Look at him.” He pointed at the teen’s unconscious body. There were lightning shaped scars running all over the boy’s body, from the base of his neck trailing all the way down to his ankles. Those weren’t the only scars marring his body though, small scars were scattered all over his body, there was a rather large one on his abdomen in the same spot where he was hit the other week fighting off a ghost who was attacking the high school. The gathered adults looked back at Phantom’s face. As he slept he almost looked like a normal teenager, there were small bags under his eyes, his closed eyes hid the toxic green color, and the glow surrounding him was almost nonexistent.
Three things seemed to dawn on the parents all at once.
1: Phantom at some point had died
2: He died young, at most he was just out of middle school when it happened.
3: From the looks of it he didn’t die in his sleep but painfully. They all silently hoped that at least it wasn’t drawn out.
As they all looked at each other they couldn’t help but think of their own children who were just upstairs. Did Phantom have a family? Did his parents miss their little boy? Do they know that Phantom was their son? Even worse, the boy had a jumpsuit on when he died, was his parents the cause of his premature death?
Of course if Phantom was conscious, didn’t have to worry about the whole identity thing, and could read their minds the boy would quickly put their minds to rest responding; yes, no he sees them daily, god no, and sorta it really was more of a case of teenage stupidity than his parents fault though.
Two of those issues though were quickly resolved as two white rings shocked the group out of their grief for a boy they hardly knew. The rings traveled across the boy’s body replacing bare skin with street clothes and white hair with black. Everyone looked at Phantom(?) confused, the boy in front of them was very unghost-like and the scratch on his face that was previously bleeding green now had a red where the scab was forming.
“What the fu- wait isn’t that the Fenton kid, Danny I think?” David asked looking back at the other parents who were in the same amount of shock that he was. Actually he was positive it was him, his older sister Jazz used to babysit their daughter and he would sometimes come along. If someone was going to respond they were cut off as the boy in front of them started to stir and open his eyes. He sat up almost falling off the couch in his panic, thankfully David was quick enough to catch him. “Woah there Danny, be careful you took a pretty bad beating out there. Hell I’m surprised you’re already awake to be honest kid.”
Danny gave him a thankful smile as he steadied himself. He froze once he caught a glimpse of his hair, his eyes shot down to his clothes. He looked back up and noticed the group of adults in front of him. “Now before you jump to any conclusions there’s a very reasonable explanation for this, or there will be just give me a few minutes.” “Wait so does this mean you’re not dead?” Brian asked.
“Brian you can’t just ask that! What if it’s a sensitive subject?” David scolded his husband then looked over at Danny. “Sorry about him.”
Danny looked over to the men who for some reason had hope in their eyes. “What? It’s fine. I mean I guess no- well yes- no- sorta- it’s complicated.”
As Danny looked at the numerous questioning eyes he sighed. It’s not like he could convince them that it was a trick of the light or something. And he did owe them since they patched him up better than he would have been able to at home in his bedroom. But before he could start he turned to David. “I’ll tell you guys everything but first um… is that my ectoplasm in your hair and on your hands? Because if so you probably should wash that off, prolonged exposure isn’t harmful per say but you could start to glow or something if you don’t wash it off soon.”
David looked down to his hands, apparently just now remembering he was still covered in the boy’s ectoplasm and rushed to the bathroom to wash it off. He’d worry about why the sight of his own blood- ectoplasm didn’t phase Danny at all later.
Once David returned, now free of ectoplasm, Danny sat down and started from the beginning. At one point in the story he must have started to cry because he was handed a tissue box, which he accepted with a thanks. By the end he wasn’t the only one with tears in his eyes, one of the adults had to go into the kitchen to compose themselves. Danny didn’t really understand why though, sure he sort of half died, but he didn’t see why it would affect any of them. “Hey! It’s fine, I’m fine it’s not a big deal! I mean it’s not like it only happened to me. Vlad went through it too like 20 years ago.” Danny seized up after he said that. “Don’t tell him you know about him though! Me not telling anyone about him is the only reason he’s not trying to fully kill me when we fight. That and he has a weird obsession with my mom and me.”
David paused at that. “So you’re telling us that not only did you go through a highly traumatic situation at a young age, but the only adult that even knows about it has tried to kill you multiple times?”
“I mean I guess but Jazz, my sister, knows about it too and she’s older than me and my friends.”
“Danny she’s also still a kid, an older one sure, but she is not an adult. Even if you didn’t go to your parents, was there no one else you could have talked to about it with? A therapist maybe?” David asked.
Danny laughed. “Ah no, Jazz tried having me go to the school therapist but she turned out to be a ghost who wanted to try to cause as much pain as possible. She even almost killed Jazz in front of the whole school.”
“Dear god.” David sighed. “All right, we will all keep your secret on one condition.”  Danny cringed and looked down at his lap, of course there was a catch. He just hoped it wasn’t anything too bad like letting them run a bunch of experiments on him whenever they wanted to. His ghost injuries were bad enough to hide from others, he didn’t need to have to explain away needle marks or something. “You’ll see Brian once a week for therapy sessions. He’s a licensed psychiatrist.”
“Wait what?” Danny looked up confused.
“Oh don’t worry I won’t charge you of course since we are forcing you to do this, and obviously you can choose the day of the week. I usually don't work fridays or the weekends but if those are the only days that work I’m sure we can rearrange some of our family time to make room for you.” Brian smiled. “Now it’s getting pretty late isn’t it? I’m sure it’s about time everyone here starts to head home now hmm? Of course if you aren’t feeling well enough Danny I can call your parent’s up and just let them know you’ll be staying here. I’ll just tell them you were injured in a ghost fight, not exactly lying now is it?”
“Um no I’m fine enough to walk home thank you though.” Danny said. Everyone started saying their goodbyes and calling the children down to get them ready to leave. Danny was the last one left, he was almost out the door when he was stopped by David handing him a piece of paper.
“Here are our numbers, I also wrote down where Brian’s office is, you can set up your appointment over text. As well as our address, you can stop by or call us for any reason Danny and I mean it okay, any.”
Danny looked down at the paper and pocketed it with a nod. As he left he felt almost lighter for some reason. Maybe having adults who knew and didn’t want to kill him but actually wanted to help him wasn’t so bad after all.
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q-gorgeous · 3 years
Going Home
Danny wakes up in a bed that is not his own, he is covered with big splashes of ectoplasm and he has no memory of the day before. Prompt by @phantomfana
word count: 1033
Danny groaned as he started slipping back into consciousness. What had happened yesterday? All he remembered was playing video games with Sam and Tucker and then suddenly everything was blank.
He rolled onto his other side, grimacing at a pain in his stomach but he ignored it in favor of going back to sleep. “Oh thank fuck, you’re awake.”
Danny’s eyes shot open at the voice that spoke next to him and he bolted up and then clenched at his head when it started aching. When he opened his eyes again, he looked to his left to see Dash staring at him with wide eyes. His brows furrowed and he looked around the room, which clearly wasn’t any room in his house. 
“What happened?” He mumbled, rubbing a hand against his face. “What am I doing here?”
Dash’s brows drew down. “You don’t remember?”
“No?” Danny said, his gaze darting back to Dash. 
Sighing, Dash ran a hand through his hair and looked at the floor. “Last night Phantom was in the park doing his nightly patrol.”
“Phantom?” Danny asked.
“Yeah. He was doing his usual rounds when the Fentons got there. I couldn’t hear everything they said, but they sounded like they were trying to ask him something. After a little while they started getting mad and shooting at him.”
“Okay.” Danny said. “He’s usually fine after dealing with them. What happened?”
“They pulled out a new weapon I’ve never seen before and shot him with it. He started falling out of the sky and he landed on the ground near me. I could hear them getting closer so I picked him up and started running here, but…”
Dash looked back up at Danny. 
“I saw him, you, transform.”
Danny’s eyes widened and he began trying to scramble backwards in the bed away from Dash. He hissed as a pain shot through his stomach again and stilled when Dash started waving his hands back and forth in front of him.
“No! Don’t do that! I don’t know what they hit you with but whatever healing power thing you usually have going on hasn’t kicked in yet for some reason.”
Looking down, Danny saw a big green stain on the front of his shirt. He lifted up the hem and saw bandages wrapped around his abdomen, green starting to peek through the fabric. 
“I would have gotten you a clean shirt but I figured you wouldn’t have liked that.” Dash said quietly. 
“You bandaged me up?”
“Yeah?” Dash asked with a frown.
“Why? Why would you help me?”
Dash stared at Danny. “Why wouldn’t I? You're the town’s hero. It’s not like I was gonna leave you there for your parents to find you.”
Danny’s eyes widened in panic again. “My parents- did they see me transform?”
“No.” Dash shook his head. “They were still too far away by the time I grabbed you and started running.”
Danny breathed out a sigh of relief. “Well that’s good. Now I don’t have to worry about going home.”
“Going home?”
“Yeah. You know.” Danny paused. “The place where I live?”
“Why would you- Your parents just shot you out of the sky! How can you go back home after that?” Dash yelled.
Shrugging, Danny just looked at Dash. “It’s not like this is the first time that’s happened.”
Dash’s shoulders slumped down and he dropped his face into his hands. 
“Doesn’t that terrify you?”
“Well, yeah.” Danny said. “But it’s not like I can just disappear because then they always come blasting at Phantom wondering where their son is.”
Dash let out a short laugh. “I wonder if that’s what happened yesterday when they were talking to you.”
They fell quiet after that. Dash stared at the bed, thinking, while Danny fidgeted with the blanket draped over him. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Danny spoke again.
“Well, I think I should probably go home now before they start wondering where I am. Wouldn’t want them to keep looking for me around town.”
“Are you sure you’re okay to go?” Dash asked. “You’re injury-”
“Isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever had. I’ll be fine in no time.”
Dash huffed. “If you say so.”
He watched as Danny started trying to scoot forward and out of the bed.
“Here, let me help.” 
Dash helped pull Danny to his feet, keeping him steady on his feet. They looked at each other for a moment before both looking away. 
“You’re not going to tell anyone are you?” Danny asked quietly.
Dash gaped at him. “Why would I tell anyone?”
Danny shrugged. “You’ve bullied me all the time that we’ve known each other. It's a valid question.”
“I guess you’re right.” Dash said. “But no, I’m not going to tell anyone. Realizing it was your parents who have been chasing their son this whole time… I wouldn’t want to put you into that kind of danger. Who knows what could happen.”
Nodding, Danny looked back up at Dash. “Thanks for, you know, helping me.”
“It was the least I could do.”
Nodding again, Danny stepped away from Dash and a bright flash of light appeared around his waist. Dash watched in awe as it split and traveled up and down Danny’s body until it left Phantom in his place.
“Woah.” Dash whispered. 
Danny smiled at the look on Dash’s face and gave a small wave before turning to the wall. He was about to fly away when a hand grabbed his wrist.
“Just.” Dash met his gaze and then looked away. “Be careful out there.”
He chuckled and patted the hand that was around his wrist. “Don’t worry, I’ll do my best,”
With that, Danny gently pulled his wrist from Dash’s hand and flew through the wall and up into the air. He took a deep breath. He wasn’t looking forward to the questions and scolding he knew he would get from his parents, but he hoped he’d at least be able to get a clean shirt before they could see him. 
He took off and began flying away from Dash’s house and towards the fate his parents had waiting for him for breaking curfew. 
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dp-marvel94 · 3 years
I am you (and you are me)
For Invisobang 2021. Art by @bibliophilea
On AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Summary: Set post Kindred Spirits. Something has been different since Danny came back from Vlad's and it started when the older half ghost had the tiny clone overshadow him. The half ghost remembers: His own screams. A pain in his inmost being, in his core. A tug back and forth. Being squeezed. A crash, a collision. And then... the blackness of death.
Danny comes back from the experience changed, with the memories of two lives stuffed in his head and new powers. The fire powers are pretty cool but shrinking, often involuntarily, makes him feel weak and vulnerable. All of it, the powers and memories, terrify him as he learns what they mean. And the thought of telling his loved ones...How can the half ghost hope that Jazz, Sam, and Tucker will understand and accept him now when he himself cannot?
Warnings and Tags: Self harm, Identity confusion, Self-Hatred, Ectoplasm and melting clones related gore, Clone Angst, Nightmares, Memory Issues, Involuntary Shrinking. Panic Attacks, Frostbite is Danny’s Icedad.  Evil Vlad Masters, Bad Parent Vlad Masters, Split Danny, Ghost Catcher, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual acceptance (by Danny and by his loved ones). Sibling Bonding, Friendship, Danny finally gets a hug.
Note: Welcome to my Invisobang fic! This is a semi-sequel to my story "Nothing and Everything." It's set directly after that story, though assuming an alternative ending. It is not necessary to read the older story to understand this one. All you need to know is, it deals with the aftermath of Danny being overshadowed by one of the clone's in Kindred Spirits and the emotional impact of the experience.
All that being said, big thanks to my amazing artist @bibliophilea for the amazing comic, and for beta reading! Thanks to @welcome-tothe-mystery-shack  for your comments and feedback on this story. And finally, a huge thanks to my dearest sister @nervousdragonrebelpie for looking over chapters and listening to me ramble about this story for the past few months. I wouldn’t have been able to finish this without you.
Preview Below:
Chapter 1:
“No! I’m a person. People have names! I have to have a name. I’m not….” A sob tried to break free from his throat.
A knock suddenly rattled the door. “Danny!” Mom called.
Both boy’s heads popped up, focusing on the door. They turned to face each other. “Don’t do this.” The real Danny begged.
“What?” The being asked.
“Every time you get close to the truth, you dream up a distraction.” His eyes widened in desperate panic. “Please don’t-”
Danny’s eyes popped open, a dream swirling in his mind. His heart raced, the sheets sticking to his sweaty body. His brow wrinkled, one shaking hand moving up to rub his aching head. Aching…. He still had that damn headache.
The boy closed his eyes, trying to push the pain away, to coax his heart rate down. He breathed. In and out. In and out. Slowly, so slowly, the throb in his head dimmed, his heart calming. But still, anxiety ate up his insides. 
Blearily, the boy opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. Dissatisfied, he groaned and rolled onto his side. He clenched and unclenched his fists, balling up the fabric on his bed. His bed. Yes, this was his bed…. Sleeping in a bed was so nice and comfortable but at the same time... something about it felt…. off.
The boy pinched his eyes closed, trying to make sense of the feeling. His stomach flopped. Something was off. Something was different. After today, after he’d come back from Vlad’s, after the man kidnapped him, after the man clo-
Danny cut off the cursed word, his mind refusing. He buried his face in his pillow. Vlad’s. Something had happened, something had.. had changed at Vlad’s but he couldn’t... quite... remember.
It flashed in images. Being locked in a pod. Electrocution. His own screams. Pain. A pain in his inmost being, in his core…. On the bed, Danny’s core throbbed at the thought… A tug back and forth. Then being squeezed. A crash, a collision. And then... blackness.
He’d passed out. Danny knew that much. And he’d woken up at some point later but everything between that and when he had arrived home was a blur.
Confusion. His head swimming. Danielle.. sister… frowning in worry. The hiss of the pod being released. A sigh of relief. An ectoblast. Twisted metal and glass. Ectoplasm. Ectoplasm on his hands, on the floor. Oh god, oh god. He hadn’t meant to do that. He wasn’t... the others weren’t supposed to…. weren't supposed to...
Vlad... Master... Vlad... glaring in pure hatred. “Get behind me.” His ears ringing with a scream. The older halfa being knocked into his shelves. His knees wobbling. He fell and turned human. (Human... why did the fact that he could do that make him so happy?) But then horror. Vlad was still up and moving.
Then Sam and Tucker crashed through, hitting the older man. Locking Vlad (Master) in a pod. He needs... he needs to find Danielle. He needs to find his baby sister. But she’s gone. She’s gone.
His friends’ worried faces. “Danny, you’re not making any sense.” “Hey! Hey! Stay with us!” He wobbled…. where was Danielle?..... falling forward….. Sam and Tucker caught him.
At some point later, he’d woken up on his bed with worried friends and sister who he couldn’t adequately comfort. His head had been pounding and he couldn’t remember what happened to him… and what he did remember made little sense. Sam had checked his eyes; he didn’t have a concussion or any other injuries. With his head throbbing, he’d dismissed the confusion as being from the stress of the kidnapping and electrocution. His friends believed him, though anxiety was plain on their faces. But after a few minutes, his friends had said their goodbyes, leaving him to get some much needed sleep.
But now, the night after, Danny laid on his bed. His headache was gone, his mind clearer. He should feel better yet... his heart was sinking like a stone in his chest. That dream. That dream. That was familiar. So familiar. Like it had really happened. Like... it meant something. And yet…. Danny yawned, sudden tiredness overtaking him. He closed his eyes.
Maybe this was the ramblings of a sleep deprived brain. Yeah, maybe he was just tired. Maybe he’d wake up in the morning and everything would be okay. The boy pulled his covers more tightly around himself and fell asleep.
The next morning, after quickly getting ready for school and rushing off, found Danny at his locker. The boy frowned, wracking his brain. What was his locker combination again? He spun the lock, landing on 25. That was the first number, right? Then….56. And finally….12? The lock clicked and he pulled the door open.
Danny sighed. Why was that so hard to remember? He’d had to open his locker just yesterday. He should remember… but why did that feel like a lifetime ago?
“Hey! Danny!” Tucker’s voice cut through his thoughts.
Danny gasped in surprise. In his chest, his core swelled and his body reflexively flickered invisible. A second later, he reappeared, rubbing his chest.
The next thing he knew, Sam was at his side. “What was that?”
“Yeah.” His technogeek friend took a step forward, voice quieting. “Your powers haven’t slipped up like that in months.”
Danny frowned, shaking his head. “I guess... I guess I’m still kinda shook up after….” He wrapped his arms around himself.
Sam’s face softened, seeming to understand. “Do you feel any better?” She asked kindly.
The halfa’s brow wrinkled. “Well, my headache’s gone.”
“You do look better.” The goth commented, her brow furrowing with worry. “You looked rough last night.”
“Yeah, you were really out of it too.” Tucker frowned. “You kept asking where someone called Danielle was? And for your sister?” Clear confusion rang out in his voice and just a hint of teasing…. “We kept telling you Jazz was at home, covering for us.” as if the idea that he was worried about his older sister, when she wasn’t even involved, was funny.
But something in the recollection made Danny shiver. He remembered worrying about Danielle. But…. sister... he hadn’t been talking about Jazz. He’d been asking about another girl, with blue eyes and-
“Then you passed out.” Sam continued. “And we took you home.”
For a too long moment, his friends looked at him questioningly. Finally, Danny bit his lip. “I think I remember that.”
The confirmation seemed to encourage his friends. “That’s good.” Said Tucker.
Danny wasn’t sure it was. But he had no more time to think on it before the bell rang and they were walking to their first class.
During lunch period, Danny sat down at their familiar table, the same one as yesterday and every day since the start of freshman year. He placed down his tray and looked over the tables, waiting for Sam and Tucker to join him.
The boy’s brow furrowed. The cafeteria looked the same as every day. The same as yesterday when…. Danielle phasing through the table, a tiny green speck racing passed him…. At the lunch table, Danny’s core pulsed anxiously. Yes, that had happened but at the same time…. Looking back at the two chasing him. Laughing without sound at their fun game.
Danny shivered, feeling cold. He rubbed his chest, nervously.
“Danny?” Someone was waving a hand in front of his face. “Danny? You with us man?”
The halfa blinked and turned, meeting Tucker’s eyes. “Yeah. What’s up?”
“What’s with the spaciness?” Sam said bluntly. She stabbed at her salad. “You were like that all during English too.”
“Was I?” The boy questioned. He shook his head. “Sorry. Just... thinking about stuff.”
His friends gave him worried looks but didn’t question him. Frankly, it was to Danny’s relief. He couldn’t seem to put his thoughts in order. He couldn’t explain this... weird feeling. 
The friends chatted for most of the lunch period, Sam and Tucker dominating the conversation with a debate about the newest Doomed update.
All the while Danny idly rubbed at his chest with one hand. He picked at his cheese fries. Normally they were pretty good, but he wasn’t feeling it today. He shivered again, flinching as his fork fell through his intangible hand.
“Again?” Tucker questioned with a raised brow.
Danny didn’t respond, instead picking up his fork only for his core to flare and the utensil to fall through his fingers again. With an annoyed grumble, the boy rubbed his chest again.
“Do you think something’s up with your powers?” Sam quietly asked.
The halfa looked up, frowning. “No... I mean…”
The goth pointed. “Danny, you keep rubbing your chest.”
Danny looked down, brow furrowing. Below his palm, his core pulsed. There was something… strange about the rhythm and…. he adjusted the position, pressing just the smallest bit harder. Normally, it fit comfortably under his palm but now... “It’s... bigger?” He muttered.
“What?” Tucker asked.
Danny lowered his hand. “My core?” He shook his head. “No... I’m imagining it.” His core pulsed unhappily, even as he rubbed his forehead. “I’m just tired, I guess.”
Sam and Tucker again looked like they wanted to argue, but the bell rang and they split up, each hurrying to their next class.
The rest of the school day was surprisingly normal. Just his typical classes, without even a ghost fight to interrupt his day. Danny should have felt relieved for such a chill day after what happened last night but yet…. The boy tapped his pencil on his desk. He felt anxious. He must still be shook up, like he told his friends this morning. 
Danny bit his lip, shaking the writing instrument in his hand again. It went flying out of his grip and clattered onto the floor. The boy huffed as he bent down to grab it. His hand hadn’t even turned intangible this time.
With that, the boy straightened in his seat. He glanced at the clock. 20 more minutes left in class. Just 20 minutes. Then he could go home and take a nap. He rubbed his eyes. He was still tired after getting back so late. Maybe some sleep would help him feel better.
Soon enough, the bell rang. Danny stood and walked to his locker. This time, he remembered the combination without wracking his brain. He pulled out his books and turned to his friends, who were collecting their own belongings.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Danny said.
“Yeah, see you later.” Tucker replied.
“Call us if something comes up with the ghosts.” Sam frowned. “I’m grounded but…. I’ll sneak out if you need me.”
The technogeek groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’m grounded too.”
The halfa looked down guiltily. “Sorry.” He bit his lip. “You guys shouldn’t be grounded because you had to save my sorry butt.”
“It’s fine.” Sam comforted. “We weren’t not going to save you. We’re your friends.”
“Yeah.” Tucker agreed. “It’s just the price to pay for being superheroes.”
Danny half-smiled, though he didn’t much feel like it. He wasn’t much of a hero. Guilt still choked his heart. He hated getting his friends in trouble. But still…. “Thanks for having my back.”
“No problem.” Tucker confirmed.
Then down the hall, someone called his name. “Danny?”
The boy turned. It was his sister, Jazz. He frowned. Oh right, he hadn’t talked to her since he’d been half out of it last night.
The girl quickly approached. “There you are. Come on. I’m driving you home.”
Jazz didn’t give him a choice as she started leading him towards the entrance. Danny waved at his friends, watching their worried faces until he turned the corner. 
Less than two minutes later, the pair were seated in Jazz’s car. The girl didn’t start the vehicle, instead turning to face her brother. “Are you going to tell me what happened yesterday?”
“I... Uh…” Danny stuttered, trying to collect his thoughts.
“You disappeared during the middle of school. Sam and Tucker said some weird ghost girl showed up. You went off to fight some ghost and the next thing they knew, Vlad was carrying you away.”
The boy crossed his arms. “It sounds like you already know what happened.” He muttered.
Jazz pinned a serious look. “I know Vlad kidnapped you but…. what did he do to you?”
Danny paled. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Something happened. You were unconscious when Sam and Tucker got back. And you were super out of it when you woke up. But you weren’t physically hurt. What did Vlad do to you?” His sister pushed.
Danny swallowed, his stomach flopping. “I... I don’t…. It’s fuzzy….” 
Jazz rose a brow, her tone suggesting she knew there was more to it. “Danny.”
The boy flinched. “I... he... Vlad electrocuted me?” He remembered. Being locked in a pod, electricity running through him. The creepy hologram of his mom. But... but... there was more.
His sister paled. “Oh... I’m so sorry.” Her voice softened and she didn’t say anything for a while, then… “Do you know why he did that?”
Danny stiffened, looking up. The reason sparked in his mind, with the image. Vlad hissing in front of him, boasting his plan. The man had explained but…. the words stayed just out of reach. Danny's face set in a pointed frown. He shook his head.
Jazz’s own frown deepened. “That little girl…. Sam and Tucker said she looked just like you in ghost form. What does she have to do with all this?”
The boy avoided her eyes, heart fluttering nervously. The little girl.... her face snapped into focus in his mind. Danielle, that was her name. But... there was another word. Started with an S or…. a C. She was like him; she was a clo-
Danny shook his head. No, that wasn’t right. Well…. part of it was right. Danielle had been there. She’d been helping Vlad. She helped the man hurt him; painful betrayal stabbed at him from the thought. But at the same time…
“She helped me. She helped me fight Vlad.” The half ghost said quietly, awed realization sparking as he remembered.
“But… who was she?” Jazz asked, equally quietly.
Just like that, the boy paled again. The word, the cursed word, formed in his mind without his permission. Clone. She was a clone of…. him?... No... that didn’t sound right... he was the same as her but... it had to be true. His frown deepened.
“Who was she?” His older sister asked again.
The boy shivered. “I... I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Danny.” Her voice softened. “You can tell me. It’s-”
“I... I can’t... I don’t wanna talk about it.” He focused on his hands in his lap, trying to keep them from shaking.
“Clearly, whatever happened is bothering you. You can tell me.”
“No. I-” Danny bit his lip, reaching for the door. He couldn’t stay in here with her, couldn’t deal with the questions he had no answers for or rather... questions he couldn’t bear to answer. The… the c word... he couldn’t say it, could barely think it. How could he explain how everything felt wrong, like he wasn’t actually-
“Wait.” Jazz cut off his thoughts. “You don’t have to talk until you’re ready. Just... let me drive you home.”
The boy lowered his hand and slumped back in his seat. “You... you promise? You won’t press?”
His sister’s brow furrowed. Her face was tight, like she didn’t want to agree; but after a long moment, she sighed. “Alright. I promise.”
Danny nodded. “Let’s go then.”
Jazz turned the car on, put it into drive, and pulled out of the parking lot. They drove home in silence. Once they arrived, the boy went straight up to his room. He rubbed his head, flopping down onto his bed. He needed... he needed a nap. Yeah…. That was it. He was still tired.
Sister smiled down at him. “Look at this!” The black haired girl held up her crayon drawing. “This is me.” She pointed. “And Muscles. And Bones. And Daniel.” Her smile widened as she tapped at the last figure. “And this is you.”
The being tilted his head. He floated up, placing small hands on the green figure on the paper. He blinked owlishly up at the girl.
The corner of the girl's mouth turned down. She placed down the paper and offered him a crayon. “Come on. You try.”
The tiny being hovered forward, reaching out to touch the crayon. It was so big, almost half as tall as he was. He frowned, trying to understand.
“Make yourself a little bigger and you’ll be able to hold it.” She encouraged. “Come on. You can do it.”
The being scrunched his brow and he stretched. He was about the size of a toddler, maybe two and a half feet tall. He reached out, grabbing the crayon with his slightly larger hands.
“Great.” Sister said. She pushed a fresh piece of paper in front of him. “Now you draw. Like this.” She demonstrated, rubbing the crayon against the paper so color transferred onto it.
The being flopped down, sitting on the floor. Slowly, so slowly, he copied the girl. He traced his drawing instrument over the paper. He scribbled, creating a mess of lines and shapes without meaning or purpose.
Sister smiled proudly anyway. “You’re doing it. Good job, Tiny.”
He beamed, something in him sparking at the praise. He continued scribbling but the image changed into something more purposeful. A house took shape, stick figures. A large man and slimmer woman. A little girl and a little boy.
The little boy giggled at his drawing. His hands were chubbier than before. A toddler’s, instead of the miniaturized version of a teen’s. 
“Jazzy!” He looked up, showing off his drawing to the little redhead girl.
His older sister looked up. “That looks great, Danny!” She put her own crayons down, rubbing her sweaty forehead. “It’s so hot.”
The boy suddenly dropped his crayons and drawing. “Outside! Let’s go outside!”
“But it’s hot.” The girl repeated.
The boy was already running off. “Mommy! Mommy! Can we play in the sprinklers?! Please! Please!”
Mommy turned around from where she was making lunch. “After we eat, okay?”
“Okay!” The four year old beamed, already running up the stairs to get his swim trunks.
The next thing he knew, he was outside. Mommy set up the sprinkler. He and Jazzy ran around it, giggling. Daddy came outside with water balloons and Danny let out a happy scream. “Water balloons!”
The little boy grabbed one and threw it at his sister.
Danny blinked awake to bright light on his face. His nose wrinkled. It was still light out? Oh wait, he had been taking a nap. He sat up, yawning and rubbing his forehead. He’d been dreaming again, this time about…. He shivered, remembering. He’d been playing in the back yard with Jazz when he was four. And... he’d been with Danielle. She’d been showing him how to draw. 
The boy’s stomach flopped. That didn’t make sense. That hadn’t happened. Maybe... maybe he was thinking about her because Jazz had asked, earlier, when they’d been in the car but... that had felt like a memory.
Dread balled in his gut. He’d been small, smaller than her hand. And then he’d stretched and he was bigger, about the size of a toddler. Danny looked down at his hands, his human, properly sized hands. That, changing his size, wasn’t something he could do but…. In the dream, Danielle had called him Tiny. It didn’t make sense and yet….
He remembered. One of the other clones. The small green one. Danny shivered. That one, that one could shrink. That clone had overshadowed him.
The knowledge hit Danny like a ton of bricks. The tiny clone had overshadowed him. How... how didn’t he remember that until just now? How hadn’t he realized? Danny grimaced, a sickening feeling squeezing his insides. He’d been possessed. Someone else had been in his body, controlling his actions, messing with his mind. The boy wrapped his arms around himself. He felt violated at the thought. That was so wrong. Vlad had ordered one of his clones to overshadow him. And…. more memories of the experience pressed into his mind.
Danny had been semi-aware of the other presence. There had been a fight for control, another core so close to his and…. Memories, thoughts that weren’t his. Flashes of the tiny clone’s memories. And the feeling of tiny hands rifling through his own mind.
Danny pulled his knees to his chest. That must be why he’s felt so off. It was the aftereffects of being possessed. And that dream, the flashes of memory…. he must be remembering what he’d seen and felt from the tiny clone while it had been possessing him.
The boy sighed. But... the feeling would go away eventually, right? It would. He’d felt off after Sidney had overshadowed him as well. It had taken a bit to get used to being in his own body again. And Sidney was more experienced with overshadowing than his clone had been. The ghostly nerd knew how to push Danny’s spirit out of his body, instead of forcing both ghosts to cohabitate. That was why there were strange memories now, unlike last time.
But it didn’t matter. He’d get back to normal soon enough and his friends and sister would have nothing to worry about. Everything would be okay, right?
Danny stood up, rolling his shoulders to stretch. He had homework to do. He sat down at his desk, trying to ignore the way his stomach still flopped.
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
jackpot || dark!daniel x fem!reader
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summary: after saving your life from a client, daniel takes you back to his trailer to treat your wounds
pairing: dark!daniel x fem!reader
word count: 5,417
warnings: violence (reader gets beat up and daniel beats up someone), gang violence (daniel sells guns and shit), s*x work (reader is a s*x worker), fluff smut (reader and daniel), 18+, minors dni, nsfw
a/n: hey everyone!! here's a short little thing i wrote up! as i said before, i'll be moving into my first apartment on may 20 so writings will be a bit scarce! if you're looking for chapter two of garden of eden, i'm hoping to have that up before i leave tomorrow morning!! :)
It was ironic for many who lived under The Highway - stuck in the same place while those above came and went so freely...that was the thing though, those above were free. Nobody came to The Highway willingly - and if they did, they were fucking morons. You either were born into the business or you somehow lost a bet and were working your losses back to be able to leave.
Even though it sounded bad, it wasn’t entirely bad. For many, The Highway became their home and those who worked there became family. Business could be bad at times - angry customers coming back heated and threatening to put workers in the ground, the occasional sweep from the cops, the winters when the wind iced your skin away - but you couldn’t expect perfection.
The Highway was the best some could get. The younger teenagers and kids painted murals on the walls and pillars to brighten the place up, those who sold the cars often times would save some speakers for there to be music played during the day and evening, and the older ladies who cooked would always make sure everyone went to bed with a full belly of food.
So, in a way, The Highway wasn’t any different from life above.
Security for The Highway sometimes fell through. There was no ‘leader’ of The Highway, but for Daniel, the people seemed to agree that he was fit for the role. So Daniel made sure that everything ran smoothly down under The Highway. He had men stationed on either side and some on top near the hills that would lead down to where they camped. It had been a bitch and a half to put together, but after three years, things finally were looking up.
He had just finished dealing with a client who failed to make payments. Daniel never liked dealing with people who couldn’t make payments on time, because it often meant ‘teaching them a lesson’ or ‘giving them a friendly reminder’...that lesson or reminder often meant Daniel returning to The Highway with bloody knuckles and a cut lip - because someone always tried to fight back.
This time was no different. He was pissed beyond pissed to be out almost two grand and the guy who owed money’s wife came out of nowhere with a knife and sliced him good across the cheek.
As he walked up to the washbasin that was at the end of the row of tents that belonged to some of the girls who worked at night, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he grabbed a rag that was hanging up on the clothesline, dipping it in the water before pressing the cool rag to his cheek, hissing in pain.
Daniel must have been muttering something under his breath because the girls that were around the fire out in front of their tents turned and smirked, whistling at him while he cleaned himself up.
“Ooh, someone got it good today.” One of the girls teased, giggling with the others. Shaking his head, Daniel smiled and walked around the basin, over to the girls before hovering over them.
“Dumb bitch got me good...came out of nowhere. I’m lucky I didn’t lose a fucking eye.” The girls were good at making men feel good, that’s what their job was after all, but he knew that the teasing and praises that were directed towards him weren’t fake, perhaps the most sincere the girls would ever act towards anyone.
“I would have been sad to see your pretty eye not there when you came back, Danny.” Another girl confessed, pouting as she looked up at him. He smiled and reached down, pinching her cheek before standing back up.
“Don’t worry about me doll, ain’t nobody taking my eyes.”
As he looked around the fire at the usual crowd, he noticed that you weren’t there in your usual spot. Frowning, he glanced around the camp to see if maybe you were somewhere else, his own thoughts drowning out the sound of the girls continuing to tease him.
“She’s off with a client. Been gone for a bit now. Looks like she had a bag, not sure what that all means, but I don’t think she will be coming back tonight.”
Turning around, Daniel looked at one of the older ladies who was seated in an old rocking chair near the washbasin, filling out a half-used crossword puzzle book, her glasses slipped down to the tip of her nose. Looking up, she took off her glasses and held them in her lap, continuing to rock slow in the chair while Daniel approached her.
“You said she had a bag? Who’d she go with? Is he a regular?” Daniel tried his best to not sound too worried, but it was you. He knew it was stupid to fall in love with one of the girls at camp, given how he had his own role in camp and you had your’s - but out of everyone in the camp, as cliche as it was, you were different. There was a twinkle about you that just brought life wherever you went. He’d be lying to himself if he said that you weren’t the reason he still stayed under The Highway.
So when the old lady shook her head, shrugging her shoulders, Daniel could only feel his worst fears coming true. “Like I said, hun, she had a bag and she’s been gone for a while now. I didn’t recognize him, but he was driving a green mustang. Ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. That much I could tell you.”
And that would be enough. Leaning down, Daniel kissed her cheek and smiled, “Thank you.” He turned around to head to his trailer to get some things before being stopped by the sound of the old lady.
“You’re probably the only one who can get through to her...you kids got a lot more to your lives that rottin’ away down here. You find her and you two run...run away from all this and don’t look back,” Her words were always honest and always made you think hard on your own choices. She was like the eyes of The Highway, always knowing what was going on and when it happened and with who. If she told you to do something out of the better interest for you, you’d best believe that it was the choice you needed to make.
“And for God’s sake, son, just tell her how you feel. Quit moping around like a beaten puppy everytime she goes off with someone.”
All Daniel could do was smile, even with his cheeks pink from being called out about his own feelings for you, he couldn’t be mad. Turning back towards his path, he quickly made strides to his trailer that was down the trail a ways near the creek.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
You knew something was off the moment you got in his car. It was like a switch - the charming and sweet man who approached you at the camp suddenly was gone, in his place was something darker, more sinister. He had sped so quickly out of camp that you swore your stomach went to your throat. You clutched the strap of your duffle bag tightly, looking out the window with tears in your eyes as the creek’s current headed in the opposite way. The opposite way from where he was taking you - away from The Highway, away from your home, away from Daniel.
You closed your eyes tightly, letting the tears drip down your cheeks, your teeth clamped on your tongue to stifle your cries. You knew they didn’t like it when you cried, it only made you less pretty...made them feel uncomfortable because now they saw that you had more feelings than just flirty.
He must have heard you sniffle, or realized by your body language that something was off with you. He didn’t care though, he just rolled his eyes and scoffed, “You gonna make me pay you more to deal with your whiny ass? Come on, why don’t you give me a pretty smile, yeah? Like the one you gave me earlier? God, you girls are so pathetic aren’t you? Not a single thought runs through that head, does it?”
He hit the breaks suddenly, sending you forward until you stopped yourself with your hand pressed against the dashboard. Your chest heaved, panic settling in as he turned, wrapping one arm around you with his other hand still clenched around the wheel. “You ain’t gonna make this no fun for me tonight are ya? You’ve seen the way your friends come back if they don’t do what we pay you to do. Do you want that to happen to you?”
Shaking your head, you mumbled out a ‘no’, watching as his hand went from the steering wheel and to your face, carefully wiping away your tears. “No, you’re right. You don’t. So come on, put on a little smile and let’s have some fun, yeah?”
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
They never went far with clients. That was always the rule. They could go as far as when the creek splits, but nothing past that. Too many have they lost from guys taking advantage of them and driving off with them, only to find them days - sometimes weeks - later face down off in the woods. It was a sight that would never leave Daniel, and now it seemed the only face he saw on those bodies were of you.
With his gun in his left hand and a flashlight in the other, Daniel stormed throughout the woods, marching through the thicket to find the stupid green mustang that you’d be in. He already went down the trail and didn’t find the car near the creek, so if he couldn’t find it in the woods, well...he could only hope he did.
It was pitch black out by now, the moon was high up in the sky that gave enough light when not covered by the trees. Daniel had dealt with these types of guys plenty of times - the assholes who think that just because he paid for a service, meant he could do whatever he wanted. No, no that’s not how it worked.
By the time he reached the edge of the treeline, spotting the twinkling waves from the water, he felt his heart sink. This was it. He had searched the bare trail and in the woods and still you weren’t anywhere to be found. He’d lost you, he had let you down. Feeling the tears prick at his eyes, Daniel blinked them away, nostrils flared as he became angry now, pacing in his spot, gun clenched tight in his hand as his heart began to race.
He knew that he wasn’t thinking at this point, his boot stomping into the ground until he grew tired, the rage consuming him. Daniel didn’t want to give up, he couldn’t, but where else would he have gone? He didn’t have a damn clue. But then, by some stroke of God, he saw it - the fucking car.
Across the creek hidden in the bushes was the green mustang. From his spot on the other side he couldn’t see you in the car, but he knew you couldn’t have been far. Without giving it another thought, he took off down the path, cutting across the slanted hill that split the creek in two and crept towards the other side of the creek, landing in the tall grass before making his way closer to the car.
When he reached the edge of the tall grass, he knelt and looked into the car, eyes squinting to try and get a better look, but still, he couldn’t see you in there. Standing up, Daniel carefully made his way to the car, popping his head up to look through the window in the backseat. While he didn’t want to see someone balls deep inside of you, right now he almost wishes he did - at least then he’d know you were okay.
Rounding the back of the car, looking around to see if maybe you were outside, his steps came to a stop when he finally saw you, in a small clearing in the thick of the bushes, on your back with your hands above your face. Your shirt looked as though it had been torn off, in two pieces surrounding you.
“Please! Please, don’t! Stop! Stop, I promise I’ll-”
Daniel couldn’t watch when you got a kick to the side, flinching away at the sound of your cries as the client above you, shirt off, continued to humiliate you. “Shut up! You hear me! Shut up! God, I can’t stand it when you cry!”
Your hands dropped to your side, curling up in a ball to conceal yourself from him, a whimper escaping your throat as you closed your eyes tightly, not wanting to watch if he decided that you hadn’t had enough.
But Daniel did. And it would end there.
Not bothering to stay quiet, Daniel stood up from his spot in the bushes, the leaves rustling as he stormed out and towards the two of you - not giving the man a second to speak before Daniel connected the flashlight to his head, sending him down onto ass before climbing on top of him, grabbing him by his throat and squeezing his hand around him.
Daniel didn’t have to say anything - the look in his eyes saying enough. His eyes, even darker than normal, stared wide at the man, whose face was turning a plum color from how quickly he was losing oxygen. He was struggling to get out of Daniel’s grasp, and feeling him struggle only made Daniel tighten his grip.
You were trying not to watch, too in shock at how violent the scene unfolded in front of you. Your hands were now covering your face, although you were still peeking between your fingers. The only time you closed your eyes was when Daniel finally raised his gun, your body flinching at the sound of it going off and the ‘thud’ of the body hitting the dirt.
Even though you knew he was dead, you still couldn’t bear to look at what was in front of you, too scared to see if maybe you were wrong and it wasn’t the client who was dead, but by some twisted joke, Daniel. You were shaking in your spot in the dirt, hands squished over your face tightly, a yelp escaping you when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Shh, shh, it’s just me. It’s Daniel, hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now.”
Pulling your hands away slowly, you opened your eyes and looked up to see Daniel, crouched in front of you with a hand on your shoulder, a weak smile on his face. Your face contorted and a sob escaped you, your body falling into his as you hugged him tightly, face buried into his chest. Taken back by how scared you were, Daniel carefully wrapped his arms around you, holding you close until your sobs died down to a dull whimpering.
“Come on, let’s get you back home, okay?”
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
He carried you back to camp, his own jacket wrapped around you to conceal you with the lack of a shirt. When the two of you made it back, Daniel stopped at some of the men that were on patrol that night, explaining the situation down on the other side of the creek and for them to ‘take care of it’. You knew what it meant - dispose of the vehicle and any evidence that would point the blame back towards you all. You never liked to think about what they did, but this time, this time you did want to know.
Daniel carried you all the way to his trailer, inside until you reached his bathroom. He set you down and helped you walk in, letting you sit on the toilet while he sat across from you on the edge of the bathtub.
“Fuck, what were you even doin out there?”
You felt so naked in front of him - having him see you in such a broken state. You don’t know why, but you wanted to cry. No, you did know why, you were so pathetically humiliated and the wash of guilt was flooding over you.
“I- this hasn’t happened before,” You quipped back, a whimper escaping your throat, “He promised to take me away from it all, I thought I could trust hi-“
“Gimme a break, you ain’t no amateur. You’ve been out there longer than me and even I know not to trust anyone who makes promises,” He sat back on the edge of the tub, looking at you from your spot on the toilet, “You gotta be more careful. You hear me? I don’t need to be going out there and finding you face down on the side of the road.”
You dropped your head down, looking at your bloody knuckles. You could hear it in his voice how disappointed he was, how worried he was. yet you still went back, still went out on the street to meet with strangers at night.
But little did you know that he still looked at you in a way that beamed you as an angel. To him you were perfect - despite your job, your upbringing into The Highway, your own personal demons - he still saw you as something so pure and delicate it made his heart hurt every fucking time he saw you out there under The Highway…smoking a cigarette waiting for another customer.
“You can say it. I’m a fucking idiot.” You suddenly said, breaking the silence. Looking up and at Daniel, you frowned, cracked lips twitching as the heat from your black eye began to radiate. You knew it would be a long time before that healed.
You should’ve been dead with this last one. God did he get you good. You were lucky that Daniel found you when he did and pulled the guy off of you, otherwise, well - you wouldn’t be sitting here if he hadn’t.
Daniel smiled sadly your way and you didn’t notice it, but his own eyes began to glisten with tears. Shaking your head, you turned and looked away from him. “I’m sorry…” you choked out, your body soon breaking down as your hand came up to your face, shielding your tears from him, your other hand still on your knee.
You jumped slightly when you felt his warm hand on you, holding your hand that was on your knee. Hesitantly, you peeked through your fingers towards him, seeing him gently stroking your delicate hand with his fingers.
“The thought of losing you…it fucking kills me. You know that? I don’t…I don’t judge you for what you do, okay? Never, never. But you’re too nice, too naive. If I hadn’t got there when I did you would be-“
He was cut off by his own sobs, and you were surprised to say the least when you saw him break down, his gruff demeanor shattering. Your mouth fell open, unsure as to what to say. What could you say?
Moving carefully, you stood up and shakily took a step towards him, sitting on his leg while you took his face in your hands, tilting it up to look at you.
You didn’t have to say anything, your eyes saying enough. You smiled weakly at him and gently ran your fingers down his face, wiping away his tears. He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, soon lulling his head forward to rest on your chest.
Your fingers moved from his face and to his hair, running through his long locks, your face nestled at the crown of his head, taking in his scent. You felt him wrap his arms around you, holding you close to him, tracing patterns in your back.
The two of you sat like that for several moments, neither of you rushing the moment. Eventually, though, you felt him pull back, his head moving up to look into your eyes. While his right hand still kept holding onto your waist, his left made its way up the side of your face, cupping your cheek and letting your head fall into his palm. For the first time in a long time, you felt safe.
When you opened your eyes, staring back at him, you couldn’t help but blush when he smiled back, feeling his right hand squeeze your waist - almost in a teasing manner. He only wanted to see you smile, cheer you up in any way that he could.
“Why do you stay around?” He asked suddenly, his voice quiet as he continued to hold you to him, stroking the side of your face and the side of your waist. Daniel noticed your smile fall as if you were preparing to admit something not good. His heart sank, worry washing over him.
He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling your thumbs caress his face, looking at him endearing, “Why do you stay around?” You pressed, wondering if maybe - just maybe - he thought the same as you. But you beat him to it, leaning forward slightly before your head jerked back slightly, catching yourself from getting too close. “Why would I leave you?”
And there it was - the confession that he had been praying for. Hearing you confirm that you felt the same way made the weight on his shoulders slip away. The laugh that escaped his mouth was more in shock than humorous. When you tilted your head, eyebrows furrowed, you suddenly became embarrassed - did he not think the same?
But then he kissed you, so deeply and sweet, a kiss you had never experienced before. You moaned from the suddenness of the kiss, melting into him as your hands slipped behind his head and around his neck, pulling yourself even closer onto his lap as the two of you continued to kiss.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, Daniel held you to him as he stood up, making his way out of the bathroom and down the hall into his bedroom, laying you carefully on the bed before pulling away. You couldn’t help but blush as he took you in, his eyes wandering over you.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” He whispered, his eyes finding yours again. He leaned forward to kiss you but felt your fingers on his lips, stopping him suddenly. Daniel felt his heart sink, was he being too pushy?
“Are you- are you sure you want to do this with me? I mean...since I, well…”
He knew where you were going with your comment and he could only frown, laying next to you on his side, propping himself up with his left elbow that sat next to your head, his right hand holding your face.
“Oh...no, no, why would you think that? Of course I want to do this with you,” He noticed you beginning to tear up and his expression fell, “Hey, hey...don’t cry, you’re okay.”
Pulling you close, he cradled your head under his chin, kissing your head as he let you cry it out. Stroking your temple with his thumb, he felt your body shake in his hold, your cries muffled by his shirt. He didn’t know what he could say to make you feel better, it was so fuckin heartbreaking to hear you talk the way you did about yourself.
“I can’t think of anyone else I would want to lay in bed with. I said I don’t judge you for what you do, and I meant that.”
Pushing away from him gently, you looked up at him, closing your eyes for a moment when he wiped away your tears. Unlike your client from earlier, Daniel was gentle, comforting you unlike the client who was torturing you. Perhaps you were scared to admit that you wanted to be intimate with Daniel, because deep down you only knew how sex worked when it came to your job - never for pure love.
“Do you want this? With me? You can tell me no and I won’t be mad, I promise you that. If you just want to lay here even, I’m okay with that. I just don’t ever want you out of my arms ever again. I want to know that you’re safe in my arms every night from this day on.”
At his confession, you could only smile, not sure what to say. Your brain was spinning so violently you were surprised that you were even able to stay focused on what he was saying. You went to scoot up but he stopped you, rolling over so you were slightly under him.
“Let me take care of you tonight for once, if you’d let me.” You smiled and finally nodded, a smile spreading across both of your faces before carefully the two of you leaned forward, lips meeting once again.
Slowly his fingers ran up and down the side of your body, moving closer to your breasts that were covered by your bra. Giving them a gentle squeeze, you moaned in his mouth and arched your back, pressing them into his hands more. Daniel smiled against your lips and reached around, unhooking your bra before pulling it off.
You watched as he slowly peppered kisses across your face, moving down your face and to your jawline, down your neck, across your chest, before finally reaching your breasts. He took one in his mouth, suckling until he heard you moaning before pulling away, moving to the other while his hands hooked onto the waistband of your skirt, pulling it down along with your panties.
Daniel pulled away from your breast and sat up, drinking in your naked form before taking your hands into his, squeezing them as he brought them to his lips, kissing over your bruised knuckles and teasingly nibbled on your fingers until he heard you laugh.
“So beautiful…” He murmured against your fingers, letting your hands drop down his chest before you hooked onto his shirt, pushing it up and with his help, pulling it off and onto the floor to join your clothes. With him still sitting up, your hands reached for his belt and swiftly pulled it off, undoing the button of his jeans before pushing them down with his jeans.
Before you could do anything else, Daniel coaxed you back into the bed, hovering over you with your legs spread apart, his hands rubbing up your inner thighs and squeezing them, his dick - now hard - rubbing against your entrance earning a sweet whine from you.
“You gonna take my whole cock baby? Do I finally get to make you mine after all these years?” He whispered, leaning forward and pressing his forehead to your own. Feeling you nod your head, you moaned and let your eyes roll back at the feeling of him teasingly pushing in you slowly before pulling out. “Yes...please, Daniel, please.”
He knew any other time he would press on with what you wanted, letting you beg longer before he finally gave you what you wanted and fucked you good. But this time, this night, he was going to make sure you were treated right.
“I got you, baby, just look at me, okay? I wanna see your pretty face when I fuck you.”
You nodded and looked into his eyes, smiling weakly when his mouth fell open, a faint ‘ahh’ escaping his lips, “There she is, my pretty girl.”
His endearing words sent you over the edge that night. Even with a black eye, cracked lips, and overall just a complete mess than what you normally looked like, he still made you feel like the prettiest girl in the room.
When he finally pushed into you, slowly bottoming out inside of you, the two of you moaned against one another’s lips, the vibration buzzing off each other. Daniel didn’t want this to be too much of a quickie - he would be honest and say he wouldn’t last as long as he would have liked - but he still wanted to take his time.
And that he did.
The pace he went was good for you, intoxicating even. With your legs and arms wrapped around him, you shifted up and down in the bed as he slowly fucked you, typically going in and out of you soft, but occasionally surprising you with a harder thrust. He enjoyed hearing your moans, especially the louder ones of surprise when he suddenly slapped his hips against yours.
His lips felt lonely and he leaned forward, capturing your lips into his with a deep kiss, his own teeth pulling at your lips gently before running his tongue along the bottom of your lip, pushing it in your mouth to mesh with your own.
You moaned against his mouth, your hands holding his face and you kissed him back, the scene almost sickening at how passionate the two of you were. It didn’t take long for you to pull away, your own climax beginning to rise. Letting out a whine, you pressed your forehead against the side of his face.
“Daniel, I- I don’t know how much longer I can last.”
The burning sensation that began to heat up in your core made your legs begin to shake. Gripping onto your thighs, Daniel picked up his pace a bit, his own climax rising too. “It’s okay, I got you. You’re doing so good.”
Daniel’s praises towards you did not help the sensation slow down, but you weren’t upset. Getting off to him- with him, made up for the entire evening. The sex wasn’t even bad, but given the circumstances of the night and how quick it went, you only could wish it lasted longer.
When the fireworks in your head finally went off, your body going slack, you tried to catch your breath as Daniel still continued to rut inside of you, grunting at the feeling of you tightening around him. His pace became even quicker, almost animalistic before he finally snapped his hips in you one more time, cumming deep inside of you.
Collapsing down on top of you, Daniel desperately tried to catch his breath, his head rested against your breasts, legs tangled in with yours. You both had your eyes closed, mouths open as you panted. You felt the softness of his beard against your chest and you smiled, the safe feeling coming back. Your fingers gently ran through his hair, pushing it back as you grew tired.
Before you could fall asleep, Daniel had gotten up and left for the bathroom, coming back with a rag to clean the two of you off before he tossed the rag with his dirty clothes, crawling into bed beside you and pulling you close, kissing the top of your head. It didn’t take long before the two of you finally fell asleep.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
The warmth of the sun cast down on your face as you leaned your head out the window, resting against your arms as you smiled. The sky was still pink from the sunrise and the world around you was quiet - peaceful. The soft music that played from Daniel’s radio was the only voice you heard.
Glancing over to his right, Daniel smiled at the sight of how calm you were, enjoying the moment while he drove the two of you down the highway in his truck. With his left hand on the steering wheel, his right hand found your hand, bringing your hand up for a kiss before resting it back down beside you. He shifted to get comfortable and make you comfortable when he felt you shift and curl up into him, your head resting against his chest.
After you had fallen asleep, that same night Daniel decided that it was finally time for you two to get away - to start the life the two of you deserved. He packed up his trailer and shoved both of your belongings into the back of his truck, the trailer hitched to the back of his truck. It wasn’t a perfect home by any means, but it was your home and that’s what mattered most.
It didn’t matter where you went, so long as you had each other. And the first time in a long time, the two of you were finally free.
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Mud is Thicker then Blood: Test
Verse: ROTTMNT Fantasy Verse
Summary: Being a father is one thing, but also being a teacher is another matter entirely. Especially with a son as stubborn as Donnie
Characters: Leonard, Donnie, Mickey, and Danny
Pairings: Why are you like this?
Rated: G
Dedicated to: @star-boy-blue for all the amazing art you made us!
“Focus Donnie”
The fourteen year old in front of him rolled his eyes, but as a parent he’s used to that. Donnie brought up his bo staff again. “I am, Dad.” As he expected, Don responded with an attack. Whenever Don got frustrated, he’d always respond with physical retaliation. Len took a step back, avoiding the blow before forcing his way into Don’s space. The teen immediately got a flustered look on his face before doing a corkscrew dodge away. Len could see Don’s eyes shift to his left. The teen started charging to move past him when Len swept his hook staff out, catching him around the ankle. With a squawk, that Len struggled not to laugh at, Don hit the ground on his plastron.
Len couldn’t help but wince. ”You ok?” He stepped closer, kneeling down looking over his son's form with a critical eye. Other than some dirt on his clothes, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong. “How’s your leg?”
“It's fine.” Of course Don wanted to do things the hard way. He rolled away and back to his feet with his training staff in hand. A part of Leonard is proud, but he can’t help but sigh as he stood up. “Dee, you don’t have to do this. If you need more practice and training it's fine. No one will think less of you.”
The teen looked at him with what can only be described as exasperation. “No, you don’t get to decide when I’m done. After how many times you made me try ‘just one more time’. No, I’m not done till I say I’m done.” He spun his staff for a moment, probably to vent some anger before slamming the end into the ground and settling into a stance.
Len studied him for a moment. He knew that Donnie is determined not to fail today. He knew what’s at stake. “Then listen. When you bottle up your feelings you get clumsy. You lose your advantage. Just breath and you’ll succeed.” He slid back into a ready stance.
A moment later, Donnie was on him again. The two deflected each other’s attacks for a few moments before Don pivoted in his step. Bringing his staff up to swing at Len’s head. With more defense then necessary he brought his shoulder up to shove Don away before taking several steps back. Without breaking eye contact he reached up to test his ponytail to make sure it wasn’t undone. With that, Len couldn’t help but grin. A surge of energy went through him as his hand caught the incoming bo, his hand now traced with an almost translucent black flame that made Don give an offended noise. “No fair, you didn’t say we could use magic!”
“Come on, rule number one is sometimes you gotta make up your own rules.” Len freed his hand, allowing his kinetic magic to flow through his body. Don, who knew better at this point, bent his knees and jumped backwards. Len could see the gears rolling in his son’s head as Don decides his next move. Len shot forward to retaliate, causing Don to jump again with a furrowed brow when his levitation kicked in and allowed him to float further away and try to stay out of his reach.
Len was on him the minute he hit the ground with an almost inhuman speed. His son was able to deflect his blows but was forced to take several steps back till his shell was up against a tree. Len brought the hooked staff down from above as Don quickly blocked with his own. Len can see his brow is furrowed in frustration, struggling to come up with a solution to the problem. The part of him that is Donnie’s father, silently begged him to surrender. They can always try again later. The teacher in him begs his son not to give up.
Don suddenly released his bo staff and ducks away, the staff snapping to the ground causing Len to stumble. Before Len can move, Don twisted his body and gave him a kick in the ribs. The blow broke his concentration and he lost his kinetic magic as he held his ribs with one arm hand. “Nice hit,” he commented, even though he didn’t have a broken rib or even a bruise, it was enough to knock the air out of him. “It’s not enough to beat your old man though.”
Don grinned. “You said I didn’t have to beat you though.” In his free hand Don held up a familiar blue headband with a gold coin held between his fingers that made Len blink rapidly. He reached for his ponytail again, only to find that the headband he used to tie it back was replaced by a cheap, frayed string, that fell apart at his touch letting his hair fall in his face. He could only stare in surprise for a moment before grinning. “Yeah, I did say that.” He stood up. “When did you realize that’s where I hid the coin?”
“This morning I saw you putting product in your hair, which you wouldn’t have done unless you were worried something might fall out.” Donnie held up the coin. “This counts as a win right? I found the coin, stole the coin, all without you noticing.”
Len’s proud smile sank into a slightly sadder one, one he hoped donnie wouldn’t notice. “Yeah kiddo, you win.”
Barely a moment later, Mickey burst out of the bushes, flailing his flippers in the air “WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO go cookieee!” He shrieked with glee before sliding over and wrapping the teen in a hug. “Your Uncle Mickey is so so proud of you baby Deeeeeeeeeeeee.”
Don gave a loud gasp as he struggled to free himself. “Yeah I know Uncle Mickey! Air, turtles need air! Gah!” He squirmed around but Mickey’s hugs are a power all in themselves and they both end up in a somewhat escape/wrestling match (escape for Donnie, wrestling for Mickey), Len grinned as Danny approached him. “Well, he won.”
“Only because you went easy on him.”
Len glanced at the wrestling nephew and uncle, thankfully too enraptured in their wrestling match to notice them. “Don’t tell him that. He’s my kid, I’m not going to go all out on my kid.”
“I know, you big softy.” Danny wrapped his arm around Len’s neck and pulled him into a side hug for a moment before Len gave him a playful elbow to the ribs and steped away, he brought down his hook staff hard enough to catch the two wrestlers attention (though Mickey had Donnie in a nonlethal head lock, Donnie had a grip on either side of Mickey’s cheeks and was now trying to stretch his face out), Len snapped his fingers with his free hand and pointed to the ground just in front of him. Mickey squirmed free and went to his side while Don stood up.
Hesitating long enough to take a deep breath and move closer, readjusting his hood as though it were a safety blanket. In almost a blink the confident teen who wanted to challenge the world around him was again wracked with insecurity. But, as Donnie stepped up, Len knew his neverending courage would never fail him. “Um,” Donnie started quietly, “I did what you asked. I haven’t snuck out, I’ve listened to everything you said, trained with you everyday, and I got the coin without you noticing.” Despite the anxiety in his eyes, there’s a glimmer of hope. “Do I pass?”
Len had always waited for this day with dread and excitement. He let out a breath through his nostrils before putting on a brave smile. “Yeah you pass. You can be a Mud Dog now.” Don’s eyes filled with excitement as he curled his hands under his wide smile, a strangled squeal started emitting from his throat that sounded sorta like that time Mickey drank that bottle of rainbow liquid that made him radioactive for three days before he stood back up again. Seeming to understand there was more Len wanted to say.
“You’ve earned it. I always knew this day would come, but-” he reached out and cupped the side of his son's face. An act most sons would have detested but Don gently tilted his head into the touch with a smile “-It seems like yesterday I found you, a tiny little child with not even a name. I’ve seen you grow, get better, get stronger, smarter. More stubborn.” He used his thumb to rub his cheek, “You grew up too fast for me kid.”
“Are you saying you’re old now?” Don said with a wicked grin, trying to alleviate the swelling of Len’s melancholy. But Len responded with an equally wicked grin.
“Not too old to put you in a corner you brat.” He reached up and pulled down Don’s hood, causing him to let out a loud laugh before adjusting it to his standards. Len gestured to Danny and Mickey, “Alright, these two softies said they wanted to give you something in case you passed today. So I’ll let them at it.”
The teen blinked and looked in between the two, “Wait, no you don’t have to-“ but Danny waved him off. “Come on kid, I promise it isn’t vegetables this time.” With a dark blush, Don ducked his face into his scarf, save for his dark pink eyes but didn't protest further.
Danny went first. “From me.” He dug into his pocket, and drew out a familiar silver old pocket watch that he held out. It was probably twice Danny’s age and the only thing on it that had been replaced in its time was the fine dark purple cord that would hold it to the user's form. Don took it with both hands, eyes widening. “Recognize it? It’s the same one you fixed for me when we first found you. Been running ever since. Took care of it so when this day came you’d have something from your favorite Uncle.” Danny ignored Mickey’s offended look in his direction. “And see?” Danny pointed to the outside of the pocket watch, “it even has our initials.” Referring to the giant D on it. “It’s the closest thing I can give you to a family relic.” Danny gave a shrug that he probably hoped to seem nonchalant but failed at the slight quiver to Danny’s breath. “Hopefully you’ll think of me every time you use it,” he said rubbing Don’s scalp over his head.
With that he stepped back and turned away for a moment, probably hoping no one would catch him quickly dabbing at his eyes with his sleeve. If anyone but Len noticed they gave no indication. Don looked at the pocket watch with a smile and glint in his eyes before putting it back in his pocket and looking over to Mickey as he squiggled forward. “Well from your ACTUAL favorite Uncle,” Mickey made sure to give Danny a pout (who had collected himself to turn back around) before turning back to Donnie, “I made this a while ago, and figured you’d make good use out of it.” He held out a dark purple bag. That, to an observer may have looked like a terrible gift but Don’s eyes widened showing how valuable it really was. “It’s an infinite bag, you can load it up with a ton of stuff and carry it with you like it was nothing!” He flailed his tentacles excitedly. “Just like what we have!”
Don took the bag with both hands with a look of awe before he smirked weakly, “There’s not a criminal in this right? I don’t want another Registration Day fiasco-”
“IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!” Mickey cried loud enough for nearby birds to take off, flailing his tentacles again dramatically. “An accident! I didn’t know Heinous Green was in it, I didn't!” He probably would have spent another hour defending himself had Danny not reached out and pulled Mickey back. “I know buddy, I know.” Danny said, pulling off his fedora and setting it on the eel’s head as a way to appease him. Which you wouldn't think would have worked except Mickey immediately deflated, his head sinking into his neck as he let out a sigh, feeling the brim of the silk fedora with a giggle.
Donnie let out a chuckle at his uncle's antics before tying the bag to his waist. He opened his mouth again, probably to thank everyone when Len held up his hand, “I got you something too. It’s not exactly new but I think you’ll enjoy it.” He swung his hook staff around. The moment Don’s eyes set on it he gave a loud gasp.
“I-No-Dad I can't, I can’t!” he protested immediately, taking a physical step back. But Len gave him a stern, but warm look that made him move back into place. Len let the staff rest in the palm of his hand as it returned to its handle form with a flash. “The Dragon Claw staff has been in our family for generations. Only a few of us have been able to use it to its full power. My mom, your grandma, was the first to use it fully in three hundred years. Then me, then you. The staff accepted you as part of the Yukimura family ever since it formed in your hands when you were five. When you wield this staff, it’ll be like me and your grandma are always protecting you.” He extended it out to him.
In that moment, he remembered watching his Mother train with this same staff. He remembered learning how to use it under a bridge, his only shelter from the snow and the only distraction from his hunger. And finally, he remembered a small, green hand, far too curious for his own good, reaching out and touching it, only for it to flash and form. Scaring the poor child for a good day in a half. It had only been when it formed again at Don’s touch (days later under the protective eye of him and Danny) that Len knew it had claimed Donnie.
Donnie looked up to him, only when he saw Len’s affirming smile and nod, did the fourteen year old take it. Cradling it in his hands like a sacred treasure. Len could see the tears form in Don’s eyes and was in a way grateful that his son understood how important a moment this was. He’s about to step up and console him when Donnie scrubbed his eyes on his sleeve
“Th-thanks you guys. Thank you dad. I know I wasn’t always the easiest kid in the world, but you never laid a hand on me or gave up on me. Even though we aren’t blood, I never felt like we weren't….” He took a breath, “Family.”
At that moment, the tables are quickly turned and suddenly it's Len with rapidly filling eyes that he can’t blink away. “Aw hell,” he said, wrapping his arms around his son. He could feel Donnie hug him back just as tightly, his smaller hands gripping the back of his jacket as though terrified Len would disappear from his grasp. “I’m so damn proud to be your dad,” he said, pressing his face into Don’s scalp after giving it a small peck.
Don’s muffled voice broke out from its place in Len’s chest. “Are you crying?”
“No!” Len quickly rubbed his face with his free arm to hide his lies before rewrapping it around Don. “Of course not!”
“Oh, definitely, he’s barely keeping it together,” Danny said with a grin that made Len promise to burn all his romance novels later.
“He’s going to cry big time,” Mickey added.
Len glared at them both, “You two are assholes you know that!?” He used this thumb to wipe his newest stream of tears away. Despite what he said, and despite the laughter, the two Uncles joined in the hug, holding them together as close as they could. The world saw them as thieves, as criminals. Wanted posters said three of them were unreformable monsters. But in that moment, and in so many more, he was a father. The luckiest Dad in the world.
They were a family.
They would always be a family.
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
More Broken Glass
So this.. I don't even know how this even came into my head.. I was just like.. Broken glass, yes. Scared Asher, yessss. So uhm, here it is!!! hyujfgukfj.
A big thank you to @heathenwhump for helping me at the start!!!!! Here is a balloon for you teehee 🎈
CW: oki umm, broken glass.. Heheh / forced to kneel on broken sharp object / slight dehumanization / knocked out / just... a very scared whumpee ngl dhjgkf / (if I left anything out lmk!! :)
Asher froze the minute the glass connected with the tiles of the kitchen. The sound of glass breaking echoed through the whole house. His breathing started picking up as he heard the television pause in the other room. Heavy footsteps plodded down the hallway. Asher didn't dare turn around. He could hear his heartbeat rapidly thumping in his ears. He felt nauseous. Was he about to collapse? Could he-
“Care to explain yourself?” Rodger asked in a calm voice that sent shudders down Asher’s back.
Rodger stood at the door frame, arms folded.
“I-” Asher was panting at this stage, “I just- it- it- it ….fell.”
“It just… fell?”
Asher nodded quickly. “Y-Yeah, I was uhm, I was over there.”
Anxiously pointing to the corner of the kitchen, Asher continued, “And then the uh- the …...glass, yes, the glass just uhm, it just fell.”
“So you're telling me, that you were over in the complete other side of the room, then a big ‘ghost’ came along and smashed the glass, and now you're being framed for it?”
Asher cleared his throat, “I mean… when you put it that way, it just sounds ridiculous.” He tried to laugh but stopped the minute he was met with Rodger’s same cold face.
Asher huffed, “Alight, fine. I dropped it, okay? I didn't mean to!” Rodger ground his teeth. “That's alr-” No, wait. No. It wasn't alright. Rodger had been going so soft on him recently, “Oh you're in big trouble now.” Asher’s eyebrows furrowed, “Dude, it was just a fucking glass, chill out.”
“Chill- Chill out?! Asher, all I have done recently is let you get away with things. But now it's over. You need to learn your place again. Kneel.” Asher laughed, “What?”
“Are you fucking deaf? I said `kneel’.” When Asher didn't move, Rodger didn't hesitate to storm over and roughly pushed Asher to his knees, right on top of the glass. Asher let out a cry, “AAAAAGHH! Rodger, R-Rodger!!! Please!!!!!”
“I don't want to fucking hear it, I have had enough of your whining ass, you need to learn whats right and whats wrong,” He pushed Asher’s shoulders further down as Asher tried to stand, forcing the glass further into his skin. Asher’s hands desperately fought Rodger’s but nothing worked.
“Say it,” Rodger spat. “Say fucking what!?” Rodger pushed Asher's shoulders down again. “AGH! S-say what?!?” He was desperate, his voice sounded desperate. He heaved in breaths as tears started to fall. His body hopelessly fought for any kind of relief.
“Say that you know your place.”
“I know my place!!! Jesus Christ!” “And what is your place?”
Asher gulped, “Wh-what?”
“Your hearing seems to be getting bad Asher,” Rodger sneered in a fake caring way.
“It's not my hearing you dumbass, you're just making no sense.”
Rodger let go of one of Asher’s shoulders and quickly backhanded him, “Tell me your fucking place if you're so confident you know it!”
“Oh my god, will you just lay off it?! Let me get up you fucker!”
Rodger’s head was almost numb from frustration, Asher wasn't cooperating and Rodger was running out of threats. He quickly grabbed another glass that was on the table and smashed it over Asher’s head. There was a sudden silence and Asher collapsed to the ground with a groan. He was still conscious. Which was unfortunate for Asher.
Rodger's eyes widened as an idea struck him. He fished in his pockets for his phone, “Stay here, I'm gonna make a call and when I get back here, you better be in the exact same position you are in right now Do, not, move.”
Oh, Asher wasn't planning to. Oh no no no. He couldn't move. His body was full of fire. His knees stung as blood continued to fall. He was ashamed as he whimpered, but that was better than crying...well, that's what he told himself.
He heard talking in the next room. He tried to crawl closer to the room so he could make out what was being said but it was useless. He groaned and tried his best to stand up but quickly fell back to the ground as a wave of nausea hit him.
Just as he closed his eyes, Rodger returned, making Asher groan, “Fuck offffffffff, just leave me alone for two fuckung min-” He wheezed as Rodger’s boot was firmly placed on his back, knocking the air out of him. “Shut it. Now, we have a guest coming in an hour. I would normally tell you to get washed, but I think I want him to see what mess you've gotten yourself into.”
‘Him’. “Antonio?” Rodger chuckled, “Oh no no, worse. Much worse.” Asher gulped, he tried to think of who could be possible who- No!
Rodger must’ve seen the pure shock and terror in Asher’s face when he chuckled. “N-n-no PLEASE! I’ll- I’ll do anything!” Rodger snickered, “Oh Ashy, it's too late for that.” Asher let out a mute cry.
An hour later, the doorbell rang. Asher felt as if he was about to get sick. He took deep breaths and closed his eyes, this was just a nightmare… this wasn't real… this can't be happening. No. He can't do this. How could Rodger be so cruel? It was the voice that made Asher lose it. His brain screamed at him to run but the restraints which kept him kneeling but the table, hands tied to the coffee table’s leg.
“Aiden! Thank you so much for coming in such short notice!!!” “Oh, of course!!! I’d do anything for my Danny boy.”
Asher felt physical chills down his back as he shuddered in disgust. Footsteps grew louder and Asher tried to kick himself away. As far away from the monster as possible. No use. Aiden laughed his booming laugh as he stopped at the door frame, taking in the site in front of him, “Well, well, well. Looks like you’ve got yourself into a little… pickle.” Asher heaved in breaths, “G-go away. Leave me the fuck alone!”
Aiden was fully taken back at the cursing, “Well now Danny, that's not very nice of you! Here I was, missing you so much over the months, and this is what I get in response?? Well, I'm glad Rodger called me, I can finally put you back into your place.”
“Wh-where’s Rodger?” Asher asked, refusing to believe that he heard a car’s tires against the driveway. “Oh, oh he’s gone. He thought that it would be best if he left. You know, finally have a break from you!” Asher shook his head, “Pl-please, I’ll be good, I’ll be good!” He cried. “You see?? Listen to yourself!! I have been here for not even five minutes and you're starting to come back!!! Now just think about it if I stay with you for the rest of the day!” Then he gasped, “And maybe even tomorrow!!!” Another gasp, “What if I brought you back to the house tomorrow so you can.. Catch up with your friends!”
Asher hated how Aiden was getting so… excited about this. He shook his head again, not too violent so his vision wouldn't spin anymore than how much it was right now. Now, you stay there for a moment while I sus out the place, especially downstairs!!!” Aiden clapped, excited.
Asher curled in on himself. It’s a dream. FUCK, please show me it's a dream. I can't, I can't do this. I can't face this. I can’t face him!
But deep down. He knew full well it was not a dream. He tried to think of happy things, happy memories. But all that came into his head were memories from Aiden’s house. All the pain. All the hurt. He couldn't. He can't. He had to.
@likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @yesthisiswhump @as-a-matter-of-whump @appy-polly-loggies @happy-whumper @myst-in-the-mirror @tears-and-lilies
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givemeweasley · 3 years
First Things First pt. 2
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Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count:8.8k
Warnings: hella fluff, and ooey gooey romance, and then some angst (I couldn’t resist)
A/N: here's part two! Hope you enjoy!
First Things First pt. 1, First Things First pt. 3
You remembered the first time you told your friends back in the States about him.
After about a million rounds of hugs the lot of you had settled down around your bedroom. You and Louisa were sitting on your bed, Danny sitting reverse in your desk chair, Thomas claimed the bean bag chair as soon as he walked in the room, and classic Iris who had opted to sit on the floor and lean against the wall. The familiarity of it all felt wonderful. Yet, almost new. You hadn’t seen them in a year, things had changed.
Once everyone was settled, the questions shot out at the pace of rockets. You could barely hear who they were coming from.
“What’s Quidditch?”
“How’s England?”
“What’s Hogwarts like?”
“Are there really prisoners running loose?”
“Did you see a dementor?”
“Did you almost die?”
“What are their houses?”
“Can you understand anything they say?”
“Are the boys cute?”
At that everyone shut up, glaring at Thomas.
He lifted his hands in defense and shrugged. “What?! Don’t act like we weren’t all thinking it!”
Like that instantly reminded them all of something, they shared a look before they all glanced at Iris.
She raised a brow. “I’m not surprised you bunch of cowards. I thought you were Wampus’?” She rolled her eyes before looking directly at you and smirking. “So who’s Fred Weasley?”
Your jaw dropped. You could’ve heard a pin drop in the room as all your friends stared back at you. Clearing your throat you answered, “He’s a friend of mine.”
Danny chuckled. “A friend? Is that what you ‘em in England?”
You crossed your arms, but Louisa nudged your sides. “Come on, Y/N! Tell us everything!!”
Whatever reserve you had had about saying anything, much less admitting it to yourself, dissolved with Louisa’s urging. You pulled your sleeves down until they curled around your palms. “Well, you already know his name.”
Louisa squealed, clutching your arm excitedly. She immediately got hushed by everyone else in the room.
“Um.” You furrowed your brows looking between all our friends. “I don’t really know what to say, honestly.”
“How about you start with how you two met, kid?” Danny smiled softly crossing his arms over the top of the chair. You huffed a laugh.
“Yeah. I suppose that’s a good place to start. Well, we met on the train to Hogwarts. It’s called the Hogwarts Express-”
“They get a train?!” Thomas shouted from the beanbag. A quick glance told you your other friends shared your sentiments. You had forgotten the stresses of using a portkey to get to school. A shiver went down your spine before you continued.
“Yeah, it’s pretty nice too. They come by with a food cart around noon that has all sorts of treats-”
“Fred?” Iris raised a brow.
“Right. Well I found an empty car and sat down. He and his brother, George, and their friend, Lee, found me and wondered if they could join me since the other train cars were full.” Louisa awed from beside you. “Well at first I was so stuck in my head that I didn’t say anything so they almost left, but then I remembered I had working vocal chords and responded. That’s when they realized I was American.” You found yourself fondly rolling your eyes at the memory. “They then proceeded to pelt me with questions for the next several hours. Hm. Almost reminds me of some other people I know.” Giving a very pointed look at the four friends around you. But instead of guilty looks, they were all smiling, besides Iris who looked vaguely amused.
“What then?” Danny urged.
“Well, then I got sorted into the same house he was in. And no, Louisa,  it was not love at first sight.” You said, noticing her hopeless romantic look. “He’s an identical twin, remember? I could barely tell him apart from his twin.”
“What houses do they have?” Iris interrupted. That was just the sort of thing she would interrupt for.
“Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.” Iris raised another brow, hinting that you should continue. “Gryffindor is the brave, Ravenclaw the wise, Hufflepuff the kind, and Slytherin the ambitious. That’s the best I can sum it up.”
“Hm.” She nodded. “Continue.”
“Right. Well. I got sorted into Gryffindor, which was his house. Then he and George called me over to sit with them and I did. Honestly, it was kind of history from there. They call me ‘Merica.” A small smile crept up on your face almost without your knowledge. “But there were lots of things we did. We had detention together.” You glanced up at Danny seeing his head thrown back in laughter. “We ate breakfast together every morning, had classes everyday, went to Hogsmeade-”
“Hogsmeade?” Louisa spoke up again.
“Oh- uh- it’s a little wizarding town outside of Hogwarts. We get to go there a couple times a semester.” Louisa nodded. “Anyway, there were lots of little things I think that we did together. Although a lot of the time we did them with George, Lee, and Angelina.”
“When did you know?” Thomas said grabbing the bean bag and dropping it a few feet closer to the bed before plopping down in it again.
“Know what?”
“You know, like, know.” Thomas winked dramatically.
“Oh-oh. Um.” You leaned back against your headboard. Was there a specific moment? “Well, I think I first started to-” You cleared your throat, “like him when I first got your letters at Hogwarts. It was probably a month or two into school and I was opening them before our Hogsmeade trip. I was- sad. I read Danny’s letter first and it reminded me how much I missed you guys. Fred sat down across from me and instead of saying any bullshit like it’s okay or I’m sure they miss you just as much or you have new friends now, he said well then, it’s a good thing we’re going to Hogsmeade today so we can buy them a couple of souvenirs to send back. I don’t know.” You looked down at your comforter and traced the pattern in the cloth. “It was just exactly what I needed to hear.”
“You can tell Fred I loved those Dungbombs.” Danny smirked.
“Tell him yourself. You have paper and quills.” You smirked back. “But-” Turning back to face Thomas, “I think I knew when I had to leave for the end of the year. Something about not being around him all the time made me realize holy shit I want to be around this buffoon all the time!”
With that you looked over to Louisa who was dabbing at imaginary tears, Thomas had his hand clenched over his heart, Danny was just shaking his head with a smile, and Iris was actually smiling.
Iris looked over to Danny. “Kids in love.”
You grabbed a pillow from behind her and chucked it at her. “Am not!”
“Sure. Sure. Whatever you say, kid.” Iris laughed as she caught the pillow and tucked it under her arm.
“Last question.” Louisa placed her head on your shoulder. “What does he look like?”
Hm. Good question. Your mind took you miles away and weeks ago as you waved goodbye to him on the Hogwarts Express platform. “Bright red hair that brushes his broad shoulders. He’s really tall too. Soft brown eyes. Muscular arms and a really warm smile.”
The room had quieted once again. You hadn’t realized you were staring off into space blushing until Danny spoke up breaking the silence looking at Iris.
“She’s in love.”
You flopped back onto the pillows and threw your arm over your eyes.
But their laughter and teases had already overtaken your voice as the rest of them piled onto the bed on top of you.
You couldn’t help but smile underneath the weight of them and the thought that they were probably right.
You remembered the first time you stayed at the Burrow.
Your mom had driven you to the Burrow early in the morning and parked around a hundred feet away from the front gate. You both walked to the front door, your suitcases in your hands, your football (and one extra for Lee) under your mothers arms. You set your suitcases down and knocked on the door.
If it had been quiet before that, all hell broke loose at the sound of your knock. You heard vague sounds of griping and fighting, before the door was wrenched open by who you assumed was Mrs. Weasley. Your first thought was she looks like the kindest woman I’ve ever met. It made you wonder what Fred and George and even Ron whined so much about.
“Oh! You must be Y/N and you must be Mrs. Y/L/N! Come in, come in!” She waved you both into what was the most out of order, magnificent, mismatched house you’d ever been in. And you couldn’t wait to stay. Mrs. Weasley hurried you both over to the chairs at the table before flicking her wand. You and your mom sat down before two cups of hot tea came flying (not spilling a drip) and landed on the table before you.
It was right at that moment that two boys came crashing down the stairs. Your head twisted to see Fred and George laying on top of each other in a weird pretzel at the base of the staircase. They both scrambled to get up and make their way over to you.
“Boys, be gentlemen and take Y/N’s stuff up to Ginny's room.” The boys looked at each other and then back to their mom.
“But mum-”
“Ginnys!” She raised her voice the slightest bit and gave them a smile you recognized seeing on your own mother several times before. The one that garnered zero arguments. Hearing them sighing, you placed your tea back down on the table and stood.
“I’ll go help them, if that’s alright?” Your hands were clasped tightly together. You didn't want to offend Mrs. Weasley your first night here. You could hear the twins grabbing your suitcases from behind you.
“Of course, dear. It’ll give me a minute to talk with your mum.” She gave you a kind smile which alleviated some of your nerves as you pulled the footballs from your mothers grasp and followed Fred and George upstairs.
As soon as you hit the second floor, Fred grabbed your arm and pulled you into a room. They both dropped your suitcases and threw their arms around you. The footballs fell onto the floor as you wrapped your arms around the both of them.
“Missed you, ‘Merica.” George mumbled.
“Things have been boring around here.” Fred smiled pulling back. You tried your best to conceal the blush that threatened to make itself more known than it already was.
After they both let go, it gave you a chance to see their room. You knew it was their room the minute you saw the mess. Papers of what you assumed were plans for joke shop products were scattered everywhere but mostly concentrated on the desk. Their beds were littered with a few of those test products that you had been on the receiving end of a few times. Your eyes lifted back to the boys.
“I’ve missed you guys too.” You bent down to grab your suitcases, but Freds hands snatched them out of your grip. “But your mom is going to hate me unless you take me to Ginny’s room.”
“No she’s not.” George rolled his eyes but squeezed past you and into the hall. You followed him, leaving the footballs in their room. “We’ve told her too much about you and how you’ve tried to get us to stop doing pranks-”
“That’s not true-”
“She doesn’t need to know that.” Fred whispered in your ear from behind you, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin. His head appeared next to your shoulder as he followed close behind and winked.
“Stop that!” You swatted at him, but he had already moved laughing as you missed.
“And here we are.” George led you into Ginny’s room and Fred followed before placing your suitcases on the floor.
“Where’s Ginny?” You asked, turning to the twins.
“Down at the lake with Ron. We were gonna go join them but then Fred here remembered you were coming today, so we decided to wait.”
“How sweet.”
“Well get dressed so we can go join them!” Fred called as he and his brother left the room, shutting the door behind them.
As soon as you heard the click you plopped down on the nearest bed. Your heart felt as if it was about to beat itself right out of your chest. You could practically hear it. For a moment you wondered if Fred could.
And then you realized you were being paranoid. You shook your head trying to get your mind off the way Fred’s arms felt around you. Strong. Comforting. Warm.
Those could’ve been George’s arms.
With that, you stood up and quickly got changed into your swimsuit and grabbed a towel. Holding it over your body, a little self conscious, you poked your head out the door. Seeing Fred leaning against the wall in nothing but swim trunks almost made you fall flat on your face, but luckily you caught yourself on the door frame.
You cleared your throat as you walked out and closed Ginny’s door behind you. Fred looked up. You couldn't have been lying to yourself as you saw a faint flush light up his cheeks as his hand lifted to rub the back of his neck. The tension only seemed to build as neither of you spoke.
Finally you managed to choke out, “so where’s George?”
A light seemed to go off behind Fred’s eyes as he straightened and shook his head. “Oh- um- George. Right. He- uh- he already left to go to the- uh the lake. Said he got tired of waiting.”
You nodded. “So are you ready?” You asked taking a step closer to Fred. He choked and stumbled backward grabbing onto the wall.
“Yeah- uh yeah!” Abruptly, he turned around and made his way down the stairs. You stood there for a second thinking about what just happened before shrugging and following him down.
“Oh there you are sweetie!” Your mom smiled standing by the door. “I was waiting for you to come down so I could say bye.”
You strolled to the door and hugged your mom tightly. “Love you, mom.” She kissed you on the head.
“Love you, too. Have fun and treat Mrs. Weasley with just as much respect as you would your father and I.”
“Yes ma’am.” Giving her one last hug, she walked out the door and to her car. You watched her at the door as she drove away.
“I’m really excited to have you here Y/N! Your mum is a kind woman.” Mrs. Weasley said from behind you.
You turned and smiled at her, nodding. “She really is.”
“Anyway!” Fred interrupted, grabbing your hand. “We’ve got a lake to go swim in! Bye mum!” Fred pulled you out the door and past the gate before you even had time to wave.
“Be careful!” Mrs.Weasley called out at the door.
Once you two were far enough from the house, you figured Fred would let go. But, he didn’t. You allowed your heart to expand just a little. He slowed his pace to a casual walk instead of the frantic run he’d started with.
The problem was he wouldn’t look at you. Actually, he seemed quite interested in anything that wasn’t you.
You stopped, half expecting his hand to leave yours as he continued walking. Instead, he jerked to a stop too once he realized your hand was tugging on his. You tried not to think about the fact that he was still holding your hand rather than continuing to walk on without it.
However, he still didn’t look at you. He only tilted his head in your direction, still facing forward.
“Are you mad at me?” You whispered laying it on thick, hoping it would do the charm. It did.
Fred’s eyes snapped to yours worriedly. “Mad? Bloody hell no. Why would you think that?” He asked, taking a step closer to you.
“Well you weren’t looking at me or talking to me, so…”
Fred ran his free hand through his hair and closed his eyes sighing. “I haven’t looked at you, because you’re killing me here.”
You took a step closer.
“How so?” You tilted your head innocently as you gazed up at his still closed eyes. At feeling your body heat, Fred’s eyes snapped open. He took a step back. This felt like a dance you only vaguely knew the steps to.
He visibly took a deep breath before shaking his head. “Forget it, let’s go before they start having all the fun without us.”
You let him pull you this time. A small hope blossoming in your heart and a secret smile forming on your lips.
You remembered the first time you almost admitted how you felt.
Turns out Fred’s surprise was an invite to the Quidditch World Cup. Something he insisted was the very height of all world sports. You didn’t tell him you still thought Quadpot was better. You were appreciative either way.
The day leading up to the match was quite eventful. From the portkey that instantly took you back to America and Ilvermorny, to watching as Fred and George gambled away their entire savings on the game you were sure the game couldn’t possibly be as entertaining as everything around it. Especially not when Fred and George painted their faces in Irish colors.
“So you enjoying yourself?” George asked from beside you in the stands. Fred was on your other side not paying you a bit of attention as he took in every aspect of the general splendor.
Your eyes shifted to look at George who still had his eyes on the pitch.
“Yeah, I guess. Honestly, I’m just happy to be here with everyone.”
“How were The States? I don’t think I’ve gotten the chance to ask, with that one-” he nodded at Fred, “hogging all your attention.”
That sent a blush straight to your cheeks. It almost made you sick how often that was beginning to happen.
“Don’t even try to deny it, Y/N. We all see it.” He nudged your shoulder with his. “Mum supports it wholeheartedly if that’s what you’re worried about.” Your jaw dropped at that. You quickly glanced to see if Fred was paying any attention, but his focus was still on the ads flashing before him.
“George- I-” You sat back and huffed. “How’d you know?”
He scoffed. “As if everyone couldn’t tell. You two are constantly making googly eyes at each other.” George leaned in close. “Fred wouldn’t shut up about you the first night after we met you. Kept raving like a madman about how pretty you were and how he wanted to hear about football and a million other American things.”
You had to keep from looking behind you at the boy who was the focal point of your conversation.
“What you are lot talking about?” Speaking of the devil, his head appeared over your shoulder.
You frantically looked at George hoping he would come up with some sort of-
“We were talking about how her trip back to The States was.” George replied leaning back in his seat. “Now focus, the game’s about to start.” You nodded way too energetically, and you almost thought Fred was going to say something about it. But he seemed to hold his tongue after meeting George’s eyes and turned back to the game.
“The Irish are gonna win. I’m sure of it.” He mumbled.
“You better be. You bet all your savings on it.” You whispered back a slight smirk on your face. Fred shook his head and opened his mouth to respond.
“Well if it isn’t another dirty mudblood in the stands.” A low voice hissed in your ear. Your head whipped around only to see Draco Malfoy sitting behind you, an evil little smirk on his beady face. You felt both the boys tense beside you as they both prepared to presumably respond. You immediately turned around and grabbed both of their arms firmly.
“We’re just gonna pretend he’s not here.” You whispered quietly enough you knew the twins would hear, but hopefully not loud enough Draco-
“I almost forgot-”
You muttered under your breath.
“How beautiful and kind hearted you are.” The shriek of indignation was a clear sign of it’s effectiveness. You smiled broadly as Fred and George both turned to you as Draco continued to mumble niceties.
“The hell did you do?” George laughed.
You shrugged. “Wandless magic. I call it the Sweetheart Charm.”
Both boys' jaws dropped. “You know wandless magic?!” Fred leaned in.
“Not strong magic, but it’s kind of an elective at Ilvermorny. A useful one apparently.” You giggled still half listening to Draco talk about how much he admired Harry Potter.
Fred huffed. “You could’ve told me that before I borrowed George’s wand to scourgify Snape’s classroom last year.”
You turned and nudged his shoulder with your own. “A good magician never reveals her tricks.”
With that, the game kicked off. Quite literally. The players took flight and from your mid-pitch seat you were able to see everything well enough. The excitement in the stadium was tangible. Both sides were rowdy and exuberant and became even more so as the game went on. Especially when the Veela and Leprechauns began to fight on the pitch.
Quadpot would never.
Finally, Victor Krum caught the Snitch meaning the game was over. And the Irish had won the World Cup. Fred and George jumped up throwing their hands in the air before Fred hauled you up with him and pulled you into his arms.
“We won!!” He shouted, smiling broadly. “We won!! That means we won our bet!!” Now that was something you could cheer for.
You screamed, throwing your arms around his neck as he picked you up. With your face pressed into his neck, you breathed in. He smelled like face paint, sweat, and a tiny hint of firework ash. You dug your face deeper never wanting to forget it.
Eventually he set you down, but his arms were still wrapped tightly around you. For a moment, just a moment, you contemplated leaning up barely a fraction of an inch to join your lips to his. You could feel his breath on your skin. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips as you began to rise to your toes.
“Fred! George! You won!” Ron shouted from below you. You two jumped apart as if you’d been shocked. You heard Fred clear his throat while you stood next to him trying to remember how to breathe.
“Yeah, Ron. We did!” He smiled but it looked more like a grimace. You should’ve known he was being weird when he didn’t immediately find something to tease Ron about.
After that, Mr. Weasley led you out of the stands and back down to your tent. For a while, you all stay out and celebrate. Shouting and screaming and laughing and just having fun. But there came a point where even you got tired and had to retreat into your tent. You practically collapsed on your bed after changing into sleep shorts and a random No-Maj band t-shirt. Sleep was instantaneous.
“Wake up! Girls get up!” You awoke to someone shaking your shoulders. Blinking rapidly, you focused on Mr. Weasley standing above you with a panicked look. “Get up!” He moved on from you seeing you were awake, to wake up Hermione or Ginny. You didn’t know. But the fear in his eyes made you roll out of bed and grab your wand.
Hermione and Ginny were both waking up looking just as frightened, shivering in their nightdresses as Mr. Weasley ushered you all out of the tent. All you managed to piece together in your terrified state was Mr. Weasley saying the woods and stay there. You barely registered as Fred grabbed onto Ginny and George grabbed onto you, as they whisked you into the forest.
Your bare feet tripped over souvenirs and sticks. You tried to ignore how it stung and how the bitter English cold bit through your thin t-shirt and shorts.
I am way out of my depth.
Fear trickled into every inch of your body as George kept tugging you into the forest. But you tripped. George lost his grip and in seconds you lost sight of him.
“Get up!” Someone yelled as they grabbed your arm and yanked you into a standing position. It took a second to see it was George who had come back for you. Relief flooded your system. Finally you both broke through the trees, but you had lost Fred and Ginny in the process.
George didn’t let up, he kept pulling you in whatever direction was away from the campsite. Your feet were definitely going to be cut up. You tried not to think about it even as tears poured down your cheeks.
After what felt equally like hours and no time at all, you both came to a halt. George pulled you into a sitting position behind a tree, you settled between his legs and his arms around you. Your heart was pounding. Your muscles were aching. You had never felt more ill equipped than you did at that moment. Even with being a witch.
“George, I’m scared.” You whispered so quiet you could barely hear it. It felt odd that the forest was so quiet. You could barely hear the screams and shouts coming from the campsite, whether that was a good thing or a bad thing you weren’t sure.
“Y/N,” You knew that voice. “It’s Fred.” His hand came up to tuck your hair behind your ear. His head resting on your shoulder. “It’ll be okay. Trust me.”
You leaned your head against his and closed your eyes. “Okay.” You tucked your knees into your chest and just waited. You could feel Fred’s chest heaving from behind you. It countered your own labored breathing. That one solitary fact provided the smallest bit of comfort. That he was breathing in while you breathed out. That he breathed out while you breathed in. It felt safe. You couldn’t describe it any other way.
Briefly, you thought back to what George said in the box earlier that day. You turned your head ever so slightly towards Fred. You licked your lips as if giving yourself just a second more before gaining the courage.
If the fear of death wasn’t motivation enough, you didn’t know what would be.
“Fred?” You breathily whispered.
“Yeah?” He whispered back.
“I have to tell you something.”
He let out a small laugh but it sounded so devoid of any humor. “Then tell me, love.”
“For awhile now, I’ve been-”
Green light flashed like lightning above you. You scrambled to your feet, Fred following, to see what it was that lit up the entire forest in an eerie green glow.
A snake coming through a skull.
The Dark Mark.
You stumbled back into Fred who caught your arm before you fell.
“Let’s go.” He mumbled before fiercely tugging you in the opposite direction of the mark in the sky. Fear rattled through your bones then.
Even as Fred tugged you through the forest, your eyes were on that Dark Mark in the sky. You didn’t know if you wished your parents had never brought you here or if you were glad they did.
You remembered your first kiss.
The Triwizard tournament held more excitement for you than for most. It wasn’t because you could enter under the name of Ilvermorny (although you did consider it but you were a year too young). Nor was it because the prospect of spectating the tournament held a special excitement. It was because for the first time in your Hogwarts life, you were not the only foreigner.
French and Russian wizards and witches were now at Hogwarts which meant, for the first time, no one cared that you were the only American in a British Wizarding school. Your friends still called you ‘Merica, but that had never bothered you to begin with.
Everyone was instead focusing on the fact that Quidditch World Cup player Viktor Krum was in attendance at their school.
You, however, were using the time everyone was focused on stalking him to find some peace and quiet. The start of classes had been even more stressful than last year. You had gotten your OWLs back and had gotten ten total. Considering your aspirations to be a healer, you had no choice.
You had stopped studying in the library as Viktor had decided, for whatever reason, to make it his personal haunt. Meaning that there were always a gaggle of girls following close behind, trying and also failing at being quiet. Also meaning that you had to find a new study hole.
Instead of picking the obvious choice, the Gryffindor Common Room which always seemed to be bursting at the seams with signs and people chanting Harry’s name, you went with something a little more hidden.
The kitchens.
The house elves were friendly and welcomed you everytime you came in carrying your books and papers. They’d been kind enough to help you set up a little armchair in the corner of the room with a small side table next to it to lay your work on. It had been a life saver. It gave you an escape from everything and an opportunity to make new friends. Although the thought of slaves enjoying slavery sent a chill up your spine, but if you knew anything about Hermiones attempts at SPEW, it was better to leave the subject alone.
You’d been spending more and more time alone since returning to Hogwarts from the Burrow. Especially after Defense of the Dark Arts with Moody. The thought of that specific class made you want to hurl. Your boggart had been nearly unbearable.
The sight of your mother dead on the floor of the classroom had been nightmare material for the past month. You didn’t tell anyone, not even Fred you were having them. You just pulled back figuring that once everything stopped feeling so fresh and raw, you could talk about it.
“More coffee ma’am?” One of the house elves you’d come to know as Jippy held out a cup of pitch black liquid.
You reached forward taking the cup from his hands, breathing in the welcoming aroma.
“Thanks, Jips.” A broad smile overtook his big eyed face before he nodded and went back to work.
You continued to work through your Potions homework with the utmost concentration. The NEWTs class was indeed harder, and took up most of your studying time.
“There you are.” A voice called from across the room. Your eyes lifted, seeing none other than George Weasley strolling towards you with his hands in his pockets. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Who’s we?” You asked sitting up from your slouched position in the chair as George grabbed a nearby stool to sit on next to you.
“Who do you think?”
“Well is he wearing an Invisible Cloak?” You replied just as sarcastically.
George let out a small laugh. “No, we split up to cover more ground. He went to check the upper levels. If only we still had the Marauders Map.” He shook his head wistfully.
“What if I didn’t want to be found?” You lifted the corner of your mouth in an attempt at a smile, but he saw right through it. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees and gazed sharply at you.
“Then I’d have to ask you why.”
You looked away unable to hold his stare. “George. I don’t wanna talk about it.” You hesitated. “I’m not ready to yet.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw George nod sadly. But he understood, you could tell. “Alright, Y/N.” He stood and pushed the stool back to its original position. “But you’ll find us whenever you’re ready to talk?”
You met his eyes and smiled softly. “Of course.” With that he nodded and began to make his way to the back of the portrait. “Wait!” You stretched your arm out as if you could reach him.
“Yeah?” He asked, glancing back at you.
“Don’t tell Fred about-” You waved your hands around you. “I wanna still be alone here.”
George nodded. “No problem.” And with that he stepped through the portrait and was gone.
You slumped on the chair, lifting the hot coffee to your mouth. All you could do was think. Think about nothing and somehow everything as the coffee stung its way down your throat.
It was past midnight a few nights later when you snuck out of the Gryffindor tower. The hood of your cloak was pulled over your head after you checked that the coast was clear. Quietly you made your way down to the Trophy Room on the third floor. It was the only place you could think that would have what you needed. The halls were dark and the only sound was your light footsteps on the stone. The light from the candles flickered as if they were minutes from going out. But you reached the room in enough time.
You closed the door quietly behind you once you reached the room and began to look around. The trophy room was almost always empty. Plenty of dark nooks and crannies within the cases and trophies themselves. The trophies themselves seem to stare at you from behind the glass of their cases, following you through the room, knowing what you were seeking. You slowly made your way around the room listening for any creaks or sharp noises.
“Lumos.” You whispered walking steadily through the room. The light from your wand caused shadows to stretch up to the ceiling. They leaned over you and stared down causing a sliver of fear to creep it’s way into your heart.
Finally, closer to the back of the room than you would’ve liked, you heard it. One of the bottom drawers in what looked like a dresser filled with cleaning supplies was rattling. You lifted your wand higher and whispered.
The drawer snapped open as the boggart flew at you, almost causing you to drop your wand. You stumbled back into a trophy case before catching yourself. But that moment was all the boggart needed to shift before your eyes.
Your mother was clutching her bleeding throat, blood pouring down the front of her dress. Her eyes were desperate, until they focused on you. They shifted to burning rage as she stumbled forward choking out a few words as she stumbled towards you.
“You...disappoint...me. You’re no…daughter...of mine.” She choked out as you fell backwards onto your hands.
“Rid-R-Riddikulus!” You pointed your wand at your mother. But the boggart shifted into your father. Clutching his abdomen as blood poured out onto the ground.
“You did this.” He spat at you.
“No. No, Dad- I-” It shifted again into Danny.
“You abandoned me. Abandoned our school. Our friends. Our life. Don’t ever come back.” He lifted his hand which held a wand with a frightening look on his face as he shifted into Iris.
“I never liked you. You were always weak, too weak to be a Wampus. Too weak to even be called a witch, you mudblood.” She spat at you.
And then her face shifted into one much taller with flame red hair. The gentle brown eyes you’d come to love looked at you with utter loathing. You shook your head desperately wanting it to stop.
“You think I would ever love you? As if you’d ever be worthy of my time much less my affection. It’s hilarious to think I would ever want a vile creature like you.” You crawled backwards, scrambling to get away. Bumping into trophies and trophy cases as the boggart gained on you. Every shadow that had once seemed lifeless, seemed to peel off the walls before you, multiplying your fear tenfold.
This wasn’t real, you tried to remind yourself.
It’s not real. He’s not real.
“Not real, am I?” Tears spilled down your cheeks obscuring your view of Fred. But you could see the disdain on his face clear enough. “I’m flesh and blood, Y/N.” He took another step closer, you felt the sound of that footstep in your chest. “You have no future.” Another step closer.
“You will die alone.”
Another step.
“No one to love you.”
“No one to mourn you.”
Another step.
“Bury your body.”
“No.” You whimpered, shaking your head frantically.
“You are nothing.”
“R-Riddikulus!” You shouted again with tears in your eyes. “Please!”
But Fred kept gaining on you, until his hand wrapped around the front of your cloak and hauled you close to his face. His brows were furrowed deeply, the lines around his mouth almost made it look like he was snarling. His eyes looked at you like he couldn’t even stand to touch you or even look at you. “I hate you.”
“Riddikulus!” A voice shouted from behind you. You fell to the floor as the boggart shifted into a firework before disappearing altogether. Sobs wracked your body as you laid crumpled in a heap. You heard footsteps gaining on you but couldn’t even bear to see who it was. Despite knowing the answer.
“Y/N?” A hand gently laid on your back. The flinch that followed couldn’t be helped. “I’m sorry- I’m sorry.” He immediately whispered, lifting his hand. You heard a soft sigh before you felt hands softly grasping your chin.
Fred was kneeling in front of you with the gentlest expression you’d seen on him to date. And yet, you saw the deep pain in his eyes. One hand swept your hair back then moved to wipe the tears still falling from your eyes with his thumb.
“C’mere.” He opened his arms. He made no move to force you into his arms. For a moment, you hesitated. His words- the boggarts words- were still reverberating around your skull. But you needed him. Fred. Not- not- the Fred of your nightmares. So you crawled into his arms, still shaking.
His arms came around you immediately, rocking you both back and forth on the floor. He shushed you softly while running his fingers through your hair. Fred pressed a kiss into your hair before tucking your head under his cheek. But he remained silent. As did you.
Slowly but surely your breathing slowed. You leaned further into Fred’s embrace as if that was possible, relaxing your muscles a fraction.
He seemed to take that as a sign that you were ready. “Y/N, what happened?” His voice was soft in your ear. You lifted your hand and placed it on his chest. You felt the steady thrum of his heart, and it gave you just enough peace to answer.
“I’ve-” Your voice broke off, hoarse from trying to scream a spell that wasn’t working. “I’ve been having nightmares.” Your fingers curled into his shirt. “Ever since Defense Against the Dark Arts. I saw my mom.” At that it seemed like everything came spilling out.
“I’m so scared, Fred. That Dark Mark-” Fred’s grip tightened. “My grandfather died in the First War against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I didn’t know him, but my grandmother talks about it sometimes. It’s why we moved to America.”
“I didn’t know.” He whispered in your hair.
“How could you? I never told you.” You sucked in another breath. “I’ve been having nightmares about death. My parents dying, my friends dying, you dying. I can’t get it out of my head, and it just keeps playing on repeat like some horror film that only shows one scene. Maybe it’s the stress of NEWT classes, maybe it’s because I’m weak, I don’t know.”
Fred gripped your chin in his hand, turning you to meet his eyes. The softness was still there but it was buried underneath determination. “Y/N, listen to me very closely. No one is dying. We’re all here. We’re all safe. Okay?”
You nodded.
You desperately wanted to look away as you asked the next question, but Fred’s grip was firm. “How much did you see?”
His thumb brushed over your cheek. “I walked in the room when he said ‘not flesh and blood, am I?’ but it took me a minute to figure out how to get over to you.” There was real pain in his eyes as he spoke to you this time. “Y/N, I would never never say those things to you. They are simply not true.” Fred released your chin to tuck you under his own as he brushed back your hair. You wondered if it was more for you or him. “When you die, a long time from now, it will be surrounded by those whom you love and who love you in return. You will be missed for as long as the sky is blue and your children's children’s children will get to say they are a part of your family.” He pressed a delicate kiss to the crown of your head. “You are important. You are magnificent. Breathtakingly beautiful. And I-” He cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t know how to live without you anymore.” The warmth that bloomed in your chest dissolved every shadow in your soul that carried those fears. They were pressed and suffocated by the light that Fred was.
You leaned back to look him in the eyes. Your faces inches apart. Your hand reached up to brush his hair from his face and tuck it behind his ear. Instead of pulling it back, you slid it behind his neck. It wasn’t you pulling him or him pulling you, it was a tacit movement from both ends. And your lips met.
It felt like falling. The sky before you in shades orange to pink to yellow to blue. Like a sunrise on a beach. Morning dew in a quiet wood. Cold rain after a drought. All the best things the Earth had to offer were experienced in one moment. One person.
Your fingers tightened in the hair at the nape of his neck while one of his arms lifted to cradle your shoulders trying to pull you closer. As if somehow the two of you could become one and never separate.
His lips were soft and warm. Everything you knew him to be. They moved over yours gently, like he was afraid to break you.
Just as naturally as you two eclipsed, you pulled back. Your hand still wound in his hair, his still tightly clutching your shoulder and waist. The world could’ve been falling apart around you and neither of you would’ve noticed.
You began winding a piece of his hair around your finger. “How’d you know where I was?” It came out breathier than you anticipated.
“I left my sweater in the common room and saw the portrait shut behind you. I had a feeling I’d need my wand so I ran back up to my dorm to grab it before coming back. I knew Harry still had the Marauders map so I snuck up to his dorm to grab it before coming to get you.” He twisted a bit as his arm left your shoulders. He pulled out the map from his pocket and opened it, showing the two of your footsteps in the Trophy Room. You stared at the spot you two were intertwined on the map way too long to be considered normal, before looking back up at Fred.
“Thank you.” You pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Always, ‘Merica.” He whispered back, clutching you to his chest. “Always.”
You remembered the first time you fought with him.
It had been several months since that night in the Trophy Room. But whatever you’d been hoping for when you left that room was not quite what happened when you actually did.
Everything went back to relatively normal. Forgetting the unspoken tension between you and Fred whenever you were next to each other or even remotely close. It took only a glance now for your heart to start pounding out of your chest as you were reminded of the feeling of his lips on yours.
You turned your head back to Professor Sprout who was going over the many uses of Moly.
“It’s most common uses are as a counteragent against a range of enchantments…” She went on as you scribbled the notes down. This was probably a plant you used in multiple antidotes if you wanted to work at St. Mungos.
You desperately tried to focus, but it was difficult when you could feel his eyes on you every five seconds. You quietly slammed your quill down before looking at him.
“What?!” You whisper-shouted.
Fred’s already wide smile broadened. “Nothing.” Then he turned to look back at Professor Sprout.
He was doing shit like this all the time. It was driving you up the wall. You couldn’t decide if it was because you were upset at the fact that nothing had happened between you, if he really was just being annoying, or maybe because he hadn’t asked you to be his date to the stupid Yule Ball. You supposed you should at least be glad your life had gone back to semi-normal. You’d stop shutting yourself in the kitchens (although you still made time to visit Jips). George, Lee, and Angelina practically cheered the next time you joined them in the library to study. Fred smiled secretly from his chair, that day, as you tried to avoid eye contact.
Shaking your head, you got back to taking notes. This was an important class that you needed to do well in if you wanted to get the job you dreamed of. Rolling your shoulders, you studied the Moly in front of you.
You tapped it with your quill before continuing to write.
“Taking enough notes, ‘Merica?” Fred whispered right into the shell of your ear. The shiver it sent through your body caused your quill to jerk across your page right through your notes. Your jaw dropped. Your notes were...legible at least.
You snapped your head to him. “Fred! What the hell!” You punched his arm.
He had the decency to look guilty. “Sorry, love. Didn’t think you’d react that way.” He scratched the back of his neck. A nervous tick of his, you’d come to realize. You hated how it stretched the muscle on his arm making it much more noticeable. Your eyes flicked back up to his. He was smirking, the prick. He knew what he was doing.
You huffed before turning back to Professor Sprout. “It’s fine.”
“You’re the best.”
“I know.”
You’d been walking back to the common room with Fred and George after dinner with Adrian Pucey grabbed your arm. You jerked to a stop as you turned to face him.
“Oi mate!” Fred shouted and stepped forward with a heated look in his eyes. “Bloody hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Let her go.” George seconded.
Adrian wasn’t looking at either of them though. He rolled his eyes before focusing back on you. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”
“Can it not wait? I kinda need to study for-”
“It can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Did you not hear him? He said let her go.” Fred growled, stepping forward between you two. You laid a hand on his arm pushing him away gently.
“It’s fine. I’ll meet you two in the common room okay?” You smiled and he seemed to deflate as he furrowed his eyebrows. Nonetheless, he and George walked away (not without Fred huffing the entire way to the staircase).
You turned back to Adrian. “So?”
“Wanna go to the Yule Ball with me?”
You glanced around for a moment, half expecting Draco or Pansy to jump out with a sign that says ‘Surprise! You thought a Slytherin would ask you??’ But no one jumped out. In fact the hall was pretty quiet.
“Y/N?” Adrian shuffled.
“Oh, um.” You paused. “I can’t. I’m going with-” with who? Fred? The guy who hadn’t asked you yet despite kissing you in the Trophy room months ago? “You.”
The words were out of your mouth before you could take them back. You looked up at Adrian expecting to see his face break out into a cruel laugh, but it didn’t. He just smiled.
“Cool, I guess I’ll uh come get you from Gryffindor Tower at like 7:45?”
You nodded mindlessly, still not believing you’d said yes. “Uh- yeah that works.” You lifted your hand, stumbling backwards towards the staircase Fred and George had disappeared up. “Alright- bye.” You spun on your heel and practically catapulted yourself up the steps.
You said yes. To Adrian Pucey. Because Fred hadn’t asked you yet. Despite the ball being only a few weeks away.
What did I do? You shook your head and almost turned back to tell Adrian you made a mistake, despite being at Gryffindor Tower. But bumping into a solid frame prevented you from walking in either direction.
Two strong hands grabbed you by your forearms steadying you. You didn’t need to look to know who it was.
“What did Pucey want?” Fred spat his name out like it was poison. You tried hard not to look guilty as you looked up into his eyes.
“He wanted to talk about the Yule ball.”
Freds grip tightened on your arms. “What about it?”
You sucked in a deep breath. “He asked me to go with him.”
“You said no.”
Fred jerked back as if you’d stung him with nettle. “No you said yes, or no you said no.”
You pulled yourself out of Fred's grip, taking a step back. “I told him I would go with him, Fred.”
Fred had the nerve to look affronted. Anger swept over his features. For a brief moment, you were reminded of the face of the boggart. Yet even in Fred’s obvious anger, it could never compare to the deep loathing set in the face of his mimic.
You scoffed, crossing your arms. “Are you serious?”
“Because no one else has asked me, Fred.” You said his name with the same venom he addressed Adrian with. “The Yule balls only a few weeks away and I don’t want to go alone.”
Fred’s eyes softened as he stepped closer to you. “I would’ve-”
You pushed his shoulders as hard as you could, causing him to stumble back a few feet. “Then why didn’t you?! I was waiting! There was no reason to say no to Adrian, who has only ever been nice to me, when there was no guarantee that the guy I wanted to go with would even ask me if he hadn’t already.” Tears unwillingly built up in your eyes.
“Will you go to the Yule ball with me?” Fred asked, reaching out for you. You couldn’t believe your ears. The question you’d been waiting for for weeks and here he was asking you only minutes after you’d been asked by someone else.
You let out a loud humorless laugh, gripping your stomach as you doubled over. Nothing was actually funny, you were just in such a state of shock that it bubbled out of you in the form of laughter.
“We kiss. Never bring it up. Never do it again. Never say so much as the word kiss around each other.” Every word you took the smallest step towards him until you were standing a foot away. Yet somehow it still felt like miles. “And suddenly when someone else shows interest, you want to too.”
Whatever you said seemed to anger Fred even more than hearing you’d said yes to Adrian. His eyes narrowed into slits as he glared down at you. “You could’ve brought up that kiss just as easily as I could’ve, Y/N! Hell, you could’ve asked someone to the Yule ball instead of waiting for him to ask you!”
A part of you hated how right he was, but the other part just wanted to win the fight. “Well one guy decided I was worth the risk of rejection, while the other was apparently waiting for me to build up the courage to ask even though I’d practically handed my heart to him on a silver platter.” You pushed past him to whisper the password to the Fat Lady.
The portrait swung open, the Fat Lady doing her best to not meet either of your eyes. Your hand still gripping the frame you turned back to Fred. Tears slipping down your cheeks in waves now.
“You know, for a Gryffindor you sure are a coward.”
The portrait fell shut quietly behind you.
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airis-hunter · 2 years
Chapter 1 of The Phantoms Bat
Story summary: Danny has been the ghost king for quite a few years now, technically he was 20, but ghostly he was like 60. As Danny watches his loved ones die he wonders if he’ll ever feel that feeling of love that came with family, luckily a trip through a random ghost portal gives him the feeling again through an orphaned bat.
Chapter Summary: Danny meets Bruce and Alfred
Danny wandered through the ghost zone for what felt like the millionth time, but he still hadn’t explored every nook and cranny that his dimension had to offer. It was a beautiful place, but maybe Danny was a bit influenced by the fact that he was its king, that didn’t stop him from loving it though.
As he floated absently looking around a portal opened right in front of him almost as if it was waiting for him. When the portal fully opened his core seemed to tug him in the direction of the portal. Never one to question his ghost instincts. He hovered hesitantly in front of the portal. 
Approaching it he reached a hand through, he waited only a second to see if clockwork would show up and tell him not to go in, but he didn’t. Reassured that he wasn’t going to mess up and big timeline mambo jumbo Danny floated into the portal. Danny was not expecting to come out standing on a building rooftop above an alleyway. 
The sound of someone crying  quickly distracted him. Running over to the edge of the rooftop Danny looked down and what he saw felt like it cracked his core. Down in the alley way was a child crouching over two larger forms Danny could only assume were the boy's parents. Floating down behind the boy Danny fell to his knees.
The sadness, and absolute despair the boy was sending out in waves practically broke Danny. “Hey.” Danny spoke in the most comforting voice he had, which he often used with the new ghost children that would manifest in the ghost zone confused and hurt and sad.
The boy wiped his head around Danny was afraid he was going to get whiplash, when Danny spoke.
“Who, who are you?” The boy asked with an obvious tremble in his words. It made Danny’s core and heart race.
“I’m Danny, who might you be?” Danny asked with a smile while sending waves of calm, and safety at the boy.
The boy sniffled before answering. “Bruce.”
“That's a very nice name, now Bruce could you tell me what happened?” He asked with as much reasherence as possible, he did not want the boy to think he was going to hurt him, Danny would never hurt a child (not when they all reminded him of the child he wish he could’ve had)
“Someone shot mommy and daddy. We were just leaving the theater when a man attacked us.” Bruce sniffled before continuing. “He, he killed them.” He said with a sob.
Danny couldn’t hold back anymore. He floated over to Bruce quickly and scooped the child into his lap and hugged him. That seemed to be the hit that broke the dam as Bruce started ugly sobbing, Danny didn’t mind the small wet spot that started from on the front of his suit.
“Schuh, schuh, it's okay no one’s going to hurt you now, you’re safe with me.” Danny reassured Bruce. The only response that Danny got was a small nod from Bruce. 
As Bruce’s sobs turned to small sniffles Danny felt his breath even out. Looking down at Bruce he saw that he had fallen asleep. Danny’s core warmed in content at such a display of trust so quickly. At the sound of approaching sirens Danny turned invisible and floated up to the rooftop that he first appeared on.
However, now he was in a predicament. Where did Bruce and his parents live? Looking down at the streets Danny saw a newspaper stand by. Flying over to it in hopes of clues Danny was greeted with the image of the boy and his parents on the front page. Apparently they were the Wayne family.
Looking at the description Danny instantly knew they were very rich, so he just had to look for possibly the biggest house in the city, and he would drop Bruce off at home. A home that would now be empty.
Danny was not expecting a fucking castle?!! Seriously, why is it so big? And for only like 3 people. (Danny didn’t want to think that someone as small as Bruce was now probably going to be living there possible by himself, no he's too young.) 
Phasing through the front of the manor castle he didn't expect to see someone pacing back and forth in the kitchen. Danny thought he heard the man mutter something along the lines of “Where are they.”
Did he really have to tell the families, butler?, that they were dead. Danny did not sign up for this. (Yes you did as soon as you saw Bruce.) Lowering himself Danny stood a few feet away from the man before dropping his invisibility.
“Do you live here?” Why did he ask that of course the guy lives here.
Danny watched as the butler’s eyes widened before they zeroed in on the boy in his arms and narrowed. “What are you doing with the young master?” He asked with cation in his voice.
Looking down at Bruce with  a sad expression Danny answered. “I found him in an alleyway huddled over his parents' dead bodys.” 
He wasn’t looking at the butler to see his expression but he did hear a small “No.” 
“I’m sorry…” Danny said while looking up at the butler to see he had an expression of disbelief and sadness on his face. 
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” He asked.
Danny hadn't thought of that. He looked at Bruce before looking at the butler. “When Bruce wakes up he can tell you, but let the boy rest. He's just seen his parents die in front of him.”
The butler nodded before straightening his posture. “Well I am Alfred Pennyworth, may I know the name of the young master's savior?” 
Ignoring the blush that crept onto his face Danny answered. “My name's Danny, and I’m not Bruce's savior, when I got there he was the only one in the alley way.” The word alive went unsaid.
Alfred nodded before leading Danny up a staircase and into a very large room. Walking over to the bed Danny set Bruce down when Alfred pulled back the covers. Just as he was pulling away Bruce's little hand grabbed onto Danny's sleeve.
“Please…stay…” Bruce mutters grogally from sleep.
Danny looked at Alfred for permission. Alfred nodded with a smile before walking out of the bedroom. Danny smiled, then climbed into the bed with Bruce and hugged the small boy to his chest.
“Thank you.” Bruce muttered before falling fast asleep again.
Smiling Danny whispered. “You’re welcome little star.” before he himself gave into sleep.
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burning-clutch · 3 years
Shielded From The Truth
Cross posted on A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30441042 -.-.-.-.- Warnings: Mild wounds. Number two in the phic phight! When his parents put a shield up around Casper high to keep the ghosts out, and it means that Danny’s day hardly goes to plan. And he was so close to being on time for once too…. PHIC PHIGHT 2021 For team ghost! -.-.-.-.-.- Prompt by: Silverwing013 Danny's parents have kindly offered to set up a ghost shield generator for Casper High. Hijinks ensue as Danny attempts to handle the situation. 
Danny groaned as he only half listened to his parents rattle off whatever ghost nonsense they were going on about as he ate his breakfast. A bowl of dry cereal because the milk was contaminated and he really didn’t want to chance it giving him more than a stomach ache. This had become the norm this week it seemed as his parents seemed invested more than usual into the ghost shields that they had been working on and improving.
Why only shields? They would be installing one in the school soon… but beyond that? He wasn’t sure. They probably told him, sure, but being a teenager and one that had parents that hated half of him, had the effect of making him only lightly listen to the weapons and things that were meant to fully kill him off. That and at least the ghost shields weren’t usually a hindrance to him, in fact, they had proven themselves useful on a few occasions.
Plus he had the added advantage of being able to simply return to his human form and slip through the shield with little issue. Given his parents had no knowledge of half ghosts existing, at least he hoped not, they shouldn’t be designing a ghost and human shield. After all, that would defeat the purpose, right? It wasn’t as if Amity really had any human threats anymore.
Well, regardless of the eccentricities of his parents he could at least take some comfort in the fact that Skulker couldn’t simply attack the school to get to him any longer.
Small mercies he supposed.
Danny blinked as his father said something to him before slapping him on his back causing the teen to practically choke on his cereal from the force of the smack. “Isn’t that just great Dann-o?” the large man exclaimed happily before looking at his son expectantly. Oh great, he wanted him to ask something? Great.
“S-Sure” Danny choked out as he flailed, grabbing in front of him for the orange juice he had nabbed from the fridge, it thankfully hadn’t been in there long enough to start glowing… yet…
He shook his head as he finally got his breath back without inhaling dry cereal pieces into his lungs. When he was sure he wasn’t going to sound like some dollar store squeaky toy he tried to ask his parents a question, always a dreadful time if he were honest, but hey, he would usually be late for school anyway.
“So this will go around the whole school?” Danny tried weakly.
“Yep! And the best part is it’ll sense where there's an evil ectoplasmic entity nearby and spring up instantly! We made sure there won’t be a ghost within Twenty feet of the school before that puppy jumps up to the rescue! Like a big Fenton airbag!” Jack exclaimed all too enthusiastically for what the current time in the AM should allow a normal person to exhume.
Danny hummed noncommittally and sent a glance of ‘help me’ to his sister, who, in turn, rolled her eyes at her little brother. “And the shield even uses the ghost’s power to run the shield right?” Jazz asked side eyeing her father from her own spot not wanting to fully engage in the conversation they were having.
“Oh, yea! That’s the best part!” Jack practically cheered out.
“And the stronger the evil skum is the faster the shield will react and sooner it will be picked up. It will only go off on a level three or higher.” Maddie explained with a pleasant smile as she sips at her coffee.
“And we got it all finished last night to be ready for you kids today” Jack added happily.
“Hooray, more fun on a Monday” Danny sighed out into his last bites of cereal. Jazz snorted but didn’t comment, though Danny blew her a childish raspberry.
Jack continued to go on about the more intricate details of the shield they had put up though only one thing really caught his attention in the spiel, “-And Vladdie helped with the funding to outfit the school! Even helped us get the materials we needed to make such a large shield!”
“Ah, there it is…” Danny groaned letting his head fall forward onto the table in instant defeat.
“Danny! I really wish you would learn not to stay up so late playing video games! Look at you! If I get another call from one of your teachers about you sleeping in class-” Maddie started only for Danny to cut her off jumping to his feet.
“Yep! Thanks for that, mom! Look at the time! Love you bye!” Danny prattled off quick as could be before grabbing his book bag by his feet and bolting like a scared rabbit. After all, if his mother never finished that sentence when he inevitably fell asleep he couldn’t be grounded… she never officially gave him the last warning…
That’ll work, right?
It wasn’t long when he was out of the house that he was at his usual waiting spot for Sam and Tucker. Unsurprisingly, Sam got there first though they didn't have to wait long for Tucker to lumber forward, half asleep to his friends, and together they made their way towards the school as a unit.
Things seemed well enough until he got onto the stairs leading up to the main doors. That was when all hell broke loose. A deep alarm sounded before his father’s voice rang out from the speakers, in his over the top cheery way that only Jack Fenton knew how to pull off.
“Attention kids! Guess there’s an evil spook nearby so we’re deploying the shield! This ghost protection was brought to you by Fenton-works and sponsored by your mayor!”
Danny frowned. “My ghost sense didn’t go off…” He mentioned quietly to his friends.
“Maybe the shield sensors are more sensitive than you are?” Tucker asked with a frown.
“Since when?” Sam argued incredulously.
“Well who or whatever it is, it isn’t bothering me right now and no one’s screaming, no one’s panicking, so it can wait. I’m actually going to be on time for once!” Danny says waving the notion off.
He continues his trek up the stairs and towards the doors of the school, though when he reaches the threshold of the shield he finds himself having to really push hard against the thing. It was like hitting a wall of foam or Jell-O. He could push through if he pressed hard enough but it was not pleasant or as easy as going through the air.
Once through the initial shield wall, he blinked slowly feeling sluggish and as though all his limbs were moving through water. He even sort of felt like he was having to ‘swim’ as he walked like he was both heavier and lighter than he should be, but unable to find that buoyancy happy middle ground.
“Dude…” Tucker said smartly as he frowned at his friend’s almost slow motion, yet stop motion like movements. It was eerie, to say the least, not to mention the more pressing issue that he noticed right off the hop, “Your eyes are shining, man. And your, um… Neck...”
Sam, ever prepared for whatever bull their lives seem to throw their way, slipped her bag around to her front and offered Danny a pair of sunglasses, which the halfa put on promptly, along with the spider webbed patterned black and silver scarf.  “I mean, it’s better,” Sam argued, not even giving Tucker's look of disapproval her full attention.
“They’re spider glasses.” The boy states with a shake of his head. “Not really digging the whole-” Tucker waved his arm about Danny’s head in little circles, “-pseudo goth thing” he finished finally. Though he had to admit it was at least marginally better than seeing his friend’s glowing eyes and the electric scars showing up on his neck and disappearing under his shirt collar.
“Better?” Danny asked out sluggish, his voice almost sounding like it was being drawn out on a tape deck that was starting to lack battery power and not playing at quite the proper speed making the pitch and timing slower and lower.
Sam and Tucker shared a look before offering a thumbs up to their friend, both deciding it better not to address… whatever that was… The look they shared between one another spoke of their mutual hope that this would perhaps be one of those problems that simply go away on its own.
Ignoring the problems they have usually makes it go away… Yeah, that always works out.  
Danny makes a grab for the door to pull it open again, having that weird slow stop motion effect, like he was flickering between blinks rather than making a smooth motion forward. “Ehm, maybe don’t move around too much man… it’s um… creeping me out.” Tucker offers helpfully.
“Huh?” it took Danny a minute to process, as while he looked slow to them they seemed to be hyped up on caffeine to him… “Why are you talking so fast?” He wondered, his head almost appearing to glitch into a tilted and confused look.
“I think the ghost shield is making you go all slow motion. Just stop talking.” Sam says forcefully before letting out a shudder of her own.
Sam and Tucker share a glance before they each grab onto one of Danny’s arms and half drag him off to his locker. Despite his friends’ efforts he still got many looks shot his way, and a couple of people started whispering to one another as he passed by them.
“How is this going to work if I’m already weirding everyone out?” Danny asked, voice still sounding like a slowed record as he blinked sluggishly and his head jerked almost unsteadily from side to side. From his perspective, everyone was speeding along and talking at 1.5 times the normal speed.
“Maybe I should look for the ghost that triggered this, maybe Tuck, can you look into this mess?” Danny asked after a moment of trying to figure out what was being said around him through the noise of the hall.
“Yeah that might be best…” Sam responded shifting from leg to leg as she locks eyes with a basketball jock who was staring at their group incredulously.
“I got you, man, I’ll change everything to present and, block any ‘call home’ recommendations.” Tucker pipped up already pulling out his PDA to set that up preemptively.
Danny nodded and let out a hum before glitching his way out the nearest exit and out of the shield’s bounds. Once he slipped back out through the barrier, strangely enough, a harder feat than it was getting in, but that wasn’t a problem he wanted to focus on, he already blamed Vlad so he would simply continue to do so until the fruitloop showed himself.
As soon as he was through the green line of the shield Danny practically fell forward in relief. That stifling feeling now gone from his core and bones making his movements fluid and normal, well as normal as a clumsy half ghost could be anyhow…
It was a moot point and not one Danny wanted to think on too long. He gave a quick “thanks” to his friends, before diving between the dumpster and the school’s bricks, transforming into his ghostly alter ego and taking off into the sky. He would do a few laps around the school and city as he looks for whatever ghost set off the shield.
It wasn’t until lunchtime Danny returned looking much more windswept and all around more miserable. He entered the courtyard through the side joining his friends out on the picnic table they had claimed.  He made it over to them, flopped down on the bench next to tucker with a groan before his head smacked into the table before him.
“You find them?” Tucker asked around whatever horrid monstrosity of a sandwich he was eating, spewing bits of half chewed bred at Danny’s head.
“No” Came the muffled reply, filled with tired disdain.
“No ghost sense?” Sam wandered, flicking the bits of bread from Danny’s raven hair and back towards Tucker.
“Huh… You think it was you who set off the shield?”  Sam wondered with a thoughtful frown.
“When I went into the back end of the generator though it wasn’t supposed to go off for anything that low, Danny in human form is like a two at best,” Tucker argued spinning his PDA around to show what he’d found when he hacked into the motherboard of the Fenton’s latest device.
Danny groaned. He supposed had he listened to his parents he could have been more prepared for whatever lunacy his parents’ decided to toss his way but alas, his short attention span and teenage rebellion and lack of caring got the best of him yet again.
Joyous of joys.
He tuned out his friend’s back and forthing for a bit, wondering if he could get away with smashing the device as Phantom when Tucker had his a-ha moment of discovery. Danny turned his head and raised a brow at his friend who was furiously typing away at his device.
“You were right about Vlad, Sam”
“Naturally,” She agreed.
“Well, he had an over right line here specifically set for Phantom’s ecto- signature,” the boy states running his finger along the line of code he’d found in the program.
Danny’s mood instantly brightened at that. “So then we just get rid of that bit right? And BAM everything’s fine?” He asked. “Man, what happened to me? Why do I want to get into the school again?”
“To keep up the illusion of normalcy on this mortal plane.” Sam supplied stabbing at her salad a little more forcefully than she probably needed to.
“Eh, yeah, I suppose.” Danny agreed with a lacklustre shrug.
“There, that should do it” Tucker spoke, interrupting whatever tangent Sam was getting ready to spew off about how normalcy was only an illusion created by corporations or some other such thing.
“And just in time The bell just rang,” Danny says with a small grin clasping a firm hand onto his friend’s shoulder. “Nice one Tucker!” he cheered as the trio made their way over to the doors that would lead them back into the cafeteria.
Unfortunately, as soon as Danny’s hand hit the door handle the shield once again sprung to life, though this time, instead of simply having a hard time passing through the shield, he was thrown back across the field earning a cry from several students who were following the trio.  
“Grapes of wrath Mister Fenton!” Lancer, (of course it was Lancer) shouted out in worry, his shout even carrying over the prerecorded message containing his father’s voice. Lancer half jogged half waddled over to Danny who blinked up blearily to his teacher, eyes flashing green for the briefest of seconds before draining back to blue.
“Leave it to Fen-turd to get himself possessed.” Dash snorted from behind the pot bellied teacher earning a few nervous glances between the small crowd of gathering students. The mutterings of the students didn’t take long to start up after that.
“I’m not possessed,” Danny argued, though, it was rather hard to make said argument when the palm of his hand was burned and leaking ectoplasm from where he had touched the door.
“Course he’s not possessed! He’s a ghost himself!” Wes shouted pointing an accusatory finger at the youngest Fenton.
Danny glared. “Not the time Westly.” He muttered under his breath as he was hauled to his feet by his friends. He tried to brush himself off only to end up smearing the ectoplasm from his hand onto his jeans, leaving a luminescent streak across his thigh.
Seeing his chance the ginger jock was all too eager to point it out. “See look! He’s bleeding ectoplasm!”
“No, I’m not! It’s from the shield! it sputtered out at me.” Danny tried to protest, though even in his own ears it sounded like a weak argument.
“Really?” Wes argued and marched over to the shimmering shield. The teen waved his arms about freely in the shield’s range hopping back and forth pointedly across the line of the barrier before showing his hands and clothes were completely clean of any glowing goo. “See! Ghost!” he accused again after he did a little pirouette to show his lack of ectoplasm.
“Yeah? Well, it sputtered at Danny only ‘cuz it turned on with him in the threshold.” Sam tried to argue back glaring at the ginger, venom in her gaze.
“Well then, why don’t you just walk through the shield Fen-toad?” Dash said with a smarmy grin, ever eager to get his own jabs in and seemingly not wanting to be outshined by the ginger conspiracy theorist’s bullying of his favourite punching bag.
“Fine” He spat back bitterly and marched up to the shield with a huff.
Sam and Tucker exchange a glance with one another as Danny presses his hand into the shield again. Thankfully this time there wasn’t anything that blows him back but he also really had to try and push through the shield.  
Danny could see out of the corner of his eye Wes’s smug grin as he grunts and does his best to push through the shield. His persistence is rewarded and he falls to the ground on the other side jumping up and giving a quick ‘HA!’ as he faces the small gathering crowd of students shifting uncomfortably just beyond the shield.
Sam had a look of exasperation and she looked like she was trying to restrain herself from face palming. Tucker on the other hand had no such restraint. He was almost over eager to bury his face into his hands.
From Danny’s perspective, he simply smacked into the ground and stood back up, but from the other students’ perspectives, Danny fell into the shield but instantly slowed down, looking as though he were falling with the moon’s gravity rather than the earthly speed everyone was used to. It also didn’t really look to them like he had hit the ground, instead glitching his body back into an upright position before cheering in that low slow motion state as he had earlier.
And if that wasn’t damning enough his eyes were glowing a lovely shade of ectoplasmic green.
Wes smirked, seemingly very smug and content with himself and this development. “See told you all he was a ghost!”
“T-that’s enough Mister Weston… Right…” LAncer muttered to himself a few moments watching as Danny seemed to glitch about as he cheered before seemingly realizing something was wrong. “I think there was a procedure to depossess a student…I bet the teachers in Bridgestone don’t have to exercise their students in this manner…” He complains. Sure they had gym class and he would appreciate the pun and irony if he wasn’t so tired.
“I don’t get paid enough for this,” he muttered, ignoring the look of panic that spread across Danny’s face.
It took some doing, a lot of flailing limbs and pressing himself against the damn shield, but Danny soon was through back out and free. His eyes still glowed brightly as he stared at his classmates looking very much like a deer in the headlights. Eyeshine and all might he add.
A few of the students were snickering, because only in Amity park could one get possessed by a ghost and have it come across as though someone had merely said something embarrassing or misheard an instruction and was now staring blankly ahead.
“Er….” Danny stared at his classmates half panicked before simply vanishing from view.
“Moby Dick!” Lancer exclaimed, almost dropping the book he was thumbing through from the Fenton parents. Sure it was a ghost, and could potentially be dangerous, but it wasn’t attacking so there wasn’t really anyone panicking.
Instead, the teacher simply felt tired. “Right, I’ll call the Fentons and let them deal with this, Everyone back inside I do believe the lunch bell rang already!” the teacher called out shooing the students into dispersing.
Danny stood there invisibly and holding strong as he internally groaned. At least they thought he was possessed, that could be easily explained away but he was not looking forward to trying to explain it to his parents…
Still maybe if he gets ahead of this…
It was with that thought in mind that he bolted away into the treeline beside the school, transformed and headed off to his home landing in his bedroom only a few minutes later. He went human, back intangible and invisible came out the door, made sure the coast was clear before speeding his way down into the basement.
He just made it down the stairs startling his mother and father who blinked at him curiously, when the phone rang cutting off his mother’s “Honey? What are you doing home so soon?”
“It’s the school calling Mads,” Jack says, sounding disappointed as the large man sent a look of disapproval to his boy.
“Wait!” Danny jumped forward answering the phone and instantly hanging it up.
“Daniel!” His mother exclaimed abashedly.
“I wanna explain first! Do you know how all your stuff goes off on me? Well, the shield at school started doing that and they think I’m possessed! I’m not, it's just the… ya know…” Danny rambled off hurriedly hoping against hope that his parents wouldn’t try to send him to decontamination … again… (Thanks to his ghost half, it burned in places he didn’t ever want to burn)
“You’re possessed Dann-o?!” Jack exclaimed instantly pulling a Fenton gun from somewhere on his person and brandishing it towards his son.
Danny threw his hands up and waved them placatingly at his father. “NO! Just the normal stuff! The contamination from the portal accident set it off. I got too close to the sensor!” He says quickly ignoring how his parents seem to flinch slightly.
His parents shared a look before his father seemed to deflate, seemingly upset at the fact his son wasn’t possessed. “I thought we fixed that... “ Jack says with a frown. “But, we can’t let the school know we may have messed it up! I know we’ll just run the tests again and fix it in the night!”  
“Yeah, that would be- Wait what?” Danny blinks. Why couldn’t they just go down and fix it normally? Of course, his parents had to be weird about this too. “Thanks… Is there anything you need from me to help?”
And with those words said he almost instantly regretted it. “Well… We would really like to know why your ecto signature lines up perfectly with Phantom’s but perhaps that can wait.” Maddie offered with a small amused smile.
Danny sputtered at that, “Wh-What?”
“We set up a monitoring system so we can tell which ghosts most frequent the school… Phantom was the one that triggered the shield twice today. There actually wasn’t anything else that did,” Maddie explained with a deepening frown.
“You sure you’re not possessed, son?” Jack asked again this time sounding almost defeated in how, well, normal a volume he asked that. The hidden meaning was all too obvious especially after he mentioned his accident…
They thought he was dead! The portal killed him! And as the growing pit of dread grew into Danny’s stomach he couldn’t help but feel awful knowing they were correct in that assumption, well at least half right anyhow.
“Yeah… I’m… I’m me…” Danny managed out his voice cracking
“O-oh hun....” Maddie sniffed.
“But it’s not I… I’m me, I promise and I’m not all dead. I still have a heartbeat and everything!” Danny argued or rather tried to as his mother was quick to kneel before him taking his face in her hands as tears bubbled down her chin.
“Mom really I’m like … half at most. More human with a side of ghostly abilities ya know?”
“Oh, it’s okay Dann-o… You're still my son, I know ya are. It’s been almost a year since that accident and you’re mostly still you.” Jack said. “Just worse grades and more hormones and-”
“Thanks, guys really,” Danny sighed in relief both at dodging the potentially awkward birds and ghostly bees talk as well as the tepid acceptance he was getting. Awkward though it may be it was still acceptance nonetheless.  He was happy for it just the same.
“Maybe while we work on fixing up the shield to ignore Phantom’s signature you can tell us about some things?” Maddie asked sniffling again as she looked over her son’s face trying her best to hold herself together and not outright bawl at the thought she had killed her youngest child.
“Y-yeah… I’ve been wanting to tell you about this for a while now but, well, ya know…” Danny offered uselessly.
“I think it’s us who should apologize for that, son but maybe we can just all go get some triple chocolate fudge milkshakes and go deal with that shield after dinner?” Jack offered with a smile, ever the one to break up tension.
“Yeah, yeah… that sounds good.” Danny agreed. Well, it wasn't how he was expecting this to go, but he was kinda glad it ended up like this. Maybe now they could repair their strained relationship.
As Maddie ruffled up Danny’s hair the teen offered her his first genuine smile in almost a year.
Total words: 4245 Complete
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mistythefifth · 3 years
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Day 8: Illusion
(I somehow mixed up Gravity and Illusion, but oh wells. Also sorry for it being a day late because the covid vaccine messed me up worse than expected))
Tobey wasn’t like some guard dog.
He didn’t yap at strangers when they came into the Fenton household, on the rare occasion that they did. But it didn’t mean he had to welcome them.
Dad was busy ripping apart the wall and searching inside it while Danny stood by with a pained expression. Dad would wave his hand, and Danny would give him some metal piece, and Dad would shove it in there then hit it with a hammer a few times.
Tobey had been watching them from behind for a little while when it happened. The briefest of shadows, a glint of red light from down the hall.
Tobey took one last glance at Dad and Danny’s work, then stalked away. The red light faded, but the feeling it left Tobey with didn’t vanish. And as he got closer, it only grew stronger, like a burning, brightening sensation.
"̸̨̧̙̘̪̭̹̋̄͘͜S̷̞̗̞̰̩̮͎̟̞͎͔̓̇̉ù̸̢̟̺͍̰͂̏́̀̀͝c̴̜̤̭̰͕̠̠̙̭̄̅̈́̒́͊͐̚h̸̬̫̭͍̳̫͈̤̭̠͂̆̈́͗̎́̎͆̆̀̾̈́͘͜͝ ̴̡͈̤̱͇̰̦̗̦͍̊̋ä̷̢̰͕͈̘̱͓͈̯͖̥͙̦̯͇́ ̴͚̆̋̓͛d̵͈̥̖͔͎̗̋̂̂͆̽̕͜͝į̶̧̥̬͔͇̜͇͖͖̯̻̝̂͂̀̀͛̒͌́̌̍̀ͅf̸̡̛͇͔͔͚͓̏̍͜͝͠f̸̝͋̿͗͌̕͠í̶̧̖̩̖̰͇̦͝c̵̢̡͎͓̗̹̙̖̟͎͈̩͊̏̐̐̉̉͒̕ͅu̶̡͈̩͓̳̪͓̫͍̩̯̺͖̠͊̓̿͗̎̒́l̵̨̡͓̙͎̦̪͕̯͊̈͊́̅ţ̸̛̖̼̙̳͕̩̦̤͑̉̾̀̀̈͒͊̐͐̋͂̑͝ ̴̢̨̛̺̭̪̬͈͇͈͕̺̲̬̓͒̿͋̾͊́́̉̾̏͗̚͝d̸̡͈̮͙̝̠͙͕̗́̔͊̂́͒͒̍͛e̴̟̝̾͒̐̓̓̿͊̓ͅc̶̢͙̙̥̙̱̥̥̮̜͔̮͙̙̺̽͒̓͌͊̽̓̕͠i̴̛̼̘̪̳̘̣̦̼̽͗̍̈́͆̈́̾́̕͝s̵̭͍͗̊̎̿͗͛̽͋̀̽͛̉̑̊͠i̷̡̺̙̼̒́o̵̢̨̟̗̬̳̺̤̬͇̗͇̐̓n̸̙̖̅̈̐͛̽͒̈́̏̅́̐.̸̢̛̝͙̳͍̟̥͑͋̈́͒̌͊̔͌͆̈́̀̕͠͝"̷̧̬͙̦̭̩̽̀̄
Tobey pricked his ears at the tell-tale sound of ghost-speak. It made his pelt stand on end, but it was also comforting to understand something for once.
He trotted over to the ghost floating there, a black-cloaked humanoid creature. Tobey pawed at the cloak innocently, staring up at the ghost with cute round eyes.
The ghost stared down at him with a rather blank expression, since he didn’t exactly have a face.
“Ah! You’ll do.” The ghost said, raising its staff happily. Then in the blink of an eye, the ghost’s form swirled and shrank, until an exact replica of Tobey stood in front of him, except for the red eyes.
“How do I look? Haha, no point in asking if you don’t understand me anyway.” The ghost-that-now-looked-like-Tobey meowed, doing a little spin. “It’ll be amusing to see how angry your humans get at you for knocking down a few things off the shelves and whatnot.”
“I’m not sure if I like the sound of that.” Tobey replied, and unbidden, white light rushed around his form, turning him into the ghostly version of himself.
Not-Tobey blinked at him in shock. “Wait, you are a ghost?” He scrunched his face up into a snarl. “Well, you’re just a cat. Get lost! I had the idea to haunt this place first!” He trailed off. “I think.”
“I’m not…” Tobey trailed off, rolling his eyes. “How about you get lost instead? Stealing my face? I don’t appreciate that very much.” He unsheathed his claws.
“Oh, a fighter?” Not-Tobey sneered. “I, Amorpho, can take on the likes of you! I… I’ve won a... no, many fights in my day. I wouldn’t fight me if I were you.” He chuckled in confusion. “And I kind of am you. So listen to yourself. Don’t-”
Tobey bopped Amorpho on the nose, and Amorpho’s eyes gleamed with fury.
“Why you— “
What began next was the worst of catfights. Two cats, one ghostly, one ghostly with the guise of being alive, rolling on the ground, screaming and yowling at the top of their lungs. It was just a ball of glowing fur and claws.
So it was no surprise when moments later, Dad and Danny came running around the corner to see what was going on.
Tobey heard Dad exclaim something to Danny, who ran off. Meanwhile, Dad pulled a weaponish-looking thing out his pocket, waving it around while saying something else.
“So you are their cat in a weird way, despite appearing alive some of the time!” Amorpho exclaimed, lunging for Tobey’s throat. He thrust him away with his front paws. “But they don’t know that you’re one in the same as that ‘ghost cat scum,’ hee hee.”
“He called me that?” Tobey responded in confusion as he swatted at his— Amorpho’s ear.
“Yeah he just did, didn’t you h— oh, you can’t understand them! That’s funny.” Amorpho laughed, pinning Tobey down while he struggled beneath. “Well I can translate for you—- ufff!”
Tobey had kicked him away with his hind legs, making him fly across the hall, hitting the wall with a smack.
Dad pointed at Tobey, announcing something in a triumphant voice.
“He said, ‘get away from my cat you darned ghost cat! With the Fenton Grappler we’ll catch you so we can return you to the cursed realm from where you came from! Though Maddie might want to dissect you first.’” Amorpho bounced on his paws, eyes widening. “That sounds kinda scary, i-if I’m being honest. I’m not so sure if I want to stick around any longer.”
In spectacular timing, Danny arrived with a cylindrical object, but the clumsy teen tripped over the rug, running right into his dad. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Amorpho turned intangible and disappeared into the floor. Tobey growled, trying to follow the annoying ghost, but his paws refused to turn blue they normally did when he passed through things.
Instead, the rings passed over his body once again, and his normal living self returned.
Tobey let out a frustrated meow, scratching at the rug where Amorpho disappeared. Having recovered but missing Tobey’s transformation, Dad picked him up, rubbing his head and saying something comforting. Tobey let out a huge sigh.
Amorpho may have been a pain, but at least he could translate. Tobey narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. That would probably be the next line of action, finding a translator.
But he could do that later. He was suddenly exhausted, probably from the fight. He fell asleep in Dad’s arms.
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tired0artist · 3 years
not enough (part five) the end
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>part one< >part two<
>part three< >part four<
paring: female!V x Johnny Silverhand
warnings: domestic shit, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, misunderstanding, Johnny loves his girl, and she loves him, jealousy
Warmth surrounded V’s body as she slept peacefully. Her body completely surrounded by another one, arms around her waist tight yet gentle as if they were holding the most precious thing in the world.
The blissful moment was stopped by loud cries just outside of the bedroom door.
V sighed and snuggled her head in the pillow, mumbling.
“Johnny... your cat wants to come in...”
Johnny groaned and hid his face in V’s hair, while saying in a deep morning voice.
“Yesterday he was yours, when he scratched me and snuggled with you...”
“But you made me take him in”
“You searched the whole city for food to give him”
V kicked him under the covers “Just get up and let him in before he scratches the door”
“You go” Johnny said stubbornly.
“Johnny” she whined.
The man sighed “Okay but what do I get in return?”
“The love of your life, being veryyyy happy” V said, with a smile.
Johnny pinched her side, making her jump a bit “Low blow princess”
“Okay fine. I will wear that skirt you got me...”
“Hmmm... something extra to it?”
V opened her tired eyed and looked at the smirking bastard “I will let you fuck me in it. Will that cut it, for you?”
Johnny grinned and kissed her sweetly, before getting up to let the cat in.
The merc rolled her eyes and snuggled deeper in the sheets, hoping to get another hour of sleep. Nibbles jumped into the bed and squeezed his way under the cover to snuggle into V’s chest.
She opened her eyes and smiled at the little thing.
“Hey, there baby” she cooed as the cat purred as he fell back asleep.
Johnny snorted as he got back in the bed and wrapped his arms around her once again.
“Now it’s ‘hey there baby’ and few moments ago he suddenly was my cat”
V smiled and turned a bit to kiss him on his cheek “Did I mention that I love your grumpy ass?”
“Yeah, you did. Especially in my leather pants” Johnny said with a smirk.
V shook her head and put her head back on the pillow, enjoying the warmth that Johnny provided along with Nibbles.
Two hours later V woke up in the bed alone. Both her man and her cat gone.
She stretched and made her way sleepily to the kitchen, already smiling at Johnny’s voice.
“Off of the counter buddy or she’ll nag both of us”
V silently came around the corner where she saw Johnny making coffee. His long hair pulled in a messy bun, wearing his black pyjama pants and red t-shirt.
Slowly she made her way to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, tucking her head under his arm to look up at him, saying.
He laughed and pointed at the cat “He doesn’t listen, not my fault”
V looked at the cat who simply meowed at her and walked closer to paw at her. She turned a bit to look at his food bowl.
“Why does our cat have a bowl full of cereal?”
Johnny looked at the food bowl in question simply shrugging “We’re out of cat food. Figured that he wouldn’t mind”
V looked up at the love of her life and bursted out laughing.
“What?” he asked in confusion “Food is food, V”
She kissed his cheek with a shake of her head “Oh you’re lucky that I love you, you gonk”
With that she pulled away and picked up their cat, putting him on the ground. Then she made her way to their fridge to make breakfast.
“After you drink your coffee you need to go out and buy him food. Our cat can’t survive on cereal, especially since we’re going out tonight”
Johnny grumbled under his breath as he drinked his black coffee while making a cup of latte for V.
“What was that Robert?” she asked, trying to act strictly.
He glared at her and said “Oh nothing, Violette”
They looked down at their cat who was staring at his owners.
Both lovers started laughing as Johnny said.
“Well said buddy”
V smiled at them, her chest full of warmth.
It was evening as V stood in front of the bar, cursing under her breath as she tried to pull her red leather skirt a bit down.
Whistling caught her attention and as she raised her head up she saw smirking Judy and Panam walking towards her.
“Not. A. Word—“
“Damn you look like a rockstar” Judy said with a mischievous smirk.
“Or rather a rockstar’s chick” Panam corrected with a grin.
V glared at them, her cheeks dusted with a bit of a blush. She was wearing a short red leather skirt, black and red SAMURAI t-shirt from that 2020 tour, fishnets and combat boots. Her black hair was left unchanged and a bit messy and her usually purple painted lips were now dark red.
“Fuck off”
The girls laughed and looked at each other asking.
V nodded still blushing “Johnny...”
They laughed again as V crossed her arms with a pout. It was no secret that she preferred wearing pants some turtle neck and a jacket. But Johnny, always insisted on her wearing something more ‘sexy’ from time to time.
Even when he was inside her head, he would nag her about only wearing one thing.
“Okay, if the comedian squad would like to join me. It would be fucking great”
Soon V and the girls were sitting in a large booth, drinking their drinks.
“—and Saul even agreed with me! It’s still so weird leading the family with him...”
V smiled saying “Well I’m not surprised he agreed it was a pretty good plan, Panam. Also I get the feeling, Rogue started nagging me to take over as a fixer and the owner of Afterli—“
“Holy shit, V! You never told us that!” Judy said in shock as she shared a look with Panam.
“I didn’t?” V asked out loud with a frown.
“Em no? The fuck V! That’s big!” Panam said, but as she saw V looking away she frowned asking “Aren’t you happy?”
V shuffled in her seat “I don’t know... I mean. I want to say yes and all, but Johnny and I... we still haven’t decided on what we want to do”
“You should follow your gut, V. It served you well so far” said Judy while taking a drink of her fruit and tequila drink.
“I agree. I mean that’s what I do with Saul all this time. And look I’m doing fucking great” added Panam while waving to a waitress to bring her another beer.
V smiled and nodded “Yeah. Yeah maybe you’re right”
The girls smiled at her just as V felt someone’s hand touch her hip. She turned, her hand already moving to punch whoever touched her, only for it to be stopped by a familiar metal arm.
Johnny grinned and brought her fist closer to his lips to kiss it, saying “I love the way you greet me sweetheart”
V rolled her eyes and looked behind her boyfriend where Kerry, Danny and Nancy stood. She smiled at the group saying.
Johnny was quickly pushed away by the group as they all hugged and greeted the young merc, along with her friends.
“So you sure you don’t want to play with us?” Nancy asked with a grin.
“No, no, no I’m not good with the guitar or singing—“
“Bullshit. V has some talent, heard her humming few times and sing while drunk. She’s good” Judy said with a smile as V blushed.
“Huh I think that I only heard you humm once, when I was in the coma... but it’s a bit fussy” Johnny said with a frown.
Kerry grinned “Someone’s hidding their talent, honey?”
V’s face was ok fire as she crossed her arms “No. I’m good at breaking arms so if you wanna continue?”
The group quickly scattered with only Johnny left as he laughed and kissed her, slowly but deeply. As he pulled away he whispered “You’ll have to sing to me someday, sweetheart”
With that he walked away while calling over his shoulder “Love your ass in this skirt by the way!”
V rolled her eyes and turned back to her friends, ordering a drink as the girls laughed at her flustered expression.
During the night, the SAMURAI was playing in the bar. V smiled as she saw Johnny enjoying being back on the stage once again, along with his friends. He and Kerry worked everything out during the time that Johnny was back. Now SAMURAI was playing at least once a month in some bars, V was always there. Sometimes alone and sometimes with her friends.
Johnny always asked for her to find a place to sit where he could see her. He said that he felt better knowing that she was right there in the line of his sight. So tonight he definitely saw two guys come over to their booth.
“Hey there, beautiful” one of them said, leaning closer to V.
“Fuck off” she said rolling her eyes.
“Oh come on, pretty girl” the other one said.
Panam looked ready to stand up, but V signaled her to stay seated as she herself stood up to the two far taller men. One of them noticed her t-shirt and said.
“Oh you like SAMURAI? Well it’s your lucky day, beautiful. Cause we know the whole band” said the first one, with a grin.
The music was loud enough that both men didn’t hear both Judy and Panam snort, trying to stifle their laughter.
V raised her brow, deep inside kinda pitying the guys for how unluckily they chose the lie.
“Yeah! We’re even going to the after party with them! Back at Eurodyne’s apartment!” said the other guy.
She smiled wickedly and said in a dumbest tone she could manage “Oh really! Oh I looooove Kerry! He’s the best!”
The girls were almost shaking with laughter as V played her part.
“So eh.. you coming?” the guy asked as his friend smiled.
“Yeah sure, let’s go outside” V said with a smirk.
To no surprise. Once the guys grabbed V’s arms in a not so friendly manner and led her outside, into an alleyway.
“Now shut up. You’re going to with us”
V snorted “Yeah that’s a good one”
With that V pushed them away, kicking the closest guy in his knee, causing to snap back. Then she turned and punched the other and bigger guy, but he managed to duck. V picked up a pipe from the ground and hit the guy on the ground who was probably looking for his gun. As she did that, the other guy grabbed her around the waist.
“Fucking bitch! You’re coming with me!”
“Fuck off!” she screamed, hitting him on the nose with the back of her head.
The guy let go of her and she turned to pick up her pipe, when a gun shoot was heard.
V flinched as a body behind her fell on the ground with a loud thud. She looked up to see Johnny standing in the alleyway, his gun in his hand.
“Johnny—“ she started just as he shot the guy on the ground, who was unconscious right between the eyes.
Then he was walking towards her, his expression unreadable. When she was in the arm’s reach, he pulled her closer and hugged tightly.
She rubbed his back as he was trembling slightly. He would say that it was from the cold, but V knew what triggered him.
“Hey... hey I’m okay. No one’s taking me”
After a moment Johnny pulled away and touched her cheek saying “Don’t you ever do something like this again”
V bit her lip and nodded “Okay, okay I’m sorry. I just knew that they wouldn’t leave us alone and didn’t want to make a fuss in the bar”
“I don’t care about that. Just watching them grab you like that and take out of the bar—“
“Shh... I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t think, okay? I’m right here” V said, feeling bad that she cause Johnny to in a way, relive his trauma.
They stood there for a while just holding each other, before V pulled him back inside the bar. On their way there Johnny kicked one of the corpses.
“Fucking dogs”
V only rubbed his back and kissed his cheek. Once inside she and Johnny joined their friends at the booth.
No one seemed too worried, probably knowing that V could handle herself. Especially since Johnny went out to look for her.
Kerry smiled at them warmly and asked about what happened. V told him about the guys and he simply shook his head with a snort.
“So I’m guessing they weren’t your chooms?” V asked with a smirk, trying to lighten up the mood.
Kerry laughed and shook his head “Nah, maybe there’s some other Eurodyne in the town”
V laughed and looked up at Johnny who was still stiffly holding her hand, squeezing it every once in a while. As if he was making sure that she was right there with him. She pinched his side, bringing his eyes to hers as she said.
“Relax, I’m fine. We’re fine”
He nodded and kissed her hair, whispering “I love you”
“And I you” V whispered with a smile.
The rest of the night the band and V’s friends spent drinking at the bar. The odd bunch of people were all surprisingly getting along.
Nancy was really interested in Panam and her clan, already asking the nomad if she could maybe do an article on them. Danny and Judy seemed to only talk about the braindances and new technologies on the market. While Kerry, Johnny and V were talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
But the topic mostly surrounded Johnny and how he was when Kerry first met him.
“—and there was Johnny. Jumping out of the window of some new chick and running to my car, screaming for me to drive”
V snorted and Johnny shrugged his shoulders, his hand still holding his girlfriend’s hand.
“She never told me that she had a husband”
Kerry snorted “And you didn’t ask. You’re lucky the guy didn’t shoot your balls off”
V laughed and looked up at the man beside her.
“You really were impossible”
Johnny looked down at her and smirked “Sweetheart you had me inside your brain. It shouldn’t be a revelation for you”
“True” V said with a grin.
“Okay chooms, it’s time to start the party” said Johnny as he waved the waitress over, ordering a shit ton of alcohol.
It was around four in the morning, as the women all went to have a smoke in front of the bar, leaving Johnny and Kerry all alone.
“You’re not drunk” said Kerry, as he took a sip of his drink.
Johnny shrugged “I’m tipsy and someone needs to take us to our apartment. Seeing how V was barely walking, means that it’ll be me”
Kerry smiled at his friend saying “You changed, Johnny. And not because someone made you. You changed on your own. Never thought that I would live long enough to see it”
Johnny looked down at his own drink, saying “I honestly felt tempted to drink some more tonight. I didn’t want to remember how I got home and wake up with my head about to explode...”
“But?” Kerry asked, already knowing what his friend will say.
“But then I remembered V. And the thought of going home with her, drunk off of my ass in this fucked up city. Stopped being appealing” Johnny said, as his fists clenched “You know that when Alt was taken... I was both drunk and high. I couldn’t protect her and she paid the price for my stupidity. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, if V suffered because I choose ‘fun’ over her”
Kerry put down his drink and reached across the table to put his hand on Johnny’s shoulder “Johnny. What happened to Alt, will never happen to V okay? She’s the best mercenary in this city, has every fixer here backing her up and Johnny fucking Silverhand is by her side at all times. So she’s safer than most people are”
Johnny smiled and nodded, but the weight didn’t exactly leave his shoulders. Before he could thank Kerry, Judy came up to them.
“V’s calling you”
Immediately Johnny was on his feet, grabbing her and his jackets and leaving the bar. There he saw Panam, Danny and Nancy crouching next to sobbing V.
He kneeled in front to her asking “V? Hey, what’s going on sweetheart?”
V’s head snapped up right away as she jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck, saying.
“Johnny!! I thought that you left...”
Her words confused him as he said “V, I was inside with Kerry. You went out to smoke remember?”
She shook her head mumbling “I only smoke so that you would come out and talk to me...”
Johnny was a silent for a few seconds, before smiling at her “You could just ask, I would come along”
V mumbled something drunkenly and gripped his jacket harder, not letting go as tears were still streaming down her flushed cheeks.
Johnny sighed and looked up at Nancy who seemed to be the most sober “Call us a cab, will ya? I’ll take her home, she needs to sleep it off”
“Yeah I thought so.. I already called. It should be here any minute”
The women nodded and headed back inside the bar with a short goodbye.
Johnny picked up V as she started calming down a bit, exhaustion taking a toll on her.
The ride home was mostly peaceful as V fell asleep on his chest in the cab. He then carried her up to their new apartment and put her in their bed.
After dressing her into her favourite pyjamas, wiping off her makeup and checking all the windows and doors, Johnny laid down with her.
The move of the mattress woke her up a bit, as she mumbled “Johnny?”
He hugged her closely and kissed her head, whispering “I’m right here, go back to sleep”
She snuggled into him and once again fell asleep, with his following soon after.
Next morning was tough for V as she groaned and pulled her pillow over her head.
“Rough morning, sweetheart?” Johnny asked with a smirk from where he was leaning against the door frame.
V raised the pillow a big and glared at him “Don’t you know it, bastard”
He laughed and went to sit by her side, rubbing her back slightly “If you’re gonna puke. I would rather you do it in the bathroom and not in our bed”
She flipped him off saying “You can bite my ass!”
And to no one’s surprise.
He did just that.
V jumped and threw her pillow at him “The fuck Johnny?!”
Johnny laughed and watched as she was rubbing her ass cheek.
“I did what you suggested, sweetheart”
She glared “Dick”
“Cunt” he said still smirking.
They stared at each other for a while, before Johnny finally stood up saying “I’ll go make you some breakfast, you have painkillers on the nightstand”
“Thanks” she mumbled already moving to get some.
By late noon V was feeling a bit better and finally got out of the bed. She was cleaning the kitchen a bit, when Johnny came in the kitchen handing her, her jacket.
“Get ready, we’re going out”
V took the jacket asking “Where?”
“You’ll see. I want to talk to you about something. So move your ass, so we can delta out of here” he said while going to sit in the living area.
Feeling confused as hell, V made her way to their bedroom and got dressed. She was just pulling her hair into a messy bun, as she walked out.
“Ready?” Johnny asked, getting up from their red leather couch.
“Yeah but—“
“No questions. Now let’s go” he said, taking her hand and walking out of the apartment.
Around 20 minutes later they pulled up at the familiar hotel. V got out and looked at Johnny in confusion.
“Pistis Sophia” she stated.
Johnny nodded and reached out to take her hand, leading them to the familiar balcony near the also familiar room.
Once there, he let go of her hand and leaned against the railing. Looking at the sun reflecting in the water.
“You know... I think that’s the place where I realised that I love you” he said, still admiring the view.
V smiled and also leaned on the railing, their arms touching “Mine was at your supposed grave, when you asked for a second chance... you smiled at me a bit awkwardly as if half thinking that I would tell you to piss off”
Johnny smiled, reaching over to take V’s hand in his metal one.
“So I fell first huh? That’s new”
V laughed saying “Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not exactly sure when I started loving you, I just know when I realised that I had these feelings”
They stayed silent for a little while, just looking at the sea as they hands stayed joined.
“Rogue offered to pass down the Afterlife to me. Along with being a fixer” V suddenly said, not wanting to hold it inside any longer.
Johnny looked at her with a small smile “I know”
V furrowed her brows asking “You know?”
“Yeah. She actually asked for my opinion on this”
“And what did you say?”
“That there’s no one else who could do it as good as you. Also told her to get out of her ass and ask you herself” Johnny said with a grin.
V laughed a bit, before asking “Do you really think that I should do it?”
“The question is, sweetheart. Do you want to do it?”
She looked down saying “I don’t know... we still didn’t exactly figure out what we want to do next and—“
“V” said Johnny as he touched her chin, making her look in the eyes “I want you to do what you want to do. Don’t look at me, just follow your heart”
V smiled and took his hand “I love you, Johnny. And I want to take Rogue’s offer, but I want you to be happy as well”
“I lived my life V. I did what I wanted, acted how I wanted and worked where I wanted. Now it’s time for you to do the same”
“But what do you want?” she asked, feeling unsure of the whole thing.
Johnny smiled and kissed her hair “I just want you. Our small apartment. Our ugly cat and to just wake up with you in my arms”
V smiled asking “So what? The great Johnny Silverhand going to retirement?”
He shrugged “Why not. I could do some merc work every now and then, if we’ll be tight on the money. Help you out at Afterlife and still play once a month with Kerry and the girls. But yeah, retirement sounds nice”
“Are you sure though? I don’t want you holding back because of me, Johnny”
“I’m sure, sweetheart. I just want to be with you” Johnny said, kissing V gently and slowly as the sun shined on them.
When they pulled away Johnny grinned at her saying “And to prove that, I want to ask you something”
V watched as he pulled away and pulled out something from his pocket. Then he opened his palm to show her two silver rings. She gasped and looked into his dark eyes.
“I know that, I didn’t propose to you first but who really gives a shit about sentimental crap like that. So, Violette Bakker. Would you like to marry me, right here in this dirty hotel?” he asked with a smirk, but his eyes were shining with warmth and love.
V teared up a bit, but still grinned saying “Well, Robert John Linden. I would love to marry you, even on the junkyard where they dumbed me”
He smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her passionately, few tears escaping from V’s eyes.
When they pulled away, V took the bigger ring and tried to slit it on Johnny’s left hand. But the metal fingers weren’t exactly made for wearing rings.
“Oh... didn’t really think about that” Johnny said, frowning slightly.
V pulled the ring away and instead reached for Johnny’s dog tags. She pulled them off of his neck.
“What are you—?” Johnny started, but cut himself off as he watched V getting his ring on the chain, where it joined the tags.
She smiled at him and put them back on his neck, before doing the same thing to her own dog tags and ring.
“Now we can wear them the same way” she said with a sweet smile.
Johnny touched the ring that was hanging around his neck and smiled too, saying.
“I love you”
V also touched her own ring, saying “I love you too”
The pair stood there looking at each other, in the place that really started what they had now. Some might say that it was just an old dirty hotel. A place that didn’t hold any meaning.
But to Johnny and V?
That place meant everything to the start of their story and to the very end of it.
•the end•
•thank you for reading and following me! I have an rock fan V au on my mind so tell me if you would like to see me write about it.
Tag list (if you wanna be tagged leave a comment): @dartheldur @signwriting @missweatherwax @commanding-officer @lovinghunty @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @sillysallysings @iamshisan @mayhemhouse
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q-gorgeous · 3 years
Falling Out
Sam and Paulina are assigned as partners for a school project.
word count: 2581
for @phandom-phriend
heyo bro
“I don’t get what the big deal is.”
Sam stared at Paulina, who was standing in the middle of the hallway twirling her hair between her fingers. 
“You don’t get what the big deal is? Your boyfriend literally just beat someone up!”
Paulina scoffs. “He’s not my boyfriend! And that kid was a loser anyway. His family is just a bunch of freaks.”
Sam looked at Danny who was still laying on the floor, his breath wheezing from when it was knocked out of him. “He’s not a loser.” Sam mumbled.
“Excuse me?” Paulina looked over her nails.
“He’s not a loser!” Sam stomped up to Paulina, her face inches from the other girl’s. “He’s really nice and actually likes hearing about things I want to talk about! Unlike you.”
Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Paulina turned her nose up into the air. “That’s because all you like is that spooky ooky goth stuff. No one wants to listen to you talk about ghosts and spiders and witches.”
“He does.”
“That’s because he’s a loser.” Paulina poked a finger into Sam’s chest. “Why don’t you just drop him and this freaky goth phase and come hang out with your real friends.”
“You are not my friend.”
Paulina froze. “What?”
“I don’t know what bug crawled it’s way up your ass Paulina, but if this is how you’re going to treat people now I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”
She watched as Sam walked away from her and helped Danny off the ground. Sam whispered a few things to him and he nodded. They began to limp their way to the nurses office. 
Paulina clenched her fists together and her throat tightened. That’s fine. She didn’t need Sam. She had plenty of other friends. What did one falling out matter? She turned around and stomped her way in the opposite direction towards the cafeteria.
She didn’t need Sam Manson. 
“But Mr. Lancer!” Paulina whined, her hands resting on the top of her desk as she stood up in protest. 
“I’m sorry Ms. Sanchez, but you and Ms. Manson will be partners for this project.”
Sam raised her hand. “I’d rather do my project on my own than work with her.”
Lancer pinched the bridge of his nose. “You two are partners for this project, end of discussion.”
“But-” Both girls chorused. 
“That’s enough! Ms. Sanchez, take your seat.”
Paulina huffed and crossed her arms as she sat down. Why did Lancer have to assign her and Sam to work together? Hasn’t he figured out that they hate each other yet?
Her gaze flicked over to where Sam was sitting. She was angrily scratching something into her notebook. She paused and her eyes met Paulina’s. They stared at each other for a moment before Paulina sneered in her direction and looked away. 
Paulina sat angrily stewing in her seat until the bell rang. She grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder, heading out of the classroom at a brisk pace. She was putting the combination into her locker and had just gotten it open when Sam walked up and pushed it closed. 
“What do you want, Manson?” Paulina snapped. 
Sam rolled her eyes. “We’re supposed to work on that project together, remember? When are we going to meet for it?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you just do it on your own and write my name on it.” Paulina twisted the dial on her locker again. 
“Nu uh. If we’re forced to be partners you’re gonna help with it.”
Paulina groaned and opened her locker again. “I guess we can start working on it today after school.”
“Great. I’ll meet you at your house when school is over then.”
“What?” Paulina squawked and turned towards Sam. “Why my house?”
“I don’t want my parents thinking we’re friends again.”
Paulina just stared at her but frowned when Sam pushed the locker closed again and started walking away. She clenched her fists. As if they would ever be friends again. 
The rest of the day passed by both too quick and slow at the same time. She dreaded having Sam come over and having to talk to her so much that even though the day dragged on and on, when she was at home and a knock sounded on the door it felt like she had just been standing at her locker. 
Paulina opened the front door, a bored look on her face when her eyes met Sam’s. They stood there for a moment before Paulina waved her in. Sam stepped in, looking around and Paulina closed the door behind her. 
“So what is this project we’re supposed to be doing anyways?” Paulina led the way to the kitchen where her backpack sat on the table.
Sam sighed. “You weren’t even paying attention when he went over it?”
“I was too busy being angry at Lancer.”
Rolling her eyes, Sam set her backpack on the table and pulled some papers out. “He wants us to find a screenplay to go over. We have to read it and analyze it like we would for a book in class but he wants us to perform part of it in class.”
“I don’t know Paulina!” Sam threw her hands up in the air. “Why do they make us do anything? Now pick one from this list.” She threw a piece of paper at Paulina. “This is a list of plays I thought we would both be interested in.”
Paulina stared at Sam, stunned that she’d even consider Paulina’s interests when they clearly hated each other. Slowly, she looked down at the paper, her eyes scanning over the list. One popped out to her.
“Isn’t this one a musical? Does that count?”
Sam peered around at the paper. “I would think so. They’re basically plays, just with songs. I can’t see why it wouldn’t count.”
“Hm.” Paulina pursed her lips. “If we do this one are we gonna perform a song or a different part of the musical?” She looked over at Sam. She had a dangerous, determined look on her face.
“Only if we want to blow everyone else out of the water.”
Paulina stared for a few seconds, her cheeks heating up. Then she coughed and looked back at the paper.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s do that one.”
“Why are they all named Heather anyways?”
Sam shrugged as Paulina squinted at her copy of the script. 
They sat in the middle of the stage in the empty auditorium. The rest of their class was in the library, but Mr. Lancer had given them permission to go over their own project in the auditorium. 
“What I wanna know is why there’s always so much drama in musicals set in high schools.” Sam wrinkled her nose. “Like I know we have the A-Listers and everything but this in here is so excessive.”
“What, you don’t like drama?” Paulina rested her chin on her hand, shooting Sam a smile.
“I don’t like high schoolers killing other high schoolers.”
Paulina’s smile fell. “Oh.”
“Yeah.” Sam looked down and away. She took a deep breath and stood up with her script in her hand. “Anyways. Let’s figure out which part we want to perform for the class.”
Paulina took a look at the list of songs they had. “What about Seventeen or Shine a Light? I listened to those a couple times and they both have different tones but they seem like they’d be fun to sing.”
Sam nodded. “And there’s not much about sex in either of those. That’s another thing, why do musicals about high schoolers talk so much about sex?” She faked a gag. “I think those are good choices because some of those songs would be so embarrassing to perform in front of the class.”
Paulina frowned. “If this one has stuff in it that makes you uncomfortable why’d you include it on the list?”
Sam shrugged. “I figured it’d make Lancer squirm. He didn’t actually give any specifications on what we could pick anyways. Now let’s get started. Which part do you want?”
“Oh oh! Can I have the lead part? That is, if you didn’t want it?” Paulina started standing up from where she sat on the floor.
Sam shook her head. “You can have it if you want. Want to practice Seventeen first?”
The music started playing after Sam hit a button on her phone and it filled up the room.
Paulina took a deep breath. 
“Fine, we're damaged
Really damaged.
But that does not make us wise.
We're not special.
We're not different.
We don't choose who lives or dies.”
Paulina looked up at Sam as she sung the lyrics.
“Let’s be normal. See bad movies
Sneak a beer and watch TV.
We'll bake brownies, 
or go bowling --
Don't you want a life with me?
Can't we be seventeen?
That's all I want to do
If you could let me in.
I could be good with you.”
Paulina’s cheeks flushed but she continued singing.
“People hurt us.”
“Or they vanish…”
Goosebumps traveled over Paulina’s arms as Sam’s voice rang out towards her. 
“And you're right that really blows.
But we let go…”
Sam looked up and met Paulina’s eyes and it felt like Paulina was electrocuted. She pulled her eyes away and looked back down at her paper. They finished up the song and Paulina kept staring at her paper until Sam left out a breathless laugh.
“That was so cool! I’ve never really thought about doing theater or anything because it’s not very, you know, goth. But that was exhilarating!” 
Paulina watched as Sam laughed and smiled. She could feel herself falling in and laughed herself. 
Paulina and Sam laughed as they walked out of the school together. Their project was due in two days and they were heading to Sam’s house to practice their song a bit more. 
“I can’t wait to see Lancer’s face when we discuss what the musical is about. Do you think he’ll-”
Sam got cut off as something exploded ahead of them, sending both girls sprawling to the ground. 
Looking behind them from where she was on the ground, Paulina saw a giant animalistic ghost. It looked somewhere between a cross of a snake and a cat and it looked like it was about to shoot another blast off from it’s fangs. 
Just as the blast was launched towards Paulina, something crashed into the side of the ghost's head, sending the shot soaring into the sky instead. 
“Run! Get out of here!” Phantom shouted as he shot back at the ghost.
She stood up shakily but didn’t run away. She looked around the front of the school for Sam, where she saw the other girl in the middle of the sidewalk holding a...lipstick? With a determined look on her face. 
What was she planning to do with a tube of lipstick?
Paulina had begun inching her way over to Sam when a green blast came out of the lipstick she was holding onto. It shot into the ghost a couple of times, distracting it from Phantom’s attacks for a moment. 
It bared its teeth at Sam but Phantom punched it in the side of the head. Snarling, it batted Phantom away, sending it flying across the parking lot and it faced back towards Sam. 
Paulina felt like everything was happening in slow motion. When the ghost bared its teeth again, when another ball of ectoplasm started dripping from its fangs, when Paulina ran desperately across the parking lot and barreled Sam out of the way and onto the ground just before the blast created a crater in the ground where she stood a moment before. The ghost started snarling at them again.
“Hey ugly!” 
Phantom viciously threw another ectoblast at the ghost, stunning it before finally pulling it into his thermos. 
Paulina gasped and turned back to where Sam was still laying underneath her. 
“Sam! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m-” Sam paused, frowning and her face flushing before she spoke again, looking over Paulina’s shoulder. “Shut up.”
Sam groaned. “That dip is making faces over there.”
Paulina turned around to see Phantom making kissy faces at them. She raised an eyebrow at him and he paused to give her a grin.
“Okay well, my job is done. Have fun you two!”
And he jumped into the air and flew away. 
“Seriously though.” Paulina crawled off of Sam and helped her up. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Why’d you do that anyways?” Her brows furrowed. “I would’ve been okay. You didn’t have to do anything.”
Paulina gaped at her. “It was about to attack you! It tried! It left a crater in the ground where you were standing! Why wouldn’t I have done anything?”
Sam looked away. “I didn’t think you cared.” She said softly.
Paulina’s stomach plummeted. “I wouldn’t have two weeks ago.” She whispered. “But then we got paired up for this project, and I realized that you’re actually very cool and that I was just really dumb in middle school.”
Sam looked at her. 
“And I think I’ve always sort of missed you. But I decided to never stop being mad so I never figured that out.”
“I guess I did the same thing too.” Sam said. “I could’ve decided to talk to you on my own and talk things out after a while but I just didn’t want to.”
“But it was my fault. I was the one being a terrible person.”
“Are you going to continue being a terrible person though?”
Paulina’s mind went back to the first time Sam’s rage had been bestowed upon her, when one of Paulina’s friends beat up one of Sam’s friends. She didn’t want to be the cause of that again. 
“Well.” Sam smiled. “That’s the important part. That you’re capable of change.” She picked up her bag from where she had dropped it during the attack. “Now come on, my mom was gonna make cookies when we got home.”
Paulina smiled back at her and held up her arm to the other girl. Sam looked at it and linked her own arm with Paulina’s. Together they walked away from the school.
Sam and Paulina’s chests rose up and down as they held their arms up into the air after performing the piece they picked from their musical. The class clapped for them and they lowered their arms and bowed.
“Very nice, Ms. Sanchez and Ms. Manson. Though, I wish you had picked something more appropriate than.” He squinted at the sheet they handed him. “Heathers the musical.”
Sam snickered. “Of course, Mr. Lancer. We’ll try to keep that in mind next time.”
Lancer gave her a look. “Yes, be sure that you do. Alright up next we have-”
Sam and Paulina walked back to their desks and sat down. Paulina shot a look to where Sam was sitting with Danny and Tucker, who were both making kissy faces at her while she swatted at them. Sam’s gaze met hers and Paulina waved at her before blowing a kiss to her across the room.
Sam’s face turned the brightest shade of red Paulina had ever seen it and she opened a folder and stuck her face inside it. Danny and Tucker were both teasing her even more, seemingly losing their mind about it. Paulina giggled at them and turned her focus back to the front of the classroom.
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only-in-december · 3 years
Chapter 3 of "I'M GOIN'..." is done! Here's the AO3 link. Or read it below. (...Or don't read it at all. I'm not your mother. Do what you want....but don't forget to brush your teeth. And get a decent amount of sleep. And brush your hair. And-)
I'M GOIN'... Chapter 3: "Friendship"
Danny went home after a couple long days in the hospital. He was glad to be home. The very first thing he did was run to his bedroom, jump onto his bed, and look up at the stars on his ceiling. He heaved a heavy sigh, naming the stars, looking for his favorite constellations. Maybe things would be back to normal soon.
He was just beginning to believe that things were still normal, that things were safe, when suddenly his arm fell through his bed. A yelp escaped him as he pulled his arm back out of the mattress. "Danny? Are you okay?" Jazz poked her head into his room, her eyebrows knit in concern. "Is something wrong?"
"Everything's fine Jazz." Danny scowled lightly and crossed his arms over his chest. He really hoped that she didn't see anything. "I just want some time alone if you don't mind."
"O–okay." Jazz's eyebrows somehow managed to knit together even tighter. "I'll leave you alone for a bit then." She looked a little hurt, and plenty worried. But Danny didn't really care. He was too caught up in his own panic, because as Jazz left the room, his legs both seemed to vanish.
He stopped himself from screaming, and tried to make his lower-half visible again. The issue was, that Danny didn't know how to control what was happening to him.
Danny was panicking. He changed. He was different. He wasn't himself anymore. There was a flash of white light, and then he was different. He could feel it. See it. And sense it all at once. And he didn't know how to change back.
He was practically touching the ceiling and curling in on himself because he was freaking out.
Then his bedroom door opened. And shut. So quickly he almost didn't notice. There in front of him stood Sam and Tucker, looking concerned.
Danny suddenly turned back to normal, and fell hard on his bed. His panic didn't die down though. "Guys! I….it...just"
"Danny, calm down. It's okay. We're here to help." Tucker sat on Danny's bed, and put a hand on his knee. "Best friends don't leave best friends to deal with sudden mutations on their own." Danny looked over at Sam who nodded her agreement.
"We're not going anywhere."
"W-what am I?" Danny's choice cracked. "I'm not–not completely human anymore. I can–I can tell. I can feel it when I change. So what am I?" Sam and Tucker shared a concerned look.
"We'll have to figure that out together." Tucker scooted closer to Danny, and elbowed him lightly. "I'm sure your parents have something that can tell us what's going on."
"Y-yeah. You're right." Danny nodded.
Tucker handed him a small acrylic pin. It looked like a classic alien head, and the bottom said 'out of this world.'
"I thought you were gonna stop with the pins for a while Tuck?"
"After everything that happened, I think this is a justified purchase." Tucker said with a shrug. "Plus Sam brought you a couple things too." Sam stuck her tongue out at Tucker before tossing a plastic shopping bag at Danny.
"Here. For your collection." Danny looked inside and saw four 'Ghostie Energy' cans in bright colors.
"Thanks. You guys rock." Danny smiled softly at his two best friends, and gave Tucker a half-hug. "Let me put these away, then we can raid the fridge downstairs."
Getting downstairs proved to be a slight challenge, when Danny's left leg suddenly fell through the second step. He almost fell all the way down, luckily Sam and Tucker had fast enough reflexes to catch him before any real damage was done.
Danny's parents were both in the kitchen working on some new project. It looked like a handheld computer of some kind. "Hey Dad, we're gonna get some snacks from the fridge and play some video games in the living room, okay?"
"Alright Danno. Just try not to make a mess okay?" Dad looked up from the blueprints he was studying.
"Sure thing Dad." Danny flashed a smile at his Dad as he opened the fridge up.
"Danny, could you Thank your friend for calling an ambulance for you after your accident, for me?" Mom had her goggles pulled down but Danny could still tell she was looking directly at him.
"Okay. Guys my mom says thanks." Danny said distractedly as he grabbed more snack foods from the cabinets.
"No, your other friend. The athletic one." Dad chimed in while writing a note.
"Athletic one?..." Danny almost dropped his armload of snacks when he realized who his parents were talking about. Then it hit him, he realized the one thing he had been trying not to think about. Kwan. Saw everything. Kwan saw what happened to him! "You mean Kwan?" Danny managed to choke out. "He's not really a friend. He was probably here looking for Jazz."
"Still. Make sure to thank him for us." Mom smiled sadly. "I don't know what we would have done if he hadn't called for an ambulance." She shuddered, and Danny nodded.
"Yeah okay." Danny nudged Tucker on the arm and handed him some of the snacks. "We'll be in the living room. We might head back upstairs in a little while though."
"Alright. You kids have fun!" Dad said, with a slightly distracted wave.
Meanwhile, Kwan tried not to think about everything that had happened at the Fenton's. Over the past few days he had been mainly attempting to pretend that it hadn't happened, and that he has been in no way involved. Although that didn't really happen, because The A-List inadvertently "adopted" Jazz into their group...at least tentatively.
Kwan looked up as Dash entered through his front door, dragging along a slightly confused looking Jazz. "Hey, Kwan." Dash tossed a football softly at him. "You wanna hang? The other girls already packed an entire picnic." Kwan couldn't help but grin at that.
"That sounds great actually. But, when did Star have the time to pack a picnic?" Kwan and Dash both knew that Paulina wouldn't pack anything herself unless she was forced to, and Val was absolute trash in the kitchen. Dash shrugged.
"No clue. 'Lina just called me about half an hour ago, and asked if we could all hang and have a picnic, I said sure, got Jazz, and now I'm grabbing you." Dash grinned as they started making their way toward their usual picnic spot in the park. (Luckily Kwan lived close by.)
As they reached the picnic spot the rest of the girls were all doing their own things. Star was weaving together flower crowns, Paulina was reading a fashion magazine, and Valerie was laying on her back on the picnic blanket, watching the clouds.
"Hey! Did we miss anything exciting?" Kwan skipped a little bit as they got closer.
"Nah. Star made PB&Js for everyone except 'Lina." Val said, sitting up to make room on the picnic blanket.
"No worries though! I made her a very nice sunflower butter and honey sandwich." Star dropped the flower crown she was working on and leaned over to hug Paulina.
"You guys do this kinda thing often then?" Jazz asked as she sat down.
"Not all the time, but whenever we get the chance." Kwan told her, he sat next to her and smiled. "How's your brother doing?" He didn't want to think about all the things that happened, but he did want to make sure that the Fentons were all doing alright.
"He's doing better, thanks for asking. He's back to kicking me out of his room, only talking to his friends. So that's a big plus." Jazz gave a half-hearted shrug.
"I'm so glad things are getting better!" Star beamed. "If you need anyone to talk to, you're welcome to talk with us." As if to prove her point, Star placed the crown she'd been working on, on top of Jazz's head.
Kwan looked over at Dash and Paulina, he knew those two worked hard to make sure the A-List was only the most popular kids in Casper High. Dash looked uneasy, and Paulina looked like she was working out who could possibly be bumped out of the group. While Jazz and Star kept talking about the picnic, Kwan pulled Dash and Paulina aside to discuss it.
"Guys. I think it's fine. We don't have to be an exclusive group. Plus, we all know that Jazz is cool. No one would question her hanging with us." Kwan kept his voice low.
"It's not her that we're concerned about." Dash admitted softly. "Her parents really take her down the social ladder." The football star sighed. "I just don't know if she's got enough to stand on her own in the social climate."
"Plus she's just a tad nerdy." Paulina wrinkled her nose. "We don't want nerds. That takes us from the A-List, to like… the F-List."
"Guys. She isn't that nerdy. Plus we've all needed her help with homework plenty of times." Kwan defended. "She's good at moving between social groups anyway. So we don't have to make her an official A-Lister. We just need to be open to talking with her in public." Dash and Paulina still looked unconvinced. "We have been hanging with her for the past few days already. We brought her along on a picnic for goodness sakes! Get a grip! We're the only ones who care about social standing!" It took everything in him not to yell. Kwan had to stop and take a deep breath, otherwise he might have snapped.
"Kwan. We can let her join peripherally. Anything more than that and...you know how it is." Dash held his hands up in surrender sign of mock surrender.
"Dash. You're my best friend. I would jump off a bridge for you." Kwan narrowed his eyes. "But if you're lying to me. If you don't put your best effort into making this work out. I'll step down and let her take my spot on the A-List." Kwan didn't know where this was coming from, but he did recognize that Jazz needed friends. Especially right now.
"I'll do my best. Let's get back to the picnic and have some fun." Dash lightly punched Kwan on the arm, and Kwan relaxed. He knew Dash would keep his word, he may have overreacted a bit.
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